Texas Society Daughters of the American Revolution 2018-2021 Page Manual Susan Greene Tillman State Regent Angie Dodd Pages Committee Chair Page Committee Vice Chairs Amanda Anderson Amanda Carruth Katie Marcum Frances Shelby

2018-2021 Page Manual

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Texas Society

Daughters of the American Revolution


Page Manual

Susan Greene Tillman State Regent

Angie Dodd

Pages Committee Chair

Page Committee Vice Chairs Amanda Anderson Amanda Carruth

Katie Marcum Frances Shelby


Table of Contents

What is a Page? 2

Page Attire 3

Page Sash 5

Page Roles and Responsibilities 6

Important Information for All Pages 7

Duties of Conference Pages 9

Pages with Special Assignments 12

Duties of a Personal Page 16

The Pledge of Allegiance 21

The American’s Creed 21

The Star Spangled Banner 21

The Salute to the Texas Flag 21

Texas Our Texas 21

General Schedule for Pages 22


What is a Page? The tradition of Paging dates back from the early days of the DAR when thirteen young women, one from each of the original states, were selected to act as Pages for the NSDAR Continental Congress in Washington, D.C. Today, members 40 and younger are highly encouraged to serve the State and National Societies as Pages. This is a great honor. In Texas, members 40 and younger who are active members of a Texas chapter (not an associate member) can serve the Texas Society as a Page. As a Page, you are the representative of the State Regent and serve to assist all members. Pages wear an all-white wardrobe, devoid of any color. The purpose is for the Pages to blend into the surroundings, but yet be visible to anyone in need. Pages conduct themselves with the utmost formal and respectful demeanor. Service, courtesy and common sense are the essentials for excellent paging. Pages are noted for their friendliness, enthusiasm, and an inexhaustible supply of energy. In addition to serving the society, paging helps foster friendships with women close in age and experiencing similar milestones. Students, young mothers and ladies in their early careers often forge life-long friendships through paging in DAR. Their duties and responsibilities are many and varied; most importantly, they are interesting, rewarding and FUN!


Page Attire

★ White, winter white or off-white dresses or suits (no pants or slacks) should be worn for daytime sessions. If you choose a strapless dress, please make sure you have a sweater to cover your shoulders.

★ Floor length white, winter white or off-white dresses should be worn for ALL evening sessions. While floor-length is preferred, “tea or ballerina length” is acceptable. No varied length hem lines are acceptable. Those sitting on the platform must wear a floor length.

★ Appropriate white or neutral undergarments are required. Hose is not required.

★ Appropriate white or nude shoes should be worn. Shoes should have backs. For daytime, flats or shoes with low heels will be more comfortable, while you perform your duties. White cowboy boots will be only allowed during the daytime.

★ White/off-white gloves will be required in the evening. Longer or elbow length gloves are acceptable.

★ A white hat should be worn if you are paging in the Memorial Service.

★ No Fascinators, tiaras or ostentatious accessories are permitted. During the Junior Luncheon, tiaras will be allowed as long as you are off duty.

★ All clothing should be of an appropriate design and in good taste. Please note that slacks, visible mid-drift, large hoop skirts, split skirts, colored belts, colored buttons (including gold or silver) and colored shoes are not appropriate for State Conference. Please beware of overly-revealing dresses and tops and keep these considerations in mind when purchasing your attire.

★ Tattoos need to be covered sufficiently.


Suggested Packing List

★ White daytime dress, suit, or skirt (2-3) ★ White formal for evening sessions (2-3) ★ White gloves (2 pair) ★ White or nude shoes for daytime and evening ★ White or neutral undergarments ★ White hat if paging at Memorial Service ★ White sweater or jacket ★ Official DAR Insignia While an all-white wardrobe can be difficult to find, common sense should prevail while obeying the dress code. As you are trying on your outfits, try to do the following: ★ Reach for something on a shelf ★ Pick something up from the floor ★ Bend over in front of a mirror ★ Lean over a table ★ Sit in a chair in a ladylike manner ★ Walk up and down a flight of stairs ★ Double check your sweater or jacket to make sure

it lays well and closely matches the dress underneath

★ Shine a bright light behind you and check the sheerness of your outfit


Page Sash

Your page sash will be given to you at the Page Meeting. The page sash is worn over the right shoulder, attached there with your nametag or appropriate pin and pinned at the left hip with the ends crossed. Your DAR insignia pins are worn on your left shoulder and over your heart—never placed on your page sash. Acceptable right shoulder pins would be the President General’s Project pin, the State Regent’s Project Pin or a Junior Membership pin. While you are certainly entitled and encouraged to have your own opinion about resolutions, issues or candidates, you may not speak to any issue or campaign for any candidate while wearing your page sash. If you are a delegate from your chapter, you are entitled to speak to an issue or resolution; however, you must remove your page sash before approaching the microphone. Additionally, you must remove your page sash before entering the line to vote. Delegate ribbons are to be placed behind the conference name badge so they are not visible until revealed for voting. The page sash and all DAR insignia must be removed before entering a restaurant or cocktail lounge, or before you leave the hotel.


Roles and Responsibilities of All Pages

It is the duty of all Pages to be helpful and keep the conference running smoothly in every way possible. All Pages should be courteous, arrive early and help to make each procession as dignified as possible. Please remember that as long as you are wearing your Page Sash, you are “on duty.” For example, if you are at the hotel elevators, always hold the door open for others, be the last to enter or exit and offer to push buttons for floors. Become familiar with the hotel layout in order to assist members in finding the restrooms and appropriate rooms for conference functions and meals.

Points to Remember

★ Always avoid eating, drinking or sitting while on duty. The only exception to this is during an official conference meal.

★ Always move up and down the side aisles as inconspicuously as possible. Avoid using the center aisle.

★ Always remove your right glove for the Pledge of Allegiance, the National Anthem, the Salute to the Texas Flag and the state song.

★ Always remove Page Sashes and all DAR Insignia before entering a restaurant or cocktail lounge or before you leave the hotel.

★ Always avoid chewing gum and smoking while on duty.



Important Information for all Pages

Meals It is not necessary for a Page to attend all meals. With gratitude for your service, TXDAR is complimenting the tickets for Junior Luncheon, General Conference Banquet and the Page Party. The meal reservation form is in the Bulletin or online at txdarregistration.org. Feel free to mark the form to be seated at the “Page Table” as this will allow you a time to informally visit and get to know the other Pages and will place you in a location easily accessible to the Page Chair.

Voting Procedures If you are serving as a voting delegate from your chapter as well as a Page, care must be taken not to express a voting opinion while you are in your page capacity. Be sure to remove your Page Sash before speaking to any point or expressing an opinion. Resolutions may require a standing vote by row, and elections require a ballot vote. The assistance of Pages with these counts will be in accordance with the Teller Committee Chair’s instructions.

Purses and Room Keys There is really no place to store a purse while you are paging. Since you will not need any money, the only things you need to carry are your conference program, a pen, your room key, and your conference name badge which indicates meals purchased. A helpful trick is to attach your page card with a safety pin, underneath your sash, where the ends cross. You may also stick small items in your glove, or in your conference program.


Outstanding Conference Page Award Every year at the State Conference, one Page is chosen to receive the honor of Outstanding Conference Page. This is an award presented by the State Regent, and the State Regent decides the guidelines to be followed in choosing and presenting the award. Generally, there are three anonymous judges chosen from the attendees at the conference. Throughout the conference the judges are on the lookout for the Page who stands out among all others. Some of the qualities they look for include helpfulness, knowledge and willingness to assist. Personal Pages are not eligible. Over the years, the award has often gone to ladies who were paging for the very first time—their enthusiasm and cooperative spirit winning the day!

Official Sash Ribbons Pages must be able to recognize official sash ribbons that are worn by the Officers of our State and National Societies.

★ The widest sash is worn by the President General and has a blue center with white edge stripes.

★ The State Regent’s ribbon is a center blue stripe with white edges.

★ An Honorary State Regent’s ribbon has a center strip of blue on the field of white with blue outside edges.

There are several variations of the sash ribbons that an official conference guest might wear. Please be aware that anyone wearing a sash ribbon is either a current or past officer in our Society. Here is a brief description of the ribbons:

★ The wider the sash, the higher the office ★ More blue means current ★ More white means past or honorary.


Please be aware guests from other societies and organizations may be present and wearing an official sash to represent their organization. (Examples: National Society Children of the American Revolution, U.S. Daughters of 1812, Sons of the American Revolution, etc.). Please note all DAR sashes will always be exclusively blue and white.


Duties of Conference Pages

Processionals ★ The Flag Pages lead the processional, beginning at

the sign of the Marshal Committee. ★ Pages will line up, two-by-two, outside the meeting

room. ★ Each couple will link pinkie-to-pinkie and process in at

the direction of the Marshal. ★ A distance of three feet should be maintained between

processing couples unless number of Pages and length of aisle dictate otherwise.

★ When you reach the appropriate spot to stop, you will separate from your partner and face each other, standing at attention on either side of the aisle to form an honor guard for the State Regent.

★ As the State Regent passes you, please turn in position to face the front and remain standing at attention until the opening ceremonies have concluded.

★ Pages (except Flag Pages) are expected to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, the American’s Creed, to sing the Star Spangled Banner, to recite the Salute to the Texas Flag and to sing the state song.

★ Please remember to inconspicuously remove your right glove before reciting the pledges and singing the National Anthem—and replace your glove after the colors have been posted.

★ After the Colors have been posted, the State Regent will dismiss the Pages who will then assume their assigned positions.

The Processional Procedure will be rehearsed

during the Page Meeting.


Floor Pages ★ In advance of the Conference opening, Floor Pages

should familiarize themselves with the Conference seating plan.

★ Pages should know exactly where State Officers, Honorary State Regents, and Conference Guests are positioned, generally on the platform.

★ Duties will include carrying messages, handing out reports to delegates, securing pen and paper, helping with voting lines and assisting latecomers in finding seats.

★ Pages will station themselves at regular intervals along the two side walls and the wall opposite the platform at the rear of the room.

★ Watch for raised hands or motions on the floor that summon you for duty or assistance.

★ When accepting a message to be delivered, please make sure the recipient’s name is on the outside of the note. Always inquire if you should wait for a reply. The location of the sender should be carefully noted so that the answer can be returned quickly when required. Pages should never read notes. If you are not familiar with the recipient, it is acceptable to ask the person giving you the note where she is. However, if she does not know, take the note and ask the Page Chair or Vice Chairs in the back of the room for assistance.

★ When delivering a message to the platform from the floor, give the message to the Platform Page on the side closest to the person who should receive the message. Be sure to wait and find out whether there will be a reply.


Microphone Pages ★ There will be a microphone placed on the floor at the

end of each side of the platform. Microphone Pages should station themselves at the front of the room and off to the side of each microphone.

★ Duties will include turning on and off the microphone as needed and adjusting the height for the speaker.

★ Please quietly remind the ladies to state their name and chapter before speaking “from the floor.” This does not apply to Chair giving reports.

★ Remember that only delegates (those with a voter badge) may make motions from the floor during business meetings.

★ After a delegate reads her motion, the Page should take the completed motion card from her and give it immediately to the Platform Page who will give it to the State Recording Secretary.

★ As a Microphone Page, you might deliver copies of reports to the Platform Pages for members on the platform.

Door Pages

★ The Door Pages will attend the doors. There will be two Pages stationed outside each door—one standing and one sitting. If the Page standing needs to leave, the sitting Page will stand.

★ Door Pages need to inform those waiting outside at regular intervals where the proceedings are in the program.

★ Upon direction of the State Regent, a door may be designated to allow members to quietly enter and leave the meeting room during the sessions.


Pages with Specific Assignments The following are specific assignments that will be made before State Conference or during the Page Meeting. You will be assisting the leaders of the state society and invited guests. They serve the general assembly when not officially on duty Remember, your priority is to your assignment. Please plan accordingly. Please confirm with the Page Chair to determine when your official duties begin.

Memorial Service Pages ★ The State Chaplain will select several Pages for

specific duties during the Memorial Service, but all Pages are invited to participate.

★ The Chaplain and Page Chair will instruct Pages on their duties immediately before the service.

★ Remember that you must be dressed in white to page and you should arrive at the room twenty minutes before the service is scheduled to begin.

★ A hat is optional unless you have been assigned as a Memorial Service Page.

Executive Board Page

★ This Page is selected by the State Regent and assists the Executive Board in anyway needed, such as obtaining copies of all reports given at the State Conference and ensuring personal items are in their proper place before processionals begin.

★ It may become necessary for the Executive Board Page to run errands between Conference sessions when requested.

★ The page stands when the officer stands as her position, not when she is recognized as a state chair or representative for her district.


★ The page remains standing until the officer is seated.

Example: If said officer steps away from the podium but does not return to her seat for consecutive motions at once, the page remains standing until the officer has returned to her seat.

Platform Pages

★ The State Regent selects the two Platform Pages. ★ Platform Pages are seated on each end of the

platform, and they remain on the platform at all times during business sessions.

★ Platform Pages are responsible for knowing which State Officers and Conference Guests are seated on the platform.

★ Duties include passing messages on the platform and to the Floor Pages, securing paper, pens and drinking water; obtaining copies of reports; and assisting members on the platform.

★ If a Platform Page receives a message for someone who has a Personal Page, she should deliver the message to the Personal Page.

★ Platform Pages do not leave the platform and rely on the Floor Pages to receive and deliver messages that need to be distributed.

Certificate Page

★ Certificate Page sits with the District Chairs during the business sessions.

★ Certificate Page delivers the State Regent’s certificates of merit to the State Chair.

★ If a State Chair is not present, then the Certificate Page gives her certificate to the appropriate District Chair.


★ This service ensures that each State Chair receives her certificate from the State Regent.


Flag Pages (Color Bearers) ★ The Page Chair will assign a Committee of 4 Pages. ★ Possession of the flags, stands and holsters is

coordinated between the Page Chair and the State Curator.

★ The Flag Committee is entirely responsible for the safety and positioning of the American, Texas and DAR flags, stands and holsters during State Conference.

★ The Flag Committee must ascertain the need of flags at each business session and meal, and then ensure that they are positioned ahead of time.

★ Caution must be used to keep the Society’s holdings separated from those of the conference hotel.

★ Usually, the flags are kept in one of the Flag Committee’s room each night.

★ Flag Pages hold the flags with the right hand above the left, approximately ten to twelve inches apart.

★ The American Flag is first in the processional and the first to be posted. It is followed by the Texas Flag, the DAR Banner, and any other Remembrance Banner.

★ During the recessional the American Flag is the first flag to be removed and leaves first, followed by Texas and DAR.

★ When holding a flag, the Page is to stand at attention until the State Regent tells her to post the Colors.

★ A Flag Page does not remove her right glove, does not recite the pledge nor sing while holding the Colors.

★ Assume a comfortable position with one foot slightly in front of the other and bend your knees.

★ Flag Pages will need to arrive fifteen minutes before all other Pages for the processionals in order to check the meeting room for hazards such as close corners, low ceilings, chandeliers, etc.


★ Flags are not given to anyone that is pregnant simply because they are held at attention during the pledges and the singing of the National Anthem, which could easily last fifteen minutes. This is more strenuous than it looks!

The Flag Pages will have an opportunity to rehearse at the Page Meeting.

Hospitality Page ★ Greet guests and escort them to get their picture

taken. ★ Escort out of the designated area once they have had

their picture taken.

Reception Room Page ★ Greet guests and escort them to get their picture taken

before the evening banquet. ★ Escort out of the designated area once they have had

their picture taken.

Photographer Page ★ Be familiar with the layout of the conference. ★ Know where the meeting is in the program ★ Get the photographer when awards are being given

during the conference.


Duties of a Personal Page ★ Be familiar with the Conference program and the

layout of the hotel. ★ Ask your designee when she would like you to report

for duty each day. ★ Politely, but firmly, move your designee to the front of

any line—such as entrance to meals, bathrooms or elevators. Most Texas Daughters will recognize this privilege and will allow you to do this. Please act with tact, courtesy and graciousness.

★ Offer to carry all personal belongings. ★ Ensure your designee has water, note paper, pen,

mints, etc. by her place on the platform. ★ Ensure your designee has her program and gloves. ★ Ensure your designee has any certificates or gifts that

are needed for each portion of the program. ★ Run errands as needed. ★ Monitor the conference program to anticipate

upcoming needs. ★ Stand when your designee is introduced or speaks

when seated on the platform. ★ Return to service as a Floor Page if your designee is

not on the platform. ★ The page stands when her designee stands as her

position, not when she is recognized as a state chair or representative for her district.

★ The page remains standing until her designee is seated.


A Personal Page should always remain respectful. You should remember to smile, be helpful and cordial. Offer services as needed and listen carefully to your designee’s wishes. It is important to maintain an appropriate relationship by standing to the side so that you are not


part of conversations and taking cues from the individual as to how to conduct yourself. Beware of joking or getting too friendly like hugs or touching.

Confidentiality Please remember that room numbers and messages are to be held in confidence. Do not read a note to or from a guest or divulge room numbers unless told specifically by your designee to do so.

Points to Remember

★ When designee is introduced or speaks while you are on the platform, please stand and remain standing until your designee is seated. You may remain seated during meal functions.

★ If you have been assigned as a Personal Page to a male guest, never go to his room. Arrange to meet him in the lobby or another designated place. Do not leave the hotel with a male conference guest.

★ Please inform the Page Chair immediately should some problem arise that would require someone to cover for you.

★ Remain with your designee unless otherwise specifically instructed.

★ Respect the wishes of your designee. ★ Respect the privacy of your designee in

conversations, phone calls and personal spaces.


Gifts It has become customary to give a small gift, not to exceed $5.00, to your designee. A good idea is a note pad, such as those in the shape of Texas or with a bluebonnet on it. You may write your name and room number on the first page. Be sure to include your address in the event your guest wishes to send you a thank you note. If you get something other than a note pad, be sure to give your designee this information upon your first meeting.

How to Handle Meals as a Personal Page Guests usually have meal tickets for all meals. You are not required to attend meal functions. Take your designee to the function and seat her. Return to escort her after the function. If you are staying for the meal, please remain alert to your designee’s needs.


The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America

I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.

The American’s Creed I believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic, a sovereign nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable, established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my Country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws; to respect its Flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

By William Tyler Page

The Star Spangled Banner Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn’s early light What so proudly we hailed at the twilight’s last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof to through the night that our Flag was still there. Oh, say does that Star-Spangled Banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

By Francis Scott Key

Salute to the Texas Flag Honor the Texas Flag; I pledge allegiance to thee—Texas, one state under God, one and indivisible.

Texas Our Texas Texas, our Texas! All hail the mighty State! Texas, our Texas! So wonderful so great! Boldest and grandest, Withstanding ev'ry test; O Empire wide and glorious, You stand supremely blest. [Refrain] God bless you Texas! And keep you brave and strong, That you may grow in power and worth, Thro'out the ages long. (repeat refrain)

By Gladys and Marsh White


General Schedule for Pages

Thursday ♦ Memorial Service (business white dress/hat optional/gloves) ♦ Page Meeting and Rehearsal (casual attire) ♦ Pages Briefing Prior to Lineup ♦ Opening Night Ceremonies (long white formal/gloves) ♦ Official Page Picture Immediately Following Evening Session

Friday ♦ Pages Briefing Prior to Lineup ♦ Morning Business Session (business white dress/gloves) ♦ Afternoon Business Session (business white dress/gloves) ♦ Pages Briefing Prior to Lineup ♦ Evening Session with Dinner (long white formal/gloves) ♦ Junior/Page Party (casual attire) Saturday ♦ Pages Briefing Prior to Lineup ♦ Morning Business Session (business white dress/gloves) ♦ Afternoon Business Session (business white dress/gloves) ♦ Pages Briefing Prior to Lineup ♦ Evening Session with Dinner (long white formal/gloves) ♦ Page Club Reception (casual attire) Saturday ♦ Cameo Breakfast