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©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Copyright © 2016 by Bonnie Rose Hudson

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©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


The Protestant Reformation

Quizzes and Activities

Table of Contents

Timeline of Martin Luther’s Life ........................................................................................... 4

Fill in the Blank Quotations.................................................................................................. 5

Timeline of Huldrych Zwingli’s Life* ..................................................................................... 6

Who Said It? ...................................................................................................................... 7

Geography of Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli ................................................................ 8

Geography of John Calvin and John Knox............................................................................. 9

Timeline of John Calvin’s Life ............................................................................................ 10

Reformation Vocabulary .................................................................................................... 11

The Reformation and the World ........................................................................................ 13

Early Reformers................................................................................................................ 15

Who Did It Happen To? .................................................................................................... 16

Timeline of William Tyndale’s Life ...................................................................................... 18

What Happened First? ...................................................................................................... 19

True or False .................................................................................................................... 21

Where Did It Happen? ...................................................................................................... 23

Reformation Matching ....................................................................................................... 24

Reformation Authors ......................................................................................................... 25

Timeline of Reformation .................................................................................................... 26

Men of God ...................................................................................................................... 28

Answer Key ...................................................................................................................... 29

*Publisher’s Note: The spelling of certain names, including Huldrych Zwingli and John Hus, vary

depending on the source used.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


1. Birth of Martin Luther

2. Daughter Magdalena dies

3. Precisely states his positions at the Heidelberg Disputation

4. Debates Johann Eck (defender of the Catholic church) in a public debate in Leipzig

5. Receives threat of excommunication from the pope and burns it

6. Martin Luther dies

7. Martin Luther is excommunicated

8. Nails his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church

9. Marries Katharina von Bora

10. Translates the New Testament into German











Timeline of Martin Luther’s Life

Using the list of events from Martin Luther’s life at the bottom of the page, put each on the timeline

next to the year they occurred.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Fill In the Blank Quotations

Choose the correct word from the word bank below and use it to complete the quote.

1. To gather with God's people in united _______________ of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as _________________. (Martin Luther)

2. The sum and ____________ of the Gospel is that our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Son of God,

has made known to us the will of his heavenly Father, and has with his __________ released us from death and _________________ God. (Huldrych Zwingli)

3. Christians are ___________ people on earth. (Martin Luther)

4. . . . that every one who would _________ the righteousness of Christ must ___________ his ___________. (John Calvin)

5. I am not _________ of myself, but must obey Him who commands me to speak plain, and to

_______________ no flesh upon the face of the earth. (John Knox)

6. Our Lord has written the ___________ of _______________, not in books alone, but in every

______ in ________________. (Martin Luther)

7. Furthermore, that as the _________ of the body can do _________ without the control of the head, so no one in the body of Christ can do the _______ without his head, Christ. (Huldrych Zwingli)

8. I am afraid that the ________ will prove the very gates of hell, unless they __________ labor

in explaining the Holy Scriptures and _____________ them in the heart of the youth. (Martin Luther)

promise innocence springtime diligently master renounce members

rare schools obtain adoration nothing flatter resurrection

substance own least leaf reconciled prayer engraving

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


1. Marries Anna Reinhard

2. Arrives at an evangelical understanding of Scripture

3. On the Lord’s Supper published

4. Huldrych Zwingli’s brother dies, contributing to deeper spiritual and theological reflection

5. Arrives in Zurich

6. Leads the Swiss Reformation

7. Huldrych Zwingli is born

8. Commentary on True and False Religion published

9. Huldrych Zwingli dies

10. Takes part in an argument at Bern, Switzerland, that officially brought the main ideas of the

Reformation there











Timeline of Huldrych Zwingli’s Life

Using the list of events from Huldrych Zwingli’s life at the bottom of the page, put each on the

timeline next to the year they occurred.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Who Said It?

Who said each of the following quotes? Circle the correct answer from the choices given.

1. To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.

Huldrych Zwingli Martin Luther John Knox

2. Therefore all Christian people shall use their best diligence that the Gospel of Christ be preached

alike everywhere.

Martin Luther John Calvin Huldrych Zwingli

3. . . . it is proved, that it is entirely by the intervention of Christ’s righteousness that we obtain

justification before God. This is equivalent to saying that man is not just in himself, but that the

righteousness of Christ is communicated to him by imputation, while he is strictly deserving of


John Calvin John Knox Martin Luther

4. One man with God is always in the majority.

Martin Luther John Knox Huldrych Zwingli

5. The whole may be thus summed up: Christ given to us by the kindness of God is apprehended

and possessed by faith, by means of which we obtain in particular a twofold benefit; first, being

reconciled by the righteousness of Christ, God becomes, instead of a judge, an indulgent Father;

and, secondly, being sanctified by his Spirit, we aspire to integrity and purity of life.

John Knox John Calvin Martin Luther

6. If he have faith, the believer cannot be restrained. He betrays himself. He breaks out. He

confesses and teaches this Gospel to the people at the risk of life itself.

Martin Luther John Calvin Huldrych Zwingli

7. Hence Christ is the only way to salvation for all who ever were, are, and shall be.

John Knox Huldrych Zwingli John Calvin

8. You should not believe your conscience and your feelings more than the Word which the Lord

who receives sinners preaches to you.

John Knox Martin Luther John Calvin

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Geography of

Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli

There are several places in each paragraph where you are given a choice of the word that will correctly complete the sentence and give you a picture of the country and a glimpse into the work of the reformer mentioned. Cross out the incorrect answers to complete each paragraph.

Martin Luther did much of his work in Germany. Germany is a country in (Africa, North America,

Europe). Present-day Germany is bordered by the North Sea, Denmark, the Baltic Sea, (Russia,

Poland, China), Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, and the Czech

Republic. There are many beautiful rivers that flow through Germany, including the Rhine River, the

(Yellow River, Parana River, Danube River) and the (Amazon River, Elbe River, Indus River). There

are mountainous regions in Germany, including the (Black Forest, Himalayas, Caucasus Mountains),

which are covered in beautiful thick forests. Although now known under another name, the

University of (Nottingham, Wittenberg, Gent) in Germany is well known as the place where Martin

Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church. When Martin Luther received a hearing

concerning the new views he had been teaching, the hearing was held in (Cologne, Frankfort,

Worms), Germany. Luther refused to recant his position and became a wanted man. After hiding out

for a time, he returned to teaching, married, and raised a family. He died in (Eisleben, Essen,

Hanover), Germany in 1546.

Switzerland is a country in (Asia, South America, Europe). It is well known for its magnificent

mountains, most notably, the (Rockies, Alps, Andes). There are beautiful lakes, such as (Lake

Superior, Lake Constance, Great Bear Lake). There are also many major rivers in Switzerland, such

as the Rhine River, the (Rhone River, Mississippi River, Rio Grande), and the Inn River. Huldrych

Zwingli worked in Switzerland during the early 16th century to spread the Protestant beliefs. He was

born near (Geneva, Lucerne, St. Gallen) Switzerland. While working as a priest at the cathedral in

(Zurich, Geneva, Bern), he began studying the writings of Martin Luther. The movement he began,

although Protestant, was different from that of Martin Luther.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Geography of

John Calvin and John Knox

There are several places in each paragraph where you are given a choice of the word that will correctly complete the sentence and give you a picture of the country and a glimpse into the work of the reformer mentioned. Cross out the incorrect answers to complete each paragraph.

Although John Calvin did much of his work in Switzerland, he was born in France. He was living in

France when he began his studies of the Reformation. France is a country in (Europe, South

America, Asia). It is bordered by the English Channel, the (Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian

Ocean), Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Andorra, Monaco, and the (Red

Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea). The natural barrier between France and Spain is a mountain

chain called the (Pyrenees, Alps, Himalayas). Present-day France is the (fifth, third, second) largest

country in land area in (South America, Europe, Asia). There are many rivers in France, but the most

well known is probably the (Aube, Garonne, Seine). Calvin was born in (Avignon, Noyon, Bayonne),

France. After graduating from college, Calvin moved to (Tours, Paris, Marseille). It was at this time

that he had a spiritual conversion and began to take part in the Reformation movement. Calvin later

left France and moved to Switzerland where he lived for a few years before being forced to leave

because of his strict doctrine. He moved to Germany, but, when asked to return to Switzerland, he

did and lived there until he died in 1564.

John Knox fought to bring Protestantism to Scotland. Scotland is on an island that is part of present-

day (Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Spain). It shares the island with England and (Ireland, Iceland,

Wales). One of the natural barriers that form a border between Scotland and England is the River

(Tweed, Clyde, Forth). Scotland’s lakes are often called lochs. The largest lake in Scotland is (Loch

Awe, Lake Baikal, Loch Lomond). The country of Scotland is very mountainous and includes the

(Caucasus Mountains, Grampian Mountains, Himalayas). John Knox was born near (Inverness,

Halkirk, Haddington). He was taken away to France as a galley slave during the time he was

working with the Protestant movement in Scotland. After time in France, Switzerland, and Germany,

he was able to return to Scotland. He worked at Edinburgh for some time. Knox died in 1564.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


1. John Calvin dies

2. John Calvin’s son dies when only two weeks old

3. Geneva Council decides to expel John Calvin from Geneva

4. Publishes Commentary on the Book of Psalms

5. Settles in Basel, Switzerland

6. John Calvin’s wife dies

7. First publishes the Institutes of the Christian Religion

8. Publishes the final edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion

9. Publishes Ecclesiastical Ordinances

10. John Calvin is born











Timeline of John Calvin’s Life

Using the list of events from John Calvin’s life at the bottom of the page, put each on the timeline

next to the year they occurred.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Reformation Vocabulary

Decode the following words. After you have decoded them, find out what they mean and how they

are related to the Reformation.

1. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A3-D4 A4-D3 A5-D4 A4-D3 A1-D4 A3-D1 A4-D4

2. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A5-D4 A4-D3 A4-D4 A2-D5 A3-D2 A1-D4

3. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A1-D4 A3-D4 A4-D3 A5-D5 A4-D3 A5-D5

4. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A5-D4 A4-D3 A3-D5 A3-D3 A5-D4 A5-D3 A4-D3 A5-D4

5. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A5-D2 A5-D4 A3-D3 A1-D4 A4-D3 A5-D5 A1-D4 A2-D5 A3-D2 A1-D4

6. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A2-D1 A3-D3 A4-D4 A1-D4 A5-D4 A3-D1 A3-D2 A4-D3


1 2 3 4 5





1 j d i w x

2 u l n y p

3 k q o e m

4 t v h c r

5 g a f b s

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


7. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A5-D5 A2-D5 A2-D2 A2-D4 A2-D5 A1-D4 A3-D1 A3-D3 A3-D2

8. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A1-D4 A3-D4 A4-D3 A3-D3 A2-D2 A3-D3 A1-D5 A4-D2

9. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A5-D3 A2-D5 A5-D4 A1-D4 A4-D2 A5-D4

10. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A1-D1 A1-D2 A5-D5 A1-D4 A3-D1 A3-D5 A3-D1 A4-D3 A5-D5

11. _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____

A5-D2 A3-D3 A2-D2 A4-D3 A5-D3 A3-D1 A4-D4 A3-D1 A5-D5 A1-D4


1 2 3 4 5





1 j d i w x

2 u l n y p

3 k q o e m

4 t v h c r

5 g a f b s

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


The Reformation and the World

Choose the event that happened first in world history following the given Reformation event. Circle

the letter of the correct answer.

1. Martin Luther is born

a. Vasco da Gama reaches India by sailing around the Cape of Good Hope

b. Columbus discovers the Americas

c. John Cabot reaches Canada, claiming it for Britain

2. William Tyndale is born

a. The painting, The Last Supper, is begun by Leonard do Vinci

b. Michelangelo begins painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

c. Desiderius Erasmus writes In Praise of Folly

3. John Calvin is born

a. Francis Drake sails around the world

b. The Pacific Ocean is discovered by Vasco de Balboa

c. Francisco Coronado sails to Mexico

4. Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the church in Wittenberg

a. Francisco Pizarro conquers the Incan Empire

b. First world atlas completed

c. The Aztec capital is conquered by Hernando Cortés

5. Martin Luther is excommunicated

a. Jacques Cartier claims Canada for France

b. Mary Tudor becomes Queen of England

c. Henry VIII becomes king of Ireland

6. Huldrych Zwingli leads the Swiss Reformation

a. Tycho Brahe discovers Cassiopeia

b. Edward VI becomes king of England

c. Babur sets up the Mughal Empire in India

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


7. William Tyndale publishes the New Testament in English

a. Spanish Armada is defeated

b. Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII, is killed

c. Don Quixote is published by Miguel de Cervantes

8. William Tyndale is martyred

a. Nicholas Copernicus discovers the Earth revolves around the sun

b. Thermometer is invented

c. Telescope is invented

9. The Geneva Bible is published in English

a. Jamestown, Virginia, is founded

b. Quebec is founded

c. St. Augustine, Florida, is founded

10. King James Authorized Version of the Bible is produced in English

a. Mount Vesuvius erupts

b. Submarine is invented

c. Pilgrims settle at Plymouth, Massachusetts

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Early Reformers

Although the Reformation is generally thought of as beginning with Martin Luther in 1517, there

were people who tried to get reforms made even earlier. People such as John Wycliffe and John Hus worked to bring about change. Do the true and false quiz below concerning facts about these two men.

Mark each statement T (true) or F (false).

1. _____ The upper classes felt that Wycliffe’s teachings would cause the middle class to suffer.

2. _____ In 1414, John Hus was told to appear before the Council of Constance.

3. _____ In 1412, Hus was praised for his views on indulgences.

4. _____ In John Wycliffe’s later writings, he said the Bible, not the church was the authority for the beliefs of a Christian.

5. _____ In 1415, John Hus was killed as a martyr.

6. _____ John Wycliffe received his education at Cambridge University.

7. _____ John Hus was born in Romania.

8. _____ John Wycliffe’s followers were called Lollards.

9. _____ John Hus stood strongly against the morals of the clergy and wanted reform.

10. _____ John Wycliffe is often considered to be the last great English reformer.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Who Did It Happen To?

Circle the name of the person that shows who the statement happened to.

1. With his help, the Bible was translated into English around the year 1382.

Martin Luther Menno Simons John Wycliffe

2. He was told to appear at the Diet of Worms.

Martin Luther John Hus Huldrych Zwingli

3. He had all images of a religious nature removed from the churches in Zurich.

John Hus Huldrych Zwingli Menno Simons

4. He was born in France in 1509.

John Calvin John Knox Huldrych Zwingli

5. He married Katharina von Bora, and they had six children.

John Calvin Martin Luther Menno Simons

6. Born in Scotland, he was greatly influenced by the teachings of John Calvin.

John Hus John Knox John Wycliffe

7. He published commentaries on 47 books of the Bible in both Latin and French.

John Hus Martin Luther John Calvin

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


8. In 1523, he wrote “67 Articles.”

Huldrych Zwingli John Hus Martin Luther

9. He wrote the “95 Theses.”

Menno Simons Martin Luther John Calvin

10. He was killed in battle when he was serving as a chaplain in the army of Zurich.

John Knox John Wycliffe Huldrych Zwingli

11. Born in 1492, he preached from the Scripture and left the Church to join the Anabaptists in the Netherlands.

Huldrych Zwingli John Wycliffe Menno Simons

12. He and others were taken to France as galley slaves in 1547.

John Knox Huldrych Zwingli Menno Simons

13. The five main doctrines of his theology were given the acronym TULIP.

Menno Simons John Calvin Huldrych Zwingli

14. His main political idea was stated as “Dominion is founded in grace.”

John Knox John Wycliffe John Calvin

15. He was excommunicated in 1412 because of speaking out against the church practice of

selling indulgences to finance Crusades.

Huldrych Zwingli John Hus John Knox

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Timeline of William Tyndale’s Life

Using the list of events from William Tyndale’s life at the bottom of the page, put each on the

timeline next to the year they occurred.

1. New Testaments are printed in Worms and smuggled into England

2. Moves into a boarding house in Antwerp

3. William Tyndale is born

4. William Tyndale is martyred

5. After preparing to print an English New Testament in Cologne, he escapes with only a few

printed copies after being discovered

6. Financing comes for his second edition by Bishop Tunstall, who purchased the copies of the

first edition in order to have them burned

7. Declines the king’s invitation to London

8. William Tyndale is put in prison

9. England receives the first five translated books of the Old Testament

10. Graduates Oxford











©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


What Happened First?

Put an X by the event that happened first in each pair of statements.

1. _____ Huldrych Zwingli is born.

_____ William Tyndale is born.

2. _____ Martin Luther is excommunicated.

_____ John Calvin is born.

3. _____ Huldrych Zwingli marries Anna Reinhard.

_____ The first Scottish Protestant martyr, Patrick Hamilton, is killed.

4. _____ Martin Luther marries Katharina von Bora.

_____ The term “Protestant” is used for the first time at the Diet of Speyer.

5. _____ John Calvin settles in Basel, Switzerland.

_____ William Tyndale’s New Testament is published in English.

6. _____ Lutheranism is made the state religion in Denmark.

_____ Huldrych Zwingli’s Exposition of the Faith is published.

7. _____ Geneva Council decides to expel John Calvin from Geneva.

_____ Martin Luther dies.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


8. _____ John Calvin publishes Commentary on the Book of Psalms.

_____ Queen Mary I outlaws Protestantism in England.

9. _____ John Frith, friend of William Tyndale, is martyred.

_____ John Knox becomes the pastor of a church of English refugees in Frankfurt, Germany.

10. _____ John Calvin dies.

_____ Thomas Cranmer, former Protestant archbishop of Canterbury, is martyred.

11. _____ While living in Antwerp, William Tyndale is betrayed by Englishman Henry Phillips.

_____ Hans Smit, Anabaptist pastor, is martyred.

12. _____ William Tyndale’s translation of the first five books of the Old Testament is released in England.

_____ The first Anabaptist is martyred.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


True or False

Mark each statement T (true) or F (false). If false, see if you can correct it.

1. _____ The Edict of Nantes allowed freedom of worship for the Lutherans.

2. _____ Hugh Latimer, a Protestant from England, was martyred.

3. _____ Menno Simons was the founder of the Amish.

4. _____ Martin Luther received a threat of excommunication from the pope and burned it.

5. _____ The Diet of Worms condemned John Calvin.

6. _____ Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church.

7. _____ John Knox published the Book of Common Prayer.

8. _____ In Germany, Michael Sattler formed the “Brotherly Union” of Anabaptists.

9. _____ Huldrych Zwingli led the Swiss Reformation.

10. _____ The purchase of English copies of William Tyndale’s New Testament by the archbishop

of Canterbury in 1527, in order to distribute them, provided more income for Tyndale to publish more copies of a second edition.

11. _____ John Smyth founded the Baptist church.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


12. _____ Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German.

13. _____ London Council decided to expel John Calvin.

14. _____ William Tyndale’s New Testament was the first to be printed by machine in English.

15. _____ Martin Luther debated Johann Eck (defender of the Catholic church) in a public debate in Geneva.

16. _____ John Knox was released from France due to the intervention of the Swiss government.

17. _____ In 1506, building of the church known as St. Peters in Rome was begun. Some of the methods used to raise money for this project led to the indignation of Martin Luther and others and contributed to the beginnings of the Reformation.

18. _____ In 1519, seven people were martyred for teaching their children the Lord’s Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Apostles’ Creed in English.

19. _____ Although William Tyndale was thought to have been a “commoner,” it has been said

that he was proficient in ten languages.

20. _____ Feliz Manz, an Anabaptist, was publicly martyred in 1527.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Where Did It Happen?

Circle the correct place referred to in each statement

1. Martin Luther was born in what present-day country?

Switzerland Germany Italy

2. Huldrych Zwingli was born here.

Belgium France Switzerland

3. John Calvin was born here.

Italy England France

4. John Knox was taken here as a galley slave.

England Germany France

5. Nicolas Ridley, a Protestant from here, was martyred.

Netherlands England France

6. John Calvin published the first edition of Institutes of the Christian Religion here.

Switzerland Scotland Belgium

7. Under John Knox's leadership, a Reformed Protestant national church was founed here in 1560.

Scotland France Switzerland

8. William Tyndale was executed as a Protestant heretic in this country in 1536.

Netherlands Belgium Italy

9. John Knox became pastor of a church of English refugees here.

France Germany Netherlands

10. Michael Sattler formed the “Brotherly Union” of Anabaptists here.

Belgium Scotland Germany

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Reformation Matching

Match the word with the best definition as it relates to the Reformation.

1._____theology a. someone who objects

2._____recant b. a person who tries to improve a system by taking away what

they feel are wrong practices or errors in the system

3._____justifies c. beliefs or principles taught by a group

4._____theses d. not allowed to take part in the any of the practices of the church

5._____protestant e. In some faiths, this is a grant of freedom for a part of the

punishment they believe is still due to be suffered for sin after it has been forgiven

6._____doctrine f. redemption; act of releasing from sin and from punishment from


7._____martyr g. the study of God and His relationship with His creation

8._____indulgences h. an assembly of people who help to govern or make decisions, in this case relating to church matters

9._____heretic i. someone who goes through much suffering or is put to death for

their beliefs, especially religious beliefs

10.____reformer j. to publicly take back or withdraw a statement

11.____salvation k. not dealing with anything religious; only of the world

12.____excommunicated l. someone who believes something that is different from the

beliefs of their church

13.____missionary m. statement of an opinion that can be agreed with or argued against

14.____secular n. a person who works to spread the Word of God

15.____council o. causes to be blameless and without guilt

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Reformation Authors

Each of the writings listed were written by one of the following four reformers. Write the letter of

the correct reformer beside each of his writings.

1. _____ The Parable of the Wicked Mammon

2. _____ On the Lord’s Supper

3. _____ Ecclesiastical Ordinances

4. _____ Faith Alone Justifies Before God

5. _____ Babylonian Captivity of the Church

6. _____ The Obedience of a Christian Man

7. _____ Commentary on True and False Religion

8. _____ Commentary on the Book of Psalms

9. _____ Exposition of the Faith

10. _____ To the Christian Nobility

11. _____ Practice of Prelates

12. _____ Freedom of a Christian

13. _____ Answer to Valentin Compar

14. _____ Institutes of the Christian Religion

A. William Tyndale B. John Calvin C. Martin Luther D. Huldrych Zwingli

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Timeline of the Reformation

Using the facts below, fill in the timeline of the Reformation that is on the next page.

1. Thomas Cranmer publishes the Book of Common Prayer

2. Geneva Council decides to expel John Calvin from Geneva

3. Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg Castle Church

4. Death is decreed for all Protestants in Antwerp

5. John Calvin is asked to return to Geneva

6. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs is published

7. In Germany, Michael Sattler forms the “Brotherly Union” of Anabaptists

8. John Knox is taken from Scotland to France as a galley slave

9. The Diet of Worms condemns Martin Luther

10. The Forty-Two Articles Act is adopted by the Anglican church as the first Protestant

confession of faith

11. The Geneva Bible is published in English

12. Huldrych Zwingli leads the Swiss Reformation

13. Thomas Cranmer, former Protestant archbishop of Canterbury, is martyred

14. The King James Authorized Version of the Bible is produced in English

15. The first Scottish Protestant martyr, Patrick Hamilton, is executed

16. “Matthew’s Bible,” the first authorized version of the Bible, is published in England

17. William Tyndale’s New Testament is published in English

18. George Wishart is martyred as a Protestant

19. William Tyndale is executed as a Protestant

20. Queen Mary I outlaws Protestantism in England

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com






















Timeline of the Reformation

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Men of God

Below the word search you will find the names of fifty men who worked to spread the Gospel. Some

were martyred for their faith. Others spent their lives spreading the Word of God and trying to reach more people. These people are from many different time periods. This is a very short list; there are many, many more men and women who could be included. May we pray that each of us can be

included in the list of those who work for the Lord in the way He asks us to.

Thomas Cranmer John Smyth William Carey Andrew Murray Hugh Latimer

Huldrych Zwingli John Newton William Hunter Jake Deshazer C.H. Spurgeon

Patrick Hamilton Martin Luther Conrad Grebel Josiah Henson Robert Samuel

Adoniram Judson John Calvin George Fox John Bunyan Nicolas Ridley

Dietrich Bonhoeffer John Eliot John Wesley David Brainerd William Colenso

Oswald Chambers Hans Smit Billy Graham Eric Liddell John Wooden

George Washington Carver C.S. Lewis John Knox Thomas Kendall Jonathan Edwards

George Whitefield Jason Lee Charles Wesley George Muller Richard Wurmbrand

David Livingstone Robert Moffat Roger Williams Samuel Morris William Wilberforce

William Brewster Steve Saint William Booth Menno Simons William Tyndale

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Answer Key

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Birth of Martin Luther 1483

Nails his 95 Theses to the door of Wittenberg

Castle Church

Precisely states his positions at the Heidelberg




Debates Johann Eck (defender of the Catholic

church) in a public debate in Leipzig 1519

Receives threat of excommunication from the

pope and burns it 1520

Martin Luther is excommunicated

Translates the New Testament into German



Marries Katharina von Bora

Daughter Magdalena dies



Martin Luther dies 1546

Timeline of Martin Luther’s Life

Fill In the Blank Quotations

1. To gather with God's people in united _adoration_ of the Father is as necessary to the Christian life as _prayer_. (Martin Luther)

2. The sum and _substance_ of the Gospel is that our Lord Jesus Christ, the true Son of God, has made known to us the will of his heavenly Father, and has with his _innocence_ released us from death and _reconciled_ God. (Huldrych Zwingli)

3. Christians are _rare_ people on earth. (Martin Luther)

4. . . . that every one who would _obtain_ the righteousness of Christ must _renounce_ his

_own_. (John Calvin)

5. I am not _master_ of myself, but must obey Him who commands me to speak plain, and to _flatter_ no flesh upon the face of the earth. (John Knox)

6. Our Lord has written the _promise_ of _resurrection_, not in books alone, but in every _leaf_ in _springtime_. (Martin Luther)

7. Furthermore, that as the _members_ of the body can do _nothing_ without the control of the head, so no one in the body of Christ can do the _least_ without his head, Christ. (Huldrych


8. I am afraid that the _schools_ will prove the very gates of hell, unless they _diligently_ labor in explaining the Holy Scriptures and _engraving_ them in the heart of the youth. (Martin


©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Huldrych Zwingli is born 1484

Arrives at an evangelical understanding of


Arrives in Zurich



Huldrych Zwingli’s brother dies, contributing to

deeper spiritual and theological reflection 1520

Leads the Swiss Reformation 1523

Marries Anna Reinhard

Commentary on True and False Religion




On the Lord’s Supper published Takes part in an argument at Bern, Switzerland,

that officially brought the main ideas of the

Reformation there



Huldrych Zwingli dies 1531

Timeline of Huldrych Zwingli’s Life

Who Said It?

1. Martin Luther

2. Huldrych Zwingli

3. John Calvin

4. John Knox

5. John Calvin

6. Martin Luther

7. Huldrych Zwingli

8. Martin Luther

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Geography of

Martin Luther and Huldrych Zwingli

Martin Luther did much of his work in Germany. Germany is a country in (Africa, North America,

Europe). Present-day Germany is bordered by the North Sea, Denmark, the Baltic Sea, (Russia,

Poland, China), Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Switzerland, Austria, the Netherlands, and the

Czech Republic. There are many beautiful rivers that flow through Germany, including the Rhine

River, the (Yellow River, Parana River, Danube River) and the (Amazon River, Elbe River, Indus

River). There are mountainous regions in Germany, including the (Black Forest, Himalayas,

Caucasus Mountains), which are covered in beautiful thick forests. Although now known under

another name, the University of (Nottingham, Wittenberg, Gent) in Germany is well known as the

place where Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church. When Martin

Luther received a hearing concerning the new views he had been teaching, the hearing was held in

(Cologne, Frankfort, Worms), Germany. Luther refused to recant his position and became a wanted

man. After hiding out for a time, he returned to teaching, married, and raised a family. He died in

(Eisleben, Essen, Hanover), Germany in 1546.

Switzerland is a country in (Asia, South America, Europe). It is well known for its magnificent

mountains, most notably, the (Rockies, Alps, Andes). There are beautiful lakes, such as (Lake

Superior, Lake Constance, Great Bear Lake). There are also many major rivers in Switzerland,

such as the Rhine River, the (Rhone River, Mississippi River, Rio Grande), and the Inn River.

Huldrych Zwingli worked in Switzerland during the early 16th century to spread the Protestant

beliefs. He was born near (Geneva, Lucerne, St. Gallen) Switzerland. While working as a priest at

the cathedral in (Zurich, Geneva, Bern), he began studying the writings of Martin Luther. The

movement he began, although Protestant, was different from that of Martin Luther.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Geography of

John Calvin and John Knox

Although John Calvin did much of his work in Switzerland, he was born in France. He was living in

France when he began his studies of the Reformation. France is a country in (Europe, South

America, Asia). It is bordered by the English Channel, the (Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian

Ocean), Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium, Andorra, Monaco, and the (Red

Sea, Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea). The natural barrier between France and Spain is a mountain

chain called the (Pyrenees, Alps, Himalayas). Present-day France is the (fifth, third, second)

largest country in land area in (South America, Europe, Asia). There are many rivers in France, but

the most well known is probably the (Aube, Garonne, Seine). Calvin was born in (Avignon, Noyon,

Bayonne), France. After graduating from college, Calvin moved to (Tours, Paris, Marseille). It was

at this time that he had a spiritual conversion and began to take part in the Reformation movement.

Calvin later left France and moved to Switzerland where he lived for a few years before being forced

to leave because of his strict doctrine. He moved to Germany, but, when asked to return to

Switzerland, he did and lived there until he died in 1564.

John Knox fought to bring Protestantism to Scotland. Scotland is on an island that is part of present-

day (Scandinavia, United Kingdom, Spain). It shares the island with England and (Ireland,

Iceland, Wales). One of the natural barriers that form a border between Scotland and England is

the River (Tweed, Clyde, Forth). Scotland’s lakes are often called lochs. The largest lake in Scotland

is (Loch Awe, Lake Baikal, Loch Lomond). The country of Scotland is very mountainous and

includes the (Caucasus Mountains, Grampian Mountains, Himalayas). John Knox was born near

(Inverness, Halkirk, Haddington). He was taken away to France as a galley slave during the time

he was working with the Protestant movement in Scotland. After time in France, Switzerland, and

Germany, he was able to return to Scotland. He worked at Edinburgh for some time. Knox died in


©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


John Calvin is born 1509

John Calvin settles in Basel, Switzerland

John Calvin first publishes the Institutes of the

Christian Religion



Geneva Council decides to expel John Calvin

from Geneva 1538

Publishes Ecclesiastical Ordinances 1541

John Calvin’s son dies when only two weeks old

John Calvin’s wife dies



Publishes Commentary on the Book of Psalms

Publishes the final edition of Institutes of the

Christian Religion



John Calvin dies 1564

Timeline of John Calvin’s Life

Reformation Vocabulary

1. heretic

2. recant

3. theses

4. reformer

5. protestant

6. doctrine

7. salvation

8. theology

9. martyr

10. justifies

11. polemicist

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


The Reformation and the World

1. b

2. a

3. b

4. c

5. a

6. c

7. b

8. a

9. c

10. c

Early Reformers

1. F They felt his teachings would cause the poor to demand better lives.

2. T

3. F He was excommunicated.

4. T

5. T

6. F He received his education at Oxford University.

7. F He was born in Bohemia.

8. T

9. T

10. F He was considered to be the first great English reformer.

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Who Did It Happen To?

1. John Wycliffe

2. Martin Luther

3. Huldrych Zwingli

4. John Calvin

5. Martin Luther

6. John Knox

7. John Calvin

8. Huldrych Zwingli

9. Martin Luther

10. Huldrych Zwingli

11. Menno Simons

12. John Knox

13. John Calvin

14. John Wycliffe

15. John Hus

Timeline of William Tyndale’s Life

William Tyndale is born 1494

Graduates Oxford After preparing to print an English New

Testament in Cologne, he escapes with only

a few printed copies after being discovered



New Testaments are printed in Worms and

smuggled into England Financing comes for his second edition by 1526

Bishop Tunstall, who purchased the copies of

the first edition in order to have them burned 1527

England receives the first five translated books

of the Old Testament

Declines the king’s invitation to London



Moves into a boarding house in Antwerp

William Tyndale is put in prison



William Tyndale is martyred 1536

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


What Happened First?

1. __X__ Huldrych Zwingli is born. (1484)

_____ William Tyndale is born. (1494)

2. _____ Martin Luther is excommunicated. (1521)

__X__ John Calvin is born. (1509)

3. __X__ Huldrych Zwingli marries Anna Reinhard. (1524)

_____ The first Scottish Protestant martyr, Patrick Hamilton, is killed. (1528)

4. __X__ Martin Luther marries Katharina von Bora. (1525)

_____ The term “Protestant” is used for the first time at the Diet of Speyer. (1529)

5. _____ John Calvin settles in Basel, Switzerland. (1534)

__X__ William Tyndale’s New Testament is published in English. (1526)

6. _____ Lutheranism is made the state religion in Denmark. (1536)

__X__ Huldrych Zwingli’s Exposition of the Faith is published. (1531)

7. __X__ Geneva Council decides to expel John Calvin from Geneva. (1538)

_____ Martin Luther dies. (1546)

8. _____ John Calvin publishes Commentary on the Book of Psalms. (1557)

__X__ Queen Mary I outlaws Protestantism in England. (1554)

9. __X__ John Frith, friend of William Tyndale, is martyred. (1533)

_____ John Knox becomes the pastor of a church of English refugees in Frankfurt, Germany. (1554)

10. _____ John Calvin dies. (1564)

__X__ Thomas Cranmer, former Protestant archbishop of Canterbury, is martyred.


11. __X__ While living in Antwerp, William Tyndale is betrayed by Englishman Henry Phillips. (1535)

_____ Hans Smit, Anabaptist pastor, is martyred. (1558)

12. _____ William Tyndale’s translation of the first five books of the Old Testament is

released in England. (1530)

__X__ The first Anabaptist is martyred. (1525)

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


True or False

1. F . . . for the Huguenots.

2. T

3. F . . . founder of the Mennonites.

4. T

5. F . . . condemned Martin Luther.

6. T

7. F Thomas Cranmer published the Book of Common Prayer.

8. T

9. T

10. F . . . in order to destroy them, . . .

11. T

12. T

13. F The Geneva Council decided to expel John Calvin.

14. T

15. F . . . debate in Leipzig.

16. F . . . intervention of the English government.

17. T

18. T

19. F . . . proficient in seven languages.

20. T

Where Did It Happen?

1. Germany

2. Switzerland

3. France

4. France

5. England

6. Switzerland

7. Scotland

8. Belgium

9. Germany

10. Germany

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Reformation Matching

1. g

2. j

3. o

4. m

5. a

6. c

7. i

8. e

9. l

10. b

11. f

12. d

13. n

14. k

15. h

Reformation Authors

1. A

2. D

3. B

4. A

5. C

6. A

7. D

8. B

9. D

10. C

11. A

12. C

13. D

14. B

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Martin Luther nails his 95 Theses to the door of

Wittenberg Castle Church 1517

The Diet of Worms condemns Martin Luther

Huldrych Zwingli leads the Swiss Reformation



William Tyndale’s New Testament is

published in English 1526

In Germany, Michael Sattler forms the

“Brotherly Union” of Anabaptists 1527

The first Scottish Protestant martyr,

Patrick Hamilton, is executed

Death is decreed for all Protestants in Antwerp



William Tyndale is executed as a Protestant

“Matthew’s Bible,” the first authorized version

of the Bible, is published in England



Geneva Council decides to expel

John Calvin from Geneva

John Calvin is asked to return to Geneva



George Wishart is martyred as a Protestant

John Knox is taken from Scotland to

France as a galley slave



Thomas Cranmer publishes the Book of

Common Prayer The Forty-Two Articles Act is adopted by the

Anglican church as the first Protestant

confession of faith



Queen Mary I outlaws Protestantism in England 1554

Thomas Cranmer, former Protestant archbishop

of Canterbury, is martyred 1556

The Geneva Bible is published in English

Foxe’s Book of Martyrs is published




The King James Authorized Version of the Bible

is produced in English

Timeline of the Reformation

©2016 Bonnie Rose Hudson WriteBonnieRose.com


Men of God

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