2016-03-17 Calvert County Times

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  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   1The Calvert County Times 

    Thursday, March 17, 2016


    County Timeswww.countytimes.somd.com


    Charity Director

     Appeals Stop Order 


    Calvert Memorial Hospital

    Presents New Patient Tower 

    Photo by Crista Dockray 

    Commissioners GetCalvert Shores ReportSome Leaders, Businesses Opposed

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 2

    For staff listing and emails, see page 9.



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    Dan Burris, Lisa Squires,

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    On The Cover 

    Commissioners GetCalvert Shores Report pg. 11 Calvert Memorial Hospital Present s New Patient Tower pg. 3

    Third Gala Art Auction To Beneft All Calvert Library Locations pg. 7

    “I will oppose it [Calvert Shores]

    if it includes the businesses

    and if it increases the money

    the Chesapeake Ranch Estates

    residents would have to pay.”- County Commissioner Mike Hart 

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   3The Calvert County Times  Local News

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    By Guy LeonardStaff Writer 

    The cease and desist order that shutdown the Southern Maryland VeteransAssociation last month is still in affectafter the organization’s director appealedthe decision of the Maryland Secretaryof State last week.

    Daniel Timothy Brashear wanted tohave the cease and desist order lifted,state ofcials said, but the hearing of-cer in the matter, the assistant secretaryof state, did not make a determination.

    The hearing took place over two days,March 9 and March 10, state ofcialssaid and the record remained open for 10days following the hearing.

    The charity was still barred from ac-cepting or solicitating donations, stateofcials said.

    “The cease and desist order is still in

    affect,” a state ofcial told The CountyTimes. “There’s no decision that’s beenmade. It’s still an ongoing matter.”

    Ofcials said there would likely beseveral more weeks before the hearingofcer made a decision on whether to liftthe cease and desist order.

    According to a press release fromMaryland Attorney General Brian Frosh

     both Brashear, the charity’s founder, and Norman Randolph McDonald, who upuntil recently was in charge of collec-tions, were named in the cease and desistorder.

    Brashear has charged McDonald withembezzling money from the charity.

    The shut down of the charity was in re-

    sponse to multiple complaints, accordingto state authorities, and an investigationalleged that the organization was not as-sisting the housing needs of veterans aswas claimed in marketing materials.

    Brashear said that at the hearing thestate brought out complaints against hisorganization that were anonymous andeven said that state ofcials had pre-sumed his guilt in public statements theyhad made about his organization.

    He said he did not believe that he had been treated fairly and that the statewould likely keep the cease and desistorder in place.

    “I think they’re going to run it underthe status quo,” Brashear said.

    He also claimed that he sent the statethe list of veterans he had housed at their

    shelter but the state was not satised because he did send copies of their d is-charge papers to prove their service.

    He said he would not release them be-cause he wanted to protect veterans’ pri-vacy, particularly regarding their medi-cal information.

    He also said accusations that they hadhoused pedophiles was false, they hadhoused one sex offender, Brashear said,

     but that person was a veteran and had been involved with an adult.

     [email protected] 

    Charity DirectorAppeals Stop Order 

    By Crista DockrayStaff Writer 

    A 43,500 square foot, three-storyexpansion will be added near CalvertMemorial Hospital’s existing mainentrance.

    Plans for the hospital were presentedto the County Commissioners Tuesdayat their general meeting.

    According to a representative from

    Calvert Memorial, the project has beenin the works for approximately twoyears.

    According to the presentation, therewill be an additional 10,300 square feetof renovations and 16,500 square feet oflight renovations. This will total 70,300square foot of renovations.

    The light renovations will be the re-design of current rooms to change themover from semi-private to fully private.Representatives said they want the feelof the hospital to stay coherent with therest of the new construction.

    The heavy renovations will include 40new private patient rooms, 20 on boththe second and thi rd oor, and outpatientservices expansion and med staff/adminreconstruction on the rst oor.

    The number of rooms will increase

    from around 43 to about 80.According to the presentation, they

    want the rooms to be convenient forall types of care and the extra roomswill provide maximum efciency. Therooms will also allow family membersto spend the night.

    The hospital hopes to break ground inJune 2017 and nish in early 2020.

    [email protected] 

    Calvert Memorial

    Hospital PresentsNew Patient Tower 

    Photos provided byCalvert Memorial Hospital

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 4 Local News

    The U.S. Department of Labor’s Bu-reau of Labor Statistics (BLS) releasedstate jobs and unemployment data ear-lier today. According to the preliminarysurvey data, Maryland added 1,900 total

     jobs over-the-month. From Janua ry 2015to January 2016, the private sector added43,000 jobs. Please note that Maryland’s

     preliminar y jobs estimate for Decem- ber was revised by BLS f rom a gain of10,500 jobs to a gain of 3,300 jobs.

    The Maryland January preliminaryunemployment rate dropped to 4.9

     percent, from 5.0 percent (Decemberrevised.)

    "Maryland's jobs numbers trendingupward is what we're continually work-ing toward. It shows that the MarylandDepartment of Labor is changing Mary-land for the better by focusing on eco-nomic development and jobs. We are

     proud of where our st ate is headed – put-ting people back to work and turning oureconomy around," said Kelly M. Schulz,Secretary of the Maryland Department

    of Labor.According to data released today, the

    Professional and Business Services sector increased by 2,800 jobs. (The Professional, Scientifc, and Technical Services subsector added 4,600 jobs. Job gainin Professional and Business Servicewere mainly driven by frms in: Com

     puter Systems Design and Related Services and Accounting, Tax PreparationBookkeeping, and Payroll Ser vices.)

    The Mining, Logging and Construction sector gained 800 jobs. (The Manu

    facturing subsector added 900 jobs theDurable Goods subsector gained 500

     jobs and the Non-Durable Goods subsector added 400 jobs.)

    The Financial Activities sector added700 jobs. (The Real Estate and Rentaand Leasing subsector increased by 700


     Press Release from The Maryland Depar tment of Labor, Licens ing and Regulation

    Maryland Adds 1,900

    Jobs in January 

    Since January 2015, Maryland Gained 44,800 Jobs

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   5The Calvert County Times  Local News

    Sandie Johnson

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    To Stay



    The Calvert County Board of County Com-missioners announces that county ofces will

     be closed March 25, in observance of GoodFriday. In addition:

    • The three county senior centers will beclosed March 25 and Meals on Wheels willnot be delivered.

    • There will be no county bus serviceMarch 25.

    • Calvert Library locations will be closedMarch 25.

    • Mt. Hope, Northeast and Southern com-munity centers will be closed March 25.

    • Edward Hall Aquatic Center will be openwith normal hours on March 25, but will beclosed in observance of the Easter holiday onSunday, March 27.

    • Chesapeake Hills Golf Course will beopen with normal hours March 25 to 27.

    • The Appeal Landll and county conve-nience centers will be open with regular hours.

    • The Calvert Marine Museum will be open

    10 a.m. to 5 p.m.• Flag Ponds Nature Park, Kings Landing

    Park and Battle Creek Cypress Swamp will beopen with normal park hours.

    Information on Calvert County Govern-ment services can be found online at www.co.cal.md.us. Find Calvert County Govern-ment on Facebook.

     Press Release

    Calvert County Announces

    Good Friday Schedule

    Governor Larry Hogan today announced V.Glenn Fueston, Jr., as the new executive direc-

    tor of the Governor’s Ofce of Crime Control& Prevention. Fueston currently serves asthe associate deputy director for Intelligenceand Information Sharing at the Washington/Baltimore Area High Intensity Drug Trafck -ing Area (HIDTA,) a federal grant programadministered by the White House Ofce of

     National Drug Control Policy.“Glenn’s proven leadership and experience

    in collaborating with federal, state, and local partners to address drug trafcking will bea strong asset to our administration, particu-larly as we ght the heroin epidemic,” said

    Governor Hogan. “His experience in usingintelligence to reduce drug trafcking and

    related violent crime will guide the Ofce’sgrant-making decisions and priorities. I haveevery condence Glenn will continue to usehis expertise to lead the Governor’s Ofce ofCrime Control & Prevention.”

    “I am honored to support the Hogan admin-istration by leading the Governor’s Ofce ofCrime Control & Prevention,” said Fueston.“This is an exciting opportunity to protect ourcommunities and make Maryland a better andsafer place to live for all.”

    Fueston joined the Washington/BaltimoreArea High Intensity Drug Trafcking Area

    in 1999. He is currently responsible for theIntelligence and Information Sharing Initia-

    tive, which includes the development, mainte-nance, and implementation of the HIDTA Per -formance Measurement Process System andCase Explorer and supporting the 850 law en-forcement ofcers across Maryland, Virginia,West Virginia, and the District of Columbiathat work directly in the HIDTA environment.

    Fueston will replace Christopher Shank,who was appointed as a deputy chief of staffto Governor Hogan on Jan. 29.

     Press Release from the Ofce of Governer Larry Hogan

    Governor Larry Hogan Announces GlennFueston as Executive Director of Governor’sOfce of Crime Control & Prevention

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 6

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  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   7The Calvert County Times  Local News


    No. 103


    On Saturday, April 16, the Calvert LibraryFoundation will host the third Gala Art Auc-tion to benet all Calvert Library locations.Whether you are into art or not, this is an out-standing “date night.” An extravagant pre-auction “Taste of the Region” reception, withlive musicians, and a review of the collectionof art to be sold will begin at 6:30 p.m., withthe Auction starting at 7:30 p.m. It will beheld at Vianney Room behind St. John Vian-ney Church. The professionally curated col-lection of beautifully framed art, includingthe works of many prominent internationalartists, as well as sports and music memo-rabilia, will be auctioned by an entertaining,

     professional auctioneer out of New York. Artvalues will accommodate a broad range of

     budgets - many not expensive at all!

    Tickets for the reception, wine tasting andthe auction are just $20 from any Calvert Li-

     brary location. There will be a cash bar. Evenif you are not able to attend, you can still sup-

     port the event by purchasing 50/50 rafetickets at any Calvert Library location and

    there are a variety of sponsorship opportuni-ties available. Email [email protected] for details or check calvertli-


     Press Release from the Calvert LibraryFoundation

    Third Gala Art AuctionTo Beneft All Calvert

    Library Location

    St. Mary’s County Government seeks togauge interest from local produce vendors,who may be interested in providing freshgrown produce, and locating intermittentlyduring business hours on the St. Mary’s Gov-ernmental Center campus in Leonardtown, tooffer produce sales and options for Communi-ty Supported Agriculture (CSA.) Vendors whoaccept WIC FMNP/SFMNP & FVC are pre-ferred. The Governmental Center is home tonumerous governmental ofces and receivesmany visitors daily.

    Interested farmers produce stand operatorsshould call Amber Hebert, Department of Hu-man Resources, at 301 475-4200, ext. *1110.

    Only actively licensed vendors who carry

    sufcient auto liability, product liability, andgeneral liability insurance coverages will beconsidered.

    This notication is only seeking interestand is not a formal solicitation or a promise ofa business location at the Governmental Cen-ter. The address is: St. Mary's County Gov-ernmental Center, 23115 Leonard Hall Drive,Leonardtown, Maryland 20650.

    Produce stand operators should provide no-tication of their interest no later than FridayApril 1.

     Press Release from St. Mary’s County Public Information Ofce

    Farmers Produce Stand Vendors Sought for

    Governmental Center Campus

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   9The Calvert County Times 




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    Publisher Thomas McKayAssociate Publisher Eric McKayOfce Manager Tobie PulliamLead Graphic Designer Kasey RussellAdvertising [email protected] [email protected] 301-373-4125

    Staff Writers

    Guy Leonard Government, CrimeCrista Dockray Business, Community

    Contributing WritersLaura JoyceRon GuyDonesha ChewMadeleine BuckleySkylar Broome

    The Calvert County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for the residents of Calvert County. The CalvertCounty Times will be available on newsstands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,which is responsible for the form, cont ent, and policies of the newspaper. The Calvert Count y Times does not espouse any political beliefor endorse any product or ser vice in its news coverage.

    To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the writer’s full name, address and daytime phone numb er. Su bmis sions must be del ivered by 4 p.m. o n the Monda y pr ior t o our Thur sday p ublica tion to en sure place ment for t hatweek. After that deadline, the Calvert County Times will make every attempt possible to publish late content, but cannot guarantee so.Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in materialsubmitted to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the Calvert County Times and its licensees mayfreely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The Calvert County Times cannot

    guarantee that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.

    P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636


    County Times

     Armory Square

    and Trafc

    Commissioner’s Corner 

    Governor Larry Hogan, recently an-nounced the State Highway Administration(SHA) project that widens the MD 2/4 roadin Prince Frederick from FoxRun Boulevardto Commerce Lane. That project supports the

     plans Calvert County has to enhance eco-nomic development under a project calledArmory Square.

    Trafc studies are related to ArmorySquare and included studying Intersectionsfrom MD 2/4 at Fox Run to MD 402 (DaresBeach Road) and along Dares Beach Roadthrough Armory Road to Fairground Road.

    The following are excerpts from a TrafcAnalysis Impact Study:

    A trafc analysis impact study indicated

    that with the completion of the SHA project,there will be three northbound through lanesand a total of 561 vehicles per lane in the f u-ture tr afc conditions. This is a 25% decreasein the amount of trafc per through lane,even with trafc growth and full build-outof Armory Square, which results in greaterthroughput along MD 2/4.

    There will be three southbound throughlanes and a total of 696 vehicles per lane inthe future trafc conditions. This is a 19%decrease in the amount of trafc per throughlane, even with trafc growth and full build-out of Armory Square, which results in great-er throughput along MD 2/4.

    Southbound trafc on MD 2/4 trying to getonto Dares Beach Road currently only hastwo opportunities. There is a single left turnlane at Steeple Chase and there is a single left

    turn lane at Dares Beach Road. Based on the

    existing volumes, it appears that many mo-torists currently use Steeple Chase Drive toavoid the MD 2/4 & MD 402 inter section.

    The SHA project will result in a doubleleft turn from southbound MD 2/4 at DaresBeach Road. Furthermore, the extension ofFox Run Blvd to Fairground Road providesan additional route for motorists to use toget to Dares Beach Road without having togo through the intersection of MD 2/4 at MD402. Additionally, the new access road andtrafc signal to the south of Steeple ChaseDrive will provide an additional double leftturn lane. This would result in three doubleleft turn lanes on southbound MD 2/4 thatwill connect to Dares Beach Road, as com-

     pared to the exis ting two single left turn lanesthat motorists can use to get to Dares BeachRoad.

    The results of the Trafc Analysis ImpactStudy indicate that all intersections will op-erate at acceptable conditions in the futuretrafc conditions with the construction ofthe MD 2/4 widening project by the SHA,and with the additional improvements as pro-

     posed by Armor y Square.The efforts to actually make Amory Square

    a reality continues to be another set of twistsand turns along a bumpy highway; but that isa story for another time.

    Evan K. Slaughenhoupt, Jr.President (R)Board Of County Commissioners

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 10

    Louis Dick, Jr., 75 

    Retired TFC Louis “Lou”

    Dick, Jr. passed away onMarch 9, 2016 in PrinceFrederick.

    Born May 19, 1940 in Jer-sey City, NJ, he was the sonof the late George Garrisonand Helen J. Mosteller.

    Lou was a devoted husband, father andgrandfather who was addicted to steamedcrabs, coffee, sweet tea, cigarettes, cross-words and let’s not forget, his secret stashof sweets he ate while watching his favor-ite team, the Redskins. He loved talking toanyone about his years as a Maryland StateTrooper. Upon his retirement, he took ona new love and occupation as a waterman.Steamed crabs every night; he said “this isthe life”. His knowledge and patience wasunmeasurable.

    Lou is survived by his wife of 47 years,Anne B. Dick; his children, Jennifer Kaye(Rich) of OK, Michelle Dornberger (Dan-ny) of MD, and Larry “Michael” Dick ofMD; step-son, Ernest “Ralph” Hinson (No-rene) of MD; grandchildren, Clint Prestonof TX, Kristina and Michael Dick of MD,and Darin and David Dornberger of MD;

    step-grandchildren, Tiffany, Philip andJonathan Hinson, and Mason and DanielOursler; former sons-in-law, SGT. MichaelW. Dornberger and Randy Miller; and life-long friends, Karen and Jimmy Jacobs.

    “Live life, trust your gut, enjoy the sun-sets at the water and remember me, and please, please don’t piss in the wind!

    Family will receive friends on Tues-day, March 15, 2016 from 2:00 p.m. until3:00 p.m. at the Rausch Funeral Home, 20American Lane, Lusby, MD 20657 wherea memorial service will be held at 3:00 p.m.

    Condolences to the family may be madeat www.rauschfuneralhomes.com.

    Gloria Mae Schnebelen, 91

    Gloria Mae Schnebelen,91, passed away March 13,2016 at Asbury Solomons.

    She was born June 5, 1924in Washington, D.C.toWade C. and Evelyn M.(Clark) Vogts. Gloria was born and raised in D.C. Shemarried Arthur A. Schnebelen, Jr. on Au-gust 11, 1942 and they made their home inD.C. and various places in the United States

    and overseas due to her husband’s militarycommitment. Gloria and Arthur moved toDunkirk in 1987 and eventually retired toAsbury Solomons in 2006. She was primar-ily a homemaker and was also employed asa bank teller with BB&T Bank in Largo.Gloria was a devoted wife and mother toher husband and her children. In her lei-sure time Gloria enjoyed square dancing,traveling, painting and sewing. Gloria was preceded in death by her husband ArthurA. Schnebelen, Jr. in 2007. She is survived by her children: Pat Sethne and her husbandLance of Wild Rose, WI, Wade Schnebelenand his wife Julie of San Antonio, TX andMary Hampton and her husband Michaelof Chesapeake Beach. She is also survived by grandchildren: Lana, Darin, John, Katieand Kristi, as well as 4 great grandchildrenand 3 great-great grandchildren.

    Elizabeth Jane“Betty” Raley, 83

    Elizabeth Jane “Betty”Raley, 83, passed awayMarch 14, 2016 at her resi-dence. She was born No-vember 3, 1932 in Wash-ington, D.C. to HarveyCharlton and Dorothy Mae(Addis) Harris. Betty wasraised in NW Washington, D.C. and at-tended public schools there. She marriedClifton Wright Raley on November 3, 1951and they lived and raised their family inGreenbelt before moving to Calvert Countyin the mid 1980’s, living full time for the past two years in Owings. For over twenty

    years they had wintered in Sarasota, FL.Betty was employed as a school bus driverin Prince George’s County for 25 years.In her leisure time she enjoyed swimmingand loved dancing, attending her children’ssporting events and riding roller coasters.She also loved spending time with family,especially her grandchildren. Betty is sur-vived by her husband Clifton, her childrenCaron E. Sisson of North Beach, Sharon R.Sherbert and her husband Julius of Owings,LouAnne R. Boehm and her husband Da-

    vid of Islamorada, FL and Colleen R. McClair of Huntingtown; grandchildren: Angela Stickell, Wendy Currie, Dennis MillerJoshua Morehead, Jason Boehm, Marissaand Miranda Yost, Clifton Bridegum andDrew McClair. She is also survived bygreat-grandchildren: Haylee and SavannahStickell, Brody Willis, Elizabeth and EthanCurrie, Brooke Boehm, and Colt Bridegumand a sister Carol Cave of DavidsonvilleShe was preceded in death by sisters ArdithRitter and Elaine Walker.

    Helen A. Kulle, 76 

    Helen A. Kulle, 76, passed away March 8, 2016at Calvert Memorial Hospi-tal. Helen was born January7, 1940 in Washington, D.C.to Maynard and Gladys

    (Warden) Donn, and raisedin Capitol Heights, MD. Shewas a graduate of Suitland High School andworked as a bookkeeper and crossing guardafter high school. She was later employed aa police ofcer at Reagan National Airporfor over 30 years, and retired from Reagan National as a Background Investigator. Shmoved to Chesapeake Beach in 1994, andhad been a resident of Calvert County Nursing Center for the past two years. Helenwas a volunteer reghter and EMT at Forestville Volunteer Fire Department whereshe was a lifetime member, and had servedas President for several years. In her leisurtime Helen enjoyed carving birds, painting and crafts. She was preceded in death by her parents and by a son Mark A. KulleShe is survived by three children, Alber

    Michael Kulle of West Virginia, MatthewAnthony Kulle and wife Linda of Green belt, Ann Helms and husband Douglas oOwings. She is also survived by grandchildren Brian, Steven, Shane, and MichaeKulle, and Marissa and Hunter Helms, and by a sister Thelma McConkey and husbanRonald of LaPlata

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    The Calvert County Times runs complimentary obituaries as submitted by funeral homesand readers. We run them in the order we receive them. Any submissions that come to

    news@countytimes .net after noon on Mondays may run in the following week’s edition.

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  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   11The Calvert County Times    ObituariesFeature Story

    Some Commissioners MayOppose Calvert ShoresBy Crista DockrayStaff Writer 

    Calvert Shores, the proposed municipalityof the Chesapeake Ranch Estates, may facesome opposition from the Calvert CountyBoard of County Commissioners.

    Opposition from the Board of County Com-missioners could cause Calvert Shores not togo to referendum, meaning the residents ofChesapeake Ranch Estates would not be ableto vote on the matter come November 2016.

    The issue with the proposed municipalityseems to lie with its boundaries.

    The boundaries of Calvert Shores will in-clude the entire community of the ChesapeakeRanch Estates extending to Solomons IslandRoad and Cove Point Road. With these bound-aries, the Lusby Town Center and the PatuxentBusiness Park are included.

    According to County Commissioner Mike

    Hart, to be a part of the municipality will meanan increase in taxes for businesses and possi- bly the residents.

    Hart is against this. Hart owns a business inthe Lusby Town Center.

    “I will oppose it [Calvert Shores] if it in-cludes the businesses and if it increases themoney the Chesapeake Ranch Estates resi-dents would have to pay,” he said.

    County Commissioner Pat Nutter told theCalvert County Times that he is “not crazyabout that at all,” in regards to Patuxent Busi-ness Park’s placement within Calvert Shoresand that he has heard a general opposition tothe municipality from business owners.

    The owner of Ledo Pizza in Lusby, JeffBagaruf, said he opposes Calvert Shores.

    “I think that Maryland in general does notmake it easy for small businesses,” he said.

    “Every year it seems like a new tax comes upand this will be another one…I’m defnitelynot for it.”

    Bagaruf says he does not feel it is his re-sponsibility to pay for the problems that Ches-apeake Ranch Estates is facing.

    According to John Norris, the county’s at-torney, the only people that are allowed to votein the possible upcoming ballot are residentsthat live within the boundaries that are alsoregistered voters. This means that if a businessowner has a business within the boundaries

     but lives outside of them, he or she cannot voteon the matter and will be subjected to the lawsof the municipality. This would include Baga-ruf who lives in Huntingtown.

    “My frst reaction is that it seems a little un-fair,” said Bagaruf.

    Cathy Zumbrun, one of the key residents

     behind the Calvert Shores movement, assuredthe Calvert County Times that she has reachedout to the businesses but has received hardlyany response.

    Zumbrun said they had invited businessesto attend the Feb. 3 public meeting but no

     businesses attended, they had done petitionswithin the commercial district and receivedfew signatures from businesses, and they havewelcomed the businesses to submit writtencomments, but received none.

    “We are assuming their silence is consent,”said Zumbrun.

    Zumbrun said that the main reason theywanted to change to a municipality wassimple.

    “Money is the primary reason,” she toldThe Calvert County Times. “We started as asummer community and now we’re a suburb

    of [Patuxent River Naval Air Station] and sub-

    urbs want amenities.”Those amenities include much-improved

    infrastructure that the community has long

    sought but not always paid for consistently.Zumbrun said Chesapeake Ranch Estates

    has long had a problem collecting all of theroad and maintenance and operations fees; be-ing a municipality with the power to tax couldactually result in a reduction in those fees, shesaid.

    But that depends on an internal community ballot coming this summer where residentswill have a chance to vote to agree to handover responsibility from the home owners as-sociation to the municipality.

    Zumbrun said the tax increases on proper-ties could amount to an extra $60 a year or fvecents per every $100 of assessed value.

    That could mean the elimination of $400 inhomeowners’ fees, she said.

    Moreover, she said, for decades communityresidents had been paying out taxes for local

    roads but not getting it back because of the pri-vate nature of the neighborhood but by becom-ing a municipality that would change.

    “We want taxes they’re already paying tostart coming back to us,” Zumbrun said.

    Commissioner President Evan Slaughen-houpt said he wants the residents to have achance to decide for themselves.

    “I have always been in the mindset that lo-cals have the greater say in the matter, I don’tlike the idea of an outside force dictating thewill on others,” Slaughenhoupt said.

    However, Slaughenhoupt said that he will be looking closely at the report to make sureall possible issues and outcomes have beenthought through.

    “I really, really hope that everyone downthere who is supportive of incorporating thearea into a town has their eyes open to all the

    implications,” said Slaughenhoupt. “I person-ally think that the individuals that live there,life will get more expensive for them,” headded.

    County Commissioners now have 45 daysas of Tuesday, when The Calvert Shores Mu-nicipality Organizing Committee turned intheir report, to respond with questions andconcerns. After the Calvert Shores com-mittee turns in their fnancial impact reportwithin 90 days, the County Commissionerswill vote whether or not to send the proposalto referendum.

    According to the Norris, this will happenaround the end of the summer.

    Guy Leonard, Staff Writer, contributed to thisreport.

    [email protected] 

    The Calvert County Board of Commissioners. Photo by Crista Dockray

    Ofce: 301-373-4125 • Fax: 301-373-4128www.CountyTimes.net

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    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 12


    FLAT IRONFARM45846 B Highway to Heaven Ln.

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    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 14

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  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   15The Calvert County Times    Education



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    Jessica Rosnage, 5th grader at Plum PointElementary School, won rst place in theMaryland State Conference NAACP BlackHistory Month Student Competition. Thewriting contest, co-sponsored by Verizon,is held annually in recognition of Black His-tory Month. The theme of the 2016 contestwas, “We all matter. Together we can makea better world.”

    Beth Morton, principal of Plum Point El-ementary, said, “Plum Point Elementary isexceptionally proud of Jessica’s accomplish-ment as a rst place winner. She is establish-ing herself as a rising author. We look for -

    ward to her future published works.”Jessica’s essay, titled, “To Inspire Peace,”

    was chosen as the winner from among hun-dreds of entries. She received a prize of$100 during a ceremony held at the Regi-nald F. Lewis Museum of Maryland AfricanAmerican History and Culture in Baltimore,Maryland.

    The competition is open to students in el-ementary, middle and high school, and win-ners are chosen at each level. Students maysubmit either poetry or an essay.

     Press Release

    Jessica RosnageWins First Placein Essay Contest


    April 8, 2016 Plum Point Elementary

    Registration: 9:00 am-2:00 pm

    April 29, 2016 Beach Elementary

    Registration: 9 :30 am-2:00 pm

    April 13, 2016 Mt. Harmony Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    May 4, 2016 St. Leonard Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    April 15, 2016 Huntingtown Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    May 3, 2016 Mutual Elementary

    Registration: 9:00 am -2:00 pm

    April 20, 2016 Sunderland Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-1:30 pm

    May 11, 2016 Patuxent Appeal Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    April 22, 2016 Calvert Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    May 12, 2016 Windy Hill Elementary

    Registration: 9:00 am -2:00 pm

    April 28, 2016 Dowell Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    May 13, 2016 Barstow Elementary

    Registration: 9:30 am-2:00 pm

    Calvert County Public Schools will be-gin pre-kindergarten and kindergarten reg-istration for the 2016 to 2017 school year.The schedule is as follows:

    The following documents are needed tocomplete the registration process:

    • Original birth certicate with ofcialraised seal;

    • Child’s immunization records;• Child’s social security card; and• Proof of residency.Only the following documentation will

     be accepted:Deed;Incorporated Lease (Real Estate Lease); Non-incorporated Lease Agreement

    (Landlord provides proof of residency by producing a signed, notarized afdavit ver -ifying that parents reside at that address);or 

    Mortgage Statement.An approved multi-family disclosure ap-

     plication is required when child and parentreside in the home of another family. Pleasecall the Department of Student Services at410-535-7232 to obtain further informationregarding this process.


    Pre-Kindergarten Age Requirement:Must be four years old by Sept. 1, 2016

    Parents must rst complete the applica-tion process and receive an eligibility letterBEFORE registering a child for the pre-

    kindergarten program.Kindergarten Age Requirement: Must

     be ve years old by Sept. 1.Details and information regarding early

    entry requirements can be found in CalvertCounty Public Schools Policy/Procedures#2915. Candidates for early entry to kinder -garten must be ve years old on or before

     Nov. 1 of the school year for which theyapply for entrance. As stated in the policy,the intent of the assessment for early ad-mission, as specied by the State of Mary-land, is to identify exceptional students,not simply students who may be capableof completing kindergarten work. Writtenrequests for candidates to participate inthe early entry to kindergarten assessment process must be received by Joyce King,Supervisor Primary Education, by June 1.

    For more information, contact:Dr. Cheryl Yates, Supervisor of

    Early Childhood & Title I Programs(Pre-Kindergarten)

    (410) [email protected] Farrell King, Supervisor of Pri-

    mary Education (Kindergarten)(410) [email protected]

     Press Release from Calvert County Public Schools

    Calvert County Public

    Schools to BeginPre-Kindergarten and

    Kindergarten Registration



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  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 16 EducationIn Our Community


    Citizen News

    Eating Together Menu

    Lunches are served to seniors, aged 60-plus, and theirspouses through Title IIIC of the Older Americans Act.Suggested donation is $3. To make or cancel a reser-vation call: Calvert Pines Senior Center at 410-535-4606or 301-855-1170, North Beach Senior Center at 410-257-

    2549, or Southern Pines Senior Center at 410-586-2748.Lunches are subject to change.

    Monday, March 21Pork Roast with Gravy,Mashed Potatoes, GreenBeans, Applesauce, PoundCake with Cherry Topping

    Tuesday, March 22Chicken Salad, CottageCheese, Peaches, Pineap-ple, Oatmeal Cookie

    Wednesday, March 23Turkey Sandwich, Navy

    Bean Soup, Three BeanSalad, Coleslaw, MandarinOranges

    Thursday, March 24Spaghetti and Meatballs,Tossed Salad, Roasted Cau-lifower, Apricots, LemonMeringue Pie


    Centers ClosedCalvert Pines, North Beach and Southern Pines Senior Centers will be

    closed Friday, March 25 for Good Friday. Meals on Wheels will not bedelivered.

    Free AARP Tax Assistance Available on SaturdayTrained Tax-Aide Counselors will be available Saturday, April 2 (only) at

    the Calvert Pines Senior Center, 450 West Dares Beach Rd., Prince Fred-erick, Md. This special tax day is for local working seniors who cannotmake one of our other weekday openings. Preparation includes individualfederal and state tax returns (no business, Schedule C or rental returns)at no cost for low-to-moderate income working senior citizens aged 50-plus. Call 410-535-4606 (Monday-Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) to setup an appointment. Appointments will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Yourdocumentation should include last year’s federal and state tax returns, all2015 income statements, deductible(s) receipts, EIC or other credits doc-umentation. Please bring all Health Insurance 1095(B)(C) forms and otherproof of any premium payments, waivers or exemption certicates for allindividuals on the tax return. Bring a cancelled/voided check (for proof ofdirect deposit account) for any electronic refunds/payments. All individu-als on the return must be present and provide positive identication.

    Camp Volunteers NeededThe annual Intergenerational Camp will be held July 18 to 22, 2016.

    We are looking for volunteers to assist with the camp and an adult to actas a volunteer coordinator. Volunteers must be at least 13 years old andshould have experience in assisting with camps. Limited volunteers areneeded and will be selected based on experience. Contact the Oce On Aging at 410-535-4606 or 301-855-1170 to ll out a volunteer applicationform by the end of March.

    Calvert Pines Senior Center (CPSC) A basic Computer Class will be held Thursday, March 24, 8:30 a.m.Enjoy Dinner and a Movie, Thursday, March 31, 5 p.m. A ziti dinner will

    be served followed by the movie, Little Miss Sunshine. Fee: $6 per per-son. Pre-register by March 24.

    North Beach Senior Center (NBSC)Learn about Parkinson’s Disease, Wednesday, March 23, 11 a.m.Have fun with a game of Nutrition Jeopardy and learn about good nutri-

    tion, Thursday, March 24, 10:30 a.m.

    Southern Pines Senior Center (SPSC)Express your feelings in paint and mixed media during Expressive Art,

    beginning Tuesday, March 22, 9:30 a.m. Fee: $30 for 6 week session.Materials are included.

     Enjoy Penny Bingo, Thursday, March 24, 1 p.m.

    Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum(JPPM) Speaker Series brings togetherluminaries as diverse as the topics theyteach for ve evenings of profound in-sights, informative presentations and fas-cinating discussion on a broad scope oftopics. The lectures are held at the Mary-land Archaeological Conservation Labo-ratory (MAC Lab) at 7 p.m. The lectu resare free and open to the public.

    The speaker series kicks-off on April14th with a lecture from Becca Piexottoentitled “ Needed: Skilled-Caver Archae-ologist .” Peixotto, Ph.D candidate andadjunct instructor in the Department ofAnthropology at American University,was one of a six women team that re-cently excavated 15 partial skeletons ofa new species of human relative named

    “Homo naledi.” The excavation was her-alded across the world and is expected tochange the way scientists think about hu-man origins. Peixotto is also co-author ofa paper on the ndings, published in the journal eLife.

    Other lectures scheduled include onMay 5: “Tidal Wave: The Mallows BayStor y,” Donald G. Shomette, Marine Ar-cheologist; June 23: “Exploring the Leg-acy of African Muslims in 19th century D.C.,” Mia L. Carey, University of Flor-ida Department of Anthropology Ph.D.student and National Science Foundation

    Graduate Research Fellow; September22: “Whiskey in America: an Archaeol-ogy Lecture & Tasting Event,” Luke J.Pecoraro, Director of Archaeology atGeorge Washington’s Mount Vernon;October 27: “Advances in Human Bone Research at Jamestown and St. Mary’sCity,” Douglas Owsley, Division Headfor Physical Anthropology at the Smith-sonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural His tory.

    Registration is required for the Sep-tember 22nd talk and attendees must beat least 21 years of age.

    The speaker series is made possible bya grant from the MARPAT foundationin memory of Thomas W. Richards. Forlecture details or additional informationvisit www.jefpat.org, call 410-586-8501

    or email [email protected] Patterson Park & Museum, a

    state museum of archaeology and hometo the Maryland Archaeological Conser-vation Laboratory, is a program of theMaryland Historical Trust, a division ofthe Maryland Depart ment of Planning. Itis located on 560 scenic acres along thePatuxent River and the St. Leonard Creekin St. Leonard, Calvert County.

     Press Release from Jefferson Pat terson Park and Museum

    Jefferson PattersonPark And Museum

    2016 Speaker Series

    For March 2016, Calvert Library pres-ents the work of ve local artists exhib -iting photography, watercolors, acrylics,and mixed media at three of our locations.

     Calvert Library Twin Beaches Branchfeatures photographer Faye Kepner’sshow entitled “Raising the Barre,” de- picting dancer Ana Collins. Faye sta rtedher photography career about ve yearsago; her work focuses on portraits of babies, children, famil ies, seniors , and

    dancers. Faye found inspiration from herown father’s wedding photography busi-ness. Meet Faye Kepner, March 16, from7 to 8 p.m. at Twin Beaches. Faye’s workis showing March 1 to 31. To learn morethe artist and her work, visit www.mo-mentsbyfayephotography.com.

    Artist Joshua Owen’s show at CalvertLibrary Prince Frederick runs throughMarch 31. His show, “The Humble Set-ting,” features abstract acrylics on can-vas. Joshua has loved painting since rst being introduced to the work of JacksonPollock. “…painting is so exciting thatonce I get started painting I often paintuntil I am out of canvas!” says Joshua,who has had both gallery and solo showsthroughout Southern Maryland and inLos Angeles. Meet Joshua Owen, Satur-

    day, March 26, 1-2 p.m. at Prince Freder-

    ick. To learn more about Joshua and hiswork, go to www.josh.artpickle.com.

    At Calvert Library Southern Branch inSolomons, art ists Karen Zuza and PeggyHovermale present a group show of wa-tercolors and mixed media. Their showat the Southern Branch runs throughMarch 31. Karen Zuza painted her rstwatercolor, “Three Pears, Of Course” in2005. With gratitude to her teacher, MaryBlumberg, Karen continues painting with

    watercolors which amaze her with their jewel-like luminous qualit ies. This isKaren’s rst public exhibit. To see moreof Karen’s work, go to www.zuzapaints.com. Peggy Hovermale began painting in2009 when artist Nancy Carver Thomp-son held an art demo for a group offriends. After painting her rst seascape,Peggy was hooked! Abstracts with acryl-ics followed: “I love the freedom and owof using that medium…Painting has be-come my passion!” Peggy has served asPresident of the Calvert Artists’ Guild,and exhibited at Annmarie Gardens, As- bury, and Art works@7th. To learn moreabout the artist and her work, email Peg-gy at [email protected].

     Press Release

    Calvert Library Presents

    The Work Of Five Local Artists This March

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   17The Calvert County Times 

    Realtor’s Choice

    Presenting the professionals' favorite properties on the market.


    Homes of

    the Week

    To list a

    property in our next

    Realtor’s Choice edition,

    call 301-373-4125.

    In Our Community

    Even though Calvert County may beone of the smallest counties in Mary-land, it is open for businesses of all sizes.Home to unique mom-and-pop specialtystores, some of the nation’s top Fortune500 companies and everything in be-tween, Calvert County’s unparalleledquality of life makes it an outstanding lo-

    cation for businesses to start and expand.Join the Calvert County Board of CountyCommissioners and the Department ofEconomic Development in congratulat-ing the following new businesses.

    CrossFit Merit1030 Prince Frederick Blvd., Suite C, PrinceFrederick 443-968-9515www.crossftmerit.com Kneessi Elite Realty, LLC410 Calvert Beach Rd., St. Leonard

    443-871-5962www.kneessieliterealty.com The Mermaid’s Cottage2990 Parkers Creek Rd., Port Republic443-532-5981Find us on Facebook 

     Shear Stylez Hair Salon4901 St. Leonard Rd., St. Leonard443-684-3837Find us on Facebook  Chipotle Mexican Grill144 West Dares Beach Rd., Prince Frederick 410-535-0252

    www.chipotle.com For a full listing of all Calvert County

     businesses, please visit www.ecalvert.comand click “Business Database.” CalvertCounty is committed to fostering a dy-namic and competitive business climate to

    ensure economic growth and sustainability. These new businesses help stimulatethe local economy and provide employment opportunities for local residents.

    For information on the Calvert CountyDepartment of Economic Developmenand the many services the county offerthe business community, contact the de

     partment at 410-535-4583 or 301-8551880; or by email at [email protected] Calvert County Government onFacebook.

     Press Release

    Calvert County Congratulates New Businesses

    On April 16, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m.,Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum(JPPM) will kick-off its 2016 public sea-son with the eighth annual DiscoveringArchaeology Day.

    Archaeological organizations fromacross Maryland will be on site with dis- plays, exhibi ts, art ifacts and hands-onactivities for all ages. Bring in artifactsyou have found and have them identied by archaeologists . Free guided tours ofthe Maryland Archaeological Conserva-tion Laboratory (MAC Lab) are sched-uled for 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Speak with

    conservators about recent projects andview some of the MAC Lab’s vast ar-tifact collection. Visit the 18th centurySmith’s St. Leonard plantation site tohear JPPM staff archaeologists presentrecent discoveries and interpretations.Plan to stop by JPPM’s Visitor Centerand explore the FAQ Archaeology ex-hibit, an interactive experience focusedon the “where, what and how” questionsmost frequently asked of archaeologists..

    Participants in this years event in-cludes: Stantec, Charles County Ar-chaeological Society of Maryland, Inc,

    Howard County Recreation and Parks,Veterans Curation Program, Historic St.Mary’s City, US Naval Academy, De- par tment of His tory M-NCPPC, Archae-ology Program - Prince George’s Coun-ty Department of Parks and Recreation.

    April is Maryland Archeology Month.Come celebrate and get your hands dirtywith us!

    This is a free family event open to the public. Food will be available for pur-chase. For additional information visitwww.jefpat.org, call 410-586-8501 oremail [email protected]

    Jefferson Patterson Park & Museum, astate museum of archaeology and hometo the Maryland Archaeological Conser-vation Laboratory, is a program of theMaryland Historical Trust, a division ofthe Maryland Department of Planning.It is located on 560 scenic acres alongthe Patuxent River and the St. LeonardCreek in St. Leonard, Calvert County,Maryland.

     Press Release from Jefferson Patterson Park and Museum

    Jefferson Patterson

    Park & Museum To Host

     Eighth Annual Discovering Archaeology Day

    Mike Batson Photography  Freelance Photographers


    [email protected]




    Family Portraits

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 18




    Publication Date:

    March 24th


    March 18th

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    Thursday, March 17, 2016   19The Calvert County Times    Entertainment

    Going OnIn Entertainment

    The Calvert County Times is always looking formore local talent to feature! To submit art or

    band information for our entertainment

    section, e-mail [email protected].

    Please submit calendar listings by noon on theTuesday prior to our Thursday publication.




    Whatever your needs, we’ll getyou in the Classied section!

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    Thursday, March 17

    LIAM- Live Irish MusicRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 6 to 10 p.m.

    Friday, March 18

    St. Paddy’s Day CelebrationRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)

    Face Down: St. Patrick’s DayWeekend, Double Shot Party  Anthony’s Bar and Grill (10371Southern Maryland Blvd.,Dunkirk)

    Saturday, March 19

    CSM Cause Theatre: “TheWalls.”College of Southern Maryland,La Plata Campus, Fine ArtsBuilding, Theatre (8730 MitchellRd., La Plata) 2 p.m.

    Sunday, March 20

    Easter Bunny Ruddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 2 p.m.

    Hand Dancing And Line

    Dance SocialHouse of Dance (24620 ThreeNotch Rd., Hollywood)- 5 p.m.

    John ShawRuddy Duck (16800 Piney PointRd., Piney Point)- 11 a.m. to 1p.m.

    Monday, March 21

    Pizza and Pint NightRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell

    Rd., Dowell)- 4 p.m.

    Team TriviaRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 7 p.m.

    Tuesday, March 22

    Burger and Pint NightRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 4 p.m.

    Team FeudRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 6:30 p.m.

    Wednesday, March 23

    Open Mic NightRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 6 p.m.

    Thursday, March 24

    Cowboy Crossing, Robby and

    ChrisRuddy Duck (13200 Dowell Rd.,Dowell)- 7:30 p.m.

    Email in your Engagement

     Announcement Today!

    [email protected] 

    It’s Free!

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 20

    To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar,please email [email protected] with the listing details by12 p.m. on the Tuesday prior to our Thursday publication.Community Calendar 

    Friday, March 18

    Chicken Chesapeake Dinner American Legion Stallings Williams Post 206Route 260 (3330 Chesapeake Beach Rd. E onRoute 260, Chesapeake Beach) - 5:30 to 7 p.m.

    Chef Clarisse’s recipes always leave ussmacking lips (Yum). Join us for this unforget-

    table dinner hosted by the American Legion Auxiliary Stallings-Williams Post 206. Come tothe lower level dining room. Cost is $12 includ-ing side, salad, and beverage. Questions may bedirected to (301)855-6466. Public Welcome.

    Exhibit Opening: Artists-In-Action 2016 Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Centers - 6to 9 p.m.

    Opening reception for Artists-In-Action 2016,a gallery show & sale featuring works by theparticipating 2016 artists. Admission: Free formembers/$5 non-members; reservations notrequired. Make a date with Annmarie to enjoya casual adult evening of great art, wine & beer,light hors d’oeuvres, and live music. Visit the GiftShop for special AAH sales! Stop by Annmariebefore or after dinner and make it a night on thetown. No reservations required! Free for mem-bers; $5 for non-members. Must be 21+.

    Exhibit Opening: Color and Light Society

    Spring Show & Sale Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center - 6to 9 p.m.

    Opening reception for Color & Light SocietySpring Show and Sale. Members of the Colorand Light Society host a spring show and salefeaturing paintings, sculpture, watercolors, andmore. Admission: Free for members/$5 non-members; reservations not required. Makea date with Annmarie to enjoy a casual adultevening of great art, wine & beer, light horsd’oeuvres, and live music. Visit the Gift Shop forspecial AAH sales! Stop by Annmarie before orafter dinner and make it a night on the town. Noreservations required! Free for members; $5 fornon-members. Must be 21+.

    Exhibit Opening: Threads: A Sampling of Fi-ber Art Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center - 6to 9 p.m.

    Opening Reception for Threads: A Sampling

    of Fiber Art. Admission: Free for members/$5non-members; reservations not required. Makea date with Annmarie to enjoy a casual adultevening of great art, wine and beer, light horsd’oeuvres, and live music. Visit the Gift Shopfor special AAH sales! Stop by Annmarie beforeor after dinner and make it a night on the town.No reservations required! Free for members; $5for non-members. Must be 21+. This exhibit as-sembles a vibrant and diverse selection of worksthat reect the best of contemporary ber andtextile art, from works that embrace innovativematerials, forms, and processes, to those thatcelebrate the history of this art form. Juried byinternationally recognized expert, Renate Maile-Moskowitz, Threads will thrill guests with its col-ors, textures, and designs.

    Membership Meeting American Legion Stallings Williams Post 206Route 260 (Chesapeake Beach) - 7 to 8 p.m.

     All members of the American Legion Stall-ings-Williams Post 206 are encouraged to attendthe regular meeting, starting at 7 p.m., in the Up-per Level Meeting Hall at the American LegionStallings-Williams Post 206. For information call301-855-6466.

    Owl Prowl: Hot Drinks and Hoots Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center(Solomons) - 7 to 9 p.m

     Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center,in Solomons, Maryland, will host their rst-everOwl Prowl: hot drinks and hoots. The public isinvited for an after hours hike through the gar-den in search of nocturnal residents! Your guideswill be Hester Burch, Annmarie Naturalist, andspecial guest Bob Boxwell, Executive Directorof the Cove Point Natural Heritage Trust. Bob isan environmental educator and avid birder, witha special love for owls of all sorts! Meet in theMurray Arts Building and grab a complimentaryhot drink to take with you! The prowl will take youdown an asphalt path and through the woods,so wear sturdy shoes; ashlights are encour-

    aged. This event is designed for adults. Cost is

    $3 and includes a hot drink; reservations are notrequired.

     Annmarie After Hours Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center(Solomons) - 6 to 9 p.m.

     Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Cen-ter will host Annmarie After Hours, to celebrate

    the opening of three new exhibits – Threads: a sampling of ber arts, the Artist In Action GalleryShow and Sale, and the Color and Light SocietySpring Show and Sale. This triple opening willfeature the work of more than 60 artists, fromspectacular ber works to ceramics, watercol-ors, and sculpture. Make a date with Annmarieto enjoy a casual adult evening of great art, wine& beer, light hors d’oeuvres, and live music. En- joy appetizers by Dream Weaver Events & Cater-ing and great local live music. No reservationsrequired! Admission is free for members and $5for non-members. You must be at least 21 yearsof age. For a complete AAH schedule visit www.snnmariegarden.org, call 410-326-4640.

    Saturday, March 19

    Farm to Table Breakfast Hosted by CalvertCounty Farm BureauCalvert County Fairgrounds (Calvert County) - 7to 10:30 a.m.

    In celebration of National Agriculture Week,the Calvert County Farm Bureau and the Cal-vert County Young Farmers are hosting the 2nd Annual Farm to Table Breakfast. The breakfastwill be held at the Calvert County Fairgrounds,featuring a locally sourced menu with eggs, sau-sage, potatoes, biscuits, waes and more. Theevent will also include an indoor farmer’s market,barnyard sale and horse tack sale. Tickets areavailable at the door for $12, children 6 & underare free. Proceeds from the event will go to ben-et the Calvert County Farm Bureau ScholarshipFund and the Calvert County Young FarmersProgram. More information is available at cal-vertfarmbureau.com.

    Breakfast with the Easter Bunny Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squad (755Solomons Island Rd. S, Prince Frederick) - 8 to11 a.m.

    The Prince Frederick Volunteer Rescue Squadinvites you all to bring your family and enjoy a

    home cooked breakfast. We are serving bacon,sausage, scrambled eggs, pancakes, waes,hash browns, juices, milk, and coee. Bring yourcamera and get a picture with the Easter Bunny! Admission by donation. Call 410-535-9836.

    Texas Holdem And Cash Games Julie Rogers Studio of Dance (4120 Old TownRd., Huntingtown) - 7 p.m.

    Texas HOLDEM and CASH games to benetthe Patricia Leone Rogers Educational Scholar-ship Fund. Doors open at 6 p.m. and game startsat 7 p.m. Buy in is $80 gets you $12,000 in chipsand blinds are 20 minutes each and start at 25-50. Early registration before 6:45 p.m. gets youan extra $1,000 in chips. $10 50/50 gets you anadditional $3,000 in chips. Re-buys up until therst break. Food, beer and sodas included!!

    Sunday, March 20

    Quarter Auction Beneft

    Prince Frederick Volunteer Fire Department (450Solomons Island Rd., Prince Frederick) - Noonto 3 p.m.

    Doors open at noon. Auction from 1 to 3:30p.m. Win prizes from over 17 dierent compa-nies; all items will be only 1 to 4 quarter bids -most items are only 1 or 2 quarter bids. Paddlesare $3 each or 2 for $5. If you’ve never been to aquarter auction, come out and enjoy! We’ll showyou to play, and you’ll have over 75 chances towin! For info or reservations, call 410-474-2958.For a schedule of our events and more info, join our Facebook page at Quarter Auctions inSOMD. Proceeds benet the Prince FrederickVolunteer Fire Department.

    Free Kids’ Easter Party  American Legion Stallings Williams Post 206Route 260 (Chesapeake Beach) - 1 to 3 p.m.

    In the upper level hall of the American Le-gion Stallings-Williams Post 206 on Route 260.Hosted by the American Legion Auxiliary, ChairRebecca Chaney. All are Welcome. The Eas-

    ter Bunny may be there! For information call


    World Storytelling Day Family Event Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solo- mons) - 1 to 2:30 p.m.

    It’s World Storytelling Day! Join us for an in-teractive performance and family workshop asvisiting artist, Arianna Ross, takes us on an art

    and story adventure! part performance, part artactivity, families will delight in the Wiggling Gig-gling Bookworm. We’ll dance, sing, wiggle, andgiggle as we nd our “inner bookworms.” Wewill read, write, draw, dance, and make music aswe construct our own stories. If you have a bigimagination, love to tell tales, and want to havefun learning, then join us! Performance beginspromptly at 1 p.m. and lasts 45 minutes. Fam-ily art & literacy workshop lasts 45 minutes. Noregistration required--Just drop in at 1pm for theshow! Regular admission rates apply: MembersFree, Children 4-under free. Afterwards, stay andenjoy Discovering Spring: a Poetry Reading andOpen Mic, 2:30 to 4 p.m. For more information,call the oce at 410-326-4640 or visit www.an -nmariegarden.org.

    Discovering Spring Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center(Solomons) - 2:30 to 4 p.m.

     Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center

    will host Discovering Spring – A Poetry Reading& Open Mic. The public is invited for an afternoonof poetry inspired by Spring featuring well-knownpoets Rocky Jones, Elisavietta (Lisa) Ritchie, Andre “Brenardo” Taylor, and Grace Cavalieri.The reading will be emceed by noted poet Hi-ram Larew, and will include an open mic period,as well as time for networking and socializing.Some of the poets will have their books availablefor purchase. Light refreshments will be served.Reservations are not required; regular admissionfees will apply. For detailed information, contactHiram Larew at [email protected]. For furtherinformation, visit www.annmariegarden.org.

    Monday, March 21

    Spring Break Day Camp: Woodlands Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solo- mons) - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Grades k-5. Member cost: $35 and nonmem-ber cost: $40. This year, spring break is all about

    animals! In this class, we will create art inspiredby our favorite woodland critters. We’ll discoverfamous artworks inspired by fauna, create ac-cessories of feather and fur, and embark on a journey through the AMG forest! Pack a lunch,dress for a mess, and get ready to get creative!Registration required. To register call 410-326-4640. For more information, visit www.annmar-iegarden.org.

    Lolly-palooza: Drop-in Playground Event Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center(Solomons) - 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.

    Celebrate the seasonal re-opening of ourFairy Lolly playground with extra-special activi-ties! Drop in each day for something dierent. Activities take place in the Lolly, but stop by theartLAB and the Nature Nook for added fun, too!No registration required--just drop in! Regularadmission fees apply, Members Free, Children5-under Free. March 21- Bubble Painting. Formore information, visit www.annmariegarden.org.

    Safe Boating ClassCounty Services Plaza (150 Main Street, PrinceFrederick) - 6 to 10 p.m.

    The course is The MD Boating Safety Course.There are three four-hour sessions. Instructionwill be on March 21 and March 22 with a naltest on March 24. Preregistration is requestedbut walk-ins are welcome space permitting. Formore information and to preregister contact R.T.West at 410-535-2035. For those born after 1July 1972 this course satises the requirementfor operating a vessel on Maryland waters. ADNR Certicate of Boating Safety Educationwill be issued on satisfactory completion of thecourse.

    River to Bay Maker StationsCalvert Marine Museum - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Ongoing and rotating stations in the HarmsGallery. Take a look at plankton under a micro-scope, play with the food chain, and explore ani-

    mal adaptations.

    Tuesday, March 22

     All About PlantsCalvert Marine Museum - 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

    Take a tour of the upland marsh and discovewhat plants grow best in this environment. Wander through our Children’s Maritime Garden andexplore the dierent areas and the treasures they

    hold. Plant your own seed to take home and wafor it to “spring” forth! For ages 5 to 10.

    Spring Break Day Camp: The Outback Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Cente(Solomons) - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

     Age Group: Grades K-5. Member cost: $35and nonmember cost: $40. This spring break isall about animals! In this class, we’ll create artwork inspired by Australia’s unusual creaturesFrom the marvelous world of marsupials to theGreat Barrier Reef, we will examine the uniquewildlife and habitats on this continent. Pack alunch, dress for a mess, and get ready for anadventure through the Outback! Registration required. To register call 410-326-4640. For moreinformation, visit www.annmariegarden.org.

    Family Dinner American Legion Stallings Williams Post 206Route 260 (3330 Chesapeake Beach Rd E onRoute 260, Chesapeake Beach) - 5:30 to 7 p.m.

    Bring the Kids! The American Legion StallingsWilliams Post 206 will host a Family Dinner consisting of Pizza ($8 + $1 for each extra toppings)French Fries ($2). and Chicken Fingers with Frie($6) Dinner will be served in the Lower Level Dining Room. Public Welcome. For information, ca(301) 855-6466.

    Wednesday, March 23

    Meet the Lighthouse KeeperCalvert Marine Museum - 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3 p.m.

    Come and meet a costumed interpreter playing the Drum Point Lighthouse Keeper. Learnwhat life was like living in a lighthouse in the early1900’s and what the children did for entertainment. All ages welcome.

    Spring Break Day Camp: The Arctic Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solo mons) - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

    Grades k-5. Member cost: $35 and nonmember cost: $40. This year, spring break is all abouanimals! In this class we will create artwork inspired by the arctic and its icy inhabitants. We’discover the dierences between the arcticsubarctic, and Antarctic regions, and learn whocalls each place home. We’ll invent imaginativmini worlds complete with cold-weather crittersPack a lunch, dress for a mess, and get ready foan icy expedition! Registration required. To register call 410-326-4640. For more informationvisit www.annmariegarden.org.

    Thursday, March 24

    Critter Talks in the Harms Gallery Calvert Marine Museum - 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 3:3 p.m.

    Get up close to meet the critters and learninteresting facts about animals that live in thmarsh and bay.

    Spring Break Day Camp: The Savannah Annmarie Sculpture Garden & Arts Center (Solo mons) - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m

    Grades K-5. Member cost: $35 and nonmember cost: $40. This year, spring break is all abouanimals! In this class we will study the Africansavannah and the wild array of animals who livethere. We’ll create artwork inspired by the variedpatterns of these mammals, and collage grasslandscapes to admire at home. Pack a lunchdress for a mess, and get ready for an art safarRegistration required. To register call 410-3264640. For more information, visit www.annmariegarden.org.

    Little Minnows with Special GuestCalvert Marine Museum - 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.

    Join Author, Elaine Ann Allen. Ms. Allen writechildren’s books about sea life in the Chesapeake Bay. These include Olly the Oyster Cleansthe Bay and Mallory the Forgetful Duck. Join hefor a puppet show and make a stick puppet. Afterwards she will be here for book signings. Free

    program sponsored by PNC Grow Up Great.

  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   21The Calvert County Times 


    Contact your Local Library!

    Fairview: 410-257-2101

    Twin Beaches: 410-257-2411

    Prince Frederick : 410-535-0291 or301-855-1862

    Southern: 410-326-5289


    Thursday, March 17

    •Shake It Out Music and MovementCalvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G.Trueman Rd., Solomons-10 to 10:30 a.m.

    Shake It Out Music and Movement will cre-ate a rich environment that promotes social,emotional and physical skills. Come join us forsome shake’n fun.

    •Resume and Cover Letter WorkshopCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 1 to 3 p.m.

    Need help with your resume? Join jobcounselor Sandra Holler in a small group tolearn what makes a strong resume and coverletter. If you have one started, bring it with youso editing can happen on the spot. One print-ed copy helps. Please register.

    •T.A.C.O.S. Meeting!Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 5 to 6 p.m.

    T.A.C.O.S. (Teen Advisory Council of Stu-dents!) meeting! For teens (those of you ages13-19) Calvert Library needs your help plan-ning events, revamping our Teen Zone andother awesome things. Help make Calvert Li-brary awesome! Free food (and service learn-ing hours) at every meeting!

    •Drop-in Computer CodingCalvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819Harbor Rd., Chesapeake Beach- 5 to 6 p.m.

    Have fun learning the languages of com-puters. It’s fun, It’s easy.

    •Curiosity Works Drop In for TEENS!Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 6:30 to 8 p.m.

    Come hang out and use all of our materialsand your creative solutions to solve a varietyof challenges. High-tech, lo-tech, it’s up toyou! Come show of what you can come upwith.

    •Kids Just Want to Have FunCalvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819Harbor Rd., Chesapeake Beach- 6:30 to 7:30

     p.m.Kids in kindergarten through 3rd grade are

    invited to this series of exciting events explor-ing topics from art to history to science. Eachmonth will include fun activities, crafts anda snack! This month’s topic: Titanic. Pleaseregister.

    •Kids TechCalvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G.Trueman Rd., Solomons- 7 to 8 p.m.

    Discover your inner GEEK by combiningLegos with Technology. Let’s see what we canbuild! Please register.

    Friday, March 18

    •On Pins and NeedlesCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 1 to 4 p.m.

    Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting,

    crocheting, or other project for an afternoonof conversation and shared creativity.

    Saturday, March 19

    •Garden Smarter: PropagationCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 10 to 11:30 a.m.

    Expand your garden without the expenseof buying new plants! Learn how to start newplants from seed, division, and cuttings.

    •Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble andmoreCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- Noon to 3 p.m.

    Want to learn Mahjongg? Hope to makeyour Scrabble skills killer? Games are a greatway to keep your brain sharp while having fun!Join us! Please register.

    •Children’s MakerSpaceCalvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G.Trueman Rd., Solomons- 1 to 4 p.m.

    Come join our “Maker’s Space” for childrenat Southern and see what you can build. Wewill supply a large amount of Legos, includingsome Lego Duplos. Activities will also includecraft stations.

    •Lego ChallengeCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 2 to 4 p.m.

    Lego enthusiasts can visit the storytimeroom to take part in a weekly, themed chal-lenge. Legos supplied by library. Registrationnot required.

    Sunday, March 20

    •Sharks in Our Backyard!Calvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 2 to 3 p.m.

    John Nance, paleontologist from the Cal-vert Marine Museum, will talk about sharksand the snaggletooth tiger shark found in abackyard in Chesapeake Beach. Presented inpartnership with Bayside History Museum atNorth Beach Town Hall.

    Monday, March 21

    •Books and ToysCalvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G.Trueman Rd., Solomons- 10 to 11 a.m.

    Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. Moms,parents, caregivers and your tots! Book clubfor mom, playtime for kids!

    •On Pins and NeedlesCalvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819Harbor Rd., Chesapeake Beach- 1 to 4 p.m.

    Bring your quilting, needlework, knitting,crocheting, or other project for an afternoonof conversation and shared creativity.

    •Drop-in MinecraftCalvert Library Fairview Branch, Rt. 4 andChaneyville Rd., Owings- 3:30 to 5 p.m.

    Try your hand at building and participatein special projects using minecraft.edu. Noregistration!

    •Curiosity WorkshopCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 6:30 to 8 p.m.

    Join us for these STEAM workshops de-signed to engage kids in creative problem

    solving using experimentation and explora-tion. The second of the four workshops is:Decision-Making and Flexibility. For kids 8-12years old and parents and caregivers are en-couraged to stay. Please register.

    •Calvert Eats LocalCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 7 to 8:30 p.m.

    Come learn about mushroom cultivation!Encourage local agriculture, discover ways toeat locally, and share resources, energy, andgood ideas great food!

    Tuesday, March 22

    •Drop-in Computer CodingCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.

    Have fun learning the languages of com-puters. It’s fun, It’s easy. Younger children willneed the help of an adult.

    •Flying NeedlesCalvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G.Trueman Rd., Solomons- 6 to 9 p.m.

    Knitting, crocheting and portable craftinggroup open to anyone wanting to join in andshare talents, crafting time or learn a new skill.

    •Introduction to Genealogy ResearchCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 7 to 8:30 p.m.

    Interested in getting your genealogy start-ed? Steve Davidson from Maryland’s StateLibrary Resource Center and formerly the As-sistant Library Director at the Daughters of the American Revolution will give you tips to startthe process and point out the great resourcesavailable through the library and other freewebsites. Please register.

    Wednesday, March 23

    •Brain Games: Mahjongg, Scrabble andmoreCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 10 to 1 p.m.

    Want to learn Mahjongg? Hope to makeyour Scrabble skills killer? Games are a greatway to keep your brain sharp while having fun!Join us! Please register.

    Thursday, March 24

    •JobSource Mobile Career CenterCalvert Library Southern Branch, 13920 H. G.Trueman Rd., Solomons- 1 to 3 p.m.

    Stop by to get job counseling, resumehelp, search for jobs and get connected withSouthern Maryland JobSource. This 38’ mo-bile center features 11 computer worksta-tions, smart board instructional technology,satellite internet access, exterior audio visualand broadcasting capabilities; state-of-the-art workforce applications and connectivityfor wireless mobile device access.

    •Special Author Event: Writing WorkshopCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleyWay- 2 to 4 p.m.

    Popular young adult authors JessicaSpotswood (The Cahill Witch Chronicles)and JC Lillis (How to Repair a MechanicalHeart) will lead a writing workshop and talk for

    grades 5-12. Please register.

    •Drop-in Computer CodingCalvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819Harbor Rd., Chesapeake Beach- 5 to 6 p.m.

    Have fun learning the languages of computers. It’s fun, It’s easy.

    •Wiz KidsCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleWay- 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

    Be a Wiz Kid! Wiz Kids is a group of do-itall kids who meet every month to learn aboutand do activities based on, science, technology, art, engineering, math and their community. For kids in grades 3 to 5. Please registeone month before each event.

    Monday, March 28

    •Monday Morning Movies and MoreCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleWay- 10 to 11 a.m.

    Join us at 10 am for dancing, stories, movies and fun.

    •On Pins and NeedlesCalvert Library Twin Beaches Branch, 3819Harbor Rd., Chesapeake Beach- 1 to 4 p.m.

    Bring your quilting, needlework, knittingcrocheting, or other project for an afternooof conversation and shared creativity.

    •Drop-in MinecraftCalvert Library Fairview Branch, Rt. 4 andChaneyville Rd., Owings- 3:30 to 5 p.m.

    Try your hand at building and participatin special projects using minecraft.edu. Noregistration!

    •Paint Uncorked FundraiserCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleWay- 6 to 9 p.m.

    Join the Friends of Calvert Library at PAINT Uncorked event at the Brick WooFired Bistro (60 Sherry Lane, Prince Frederick). Be walked through the process of creating your own painting that you can take homwith you! Tickets are $40 for the lesson anpainting, you›ll be able to purchase food andrink from Brick Bistro. Please register.

    •Curiosity WorkshopCalvert Library Prince Frederick, 850 CostleWay- 6:30 to 8 p.m.

    Join us for these STEAM workshops designed to engage kids in creative problemsolving using experimentation and exploration. The third of the four workshops is: Colaboration and Motivation. For kids 8 to 12years old and parents and caregivers are encouraged to stay. Please register.

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  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016The Calvert County Times 22

    Last Week’s Puzzle Solutions


     1. Birds 5. Quills 11. Coniferous tree 12. Type of vessels 16. Used for baking or drying 17. Promotion of product or

    service 18. Many wombs 19. “On the Waterfront” actor  24. Air conditioning

     25. Heart condition 26. Curved shapes 27. The 7th letter of the Greek

    alphabet 28. Let it stand 29. Famous actor  30. Mated 31. High and low are types of

    these 33. Marsupial 34. African nation (Fr.) 37. Huge 38. Mountainous area in Puerto

    Rico 39. Crooked 42. Canadian law enforcers

    (abbr.) 43. Neat and smart in

    appearance 44. Intent 48. Reptile genus 49. A way to make full 50. Merchant 52. Michigan 53. Manifesting approval 55. Melancholic music 57. Massachusetts 58. Membrane of the cornea 59. Calendar month

     62. Exam 63. Commission 64. Old English letters CLUES DOWN

      1. Olfactory sensations  2. Bon __   3. Turn up 4. Bright  5. Thick piece of something  6. Cause to absorb water  7. Morning  8. 0 degrees C.  9. Dull, heavy sounds 10. Eisaku __, Japanese Prime

    Minister  13. Tellurium 14. In an angry way

     15. Homopterous insect 20. Above 21. Sodium 22. Aoris’ father (Greek myth.) 23. They ring receipts 27. Periods of history 29. South Dakota 30. Mammal genus 31. Scotland’s longest river  32. Potato state 33. ___ City, OK 74641

     34. Connected with touch 35. Molding 36. High-energy physics 37. Of I 38. Small pieces of bread 39. Third day in Armenian

    calendar  40. They accompany the leader  41. 1,000 grams (kilogram) 43. Felis domesticus 44. Large, fightless birds 45. Felt deep affection for  46. Suffer death 47. Private rendezvous (pl.) 49. Not the winner  50. Touchdown 51. Ancient Egyptian sun god 53. Portuguese parish


  • 8/19/2019 2016-03-17 Calvert County Times


    Thursday, March 17, 2016   23The Calvert County Times 

    Placing An AdPublication Days

    Important InformationEmail your ad to: [email protected] or  Call: 301-373-4125 or Fax: 301-373-4128.

    Liner Ads (No artwork or special type) Charged by the line w ith the 4 line minimum. Display

    Ads (Ads with artwork, logos, or special type)Charged by the inch with the 2 inch minimum.

    All private party ads must be paid before ad is run.

    The Calvert County Times will not be held responsible forany ads omitted for any reason. The Calvert County Timesreserves the right to edit or reject any classied ad not meet-ing the standards of The Calvert County Times. It is yourresponsiblity to check t he ad on its rst publication and callus if a mistake is found. We will correct your ad only if

    notied after the rst d ay of the rst publication ran.

    The County Times is published each Thursday.

    Deadlines are Monday at 12 noon.

    Ofce hours are:

    Monday thru Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.


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