We are pleased to once again publish an annual report on St. Cecilia Parish. In this season of autumn harvest, it is encouraging to learn about the generous response to the Gospel of so many in our community. Increasingly, I am impressed with how people have embraced their role as stewards of the gifts of God. People affirm their belonging to God and their gratitude and responsibility through the gifts of their time, talent, and treasure. In a few weeks we will conduct our annual review of the stewardship of our treasure as we renew our regular giving pledges to our parish even as we acknowledge the many other avenues of charitable giving that are employed. As Lent approaches, we will once again assess and strengthen the stewardship of our time that we return to the Lord in prayer, learning, and reflection. And in late spring we will review, renew, and celebrate the stewardship of our talent as we renew our participation in many ministries and consider our involvement in new ministries. I wish to thank all whose story of Christian stewardship is described in these pages. May we continue to support and encourage one another in our journey. In Christ, 1310 Madison Avenue North, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 206.842.3594 www.saintcparish.org St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational learning program was launched. Parish Partners team up monthly with St. Cecilia Catholic School primary students to engage in literacy and fine arts activities.

2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

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Page 1: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

We are pleased to once again publish an annual report on

St. Cecilia Parish. In this season of autumn harvest, it is

encouraging to learn about the generous response to the Gospel

of so many in our community. Increasingly, I am impressed with

how people have embraced their role as stewards of the gifts of

God. People affirm their belonging to God and their gratitude and

responsibility through the gifts of their time, talent, and treasure. In a few weeks we

will conduct our annual review of the stewardship of our treasure as we renew our

regular giving pledges to our parish even as we acknowledge the many other

avenues of charitable giving that are employed.

As Lent approaches, we will once again assess and strengthen the stewardship

of our time that we return to the Lord in prayer, learning, and reflection. And in

late spring we will review, renew, and celebrate the stewardship of our talent as we

renew our participation in many ministries and consider our involvement in new


I wish to thank all whose story of Christian stewardship is described in these

pages. May we continue to support and encourage one another in our journey.

In Christ,

1310 Madison Avenue North, Bainbridge Island, Washington 98110 206.842.3594 www.saintcparish.org

St. Cecilia Parish

2016-2017 Annual Report

Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students

In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational learning program was launched. Parish Partners team up

monthly with St. Cecilia Catholic School primary students to engage in literacy and fine arts activities.

Page 2: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

The Finance Committee is pleased to

report solid financial results for the fis-

cal year (July 2016—June 2017). We

returned our blessings to God through the Stewardship of

Treasure and see it reflected in the 5% increase in Offertory,

our primary revenue source. Increases in recurring operating

expenses continue to rise, as well. A successful fall fundraiser,

together with a number of gifts, helped the parish end the

year in the black. While continuing to exercise careful super-

vision over operating costs, in the coming year we hope to

use a portion of the Parish Dinner Auction proceeds for par-

ish facility repairs and improvements. A stable financial base

has also helped allow the parish the opportunity to establish

a Charitable Outreach Program. If you have any questions

regarding Parish finances, feel

free to ask any finance council

member listed on the back of

this Annual Report.

Parish Financial Report

Page 2 Annual Report


2016 2017 2018 RECEIPTS

Offertory $549,188 $577,477 $599,768

Education Fees 8,208 5,630 5,650

Fundraising 69,208 72,504 73,940

World Youth Day Receipts * 28,971 2000 0

Gifts and Bequests 77,534 23,247 20,450

Interest 6,607 6,688 6,600

Other Receipts 8,383 10,178 9,200

Total Receipts $748,099 $697,724 $715,608


Salaries and Benefits $343,575 $368,333 $372,870

Supplies 46,844 29,839 32,855

Program Expenses 17,410 15,801 16,035

World Youth Day Expense * 36,000 0 0

Parish Subsidy to SCCS 60,000 60,000 60,000

Operations/Maintenance ** 74,692 27,128 48,896

Contracted Services 7,781 10,440 8,490

Insurance 22,522 23,481 18,000

Other Expense 30,496 42,003 44,961

Utilities 41,812 43,657 43,045

Appreciations 3,635 4,980 4,440

Archdiocesan Assessments 33,567 35,465 35,382

Total Expenses $718,334 $661,127 $684,974

Surplus $29,765 $36,597 $30,634

For the Financial Years Ending June 30

The parish surplus is rolled into savings at the Archdiocese for current and future capital purchases and improvements.

World Youth Day occurs every three years. Fundraising and pilgrim’s contributions are spread over that three year period.

Painting ($27,000), organ repair ($9,000) and other smaller parish projects ($8,000) were paid for with bequest income in 2016. * **





Page 3: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

Highlights Wind, rain, and power outages did not dampen spir-its or keep away the crowds when “the storm of the century” blew in on the night of the annual Parish Dinner Auction: The Great American Songbook.

10 new “Parish Partners“ began meeting once a month with the SCCS 1st/2nd graders to do projects integrating language arts and visual arts.

We celebrated Shirley Torento’s retirement and 20 years of service to the parish.

The new St. Cecilia Catholic School Honors Choir of 17-20 students lifted spirits and enhanced worship at School Masses as well as performed at community Christmas events.

Volunteers led by Steve and Nancy Paul refreshed Conger Hall with paint.

During Lent, “Catholic Relief Services: One on the Journey”, was led by Peter Henriot, SJ, a prayerful contemplation focusing on a vision of creating a world without poverty, injustice and suffering. Over 80 parishioners attended.

Jeff Renner offered a day of Centering Prayer in-struction, which led to the creation of an additional centering prayer group.

Three people joined our parish team: Erika Ramirez, Custodian (pictured), Jeannette Borges and Suzanne Gerlach, Administrative Assistants

Spiritual Warriors, a dynamic new prayer group was formed.

The Compline found a new home at St Cecilia where they lead sung prayer on the 1st Sun-day evening of each month at 8 pm.

Grammy nominated songwriter Dan Schutte, renowned for contemporary liturgical works, held a concert at St. Cecilia.

Page 3 July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017

Summer Picnic

Shirley’s Retirement Party


Annual Parish Dinner Auction

St. Blaise Blessing of the Throats

Parishioners Gather to Pray the Rosary in Celebration of100th Fatima Anniversary

Five Weddings Celebrated

is an easy, safe, and convenient way to make offertory contributions.

To get started, or learn more about Online Giving, please

visit the parish website:


A Toast to the

Generator that

Saved the Auction

Page 4: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

St. Cecilia Catholic School

Page 4 Annual Report

Our 2016-2017 year began with the purchase of 30 Chromebooks.

All 2nd -


graders took the Measurement of Academic Progress (MAP)

test in the fall, winter, and spring. Singapore Math and Writers’ Work-

shop continued to be foundational, both providing deep learning and

differentiation. Stewardship projects and crossgrade level buddies

served to connect our students with one another and with the com-

munity. Our St. Nicholas Festival, Jog-a-thon, and Sweet Home St. Ce-

cilia were all smashing successes as fundraisers and celebrations. Our

First Annual State of the School Address in March provided academic,

spiritual, and financial data for our parent community. For the first

time, our 5th


graders spent three days and two nights at Camp

Hamilton learning about environmental science. Our year culminated

with a spirited rendition of “Peter Pan, Jr.” The coming year brings a

dedicated STEM lab and teacher, a Robotics team, flexible seating, and

a school-wide focus on Growth Mindset.


2016 2017 2018 RECEIPTS Tuition and Fees $366,436 $430,986 $435,328

Fulcrum Tuition Grants * 21,853 21,400 16,600

Local Tuition Grants * 29,923 20,120 19,720

Crusader Care, Bus, Uniforms and Other 35,591 35,052 31,500

Direct Parish Subsidy ** 60,000 60,000 60,000 Neighboring Parish Subsidy 1,858 2,153 8,000

SCCS Fundraising 88,564 76,314 81,500

Parish Fall Fundraiser Paddle Call 28,350 21,130 21,000

Restricted Donations 17,880 17,897 2,500

Unrestricted Donations 31,201 24,548 14,200

Total Receipts $681,656 $709,600 $690,348


Salaries and Benefits $554,956 $569,620 $561,746

Educational and Program Supplies 47,949 46,637 46,030

Technology and Maintenance 2,277 769 2,400

Uniform expense 5,121 2,953 5,000

Professional fees and assessments 3,116 5,462 6,320

Fundraising 16,016 17,124 16,800

Administrative Supplies/fees 14,608 15,787 15,840

Facilities Maintenance 6,520 7,428 8,928

Utilities and Insurance 35,178 42,835 51,265

Bus Expense 9,503 8,744 3,720

Total Expense $695,244 $717,359 $718,049

NET DEFICIT ($13,588) ($7,759) ($27,701)

For the Financial Years Ending June 30

* $10,000 in Tuition assistance was received after the 6/30/17 year end.

** SCCS Receipts do not reflect an annual indirect subsidy of $35,000 received in parish support in the form of personnel and overhead expenses which are reflected in the expenses of the parish financial statement



Page 5: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

Ministries Organizations

American Heritage Girls - 8 girls, 4 adults

Cursillo - 34 active members

Island Volunteer Caregivers

- 22 parish volunteers

- 26 care receivers

Knights of Columbus - 66 members

Legion of Mary - 5 members + 4 auxiliary

St. Vincent DePaul Society - 10 members

Respect Life - 4-6 participants


Parish Dinner Auction - 40 volunteers

Crop Walk - 10 walkers; over $2,000 donated

Super Suppers - 12+ volunteers

St. Nicholas Festival - 40 volunteers

SCCS Spring Event - 400 volunteer hours

Parish Picnic - 120+ attendees

Administrative and Other

Finance Council - 5 members

School Commission - 4 members

Collections Counters - 16 volunteers

Parish Library - 5 volunteers

Office Volunteers - 10 parishioners

Knitting Circle - 12 actives

Page 5

School Jog-A-Thon

Liturgical Ministries

Altar Linens - 12 parishioners

Altar Servers - 30 youth

Eucharistic Ministers - 47 parishioners

Lectors - 13 readers

Liturgical décor - 3 volunteers

Cantors - 10 parishioners

Choir/Music Ministry - 30 parishioners

Ushers/Greeters - 22 volunteers

Prayer & Study

Bible Study - 30-40 weekly attendees

Book Group - 13 weekly attendees

Lenten Book Groups - 8 study groups

PREP - 11 catechists

Centering Prayer Groups - 15-20 attendees

Daily Rosary Recitation - 4-8 parishioners

Eucharistic Adoration - 25-35 participants

Prayer Chain - 92 members

Spiritual Enrichment Events - 8 members


Visiting Eucharistic Ministers - 16 minis-ters

Welcoming Committee - 25 volunteers

Haiti Fund - 10 team members

Coffee and Donuts - 30 volunteer families

Wine and Cheese - 8 volunteers

Charitable Outreach Program

- 7 members

Funeral Committee - 40+ volunteers

Matt Talbot Dinner - 100 volunteers Learning at the BI Historical Museum

1st Annual Multi-Day Science Camp

July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Page 5

In the fall of 2015, a group of St. Cecilia parishioners began researching programs that encourage all of us to live out our evangelistic potential in a way that cares for those in need. From this work, the Charitable Outreach Program was con-ceived and launched. The goal of this program is to provide hope and help to those in need and to build positive aware-ness of the Catholic faith. In its first year, the Charitable Outreach Program granted $5,000 to worthy projects and we have the chance to grant more! We encourage YOU to look around your parish and your community and see the good you can do. The funds are already available – but we need your ideas. Apply for a grant to get it kickstarted and Be the Good in our community. Applications are available in the church office. See the table below for some of the successful

grants awarded thus far:

Charitable Outreach Program

Organization Need fulfilled Amount

Kitsap Rescue Mission, Bremerton Indoor shower to replace outdoor mobile shower at overnight homeless

shelter $1,500

Bayside Housing & Services, Port Hadlock Woman to Woman Listening Circle established to give a voice to those

facing financial and/or emotional hardships $ 1,000

Kids in Concert, Suquamish Woodwinds expansion to include more youth in the joy and brain-building

exercise of musicianship $ 1,000

eXtreme Sobriety, Bainbridge Island Transportation funding for ministry to Seattle’s downtown homeless


$ 600

Jana Marie Law, Bremerton Establish care for pets who are abandoned when owners are incarcerated

or otherwise incapacitated

$ 650


Time and


Page 6: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational


Page 6 Annual Report

Our Offerings & Special Collections

392 Households giving on a regular basis on Sunday

54 Households who give online at www.saintcparish.org

$572,053 Sunday/Holy Day Offertory

$100,666 Annual Catholic Appeal

(110 % of goal!)

$45,678 Contributions to SCCS

$23,112 The Haiti Fund

$22,123 Contributions to St. Vincent

DePaul Society

$5,247 African Missions

$5,163 Catholic Community Ser-

vices of W. WA

$3,157 Lenten Rice Bowls

$2,086 World Mission Sunday

$2,029 Catholic Campaign for

Human Development

$1,960 Peter’s Pence

$1,838 Catholic Relief Services

$1,789 Catholic Home Missions

$1,413 Northwest Catholic Com-


$1,307 Priest Pension Fund

3000 lbs. of food donated to Helpline


“ I used to believe

that prayer

changed things,

but now I know

that prayer

changes us and we

change things.”

- Mother Teresa

of Calcutta

By The Numbers

880 Registered Households

2434 Registered Parishioners

50 New Families (Welcome!)

20 Baptisms

22 First Holy Communions

14 Confirmations

5 Marriages

10 Individual Anointings

15 Funerals

591 Average Weekend Mass attendance

375+ Masses celebrated

1500+ hours devoted to Eucharistic


4 Adults in RCIA

29 Preschoolers attending St. Cecilia

Catholic School (SCCS)

74 Scholars in grades K-8 attending SCCS

35 Youthies

67 Students K-8 utilizing the Parish

Religious Education Program (PREP)

190+ Adults in faith formation


Parishioners going home

to the arms of our

Father July 1, 2016—June 30, 2017

Adele Katherine Bonciolini

Sheila Karen Crofut

Juanita Doliente Dosono

Louise L. Dronkert

John Charles Engh

Patricia Christina Flores

Mary Catherine Hohl

Robert Jacobson

James Kenny

Caroline Cecelia Lubovich

Loretta Mapanao

Lillian Belle Morgan

Mary S. Nelson

Adele Frances Peterson

Garnie Charles Quitslund




e A



1st Holy




Page 7: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational

The Youth Group opened their year

with Mass and a BBQ on the Ray-

mond “Farm”. Approximately 75 par-

ents and Youthies attended the Mass,

which was the wonderful lead-in to

the weekly Sunday evening Youthie

meetings, which included the cele-

bration of friends, fun, food, and


The group continued their fundrais-

ing drive by bucking and splitting

firewood. Proceeds were used to

help finance the July, 2016 trip to

World Youth Day in Poland, attended

by ten Youthies.

In addition to helping with the

St. Nicholas Festival in December, the

Youthies spread Christmas cheer by

school seniors at the “farm.” Fr.

Mitchell said the Mass, and many par-

ents and young people were there to

say “so long” to our great seniors. As

a goodbye-for-the-summer outing,

the brave Youth Group leaders took

the young people river rafting.

They continued their traditional fund-

raising sales of ice cream cookies dur-

ing the Grande Old Fourth celebra-

tion. Some of the funds were used to

sponsor a child at the Flower of

Hope School in Haiti.

It was a blessed year once again.

Thank you to all who support the

Youth Group!

You h Group caroling. And on Christmas Eve, they

created a live crèche with donkeys

outside the church at the early chil-

dren’s Mass.

In the New Year, they began their

serious studies for Confirmation and,

as is their tradition, in early spring,

attended a weekend Confirmation

Retreat at Camp Indianola. In mid

April, young people received the Sac-

rament of Confirmation.

On Good Friday, Youthies carried

their hand-crafted replica cross up

Madison Avenue and placed it in the

ground at St. Cecilia. It remained

there until Pentecost.

As the school year drew to a close,

there was a blessing of the high

In Baptism classes, Joe Rochelle and Terry Markuly are witness to beautiful and significant faith.

PREP families-at regular classes, or, teaching their children at home are so faithful. One “PREP at Home” Dad shared that while teaching his son, he learned a new appreciation of the Mass. The children this year were especially excited about First Com-munion.

During Lent, eight groups of parish-ioners met to discuss our Christmas gift book: Prayer by Fr. Ron Rolheiser. One participant reflected, “You learn from other people’s perspectives and

are inspired by their sharing of faith.” The day and evening book groups experience this also.

Barbara Shields began joyfully lead-ing the Children’s Liturgy of the Word and Hannah Ard is adeptly coordinating our altar servers.

A new Centering Prayer group be-gan on Wednesday evenings, and another one continues on Monday mornings.

Finally, the Spiritual Enrichment Events Committee brought speakers who addressed issues of aging and homelessness.

We’re singing in many ways!

Religious Education

Page 7 July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017

O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation! Psalm 95

There is joyful noise St. Cecilia. It’s heard at Masses, not only in the mu-sic from our inspiring choirs, but from the tiny, joyful singers and dancers of our many young families. Recently, at the exact time of the consecration, a young toddler was heard to softly say, “Wow.”

1st Communion Workshop

Christmas Eve

Sacrament of

Confirmation Rafting Trip



Page 8: 2016-2017 Annual Report St. Cecilia Parish · 2017-10-17 · St. Cecilia Parish 2016-2017 Annual Report Parish Partners Team Up With Primary Students In the fall of 2016, a new intergenerational


St. Cecilia Parish 1310 Madison Ave N Bainbridge Island, WA 98110-1802

Mailing Label Here

Contact information [email protected] (206) 842-3594

Fr. Joseph Mitchell [email protected]

Jeannette Borges, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Suzanne Gerlach, Administrative Assistant [email protected]

Susan Kilbane, Principal, SCCS [email protected] (206) 842-2017

Walt Kniginyzky, Facilities Supervisor [email protected]

Terry Markuly, Pastoral Assistant-Faith Formation [email protected]

RuthAnne Wolansky, Pastoral Assistant-Administration [email protected]

Finance Council: [email protected]

Scott Edwards - Chair, Tim Cibula, Michael Donahue, Laura Van Dyke, Joe Wilcynski

SCCS School Commission: [email protected]

Eoin Dunstan - Chair, Ashley Bomke, Ken Kellogg, Jeff Rulffes Sharing
