2018-2019 Grade 3 FSA Parent Meeting

2018-2019 Grade 3 FSA Parent Meeting - North Beach€¦ · 29/1/2019  · 3 How will the FSA affect my child for 4th grade promotion? FSA ELA 3rd FSA ELA – Adminstered on Wednesday,

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Page 1: 2018-2019 Grade 3 FSA Parent Meeting - North Beach€¦ · 29/1/2019  · 3 How will the FSA affect my child for 4th grade promotion? FSA ELA 3rd FSA ELA – Adminstered on Wednesday,



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*  TheFloridaStandardsarethecontentstandardsthatidentifythe


*  MeasuresstudentperformancebasedontheFloridaStateStandards.

*  Informationfromtheassessmentisusedtodrivestudentinstruction.

*  TheFloridaStandards,adoptedbytheStateBoardofEducationinFebruary2014,prepareFloridastudentsforsuccessincollege,career,andlifebyemphasizinganalyticalthinking.Measures student performance based on the FloridInformation from the assessment is used to drive student instruction.



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3rdFSAELA– AdminsteredonWednesday,Thursday,April4,2019.April3andMustreceiveanFSALevel2orhigher

3rdPortfolio– AdminsteredJanuary22ndthroughMay2nd(Studentsmustdemonstratemasteryof3itemsormoreforeachofthestandardslistedinordertobeconsideredforpromotion.) I-ReadyDiagnostic#3administeredpriortotheendoftheschoolyear–readingpercentilerankscoreof50orhigher.



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1.  LimitedEnglishproficientstudentswhohavehadlessthan2yearsofinstructioninan(ESOL)programbasedontheDateofEntryintoaU.S.School(DEUSS).

2.  StudentswithdisabilitieswhoseIndividualEducationPlan(IEP)indicatesthatparticipationintheFSAisnotappropriate,consistentwiththerequirementsofFloridaStatutes§1008.212.

3.  Studentswhodemonstrateanacceptablelevelofperformanceonanalternativestandardized(iReady)approvedbytheStateBoardofEducation.

4.  Astudentwhodemonstratesthroughastudentportfoliomasteryof3itemsormoreforeachofthestandardslistedinordertobeconsideredforpromotion.

5.  Studentswithdisabilitieswhotakesthestatewide,standardizedEnglishLanguageArtsassessmentandwhohaveanIndividualEducationPlan(IEP)oraSection504planpreviouslyretainedinkindergarten,grade1,grade2,orgrade3.

6.  Studentswhohavereceivedintensivereadinginterventionfor2ormoreyearsbutstilldemonstrateadeficiencyinreadingandwhowerepreviouslyretainedinkindergarten,grade1,grade2,orgrade3foratotalof2years.Astudentmaynotberetainedmorethanonceingrade3.



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Student Assessment and Educational Testing 5

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Student Assessment and Educational Testing 7








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Student Assessment and Educational Testing 9

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Norman Webb Depth Of Knowledge

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*  Students enrolled in a MDCPS in grades 3rd – 10

*  FSA Reading and Math - This assessments have two sessions. Students take one session per day. Students will be given 80-minutes per session to complete the test.

*  Students in 3rd grade will be assessed on text that is either informational or literary and it may cover a wide range of topics. The text may be given with questions related only to one story or the questions may be combined with another text.

*  The 3rd grade reading passages will also include the understand of multimedia elements like graphs, charts, timelines, or graphic elements.


What students are assessed in 3rd grade?

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*  Allgrade3studentsmustcompleteaportfolio

•  Accommodationsmaybeprovidedforstudentswithdisabilities,Section504students,andEnglishlanguagelearners.

•  OnlystudentswhomaybeexemptedarestudentswithdisabilitieswhoseIEPsindicatestheyarenotparticipatingintheFSAandaretakinganalternativeassessment



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*  TheguidelinesforallELLareasfollows:1.FlexibleSetting.ELLmaybeofferedtheopportunitytoreadthepassagesandrespondtothequestionsinaseparateroomwiththeESOLorheritagelanguageteacher.Becausethestudentsarenotoflegalage,parentsmustbeinformedofthisoptionandshouldbeaskedfortheirpreferencesinthetestadministration.2.AssistanceintheHeritageLanguage.Theheritagelanguageteachermayanswerstudents’questionsaboutgeneraldirectionsortestquestionsinawaythatthestudentswouldnotbemistakenlyledtoinferthecorrectanswer.3.Dictionary.ELLstudentsmusthaveaccesstoanEnglish‑to‑heritagelanguagedictionaryand/orheritagelanguage‑to‑Englishdictionary,suchasthosemadeavailabletoELLinaninstructionalsetting.However,adictionarywrittenexclusivelyintheheritageorinEnglishmaynotbeused.4.FlexibleScheduling.ELLmayreadthepassagesandanswerthequestionsduringbriefsessions,butalltheworkmustbecompletedduringthesecondsemesteroftheschoolyear.



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*  Thefollowingaccommodationsarepermitted,ifneeded,forstudentswithdisabilitieswithactiveIEPsorforstudentswithactiveSection504AccommodationPlans.Teachersshouldfollowtheproceduresoutlinedbelowandgivespecialassistanceonlytothosestudentswhoareeligibleforsuchassistance,asperthecurrentIEPorSection504AccommodationPlan.

*  OralPresentation:Eligiblestudentswhohavetheaccommodationdocumentedmayhavedirections,

testquestions,andanswerchoicesreadaloud.PassagesmayNOTbereadaloud.*  FlexibleSetting.Studentsmayreadthepassagesandindividuallyrespondtothequestionsina

small‑groupsettingunderateacher’ssupervision*  FlexibleScheduling.Studentsmayreadthepassagesandrespondtothequestionsduringseveral

briefsessions,aslongasalltestingiscompletedduringthesecondsemesteroftheschoolyear.*  RecordingofAnswers.Studentsmaymarkanswersonthepageswiththequestionsorindicatetheir


*  MechanicalAids.Studentsmayuseamagnifyingdevice,apointer,anoncalibratedrulerortemplate,orothersimilardevicestoassistinmaintainingvisualattentiontothepassagesandthequestions.

*  AuditoryorSignLanguagePresentations.Theteachermaysign,provideoralinterpretationsof,orreadgeneraldirections.Thereadingpassagesmustbereadbythestudentusingvisualortactilemeans.

*  Dictionary.StudentswhousesignlanguageastheirprimarymeansofcommunicationmayuseanEnglish/signorsign/Englishtranslationdictionary.



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*  Studentswhowereabsentonthedayapassagewasadministered

*  StudentswhoenterM-DCPSafteradministrationbegins

*  StudentswhotransferschoolswithinMDCPS



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*  Providesfornosocialpromotion

*  StudentsmustscoreataLevel2orhigherontheGrade3EnglishlanguageartsFloridaStandardsAssessment(FSA)

*  Grade3studentswhoscoreatLevel1maybeexemptfor“goodcause”

*  Astudentmaydemonstratereadingskillsequaltoorabovealevel2performancethroughtheGrade3ReadingStudentPortfolio



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Grade RangeofNumbersofWords

3 100-700

4 100-900

5 100-1000



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*  Use Technology (iReady, MyOn,etc.) *  Read together EVERY night. *  Use FSA Task Cards. *  Ask you child questions. *  Make sure your child is using TEXT EVIDENCE. *  Review your child’s homework.


What can I do at home?

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*  Weekly lab time to complete i-Ready *  Differentiated Instruction *  Modeling and sharing activities to practice the skills

and question types on the test. *  Intervention in Reading and Math. *  Morning Tutoring Lab


What are we doing to help your child?

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