Jun-Jul-Aug 2019

htkchurch.comhtkchurch.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/201902.pdf · 2019. 6. 13. · hurch abandons the reach for politics, power, influence, wealth and prestige. Rather, it imitates,

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    1979 1st Service held Cadman home, Buddina Rev. Don Routley 1st Easter Service held new Buddina SPS, 1st Vicarage purchased in Buddina

    1980 Anglican Bargain Centre opens at Buddina 1980

    1st Holy Communion Evening Service held Rev. Reg Mills in Lloyd-Jones home 1st HC Sunday Evening Service held Currimundi PS

    1981 Property for St Luke’s purchased at Wurtulla Old Baptist church relocated to site - debt free by 1982

    1982 Buddina vicarage debt free due to Ladies Committee fund-ing, property purchased in Arunta St Buddina

    1982 Archbishop J Grindrod dedicates St Lukes

    1983 1st Youth Camp run at Kenilworth 1983 Arrival of Rev. Bruce Sligo and family resides in Wurtulla vicarage

    1985 1st Parish Camp held at Kenilworth

    1986 Jesus the Redeemer moves to new Kawana Waters SHS

    1987 Fr Bruce Sligo inducted as Priest-in-Charge of St Luke’s at Wurtulla, Mission District of Kawana Waters established from Mooloolah R. to Currimundi Lake combining St Lukes and Jesus the Redeemer 1st Kerygma Magazine published; Curcillo Movement embraced

    1988 Rev. Bruce Sligo participates in Ecumenical open-air service held at Cotton Tree Reserve celebrating Bi-Centennial of first church service in Australia


    1988 Rev. Bruce Sligo amalgamates congregations, Meridian St property purchased, 1st combined service held KWSHS Bokarina, Foundation Stone Laid, church construction commenced, Parochial District of Holy Trinity proclaimed, Bill Newman Crusade in Jessica Park, Minyama

    1989 Sale of Buddina property, Dedication of Holy Trinity Kawana and 1st service at HTK, Rev. Bruce takes 3 months long service leave, Bishop Wicks steps out of retirement to fill in

    1990 Kawana Chapter of the Order of St. Luke established at Holy Trinity Rev. Bruce Sligo with Mrs Anne White takes VMTC to New Zealand

    1991 Sale of Buddina vicarage and purchase of current Wurtulla vicarage

    1996 Holy Trinity Outside School Hours Care started

    1993 Rev. Bruce Sligo holds his last service, Rev. Bruce Worthington commissioned

    1999 Patronal Festival and Dedication of New Hall by Archbishop Peter Hollingworth.

    2000 A baby is born at church – Isaac Barnes

    2005 Rev. Bruce Worthington retires, Bargain Shop closes after 25 years

    2006 Rev. Kevin Lewis Commissioned

    2008 Dee Lister retires from HT office after 21 years!

    2009 Consecration of Holy Trinity by Archbishop Phillip Aspinall

    2010 Rev. Kevin Lewis retires, Geoff Bullock visits parish

    2011 Rev. Stewart Webb commissioned

    2016 Rev. Stewart Webb takes up call to Port Macquarie

    2017 Trinity Tots goes into recession

    2018 Rev. Steve Wockner commissioned at Priest-in-Charge, Kawana Chapter of the Order of St. Luke dissolved

    2019 Aaron Coates commissioned as Families Minister

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    From the Editor, Welcome to the third edition for 2019. As we move into the year let’s see more contributions form both Sunday ser-vices and combined events. Our magazine is only as good as the content it con-tains so I encourage you all to take photos of significant events and send them into us with a short article. Please send one or two suitable high-resolution pho-tos with each article to [email protected] as soon after the event as possible. Some content or articles may be edited and photos cropped due to space and layout constraints. Ideas and suggestions welcome and should be submit-ted by email to the editor for consideration. All content and photos should be submitted as early as possible after the event or activity to allow sufficient time to meet our deadlines. Closing date for submissions for the next edition is 23rd August as the maga-zine will be published and available by early September 2019.

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    In the Anglican tradition, there are basically two main kinds of theological approaches- Lib-eral and Evangelical. The theological approach of HTK is Evangelical. Unfortunately, as I shared with you in those first sermons, the name “Evangelical” has become a dirty word in many circles to-day. It’s come to be associated with a wide range of negative ideas and themes. It is seen to be associated with right-wing politics, embrace nationalism and sanction militarism, encourage racial bigotry and gender discrimination, confuse Capitalism with living the Christian good life, reject those who do not hold to a rigid form of Calvinism, come across as anti-intellectual and funda-mentalist……and so I could go on.

    The things Evangelicals hold dear to are the joyous transformation of personal conversion, the centrality and supremacy of Christ, the authority of Scripture and the call to evangelism and making a difference in society. How can we be more generous, loving, humble, and holistic Evan-gelicals and give to the Church and the world a better, more positive view of who we are as an Evangelical Church and Evangelical Christians.

    Recently, I read an article by Rev.Dr. Graham Hill who teaches pastoral studies at the Morling College in Sydney. In his article, he gave 12 ways to be Evangelical in a more positive way. I’d like to share them briefly with you.

    1. Grasp and respond to a fuller gospel: Often, Evangelicals have defined the gospel in a far too narrow way. “You’re a sinner. Jesus is your Saviour from your sins. Repent of your sins. Confess Him as Lord and Saviour. Be forgiven. Live a righteous life. Go to heaven when you die.” This is an inadequate and incomplete version of the gospel. Evangelicals must care about the whole Biblical witness and the whole gospel. There is no gospel without the full Biblical story. God calls us to repentance and discipleship in response to a grand story. It is the story of creation, bibli-cal Israel and the Jewish Jesus and the story of God from creation to the final rule and reign of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the climax of this grand, stunning, defining story that spans history from creation to the eschaton; a story in which we are included through Jesus Christ. That is Good News!

    2. Let the Bible lead to a deeper love for God: Many Western Christians have a declining passion for Scripture. Memorising, contemplating, interpreting and applying Scripture are failing disci-plines among Western Evangelicals. Where the Church is growing in Asia, Africa and Latin Amer-ica, the very opposite is the case. As people there are delving deeper into Scripture, they are delving deeper into the person and heart of God. We need a revival of our enthusiasm for Scrip-ture, interpreting it contextually and maintaining a conservative approach.

    3. Tear down false divides and really join God’s mission: Evangelicals need to see mission as more than just personal conversion from unbelief to faith. Because the gospel is really about the grand stories mentioned in point 1 above, our mission must be holistic and include the restora-tion of all things to God. Mission is more than just individual conversion. It includes proclama-tion, justice, healing, creation care, political action, signs and wonders, reconciliation and hu-man flourishing.

    Pastor’s Pen HTK- Being Evangelical

    On the 15th/16th June, we are celebrating our Patronal feast of the Holy Trinity. We are celebrating with an HTK Patronal Dinner on the Saturday night, a combined Sunday worship service at 9am and a Living Waters Prayer and Praise service at 4pm on Sunday. It will be a wonderful time to celebrate our God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and our Church as the Church of the Holy Trinity. In my opening sermons with you, I shared that my vision for us as Church of the Holy Trinity is that we be Evangelical, Sacramental and Charismatic, using the fullness of what we can in our Anglican tradition to ex-pand our ministry and mission.

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    Georgina, Amanda & Maddie Helen Hall

    4. Welcome culture as a conversation partner: Evangelicals are often seen as fearing culture and cultural change. We treat culture as the enemy and act out of fear and defensiveness. Evangeli-cals need to stop treating culture as our enemy. Culture is our counterpoint, mirror, conversation partner, protagonist, foiler, enricher and more. As Church, we need to be socially and culturally engaged for we are always socially and culturally located. We need to explore the intersection where society, culture and theology meet.

    5. Seek discipleship in community: Evangelicals care about personal conversion but often our dis-cipleship is too individualistic. Discipleship happens in community. Jesus calls us to discover dis-cipleship in community, as Church. He calls us into fellowship with fellow Christians, the gospel, his sufferings, consolations and hope. We share this vital fellowship with the Trinity who is com-munity and with all God’s people. Discipleship is not done alone.

    6. Listen and learn from many voices: Sometimes, Evangelicals are viewed as being arrogant. We need to be open to the interpretations, lives, cultures, traditions and views of others. This is about discerning God’s divine presence in community and conversation and Church and world. This in-volves listening, humility, relationship and prayer. It’s what we need to do to remain humble be-fore God and before the world as Church.

    7. Unite Spirit and Word and Justice: Many Evangelicals are nervous about the work of the Spirit and about social justice. As Evangelicals, we need to unite Spirit and Word and Justice. Jesus had the ability to amaze with his words as easily as with his signs and wonders- both produced the same reaction. Jesus walked in the power of the Word and the power of the Spirit. As Church, we must seek to also know the power of both. Living in the power of the Word and the Spirit is about expressing the fruit of the Spirit- being generous and content, caring for the poor and bro-ken and loving our enemies.

    8. Be the Church and stop with the partisan politics: Theologian Stanley Hauerwas says, “The first responsibility of the Church is to be the Church…The Church doesn’t have a social ethic-the Church is a social ethic. The Church doesn’t have a social strategy, it is a social strategy.” As the new humanity in Jesus Christ, our life together is political. We are not talking about Labour or Liberal or any other party politic here. No secular political party represents Christ. A faithful Church abandons the reach for politics, power, influence, wealth and prestige. Rather, it imitates, the foolishness, weakness and scandal of the cross.

    9. Pursue peace in a divided world: We are living in a divided and conflicted age. Evangelicals can seek to make it worse or better. God calls the Church to be a people of peacemaking and recon-ciliation. The Messiah is our peace and he’s abolished the conflicts and enmities that divide peo-ple. Peace and reconciliation are at the very heart of the new humanity in Christ.

    10. Restore justice: Evangelicals are often seen as not caring about justice and it is damaging to our reputation. Restoring justice involves educating ourselves about injustices in our neighbour-hood, society and the world. We must learn what it means to be a good neighbour to those ex-ploited, on the margins and suffering injustice. Restoring justice begins with talking openly and honestly about the issues with all who suffer injustice who are at the various margins of society.

    11. Care about creation and the environment: The Church cannot fully join with God in his mission while it neglects its responsibility to God’s creation. There is no way that we can be disciples of Jesus without a passionate concern for his creation and a desire to heal the planet he gave us. Creation care is missional. It’s essential to a missional Church and theology and it is crucial to discipleship. Creation care is a gospel issue. The gospel calls the Church to care for creation that God has given us to steward well.

    12. Seek a generous, humble and loving expression of being Evangelical: If we embrace the previ-ous 11 points as Evangelicals, we will give witness to the world that being Evangelical is about be-ing generous, inclusive, humble and love based. This is what it really means to be Evangelical. As we live these 11 points, being generous, loving, humble and inclusive is what we will become. In do-ing so, we will honour what Evangelicals have always held dear- personal conversion, the suprem-acy of Christ, the glory of the gospel, the authority of the Bible and the desire to make disciples of all nations. And in doing so, we will share with the world that being Evangelical is about having a prophetic, compelling, robust and Biblical faith.

    So, when we say that at HTK, we are an Evangelical Anglican Church, let us seek to move forward and put into practice these 12 points and shine the light of the gospel of God in Jesus Christ to the world in this prophetic, compelling, robust and Biblical expression of being Evangelical.

    Love Always, Fr Steve

    Pastor’s Pen

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    We are Many

    David & Rae Reid

    HTK is the first church in which Rae and I have been fully involved together. From the first day we attended,

    we were made to feel part of the family; we became involved in many aspects of church life and learning.

    Through Alpha, and small group involvement, and the teaching of our ministers, we became closer to Christ

    and an understanding of how we can best serve Him. HTK is a most significant part of our lives today.

    Don and Dianne Henderson

    Don: We came to the parish 10 years ago, and felt

    immediately welcomed. Three quite different

    priests, Kevin Lewis, Stuart Webb & Steve Wockner

    have all encouraged me and contributed to my

    Christian growth. The parish has afforded me the

    opportunity to serve in different ways, and I have

    appreciated the way the parish and the priests have

    encouraged me to use my gifts in God’s service. The

    HTK family is a very loving community.

    Dianne: I have not been attending HTK as long as

    Don, I only really started coming here when Stuart

    and Michelle Webb came, they helped me to come

    back into the fold, up until then I was attending the

    Christian Outreach at Woombye. I have found that

    my HTK family are very loving and welcoming to us

    and our beautiful grandchildren, Jesse and Claire. I

    feel very blessed to be part of this congregation.

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    We are One

    Deborah & Nigel Baron When Nigel & I came to Queensland in 2003 we were looking for a church that “felt right”! One that was welcoming, friendly, dynamic, gospel-based and full of the Holy Spirit – not too much to ask for, right? We thank the Lord that we found it at HTK! For us, HTK means; FAMILY – where people care about and look out for each other; DISCIPLESHIP – where there is teaching and striving to live as true disciples of Christ; HUMILITY – where we experience levels of kindness and generosity that stem from genuine faithful humility; MISSION – where we are constantly learning about and acting on the need for out-reach into our community; WORSHIP – where we experience the presence of the Holy Spirit and we join, unreservedly and unashamedly, into whole-hearted and meaningful worship in all forms; and; CHALLENGING – where we are spiritually challenged to delve deeper, rise higher and lean harder on the perfect will and strength of God. We are probably more aware now of our brokenness and yet we are more full of hope and joy as we’ve drawn closer to Jesus, here at HTK.

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    Come Holy Spirit

    Originally an accountant in Southern and Central Africa, Dave became the financial controller of the

    country’s largest transport company. He was also involved in national sport in South Africa: swimming,

    water polo and athletics.

    In 1972 God called Dave and Margurita into full time ministry. This calling has taken them into

    churches, schools, universities, youth groups and camps, colleges, army, navy & air force bases and

    prisons across the world including Africa, Australia, USA, Canada, Britain, Ireland, Latvia, Estonia, Ukraine, Serbia,

    Spain, Holland, France, Iceland, Singapore & Malaysia, to preach the Gospel and bring people into a positive

    relationship with Jesus,

    Dave was a Chaplain for the Olympic Games in Sydney, Athens and Beijing as well as the 2003 Rugby World Cup and the 2006 Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Dave completed 10 weeks of service at the London 2012 Olympics and Paralympics as a Chaperone-Counsellor where he was able to bring many athletes to the Lord.

    Dave & Margurita head a charity that supports 6,000 orphans in 52 orphanages in Ukraine and Latvia.

    Don’t miss special guest speaker Dave Smethurst as he shares about the Holy Spirit Ministry of “stepping out in faith” and using the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to bring people to Christ and into the fellowship of the Church.

    Saturday June 15th Patronal Dinner

    Sunday June 16th Living Waters Service

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    all about AARON

    Here’s Aaron Coates receiving his LA li-cence after being formally commissioned earlier this year as HTK Families Minister.

    And he’s being kept busy, busy, busy

    and loving it!

    For nine years now I have been preparing for ministry, and in those nine years, I have achieved what I personally thought were things I would have previously never dreamt of being able to achieve. The truth is, on my own, there would be no way possible I could have experienced the accomplishments that I have. Take completing a University Degree for example. It is not only a matter of obtaining and comprehending the knowledge required for the degree. It is also the ability to endure the sacrifices that such commitment demands. Time, stress, finances, social and family life, etc. Could I have conquered these demands on my own? The answer is an undeniable no! So how did I get through? Again, the undeniable answer is God. God my King! God my Creator! God my provider! When you stick up your hand before God and you are willing to listen and learn.

    The more God is willing to tell you and teach you. Do not worry about your own capabilities. God has faith in you, have faith in Him. What you dreamt to be impossible, will become possible. In my case, even more possible than what I could have possibly dreamed. For those that may hold some doubt to these revelations. When I first came to HTK, I had no real understanding of child, youth and family ministry. What I do have is God, the ability to pray, ears to listen and a heart to serve. Now only 5 months since I arrived, I coordinate and prepare lessons and games for Young and Awesome Youth Group every Friday Night. I prepare the syllabus for Kids Club each Sunday. I work behind the scenes helping families where I can. I prepare and deliver a lesson for Religious Instruction at Kawana state School, and I remain committed to the demands of my Clinical Pastoral Education studies at the PA Hospital in Brisbane. I mention all these things, not to boast, but rather, to highlight these achievements to bring glory to God, and to show you - yes you, what can be achieved through and with God. Sure, there is so much more work to do, and so much more room for improvement. Nevertheless, I will always have God, the ability to pray, ears to listen and a heart to serve, and with God and to the Glory of God, I have no doubt that the impossible will become possible. I am concluding this article with a piece of Scripture that has been, and remains, a source of strength and comfort when the humanness within me becomes over-whelmed. Oh, and I have given you only the Scripture reference deliberately. In the hope that you are encouraged to actively seek out the Word of God.

    Jeremiah 29:11 Peace + Aaron

    The more you are willing to listen and learn from God, the more God is willing to tell you and teach you. If there is one thing that I pray you take away after reading this article, it is this piece of advice.

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    Clive Sampson Clive was elected to Parish Council this year. He joined our church early last year, having moved to the Sunshine Coast from

    Caboolture, where he worshipped at St Laurence’s Anglican Church. Clive was a

    member of parish council there for five years. He is married with a son and daugh-

    ter in their early twenties.

    Clive has worked in the civil engineering industry for 32 years, most recently as an

    Estimator for Shadforths Civil for 10 for the past years after moving to Queensland from

    Sydney 17 years ago.

    Clive grew up in a Christian family but

    drifted away in his teen, finally returning to

    church about nine years ago, when his son

    was baptised at the age of about 11. Clive

    worships at HTK Church at our 8am service.

    Richard Johnson and Janet Dyke are commissioned at both Sunday services

    as Churchwardens at HTK Church

    Heather and Wayne Van den Bos Hi from Wayne and Heather Van Den Bos. We have been married for 37 years, and HTK is our church home now that we have built in Buddina. We have been worshipping at HTK for about 2.5 years - having previously been heavily involved in volunteer ministry in the parish of Gold Coast North Anglican, where we worshipped for 24 years. Wayne spent many years serving as warden, nominator, LA and intercessor, and also giving sound/data technical support, while Heather has also served on Parish Council, been an LA and been heavily involved in the music ministry.

    Wayne is employed at Coomera Anglican College as Head of Senior School-ing, staying on the Gold Coast through the week and coming home on weekends, as he continues his search for the right employment on the Sunshine Coast. Heather is currently the Office Manager at Caloundra-Glasshouse Country Anglican Parish, previously having worked as Office Manager at Gold Coast North Anglican.

    We have 2 children (Tom & Jackie), and are proud grandparents of Tom's 3 children, Sophia (5), Stephen (3) and Nathan (1). Some of you might remember Tom, who was Youth Minister at HTK for a while when Fr Kevin Lewis was here. Such a small world... as Fr Kevin confirmed Wayne & I and baptised Tom & Jackie when we were part of his congregation at St John's, Cairns many years ago! We look forward to a long association with HTK and whatever God has in store for us here.

    Heather and Wayne are very active at

    our 10am service, with Heather leading

    the music team and Wayne managing the

    sound desk and technical issues. Heather

    has just commenced her second year as a

    Parish Councillor at and Wayne was elected

    as a Nominator at the recent Annual


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    Farewell Jennifer Hughes was farewelled as she returns to the Kijiji mission in Kenya. Run by the Springs of Hope Foundation, the mission provides vocation training for Kenyan women, and schooling for their children. 44 percent of Kenyan women live below the poverty line at risk of being trapped in dehumanizing professions such as the sex trade in order to feed their children. Kijiji empowers poor women in rural villages with sewing skills so they can earn a living.

    The women and children live at the facility free of charge while attending the on-site 12 month vocational training school where they learn tailoring skills, valuable business practices, and healthy lifestyle choices.

    Jennifer will be back at HTK in December.

    Her farewell was carried out by Fr Steve wearing a clerical shirt made for him by the women at the mission.

    Finally, a little peek inside the “Man Cave”

    Have you ever wondered what the blokes get up to in the “cave”? Is it just a night of beer, talk and tucker? Here’s the evidence!

    No! It’s not just a night out with a good feed. Aaron reckons it’s a night of nourishing food ,

    great company and a good chat about The Word.

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    HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY Mother s still alive, mothers now in heaven, mothers to others, were all blessed and celebrated at our Sunday services on

    Mothers’ Day, 12th May. Happy Mothers’ Day. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for your families. (For those who are grammar enthusiasts, you can answer the controversy – Is it Mother’s Day or Mothers’ Day?)

    PANCAKE TUESDAY Organised by Prime Time but catering for the whole parish, Pancake

    Tuesday was a fun evening of eating many pancakes, participating in

    games, and preparing for Lent. Thank you to Jim Armstrong and Alan

    Lilley who produced beautiful pancakes, to those who worked in the

    background to mix the pancake mix, to those who provided the

    condiments, and to all who came along to enjoy a wonderful evening

    together as an “all age” parish family.

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    Today’s contemporary

    Last Supper of Beer and Pizza after the service

    Passion Week


    I n te rge nera t iona l Se r v i ce ac t i v i t y

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    Passion Week

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    New Library

    The HTK Church Library is located in the shelves at the back of the church and is available for all to use. At present the collection is small and mostly consists of books on loan from Fr. Steve’s library but it will grow over time. When you borrow a resource, please write the details in the exercise book located on the top of the shelf.

    There is a basic catalogue for the collection and a link to it will be added to the church website. You are welcome to have a look at it here:


    This means that you can search for a subject or title from home and can then collect it when you come to church.

    There is also a library policy with the library. It sets out the purpose of the library as well as information about donations and library use.

    I would encourage you to make use of these resources. They are there to encourage you in your walk with God and in the development of your faith.




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    Prayer Spaces

    In the late 90s, Pete Greig was a church planter in

    the UK who was seeking the Lord about how to be

    the church in such a way that would connect with

    the poor and the lost in a real way. He wanted to

    authentically represent Jesus to an increasingly

    hungry and disconnected culture instead of just

    being as he said, on some “spiritual spaceship,”

    which it’s easy to be as a church. The search led

    him and a group of friends to Herrnhut, the town in

    Germany that was the home of the Moravians.

    Inspired by the Moravians and encouraged by

    several divine appointments, Pete and his fellow

    Church planters decided to try the same thing at

    their church in Chichester, England. They posted a

    sign-up sheet for 1 hour slots and created a space

    designed to facilitate a meaningful prayer experience. To

    their surprise, people actually signed up! And so,

    24/7 Prayer was born in September of 1999.

    Little did they know where all this would take them.

    Pete had set a start date and an end date for the

    24-hour prayer, but the response was so surprisingly

    enthusiastic that they decided to just keep going

    through the end of 1999. Then several others in the

    UK and Europe heard about what they were


    Suddenly the year 2000 was filled up (not just in one

    location but several). Stories began to circulate

    of extraordinary things God was doing in and

    through the lives of the people in the prayer

    rooms. Pete and the 24/7 leaders began to realize

    that the place of prayer was the most effective

    launching pad for mission and justice. This is because

    people who encounter Jesus and spend time with

    him end up naturally getting lit up and empowered

    to go to the poor and the lost.

    It is from the 24/7 Prayer Movement that the idea

    of Prayer Spaces came from. Many Churches who

    have set up 24/7 prayer have a special prayer

    chapel or space set aside for their prayer.

    Our Prayer Space is designed to help us focus on

    “Unblocking the Old Wells of the Holy Spirit” to

    move us out in ministry and mission.

    Now, I guess you are probably thinking, “I have

    never prayed for an hour in my life. I will get bored.

    I will fall asleep. I wouldn’t know what to do for an

    hour.” In 1975, Dick Eastman wrote a book called

    “The Hour that Changes the World.” This prayer

    model has been used with great benefit in 24/7


    The hour that changes the

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    HTK Family Together

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    Children’s Feedback An excited Claire Henderson shows off her family of pocket Teddies

    and Janet offers Aaron his very own pink pocket teddy on behalf of the children as a reminder that we can trust in Jesus when we feel afraid.




    Safe in

    Jesus’ hands





    So many wonderful “Pearls of Wisdom” being seeded in the tender hearts

    of our precious children. A very BIG thank you to everyone

    helping to in this vital Ministry.

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    Fun, food and fellowship for all youth aged 8 to 18

    Every Friday evening 6:30pm - 8:30pm

    Where: HTK Hall Fee: $5 per child covers cost of food

    Competition to expose the artist of work entitled

    “Sword of the Spirit”

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    Pastoral Care Minis-tries

    See what the youngsters are up to!

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    Prime Time Coming Events

    “Prime Time” describes monthly activities at HTK Church designed for the “over 55’s”. These provide an opportunity for older members of the congregation to come together for fellowship and also provide an opportunity for us to invite

    others who have been looking for fellowship.

    Grab a flyer from the back of Church to see the full program for 2019 and come along and bring your friends.

    f you have suggestions for future events, or would like to join the organising committee, or have any other queries please speak to Don Henderson, or call him on 0419 709 918

    JUNE 12TH MOVIE NIGHT “ALL SAINTS” Wednesday at 6pm AT HTK

    Light meals at affordable prices from 5pm Come and see “All Saints”, starring John Corbett, based on the inspiring true story of pastor Michael Spur-lock , the tiny church he was ordered to shut down, and a group of refugees. Together they risked every-thing to plant seeds for a future that might save them all. The whole parish is welcome. Admission to the movie is FREE.

    JULY 18TH MORNING TEA Thursday at 10am

    Prime Time and Pastoral Care Group present our mid-year morning tea in the HTK hall.

    This regular event provides a great morning tea, entertainment, prizes and guaranteed fun.

    Entry is free (but donations are gratefully received) Everyone is welcome!


    Lots of fun for all the parish – all ages! Perform an act, or come to watch. It’s all good! Performances for all ages.

    Cost $10 per person, $20 per family. Afternoon tea at interval on sale.

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    Prime Time Past Events

    LUNCH AT MOUNTAIN CREEK TAFE 40 Prime Timers booked out the Eco Blue Bistro at Mountain Creek TAFE for a wonderful a la carte lunch at an affordable price.

    The meals were cooked, presented and delivered by students of the TAFE and the standard was excellent. Well done to the

    DEVONSHIRE MORNING TEA Our Devonshire Morning Tea with a guest speaker is also a regular event in the Prime Time calendar. This year we were

    blessed to have Shelagh Brennand as our guest speaker. Shelagh is a stroke survivor, poet, motivational speaker and ambassador for the Stroke Foundation. Shelagh had served for 25 years as a UK Police Officer, reaching the level of Inspector before coming

    to Australia with her family. In 2013, she suffered a stroke and her whole life changed. For Shelagh, recovery from stroke involved emotional, physical and creative healing, and poetry was an outlet

    that allowed her to record her journey back from the edge.

    Shelagh told us of the vital signs to recognise if someone is having a stroke. Think FAST.

    FACE – Has their face drooped? ARMS – Can they lift both arms? SPEECH – Is their speech slurred, and do they understand you? TIME – Time is critical, call 000

    Shelagh was an excellent and entertaining speaker. We were able to make a donation of $200 to the Stroke Foundation.

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    review And He told them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask

    the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.

    Luke 10:2

    Our community breakfast for those in need has now been going for three months. Although the uptake has not been as quick as we had expected, with up to two people joining us for breakfast, we believe the breakfast will eventually reach a much larger clientele. The breakfast menu has been extended with hot food, including bacon and eggs and baked beans, to accompany the original menu of cereals, toast and fruit. Of course, tea and coffee are also included. The Social Welfare Committee is continuing to look at other ways of reaching those in our community who are hungry.

    The programme is funded by the takings from our Bunnings sausage sizzle and cake / jam stall. The next stall will be on Saturday June 22, and we will soon be calling for volunteers.

    Thank you to all the eager volunteers who have

    signed up to help with the breakfasts. Although we have not yet been rushed off our feet, we believe our call to feed the hungry is a real one and one which will eventually reach many more people in need.

    Don Henderson Chairman HTK Social Welfare Committee

    HTK Community Breakfast – Bacon and Eggs on the Menu


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    “He that has pity upon the poor lends unto the LORD; and that which

    he has given will he pay him again. Proverbs 19:17


    WINTER OUTREACH 2019 has now commenced for Anglicare Children and Families (Foster Children)

    formerly TRACC and will finish on 31st July.

    C&F are again asking for knitting and crotchet garments for babies to teenagers - clothing, beanies, scarves, toys, teddy bears, rugs etc

    Completed work can be left at the HTK office for collection or given to Lynn Wenzel or Janet Dyke. For further information please contact Lynn Wenzel 54931547 or Janet Dyke 0414 704 512

    BCA BI- ANNUAL BOX OPENING Thank you from Bush Church Aid to all contributors. $867.40 has been banked. The next box opening is in September 2019, and anyone interested in obtaining a box, please contact me.

    The month of May highlighted BCA as it celebrates 100 years of service on Sunday 26th May, with an acknowledge-ment by guest speaker Dave Sharman at both morning services. This is a wonderful milestone in the work of the Bush Church Aid Ministry.

    We sang a small tribute to the “bush” to the tune of “I see the Moon”. Here’s just one of many verses :

    We need the Bush, the Bush needs us, Throughout this land in God we trust.

    Pray for the ones who need our support, Out in the Bush we love.

    Thank you, Myrna Beale, Mission Contact

    Dave Sharman shared with us many an interesting story of the people and places he’s had the privilege of meeting and visiting during his years with BCA and commented on what a small world it is.

    He also presented a short but extremely informative video of the 100 year history compiled from many historic photos of people and places which highlighted to work of BCA and the need for continued support in rural and outback Australia.

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    Despite threatening rain, a huge number of eager parishioners answered David Reid’s call

    for volunteers to attack a number of significant jobs at HTK on Saturday 5 May.

    Chain saws, specialist tools, and gardening implements were produced to remove a number of

    trees, replace the shade cloth over the playground, and clean out the big shed.

    In total, two skips were filled, a number of

    unwanted pieces of furniture were donated to

    Lifeline, and a very large trailer load of rubbish was

    delivered to the dump.

    Thank you to all who came to work, the ladies

    who brought morning tea, and to those who came

    during the week to finalise the clean-up.

    Thank you to David Reid for his leadership.

    Thank you

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    Working .

    thank you volunteers

    Thank you

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    NEW Family Contacts Form

    To enable us all to look after each other as a church family, there may be a need from time to time to contact someone’s family. To that end we have developed a new form for you to notify us of the contact details for other members of your family. We will only contact them if we need to, and we won’t be sending them any emails. The new forms are on the Welcome Table at the back, please take a moment to fill one out! If you have any queries, please feel free to speak with Deb in the office.

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    Thomas Barrett Kleid

    was baptized on 05/05/19 with his parents, brothers and grandparents

    looking on.

    To celebrate his baptism, Thom shared a very special cake with his friends, symbolizing his Shield of Faith

    Donald John Harris 08/09/1930 - 23/04/2019 It is with great sadness that we farewelled one of our colourful members, Don Harris. Having a great

    sense of humour, Don was always quick with a smile or a wink. Don loved to garden and spent many

    long hours tending his beloved orchids and enjoying his green oasis with his wife Audrey. In his many

    yarns and tales that he beautifully regaled us with, it was always apparent that he was a devoted

    husband, with him once saying, “like your job, love your wife.” And he did. Audrey and Don celebrated

    their 65th wedding anniversary in August last year. In the lead up to the event, Don’s wedding ring

    went missing, but with the help of a metal detector it was found at the bottom of a re-potted plant, just

    in time! Our prayers go out to Audrey and the family at this time. Farewell Don, we know that you’re

    feasting at the Lord’s table now, and we hope that it’s corned silverside!


    Thomas Barrett Kleid

    was baptized on 05/05/19 with his parents, brothers and grandparents

    looking on.

    To celebrate his baptism, Thom shared a very special cake with his friends, symbolizing his Shield of Faith

    Eileen Jobbins

    recently celebrated

    her 98th birthday during a Wednesday communion service surrounded by all her church family.

    Eileen had been a long-time, faithful member of the HTK family before moving to a nursing home a couple of years ago.

    She is probably best remembered for leading the conga line at the 10am service despite being in her 90s.

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    June July August


    1 Yvonne Harriot 1 Kate Johnson, Justin Lightbody 1 Allan Bruce

    2 Greg Henderson 4 Heather van den Bos 2 Edith Warne

    4 Maurice Humphreys 5 Graham Kassulke 3 Steve Wockner

    6 Tom Bateman 6 Michael Rutledge 6 Tom Parker, Trudy Sharman

    7 Toni Campbell 9 Ivan Bowen, 7 Shirley Best-Russell

    10 Shirley Bateman 10 Robyn Lightbody, Trudy McAleenan

    8 Nigel Baron

    10 Kaye Kerr 11 Paul Walsh, Peter Wood 9 Trever Austin, Bob Woolner

    12 Imogen Jones 12 Delle Black, Thomas Kleid 10 Robert Henderson

    13 Flo Johnson 12 Janice Miller, Eden Mouldenhauer 11 David Reid

    13 Yvonne Rose 16 Ollie Leatherbarrow 12 Brian Rogers

    15 Rueben Brampton 17 Georgia Leatherbarrow 14 Luke Mitchell

    15 Harriet Ferguson 18 Bridie Evett, Des Lang 16 Jack Mitchell

    16 Kellie Payne 19 Robert Kleid 20 Desley Markham

    18 Peg Hadlow 20 Raymond Moloney 20 Nic Mouldenhauer

    18 Wayne van den Bos 22 Lara Ferguson, Liam Payne 21 Amanda Walsh

    19 Graeme Armstrong 23 Kirsty Kleid 24 Glenda Hargreaves

    24 Margaret Schellenberger 25 Deborah Baron, Margaret Carri-gan

    27 Nerida Hey, Edith Smith

    26 Chloe Mitchell, Ron Robins 27 Michael Martin, Tony Mitchell 28 Kristie Roach

    27 Kirsten Mitchell, Elma Wilcox 31 Pat Vickers 30 Dennis Blake

    28 Barbie Read 31 Vivienne Abitia

    29 Myrna Beale


    1 Joan & Dennis Blake 1 Carol & Alistair Ferguson

    10 Tim & Edith Tubb 5 Kellie & Brett Payne 9 Desley & Rob Markham

    10 Shirley & Tom Bateman 21 Beryl & Ray Young 14 Wendy & Brian Rogers

    26 Tom & Connie Parker 17 Amanda & Greg Henderson

    30 Pat & Ian Vickers

    Years Mind

    1 Margaret Morris 5 Marjorie Lovell 2 Jack Seaton

    2 June Peachey 13 Stanley Mortimer 3 Lionel Shearn

    4 James Warrington-Love 16 4 Joyce Bolinger James Stevens

    7 Thomas John Davies 21 Lyle Knoll 7 Mary Froud

    10 Norma Noonan 22 Reg Lewis 14 Mavis Allen

    14 William Morris 24 Jeanne Banbury 16 Patrick Stewart

    17 Jack Murray 26 Muriel Russell 28 Betty Alison

    20 May Austin 27 Frank Jobbins 30 Marj Golsby-Smith

    29 Robin Priebe 31 Lester Richardson

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    Home Groups Bible Studies in a relaxed environment

    weekly groups

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