2016 - 2017 School Improvement Plan Lynne Beattie, Principal 2015-2016 Andrew Rosenshine, Interim Principal 2016-2017

2016 - 2017 School Improvement Plan · Introduction: The CMS 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan includes S.M.A.R.T. goals intended to improve growth and achievement among CMS students,

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Page 1: 2016 - 2017 School Improvement Plan · Introduction: The CMS 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan includes S.M.A.R.T. goals intended to improve growth and achievement among CMS students,

2016 - 2017 School Improvement Plan

Lynne Beattie, Principal 2015-2016 Andrew Rosenshine, Interim Principal 2016-2017

Page 2: 2016 - 2017 School Improvement Plan · Introduction: The CMS 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan includes S.M.A.R.T. goals intended to improve growth and achievement among CMS students,


Goal 1: Growth and Achievement

CMS SMART GOAL 1: Growth and Achievement By June 2017, students in grades 6-8 will master critical academic standards at each grade level and subject.

Key Actions Process Benchmarks Outcome Benchmarks

Refine use of student performance data to guide interventions and revision/development of differentiated curriculum (units and lessons) that lead to improved learning for all students.

Individually and in teams, teachers analyze summative and formative common assessment data, and respond through the following, based on results: -Grade level and/or department collaboration and lesson/unit planning -Overall curriculum revisions to differentiate units and lessons by readiness, interest, and/or learning style

At least 80% of 6-8 students not meeting benchmark as of Fall 2016 will score an average of 80% or higher, or show at least moderate growth, in all academic subject areas on summative common assessments of critical knowledge and skills. Students in grades 6-8 receiving special education services achieve at least 90% of the goals on IEPs and this subgroup will meet the Level 1 performance target on PARCC/MCAS.

Introduction: The CMS 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan includes S.M.A.R.T. goals intended to improve growth and achievement among CMS students, professional practice among staff, and community and climate for all. We will continue to use data to inform practice in order to design and implement interventions to help our learners. Our focus on climate, for both students and adults, will lead to a positive educational environment.

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-Individualized adjustments to practice to meet the needs of all students -Design and implement new enrichment electives.

At least 85% of 6-8 students at each grade level score at level 4 or 5 and/ or 40% Student Growth Percentile on ELA PARCC/MCAS. At least 80% of 6-8 students at each grade level score level 4 or 5 and/or 40% Student Growth Percentile on Math PARCC/MCAS. For students in grades 6-8, average year-end report card grades on academic assessments are ≥ 80%.

Implement RTI in English and math

LLI is part of the 6th and 7th grade program; students identified as at-risk based on predetermined measures will be enrolled. LLI strategies will also be implemented in special education through Literacy Strategies, and 8th grade DLA as appropriate. Additional teachers attend training summer 2016 Incorporate RtI program pilot into Math Strategies course; iReady software will be implemented for progress-monitoring.

Increased summative assessment scores and report card grades in English and math for those students enrolled in RTI programming: 80% average summative common assessment scores and report card grades and/or at least moderate growth.

Through more effective service delivery and collaboration among staff our high needs population will demonstrate greater growth.

Restructure the scheduling of Learning Centers and in-class support. LLI strategies will be incorporated into reading comprehension and fluency instruction. iReady software will be implemented for

At least 80% of 6-8 students not meeting benchmark as of Fall 2016 will score an average of 80% or higher, or show at least moderate growth, in all academic subject areas on summative common assessments of critical knowledge and skills. In grades 6-8, the special education subgroup will meet the Level 1 performance target on

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progress-monitoring. Special educators will collaborate with their general education counterparts. Metco achievement program will include at-risk students of various demographics.


Evaluate the the new schedule and consider adjustments to improve its structure.

The Teaching and Learning Team, with input from faculty, evaluate the current schedule model related to student learning needs. Survey designed to be administered to faculty and staff by December 2016.

By February, 2017, adjustments recommended by survey responses are reviewed by the principal and Teaching and Learning Team members, and incorporated into schedule planning for upcoming school year as appropriate. Preliminary 2017-18 student schedules will be published before the end of the 2016-2017 school year.

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Goal 2: Professional Practice

CMS SMART GOAL 2: Professional Practice During the 2016-2017 school year, CMS principal, assistant principal, department chairs and teachers will refine components of instructional practice in order to achieve improved results in student learning.

Key Actions Process Benchmarks Outcome Benchmarks Administrators and teachers will continue development of collaborative inquiry for the purpose of improving student growth and achievement through revised curriculum and instruction.

Administrators and teachers practice collaborative inquiry during grade level and department meetings using common formative and summative assessment data. Grade level and/or department collaboration and lesson/unit planning

Process for data collection and analysis in all subject areas. Assessment data is used to inform RtI process as well as enrichment opportunities for students.

Differentiated Instruction strategies are employed in unit and lesson planning.

Overall curriculum revisions to differentiate units and lessons by readiness, interest, and/or learning style Individualized adjustments to practice to meet the needs of all students. Math teachers continue to revise Independent math curriculum and pilot extension modules allowing students demonstrating mastery of concepts to deepen learning.

Curriculum maps articulate differentiated lessons. All math units include extension modules integrated into each unit.

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Science department members will revise the curriculum, piloting new programs and aligning with the new MA science curriculum frameworks.

Amplify online science program will be piloted in selected units in each grade level. Science curriculum redesigned to follow a spiral format.

Pilot year completed, and program identified for implementation or additional pilot needs articulated.

Identify a continuum for digital citizenship curriculum across all grade levels.

Identify a working group to review curriculum and examine alignment with current curriculum in applicable subjects and/or the CMS Stands Together anti-bullying program.. Create implementation timeline and vision for digital citizenship goals

Identification of specific skills and concepts that align with integration of digital citizenship. Articulated implementation timeline including a vision for digital citizenship goals.

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Goal 3: Community and School Climate

CMS SMART GOAL 3: Community and School Climate During the 2016-2017 school year, CMS will improve school climate and citizenship through increased student responsibility and participation in the community.

Key Actions Process Benchmarks Outcome Benchmarks Continue momentum from 2015-16: Expand and connect community and citizenship experience for students through Student Leaders, Peer Mentors, Peer Tutors, the METCO Achievement program, and CMS Stands Together with increased focus on positive community action and support.

Houses focus on community building through House huddles and integrated approach with our community organizations: Student Leaders, Peer Mentors, Peer Tutors, and CMS Stands Together. Subgroup of 8 students who attended IDEAS diversity conference lead activities based on their diversity training as part of CMS Stands Together. Faculty PLC researches models for an advisory program.

Students report connection to at least one adult. Student involvement in Student Leaders, Peer Mentors, Peer Tutors, and CMS Stands Together increases. Decision is made about implementation of an advisory program in 2017-2018.

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Goal 4: Community and School Climate

CMS SMART GOAL 4: Community and School Climate During the 2016-2017 school year, CMS administration will integrate a new administrative team and structure to effectively support teaching and learning at CMS.

Key Actions Process Benchmarks Outcome Benchmarks Interim principal and assistant principal integrate our school to effectively support staff and students; faculty and administration work together to articulate a shared vision.

Assistant Principals attend House meetings and lunch periods on a regularly scheduled basis. Principal and assistant principals increase time in classrooms and engaging with teachers.

Increased satisfaction with school leadership as measured by feedback collected by administration.

Professional Learning Communities work during faculty meeting time to explore areas of interest related to the CMS program.

Faculty time is designated for professional learning community options. PLCs determine objective or product for their joint work during the 2016-2017 school year.

Faculty shares findings, and recommendations for CMS programs are integrated into future goals and curriculum where appropriate.

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School Improvement Plan 2015-2016 End of Year Report Lynne Beattie, Principal

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CMS SMART GOAL 1: Growth and Achievement By June 2016, students in grades 6-8 will master critical academic standards at each grade level and subject. Key Actions: Refine use of student performance data to guide interventions and revision/development of differentiated curriculum (units and lessons) that lead to improved learning for all students. • Term 2 grade reports showed an overall average score of 87%-92% in academics (ELA, FL, math, Sci,

SS). Term 3 grades are due 6/22/16. • In the aggregate, at least 87% of students are meeting the benchmark B- (80%) target in all subjects

and at all grades. • EOY DDMs/Common Assessments will be completed and reported by 6/25/16. From Midyear: In

courses where midyear assessments are administered, at least 80% of students are on track to meet EOY achievement goals in academic subjects.

• Subgroup Data: • Special Education students scoring ≥80%: 80% in ELA and 68% in math. Targeted

instruction was increased for Term 3, and a goal has been added to the 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan to meet a Level 1 accountability status.

• Low Income students scoring ≥ 80%: 73% in ELA and 75% in math • Metco students’ scoring ≥80%: 70% in ELA and 78% in math. In math, the percentage of

students at benchmark in 6th grade decreased this term; 7th and 8th grade both surpassed the benchmark.

• 100% of ELL students have so far met benchmark in both ELA and math. • Journalism and Project Engineering electives were implemented. Achievement Data Term 2: Shows both grade averages and percentages of students ≥80%.

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Intensive English Student Data: Grade # Students High Growth Moderate Growth Low Growth Moved to

Gen. Ed ELA 6 3 2 0 1 1 7 6 5 0 1 2 8 11 9 2 0 1

Implement RTI in English and math • Leveled Literacy Initiative:

• Five teachers completed training, 6th grade course has been implemented, enrolling students recommended by K5 Literacy Specialists;

• 6th grade special education is using LLI strategies as part of Literacy Strategies curriculum. • Using a train-the-trainer model, three more teachers will be trained in LLI this summer. • LLI course will be provided in 6th and 7th grade in the 2016-17 school year, and LLI strategies will

be applied in 8th grade Developmental Language Arts (DLA) classes. • The English department and the PLC, Leveled Literacy and Direct Reading Instruction studied:

• entrance and exit levels of students • readiness for success in the regular education classroom following completion the program

according to nationally normed exit scores • the appropriateness of the purple (upper elementary) vs teal (middle school) levels of the

LLI program; teak is ordered for the fall

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• Study Island and iReady were included in math instruction for Sped students in LC and in Math Strategies classes.

• Study Island was determined not to meet the needs of students based on progress monitoring and curriculum alignment needs.

• iReady was implemented in Math Strategies and two regular ed math classes in addition to continued use in special education instruction; it has been selected as an effective tool for progress monitoring and RtI for curriculum intervention.

• Math and Special Education department teachers sought and participated in training (or refresher for Sped teachers) for the application in May; implementation in all math classrooms and special education arenas is planned for the fall.

• iReady will be used in summer school for pre and post assessment and progress monitoring, • Special education used iReady for pre and post testing and progress monitoring for students

with math goals this year. Restructure technology curriculum and staffing. • 2x/6-day cycle Digital Literacy course was implemented successfully and the curriculum was mapped. • Digital Literacy integrated aspects of former Instructional Technology and Fundamentals classes. • Curriculum related to research skills and tools (NoodleTools) was aligned with the sequence of

curriculum and research projects in sixth grade. • Technology integration is included in the three-year plan to complete Atlas curriculum maps; all

teachers have been trained on additional capacities of Atlas software. • Parent support will be part of a future K-12 Technology Plan • Staffing of one teacher, one staff support, and one IT professional increased our capacity to respond to

teacher needs, provide training, and prepare for and administer PARCC testing for 682 students with minimal interruption.

• A rotation of House Tuesdays was used to conduct six teacher training sessions by grade level on Google Apps, Gmail, and WordPress.

• All CMS teachers were trained on WordPress to convert web pages over to the new concordps.org site.

• The CMS web site was revised to transition to WordPress. • CMS is prepared to fully implement use of the Aspen Gradebook for online grading in the

2016-2017 school year. • A pilot of the Aspen Gradebook software was conducted during trimester 3 by nine

CMS teachers. • A new interim reporting form and process were tested. • An overview of the software and its use will be presented to CMS teachers June 22nd. • Training for all CMS teachers will be conducted during the first professional days

and faculty meetings in August/September. • A plan for annual collection and deployment of laptops has been designed and communicated to CMS

families. • Systemized laptop collection will be completed by June 17. • Laptops are scheduled to be distributed August 23-25 to available families and to others

upon return to school. • Parent volunteers have been solicited to ensure efficient and complete cleaning,

organization, and deployment.

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• Laptop Expectations and Loan Agreements along with the CPS Acceptable Use Policy will be distributed to families via Google Form before the end of June to ensure readiness for fall distribution.

CMS Administrators facilitate the faculty evaluation of year 2 of the schedule pilot and A CMS working group explores and identifies viability of alternate schedule models to include, 1) rebalancing academics and non-academic time in the overall program, and 2) revisiting the potential for one 6th and one 7th/8th building. • An expanded workgroup comprised of 25 stakeholders including Teaching & Learning team members,

additional teachers, parents and administrators worked from October through mid-January to complete evaluation of all items listed above.

• A 6-day, 7-period master schedule was selected which yields 42 blocks per cycle (48 mins each, 38 minutes on Tuesday)

• Academic classes will return to daily meetings; this provides additional academic instruction time, revises the balance of non-academic and academic classes, and retains time for flexible interventions, as well as creating more flexibility in the schedule to accommodate traveling and cross-grade teachers.

• The restructuring of the buildings to a 6th and 7th/8th format was placed on hold due to increased enrollments and the upcoming feasibility study of the physical plant.

• The evaluation of the current model was integrated into the study conducted by three subcommittees: space, schedule, and best practice.

• Both outcomes articulated for the actions on schedule and program have ben met. • With the exception of those students who require significantly individualized programs to meet their

needs, all students will participate in an elective in the 2016-2017 school year. • The following electives have been designed to be offered for 2016-2017 school year:

• Animation • Coding • Creative iMovie • Project Engineering • Pottery • Sewing • Drama/Improv • Regional Foods of the U.S. • Basic Guitar • Music-Remixing • Electronic Music • Exploring Sports & Lifetime Activities • Library/Advanced Readers Copies

• Completion of the 2016-2017 Schedule: • Preliminary student schedules for rising 7th and 8th grade students were distributed via

Aspen parent portal May 16th • Preliminary student schedules and building placement for rising 6th graders will be

distributed June 21st. • Google Forms were used with families for selections of electives for all three grades.

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• A Google form was provided for parents to submit requests for course changes and/or errors needing revision.

• Final schedules will be available via the parent portal following the annual roll-over of the Student Information System to the 2016-2017 school year.

• Course assignments and staffing were completed and published May 27th. CMS SMART GOAL 2: Professional Practice During the 2015-2016 school year, CMS principal, assistant principal, department chairs and teachers will refine components of instructional practice in order to achieve improved results in student learning. Key Actions: Administrators and teachers will continue development of collaborative inquiry for the purpose of improving student growth and achievement through revised curriculum and instruction. • A three-year continuum was articulated for updating CPS Atlas curriculum maps for each academic

subject, including DI and technology integration. • Step 1 of formation of a model for collaborative inquiry in data teams at CMS was completed with a

revision of the CMS Curriculum Accommodation Plan by the Teaching and Learning Team, approved by the School Advisory Council.

• Teachers collaborated using student data to plan interventions and curriculum revisions during grade level and department meeting times.

• Process: Teachers submit student performance data via Google sheets, identify at-risk students, and adjust practice accordingly, individually or with grade level colleagues.

Differentiated Instruction strategies are employed in unit and lesson planning. • Math teachers completed a four-part professional development workshop with Teachers 21 on

Differentiated Instruction. • All teachers have increased their repertoire of DI strategies to include stations, menus of

problems, and assignments by readiness. • Grade level meetings focused on implementation of DI tasks in response to formative data.

• One math teacher developed and piloted a project based learning curriculum for 8th grade math. She attended workshop training, and with the department chair has visited other schools.

• EM4 math curriculum has been purchased for use in the 6th grade Independent level math classes in 2016-2017

• Extension tasks were developed for math at all three grade levels. • Math department chair worked with the CCHS chair to develop a portfolio of rigorous

extension tasks that will be used with advanced students and is intended to become the foundation of an honors level course at CMS.

• Each grade level used an AP day to review their curriculum units and identify extension tasks.

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CMS SMART GOAL 3: Community and School Climate During the 2015-2016 school year, CMS will improve school climate and citizenship through increased student responsibility and participation in the community. Key Actions: Expand and connect community and citizenship experience for students through Student Leaders, Peer Mentors, Peer Tutors, and CMS Stands Together with increased focus on positive community action and support. • Student Leaders, Peer Mentors, and CMS Stands Together worked throughout the year. • 82% of CMS students report they have a connection with at least one CMS adult. • 83% of CMS students report they have participated in at least one CMS after school activity • Summer reading program revised to “CMS Survivors” web quest format:

• Students must choose from six core books with varied readability level and genre • Choose additional books • Choose one activity to complete • Earn points for homeroom; challenge to maintain outside reading continues throughout the

school year • House huddles were re-instituted, and include team building tasks from a database created by two CMS

teachers during the summer of 2015. • Homeroom met four times per week, and will increase to 5x/week in the 2016-2017 school year. • Peer tutoring was conducted during supplemental blocks. • The Iron Giraffe Challenge taken on by grade 7 teachers and students has so far raised approximately

$25,000 for "Water for South Sudan." Funds came from a student-coordinated dance as well as a great deal of individual fund-raising. The impetus for the actions was the reading of "A Long Walk to Water," a true story of a Sudanese boy, that 7th graders studied together. This book was new to the curriculum this year.

• Following the model that Burlington middle school uses, 8th grade Student Leaders are carrying out various activities to build community.

• Posted an origami quilt constructed by students about the meaning of community • Coordinated a turkey trot • Ran a trivia contest to earn funds for Harlem Lacrosse, a non-profit organization to involve

students in a team sport who might otherwise be unable to do so. To select Harlem Lacrosse, student leaders researched various organizations, discussed the merits of each, and asked members of the student body to vote for their choice.

• Eight 7th graders attended the IDEAS conference to learn about diversity. These students will be Student Leader “leaders” next year, facilitating integration of a focus on learning about diversity into the community through various efforts including the CMS Stands Together bully-prevention program.

• Faculty PLCs (professional learning communities) were organized in early February and met four times for 30-minute blocks during scheduled faculty meetings:

• Mindfulness for Teachers • Recreational Wellness Club • Building a CMS Student Community

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• Building a Faculty Community • Allies PLC • Consultation with Rivers & Revolutions • Interdisciplinary Instruction • Supporting Metco Students in the Performing Arts • Leveled Literacy and Direct Reading Instruction • Student Advisory

• Work is planned to continue in the fall, leading off with determination of objectives. • The 2016-2017 School Improvement Plan includes a decision about implementation of a student

advisory program. • The culminating activity of the school year is a faculty softball and potluck dinner planned by the

Building a Faculty Community PLC on June 7th. CMS SMART GOAL 4: Community and School Climate During the 2015-2016 school year, CMS administration will integrate a new administrative team and structure to effectively support teaching and learning at CMS. Key Actions: Two new assistant principals integrate into our team into our school to effectively support staff and students; faculty and administration work together to articulate a shared vision. Faculty and administration work to improve perception of shared vision and inclusion of all voices. • 92% of CMS teachers report that CMS is a good place to work and learn. • Assistant principals attended weekly house meetings on a regular basis. • Principal and/or assistant principal met with the social studies department from March through the

end of the school year. • Regular classroom visits were conducted throughout the year.

• 85% of CMS teachers reported that their individual needs for administrative support were met this year through classroom visits and availability for conversations.

• Group decision making processes were used to determine recommendations for the configuration committee and reported to be effective.

• 75% of CMS faculty reported that the structure and process used by the configuration committee enabled them to feel informed about, and to have input into, the decisions that were made about the schedule.

• Evaluation and revision of core values was postponed to be addressed by new administration. • PLCs were introduced and suggestions of topics were collected at the February faculty meeting; up

through December break, most of faculty meeting time was used for technology training and the configuration committee work.

• 82% of CMS faculty report they would like to continue PLCs next year.

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CMS Curriculum Accommodation Plan 2016-2017

The purpose of the CMS Curriculum Accommodation Plan is to describe the strategies and resources that are available to teachers and support staff as they strive to meet the diverse learning needs of students in general education classrooms. CMS House teams employ a whole child approach to evaluate student needs and to determine appropriate actions. The CMS Curriculum Accommodation Plan is intended for teachers to use before and instead of evaluation of students to determine special education eligibility.

Addressing Individual Student Needs In The Classroom

The following list represents some available accommodations that teachers may find useful in responding to students with diverse learning needs.


● Modify homework assignments to focus on mastery rather than practice. ● Increase amount of time to complete assignments as needed by the student. ● Reduce the length or complexity of assignments. ● Give alternative assignments that are appropriate to individual student’s needs. ● Break down assignments into parts or provide teacher check-ins. ● Monitor time management and help the student to prioritize tasks. ● Teach organization strategies needed to complete homework. ● Provide assignments in advance and in written form when possible.


● Administer tests in chunks. ● Allow the student to demonstrate knowledge verbally. ● Provide the opportunity for re-testing if necessary. ● Allow extra time for quizzes and tests. ● Provide alternative assessments to standardized testing. ● Provide study guides to help the student prepare for tests. ● Allow tests to be taken in an alternative setting. ● Remind the student to recheck work before passing in the exam. ● Conduct teacher-led review sessions prior to exams.

Overall Study Skills

● Encourage outlines and graphic organizers for writing. ● Provide rubrics for writing assignments and projects. ● Conference with the student prior to submitting a final project/paper. ● Coach the student on study skills and organizational strategies. ● Eliminate a penalty for spelling errors unless spelling is being assessed. ● Provide opportunities for the students to acquire technology skills needed in class.

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● Make use of teaching technology such as Noodle Tools to monitor student progress. ● Allow use of assistive technology, e.g. digital or electronic books, Kurzweil Reader, etc. ● Encourage the student to use resource centers and/or additional help with teacher. ● Utilize pass/fail grading.

Intervention Tiers Provide Response to Intervention (RtI)

Tier 1: Core Program for All Students Student Identification by teacher recommendation every 3-6 weeks


The House model structures conversations among teachers, counselors, and special education case managers who serve each group of 100-140 students

● Weekly and biweekly meeting times Department model:

● Common planning times in grade level & content ● Bi-weekly department meetings

Culture of high achievement:

● Expectations for homework integrating with curriculum ● Active engagement in class ● Differentiated instruction


● Late bus for most students ● Rich after school activity programming ● Before School/After school homework help ● Lunch/breakfast groups or other contact with guidance ● Attendance monitoring ● Schoolwide goals/School Improvement Plan ● Preferential Seating ● Posted Google homework calendars

Core Curriculum and Assessment:

Departmentally designed differentiated curriculum with consistent outcomes among grade level teachers.

● Sixth grade Digital Literacy class ● Continued professional development on Differentiated Instruction ● Differentiate appropriately for all students ● Leveled math instruction

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● All classes meet/exceed state standards ● Common assessments are administered for all essential standards ● Progress monitoring (common formative and summative assessments) is used to

determine targeted student learning needs

Tier 2: Supplemental Program for struggling Students Evaluation of student progress every 3-6 weeks

● Math Strategies ● Developmental Language Arts/LLI ● Supervised study ● ELA study ● Tutoring ● House meetings with student ● Home-School Communication on shared Google Doc ● Peer Mentor program ● Behavioral Plan (consequences, incentives) ● Behavioral consultant ● Schedule change ● Individual Counseling ● At-home tutoring for medical reasons ● Provision of supplies and materials ● Additional parent meetings/communications ● Homework Support:

○ Weekly report of missing work ○ Assignment check-off ○ After school homework help ○ Modified workload

Following implementation of Tier 1 and Tier 2 Interventions, the team may choose to pursue evaluation for special education eligibility if the student is not yet making progress. Tier 3: Intensive Program/Special Ed Testing and/or Services

Team Evaluation

● Intensive English & Math ● Modified course load Program/Special Ed

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● Functional Behavior Assessment/Plan ● Psychological and/or Academic testing ● Individual Education Plans/support & instruction ● Modified course load ● 504 Plans