2016 Annual Report St Columbans Mission Society

2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

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Page 1: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Page 2: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New


From the Director report Financial summary Thank you Your Columban Legacy Vocations

Mission statement Letter from the Superior General Invitation to mission Apostolic projects and programs Mission map In gratitude to our donors Invitation to mission opportunities Leadership



Section 1 Annual report from Australia


Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

Front cover: Columban Kurt Pala (left) during his first mission assignment in Fiji. Photos: Missionary Society of St Columban

Page 3: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New


Section 1

From the Director report

Dear Columban Friends, During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New Zealand to Bobbio in northern Italy to attend a celebration of the 1400th anniversary of the death of St Columban in 615. St Columban is buried in Bobbio after founding monasteries throughout Europe.

YouthPoWR was the second unique event. The Centre for Christian Muslim Relations invited young people in Sydney to hold a Youth Parliament of World Religions. This brought together several hundred young people of different faith traditions to discuss the issues which concern them. They shared a meal as well as their faith and ideas. It provided a forum to meet others of different faiths and background which would not otherwise happen.

Columban Dr Charles Rue attended the Climate Change Conference in Paris. He attended with other Columbans and Columban co-workers from Britain and Ireland.

Ordination milestones and congratulations to Frs Barry Cairns, Frank Ferrie, Bernard Cleary and James Duggan ordained 60 years; Michael Gormly and Paul McGee ordained 50 years; Brian Vale and Paul Oxley ordained 40 years.

Fr Patrick Crowley who had previously worked in the ANZ Region died in Ireland in October 2015. May God reward such a good and faithful servant.

The Far East magazine continued to be promoted in the Archdiocese of Brisbane and commenced in the Archdiocese of Adelaide. This is an essential work of the Society to keep people interested in and responsive to Columban missionary activity.

Schools continue to be generous in supporting Columban projects overseas. The staff and students and parents of St Christopher’s Primary School Airport West in Melbourne presented a cheque to me for A$36,935.32 for their sister school Manuel Duato, in Lima, Peru.

Annual report from Australia

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In similar fashion, St Vincent de Paul Primary School Strathmore, Melbourne raised $12,000 with a walkathon to support the Pehuenche (Indigenous people) in Chile with a reforestation project. Other schools are faithful in raising money for Catholic Mission, of which Sacred Heart school, Mildura is outstanding over a long period of time. I thank all schools sincerely for their generosity.

Fr Dan Harding moved to the Archdiocese of Adelaide to promote The Far East magazine. He proved that the editor does not have to live ‘on site’ at the Columban Mission Centre at Essendon. He is also working in the Archdiocese and has recently set up the Adelaide Cathedral Parish Youth Group.

The third unique event was the presence of a Korean Columban seminarian Genovio Cho Sunggeun, who spent some months of his formation for Columban missionary priesthood at St Columbans, Essendon. Please pray for him as he continues on his journey.

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Fr Gary WalkerRegional DirectorAustralia/New Zealand [email protected]

With every blessing,

Page 5: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

During the year ended March 31, 2016 Columban benefactors donated $5,098,064 (2015: $4,076,513) to support the work of Columbans in Australia and overseas. The increase in donations received in the 2016 year can be attributable entirely to bequests. As you would expect, donations from this source have a history of being variable and highly unpredictable. In the 2016 year bequests made up 73% of donation income.

The pie chart below provides a high level break-down of how the donations received in 2016 were expended.


Section 1

Financial summary

Annual report from Australia

Overseas Mission

Mission in Australia

Net Administration Costs

Application of donations received in 2016 year

Overseas Mission funds are remitted to the Society’s General Council. The General Council allocates the funds received from Australia, Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and USA to the overseas Mission Units that require financial support. Columban Mission Units are identified on the world map on pages 23 - 24 of this annual report. Mission in Australia expenditure covers the work of Columbans in Australia. Income earned by Columbans and any contributions made to the Society by Columbans are used to reduce Mission in Australia costs. Also included is the financial support for the work of the Columban Mission Institute in Sydney, the cost (net of subscription revenue) to publish The Far East magazine and the surplus from the sale of the 2016 Columban Art Calendar.

Net Administration Costs is inclusive of the expenditure to administer the Society and its membership and the activities of the regional office located at Essendon in Victoria. Interest income has been allocated against this cost.

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Mission in Australia

Overseas Mission

Youth PoWR 2015

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Peru Pakistan



Youth PoWR 2015

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Section 1

Thank you

We thank all Columban friends who so generously supported us during the 2015/16 year.

We also acknowledge the following Archdioceses and parish priests who gave us permission to promote The Far East magazine in their parishes.

• Brisbane Archdiocese• Melbourne Archdiocese• Adelaide Archdiocese• Rockhampton Diocese

Annual report from Australia

Your Columban Legacy

St Columbans Mission Society has been able to work with the poor in many countries throughout Asia and South America because generous people had the vision to contribute to our work through a gift in their Will.

We offer our heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of all those who left a gift to the St Columbans Mission Society during the 2015/16 year.


Since 1918, hundreds of men have answered God’s call to serve Him and His people as Columban missionary priests in foreign lands. Missionary priests are as needed today as ever they were in the past to bring Christ to the nations of the Earth. As Columban Benefactors and friends, you can help promote vocations to the priesthood through your prayers, your support and by actively promoting priestly vocations amongst young people. If you know any young man discerning a vocation to follow Christ as a missionary priest, please contact:

Fr Dan HardingColumban Mission CentrePh: (03) 9375 9475E: [email protected]

Page 8: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society Photo: DmitryP/Bigstock.com

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Mission statement

• To establish the Church among peoples to whom the Gospel has not been preached;

• To help churches mature until they are able to evangelize their own and other peoples;

• To promote dialogue between Christians and those of other religious traditions;

• To facilitate interchange between local churches especially those from which we come and those to which we are sent.

• To foster in local churches an awareness of their missionary responsibility.

Annual report from the Columban General Council

We are called to build collaborative relationships with our supporters in order to nurture their faith and provide spiritual and financial support for Columban missionary ministries.

The Missionary Society of St Columban is sent by the Church to proclaim and witness to the Good News in Jesus Christ. We cross boundaries of country, language and culture and live in solidarity with the poor and the exploited earth:

Page 10: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Letter from the Superior General

Frs Edward Galvin and John Blowick founded the Columbans in 1918. Fr Galvin offered these words of guidance to the young Columbans in China, “We are not here to convert the Chinese. We are here to do God’s will”. For nearly 100 years, Columban priests, sisters, lay missionaries, co-workers and you, our supporters, have responded in communion with God, one another and the people we serve to live faithfully according to God’s will.

This missionary journey has led us to cross boundaries of many kinds including culture, language, religion and geography. In crossing these boundaries we discover together that God’s love is alive in all of us and that our mission is to share in the joy of the Gospel. Sometimes, with all the difficulties and struggles of God’s people in the mission where we serve, at times this is hard to see. But through our call to communion we remain hopeful that God’s kingdom of justice, peace, dialogue and wholeness of all creation is possible.

With gratitude, I share with you our 2015-2016 Annual Report which tells of our missionary story made possible due to your generous support and prayers as we work together to respond to the needs of people and creation through our various ministries and places where we serve.

United in one Spirit in Christ with many diverse gifts to serve, Pope Francis invites us all in communion with one another to renew our missionary spirit and reminds us that we are all missionary disciples. We are inspired by the people we serve, to continue faithfully, as those who have gone before us, to do God’s will. From those we serve and all Columbans around the world, I thank you for your generosity and faithfulness to live your missionary vocation through your partnership with us. With God all things are possible and with you we continue to share in God’s mission.

Fr Kevin O’NeillSuperior GeneralMissionary Society of St Columban

In Christ,

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Invitation to mission

As missionary disciples of Jesus, we are called to heal, reconcile, build bridges, and create mutual understanding through prophetic dialogue. Our commitment to interculturality, inter-faith dialogue, solidarity with marginalized people and the exploited earth are ways to participate in God’s mission, calling us forward into communion with our triune God. Our proclamation of the Gospel ofJesus challenges us to build communities of peace. Evangelization and education Bringing the gift of the Gospel of Christ to those who need it the most is still the focal ministry of the Missionary Society of St. Columban. In a sense, all other facets of Columban missionary work are reflections of this call.

Ensuring that Christ’s gift is available to those who seek to embrace it and educating them on the Church’s teachings is critical in the formation of faith.

Solidarity with the poor Recognizing that all of God’s people are special and deserve the opportunity to experience the joys and blessings of the love of Christ, we stand firm in

Annual report from the Columban General Council

Columban Fr Sean McDonagh meets Pope Francis during a seminar on Laudato Si.

Page 12: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

promoting economic and social projects that bring the fullness of Christ to the poor and marginalized. Columban missionary socio-economic programs support sustainability and an end to poverty in the family and the communities where we serve. Inter-religious dialogue Columban mission today engages with peoples of many faiths in an increasing multi- cultural and interreligious world. Dialogue of life and action, as well as theological reflection, in solidarity with the poor and the exploited earth, deepen our faith and communion with ourselves and others. At this time of increasing tension and conflict with the world of Islam, we are especially conscious of the urgent need for greater understanding, respect and harmony between Muslims and others, if people are to move forward towards universal communion desired by God. Justice and peace We recognize ourselves as an intercultural group called to Communion with God’s people. We live out our calling for justice and peace in solidarity with the poor and those who have no voice. We commit ourselves to collaboration and networking with other religious and social justice organizations to preserve human dignity and secure peace throughout the world. Integrity of creation The earth is our God given home. It gives us nourishment, shelter and respite. God has entrusted unto us its care and safekeeping. Therefore we recognize that we can be a voice for the exploited earth. A voice of reason and of education and practice. Columban agricultural and economic projects throughout the world stress bio-diversity and ecological learning and living. Vocations The foundation of our life as Columbans is a call to cross boundaries to participate in the Mission of God creating true communion among all peoples. We continue to invite young men to join us in mission as ordained Columbans and men and women to join us as Columban lay missionaries. Our formation programs encourage, support and challenge them to respond generously and faithfully to the missionary call.

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

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Apostolic programs and projects

Annual report from the Columban General Council

Columbans accompany the isolated and marginalized people of Yanaoca, a town located in the 4,000m Andean mountain area and nourish their faith through Jesus´ words and love. Their pastoral work is also aimed at helping them build their self-esteem by giving them opportunities for education and skills development.

‘Cetpro project’ supports the people of Yanaoca. Most of the villagers make a living by farming and raising livestock such as cows, sheep and llama including alpaca. Their level of education is low. In addition, the centres (Institute of Education) do not have the capacity to give them good quality education. When the students in Yanaoca finish their secondary school, most of them leave the village to find jobs and earn a living.

Twenty-five years ago, due to the poor education system in Yanaoca, the parish started a small technical school called ‘Cetpro-Llanllariy’. ‘Llanllariy’ is a Quechua word which means ‘begin to grow’. In the beginning, ‘Cetpro project’ focused on providing computer and mechanic education, dressmaking and carpentry. There were four teachers and one director running the ‘Cetpro project’ for four courses. ‘Partnershaft’, a group of benefactors from two parishes of Alemania, helped to support the teachers

and students. But since 2015, their support for the ‘Cetpro project’ has ceased. The courses on dressmaking and carpentry had to stop because of limited funds and the difficulty of finding teachers.

In 2016, thanks to the support from the Columban benefactors, the parish is able to keep the project running. We are currently providing two courses on computer and motor mechanic education at the parish technical school.

Providing opportunities for education and skills development. The parish of Santiago Apostol de Yanaoca, Peru.

Santiago Apostol de Yanaoca parish, Peru

Page 14: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

“And raising his eyes toward his disciples he said: Blessed are you who are poor, for

the kingdom of God is yours”. Luke 6:20

Page 15: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

Columbans have worked in the TaiAn parish for twenty-four years. The Parish Pastoral Team consists of Columban missionaries and local parishioners working together in responding to the needs of the community. TaiAn parish comprises eight villages of indigenous people with a total population of three hundred and fifty families of which one hundred and seventy families are registered members of the parish. Thirteen years ago it became clear to the Parish Pastoral Team that there were significant numbers of vulnerable children and adults to whom the team should reach out. In order for that outreach to be effective, the Columbans hired a local parishioner, Ms Lin, to act as an administrative assistant and social worker in the team. She visits the poorest families within the parish to identify any problems that require specific help. To respond to the needs of the children, an after school program for elementary school students was started in the mid ‘90’s where they were supervised to do homework, learn new skills computer, English, DaiAn (their mother tongue), play in a safe environment, and receive a nutritious meal. The afterschool program was transferred to the local Elementary Schools in 2013. Since then, home visitations to family and children who need special assistance and catechism classes and livelihood programs for women became the priority of the team. Other works in the local community: Support groups were formed for young married women in danger of domestic physical abuse; assistance to the elderly in acquiring national health insurance; helping parents with infants with special needs to get the necessary help for their children.

Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

TaiAn parish, Taiwan

15Support for the local church, responding to the needs of children and others in

poor families. TaiAn parish, Taiwan

Page 16: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Centro Biblico, San Columbano, Anapra Mexico

Columban Fr Kevin Mullins is working with members of the parish to complete the construction of the Centro Biblico San Columbano building in the parish he serves in Anapra, Mexico. They have built the main structure which is a three classroom block. It is currently used for their catechetical program and for weekly Bible study meetings which resulted in the name, ‘Centro Biblico’. The parishioners have worked hard to provide the funding and building materials thus far, but it is a poor community. Once construction of the building is completed, this will be a place where they can meet, pray and study.

Centro Biblico, San Columbano

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Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

Centre for Christian Muslim Relations, Australia

Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) An interfaith initiative of the Columban Mission Institute’s Centre for Christian Muslim Relations. It provides a platform for young people to engage in interfaith dialogue. The inaugural session was held at the Sydney Baha’i Centre, Silverwater on September 17, 2015. It brought together over four hundred youth from diverse religions to meet, discuss and engage with each other on the theme of embracing diversity. Youth PoWR was a positive, energy-filled, inspiring night. It gave young people a voice and a vote in shaping our multicultural, multi- religious society. It is hoped it will become an annual event, the biggest interfaith gathering for youth in Australia. Abraham Conference 2015 Fr Brian Vale and Ashleigh Green joined over one hundred people at the annual Abraham Conference which was held on August 26, at the Uniting Church’s Parramatta Mission Fellowship Hall. Columban Mission Institute co-hosted the conference with the Uniting Church, The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies, and the Muslim organization Affinity Intercultural Foundation. The theme this year was ‘Respecting the Other’s Religious and Cultural Narrative’. Keynote speaker Ms Maha Krayem Abdo OAM, Executive Officer of the United Muslim Women’s Association, spoke of how respect comes from the heart and of how her faith shows respect for all the prophets. Two panellists, Rabbi Gad Krebs from the Kehillat Masada Jewish community and Ms Alice Priest from St Scholastica’sCatholic College, responded to Ms Maha Abdo’s speech and the table discussion reports. Iftar dinners and Eid celebrations During the month of Ramadan, staff at the Centre were invited to several iftar dinners to break the fast with members of Sydney’s Muslim communities, including one hosted by the Grand Mufti. Frs Patrick McInerney and Brian Vale also attended Eid prayers at Lakemba Mosque on July 17 and at Granville and Earlwood Shi’a Mosques on July 18, as well as several other celebrations of Eid.

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2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Columban Fr Pat McInerney at a prayer vigil, Lakemba Mosque, Australia.

Building better relations between Christians and Muslims. Centre for Christian Muslim Relations, Australia

Photo: Mohamed Taha @Mo_Taha1, ABC western Sydney reporter

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Apostolic programs and projects

Annual report from the Columban General Council

Myitkyina, Myanmar

Founded by Columban Fr Bernard Wade in 1939, St Luke’s Catechists’ School, Myitkyina, Myanmar can boast of seven hundred graduates, of whom four hundred and seventeen have worked in remote areas which are often the centre of political violence. Despite all these risks, many young people continue to volunteer for this ministry.

Five of their number have borne witness to their faith through their blood. All were killed by the Burmese army, as the catechists attempted to protect their people. They were Paul Dashi Zau Hkrim (died 1971 at Tayan Zup village, Tanghpre Parish, Myitkyina diocese); Lamung La (died 1964 at Nan Hpu village, Tanai parish, Myitkyina); Mali La Awng and Ulam La Awng (died 1975 at Htingraw village, Kachyi Htu parish, Myitkyina Diocese); and finally Nlum Zau Ra (died 1975 at Maru Kawng village, Kachyi Htu Parish). Columbans have been helping finance the running of the school since its inception.

St Luke’s Catechists’ school, Myitkyina, Myanmar.

Page 20: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

Theresa’s Testimony “I am from Je Yang, Laiza. My father and mother are farmers and I am the second of four siblings. I lived in a serene village provided with all the natural beauty and resources of our people. Our village had over sixty houses. This was shattered by war between Kachin insurgents and the Government of Myanmar, which began in 1962. This time, after 2011, the war has been particularly cruel. It has displaced thousands. I myself have come from an Internally Displaced People’s (IDP) camp, near the China Border. Many people have been killed and wounded, and we lost our land, houses and cattle. My father was shot by the Burmese military. He was hit in the legs. He is now handicapped and cannot work well. After fleeing our village to different places, our extended family could contact each other after some time. Now all of us are united at Je Yang IDP camp, where in the boarding house supported by the Columban Fathers, I passed Grade ten. Wishing to contribute to my community, I joined the catechetical school last year where I am gaining skills in teaching catechism, arranging liturgical celebrations and imparting the social teaching of the Church.

I am happy the Church reopened a catechetical school for our people because I wanted to become a grassroots community faith leader. We will need to help the resettlement of the people, to work for peace, for healing of trauma and drug addiction”.

Lazing Theresa Bawk Nan, student of St Luke’s school.

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Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Ministry

At the heart of Columban mission, we work for Justice, Peace, and the Integrity of Creation (JPIC) as an integral part of preaching the Gospel. Through collaboration with other people and organizations of many faiths and in solidarity with communities impacted by injustice we work to educate and advocate for international policies and structures that bring healing and right relationships with all of God’s Creation.

JPIC in the Philippines.

JPIC in Britain.

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2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

JPIC in South Korea

Columban Lay Missionary*, John Din is the JPIC Coordinator in the Philippines. He is currently involved in three main networks of non-government organizations and civic society organizations: Green Convergence - Participation in the first Philippine Environment Summit; launching of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, Philippine Chapter. Columbans participated in the Anti-Coal campaign and Save Sierra Madre Networks Inc. - a network of NGOs, church groups and civic society groups that implement projects and advocacy for the protection of Sierra Madre Mountain Ranges in the island of Luzon. Columbans are also involved in dialogue with people of other religions, working with indigenous people, advocacy against extractive industries and advocacy for organic farming in the islands of Mindanao and Visayas. *Columban lay missionaries have been working in partnership with the ordained Columbans for 26 years. They are currently serving on mission in ten countries.

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Mission map

Annual report from the Columban General Council

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2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

“Jesus teaches us another way: Go out. Go out and share your testimony... go out and share, go out and ask.

Become the Word in body as well as spirit.” Pope Francis

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In gratitude to our donors

Annual report from the Columban General Council

Page 26: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

In the late 1950’s Paul and Marjorie Hartnett moved to Bellevue, Nebraska. During that time and for nearly fifty years following, the Columbans hosted an annual festival every summer. Seeing this as an opportunity to become more involved, Paul and Marjorie decided to volunteer at the festival. As parishioners of neighbouring St Mary’s Parish in Bellevue, they got to know many of the Columban priests that said Mass there. Since then, the Hartnetts have developed lasting friendships with many Columbans and these relationships continued to grow over the years. Through these relationships the Hartnett’s believe that Columbans are truly “priests of the people”. Paul and Marjorie recognize that God has richly blessed their lives and they want to give back in ways that would benefit others. The Hartnett’s have been very generous, supporting the work of the Columbans and expanding their giving to include the Gift Annuity program. They are currently members of the Columban Legacy Society. Paul and Marjorie Hartnett.

“The Columbans are good and faithful servants. As the role of mission changes around the world, the Columbans continue to adapt to the needs of the people they serve. We continue to grow in our faith through our support and through the Columban Mission magazine. We enjoy the retreats and gatherings where Columbans speak. It reinforces our desire to give by making us more aware and appreciative of what the Columbans are doing around the world.”

“As the role of mission changes around the world, the Columbans continue to adapt to the needs of the people they serve. We continue to grow in our faith through our support and through the Columban Mission magazine.” Paul and Marjorie Hartnett

Paul and Marjorie Hartnett, USA - Columban supporter for over 50 years

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Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

I am so happy to have discovered the work of the Columban missionaries.Everything I read about your approach to the work you do reaffirms my faith. As your partner in mission, I derive great joy and hope through my monthly support of the missions.

Another reason I am so pleased to know the Columbans is really nothing that isn’t already found in the Scriptures. In my understanding of the writings of St Paul, we come to understand what treasure is in store for us if we turn to God through Christ. Through my support of Columban missionaries, I hope that I am helping bring the promise of salvation, the treasure that St Paul promises, to others in the missions who may not know Him.

I have supported other mission groups and know that many focus their work on human goodness. As I have gained a better understanding of your work, I believe that Columbans do understand and live what St Paul is trying to teach us.

Having read The Red Lacquered Gate, I became even more convinced thatI wanted to deepen my relationship with the Columbans so I have named the Society as the beneficiary of my Gift Annuity. I have also enjoyed the video series on the history of the Society and am convinced it would make a fantastic movie!

“Having read ‘The Red Lacquered Gate’, I became even more convinced that I wanted to deepen my relationship with the Columbans.” Dierdre Brown

Dierdre (Dede) Brown, USA - Columban supporter since 2000

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Rev. Charles O’Rourke welcomes Kathy Saenz, mother of Columban missionary priest Rev Chris Saenz (Chile) and Patricia Hamblin, former administrative assistant in the US Region headquarters to the dedication of the Columban Martyrs Memorial Garden.

The Columban Martyrs Memorial Garden, made possible through the generosity of our benefactors, honors the twenty-four Columban missionaries who died violent deaths while spreading the Gospel in various mission countries around the world (China, Korea, Myanmar, Philippines and Peru). The garden is being dedicated to their memory, inviting all Christians to contemplate in that sacred space, the lives of the Columban martyrs, their mission and their supreme sacrifice.

Columban Fr Charles O’Rourke with Kathy Saenz and Patricia Hamblin, USA

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

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Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

Letter to Fr Gary Walker, Australia

This is an inspiring letter from the daughter of one of our benefactors in Australia to Columban Fr Gary Walker after her mother passed away. Mrs Mortimer became a benefactor in 2009 after a Far East Appeal conducted by Fr Jack Evans and has been supporting the Columbans regularly until November 2013. Her donations have supported works of the St Elizabeth hospital in Pakistan.

Dear Father Walker,

The attached donation is from my mum’s money left to us after she died in February of this year. Apart from being a great mum to us, she cared deeply about the plight of people suffering around the world. Among the many things she did was to persuade her parish priest at the time to allow her to stand up in Church and make an appeal for help for the people of Pakistan after the dreadful floods they experienced. My mum was 84 at the time and she told the congregation that she was standing there as a mum and a grandmother who felt she had to do something. She obviously hit a cord with the parishioners who poured money into her bucket as she and my elderly dad stood at the door at the end of Mass. The money was sent via Caritas.

One priest at the time said to her, “I hear you have been raising money for the Muslims”, a Catholic neighbour said, “You know you should only do this sort of thing with approval from the Church”. This did not stop mum who later made another successful pulpit appeal for the people starving in East Africa.

When a new parish priest arrived she approached him also to be allowed to do another appeal. That priest told her that other fund-raising appeals would be happening later in the year, as well

Photo: Subbotina Anna/Bigstock.com

Page 30: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

2016 Annual ReportSt Columbans Mission Society

as the parish planned giving scheme, so maybe next year she could discuss it at a meeting of the fund-raising committee he was planning to organise. As that same priest re-told this encounter at my mum’s funeral this year, he said mum had replied to him,“They will be dead by then”. We had wanted to make a donation on behalf of mum. I read the article in the September’s Far East Magazine about the work of the Columbans with St Elizabeth Hospital in Pakistan, helping people who are still homeless and injured from the floods of two years ago. I am hoping, this money could be used in that work. My mum shared the same name as the hospital, Elizabeth. If you wish to use it elsewhere, I am sure that would be fine by mum!

Mum would stand up to prejudice whenever she came across it, even among her good catholic friends. She was very impressed after hearing a talk about the interfaith centre at the St Columbans Mission Society and told us about it. Thank you all for your work for tolerance and unity. With regards, Jo Mortimer

Page 31: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

“ I have been able to use my faith to represent the

underprivileged and vulnerable; that is not something I will

easily forget.” JPIC Intern, Washington, D.C

Invitation to mission opportunities


Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

Columbans have a tradition of inviting people to mission. We believe that the missionary vocation in all its forms, which begins by baptism, needs to be nurtured throughout our life. We see that there is a desire among people to engage in mission in new ways. Columbans have developed opportunities to nurture the missionary spirit and foster global solidarity that we hope is part of an ongoing relationship with Columbans and continuing engagement with the Church and in the world as people of faith.

Columban mission exposure and pilgrimages

Participants grow in understanding of mission and their own faith through educational experiences in places of Columban mssion. Sending countries: Australia, Britain, Ireland, Korea, USAReceiving countries: Britain, China, Fiji, Ireland, Philippines, USA1 - 3 weeks

Columban internship

Participants gain practical skills through part-time or full-time, domestic and international, service and experiential learning which can prepare them for future service in mission and the church.

Locations: Britain, USA1 - 3 months

Columban volunteering

Participants engage in international or domestic full time missionary service to vulnerable populations as well as assist with education and advocacy onColumban mission priorities.

Locations: Britain, China, Philippines, Taiwan, USA3 - 12 months


Page 32: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

For more information about Columban Invitation to mission opportunities, please contact us at: simccolumban.org.hk 2016 Annual Report

St Columbans Mission Society

“I think my soul grew a little. My faith developed a little more and my knowledge of Christianity through the ages. The doors of my tiny mind, and maybe even of my heart opened a little wider.” 2015 St Columban Pilgrimage, Australia

“Overall it was a year of great personal development, growth in my understanding and passion for justice and peace education and really crucial to the understanding of my own faith and the Catholic Church working in the world.” Faith in Action Volunteer, Britain

US Mexican border


Page 33: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New



Section 2 Annual report from the Columban General Council

General Council, Hong Kong

Superior General Fr Kevin O’NeillVicar General Fr Arturo AguilarSecond Councillor Fr Patrick ColganThird Councillor Fr Darwin Bayaca

Columban Lay Missionaries - Central leadership team, Hong Kong

Coordinator Gracia KibadTeam Member Jhoanna ResariTeam Member Sulia Lanieta Tamatawale

Central Administration Portfolios

Bursar General Fr Jovito Dales (Hong Kong)Financial Controller Douglas Ah Poe (Hong Kong)Procurator General Fr Robert McCulloch (Rome)Central JPIC Coordinator Amy W Echeverria (USA)Researcher JPIC Priorities Fr Sean Mcdonagh (Ireland)Researcher on mission Fr Sean Dwan (Ireland) and culture

General council (L-R), Columban Frs Arturo, Darwin, Pat and Kevin.

Page 34: 2016 Annual Report - Columban · During 2015/2016 several unique Columban events took place. The first was a pilgrimage ‘In the Footsteps of St Columban’, from Australia and New

“Pilgrims for Christ” “A life unlike your own can be

your teacher”. St Columban
