Mar/April 2018 I Serving the Defiance Community for Over 50 Years I NEW Issue 6, Vol. 53 WOTM DINNERS Saturday, March 10 MEATLOAF Maleed Potatoes, Corn, Salad and Dessert 3 7.00 5:00 7:00pm. Followedby the Dance Music of LIBERTYRADVfiom 7:30 to 11:30 Saturday,April 14 PORKLOHV Baked Potato, Glazed Carrots £9” Dessert 3 7. 00 5:00 7:00pm. Followed by tile DanceMusic of P] 69’ Tile Country Kickers from 7:30 to 11:30 MOOSE 2094LEGIONNAIRES—YOUR TACOACES— PRESENT TAcOASIs Build—your—own—Tacos 8L Nachos Food Bar Deliciously AutllenticFakeMexican Food Wit/J tlJe Real Tamale a George! From 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. or until gone) First Tuesday of the month, prior to the monthly drawing GIRL SCOUT COOKIES WILL BE ON SALE ON .MARCH6t}; FRIDAY FISH FRYS All—you—care—to—eat—ofeverytbing $7 (Includes Tax) MARCH 2 8c 16 APRIL 6 8c 20 5 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. SATURDAYSTEAK FRYS lOoz. FLAT IRON 1510 Still Grilledby Bill! MARCH 24 &APRIL 28 5 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. \ NewMember Complimentary Steak & Orientation ”— UPCOMING EVENTS ——\ KIDS EASTER PARTY FRIDAY; MARCH 30th KIDS’ FESTIVITIES BEGIN AT 6:00 p.m. KITCHEN OPEN FROM 5:30 until 8:30 MUSIC BY A&E SOUND FROM 6:00 until 10:00 Free candy and gifts are limited to children 12-years old and younger. However, older brothers and sisters are welcome to attend. Meet the easter bunny and bubba moose A sign-up sheet is located in front of the kids’ room. Deadline is March 23. Children and grandchildren of Defiance Moose members only. Must present memberslnp card at tbe door in order to participate. FIRST SATURDAY ROCK N ROLL DANCE PARTY 7:30 11:30 p.m. MARCH 3 —JUNKYARD BAND (Fort Wayne’s Finest and One of Our Favorites) APRIL 7— GROOVE DADDIES ( Vintage Roe/z, jukebox Country C9” New Country Classics) MAY 5 VALOR ( Talented Local FavoritesNailing Classic Rock) ALWAYSTHE BEST BANDS —- NEVERA COVERCHARGE THINGS THAT ARE FREE OR NEARLY FREE) AT YOUR L DGE EveryWednesday Beverages are Half-01fall day for Carded Valued Veterans Every'lhursday (9-11 a.m.) BreakfastSandwich,Hash Browns 8L Coffee - $3 Every'Ihursday (5-10 p.m.) Burgers, Shrimp, Hotdogs 8L Draft Beer Half—off Unlimited coffee refills are FREE all—da , all-night. First cup is only 50¢ BBQPork Platter is FREE to all men an women memberswho attend the District meeting on Sunday, March 18 at 2 p.m. Straight from the ADMIN’ Congratulations to Tristian Fleming, who was awarded a $5000 Moose InternationalHeart of the Community Scholarship. Tristian is the grandson of WOTM member Pat Ray and great grandson of the late Luella Spencer. Tristian, the only scholarship recipient from Ohio, was chosen from a field of eleven Ohio finalists. I am proud to say that seven of those eleven were students sponsored by parent or grandparent members of Defiance Lodge 2094 or Chapter 1246. Tristian plans to attend Purdue University Fort Wayne after graduating from Defiance High School this spring. He also attends Northwest State Community College through the college plus program. In the future, if you wish to use the lodge dance hall for a private gathering, a deposit and approval by the House Committee will be required. A complete set of rules is posted throughout the social quarters. There is still no charge to use the hall, since the deposit is fully refundable, but please come in and fill out the form well in advance of your event, allowing enough time to be reviewed at a House Committee meeting. The meetings are held every second and fourth Monday of the month. Fraternally, Bill Hesselschwardt FIND US ONLINE! http://Iodge2094.moosepages.org li/defiancemoose2094 Page 1 of 4 Downloaded from www.ohiomoose.com Posted: 3/20/2018

NEWohiomoose.com/newsletters/2094-0304-18.pdf · 2018-03-20 · Mar/April2018 I ServingtheDefianceCommunityforOver50Years I NEW Issue6,Vol.53 WOTMDINNERS Saturday,March10 MEATLOAF

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Page 1: NEWohiomoose.com/newsletters/2094-0304-18.pdf · 2018-03-20 · Mar/April2018 I ServingtheDefianceCommunityforOver50Years I NEW Issue6,Vol.53 WOTMDINNERS Saturday,March10 MEATLOAF

Mar/April 2018 I Serving the Defiance Community for Over 50 Years I

NEWIssue 6, Vol. 53

WOTM DINNERSSaturday,March 10

MEATLOAFMaleed Potatoes, Corn, Saladand Dessert — 37.00

5:00 — 7:00pm.Followedby theDanceMusic of

LIBERTYRADVfiom 7:30 to 11:30Saturday,April 14PORKLOHV

BakedPotato, Glazed Carrots £9”Dessert — 3 7.005:00 — 7:00pm.

Followed by tileDanceMusicofP] 69’ Tile CountryKickersfrom 7:30 to 11:30


TAcOASIsBuild—your—own—Tacos8L Nachos Food Bar

DeliciouslyAutllenticFakeMexicanFoodWit/J tlJe Real Tamale a George!

From 5:00 until 7:00 p.m. oruntil gone)First Tuesday of the month, prior to the monthly drawing


FRIDAY FISH FRYSAll—you—care—to—eat—ofeverytbing$7 (IncludesTax)

MARCH 2 8c 16APRIL 6 8c 20

5 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.SATURDAYSTEAK FRYS

lOoz. FLATIRON — 1510 Still Grilledby Bill!MARCH 24&APRIL28 — 5 p.m. until 7:00 p.m.

\ NewMemberComplimentary Steak &Orientation




MUSIC BY A&E SOUND FROM 6:00 until 10:00Free candy and gifts are limited to children 12-years old and younger.

However, older brothers and sisters are welcome to attend.Meet the easter bunny and bubba moose

A sign-up sheet is located in front of the kids’ room. Deadline isMarch23.Children and grandchildren ofDefiance Moose members only.Mustpresent memberslnpcard at tbe door in order toparticipate.


7:30 — 11:30 p.m.MARCH3—JUNKYARD BAND

(Fort Wayne’s Finest and One ofOur Favorites)APRIL 7— GROOVEDADDIES

(Vintage Roe/z, jukeboxCountry C9”New CountryClassics)MAY 5 —VALOR

(Talented Local FavoritesNailing Classic Rock)ALWAYSTHEBESTBANDS —-NEVERACOVERCHARGE


EveryWednesday— Beverages are Half-01fall day for CardedValued VeteransEvery'lhursday (9-11 a.m.)— BreakfastSandwich,Hash Browns8LCoffee - $3Every'Ihursday(5-10 p.m.) — Burgers, Shrimp, Hotdogs8LDraftBeer Half—offUnlimitedcoffee refillsare FREE all—da , all-night. First cup is only50¢

BBQPork Platter is FREE to allmen an womenmemberswhoattend theDistrict meetingon Sunday, March 18 at 2 p.m.

Straight from the ADMIN’Congratulations to Tristian Fleming, who was awarded a $5000

Moose InternationalHeart of the CommunityScholarship. Tristian isthe grandson ofWOTMmember Pat Ray and great grandson of thelate Luella Spencer. Tristian, the only scholarship recipient from Ohio,was chosen from a field of eleven Ohio finalists. I am proud to say thatseven of those elevenwere students sponsored by parent or grandparentmembers of Defiance Lodge 2094 or Chapter 1246. Tristian plans toattend Purdue University FortWayne after graduating from DefianceHigh School this spring. He also attends NorthwestState CommunityCollege through the college plus program.

In the future, if you wish to use the lodge dance hall for a

private gathering, a deposit and approval by the House Committee

will be required. A complete setof rules is posted throughout thesocial quarters. There is still nocharge to use the hall, since thedeposit is fully refundable, but pleasecome in and fill out the form well in advanceof your event, allowing enough time to be reviewed at a HouseCommittee meeting. The meetings are held every second and fourthMonday of the month.

Fraternally,Bill Hesselschwardt

FIND US ONLINE! http://Iodge2094.moosepages.org li/defiancemoose2094

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Page 2: NEWohiomoose.com/newsletters/2094-0304-18.pdf · 2018-03-20 · Mar/April2018 I ServingtheDefianceCommunityforOver50Years I NEW Issue6,Vol.53 WOTMDINNERS Saturday,March10 MEATLOAF

. Hello brothers and sisters! It is a sadi ’ day at the lodge, as this is my last

newsletter. I know...I know...wipe- those tears away. It is time for me tomove on and let the next person take

over. Please,wish me luck as I work mywayup the district level. I have enjoyed these past two years as ourgovernor. I hope everyone has en'oyed the ideas I have broug t tothe lodge. I have more ideas that I hope to try out in the future.

run again. ....(wink).

couple of cars. ankyou for al owing me tobe your Governor. Ithas been awonderfulex erlence.

Have you been consideringan office position?Don’t fret! Thereis


still time! The second nomination meeting will be March 5th and Fraternally yours,the final one will be March 12th. Please ask an officer how to be Larry “Sparky”nominated. Votingwill be April 2nd. McGuire

Hey you! Yes, I’m talking to ou! Do you enfoy doing a little goodfor someone each day? If you 0, the Moose egionwants you. Seeme or anyMoose Legionnaire for an application today!

Chapter CHATTERWelcome Sprin !With Easter on thewa and the election

of new officers, t e next two months willlbe very busy forour chapter. The slate of Chapter Officer Nomineeswill beannouncedat theMarch 12 meetin and elections will be held "

at 6:00 pm. onMarch26. AllW0 M members in good standingare welcome to vote. You must show your membership card.

In the month ofMarch theWOTMwillwaive the $20 a plicationfee for new members. The ap licant will only pay $25

insteag of $45; a perfect opportunity to

promote membership and he p our Chapter grow.We changed our walof handling funeral dinners. We are no longer calling on co—workers

to donate food items. e now provide a set meal. It is so much easier than uessing whatwillbe donatedand what we will need to purchase. It’s worked outvery well so ar. No complaints.

Here’s a quick list of upcoming WOTM sponsored events:

March 10 —MeatloafDinner,March 16 — Fish Fr , March 18 — District Meeting,March26 — Election ofOfficers (6 pm), March 30 8c 31 — ake Sale (We will call for donations 1

week prior).

April 14 — Pork Loin Dinner,April 20 — Fish Fry, April 23 — InstallationofOfficers.

Remember, chapter meetings are always held on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each monthat 7:00 pm.Co-worker of the month for January is LindaJohnson.

Lastly, as this is the last newsletter ofmy term, I would like to thank all ofmy officers andco-workers for their help and support. I have learned so much and gained soman friendshipsthis past year; and I appreciate each and every one ofyou. Thankyou also to the c


your constant and generous support, our chapter would notflourish.

YvonneWilcox - SeniorRegent

MOOSE NEWS Request FormYes, I wish to receive theMooseFamily Center Lodge #2094Newsletterby United

States Postal Delivery. Please send the newsletter to:




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L ____________________________ J

I am very grateful for all of the friends I have made these last

OnMay lst please welcomeand congratulate our new Governor,a s you did for me. Who knows maybe one of these years I might

fiNOTICES° Moose International Heart ofthe Community Scholarship formsare posted on the bulletin board atthe west end of the bar. For Classof 2019 Ohio high school juniorsonly, the scholarship is availableto children or grandchildren ofDefiance Moose members andis worth $5000. Submission ofthe Heart of the CommunityScholarship form also qualifies thestudent for scholarshipsup to a totalof $2500 from Defiance Lodge2094. However, our local lodgescholarship is open only to studentsfrom high schools in Defiance,Putnam, Paulding, Williams,Fulton, or Henry Counties. If youhave questions, speak to the LodgeAdministrator.

‘ Election of Moose Lodge'Ofilcers for the 2018—19 lodgeyear will be held on April 2nd.Nominating Committee meetingsare underway. Women’s OfficerElection is Monday, March 26 inthe meeting room at 6 pm.°TheFirst Respondersmembershipdrive promotion was to have endedon December 31, 2017. However,due to the success of the program,it has been extended through April30, 2018.

° Reservations for members to usethe dance hall for private familyevents are now being reviewed and

gproved by members of theHouse

ommittee. A deposit is nowrequired. Hall use rules are postedin the lobby and on the west wallbulletin board. JINMEMORIAMIt iswith great sorrow-we mustreport tha our defending Circlehas been broken. Rest in peace:- DavidFraley 12/22/17' FrankGudakunst 12/22/ 17' GeneBaldwin 12/25/ 17' MarvinWidmer 12/25/ 17' DonaldHatter 12/30/ 17' Robert Ratchet 01/05/18' JoeDavila01/10/18' RodneyBechtel01/ 15/18



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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday1 2 3BreakfastSandwich.Hash— FISHFRY Far Out & Groovy, Man.

brown8rCoffee$3 - 9 to“ 5:00-7:00 pm. UUNK YARD BAND”

Dogs,Shrimp.Burgers&Beer Full Band SoundSpecials - 5:00-10:00 pm. of JamesWesley6:00

4 5 6 7 8 9 10Weekly Draw 4:30pm LOOM Reg. Mtg. 7 pm. MonthlyDrawing ValuedVets Day BreakfastSandwich etc $3 Voice & Guitar by 5 —1 pm -wom DINNER

QUEEN OF HEARTS 8pm. 7:30 pm. Half Off Beverages 9:00 am. to 11:00 am. glgget1lgg‘3'adde'y MEATLOAF$7


: - : .m.

T360335 Dogs.Shrimp,Burgers&Beerp The Moose Party-People

5 Um" 7100 pm Specials - 5:00-10:00 pm. Pleasers'L/BERTYRA/N”

1 1 12 13 14 15 16 17Weekly Draw 4:30 pm WOTM OfficersMtg. 6:30 . ‘ FISHFRY Happy St. Paddy’s Day

DaylightSavings Time WOTM Chapt. Mtg. 7pm. ValuedVets Day grgskfastfaqdvggh etc $3 5:004:00 p.m WeeklyDrawingEvery

Begins. SetyourClocks LOOMOfficersMtg. 7pm. Halfoff Beverages ' am. 0 ' a.m.Voice & Guitar by Saturday

Ahead 1 Hour. QUEEN OF HEARTS 8p.m. Dogs,Shrimp,Burgers&Beer BRAD BURKHART M10130 P-m-

Specials - 5:00-10:00 pm. 3:30 _ 10:30 HotHits — Cool Vocals'THEFLAMES'

18 19 20 21 22 23 24. . . . . , I

_ '. . _

OSMADlstllctlll Moose Legion Mtg..6.30 p.m. SpringsHeIe. ValuedVets Day BreakfastSandwich etc $3 Valce& Guitar by New MemberOrientation

BusmessMeetngpm. LOOM Reg. Mtg. 7.00 pm. MARIO MARROQUIN 5.45 pm.

.Half Off Beverages 9:00 am. to 11:00 am.

andMeal@245pm. QUEEN OF HEARTS 8pm. 6:30 _ 10.30 STEAKFRY5 to 1 pm.

Weekly DEW 4330 pmDogs,Shrimp,Burgers&Beer Don't Rock the Jukebox...

Specials - 5:00-10:00 pm.”SUNDOWN”

25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Weekly Draw 4:30 pmWOTM Chapt. Mtg. 7p.m. ValuedVets Day BreakfastSandwich etc $3 KlDS' EASTER PARTY COMMUNITYKIDS EGG

LOOMOfficersMtg. 7p.m. H If Off Be 900 t 1100 6 to 9 pm. HUNT

QUEEN OF HEARTS 8p.m.a verages . am. 0 . am. A & E Sound DIEHL PARK-11am.

WOTM Election of Officers Dogs,Shrimp,Burgers&Beer Good Friday SHARP!

SPECMS ' 520040100 p.m. WOTM Bake Sale Destination Dance Floor”COPPER CREEK ROAD”

WOTM Bake Sale


Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 4 5 6 7Lodge Closed LOOM ELECTION OF Monthly Drawing .

Dance theNite Away

No Weekly Draw OFFICERSTpm. 7:30 pm.vamed vets Day Bleakfa“ “"4““ ”5"" "GROOVE DADDIES"

. Half Off Beverages 9.00 aim. to 11.00 am. 5:00-7:00 pm.LOOM Reg.Mtg.7 p.m. Tac0a5ls F II B d S d

HAPPYEASTER QUEENOF HEARTS8pm. 5:00 until 7:00 pm Dogs,Shrimp,Burgers&Beer” a" °""

Specials - 500—10400 p m°f Jameswes'ey

‘ ' ‘ ' 6:00 to 10:00

8 1O 1 1 1 2 13 1 4Joint WOTM/LOOMMtg. 6:30 .

- - _ _ '

.ValuedVets Da Breakfast SandWIch Vulce 3* Gum" by 5 7 m WOTM”“1“"

Weekly Draw 4‘30pm WOTMOfficers Mtg.6'00 HalfOff Beverayges. 9:00 am. to 1 1:00 am. Garnet McGladdery”RR LOIN I ‘1

WOTMChapt- MthP-m 6:30 - 10:30 pm. Country Cutie with her Party

LOOM Officers Mtg.7pm. Dogs,Shrimp,Burgers&BeerPIC ers

QUEENOFHEARTS8pm. Specials - 5:00-10:00 pm. ”RM The CountryKickers”

15 16 17 18 19 20 21Weekly Draw 4:30 pm MooseLegion 6:30 pm. ValuedVets Day Breakfast Sandwich ”SHFRV MUSIC N°tSuitable for

OSMADistrict 4 _ . 5.00400 Teenagers

. LOOMReg. Mtg. 1 pm. HalfOff Beverages 9.00 am. to 11.00am. - . p.m. , ,Meetngp.m.



Napoleon Lodge 788Dogs,Shrlmp,Burgers&Beer 6'30 10.30 M . bSpecials - 5:00—10:00 pm. - ' ~ ”s'c Y

22 23 24 25 26 27 28Weekly

Draw 4:30 pm WOTM Chapt. Mtg. 7p.m. ValuedVets Day Breakfast Sandwich KARAOKE CONTEST STEAK FRY5 to 1 p.nr.

aIthDay LOOMOfficersMtg. 7p.m. _ _ L IL d [THalfOff Beverages 9.00 am. to 11.00 am. 0‘73 0 ge Qua ’ ’9’ .

QUEEN OF HEARTS 8pm. ForStateContest VintageCountry 8i Rock.

Dogs,Shrimp,Burgers&Beer pick up EntryForm in Get it?

Specials - 5:00—10:00 pm. Lodge"VCR"

Must beRegistered by


29 30Weekly Draw 4:30pm QUEENOF HEARTS8pm.

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U.S. Postage PaidPermit No. 343Defiance, OhioNon-Profit

Loyal Order ofMoose841 N. Clinton St. OrganizationDefiance, OH 43512

Or Current Occupant

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