
2020/194twesco.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/TW-194-eng.pdf2 T W 194 T Academy October 3 is celebrated throughout the Turkic world as the Day of Cooperation of Turkic-speaking states

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy

On September 28, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Elbasy Nursultan Nazarbayev viewed the new objects in the city of Turkistan. In particular, the Caravanserai complex was presented and information on the results of archaeological research on the territory of Azret Sultan reserve-museum was provided.

In addition, the Elbasy was reported on the projects carried out in the framework of the execution of the protocol orders of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, given in August of this year.

N. Nazarbayev noted the high pace of construction of tourist and urban infrastructure, and stressed that the decision he made in 2018 to revive Turkistan was supported by the people of Kazakhstan.

- Today we have reviewed the new objects of Turkistan. They will become new sights of the city, points of attraction for citizens and tourists from all over Kazakhstan and the world. The large-scale construction of Turkistan is an impetus to the economic development of the whole region, the First President of Kazakhstan said.

Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed that the location of the city, as well as its status as one of the most important spiritual centers of the Turkic world, will serve as a future platform for Central Asian integration.


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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy

October 3 is celebrated throughout the Turkic world as the Day of Cooperation of Turkic-speaking states. In this regard, the Secretary General of the Turkic Council Baghdad Amreev made an official message with the following content:

“Today, the Turkic world proudly celebrates the 11th anniversary of the Nakhchivan Agreement, which is the symbol of the materialization of the common political will, aiming to establish stronger brotherly ties and to construct the future together underneath a single common roof.

Marking the establishment of the Turkic Council, where productive cooperation and relations stemming from centuries-old historical ties in the Turkic world bear fruits with the activities and concrete actions carried out in different fields ranging from political cooperation to economy, transportation to youth and sports, education to tourism and health, October 3rd is celebrated as the Cooperation Day of Turkic Speaking States.

We are honored to convey our congratulations and earnest wishes to all Turkic peoples around the globe on this historic day!

Since this date, three-decade long partnership established among the Turkic States, has been continuously flourishing with more institutional elements and Turkic peoples around the world, with their common history, culture and language, have been streaming together towards a common future on the basis of mutual interests.

…Following the 7th Summit of the Turkic Council held in Baku in October last year, the


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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy

Turkic Council has entered a more productive and aspiring period in which the Organization was expanded for the first time since its establishment with the joining of Uzbekistan and Hungary as well as the opening of its Representation Office in Budapest, the activities in various fields of cooperation have intensified, the integration of the Turkic World has become stronger and multilateral relations between member states have reached a qualitatively new level.

The Organization developed its entire agenda after the global pandemic in a way to address the negative impacts of this crisis and succeeded to take immediate actions against this matter in a timely manner.

…In this crucial period of the history for our brotherly nation of Azerbaijan, we once again express our solidarity with the Azerbaijani people, and reiterate the importance of the early settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, on the basis of sovereignty, territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

…Taking this opportunity we extend once again our heartfelt congratulations to all the people of the Turkic World together with our Member States, and wish that the cooperation of the Turkic world will last forever”.

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy



On October 4, the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev has published a list of settlements liberated from occupation in the Jabrayil region.

In his address to the people, the head of state said that the Azerbaijani army liberated the city of Jabrail and the villages of Karhulu, Shukurbeyli, Yukhary Maralyan, Charakan, Dashkesan, Khorovlu, Mahmudlu, Jafarabad, Dedjal of Jabrayil region from occupation.

It is worth noting that as a result of the decisive actions of the units of the Azerbaijani army, several firing positions of the Armenian armed forces, which fired at populated areas, were suppressed.

The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan reported that during heavy fighting, thanks to the courage of troops, the settlements of Sugovushan and Talysh of Terter region, the village of Ashagy Abdurrahmanly of the Fizuli region, the villages of Mehdili, Chakhyrly, Ashagy Maralyan, Sheibey and Guydzhag of Jabrayil region were liberated from occupation.

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy


On October 4, the Central Election Commission of Kyrgyzstan published the preliminary results of the parliamentary elections, posted on the CEC website.

Five parties in the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan overcome the 7% barrier and have a chance to get into the new legislature. According to preliminary data, among them are Birimdik, Mekenim Kyrgyzstan, Butun Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan and Respublika.

Polling stations in Kyrgyzstan closed at 20:00 local time. According to the CEC at 18:00, the turnout in the elections was 45.26%. After the closure of the polling stations, the heads of precinct election commissions will send the final protocols collected from electronic ballot boxes to the Republic CEC. After that, preliminary data will be announced.

Parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan were held exclusively on party lists. 16 parties competed for 120 seats in the new composition of the supreme legislative body. Six political parties are represented in the current parliament of Kyrgyzstan.

On Election Day, 2,475 polling stations operated in the country, including 45 outside the republic. Some of them continue to work, taking into account the time difference. The process was followed by over 270 observers from 43 states and 33 international organizations.

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy


On September 29, 2020, within the framework of the visit of the government delegation of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the Republic of Tajikistan in Dushanbe, chaired by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan A. Aripov and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan K. Rasulzoda, the 7th meeting of the Uzbek-Tajik Intergovernmental Commission on Trade and economic cooperation took place.

During the event, the parties discussed the current state and further expansion of bilateral cooperation in investment, trade, finance and banking, science and education, tourism, culture and humanitarian sphere.

An open dialogue at the level of heads of government made it possible to clearly identify areas of mutual interest for further in-depth interaction, outline specific steps to accelerate the advancement of joint projects and agree on further interdepartmental interaction.

Within the framework of the meeting, a wide range of issues of establishing systemic cooperation in the field of education, science, health care, tourism, cultural exchange, sports, migration and employment of the population was considered.

After the meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission, the Uzbek-Tajik business forum was held, following which 308 investment and trade agreements worth $ 724 million were signed.

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy


On October 2, the United Nations registered the Agreement on the Delimitation of Maritime Jurisdiction between Turkey and Libya.

According to the registration certificate, the agreement “was registered with the UN Secretariat in accordance with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations”.

This act will contribute to the establishment of long-term stability in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Recall that on November 27, 2019 the governments of Libya and Turkey signed two memorandums of understanding; one on military cooperation, and the other on the delimitation of maritime jurisdiction.

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy


On September 30, a videoconference between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov and the Director General of UNESCO, Mrs. Audrey Azoulay was held.

During the meeting, the parties noted the high level of cooperation between Turkmenistan and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In this regard, the commitment of Turkmenistan to the protection of national and global values, to the promotion of dialogue between countries and peoples on the basis of cultural and humanitarian interaction was emphasized. It is known that the activity of the National Commission of Turkmenistan for UNESCO has noticeably intensified recently.

A. Azoulay expressed gratitude to President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for his important contribution to the constructive development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and UNESCO, strengthening the ties of friendship between countries and peoples. Among the priority areas of cooperation are education, science, information processes, specificity of water resources management. In this regard, A. Azoulay emphasized the importance of organizing meetings of experts, participation of the parties in distance learning projects.

One of the promising areas of cooperation between Turkmenistan and UNESCO is the sphere of preserving the intangible cultural and historical heritage of Turkmen people. Important cultural sites of Turkmenistan have already been included in the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage.

The parties expressed hope for further strengthening of cooperation between Turkmenistan and UNESCO in all areas of mutual interest.

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Turkic Weekly #194 International Turkic Academy


On September 29, the official meeting ceremony of the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov with the Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban took place at the Carmelita Palace in the capital of Hungary, Budapest.

The Guard of Honor was lined up; the hymns of Kyrgyzstan and Hungary were played. After inspecting the Guard of Honor and the National Equestrian Squad, President of Kyrgyzstan S. Jeenbekov and Prime Minister of Hungary V. Orban introduced the members of their delegations.

The ceremonial march of the military band marked the end of the military honors, and then a handshake and photographing ceremony took place in the foyer of the Carmelita Palace.

Then the parties went for talks in a narrow format to discuss topical issues of bilateral cooperation.

Recall that S. Jeenbekov arrived in Hungary on September 28 with a return visit at the invitation of Mr. Orban.