THE TRIBUNS. Tor T-v* New-York Tnbrjse. "An htaru are o«t tWoril! BeVv snd e«tar and aÜ-oriSd OflöB Sbed?SbeuaysberchiMwUstiag j'L^^ Tue« wia Gilead's bslra in tho minst-el's son?. To a spirit roused by a mighty wrong j And it stole o'er the teroraest of grief with a thr.li. Like the bleated Redeemer's " Pe*ae! be still!" No! never for one rash trust betrayed, By a being whom Nature so mean had made, No : never for this will I wrong, by fear, Tne true and the noble, the fond and dear. Not thus shall triumph the false, the weas, Though Faith and Love, in their might, are weak: For God will " temper the wind " to one, Who says in her sorrow, " Tny will be done!" » Beauties oftaw. BamsB ParuJAXtjrr. Bens*of Lords. May12. ccs90UD\TV)S or the criminal law. Lord Baot/'OHaM, in moving the sK:ond reading of bis bill for the consolidation of the crirrriaat laws, stated the object he had In view, which is to digest and condense the enormous mass of oc criminal statute liw, reducing it to written prin¬ ciples and a distinct code, easily accessible, inte! ligibie, and capable of being earned into execu¬ tion with facility. His lordship then commented on the universal concurrence in opinion as to th' desirableness of this among philosophers, lawyers, and the moat enlightened judges and statesmen and then gave an amusing account of the nr. luminous records in which English law is pre¬ served. "My Lr.r<l«," he said, " I have spoken of digest¬ ing the whole of the Criminal Law, or ih- whole ol the Statute Law, Civil as »«II as Criminal, and noi merely the Statute, but the Common Law. My ataretoent of the manner in w hich the Common Law is locked up, or diffused or scattered in ibe books in whu h alone it in to b- found, is a sufficient argti- r«enr/werr> there none other, for not excluding th- Comrnon Law from tire inquiry. Hut when I come to foe Criminal Law of the land th- case become - much stronger, and I will presently show your lord¬ ships whv. Can anv thing'qua! the absurdity ol continuing your code of criminal law in your statu¬ tory or written law, and leaving out all thai is co lamed in your common law.when you reflect '< t one moment what rausf he the language which th lawgiver hold» upon this subject to those he call- upon to or>v, under the »everent penalties' He tells idem,' Disobey at your peril; here is the lav¦. written so plain that he who runs may read.' ' But." asks the sul'ject. 'is thi» all the law?' ¦Vcryf"' from It,' rrplies the legislator; ' it is not above one- fourth or one-fifth of the law you have to obey : bi il where tou are to fiud Ihe rest is more than 1 can Mil.' 'I his is ihe language which ibe lawgin r holds.' Obey me ot your peril, but I cannot te vou whm is the law; disobey rue at your peril, but I cannot tell you whm yon are to obey.-- The written law you have, but for ttie retnainin part you inuat find it out for yourself in the bei way you are able, but I cannot tell you where it i- lo he found. It is to he found in ihe 30 quarto volumes of statute law, in the 150,000 closely printed page* of report*, and if you want an in¬ dex it is contained in 8,001) page*, but more I am hound not to t£ll you. Nevertheless disobey ma at sour peril. .... Among the various advantage which the reduction of the written ami unwritten Imw io a digeal produces, 1 will reaiin vonr lordships of the main one.that it enables the subject In know what he has to obey, us well as t. e practitioner in know Imw he is to counsel bin client, and the judge I" know how he is io decide on In¬ cense. 1 may be allowed to give your lordships n lew examples <d ihe date ol confusion und nncei taintt in which our law now ginmls, written or un written; and ii there such uncertainty in mh »i i- Ian part», ii may safely he assumed that there is u- innch in the unwritten. As in tue Wullen, Hie learn- ed commissioner* tiave eollecird no less than thir- teen definitions of the crime o! theft a crime, be il remembered, far which ahoul 12,000 persons nn tru .i yearly.five el which d.funtioiis are total! i diverse, and they «re hy judgi » as well an icxt writers. A to the general stale of the law, then ure now 1,540 . tatuiee. in force, id>H of which are repealed or sup¬ posed to lie repealed directlv by parliament: 142ai repealed or supposed io be rrpenled by implication tO\ are, hut tmist inaccurately, railed obsolete, t Cause- in England there is nn »ucli Illing an an obso'. Ieio sioiute. ii has been lind down beyond contra- diction thnt a siatuie cannot be obsolete. A etaiul may Iw no longer applicable to the circumsion e of toe day, as one applied to vjlleins, for iv- stance, a i.-lns* who no longer exist; but many ol these acts are quite applicable to the circumstances ol the day, and they might tie enforced if anybody chose to put ihein io force. Of 37»> w hich are re¬ pealed, orsuppooed to be re|>ealed by implicaiion or said to l>e obsolete, thai i». never acted upou, ho* many do your lordships think it is quiie doubtful whether thev are repealed or in force ? Very nearly one-half, 142. How are you to tell whether these ore or are nol the existing law of ibe laud? But, bo ides, there are two or three score ot stutuieri i-iiji- poseil Io lie repealed directly.not obsolete, not tit implicntwi. about whu h it is perfectly impossible to know whethor thev are repealed or not. I will take as an example llie 3rd nud 4lh Henry VI, c. 10, wntcb makes it n inosl grave offence, severely pun¬ ishable, for any person to have in his possession the images taken oui of a church; but then there is a merciful proviso, except those of a nobleman, or other persons who air not reputed saints; so that il I were lo tuke an image nut of n charch, i! it were pi a reputed saint, I should be liable to the severest penalties ; but if it wen- of any body who was not so reputed.of any of my noble Irieraua near me, tor in¬ stance.I should escape a penalty entirely, (Laugh- ter.) Suppose it were my noble und learned friend on the woolsack, I might without tear take him, (Laughter ) " Lord Campbki i : No, no; he is a faint without being reputed. (A laugh.) " Lord BhoiT.H\xi: Well,repute is required. This act wan subeequi tillv repealed, but King James 1. repealed ike repealing act; and tlierelure there is the grcat.-s- doubt whether the original act ol Pat- liainent is not revived. Again: there m the 32d ol Henry VIII. the law of maintenance.no one can tell as to that. I*ben there is the 23d Henry VIII. for the attaint of Juries finding false verdicts." S,,. ,. sat it is repealed; I do not kno» whether it is rail aolete or not; but I know that Lord ftfenborourb, being very much dissatisfieil with several verdic - which »»cut iiu'winst his opinion, threaiened the Jur\ in hia place with the 23d Hetirv VIH, which, he aaid, was a great mistake to think was repealed! "Lord CararBst.L: Thai waa rvpealed bv 3ir Samutd Shephrrd. "Lqrd Bkoi-Oham : That was brought under the atlemitati ot the Iranied Commissioners, and thev fouud it was exceedingly doubtful whether the act ol attaint waa repealed, and have put it us a querv. 1 know it is the Miiaion of some ilmt Sir Samuel Sheti- nervl did rspeal n, 1 m teid H?^"LL : 1 know ir *" intended. '.Urd Bkououss; xvell. there is Lord Ellen, boraatigh a opinion thai i, was not done. here ia ano hcr act, wInch, fa the Sr^yJ \lr aenbe. the penalty o. imprisou.ne,,, for life nv a v perraan v. ho by loud, tamasttc prophecies siV' tempt the sit. ring up ol lactuw. I have iLI'i ~...»,r u .j and bth of Henr> Vl to which no man can tell wheihet thev are tet^a',." or not, which make it capital for any person to cad the Sovereign a tyrant, iirodcl, or schirmatic. m- that if any person 140 _m an aaro had happened\.. tell the truth respecting Kim; illiam, of glorfous memory, and say itiat be was a Pr»#bvteriati, ».r . schismatic, he would have bavn gufilj of High Treasam ; and no man can tell whether tiiis is so uow or not. There ii Another act of Heory*VIH, cruel ami bnitnl, like iu»ny others of that ivran;. lor so i>- s.a.. aivd a tschtsuiatic at least, il not an intutel-but thetirst IVlemler of the Faith pa*se>- a- act of the most atrocioua kind, that if am peniou alter .-omttutting trea^r,. became a lunatic be should be Wmtstefd caipttsdly, raa-stsarstt>ars.^jng (l could not plead to ihe itidklrnoat. Now. rsomai can tell wbcilier that aci is repealed or not. I n there was tfi- a«t against lorrsia.linj, ibe act pro htbatmg the imrscd-tarson of fore.gn cau-da ior czrivat wool, ana the 13th of Elirahe h. forbidding Cot h*exported when Wheat *as at fxs. Sal. a quarter The 2d Kicharvl II. vsiiKh aliows no shoe>as«ker' under severe ponall es to t>e a tanner, nor anv tat,- oer U> Is* a shoa--u;.sker; a, weli as the Jd atsd 4; Edwanl VI. fi.r-idd.ng any -erv«r,t. |aJx>ret . artificer to ts» hira d oy the dav, or for a le*.s r>erit than a year; a la* which, as your LsOrtithiM koou bJ violated e»cry day. Trie 4:1: HerjjyVlI. Iis. tt, f.ir-.id- cait'e to be ktl.e-! wiihm a wa'tled o«:. or with!a Ibe u<»n of Cambridge ; and the 1st ati 3d Woliatp and Mary, which ..Lows no peasant i,, sell any gaK»i» ia a to«o, except at a Fair. I has, culled out these as sn.tu.de*; no man can tell whether trie acts staaid in ibe >tatuie Book rx no Such acts are justly term~<l by L -rJ Coke snare?, to entangle ihe auwary su j.ot;" thev !ir in wai; to n drawn forth at some uocxpecird UK>n>r-iit; tbcv are T'l»ers which. tlK»uy'i fr\>Zrti, are uoi se.ao; en. which the bent of parry,or the dm .. .-v of private reararo^e, may w.-vrni into ine lo ario. the innoceol victim. As an example oi t-is. l w,.. retniad «a Lords.'iip- thai b. the act of (i rren EhUraetit, rd £lori»>Us me n r>. », o'-vr, refuses to grj ;,, Cl ir three- successive Sunday* sh&il pae a *hnW\ g. j Inmost be to his own Parish Church; and I am sure, tbongti all of us go twice on SuwJeys.to Church, it Is verv eenaraiiv not to our own Parisn Church. (\ laush.) Three years ago I presetted a Petition from three ns-n confined at ilia; tune in Laje aetvr Prison by the eenteace of the Justice*, tor £3 14b. da mazes and cost. An information was laid az*inst rii-ta. tso; fat e:..i..:r themselves from Church, bol fur what the Agricultural and Judicial mind holds a much more irie".ou« itT-nce tk-in anj absence irom the Church.I mean poacbinr. The information, however, failed. ar.J the Justice, learned in the law, would have l,e«n compelled to dismijs ttre prisoner-", had he not bethought himself o: ask¬ ing them. . But «¦..« you at Church last Sunday-" .Oh.no'.' 'Or the Sunday before?' Oh, nn" . Or the Sun lav before that?* 'Oh, no" 'Then I 'II convict yoü all m the fine of Is.' They were un-iris/ined eleven weeks." Iiis b.rdship complimented Si: I.. Pec! on what he bad done in the way of consolidating the law, and looked u> him fur funher exertions in promot¬ ing the same object. Tne Loan CiutvCEU-oa, in express-in? his ap- probatton ->f the general princip.es of the bill, re. crrroeriiied Lord Brougham to rest =v.i*ned fur the pritK-rit with its seond reading, letting it lie over till next sej»i<.,, and meantime the Cover;.- rnent would take the ma'ter up in conjunction with the commtwrioriers for retorting on and col m> idating the laws, who have now been appoint ed fur several rears; and they would endeavor conjointly to devise tnc best means of obviating difficulties and removing unctions. There .^ r- . bowcv.r, a variety of dormant statutes, the re. .*al of which might be advanUgcuusly cam. d, pending the consideration of the greyer measure L>rd Denman and Lord Campbell both expreß ed their approbation uf the course suggested, arid Lord Brougham having expressed his assent, the trill was read a second time, and the house ad¬ journed. FVreig.v Psl-perism In Mecklenburg every jiaupcr Ins a legal right to assistance. Not only iirc the old and impotent taken careof, but every abie bodied person may demand worg and a dwel¬ ling to reside in. The p"or rates are raised by voluntary subscriptions, but a deficiency is made, up by taxation, at the discretion of the overseer? ol the poor. The laboring classes ore thus en- *bled to procure a sufficiency of g'-od food, and to cat meat oftener than falls to the lot of their leliows in other European countries. Mecklen¬ burg is a Duchy of Prussia, or rather is divided into two Duchies. In Prussia, general!)', the law prescribes that each town and village must maint iin its own poo;, provided the relations arc unable to do so. In each community, if we arc rightly informed,.! society for the poor, called the "Armen Direc¬ tum," collects and distributes the charitable fund tiirough Fub-Commiltees chosen by it. The fund israised by voluntary subscription. Each person is solicited to give according to his pleasure, no fixed rute or table being known. Itismngulttrthat this method is so ¦uccesrfiil. The Government, however, ¦ ready to.maki u (any deficiency out ol the Treasury from any funds it has on hand.. Prussia Imh attracted much attention oflate years by its religious and educational systems. There is something singular in that which regulates the management ol the poor. The country is no thoroughly divided up among the Bub-Commit- tecs, that almost every om's circumstances are known. False and fraudulent applications are easily detected,and besides tins, and 'is » further protection, a medical man examines the applicant, und his report decides whether the paupt r '- to work or not. If he refuses to labor on being ordered by ihe Police to do so, be is sent to the wink-house and forced to he industrious. VV'urieiiliiirg is another oi those countlies where the p<«ir are recognized by law as entitled to assistance. Every one who cannot obtain the necessaries of life Irom his property, labor, tiade, or through the assistance ol his relations, has a right tu the aid of thu parish ul wh.eh he is :i burgher. If, in times of want, any person should perish for wait! of food, the officers through whose neglect it should occur wmiid be severely punished This excess ol cure fur the liun^tr und destitute is remarkable. A lx'gr.ar inighl die ii* starvation and vvanl i vt n in tins city, and no offici r would trouble his head about tue mat icr. Arid we will venture another opinion, thai uur public assistance and the charity ol the alms house Imve been frequently most shamefully mis iipphud. We believe Ihul n more rollen system under a fair exterior never existed, than thai of- licial one which has cost tlie city immense sums under tin: plea of charity. We tru^t that it any favoritism,extravagance or corruption has fist. . ned upon our public humane institutions, it may t>e fully exposed. In Wurtemburg, it is said, the chief difficulty has arisen from giving able bodied paupers right to assistance, a principle which the English writer.- consider u most pernicious one. In B avana the inhabitants are also bound I maintain the poor according to ability. Relations are expected to maintain their dependent poor. The aged and helpless who are without resources arc placed in houses of nourishment; able bodied paupers are sent to work.houses, and marriage is not permitted among those who have no means. Tncre is an absence of general poverty itnd mis¬ ery in Havana. The Canton of Beine ;s the only other Euro peun community where ihe compulsory principle preyails. Our authority Bays that this has pro. duced the greatest mischief there. " Vagabond, ism, improvidence, imprudent marriages, im¬ proper connections, have all been favored by the prospect which the people have of being able tu devolve the consequences of their imprudence upon others." The means of education have been neglected, "the physical and intellectual lacultiess of the people have been deadened, and their sense ol honest pride so blunted, that no one alushes i t being known to live upon the public benevolence." Indeed, examples are not unlre- "uent of families having lived ujxm the commune ir.un generation to generation Wthout auv effort io sustain themselves by their industry 1 In France, the present system ul public chari¬ ty is, if we ut xstand it correctly, a sort of lega- cy from the revolutionary tum?». The property ul the clergy whs generally confiscated, and pur- lions of it were given to hospitals and charitable associations, or bureaux de bicn fuisance. Iii almost all the principal towns m France, the mu¬ nicipal authority s set aside some portion of their revenue for charitable purposes. There «re be¬ side these institutions, alms-houses and work- houses maintained by the government, but they are ruther places ol correction tor the dissolute and under the direction of the police, than houses of reiuge tor the distressed poor. The sums expended in the principal French towns for the maintenance of charitable institu¬ tions and founding hospitals amounts to more than two millions of dollars a \ear. In the du. ferent departments, the bureaux expend about one million and a half do] ars more. The reve inure of the different hospitals and alms-houses also disbursed at the same tune are nine milli ns »I collars more. Tue number of persons assist! S&oßS °*n °*''li»'g8 at the last return was ,».» u . Töe nu'»öer received and dismissed at the hos^uu, &c. dunng ^ 4ä. !5tUuu[ÄgVtC**nl 111 ""-y «*». t'uie being about ÜM town. .mT'01' ^ *°*V » **P*>*<* in ue . Tt . X £ 17 ^'thc ruril Poorof France tration much mow rtoT^^J01 lt* ** spare, h is, we -M. .t»ow t k k,. . "ii , mat anviriT the m liab.Ur.tso t;:erura,d-.st:,c.UK,e fc^d? nets as w.ll asa dtsue loasMst each their mutual excttiona, to be found b nootbS couutry m the world. The small propri-o« '.' teumikable lor this trieiicimcs». Tneir Uuul' will iretly lend tmcn. trunks. Saucepans give r>? tatoes. broth, er any thing else, tu their nei h oors in distrt**. If a fumer want? beJo ^ oo >ome toreatdable work, the neigbboni ail turn ou: o aid h-.tr., m tbb remmcing us of our New bnglanc bee* By this mutual eharity and kiod. ness, the ec.uu.ry people look poverty in uhe face, and bid it rjegoac. But we most again MUse b .: ^_[ rrue Sun. wiiFliÄ * er ****** of the Sn ;. CatsktU war me ränesca ol Gen. Saiishu'rl" [CattsicU -Messenger. Morse's Telfgslapti..The Washington cor- respondent of the New.York Evening Pest fur- nishes that paper with the following particulars of tbe modus operandi of thst woudertul invention : I paid a visit vesterdav to the room m which Profossor Morse' is directing operations and ex. ptjnTOltS i D this new and most wondertu! pbr. «r communication. This invention ha* bceo so f.-. cuenüv and full* described that I entile; not hopV togtre a clearer idea of it than yonrrä len prohabl/ now have. But iano account i.- the mode of writing indicate The pen used mar be called a three pronged fork, or so many httfcs po,nted steel screw?: the ink is eteetncity-. (a spiking of it therefore yoa may say that you wnta with a steel pen and"forked b^tniog. The manner of writing is this. The cforogra- phcr tak'-s hold of the- loose end of the magnetic wire. He dips this end in a little deposit of mer- cury or quirk silver, which communicates the i electric spark, and. this spark of chain lightning psr»cs along the wire with the speed of thought, I t^^^r^Dgaraficient fore topless the sue! points I have aliased to, down upon apiece of paper made to pass heneaih them. The distance traV- sled bv the floid along the wire, twen'y-twn m:Ies and back upon the other, is of course forijr. forjr miles. The speed of its passage is indicated bv the fact that the very instant trie end of the wire is seen to dip into the quicksilver, the little points are pressed to the paper.in other wnrds. there is r.o perceptible interval between its start; ing upon and return from its trip of forty four miles. It wou'd go round the globe in one sev¬ enth of a second. But now to the characters employed in this new scneme of calligraphy. It is evident thai the mere pressure of the points upon the paper would produce only dots. But when it is wished to trinke a communication, a slip ofpaperis m=dt j to pass along from a roller, under these points. The let'ers, tbe word.-, or the phr.-.scs d. sired to be expressed, are indicated by the length of the marks, or by the frequency or paucity of the dots marie. Thus suppose the letter A to be repre¬ sented by three dots, the writer dips the point of the wire in and withdraws it at-quickly us pos¬ sible, so that the points rnlv strike the piper mid instantly fly back. They thus make, it is obvi ou«. the least possible impression, that is, onlv c .lot for each point. But supp'-se C to he repre- sr nted hy lines half an inch long. The writer has only to kef p the end of the wire in (he quick- silver until the paper has passed along that dis¬ tance undrr the points ¦» hich are prrssing ti}>on it. Of course C is made. It will he perceived that the usefulness of this system of communi¬ cation depends in a grent degree upon the cfS- ciency of the plan of stenography devised. For if the distinctive characters employed were not more complete nor comprehensive in their sepa- rate signification, than the letters of the alphabet, n person could convey very little information in h day. COMMERCIAL AND MONEY MA TTERS Sales at the Stock Exchange, June SrU'fl Ohio 6es. 102 Firemen-!.104 lo.uoo <!o.b&lvi Iii Statt Wot.89 i 5,!d0 do.h3 lOIStt 2J do. \ 5.«» do.b.« ItNjg IS3 .to . *S t-.iwi do.i-3c mi', ;a do.*3 fis t.lXiO do.blö »Ol S 25 do.bj 70 5,0(0 do.»3 iOi.S 2fj0 do . in.OOO an.IS I0I.S 50 Rending R.!dU :>¦¦ 2l.'«i>Pernsv!vanMi. 80 ttW d<. 5. 5.u«J d. >.\ z; i:r.,. i:.blü A 5,«W du.b30 »I "..> do.27.S 5.00 di. IWi Canton Co.ope I'd (.mKentucky.I06)j 2". do.vtüty 6.001 d.IOj.S 10Mohawk.74 8 000 Ind.ana .46»j Inu .!.. .7TP, I i0.iaor.tv 5s, '70.lOuS AO Lone Ulaod. BJ 3 («» Illinois. la ICu d.b3K i.taxi in..13 tiO <1.,.MO «7 ! 2.UU0 di. .521» lifl do.bdU «7 5.000 di.KOWJ^lOO do .f«K 5.U00 do.b* u\ ot do.tm l,(M)St..ilintton R B'... 100 do.blV st>C ltO.liate.JlerehanljIIk.il*! 'liO do.blU .»;-, 50 N A Trust.blU 50 X Jener.Co 50 do . ITS 50 do .... «i :0 FK'iuen Trust_b'O 5IS IfO Vietr-burg. li) do.Iii» 5IS :*> Pr.terson.bo HB 1OT do.bl OTV-OT do . f>; tW .. do. 5>) 75 do.h3; Wit Ml »hu. Trust.100 :1:0 do . . b|0 «J llhnius träte Bank... 34 &0 8tOOinsrton.bthw 54 bhl> Bunk.»3 12 50 do.bthw 55'. S do . 1> 23 ,io -ji »4 ao .iiJ* loo ,iu .öi ST 110 d..i33 1l 21 do ...54 14 Metuhants lire In?... VJ { 00 do..1.30 H\ SEr'O.VD hOARIi. I? shaiM Fanuers'Tnist JOS',TOO I.on- Mnnd l^ll 150 dn.jthu-ins S.Nori r 1O0 no. 60 on.. . ig do.«so«» 25 do... .;;::Lot-2s «" Harlem.U.-U M Hi \\v.,J,~^ laiHeinlinc.blO 5n- 25 Jlorns.»3 20 .->"'«. »S i-> Nor s UV. . MJa 60 d,, .;;. JS"? do.WOTS 25 do OT , do. FOJa loo ,!0' ""Harlem .Kv^i 'Jr. Pt.t.a-.- US^z::.^ gj* ,'u:,,"n «i Pulillc Stoc k r.iehim^e, .Tune :i. *5.1*Oi; .<«s, ,.l,rt du 111 :.J share. Canton Co .,or ill 5.0"> do.t>3 1(2 50 do. |,io «Ti 4,i«l|V:iua is.UW 80 I'Jsl do.. rash S7i" 1,000 Illinois h,. UW ...M 1S% -s, dn . :'.«.; *».'Sil^te '!". 1. «-« <lo.sd 4? .100 do.rn-h St ?«". «}..,: 4TS. 2i do.Uw KS l.l'O do.sl5 47SI100 do. BJ 2. WW do. 47S OT Nor A: Wor.ope 70 <3shares L 5 Bank .rash 12 50 do.... one nV 111, 5 Ene B. eaab 60 do.»3 12 11 do . 30i, do;.180 UK 3-1 .1"..'«3 OT 2-i i.irard Hank.sow S7%\ 6 do.ra»h31!. im \ irk.burg. 11 50 do. IJ 3 23 Illinois State.ope 14 1C0 Muliaws. 74:. 5 Issl Jt Hud.tSu 123 ilnO do.blj 7jS ,58 N A lrus-t.butt US, iillarlcni.ra-n B4L .W_ do . n £0 ,)..dog, - .Milariners Trust. 50S Uu do.t»3u K5 10u do.cash 50S OT I'atcrson.,10 s>i RIARLNE JsOlTRNAL. PORT OF NEW-YORK, JL'NE I. Clenretl, Shipfathanne. llerrv. ('iiatleston. f. Sultoti: Emily liavi* Ph iiuielphui, Aymarrk. Co. Itr *. Clara. Danhain, Port an Platte, syroarJtCo; Dta dem.Martin. VVindsor.ÄS: (lulieima, Maro. Philadelphia. H-rit &,>o-e; JIaieppa. ( oixm. Calais. Maine, Badaer Peck: \\ ish. rrost. .St Johns, Nit. P .1 \,, :i , i S.u.- Chai. rrs, ('hutiimn. St V.-.rthn. KtrrettAc Bnttelli; Elua.'l^ock- woud, tft CrotX, B lk; 1'oresl 4l. Co. Arrived, Br ship lestjria, Hayna. Im Liverpool, mdse and pa<«en rers to .irder. Br bark Joseph. Cuna.-d. 56 ds fin Liverpool, mdse and i.a<- winter* In order. Sehr Augustus Lord, Pitts, PhDadelpbia Suilctl. Ship sea. Edwards, for Liverpool: brie Madison, Savannah: sehr Here, Kio Grande. _ ' Mcmorsuid«, V S ship Columbus has iseeii taken from the North River to the Nasy Yard br staaniers Hercules and Jacob Cell. Disasters!, dec. Sh p Koscoe. Riker, In Liverpool.Apnl 4. of and for N York wttniovpasSangsts, put into rNirtanwuth, .,! IVsjdaeadar i*t ineesipericaced tworiolent rrales, and !.,.t all topeallunt ij..t.. lorat. puiast. t.p-ail sard., and nearly a whole suit ot tails With all the lltVUI attached. The K. sprung her mainu.nsi Spuken. A.,-. iJlZ'V ft ^.b0^io,*e* -V ^¦"3- « mikts SE. of Fire «er^^rPhlS;:' ^ ^iio 6th, atthaacad tocnals w.ih packet ship Siddons. hound n££c3r k'.45, ,on,22;o- Verona. Mdays from Man- r^cs tor Lsjuduii. in distress, and snort ot provisions.supplied v?I V *'c»!k>u'''- Belfa*t fi»xyork. ?;> si ..lu" ^->" Leuntuie, tor Nureaia. vlar LUic>,,"nu,"";uS Marshall. Havre, tot S York. SuuSä W' A:n ^ColrWBostoo tor iJlS\.iarfiZ''' bear'nC £<ut 140 !mle,. 0rl,IKk- fm L<»err>ool v-Vat 2. hu 51. loo 10. He0n, Bliss, from Uvernool for New- Vorfu 7*,at ha Samuel Abiwrt- f"» Xewnon for Nest -Pitot boatXew York, of New York, saw, 70 mi'es Sou-h of Uie ti.H.k, Use mast.heau ol a herm. brif 15 tret out tsl wSmt biowmert^htrom me Sooth«tba pj\Xtl Bcs&SrS. foS WL043, *Chr U'Ji" Put"affl-9 «^^ deMh^fo?seai3|sW-'UU:3*- ^ »««P^. " . Cam. Yo^lbfaÄljiä Xecr:ti4' of Ea"r,,rti1'2 * f. X«w- TsteS M f !u"s ^ 33 \V- *c-hr 'Vsm-a. ot Portland IiUonih. »d^iiu Alexarwriaror Bermuda. ' Ät^r G««tow«. SC brie Mary, from XYork Wlials rs, dtc, Ani?: New Bedford -onthe 3l.ti.it. ship Julian. Marhew | ;.-':i:-..^' !-:- Ü'^v^tÄu^Fi ~ .' :'"-- :Z: .. ,?K'4e,!..u-,the buiid.r.r previously occupasj as " \iat, «¦n ..use Hotel. No. lit-caue Ub.-ah a. eotsjerOfCa ih P^^*^^been cAtea..itT:r repaired aw .rLpiot- .^au^?1 m c>J0^-'«a tytoUV room occupy a^ut-e ¦.«^m'It . ;i * ". :-'-'-' .' r: it. *.jj»uiki Ur Ha tana. »ii''Utac^^f^^rSlw^,« obtain PesspocB. «h ei. -_J^.ö*te*roci Vheir arnsaL jl3 .j MEDIC m-,MRS RR' 'LL'S 3«Ö,Vi| AND Sl'LPHFR BATBs \ff CARSo^T1 '-'lwrs«l»vc ihcllosptta:. "^Mestieal rati.p^^j ui}r """«««lees to her patrons ^nlC>'"!«-dI trjStT- ^ «be pubhe, that she has remov- .lusulpou, Bahsm."^ e»tablisheU ber Medical Van.r «. at No. 32o BttödiP"** ,CL"n«>^k»3 ana csaxnU .aua- tereatohhshosent ha. ratSS «?. I?*",* tBe ¦ Wok t»- L.-tulpf,,,, Hj.r^4«« for tlte last eighteen years. .Ratas srntu, »nT S^J^gf« «. hour', notice. Puruble Tu_h»Jirf has. ' ol «>. city or its vicinity. Ba:lhu _jel eoc3t» tnsio .Machine uuin»rton '1'ar. Its; kez. es. toeetber ,,.'. i* sajeby Nt 0 RuHEBTi, US Wast-stresrt. ROTTE. E XO 40 WILLIAM-STREET. If^e^^cc^ b* SPBEfG FASHION ELEGANCE, Dl RABIL« n L nd b »H »tt^oU^b&M pH«". $4 SO' ^'-«.B^J ROY* F. «0 titele btmtttog trxqmmas. axarrat f°° "retoase br S». the lowest rtr rat*«. Oörer Ooxvrin, Nathan»«! Eieha- Jonathan Ui. ante, Rnl^r. Cheseh'nuen. Thum«.« Ls-rih'*. William W. Fol. George Bare!ar. Jaeofa I' Gitand. Darvid IC Prai. Ephraim H»'.>.."«. Henry K. Boa*. Ar.thoc.v C. R-aaire. Mt~a Tay» John L. Uwrenc*. (Tbarles N. Tc:"»*, Jane« G. Seaeey. J.rsech Ilmi-iO. *.aJre»' F«tet, Jr. Mine. II. GrianeU. CHrnrr H. Gordon. Erchnrri M. Liwreree. John W. Ijvuisvtoa. Waldron Ii. Puat. Gaar*-' Wuner ^^hrtrttL^A^. Pre*-.. gdlm* >.' H. MCI.I.EK. 8e£y. _ HP HS r,< .v:\Ki) '.N--'AN C E O Mi'ANV inaie-r.-w city. N.j. 54 WaD Brest (*awirJ. <53U100C.< rtEca. J. fell:- P-immx. Wi^nM-.-uch. Nat-rjiic. Weed. Pajmoc i'. Tucker. R. L. Woolley. Fenhna -I «»uyilrim. Da.*; Caet J. B. Vartmm. Henry<». l>.mp*on. iota I). VVoUe, Mienae! Balrivvm. feter I- Nevius. ührr.rti Anthony. . __ ft. BAVEN3. Piaa^ent. Lewis Phillip}. SecretArr._;_^ LAC1CAWAJWA rn.U.-The !>l.Ar Hud. f>n>tCa are now receivinc into rsrd. their supply for the pre«ent resu ofnewly mi»<4CuoJ. artfehtlwy otter st tr* foi.ov. ms fsancza aim Eor..«T§ 00 per too, delivere»;. .a 00 do . .4 fC do .«SO do (jriJen weanatd <¦'¦ thaif fir .. ia Sew York. Corner ol'RCAf-a A«rn WaaT st*. " Krve in G«rr.TWiCH- .. Govxaxara Slu»a*d rTtosTar. In Brooklyn at I!3 Adsmi it and Comer ofStatt a«rp Ftruo?* *?«. _.. Abo at their Bank, cor. Wiilirm and fine Us. N. \. m,. Im Ci >AL V.. -A" .-: 5r "'vs tor jn> £ qnaatttia. to nit P«eta*p^^1,ICKESSdfr. ari ;f No. llC As'.hony 't. i.sar Broadway. TBE COAL OFFICE. No. IaO Namau rtreet Tnbtme bUiMngi) op xmtef:tv Hafl. a now ppen«l. where he. A«h. IV^ri: trrhtr.i and Piaei .Mountain, VY b re-and.Gra, Alb, Lebixhand l^k»wana,a«l Lrmpool andftewQMM Coa:*. may be tad at the loweM ex... pncea. ...ery intoraia- noo will ba ehaerfauz riven, and paraetrlar care eaverveato aiiap; the Ithub an.l tarn ol'cat to the raywrtiv umh o! pnrcnasara. Ora«are*pet^uYtnlmtad^ ^ PALMER. Ci IAU CO.uT-Toe .ub-rri.'-er beBtf ac?::t f.ra larceCoal Cmnpnnv in Ph.Iailflphia. a prepareil to eoiltraet f^tbo ben Peach > trrhnr.) Coal of all *m t'r the carrp.deliveredon t«ard of ve-e;« at Pbibvtelphin at the k.we4 Mnr»et I ncet- Abo. Coal by the ran li.un vani or vewel. For tale, a number ufcvj Fir::.-. V. !.. at.il Mtinut'.ict«ne« witn c.I writer p.m. er in NewJeeer. Abo. enttivatedand uncultivated Lnii.i. m the State of New-Tock. awl Wertern Und» w the stab of 5iJciiitan. uulrana and Hamui^AbvCto Uuand otlier property. Inquire ol J. B- »IERTXX, No. H Job.i- ttreeLN.Y. _ m-4 C'OAU C*">AL'.Superior Peach Orhard Rail AshCoai. from Iba Spoao and Salem vein*.En anil l.n.ken. $.>; Store 34 75: .Nuu i4 50. well KTeened, wemliei! by a CK» weicher, and nelrrered. cnrt.-iia free, to any t«irt ol the city.. Api'ly "t the yaiH, cor. ol Greenwich and Clinatopoer^tneta, oral 106 Amm Coal by the cargo.Pea ami die-t, cheap, rnhri rim J l-KKGl Ml.N. 1-»HF. PKiiOFOFTIIF PCliliING. &c.-(.\UIA Kl'ib I!Kit H< ISE.lO.tUi te.-t n..w iinhmi'l. ready (or'uintner wilea.(irice from Set., to^i; ct». IbrOOe incb. n:nl from 'I ct.. to "icW. j«r loottor other «:«.->. 'lur extensive fnriiityiindfrent ejoenenre in the nianiilactnre of Ute article, enables ui to fur- ni.n that winch umuit likely to cue lati.tacUon. Of all the India Kuhl*rHie<- fnroiahed hut year, our umnafs.cture was the only one which coiiiiiiun! to eive *nlL«laation. while moat, if not all others were utterly condemned a., we predicted. All our hme wasmade last. a. well asUra year, with n lining uf .beet nihlH'r, U t now ni,n.it<l>>n the mimeroii« fölil«. which oolr serve to make comer, winch vvetir elf. rausmi; wakan betöre the Hoae is otherwise mock worn. Forsale only at ü Maiden lane. lud n Rubber Tree before the door. HuR ICE H. DAT, Nil'iliii Suceewrto Koibnry India Rubber(.'o. COUTH UOY .V NEVErtS, 341 Broadway, VIANTJFACTlfRERil OF LAMPS, GIRANDOLES. LTJ CANDELABRA, .<tc md Dealen ia f!-ii SE-I UR- NISILLNG (,mils t-eiieriilly..Rein; eonneeted withoneuf the Innre: ii. uiiU'a-tor.e. n rI 'mtt'-l ..smre.. tbev areenii blediooSar Lampi.1 sndelabra.&e. torChurclies, Halls, llo- lel-. Private Dwcllins». Staamboüa nnrl Puckel«, on the most re'winnbie term., awfofa liiiniit) nut in be Miniaäed it: tin. ui any other country. K-pecinl nttent.nn <* invitcil to their Solar am!Si.,.i !jiiii;~, i -r . cuiioim ami licbt. ,n:e>r^>t'.ii'i: all other. tartiiredie public. Jfolesi UlanmtTR BOLD und rwnsii vna mkdals have, within the btstaevM yearly i-eeii awaiuad lo ihe manufacturer* fur thair »uie-rority in thi» cIbm of aoml. The public are re«;*"cifiil!y inv.tei: :., call und examine for them, aahrca, HCT* CortTRV Tbadirs «upplied a' G inyMin 'flit; ALII A.MHA. Itr-Hownr. Iietween Sprinc ami J. Prince.[Branch 165 Baal Broadwar. I.The proprietnrol thateteaantreaort. while ciAnowMirjna with irniutuda the liberal iuitrnns/e Mftowtd upon him tl.e pa-t »enjon hy the raahiaaiabla imbue, nno tie- koul iodubreoea sasni tinvnnl, many lntle irrejni-iritiet i.ail imptrfactloasalways incident i a ne-.v ctuhhOiiueiit. bai the pleasure to announce to them thai he has tmw mi iwrl?,-ti^l hi. amannmautl li.r the cominir teri- «on u to leave him no niH.iurv tor not bereatter -emu,, an »liest« m the .iiomptoat ntnl most «:it'i,'"nctnry nmimer. T!s' Saloon. Imve been enlanred. repatolsd and deeonted, ami ren Jered more bsautno! ana SttracUve than ever. A new Foun- tain ha. been eonttrooted pi the moM beautiful and novel de. .cruitii n. ih.<;il.i) me a vnrn-ty .1 cnnow» ai ariei-mj jet. !:) the mteln^ ol the'l'ei:iti!e.ijrt:ciiiihne the loiiniain are place.! ¦ number of rare andeoatly ttatnaa. which give an air ol etas- «isa! Eruiiibiur in the whole i.lnee. The«.», with the Hiiatrarof the liinl-, lb" Iras ni.ee ol the flower* which partum* the ai;, winch h made «tili more rbiliabttnl and refieinint bj the cmi .tiint semy tnmi tue loii-iti.in. t.irm tocetber a coitibuiiitinu aitractiuo' not to m lound in any similar e>tahlu.hiiit nt in thai conntrv. Of tlie Ice i r-jtie und ntiier ivfrcbmiml., ntreitsl there it ne,"!le», to «is-ak.theit reimtitioo being ahead] fully established; laffireit t.. .ay. that «tili cretuer pains will be taken to reinlcr them tau'tli^.. than the tntene*. nt thcenson at whirli we ...srtieil UiJ «iiininer und the r,,n»<-.;ueiii hurry aiti'i cnniu.Miii artehdaal tfaenoa would oenuit us to do. I Stiruigen rätting the city will find a no more agreeable place to »penil a ball an hour than this, N. It. Pure Cream constauUy on hand. m6 lm METAL ROOFS. GUARANTEED WATER TIGHT ! FOR FIVE YEARS* WHICH IS FOUR YEAR* LONGER THAN USLAI ..-The nibacn'ber, ban in!. methial ol rnverine naif, with plairi ,.r ra.'viinir...: tin plate, which they goaraotaa to remain w.iter iij;bt nva vcar» whet! pul 0U by tiieiti. The metal ¦ «.;iut .si thai it cannot ba anecUai by the «h.mkini: or iwellingol tbeplank, on which it is laid, orby tle» coctractajn ,,r cxpansioo of the metal 1 he fnlkrwtng fCotlemen hmt hail their dwcllui« hoii«a and itOM it th:, city, «ovtred by thu matbod to ibeu ^tt«faction llenry Brevort, Eaq., corrwr ol ,':h avenue met S<ih »t John 8. Sehertl erbqrn, Bag, No. 3) Broadway. Dai .,i A wtm, Eao. cor.ol belrange [.lace and William-»!, j Ursen I eanoa. Baa- Mcrrhunt.- Eachance. Walln. Reil. It. Untier. Esq.. No. Ml Nassau-st. Fiance Barrio, Esq., nj Broad-st, Notice ii riven thai u *ce improveaeet is pn;er,t-»»l all rer- mn» in ihe tradewifhing to cover roofi by the tubjeribea' duui can .^Kjun permvatofl on moderate tenta. fr>'14"_P \ \ Yh ill fcCttn and 2, Broa.l-^. ,\ I '.s "i-Vx" ,A l u: .-.-.l-i'-un.ier.ii.r.«i bavins rwTi ap. .rt potrio^th* Aeenl for the sale ol tue celetiraled \| .. UaU»rs ol hiss nem nml Hi«kl>l of flonnmty keets. cei- .tant y or. band a lull -up, \ ..f .:...« :eSi:-, vamable" w.:.-': put u;> with the crnitct poMlble care nnd received fresh Iron iuViv'Su-V ^""'K T*__&«Hlxxi oftherewaters being TL* 1 ytiy.t?hf<t- ur"i lh*,"; ttbeacy »« universally ackme.. .stce.1 uii a cretit ^nrlety ofdneaaef, it b notdeeme.1 necewrv j) put,.ill, any i.,n£ nmre than that the public will nlw- n » .upplir.1 wit;, tue centime article by applyms |., the ... aened. where every inlomyitn.n .n -Jie .ul.je. u bechce- tullyciven FLORIAN Sl'RAUSS. m> ac"n:L S. tin Heave- m. .\WM-York. V b\ DONNELLY &. CO., No. 287 Grancltfreet. com , r '' -voen. nave uii band an eatentrve nwortment of the fbh low ne houH-»e»pmc l»K\ umJDS. to winch Üiey lavite tlie aneotion ofmiicaasart, tnz: %-l to 14.4 Imperial and ManeiUe* tluiits ti 4 to 1U-4 by ii 4 Diaper* and Ihunask Tal STOVl Nut .. Lrxr Lm. "ab!« I'lntb- SbteLiu-^ 1<M ^ Ir"'h' B,inui,fi'- Rl-*,"l and Sdeaia Rnsi a S'otcf and lr;«h Triwelmg Diapen. 5* i 4 und 4-4 Diaper and Dnma»k Napkiru rash, Hui-kslarK and BirdayeDiaper. 4 4 and W> Shi tingami Pillow-Case Linen of all (jualitiei, W beavjr Undreaaad Linen. rreii-b Ku.U i'Intii T.'.leand PanoCoven. io.fire.li ::,.., Wongeilaad Linen Table Cloths n»,"ivlr?"e^en7'« a»»ortmeiit of i;|.,ti. and Cajaüncres. U np II Kte«.i.air.l.r<K>n», Liatii Dnlhn;». and otlier .-ap e a ..; t uicy Dry Goods. tarO TESSUP-SLÄrD LEGER PAPERS..The iuWcnbers.viIe I »t a.-rnt. ,.! -I.er- weli-kOM n Paw. have now on band at .. 'n« both with the hotprex-,! wm1 «,m .urfaee. tabich auapt tb-. in lor even- c!x«. ot wntera ' Su;-?nine blue aid Super Royal. bot-pre«ed and .alia-urfac* do do Royal do do ! do do .Medium do do t doh-nd-n:f.de and «lute Medium do do do blu* cinl Demy do do do and hand, wove Flat Cap do Anos a full a«s)rtmei,: ..| the other descriptions . f Jesroo'» ru?i!^Vf';e?-U^:"elTn FotoPoat, «uper blue Itud t ut i bp. nr»tcbj*»uwr blue laid Utter. MpertUK i Bat claa hand-made woitedo. »uperrinedo tt* n»»3» _E. Ii. I L A V I -'N_i_.-»<JVS. S4 J.rfi :..t. r| 'E.'.S..ate c!te«:. S... t -. hart crietu do. A lg> ha.t ehest. Nins Y-r.c Suuchoug. SO do CruarSoocbunc. 4-J ine .Mnhee Powcboug. .JU rancy bme« tiiie Mohee Svuchonr. 10t' ctsa-t. '! h' fiuicj: lime* Elyson, CD*. lOÜ citofc. Y.<ie Hf-v.^. £o hail cb.su oo. R> aatt H)vm S»m. , 50 ba:t Cnu»t» >uj»erior Gunpowder. au * i. 'J" IrnpenaL AU CiHuitry pai'ted and of late importitioc. For iaJe by GRINNELL. M1NTITIN t CO. _78 South itrwt. d7tf MVCKIF .v- LEVERETT, COMMISSION y, K Ii t !I A NTS, 1\0. 107 WvTER J«TKKi.T. Below Wal! itre»*,: Jons F. JIac:-:». late ... ..- ..>. .»c Jer.ai'.ui ). JostAll ^ ERi-tt. late Ije.er-.r; & Thomas. UraJers :n cut and VVronrbt Na.t» anu Sp.«e». Aie« Tin I -ate. italics. Tm. U.au. i fepeer. /.:uc, Speha W -e Ens .n, Aiiicn.- ;. .-..>t i.-.m. Ii,.,., tr B-.i-rV U.^«. Baial-ln-a. NaJ ara! Sp.ke Ri»i...»hsve!s. >p>..'r.. i .. «¦Usrl, Brau«. Tack» and SaarrowUlU. Bra« Kettles, Tinners' 10i,»*- jjcotcb. Engli 5c Aioerican Pis Iron, üc » :re Pr^.i ^utp. and In n Chat« of aii -^e». cl? Im ALBERT BtlACH. U4 CHATH.OI-ST'RiüLT. NEAR i'E Via^STEELT. OFFERs for iaie at k/w pnea. sc aaiortlcent of th* fbiJow. .cs p*Ms. Kruriec... S.ivrrrsJG:rarm't>i. r»!«.: Ump. fo: Li-d or 1 pCSJÄ S0*1^ & t-'onvex Tea Tray.. in «et. or sszraratdy l-'. K-i r-, l. a-ut e-t.co. ScuäVr» aiw Fln. . rjisu.n and Do ne»uc Br.taccia V\ are. ÄgfW Fatne ar»j Tea Spooo». Sic. t aöte I uilery a id a central !. * ,4 lancy articie». tulö 1 m . A.Mi|,t>. Ivirs«.i aPursn Kenne«: %|.,u;.-.- ueJee'i !«i boxes Par isntes, Hrf.aie at tnanuincturer'» pnee» .°_\_0. ROBERTS. Its Hire. <n^!_ rp.'tr_ Foundry CuTpertycd No. 40 Eldidee soeet. wiD he X continue* a: No.*.' Allen »:r.'-t cutd further iinttee -J*-'"'_V.1LL1AM L .MILLER. B iNALT B >.! D.White, an Blue and »Vi. le for -aV i. in-ie ,.r .n,n c; :ar .:!Oy L. S\i! I ii. 2-5_tOSJoiaa-aUet ¦a. ^l_hi.A xo.-: utiieCou~t:nr-Ki»im larsk. Aisnt labÄ to W. *. J. T. TAPsCvlT. ti P.c. ihpV [ATTER, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. . tb* im*"""" of »he Public It combines, in the big best IGHTNKSS, AND ECONOMY, (UTAlJTT. -\YllIinni- rf. SSXercliants' i".ti;-,ni>; T,,ppp MILL FOB SÄLE..Win t"* rm!.!!-r.oc- p,V_^:.^i^r.-toibe hta .¦>...:>¦;¦ .:. Weaaei lay, SL2 »i»Hit thirty acres ofland. ! lie iHiiIumg» wer» S2Ä^wiSwin» hr »Vesaftild Pap« SSS <.-.. u L'"Theen .Inn o-sal and occupied :.-; a.-rr in-thriftc'i ^^^rf^rT^oA-reu tor «>. in wttlctnern ..fthe « btte Moses Ely, deceased. , a.;v..-::age->;i<. Sein- within hSmt f.v.. r>w. the ft «rh*roe vi il.ace of Vi astfield. two railes fn-ra üsaHanroden and New Baven eanal and two miles fr..m :: e Western RaiIrosd wh""h secure*: access :.. both Boston ud \.« Vo.-n atalljeaWM t'-,e >;rtt:- '<"* Liobas lour«.n- rrnes and the machinery » ol,modern style. 7 he ter.ru wti bo linaral hut wiii i«j particularly annjuin.im att!ie »unc ,.i »a>. btrnrh rf. Y. or EUGENE ELY, 71 Fufcoa street New r.. of.V.ea-s tl;\ deceased or Hon. P. kOISE er S T LEONARD, ekj. WearrfeB^Massv: or CYRUS W. r ILLD. No. 3 Burhnx^Ep, New-York. mTrdeia '_______ "TOR SALE-A F-.rrn of 73 acre*, inlbe ccaiatrjvf £Ti, v...4.r.... N LH mitei from r-oul _.'_1 niletrrnmunReread TtarrtweflUrefarrn« go..! srulto atJended tn. _mTVj 5 . . FOSS.YLEINTliFfJTY <)FNSE\V.\RK-AtoyiM ,-,!3 .eaerof ui,:.- ttsat* .'^v *!: * ." . -.-.;ee'l:..iitbyd3;«??. *"*>. rdruS in the rear, ondwell hm-hed tfirowhout AW SS Ä Kru-t-Tr^. ft g^S Foiturtheri.:...-. BW « laAAtVNICfK' rV «' of W'I!:air: W.'-i.-.T.gMr. -trei-s, nr et \\ IUjLVMI aui* or. the premif»._.- ~T~. T'» LET.The Uouse Xe.« A ttorneyitreet, hei,:,- a 2a derrnbla re,n!enre on »ccOontol convenienttoca. ±_ etwei thelin iofste*eson Eist Hr.,,c^v and ,-TTT.t*n ai -i ren I «sbborhood a- d ira :n.ra.lu-t and many nntsanca eomnjoa o> the i.ity. »ig kniete order, havmj bean.Iatery cteuvedand Faunted. with "-el'-utön IVater .-arned To the re .r ,.t tue house. Any per- »oh wwhtnrrio obtain a roo.1 situation, would do well toes- eSrnelhe rcmws. where infrrmatt'-n wdt Ise given, or at the orfice of L'reComuiusionors of the Anna , , .. je3 if H._»\ II.l.l AM.--. M~.\LV'.T.I RGB STMMEK RETR&AT.-Tbe scr.her would reipeetfillly irdorm the pub!:e »hat bis (loose is now o:. fir th.'on ofsuch as may wl.n La eniuy the advantage of a cool ard healthy atriiuspnere. The hou^ fare- and r.emmxliou'. and ple.asttntly situated on the Academy IMI. within rive minutes walk of the steam hoc: The prospect is one of the riche«t on the Hudson River, al- fonlinc ai. ii-elr-trtieted > w of the citire Newburgh Hay. B line viT.v ..fVs'. st Point, the Hiehiuads. nmiinUm«. scenery, nsnuntsisata, üc. . , , Fitiniitesiorsincletssrs'jos can le aceominsndated with board brine'.'ii' or week nt a reasonable price. Kor rurther partnu- ¦ir-. inou.re of Kicimn' s'.'arri-ii, Lso.öij IJeaver .-.tu t .Vew- YoVk. u p. rjorxrE. Neu butch. May 6th. ;>f4._ _m7 tjyl* rff.1t F' »R SALE.A Farn .->.* PJ". i.-rcs. pl..-ai-tly -iIiid- ^f)ü ted in a healthy location in South Brunswick Hi 1. near j,., the .\e.v York and Phil idelphia Railroad, in miles fmoi Sew t'ork. About ~d acres ure m n high state ofcultivation, in »'ioil tcnee. apple and peach orchards, timber land, ke.: bouse, ham. shop and other oot-baOdiaes, cwii and eonveni- ei.t. with good water. pomp neu r tiie o.->r. Al-o. the stock, crops, tool*, fartnina iitensihi Among Uie_ stiK-k are I'uriiani and Betktbires nftbe iir«i pedigrees. The fuming nteosili nrs; rood ah<l sufScient t^r r.n unproved s-ystem of nericulture. [n. quire ofM. PALMER, 11 Mott.or m271m* A. p. SMITH, 85 Liberty sty TirRfiUGflT iBÖS STEAM PIPES, tic..tl.ih VV lerioersara now prepared to supply Manufactuieo, Engineers and others with Wrought and i>st Iron Steam, Waterand Gas Pipes, in any quantity. TheJtVrooght-'Iroo in lelie'Iis oi from -4 m»hes to L' teet.pat together with screws and capable oi lustaininc a pressure of from S^i to 10.000 lb*, to-the square inch. The Cn't-lron I'ipe in nnilbrih lengths, and alsojoined by rcrews. jitecrn tight. Also, always on baud, l!r ass .-.i"l Ire I V lives, Eiimos., Bends, Springs. Tee-, ('iitipltnes. Reducing Socket*. Steam Guages, Steam-Guaga Pifs1«, Primps, Expansion Tubes, and almost every diing used lor Water, steam nad Gas. VYALWI >RTH & NASON, my23 Im*_ No. 14 PlaUVitreer, N. York. REFINED SUGAK WOOLSEY AND vVOOLSEY Imin this data ofler their .- d rd" in lUBLE REFINEJJ SUGARS at the fol- loWUlg low prices, viz.. Loaf ...II cents pet pound, f When le*» than five packages are Crashed 11 do do > pun-nanrd. half a cent po pound PowderMllia'do do ) additional The above are narked a. fuli.iws:: UMvea,inbasol 8WII charge for packages. Loan's, ui l-v-ol II-. 1 Cn«l<eii in hb'« oi 3)0 " > No char) powiicred in do ofi£0 " V Apply to the New York Parent Su Sugar Reiinery, cor. ofSouth and MonU-oiiier,- -. "i 'il Wall -t. N. B. t Irden out nftho city tnu.a i* aeeompanied by a remit- imes». _jet 1m* rt I.M.MISSION l'A'-F.»! W AUKilO' SF, N ii. 84 J o b n . s t r e e t. Elt CLAi T' 'N ü >' 'NS .-.re in e,,,)s,rr.t reecipt of Ps . seas aihtpted to every branch ol the trade, embracing an unusually large assortment of Blank Bnott. Cap anil ix-iier tV'riqng. together with every descripuoool News and Rook Printing, I iuiored Taper of Medium and other sizas. Envelope, robacco.Sboe and Tea. Straw and Knj Wiapiung ; Hai.l. wareand Cloth in frea; variety Silk snd Lot;, Tissue, plain and colored. Are. k.r. Reside) Straw, bVmnet, Trunk and Bandbox Boards. |'fe<s Pap-r«. ttr. fcr. mlOtf PAIRBANKS'SPATENT PI.ATF» u:>l Si 'ALES..The X manulactcrenhave broughtthes>eBalaneesto<a vary cr.- it usottsM ..i parsectsi n. ami. in tlii-ir varissua madiaeaiitsns. I»»vm adiiptta! ihei.i to all tlw purposes tor winch heavy uansactions are required by weight. In the uieeli.iiucnl construction, can a taken lo secure STIJK.M:'! II. HI It A BIL1TY. and ACCI ¦ ltAC\r.accuracy not merely a< ¦ ipeciftc poim and to «n smount, but «»/Inno nr. urn'y at every aiiiile nf the Plalfirui mid (hroughotit the entire range, from Hie Lowest to the high est capacity ol tlie Balance. The»e -cnlcs keep their adjustment perllsttljr, are never liable bi dcmiuri'ineiii. rail sseltlom toany expense liir repairs. They are in use in mnsjtof the Railroads in the Unileil Sutea, ami in some ol tliein Üiey have been long in ussj, tho operation Ikmiic isirtift. So al-o ui the Dornuuil and Portable Scales tiir weigh? mg merchaniliaf; Merchants and ntheis wbo have had them ii, constant use tor a luecesrion ofyears, testily to their uniiomi acenracy, and to the Inet that tle-y nppenr uiialleelial hv wear. These seiile» have been.patented England, where they*are extensively rssed. both in private warelinusesand public rail¬ ways. EDWARD FIELD, No. 1 Platt rtreet, and i^ii.hIIt J. W. Till IHNE. No. 11* Itroud str.st. N. V. I\DIES' B< INNETS..Neaimlitan, ai perfect article, h,r: -ij"; Neapolitan Lace; Hnnsutbles, Medinnwaml Extra fine- Rice,sind a superb nrticla Ol Chip, web a variety offaney Bon. net-. Also, Gents Panama Hats, medium and Extra fine, for sale cheap, Bl >' >T1I it LYNES, HO Maiden Lane, lit ths-r. ¦Ob' Smeod*_file-. 1.«>r above !'-ar! st. PPUDRETTE..A choice article of this valuable Fertil- ixer.CÜ0 Jlanujnrturni.None ofthe .Irr.inj Mtttdoie or State* l.'itind .Mud Material.For side .it -'. . Ihatnbets art at, lirmrmUrr the number, i Ibamhers iticat. between the Rail¬ road and Palmo's, nml near the Post-Office, POUDRETTE may is; uppbeii to ( </r», and most other crops dressed with the lue. w ith nearly as good effect at the rust, and mm at iheaecaiid b eing, as il applied nt planting. and when u>"d at rls* htsring, it will mature the cmp a week or ten days earlier than anv ether manure in ordinary 10*. When applied atpkanung, the ditferance in maturing will he full two weeks over, ordinary manure, <'ne burner, lust yen,-. used ten barrels on Lour Dsland ; this year he has had "si ninety barrels. The article prepared by 'be Nkw-York . rue pany. in the City, has b-'-'n and will elUi I* found »uurriur Ii sny other prepared in the uidnütj. It i. so ns n matter Of coiir«, they collect the mrsiertal in Tubs and Casks, whilst others cidiect it in Itisit.,, into w inch is thrown the niaterial, sand and water, as taken from the links at n «'''t, w lieu no dis- crTmifmtioq can be usedr-but not so with this Company, who baveday light toaelectithe goisl anu discard the worthless, a. they have ihm» more than 100 li.ad. tlu fcas.n. Be careful. Iben, to call a* the firlst plar.'. 2J Chambers -treel, where it ran be hail immediate!t o eh lor fcö, or lb barren tbl K. .»ir at the Mnr.ufactorj . ISth-sUrasyt. corner of Avenue B, hy the toad at >o -ent-s.-, bushel ImSä tf] D. K. MINOR. To Force the Growth and Dress tne Huin.in Hu r.To Sn p it railing >ir Cure it ut Dandruff. ueentify it, aic. Price 3, 4 and S shOlmgs a bottle. rf^RESE are the real and actual troalities of Jones's Coral X Hair Kestorntivc. It will force the hair to grow on any idace wiiere N ature intended hair to ROW. stop it Galling off, core Scurf or landrail,' and make I'gltt, red or gtey h»ur grow dark. Fi r dreasmg tne r.iur .It and sjlay, pothlOg eim »\. .ssi this.it make, it tpijy btr.utiful. and Icce;* it so. II is, indeed, the mosCaconomii ui. yet superior article made for the Hair.. S.,id.3. 5 or 8 shillings 11 boUle.at the s gn of the American fie, uChatham street. New Yurk; 139 Pulton si. Brooklyn: BState st. Boston; S lasiget Build.igs. Philadelphia; aiT K ag sueet. Charlenton, S. C. ml7 Im rpq LA HKS it'll' CSE CHALK.-111- iniurestl eskm, I g's'es 1! adendly bin s!i white: but tue Spanisn Lilly White gives the skitm tine ble-like alabast ir vslute; ladies,try it. Sold; price35 cent;, at 333 ttomdwny. S State .». Bostou: 3 le-aL'-'r Bmldraaa. Phttadatphia: isi Eufton .t. Hnniklyn. ml7 In, TOTAKE Gil CASE si'i rTS irorn CoOtbes.Cttrpets.Wool- etts. &.C ate..The ".tat c Eniarve SoapreniovesaJl.gieaat spot-, stains, tie. trom clothes without injuring the texture.but on 'i.e contrary brighte! ins and bssadurrtng them. Sold at t.'hatlmni -t and Bli adwar, nr 13S* FuRun st Brooklyn. n:l7 Im / t.Ml" IRTANT D1SI i'K Y. Kiehar.1-0:1 cc Co.'s Celebrated AMERICAN PANACE \. rF,!I IS Meilieine. eompoondedsolely trom vegetable mattet, A free from adulteration, and vsnrranted treetrom any ingra dtentSdetnnientaJ to UnlUi. was discovered ateiut one year «¦.nee. by an individtral sssrely alflictid with CLCERATEl/ SCROFULA, and who has !#en under Uie treatment of ths mo-t eminent phy-icitans in the I 'nited Slates for eight year., without the least appatsnt hope of restornuon lieallh. ai d was by Uiem pruiioM:.c-il incurable, but wlio. after takm; " * above named iiissbciue for tive weelo. w..s restohsl pe'rhst health. That medicusr luu leren sold With uopfectedeoled >ur- co.-. and lias never faded 111 any instance w hen ü kin in ae ufd- ilarn e with lUreet.or.s to ertc t 11 oerleet cure of the tull.,w 11 a diseases, to wit .SALT ItHECM. SCROFULA, LiLCEh- ATEÜ SCROFULA, BKUNCHIITS, FEVER SORES KING'S EVIL. TRISTELO LNFLÄMMATORY. AM. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. PILES. ERYSIPELAS H\l.y>, SCURVY,' HRl 'NIC St IR E Et ES. BU f\ HES PLMPLES >>S THE 1 At E, SCALD th.Mi AND ALL «TTANLi.it S Dl.-KASL.- Oil 1'AIN- OR ULCER? AfUSlNt; l'Ii' 'M AN INJI DlClut SI SE OK MERCUR1 OB AN I Ml URE STATE OF THE BL' - »D. Tneetfica- ey ol this medicine luu l-een teste.! m all the diseases abut e enumerated, axil its erlects are truly astonishing. 1 Inly one ta¬ ble spooofol to tie tahen by in adult each morning befiire eal mg. »tuch usually pnaiuces a tonic effect while in nut .:x-es it anO acts as a gentle rarhart:c, tncrea..ing tlie appetite snc general heiuth of the tutient causing ai! ulcerated sores Pi di»- cherge more profusely, and prialucing an erfectunl alieratu ol t.ae whole system, purifying aud pnaluciug a perfect aetior, oftlie blood. Fers,ios. v. hile taking it, should refrain from Ux tue of a! Stirmihting dr.ngs or hu.aly seaaonesl food. For sate by sedatwaoserabtst 'UioS. C. TALMACE. Genet.: agent, 30 Puie^ttreet, opp^oatlieCiistom li'/use. V' ft. ; and ai 10 Astnr H,;u.-e ; 110. '»13 ami 771 Broadway : :.'->r Broadway and O'.aii.bers-rtreer; No. ii Front-street' No. 144 V\ est <r>.'. ; N'-j. UI -^id 33U B> »ery : No. 30 Fultoi street: No. 337 and isti Hwison, an-l iti Hammaadatjeat, cot Baoson ; NrvWGiai^-etfeei: 7s<x U7 a.-yi 175 Ucee: .-. ef <ree< No. 113 and Si Ch-rrry strvft; No. tjs WaJker^street' N''- « :bar sastreei ; N<»». 351 and t31 I'eari.str.t V, 114 C-inal-stres-t. Brooklyn. J.. W. Snuth, corner of Fulton and Ctsteberr! stree'-s. anu Win. li^uru.e, a.;ufre's Büiiüia.-t. eurner VV>- Cn ^^Ua?UC~'U'' '"^ ÜJ ^ pr!D<:'p'"10ruW-s in Ijta eJ?E^"sÄ ^"cl;r"w. No- >* Beaver --. C.'j.ton P.uiUiingi G-r.er:!.W !....ev..e a-,.! Rets A-ert !- A!',.,.- .1. U. 117,^4- .s,c. s,,,. u?No oi Secund'.t. fier^rt »\ isiiesnie Agent lot Kh.iadeiphia. ¦ -..era Instruct:., lor taxu:K the attic*, and a great number oleer ^n^^lSL\m0a^' "MS * aw* ""*i,"e<) « »«T 0) .x-saancwTessvcaa._rgleodlm ly ^S^^^^tWiS^t^ - ¦_27 \\ eat street RACS.-Vs'hne aa-l cinred old railz; do contort mi« wanted torcasn in ;ny .,uau..y br c'«'»ry runt .25_GAUNT«fc DERRlYaSsflV* »r^ I -N1.S- SA KS A R1LLA CANDV-KacbSeemn. V -ii_lilLAI^'ERfcw.^ Br.oWN HAVANA SUCA1»-S0l- , '" ," «.enerai Harnsxsn. for aüs by 00 '"ar'! blltl mto oRLsNLix. .ÜLNTl'ILS t CO. 76Sootl. ,u , , PUSHING PAVIXJJON..This wsrij-taxyws Et- <tSLm tablishtnent in the besnrtrnl village of Praetor, and i ."-i trtn-ir r >. *'¦ Mr. Inf« !'.>.». » ;;,.. resüv f..r IbulosKprionir( B«*rrt*r. an«, transput suitors. The ndnitT !.jw n;r. the coP'tant common.-r.t:..n the ««txe.severs! tirn*. rt iKr by steamboats ami it«te<- rhe Nurvrie. and pt.m-er Garden» in the vittnre. the dehrhtful rdea in the neighborhood, the h«-ilthh;!n«. Of tha puu-e, the van write: Itaihi «and the inducement* tu sporurneu in the ma.ie ..! H ibrocand CS T ^nnfinrrinnnTbrroiptnMiL The urnpr eti>r aics Lakes the .ifiiprtut, :vof informing hi. fnenis tint he In« a jr.,*! »iippty of Piwtwr-Dne*. Gun*. Hoot, ind 1'. Clin* Ts : j »upviv lm.ni **Ith «iien re pored and «ei ami ''arna-cs to let. enri.tantly on hand, to sosi Op,call am? see and jutice for voanelvo. ,.. . . DENY WOOLB72, Propnctiir. 1.rxuurur, .«: Mar, Wt. P. S. The ttnaopat Statesmen will leave Fnltau Market Sim tvnee a day 00 the tint ot June; leave btyshmc at " ¦.Vi. ci. A. M. New-York balfpast 9 A. M.tFluabmg ba!f ce>t j I'. M.: New-Yi i. »...¦ >ck. P M._o j.. * SiMI'S I.VS 1K<1 EL.-The su:~::;~r u-iktef. ha Ihar.ks to his trsends and patnm* for the '.berai patian* _; are received a? hrvnldesrablishnK'nt trt Main meet, and bee tomtom: them that hvha*rsrn-..iverither*fri>:n tohw prfent .r:.b^r botet. No. !». Market »tre-el. vslitoi ban bcvtl UioriHirli- 1/ renovated an.1 enlarged m all ita tarinjoadayai tuiewrr To tämilie*, and gentlemen ileatroo* of« comfortable resilience in a tratet and centra' ntaatMB. with all the advantages ofa private dweihnr hnuso the present location otTers every inducement. The pariorv end bodraims are arry and convenient, and the terms inch a* rannot fail to os-ase. AI_\NSON SIMPS' 'V Poujhkeetisie. May 6th. I«44. :t;i ¦. ita Si'MMER ARRANGEMENT. :«. c -Ornence Vpn: üi. 's«. KaRk Kanivan.. ...-r^BBirrÄNKH'-VoRK t BUSTON RAil ROAD LIN r. sin. Norwicn and Worcester, daily. Sunday, ev1 ,. ed,ats o'clock P. .M. From l'ier \ >. 1 North River, loot, ol Battery Place, the steamer W< »RC ESTER. Capt J. H. Vsji- itorhilt. wül icnve every Monday. Wednesday am! Friday.. The iteamer T.K« iPATK. A. i '-.t.-t. J. K. I'ustm, will ieave every I'-icsday. Thursday ;.-xi Saturday. i'assenirera lor Boston will be li-rwarxled by JlMlroa' without choree ..t' Canor Uageagc. imrassiiately on their arris va' at Allen * Pont, Forfurther informs:,on inquire off). B. AI.I.KN, 54 Hroru.'- wuy: end U. IIAVVVOob. Freiitit Agent for thj Line, ti lit* otnee ..n the whs.rt. N. It. Att persons are forbid truv.ia^ aity otM on account ol mud i'.oal or Ovvtter._ ail »- FOR Bi »ST01V"VTA; ijs^WTORT i N ^PROVIDENCE.¦rar«to ibetoa.ja öd.. _i»Newport and LTOvidaace. $3. Tlie new und splendid .teaiiier New Jerse]. R 11. Furey roaster, will brave the pier foot of Barclay »t-..:t. north ride, on Tuesday even, ins neit. June4th, at S o'clock P. Mi Rceul.tr days trom Kew York. Tuesdays, xburadaytandSaturdara. Frotn Provulence via. Newport every Monday. »Vednesday and Fndny, irente- tJiately after tha arrival of the Meamboet train from U. von . The New Jersey is rt near boat, boilt to naMrate t'ne S,^ind. She has a larce and elecant suite .>! State Rooms, exten.ixe end airy cabins, and littisj up in the b>*»t p«ejit>le manner. For Ireight or nonce apnly to the Captain on board, or to Mr. O. Mauran. 73 Wnll 't. K. V. _ jea NEW-YORK. ALBANY AND TR' 'V STEAMBOAT LINE..FOR ALBANY _.AND TR< )Y..Mcirmm) Link from the loot Barclay «Troet..Tjanding at inurmeiliate iiinces. The i.uan-.er EMPIRE. Capt. S. R. Roe. Tms Mornms. at 7 o'clock. The rteornerTROY, Capt. A. Gornain. To-morrow Merr- ing, at 7o,c!'Kk. tlvenine Line from the foot of Counlnndt streei, direct. The iei.ii.er SWALLOW Capt. A. .Mcl*an. This Even, inc. at 7 o'cl.icS. l ne srenmrr ALBANY. Capt, R. 13. Macy. To-morrow Eveeiaj. at 7 o'clock. C^Tbe BoatJ ol ir,:< Line, owins to their habt draught ol water, are able at all timestopesi the bars, and reach Albany cud i'roy in ample time tu take the Mornin?: Trnias of Car* lor the hrut or lv«?st. feyi'i r Passag« or Freight apply ou hoard, or at the ( IVes on tlie Wharves._ _____ J°* i f_" ALBANYDAY LINE, at 7 oVrlocjri A~ . .For Aihany and iniermediata laiwirtgt. t*M RTH VMERICA, Caot.*R. G. C ttet den. will lasveas above on Monday. Wertoesday and Ftiday mornings at 7 o'clock. | B The SOÖT11 AMERICA, Capt. M. II. Truesdell, will leave Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mortui;*:- at 7 o'clock, Focpasaage, apply on-board. u£l7 . r--., ^PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMBOATS FOR ALB t.W.Daily, Siindaya excepted. S^>£^r, ,i_, Through Direct.At7 o'elock P. M, from ':i- .-.reamboa: Tier beluisrii I'oiirt;.in,lt and Liiierty .trts'ti. The steamboat KNICKERBOCKER. Captain \. P. St. J.tIih Monday. tVedttesday ami Fndny sveninas, at 7. The Reamboal Rl jCIl ESTER, < aptain A Uuugliton, Tues¬ day, Thujsday and Saturday »\emiif.. nr 7. !' .i o'clock.Landtag a: intermediateplact*. The steamboat OTICA. Capt. K. Hyct, .Monday. Wed- nearlay. Friday ami Sumlay, ai 5 P. M. ; J The »teiimU.nt COLUMBIA. Cant, Um. H. Pec!;. Tues¬ day. Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M. Passenger* taking lim line of boats wiR arrive in Alma) nnipie Ume to take the Morning Train., of Can tor the Ea..t ut We;. . Ejp-'l be abovebontj nr.- new und tubstantial, an furnished with new and elegant .-täte Room*, and for weed iuul aeeon nsaintiiai. are unrivaled on Ü a llndsou. For passage or freight, apply na board.11 to ,uJ7 P. C. SCI 11 L I"/., a! the«'ilb-e on the Whaif. r_ r aai r for III DSON AVK INTERMEDIATE Lr\ _4*.LANDINGS.-Tne stenmboMi \VI_l- $t~aaarrT&L*V 11 ESTE K i'u.i. Wm. II. Mellen, will h ave the foöi f Cedar .'. . t. on .Monday-. VVednesdaya and Fridayaal 5 P; M. c."iri.-i-:,,ic it llmbou w,tIt the limlsoa ami Burl iltire Railroad; 'the curs ofwbich leave on tue arrival of me bo ami leaving fludson on Sundays. Tuesdays an Tbursdo, i a! i'. M. if on the arrival ofthe cur-, touching each way nt the interrnediate bunUnct. Ticketa through to Put-- tiebl Ii 4u and to UV-t gtoekbrhlge yi For freigbt or ruisaaga, apply on board or to STORRS 4e STEPUENSON,» West.t. TM» boat has been Utoruughly overhauled, und beracoom- modatiom so improved a.; to Us equal to any bout on the rrVer. additional numbet ol Suite Risum* baring beim added. Tin. iHiat totya no bnrces._ inl7 ~""'~"-__, f: t POWELL fc CO.'S LINE! FOB _i*NEWBURGIl.Landing at CaldwelPt. W. !:VX^To*-''iV.:'j!I {n/'i'i':')!'.''.''.!:. r* Wnixlrop, will leave the pier foot of Warten -t. every Monday, Thiimfay and day al lo'elock, P. .M. ttetanrina. svill leasr«, tsiewlmrah every blönday at 83, A. \t. andTue-d.i) and Friday at6 P. M. Po* traiahl ,.r pasaaae. apply to the (laptain on board. Bat pure and freight ofluldescrip&in, banltblU* orsp«»ci^tMit on Isoard mii<f he nt the ,a.k ol .iwners thereof. Ujllttta a hi'l of In dine or recetpt lie rignad li.r the »atne, mm f»*. ^1^R^EVV^I;RG"H.Umiing at CaM- f~ -£* wall's, Wet Point, roll Spring, Cornwall, «m.J.and l-'i-iik¦., nuibii::. fbessenmboal JAS. MADlSt IN,Capt Chas. [Taktend, will leave VYiirrvn .tr.x pi-r cvsty Tue».lay and Friday iilWiniHin nt 4 o'clock, All Baggage, Packages °r Pared., lt:uA Bnb or Specie, put .>n Ismril tin- ls*t utiliNin bang entänd i n the booh ot receipt eil for. must I»? nt tbe risk of tla- uwnats thereof. mhl!' if r- .¦. /- M' iRN'ING ltd'VP AT SEVEN A. M.- Jm _'M'iiR PEEKSKILL, Vmipi.iNf k's Gkas- _. ."¦ ¦¦!-_.'V PalKT. SlMU-SlSO. ARKVTuV. S. dobb's l"*aajCT. IIaJTWOI and gOKKBRa.BreakhL.t an.I Dinner on lltsard..The new and splendid ,ti a ml,i ml I 'l 11. I'M Itl'S. Captain William IL Fmxae. wÜl leave New York fnmi tlie t.H.t nf i 'hainher* -tris t every niorninc lit ^'ten o'clm k. Prhlayi aa copied..Returning, leave reek-kill same day at U", o'clock, P. M. except Sandal. when die will leave laaekakill at ¦j o'elock P.. .M. landing at the fool of Bamimmd »tre<-t earii way. Freight taken at risluceil rites. JS'nticf. Ail ifiHaU, Ireight, buctrnre, bank bilb, ipeeis, nr any other kind id property, liikan, .hipped, or pill on board this boat, must be at tot mk ul tha owner* ofauch hoimI*. i.e. ;i... baeeaite, &c. ni3 « r-an » FBLTON AND SOUTH FERRIES. l~.-OF A III: REDUCED. The Brooklyn U.n S_ H i rat" SaFerry Company have reduced themtn of terrm.'e tju proposed b) the Ibi aer to tl 11 lommont oun- eil ot the city or New-York, on Iba 87th day of Daeembet last us follow., viz.: Kisit Ptiktengeii.- cent, each l .'amiices. - hows.'Jj do. P easure wagons, 1 hone.18^ do. Carl« and fietfht wagons, one horse, loaded or empty.12:j do. Mnrsct waeoiss, 2 Imr.es, loadeil.do. Do. do. 2 do. empty.W.{ do. Do. po. -1 horse, loaded or empty.I-', do. Wagons with bayorstraw.a7?4 do. Si.dil !e borne.9 do. m31 tf r-^.sw» te BI MMER ARRANGEMENT. ,_-r-j. NEW \i'.K und NLU VultK.-FanOnly ___?r_ar_^_?S.I- ceuu-Ti..- new and rwirl ttearner r UNn i VV, Capt John Gafly. on and aftn Monday, .May l3.wtllriMaafoUowa: Lcave Newark. Lenve New-York, fisitol 1'eui-est. foot of Barclay at at7k A. M.and 1«P.M. at 10 A. M.and4P. M. ON SUNDAYS.Leave Newark «tu A. M. ami i P. M. und New.York al lu A. M. ami 4 P. M. _Frwisrr:l lairrieti nt very reasonable rates. a4 8m a«, m~ NEW.YORK AND HARLEM S ULROAD fii iTl COMPANY..SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. '¦¦< und after May lat, tha Can will run iu ¦. .Iis lla:;»i:i. Leave iiuileui Leave V\'-n,. Bridge FbrubamKWma. Bridge. forCfty Hail. for City Half. * ou A. M. 3 a) a oo A. M. 7 7 40 7 20 " 8" 8 SO 8 80 " 9 * " 9 40 9 20 .. ii :JJ . m to iu au 1 P.M. 130 1 P.M. I " 2 40 sao .. i 3 40 3 20 " 4 " 4 40 4 JO " 0 5 40 a 30 t> *' 8 40 t; aj 7 - 7 40 1 «} " On Sumlnyi, it the weather w hoe. the fan will run every hour from City Hull to Hartem and IVila-nw' Bndee. . ¦: l Mi Hal! ami 3Tth -iiisrl Line v. ill run every ten m tlUtaS thi h -be day. Dom8 80 A. M. to8 'st r. M. The Extra N iaht Line win leave 27th itreet lor City Hall r.t "- .93?.».l 80.1LU3O, Leave City Hall for 37th *_reel at9 «. 10.10 S>. II. II .0.12. By order of the Pemrd, .-3» 3m_WM. rs. CARMAN. Sec'y. MIDDLETOV,n GUSIIKN *j.n tirraasiant- "-..--rsvt-Tf,'",LA,lc'-.T-NKU v"ilK A-Nl> ERIE RAIL .".«?« TB' »AH...1 be new and ip lendid m ,.v..,t.K.\. Capt Alexamlur II. .-shultz. leavsr» the ol liuane jtreet, daily. 'Sumlay- e«ce.,tw|., ttt ; ,,V!,»-k A M and I K. pawm* the moat leautilul »cen.-ry ol tlie HlU-oa nver, to | arrwontwhere pasts uaiii take k_eeonnoitksua cm. ,.t tneCo thrtmsh Ü* p.ctur«_.iue valley of the Ramnpn. i Gsaioen, >tnld.eij,wn. ^ic. Retuminir. leave M.du! 'i.*n utiJA. M ami 4P M _ FayaMgen by the Morning Line Can remain from three t t.mr riotir. nt l, ,«h-n ii.| MnidleUiwn. ar.d retur:. i., tj* ctv ai I o c i«-k the »tn:c evenins. 7 CT I-amihes and Pie aura Parties will find thi. the most dr- ;.i; Euumn from the city. The car. areuniaualdy ... Z XJ!?* ? M-irtmeiiLi appropriated expres.ly tabutim lor fomier i-'-rtic.:.mmirent the Captiun onboard,^ .'^'J- II. I stA M' .! It. r,;;. nut. nden* Pii^eeri lor Owexro, BincliamrjUKi^and luTthe^arirVn, slaeei m tha S^Krthern . toüniea of tUr State ,twßPL'S .' ."¦'tuie. of PwiwIvatnTwiTO .r...-.i-vi.|.Invent,, take-.hem from MaldlcO,* .a..re_e.tpe.!ici..n» than at./.^hei rout..-. mi SS5i^__i^^ tlay,.Apr_*t 1844. 2hi " r. ti. 'i bit ba. benn rcrin'«» rel-M >n . 2 ' Vf- re- u .¦. ., m^' ,. . \!P 7 w,,tn " "envy iron raj o Ew?sLonle^\^ «f».Onsurpa««d. fravelen f!,r Morr,- New^m. -\-,/..'< |pd Easton. or Belvidera, i Iswega. -^TTV^T' ''"""Ppany. K-^k.away and Bad. ?thS^il ( n XM !a"rt ¦ale and ext*<l,U.,..ia ol any 0.BI 0,.j<.e ,,| r,itjvevaiK& Üinei«r^t'ph*';''i-r;it.'» srrveat Newark lo ^^Jb« Fhdadelphia »an», and at New-York in Ums t. r "ui .it Äd 81 * o'clock. _-.-..;.^t;;,<,.,, ... ,.r. i ..¦:*:>¦> rbuwn UWMe* ur ebawu*; !D New-York, and lour in Mor- 1- 7T^ Tl'<ra" rJ" ^ Company run Ummg* (mm Jer^y '. ily to .Morrutown. thin avoiiltnir tlie delay a«J iiiconremence coif e,:uent upon a chance ol Car*. . . novl m \ is ,ul). .-iijwrsnteru.'ent. PÄTEl&MrR^ÜL!:' \D Bmuiai Am mk M.sts..Fare 37 j cenu from Jerury Lily to Fa lairi! Palermo Depot m , I-eave New \ ork. At6o clock. A. M. Al9o'elock. A. M. Ar 12,i o'ci'is-k. P. M. AtSo'e.'.atk. P. M. is StmaTB. At*o'clock, A. M. At 8 o'clock, p. M. . s 'i clock, A. Al - dock, A. >1 At 11'. o'clock, A M At4oelock, P.M. . On St/sroava. Al7o'clock. A. M. AtSo'cloeJr, l>. M. All biissaxe at r»s o4 owflaca, Otftee* at 7". Conrrjandt-tt; aad at Depot Pnmwin._¦ rot RAG.- AND CANVASS) White and Colored, wanted fo" cash at Manufacturer.' pnee», by oni'j Bn GAUNT tf. DERJilCKSON, 153 Soath .t. ^ÖVPAChETS..To rail from New YorYoa the BMC ::oni '-'"fO"! on Ose a<.c,f «ich mooth. aaag. From New York. From LVt/s 1% New ,hiP ASHBCRT« IN, * lluO tons. Henry linnw. n. >X?' ^ < .T**- a c .>iay f> {Jmv, a NewshipPATRICK HENRY. Sjg* * ,<W. a IUUU tot*. Jus. V. I "etasn. > y^T- * J l*r% a Ship INTiETENDKNCE. iPSts » ... KxraNre. >, '. j ^jn- jj ab G Ei». was:riN< ;t« v. >;r£i* £ )JN'-1' a ÄiO to,.».A!noni~>lturros,-, J g < ihr 2 Tho«.-»hiiw srt s!! o! )!i lint class, ami ronimaitded by ard«.ti-enetiroiu»irai .>. Theeahawaiaee_anflytwaaaai and ailbsxi taiperira .. .ftntsrsns for ;>s-ee The p-e, ui inevigeUom New Yors'o .'-%er;»M)iw »lm>. and fnin \Jr erj»"-. i" Ntw kork jCAi. uiriiidu.g stores, and bestling. »aha» wir». ; Neither the Capour. tue own. will be rr»i>oo»;bi- for an» t> rs |. in.il» or ^..r»»^ ui;.,-» regu.ir odls el lading ua kgae- tharawr. Appu to ^ __i__«:::_i\Nr.i.i. minti i:n Ac f. mth«. t^P^iI^illliE.OF UVERrVÖL PACKJST8?. ^TO^V^^.^^^hJMer-ihe well known ntftad«. T'1 ? C.?J SS "T Wh Ju,«- The above lavor-Je parki, ^^^Pa^eee^?"*;r£.',ra Cahin. Second Cab... ar,J Steerage 1 riaerneer.. TU.v wX_i_,_. to UV < B C.mi,t.....uT..ix^:ihan to «>rt^Wh.«nt -huT ; a«^7»~^^ t.~mnd^i>,;^,; brsjujbt at.tn the .w packet Of «... at the re^tta.-;^ aailme lnim I..verl«s.!.-Tery hve day.. Drafts for ahyarttS? payableon<leman.i wifhraIttlJ»e.11,nt thrwrb,^t Gnat B- tln an.l IreiaiU can at all time* be obtained ori appbcatJocTa. ttbor''-__,_mS FOR l\:.i.li'":.-"\i :,CT i.K Jf\r ... iir^V-'\-[- .....VVVSIIISWTnX^V SfJSBt . taster, a res I - rot tretsht or pe*sxt*sxJ»«räg superior occo<n_>odaix-., 1_.a on board, lo-r ot Mai.ivo Lane, or to ^«-».aprd. GRuNNKLLj Ml N UN CO. >S<.ao.. ThePackat.ehip PATRICK llKNKY.j.r. DalaBaSl5 will sucr-ed the «;e.-.-tfe \\ aiii.nrti.n. an.l «,i Ju t Ms'kl! jitulaxday. mfT PASSAGE FROM IRFJeAND EVERY Put .DAYS TH8« IUGHOUT TUB YK.\R-Krfni{.i)E :i.ubl,.. IV..a»i. N?vry. I.7i..n.:.-rry. \U>lf^ id. sd.io.l olcrain. Ihineaik. Ih-.»it»it». Igmenek fc"' Äi-. Paaaaceacan at all tiroes I* enra<ed w_.t .j^ni. latr- on the mo>t advwfcUPBrjus Uir.ii« m tinteaua'.1 V*»vi bniltpaeaetaaawncrroni uverpool ' BVERi ElVE DAYS THWGHOCT tub YEAR taai lii.nsa in ist nectary t.,, t -e ronfott »nj ~'n~l. .V*- re-tot the pruaettfam will be found connected^^ff,:^1*, ihipa, vtr: prop' r attention la l.iven>»'l. n .' e,«.« . datum oulNHird the ilupa. winch the ...'....r 'r, ~,Ue7lm* .JIthey eucareto bniie. F°*tartherreartico an . irvi? IT. paid; to VV. it J. T. TAPSCOTT 5 *x?*J?*" Agents in I eWerpool: corj'f «"*. WM. T \ I'St^! iTT. or ) ii(;orf, GBO. ^yl:\KUn^.\ ^vZt'Z^ DRAFTS IN ENGLAND, IRELAhTD *, »_ SVbousaboutren tün« riooej .a.-!rv,öl:;: I ~Vu Jt'ountnr, can '.inpheJ wita ,<-*r,ia* -i? without drseonncm any oiiter charge, ztV'^ "..»??'^ Ireland. PrwnciaJ Baak da, MesarV jalSl Bmker*. I.oiv'.on: I. IVarrssd /_ cT^E^^^fs^: bank. Liver^k.I: En-fei P....,k .;>'.... .Cv-'Jw^^u'"':" ;.S.;..or ny,.Sr\V..i.:,m fort*,. Hutiiet i. I^''^atar»f . t ndtbel.rin.-lie> in every poÄtownthro,rhi.ui K Jiln, l,nd.S-oil:oi,l. and Wale., whichDraft^ji v 1^ i> iT the parket of uth. i*h, avt. at &^.n,b3! fteainer. which leave, iWoii on tl« bt of j. ,i,~" Itionto _*.kil\r\&>rrl- At their Gcneml Passage (liliee. WfjoauVrt., e.jn^ Miden. N. H-.\ letter, from the-ou-trra,i..t .aane poat«id. FMR THE PERMANENT (TRF. OF \LL Dl leases -»u«! Ei uiiiionx of ihesutu. MAN 1 tlvotwinds in all parts ol the Urtioa have Uo-a cored alter trying every remedy in vainidVidereaitkmd.st»uei> such as Pimples. Freckles, Snnhum.Tan Morphew, Salt Rheum, Scurvy, by a single (ay often linlfa cake, of the genuine J.n>e»'lulina Chemical Soap. Reader, this s.mio ghneega adser teed, is one ol the most lurprtstng and bles*e,| reaiediti ever ducovercd. .and will generally do all Iwre itated. It eleari and whitens Dark Sunburnt or t etlow Skin, rendering it healthy anil clear. I have neu when ererythgu; elselailesl Cure Old S..r>> Head.. Ringworm, &e. Seals Salt Rheum, Hough Skin. It is made in the (iirin of 11 bsaiutilul picre olmap, acdm pleusaiit remedy. I.ive it olio trial. Bat; render, this article is con met fette.1, nnd you mus ba very particular und buy it nowhere eLe 111 N. Y kut tt theuga of the American Eagle, Si! Chuthuiu rtreet a:..l Ci Kt.iaiiasy. <.-. (.....'dine. » Sr.;.. It .:.: ./, Buildings, Philadelphia: Hays, löt) F'ultiwt ilrect, Brooklyn, ml? Im_ Y ML. KENSfriT i. (.0. V i'A'lTLtRLSK-ST. iroold t iidorin their formers cnstoinent and the nobile teaerally, tliat 'hey have retaken the above suite, and o'lVr tor sale anea- tire.new «tiM k of Spring G<>ods, purchroed tor cash ..f the lae porten and Auctioneers, which will be wld it creatly mlucnl prices, among which may be found the li llow ing: A largs s»- Myrtineiil of Balgarinea and Barages lrontäi.to 4> eot*d Lawas. Printed Ji.nets ami Cambric Muslins, ivoiii!«uines,blk.«nd retj til l'n' ii Lustre* ; a large nstortment of \lialni be L u;e* from 1«. i»l to Us.: Ilarage S ik mid Cashatera shaah, blk. Mue black and colored SiU«, bioeo Cnuibrn k lldka Gambroons, Linen, and a g.sal asjortiileut I... men's wear, gelber with Silk Parasols, Print*, Muslins, and a vanatyat Other goods, «loch you ate invited to cull uud eiaiuuic. iiil&Jw*_ t a,\MpiIENÜ CHEMICAJ. dl., Wl: llI'ltNINGFLl7- 1'». lor sale, wholesale and fs_rdl, by D1ETZ, BROTHER Ir, 00. No. LI John stos-t. New Yelk, tad ftrlm* i Hick. <rwi. Rnsiklyn IN CHANCERY, '.ih CircuiL.Tba Präsident, lataeonsaasl Company ol theOnomtagu County Hunk .». Tlie Uank of Burl " Inmitsuruieeofanonleroftha Court <>f Cheiieery. l.itcd the9th day of AprikloM, notice is lursliy <ivan (hat the stibscrdier has been only appointed receiver oftfi* property .0.1 eJlecti oftlta ..ml. Tba Hunk ..1 lunlai... 'n,.o hr asidor¬ der nnd all order of Februnrysl, |su, il is rrlcrnsl tu Jasaai .. ker, Ei:.. o/lhe city ol" BurTalo. in the (owiiy ..f t'r*. Euuougat other things, to lake and tfale an uccount of all tha ileiniiiids ofany descriptiou agiiuisl the rind Rank ol ttaftaVn, and toenabMtJM said Master to take mul .in'* »o.sioi ni .1 lot tha ganeral purpose eonletuplated by ihr «auiu. AK tin ted '. rs ofthe lid Hank »l Blllfalo, .ire re.;., lot :. st.v- bit tis'.r a. count». ewinasand dssrrsands against tt>e aw Iltak of Buifalo. Io the -aid .laine. < rocVer. F.-l die Masterka«4| laid refer.... in cimrce. at his oilico in the city ol llutlit!». 17 thefifteenth da) of August next, and become partial to tha suit, and 0. default Ibereol, thay will be precluikw from all bs netlt ot tlw.deeroe whiah shall be made in this suit, sad boa any distribution which .hull he made under «uchdecre«. IRA A. UU >ss< ..M. Receivei ofthe Bank el Ikawa, JaMJCS . Rot Kir it, Lite Master in IhancetT. Builnlo. ApnlStlt. aidlha 'SVWERN AND EXCISE 1.11 'KVSK-\..iic to ever/ X per«.11 vetlding. .lialm.' in, or retailing Siroh_ or."pirilu- ous Liquors in the Cny "i New York. All persons whoahall sell or deal in Strong or Spirittusa U- Uiior.. [except Importers or Distillers, Milling any Imuinia;- ported ordi.lilleil by them, in nuuulities above live galkms,) without having tlrstoktained aLieanse for such i.uriHssefrnai tlie Mayor, and the raspective Aalerman und Assistants ol ths Wards 111 which they severally resale, nn> subject Iiv Ijivv lor each ollcuco, to tlie nennlty ol t->: and »1 ensent Retailers, to the aiUlittonuJ punishment [by indkttmenlj of tine and impn- ¦onment, Tavern and Excise Liceux'swill ibcreliire lie asued at the .Mayor's ulice, 1 in Hull, betw.1 tba ti.-nra ol 10 and 8O'clock, 00 the days i rescrilsal as follows, fot each nssp».rliia Ward. 1st Ward, Wednesday and Thursday, I.llli andlolhMay. L'd do Fridarand Saturday, llthandlMi " äl do .Monday und 'I ne-luy, Jglth and 21et " 4th do Wednesday and Thursday, Äil and23d " Etb do Friday and Saturday, 34th ansl 8Mb " 6th do Monday and'I ue-dsy, eTth and 'Jsth '* 7tb do Wednesday and Thursday, SSth and 80th " Srh do Fridayand Saturday, list May,nod litj.ms. 9th do Moncfay mid Tliesday, 3d hiul Ith " 10th do wedneaday and Thuraday, Mi and 6th 11th do Friday and Saturday, 7th and *tli " litii do .Monday and Tue-ilay, 10th and 11th " 13t!i do Wednesday and Tboraday, ISthandlSth 14th do Friday and Saturday, I4thand l3th " loth do Monday and Tiiesday, ITthandlMi " IKih do Wsdnesdn y and Thursday, L9th and Jmh " 17tn do Priday and Saturday, StstandSd U_- Persons now holding Licenses arc reoii'-ted to prod.ice them w hen npiilymg for retiewsi mI.o, siiccinlly ns;ueitc»l tu apply trithin the time ss above, to avokl the penalt es ft :h* Luw. Brorder, MONSON CLARK E, First Mnrdial. New York, Mayor's Office, .May 6th. Ihel. mytl Uit) -=--.. £-.'.;t,*;|.. ..-a ^."^'!v^£s s. .s». KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND at hi« Inlirmary. £U Brooms street, his valuable Medicine" tor Ii7«i*t*i*, I jver Complaint, Palpitation ol the lieu it, puns mllieun-».»*, lide, shoulders, weakness m the back, pam in the bend, cud i. ui. Costivcnesa, Pitas; Weakness at the Htsismteh, lileeiling at the Lung-, rush ofhlood to '.he head, and all 11 ysler.cnl and Nervou» affections, fomale weaknesses, <tc itc. AI*. celebrated Anti-Seorbutic Syrup for Scrofulaasdall impurt- tot the Blood, such .-.s Sallrheum, Scall bead. Err«ipf!»». Leprosy, Si philis, old Clears, Tatter, Si. Anthony's Fire. toe. tee Board und attendance lor iliose who wish to tarry. mi) iw* CHUR(;H BELLS AND TOWN CL0CW_ i r'S _ The subscriber, who was awarded a Iiew.ins si j * * '.he New York Slate Fairs ..!' IMJand IM (¦« »tsl _.*_» best toned Church Bell. antiaJsoa SKcr Jlolal for the l«.-si Bell, and Diploma lor Town Cat.!' bited at the Fa r of the American Institute foOetpowls*_ now preiiaresi at hi. Foiiislr- at WV.I Troy. New York, to far- nish liull. of from 3) to 10,000 lbs. irind- ofthe !.est mnleruu» aral syarranted to stand ami tone to picas..t.i-teos to ttiem m- prorad l.'ast [roil Yoke, with Jdovonble Arm«. Tlsr increasing, dsrnand forhis Bell« i. the beat »«ridenca that eaa b* ?',H1,"* their excellence. Orders luive isreit received from the .. JJJfJJ ainl almost idl the States, mid about 411 have lieeo ftjTOasSante ditferent places in tlie Slate of New-York from his P-auS"**" Town I lock-. I^ivehn. and Surveying Instruments. Lepper and Ritts* Castings, te ate_,__, v ..! ANIlHE'.V VK\KFX>_. . AMERICAN C'siPEK.-;J**>}*AX!p T(X)LS n general for HOUSE an. »W - CARI'EN (Kits. Hi 'i HERS, ^.v-. : -¦>..= V .c.ii Is- ohMmed in all ilieir viuaet.) « S VVHOLESALI ami R ETAIK «f. v- .Fl LT-.:, STREET. NEU \"Rh. «J -. 9 the most celebrated inanuliicturers. 'r~ rantfl mut uteri'. such as Ann- ALBEBTSON S, uNGER'S, ,i< >RXI >N S. GBTOBD s. rind ROCHESTER. .. ALSO, IC'S'pers' Dowellmg Bitrs- American Iron Rivets. D>. Pe-c» Ir.a.;. ' c_, CoorsaFsTrasa Hoops. Woodl Do Tap and KUD+bo'*n' and Iron. Do I/tvehng P'-s0*- Do Head and Slave Jointers. Do Vices. Do Stisrk Howells and Cro Do Ot>mpaxs>as, . ^. ,ers. !>' M.'.ramg Iroos.tVc. etc. Do Rrarea. I We have -he genuine Jr MI.V V O tSOKItV. ar -o J. «IIN C' INGER S. T.sus. m'skkxtI'RJ'SS. Cuaaurs <»*»«?^ C.*Kl.s!sl_c|J_IT___-^- ._warranted ( vst st eel bdcb c"**_!. :/ 'i'i ii iL&.1 be real muine < longer siouti nsnonly be. hail al SI Attiirne/ stre.'t.wtsrrs they are made ami finished svnhmyosra h.....; therefore I can recommend theoj r.- ........... !.. c .. ;-f I. 'II ....T-..i...r!.ie4 by <j.!< .'i Little,al Frrlton street, -tnri.pe,! "i longer, sTJ (utra, n-.e. iin.l itreile-igueil to ccccue. Mite» are stanw thus: "Conger. New York, 'il .\ttortiey otcet." a WsS* disc -i ' '.»letalen. Plea>e olaorve the stomp. nL'lUm' JOHN (,'0>___, CHEAT HING COPFER-100 crocs be_r brers* lir!"*.* a". i.inVNLl.L. MLNTURN & CO, r3S.ruth«_ Ml ISCOVADO SEC AR-9S hhds on board bartjue Gscarsl l!:.:i!son, lor ^ile by . mlo_«at_lNNElX. MlNTlfBN U W.j&S****^ jpADl*/ SALT AFLOAT-10,000 bosdsek, «n.'"-«l,hi» VyCera , for sale b, URINNELL, MINTCB^NjkCO. raUTHS.uih stree___ ALE KOPE.-OHtoo waste~snd t*gr^ng"*rintedatmao- ufarturer't prices hrf cash by .. ^ split <Ul NT DER P.B KS' »N. 13_S.«ith rjv:v .,, rve_ Youn« ü-j. ' ;.; ;. *. rswUd, ** l_»leby «IKINNIXI.MIVIIP^M^ d" p iE THE LADIES.--' Bl fk ''';.''' Sh.s-s. ins» re- c ceiveil and fg^^gJ&MRl IRNE. 170 Fullor. st. %\i:..-. ... .. .... evcelier.t as«.rtnse,it for saht ,.. "jll U. M ''.E. EEAVl'ITlt Co. M Westrt,

chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-21 · THETRIBUNS. Tor T-v* New-York Tnbrjse. "Anhtaruare o«t tWoril! BeVvsnde«tarandaÜ-oriSd OflöB Sbed?SbeuaysberchiMwUstiagj'L^^ Tue«wia

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.gov · 2017-12-21 · THETRIBUNS. Tor T-v* New-York Tnbrjse. "Anhtaruare o«t tWoril! BeVvsnde«tarandaÜ-oriSd OflöB Sbed?SbeuaysberchiMwUstiagj'L^^ Tue«wia

THE TRIBUNS.Tor T-v* New-York Tnbrjse.

"An htaru are o«t tWoril!BeVv snd e«tar and aÜ-oriSd OflöBSbed?SbeuaysberchiMwUstiag j'L^^

Tue« wia Gilead's bslra in tho minst-el's son?.

To a spirit roused by a mighty wrong jAnd it stole o'er the teroraest of grief with a thr.li.

Like the bleated Redeemer's " Pe*ae! be still!"

No! never for one rash trust betrayed,By a being whom Nature so mean had made,No : never for this will I wrong, by fear,Tne true and the noble, the fond and dear.

Not thus shall triumph the false, the weas,

Though Faith and Love, in their might, are weak:

For God will " temper the wind " to one,

Who says in her sorrow, " Tny will be done!" »

Beauties oftaw.BamsB ParuJAXtjrr.Bens*of Lords. May12.

ccs90UD\TV)S or the criminal law.Lord Baot/'OHaM, in moving the sK:ond reading

of bis bill for the consolidation of the crirrriaatlaws, stated the object he had In view, which isto digest and condense the enormous mass of occriminal statute liw, reducing it to written prin¬ciples and a distinct code, easily accessible, inte!

ligibie, and capable of being earned into execu¬

tion with facility. His lordship then commentedon the universal concurrence in opinion as to th'desirableness of this among philosophers, lawyers,and the moat enlightened judges and statesmenand then gave an amusing account of the nr.

luminous records in which English law is pre¬served."My Lr.r<l«," he said, " I have spoken of digest¬

ing the whole of the Criminal Law, or ih- whole olthe Statute Law, Civil as »«II as Criminal, and noi

merely the Statute, but the Common Law. Myataretoent of the manner in w hich the Common Lawis locked up, or diffused or scattered in ibe books in

whu h alone it in to b- found, is a sufficient argti-

r«enr/werr> there none other, for not excluding th-

Comrnon Law from tire inquiry. Hut when I come

to foe Criminal Law of the land th- case become -

much stronger, and I will presently show your lord¬ships whv. Can anv thing'qua! the absurdity olcontinuing your code ofcriminal law in your statu¬

tory or written law, and leaving out all thai is co

lamed in your common law.when you reflect '< t

one moment what rausf he the language which thlawgiver hold» upon this subject to those he call-upon to or>v, under the »everent penalties' Hetells idem,' Disobey at your peril; here is the lav¦.written so plain that he who runs may read.' ' But."asks the sul'ject. 'is thi» all the law?' ¦Vcryf"'from It,' rrplies the legislator; ' it is not above one-

fourth or one-fifth of the law you have to obey : bi il

where tou are to fiud Ihe rest is more than 1 canMil.' 'I his is ihe language which ibe lawgin r

holds.' Obey me ot your peril, but I cannot te

vou whm is the law; disobey rue at your peril,but I cannot tell you whm yon are to obey.--The written law you have, but for ttie retnaininpart you inuat find it out for yourself in the beiway you are able, but I cannot tell you where it i-

lo he found. It is to he found in ihe 30 quartovolumes of statute law, in the 150,000 closelyprinted page* of report*, and if you want an in¬dex it is contained in 8,001) page*, but more Iam hound not to t£ll you. Nevertheless disobeyma at sour peril. .... Among the variousadvantage which the reduction of the written ami

unwritten Imw io a digeal produces, 1 will reaiinvonr lordships of the main one.that it enables thesubject In know what he has to obey, us well as t. e

practitioner in know Imw he is to counsel bin client,and the judge I" know how he is io decide on In¬cense. 1 may be allowed to give your lordships n

lew examples <d ihe date ol confusion und nnceitaintt in which our law now ginmls, written or un

written; and ii there h« such uncertainty in mh »i i-

Ian part», ii may safely he assumed that there is u-

innch in the unwritten. As in tue Wullen, Hie learn-ed commissioner* tiave eollecird no less than thir-teen definitions of the crime o! theft a crime, be ilremembered, far which ahoul 12,000 persons nn tru .i

yearly.five el which d.funtioiis are total! i diverse,and they «re hy judgi » as well an icxt writers. Ato the general stale of the law, then ure now 1,540. tatuiee. in force, id>H of which are repealed or sup¬posed to lie repealed directlv by parliament: 142airepealed or supposed io be rrpenled by implicationtO\ are, hut tmist inaccurately, railed obsolete, t

Cause- in England there is nn »ucli Illing an an obso'.Ieio sioiute. ii has been lind down beyond contra-diction thnt a siatuie cannot be obsolete. A etaiulmay Iw no longer applicable to the circumsion eof toe day, as one applied to vjlleins, for iv-

stance, a i.-lns* who no longer exist; but many olthese acts are quite applicable to the circumstancesol the day, and they might tie enforced if anybodychose to put ihein io force. Of 37»> w hich are re¬

pealed, orsuppooed to be re|>ealed by implicaiionor said to l>e obsolete, thai i». never acted upou, ho*many do your lordships think it is quiie doubtfulwhether thev are repealed or in force ? Very nearlyone-half, 142. How are you to tell whether theseore or are nol the existing law of ibe laud? But,bo ides, there are two or three score ot stutuieri i-iiji-poseil Io lie repealed directly.not obsolete, not tit

implicntwi. about whu h it is perfectly impossibleto know whethor thev are repealed or not. I willtake as an example llie 3rd nud 4lh Henry VI, c. 10,wntcb makes it n inosl grave offence, severely pun¬ishable, for any person to have in his possession theimages taken oui of a church; but then there is amerciful proviso, except those of a nobleman, or

other persons who air not reputed saints; so that ilI were lo tuke an image nut of n charch, i! it were pia reputed saint, I should be liable to the severest

penalties ; but if it wen- of any body who was not so

reputed.ofany ofmy noble Irieraua near me, tor in¬stance.I should escape a penalty entirely, (Laugh-ter.) Suppose it were my noble und learned friendon the woolsack, I might without tear take him,(Laughter )" Lord Campbki i : No, no; he is a faint without

being reputed. (A laugh.)" Lord BhoiT.H\xi: Well,repute is required. This

act wan subeequi tillv repealed, but King James 1.repealed ike repealing act; and tlierelure there isthe grcat.-s- doubt whether the original act ol Pat-liainent is not revived. Again: there m the 32d olHenry VIII. the law of maintenance.no one cantell as to that. I*ben there is the 23d Henry VIII.for the attaint of Juries finding false verdicts." S,,. ,.

sat it is repealed; I do not kno» whether it is railaolete or not; but I know that Lord ftfenborourb,being very much dissatisfieil with several verdic -

which »»cut iiu'winst his opinion, threaiened the Jur\in hia place with the 23d Hetirv VIH, which, heaaid, was a great mistake to think was repealed!"Lord CararBst.L: Thai waa rvpealed bv 3ir

Samutd Shephrrd."Lqrd Bkoi-Oham : That was brought under the

atlemitati ot the Iranied Commissioners, and thevfouud it was exceedingly doubtful whether the act olattaint waa repealed, and have put it us a querv. 1know it is the Miiaion of some ilmt Sir Samuel Sheti-nervl did rspeal n,


m teid H?^"LL : 1 know ir *" intended.'.Urd Bkououss; xvell. there is Lord Ellen,boraatigh a opinion thai i, was not done. here iaano hcr act, wInch, fa the Sr^yJ \lraenbe. the penalty o. imprisou.ne,,, for life nv a v

perraan v. ho by loud, tamasttc prophecies siV'tempt the sit. ring up ol lactuw. I have iLI'i

~...»,r u .jand bth of Henr> Vlto which no man can tell wheihet thev are tet^a',."or not, which make it capital for any person to cadthe Sovereign a tyrant, iirodcl, or schirmatic. m-that if any person 140 _m an aaro had happened\..tell the truth respecting Kim; s« illiam, of glorfousmemory, and say itiat be was a Pr»#bvteriati, ».r .

schismatic, he would have bavn gufilj of HighTreasam ; and no man can tell whether tiiis is souow or not. There ii Another act of Heory*VIH,cruel ami bnitnl, like iu»ny others of that ivran;.lor so i>- s.a.. aivd a tschtsuiatic at least, il not anintutel-but thetirst IVlemler of the Faith pa*se>- a-act of the most atrocioua kind, that if am penioualter .-omttutting trea^r,. became a lunatic beshould be Wmtstefd caipttsdly, raa-stsarstt>ars.^jng (lcould not plead to ihe itidklrnoat. Now. rsomaican tell wbcilier that aci is repealed or not. I nthere was tfi- a«t against lorrsia.linj, ibe act prohtbatmg the imrscd-tarson of fore.gn cau-da ior czrivatwool, ana the 13th of Elirahe h. forbidding Coth*exported when Wheat *as at fxs. Sal. a quarterThe 2d Kicharvl II. vsiiKh aliows no shoe>as«ker'under severe ponall es to t>e a tanner, nor anv tat,-oer U> Is* a shoa--u;.sker; a, weli as the Jd atsd 4;Edwanl VI. fi.r-idd.ng any -erv«r,t. |aJx>ret .

artificer to ts» hira d oy the dav, or for a le*.s r>eritthan a year; a la* which, as your LsOrtithiM kooubJ violated e»cry day. Trie 4:1: HerjjyVlI. Iis.tt, f.ir-.id- cait'e to be ktl.e-! wiihm a wa'tled o«:.or with!a Ibe u<»n of Cambridge ; and the 1st ati3d Woliatp and Mary, which ..Lows no peasant i,,sell any gaK»i» ia a to«o, except at a Fair. I has,culled out these as sn.tu.de*; no man can tellwhether trie acts staaid in ibe >tatuie Book rx noSuch acts are justly term~<l by L -rJ Coke snare?, toentangle ihe auwary su j.ot;" thev !ir in wai; to ndrawn forth at some uocxpecird UK>n>r-iit; tbcv are

T'l»ers which. tlK»uy'i fr\>Zrti, are uoi se.ao; en.which the bent of parry,or the dm .. .-v of privatereararo^e, may w.-vrni into ine lo ario. the innoceolvictim. As an example oi t-is. l w,.. retniad «aLords.'iip- thai b. the act of (i rren EhUraetit, rd

£lori»>Us me n r>. », o'-vr, refuses to grj ;,, Clir three- successive Sunday* sh&il pae a *hnW\ g. j

Inmost be to his own Parish Church; and I am

sure, tbongti all of us go twice on SuwJeys.toChurch, it Is verv eenaraiiv not to our own ParisnChurch. (\ laush.) Three years ago I presetteda Petition from three ns-n confined at ilia; tune inLaje aetvr Prison by the eenteace of the Justice*,tor £3 14b. damazes and cost. An information was

laid az*inst rii-ta. tso; fat *¦ e:..i..:r themselves fromChurch, bol fur what the Agricultural and Judicialmind holds a much more irie".ou« itT-nce tk-in anjabsence irom the Church.I mean poacbinr. Theinformation, however, failed. ar.J the Justice, learnedin the law, would have l,e«n compelled to dismijsttre prisoner-", had he not bethought himself o: ask¬

ing them. . But «¦..« you at Church last Sunday-".Oh.no'.' 'Or the Sunday before?' Oh, nn". Or the Sun lav before that?* 'Oh, no" 'ThenI 'II convict yoü all m the fine of Is.' They were

un-iris/ined eleven weeks."Iiis b.rdship complimented Si: I.. Pec! on what

he bad done in the way of consolidating the law,and looked u> him fur funher exertions in promot¬ing the same object.Tne Loan CiutvCEU-oa, in express-in? his ap-

probatton ->f the general princip.es of the bill, re.

crrroeriiied Lord Brougham to rest =v.i*ned fur

the pritK-rit with its seond reading, letting it lie

over till next sej»i<.,, and meantime the Cover;.-

rnent would take the ma'ter up in conjunctionwith the commtwrioriers for retorting on and col

m> idating the laws, who have now been appointed fur several rears; and they would endeavor

conjointly to devise tnc best means of obviating

difficulties and removing unctions. There .^ r- .

bowcv.r, a variety of dormant statutes, the re.

.*al of which might be advanUgcuusly cam. d,

pending the consideration of the greyer measure

L>rd Denman and Lord Campbell both expreßed their approbation uf the course suggested, arid

Lord Brougham having expressed his assent, the

trill was read a second time, and the house ad¬

journed.FVreig.v Psl-perism In Mecklenburg every

jiaupcr Ins a legal right to assistance. Not onlyiirc the old and impotent taken careof, but everyabie bodied person may demand worg and a dwel¬

ling to reside in. The p"or rates are raised byvoluntary subscriptions, but a deficiency is made,

up by taxation, at the discretion of the overseer?

ol the poor. The laboring classes ore thus en-

*bled to procure a sufficiency of g'-od food, and

to cat meat oftener than falls to the lot of their

leliows in other European countries. Mecklen¬burg is a Duchy of Prussia, or rather is dividedinto two Duchies.

In Prussia, general!)', the law prescribes thateach town and village must maint iin its own poo;,provided the relations arc unable to do so. Ineach community, if we arc rightly informed,.!society for the poor, called the "Armen Direc¬tum," collects and distributes the charitable fund

tiirough Fub-Commiltees chosen by it. The fundisraised by voluntary subscription. Each personis solicited to give according to his pleasure, no

fixed rute or table being known. Itismngulttrthatthis method is so ¦uccesrfiil. The Government,however, ¦ready to.maki u (any deficiency out olthe Treasury from any funds it has on hand..Prussia Imh attracted much attentionoflate yearsby its religious and educational systems. Thereis something singular in that which regulates the

management ol the poor. The country is no

thoroughly divided up among the Bub-Commit-tecs, that almost every om's circumstances are

known. False and fraudulent applications are

easily detected,and besides tins, and 'is » furtherprotection, a medicalman examines the applicant,und his report decides whether the paupt r '-

to work or not. If he refuses to labor on beingordered by ihe Police to do so, be is sent to thewink-house and forced to he industrious.

VV'urieiiliiirg is another oi those countlieswhere the p<«ir are recognized by law as entitledto assistance. Every one who cannot obtain the

necessaries of life Irom his property, labor, tiade,or through the assistance ol his relations, has a

right tu the aid of thu parish ul wh.eh he is :i

burgher. If, in times of want, any person shouldperish for wait! of food, the officers throughwhose neglect it should occur wmiid be severelypunished This excess ol cure fur the liun^trund destitute is remarkable. A lx'gr.ar inighldie ii* starvation and vvanl i vt n in tins city, andno offici r would trouble his head about tue mat

icr. Arid we will venture another opinion, thaiuur public assistance and the charity ol the almshouse Imve been frequently most shamefully misiipphud. We believe Ihul n more rollen systemunder a fair exterior never existed, than thai of-licial one which has cost tlie city immense sums

under tin: plea of charity. We tru^t that it anyfavoritism,extravagance or corruption has fist.. ned upon our public humane institutions, it mayt>e fully exposed.

In Wurtemburg, it is said, the chief difficultyhas arisen from giving able bodied paupersright to assistance, a principle which the Englishwriter.- consider u most pernicious one.

In Bavana the inhabitants are also bound Imaintain the poor according to ability. Relationsare expected to maintain their dependent poor.The aged and helpless who are without resources

arc placed in houses of nourishment; able bodiedpaupers are sent to work.houses, and marriage is

not permitted among those who have no means.

Tncre is an absence of general poverty itnd mis¬ery in Havana.The Canton of Beine ;s the only other Euro

peun community where ihe compulsory principlepreyails. Our authority Bays that this has pro.duced the greatest mischief there. " Vagabond,ism, improvidence, imprudent marriages, im¬proper connections, have all been favored by theprospect which the people have of being able tudevolve the consequences of their imprudenceupon others." The means of education havebeen neglected, "the physical and intellectuallacultiess of the people have been deadened, andtheir sense ol honest pride so blunted, that no onealushes i t being known to live upon the publicbenevolence." Indeed, examples are not unlre-"uent of families having lived ujxm thecommuneir.un generation to generation Wthout auv effortio sustain themselves by their industry 1

In France, the present system ul public chari¬ty is, if we ut xstand it correctly, a sort of lega-cy from the revolutionary tum?». The propertyul the clergy whs generally confiscated, and pur-lions of it were given to hospitals and charitableassociations, or bureaux de bicn fuisance. Iiialmost all the principal towns m France, the mu¬nicipal authority s set aside some portion of theirrevenue for charitable purposes. There «re be¬side these institutions, alms-houses and work-houses maintained by the government, but theyare ruther places ol correction tor the dissoluteand under the direction of the police, than housesof reiuge tor the distressed poor.The sums expended in the principal French

towns for the maintenance of charitable institu¬tions and founding hospitals amounts to more

than two millions of dollars a \ear. In the du.ferent departments, the bureaux expend aboutone million and a half do] ars more. The reveinure of the different hospitals and alms-housesalso disbursed at the same tune are nine milli ns»I collars more. Tue numberof persons assist!S&oßS °*n °*''li»'g8 at the last return was

,».» u . Töe nu'»öer received and dismissed atthe hos^uu, &c. dunng ^ 4ä.!5tUuu[ÄgVtC**nl 111 ""-y «*». t'uie being aboutÜM town. .mT'01' ^ *°*V » **P*>*<* in

ue . Tt .X £17 ^'thc ruril Poorof France

tration much mow rtoT^^J01 lt* **

spare, h is, we -M. .t»ow tk k,.

. "ii , mat anviriT the mliab.Ur.tso t;:erura,d-.st:,c.UK,e fc^d?nets as w.ll asa dtsue loasMst each oütheir mutual excttiona, to be found b nootbScouutry m the world. The small propri-o« '.'teumikable lor this trieiicimcs». Tneir Uuul'will iretly lend tmcn. trunks. Saucepans give r>?tatoes. broth, er any thing else, tu their nei hoors in distrt**. If a fumer want? beJo ^ oo>ome toreatdable work, the neigbboni ail turn ou:o aid h-.tr., m tbb remmcing us of our Newbnglanc bee* By this mutual eharity and kiod.ness, the ec.uu.ry people look poverty in uhe face,and bid it rjegoac. But we most again MUse b

.: ^_[ rrue Sun.

wiiFliÄ * er ****** of the Sn ;.

CatsktU war me ränesca ol Gen. Saiishu'rl"[CattsicU -Messenger.

Morse's Telfgslapti..The Washington cor-

respondent of the New.York Evening Pest fur-

nishes that paper with the following particulars of

tbe modus operandi of thst woudertul invention :

I paid a visit vesterdav to the room m which

Profossor Morse' is directing operations and ex.

ptjnTOltS i D this new and most wondertu! pbr.«r communication. This invention ha* bceo so

f.-. cuenüv and full* described that I entile; not

hopV togtre a clearer idea of it than yonrrä len

prohabl/ now have. But iano account i.- the

mode of writing indicate The pen used mar

be called a three pronged fork, or so many httfcs

po,nted steel screw?: the ink is eteetncity-. (a

spiking of it therefore yoa may say that you

wnta with a steel pen and"forked b^tniog.The manner of writing is this. The cforogra-

phcr tak'-s hold of the- loose end of the magneticwire. He dips this end in a little deposit of mer-

cury or quirk silver, which communicates the

i electric spark, and. this spark of chain lightningpsr»cs along the wire with the speed of thought,

I t^^^r^Dgaraficient fore topless the sue! pointsI have aliased to, down upon apiece of papermade to pass heneaih them. The distance traV-sled bv the floid along the wire, twen'y-twnm:Ies and back upon the other, is of course forijr.forjr miles. The speed of its passage is indicatedbv the fact that the very instant trie end of the

wire is seen to dip into the quicksilver, the little

points are pressed to the paper.in other wnrds.

there is r.o perceptible interval between its start;ing upon and return from its trip of forty four

miles. It wou'd go round the globe in one sev¬

enth of a second.But now to the characters employed in this

new scneme of calligraphy. It is evident thaithe mere pressure of the points upon the paperwould produce only dots. But when it is wishedto trinke a communication, a slip ofpaperis m=dt

j to pass along from a roller, under these points.The let'ers, tbe word.-, or the phr.-.scs d. sired to

be expressed, are indicated by the length of the

marks, or by the frequency or paucity of the dots

marie. Thus suppose the letter A to be repre¬sented by three dots, the writer dips the pointof the wire in and withdraws it at-quickly us pos¬sible, so that the points rnlv strike the piper midinstantly fly back. They thus make, it is obviou«. the least possible impression, that is, onlv c

.lot for each point. But supp'-se C to he repre-sr nted hy lines half an inch long. The writerhas only to kef p the end of the wire in (he quick-silver until the paper has passed along that dis¬tance undrr the points ¦» hich are prrssing ti}>onit. Of course C is made. It will he perceivedthat the usefulness of this system of communi¬cation depends in a grent degree upon the cfS-

ciency of the plan of stenography devised. Forif the distinctive characters employed were not

more complete nor comprehensive in their sepa-rate signification, than the letters of the alphabet,n person could convey very little information in h

day.COMMERCIALAND MONEY MA TTERSSales at the Stock Exchange, June 3»

SrU'fl Ohio6es. 102 4« Firemen-!.104lo.uoo <!o.b&lvi Iii Statt Wot.89

i 5,!d0 do.h3 lOIStt 2J do. \5.«» do.b.« ItNjg IS3 .to . *St-.iwi do.i-3c mi', ;a do.*3 fis

t.lXiO do.blö »Ol S 25 do.bj 705,0(0 do.»3 iOi.S 2fj0 do.in.OOO an.IS I0I.S 50 Rending R.!dU :>¦¦

2l.'«i>Pernsv!vanMi. 80 ttW d<. 5.5.u«J d. >.\ z; i:r.,. i:.blü A5,«W du.b30 »I "..> do.27.S5.00 di. IWi Canton Co.ope I'd

(.mKentucky.I06)j 2". do.vtüty6.001 d.IOj.S 10Mohawk.748 000 Ind.ana .46»j Inu .!.. .7TP,

I i0.iaor.tv 5s, '70.lOuS AO Lone Ulaod.BJ3 («» Illinois. la ICu d.b3Ki.taxi in..13 tiO <1.,.MO «7

! 2.UU0 di. .521» lifl do.bdU «7

5.000 di.KOWJ^lOO do .f«K5.U00 do.b* u\ ot do.tml,(M)St..ilintton R B'... f» 100 do.blV st>CltO.liate.JlerehanljIIk.il*! 'liO do.blU .»;-,50N A Trust.blU 50 X Jener.Co50 do . ITS 50 do .... «i:0 FK'iuen Trust_b'O 5IS IfO Vietr-burg. li)2» do.Iii» 5IS :*> Pr.terson.bo HB1OT do.bl OTV-OT do . f>;tW ..do. 5>) 75 do.h3; Wit

Ml »hu. Trust.100 :1:0 do . . b|0 «J

'£ llhnius träte Bank... 34 &08tOOinsrton.bthw 54bhl> Bunk.»3 12 50 do.bthw 55'.S do . 1> 23 ,io -ji»4 ao .iiJ* loo ,iu.öi ST110 d..i33 1l 21 do ...54

14 Metuhants lire In?... VJ { 00 do..1.30 H\SEr'O.VD hOARIi.

I? shaiM Fanuers'Tnist JOS',TOO I.on- Mnnd l^ll150 dn.jthu-ins S.Nori r1O0 no. 60 on.. .

ig do.«so«» 25 do... .;;::Lot-2s«" Harlem.U.-U M Hi \\v.,J,~^laiHeinlinc.blO 5n-25Jlorns.»3 20

.->"'«. »S i-> Nor sUV..MJa 60 d,, .;;. JS"?

1» do.WOTS 25 doOT

,do. FOJa loo ,!0'

""Harlem .Kv^i 'Jr. Pt.t.a-.-

US^z::.^gj* ,'u:,,"n «i

Pulillc Stoc k r.iehim^e, .Tune :i.*5.1*Oi; .<«s, ,.l,rt du 111 :.J share. Canton Co .,or ill

5.0"> do.t>3 1(2 50 do. |,io «Ti

4,i«l|V:iuais.UW 80 I'Jsl do.. rash S7i"1,000 Illinois h,. UW ...M 1S% -s, dn.

:'.«.; *».'Sil^te '!".1.«-« <lo.sd 4? .100 do.rn-h St

?«". «}..,: 4TS. 2i do.Uw KSl.l'O do.sl5 47SI100 do.BJ2.WW do. 47S OT Nor A: Wor.ope 70<3shares L 5 Bank .rash 12 50 do.... one nV

I« s» 111, 5 EneB. eaab60 do.»3 12 11 do . 30i,

do;.180 UK 3-1 .1"..'«3 OT2-i i.irard Hank.sow S7%\ 6 do.ra»h31!.im \ irk.burg. 11 50 do. IJ 323 Illinois State.ope 14 1C0 Muliaws.74:.5 Issl Jt Hud.tSu 123 ilnO do.blj 7jS

,58 N A lrus-t.butt US, iillarlcni.ra-n B4L.W_ do . n £0 ,)..dog, -

.Milariners Trust. 50S Uu do.t»3u K510u do.cash 50S OT I'atcrson.,10 s>i


Clenretl,Shipfathanne. llerrv. ('iiatleston. f. Sultoti: Emily liavi*

Ph iiuielphui, Aymarrk. Co.Itr *. Clara. Danhain, Port an Platte, syroarJtCo; Dta

dem.Martin. VVindsor.ÄS: (lulieima, Maro. Philadelphia.H-rit &,>o-e; JIaieppa. ( oixm. Calais. Maine, BadaerPeck: \\ ish. rrost. .St Johns, Nit. P .1 \,, :i , i S.u.- Chai.rrs, ('hutiimn. St V.-.rthn. KtrrettAc Bnttelli; Elua.'l^ock-woud, tft CrotX, B lk; 1'oresl 4l. Co.

Arrived,Br ship lestjria,Hayna. Im Liverpool, mdse and pa<«en rers

to .irder.Br bark Joseph. Cuna.-d. 56 ds fin Liverpool, mdse and i.a<-

winter* In order.Sehr Augustus Lord, Pitts, PhDadelpbia

Suilctl.Ship sea. Edwards, for Liverpool: brie Madison, Savannah:

sehr Here, Kio Grande. _


Mcmorsuid«,V S ship Columbus has iseeii taken from the North River to

the Nasy Yard br staaniers Hercules and Jacob Cell.

Disasters!, dec.Sh p Koscoe. Riker, In Liverpool.Apnl 4. of and for N York

wttniovpasSangsts, put into rNirtanwuth, .,! IVsjdaeadar i*tineesipericaced tworiolent rrales, and !.,.t all topeallunt ij..t..lorat. puiast. t.p-ail sard., and nearly a whole suit ot tailsWith all the lltVUI attached. The K. sprung her mainu.nsi

Spuken. A.,-.

iJlZ'V ft ^.b0^io,*e* -V ^¦"3- « mikts SE. of Fire

«er^^rPhlS;:'^^iio 6th, atthaacad tocnals w.ih packet ship Siddons. hound

n££c3r k'.45, ,on,22;o- Verona. Mdays from Man-r^cs tor Lsjuduii. in distress, and snort ot provisions.supplied

v?I V *'c»!k>u'''- Belfa*t fi»xyork.?;> si

..lu" ^->" Leuntuie, tor Nureaia.vlar LUic>,,"nu,"";uS Marshall. Havre, tot S York.

SuuSäW' A:n ^ColrWBostoo tor

iJlS\.iarfiZ''' bear'nC £<ut 140 !mle,. 0rl,IKk- fm L<»err>ool

v-Vat 2. hu 51. loo 10. He0n, Bliss, from Uvernool for New-

Vorfu7*,at ha Samuel Abiwrt- f"» Xewnon for Nest

-Pitot boatXew York, ofNew York, saw, 70 mi'es Sou-h ofUie ti.H.k, Use mast.heau ol a herm. brif 15 tret out tsl wSmtbiowmert^htrom me Sooth«tba pj\Xtl

Bcs&SrS.foS WL043, *Chr U'Ji" Put"affl-9 «^^

deMh^fo?seai3|sW-'UU:3*- ^ »««P^. " . t« Cam.

Yo^lbfaÄljiä Xecr:ti4' of Ea"r,,rti1'2 * f. X«w-

TsteSMf !u"s ^ 33 \V- *c-hr 'Vsm-a. ot PortlandIiUonih. »d^iiu Alexarwriaror Bermuda.


Ät^r G««tow«. SC brie Mary, from XYork

Wlials rs, dtc,Ani?: New Bedford -onthe 3l.ti.it. ship Julian. Marhew

| ;.-':i:-..^' !-:-

Ü'^v^tÄu^Fi ~ .' :'"-- :Z:.. ,?K'4e,!..u-,the buiid.r.r previously occupasj as u» " \iat,«¦n ..use Hotel. No. lit-caue Ub.-ah a. eotsjerOfCa ihP^^*^^been cAtea..itT:r repaired aw .rLpiot-.^au^?1 m c>J0^-'«a tytoUV room occupy a^ut-e¦.«^m'It . ;i * ". :-'-'-' .' r: it.

*.jj»uiki Ur Ha tana.

»ii''Utac^^f^^rSlw^,« obtain PesspocB. «h ei.

-_J^.ö*te*roci Vheir arnsaL jl3.j


\ff CARSo^T1 '-'lwrs«l»vc ihcllosptta:."^Mestieal rati.p^^j ui}r """«««lees to her patrons

^nlC>'"!«-dI trjStT-^ «be pubhe, that she has remov-.lusulpou, Bahsm."^ e»tablisheU ber Medical Van.r«. at No. 32o BttödiP"** ,CL"n«>^k»3 ana csaxnU .aua-

tereatohhshosent ha. ratSS «?. I?*",* tBe ¦ Wokt»- L.-tulpf,,,, Hj.r^4«« for tlte last eighteen years.

.Ratas srntu, »nT S^J^gf« «. hour', notice. PurubleTu_h»Jirf has. ' ol «>. city or its vicinity. Ba:lhu

_jel eoc3t»tnsio .Machine

uuin»rton '1'ar. Its; kez.es. toeetber

,,.'. i* sajebyNt 0 RuHEBTi, US Wast-stresrt.


If^e^^cc^ b* SPBEfG FASHION


nd b »H »tt^oU^b&M pH«". $4 SO' ^'-«.B^JROY* F. «0

titele btmtttog trxqmmas. axarrat f°° "retoase br S».the lowest rtr rat*«.

Oörer Ooxvrin,Nathan»«! Eieha-Jonathan Ui. ante,Rnl^r. Cheseh'nuen.Thum«.« Ls-rih'*.William W. Fol.George Bare!ar.Jaeofa I' Gitand.Darvid IC Prai.Ephraim H»'.>.."«.Henry K. Boa*.Ar.thoc.v C. R-aaire.Mt~a Tay»

John L. Uwrenc*.(Tbarles N. Tc:"»*,Jane« G. Seaeey.J.rsech Ilmi-iO.*.aJre»' F«tet, Jr.Mine. II. GrianeU.CHrnrr H. Gordon.Erchnrri M. Liwreree.John W. Ijvuisvtoa.Waldron Ii. Puat.Gaar*-' Wuner

^^hrtrttL^A^. Pre*-..

gdlm* >.' H. MCI.I.EK. 8e£y._HP HS r,< .v:\Ki) '.N--'ANCE O Mi'ANV inaie-r.-w

city. N.j. 54 WaD Brest(*awirJ. <53U100C.< rtEca.

J. fell:- P-immx. Wi^nM-.-uch. Nat-rjiic. Weed.Pajmoc i'. Tucker. R. L. Woolley. Fenhna -I «»uyilrim.Da.*; Caet J. B. Vartmm. Henry<». l>.mp*on.iota I). VVoUe, Mienae! Balrivvm. feter I- Nevius.

ührr.rti Anthony. . __ft. BAVEN3. Piaa^ent.

Lewis Phillip}. SecretArr._;_^LAC1CAWAJWA rn.U.-The !>l.Ar Hud. f>n>tCa

are now receivinc into rsrd. their supply for the pre«ent

resuofnewly mi»<4CuoJ. artfehtlwy otter st tr* foi.ov. ms

fsancza aimEor..«T§ 00 per too, delivere»;..a 00 do..4 fC do.«SO do

(jriJen weanatd <¦'¦ thaif fir .. ia Sew York.Corner ol'RCAf-a A«rn WaaT st*.

" Krve in G«rr.TWiCH-.. Govxaxara Slu»a*d rTtosTar.

In Brooklyn at I!3 Adsmi it andComerofStatt a«rpFtruo?* *?«. _..

Abo at their Bank, cor. Wiilirm and fine Us. N. \. m,. Im

Ci >AL V.. -A" .-: 5r "'vs tor jn> £

qnaatttia. to nit P«eta*p^^1,ICKESSdfr.ari ;f No. llC As'.hony 't. i.sar Broadway.

TBE COAL OFFICE. No. IaO Namau rtreet Tnbtme

bUiMngi) op xmtef:tv Hafl. a now ppen«l. where he.

A«h. IV^ri: trrhtr.i and Piaei .Mountain, VY b re-and.Gra,

Alb, Lebixhand l^k»wana,a«l Lrmpool andftewQMMCoa:*. may be tad at the loweM ex... pncea. ...ery intoraia-

noo will ba ehaerfauz riven, and paraetrlar care eaverveato

aiiap; the Ithub an.l tarn ol'cat to the raywrtiv umh o!

pnrcnasara. Ora«are*pet^uYtnlmtad^ ^ PALMER.Ci IAU CO.uT-Toe .ub-rri.'-er beBtf ac?::t f.ra larceCoal

Cmnpnnv in Ph.Iailflphia. a prepareil to eoiltraet f^tboben Peach > trrhnr.) Coal of all *m t'r the carrp.deliveredont«ard of ve-e;« at Pbibvtelphin at the k.we4 Mnr»et I ncet-

Abo. Coal by the ran li.un vani or vewel. For tale, a number

ufcvj Fir::.-. V. !.. at.il Mtinut'.ict«ne« witn c.I writer p.m.

er in NewJeeer. Abo. enttivatedand uncultivated Lnii.i. m

the State of New-Tock. awl Wertern Und» w the stab

of 5iJciiitan. uulrana and Hamui^AbvCto Uuandotlier property. Inquire ol J. B- »IERTXX, No. H Job.i-


C'OAU C*">AL'.Superior Peach Orhard Rail AshCoai.from Iba Spoao and Salem vein*.En anil l.n.ken. $.>;

Store 34 75: .Nuu i4 50. well KTeened, wemliei! by a CK»

weicher, and nelrrered. cnrt.-iia free, to any t«irt ol the city..

Api'ly "t the yaiH, cor. ol Greenwich and Clinatopoer^tneta,oral 106 Amm Coal by the cargo.Pea ami die-t, cheap,

rnhririm J l-KKGl Ml.N.

1-»HF. PKiiOFOFTIIF PCliliING. &c.-(.\UIA Kl'ibI!Kit H< ISE.lO.tUi te.-t n..w iinhmi'l. ready (or'uintner

wilea.(irice from Set., to^i; ct». IbrOOe incb. n:nl from 'I ct.. to

"icW. j«r loottor other «:«.->. 'lur extensive fnriiityiindfrentejoenenre in the nianiilactnre of Ute article, enables ui to fur-

ni.n that winch umuit likely to cue lati.tacUon. Of all theIndia Kuhl*rHie<- fnroiahed hut year, our umnafs.cture was

the only one which coiiiiiiun! to eive *nlL«laation. while moat, ifnot all others were utterly condemned a., we predicted. Allour hme wasmade last. a. well asUra year, with n lining uf.beet nihlH'r, U t now ni,n.it<l>>n the mimeroii« fölil«. whichoolr serve to make comer, winch vvetir elf. rausmi; wakanbetöre the Hoae is otherwise mock worn. Forsale only at üMaiden lane. lud n Rubber Tree before the door.

HuR ICE H. DAT,Nil'iliii Suceewrto Koibnry India Rubber(.'o.

COUTHUOY .V NEVErtS, 341 Broadway,VIANTJFACTlfRERil OF LAMPS, GIRANDOLES.LTJ CANDELABRA, .<tc md Dealen ia f!-ii SE-I UR-NISILLNG (,mils t-eiieriilly..Rein; eonneeted withoneufthe Innre: ii. uiiU'a-tor.e. n rI 'mtt'-l ..smre.. tbev areenii

blediooSar Lampi.1 sndelabra.&e. torChurclies, Halls, llo-lel-. Private Dwcllins». Staamboüa nnrl Puckel«, on the mostre'winnbie term., awfofa liiiniit) nut in be Miniaäed it: tin. ui

any other country. K-pecinl nttent.nn <* invitcil to their Solaram!Si.,.i !jiiii;~, i -r . cuiioim ami licbt. ,n:e>r^>t'.ii'i: all other.tartiiredie public. Jfolesi UlanmtTR BOLD und rwnsii vna

mkdals have, within the btstaevM yearly i-eeii awaiuad lo ihemanufacturer* fur thair »uie-rority in thi» cIbm of aoml. Thepublic are re«;*"cifiil!y inv.tei: :., call und examine for them,aahrca,HCT* CortTRV Tbadirs «upplied a' G inyMin

'flit; ALII A.MHA. Itr-Hownr. Iietween Sprinc amiJ. Prince.[Branch 165 Baal Broadwar.I.The proprietnrolthateteaantreaort. while ciAnowMirjna with irniutuda theliberal iuitrnns/e Mftowtd upon him tl.e pa-t »enjon hy theraahiaaiabla imbue, nno tie- koul iodubreoea sasni tinvnnl,many lntle irrejni-iritiet i.ail imptrfactloasalways incident i

a ne-.v ctuhhOiiueiit. bai the pleasure to announce to them thaihe has tmw mi iwrl?,-ti^l hi. amannmautl li.r the cominir teri-

«on u to leave him no niH.iurv tor not bereatter -emu,, an

»liest« m the .iiomptoat ntnl most «:it'i,'"nctnry nmimer. T!s'Saloon. Imve been enlanred. repatolsd and deeonted, ami ren

Jered more bsautno! ana SttracUve than ever. A new Foun-tain ha. been eonttrooted pi the moM beautiful and novel de..cruitii n. ih.<;il.i) me a vnrn-ty .1 cnnow» ai ariei-mj jet. !:)

the mteln^ ol the'l'ei:iti!e.ijrt:ciiiihne the loiiniain are place.!¦ numberof rare andeoatly ttatnaa. which give an air ol etas-«isa! Eruiiibiur in the whole i.lnee. The«.», with the Hiiatrarofthe liinl-, lb" Iras ni.ee ol the flower* which partum* the ai;,winch h made «tili more rbiliabttnl and refieinint bj the cmi

.tiint semy tnmi tue loii-iti.in. t.irm tocetber a coitibuiiitinuaitractiuo' not to m lound in any similar e>tahlu.hiiit nt in thaiconntrv. Of tlie Ice i r-jtie und ntiier ivfrcbmiml., ntreitslthere it i« ne,"!le», to «is-ak.theit reimtitioo being ahead] fullyestablished; laffireit t.. .ay. that «tili cretuer pains will betaken to reinlcr them tau'tli^.. than the tntene*. nt thcensonat whirli we ...srtieil UiJ «iiininer und the r,,n»<-.;ueiii hurry aiti'icnniu.Miii artehdaal tfaenoa would oenuit us to do.IStiruigen rätting the city will find a no more agreeableplace

to »penil a ball an hour than this,N. It. Pure Cream constauUy on hand. m6 lm


LONGER THAN USLAI ..-The nibacn'ber, ban in!.methial ol rnverine naif, with plairi ,.r ra.'viinir...: tin plate,which they goaraotaa to remain w.iter iij;bt nva vcar» whet!pul 0U by tiieiti. The metal ¦ «.;iut .si thai it cannot baanecUai by the «h.mkini: or iwellingol tbeplank, on which it is

laid, orby tle» coctractajn ,,r cxpansioo of the metal1 he fnlkrwtng fCotlemen hmt hail their dwcllui« hoii«a and

itOM it th:, city, «ovtred by thu matbod to ibeu ^tt«factionllenry Brevort, Eaq., corrwr ol ,':h avenue met S<ih »tJohn 8. Sehertl erbqrn, Bag, No. 3) Broadway.Dai .,i A wtm, Eao. cor.ol belrange [.lace and William-»!,j Ursen I eanoa. Baa- Mcrrhunt.- Eachance. Walln.Reil. It. Untier. Esq.. No. Ml Nassau-st.Fiance Barrio, Esq., nj Broad-st,Notice ii riven thai u *ce improveaeet is pn;er,t-»»l all rer-

mn» in ihe tradewifhing to cover roofi by the tubjeribea' duuican .^Kjun permvatofl on moderate tenta.fr>'14"_P \ \ Yh ill fcCttn and 2, Broa.l-^.

,\ I '.s "i-Vx" ,A l u: .-.-.l-i'-un.ier.ii.r.«i bavins rwTi ap..rt potrio^th* Aeenl for the sale ol tue celetiraled \| ..

UaU»rs ol hiss nem nml Hi«kl>l of flonnmty keets. cei-.tant y or. band a lull -up, \ ..f .:...« :eSi:-, vamable" w.:.-':put u;> with the crnitct poMlble care nnd received fresh Iron

iuViv'Su-V ^""'K T*__&«Hlxxi oftherewatersbeingTL* 1 ytiy.t?hf<t- ur"i lh*,"; ttbeacy »« universally ackme...stce.1 uii a cretit ^nrlety ofdneaaef, it b notdeeme.1 necewrvj) put,.ill, any i.,n£ nmre than that the public will nlw- n ».upplir.1 wit;, tue centime article by applyms |., the ...

aened. where every inlomyitn.n .n -Jie .ul.je. u bechce-tullyciven FLORIAN Sl'RAUSS.m> ac"n:L S. tin Heave- m. .\WM-York.V b\DONNELLY &.CO., No. 287 Grancltfreet. com ,

r '' -voen. nave uii band an eatentrve nwortment of the fbhlow ne houH-»e»pmc l»K\ umJDS. to winch Üiey lavite tlieaneotion ofmiicaasart, tnz:%-l to 14.4 Imperial and ManeiUe* tluiitsti 4 to 1U-4 by ii 4 Diaper* and Ihunask Tal

STOVlNut ..


Lm."ab!« I'lntb-

SbteLiu-^ 1<M ^ Ir"'h' B,inui,fi'- Rl-*,"l and SdeaiaRnsi a S'otcf and lr;«h Triwelmg Diapen.5* i 4 und 4-4 Diaper and Dnma»k Napkirurash, Hui-kslarK and BirdayeDiaper.

4 4 and W> Shi tingami Pillow-Case Linen of all (jualitiei,W beavjr Undreaaad Linen.rreii-b Ku.U i'Intii T.'.leand PanoCoven.io.fire.li ::,.., Wongeilaad Linen Table Cloths

n»,"ivlr?"e^en7'« a»»ortmeiit of i;|.,ti. and Cajaüncres.U np II Kte«.i.air.l.r<K>n», Liatii Dnlhn;». and otlier .-ap ea ..; t uicy Dry Goods. tarOTESSUP-SLÄrD LEGER PAPERS..The iuWcnbers.viIe I»t a.-rnt. ,.! -I.er- weli-kOM n Paw. have now on band at

.. 'n« both with the hotprex-,! wm1 «,m .urfaee.tabich auapt tb-. in lor even- c!x«. ot wntera


Su;-?nine blue aid Super Royal. bot-pre«ed and .alia-urfac*do do Royal dodo !do do .Medium dodo t

doh-nd-n:f.de and «luteMedium do dodo blu* cinl Demy dodo do and hand, wove Flat Cap do

Anos a full a«s)rtmei,: ..| the other descriptions . f Jesroo'»ru?i!^Vf';e?-U^:"elTn FotoPoat, «uper blue Itudt ut i bp. nr»tcbj*»uwr blue laid Utter. MpertUK i Batclaa hand-made woitedo. »uperrinedo tt*

n»»3» _E. Ii. I LA V I -'N_i_.-»<JVS. S4 J.rfi :..t.

r| 'E.'.S..ate c!te«:. S... t -. hart crietu do.A lg> ha.t ehest. Nins Y-r.c Suuchoug.

SO do CruarSoocbunc.4-J ine .Mnhee Powcboug..JU rancy bme« tiiie Mohee Svuchonr.

10t' ctsa-t. '!h' fiuicj: lime* Elyson, CD*.

lOÜ citofc. Y.<ie Hf-v.^.£o hail cb.su oo.R> aatt H)vm S»m. ,50 ba:t Cnu»t» >uj»erior Gunpowder.


i.'J" IrnpenaL

AU CiHuitry pai'ted and of late importitioc.For iaJe by GRINNELL. M1NTITIN t CO.

_78 South itrwt.d7tfMVCKIF .v- LEVERETT,

COMMISSION y, K Ii t !I A NTS,1\0. 107 WvTER J«TKKi.T.

Below Wal! itre»*,:Jons F. JIac:-:». late ... ..- ..>. .»c Jer.ai'.ui ).JostAll ^ ERi-tt. late Ije.er-.r; & Thomas. >¦

UraJers :n cut and VVronrbt Na.t» anu Sp.«e». Aie« TinI -ate. italics. Tm. U.au. i fepeer. /.:uc, Speha W -e Ens.n, Aiiicn.- ;. .-..>t i.-.m. Ii,.,., tr B-.i-rV

U.^«. Baial-ln-a. NaJ ara! Sp.ke Ri»i...»hsve!s. >p>..'r.. i ..

«¦Usrl, Brau«. Tack» and SaarrowUlU. Bra« Kettles, Tinners'10i,»*- jjcotcb. Engli 5c Aioerican Pis Iron, üc

» :re Pr^.i ^utp. and In n Chat« of aii -^e». cl? ImALBERT BtlACH.


OFFERs for iaie at k/w pnea. sc aaiortlcent of th* fbiJow..cs p*Ms.Kruriec... S.ivrrrsJG:rarm't>i.

r»!«.: Ump. fo: Li-d or 1

pCSJÄ S0*1^ & t-'onvex Tea Tray.. in «et. or sszraratdyl-'. K-i r-, l. a-ut e-t.co. ScuäVr» aiw Fln. .

rjisu.n and Do ne»uc Br.taccia V\ are.

ÄgfW Fatne ar»j Tea Spooo». Sic.t aöte I uilery a id a central !. * ,4 lancy articie». tulö 1 m .

A.Mi|,t>. Ivirs«.i aPursn Kenne«: %|.,u;.-.-ueJee'i

!«i boxes Parisntes, Hrf.aie at tnanuincturer'» pnee»

.°_\_0. ROBERTS. Its Hire. <n^!_

rp.'tr_ Foundry CuTpertycd No. 40 Eldidee soeet. wiD heX continue* a: No.*.' Allen »:r.'-t cutd further iinttee

-J*-'"'_V.1LL1AM L .MILLER.

B iNALT B >.! D.White, an Blue and »Vi. le for -aVi. in-ie ,.r .n,n c; :ar .:!Oy L. S\i! I ii.

2-5_tOSJoiaa-aUet¦a. ^l_hi.A xo.-: !« utiieCou~t:nr-Ki»im larsk. AisntlabÄ to W. *. J. T. TAPsCvlT. ti P.c. ihpV


. tb* im*"""" of »he Public It combines, in the big best

IGHTNKSS, AND ECONOMY,(UTAlJTT.-\YllIinni- rf. SSXercliants' i".ti;-,ni>;

T,,ppp MILL FOB SÄLE..Win t"* rm!.!!-r.oc-p,V_^:.^i^r.-toibe hta .¦>...:>¦;¦ .:. Weaaei lay,

SL2 »i»Hit thirty acres ofland. ! lie iHiiIumg» wer»

S2Ä^wiSwin» hr »Vesaftild Pap« SSS <.-.. uL'"Theen .Inn o-sal and occupied :.-; a.-rr in-thriftc'i^^^rf^rT^oA-reu tor «>. in wttlctnern ..fthe «

btte Moses Ely, deceased., a.;v..-::age->;i<. Sein- within hSmt f.v..

r>w. the ft «rh*roe vi il.ace of Vi astfield. two railes fn-raüsaHanroden and New Baven eanal and two miles fr..m :: e

Western RaiIrosd wh""h secure*: access :.. both Boston ud\.« Vo.-n atalljeaWM t'-,e >;rtt:- '<"* Liobas lour«.n-rrnes and the machinery » ol,modern style. 7 he ter.ru wti bolinaral hut wiii i«j particularly annjuin.im att!ie »unc ,.i »a>.

btrnrh rf. Y. or EUGENE ELY, 71 Fufcoa street Newr.. of.V.ea-s tl;\ deceased or o» Hon. P.

kOISE er S T LEONARD, ekj. WearrfeB^Massv: or

CYRUS W. r ILLD. No. 3 Burhnx^Ep, New-York.mTrdeia '_______

"TOR SALE-A F-.rrn of 73 acre*, inlbe ccaiatrjvf£Ti, v...4.r.... N LH mitei from r-oul_.'_1 niletrrnmunReread TtarrtweflUrefarrn« go..!

srulto atJended tn. _mTVj 5. . FOSS.YLEINTliFfJTY <)FNSE\V.\RK-AtoyiMlä ,-,!3 .eaerof ui,:.- ttsat* .'^v *!: * ." .

-.-.;ee'l:..iitbyd3;«??. *"*>.rdruS in the rear, ondwell hm-hed tfirowhout

AW SSÄ Kru-t-Tr^. ft g^SFoiturtheri.:...-. BW « laAAtVNICfK' rV «'

of W'I!:air: W.'-i.-.T.gMr. -trei-s, nr et \\ IUjLVMI aui*

or. the premif»._.-~T~. T'» LET.The Uouse Xe.« A ttorneyitreet, hei,:,- a

2a derrnbla re,n!enre on »ccOontol rö convenienttoca.±_ etwei thelin iofste*eson Eist Hr.,,c^v and,-TTT.t*n ai -i ren I «sbborhood a- d ira

:n.ra.lu-t and many nntsanca eomnjoa o> the i.ity. »igkniete order, havmj bean.Iatery cteuvedand Faunted. with"-el'-utön IVater .-arned To the re .r ,.t tue house. Any per-»oh wwhtnrrio obtain a roo.1 situation, would do well toes-

eSrnelhe rcmws. where infrrmatt'-n wdt Ise given, or at the

orfice of L'reComuiusionors of the Anna , , . .

je3 ifH._»\ II.l.l AM.--.

M~.\LV'.T.I RGB STMMEK RETR&AT.-Tbescr.her would reipeetfillly irdorm the pub!:e »hat bis

(loose is now o:. fir th.'on ofsuch as may

wl.n La eniuy the advantage of a cool ard healthy atriiuspnere.The hou^ i« fare- and r.emmxliou'. and ple.asttntly situated on

the Academy IMI. within rive minutes walk of the steamhoc:

The prospect is one of the riche«t on the Hudson River, al-fonlinc ai. ii-elr-trtieted >w of the citire Newburgh Hay. B

line viT.v ..fVs'. st Point, the Hiehiuads. nmiinUm«. scenery,nsnuntsisata, üc. . , ,

Fitiniitesiorsincletssrs'jos can le aceominsndated with boardbrine'.'ii' or week nt a reasonable price. Kor rurther partnu-¦ir-. inou.re of Kicimn' s'.'arri-ii, Lso.öij IJeaver .-.tu t .Vew-

YoVk. u p. rjorxrE.Neu butch. May 6th. ;>f4._ _m7 tjyl*

rff.1t F' »R SALE.A Farn .->.* PJ". i.-rcs. pl..-ai-tly -iIiid-

^f)ü ted in a healthy location in South Brunswick Hi 1. near

j,., the .\e.v York and Phil idelphia Railroad, in miles fmoiSew t'ork. About ~d acres ure m n high state ofcultivation,in »'ioil tcnee. apple and peach orchards, timber land, ke.:bouse, ham. shop and otheroot-baOdiaes, cwii and eonveni-ei.t. with good water.pomp neu r tiie o.->r. Al-o. the stock,crops, tool*, fartnina iitensihi Among Uie_ stiK-k are I'uriianiand Betktbires nftbe iir«i pedigrees. The fuming nteosili nrs;

rood ah<l sufScient t^r r.n unproved s-ystem of nericulture. [n.quire ofM. PALMER, 11 Mott.or

m271m* A. p. SMITH, 85 Liberty sty

TirRfiUGflT iBÖS STEAM PIPES, tic..tl.ihVV lerioersara now prepared to supply Manufactuieo,Engineers and others with Wrought and i>st Iron Steam,Waterand Gas Pipes, in any quantity. TheJtVrooght-'Irooin lelie'Iis oi from -4 m»hes to L' teet.pat together with screwsand capable oi lustaininc a pressure of from S^i to 10.000 lb*,to-the square inch. The Cn't-lron I'ipe in nnilbrih lengths,and alsojoined by rcrews. jitecrn tight. Also, always on baud,l!r ass .-.i"l Ire I V lives, Eiimos., Bends, Springs. Tee-,('iitipltnes. Reducing Socket*. Steam Guages, Steam-GuagaPifs1«, Primps, Expansion Tubes, and almost every diingused lor Water, steam nad Gas.

VYALWI >RTH & NASON,my23Im*_ No. 14 PlaUVitreer, N. York.

REFINED SUGAKWOOLSEY AND vVOOLSEY Imin this data ofler their

.- d rd" in lUBLE REFINEJJ SUGARS at the fol-loWUlg low prices, viz..Loaf ...II cents pet pound, f When le*» than five packages areCrashed 11 do do > pun-nanrd. half a cent po poundPowderMllia'do do ) additionalThe above are narked a. fuli.iws::

UMvea,inbasol 8WIIcharge for packages.Loan's, ui l-v-ol II-. 1

Cn«l<eii in hb'« oi 3)0 " >Nochar)powiicred in do ofi£0 " VApply to the New York Parent SuSugar Reiinery, cor. ofSouth

and MonU-oiiier,- -. "i 'il Wall -t.N. B. t Irden out nftho city tnu.a i* aeeompanied by a remit-

imes». _jet 1m*

rt I.M.MISSION l'A'-F.»! W AUKilO' SF,N ii. 84 J o b n . s t r e e t.

Elt CLAi T' 'N ü >' 'NS .-.re in e,,,)s,rr.t reecipt of Ps. seas aihtpted to every branch ol the trade, embracing

an unusually large assortment of Blank Bnott. Cap anil ix-iiertV'riqng. together with every descripuoool News and RookPrinting, I iuiored Taper of Medium and other sizas. Envelope,robacco.Sboe and Tea. Straw and Knj Wiapiung ; Hai.l.wareand Cloth in frea; variety Silk snd Lot;, Tissue, plainand colored. Are. k.r. Reside) Straw, bVmnet, Trunk andBandbox Boards. |'fe<s Pap-r«. ttr. fcr. mlOtf

PAIRBANKS'SPATENT PI.ATF» u:>l Si 'ALES..TheX manulactcrenhave broughtthes>eBalaneesto<a vary cr.- itusottsM ..i parsectsi n. ami. in tlii-ir varissua madiaeaiitsns. I»»vmadiiptta! ihei.i to all tlw purposes tor winch heavy uansactionsare required by weight. In the uieeli.iiucnl construction, cana taken lo secure STIJK.M:'! II. HI It A BIL1TY. and ACCI ¦

ltAC\r.accuracy not merely a< ¦ ipeciftc poim and to «nsmount, but «»/Inno nr. urn'y at every aiiiile nf the Plalfiruimid (hroughotit the entire range, from Hie Lowest to the highest capacity ol tlie Balance.The»e -cnlcs keep their adjustment perllsttljr, are never liable

bi dcmiuri'ineiii. rail sseltlom toany expense liir repairs. Theyare in use in mnsjtof the Railroads in the Unileil Sutea, ami insome ol tliein Üiey have been long in ussj, tho operation Ikmiicisirtift. So al-o ui the Dornuuil and Portable Scales tiir weigh?mg merchaniliaf; Merchants and ntheis wbo have had themii, constant use tor a luecesrionofyears, testily to their uniiomi

acenracy, and to the Inet that tle-y nppenr uiialleelial hv wear.

These seiile» have been.patented England, where they*areextensively rssed. both in private warelinusesand public rail¬ways. EDWARD FIELD, No. 1 Platt rtreet, andi^ii.hIIt J. W. Till IHNE. No. 11* Itroud str.st. N. V.

I\DIES' B< INNETS..Neaimlitan, ai perfect article, h,r:-ij"; Neapolitan Lace; Hnnsutbles, Medinnwaml Extra fine-

Rice,sind a superb nrticla Ol Chip, web a variety offaney Bon.net-. Also, Gents Panama Hats, medium and Extra fine, forsale cheap,

Bl >' >T1I it LYNES, HO Maiden Lane, lit ths-r.¦Ob' Smeod*_file-. 1.«>r above !'-ar! st.

PPUDRETTE..A choice article of this valuable Fertil-ixer.CÜ0 Jlanujnrturni.None ofthe .Irr.inj Mtttdoie or

State* l.'itind .Mud Material.For side .it -'. . Ihatnbets art at,lirmrmUrr the number, i Ibamhers iticat. between the Rail¬road and Palmo's, nml near the Post-Office,POUDRETTE may is; uppbeii to ( </r», and most other

crops dressed with the lue. w ith nearly as good effect at therust, and mm at iheaecaiid b eing, as il applied nt planting.and when u>"d at rls* htsring, it will mature the cmp aweekor ten days earlier than anv ether manure in ordinary 10*.

When applied atpkanung, the ditferance in maturing will hefull two weeks over,ordinary manure, <'ne burner, lust yen,-.used ten barrels on Lour Dsland ; this year he has had "si

ninety barrels. The article prepared by 'be Nkw-York . rue

pany. in the City, has b-'-'n and will elUi I* found »uurriur Iisny other prepared in the uidnütj. It i. so ns n matter Ofcoiir«, n« they collect the mrsiertal in Tubs and Casks, whilstothers cidiect it in Itisit.,, into w inch is thrown the niaterial,sand and water, as taken from the links at n «'''t, w lieu no dis-crTmifmtioq can be usedr-but not so with this Company, whobaveday light toaelectithe goisl anu discard the worthless,a. they have ihm» more than 100 li.ad. tlu fcas.n. Be careful.Iben, to call a* the firlst plar.'. 2J Chambers -treel, where itran be hail immediate!t o eh lor fcö, or lb barren tbl K..»ir at the Mnr.ufactorj . ISth-sUrasyt. corner of Avenue B, hythe toad at >o -ent-s.-, bushel ImSä tf] D. K. MINOR.

To Force the Growth and Dress tneHuin.in Hu r.To Sn p it railing >irCure it ut Dandruff. ueentify it, aic.Price 3, 4 and S shOlmgs a bottle.

rf^RESE are the real and actual troalities of Jones's CoralX Hair Kestorntivc. It will force the hair to grow on anyidace wiiere N ature intended hair to ROW. stop it Galling off,core Scurf or landrail,' and make I'gltt, red or gtey h»ur growdark. Fi r dreasmg tne r.iur .It and sjlay, pothlOg eim »\. .ssithis. it make, it tpijy btr.utiful. and Icce;* it so. II is, indeed,the mosCaconomii ui. yet superior article made for the Hair..S.,id.3. 5 or 8 shillings 11 boUle.at the s gn of the American

fie, uChatham street. New Yurk; 139 Pulton si. Brooklyn:BState st. Boston; S lasiget Build.igs. Philadelphia; aiT K agsueet. Charlenton, S. C. ml7 Im

rpq LA HKS it'll' CSE CHALK.-111- iniurestl eskm,I g's'es 1! adendly bin s!i white: but tue Spanisn Lilly White

gives the skitm tine ble-like alabast ir vslute; ladies,try it. Sold;price35 cent;, at 333 ttomdwny. S State .». Bostou: 3 le-aL'-'rBmldraaa. Phttadatphia: isi Eufton .t. Hnniklyn. ml7 In,

TOTAKE Gil CASE si'i rTS irorn CoOtbes.Cttrpets.Wool-etts. &.C ate..The ".tat c Eniarve SoapreniovesaJl.gieaat

spot-, stains, tie. trom clothes without injuring the texture.buton 'i.e contrary brighte! ins and bssadurrtng them. Sold att.'hatlmni -t and Bli adwar, nr 13S* FuRun st Brooklyn.

n:l7 Im /

t.Ml" IRTANT D1SI i'K Y.Kiehar.1-0:1 cc Co.'s Celebrated

AMERICAN PANACE \.rF,!I IS Meilieine. eompoondedsolely trom vegetable mattet,A free from adulteration, and vsnrranted treetrom any ingradtentSdetnnientaJ to UnlUi. was discovered ateiut one year«¦.nee. by an individtral sssrely alflictid with CLCERATEl/SCROFULA, and who has !#en under Uie treatmentof thsmo-t eminent phy-icitans in the I 'nited Slates for eight year.,without the least appatsnt hope of restornuon U» lieallh. ai dwas by Uiem pruiioM:.c-il incurable, but wlio. after takm; " *

above named iiissbciue for tive weelo. w..s restohsl u» pe'rhsthealth. That medicusr luu leren sold With uopfectedeoled >ur-

co.-. and lias never faded 111 any instance w hen ü kin in ae ufd-ilarn e with lUreet.or.s to ertc t 11 oerleet cure of the tull.,w 11 a

diseases, to wit .SALT ItHECM. SCROFULA, LiLCEh-ATEÜ SCROFULA, BKUNCHIITS, FEVER SORESKING'S EVIL. TRISTELO LNFLÄMMATORY. AM.CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. PILES. ERYSIPELASH\l.y>, SCURVY,' HRl 'NIC St IR E Et ES. BU f\ HESPLMPLES >>S THE 1 At E, SCALD th.Mi AND ALL«TTANLi.it S Dl.-KASL.- Oil 1'AIN- OR ULCER?AfUSlNt; l'Ii' 'M AN INJI DlClut SI SE OK MERCUR1OB AN IMl URE STATE OF THE BL' - »D. Tneetfica-ey ol this medicine luu l-een teste.! m all the diseases abut eenumerated, axil its erlects are truly astonishing. 1 Inly one ta¬ble spooofol to tie tahen by in adult each morning befiire ealmg. »tuch usually pnaiuces a tonic effect while in nut .:x-esitanO acts as a gentle rarhart:c, tncrea..ing tlie appetite sncgeneral heiuth of the tutient causing ai! ulcerated sores Pi di»-cherge more profusely, and prialucing an erfectunl alieratuol t.ae whole system, purifying aud pnaluciug a perfect aetior,oftlie blood.

Fers,ios. v. hile taking it, should refrain from Ux tue of a!Stirmihting dr.ngs or hu.aly seaaonesl food. For sate by

sedatwaoserabtst 'UioS. C. TALMACE.Genet.: agent, 30 Puie^ttreet, opp^oatlieCiistom li'/use.V' ft. ; and ai 10 Astnr H,;u.-e ; 110. '»13 ami 771 Broadway ::.'->r Broadway and O'.aii.bers-rtreer; No. ii Front-street'No. 144 V\ est <r>.'. ; N'-j. UI -^id 33U B> »ery : No. 30 Fultoistreet: No. 337 and isti Hwison, an-l iti Hammaadatjeat, cotBaoson ; NrvWGiai^-etfeei: 7s<x U7 a.-yi 175 Ucee: .-. ef<ree< No. 113 and Si Ch-rrry strvft; No. tjs WaJker^street'N''- « :bar sastreei ; N<»». 351 and t31 I'eari.str.t V, 114C-inal-stres-t.Brooklyn. J.. W. Snuth, corner of Fulton and Ctsteberr!

stree'-s. anu Win. li^uru.e, a.;ufre's Büiiüia.-t. eurner VV>-

Cn ^^Ua?UC~'U'' '"^ ÜJ ^ pr!D<:'p'"10ruW-s in Ijta

eJ?E^"sÄ ^"cl;r"w. No- >* Beaver --. C.'j.ton P.uiUiingiG-r.er:!.W !....ev..e a-,.! Rets A-ert !- A!',.,.-.1. U. 117,^4- .s,c. s,,,. u?No oi Secund'.t. fier^rt

»\ isiiesnie Agent lot Kh.iadeiphia.¦ -..era

Instruct:., lor taxu:K the attic*, and a great number oleer^n^^lSL\m0a^' "MS * aw* ""*i,"e<) « »«T 0).x-saancwTessvcaa._rgleodlm ly

^S^^^^tWiS^t^- ¦_27 \\ eat street

RACS.-Vs'hne aa-l cinred old railz; do contort mi«wanted torcasn in ;ny .,uau..y br c'«'»ry runt

.25_GAUNT«fc DERRlYaSsflV*»r^I -N1.S- SA KSA R1LLA CANDV-KacbSeemn. V

-ii_lilLAI^'ERfcw.^Br.oWN HAVANA SUCA1»-S0l- ,

'" ,"«.enerai Harnsxsn. for aüs by 00 '"ar'! blltl

mto oRLsNLix. .ÜLNTl'ILS t CO. 76Sootl. ,u

, , PUSHING PAVIXJJON..This wsrij-taxyws Et-<tSLm tablishtnent in the besnrtrnl village of Praetor, andi ."-i trtn-ir r >. *'¦ Mr. Inf« !'.>.». » ;;,.. resüv f..r

IbulosKprionir( B«*rrt*r. an«, transput suitors. The ndnitT!.jw n;r. the coP'tant common.-r.t:..n l» the ««txe.severs!tirn*. rt iKr by steamboats ami it«te<- rhe Nurvrie. andpt.m-er Garden» in the vittnre. the dehrhtful rdea in theneighborhood, the h«-ilthh;!n«. Oftha puu-e, the van write:Itaihi «and the inducement* tu sporurneu in the ma.ie ..!H ibrocand CS T ^nnfinrrinnnTbrroiptnMiL Theurnpr eti>r aics Lakes the .ifiiprtut, :vof informing hi. fnenistint he In« a jr.,*! »iippty of Piwtwr-Dne*. Gun*. Hoot, ind1'. Clin* Ts : j »upviv lm.ni **Ith «iien re pored and«ei ami ''arna-cs to let. enri.tantly on hand, to sosi Op,callam? see and jutice for voanelvo.

,.. . .DENY WOOLB72, Propnctiir.

1.rxuurur, .«: Mar, Wt.P. S. The ttnaopat Statesmen will leave Fnltau Market

Sim tvnee a day 00 the tint ot June; leave btyshmc at "

¦.Vi. ci. A. M. New-York balfpast 9 A. M.tFluabmg ba!f ce>tj I'. M.: New-Yi i. »...¦ >ck. P M._o j.. *

SiMI'S I.VS 1K<1 EL.-The su:~::;~r u-iktef. haIhar.ks to his trsends and patnm* for the '.berai patian*

_; are received a? hrvnldesrablishnK'nt trt Main meet, andbee tomtom: them that hvha*rsrn-..iverither*fri>:n tohw prfent

.r:.b^r botet. No. !». Market »tre-el. vslitoi ban bcvtl UioriHirli-1/ renovated an.1 enlarged m all ita tarinjoadayai tuiewrr Totämilie*, and gentlemen ileatroo* of« comfortable resilience in a

tratet and centra' ntaatMB. with all the advantages ofa privatedweihnr hnuso the present location otTers every inducement.The pariorv end bodraims are arry and convenient, and theterms inch a* rannot fail to os-ase. AI_\NSON SIMPS' 'V

Poujhkeetisie. May 6th. I«44. :t;i ¦.

ita Si'MMER ARRANGEMENT. :«. c-Ornence Vpn: üi. 's«. KaRk Kanivan..

...-r^BBirrÄNKH'-VoRK t BUSTON RAil ROADLIN r. sin. Norwicn and Worcester, daily. Sunday, ev1 ,.

ed,ats o'clock P. .M. From l'ier \ >. 1 North River, loot, olBattery Place, the steamer W< »RC ESTER. Capt J. H. Vsji-itorhilt. wül icnve every Monday. Wednesday am! Friday..The iteamer T.K« iPATK. A. i '-.t.-t. J. K. I'ustm, will ieaveevery I'-icsday. Thursday ;.-xi Saturday.

i'assenirera lor Boston will be li-rwarxled by JlMlroa'without choree ..t' Canor Uageagc. imrassiiately on their arrisva' at Allen * Pont,Forfurther informs:,on inquire off). B. AI.I.KN, 54 Hroru.'-

wuy: end U. IIAVVVOob. Freiitit Agent for thj Line, tilit* otnee ..n the whs.rt.N. It. Att persons are forbid truv.ia^ aity otM on account ol

mud i'.oal or Ovvtter._ail»- FOR Bi »ST01V"VTA; ijs^WTORT i N^PROVIDENCE.¦rar«to ibetoa.ja öd..

_i»Newportand LTOvidaace. $3. Tlie new undsplendid .teaiiier New Jerse]. R 11. Furey roaster, will bravethe pier footof Barclay »t-..:t. north ride, on Tuesday even,

ins neit. June4th, at S o'clock P. Mi Rceul.tr days trom KewYork. Tuesdays, xburadaytandSaturdara. Frotn Provulencevia. Newport every Monday. »Vednesday and Fndny, irente-tJiately after tha arrival of the Meamboet train from U. von .The New Jersey is rt near boat, boilt to naMrate t'ne S,^ind.She has a larce and elecant suite .>! State Rooms, exten.ixeend airy cabins, and i» littisj up in the b>*»t p«ejit>le manner.

For Ireight or nonce apnly to theCaptain on board, or to Mr.O. Mauran. 73 Wnll 't. K. V.



_.AND TR< )Y..Mcirmm) Link from theloot Barclay «Troet..Tjanding at inurmeiliate iiinces.The i.uan-.er EMPIRE. Capt. S. R. Roe. Tms Mornms. at 7

o'clock.The rteornerTROY, Capt. A. Gornain. To-morrow Merr-

ing, at 7o,c!'Kk.tlvenine Line from the foot of Counlnndt streei, direct.

The iei.ii.er SWALLOW Capt. A. .Mcl*an. This Even,inc. at 7 o'cl.icS.

l ne srenmrr ALBANY. Capt, R. 13. Macy. To-morrowEveeiaj. at 7 o'clock.C^Tbe BoatJ ol ir,:< Line, owins to their habt draught ol

water, are able at all timestopesi the bars, and reach Albanycud i'roy in ample time tu take the Mornin?: Trnias of Car*lor the hrut or lv«?st.feyi'i r Passag« or Freight apply ou hoard, or at the ( IVes

on tlie Wharves.______ J°*i f_" ALBANYDAY LINE, at 7 oVrlocjri A~

..For Aihany and iniermediata laiwirtgt.

t*M RTH VMERICA, Caot.*R. G. C ttetden. will lasveas above on Monday. Wertoesday and Ftidaymornings at 7 o'clock. | BThe SOÖT11 AMERICA, Capt. M. II. Truesdell, will

leave Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mortui;*:- at 7 o'clock,Focpasaage, apply on-board. u£l7

. r--., ^PEOPLE'S LINE STEAMBOATS FORALB t.W.Daily, Siindaya excepted.

S^>£^r, ,i_, Through Direct.At7 o'elock P. M, from':i- .-.reamboa: Tier beluisrii I'oiirt;.in,lt and Liiierty .trts'ti.The steamboat KNICKERBOCKER. Captain \. P. St.

J.tIih Monday. tVedttesday ami Fndny sveninas, at 7.The Reamboal Rl jCIl ESTER, < aptain A Uuugliton, Tues¬

day, Thujsday and Saturday »\emiif.. nr 7.!' .i o'clock.Landtag a: intermediateplact*.

The steamboat OTICA. Capt. K. Hyct, .Monday. Wed-nearlay. Friday ami Sumlay, ai 5 P. M. ;JThe »teiimU.nt COLUMBIA. Cant, Um. H. Pec!;. Tues¬

day. Thursday and Saturday, at 5 P. M.Passenger* taking lim line of boats wiR arrive in Alma)

nnipie Ume to take the Morning Train., of Can tor the Ea..t utWe;. .

Ejp-'l be abovebontj nr.- new und tubstantial, an furnishedwith new and elegant .-täte Room*, and for weed iuul aeeonnsaintiiai. are unrivaled on Ü a llndsou.For passage or freight, apply na board.11 to

,uJ7 P. C. SCI 11 L I"/., a! the«'ilb-e on the Whaif.

r_ r aai r for III DSON AVK INTERMEDIATELr\ _4*.LANDINGS.-Tne stenmboMi \VI_l-

$t~aaarrT&L*V 11 ESTE K i'u.i. Wm. II. Mellen, willh ave the foöi f Cedar .'. . t. on .Monday-. VVednesdaya andFridayaal 5 P; M. c."iri.-i-:,,ic it llmbou w,tIt the limlsoa amiBurl iltire Railroad; 'the curs ofwbich leave on tue arrival ofme bo ami leaving fludson on Sundays. Tuesdays an

Tbursdo, i a! i'. M. if on the arrival ofthe cur-, touching eachway nt the interrnediate bunUnct. Ticketa through to Put--tiebl Ii 4u and to UV-t gtoekbrhlge yiFor freigbt or ruisaaga, apply on board or to

STORRS 4e STEPUENSON,» West.t.TM» boat has been Utoruughly overhauled, und beracoom-

modatiom so improved a.; to Us equal to any bout on the rrVer.additional numbet ol Suite Risum* baring beim added.

Tin. iHiat totya no bnrces._ inl7~""'~"-__, f: t POWELL fc CO.'S LINE! FOB

_i*NEWBURGIl.Landing at CaldwelPt. W.!:VX^To*-''iV.:'j!I {n/'i'i':')!'.''.''.!:. r* Wnixlrop, will

leave the pier foot of Warten -t. every Monday, Thiimfay andday al lo'elock, P. .M.

ttetanrina. svill leasr«, tsiewlmrah every blönday at 83, A. \t.andTue-d.i) and Friday at6 P. M.

Po* traiahl ,.r pasaaae. apply to the (laptain on board. Batpure and freight ofluldescrip&in, banltblU* orsp«»ci^tMit onIsoard mii<f he nt the ,a.k ol .iwners thereof. Ujllttta a hi'l of Indine or recetpt lie rignad li.r the »atne, aß

mm f»*. ^1^R^EVV^I;RG"H.Umiing at CaM-f~ -£* wall's, Wet Point, roll Spring, Cornwall,

«m.J.and l-'i-iik¦., nuibii::.fbessenmboal JAS. MADlSt IN,Capt Chas. [Taktend, will

leave VYiirrvn .tr.x pi-r cvsty Tue».lay and Friday iilWiniHin nt4 o'clock,

All Baggage, Packages °r Pared., lt:uA Bnb or Specie, put.>n Ismril tin- ls*t utiliNin bang entänd i n the booh ot receipteil for. must I»? nt tbe risk of tla- uwnats thereof. mhl!' if

r- .¦. /- M' iRN'ING ltd'VP AT SEVEN A. M.-Jm_'M'iiR PEEKSKILL, Vmipi.iNf k's Gkas-

_. ."¦ ¦¦!-_.'V PalKT. SlMU-SlSO. ARKVTuV. S.dobb's l"*aajCT. IIaJTWOI and gOKKBRa.BreakhL.t an.IDinner on lltsard..The new and splendid ,ti a ml,i ml I 'l 11.I'MItl'S. Captain William IL Fmxae. wÜl leave New York fnmitlie t.H.t nf i 'hainher* -tris t every niorninc lit ^'ten o'clm k.Prhlayi aacopied..Returning, leave reek-kill same day at U",o'clock, P. M. except Sandal. when die will leave laaekakill at¦j o'elock P.. .M. landing at the fool of Bamimmd »tre<-t eariiway. Freight taken at risluceil rites.JS'nticf.Ail ifiHaU, Ireight, buctrnre, bank bilb, ipeeis, nr

any other kind id property, liikan, .hipped, or pill on board thisboat, must be at tot mk ul tha owner* ofauch hoimI*. i.e. ;i...baeeaite, &c. ni3« r-an » FBLTON AND SOUTH FERRIES.l~.-OFA III: REDUCED. The Brooklyn U.n

S_ H i rat" SaFerry Company have reduced themtn ofterrm.'e tju proposed b) the Ibi aer to tl 11 lommont oun-eil ot the city or New-York, on Iba 87th dayof Daeembet lastus follow., viz.:

Kisit Ptiktengeii.- cent, eachl .'amiices. - hows.'Jj do.P easure wagons, 1 hone.18^ do.Carl« and fietfht wagons, one horse, loadedorempty.12:j do.

Mnrsct waeoiss, 2 Imr.es, loadeil.do.Do. do. 2 do. empty.W.{ do.Do. po. -1 horse, loaded or empty.I-', do.

Wagons with bayorstraw.a7?4 do.Si.dil !e borne.9 do.

m31 tfr-^.sw» te BI MMER ARRANGEMENT.

,_-r-j. NEW \i'.K und NLU VultK.-FanOnly___?r_ar_^_?S.I- ceuu-Ti..- new and rwirl ttearnerr UNn iVV, Capt John Gafly. on and aftn Monday, .Mayl3.wtllriMaafoUowa:

Lcave Newark. Lenve New-York,fisitol 1'eui-est. footof Barclay at

at7k A. M.and 1«P.M. at 10 A. M.and4P. M.ON SUNDAYS.Leave Newark «tu A. M. ami i P. M.

und New.York al lu A. M. ami 4 P. M._Frwisrr:l lairrieti nt very reasonable rates. a4 8ma«, m~ NEW.YORK AND HARLEM S ULROADfii iTl COMPANY..SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS.

'¦¦< und after May lat, tha Can will run iu

¦. .Iis lla:;»i:i. Leave iiuileui Leave V\'-n,. BridgeFbrubamKWma.Bridge. forCfty Hail. for City Half.

* ou A. M. 3 a) a oo A. M.77 40 7 20 "

8" 8 SO 8 80 "

9 * " 9 40 9 20 ..

ii :JJ.

m to iu au1 P.M. 130 1 P.M.I "2 40 sao ..

i3 40 3 20 "

4 "4 40 4 JO "

05 40 a 30t> *' 8 40 t;aj7 -7 40 1 «} "

On Sumlnyi, it the weather w hoe. the fan will run everyhour from City Hull to Hartem and IVila-nw' Bndee.

. ¦: l Mi Hal! ami 3Tth -iiisrl Line v. ill run every ten m tlUtaSthi h -be day. Dom8 80 A. M. to8 'st r. M.The Extra N iaht Line win leave27th itreet lorCity Hall r.t

"- .93?.».l 80.1LU3O, Leave City Hall for 37th *_reelat9 «. 10.10 S>. II. II .0.12.

By order of the Pemrd,.-3» 3m_WM. rs. CARMAN. Sec'y.

MIDDLETOV,n GUSIIKN *j.n tirraasiant-"-..--rsvt-Tf,'",LA,lc'-.T-NKU v"ilK A-Nl> ERIE RAIL.".«?« TB' »AH...1 be new and iplendid m

,.v..,t.K.\. Capt Alexamlur II. .-shultz. leavsr» the olliuane jtreet, daily. 'Sumlay- e«ce.,tw|., ttt ; ,,V!,»-k A Mand I K. pawm* the moat leautilul »cen.-ry ol tlie HlU-oanver, to | arrwontwhere pastsuaiii take k_eeonnoitksua cm.,.t tneCo thrtmsh Ü* p.ctur«_.iue valley of the Ramnpn. iGsaioen, >tnld.eij,wn. ^ic.Retuminir. leave M.du! 'i.*n utiJA. M ami 4P M

_ FayaMgen by the Morning Line Can remain from three tt.mr riotir. nt l, ,«h-n ii.| MnidleUiwn. ar.d retur:. i., tj* ctv aiI o c i«-k the »tn:c evenins. 7

CT I-amihes and Pie aura Parties will find thi. the most dr-;.i; Euumn from the city. The car. areuniaualdy ...

Z XJ!?* ? M-irtmeiiLi appropriated expres.ly tabutimlor fomier i-'-rtic.:.mmirent the Captiun onboard,^.'^'J- II. I stA M' .! It. r,;;. nut. nden*Pii^eeri lor Owexro, BincliamrjUKi^and luTthe^arirVn,slaeei m tha S^Krthern . toüniea of tUr State ,twßPL'S.' ."¦'tuie. of PwiwIvatnTwiTO.r...-.i-vi.|.Invent,, take-.hem from MaldlcO,*

.a..re_e.tpe.!ici..n» than at./.^hei rout..-. mi

SS5i^__i^^tlay,.Apr_*t 1844.

2hi " r. ti.'i bit ba. benn rcrin'«» rel-M '» >n . 2' Vf-

re- u .¦. ., m^' ,. . \!P 7 w,,tn " "envy iron raj o

Ew?sLonle^\^ «f».Onsurpa««d. fravelen f!,r Morr,-New^m. -\-,/..'< |pd Easton. or Belvidera, i Iswega.

-^TTV^T' ''"""Ppany. K-^k.away and Bad.?thS^il (

n XM !a"rt ¦ale and ext*<l,U.,..ia ol any0.BI 0,.j<.e ,,| r,itjvevaiK&

Üinei«r^t'ph*';''i-r;it.'» srrveat Newark lo^^Jb« Fhdadelphia »an», and at New-York in Ums t. r

"ui .it Äd 81* o'clock.

_-.-..;.^t;;,<,.,, ... ,.r. i ..¦:*:>¦>

rbuwnUWMe* ur ebawu*; !D New-York, and lour in Mor-

1- 7T^ Tl'<ra" rJ"^ Company run Ummg* (mm Jer^y'. ily to .Morrutown. thin avoiiltnir tlie delay a«J iiiconremencecoif e,:uent upon a chance ol Car*. . .novlm \ is ,ul). .-iijwrsnteru.'ent.

PÄTEl&MrR^ÜL!:' \D Bmuiai Am mkM.sts..Fare 37 j cenu from Jerury Lily to Fa

lairi! Palermo Depot m ,I-eave New \ ork.

At6o clock. A. M.Al9o'elock. A. M.Ar 12,i o'ci'is-k. P. M.AtSo'e.'.atk. P. M.

is StmaTB.At*o'clock, A. M.At8 o'clock, p. M.

. s 'i clock, A.Al - dock, A. >1At 11'. o'clock, A MAt4oelock, P.M.. On St/sroava.Al7o'clock. A. M.AtSo'cloeJr, l>. M.

All biissaxe at r»s o4 owflaca, Otftee* at 7". Conrrjandt-tt;aad at Depot Pnmwin._¦ rot

RAG.- AND CANVASS) White and Colored, wanted fo"cash at Manufacturer.' pnee», by

oni'j Bn GAUNT tf. DERJilCKSON, 153 Soath .t.

^ÖVPAChETS..To rail from New YorYoa theBMC ::oni '-'"fO"! on Ose a<.c,f «ich mooth. aaag.From New York. From LVt/s 1%

New ,hiP ASHBCRT« IN, *SÄlluO tons. Henry linnw. n. >X?' ^ < .T**- ac .>iay f> {Jmv, a

NewshipPATRICK HENRY. Sjg* * ,<W. aIUUU tot*. Jus. V. I "etasn. > y^T- * J l*r% a

Ship INTiETENDKNCE. iPSts »... KxraNre. >, '. j ^jn- jjab G Ei». was:riN< ;t« v. >;r£i* £ )JN'-1' a

ÄiO to,.».A!noni~>lturros,-, J g < ihr 2Tho«.-»hiiw srt s!! o! )!i lint class, ami ronimaitded byard«.ti-enetiroiu»irai .>. Theeahawaiaee_anflytwaaaaiand ailbsxi taiperira .. .ftntsrsns for ;>s-ee The p-e,ui inevigeUom New Yors'o .'-%er;»M)iw »lm>. and fnin \Jr

erj»"-. i" Ntw kork jCAi. uiriiidu.g stores, and bestling. »aha»wir». ;Neither the Capour. tueown. will be rr»i>oo»;bi- for an»

t> rs |. in.il» or ^..r»»^ ui;.,-» regu.ir odls el lading ua kgae-tharawr. Appu to ^

__i__«:::_i\Nr.i.i. minti i:n Ac f. mth«.t^P^iI^illliE.OF UVERrVÖL PACKJST8?.^TO^V^^.^^^hJMer-ihe well known ntftad«.

T'1 ?£ ? C.?J SS "T Wh Ju,«- The above lavor-Je parki,^^^Pa^eee^?"*;r£.',ra Cahin. Second Cab... ar,JSteerage 1 riaerneer.. TU.v wX_i_,_. to UV < BC.mi,t.....uT..ix^:ihan to «>rt^Wh.«nt -huT T»; a«^7»~^^ t.~mnd^i>,;^,;brsjujbt at.tn the .w packet Of «... at the re^tta.-;^aailme lnim I..verl«s.!.-Tery hve day.. Drafts for ahyarttS?payableon<leman.i wifhraIttlJ»e.11,nt thrwrb,^t Gnat B- tlnan.l IreiaiU can at all time* be obtained ori appbcatJocTa.ttbor''-__,_mS

FOR l\:.i.li'":.-"\i :,CT i.K Jf\r ...

iir^V-'\-[- .....VVVSIIISWTnX^VSfJSBt . taster, a res I -

rot tretsht or pe*sxt*sxJ»«räg superior occo<n_>odaix-., 1_.aon board, lo-r ot Mai.ivo Lane, or to ^«-».aprd.

GRuNNKLLj Ml N UN CO. >S<.ao..ThePackat.ehip PATRICK llKNKY.j.r. DalaBaSl5will sucr-ed the «;e.-.-tfe \\ aiii.nrti.n. an.l «,i Ju t Ms'kl!jitulaxday. mfTPASSAGE FROM IRFJeAND EVERY Put.DAYS TH8« IUGHOUT TUB YK.\R-Krfni{.i)E:i.ubl,.. IV..a»i. N?vry. I.7i..n.:.-rry. \U>lf^id. sd.io.l olcrain. Ihineaik. Ih-.»it»it». Igmenek fc"'Äi-. Paaaaceacan at all tiroes I* enra<ed w_.t .j^ni.latr- on the mo>t advwfcUPBrjus Uir.ii« m tinteaua'.1 V*»vibniltpaeaetaaawncrroni uverpool '

BVERi ElVE DAYS THWGHOCT tub YEAR taai1« lii.nsa in ist nectary t.,, t -e ronfott »nj ~'n~l. .V*-re-tot the pruaettfam will be found connected^^ff,:^1*,ihipa, vtr: prop' r attention la l.iven>»'l. n .' e,«.« .

datum oulNHird the ilupa. winch the ...'....r 'r, ~,Ue7lm*.JIthey eucareto bniie. F°*tartherreartico an . irvi? IT.paid; to VV. it J. T. TAPSCOTT 5 *x?*J?*"Agents in I eWerpool: corj'f «"*.

WM. T \ I'St^! iTT. or ) ii(;orf,GBO. ^yl:\KUn^.\ ^vZt'Z^DRAFTS IN ENGLAND, IRELAhTD *, »_SVbousaboutren tün« riooej .a.-!rv,öl:;: I ~VuJt'ountnr, can '.inpheJ wita ,<-*r,ia* -i?without drseonncm any oiiter charge, ztV'^ "..»??'^Ireland. PrwnciaJ Baak da, MesarV jalSlBmker*. I.oiv'.on: I. IVarrssd /_ cT^E^^^fs^:bank. Liver^k.I: En-fei P....,k .;>'.... .Cv-'Jw^^u'"':"

;.S.;..or ny,.Sr\V..i.:,m fort*,. Hutiiet i. I^''^atar»f .

t ndtbel.rin.-lie> in every poÄtownthro,rhi.ui K Jiln,l,nd.S-oil:oi,l. and Wale., whichDraft^ji v 1^ i> iTthe parket of uth. i*h, avt. at &^.n,b3!fteainer. which leave, iWoii on tl« bt ofj. ,i,~"Itionto _*.kil\r\&>rrl-At their Gcneml Passage (liliee. WfjoauVrt., e.jn^ Miden.N. H-.\ letter, from the-ou-trra,i..t .aane poat«id.

FMR THE PERMANENT (TRF. OF \LLDl leases -»u«! Ei uiiiionx of ihesutu.MAN 1 tlvotwinds in all parts ol the Urtioa have Uo-a cored

alter trying every remedy in vainidVidereaitkmd.st»uei>such asPimples. Freckles, Snnhum.TanMorphew, Salt Rheum, Scurvy,

by a single (ay often linlfa cake, of the genuine J.n>e»'lulinaChemical Soap. Reader, this s.mio ghneega adserteed, is one ol the most lurprtstng and bles*e,| reaiediti everducovercd. .and will generally do all Iwre itated. It eleariand whitens

Dark Sunburnt or t etlow Skin,rendering it healthy anil clear. I have neu when ererythgu;elselaileslCure Old S..r>> Head.. Ringworm, &e.

Seals Salt Rheum, Hough Skin.It is made in the (iirin of 11 bsaiutilul picre olmap, acdmpleusaiit remedy. I.ive it olio trial.

Bat; render, this article is con met fette.1, nnd you mus bavery particular und buy it nowhere eLe 111 N. Y kut tt theugaof the American Eagle, Si! Chuthuiu rtreet a:..l Ci Kt.iaiiasy.<.-. (.....'dine. » Sr.;.. It .:.: ./,Buildings, Philadelphia: Hays, löt) F'ultiwt ilrect, Brooklyn,ml? Im_Y ML. KENSfriT i. (.0. V i'A'lTLtRLSK-ST. irooldt iidorin their formers cnstoinent and the nobile teaerally,

tliat 'hey have retaken the above suite, and o'lVr tor sale anea-tire.new «tiM k of Spring G<>ods, purchroed tor cash ..f the laeporten and Auctioneers, which will be wld it creatly mlucnlprices, among which may be found the li llow ing: A largs s»-Myrtineiil ofBalgarinea and Barages lrontäi.to 4> eot*d Lawas.Printed Ji.nets ami Cambric Muslins, ivoiii!«uines,blk.«nd

retj til l'n' ii Lustre* ; a large nstortment of \lialni beL u;e* from 1«. i»l to Us.: Ilarage S ik mid Cashatera shaah,blk. Mue black and colored SiU«, bioeo Cnuibrn k lldkaGambroons, Linen, and a g.sal asjortiileut I... men's wear,

gelber with Silk Parasols, Print*, Muslins, and a vanatyatOther goods, «loch you ate invited to cull uud eiaiuuic.

iiil&Jw*_t a,\MpiIENÜ CHEMICAJ. dl., Wl: llI'ltNINGFLl7-

1'». lor sale, wholesale and fs_rdl, byD1ETZ, BROTHER Ir, 00.No. LI John stos-t. New Yelk, tad

ftrlm* i Hick. <rwi. Rnsiklyn

IN CHANCERY, '.ih CircuiL.Tba Präsident, lataeonsaaslCompany ol theOnomtagu County Hunk .». Tlie Uank of

Burl " Inmitsuruieeofanonleroftha Court <>f Cheiieery.l.itcd the9th day of AprikloM, notice is lursliy <ivan (hatthe stibscrdier has been only appointed receiver oftfi* property.0.1 eJlecti oftlta ..ml. Tba Hunk ..1 lunlai... 'n,.o hr asidor¬der nnd all order ofFebrunrysl, |su, il is rrlcrnsl tu Jasaai

.. ker, Ei:.. o/lhe city ol" BurTalo. in the (owiiy ..f t'r*.Euuougat other things, to lake and tfale an uccount of all thaileiniiiids ofany descriptiou agiiuisl the rind Rank ol ttaftaVn,and toenabMtJM said Master to take mul .in'* »o.sioini .1 lot tha ganeral purpose eonletuplated by ihr «auiu. AKtin ted '. rs ofthe lid Hank »l Blllfalo, .ire re.;., lot :. st.v-bit tis'.r a. count». ewinasand dssrrsands against tt>e aw Iltakof Buifalo. Io the -aid .laine. < rocVer. F.-l die Masterka«4|laid refer.... in cimrce. at his oilico in the city ol llutlit!». 17thefifteenth da) of August next, and become partial to thasuit, and 0. default Ibereol, thay will be precluikw from all bsnetlt ot tlw.deeroe whiah shall be made in this suit, sad boaany distribution which .hull he made under «uchdecre«.

IRA A. UU >ss< ..M. Receivei ofthe Bank el Ikawa,JaMJCS . Rot Kir it, Lite Master in IhancetT.Builnlo. ApnlStlt. aidlha

'SVWERN AND EXCISE 1.11 'KVSK-\..iic to ever/X per«.11 vetlding. .lialm.' in, or retailing Siroh_ or."pirilu-ous Liquors in the Cny "i New York.

All persons whoahall sell or deal in Strong or Spirittusa U-Uiior.. [except Importers or Distillers, Milling any Imuinia;-ported ordi.lilleil by them, in nuuulities above live galkms,)without having tlrstoktained aLieanse for such i.uriHssefrnaitlie Mayor, and the raspective Aalerman und Assistants ol thsWards 111 which they severally resale, nn> subject Iiv Ijivv loreach ollcuco, to tlie nennlty ol t->: and »1 ensent Retailers, tothe aiUlittonuJ punishment [by indkttmenlj of tine and impn-¦onment, Tavern and Excise Liceux'swill ibcreliire lie asuedat the .Mayor's ulice, 1 in Hull, betw.1 tba ti.-nra ol 10 and8O'clock, 00 the days i rescrilsal as follows, fot each nssp».rliiaWard.1st Ward, Wednesday and Thursday, I.llli andlolhMay.L'd do Fridarand Saturday, llthandlMi "

äl do .Monday und 'I ne-luy, Jglth and 21et "

4th do Wednesday and Thursday, Äil and23d "

Etb do Friday and Saturday, 34th ansl 8Mb "

6th do Monday and'I ue-dsy, eTth and 'Jsth '*

7tb do Wednesday and Thursday, SSth and 80th "

Srh do Fridayand Saturday, list May,nod litj.ms.9th do Moncfay mid Tliesday, 3d hiul Ith "

10th do wedneaday and Thuraday, Mi and 6th11th do Friday and Saturday, 7th and *tli "

litii do .Monday and Tue-ilay, 10th and 11th "

13t!i do Wednesday and Tboraday, ISthandlSth14th do Friday and Saturday, I4thand l3th "

loth do Monday and Tiiesday, ITthandlMi "

IKih do Wsdnesdn y and Thursday, L9th and Jmh "

17tn do Priday and Saturday, StstandSdU_- Persons now holding Licenses arc reoii'-ted to prod.ice

them w hen npiilymg for retiewsi mI.o, siiccinlly ns;ueitc»l tu

apply trithin the time ss above, to avokl the penalt es ft :h*Luw. Brorder, MONSON CLARK E, First Mnrdial.New York, Mayor's Office, .May 6th. Ihel. mytl Uit)

-=--..£-.'.;t,*;|.. ..-a ^."^'!v^£s s.


KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND at hi« Inlirmary.£U Brooms street, his valuable Medicine" tor Ii7«i*t*i*,

I jver Complaint, Palpitation ol the lieu it, puns mllieun-».»*,lide, shoulders, weakness m the back, pam in the bend, cudi. ui. Costivcnesa, Pitas; Weakness at the Htsismteh, lileeilingat the Lung-, rush ofhlood to '.he head, and all 11 ysler.cnl andNervou» affections, fomale weaknesses, <tc itc. AI*. b»celebrated Anti-Seorbutic Syrup for Scrofulaasdall impurt-tot the Blood, such .-.s Sallrheum, Scall bead. Err«ipf!»».Leprosy, Si philis, old Clears, Tatter, Si. Anthony's Fire. toe.tee Board und attendance lor iliose who wish to tarry.mi) iw*

CHUR(;H BELLS AND TOWN CL0CW_i r'S _ The subscriber, who was awarded a Iiew.ins si

j * *'.he New York Slate Fairs ..!' IMJand IM (¦« »tsl

_.*_» best toned Church Bell. antiaJsoa SKcr Jlolal forthe l«.-si Bell, and Diploma lor Town Cat.!'

bited at the Fa r of the American Institute foOetpowls*_now preiiaresi at hi. Foiiislr- at WV.I Troy. New York, to far-nish liull. of from 3) to 10,000 lbs. irind- ofthe !.est mnleruu» aralsyarranted to stand ami tone to picas..t.i-teos to ttiem m-prorad l.'ast [roil Yoke, with Jdovonble Arm«. Tlsr increasing,dsrnand forhis Bell« i. the beat »«ridenca that eaa b* ?',H1,"*their excellence. Orders luive isreit received from the .. JJJfJJainl almost idl the States, mid about 411 have lieeo ftjTOasSanteditferent places in tlie Slate of New-York from his P-auS"**"Town I lock-. I^ivehn. and Surveying Instruments. Lepperand Ritts* Castings, te ate_,__, v

..! ANIlHE'.V VK\KFX>_.. AMERICAN C'siPEK.-;J**>}*AX!pT(X)LS n general for HOUSE an.»W- CARI'EN (Kits. Hi 'i HERS, ^.v-.

: -¦>..= V .c.ii Is- ohMmed in all ilieir viuaet.) «


-. 9 the most celebrated inanuliicturers. 'r~

rantfl mut uteri'. such as Ann-ALBEBTSON S, uNGER'S, ,i< >RXI >N S. GBTOBD s.rind ROCHESTER. ..

ALSO, IC'S'pers' Dowellmg Bitrs-American Iron Rivets. D>. Pe-c» Ir.a.;. ' c_,CoorsaFsTrasa Hoops. Woodl Do Tap and KUD+bo'*n'

and Iron. Do I/tvehng P'-s0*-Do Head and Slave Jointers. Do Vices.Do Stisrk Howells and Cro Do Ot>mpaxs>as, . ^.

,ers.!>' M.'.ramg Iroos.tVc. etc.

Do Rrarea. IWe have -he genuine Jr MI.V V O tSOKItV. ar -o J. «IIN

C' INGER S. T.sus.

m'skkxtI'RJ'SS.Cuaaurs <»*»«?^C.*Kl.s!sl_c|J_IT___-^-._warranted ( vst st eel bdcbc"**_!. :/ 'i'i ii iL&.1 be real muine < longer siouti

nsnonly be. hail al SI Attiirne/ stre.'t.wtsrrsthey are made ami finished svnhmyosrah.....;» ; therefore I can recommend theoj

r.- ........... !.. c .. ;-f I. 'II ....T-..i...r!.ie4by <j.!< .'i Little,al Frrlton street, -tnri.pe,! "i longer, sTJ(utra, n-.e. iin.l itreile-igueil to ccccue. Mite» are stanwthus: "Conger. New York, 'il .\ttortiey otcet." a WsS*disc -i

' '.»letalen. Plea>e olaorve the stomp.nL'lUm' JOHN (,'0>___,CHEATHING COPFER-100 crocs be_r brers* lir!"*.*a". i.inVNLl.L. MLNTURN & CO, r3S.ruth«_

Ml ISCOVADO SECAR-9S hhds on board bartjue Gscarsll!:.:i!son, lor ^ile by .mlo_«at_lNNElX. MlNTlfBN U W.j&S****^

jpADl*/ SALT AFLOAT-10,000 bosdsek, «n.'"-«l,hi»VyCera , for sale b, URINNELL, MINTCB^NjkCO.raUTHS.uih stree___ALE KOPE.-OHtoo waste~snd t*gr^ng"*rintedatmao-ufarturer't prices hrf cash by .. ^split <Ul NT DER P.B KS' »N. 13_S.«ith

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cceiveil and fg^^gJ&MRl IRNE. 170 Fullor. st.

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