Protagorus Legal Absurdity for Ubermensch NWO Shibumi Matrix Wild Buffalo Bill & RRR Zhivago Hunter’s Fifth Law: Lysistrata 4 Deerhunter Bushido TrinityLove EcoFamily SexStrike Oath Defendant’s Radical Hon(our)sty NDR-113* Matrix Defence, in the conquer-and-multiply Legal Indulgence Matrix Reality A legalworld of lawyers, politicians and priests, who prefer to negligently ignore, plausibly deny, or phallicly benefit from the conquer-and-multiply control over the means of human reproduction§; is a Matrix reality, of legal indulgence salesmen. It is a legal world, similar to the Matrix religious world that existed before Martin Luther confronted the religious indulgence salesmen with his Ninety-Five Theses, on the Church of All Saints, on 31 October 1517, thereby initiating the Protestant Reformation. The Matrix Reality Legal World is a world where legal reality is generated by -- and for the financial, legal, political and socio-indulgence benefit of – the Matrix Reality legal indulgence salesmen. It is a Legal Matrix Reality: a fictional simulated legal reality social construct world that is quite different from the physical, sensate reality world. This Legal Matrix Reality is not what it pretends to be, it is not even real. It is a “Stare-Decisis Befehl ist Befehl” Legal Indulgence Salesmen generated illusion. It is a flat earth Matrix Reality chimera that ignores Galileo‟s ecological carrying capacity reality. It is a Matrix world of legal indulgence salesmen; who demand the public‟s sycophantic obedience and submissive respect; for their supposed superior intellectual Godlike capabilities, to decipher, decode and interpret which of us mere „criminal‟ mortals acts of commission, or omission, is „lawful‟ and which is „unlawful‟. Yet, their superior Godlike intellect appears to ignore, how their „rule of law‟ (sic) system: (a) Pretends to advocate for human rights, peace and social justice laws; while legally ignoring their necessary ecological basis laws: a stable human population at, or slightly less than, the eco-systems long term carrying capacity; and

2083: Wild Buffalo Bill & RRR Zhivago Hunter's Fifth Law

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2083: Wild Buffalo Bill & RRR Zhivago Hunter's Fifth Law: Protagorus Legal Absurdity for Ubermensch NWO Shibumi Matrix: Wild Buffalo Bill & RRR Zhivago Hunter’s Fifth Law: Lysistrata 4 Deerhunter Bushido TrinityLove EcoFamily SexStrike Oath

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Protagorus Legal Absurdity for Ubermensch NWO Shibumi Matrix

Wild Buffalo Bill & RRR Zhivago Hunter’s Fifth Law:

Lysistrata 4 Deerhunter Bushido TrinityLove EcoFamily SexStrike Oath

Defendant’s Radical Hon(our)sty NDR-113* Matrix Defence†, in the conquer-and-multiply Legal Indulgence Matrix Reality

A legal‡ world of lawyers, politicians and priests, who prefer to negligently ignore, plausibly deny, or phallicly benefit from the conquer-and-multiply control over the means of human reproduction§; is a Matrix reality, of legal indulgence salesmen. It is a legal world, similar to the Matrix religious world that existed before Martin Luther confronted the religious indulgence salesmen with his Ninety-Five Theses, on the Church of All Saints, on 31 October 1517, thereby initiating the Protestant Reformation.

The Matrix Reality Legal World is a world where legal reality is generated by -- and for the financial, legal, political and socio-indulgence benefit of – the Matrix Reality legal indulgence salesmen. It is a Legal Matrix Reality: a fictional simulated legal reality social construct world that is quite different from the physical, sensate reality world. This Legal Matrix Reality is not what it pretends to be, it is not even real. It is a “Stare-Decisis Befehl ist Befehl” Legal Indulgence Salesmen generated illusion. It is a flat earth Matrix Reality chimera that ignores Galileo‟s ecological carrying capacity reality.

It is a Matrix world of legal indulgence salesmen; who demand the public‟s sycophantic obedience and submissive respect; for their supposed superior intellectual Godlike capabilities, to decipher, decode and interpret which of us mere „criminal‟ mortals acts of commission, or omission, is „lawful‟ and which is „unlawful‟.

Yet, their superior Godlike intellect appears to ignore, how their „rule of law‟ (sic) system:

(a) Pretends to advocate for human rights, peace and social justice laws; while legally ignoring their necessary ecological basis laws: a stable human population at, or slightly less than, the eco-systems long term carrying capacity; and

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(b) provides legal benefits to its legal indulgence salesmen practitioners, who apply legal principles, doctrines and arguments, that deny or ignore, that overpopulation colliding with scarce or depleting resources – resource wars - is a causal and aggravating factor, for crime, violence, unemployment, poverty, etc.

Their Matrix Reality/legal system is not only intellectually and legally dishonest, hypocritical and parasitical; but plausibly a legal criminal conspiracy (to benefit from the creation of crime, resulting from overpopulation generated resource wars).

For, are we to believe, their superior Godlike legal intellect, has not bestowed upon them the cognitive legal consciousness that (a) no amount of human rights, peace and social justice laws, can create those realities, in the absence of its necessary ecological carrying capacity basis, a stable population; (b) overpopulation colliding with scarce/depleting resources results in predatory competitive resource-war behaviour, known as „crime‟; (c) how „resource-war‟ criminal behaviour, affects their social standing, and bank balances.

Surely Matrix reality legal indulgence „human rights‟ „peace‟ and „social justice‟ legislators who intentionally enact laws to enable population growth; conscious of their causality to subsequent Political and Military orders to commit conquering and culling genocide and mass-murder; are aware that they are accessories to these conquer-or-culling genocide orders; which – according to them -- are manifestly unlawful?**

In such a Matrix Reality†† legal world, soldiers tasked with the national security conquering-and-culling responsibilities, of conquering to obtain resources, and culling population „useless eaters‟ and „oxygen thieves‟ excesses; shall, and do, constantly find themselves confronted with the conquer-or-culling “Befehl ist Befehl” Catch 22 dilemma:

To obey, or not to obey, an order to conquer or cull; since a lawful conquer or culling order, by one group of conquer-and-multiply legal indulgence salesmen, can easily be reinterpreted to be an unlawful order, by another group of conquer-and-multiply legal indulgence salesmen; presenting a Catch 22 dilemma from which there is no legal escape. One who refuses a conquering or culling order will still

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probably be jailed for refusing orders, and one who accepts one will probably be jailed for committing unlawful culling or conquering acts.

Who decides, what is, and what is not, a conquering or culling lawful, or unlawful order?

The „lawful‟ vs „unlawful‟ conquer-and-multiply indulgence salesmen, with their specious justifications, and nightmare of Matrix reality generated bureaucratic cryptic rules and statutes; crushing the individual with Protagorus Legal Paradox absurdity; of course!

According to Matrix Reality conquer-and-multiply legal doctrine dogma, Prime Evil “Befehl ist Befehl” soldiers should be Eichmann-executed, or De Kock-imprisoned for 212 years.

But what about the population growth legislators & their obedient legal indulgence lawyers, Magistrates and Judges; the conspiratorial accessories to the implicit orders to soldiers to commit conquer and culling genocide and mass-murder?

I agree with Dr. Brad Blanton, we should enact a Radical Hon(our)sty Social Contract system of justice that gives them a choice: (a) the option of confronting their accusers, expressing their anger, to a point of sincere sensate forgiveness; (b) honourable seppuku‡‡ or (c) constructive „Arbeid Macht Frei‟ service to make up for their sins. And if they insist on their standard of Matrix Reality Justice „Truth‟ without Forgiveness; perhaps we should “just kill the motherfuckers, because we don‟t have time to wait for the kind of systemic change required for a Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract, to occur.”§§

* The Positronic Man (1993) is a novel co-written by Isaac Azimov and Robert Silverberg, based on Asimov's novella The Bicentennial Man. It tells of a U.S. Robots and Mechanical Men robot, Andrew Martin, NDR-113, that begins to display characteristics, such as creativity, traditionally the province of humans; the robot is ultimately declared an official human being. It is the story of Andrew quest for legal recognition as a human. † The Matrix defense is the term applied to several legal cases of a defense based on the movie The Matrix where reality is actually a computer generation, and that the real world is quite different from what reality is perceived to be. In using this defense, the defendant claims that he or she committed a crime because he believed he was in the Matrix, and not in the real world. ‡ Law: Blacks Law Dictionary: the system of rules of conduct established by the sovereign goverment of a society to correct wrongs, maintain stability, and deliver justice. Working as a lawyer involves the practical application of abstract legal theories and knowledge to solve specific individualized problems, or to advance the interests of those who retain (i.e., hire) lawyers to perform legal services. § “Karl Marx had it wrong. Class has, to be sure, been a major factor in history; but class itself is a derivative concept that is based on the ultimate causative power in history: sex. Marx‟s famous formulation must be revised: The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of the struggles based on the division of our species into two sexes, jealousies emanating from this division, exaggerations of the differences between the sexes, misunderstandings about sexual reproductive power, and metaphors derived from sex. Together, these closely related matters constitute the most important, but largely neglected, set of motive forces in human history. Control – or the claim of control – over the means of reproduction has been even more fundamental to history than has control over the means of production” – Eve’s Seed: Biology, the Sexes and the Course of History, by Robert McElvain ** The English legal authority William Blackstone, defined an accessory as „he who is not the chief actor in the offense, nor present at its performance, but is someway concerned therein, either before or after the fact committed;” and Article 33 of the Rome Statute, of the International Criminal Court, states among other things, “The fact that a crime within the jurisdiction of the Court has been committed by a person pursuant to an order of a Government or of a superior, whether military or civilian, shall not relieve that person of criminal responsibility…. For the purposes of this article, orders to commit genocide or crimes against humanity are manifestly unlawful” †† Matrix Reality: The Matrix is a fictional virtual simulated reality construct of the world in the Matrix series of films. The series is set at the end of the 20th century, in the "Matrix", created by a group of artificial intelligences for the human race to keep their minds under control while they serve as organic power sources.. Neo learns the truth: Reality isn‟t what it‟s cut out to be. In fact, it isn‟t even real. It‟s a computer generated illusion to keep people from rebelling against the machines that really runs the show. Our perceptions and our memories, aren‟t to be trusted. They‟ve been manipulated in order to control us. Reality is, shall we say, elastic. In fact, it‟s downright illusory. Neo‟s power comes from the realization that things aren‟t what they seem to be and that the rules governing "reality" can be bent and even broken at times. ‡‡ Seppuku is a form of Japanese ritual suicide. Seppuku was originally reserved only for samurai. Part of the samurai honor code, seppuku was used voluntarily by samurai to die with honor rather than fall into the hands of their enemies, as a form of capital punishment for samurai who have committed serious offenses, and for reasons that shamed them. §§ Brad Blanton, in The TRC was a massive fraud on South Africans, black and white