2020 Vision Fasting Booklet - Antioch Church

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Fasting Guide

what does the Bible teach about fasting?Biblical fasting involves abstaining from eating (and/or drinking) for spiritual purposes.

In the Old Testament, Israel celebrated certain annual fasts, the most prominent being the Day of Atonement. There were also occasional fasts tied to specific historical events, sometimes individual and sometimes corporate. Here are a few of the occasions for fasting: at a time of grief (I Sam. 31:13; Nehemiah 1:4), at a time of repentance (I Sam 7:6; I Kings 21:27), as an expression of humility (Ezra 8:21; Psalm 69:10), and as an expression of a need for God’s guidance and help. What all of these fasts share in common is that they were an expression of dependence on God.

Several New Testament passages give us insight about fasting.

Fasting teaches us to that God’s Word nourishes us: Matthew 4:1-4 records the only example of Jesus fasting, just prior to His being tempted in the wilderness. He faced temptation with these words, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” Jesus is quoting Deuteronomy 8:3-5 which talks about the 40 years Israel spent in the wilderness, depending daily on manna to sustain them. He says that God humbled them and let them be hungry in order to teach them to depend on God’s Word to sustain them. By His example of fasting, Jesus reminds us that food alone can’t sustain us. We need to be nourished by God’s Word.

Fasting teaches us that doing God’s will sustains us: John 4:31-35 records Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well. When the disciples return, they encourage Jesus to eat. He responds by saying, “I have food to eat that you know not of.” Then He adds, “My food is to do the will of the Father.” Again, Jesus reminds us that food alone is not enough. We are sustained by doing God’s will.

Fasting teaches us that Jesus Himself sustains us: In John 6:48-50 Jesus says, “I am the bread of life. Your fathers ate the manna in the wilderness, and they died. This is the bread which comes down out of heaven, so that one may eat of it and not die.” We see this pictured symbolically in the bread and the cup of the Lord’s supper. Jesus is the source of eternal life. Fasting is feasting on Jesus.

Jesus assumed that fasting would be a part of His disciple’s spiritual life. In Matthew 6:16-18, He says, “when you fast,” not “if you fast.” He warns us not to fast to impress people, but to be near to the heart of God.

what is the purpose of fasting?Fasting is designed to intensify our dependence on God by weakening our dependence on food and other things. How does it do that?

Fasting reveals and heals our dependence on food (and other things) to fill the discomfort caused by low self-esteem, unfulfilling work, unloving relationships, uncontrollable circumstances, etc. It removes the false peace derived from the pleasure of eating.Richard Foster says, “More than any other discipline, fasting reveals the things that control us. This is a wonderful benefit to the true disciple who longs to be transformed into the image of Jesus Christ. We cover up what is inside us with food and other good things, but in fasting these things surface. If pride controls us, it will be revealed almost immediately. David writes, “I humbled my soul withfasting” (Psalm 69:10). Anger, bitterness, jealousy, strife, fear—if they are within us, they will surface during fasting.”Fasting teaches us that we can go without getting what we want and survive. Fasting can free us from having to have what we want. Therefore, fasting can teach moderation or self-control, not only in relation to food, but in other areas as well. It teaches contentment. (I Timothy 6:6)

Fasting expresses and deepens our hunger for God. Richard Foster says, “Fasting reminds us that we are sustained “by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God:” (Matt. 4:4). Food does not sustain us; God sustains us. In Christ, “All things hold together” (Colossians 1:17). Therefore, in experiences of fasting, we are abstaining from food or other activities and feasting on God’s Word.

Fasting must always, first and foremost, center on God. It must be about Him.

step 1: clarify the purpose of your fast

Why are you fasting? Ask the Holy Spirit to clarify His leading and objectives for your prayer fast. This will enable you to pray more specifically and strategically. Fasting is God-led and God-initiated. That means that He fuels a desire to fast and pray. He loves it when we fast.

step 2: specify the kind of fast you will do

Pray about the kind of fast you should undertake. Jesus implied that all of His followers should fast. (Matthew 6:16-18; 9:14,15) For Him it was a matter of when believers would fast, not if they would do it. Before you fast, decide the following up front:• How long you will fast - one meal, one day, one week, several weeks, certain days

(beginners should start slowly, building up to longer fasts)?• The type of fast God wants you to undertake - discussed in the Types of Fasts

section below.• What physical or social activities you will restrict• How much time each day you will devote to prayer and God’s Word

Making these commitments ahead of time will help you sustain your fast when physical temptations and life’s pressures tempt you to abandon it.

step 3: prepare your heart, mind, and body for fasting

Fasting is not a spur-of-the-moment thing. It is planned. We must prepare. The very foundation of fasting and prayer is repentance. Un-confessed sin can hinder your prayers. There are several things you can do to prepare your heart

• Fasting requires reasonable precautions. Consult your physician first, especially if you take prescription medication or have a chronic ailment. Some persons should never fast without professional supervision.

• Do not rush into your fast. Prepare your body. Eat smaller meals before starting a fast. Avoid high fat and sugary foods. Eating raw fruit and vegetables prior to your fast is helpful. Physical preparation makes the drastic change in your eating routine a little easier so that you can turn your full attention to the Lord in prayer.

• Prepare your heart and mind: Remember that God is your Father and He loves you and is for you.

• Confess every sin that the Holy Spirit calls to your remembrance and accept God’s forgiveness (1 John 1:9). Seek forgiveness from all whom you have offended, and forgive all who have hurt you (Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; 17:3,4). Make restitution as the Holy Spirit leads you.

• Surrender your life fully to Jesus Christ (Romans 12:1, 2). Meditate on the attributes of God, His love, sovereignty, power, wisdom, faithfulness, grace, compassion, and others. (Psalm 48:9,10; 103:1-8, 11-13)

• Begin your time of fasting and prayer with an expectant heart. (Hebrews 11:6)• Do not underestimate spiritual opposition. Satan sometimes intensifies the natural battle

between body and spirit. (Galatians 5:16,17)• Finally, and of deep importance, Jesus instructs us in Matthew to not let others know about

your fasting. The strict details of your fast should not be something you constantly talk about to others. It should remain between you and God.

types of fastsNow that we have explored the Old and New Testament teaching and instruction on fasting, we can proceed to discuss specific kinds of fasts. Let us begin with the helpful words of Richard Foster in his classic, Celebration of Discipline: “As with all the Disciplines, a progression should be observed; it is wise to learn to walk well before we try to run.”

Biblical fasting almost always concerns food. Since the purpose of fasting, as we saw above, is to focus on God, to humble ourselves and to remind ourselves that we are sustained by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God, then the task in fasting is connecting our “going without” to “hungering for God.” This takes time, focus and prayer in itself. Please do not expect to be an “expert” at fasting right away. Fasting is a discipline that can take a very long time to understand well. Also, do not let this fact deter you or intimidate you.

Fasting is not unlike a beautifully written masterpiece of literature. It is simple enough for a youth to understand and enjoy, and yet magnificently rich enough for the scholar to devote his/her entire life to.

abstaining from certain types of foods (meat, sweets, etc.) - Daniel 10:3 This type is a good one for beginners to fasting or those with health needs and special or restrictive diets.

Choose to abstain from something like breads, sweets, sodas, coffee, or even red meat. Perhaps spend some time reading through Daniel’s fast in Daniel chapter 1 and chapter 10. Stick to only fruits and vegetables like he did or something similar.

Determine the timing and duration of your fast and begin.You may choose to go without this specific type of food on only certain days like Fridays, or you may go without during the weekdays only or perhaps every day. Finally, choose the duration of your fast. This fast is 21 days (January 7-27) but that does not mean you must go without for all of the 21 days. Determine the timing and duration ahead of time and stick to it. Rather, pray through it.abstaining from all food - Esther 4:16; Acts 9:9 This kind of fast is more difficult but can be broken up by timing and duration. This seems to be the most prevalent of the fasts we see in the Bible. It is also the most intimidating, but refuse to let it scare you. Fasting from all food is not scary if you determine beforehand when you will do so and for how long. Here are some ideas.

• Start slowly. Begin with fasting for only a part of a day (lunch, or lunch and dinner). Do this for one day a week, or perhaps three days a week. You determine the timing and duration. Take a step of faith. Fasting is risky and involves our faith.

• Next, try fasting from food but not beverages. This means that according to your timing and duration, you would not eat any solid foods but only water, juices, smoothies, or perhaps simple soup broths.

• Do this for the first one or two weeks. Devote the time that you normally would eat to Scripture reading and prayer. Focus on Jesus’ statements about food.

• Next, try a 24-hour fast. This means that you get up and eat a good breakfast and drink only water or juice until the following breakfast the next day. Set aside specific time, during normal meal times if possible, to pray and seek God.

• Finally, you may progress • to a two or three day fast. For some, progression may lead to a multi-day, even multi-

week fast. But remember the purpose of your fast.

abstaining from entertainment - Daniel 6:18The king’s voluntary “fasting” from entertainment in the time of Daniel helps us further understand yet another type of fast. Fasting from entertainment can be particularly helpful and accessible to kids and teens.

Think of abstaining from television, ipods, video games, all reading except the Bible, music, texting, etc. for the duration of your fast. This can be a very powerful decision even as a supplement to food fasts.

Choosing your fasting plan is a very personal decision. We are all at different places in our walk with God and our spirituality should never be a cause for comparison or competition. There is nothing more “inherently spiritual” about one type of fast as opposed to another. Your personal fast should present a level of challenge to it, but know your body, know your options, and most importantly, seek God in prayer about this and follow what the Holy Spirit leads you to do. It’s also important to not let what you eat or do not eat become the focus of your fast. This is a time to disconnect enough with your regular patterns and habits in order to connect more closely to God.

If you do not choose to fast, or no matter what kind of fast you choose, seek God with us in prayer.

Day 1, January 6th: 2020 Vision

The theme of our church-wide 21-day prayer and fasting is "2020 Vision" Why Fast?

1st off it is biblical - Matthew 6:16….Jesus said “and when you fast” So, Jesus is basically saying it isn't optional, but should be something a Christ follower does.

Your objective for this 21-day fast & prayer should 1st and foremost be about “POSITIONING” your hearts. I want to encourage you to set out the 1st part of 2020, making a decision to put God in His proper POSITION which is 1st above everything else (Matt. 6:33), and watch what He will do! Fasting & Prayer is also for you if you need:

- Guidance - Healing - A resolution to a problem - Special grace to handle a difficult situation - To receive a breakthrough - To receive direction, etc.

Whatever it may be, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal with clarity His leading and objectives for your fast. I believe for some of you, your answer will be found in the middle of this fast! If you aren't sure what to fast and pray for, I would like for you to consider these 5 important areas of life (where they apply for you).

* GOD - what are you asking of me? what are you leading me to do? Seek and you will find. * SPOUSE - God, speak to me what areas I can be a better spouse * KIDS - God, speak to me what areas I can be a better parent * CHURCH - God, speak to me what areas I can help fulfill the mission of the church through my time, talents, and treasure * WORK - God, speak to me what areas I can be a better employee/employer

Make a commitment to humble yourself before God, and you WILL hear His voice.

Things to Remember: - Fasting & Prayer is not so much about saying no to the body as it is about saying yes to the Spirit. - Fasting & Prayer is not about doing without, it is about looking within. - Fasting & Prayer is an outward

response to an inward attitude and positioning of our Spirit

Scripture- Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2(AMP) Focus: I am praying for you over the next 21 days! I can't wait to hear all of the amazing things God will be downloading into your hearts! May God give you a "2020 VISION" of clarity!

By Pastor Ryan Slavens

Day 2, January 7th: Spiritually Alert

As Christ-followers we are part of God’s army fighting to establish His kingdom on earth. There is a constant spiritual battle with the enemy of our souls, and we are commanded to stay sober, alert and cautious, at all times. We are warned various times in scripture against being spiritually asleep, or apathetic to the things of God, which allows room for the enemy to gain a foothold in our lives. Just as in human warfare, the enemy will prowl around looking for an opening that is not closely guarded or is weak that will be easy for him to enter and draw our attention away.

The only way to remain alert and guard against these attacks is through a life dependent on prayer and a diet of God’s word. The scripture says we are to be disciplined in our spiritual walk. When we remain in Him, obedient to His voice, those weak places become fortified and restored, and we grow in our faith, able to resist the enemy and expose his plan. Often this is not just for our own life but can mean standing in faith and battling in prayer when we become alert to the plan the enemy has for our families. If we are to persevere and walk in victory we must remain watchful at all times and find our place of retreat in prayer. Through

prayer and the power of the Holy Spirit we will not only persevere, but will walk in a place of rest and strength, even in the midst of the battles we face. Now is time to be diligent in our prayer life so we may remain alert and walk in victory.

Scripture- Be Sober [well balanced and disciplined], be alert and cautious at all times. The enemy of yours, the devil, prowl around like a roaring lion [fiercely hungry], seeking someone to devour

1 Peter 5:8 AMP

Focus: Pray to be Spiritually Alert



By Jennifer Slavens

Day 3, January 8th: Living Every Moment

"Refuse to worry about tomorrow, but deal with each challenge that comes your way, one day at a time. Tomorrow will take care of itself.” Matthew 6:34 (TPT)

I like how this says "Refuse to worry". I've found myself, with the help of a friend, realizing that too often I am so focused on tomorrow, next week or even beyond that, that I miss the opportunities that are right there in front of me. I forget that if I've decided to follow Jesus, ultimately He knows what is coming and He is ready to help me navigate whatever may come. The mundane to the overwhelming, He has it all under control and He has laid a path to walk through it. The problem is my pride wants to figure it all out or my lack of trust keeps me worrying. When this light bulb moment came I had been struggling for about two weeks, worrying about my future, my goals, my health, my weight, my family, my job, on and on it went. As I began to realize what I had been doing for two weeks, I also became aware of moments that I had missed being Jesus's hands extended to those around me. Moments where I could have stopped and cared for someone instead of prepping for a future possibility. Lets be real we have a real enemy that wants to keep us bound to the past or to the future, either one keeps us from living and experiencing the moment. Jesus

calls us to be present in the now with Him. Seeking Him first! As we become fully aware and engaged in our relationship, He helps everything else fall into place. We are also able to clearly hear when He is speaking.

Scripture- Because you are close to me and always available, my confidence will never be shaken, for I experience your wrap-around presence every moment. My heart and soul explode with joy—full of glory! Even my body will rest confident and secure. For you will not abandon me to the realm of death, nor will you allow your Holy One to experience corruption. For you bring me a continual revelation of resurrection life, the path to the bliss that brings me face-to-face with you.Psalms 16:8-11

Focus: Today is the day to stop and take time to set your spiritual eyes on Him. Today what adjustments do you need to make, so that now is the most important time in your life. Trust me not only will Jesus appreciate it, your wife, kids, friends, and those around you will appreciate it.

Journal _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By Lee Blake

Day 4, January 9th: Lay Down the Idol of Performance

Sometimes reading through Jesus’ words about righteous living can feel overwhelming. How can I do all that Jesus is asking? We can find ourselves going to church, praying, serving, reading the Bible all to just check off to-dos on our “Good Christian Checklist”, and then find ourselves in a place where we are, as Jesus says, tired, worn out & burned out on religion. Grace feels so undeserving because IT IS. We work and toil and sweat to earn this grace and satisfy our conscience to obey God’s law, but no amount of good deeds or tasks will ever satisfy our souls. Jesus beckons us to come to Him and rest in the grace He FREELY gives us. Then the items on the “Good Christian Checklist” become an outpouring of love to Him, not tasks to complete. During this time of prayer and fasting, don’t use it to just check off another task, but use these 21 days to draw near to God and allow him to bring your weary soul the rest you’ve been longing for. Lay down the idol of performance and allow God to reveal things in your life that you perform out of duty or obligation and give them to Him! Let Him refine them through the fire of grace to burn away the impurity of

“religious duty”. Live in the grace He has already given and the rest He longs for you to experience!

Scripture- “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly. Matthew 11:28-30 MSG

Focus: Teach us Lord to live and walk in your grace and to lay down the idol of performance.

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By Lauren Britt

Day 5, January 10th: Your Children & Grandchildren

As parents and grandparents - Prayer has always been the hope for your children and grandchildren. I want to encourage you during this prayer and fasting time that if you haven't started yet - you will begin to create a new normal of praying for you children daily. This needs to be a part of your daily spiritual life. Think of all the things you do for your children: provide, play, plan, purchase, & promote. Think of all the time, energy, encouragement, & money you pour into your children. What about Prayer? This one thing - should be the highest priority that we give to our children. Prayer - covers everything!! Prayer moves them toward the things of God. Prayer protects them from the tactics of the enemy. Prayer leads to salvation. Prayer brings miracles in their lives. Prayer leads their hearts to conviction and repentance. Prayer ushers them into their calling in life. Prayer heals their body. Prayer cleanses their mind. Again - Prayer covers everything!! I personally have watched the mighty hand of God - move on behalf of our prayers over our daughters and now our granddaughter. Prayer is all we know as it relates to the wellbeing of our children. It's a daily thing. Sometimes it's an all day thing. Praying first thing in the morning. Praying before they went to school. Praying in the middle of the night on our knees. Praying all night on many occasions. Fasting on their

behalf. Pleading on their behalf. Praying in tongues when we didn't know how else to pray. As a father to my daughters and now as a grandfather to my granddaughter - my mandate is to pray. I've always thought - If I don't pray for them who will. They are my responsibility in the spirit realm to cover them in prayer. I can't leave this up to someone else. Listen - you need to spend your life on your knees for the sake of your children. It should be your number one priority when you think of, what will I give to my children. You need to give them prayer. Prayer changes everything.

Scripture-Rise during the night and cry out. Pour out your hearts like water to the Lord. Lift up your hands to him in prayer, pleading for your children.Lamentations 2:19

Focus: Pray for your Children & Grandchildren

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By Kevin Seaton

Day 6, January 11th: A Prayer of Repetition

When I was in college at K-State, there was a period of time that I was waiting on something very specific in my mailbox. In the waiting, I had become very worried that it wouldn’t arrive, and my mind would be fixed on it all throughout the day. I was unsettled and nervous, and just wanted it to come, NOW! The Lord brought me to Philippians 4:6-7 in a “you need to get a handle on this” kind of way. So I wrote the verses down and put it in my apartment, in my car, in my homework folders and began to read it and pray it over myself day after day. Slowly but surely it became a part of my being. I was still waiting in anticipation for what was coming, but was no longer panicked about it and was able to just rest in His peace.

My practice of speaking God’s Word back to Him, over myself, transferred the words from the page to the story of my life. Praying those words, when I was in my early 20s, transformed me into a person of peace. Being able to present my requests to God, without anxiousness, and with thanksgiving would be the new normal. And He knew that my future would require me to have this truth as a key foundation in my life. When I walked alongside my husband in his 9 year cancer battle, there was a peace that transcended understanding. We were able to go to appointments and navigate treatments without anxiousness. His peace was our covering. Sure, it was still very difficult, but praying scripture had

prepared me for being able to walk through the struggle in peace. Even after loss, there has been an overwhelming peace- all because of the power of God’s Word and the connection that it allows us to have with our God. He sees us, and knows what we need, before we do. His Word is powerful and when we take the time to pray it over ourselves it can change us. It won’t always change the situation, but being in communication with Him through consistent prayer and meditation on His Word can change how we approach and experience any situation.

Scripture- Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Focus: find a portion of scripture that speaks specifically to your heart and your situation. Write it down. Pray it regularly. Talk to God about how you struggle with it, how you want Him to use it in you, and commit to putting His Word to memory. They can become a huge source of power and strength for all situations.


____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________ By Sarah Sorell

Day 7, January 12th: We Must Surrender

The Bible says we are to be transformed; we are to be changed. The change God is talking about here can only occur through total surrender to Him.

What is the difference between commitment and surrender? When you make a commitment to someone, you are in control; you decide what you’re going to do. But when you surrender to someone, the other person is in control, and they decide what you’re going to do. If we’re going to be changed and truly transformed by God, we must surrender totally and completely to Him.

We must surrender our minds. That refers not only to what we think but how we think. The Bible says, “...whatever things are true, honest, just and pure, think on these things.” (Phil. 4:8) Our minds are more than computers. Computer programs don’t get stronger the more you use them. That’s not true with our minds. Whatever we see and hear, when it is repeated, it is reinforced in our minds. We must surrender our minds because when our minds are focused on Christ and honoring Him. He keeps us and provides a perfect peace.

“You shall keep him in perfect peace whose mind is steadfast because he trusts in you.” (Isa. 26:3)

We must surrender our wills. Our wills are powerful. They determine who we are, where we go and what we do. The cry of our hearts should be the one of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Not my will, but Your will be done.” Our will is a heart matter. Our hearts are changed through prayer, through reading the Bible and through listening with the intention of obeying the Holy Spirit.

God desires and expects change in our lives. Change isn’t our enemy. It’s the pruning tool God carefully and lovingly applies to remove the good and make way for the best. The Christ life is a changed life. For us to decrease and for Christ to increase, there must be change. It’s true: if we keep doing what we’ve been doing, we’ll keep getting what we’ve been getting. We need change in our lives and God’s church, and it begins with surrender.

Scripture- not my will, but yours be done. Luke 22:42

Focus: Let’s lift up the white flag and surrender our minds, bodies and lives to the only One who can change us!

Journal ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By David Blackford

Day 8, January 13th: Trust In The Lord

Have you ever let worry take over your mind and fill your heart with doubt? It can be such an overwhelming feeling and can allow a misunderstanding or a lie to place a wedge between us and God. God never asks us to figure life out on our own, He wants us to trust & acknowledge his leadership in our lives. Throughout Scripture God calls his people to trust in him, but time and time again the people take matters into their own hands. Our Father calls on us to place trust entirely in Him for guidance, protection, and provision.

Trust God for what you cannot see, His timing is perfect. Be patient. No matter how we are feeling or what our circumstance may be, we can be confident that God’s presence will go before us directing our paths and guarding our steps. I pray that you open your heart and mind to receive Gods goodness. Let go of all your worries, choose trust and rely on Him.

Scripture- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Focus: Write 1 area that you need to trust in the Lord. Then ask God to help you trust Him.

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By Tracy Bustamante

Day 9, January 14th: Knowing Jesus For Who He Is

“My passion is to be consumed with him...”

The personal, experiential, dynamic relationship that is discovered in truly knowing Jesus is nearly impossible to describe. There is nothing that compares to the true value of knowing Jesus! Not one of our earthly accomplishments will ever be more meaningful than truly knowing Him.

The truth is many just have a passing, somewhat casual knowledge of Jesus and never discover the deeply personal, experiential, dynamic relationship that we are meant to have. For some it’s genuine ignorance and just not know what’s available and others it’s lack of trying. The fact is though that there is great treasure hidden in knowing Him. Missing out on this means missing out on the overflowing power of the resurrection working with in us! If the power is not at work within us how could it ever be at work through us?!?!

When the realization that our accomplishments mean nothing outside of this relationship hits, that’s when things begin to get real. He must become the object of our pursuit. Through this relationship we see the greater things begin to happen both in and through us; continual life change around every corner, wisdom beyond our own intellect, creativity beyond our own abilities understanding beyond our education, assurance and confidence, peace and rest, purpose and power, authority and action, signs and wonders. Life, as you know it, will

change when you shift your focus to truly knowing Him!

Scripture- Yet all of the accomplishments that I once took credit for, I’ve now forsaken them and I regard it all as nothing compared to the delight of experiencing Jesus Christ as my Lord! To truly know him meant letting go of everything from my past and throwing all my boasting on the garbage heap. It’s all like a pile of manure to me now, so that I may be enriched in the reality of knowing Jesus Christ and embrace him as Lord in all of his greatness. My passion is to be consumed with him and not clinging to my own “righteousness” based in keeping the written Law. My “righteousness” will be his, based on the faithfulness of Jesus Christ—the very righteousness that comes from God. And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus more fully and to experience the overflowing power of his resurrection working in me. Philippians 3:7-10a TPT

Focus: On knowing Jesus not for what He can do for us but rather for who He is, what He has already done for us, and what He desires to do through us. Let’s be a people with a passion to be consumed by Him!

Journal _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By Shaun Fitzgerald

Day 10, January 15th: SHH! Listen

Have you ever felt as if no one is willing to LISTEN? I know as a momma, I do! Sometimes I talk to my kids and I know they hear sound coming out of my mouth, but they don’t really take the time to listen to the actual words I am saying. I’m sure all the parents out there can relate. Am I right!?

Unfortunately, if my kiddos are not willing to listen to my wisdom or direction, they may have to learn the hard way, which may take twice as long, and they may experience a few more bumps along the way. If they would only take time and intentionally listen to my instruction’s things would go much more smoothly. They would hear my heart regarding a specific task.

Once I became a parent, I feel like I gained a new perspective on God, from a parental standpoint. It makes me think – is He frustrated because it’s “in one ear and out the other” with me – just like my kids sometimes do. Have I really taken the time to intentionally LISTEN to Him today?

In the Bible, the word LISTEN is listed 584 times (NLT). YIKES! Guess we better listen about listening!

Scripture- Blessed are those who LISTEN to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. Proverbs 8.34

Focus: I challenge you during your prayer time today to not speak at all, only LISTEN. Take a pen and paper, with an expectant heart and be ready to hear from the Lord as you LISTEN.

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By Lori Fitzgerald

Day 11, January 16th: Walk in His Peace

Throughout the day we have hundreds of things to do. We often get caught up in ourselves. We get caught up in the busyness of that which is life and forget to consider God. Life can consist of work, school, family, friends, etc. They all can consume our thoughts and everyday circumstances. Work and school consume my life. I am a college student who is overwhelmed with the decision of what is next in my life. It consumes me. Although it is stressful, I justify the feelings of stress, worry and anxiety because it’s life. I believe that my circumstance is bigger than God’s command to rejoice.

It is easy to get consumed in life and begin to make it all about yourself. I have to constantly remind myself that, I am not the star of the movie, GOD IS. When you decide to allow Him to take hold of your situation you will rejoice in Him and walk in His peace, which transcends all understanding.

It is a daily decision that you have to make. Rejoice in Him. Seek peace in Him. I am constantly reapplying this lesson to my life.

Even in the midst of chaos, I can walk in God’s peace and rejoice in Him.

Scripture- Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:4-7

Focus:Walk in His Peace and Rejoice in the Lord. Remember that no matter your situation God’s got you.

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By Itiel Cifuentes

Day 12, January 17th: Pray the Promise God Has Given

As we continue our Prayer & Fast, today I’d like for you to focus on the very last verse in the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 38 and verse 35. In that verse God gives us one of His names, Jehovah Shammah. In English it means, “I am the God who is there.” The Lord is describing Himself as the God who is always present. There is no place God is not. He is the Omnipresent God, everywhere at the same time. There is no place you can go in this life and God is not already there. He is in your past. He is in your present. He is also in your future. Don’t we often stress about our past, worry about our present, and get anxious about our future? And why? God is there and He will take care of it and He isn’t leaving. He is with you in the good times and the bad, the smooth times and the rough, the difficult times and the easy. He assures us He will never leave us nor forsake us.

Herein lies our eternal source of Hope! Someone once said, “You can live 40 days without food, 3 days without water, 8 minutes without air, but not a second without HOPE.” Romans 15:13 says, “May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE.” HOPE is one of the essential ingredients of life. When HOPE is gone, life is tough. Rick Warren says, “We need HOPE to cope.”

I discovered an amazing aspect about the Old Testament Book of Esther. It’s the only book in the Bible that does not mention the name of God. It’s called the Book of the Unnamed

God. It seems that God is silent! So many times, in my life I have felt like God was absent, He had withdrawn Himself, He was silent! In the Book of Esther, a dramatic story unfolds. A man named Haman created a diabolical plan to eradicate the Jews - commit genocide. But God was at work - silently. He used Esther and her cousin Mordecai to save the Jewish people. God knew, no Jews, no Jesus. He knew, no Jesus, no Salvation, no Redemption. Even Jesus, while hanging on the cross felt abandoned, that His Father was silent, so He said, “My God why have you forsaken me?” But God knew resurrection Sunday was coming.

There are times we feel the heavens are brass, there is no God, and there is no answer. But God is never without a plan, and His plans always prevail. In the story of Esther, God was at work, creating a way of escape and deliverance all the time. God made a way where there seemed to be no way and delivered His people. He is working all things together for your good at this very moment. His promises are true and faithful. Scripture- Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. Galatians 6:9

Focus: Make it a Great Day! Today lets stop focusing on the problem and pray the promise God has given, so stay the course, stay in faith, the answer is on the way. Journal ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By Kerry Murphy

Day 13, January 18th: Pause and Think

When you don’t know, go slow. Sometimes God’s timing involves waiting patiently for everything to align. Even when we feel sure of what we are supposed to do, the how and when may not be what we anticipated. It may feel like the world is passing us by, but we need to remember that the world is not to be our model. During times of uncertainty meditation in God’s word and earnest prayer are vital. We cannot hear from Him if we are not in constant contact with Him. As we wait, we continue to trust and look for His direction. Here is a little ditty that might help you remember to be patient.

When you don’t know, go slow.While you wait, meditate.Always trust; that’s a must.In God’s time you’ll be fine.

Scripture- Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Psalm 37:7

Focus: Pause and think about an area of your life you need to slow

down and trust God. Journal and pray about that area.

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By Chris Shultz

Day 14, January 19th: The 20th Mile

Studies show that the fewest number of marathon runners quit in the first mile. The second fewest quit in the last mile. It makes sense. There is a lot of excitement and energy in the beginning of a race. And by the end, though physically exhausted, the sight of the finish line helps runners push through.

The most people quit in the 20th mile. They have run far and still have a long way to go. They are drained mentally, physically and have lost their vision. They give up! I think that easily happens throughout life in many areas. The start of something gives us energy. Optimism and enthusiasm build momentum, and in some cases, we hit a place where things come easily.

After some time passes, we get weary or even bored and forget why we began. Maybe it's your relationship with Jesus, or your marriage. Maybe you had a dream for a business, or a project at work or home. Perhaps you've worked diligently to turn your financial situation around with some hard work and disciplined spending. Remember your "why"! You've made progress. There has been improvement. Don't Quit now. Remember the Vision-Write it Down-Make it Plain-Keep Running! You've come too far to quit now.

Scripture- Then the LORD answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, That he may run who reads it. Habakkuk 2:2

Focus: Pray for Fresh Vision for your life, family, work, ministry. Write 3 dreams/goals you have 2020

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By Karla Blake

Day 15, January 20th: Surrender

What is Worship..? One of my favorite things in the world is when the body of Christ gathers together in a corporate setting to passionately worship Jesus and sing his praises! It’s a beautiful thing. However, Worship is SO MUCH MORE than these great times of singing together. It is a glorious vocation that Almighty God has called us to!

So to answer the original question, what really is it? The Bible has many terms and instances of this supreme calling. I love looking at two key but most basic terms that The Bible gives us on Worship. The first is ‘shachah’. It’s Hebrew in the old testament and means- ‘bowing down’. The second is ‘latreuo’. It’s Greek in the new testament and means- ‘to serve’. From these words I can’t help but to get this picture in my mind of a servant who is bowed down at the feet of the master awaiting instruction. And putting these fundamental terms together I would suggest that a basic definition of worship is: bowing down all that we are, before all that God is! Bowing our lives down at the feet of Jesus, not only for what He can do, but just for who He is. This happens when we get a revelation of just how great God is, His infinite worth, extravagant beauty and “God’s marvelous mercies” towards us as

Paul writes in Romans 12. When we recognize this, the only right response to our Holy God is to absolutely surrender our lives to Him. Bowing all that we are, before all that God is!

Scripture- Beloved friends, what should be our proper response to God’s marvelous mercies? I encourage you to surrender yourselves to God to be his sacred, living sacrifices. And live in holiness, experiencing all that delights his heart. For this becomes your genuine expression of worship. Romans 12:1-2 TPT

Focus: Lord, we bow down all that we are before you today. Our desires, our dreams, our families, our schedules, everything, we bow at your feet and wait for your instruction. To serve you and worship you with Holy lives that give glory to your great name. Amen.

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By Micah Willard

Day 16, January 21st: God’s Grace

What is Grace? Grace is God’s love in action towards people who deserved the opposite of love, this is God moving heaven and earth to save sinners who could not lift a finger to save themselves. To put it simply, God’s favor or kindness shown to us without regard to the worth or merit of the one who receives it, in spite of what the person deserves. It is “God’s love in action.” It is by the grace of the Lord that we can anticipate being recipients of a heavenly inheritance. Grace is a gift through salvation with no strings attached. Grace flows from the nature of God and is a free gift to us, but Jesus paid the price. Grace is unmerited, undeserved, unusual, unstoppable and unending. It is important for us to show grace to others the same way God shows grace to us when we mess up.

Scripture- For it is grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8 & 9

Focus: Pray for your fellow mankind, show grace to those who come against you. BE KIND

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By Ellie Quinter

Day 17, January 22nd: Eternal Perspective “Look at the things you can’t see”. This is the encouragement. Out of context it sounds contradictory and ridiculous. In context, I believe it is one of the most important things we can do in our Christian walk. Obviously, we know that Paul is referring to eternal things - heavenly things. Just a few verses later is the famous statement, “we walk by faith and not by sight”. Isn’t it so easy to get so caught up in the to-do list for the day, the responsibilities at work, the meal planning, the laundry, the social pressures, and so many other things, that we lose eternal perspective? And yet, he tells us to do the opposite. See what’s unseeable. Think about what is NOT right in front of your face. Fill your mind with things that are NOT screaming your name to feed them (kids maybe?).

When I bring to mind eternal perspective, it does quite a few things for me. Number one, and I think we all feel this, it makes regular struggles seem so much smaller. It sets things into perspective, which we all could use a dose of daily! But it goes so much deeper... Thinking about eternal things is almost like flipping on a light switch. Suddenly I’m not so confused by things in this life, as if things were dark but then illuminated and I could see clearly. Eternal perspective is the answer to so many questions we have about God, about grief, about justice, and

life in general. Another thing it does is it stretches my own trust in God. Do I really believe in a reality that will last forever? Do I really believe I will see loved ones again? Do I really believe that what God has said will come to pass? After all, His promise is all that we have to go on when it comes to eternity. Do I believe His words to me? Thinking heavenly thoughts is an act of practicing faith. Introducing eternal perspective into our daily life makes room for the most fundamental key to building relationship with God - trust.

Scripture- So we don’t look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever. 2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT

Focus: Take some time today to think eternally. To weigh eternity against all the things you have to do. What does it do to you? How does it make you feel? Talk to God about it. Let Him shape you in it. And most importantly, trust Him.

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By Daniel Nichols

Day 18, January 23rd: Complaints Have No Magic

Have you ever complained and solved a problem? Have you ever complained and lifted someone’s spirit? I think not!!! Complaining does nothing but add to the problem and bring people down. When we complain we are making things “all about us!”

Philippians 4:8 which says, “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” All of these “things” put your focus off of you and onto other things.

Personally, I think the little things that we take control over in our lives end up being really big things that God can use in our everyday lives. People notice the character of your life. Your kids notice the character of your life, and if you ever let that guard down, boy do they call us out!!

Complaining is an easy trap to fall into when we aren’t spending time with God. Less of God, more of “me!” God reminds us that our time in His presence is really the most valuable thing in our day.

Scripture- Can you imagine living a life so that no one would be able to criticize you? That’s what the Word instructs us to do! Now, that’s a challenge! “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you.” Philippians 2:14a (NLT)

Focus: Complaining is something that seems to come so easy and so naturally to us, but the problem is: complaints have no magic. They don’t make anyone’s day better, and they don’t help any situation. Try going on a complaint cleanse. Monitor when complaints pop into your mind, and instead of saying them out loud, let them go. When we do this, we allow for our language to be part of how we make the world more magical and more peaceful. -Cleo Wade-

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By Janet Seaton

Day 19, January 24th: Our Children, Teens and Young Adults

As you read through the old testament, you will see story after story of ordinary people with extraordinary lives due to the faith and courage they had. In my own prayer life, I am often praying for my four boys to live an extraordinary life with that same faith and courage and with the very same God on their side.

I pray that they would have the same spirit as Joseph, and they would flee from sin just as Joseph did from Potiphar's wife. I pray they would have the same spirit as Daniel and walk with such wisdom and nobility; that they would pray fervently and continuously. I pray the same spirit of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, that they would bow to no other than our Lord Jesus; that their faith would be so strong that no matter the fire they are thrown in to, their relationship with Jesus would shine through the situation and circumstance and that no matter the outcome here on this earth they would stand and say "We will still believe! We will never serve any other but our God!". I pray that they would walk with such honor to those who hold a position over them yet with a boldness to stand firm for their faith.

The stories of our heroes of faith go on and on that we and our children could mirror our lives after. Let us take a moment today to pray and pray boldly for our children, teens

and young adults. They are not walking an easy journey in this life, but I believe they can live extraordinary lives as they walk hand in hand with our God and with the prayers that go before them.

Scripture- For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way; bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience. Colossians 1:9-11

Focus: Pray for ur children, teens and young adults.

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By Julia Blackford

Day 20, January 25th: Revelation Light

The Lord is “MY REVELATION-LIGHT”. I believe we so often continue to walk and operate in the same way all the time. We’ve developed patterns and just do what we do almost as if on autopilot, for instance you get out of bed in the night and head to your destination without turning on the lights, because you’ve made this trek many times before. But on this night the vacuum cleaner was left in a precarious position, and low and behold you stub your toe and end up face down on the ground. It’s the same way in our daily walking out of life. We’ve developed patterns, attitudes and habits that may not be bad at the time, but as we travel life’s journey they may become stumbling blocks for our growth into who God has created us to be. It’s much like when the Bible talks about maturing in our faith. When we start out in our Christian walk we are infants and limited in our knowledge, but as we mature we must take responsibility. The things that were once ok are no longer the best things for us. Today is the day to stop and take inventory of your life. Are you living in a way that is daily seeking the revelation light to guide you and reveal the adjustments you need to make? Have you determined in your heart to continue looking ahead in anticipation of what is yet to come? Your failures and mistakes

from the past are behind you; don’t allow them to distract you from what is coming today. Glean what you can from them, but quickly get back to looking ahead as God illuminates new and better things. You’ve barely scratched the potential of who you’ve been created to be. Let Ephesians 1:18 be your prayer focus today!!

Scripture- The Lord is my revelation-light to guide me along the way; he’s the source of my salvation to defend me every day. I fear no one! I’ll never turn back and run from you, Lord; surround and protect me. Psalm 27:1 TPT

Focus: I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that he finds in us, his holy ones! Ephesians 1:18 TPT

Journal ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By Lee Blake

Day 21, January 26th: Vector Changes

As we finish our 21 days of corporate Prayer and Fasting, my prayer is that you have received Vision for your life for this year, 2020. I also pray that you will not just have vision, but follow the vision God has placed in your heart. I heard a teaching several years ago that has become very helpful to me. It was all about vector changes, which are small changes that create huge impact. Most of us like the big impact or wow factors in life, however the greatest changes often come from small decisions we consistently make over time. I'm told that if a young person consistently saves a minimal amount each month beginning at age 17, that person could retire a millionaire. It seems so simple and yet many of us do not take a step to make savings a regular part of our lives.

This small, consistent concept doesn't just work in the financial realm, it works in most aspects of life. Lasting relationships require care. Making small, consistent deposits in the lives of those you love can help sustain relationships through the most difficult seasons. It's as simple as sending texts, going for a walk or having meals together. My marriage is important to me and for many years I put reminders on my calendar to leave a note, get a tiny gift or send a text. It helped me to remember to keep my priorities even when life is busy.

I do the same thing with my time with Jesus. I schedule it, so I consistently spend time reading scripture and being with Jesus. I don't always feel like it, but I choose to read the Word on a regular basis, because I know it will sustain me when I feel overwhelmed, afraid or uncertain. I choose to spend time each week being still and quiet, because I know that God's presence in my life will put things in proper perspective.

Scripture- Be persistent and devoted to prayer, being alert and focused in your prayer life with an attitude of thanksgiving. Colossians 4:2

Focus: So what's your vector change? The small change you need to make that will have a huge impact on your life over time? How will you continue your journey with the Lord for the next 21 days? Write at least one step you can take and then take it. Schedule on your calendar a vector change check up next month to check your progress. Your relationship with Jesus is your most valuable resource in this life. Care for it well.

Journal ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________By Karla Blake