Google Analytics Small Business Tauranga Fully Charged in 90 Learn how to track conversions and why.

2016-06-11 SBT Fully Charged in 90 (Google Analytics Conversion Tracking)

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Google Analytics

Small Business Tauranga Fully Charged in 90 Learn how to track conversions and why.


Who am I?

•  Arron Edwards •  Owned Totali for 10 years •  Built successful ecommerce websites for 15 years –  10x increase of online sales within three months for traditional

business; 3x sales increase in following 12 months –  3x increase of online sales over 12 months for online-only

business –  10% annual increase across a franchise group

•  Team of experienced marketers and designers •  Results focused! –  If it’s not good for you, we don’t do it.


Purpose of this session

•  Help you understand the benefits of Google Analytics

•  Help you uncover some common pitfalls

•  Show you how to create goals for conversion tracking

•  Have some fun doing it


What is Google Analytics?

•  Website statistics

•  Measures a number of metrics

•  Insight into who your customers are – Demographics

–  Interests

•  Where your customers come from

•  What they came to see


Do you use it?

•  Why?

•  What do you get from it?

•  Do you review it regularly?

•  What do you do with that information?


Are you running Google AdWords?

•  Do you measure the results?

•  How?

•  Why hasn’t Adwords worked for you?

•  Did you get any support with it?


Demo Google Analytics



What is a Goal?

•  Helps track some kind of interaction

•  Measurable

•  Helps us identify the types of customer and their actions that lead to that goal being completed


Goals Explored

•  Different kinds

•  Different reasons – Soft goal (time on site)

– Hard goal (lead form filled out)

•  Tracking $


Demo Goal Setup


How Goals affect AdWords

•  Conversion tracking

•  Better placement of ads to maximise conversion – Google works harder for you!

•  Lower CPC (cost-per-click)



Why Goal Tracking?

•  Measurable – You know what is working

– You know what isn’t

•  Accountable – You can disable AdWords campaigns that are not


– You can adjust your website to optimise conversions

•  Much better than guessing or worse still, hoping!