tr I r 1 M 1 V OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY , JUNE B, 18D2-TWELVK BY CRIMINAL CARELESSNESS f tmalia ) Loses a Game of Ball Through Gross Neglect of BunJnesi BEAUTIFUL PLAYING OF THE BUCKEYES Gu ficlimclf. ' * Tcnm Given tlio Ilowo- rnmlly a ( Ircat Slinking Up-Omnhn * * Uniting Her Only Jtcilcomlng Feature Ulhcr Sports. Columbus , 50mnha , 0. Kansas City, 0 ; Toledo , 1. Minneapolis , 0 ; Indianapolis , 3- .VEH . SEE A NlC- cr - string of horse collars than Gus Schmclz gave Uncle Dave yesterday 1 And remember , too , Unolo never a kcd him for n sin- gle ¬ ono of thorn- big , frco hearted , gcncrou* Uus Just forced them on to- him. . Uncle says bo's going to give 'om back Ihls nflernoon that is , bo's going to try. Uopo he'll succeed. Hank O'Day , who used to bo proilaont of the New York National 1'nrk bank , and rc- . ported to ball playing lo ward oft the con- "sumption - * , will bo In the box for Schmelz. Undo says his hired hands will Just limply kill him the big sausage- .It . was another lovely day and there was n moderately fair turn out, not nearly as largo as it should have been , considering tbat the Columbus club wan the attraction. Well , Sholbock , who is playing ball Just now Illtu tlio old lady kept tavern in Terre Haute , opened up the dofugolty by urchlng * _n easy ono out to the garrulous Count , Gllks slipped arog at first on Stevens' throw and Kelly got bis base on balls- .That' . all there was of it , for rVlsnof cut thrco largo swathes in the ethereal. Not much to cnthuso over , wns thcrol- riiiTven , for Joe For Iho Buckeyes Joslo Walsh stopped up- to the pinto , accepted a bouquet as big as a hogshead from admiring friends , poked bis scintillating mug in among the posies-two or- thrco limes , than returned to tbo bench on a- hcctio Illtlopush to Mr. Jllks. Gus Schmoiz says that's the way Bob pronounces it- .Ueddy . O'Uourko , the man with lost voice , laid bis club against ono of tbo Kid's drops for a single and tbon stole second. The Eyclnllnn waited and walked down , pnd- Heddy full so good over this bit of good luck that be undertook to nip third. Hayes throw him out Just us easy as roll- ing ¬ off a log a moment later , treating tbo frisky Count the same way at second. The people enjoyed that.- In . the second Collopv , another In need of a- nervine , opened up with n single , and Undo followed with another , Collopv golag to third. "We've got "cm , " misguided old gentleman in the grand stana. And everybody Itought the old man was right after the game was over. Did we scoroi Look at thn row of horso. collars at the foot ot this column- .Slovens . slammed Rutherford out at first , Billy Morrltt caught Uncle napping at sec- ond ¬ , and Ihcn after DarOy bad been sent to first on balls , Walsh lired Vicliery out nt first.Wouldn't that given man the nightmare nt high noont When Uncle was being flayed nllvont sec- ond ¬ , Jimmy could hnvo walked in back ¬ wards.- I . bopo to dlo it 'taint so. Then Bob Gllks und Uncle did n hymn all by themselves , Lally , McCltlland nnd Abbey perishing at tholr hands , Brcckcnrldgo slip- ping ¬ In a base on balls , however, between times. Nice playing , bet you It was- .Shybock . began the third with another out , and Gllks followed suit, only Bob rattled his wij club up agonist the summer zephyrs , while y Koddy the Mute throw Francisco out at first. The lad from Murray Hill plunked her afo , Visnor walked down and Stevens plugged the Caliopo with the ball- .Tbat . was only ono of Scbmclz's fox tricks , however , for Uncle could only tap ono down to the man who once led tbo Army of the Potomac into a coed deal of trouble , and the general throw dim out to Brock.- In . tboir half the Bucks made a pair- .llnin . Enough to Win , Shybock stopped on ono of his logs and Billy Merrill's Indolent llttlo grounder got fe.vny from him , Stevens made a bit. Billy trotting down to second , and on to third on the kin's wild throw. Walsh took the wrong switch nt first , buiStove moved up on the out. Then the tonguo-ticd .naao his second bit. and botb runners scored.- Ucd . got the kibosh stealing second , and Sby and uncle settled the count's maccaroni. Those two runs were sufllciont , and tbo Bucks wanted to quit right there , but Schmclz said : "Keen right on with your knitting , boys , nnd nt dinner tonigbtyou can all have two pieces of pie. " "1'iel" cried tlio count, turning bis dove- line orbs full upon the manager's In- quiringly ¬ , "What's this we're getting nowl" _ GUI stroked his lace curtains and smiled.- AVIirro . WoMmout fliit Ono- .In . the next Governor Hityos actually drove one clear to ttio pitcher , and of course never reached lire t. But the kid kindled a , momuntai-y flame in the grandstand's heart . by lacing out a safe one , nnd a moment later i be continued on to second on General Mc- I Clellan's blunder.- t . Tben Victc stopped un and coaxing a- straight'ono out of Stevens ho sinoto It for a bag. Darby ran down to third , nnd Collopv falling to coacb him properly , ho caraa on In . J Ho had about the same show ns tbat snow- flalto - you've all hoard so much about. Camp throw him out at the plato with ono hand in Ins poouot- .Sbolbock's . out brougbtthu Bucks In again , but tboy Ulilti't tarry long.- QilKs . throw Lally out to Uncle , McClcllan- od up ono wlilch Uncle also cot , anil rock VUccuinbeU ut tbo , sarao station on- Coliopy's sharp throw. Quito a busy tuning for the olu g&ntlanmn. Tuo store : OMAHA.- SUM.MAHV. . > . Hum earned : Columbus , !, Two-huso hltst Kelly , I : lliirby. 1. Tnroo-busohlu : liolly.l.- llaionou . bnllii Oil tilorens , Oi oh Darby , 2- .Lufton . I) i bus : Oinulm , U ; ( Jolumbut , I. Hit by ultcliuri Ily Btovuun , I, Mriu-U out : By Bturcna2. 1'iuicd tmllu ; Ily JlcrrltU I. Tlmo - ' ' uauin ; Quo uour und forty mliiutos. Uui- " MfQuald.- luiiUon' . Day nt the Turk- .I . , Today 1s ladles' day at the ball park and a blg and fashionable crowd will doubtless be- en band. All lovers of base ball woo can take tUu time tbouU turn out and sea tbo Columbus toim , which stands today ono of the most marvelous aQRrcentions of ball- players in the profession. They won n game yesterday , however, that thiy couldn't re- peat ¬ in 100 years. Still tboy nro play ¬ ing flno ba'.l und put up nn exhibition worth Kolnff miles to seo. Every man plays ball nil ,tbo time ! tbero In no loafing , no shirking ; nothing but business from start to finish. Darby pitched n wonderful came yoslerdoy and Omnba should hnto Avon bnnds down. The Indies are specially invited lo attend this afternoon , nt Hank O'Day, the hand- somest ¬ man in the world , will bo in the box for Columous. The teams : Ornnlio. Position. Columbus- .Vlckcry . . * . . . . .Pitch' . . O'Dny llayrs. ... . Catch . Jantron- Hpwo . rirst . . .Drcckcnrldso- OlIUs. . 4 . Second . ... McClollnnd- CoHopy . Third . O'Ktmrkp Hbolbock. . . .. . Short . Walsh {'illy . UlRbt . Visnor Kelly . Midd.o. . Abbey IJarby . . . Loft. ... . . Cnmpau- tlio IMrntcs. KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Juno " . Kansas City bailed out a victory over Toledo today. Score : Kansas City . 1 021 1 1 000 6- TolCdoT . 0 00100000 1 lilts : Kansas City. II : Toledo. 7. Errors : Kansas City , lit Toledo , a Itntlorlcs : I'nyno and MoMnliont Dunruld and Hurley. Earned runs ! Kansas Ulty , 4; Toledo , _ Two-base lilt : Manning. Three-base lilts ! McMulion , Armour. Htolon bates : Munnlni ;, Lyttlo , Nc-woll. Double plnyn : A borm to O.irnoy. First base on bulls : Utirnciy U, Allmrts !, O.tni- E'oti. - . Struck out : Mnnnlnc , Me.Muhon , Kltol- , NIoliols'J , Dowaltl. Time of ciiino : One nnd lltty minutes. Umpire : Scrnd- .Mlllcru . Lucky Alia , MlNsnArous Minn. , Juno 7.MinncnpoHs bunched tour hits and made two runs after Its sldo should have been out. Attendance , 1390. Game stopped by rain in tbo ll t half of the ninth. Score ! Mlnnonpollsfl 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 R- Indliimpnlli . 2- Huso lilts : Minneapolis , II ; Indianapolis , 7: Krrurs , MlnneiuolK : :i ; Indianapolis , : .Knrnod i. runs : MlnnoHpolls. Si I ml I mm polls. .Twobase 1. lilts : Lotcbor. KtiU, Munyiin. Homo runs : Grnlinm , O'llrlen. Doublu iiluyt : Hblnntck to West : Ornham. 1'urrot und bhln- nlck - : arulium , Shlnnlck to West , lliisos on- blls : OITl'rance , 4. Hit by pltvhori Law- rence ¬ , Kutfc btrnck out : Fly Sulllvun , fl. Time of Eanio : One hour and rorty-flvo min ¬ utes. Umpire : bnydor. , NATIONAL LiVQUK.- ViisliliiKtoii . ICvciit Vprlth Cincinnati In One ( liiino.- WASHIXOTOX . , D. C., Juno 7. Washington obtained sweet revenue on Cincinnati , bat- llng - MulUino nnd Chamberlain both out of the box. Attendance , 1925. Sooro : W.-ishlncton 25503104 0 20 Cincinnati . . 2 lilts : Washington. 2 : Cincinnati , 11. Errors : Wiishlngton , 1 ; Cincinnati. 1. Earned runs : Washington , 17 : Cincinnati , 2. Dntterlcs : Foreman nnd Hoblnsou ; iMullane. Cbambor- Inln - , Holllduy , Murpby and Vaughn for Cin- cinnati. ¬ . rfelTcr rinnlly Wins One. New Yomt. Juno 7. Errors by Lvons nnd Fields gave tbo came to Louisville toduv- .Altondnnco . , 1020. Score : Now York 1 01100000 3 Louisville 0 0100012 * 4 lilts : Now York. 0 ; Louisville. 5. Errors : Now York , 0: Louisville. :u Uuttcrles : Kins and Fields ; Stnitton and Dowso- .Junkers' . { Flight Checked.- Pim.Awnu'iiiA . , ija. , Juno 7. The Phillies lost this afternoon through tbo wlldncss of- Carsoy. . Attendance , 2201. Score : Philadelphia 0 00020013 0- SI, Louis 14000200 * 7- Ults : Philadelphia , 12; St. Louis , 0. Errors : Philadelphia , 2 ; tit. Lbuls , 2. Karnod runs : Philadelphia. 3 ; tit. Louis. 0. Uuttorles : Cursoy , Weyblng and Clements ; Qotzoln , Hlrd and Buckley. Ut'tu'ocn the Fltchors. NEW YonK, June 7. Today's pomo at East- ern ¬ park , Brooklyn , was a battle royal between the pitchers. Attendance , 1150. Score : Cleveland 00000000 1 1 Brooklyn 0 0000002 * 2 Hits : Cleveland , 0 : Brooklyn , 4. Errors : Cleveland , 3 ; Brooklyn , I , Earned runs : Brooklyn , 1. Battorlos : Davlos , Uoylo und O'Connor ; Hart and Klnslow. Alison llreiithes Ag iln.- DAI.TI.MOIU . :, Md. , June 7. Tno Chlcagos braced up today and won. Attendance ) , 1105. Score : Baltimore 020000000 2- Chlcaau 00050000 * 5 Hits : Baltimore , 7 : Chicago , fi. Errors : Baltimore. 3; Chicago. 2. Earned runs : Balti- more ¬ , 1 : Chicago. 1, Battorlos : McMuhonnnd- Uoblnson ; Hutchlnsou and Klttrcdgo. And tlio Jonulm Took It.- BOSTOJJ . , Mass. . Juno 7. Boston throw tbo- Kama away. Clarkson wild. Attendance 1175. Score : Boston 4 03000000 7- 1'Iltsburjr. . 0 0200230 1 8 Hits : Boston , 7 ; Httsbnrp , 7. Errors : Bos- ton ¬ , fi : Plttsburz , n. Earnodruns : Boston , 3 ; Plttsburtr. 1. Batteries : Olarkson and Gan- zoll - ; Smith und Muck- .STATK . L.KAQUB- .lioatrloe . Slapg Another Kibosh Onto to the Hugnr City Crowd.- BKATBICE . , riot ). , Juno 7. [ Special Tele- gram ¬ to TUB BEE.J An increased attendance witnessed the second game between Beatrice and Grand Island this afternoon. Beatrice was , as usual , victorious by the following score : Beatrice 0 1231000 0 7- Urand Island 0 00002100 3 Earned runs : Boatrlco , ! : Grand Island , 2. First ba&a on balls : On Derrick 2 ; oil Holmes. 5 ; oir Summers , 1, Struck out : By Hummers. 2. Homo runs : Holmes. Tbrcobaso- Itlts : Utuidall , Holmes. Holohnn. Twn-baso hits : Slacle. Base hits : Boatrlco , Sacrifice lilts : Kennedy , 1. Wild iiltchos : Derrick , 1 : Holmes , 11. Krror.s : Boiitrlco. 4; Grand Island , 3. Batteries : Derrick , Holmes and Jones ; Summers und Murray. Tlmo of game : Ono hour and forty-livo minute * . Umpire : Hart. IIa tlne < Took One. HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special Tolo- cram to THE BEE. ! Hastings against Kearney today. Score : What tlio Amutours Are Doing. The iirsi gnmo between tbo Moaoli ot Council BlulTs and Fort Om&has teen place on tbo lattor's grounds Sunday afternoon be- foro'a - largo crowd of spectator *. Tbo game was an interesting ono throughout. Score : Fort Omahus 0 1 3 l o 0 u 1 1 7- Models. . 0 100000023En- rpctl runs : Tort Omaha. 3 ; Models. 0- .TliroolJii50 . lut : CoiiUy. Duuhla pluyi : Wil- liams ¬ to Wrleht , Wright loCoady , Oondy to Wright , WrlpUt toCoatly. Btolen bases : L'ort- Onmlios , & : Alodels. 0. U.IHO on bnlla : Oil Coudy , 2 : oir Wcllbiiuiii.fi. titrnok out : Ily- Uoaily. . U ; by Wolllianin. IX Krrors : I'ort- Umnlias. . 4; WodolK, a Time of KUIIJC : Onu hour unil forty nilnutoi Uinulro : Tooion.- At . Twenty-fourth and St. Mar.v's avenue the Hesolutos downed the West Omahas after this fasblou : Hesolutes 400021R3 * 1- 1WuslUiiittluu o SiOSOOOOO J- Tba Tbirtoontli Street Blues and thn- Hospes met at Clifton Hill Sunday mornlne and rosullou dUastrouvly lo tbo Blues. The following la the score : Thirteenth Street llluos. . 7 42123 0-10 lloipea u 0 0 1 U 8 0 a- Dutiorlca : KalToloter and lloll for Tlilr- tcenth - btruot Hints ; Johnson unii Uoutnu for lloauos- .TboTblrtoontb . Street Blues would IIUo to meet some amateur team next Sunday after- noon - , Labyrinth Cllnoers or Hosorvus pre ¬ ferred. Address all loiter * to Manager Shepherd , 717 South Tulrteunlh street.- Hl . > KKI > UINd- .tiooil . Hpurt ut I.vtunln. CINCINNATI , O. , June 7. The attendance at- Ltonln races today was very meager, but tbo sport wni good , flvo well backed bonus winning. : ' Vint race , soiling , puraa fgr.T-year-olda and uupurd , Non-wlunerd. six furlong * : Tow 1.irllniz ( oven ) won. Double to 1) ) sec * onrt , llnmllnc ( toll third , 'llnio : ll"y. Second rico ; , loillnj. for n-yoar-olilg and up- wards. ¬ . Non-winners , six furlongs ! Hmnm- JjOUlsoRto 1) won. Sir I'lnaet ( Ota 8) ) second , Annie I ) (12 to I ) third. Time11S < $ . Third race , n free handicap RwcomtaKcs for 3-yoiir-olds nnfl niwnrdp | , tiillo nnd onc-s x- tcontb - : HcsponiocT to 1) won. 1'rlncoof Dutk- ntus - (4 to I ) second , Spring Away V2 to 1) ) third. Time : U4aW- .1'ourth . race. Cor I ne ton spring stnkos. n oil- Inji - swceiistnkes fora-yoiir-oltls worth SI.IWO to- tlio winner , llvo fnrlonps : 1'orest Hoie ( StoS ) won. Too Oulok Klto 1) second , Coctiutto ] (0 lo 1)) third , Time : lD3 > { . Fifth rice , purse for innldon 2yonrouls. four furlongs : Sister Mnry 0 to 5) ) wan , MH- SHcrmlon 1:1 : to 1) ) acconil , Klopmcnt (T to 1)) third.- Tlmo . : .VJ. Sixth nice , purse .for 2 yonr-olut , innluons four furlongs : Quocn Knldoron ) won , Jnllu- Klnnoy ( (4-4 ! to U second , Youllntlcu ( G to II- third. . Tlmo : SO- H.lolnR . ( nt St. T.ouU , ST. Louis , Mo. . Junn 7. Attondnnco and track fair. Weather showery- .I'.rst . race , six and ono-bnlf furlonus : Aud- rey ¬ ( (2 to I ) won. Bracelet ( (8 to f ) second , Am- broio - i2i ) to 1) ) third. Time : isriU- Second nice , sever ! fnrlonss , wollltiK : Comnel ( (3 to 1) ) won , On'i'iola ( B to 5) ) second. Tom Hood ( (10 to II third. Time : 1Wi.- Tlilrd : : . rnco , tlio Debutante stakes for2voar- olil IllllO' , llvn furlongs : llolon Nichols ( t to fi) won. Quiver ( (3 tn 1)"second ) , Imllgo ( vO to 1- )third. ) . Tlmo : Ii2 : : . Vourtb race , seven furlonRs : Qlvo Away ( (4 tel ) won. Lorenzo Mln6) ) sooond. Uoya- lrlusb ( (30 to I ) third. Tlmo : 1 ; - " , ' . I'lftli rnco , soiling , seven ahd one-halt fur- lonRt - : Put King ( itol ) won , Nlrjfin (S toll second. Sluht Draft ( (20 to 1) third. Time : im- Blxth race , Bulllnc. seven and ono-hnlf furI- OIIKS - : Mean ICnou hntoll won. Hen 1'ayiio ( (12 to 1) second , Mttlo Phil ( (7 to S ) third.- Tlmo . i l:37M- .Sovcnth : . r.-ivo. luindlcap. ono mlle and an- olzlitln llollvcr Hueknorii to 1) ) won , Inno- cence - ( (12tol ) second , Uulilo ( t to 1) ) third. Time : l:5y. : (! Morris Turk's Program.- MoninsPAiiK . UvcKTnvcu , N. YJtno" . Four of tbo six races this afternoon voro won by first choices in hotline and the talent wcro correspondingly hnppy. First riiee , six Iurlonjis : Fairy ( (2 to 1) ) won. Tormentor ( (8 to 1) second , Kildcor(4 ( to 1) ) third. Time ! lIl'i. Second r.iuc , one mlle ! Fldollo (7 tn 10) ) xvou, SlrOutoitiy (. " to II second , Gortlo L) (7 to 1- )third. ) . Tlmo : 1:41U. : Third race , Vannost stakes , five furloncs : Lawless ( D to 3)) won. Warualnt ( (8 to 1) ) second. Looniird ( to 1) third. Tlmo : l:0'Ji.- Kourth : ! . rnco , six fuKon&s : Jiilion tel ) won.Yiih .Tim ( (0 to B) second , Doncnilor ( (3 to 1- )third. ) . Tlmo : 1:111' . ' , . Fifth nice. Jlelroo bnndlcup , one intlo and a sixteenth : Thn I'eupcr (0 to II won , 1'lok- iiocUet - (3 to 1) second. Mars ( (10 to 1) ) third- .Tli.o . : t:4S. Sixth race, sovcn furlongs : Air Plant (0 tu5) ) won , Itollowood ( (5 to II second , Dully lloo ( (3 lo 2) ) third. Tlmo : 1:2 § & Cnlloplnc nt Onriluld. CHICAGO , III. , Juno 7. Woalho'r oloar , Gnr- flold - traoit slow. Avtondanco , 7500. First race , half mile : lilsmnrcic won , .TucI ; Lorcll second , Edith llclmunt Ihlrd. Time : 1:01. : Second rnco , sollinif , Ihroo-quartcrs of a mile : Carmen won. Oakdulo second , Algebra Kolcllnir third. Time : lUIi. : ! Third race , flvo-olslithsof umtlo : Illuoltan- ncr won , Kd Uoll fcocond , White Nose third. Time : 1:4- 0.Fourth : . race , Jefferson stakes , mlle and onc- slxteuntli - , Rolling : llesslo ltlslan t won. Ills Man second , Undo Frank third. Time : : ' : :2)V- i.Flflh ) . race , mlle nnd twenty yaids : Not Us won , Lady 1'ulslfur second , Friday third.- Tlmo . : 2:12. : Sixth raoo , soiling , thrco-fourtlisof a mlle : J. H. Freed won , VonTromu second , ImpHcm- ody - third. Time : 1:2- 9.llawtliorno . KrachiR tip.- CIIICAQO. . . 111. , Juno 7. Tno attendance nt the Hawthorne races wns considerably larpur than tbat of yesterday. The track was slow , but showed signs of improvement. The fol- lowing ¬ nro the results : First race , six furlongs : Ontlin won , Daz- nlpo - second. Lena Pry third. Tlmo : 1: ' M. Beuond race, one mlle : Toront won. Dundee second , Clementine third. Tlmo : li3S. : Third race , six f urlonRs : Hollio won , Maid Marlon second. Shadow third. Tlmo : 1:2'. Fourth race , one mile and one-sixteenth : John U. won , Sir Davis second , Rooc : Laldloy- third. . Time : 2DU& : Fifth race, seven furloncs : Vision won , Selinu D. second , Lulu May third. Time : 1:4' : ' .. Tips lorTnd.iy.- On . account of the Krone rush of other busi- ness ¬ the entries for today's races wore de- lay - ed last night to such an extent that only Mortis park could bo tipped. The selections are : MOmtlB PAHK. 1. Emln Boy Prluoo Goorio. 2. The Ironmaster Barefoot. 3. Bonvollo Stalactite. 4. Hiiceland Dr. Hasbrouok.- B. . . Oiistuwiiy II Kirkover.- a . Tar and Tartar Integrity. NEWS Ol' T1IK FIGUTEK9- .Corbett . Trnlnocl by n Doctor. NEW YOIIK , Juno 7. The training of James J. Corbott for Tils light with John L. Sulli- van ¬ is to oo a peculiar ono. His nominal trainer is Jim Daly of Philadelphia , but his real training will bo done under the direotion- of Dr. John Wilson Gibbs of this city. Be- ginning - nt Z o'clock today Corbott will be under the care of Dr. Globs until Iho day of- tbo light , September 7. Tbo doctor exam- ined ¬ and took measurements of Corbott to- day. ¬ . The doctor criticised the stalwart young pugilist from the standpoint of an ex- pert - anatomist and could not rofram from an exclamation of admiration as ho reviewed his subject- ."lie . has the physique of an Adonis , with a- frarao like that of a Hercules , " said ho. "Ho- is a perfect man. " Jack iMcAullll'o Stuns to Train. New Yonit , Juno 7. Jack McAuliffo will go in training ID a few days for his fight with Billy Meyer. The lightweight cham- pion ¬ nnd his sparring partner , Billy Nelson , loft loday for Hainpdon , Mo. They will re- turn ¬ ii : time for the Manhattan Athlotlo oluo boxing show , Which takes place Juno _ } . On Ibis occasion Jack will spur six rounds with Billy Frazicr. After this engagement Mo- Aullffo - will start for Bay St. Louis to train for bis big fight- .r . uht _ to a Draw. MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 7. The Kom- mlcKWIlkos - fight lost night resulted in a- draw. . Ten rounds wore fought. Another Cyclone In Texas.- CLKIIUHXE . , Tex. , Juno 7. Last night & cyclone struck this place. Forty-two houaos were domolishod. Tbo wind was accompa- nied ¬ by a drenching rain. D. U. Presoolt and wife wore fatally injured. Several other poraons wore Injured. Crops of all kinds nro badly damaged. Mineral Well i and Lowls- villo - wore also visited by the storm and con- siderable ¬ damage done. Kent of a I > r a* Suit- .A . curious legal controversy Is re- ported ns llkolv lo arise in Now York through the bringine of nn action to recover tlio rent for a dreso suit. A curtain tailor who lots out dress suits at the rate of 82 per night furnished ono to a member of an Artie expedition encamped just now at , or supposed to bo within gun shot of the North Polo. The explorer wns tendered a reception by some friends previous to his departure , and in order to bo clothed properly for the occnslon- ho had to hire the suit in quos tion. Next morning the explorer's mother packed the suit iu his Saratoga trunk , not knowing that it wasn't his and ho took it up to the North Polo will him. H has been used doubtless ut the principal blubber feeds nnd walrus hunts to impresa the natives. But now the owner of the suit comes in with n claim for $2 per day for rent of the suit , whlol probably in the first inst unco cost about 20. By the time the explorer comes back if ho gota back on time the claim will amount to $702.- A . Hliurp Trick. Texas Slftlngs : "Is the coon a smar animal ? " nsKed n stranger of old S Jackson on Onion Creole , near Austin Tex."Talk about coons belti * smart. . ' should say dey was . .mart'1- "Well , how smart uro thoyj1"- VA coon played ino the meanest trlcl you obor hoorod toll on. I foun' a hole that do coon wont inter do groun' and walled dnr all day long to shoot dii eon , and wheu ho did coma out bo wa- oapolouut. . " Milligan , Hob. , the BcgnoVlof a Terrible Tragedy., op , RESULT OF A FIGHtAT A DANCE OJ JJi Costello mothers UioTljelnjItovolrerx with llcailly Kn'cct No Onpi > rjunltjllvou the Onicer to llcfciid Illinsclt- Btnte Nctvs NptCf- t.Oitiowt . , Neb. . Juno T. ISpeclal Telegram to Tun BEE. ] The Httta'ttwof Mtlllgan was the scene of a terrible tragedy last night. Marshal Frank Mlnglor 'was family shot through the bowels and the murderers are still at largo. At n dance at tbat plaoa last night a row occurred between some ot tha participants and Dan and Phil Costello , ono a cook and the othoi' a barber of Exeter , Nob.- The row soon developed Into n general hand-to-hand encounter , the dancars on onu- ViUlonml the Costello brothers with their hackers on tbo other. Marshal .MniRlcr , who was Immediately summoned , succeeded In .restoring order , after which bo left the dance hall , followed by the Costello brothers , .ono of whom dealt him a blow over the "head with n heavy club. Too marshal , although "badly stunned , drew n revolver and prepared to defend himself , but buforo ho could use the weapon ho re- colvod - two shots through the abdomen , cither ono ot wlilch must prove fatal.- In . the excitement nnd confusion following the shooting the Costello boys imulo coed their escape nnd have not yet bocn appre- hended ¬ , although parties hnvo boon scouring the country in every direction In search of them- .Mllltganhas . no physician and iho wounded man will dlo before medical alicndanca cau- bo procured.G- KNBVA . , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram toTnc BKB.J Dan Costello was arrested in- Kxotor today for bis part in the Mllllana shooting and is now in the county lull , but the boy who had the gun Is still at largo. It is thought tonight that the marshal will re- cover. ¬ . __________ THIS DUUUOISTS. State riinriniiroutlciil AXvnrliUlou Conven- tion ¬ Formally' ' OjiMictl.- Ui'.AND . ISLAND , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Snocial to- Tun BUB. ] About 200 druggists and visi- tors ¬ attending the eleventh annual conven- tion ¬ of the Nebraska State Pharmaceutical association have arrived ana more are expected tomorrow. The State Board of- Pbarmacy has boon In session all day and a largo numoer of applicants have boon exam ¬ ined. The convention was formally opened tonight. The address of welcome was inado- by Mayor Bpydon. Following Is the ad- dress ¬ : Mr. President , Members of tbo Nebraska Stiito I'linrmacouUcul Association , Ladles nnil Gentlemen : The cycle of a year bus passed since our last regular mooting and are uguln lissom hi oil for the iidvniicemont of our profession. Wo ahull mlnglo recreation nnd business together , thereby deriving both pleasure and nroUt. 1'oruilt mu. us the chief executive of this beautiful city and In behalf of Its citizens , to extend * IL most cordial and hearty welcome. Wo are pleased to see you , we urogluU to greet you. llooulvo my assur- ance ¬ that appreciate the'Honor which was conferred upon us when Grand Island was se- lected ¬ for your place of assonrtilnge this yoar.- In . return , mo present you with the freedom of our olty. having full confidence In your In- tusrlty - and honorable mill lotion. There Is- no profession that more Keenly appreciates the dignity andTesponslbllltn tbo alms and obligations of its vocatlqi- But It is In the character ot a citizen ana-as u menbur of your most honorable bodyi onfe who haspar- taken of the liberal hospitalityso generously Blvon to us In former years , hy Omuha , Lin- coln ¬ and Beatrice , that'I Mtin best bid you welcome. Mv heart goost'WJth my hand ulthough words uro futile to qxpross my ear- nest - ' " feelings. Lot us not forgot the ancient table ot ttio bundle of slicks and each and overv ouo do his part so Unit the "fioldo i thread which runs through nil and doth all unite" may re- main ¬ unbroken und with nmllmmed liibtro to the end ot tin e. The coiHolontlous uro- gresslvo - pharmacist is always studying , rcftd- Inc. - . think nt ? ; making continuous oirort to keep ubreasi of the ngo thiit ho may be worthy of the perfect trust reposed In him by the critical public. Tnoro Is no other associ- ated ¬ body In the state ot Nebraska which con- tains ¬ more members possessed of marked abll- itv - thun tlio Nobruskn State 1'liarrnaceutlcal- association. . Such an association as ours Is, and ought to be , u tower of strength produc- tive ¬ of manifold coed not only to ourselves , but also to the state at lurue. Believing that tholauorsof this annual meeting will result In great and lasting benefit , trusting that you will partake freely of the hospitality which our city offers with suuli willing bauds , hop- Ing - that your only regrets wll | bo those caused by the thoughts of parting , I again roach forth my band to you In a most sincere and heartfelt greeting.- I . have the pleasure of presentlne to you , through the courtesy of Colonel Miles Zotit- tueynr. - . commandant of the Soldiers and bail- ers ¬ Homo , an invitation to. visit that state In- stitution. ¬ . Also from Hon. O. T. Oxnard , president ot- thoOxnurd beet BO gar factory , u cordial Invi- tation ¬ to visit the first beet eugar factory es- tablished ¬ In tbo stute of Nebraska.- Tbo . address of welcome was followed by- an able response from A. F. Stroltz ot North Platte , accepting on the part of the associa- tion ¬ the tendered hospitality- .Prosldont . Evans of Hastings followed with the annual address. 'Ho made some excellent suggestions as to the action of iho associa- tion ¬ in this convention. The address was listened to with marked attention. Tbo ses- sion ¬ closed wltb a spoiling match , dancing and cards. " JtKLLUVUK COMMKNCEMKNT. Interesting Vrornm _ Kcmloroil by the I'lipHu of the College.- ECLLEVBE . , Neb , , Juno 7. [Special Tele- gram ¬ to TUB BEE. ] Tbo annual soiree was bold at Bellevue college tonight , being at- tended ¬ by an unusually large nudionco , and consistca of the following well rendered pro- gram ¬ : Chorus Boo the Light Is Fading The Happy Farmer Hey College Choir Piano solo. . . . . Evening StarUovorio- Allco li. Bhuwfelt. Recitation Mrs. KuKglos' Dinner Party Louluo A. Adams- .PJanodnot . ---.Merrymaking Annie E. Kyd and Eniiua E. Hmitti. Quartette Kathleen AroonI- I. . O. Quartette.- I'iftuoduot . Hungarian Dance lllunclio O. Shane and Ourilo Hell- .S"l . ° . . . . . .O , Happy Day O. A, Mitchell. Duct Sunrise Jennie Learning and Altha Khamoy- .Barltonosolo . Song of the Ola Hell H. A. Oarnihan , Piano solo Sylphldo Ida Leo Adums. Trio . Koitfor tbo Weary Misses Kliumcy , Van Uaasbcok and Hamilton.- Kecltntlon . . How Uuby Played Robin Adalr . H. O. Quartette PlKiioduot . . .. .Mozarty Sonata ilujor Misses Adams nnd Vilutiausbook. Chorus . The Sleigh Bide College Ciiojr.j | Much pralsojls duo to Professors Cumlng, Jones and Kratz for tnoliu.ntjrlng ) : efforts In the interest of tfaoinuslcuftlqfartmoui ot the college which uow ranks among tbo first In the west. rr'f"- At the meeting of the U6arJ of trustees of- iBollovuo college today , Colonel J. B. Finloy- ot Klttanlnfr , Pa. , was elected provident of the board and tbo affairs qfjtbo; college were .found to bo in an entirely flfttlsfactory con ¬ dition. . _ .ja- l.ltchllfld 1'oIltlVkl f otos.- LITCIIFIP.I.P . , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special to THE BKB. ] Allen Root Jpo fl hero Jtoday- Hl whole speech was on cQjUlnual adver- tlaomeiu - of the live stock coeiinlsslon firm o which he is a member. Many strong alllauc ( men condemn him us they say "thai part o- bU speecli fully explained , must mean bis- wlioio speech. " There will DO a crand republican rally by the Uepublic-u club of this pluco on Friday cvfintifc' , Juno 10. The club numbort seventy flvo. Ncl.ntikn Mortgage Indcbtnilnosii.O- ICEOI.A. . . Neb. , Juno 7 , [ Spofal to THE Beu. | Tim rouordt of Ibis , Pollt county show that taoro wcra In ttw month of Ma } twonty-sevon reul estate mortgugoi tiled nmountiiiK to 00. 724,50 ; twenty-nine re- leased , S.'i.OSU ; clgbty-slx chattel mortgavoit- iled. . 415570.45 ; llfty-throo rolcaaou , 10 , ; t53l.7D.- HOLDIICOE . , Nob. , Juno 7, [Special to Tun J The following U a list of led nnd relcmetl In Phclps county lor the month of Mav : Farm mortgagor Bled , tvonty-sevon , S1770T.W ); released , forty- hreo - , $Jir9J.4l ( ; city mortsaeoj. lled , sovoh.l- .OT.0.00 . ; rclcaiod , twelve, f3B15.30j chattoi- mortnatw , niod , 1 J, fJ5lli.18 ) : roloasod- .ixtylhrco . , e- Sl'M AV SC1IOOI , MO UK liltS SliET.- SIHcr : . Auulvcwnry Srmlon ot the No- lira'Urn - Axnclatlon.- KeinNBT . , Neb. . Juno 7, IBpocml Tele- gram - to Tun BKC.J The silver anniversary of thoNobrnjkn State Sunday School asso- ciation ¬ convened hero thlt attsrnoon. There arc over COO hundred dclogatos present and ill incoming trains contribute to the crowd.- Cho . commlttoo on entertainment has boon iusy all iho afternoon pi-ovldlnc tor iho com- arts of the -visitors nnd the latch strings of all Kcarnoy'a hornet are hnualug out. A conference ana prayer , u preparation service conducted by A. Billings of Omnhn , was held Into this afternoon. At 4 o'clock chil- dren's ¬ mooting was held and largely at- ondod. - . U was conducted by Ur. K. T. Cas- sell of Hastlutrs. A song service was con- ducted ¬ this evening by Dr. Cnssoll , An address of welcome followed by U. II , tOlmo- ndort - of tfcts city. The response was delivered by Nov. P. C. Johnson. D.D. , of Friund , ircaldcnt of the association. An address on- 'Character Buildlne" xvas delivered by J , i. WOortcock of , after which n social leo K place- .Tuo . mooting promises to bo especially in- structlvo - nnd the enthusiasm displayed Indi- cntoi - that Sunday School work in KoDrasun- s keeping pace with nil other things in the state for the betterment nt horpeoolo. The real work of the convention will begin to- morrow. ¬ . _ "Will Cololirntu the Fourth.H- ARTISGTOX . , Nob. , Juno 7. [Special o TUB BEK.I The business men of this city not at the county judge's oQlco lost night to tlotormlno whether Uart- ngton - would celebrate tbo glorious Fourth .his yonr or not. The room was crowded with enthusiastic citizens , each in favor of n- celebration. . The motion was carried that the chair appoint tixtoon men to hnvo the entire business in charge.- Uscooln . .Masons Moot.- OJCEOIJI . , Neb , , Juno 7. [ Special to TUB 3in. ] The Masons of Osccola lodge , No. G5 , had tholr regular meoung on Saturday night and elected the following oftlcors for th& en- suing ¬ year : Worshipful master , T. H. launders ; senior warden , M. U. Snoagrass ; junior warden , J. N. Scott ; treasurer , H. A- .Scoti . ; secretary , E. L. King ; trustees , H. T. Arnold , L. L. Snldur nnd E. L : King.- 1'rumliiDiit . Fnrmnr Injuroil.- GcsnvA . , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun BCK.J Mr. Ed Broous, ono of Flll- moro county's prominent farmers , mot with nn accident Monday which mav cost him his life. Ho fell from his wind mill tower , a dli- tanco - of thirty foot , oud'whon found was in- sonslblo - and has remained so slnco , about thirty-eight hours , Fllltnoro County Farmers GENEVA , iNob. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram to THE Bnc. ] The farmers ot Fillmore county are about through planting corn and the prospects are good. This bos boon as near a perfect day as could bo desired.- JIUTLDIAGS . HEtsTKOYED. Iowa City Swept by n Cyclone Dainngo by- Floods. . Four DODGE , la. , Juno 7. Special Tele- gram ¬ toTim BEE.J A telegram was received this afternoon stating that a cyclone at Em- mouburg - destroyed tbo Burlington , Cedar Rapids & Northern depot and several other buildings. Tbcro tbo wires are down and no particulars are obtainable.D- AVEXPOIIT . , la. , June 7. { Special Tolo- grara - to TUB BEE. ] Severe storms of wind , rain , hail and lightning swept this region Monday night and this afternoon. The town was flooded today so that streets wore im- passable. ¬ . Hail foil twenty minutes. Much damage was done to bridges and roads. German liiiptists In session , CEDAK RAPIDS , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tolo pram to THE flu.l : Tbo general conference'- of the German Baptist Brethren opened at 0- o'clock this morning with about 1,000 'of the members In attendance. Rov. Enoch Eby- presided. . After the announcement , of the oilicors for the present conference and preliminary business , tbo hymn book question was taken up , which had boon carried over from the last annual meet- in - IT. After a Ions discussion on the revision of the hymn book , n paper on "Compilation , " and amending tbo-song" book , prepared by D- .L. . . Miller, all v.-oro referred to the delegates as a whole , and the hymnal will bo revised.- Tltoy . Favored Humphrey. Font UonaE , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele- gram ¬ to THE BEE.J Complete unoiliclal re- turns - from all the companies ot the Fourth regiment show tbo vote for major to bo : Humpnroy , 329 and Bauer 110. The original bloction was contested by Baker on tbo ground of illegal voting in some companies ana a now election .was ordered. FOK TUB Complete Ust of Changes in the Regular Services. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram to Tuc Bui ;. ] The following army orders wcro issued yesterday : Tbo leave of absence granted First Lieu- tenant ¬ James B. Hughes , Touth cavalry , department of Dakota , is extended sovcn days , and tbat granted First Lieutenant Benjamin II. Cbaver, Sixth cavalry , is ex ¬ tended ono month. A board ot oQicors- is appointed as fojlows. to meet at the call of the president thereof at Fort Logan , Colo. , for the examination of such o dicers as may bo ordered before it to deter- mine ¬ their fitness for promotion ; Colonel Henry C. Morrlam , bovouth infantry ; Major Robert M. Orrmy , surgeon ; Captain Charles A. Coolidge , Seventh Infantry ; Captain Alien H. Jackson , Sovontb infantry ; Captain Wil- liam ¬ L. Kuoclor , assistant surgeon. First Lieutenant John L. Harbour , Sovontn in- fantry ¬ is the first ofllcor ordered to report before it- .A . eitriljar board la appointed to moot at Fort Sam Houston , Tax. , for the same pur- pose ¬ and-tbo following U the detail ; (jcnoral John C. Capplnger , Twenty-third infantry ; Major CalvinDowitt , surgeon ; Major Lewis T. Morris , Third calvarv : Cuptuln Josopb- T. . liaskoll. Twenty-third Infantry ; Captain Robert J. Lisbon , Assistant surgeon ; First Lieutenant William H , Sage , Tweuty-tliird Infantry , recorder. Captain (joorgo F. Chase , Third calvary, is detailed as a member of the board for service therewith during tbo examination of cavalry officers only , vice Captain Haskoll , who will act as a member of tbo boarb for all other purposes- .Tbo . following oQlcors are ordered to report to tbo board for examin- ation ¬ : First Lieutenant Vitllam- T.. Wood , regimental quartermaster ; Eighteenth infantry und Second Lioulonnnt Jesse M. C. I. Canter , Third calvary. First Lieutenant William A. Ulassford , signal corps , is relieved from duty with the wo tuor.- bureau . , to take effect at sucti tiino us his services can bo spared , and bo will theu re- port ¬ IR person to tbo secretary of war- .By . direction of tbo secretary of war tbo following unmod ofUcors , who participated in- tbo battle of Chickamauga , will proceed to- Ctilcuamauga, Ua. . und mott tbo Cblclca- maugn - park counniislonors at that place on- tbo lath inst. , to assist tbo commissioners in carrying into effect tbo provisions of the act to establish n national military park ut tbo bntllofirld of Ctilckatnauga : Colonel James forty tbo , bovonth cavalry ; Colo- iiol - Robert E. A. Crnflou , Fifteenth infantry ; Major Wlrt Davit , Filth cavalry ; Major .Frank P. Smith , Second artillery ; Captain Jaraos H. Qagety , Third Infantry ; Cap- tain ¬ Henry U. Lltchllcld , Second nrtlilory ; Captain Harry C. Cashing , Fourth nrtlllery ; Captuln Joibaa A. Fossendon , Fifth artillery. Each ono of the olllcers named will select a site for a general raou- uWOODBURY'8 - ' FACIAL SOAP . . ' . TU roiull olio j n' eiKrl | ura la ruc- l.ti - , urwial until fur io , i h _ il. 1 * U of 6> ip KiiJ I II pij ; < bock on Dor- AUo - . . DliOtumnenU- llk birthnuirkt , Xlolo , , w rl > . ludlit Ink ui.l I'oKdrr u > rkil 8cir >. nil- UCt - , KMiifM of Neil , Hal rlooin , liIrlUr , JOHN H. WOOOBUW , D.I. , 125 W. 424 St , Now York Ci ! > meat for the military ot sanitation ho repre- sents ¬ nna will without unnecessary delay submit drawing ot nnd Inscriptions for the same to the aocrolary ol war through tno said commission. Leave of absence on surgeon's certificate ) f disability granted Capinln John tlrlost , Eighth avnlry , is o.tlondocu.ono month on- ccount of sickness. The resignation of- nptnln - Oscar V. Long , ntMstnnt vunrtor- master , of his commission ns flrat lieutenant Fifth infantry only , has jcon accepted by the president , to lalto of- root Juno 3 , 1892. The leave of absence rrnutod First Lieutenant Thomas J. day , Tenth infantry , ts further extended ono month. Lo.ivo of nbicnco for four months , to.- oho . effect after Juno 30 , IS'.U ' , is granted Colonel Anthony Hoger, surgeon , VOStlMXSWXAL- of the ITrcont Drllclcney lllll by the HDIKO In the Scnntr.W- ABIUXOTOK . , D. C, , Juno 7. A dozen eaves of nbsoncn wore granted In tfto house bis mornlnp. Tno house nppcarea lucllnod- o taito n rest , nnd the attendance AVAJ small. The aijrloultural appropriation bill was re- ortcd - > by Mr. Hatch of MUsourl nnd placed upon 'tho calendar.- Snvoral . unimportant private bills were lassod by unanimous con'sont , The house xhon wool into oommittoo of the whole on tlio urRont deficiency bill. The bill nppnopnatos $TOT0.333 for payment of- icnitlonu nnd gU.OOO for mlscollanoous ox- on - > < os of ttio house ot roprosentntlviia. After n brief cxnlanatlon by Mr. Savros ot- lex&s , and a statement by Mr. Dlngioy of- Mnino , that while there was un apparent dollcioncy of nbout7000.000 for the pnymont- uf pensions , thcro was an unoxp'ondod balance of W,500OiX ) . The commlttoe arose nnd the bill was passed.- Mr. . . McRno ot Arkansas called up , ns n- prlvlloRod question , "u bill nmcndlntr the act of Soptoni Oor2il , 18(10 ( , to forfeit certain land Brantod forino purnosoof nldlng In iho con- struction - of railroads,11 so ns to provide that there snail bo forfoiiod nil lands graniod to any slate or corporation to aid In the con- struction ¬ of a railroad opposite to and co- terminus with tno portion of the road not constructed nnd completed within the time specified in the said wanting not. The law of ISfH) forfeits the lands coterminous with the portion ot the road not now comulotod.- Tbo . house , without disposing of the bill , adjourned. In tlio Simnte.- WABIIIXOTOX . , D. C. , Juno 7. Mr. Peffor- in the senate today pave notice that ho would , on Monuay next , address tbo senate on the bill introduced by him to increase the currency. The senate thnn proceeded to consider the diplomatic nnd consular appropriation bill.- Mr. . . Hnle , In chnrRp ol It , explained tbat the amcutlmonls recommended by Iho commlttoa- on appronrlntlons ns lo envoys oxlraordlnnry- nnd ministers plenipotentiary were simply ra-ostablishliiff the status under Iho existing law. Mr. Halo said that wboro the house had consolidated missions tha amendments proposed to leave thorn ns under existing law. and that to that effect iho approprlalion would bo Increased. Those nmondmonls wore all agreed to , including Iho following : Increasing from $00,000 loJ- SO.OOO the appropriation to moot unforeseen cor.tinocncles in tbo diplomatic and con- sular ¬ services , and striking out ibo provision that no part ot ibo amount shall bo paid in settlement of nny claim of any foreign power ; inserting an item for $03,000 for the share of the United States in tbo oxponsc of a prelimi- nary ¬ survey for a continental railway ; in. sorting nn item ot $10,000 In addition to $175,000 heretofore appropriated for the in- ternational ¬ boundary line survey between the United States and Mexico ; increasing salaries ot consul generals at London , Paris , Havana and Rio Janeiro from $5,000 to ffl.OOO. The bill was tbou passed. The senate then adjourned until tomorrow. JWHKCAST. OFFICE OP WKATIIEII BUKKATJ , 1 O.M VUA , Juno 7. f f- Sbowory wcatbor contluuos In iho upper Mississippi valley and the lake regions west of the Mississippi. The wrathor Is generally fair and growing much warmer. A decided warm wave is approaching In front of tbo low barometer now central in the upper mountain regions- .J'or . eastern Xobrnikn , Omaha nnil vicin- ity ¬ Much warmer , ctmtliuiml t.ilr voutliur- AVcilucailay nnd Tliiirscluy. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 7. For Nebraska nnd South Dakota Warmer , generally fair , winds bocaralnir south ; showers in western portion on Wednesday nnd Thursday ; warmer on Thursday. For North Dakota Wnrmor , south winds , increasing cloudiness with showers on Wed- nesday ¬ night and Thursday ; cooler Thurs ¬ day. For Kansas Continued worm , south winds ; fair weather , probably local showers on Thursday. For Missouri , Iowa and Minnesota Winds becoming warmer Wednesday, and generally fair vveatbor , still warmer Thursday. For Colorado Continued warm and fair weather ; slightly cooler , with showers Wednesday night and Thursday. SOLDIERS FOR WYOMING Troops Enrouto to the Sccuo of the Rnstlei- Trouble. . GREAT EXCITEMENT AMONG CATTLEMEN- "Sinnoor tlin tnrni rs of Small HcnU That They Will Tnko to the Mountains nnd I'tojinro- to Fight- .Foni . Itonmox , Nob. , Juno ". [ Special Telegram to Tun BEU. ] At 5:45 a. tn , th Ninth cavalry band woke Iho octoos with "Tho Girl 1 Left Behind Me, " as six troop * of the regiment with Major Charles S , Ilsloy at tholr head , marched out ot the gnr- rl on nnrpiuo to tUllottoVyo. ., via Ctawf- ord. . Nob. , whore seventy cars wore -ready- to rocolvo thorn. The troopers , horsoj and baggage wore all loaded nnd off by 11 o'clock. Major llsloy has his Instructions Irora tha- Dopartmcnt commander , but no ono has been nblo to got the least inkling of what thoj- nro.. Six troops of the Sixth cavalry uro ex- pected ¬ to pass through hero tomorrow to encamp in the viclnlt ) of old Fort Fottor- man , Wyo. : InVycnnliiR. . , Wyo. , Juuo " . [ Spjcial Tele- gram - to Tun UEn.l Rumors of martial law are creating great excitement in this soclion , especially nmong a cortalu class. Some oi the so-called rustlers swear they will never submit , but will hldo in iho mountains and pick oft Undo Sam'a soldiers at their lolsuro , while others are preparing to seek a mom congenial cllinato. Recently some very sensational telegrams wcro sent from Donglai to a Denver paper , whoroln G. W. Baxter , an ox-covornor ol the state and at protont local manager of tha Western Union Bcof company , was charged. with organizing another expedition for "re- moval" ¬ of cattle thlovoj in Johnson county. Today E , II. Kimball was arrested hero charged with criminal libel in having been the, author ot > ho tologrum. Ha was taken to Choyoniio on the noon train , wboro bis hearing will bo had. Kimball is editor of a paper hero called the Oraphto and has acquired no llllla notoriety during tbo past two months be- cause of his aofonso of cattle thlovos and denunciation of all big cattle outfits , whether connected with tbo recent invasion or not. The telegram which caused his arrest is wholly falsa and calculated to do great barm. Cattlemen are evidently trying to square accounts with him.- TUny . I'urchnso the Vnlloy Itouto.- MRMIMIIS . , Tonn. , Juno 7. Major J. M , Ed- wards ¬ , vice president of the Louisville , Now Orleans & Texas railway company , has con- firmed the statement sent out from Now York that the Illinois Central Railroad com- pany ¬ had called a mooting of the stockhold- er ¬ ) for Juno 18 to consider the policy of pur- chasing ¬ tbo Valley route. Dilutions , im- itations ¬ , and counterfeits o f- Dr. . Pierco's med- icines ¬ , though sold at lower prices than tbo genuine medi- cines ¬ , nro dear at- anyprica Beware of them. OldboU __ __ tics are refilled , now ones tam- pered ¬ with , all sorts of substitutes offered at " cut prices , " by unscrupulous dealers , who are not authorized to soli Dr. Picrcu's genuine medicines. Don't bo deceived by them.- Tbeso . genuine , world-famed remedies are now sold only through regularly authorized agents , and under a positive guarantee of benefit or euro , or money refunded. Tbo makers take all the risk. Practically , they sell them to you on trial. On thcso liberal terms , the ncnuine guaranteed medicines cnn bo sold only at thcso long-ostablUhod prices : Qoldon Medical Discovery , 1.00 perbottle. Favorite Prescription , . 1.00 per bottlo. Pleasant Pellets. . . . 25 cents per vial. But , sold in this way and at thcso prices , they're the cheapest medicines that you can buy, for pay only for the good you get. TENNIS SHOES. Retail Prices , t New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co.'s ' Make Colors : chock , black and tan. Tritmp in black and check only. Ask for colors you want , Cut this list out nnd insist on your shoo donlor supplying you with thonbovo- nnmcd lonnls shoos. They nro the bust. Doulors uro allowed u good discount from the prices named , I do not sell any goods nt retail , being western agent lor the lending rubborboot and shoo company of the United States Now Jersey So Meyer and currying nn immense stock enables mo to supply the trudo to the Pacific Ocean. When it comes to rubber clothing , oiled clothing , felt boots and Gorman sox , I um on the front seat. Send for lists and prices. . T. LINDSEiY.Il- ll . Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. ' BAKING POWDER. OZS. FOR ABSOLUTELY PURE. JUST TRY IT. PAXTON & GALLAGHER , OmahaNeb WELL BREDSOON WED" GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your nex- .HouseCleaningr .

nebnewspapers.unl.edu · 2019-01-15 · tr I r 1 M 1 V OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, JUNE B, 18D2-TWELVK BY CRIMINAL CARELESSNESS f tmalia) Loses a Game of Ball Through Gross Neglect

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Page 1: nebnewspapers.unl.edu · 2019-01-15 · tr I r 1 M 1 V OMAHA DAILY BEEt WEDNESDAY, JUNE B, 18D2-TWELVK BY CRIMINAL CARELESSNESS f tmalia) Loses a Game of Ball Through Gross Neglect



f tmalia) Loses a Game of Ball Through

Gross Neglect of BunJnesi


Gu ficlimclf. '* Tcnm Given tlio Ilowo-

rnmlly a ( Ircat Slinking Up-Omnhn * *

Uniting Her Only JtcilcomlngFeature Ulhcr Sports.

Columbus , 50mnha , 0.Kansas City, 0 ; Toledo , 1.Minneapolis , 0 ; Indianapolis , 3-



SEE A NlC-cr


string of horsecollars than GusSchmclz gave UncleDave yesterday 1

And remember ,

too , Unolo nevera kcd him for n sin-gle


ono of thorn-big , frco hearted ,

gcncrou* Uus Justforced them on to-

him. .

Uncle says bo'sgoing to give 'omback Ihls nflernoon

that is , bo's goingto try. Uopo he'll succeed.

Hank O'Day , who used to bo proilaont ofthe New York National 1'nrk bank , and rc-

. ported to ball playing lo ward oft the con-


* , will bo In the box for Schmelz.Undo says his hired hands will Just limply

kill him the big sausage-.It


was another lovely day and there was nmoderately fair turn out, not nearly as largoas it should have been , considering tbat theColumbus club wan the attraction.

Well , Sholbock , who is playing ball Justnow Illtu tlio old lady kept tavern in TerreHaute , opened up the dofugolty by urchlng

* _n easy ono out to the garrulous Count ,

Gllks slipped arog at first on Stevens' throwand Kelly got bis base on balls-


all there was of it, for rVlsnof cutthrco largo swathes in the ethereal.

Not much to cnthuso over, wns thcrol-riiiTven , for Joe

For Iho Buckeyes Joslo Walsh stopped up-

to the pinto , accepted a bouquet as big as ahogshead from admiring friends , poked bisscintillating mug in among the posies-two or-

thrco limes , than returned to tbo bench on a-

hcctio Illtlopush to Mr. Jllks.Gus Schmoiz says that's the way Bob

pronounces it-


O'Uourko , the man with lost voice ,

laid bis club against ono of tbo Kid's dropsfor a single and tbon stole second. TheEyclnllnn waited and walked down , pnd-Heddy full so good over this bit of good luckthat be undertook to nip third.

Hayes throw him out Just us easy as roll-ing


off a log a moment later , treating tbofrisky Count the same way at second.

The people enjoyed that.-In


the second Collopv , another In need of a-

nervine , opened up with n single , and Undofollowed with another , Collopv golag tothird.

"We've got "cm , " misguided oldgentleman in the grand stana.

And everybody Itought the old man wasright after the game was over.

Did we scoroiLook at thn row of horso. collars at the foot

ot this column-.Slovens


slammed Rutherford out at first ,Billy Morrltt caught Uncle napping at sec-ond


, and Ihcn after DarOy bad been sent tofirst on balls , Walsh lired Vicliery out ntfirst.Wouldn't that given man the nightmarent high noont

When Uncle was being flayed nllvont sec-ond


, Jimmy could hnvo walked in back ¬



bopo to dlo it 'taint so.Then Bob Gllks und Uncle did n hymn all

by themselves , Lally , McCltlland nnd Abbeyperishing at tholr hands , Brcckcnrldgo slip-ping


In a base on balls , however, betweentimes.

Nice playing , bet you It was-.Shybock

.began the third with another out ,

and Gllks followed suit, only Bob rattled hiswij club up agonist the summer zephyrs , whiley Koddy the Mute throw Francisco out at

first.The lad from Murray Hill plunked her

afo , Visnor walked down and Stevensplugged the Caliopo with the ball-


was only ono of Scbmclz's fox tricks ,however, for Uncle could only tap ono downto the man who once led tbo Army of thePotomac into a coed deal of trouble , andthe general throw dim out to Brock.-


tboir half the Bucks made a pair-


Enough to Win ,

Shybock stopped on ono of his logs andBilly Merrill's Indolent llttlo grounder got

fe.vny from him , Stevens made a bit. Billytrotting down to second , and on to third onthe kin's wild throw. Walsh took the wrongswitch nt first , buiStove moved up on the out.

Then the tonguo-ticd .naao his second bit.and botb runners scored.-


got the kibosh stealing second , andSby and uncle settled the count's maccaroni.

Those two runs were sufllciont , and tboBucks wanted to quit right there , butSchmclz said :

"Keen right on with your knitting , boys ,nnd nt dinner tonigbtyou can all have twopieces of pie. "

"1'iel" cried tlio count, turning bis dove-line orbs full upon the manager's In-


, "What's this we're gettingnowl"

_ GUI stroked his lace curtains and smiled.-AVIirro


WoMmout fliit Ono-.In


the next Governor Hityos actuallydrove one clear to ttio pitcher , and of coursenever reached lire t. But the kid kindled a

, momuntai-y flame in the grandstand's heart. by lacing out a safe one , nnd a moment lateri be continued on to second on General Mc-I Clellan's blunder.-


.Tben Victc stopped un and coaxing a-

straight'ono out of Stevens ho sinoto It for abag. Darby ran down to third , nnd Collopvfalling to coacb him properly , ho caraa on In .J Ho had about the same show ns tbat snow-flalto

-you've all hoard so much about.

Camp throw him out at the plato with onohand in Ins poouot-


out brougbtthu Bucks In again ,but tboy Ulilti't tarry long.-


throw Lally out to Uncle , McClcllan-od up ono wlilch Uncle also cot , anil

rock VUccuinbeU ut tbo , sarao station on-Coliopy's sharp throw.

Quito a busy tuning for the olu g&ntlanmn.Tuo store :





.Hum earned : Columbus , ! , Two-huso hltst

Kelly , I : lliirby. 1. Tnroo-busohlu : liolly.l.-llaionou


bnllii Oil tilorens , Oi oh Darby , 2-


I ) i bus : Oinulm , U ; (Jolumbut , I. Hitby ultcliuri Ily Btovuun , I , Mriu-U out : ByBturcna2. 1'iuicd tmllu ; Ily JlcrrltU I. Tlmo

- ' ' uauin ; Quo uour und forty mliiutos. Uui-" MfQuald.-


Day nt the Turk-



,Today 1s ladles' day at the ball park and a

blg and fashionable crowd will doubtless be-en band. All lovers of base ball woo cantake tUu time tbouU turn out and sea tbo

Columbus toim , which stands today ono ofthe most marvelous aQRrcentions of ball-players in the profession. They won n gameyesterday , however, that thiy couldn't re-peat


in 100 years. Still tboy nro play ¬

ing flno ba'.l und put up nn exhibition worthKolnff miles to seo. Every man plays ball nil

,tbo time ! tbero In no loafing , no shirking ;nothing but business from start to finish.Darby pitched n wonderful came yoslerdoyand Omnba should hnto Avon bnnds down.The Indies are specially invited lo attendthis afternoon , nt Hank O'Day, the hand-somest


man in the world , will bo in the boxfor Columous. The teams :

Ornnlio. Position. Columbus-.Vlckcry

.. * . . . . .Pitch'.. O'Dnyllayrs. . . ..Catch. Jantron-Hpwo. rirst. . .Drcckcnrldso-OlIUs. . 4. Second. . . . McClollnnd-CoHopy.Third.O'KtmrkpHbolbock. . . . ..Short.Walsh{'illy.UlRbt. VisnorKelly.Midd.o..AbbeyIJarby. .. Loft. . . . ..Cnmpau-

tlio IMrntcs.KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Juno ". Kansas City

bailed out a victory over Toledo today.Score :

Kansas City. 1 021 1 1 000 6-

TolCdoT. 0 00100000 1

lilts : Kansas City. II : Toledo. 7. Errors :

Kansas City , lit Toledo , a Itntlorlcs : I'nynoand MoMnliont Dunruld and Hurley. Earnedruns ! Kansas Ulty , 4 ; Toledo , _ Two-baselilt : Manning. Three-base lilts ! McMulion ,

Armour. Htolon bates : Munnlni ; , Lyttlo ,Nc-woll. Double plnyn : A borm to O.irnoy.First base on bulls : Utirnciy U , Allmrts !, O.tni-


-. Struck out : Mnnnlnc , Me.Muhon , Kltol-, NIoliols'J , Dowaltl. Time of ciiino : One

nnd lltty minutes. Umpire : Scrnd-.Mlllcru


Lucky Alia ,

MlNsnArous Minn. , Juno 7.MinncnpoHsbunched tour hits and made two runs afterIts sldo should have been out. Attendance ,

1390. Game stopped by rain in tbo ll t halfof the ninth. Score !

Mlnnonpollsfl 0 4 1 1 0 0 0 R-

Indliimpnlli. 2-

Huso lilts : Minneapolis , II ; Indianapolis , 7 :Krrurs , MlnneiuolK: :i ; Indianapolis , :


runs : MlnnoHpolls. Si I ml I mm polls..Twobase


lilts : Lotcbor. KtiU , Munyiin.Homo runs : Grnlinm , O'llrlen. Doublu iiluyt :

Hblnntck to West : Ornham. 1'urrot und bhln-nlck

-: arulium , Shlnnlck to West , lliisos on-

blls : OITl'rance , 4. Hit by pltvhori Law-rence


, Kutfc btrnck out : Fly Sulllvun , fl.

Time of Eanio : One hour and rorty-flvo min ¬

utes. Umpire : bnydor. ,




ICvciit Vprlth Cincinnati InOne ( liiino.-



, D. C., Juno 7. Washingtonobtained sweet revenue on Cincinnati , bat-llng

-MulUino nnd Chamberlain both out of

the box. Attendance , 1925. Sooro :

W.-ishlncton 25503104 0 20Cincinnati . . 2

lilts : Washington. 2 : Cincinnati , 11. Errors :Wiishlngton , 1 ; Cincinnati. 1. Earned runs :Washington , 17 : Cincinnati , 2. Dntterlcs :Foreman nnd Hoblnsou ; iMullane. Cbambor-Inln

-, Holllduy , Murpby and Vaughn for Cin-



rfelTcr rinnlly Wins One.New Yomt. Juno 7. Errors by Lvons nnd

Fields gave tbo came to Louisville toduv-.Altondnnco

., 1020. Score :

Now York 1 01100000 3Louisville 0 0100012 * 4

lilts : Now York. 0 ; Louisville. 5. Errors :Now York , 0 : Louisville. :u Uuttcrles : Kinsand Fields ; Stnitton and Dowso-



{ Flight Checked.-


, ija. , Juno 7. The Phillieslost this afternoon through tbo wlldncss of-

Carsoy. . Attendance , 2201. Score :

Philadelphia 0 00020013 0-

SI, Louis 14000200 * 7-

Ults : Philadelphia , 12 ; St. Louis , 0. Errors :Philadelphia , 2 ; tit. Lbuls , 2. Karnod runs :Philadelphia. 3 ; tit. Louis. 0. Uuttorles :Cursoy , Weyblng and Clements ; Qotzoln , Hlrdand Buckley.

Ut'tu'ocn the Fltchors.NEW YonK, June 7. Today's pomo at East-


park , Brooklyn , was a battle royalbetween the pitchers. Attendance , 1150.Score :Cleveland 00000000 1 1Brooklyn 0 0000002 * 2

Hits : Cleveland , 0 : Brooklyn , 4. Errors :Cleveland , 3 ; Brooklyn , I , Earned runs :Brooklyn , 1. Battorlos : Davlos , Uoylo undO'Connor ; Hart and Klnslow.

Alison llreiithes Ag iln.-



: , Md. , June 7. Tno Chlcagosbraced up today and won. Attendance ) , 1105.Score :

Baltimore 020000000 2-

Chlcaau 00050000 * 5Hits : Baltimore , 7 : Chicago , fi. Errors :

Baltimore. 3 ; Chicago. 2. Earned runs : Balti-more


, 1 : Chicago. 1 , Battorlos : McMuhonnnd-Uoblnson ; Hutchlnsou and Klttrcdgo.

And tlio Jonulm Took It.-



, Mass. . Juno 7. Boston throw tbo-Kama away. Clarkson wild. Attendance1175. Score :

Boston 4 03000000 7-

1'Iltsburjr. . 0 0200230 1 8Hits : Boston , 7 ; Httsbnrp , 7. Errors : Bos-


, fi : Plttsburz , n. Earnodruns : Boston , 3 ;

Plttsburtr. 1. Batteries : Olarkson and Gan-zoll

-; Smith und Muck-






Slapg Another Kibosh Onto to theHugnr City Crowd.-


., riot). , Juno 7. [Special Tele-


to TUB BEE.J An increased attendancewitnessed the second game between Beatriceand Grand Island this afternoon. Beatricewas , as usual , victorious by the followingscore :

Beatrice 0 1231000 0 7-

Urand Island 0 00002100 3Earned runs : Boatrlco , ! : Grand Island ,

2. First ba&a on balls : On Derrick 2 ; oilHolmes. 5 ; oir Summers , 1 , Struck out : ByHummers. 2. Homo runs : Holmes. Tbrcobaso-Itlts : Utuidall , Holmes. Holohnn. Twn-basohits : Slacle. Base hits : Boatrlco , Sacrificelilts : Kennedy , 1. Wild iiltchos : Derrick , 1 :

Holmes , 11. Krror.s : Boiitrlco. 4 ; GrandIsland , 3. Batteries : Derrick , Holmes andJones ; Summers und Murray. Tlmo of game :Ono hour and forty-livo minute *. Umpire :Hart.

IIa tlne < Took One.HASTINGS , Nob. , Juno 7. [Special Tolo-

cram to THE BEE. ! Hastings againstKearney today. Score :

What tlio Amutours Are Doing.The iirsi gnmo between tbo Moaoli ot

Council BlulTs and Fort Om&has teen placeon tbo lattor's grounds Sunday afternoon be-


largo crowd of spectator *. Tbo gamewas an interesting ono throughout. Score :

Fort Omahus 0 1 3 l o 0 u 1 1 7-

Models. . 0 100000023En-rpctl runs : Tort Omaha. 3 ; Models. 0-


lut : CoiiUy. Duuhla pluyi : Wil-liams


to Wrleht , Wright loCoady , Oondy toWright , WrlpUt toCoatly. Btolen bases : L'ort-Onmlios , & : Alodels. 0. U.IHO on bnlla : OilCoudy , 2 : oir Wcllbiiuiii.fi. titrnok out : Ily-Uoaily. . U ; by Wolllianin. IX Krrors : I'ort-Umnlias. . 4 ; WodolK, a Time of KUIIJC : Onuhour unil forty nilnutoi Uinulro : Tooion.-


Twenty-fourth and St. Mar.v's avenuethe Hesolutos downed the West Omahasafter this fasblou :

Hesolutes 400021R3 * 1-1WuslUiiittluu o SiOSOOOOO J-

Tba Tbirtoontli Street Blues and thn-Hospes met at Clifton Hill Sunday mornlneand rosullou dUastrouvly lo tbo Blues. Thefollowing la the score :

Thirteenth Street llluos. . 7 42123 0-10lloipea u 0 0 1 U 8 0 a-

Dutiorlca : KalToloter and lloll for Tlilr-tcenth

-btruot Hints ; Johnson unii Uoutnu for


.Street Blues would IIUo to

meet some amateur team next Sunday after-noon

-, Labyrinth Cllnoers or Hosorvus pre ¬

ferred. Address all loiter * to ManagerShepherd , 717 South Tulrteunlh street.-



> KKI > UINd-



Hpurt ut I.vtunln.CINCINNATI , O. , June 7. The attendance at-

Ltonln races today was very meager, buttbo sport wni good , flvo well backed bonuswinning. : '

Vint race , soiling , puraa fgr.T-year-olda anduupurd , Non-wlunerd. six furlong * : Tow

1.irllniz ( oven ) won. Double to 1)) sec *

onrt , llnmllnc ( toll third , 'llnio : ll"y.Second rico; , loillnj. for n-yoar-olilg and up-


. Non-winners , six furlongs ! Hmnm-JjOUlsoRto 1)) won. Sir I'lnaet (Ota 8)) second ,

Annie I) (12 to I) third. Time11S<$.Third race , n free handicap RwcomtaKcs for

3-yoiir-olds nnfl niwnrdp| , tiillo nnd onc-s x-


: HcsponiocT to 1)) won. 1'rlncoof Dutk-ntus

-(4 to I ) second , Spring Away V2 to 1)) third.

Time : U4aW-.1'ourth

.race. Cor I ne ton spring stnkos. n oil-


swceiistnkes fora-yoiir-oltls worth SI.IWO to-tlio winner , llvo fnrlonps : 1'orest Hoie (StoS )

won. Too Oulok Klto 1)) second , Coctiutto] ((0 lo1)) third , Time : lD3>{ .

Fifth rice, purse for innldon 2yonrouls.four furlongs : Sister Mnry 0 to 5)) wan , MH-SHcrmlon 1:1: to 1)) acconil , Klopmcnt (T to 1)) third.-Tlmo

.: .VJ.

Sixth nice , purse .for 2 yonr-olut, innluonsfour furlongs : Quocn Knldoron ) won , Jnllu-Klnnoy ((4-4! to U second , Youllntlcu (G to II-

third. . Tlmo : SO-



( nt St. T.ouU ,

ST. Louis , Mo. . Junn 7. Attondnnco andtrack fair. Weather showery-


race , six and ono-bnlf furlonus : Aud-rey


((2 to I ) won. Bracelet ((8 to f ) second , Am-broio

-i2i ) to 1)) third. Time : isriU-

Second nice , sever ! fnrlonss , wollltiK : Comnel((3 to 1)) won , On'i'iola ( B to 5)) second. Tom Hood((10 to II third. Time : 1Wi.-

Tlilrd: : .

rnco , tlio Debutante stakes for2voar-olil IllllO' , llvn furlongs : llolon Nichols ( t to fi )

won. Quiver ((3 tn 1)"second) , Imllgo ( vO to 1-)third.


. Tlmo : Ii2: : .

Vourtb race , seven furlonRs : Qlvo Away((4 tel ) won. Lorenzo Mln6)) sooond. Uoya-lrlusb ((30 to I ) third. Tlmo : 1 ; -",' .

I'lftli rnco , soiling , seven ahd one-halt fur-lonRt

-: Put King ( itol) won , Nlrjfin (S toll

second. Sluht Draft ((20 to 1)) third. Time :

im-Blxth race , Bulllnc. seven and ono-hnlf furI-


: Mean ICnou hntoll won. Hen 1'ayiio((12 to 1)) second , Mttlo Phil ((7 to S ) third.-Tlmo

.i l:37M-

.Sovcnth: .

r.-ivo. luindlcap. ono mlle and an-olzlitln llollvcr Hueknorii to 1)) won , Inno-cence

-((12tol ) second , Uulilo ( t to 1)) third.

Time : l:5y.: (!

Morris Turk's Program.-MoninsPAiiK


UvcKTnvcu , N. YJtno" .

Four of tbo six races this afternoon vorowon by first choices in hotline and the talentwcro correspondingly hnppy.

First riiee , six Iurlonjis : Fairy ((2 to 1)) won.Tormentor ((8 to 1)) second , Kildcor(4( to 1)) third.Time ! lIl'i.Second r.iuc , one mlle ! Fldollo (7 tn 10)) xvou,SlrOutoitiy ( .

" to II second , Gortlo L) ((7 to 1-)third.


. Tlmo : 1:41U.:

Third race , Vannost stakes , five furloncs :Lawless ( D to 3)) won. Warualnt ((8 to 1)) second.Looniird ( to 1)) third. Tlmo : l:0'Ji.-

Kourth: ! .

rnco , six fuKon&s : Jiilion tel )

won.Yiih .Tim ((0 to B ) second , Doncnilor ((3 to 1-)third.


. Tlmo : 1:111' .', .

Fifth nice. Jlelroo bnndlcup , one intlo anda sixteenth : Thn I'eupcr (0 to II won , 1'lok-iiocUet

-((3 to 1)) second. Mars ((10 to 1)) third-


: t:4S.Sixth race, sovcn furlongs : Air Plant ((0 tu5))

won , Itollowood ((5 to II second , Dully lloo((3 lo 2)) third. Tlmo : 1:2§ &

Cnlloplnc nt Onriluld.CHICAGO , III. , Juno 7. Woalho'r oloar , Gnr-


traoit slow. Avtondanco , 7500.First race , half mile : lilsmnrcic won , .TucI ;

Lorcll second , Edith llclmunt Ihlrd. Time :

1:01.:Second rnco , sollinif , Ihroo-quartcrs of a

mile : Carmen won. Oakdulo second , AlgebraKolcllnir third. Time : lUIi.: !

Third race , flvo-olslithsof umtlo : Illuoltan-ncr won , Kd Uoll fcocond , White Nose third.Time : 1:4-

0.Fourth: .

race, Jefferson stakes , mlle and onc-slxteuntli

-, Rolling : llesslo ltlslan t won. Ills

Man second , Undo Frank third. Time : :' ::2)V-i.Flflh

) .

race , mlle nnd twenty yaids : Not Uswon , Lady 1'ulslfur second , Friday third.-Tlmo


: 2:12.:

Sixth raoo , soiling , thrco-fourtlisof a mlle :

J. H. Freed won , VonTromu second , ImpHcm-ody

-third. Time : 1:2-



KrachiR tip.-CIIICAQO.

.. 111. , Juno 7. Tno attendance nt

the Hawthorne races wns considerably larpurthan tbat of yesterday. The track was slow ,

but showed signs of improvement. The fol-lowing


nro the results :

First race , six furlongs : Ontlin won , Daz-nlpo

-second. Lena Pry third. Tlmo : 1 : ' M.

Beuond race, one mlle : Toront won. Dundeesecond , Clementine third. Tlmo : li3S.:

Third race , six furlonRs : Hollio won , MaidMarlon second. Shadow third. Tlmo : 1:2'.

Fourth race , one mile and one-sixteenth :John U. won , Sir Davis second , Rooc: Laldloy-third. . Time : 2DU&:

Fifth race, seven furloncs : Vision won ,Selinu D. second , Lulu May third. Time : 1:4': '. .

Tips lorTnd.iy.-On

.account of the Krone rush of other busi-


the entries for today's races wore de-


ed last night to such an extent that onlyMortis park could bo tipped. The selectionsare :

MOmtlB PAHK.1. Emln Boy Prluoo Goorio.2. The Ironmaster Barefoot.3. Bonvollo Stalactite.4. Hiiceland Dr. Hasbrouok.-B.

.. Oiistuwiiy II Kirkover.-


Tar and Tartar Integrity.




Trnlnocl by n Doctor.NEW YOIIK, Juno 7. The training of James

J. Corbott for Tils light with John L. Sulli-van


is to oo a peculiar ono. His nominaltrainer is Jim Daly of Philadelphia , but hisreal training will bo done under the direotion-of Dr. John Wilson Gibbs of this city. Be-


nt Z o'clock today Corbott will beunder the care of Dr. Globs until Iho day of-

tbo light , September 7. Tbo doctor exam-ined


and took measurements of Corbott to-day.


. The doctor criticised the stalwartyoung pugilist from the standpoint of an ex-pert

-anatomist and could not rofram from an

exclamation of admiration as ho reviewed hissubject-

."lie.has the physique of an Adonis , with a-

frarao like that of a Hercules ," said ho. "Ho-is a perfect man. "

Jack iMcAullll'o Stuns to Train.New Yonit , Juno 7. Jack McAuliffo will

go in training ID a few days for his fightwith Billy Meyer. The lightweight cham-pion


nnd his sparring partner , Billy Nelson ,

loft loday for Hainpdon , Mo. They will re-


ii : time for the Manhattan Athlotlo oluoboxing show , Which takes place Juno _ } . OnIbis occasion Jack will spur six rounds withBilly Frazicr. After this engagement Mo-Aullffo

-will start for Bay St. Louis to train

for bis big fight-



uht_ to a Draw.MINNEAPOLIS , Minn. , Juno 7. The Kom-


fight lost night resulted in a-

draw. . Ten rounds wore fought.

Another Cyclone In Texas.-CLKIIUHXE


, Tex. , Juno 7. Last night &

cyclone struck this place. Forty-two houaoswere domolishod. Tbo wind was accompa-nied


by a drenching rain. D. U. Presooltand wife wore fatally injured. Several otherporaons wore Injured. Crops of all kinds nrobadly damaged. Mineral Well i and Lowls-villo

-wore also visited by the storm and con-


damage done.

Kent of a I > r a * Suit-.A


curious legal controversy Is re-ported ns llkolv lo arise in Now Yorkthrough the bringine of nn action torecover tlio rent for a dreso suit. Acurtain tailor who lots out dress suitsat the rate of 82 per night furnishedono to a member of an Artie expeditionencamped just now at, or supposed to bowithin gun shot of the North Polo.The explorer wns tendered a receptionby some friends previous to hisdeparture , and in order to boclothed properly for the occnslon-ho had to hire the suit in quostion. Next morning the explorer'smother packed the suit iu his Saratogatrunk , not knowing that it wasn't hisand ho took it up to the North Polo willhim. H has been used doubtless ut theprincipal blubber feeds nnd walrus huntsto impresa the natives. But now theowner of the suit comes in with n claimfor $2 per day for rent of the suit , whlolprobably in the first instunco cost about20. By the time the explorer comesback if ho gota back on time theclaim will amount to $702.-



Hliurp Trick.Texas Slftlngs : "Is the coon a smar

animal ?" nsKed n stranger of old SJackson on Onion Creole , near AustinTex."Talk about coons belti * smart. .


should say dey was . .mart'1-"Well , how smart uro thoyj1"-VA coon played ino the meanest trlcl

you obor hoorod toll on. I foun' a holethat do coon wont inter do groun' andwalled dnr all day long to shoot diieon , and wheu ho did coma out bo wa-

oapolouut. . "

Milligan , Hob. , the BcgnoVlof a TerribleTragedy., op ,


Costello mothers UioTljelnjItovolrerx withllcailly Kn'cct No Onpi > rjunltjllvou

the Onicer to llcfciid Illinsclt-Btnte Nctvs NptCf-



, Neb. . Juno T. ISpeclal Telegramto Tun BEE. ] The Httta'ttwof Mtlllganwas the scene of a terrible tragedy last night.Marshal Frank Mlnglor 'was family shotthrough the bowels and the murderers arestill at largo. At n dance at tbat plaoa lastnight a row occurred between some ot thaparticipants and Dan and Phil Costello , onoa cook and the othoi' a barber of Exeter ,

Nob.- The row soon developed Into n generalhand-to-hand encounter , the dancars on onu-

ViUlonml the Costello brothers with theirhackers on tbo other.

Marshal .MniRlcr , who was Immediatelysummoned , succeeded In .restoring order ,

after which bo left the dance hall , followedby the Costello brothers , .ono of whom dealthim a blow over the "head with n heavy club.Too marshal , although "badly stunned , drewn revolver and prepared to defend himself ,

but buforo ho could use the weapon ho re-colvod


two shots through the abdomen ,

cither ono ot wlilch must prove fatal.-In


the excitement nnd confusion followingthe shooting the Costello boys imulo coedtheir escape nnd have not yet bocn appre-hended


, although parties hnvo boon scouringthe country in every direction In search ofthem-


no physician and iho woundedman will dlo before medical alicndanca cau-bo procured.G-


, Nob. , Juno 7. [Special TelegramtoTnc BKB.J Dan Costello was arrested in-

Kxotor today for bis part in the Mllllanashooting and is now in the county lull , butthe boy who had the gun Is still at largo. It isthought tonight that the marshal will re-cover.


. __________THIS DUUUOISTS.

State riinriniiroutlciil AXvnrliUlou Conven-tion


Formally' ' OjiMictl.-



ISLAND , Nob. , Juno 7. [ Snocial to-

Tun BUB. ] About 200 druggists and visi-tors


attending the eleventh annual conven-tion


of the Nebraska State Pharmaceuticalassociation have arrived ana more areexpected tomorrow. The State Board of-Pbarmacy has boon In session all day and alargo numoer of applicants have boon exam ¬

ined.The convention was formally opened

tonight. The address of welcome was inado-by Mayor Bpydon. Following Is the ad-dress



Mr. President , Members of tbo NebraskaStiito I'linrmacouUcul Association , Ladlesnnil Gentlemen : The cycle of a year buspassed since our last regular mooting andare uguln lissom hi oil for the iidvniicemont ofour profession. Wo ahull mlnglo recreationnnd business together , thereby deriving bothpleasure and nroUt. 1'oruilt mu. us the chiefexecutive of this beautiful city and In behalfof Its citizens , to extend *

IL most cordial andhearty welcome. Wo are pleased to see you ,we urogluU to greet you. llooulvo my assur-ance


that appreciate the'Honor which wasconferred upon us when Grand Island was se-


for your place of assonrtilnge this yoar.-In


return , mo present you with the freedomof our olty. having full confidence In your In-


and honorable mill lotion. There Is-

no profession that more Keenly appreciatesthe dignity andTesponslbllltn tbo alms andobligations of its vocatlqi- But It is In thecharacter ot a citizen ana-as u menbur ofyour most honorable bodyi onfe who haspar-taken of the liberal hospitalityso generouslyBlvon to us In former years , hy Omuha , Lin-coln


and Beatrice , that'I Mtin best bid youwelcome. Mv heart goost'WJth my handulthough words uro futile to qxpross my ear-nest

-' "feelings.

Lot us not forgot the ancient table ot ttiobundle of slicks and each and overv ouo dohis part so Unit the "fioldo i thread whichruns through nil and doth all unite" may re-


unbroken und with nmllmmed liibtro tothe end ot tin e. The coiHolontlous uro-gresslvo

-pharmacist is always studying , rcftd-


. think nt ? ; making continuous oirort tokeep ubreasi of the ngo thiit ho may beworthy of the perfect trust reposed In him bythe critical public. Tnoro Is no other associ-ated


body In the state ot Nebraska which con-tains


more members possessed of marked abll-itv

-thun tlio Nobruskn State 1'liarrnaceutlcal-

association. . Such an association as ours Is ,

and ought to be , u tower of strength produc-tive


of manifold coed not only to ourselves ,

but also to the state at lurue. Believing thattholauorsof this annual meeting will resultIn great and lasting benefit , trusting that youwill partake freely of the hospitality whichour city offers with suuli willing bauds , hop-Ing

-that your only regrets wll| bo those caused

by the thoughts of parting , I again roachforth my band to you In a most sincere andheartfelt greeting.-


have the pleasure of presentlne to you ,through the courtesy of Colonel Miles Zotit-tueynr.

-. commandant of the Soldiers and bail-


Homo , an invitation to. visit that state In-



Also from Hon. O. T. Oxnard , president ot-thoOxnurd beet BO gar factory , u cordial Invi-tation


to visit the first beet eugar factory es-tablished


In tbo stute of Nebraska.-Tbo

.address of welcome was followed by-

an able response from A. F. Stroltz ot NorthPlatte , accepting on the part of the associa-tion


the tendered hospitality-.Prosldont

.Evans of Hastings followed with

the annual address. 'Ho made some excellentsuggestions as to the action of iho associa-tion


in this convention. The address waslistened to with marked attention. Tbo ses-sion


closed wltb a spoiling match , dancingand cards.


Interesting Vrornm_ Kcmloroil by theI'lipHu of the College.-


, Neb , , Juno 7. [Special Tele-gram


to TUB BEE. ] Tbo annual soiree wasbold at Bellevue college tonight , being at-


by an unusually large nudionco , andconsistca of the following well rendered pro-gram



Chorus Boo the Light Is FadingThe Happy Farmer Hey College ChoirPiano solo. . . . . Evening StarUovorio-

Allco li. Bhuwfelt.Recitation Mrs. KuKglos' Dinner Party

Louluo A. Adams-.PJanodnot


Annie E. Kyd and Eniiua E. Hmitti.Quartette Kathleen AroonI-

I. . O. Quartette.-I'iftuoduot

.Hungarian Dance

lllunclio O. Shane and Ourilo Hell-.S"l

.° . . . . . .O , Happy DayO. A , Mitchell.

Duct SunriseJennie Learning and Altha Khamoy-


Song of the Ola HellH. A. Oarnihan ,

Piano solo SylphldoIda Leo Adums.

Trio.Koitfor tbo WearyMisses Kliumcy , Van Uaasbcok and


.. How Uuby Played

Robin Adalr.H. O. QuartettePlKiioduot . . . . .Mozarty Sonata ilujor

Misses Adams nnd Vilutiausbook.Chorus.The Sleigh Bide

College Ciiojr.j|Much pralsojls duo to Professors Cumlng,

Jones and Kratz for tnoliu.ntjrlng) : efforts Inthe interest of tfaoinuslcuftlqfartmoui ot thecollege which uow ranks among tbo first Inthe west. rr'f"-

At the meeting of the U6arJ of trustees of-

iBollovuo college today , Colonel J. B. Finloy-ot Klttanlnfr, Pa. , was elected provident ofthe board and tbo affairs qfjtbo; college were.found to bo in an entirely flfttlsfactory con ¬

dition. ._.ja-

l.ltchllfld 1'oIltlVkl f otos.-


, Nob. , Juno 7. [Special toTHE BKB. ] Allen Root Jpo fl hero Jtoday-Hl whole speech was on cQjUlnual adver-tlaomeiu

-of the live stock coeiinlsslon firm o

which he is a member. Many strong alllauc(

men condemn him us they say "thai part o-

bU speecli fully explained , must mean bis-wlioio speech. "

There will DO a crand republican rally bythe Uepublic-u club of this pluco on Fridaycvfintifc' , Juno 10. The club numbort seventyflvo.

Ncl.ntikn Mortgage Indcbtnilnosii.O-ICEOI.A.

.. Neb. , Juno 7 , [Spofal to THE

Beu. | Tim rouordt of Ibis , Pollt countyshow that taoro wcra In ttw month of Ma }

twonty-sevon reul estate mortgugoi tilednmountiiiK to 00.724,50 ; twenty-nine re-leased , S.'i.OSU ; clgbty-slx chattel mortgavoit-iled. . 415570.45 ; llfty-throo rolcaaou , 10 , ;t53l.7D.-


, Nob. , Juno 7, [Special to Tun

J The following U a list ofled nnd relcmetl In Phclps county lor the

month of Mav : Farm mortgagor Bled ,tvonty-sevon , S1770T.W ) ; released , forty-hreo

-, $Jir9J.4l( ; city mortsaeoj. lled , sovoh.l-


; rclcaiod , twelve, f3B15.30j chattoi-mortnatw , niod , 1 J, fJ5lli.18) : roloasod-.ixtylhrco

., e-

Sl'M AV SC1IOOI , MO UK liltS SliET.-


: .

Auulvcwnry Srmlon ot the No-




, Neb. . Juno 7, IBpocml Tele-gram


to Tun BKC.J The silver anniversaryof thoNobrnjkn State Sunday School asso-ciation


convened hero thlt attsrnoon. Therearc over COO hundred dclogatos present andill incoming trains contribute to the crowd.-Cho

.commlttoo on entertainment has boon

iusy all iho afternoon pi-ovldlnc tor iho com-arts of the -visitors nnd the latch strings of

all Kcarnoy'a hornet are hnualug out. Aconference ana prayer , u preparation serviceconducted by A. Billings of Omnhn , washeld Into this afternoon. At 4 o'clock chil-dren's


mooting was held and largely at-ondod.

-. U was conducted by Ur. K. T. Cas-

sell of Hastlutrs. A song service was con-ducted


this evening by Dr. Cnssoll , Anaddress of welcome followed by U. II , tOlmo-ndort


of tfcts city. The response was deliveredby Nov. P. C. Johnson. D.D. , of Friund ,ircaldcnt of the association. An address on-

'Character Buildlne" xvas delivered by J ,

i. WOortcock of , after which nsocial leo K place-


mooting promises to bo especially in-


nnd the enthusiasm displayed Indi-cntoi

-that Sunday School work in KoDrasun-

s keeping pace with nil other things in thestate for the betterment nt horpeoolo. Thereal work of the convention will begin to-morrow.


"Will Cololirntu the Fourth.H-


, Nob. , Juno 7. [Specialo TUB BEK.I The business men of

this city not at the county judge'soQlco lost night to tlotormlno whether Uart-ngton


would celebrate tbo glorious Fourth.his yonr or not. The room was crowdedwith enthusiastic citizens , each in favor of n-

celebration. . The motion was carried thatthe chair appoint tixtoon men to hnvo theentire business in charge.-



.Masons Moot.-


, Neb , , Juno 7. [Special to TUB

3in. ] The Masons of Osccola lodge , No. G5 ,

had tholr regular meoung on Saturday nightand elected the following oftlcors for th& en-


year : Worshipful master, T. H.launders ; senior warden , M. U. Snoagrass ;junior warden , J. N. Scott ; treasurer , H. A-


; secretary , E. L. King ; trustees , H. T.Arnold , L. L. Snldur nnd E. L : King.-



Fnrmnr Injuroil.-GcsnvA


, Nob. , Juno 7. [Special Telegramto Tun BCK.J Mr. Ed Broous, ono of Flll-moro county's prominent farmers , mot withnn accident Monday which mav cost him hislife. Ho fell from his wind mill tower , a dli-tanco

-of thirty foot , oud'whon found was in-


and has remained so slnco , aboutthirty-eight hours ,

Fllltnoro County FarmersGENEVA , iNob. , Juno 7. [ Special Telegram

to THE Bnc. ] The farmers ot Fillmorecounty are about through planting corn andthe prospects are good. This bos boon asnear a perfect day as could bo desired.-




Iowa City Swept by n Cyclone Dainngo by-

Floods. .

Four DODGE , la. , Juno 7. Special Tele-gram


toTim BEE.J A telegram was receivedthis afternoon stating that a cyclone at Em-mouburg

-destroyed tbo Burlington , Cedar

Rapids & Northern depot and several otherbuildings. Tbcro tbo wires are down and noparticulars are obtainable.D-


, la. , June 7. {Special Tolo-grara

-to TUB BEE. ] Severe storms of wind ,

rain , hail and lightning swept this regionMonday night and this afternoon. The townwas flooded today so that streets wore im-passable.


. Hail foil twenty minutes. Muchdamage was done to bridges and roads.

German liiiptists In session ,

CEDAK RAPIDS , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tolopram to THE flu.l: Tbo general conference'-of the German Baptist Brethren opened at 0-

o'clock this morning with about 1,000 'of themembers In attendance. Rov. Enoch Eby-presided. . After the announcement, of theoilicors for the present conferenceand preliminary business , tbo hymn bookquestion was taken up , which hadboon carried over from the last annual meet-in

-IT. After a Ions discussion on the revision

of the hymn book , n paper on "Compilation , "and amending tbo-song" book , prepared by D-.L.


. Miller, all v.-oro referred to the delegatesas a whole , and the hymnal will bo revised.-



Favored Humphrey.Font UonaE , la. , Juno 7. [ Special Tele-


to THE BEE.J Complete unoiliclal re-


from all the companies ot the Fourthregiment show tbo vote for major to bo :Humpnroy , 329 and Bauer 110. The originalbloction was contested by Baker on tboground of illegal voting in some companiesana a now election .was ordered.

FOK TUBComplete Ust of Changes in the Regular

Services.WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 7. [Special

Telegram to Tuc Bui; . ] The following armyorders wcro issued yesterday :

Tbo leave of absence granted First Lieu-tenant


James B. Hughes , Touth cavalry ,department of Dakota , is extended sovcndays , and tbat granted First LieutenantBenjamin II. Cbaver, Sixth cavalry, is ex ¬

tended ono month. A board ot oQicors-is appointed as fojlows. to meetat the call of the president thereof at FortLogan , Colo. , for the examination of sucho dicers as may bo ordered before it to deter-mine


their fitness for promotion ; ColonelHenry C. Morrlam , bovouth infantry ; MajorRobert M. Orrmy , surgeon ; Captain CharlesA. Coolidge , Seventh Infantry ; Captain AlienH. Jackson , Sovontb infantry ; Captain Wil-liam


L. Kuoclor , assistant surgeon. FirstLieutenant John L. Harbour , Sovontn in-


is the first ofllcor ordered to reportbefore it-


eitriljar board la appointed to moot atFort Sam Houston , Tax. , for the same pur-pose


and-tbo following U the detail ; (jcnoralJohn C. Capplnger , Twenty-third infantry ;Major CalvinDowitt , surgeon ; Major LewisT. Morris , Third calvarv : Cuptuln Josopb-T.. liaskoll. Twenty-third Infantry ; CaptainRobert J. Lisbon , Assistant surgeon ; FirstLieutenant William H , Sage , Tweuty-tliirdInfantry , recorder. Captain (joorgo F.Chase , Third calvary , is detailed as amember of the board for service therewithduring tbo examination of cavalry officersonly , vice Captain Haskoll , who will act as amember of tbo boarb for all other purposes-.Tbo

.following oQlcors are ordered to

report to tbo board for examin-ation


: First Lieutenant Vitllam-T.. Wood , regimental quartermaster ;Eighteenth infantry und Second LioulonnntJesse M. C. I. Canter , Third calvary. FirstLieutenant William A. Ulassford , signalcorps , is relieved from duty with the wo tuor.-

bureau. , to take effect at sucti tiino us hisservices can bo spared , and bo will theu re-


IR person to tbo secretary of war-.By

.direction of tbo secretary of war tbo

following unmod ofUcors , who participated in-

tbo battle of Chickamauga , will proceed to-Ctilcuamauga, Ua. . und mott tbo Cblclca-maugn


park counniislonors at that place on-

tbo lath inst. , to assist tbo commissioners incarrying into effect tbo provisions ofthe act to establish n national military parkut tbo bntllofirld of Ctilckatnauga : ColonelJames forty tbo , bovonth cavalry ; Colo-iiol


Robert E. A. Crnflou , Fifteenth infantry ;Major Wlrt Davit , Filth cavalry ; Major.Frank P. Smith , Second artillery ; CaptainJaraos H. Qagety , Third Infantry ; Cap-tain


Henry U. Lltchllcld , Secondnrtlilory ; Captain Harry C. Cashing , Fourthnrtlllery ; Captuln Joibaa A. Fossendon ,

Fifth artillery. Each ono of the olllcersnamed will select a site for a general raou-




TU roiull olio j n' eiKrl| ura laruc-


, urwial until fur io , i h _ il.1 *U of 6> ip KiiJ I II pij;< bock on Dor-



. .DliOtumnenU-

llk birthnuirkt , Xlolo , , w rl > . ludlitInk ui.l I'oKdrr u > rkil 8cir >. nil-UCt

-, KMiifM of Neil , Hal rlooin


liIrlUr ,JOHN H. WOOOBUW , D.I. , 125 W. 424 St , Now York Ci!>

meat for the military ot sanitation ho repre-sents


nna will without unnecessary delaysubmit drawing ot nnd Inscriptions for thesame to the aocrolary ol war through tnosaid commission.

Leave of absence on surgeon's certificate) f disability granted Capinln John tlrlost ,Eighth avnlry , is o.tlondocu.ono month on-ccount of sickness. The resignation of-nptnln- Oscar V. Long , ntMstnnt vunrtor-

master , of his commission ns flratlieutenant Fifth infantry only , hasjcon accepted by the president, to lalto of-root Juno 3 , 1892. The leave of absencerrnutod First Lieutenant Thomas J. day ,Tenth infantry , ts further extended onomonth. Lo.ivo of nbicnco for four months , to.-

oho. effect after Juno 30 , IS'.U' , is grantedColonel Anthony Hoger, surgeon ,


of the ITrcont Drllclcney lllll bythe HDIKO In the Scnntr.W-


, D. C, , Juno 7. A dozeneaves of nbsoncn wore granted In tfto housebis mornlnp. Tno house nppcarea lucllnod-o taito n rest , nnd the attendance AVAJ small.

The aijrloultural appropriation bill was re-ortcd

-> by Mr. Hatch of MUsourl nnd placed

upon 'tho calendar.-Snvoral


unimportant private bills werelassod by unanimous con'sont,

The house xhon wool into oommittoo of thewhole on tlio urRont deficiency bill. Thebill nppnopnatos $TOT0.333 for payment of-

icnitlonu nnd gU.OOO for mlscollanoous ox-on

-> < os of ttio house ot roprosentntlviia.

After n brief cxnlanatlon by Mr. Savros ot-lex&s , and a statement by Mr. Dlngioy of-Mnino , that while there was un apparentdollcioncy of nbout7000.000 for the pnymont-uf pensions , thcro was an unoxp'ondodbalance of W,500OiX ) . The commlttoe arosennd the bill was passed.-


. McRno ot Arkansas called up , ns n-

prlvlloRod question , "u bill nmcndlntr the actof Soptoni Oor2il , 18(10( , to forfeit certain landBrantod forino purnosoof nldlng In iho con-struction

-of railroads,11 so ns to provide that

there snail bo forfoiiod nil lands graniod toany slate or corporation to aid In the con-struction


of a railroad opposite to and co-terminus with tno portion of the road notconstructed nnd completed within the timespecified in the said wanting not. The lawof ISfH) forfeits the lands coterminous withthe portion ot the road not now comulotod.-


house , without disposing of the bill ,adjourned.

In tlio Simnte.-WABIIIXOTOX

., D. C. , Juno 7. Mr. Peffor-

in the senate today pave notice that howould , on Monuay next , address tbo senateon the bill introduced by him to increase thecurrency.

The senate thnn proceeded to consider thediplomatic nnd consular appropriation bill.-


. Hnle , In chnrRp ol It , explained tbat theamcutlmonls recommended by Iho commlttoa-on appronrlntlons ns lo envoys oxlraordlnnry-nnd ministers plenipotentiary were simplyra-ostablishliiff the status under Ihoexisting law. Mr. Halo said that wborothe house had consolidated missionstha amendments proposed to leave thorn nsunder existing law. and that to that effectiho approprlalion would bo Increased. Thosenmondmonls wore all agreed to , includingIho following : Increasing from $00,000 loJ-

SO.OOO the appropriation to moot unforeseencor.tinocncles in tbo diplomatic and con-sular


services , and striking out iboprovision that no part ot ibo amountshall bo paid in settlement of nnyclaim of any foreign power ; insertingan item for $03,000 for the share of theUnited States in tbo oxponsc of a prelimi-nary


survey for a continental railway ; in.sorting nn item ot $10,000 In addition to$175,000 heretofore appropriated for the in-


boundary line survey betweenthe United States and Mexico ; increasingsalaries ot consul generals at London , Paris ,

Havana and Rio Janeiro from $5,000 to ffl.OOO.The bill was tbou passed.

The senate then adjourned until tomorrow.



O.M VUA , Juno 7. ff-

Sbowory wcatbor contluuos In iho upperMississippi valley and the lake regions westof the Mississippi. The wrathor Is generallyfair and growing much warmer. A decidedwarm wave is approaching In front of tbolow barometer now central in the uppermountain regions-


eastern Xobrnikn , Omaha nnil vicin-ity


Much warmer , ctmtliuiml t.ilr voutliur-AVcilucailay nnd Tliiirscluy.

WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno 7. For Nebraskannd South Dakota Warmer , generally fair ,winds bocaralnir south ; showers in westernportion on Wednesday nnd Thursday ;

warmer on Thursday.For North Dakota Wnrmor , south winds ,

increasing cloudiness with showers on Wed-nesday


night and Thursday ; cooler Thurs ¬

day.For Kansas Continued worm , south

winds ; fair weather , probably local showerson Thursday.

For Missouri , Iowa and Minnesota Windsbecoming warmer Wednesday, and generallyfair vveatbor , still warmer Thursday.

For Colorado Continued warm and fairweather ; slightly cooler , with showersWednesday night and Thursday.


Troops Enrouto to the Sccuo of the Rnstlei-Trouble. .


"Sinnoor tlin tnrni rs of Small HcnUThat They Will Tnko to the

Mountains nnd I'tojinro-to Fight-



Itonmox , Nob. , Juno ". [ SpecialTelegram to Tun BEU. ] At 5:45 a. tn , thNinth cavalry band woke Iho octoos with"Tho Girl 1 Left Behind Me," as six troop *

of the regiment with Major Charles S,Ilsloy at tholr head , marched out ot the gnr-

rl on nnrpiuo to tUllottoVyo.. , via Ctawf-

ord. . Nob. , whore seventy cars wore -ready-

to rocolvo thorn. The troopers , horsoj andbaggage wore all loaded nnd off by 11 o'clock.Major llsloy has his Instructions Irora tha-

Dopartmcnt commander , but no ono has beennblo to got the least inkling of what thoj-nro.. Six troops of the Sixth cavalry uro ex-


to pass through hero tomorrow toencamp in the viclnlt) of old Fort Fottor-man , Wyo.

: InVycnnliiR. . ,Wyo. , Juuo ". [Spjcial Tele-


to Tun UEn.l Rumors of martial laware creating great excitement in this soclion ,

especially nmong a cortalu class. Some oithe so-called rustlers swear they will neversubmit, but will hldo in iho mountains andpick oft Undo Sam'a soldiers at their lolsuro ,

while others are preparing to seek a momcongenial cllinato.

Recently some very sensational telegramswcro sent from Donglai to a Denver paper ,

whoroln G. W. Baxter , an ox-covornor olthe state and at protont local manager of thaWestern Union Bcof company , was charged.with organizing another expedition for "re-



of cattle thlovoj in Johnson county.Today E , II. Kimball was arrested herocharged with criminal libel in having beenthe, author ot > ho tologrum. Ha was takento Choyoniio on the noon train , wboro bishearing will bo had.

Kimball is editor of a paper hero calledthe Oraphto and has acquired no lllllanotoriety during tbo past two months be-

cause of his aofonso of cattle thlovos anddenunciation of all big cattle outfits , whetherconnected with tbo recent invasion or not.

The telegram which caused his arrest iswholly falsa and calculated to do great barm.Cattlemen are evidently trying to squareaccounts with him.-



I'urchnso the Vnlloy Itouto.-MRMIMIIS


, Tonn. , Juno 7. Major J. M , Ed-


, vice president of the Louisville , NowOrleans & Texas railway company , has con-

firmed the statement sent out from NowYork that the Illinois Central Railroad com-pany


had called a mooting of the stockhold-er


) for Juno 18 to consider the policy of pur-chasing


tbo Valley route.

Dilutions , im-


, andcounterfeits o f-

Dr.. Pierco's med-icines


, thoughsold at lowerprices than tbogenuine medi-cines


, nro dear at-anyprica Bewareof them. OldboU__ __ tics are refilled ,now ones tam-


with , all sorts of substitutes offered at" cut prices ," by unscrupulous dealers , whoare not authorized to soli Dr. Picrcu's genuinemedicines. Don't bo deceived by them.-


genuine , world-famed remedies arenow sold only through regularly authorizedagents , and under a positive guarantee ofbenefit or euro , or money refunded. Tbomakers take all the risk. Practically , theysell them to you on trial. On thcso liberalterms , the ncnuine guaranteed medicines cnnbo sold only at thcso long-ostablUhod prices :

Qoldon Medical Discovery , 1.00 perbottle.Favorite Prescription , . 1.00 per bottlo.Pleasant Pellets. . . . 25 cents per vial.But , sold in this way and at thcso prices ,

they're the cheapest medicines that you canbuy, for pay only for the good you get.

TENNIS SHOES.Retail Prices ,tNew Jersey Rubber Shoe Co.'s' Make

Colors : chock , black and tan. Tritmp in black and check only. Ask forcolors you want ,

Cut this list out nnd insist on your shoo donlor supplying you with thonbovo-nnmcd lonnls shoos. They nro the bust. Doulors uro allowed u good discountfrom the prices named , I do not sell any goods nt retail , being western agent lorthe lending rubborboot and shoo company of the United States Now Jersey So

Meyer and currying nn immense stock enables mo to supply the trudo to thePacific Ocean. When it comes to rubber clothing , oiled clothing , felt boots andGorman sox , I um on the front seat. Send for lists and prices.

. T. LINDSEiY.Il-ll

.Harney Street , Omaha , Neb. '





SAPOLIOAre Quickly Married. Try it on your nex-
