2018 DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS - Sparxoo...meant to be a match made in heaven, they often end up functioning like a divorced couple co-parenting their sales & marketing children. Sales

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Page 1: 2018 DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS - Sparxoo...meant to be a match made in heaven, they often end up functioning like a divorced couple co-parenting their sales & marketing children. Sales



Page 2: 2018 DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS - Sparxoo...meant to be a match made in heaven, they often end up functioning like a divorced couple co-parenting their sales & marketing children. Sales


If 2017 has shown us anything, it’s that the marketing If 2017 has shown us anything, it’s that the marketing

landscape is constantly evolving—and it shows no signs of

slowing down in 2018. With every turn of the calendar,

digital marketing continues to become more sophisticated,

strategic, and data-driven as customer journeys become

ever more complex.

We are entering a new age of consumerism accelerated by We are entering a new age of consumerism accelerated by

technological advances for both individuals and businesses.

Powerful brands are fighting for seconds of attention from

the five major generational groups—and their combined

buying power. Now more than ever, digital marketing

campaigns and messaging must be multifaceted and

intensely personalized. The ultimate goal? Make every

consumer feel as if they are the only one who matters. consumer feel as if they are the only one who matters.

So, what’s next? How can we better connect with consumers

and make the most of the next 12 months? First things first:

get familiar with your digital landscape. Our team dove into

the deep end and compiled the top industry trends for 2018,

including tips for implementing them into your initiatives.

Time for the knowledge ball to drop.









Page 3: 2018 DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS - Sparxoo...meant to be a match made in heaven, they often end up functioning like a divorced couple co-parenting their sales & marketing children. Sales


As executive leaders, we’ve always been obsessed with the idea of As executive leaders, we’ve always been obsessed with the idea of

catering to consumers—and engaging prospects to turn them into

customers. In 2018, we have a new focus: managing and elevating

the customer experience, both pre- and post-sale. In fact, Gartner

predicts that by 2018, more than 50% of organizations will redirect

their investments to customer experience innovations.

There are a few reasons for this shift. While it has long been known There are a few reasons for this shift. While it has long been known

that happy customers are the best sales tool, consumer power has

grown considerably over the last few years as more and more

outlets become available for sharing experiences with a brand,

product, or service. With a near-instant, and highly-public feedback

loop, companies have seen the positive impact that great, honest

reviews and wide-reaching referrals can have. We’ve also seen how

one person’s negative experience can garner thousands of one person’s negative experience can garner thousands of

impressions and tarnish a brand in the minds of millions of

consumers—just ask United Airlines.

CX represents the largest, and perhaps the most daunting battlefield

for businesses in 2018. Many companies are allocating funds and

preparing to invest both time and resources into this

game-changing initiative. So, if you haven't shifted your mindset and

your strategy to focus on improving your customers experiences, it’s

time to start.

“By 2018, more than 50% of organizations will redirect their investments to customer experience innovations.




Page 4: 2018 DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS - Sparxoo...meant to be a match made in heaven, they often end up functioning like a divorced couple co-parenting their sales & marketing children. Sales


We've all experienced it—those online ads that seem to predict the We've all experienced it—those online ads that seem to predict the

future and cater to us on an uncanny level. That coffee maker you

were just talking about? It magically appeared as an ad in your

Facebook News Feed. Or your friends over at Amazon “randomly”

recommended puppy training pads the day you brought home your

first dog. Today, big data aligns across digital channels to source

information about you (and people like you) to serve up

advertisements that they know you'll love—even if you don't know it advertisements that they know you'll love—even if you don't know it


These seemingly psychic ads are a product of personalization, which

is aided by both artificial intelligence and algorithm-generated

“audiences” that popular platforms use to place prospects into

buckets for relevant targeting. This enables us, as advertisers, to

speak specifically to a group with common traits and hobbies. 2018

will mark a push past these generic “audiences” as companies work

to create more 1:1 conversations with individual customers.

However, ultra-personalized messaging can be a minefield, so make However, ultra-personalized messaging can be a minefield, so make

sure to proceed with caution. If a 1:1 message hits the wrong

prospect it can be seriously off-putting. Have you ever received an

email addressed to someone else? Additionally, there are unexpected

risks, like getting it “too right too early.” Do you ever get creeped out

that a company knows your name the first time you go to their site?

Just like with any relationship, you shouldn’t give too much away

when courting your prospects, even if you have researched them when courting your prospects, even if you have researched them

before the first date. In order to succeed with these personalized

paths for consumers, we need to engage consumers intelligently, but

on their terms.



“71% of consumers prefer advertisements tailored to interests and shopping habits.


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As advertising platforms become more advanced and accessible for As advertising platforms become more advanced and accessible for

businesses, consumers grow increasingly averse to the mass-blast,

generic targeting. While increased personalization and 1:1

experiences help to develop a successful customer journey, today’s

consumers are exposed to millions of marketing messages each

month. Companies are still struggling to stand out, leading to a

continued rise in advertising costs. As more companies flood the

market and competition intensifies, advertising bids and execution market and competition intensifies, advertising bids and execution

costs inflate.

So, in 2018 it's all about winning friends and influencing people.

Influencers are the future of marketing. Influencer marketing enables

brands to promote their products and services through the voices of

popular and respected individuals across the web. Activating these

influencers allows your brand to be presented organically to your top

targets within the context of their everyday lives, and from a voice

they already follow.

The key to success with influencer marketing is nailing your target The key to success with influencer marketing is nailing your target

and your target’s true influencers in a personalized way. Spending

your entire budget on a sponsored post by Kendall Jenner just

because you’re targeting millennial women isn't going to cut it. Break

down your audiences’ interests and hobbies on a granular level to

identify the respected experts within their online communities.



“30% of consumers are more likely to buy a product recommended by a non-celebrity blogger


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In 2018, content is (still) king. However, the bar has been In 2018, content is (still) king. However, the bar has been

raised. It’s no longer just a game of ebooks and

infographics. Today’s consumers crave more interactive and

engaging experiences. From gamification to live video to

virtual reality, the content playing field has changed, and

companies will need more tools in their arsenal this year.

One of the biggest priorities for interactive content in the One of the biggest priorities for interactive content in the

coming year is a solid video presence across digital

channels. In fact, video is predicted to represent over 80%

of all internet traffic by 2021—and that’s not just cat videos

and recipes. Video has already begun playing a major role in

sales cycles, with 65% of executives reporting that they

visited a brand’s website after viewing a video. Perhaps

most interesting about the rise of video, is that consumers most interesting about the rise of video, is that consumers

are actually asking for it to be served to them, unlike some

of our other channels. Hubspot recently reported that 43%

of people want to see more video content from marketers.

Whether your interactive content goals are lofty or limited,

2018 marks the year where they are no longer optional. It’s

time to begin engaging consumers in new, innovative ways

or risk falling behind the competition. Are you new to the

video scene? Grab your iPhone and some trusty resources

from industry experts like Wistia for a DIY approach. If

you’re ready to get serious, consider turning to an agency

with talent and equipment at the ready. with talent and equipment at the ready.



“Video is predicted to represent over 80% of all internet traffic

by 2021.


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Millennials revolutionized everything from the wine industry to Millennials revolutionized everything from the wine industry to

avocados—and they're not going away anytime soon. However, just

when it seems that we’ve started to get a handle on how to market to

millennials, the generational makeup of consumers shifts again. In

2018, millennials begin to make way for younger (and older)


While millennials, arguably the most studied generation in history, While millennials, arguably the most studied generation in history,

have been the main focus of marketers over the past decade, 2018 will

catapult their younger counterparts to the forefront of consumer

research and strategy. Generation Z, or the “post-millennials,” are just

starting their careers and their online habits will begin to guide our

new marketing strategies (ahem, influencers). On the other end of the

spectrum, Baby Boomer spending will evolve as many members of this

generation transition from working life to retirement, which lends generation transition from working life to retirement, which lends

itself to a shift of priorities and opens them up as targets in new

markets with new messaging.

Now we must cater to a total of five consumer generations, including

the (somewhat overlooked) Generation X and the Traditionalists. We

need to understand each of them, including their habits, interests, and

preferences. Our job is to anticipate their needs and wants and

engage them within the context of their generational differences.



“Gen Z consumers are coming of age and they command $44 billion in buying power.


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Over the past few years, we’ve anxiously monitored new technological Over the past few years, we’ve anxiously monitored new technological

tools and trends that can help us elevate our strategies and tactics.

Many companies spend vast amounts of time and money collecting

software tools like trinkets. In 2018, the challenge becomes how to

unify these systems to create a single source of truth that drives

customer insights, acquisition, experience, and retention.

Critical customer information is often stored in siloed systems that are Critical customer information is often stored in siloed systems that are

being used by separate departments. For example, a CRM and a

marketing automation system. While these two disparate tools are

meant to be a match made in heaven, they often end up functioning

like a divorced couple co-parenting their sales & marketing children.

Sales primarily uses the CRM system, but complains that the data is

low quality and that their good leads receive too many marketing

messages. On the other hand, the marketing team primarily uses the messages. On the other hand, the marketing team primarily uses the

narketing automation software, grumbling constantly about the lack of

data entered by the sales team to facilitate reporting and execute

nurture campaigns. All the while, these issues distract the teams from

the primary goal of providing a cohesive customer experience.

In order to efficiently and effectively adopt new technology, companies

need to develop strategies for syncing both systems and processes

across departments, ultimately providing the right information to the

right prospect at the right time. This involves unifying data for

comprehensive reporting and holistic dashboards, as well as mapping

out integration points and handoffs between departments where




“68% of marketing executives will spend more on marketing technology in 2018.


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Smart home technology topped most 2017 holiday gift guides, and has Smart home technology topped most 2017 holiday gift guides, and has

become more accessible than ever with products like Google Home

Mini and Amazon’s Echo Dot coming in at under $40 for home

consumers. As a result, more and more searches are being conducted

by voice—with an estimated 50% of all searches becoming voice

searches by 2020. How does that impact your meticulously mapped

SEO strategies?

When conducting a voice search, a prospect is more likely to land in When conducting a voice search, a prospect is more likely to land in

more specific long-tailed keywords and question-phrases, rather than

simpler descriptive adjectives. For example, when typing in a search

engine, a customer might plug in “tapas restaurant Tampa”, whereas

on voice search, they’ll ask “what’s a good tapas place near me?” or

“who has the best small-plates close to work?” This is a part of the

larger movement toward all things going online. Some brands, like

Purina and the American Heart Association, are even going so far as Purina and the American Heart Association, are even going so far as

developing Alexa-exclusive content that is 100% audio and voice


While you shouldn’t focus all of your energy on optimizing for voice

searches, you should definitely find the balance between short,

punchy keywords and longer, more descriptive phrases. In 2018 you’ll

need to consider not only how your brand looks, but how your brand




“An estimated 50% of all searches will become voice searches by



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In order to push your business to the next level and implement all In order to push your business to the next level and implement all

these 2018 trends, you’ll need the right people on your side. It’s time

to suit up for battle as the talent war wages on this year. While

recruiting and retaining top talent is an obvious priority, it’s easier said

than done. Recruiting needs are becoming more complex, especially

within the marketing profession. Candidates who meet all your

qualifications are hard to find, and retaining them is even more

difficult. difficult.

Today’s candidates must be marketers, strategists, technologists and

analysts. They must understand complex customer journeys, and

activate the strategies and technical requirements needed to succeed.

These uniquely multi-faceted candidates are essentially unicorns:

seemingly impossible to find and quickly scooped up as soon as (or

before) they appear on the job market.

That’s why companies today have a new imperitive to prioritize their

company culture in order to retain their top team members and help

lure new talent. Are you promoting a culture of engagement, flexibility,

and growth? Are you giving your team all the benefits and

opportunities they need to learn and succeed? Cultivating an enviable

culture will boost engagement and woo those unicorn candidates.



“40% of firms hiring tech talent on Indeed are not tech companies


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We looked into our crystal ball, and now we’re looking at you. Ready to

apply your newfound understanding of digital trends for a successful

2018? Here are a few key items to add to your list of resolutions:

• Make your first foray into the world of influencer marketing

• Prioritize interactive content – run a video ad instead of a static


• Experiment with increasing ad personalization

• Make sure your marketing technology solutions are cooperating


• Re-evaluate and improve your post-sale customer experience

• Take a hard look at your company culture to draw in and retain

amazing people

Go out there, amplify your team, and soar to new heights– we believe Go out there, amplify your team, and soar to new heights– we believe

in you!


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