Botanical Name Common Name total gallons Perennials in alphabetical order Acanthus spinousus Spiney Bear's Breeches 16 1 Achillea millefolium (pink) Yarrow (pink) 9 Achillea (yellow) Yarrow (yellow) 5 Achillea filipendulina 'Coronation Gold' Yarrow 'Coronation Gold' 26 Achillea filependula 'Moonshine' Yarrow 'Moonshine' 1 Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsis' Azure Monkshood 15 Aconitum lycotonum Monkshood 19 Actaea Bugbane 36 Actaea ramosa 'Brunette' Bugbane 'Brunette' 6 Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle 151 Allium cepa proliferum Egyptian Walking Onions 20 Allium christophii Star of Persia 36 Allium giganteum Giant Allium 8 Allium 'Millenium' Ornamental Onion 'Millenium' 64 Allium moly Lily Leek 6 Allium nigrum multibulbosum Ornamental Onion 8 8 Allium senescens glaucum Corkscrew allium (german garlic) 163 Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty' Allium 'Summer Beauty' 25 Amsonia tabernaemontana Blue star 25 Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting 40 Anemone hybrida 'September Charm' Windflower 'September Charm' 7 Anemone sylvestris Snowdrop Anemones 73 Anemone tomentosa robustissma Japanese anemone 12 Aquilegia (mixed) Columbine (mixed) 36 Aquilegia (pink) Columbine (pink) 2 Aquilegia (purple) Columbine (purple) 11 Aquilegia (shades of purple) Columbine (shades of purple) 36 Aquilegia (white) Columbine (white) 2 Armeria maritima Sea Thrift 11 Artemesia ludguiciana 'Silver King' White Sage 'Silver King' 23 Artemesia stellariana 'Silver Brocade' Wormwood 3 Aruncus aethusifolius Dwarf Goat's Beard 3 Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard 76 27 Aster (tall light blue) Aster (tall light blue) 24 Aster dumosus 'Woods Pink' Aster 'Woods Pink' 2 Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potschke' Aster 'Alma Potschke' 10 Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' Aster 'Purple Dome' 67 Aster novi-belgii 'Alert' New York Aster 'Alert' 5 Aster tartaricus Tall Aster 101 Astilbe (dark pink) Astilbe - dark pink 20 Astilbe (light pink) Astilbe (light pink) 5 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale

2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

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Page 1: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Botanical Name Common Name total gallons

Perennials in alphabetical orderAcanthus spinousus Spiney Bear's Breeches 16 1

Achillea millefolium (pink) Yarrow (pink) 9

Achillea (yellow) Yarrow (yellow) 5

Achillea filipendulina 'Coronation Gold' Yarrow 'Coronation Gold' 26

Achillea filependula 'Moonshine' Yarrow 'Moonshine' 1

Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsis' Azure Monkshood 15

Aconitum lycotonum Monkshood 19

Actaea Bugbane 36

Actaea ramosa 'Brunette' Bugbane 'Brunette' 6

Alchemilla mollis Lady's Mantle 151

Allium cepa proliferum Egyptian Walking Onions 20

Allium christophii Star of Persia 36

Allium giganteum Giant Allium 8

Allium 'Millenium' Ornamental Onion 'Millenium' 64

Allium moly Lily Leek 6

Allium nigrum multibulbosum Ornamental Onion 8 8

Allium senescens glaucum Corkscrew allium (german garlic) 163

Allium tanguticum 'Summer Beauty' Allium 'Summer Beauty' 25

Amsonia tabernaemontana Blue star 25

Anaphalis margaritacea Pearly Everlasting 40

Anemone hybrida 'September Charm' Windflower 'September Charm' 7

Anemone sylvestris Snowdrop Anemones 73

Anemone tomentosa robustissma Japanese anemone 12

Aquilegia (mixed) Columbine (mixed) 36

Aquilegia (pink) Columbine (pink) 2

Aquilegia (purple) Columbine (purple) 11

Aquilegia (shades of purple) Columbine (shades of purple) 36

Aquilegia (white) Columbine (white) 2

Armeria maritima Sea Thrift 11

Artemesia ludguiciana 'Silver King' White Sage 'Silver King' 23

Artemesia stellariana 'Silver Brocade' Wormwood 3

Aruncus aethusifolius Dwarf Goat's Beard 3

Aruncus dioicus Goat's Beard 76 27

Aster (tall light blue) Aster (tall light blue) 24

Aster dumosus 'Woods Pink' Aster 'Woods Pink' 2

Aster novae-angliae 'Alma Potschke' Aster 'Alma Potschke' 10

Aster novae-angliae 'Purple Dome' Aster 'Purple Dome' 67

Aster novi-belgii 'Alert' New York Aster 'Alert' 5

Aster tartaricus Tall Aster 101

Astilbe (dark pink) Astilbe - dark pink 20

Astilbe (light pink) Astilbe (light pink) 5

2018 SEWMG Plant Sale

Page 2: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Astilbe (pink tall) Astilbe (3 feet) 40

Astilbe (pink) Astilbe (pink) 49

Astilbe (red) Astilbe (red) 4

Astilbe (white) Astilbe (white) 27

Astilbe arendsii 'Bressingham Beauty' Astilbe 'Bressingham Beauty' 50

Astilbe arendsii 'Federsee' Astilbe 'Federsee' 6

Astilbe Chinensis Astilbe 33

Astilbe chinensis pumila (dwarf) Dwarf Astilbe 103

Baptisia 'Purple Smoke' False Indigo 'Purple Smoke' 13 2

Belamcanda chinensis Blackberry Lily 39

Bergenia cordifolia Heart-leafed bergenia 65

Boltonia asteroides 'Snowbank' Bolton's Aster 'Snowbank' 15

Brunnera macrophylla Brunnera 27

Brunnera macrophylla variegated Variegated Heartleaf 15

Buddleia Davidii (pink/red) Butterfly Bush 6

Calamintha nepeta 'Blue Cloud' Calamint 'Blue Cloud' 7

Campanula carpatica 'Blue Clips' Bellflower 'Blue Clips' 14

Campanula carpatica 'White Clips' Bellflower 'White Clips' 3

Campanula punctata (pink) Bellflower (pink) 3

Campis radicans Trumpet Vine 12

Centaurea dealbata Persian Coneflower 8

Centaurea macrocephala Yellow Glove Flower 12

Centaurea montana Mountain Bluet 43

Centaurea montana (white/purple center) Mountain Bluet (white/purple center) 4

Chelone lyonii Turtlehead (pink) 230

Chelone lyonii 'Hot Lips' Pink Turtlehead 'Hot Lips' 24

Chrysanthemum (pink) Garden mum (pink) 6

Chrysanthemum morifolium 'Lemonsota' Garden mum 'Lemonsota' 6

Clematis 'Fargesoides Clematis 'Fargesoides 12

Clematis tangutica 'Bill MacKenzie' Clematis 'Bill MacKenzie' 21

Clematis tenniflora Sweet Autumn Clematis 5 1

Coreopsis 'Citrine' Tickseed 'Citrine' 6

Coreopsis grandiflora Tickseed 20

Coreopsis verticila 'Golden Gain' Threadleaf coreopsis 'Golden Gain' 15

Coreopsis verticillata 'Zagrab' Threadleaf coreopsis 'Zagrab' 166

Corydalis lutea Corydalis 16

Dianthus deltoides (dark pink) Cheddar Pinks (dark pink) 37

Dianthus gratianopolitanus Cheddar pinks 1

Dianthus gratianopolitanus 'Bath's Pink' Cheddar pinks 60

Dicentra eximia 'Snowdrift' Fringed Bleeding Heart 'Snowdrift' 4

Dicentra spectabilis Bleeding Hearts 143 26

Dicentra spectabilis 'alba' Bleeding Hearts (white) 65

Doronicum orientale 'Magnificum' Leopards Bane 26

Echinacea purpurea Purple Coneflower 148

Echinacea Purpurea 'White Swan' Coneflower 'White Swan' 10

Epimedium rubrum Barrenwort 79

Eupatorium altissimum 'Prairie Jewel' White Joe Pye Weed 'Prairie Jewel' 1

Page 3: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Eupatorium dubium (mauve purple) Joe Pye Weed (mauve purple) 9

Eupatorium dubium 'Phantom' Joe Pye Weed 'Phantom' 18

Eupatorium rugosum Joe Pye (white) 2

Eupatorium rugosum 'Chocolate' Chocolate Joe Pye 6

Euphorbia dulcis 'Chameleon' Cushion Spurge 'Chameleon' 2

Euphorbia polychroma Cushion Spurge 76

Filipendula ulmaria 'Aurea' Golden Meadowsweet 38

Gaillardia 'Fanfare' Blanket Flower 'Fanfare' 12

Geranium (blue) Geranium (blue 33

Geranium (bright pink) Cranesbill (bright pink) 10

Geranium (lavender) Hardy geranium (lavender) 17

Geranium cantabrigiense 'Biokova' Cranesbill geranium 'Biokova' 24

Geranium cantabrigiense 'Karmina'' Geranium 'Karmina' 29

Geranium maccrorhizom Big root geranium 70

Geranium nodusum Hardy Geranium 20

Geranium 'Patricia' Cranesbill Geranium 'Patricia' 26

Geranium pratense (blue) Hardy Geranium (blue) 39

Geranium pratense 'Dark Reiter' Meadow Geranium 'Dark Reiter' 7

Geranium pratense 'Hocus Pocus' Cranesbill Geranium 'Hocus Pocus' 3

Geranium sanguineum Cranesbill Geranium 8

Geranium sanguineum 'Max Frei' Cranesbill geranium 'Max Frei' 7

Geranium sanguinium v. straitum Cranesbill geranium 'Striatum' 24

Heliopsis Helanthoides (tall) False Sunflower 26

Heliopsis 'Summer Night' Heliopsis 'Summer Night' 24

Heliopsis 'Summer Sun' False sunflower 'Summer Sun' 20

Heliopsis variegated Heliopsis, Variegated 12

Hellebore seedlings (red) Lenten rose (red) 19

Helleborus orientalis Helebore 2

Heuchera (orange Blush) Heuchera (orange blush) 5

Heuchera micrantha 'Palace Purple' Heuchera 'Palace Purple' 8

Hibiscus (deep pink) (P.A.) Hibiscus (deep pink) 3

Hyacinthoides non-scripta English Blue Bells 34

Inula magnifica Black-bud inula 5 5

Knautia macedonica Knautia 16

Knautia macedonica 'Mars Midget' Knautia 6

Kniphofia (yellow) Red Hot Poker 9

Kniphofia 'Flamenco' Red Hot Poker 'Flamenco 7

Lamiastrum galeobdolon 'Herman's Pride' Herman's Pride 23

Lavandula angustifolia Lavender 'Munstead' 23

Leucanthemum superbum Shasta Daisy 44

Leucanthemum superbum (short) Shasta Daisy 35

Leucanthemum superbum 'Alaska' Shasta Daisy 'Alaska' 21

Leucanthemum superbum 'Becky' Shasta daisy 'Becky' 74

Leucanthemum superbum 'Crazy Daisy' Shasta daisy 'Crazy Daisy' 14

Liatris spicata Blazing Star 150

Liatris spicata 'alba' Gayflower (white) 9

Liatris spicata 'Kobold' Gay Feather 'Kobold' 12

Page 4: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Ligularia dentata (burgundy-chocolate) Ragwort (burgundy-chocolate) 12

Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona' Ragwort 'Desdemona' 41

Ligularia 'Othello' Ragwort 'Othello' 14

Ligularia 'The Rocket' Ragwort 'The Rocket' 13

Lilium (orange) Asiatic lily (orange) 21

Lilium hybrid asiatic 'Black Out' Lily Asiatic 'Blackout' 12

Lilium hybrid asiatic 'Lennox' Asiatic lily 'Lennox' 8

Lilium hybrid asiatic 'Peach Pixie' Asiatic Lily 'Peach Pixie' 25

Lilium oriental 'Star Gazer' Oriental lily 'Star Gazer' 1

Lilium tigertum Tiger lilies 34

Linaria purpurea Purple Toadflax 39

Lobelia speciosa 'Compliment Deep Red' Lobelia 'Compliment Deep Red' 18

Lunaria biennis Money plant 24

Lychnis chalcedonica Maltese cross 7

Lychnis coronaria Rose Campion 69

Lychnis flos-cuculi Ragged Robin 62

Lysmachia punctata Spotted Loosestrife 24

Lysmachia punctata variegated Variegated Lysmachia 83

Malva alcea Hollyhock mallow 29

Monarda (Raspberry red) Monarda (Raspberry red) 54

Monarda didyma (red) Monarda (red) 72

Monarda 'Grand Marshall' Monarda 'Grand Marshall' 27

Monarda 'Mohagony' Bee Balm 'Mohagany' 35

Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' Monarda 'Raspberry Wine' 9

Nepeta (blue 18") Catmint (blue 18") 10

Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low' Walker's Low' 20

Oenothera fruticosa Sundrops 215

Paeonia (light pink) Peony (light pink) 12

Paeonia (mixed) Peony (mixed) 29 10

Paeonia (pink) Peony (pink) 22

paeonia (red) Peony (red) 7 7

Paeonia (white/red stripes) Peony (white/red stripes) 4

Paeonia 'Abalene Pearl' Peony 'Abalene Pearl' 4

Paeonia 'Coral Gold' Peony 'Coral Gold' 3 3

Paeonia 'Pink Hawaian Coral' Peony 'Pink Hawaian Coral' 1 1

Paeonia 'Scarlet O'Hara' Peony 'Scarlet O'Hara' 2

Paeonia tenuifolia (single red) Fern leaf peony (single red) 4 4

Papaever (Orange) Oriental Poppy 'Orange' 17

Penstemon (pale pink) Penstemon 'Dark Towers' 17

Penstemon (white) Beardtongue 14

Penstemon digitalis 'Husker Red' Penstemon 'Husker Red' 63

Perovskia atriplicifolia Russan Sage 51 1

Phlox carolina 'Bill Baker' Phlox 'Bill Baker' 17

phlox paniculata (lavender) Garden Phlox (lavender) 137

Phlox paniculata (mixed) Garden Phlox (mixed) 23

Phlox paniculata (pink) Garden phlox (pink) 83

Phlox paniculata (pink) (L.K.) Garden Phlox (pink) 10

Page 5: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Phlox paniculata (pink/dk eye) Garden phlox (pink/dk eye) 63

Phlox paniculata (pink/white eye) (D.S.) Garden phlox pink w/white eye 31

Phlox paniculata (red) Garden Phlox (red) 4

Phlox paniculata (white) Garden Phlox (white 6

Phlox paniculata 'David' Garden phlox 'David' 21

Phlox paniculata 'Laura' Phlox Tall 'Laura' 36

Phlox paniculata 'Orange Perfection' Phlox Garden 'Orange Perfection' 6

Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26

Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12

Platycodon grandiflorus Balloon Flower 33

Polemonum coeruleum (white) Jacob's Ladder 12

Polygonatun odoratum 'Variegatum' Variegated Solomon's Seal 92

Primula (pink) Primrose (pink) 3

Primula (rose) (B.P.) Primrose (rose) 35

Pulmonaria (pink) Lungwort (pink) 24

Pulmonaria 'Diane Claire' Pulmonaria 'Diane Claire' 11

Pulmonaria saccharata Lungwort 24

Ranunculus repens pleniflora Double Buttercup 56

Ratibida columnifera 'Mexican Red Hat' Mexican Red Hat Plant (red) 3

Rosa rugosa 'Blanc Double de Coubert' Blanc Double De Courbert' Rose 3

Rosa rugusum 'Sea Form' Shrub Rose 'Sea Foam' 3 3

Rudbeckia fulgida Black-eyed Susan 213

Rudbeckia fulgida 'Viette's Little Suzy" Gloriosa Daisy 'Viette's Little Suzy' 17

Rudbeckia hirta (large yellow) Gloriosa Daisy (large yellow) 3

Rudbeckia 'Indian Summer' Black eyed Susan 'Indian Summer' 34

Rudbeckia lacciniata 'Goldquelle' Cut Cone Flower 'Goldquelle' 58

Rudbeckia subtomentosa'Henry Eilers' Sweet Black-eyed Susan 14

Ruta graveolens Common rue 12 2

Salvia (blue) Meadow Sage (blue) 20

Salvia (purple) Meadow sage (purple) 50

Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna' Meadow Sage 'Caradonna' 23

Salvia nemorosa 'May Night' Meadow Sage 'May Night' 5

Sanguisorba officinalis 'Red Thunder' Red Thunder Burnet 23

Sedum alboroseum "Mediovarigatum' Stonecropn'Mediovarigatum' 72

Sedum 'Frosty Morn' Stonecrop 'FrostyMorn' 23

Sedum 'Frosty Morn' (green leaf) Stonecrop 'FrostyMorn' 79

Sedum spectabile (pink) (J.S.) Showy sedum (pink) 24

Sedum spectabile (rose pink) (K.S.) Stonecrop (tall pink) 35

Sedum spectabile 'Autumn Joy' Sedum 'Autumn Joy' 88

Sedum spectabilis 'Iceberg' Sedum 'Iceberg' 14

Sedum spectabilis 'Neon' Stonecrop 'Neon' 11

Sedum telephium (pink) Sedum (pink) 21

Sempervivum 'Red Beauty' Hen and chicks 'Red Beauty' 29

Sempervivum tectorum Hens and chicks 80

Sisyrinchlum Bellum Grass Blue Eye 6

Smilacina stellata Starry False Solomon Seal 48

Solidago rugosa 'Fireworks' Goldenrod 'Fireworks' 21

Page 6: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Stachys byzantina Lamb's Ear 58

Stachys byzantina (non blooming) Non-blooming Lamb's Ear 54

Stachys macanthra Big Betony 54

Stachys monieri 'Hummelo' Stachys 'Hummelo' 77

Stachys 'Pink Cotton Candy' Betony 'Pink Cotton Candy' 12 6

Stokesia laevis 'Klaus Jelitto' Aster Stokes' 'Klaus Jelitto' 15

Symphytum officinal Comfrey 12

Tanacetum parthenium Feverfew 11

Teucrium (pink) Germander 4

Thermopsis seedlings False Lupine 9

Tiarella cordifolia Foamflower (green/black center) 35

Tradescantia (blue) Spiderwort (dark blue) 29

Tradescantia (Fuchsia) Spiderwort (fuchsia) 14

Tradescantia andersoniana 'Red Grape' Spiderwort 'Red Grape' 1

Tradescantia 'Red Cloud' Spiderwort 'Red Cloud' 31

Tricyrtis hirta Toad lilies 36

Tricyteris 'Momoyama' Toadlily 'Momoyama' 31

Verbena canadensis Rose Verbena 1

Veronica (blue) Speedwell (blue) 3

Veronica spicata Spike veronica 26

Veronica spicata 'Giles Van Hees' Speedwell 'Giles Van Hees' 6

Veronica teucrium 'Royal Blue' Royal Blue Veronica 29

Yucca filamentosa Yucca 10

FernsFern - (unknown (Likes sun) (V.S.) Unknown Fern 24

Fern - Adiantum pedatum Maidenhair fern 33

Fern - Athyrium angustum forma rubellum Fern 'Lady in Red' 3

Fern - Athyrium filix-femina 'Minuerissimum' Dwarf Lady Fern 12

Fern - Athyrium niponicum Japanese Painted Fern 18

Fern - Matteucci struthiopteris Ostrich ferns 144 43

Fruit/VegetablesFruit - Black Raspberry Black Raspberry 13

Fruit - Blackberry (thornless) Thornless blackberry 14

Fruit - Fragaria x ananassa 'Seascape' Strawberry 'Seascape' 14

Fruit - Physalis Ground Cherry 12

Fruit - Raspberry - Everbearing Everbearing Red Raspberries 39

Fruit - Raspberry - June bearing June-bearing Red Raspberries 22

Fruit - Rheum rhubarb 29 29

Fruit - Rheum strawberry Strawberry Rhubarb 18

Fruit - Ribes oderatum Fragrant Currant Bush 1

Fruit - Ribes nidigrolaria Jostaberry 8

Fruit - Sambucas (lacy Black leaves) Elderberry (Black Lace) 1 1

Fruit - Sambucus canadensis Adam or York Elderberry 'Adam or York' 3

Page 7: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

GrassesGrass - Andropogan gerardi Big Bluestem 14

Grass - Calamagrostic acutiflora 'Overdam' Overdam Feather Reed Grass 23

Grass - Calamagrostis acutiflora 'Karl Foerster' Karl Foerster Grass 44

Grass - Carex blanda Sedge Common Woodland 12

Grass - carex grayi Grays Sedge 21

Grass - Carex muskingumensis Palm Branch Sedge 10

Grass - carex siderosticha 'Banana Boat' Banana Boat Sedge 7

Grass - Carex Variegated Sedge Variegated Sedge 44

Grass - Chasmanthium latifolium Grass Northern Sea Oats 17

Grass - Festuca glauca Blue Fescue 60

Grass - Festuca glauca 'Boulder Blue' Blue fescue 'Boulder Blue' 8

Grass - Festuca glauca 'Elijah Blue' Blue fescue 'Elijah Blue' 16

Grass - Helictotrichon sempervirens Grass Blue Oat 8

Grass - Juncus tenuis Path Rush 35

Grass - Liriope muscari Lily turf 57

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Little Zebra' Japanese Silver Grass 'Little Zebra' 47

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' Morning Light Maiden Grass 12

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Nippon' Japanese Silver Grass 26

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis purpurascens Autumn Flame Grass 42

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Strictus' Porcupine Grass 29

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis varigatum Variegated Maiden Grass 65

Grass - Miscanthus sinensis 'Zebrinus' Zebra Grass 27

Grass - Panicum virgatum Shenandoah Switch Grass 58

Grass - Pennisetum alopecuroides Fountain Grass 53

Grass - Phalaris arundinacea 'Picta' Ribbon Grass 84

Grass - Sesleria Autumnais Autumn Moor Grass 18

GroundcoverGroundcover - Ajuga reptans 'Burgundy Glow' Bugleweed 'Burgundy Glow' 16

Groundcover - Ajuga reptans 'Caitlin's Giant' Bugleweed 'Caitlins' Giant' 50

Groundcover - Ajuga reptans 'Chocolate Chip' Bugleweed 'Chocolate Chip' 72

Groundcover - Asarum european European Ginger 147

Groundcover - Aurinia saxatilis 'Gold Dust' Basket of Gold 'Gold Dust' 4

Groundcover - Cerastium tomentosum Snow in Summer 23

Groundcover - Convallaria majalis Lily of the Valley 10

Groundcover - Galium oderatum Sweet Woodruff 127

Groundcover - Lamium maculatum Dead nettle 83

Groundcover - Pachysandra Pachysandra 72

Groundcover - Phlox subulata (blue) Phlox Creeping (blue) 54

Groundcover - Phlox subulata (pink) Creeping Phlox (pink) 62

Groundcover - Saponaria ocymoides Soapwort 4

Groundcover - Sedum - yellow Sedum kamschaticum 15

Groundcover - Sedum (green/white edge) Sedum (green/white edge) 5

Groundcover - Sedum album 'Coral Carpet' Sedum 'Coral Carpet) 65

Groundcover - Sedum Kamschatakam Russian Stonecrop 42

Page 8: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Groundcover - Sedum reflexum 'Blue Spruce Sedum 'Blue Spruce' 60

Groundcover - Sedum rupestre 'Angelina' Stonecrop 'Angelina' 66

Groundcover - Sedum 'Tricolor' Sedum'Tricolor' 21

Groundcover - Thyme serphyllumcoccineus Red Wild Thyme 8

Groundcover - Thymus pseudolanuginosus Woolly Thyme 35

Groundcover - Veronica chamaedrys Germander speedwell 19

DayliliesHemerocallis (peach pink) (P.A.) Daylily (peach pink) 10

Hemerocallis (peachy gold)(P.A.) Daylily (yellow gold) 12

Hemerocallis (pink with dark eye) Daylily (pink with dark eye) 36

Hemerocallis (pink) (B.H.) Daylily (pink) 4

Hemerocallis (pink) (P.A.) Daylily (pink) 10

Hemerocallis (purple spider) (P.A.) Daylily (purple spider) 4

Hemerocallis (purple) (P.A.) Daylily (purple) 5

Hemerocallis (red spider) (L.P.) Daylily (red spider) 8

Hemerocallis (red w/yellow throat) (E.B.) Daylily (red w/yellow throat) 38

Hemerocallis (red) (P.A.) Daylily (FireKing/Divine Impulse seed.) 17

Hemerocallis (reddish purple w dk eye) (P.A.) Daylily (reddish purple/darker eye) 6

Hemerocallis (Shades of orange) Daylily (Atlas Shrugged/Seven Seas Sede.) 16

Hemerocallis (yellow)(L.P.) Daylily (yellow) 23

Hemerocallis 'Abraham Lincoln' Daylily 'Abraham Lincoln' 6

Hemerocallis 'Argonne' Daylily 'Argonne' 2

Hemerocallis 'Ashwood Blue Highway' Daylily 'Ashwood Blue Highway' 3

Hemerocallis 'Atlas' Daylily 'Atlas' 5

Hemerocallis 'Autumn Red' Daylily 'Autumn Red' 33

Hemerocallis 'Bradley Bernard' Daylily 'Bradley Bernard' 3

Hemerocallis 'Broadway Delight' Daylily 'Broadway Delight' 15

Hemerocallis 'Broken Scarecrow' Daylily 'Broken Scarecrow' 13

Hemerocallis 'Butterfly Kisses' Daylily 'Butterfly Kisses' 20

Hemerocallis 'By Myself' Daylily 'By Myself' 6

Hemerocallis 'Clouds of Kisses' Daylily 'Clouds of Kisses' 14

Hemerocallis 'Coming Your Way' Daylily 'Coming Your Way' 23

Hemerocallis 'Decolores' Daylily 'Decolores' 2

Hemerocallis 'El Desperado' Daylily 'El Desperado' 5 5

Hemerocallis 'Exotic Candy' Daylily 'Exoctic Candy' 9

Hemerocallis 'Fire King' Daylily 'Fire King' 11

Hemerocallis 'Francis Ciplys' Daylily 'Francis Ciplys' 4

Hemerocallis 'Gypsy Rose' Daylily 'Gypsy Rose' 4

Hemerocallis 'Happy Returns' Daylily 'Happy Returns' 29

Hemerocallis 'Hyperion' Daylily 'Hyperion' 24

Hemerocallis 'Ice Carnival' Daylily 'Ice Carnival' 6

Hemerocallis 'In Depth' Daylily 'In Depth' 17

Hemerocallis 'Infinity and Beyond' Daylily 'Infinity and Beyond' 2 2

Hemerocallis 'Kindly Light' Daylily 'Kindly Light' 4

Hemerocallis 'King Alfred' Daylily 'King Alfred' 3

Page 9: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Hemerocallis 'Kinky Ragae' Daylily 'Kinky Ragae' 13

Hemerocallis 'Lady Dancer' Daylily 'Lady Dancer' 3

Hemerocallis 'Little Missy' Daylily 'Little Missy' 7

Hemerocallis 'Little Wine Cup' Daylily 'Little Wine Cup' 7

Hemerocallis 'Loisteen Kirkman' Daylily 'Loisteen Kirkman' 3

Hemerocallis 'Longfield's Twin' Daylily 'Longfield's Twin' 22

Hemerocallis 'Lyrical Lavender' Daylily 'Lyrical Lavender' 8

Hemerocallis 'Marked by Lydia' Daylily 'Marked by Lydia' 4

Hemerocallis 'Minnie Pearl' Daylily 'Minnie Pearl' 21

Hemerocallis Multnomah' Daylily 'Multnomah' 3

Hemerocallis 'Neyron Rose' Daylily 'Neyron Rose' 1

Hemerocallis 'Orange Vols' Daylily 'Orange Vols' 8

Hemerocallis 'Pandora's Box' Daylily 'Pandora's Box' 6 6

Hemerocallis 'Pardon Me' Daylily 'Pardon Me' 24

Hemerocallis 'Pinewood Purple Mist' Daylily 'Pinewood Purple Mist' 7

Hemerocallis 'Pink Sugar Delight' Daylily 'Pink Sugar Delight' 9

Hemerocallis 'Prairie Moonlight' Daylily 'Prairie Moonlight' 5

Hemerocallis 'Radiation Biohazard' Daylily 'Radiation Biohazard' 5

Hemerocallis 'Red Volunteer' Daylily 'Red Volunteer' 26

Hemerocallis 'Regal Air' Daylily 'Regal Air' 29

Hemerocallis 'Ribbons of Color' Daylily 'Ribbons of Color' 4

Hemerocallis 'Sandra Elizabeth' Daylily 'Sandra Elizabeth' 4

Hemerocallis 'Scatterbrain' Daylily 'Scatterbrain' 2

Hemerocallis 'Scott Fox' Daylily 'Scott Fox' 31

Hemerocallis 'Slipped My Disco' Daylily 'Slipped My Disco' 8

Hemerocallis 'Southern Moon Daylily 'Southern Moon' 15

Hemerocallis 'Spindazzle' Daylily 'Spindazzle' 9

Hemerocallis 'Spring City Sunshine' Daylily 'Spring City Sunshine' 11

Hemerocallis 'Stella d'oro' Daylily 'Stella D'oro' 37

Hemerocallis Stella's Ruffled Fingers' Daylily Stella's Ruffled Fingers' 7

Hemerocallis 'Strawberry Candy' Daylily 'Strawberry Candy' 4

Hemerocallis 'Sugar Candy' Daylily 'Sugar Candy' 8

Hemerocallis 'Sulphurite Prism' Daylily 'Sulphurite Prism' 5

Hemerocallis 'Tarantella' Daylily 'Tarantella' 7

Hemerocallis 'Twist and Shout'' Daylily 'Twist and Shout' 17 5

Hemerocallis 'Witch Hazel' Daylily 'Witch Hazel' 2 2

HerbsHerb - Allium sarivum Garlic 20

Herb - Allium schoenoprasum Chives 35

Herb - Melissa officialis Lemon Balm 10

HostaHosta #2 (green/yellow margin) Hosta #2 (green/yellow margin) 5

Hosta #3 (yellow green) Hosta #3 (yellow green) 9

Hosta #6 (dark green - medium size) Hosta #6 (dark green - medium size) 5

Page 10: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Hosta #11 (Dk green/creamy center)) Hosta #11 (Dk green/creamy center)) 52

Hosta #14 (green leaf) Hosta #14 (green leaf) 19

Hosta #15 (Large green/yellow margin) Hosta (Large green/yellow margin) 9

Hosta #16 (Medium blue-green)) Hosta (Medium blue-green) 33

Hosta 'Blue Angel' Hosta 'Blue Angel' 6

Hosta 'Blue Cadet' Hosta 'Blue Cadet' 12

Hosta fortunei 'Aureo-marginata' Hosta fortunei 'Aureo-marginata' 5

Hosta 'Francee' Hosta 'Francee' 13

Hosta 'Frances Williams' Hosta 'Frances Williams' 8

Hosta 'Gold Drop' Hosta 'Gold Drop' 48

Hosta 'Gold Standard' Hosta 'Gold Standard' 51

Hosta 'Golden Tiara' Hosta 'Golden Tiara' 114

Hosta 'Guacamole' Hosta 'Guacamole' 10

Hosta 'Halcyon' Hosta 'Halcyon' 11

Hosta 'June' Hosta 'June' 6

Hosta 'Krossa Regal' Hosta 'Krossa Regal' 24

Hosta 'Lemon Lime' Hosta 'Lemon Lime' 9

Hosta 'Love Pat' Hosta 'Love Pat' 21

Hosta 'Loyalist' Hosta 'Loyalist' 40

Hosta 'Luna Moth' Hosta 'Luna Moth' 5 5

Hosta 'Royal Standard' Hosta 'Royal Standard' 6

Hosta 'Sagae' Hosta 'Sagae' 8

Hosta 'Sieboldiana Elegans' Hosta 'Sieboldiana Elegans' 27 6

Hosta 'Stiletto' Hosta 'Stiletto' 9

Hosta 'Striptease' Hosta 'Striptease' 15

Hosta 'Sum and Substance' Hosta 'Sum and Substance' 26

Hosta 'Sunpower' Hosta 'Sunpower' 6

Hosta undulata 'Albomarginata' Hosta undulata 'Albomarginata' 258

Hosta 'Undulata variegata' Hosta 'Undulata variegata' 6

Hosta 'Wide Brim' Hosta 'Wide Brim' 14

Hosta 'Yellow Splash' Hosta 'Yellow Splash' 3

IrisesIris hybrid (light purple) Dwarf iris (light purple) 33

Iris hybrid (purple) Dwarf iris (purple) 56

Iris hybrid 'Aurolita' Dwarf iris 'Aurolita' 5

Iris hybrid 'Baby Blessed' Dwarf Iris 'Baby Blessed' 23

Iris hybrid 'Bee's Knees' Dwarf iris 'Bee's Knees' 39

Iris hybrid 'Bees Knees/Baby Blessed' Dwarf iris 'Bees Knees/Baby Blessed" 93

Iris hybrid 'Betsy Boo' Dwarf iris 'Betsy Boo' 24

Iris hybrid 'Blue Denim' Dwarf iris 'Blue Denim' 24

Iris hybrid 'Candy Apple' Dwarf Iris 'Candy Apple' 98

Iris hybrid 'Cat's Eye' Dwarf Iris 'Cat's Eye' 11

Iris hybrid 'Cherry Garden' Dwarf iris 'Cherry Garden' 141

Iris hybrid 'Gimmick' (dwarf) Dwarf iris 'Gimmick' 12

Iris hybrid 'Jewel Baby' Dwarf iris 'Jewel Baby' 18

Page 11: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Iris hybrid 'Making Eyes' Dwarf iris 'Making Eyes' 10

Iris hybrid 'Truly' Dwarf Iris 'Truly' 6

Iris hybrid 'What Again' Dwarf iris 'What Again' 13

Iris hybrid (gold/burgundy)) Intermediate iris (gold/burgundy) 11

Iris hybrid (Pink intermediate) (P.W.) Intermediate iris (pink) 22

Iris hybrid (two tone purple) (P.A.) Intermediate iris (two tone purple) 24

Iris hybrid 'Bumblebee Deelite' Intermediate iris 'Bumblebee Deelite' 48

Iris hybrid 'Devil May Care' Intermediate iris 'Devil May Care' 12

Iris hybrid (cream/lavender) (E.P.) Tall bearded iris (cream/lavender) 21

Iris hybrid (cream/purple) (P.A.) Tall bearded iris (cream/purple) 14

Iris hybrid (gold/burgundy) (K.B.) Tall bearded iris (gold/burgundy) 37

Iris hybrid (Lavender/dark purple) (K.B.) Tall iris (lavender/dark purple) 32

Iris hybrid (lt blue) Tall Bearded Iris (light blue) 12

Iris hybrid (light maroon/maroon) P.A.) Tall bearded iris (light maroon/maroon) 10

Iris hybrid (mauve/burgundy)(P.W.) Tall bearded iris (mauve/burgundy) 36

Iris hybrid (peach orange beard) (P.W.) Tall bearded iris (peach/orange beard) 12

Iris hybrid (purple w/blue beard) (P.W.) Tall bearded iris (purple w/blue beard) 29

Iris hybrid (purple/purple) P.A.) Tall bearded iris (purple/purple) 36

Iris hybrid (purple) (E.P.) Tall bearded iris (purple/purple) 33

Iris hybrid (purple) Tall bearded iris (purple/purple) 23

Iris hybrid (two tone yellow) (P.W.) Tall bearded iris (two toned yellow) 15

Iris hybrid (yellow) (K.B.) Tall bearded iris (yellow) 22

Iris hybrid (yellow) (P.A.) Tall bearded Iris (yellow) 20

Iris hybrid 'Babbling Brook' Tall bearded iris 'Babbling Brook' 7

Iris hybrid 'Immortality' Tall bearded Iris 'Immortality' 7

Iris hybrid 'Island Fiesta' Tall bearded Iris 'Island Fiesta' 12

Iris hybrid 'Wild Irish Rose' Tall bearded Iris 'Wild Irish Rose' 9

Iris hybrid (purple to blue) B.K.) Tall bearded Iris(purple to blue)B.K.) 26

Iris ensata (blue) (B.K.) Japanese Iris (blue) 34

Iris ensata (violet blue) (D.S.) Japanese iris (violet blue) 28

Iris ensata (violet blue) (J.D.) Japanese Iris (violet blue) 75

Iris ensata (white) (C.H.) Japanese iris (white) 32

Iris ensata 'Gracieuse' Japanese iris 'Gracieuse 28

Iris pallida 'Variegata' Variegated Iris 31

Iris pseudacorus 'Variegata' Variegated Yellow Flag Iris 98

Iris sibirica (deep purple) Siberian Iris Deep Purple 3

Iris sibirica (purple) Siberian iris (purple) 103

Iris sibirica 'Sapphire Beauty' Siberian Iris 'Sapphire Beauty' 27

NativesNative - Achillea millefolium Yarrow 5

Native - Actaea racemosa Bugbane 26

Native - Agastache foeniculum Lavender Hyssop 42

Native - Allium cernuum Nodding Onion 12

Native - Anemone canadensis Canadian Anemone 18

Native - Aquiglea canadensis Wild Columbine 163

Page 12: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Native - Ariseama triphyllum Jack-in-the-pulpit 8

Native - Asarum canadensis Wild Ginger 48

Native - Asclepias incarnata Swamp Milkweed 45

Native - Asclepias tuberosa Butterfly Wed 1

Native - Aster divaricatus White woods aster 12

Native - Aster novae anglise (mixed) New England Aster (mixed) 9

Native - Aster novae-angliae (purple) New England Aster (purple) 108

Native - Baptisia australis Baptisia 45 8

Native - Cassia hebecarpa Wild senna 7

Native - Digitalis ferrusinea Rusty Foxglove 10

Native - Digitalis grandiflora perennial foxglove 16

Native - Dodecatheon meadia Shooting Stars 12

Native - Echinacea pallida Pale Purple Coneflower 12

Native - Eupatorium fistolosum Hollow Joe Pye Weed 10

Native - Eupatorium macculatum Joe Pye Weed 43

Native - Eupatorium purperum Joe Pye Weed 14

Native - Filipendula rubra Queen of the Prairie 115 13

Native - Gentian andrewsii Bottle gentian 10

Native - Geranium maculatum Wild Geranium 79

Native - Geranium maculatum (white) Wild Geramium 41

Native - Geum triflorum Prairie Smoke 57

Native - Helianthus mollis Downy Sunflower Native 51

Native - Lobelia siphilitica Giant Blue Lobelia 40

Native - Mertensia virginica Virginia Blue Bells 66

Native - Monarda fistulsta Wild Bergenot 39

Native - Packera aurea Golden ragwort 52

Native - Podophyllum peltatum Mayapple 46

Native - Polygonatum biflorum Solomon Seal 38

Native - Sanguinaria canadensis Bloodroot 70

Native - Sanguisorba canadensis American Burnet 14 2

Native - Silphium perfoliatum Cup Plant 98

Native - Smilacina racemosa False Solomon Seal 18

Native - Solidage rigida Goldenrod Stiff 74

Native - Trillium grandiflora Trillium (white) 52 1 SA

Native - Trillium recurvatum Prairie Trillium 28

Native - Trillium sessile Toad Trillium 36

Native - Verbena hastata Blue vervain 5

Native - Veronia fasciculata Ironweed 12

Native - Veronicostum virginicum Culver's Root 17

Shrubs Shrub - Acer griseum Paper Bark Maple 2 2

Shrub - Cercis canadensis American Redbud Tree 1

Shrub - Cornus alternifolia Pagoda Dogwood 8

Shrub - Cotinus Smoke Tree 6

Shrub - Hibiscus syriacus (pink/red center) Rose of Sharon (pink/red center) 27 4

Shrub - Hydrangea arborescens 'Annabelle' Annabelle Hydrangea 62 39

Page 13: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Shrub - Hydrangea peteolaris (white) Climbing Hydrangea 11

Shrub - Junipers Native Junipers 5

Shrub - Philadelphus 'Snowbelle' Mock Orange Bush ' Snowbelle' 8

Shrub - physocarpus opulifolius Diablo Ninebark 2 2

Shrub - Sorbaria sorbifolia Sem Ash Leaf Spirea 12 12

Shrub - Spiraea fritschiana 'Pink Parasol' Pink Parasol' Spirea 3 3

Shrub - Spiraea japonica 'Gold Flame' Spiraea 'Gold Flame' 31

Shrub - Spirea japonica Spirea Little Princess 3

Shrub - Spiriea '(pink) Spirea (pink) 1 1

Shrub - Spiriea 'Alba' Spirea (white) 2 2

Shrub - Symphoricarpos alba Common Snowberry 12

Shrub - Syringa vulgaris Common Purple Lilac 1

Plants from Klehm's Song SparrowBaptisia australis var 'B Minor' Blue False Indigo 'B Minor 6

Clematis integrifolia 'Fascination' Clematis 'Fascination' 7

Clematis 'Little Mermaid' Clematis 'Little Mermaid' 7

Clematis 'Maria Therese' Clematis 'Maria Therese' 7

Clematis 'Violet Elizabeth' Clematis 'Violet Elizabeth' 5

Dianthus 'Romance' Dianthus 'Romance' 6

Dicentra 'Amore Pink' Dicentra 'Amore Pink' 9

Helenium autumnale 'Fuego' Sneezeweed 'Fuego' 8

Helenium autumnale 'Salsa Red' Sneezeweed 'Salsa Red' 8

Heucherella 'Honey Rose' Foamy Flowers 'Honey Rose' 12

Heucherella 'Leap Frog' Foamy Flowers 'Leap Frog' 8

Leucanthemum superbum 'Belgian Lace' Shasty Daisy 'Belgian Lace' 8

Leucanthemum superbum 'Bridal Bouquet'' Shasty Daisy 'Bridal Bouquet' 4

Leucanthemum superbum'Macaroon' Shasty Daisy 'Macaroon' 4

Monarda 'Cotton Candy' Bee Balm 'Cotton Candy' 5

Monarda ''Pardon my Cerise' Bee Balm 'Pardon my Cerise'' 7

Penstemon digitalis 'Pink Dawn' Beardtongue 'Pink Dawn' 2

Phlox 'Opening Act Blush' Phlox 'Opening Act Blush' 12

Sedum 'Frosted Fire' Stonecrop 'Frosted Fire' 6

Sedum 'Petrified' Stonecrop 'Petrified' 5

Sedum 'Thundercloud' Stonecrop 'Thundercloud' 12

Veronica 'Enchanted Indigo' Speedwell 'Enchanted Indigo' 12

Grass - Carex oshimensis Evercolor 'Everest' Sedge Evercolor 'Everest' 8

Grass - Panicum virgatum 'Apache Rose' Switchgrass 'Apache Rose' 8

Shrub - Betula chinensis 'Cinnamon Flakes' Birch 'Cinnamon Flakes' 3

Shrub - Buddleia 'Dark Dynasty' Butterfly bush 'Dark Dynasty' 6

Shrub - Buddleia 'Glass Slippers' Butterfly bush 'Glass Slippers' 6

Shrub - Cornus mas 'Tricolor' Cornelius cherry 'Tricolor' 12

Shrub - Cornus stolonifera 'Summer Dreams' Dogwood 'Summer Dreams' 4

Shrub - Hibiscus syriacus 'Fiji' Hibiscus 'Fiji' 4

Shrub - Hydrangea arborescens 'Invincibelle Spirit II Hydrangea 'Invinsible Spirit II' 3

Shrub - Hydrangea paniculata 'Zinfin Doll' Hydrangea 'Zinfin' Doll' 2

Page 14: 2018 SEWMG Plant Sale - For Your Information...Physostegia virginiana (lavender) Obedient Plant (lavender) 26 Physostegia virginiana 'Summer Snow' Obedient Plant 'Summer Snow' 12 Platycodon

Shrub - Magnolia 'Pink Perfection' Magnolia 'Pink Perfection' 6

Shrub - Magnolia 'Purple Star Power' Magnolia 'Purple Star Power' 6

Shrub - Magnolia x loebneri 'White Rose' Magnolia 'White Rose' 6

Shrub - Magnolia x loebneri 'Wildcat' Magnolia 'Wildcat' 6

Shrub - Malus 'Egret' Flowering crabapple 'Egret' 4

Shrub - Malus 'Nance' Flowering crabapple 'Nance' 6

Shrub - Physocarpus 'Canary Cheer' Ninebark 'Canary Cheer' 6

Shrub - Physocarpus opulifolius 'Center Glow' Ninebark 'Center Glow' 8

Shrub - Viburnum cassinoides 'Freedom' Viburnum 'Freedom' 4

Shrub - Viburnum 'Southern Lace' Viburnum 'Southern Lace' 4