4/10/19 1 Chapter 14 1 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14 Thunderstorms A storm containing lightning and thunder; convective storms Severe thunderstorms: At least one: large hail wind gusts greater than or equal to 50 kt Tornado 2 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14 Ordinary Cell Thunderstorms AKA Air-mass thunderstorms: form with limited wind sheer, vertically stacked Stages: cumulus, mature, dissipating Cumulus Stage (Growth Stage) Warm air rises. Cloud droplets evaporate at top and make air more humid, allowing higher growth. Condensation releases heat, which causes more rising. No precipitation (held aloft by updrafts), no lightning. 3 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

1 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14


� A storm containing lightning and thunder; convective storms

� Severe thunderstorms: At least one: �  large hail � wind gusts greater than or equal to 50 kt �  Tornado

2 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Ordinary Cell Thunderstorms

� AKA Air-mass thunderstorms: form with limited wind sheer, vertically stacked �  Stages: cumulus, mature, dissipating � Cumulus Stage (Growth Stage) ○  Warm air rises. Cloud droplets evaporate at

top and make air more humid, allowing higher growth.

○  Condensation releases heat, which causes more rising.

○  No precipitation (held aloft by updrafts), no lightning.

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Ordinary Cell Thunderstorms �  Mature Stage

�  Droplets grow large enough to fall. �  Drier air is drawn into cloud from sides (entrainment). This

causes evaporates some drops, which cools air. �  Cooling air leads to downdrafts, also enhanced by falling

precipitation. �  Anvil-Shaped cumulonimbus is formed, cloud top can be

40000’ high. �  Updrafts collide with downdrafts- turbulence. �  Cool downdrafts spread sideways at the ground along a

gust front. ○  Turbulence along gust front. ○  Warm air rises over gust front.

4 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Ordinary Cell Thunderstorms

� Dissipating Stage �  Storm generally dissipates after 15-30

minutes. � Gust front moves away from the storm and

no longer enhances updrafts. � Downdrafts dominate, no more updrafts to

fuel the storm. � Whole process can last only one hour. �  Thunderstorms bring summer rain and

welcome temperature relief, though brief.

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7 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Thunderstorms �  Multi-cell Thunderstorms

�  Thunderstorms that contain a number of convection cells, each in a different stage of development

�  Caused by moderate to strong wind shear, which produces tilt �  Sometimes there is an over shooting top �  Mammatus clouds can form below the anvil

�  Gust Front: leading edge of the cold air out-flowing air �  Can form shelf clouds or roll clouds. �  Combined edge of gust fronts is called the outflow boundary.

�  Downbursts: localized downdraft that hits the ground and spreads horizontally in a radial burst of wind �  Microbusts: 4km spread or less. �  Cause wind shear, dangerous to planes.

�  Plane crash in Dallas, 1985: 100 deaths. �  Virga may form. �  Warm downbursts are called heat bursts.

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Fig. 14-4, p. 375 10 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Fig. 14-4, p. 375 11 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

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Multi-cell Thunderstorms �  Squall-line thunderstorms: a line of multi-cell thunderstorms

�  Pre-frontal squall-line �  Bow Echo: a bow-shaped squall line �  Derecho: High winds along several hundred kilometers of squall

line �  The Rear Inflow Jet

�  Damaging straight-line winds �  Meso-scale Convective Complex (MCC): a number of

individual multi-cell thunderstorms grow in size and organize into a large circular convective weather system �  Happens in summer �  Can last 12 hours, cover 10,000 km2

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26 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Supercell Thunderstorms �  Large, long-lasting thunderstorm with a single

rotating updraft �  Strong vertical wind shear: horizontal rotation

becomes vertical. �  Outflow never undercuts updraft �  The Mesocyclone and the Overshooting Top �  Wall clouds �  Three types of supercell:

�  Classic �  High precipitation �  Low precipitation

�  Rain free base, low-level jet �  Surface, 850mb, 700mb, 500mb, 300mb conditions

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31 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Inversion layer caps air, convective instability: breakthrough

32 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Floods �  Flash Floods

�  Flash floods rise rapidly with little or no advance warning; many times caused by stalled or slow thunderstorm

�  Large floods can be created by training of storm systems, Great Flood of 1993

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34 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14


� Distribution of Thunderstorms � Most frequent Florida, Gulf Coast, Central

Plains �  Fewest Pacific coast and Interior valleys � Most frequent hail Central Plains

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37 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14


�  Lightning and Thunder �  Lightning: discharge of electricity in mature

storms (within cloud, cloud to cloud, cloud to ground)

�  Thunder: explosive expansion of air due to heat from lightening

�  Electrification of Clouds: graupel and hailstones fall through supercooled water, ice crystals become negatively charged

� Upper cloud positive, bottom cloud negative

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40 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

41 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14


� The Lightning Stroke �  Positive charge on ground, cloud to ground

lightning �  Stepped leader, ground stroke, forked

lightening, ribbon lightning, bead lightning, corona discharge

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� Observation: Apple tree � DO NOT seek shelter during a thunderstorm

under an isolated tree. �  Lightning Detection and Suppression

�  Lightning direction finder detects radiowaves produced by lightning: Spherics

� National Lightning Detection Network �  Suppression: seed clouds with aluminum

46 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14


� Rapidly rotating column of air that blows around a small area of intense low pressure with a circulation that reaches the ground.

� Funnel cloud: A tornado that has not reached the ground

� Tornado life cycle � Organizing, mature, shrinking, decay stage

� Tornado outbreaks �  Families, super outbreak

47 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Tornadoes �  Tornado Occurrence

�  US experiences most tornadoes �  Tornado Alley (warm, humid surface; cold dry air

aloft, wind shear helped by jet stream) �  Highest in spring, lowest in winter

�  Tornado winds �  Measurement based upon damage after storm or

Doppler radar �  For southwest approaching storms, winds strongest

in the northeast of the storm, 220 kts maximum �  If a tornado approaches, on which side is the wind

fastest? �  Multi-vortex tornados

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52 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14


� Seeking shelter �  Basement or small, interior room on ground

floor �  Indoor vs. outdoor pressure, p. 398

� The Fujita Scale �  Based upon the damage created by a storm �  F0 weakest, F5 strongest �  Enhanced Fujita Scale

53 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Table 14-1, p. 399 54 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

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Table 14-2, p. 400 55 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Table 14-3, p. 400 56 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Tornadic Formation

� Basic requirements are an intense thunderstorm, conditional instability, and strong vertical wind shear

� Supercell Tornadoes � Wind sheer causes spinning vortex tube that

is pulled into thunderstorm by the updraft � Mesocyclone, BWER (bounded weak echo

region), rear flank downdraft, vertical stretching, funnel cloud, rotating cloud, wall cloud

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Stepped Art Fig. 14-46, p. 402

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Tornadic Formation

� Nonsupercell Tornadoes � Gustnadoes ○  Form along gust front, short-lived and weak

�  Land spout ○  Common over East-Central Colorado

� Cold-air funnels ○  Formed by cold air aloft, common along US

West Coast

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Severe Weather and Doppler Radar � Doppler radar measures the speed of

precipitation toward and away radar unit � Two Doppler radars can provide a 3D

view � TVS, Doppler lidar � NEXRAD

64 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Fig. 14-49, p. 405 65 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Fig. 14-50, p. 405 66 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

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� Rotating column of air that is connected to a cumuliform cloud over a large body of water

� Tornadic waterspout

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Fig. 14-51, p. 406 68 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

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Homework for Chapter 14 �  Chapter 14 Questions for Review

�  #2-6, 19, 25, 29

�  Chapter 14 Questions for Thought �  #7

�  Chapter 14 Problems and Exercises �  #4

70 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14

Project for Chapter 14 �  None

71 Concordia University Geog/Sci-381 Chapter 14