1 From the Interim's Desk 2 Sr. Warden's Report Treasurer's Report 3 Choir Notes ECW News Pancake Supper 5 Birthdays and Anniversaries Lay Ministers 6 Calendar of Events 4 Stewardship Holy Trinity Mystery February 2016 From the Interim's Desk The Rev'd. Edward L. Mullins, Interim Rector Greetings to all in the Household of Faith, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to God for the privilege of working alongside of you during this time of transition as you prepare for your new Rector. My primary task as your Interim will be to look at things from a new set of eyes hoping to gain a fresh perspective on the ministries and worship at Holy Trinity. Please feel free to look over the Letter of Agreement between the Diocese, myself and the Vestry. It’s posted on the bulletin board for you to read. My primary days will be three to four per week in accordance with Diocesan guidelines (part time Interim). Except for variations in the Church Calendar, I will be here on Thursdays through Sundays and more often as needed. For those who may not know, Diana and I will be living (along with Annabelle the Singing Beagle) in the rectory on Front Street. In terms of ministry and worship, I will be making recommendations from time to time in order to make the entrance of your new Rector “smooth and clean” as we sometimes say to describe getting back to basics. In worship, we will be working with Lectors and other members of the worship team to facilitate how we do worship. One matter to take note of is that of announcements. I would like those who wish to have announcements made follow the standard protocol of writing it out or emailing it to Ray so he can include it in the bulletin. For those that cannot make the deadline, please hand me the announcement in writing so I can mention it. If you have your announcement in the bulletin but wish me to “highlight it” then let me know that as well. Let’s try this for a while and see how it works for us. Thanks for your help in this vital area of worship continuity on Sundays. If anyone would like to schedule an appointment with me for the mornings, I’ll officially be “in” from 9 to 12 on the days I’m here. Call, email or simply walk in. If I’m already with someone, feel free to fix a cup of coffee and I’ll be with you shortly. If you would like a pastoral visit at your home, I would welcome that opportunity as well. If there is someone who needs to have a priest come and visit, please let me know (preferably by email or note). Remember, I am here to serve the spiritual needs of the congregation during the absence of a Rector. Here is how you can contact me: Cell: 252-202-2044 Email: [email protected] So let us begin this “goodly” journey through preaching, teaching and administration. Blessings to all of you in the household of Holy Trinity. The Rev. Edward L. Mullins Interim Rector of Holy Trinity The Church of the Holy Trinity 207 South Church Street P.O. Box 125 Hertford, NC 27944 252-426-5542 www.holytrinityhertford.ecdio.org [email protected] IN THIS ISSUE TRINITY’S TRUMPET The Newsletter from the Church of the Holy Trinity Hertford, North Carolina

2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages

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Page 1: 2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages

1 From the Interim's Desk 2 Sr. Warden's Report Treasurer's Report 3

Choir Notes ECW News Pancake Supper

5 Birthdays and Anniversaries Lay Ministers 6 Calendar of Events


Stewardship Holy Trinity Mystery

February 2016

From the Interim's Desk The Rev'd. Edward L. Mullins, Interim Rector

Greetings to all in the Household of Faith, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

I give thanks to God for the privilege of working alongside of you during this time of transition as you

prepare for your new Rector. My primary task as your Interim will be to look at things from a new set of eyes hoping to gain a fresh perspective on the ministries and worship at Holy Trinity.

Please feel free to look over the Letter of Agreement between the Diocese, myself and the Vestry. It’s posted on the bulletin board for you to read. My primary days will be three to four per week in accordance with Diocesan guidelines (part time Interim). Except for variations in the Church Calendar, I will be here on Thursdays through Sundays and more often as needed.

For those who may not know, Diana and I will be living (along with Annabelle the Singing Beagle) in the rectory on Front Street.

In terms of ministry and worship, I will be making recommendations from time to time in order to make the entrance of your new Rector “smooth and clean” as we sometimes say to describe getting back to basics.

In worship, we will be working with Lectors and other members of the worship team to facilitate how we do worship. One matter to take note of is that of announcements. I would like those who wish to have announcements made follow the standard protocol of writing it out or emailing it to Ray so he can include it in the bulletin. For those that cannot make the deadline, please hand me the announcement in writing so I can mention it. If you have your announcement in the bulletin but wish me to “highlight it” then let me know that as well. Let’s try this for a while and see how it works for us. Thanks for your help in this vital area of worship continuity on Sundays.

If anyone would like to schedule an appointment with me for the mornings, I’ll officially be “in” from 9 to 12 on the days I’m here. Call, email or simply walk in. If I’m already with someone, feel free to fix a cup of coffee and I’ll be with you shortly.

If you would like a pastoral visit at your home, I would welcome that opportunity as well. If there is someone who needs to have a priest come and visit, please let me know (preferably by email or note). Remember, I am here to serve the spiritual needs of the congregation during the absence of a Rector. Here is how you can contact me: Cell: 252-202-2044 Email: [email protected]

So let us begin this “goodly” journey through preaching, teaching and administration. Blessings to all of you in the household of Holy Trinity.

The Rev. Edward L. Mullins Interim Rector of Holy Trinity

The Church of the Holy Trinity 207 South Church Street P.O. Box 125 Hertford, NC 27944 † 252-426-5542 www.holytrinityhertford.ecdio.org [email protected]


TRINITY’S TRUMPET The Newsletter from the Church of the Holy Trinity

Hertford, North Carolina

Page 2: 2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages

February 2016


Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden

When the Vestry Clerk sends you the minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages long, you know that

lots of work has been done to get ready for the coming church year. The Vestry met at Trinity Center, starting at lunch on Thursday and finishing after lunch on Friday, talking, it seems, non-stop. This Retreat had a slightly different thrust in that we spent much time probing who we are as a parish and where we hope to be a year or more down the road. Father Mullins had much to offer from his perspective of serving as interim and priest over the years. We found it reassuring that it was pointed out that Holy Trinity is on the right path, being a friendly, caring, spiritual and open congregation.

We had so much we wanted to cover that the Vestry had to resume agenda topics after returning to Hertford the following Tuesday. Some of the highlights of decisions made to implement our efforts are:

• A name tag rack will be constructed by Bob Dougherty and Laura Rowell to make finding and wearing our name tags more convenient. Once a new rack is in place, we will encourage everyone to help welcome new members by wearing our name tags. This will also help our new interim, Fr. Ed to learn who we are.

• Fr. Ed will be exploring opportunities to initiate some Bible study or Sunday School. • We have modified the use of altar flowers after the service. For now, the donors each Sunday will be able

to either take the flowers home or take them to someone they feel might benefit from receiving flowers, either church members or someone they care about. You can ask Fr. Ed or Barbara if you need suggestions of someone in the parish.

• Vestry meetings have been changed to the 3rd Thursday of the month to allow Fr. Ed to attend since his basic schedule of time here at Holy Trinity will be Thursday through Sunday.

Easter is early this year and we will start the Lenten season off with a Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper under the able hands of the Men's Group on February 9th.

We now have our Search Committee established under the leadership of Vince Gullotta as Chair. The following persons will also serve on this Committee: Dick Mohler, Jane McCoy, Bobbi Stevenson, Jo Ann Morris, Anne Lankford and Bill Horton. These folks have a big job ahead of them, starting on January 19th, at which time they will meet with The Rev. Canon Stockard. Keep them in your prayers. We are blessed to have such able and willing members.

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Treasurer's Report Wes Brown, Treasurer

The Year ended with contributions exceeding budget by

$22,354. We can be thankful for giving well above the pledged amount! Expenses were below budget by $23,332, primarily due to the absence of a rector in the last 3 months of the year.

If there are any questions or concerns please contact me by email at [email protected] or by phone at 426-1244.

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2015 Operating Budget Summary December YTD View

YTD Actual

YTD Budget

YTD Per Cent

Pledges/Regular Giving $ 195,371 $ 175,690 111%

Other Contributions 2,513 2,000 126%

Total Contributions $ 201,244 $ 178,890 112%

Total Expenses $ 156,558 $ 179,890 87%

Plate Offering 3,360 1,200 280%

Page 3: 2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages



Choir Notes Joan Ernst, Director

We’ve moved swiftly from Christmas into Epiphany; now Ash Wednesday and Lent are on the horizon.

This year, as sometimes happens, we have an early Easter – therefore an early Ash Wednesday. Correspondingly, our music reflects the change from the joyous to the pensive. Listening to the liturgy, we consider the journey Christ made to free us from our earthly sins.

During this time of reflection, we give thanks for the gifts we receive from our Interim Priest, Fr. Ed Mullins. His ministry to us and his guidance as we move forward in our search for a new rector inspire us to inwardly digest the gospel of Christ and our individual roles as his disciples.

Speaking of gifts, we are thankful for the musical and spiritual gifts we have received in the last 2 months from Cait Black. Cait, daughter of parishioners Dick and Pat Black, joined our alto section and handbells in the fall. She will be moving soon and we wish her God’s speed and happiness in her new endeavors.

♪♫ There is a balm in Gilead, to make the wounded whole, There is a balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul.

Sometimes I feel discouraged, and think my work’s in vain, But then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again.

If you cannot preach like Peter, if you cannot pray like Paul, You can tell the love of Jesus, and say “He died for all.” There is a balm in Gilead, to make the wounded whole, There is a balm in Gilead, to heal the sin-sick soul. ♫♪

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ECW News Bobbi Stevenson, President

Our bible study, Bible Women, has brought new energy to our meetings. The discussions have been

anything but dull! The women in the Old Testament had a lot to say. In February, we will study Rebekah, Genesis: 24-27. Pat Black will be the facilitator.

Our meetings will continue to be on the first Monday of the month, but will begin at 10:30am to allow time for more discussion, and a short business meeting. Lunch (optional) will follow the meeting.

Every year during Holy Week, the downtown Hertford churches provide a lunchtime service followed by lunch. This year, Holy Trinity will host the event. Barbara Ward will chair the luncheon. Sign-up sheets will be put on the bulletin board. We will need a lot of help! More information will follow soon.

Come join us on Monday, February 1st to learn what Rebekah has to say!

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Holy Trinity Pancake Supper The Men's Fellowship Group will be cooking pancakes

in the Parish House for the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday, February 9th from 5:00pm to 6:30pm.

Please come and support this parish endeavor and enjoy the fellowship and meal provided by the men of Holy Trinity.

Donations will be greatly appreciated.

Page 4: 2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages

February 2016


Stewardship Dick Mohler, Chairman

Our January Vestry meeting was held at the Diocese's Trinity Center near Atlantic Beach, NC. Trinity

Center is a great place to have gatherings when you want to get away from everyday distractions and be in a natural and peaceful environment between the Intra Coastal Waterway and the Atlantic Ocean.

We met for 7 hours, discussing topics on our agenda and continued to talk about Holy Trinity during meals and social time. We were not able to complete our agenda and had to reconvene on Jan 12th at church. The Vestry has developed a list of 31 "Action Items" that it wants to do this year.

The Stewardship Committee will be working on: • Developing an Every Member Canvas of the congregation. • Encouraging our members to include an endowment to Holy Trinity in their will. • Bring the message of the joy of giving and making the commitment to give. There will be more information about these programs coming soon. We look forward to your support.

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Another Holy Trinity Mystery Partially Solved Raymond A. Winslow, Jr., Historian

Our parish register records the burial of a week-old infant named Beasten on 21 July 1909 in Holy

Trinity Churchyard. It also records the baptisms of two other Beasten children and their mother is listed among the members of St. Catherine’s Guild and the Woman’s Auxiliary. While the location of the child’s unmarked grave is still unknown, the mystery of where the Beastens came from and where they went has been solved.

Joseph Wallace Beasten was born in Chesapeake City, Maryland, in 1880. He was married in 1908 to Adele Hinson Cochran (born 1881) in Middletown, Delaware. The newlyweds must have moved to Hertford very shortly after, as their first child is the forgotten infant mentioned above. What the parents must have felt burying their firstborn on or about their first wedding anniversary!

The 1910 census enumerated the Beastens in Hertford, apparently living in the Pennsylvania Avenue neighborhood. Their household included four boarders and Joseph Beasten was shown to be a lumber inspector. The lumber industry was then a major component of Perquimans County’s economy, with large mills in Hertford and Winfall. (Two of the boarders will be remembered by some parishioners: Reuben Fowler and Wayne Hefren.)

While in Hertford the Beastens would have four more children; Dorothy Wallace (born 1910), Robert Cochrane (born 1912), Mary Frances (born 1914), and Joseph Wallace (born 1917). Dorothy and Robert were baptized at Holy Trinity but their younger siblings are not mentioned in our records.

The Beastens did not remain in Hertford much longer. By September 1918 (when Joseph registered for the World War I draft), they were living in Williamsburg, Virginia, and Joseph was an inspector for Henrico Lumber Company. In 1920 he was a lumber buyer and the family were living on Duke of Gloucester Street in the historic city.

Joseph subsequently worked in fire departments in Williamsburg and Baltimore (where he lived with his second daughter after Adele died in 1930). He died in 1949 and was buried near Adele in Williamsburg.

Robert Beasten joined the Navy in 1942 and rose to the rank of Commander. His brother Joseph became an aircraft engineer. Much more information has been found about Dorothy, however. She was active in Bruton Parish Church, Williamsburg social and professional organizations, and the community hospital. Of more interest to the historian is her thirty-five-year career as a curator in Colonial Williamsburg.

Like many another family, the Beastens passed through our town and church but for a time. There may be descendants living today in Williamsburg or Baltimore. Do any know of the family’s Hertford connection?

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Page 5: 2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages

The deadline for the March 2016 newsletter is

February 14, 2016


Birthdays and Anniversaries Birthdays

Edison Ward..............................02/01 Ray Winslow .......................... 02/21

Barbara Ward ............................02/11 Pat Winter ............................... 02/21

Jerry Gehrig...............................02/12 Ray Furnal .............................. 02/25

Proctor Baker ............................02/13 Robert Earl Lane .................... 02/28

Carole Medford.........................02/20

Peter Columbus.........................02/14 Jane McCoy ............................ 02/28

Remember Before the worship service,

Speak to God. During the worship service,

Let God Speak to you.

After the worship service,

Speak to each other.

Lay Ministers

February Acolyte Eucharistic Minister Lector

Prayer Leader Usher

Offering Counters





7 Ed

Muzzulin David Smith

Barbara Ward

Lisa Gregor

Dave Smith Edison Ward

Dick & Pat Black

Sandra Sperry

Jerry & Trudy Nordmeier


Ash Wed

Ed Mueller

Wes Brown

Pat Black

Carol Gullotta

Barry & Daphne Marshall

Bob Bose Martha Borders

Coffee Only

No Flowers

14 Robert Earl

Lane Vince Gullotta

Wes Brown

Beth Harrington

Harry & Jane McCoy

Joe & Sandy Easterwood

Coffee Only

No Flowers

21 Ed

Mueller Susan Powell

Joan Ernst

Erie Haste

Shelton & Deborah Manley

Carlton Davenport Carl Jonson

Coffee Only

No Flowers

28 Ed

Muzzulin Laura Rowell

John Ernst

Bill Horton

Sandy & Bobbi Stevenson

Barry & Daphne Marshall

Coffee Only

No Flowers

Please check the bulletin board in the Parish House for Lay Minister changes

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 Team 6 Team 7

Mettha Davenport Cherry Powell Sandra Sperry

Barbara Brown Susie Romney Nancy Young

Deborah Manley Carole Medford Peggy West

Mary Alice Brinn Nancy Dougherty Anne Lankford

Nancy Gruner Trish Ludwig

Courtney Ritzmann

Jerre Horton Norma McMullan

Pat Smith

Nann Ambrose Pat Black

Kathie Columbus

2015 Altar Guild Teams (See Calendar on next page for assignment)


John & Nancy Gruner..............02/01 Marc & Cam Rivard................ 02/14

Sandy & Bobbi Stevenson ......02/08 Jerry & Annie Gehrig.............. 02/16

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Page 6: 2016 02 February - Amazon S3 · February 2016 2 Sr. Warden’s Report Barbara Kehayes, Sr. Warden When the Vestry Clerk sends youthe minutes of the Vestry Retreat that is ten pages

February 2016

February 2016 This Month’s Schedule of Events

CHT = Church of the Holy Trinity d PH = Parish House

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 10:30a, PH ECW


3 4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice


5 10:00a, PH Bell Choir Practice

7:00p, PH AA

6 10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 5

3:00p, PH Helping Hands

7 9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist


9 Shrove Tuesday 5:00p, PH Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

10 Ash Wednesday 4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice

5:30p, CHT Ash Wednesday Liturgy


12 10:00a, PH Bell Choir Practice

7:00p, PH AA

13 10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 6

3:00p, PH Helping Hands

14 9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist



17 4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice

18 2:30p, PH Vestry Meeting


10:00a, PH Bell Choir Practice

7:00p, PH AA

20 10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 7

3:00p, PH Helping Hands


9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist


23 24 4:30p, CHT Adult Choir Practice

25 26 10:00a, PH Bell Choir Practice

7:00p, PH AA

27 10:00a, CHT Altar Guild Team # 1

3:00p, PH Helping Hands


9:00a, CHT Adult Choir Practice

10:00a, CHT Holy Eucharist



9:00a—12:00n Mon–Thu.

Fr. Mullins

252 202-2044 Sr. Warden:

426-5542 Church

Please check the Master Calendar on the Office wall in the Parish House for any changes.