A Letter from Pastor Richard Strick Glorify, Build, REACH The purpose of St. Peter’s First Community Church is to glorify God, build up the body of Christ, and reach out to those in our community and world to help them become followers of Christ. Evangel JUNE 2015 A World To Win? When you have succeeded in making men believe that change is necessary and possible and that they are the ones who can achieve it; when you have convinced them that they and the small minority of whom they are a part can transform the world in their lifetime, you have achieved something considerable indeed. You have put into their lives a dynamic force so powerful that you can bring them to do what would otherwise be impossible. The dull and humdrum becomes meaningful. Life becomes purposeful and immensely more worth living. Marx concluded his Communist Manifesto with the words ‘You have a world to win.’ Here is a tremendous aim… The belief that the world is there to be won and that Communists can win it is firmly implanted in the mind of every Communist cadre. It is within him all the time. He has a clear goal. He knows what he is working for. And it is something which he believes is capable of realization. Moreover, a hundred times every day he is reminded that there is not only room for change but urgent need for it too… To the Christian there is an element of sheer tragedy in this - that people with such potentialities should give so much energy, zeal and dedication to such a cause, whilst those who believe that they have the best cause on earth often give so little to it. And their leaders are so often afraid to ask for more than the merest minimum. The Christian may say that the Communists have the worst creed on earth. But what they have to appreciate is that the Communists shout it from the house-tops; whilst too often those who believe they have the best speak with a muted voice if they speak at all. (Hyde 31-32) Douglas Hyde left the Communist Party after 20 years to return to the Catholic Church and was struck at how ineffective congregations were at mobilizing their members for ministry. He wrote Dedication and Leadership: Learning From The Communists in 1966 to help Christian leaders do a better job of inspiring, training, and equipping their membership for more effective and transformative leadership. Hyde doesn’t spend time in this brief treatise arguing against Communism but instead offers lessons for followers of Jesus to learn from the Communist party to be more effective in their actions as followers of Jesus. As society moves further from the western heritage of Christendom, I find his writings to be vital for congregations finding themselves in rich mission fields that had previously seemed full of Christians. If the Gospel is good news, it will bring change with it - and Jesus seeks to change his followers first and foremost. What change is Jesus seeking to bring in your life and what change is he seeking to bring in our world through us? What pain and sacrifice will it take to make the changes to open yourself up to that work? What would you be willing to give up to change your life and help ‘win the world’ for Christ? What is Christ calling us to? What is Christ calling you to? A field can never be sown for bearing fruit without the hard soil being broken up and turned over.

2015 - St. Peter's First Community Churchspfcc.org/media/1/7/June 2015 Evangel.pdf · 2015 A World To Win? When you have succeeded in making men believe that change is necessary and

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Page 1: 2015 - St. Peter's First Community Churchspfcc.org/media/1/7/June 2015 Evangel.pdf · 2015 A World To Win? When you have succeeded in making men believe that change is necessary and

A Letter from Pastor Richard Strick

Glorify, Build,


The purpose of St. Peter’s First Community Church is to glorify God, build up the body of Christ, and reach out to those in our community and world to help them become

followers of Christ.






A World To Win?

When you have succeeded in making

men believe that change is necessary and

possible and that they are the ones who

can achieve it; when you have convinced

them that they and the small minority of

whom they are a part can transform the

world in their lifetime, you have achieved

something considerable indeed. You have

put into their lives a dynamic force so

powerful that you can bring them to do

what would otherwise be impossible. The

dull and humdrum becomes meaningful.

Life becomes purposeful and immensely

more worth living.

Marx concluded his Communist

Manifesto with the words ‘You have a

world to win.’ Here is a tremendous

aim… The belief that the world is there to

be won and that Communists can win it is

firmly implanted in the mind of every

Communist cadre. It is within him all the

time. He has a clear goal. He knows what

he is working for. And it is something

which he believes is capable of

realization. Moreover, a hundred times

every day he is reminded that there is not

only room for change but urgent need for

it too…

To the Christian there is an element of

sheer tragedy in this - that people with

such potentialities should give so much

energy, zeal and dedication to such a

cause, whilst those who believe that they

have the best cause on earth often give so

little to it. And their leaders are so often

afraid to ask for more than the merest


The Christian may say that the

Communists have the worst creed on

earth. But what they have to appreciate is

that the Communists shout it from the

house-tops; whilst too often those who

believe they have the best speak with a

muted voice if they speak at all.

(Hyde 31-32)

Douglas Hyde left the Communist

Party after 20 years to return to the

Catholic Church and was struck at how

ineffective congregations were at

mobilizing their members for ministry.

He wrote Dedication and Leadership:

Learning From The Communists in 1966

to help Christian leaders do a better job

of inspiring, training, and equipping their

membership for more effective and

transformative leadership. Hyde doesn’t

spend time in this brief treatise arguing

against Communism but instead offers

lessons for followers of Jesus to learn

from the Communist party to be more

effective in their actions as followers of

Jesus. As society moves further from the

western heritage of Christendom, I find

his writings to be vital for congregations

finding themselves in rich mission fields

that had previously seemed full of

Christians. If the Gospel is good news, it

will bring change with it - and Jesus

seeks to change his followers first and


What change is Jesus seeking to bring

in your life and what change is he

seeking to bring in our world through us?

What pain and sacrifice will it take to

make the changes to open yourself up to

that work?

What would you be willing to give up to

change your life and help ‘win the world’

for Christ?

What is Christ calling us to? What is

Christ calling you to?

A field can never be sown for bearing

fruit without the hard soil being broken

up and turned over.

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June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28

Snacks Children's Team -

Graduate Recognition Sunday

Tammy Brown Barb Derr Children's Team -

Eloise Engle Baptism

Reader Mike Hacker Sally Morrison Shari Brinneman Brandy Kalhoefer

Acolyte Gabe Baumgardner Walter Hacker Becky Lyons Megan Engle

Ring Bell Scott Baker Rick Chesterman Claudia Wilson Foust kids

Sound System Phil Engle Drew Morrison Brian Royer David Morrison

Video Tech Drew Morrison Claudia Wilson Barb Baker Walter Hacker

Songleaders Ann Ambler, Lisa Harter,

Jim Hildebrand

Barb Derr, Bonnie Hosler, Becky Lyons

David Morrison, Adrian Halverstadt,

Lisa Harter Something Biblical

Open/Close Duty Brian Royer David Morrison Tom Jennings Tom Hosler

Announcements Brian Royer Ann Ambler David Morrison Adrian Halverstadt

Nursery Helper Jana Krueger Drew Morrison Dana Meyer Robin Baker

Young Explorers Teacher/Helper

Betsy Royer and Tosha Davis

Megan Condry and Jana Krueger

Teacher and Connie Baumgardner

Teacher and Shari Brinneman

Kids Ignite Teacher/Helper

Jenna Strick and Claudia Wilson

Jenna Strick and Lisa Harter

Megan Condry and Robin Baker

Megan Condry

Greeter-Wm St Jennifer Braun Shari Brinneman and

Claudia Wilson Laura Snider

Sandy and Kevin Shoemaker

Ushers & Greeters - West

Scott and Robin Baker

Fred and Dana Meyer

Sandy and Mike Hacker

Theda and Vern Neel

Usher & Greeters - East

Geoffrey Guy Geoffrey Guy Geoffrey Guy Geoffrey Guy

Usher - Center Gary Yeiter and

Adrian Halverstadt Adam Myers and

Phil Engle Rick Chesterman and

Rick Baker Tracy Blocker and

Terry Rodgers

If you are unable to volunteer as scheduled, please find a replacement and notify

Megan in the church office of the change as soon as possible.

Happy Father’s Day!

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Team Updates

Youth and Children’s Ministry:

Please see the children and youth page for updates.

Women’s Team:

Start cleaning your garages, basements, closets and cabinets! A rummage sale

is scheduled for July 31 and August 1, 2015. Items to be donated can begin

being dropped off at the church on Tuesday, July 28. Helpers will be needed for

this event. See Barb Derr, aka Barb Steele, if you can give us a hand in helping

with the rummage sale!


06/01, John Meyer

06/03, Cassie Hacker

06/05, Kennedy Baker

06/08, Dottie McCurley

06/09, Barb Baker

Nan Ulrich

06/11, Autumn Elston

Doyle Krieg

06/13, Kelly Halverstadt

06/14, Ken McCurley

06/20, Bob Bittner

06/21, Kirk Baker

06/22, Kay Delauter

Alex Kelsey

Peggy Scher

Joseph Callahan

06/23, Jeannie Myers

Vicki Caley

06/24, Ann Ambler

Don Hoffman

06/25, Nicole Baker

06/26, Aaron Baker

Mary Gelzleichter

Madelin Lee

06/27, John Bostel

06/29, Roger Dimond

06/30, Brandy Culver


06/01, Scott & Lisa Harter

06/04, Doyle & Kathy Krieg

06/05, Hoss & Jamie Cocklin

06/06, Jerry & Carol Baker

06/09, Marland & Mary Sell

Richard & Jenna Strick

06/15, Jeff & Connie


DeWayne & Marie


06/20, Herbert & Virginia


06/25, Marc & Jenny


06/26, Kevin & Sandy


Dean & Anne Stonebraker

06/27, Tom & Bonnie Hosler


Please continue to pray for:

Mary, Steve, and Katie Schilling as Mary awaits tests results for health


The family of Marjorie Richardson with sympathy after Marjorie’s


The family of Jerry Baker with sympathy after Jerry’s sister, June

Brinneman’s, passing.

The family of Catherine Stahl with sympathy after Catherine’s passing.

All others facing financial, emotional, spiritual, and health stresses.

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Upcoming Young Adult Gathering - TinCaps game! Join us for an afternoon of fun and

fellowship on Sunday, June 14th, for a 3:00 p.m. game. We are planning to sit in the lawn sec-

tion where tickets are $5 each. If you plan to attend, please let us know on the SPFCC Young

Adult Facebook page or contact the church office by Tuesday, June 9th, so we can purchase tick-

ets in advance.

SPFCC Office Hours: The SPFCC office will be open Monday through Thursday from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

through June 14th. Megan Engle will return from maternity leave on Monday, June 15th, when regular office

hours, Monday-Thursday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., will resume.

NEW: Transcribed Sermons: Thanks to a generous volunteer who is transcribing the sermons,

SPFCC is now able to offer the sermons in writing. The sermons may be read by clicking on

“SPFCC Teachings Written” under the Media tab on the church website, www.spfcc.org.

Helping Neighbors Be Good Neighbors: Do you enjoy meeting new people, working with kids or cooking?

Do you prefer working behind the scenes? Do you like to share your hobbies with others? If so, you are

qualified to help SPFCC with projects in Drover Town! SPFCC has contracted with Pathfinder to work in the

Drover Town neighborhood now through December 31, 2015. Contact Pastor Richard to learn more about

this exciting opportunity to invest in our community!

Support SPFCC While Grocery Shopping: Our church received $543 for the first

quarter of 2015 through the Kroger Rewards program. If you have not signed up for your

Kroger card to benefit SPFCC through the Kroger Rewards program, the finance team is

offering help every Sunday in July in Fellowship Hall immediately following church service.

Signing up is private, confidential and you only need to bring your Kroger Plus card with you. Thank you to

those families who have signed up for the program with their Kroger Plus cards.

Volunteers Needed: The Meal Ministry is looking for volunteers to help out on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of

each month from 5:30-7 p.m. If you are able to help or have any questions, please contact Dianna Whitesell at

(260) 356-8664.

Thank you to all who provided meals through Share a Meal. The families greatly

appreciated your support and generosity as they welcomed new babies into their

families. Your delicious meals were such a blessing!

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Additional Announcements

Help Us Grow: Thanks to those who have already taken cards; we greatly appreciate it! If you haven't

stopped by the bulletin board outside the children’s classrooms, be sure to check it out. Our children's

ministry is growing and will be expanding to four classes this coming August. We are excited as we

welcome new babies, new families, and seek to share Christ's love with the kids. Grab a card or two and pick

up a few items while you are out shopping. Return items to the church office by Sunday, July 12. Thank you

for helping us grow!

Women’s Circle: In May, the Circle ladies

enjoyed an evening of fellowship and a nice

dinner at an Amish home to wrap up their

monthly gatherings for the season! Thank you to

all who attended and to all who were a part of the

Circle fellowship this year. The ladies will begin

meeting again in September.

Graduate Recognition Sunday: Join us in honoring and celebrating with our graduates on Sunday, June 7th.

You are invited to join us in Fellowship Hall following the worship service for a reception to honor these


Congratulations to Phil and Megan Engle on the birth of their daughter,

Eloise Deanne, born in March!

Congratulations to Justin and Megan Barker on the birth of their son,

Henri Alan, born in April!

Congratulations to Justin and Nicole Baker on the birth of their daughter,

Lincoln Audrey, born on May 19, 2015!

Congratulations to Barb Steele and Jeff Derr on their recent marriage,

which took place on April 25, 2015!

Congratulations, 2015 Graduates!

Walter Hacker will graduate from Huntington North High School in June.

He will attend Purdue University in the fall to study Civil Engineering.

Jill Krueger graduated in May from Ivy Tech with a culinary arts certificate in

pastries. She is planning on returning to college to further her education to

become a Veterinary Technician.

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Youth Update

*Youth group will meet on Wednesday evenings throughout

the summer from 7-8:30 pm. All middle and high school

students are welcome to attend. A summer calendar will be

available soon.

*Operation Backyard is coming: July 10-12. Middle and

high school students from Huntington will come together for

the weekend to live, learn, serve, and have fun together. If

interested, please see Megan.

Celebration Moment: I enjoyed watching the youth interact

and prepare a great meal at our last At the Table night.

They did a great job working together and then were able to

enjoy a tasty lasagna dinner.


Homework Help

*Homework Help will be wrapping up for this school year.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the

program. Our volunteers have invested over 500 hours in

the students this year! We’ve seen the students not only

grow in their studies but also in their self-confidence this

year. It’s been encouraging to see the relationships the

volunteers have formed with the students grow over the year.

Thank you for your continued support of this program.

Celebration Moment: A few weeks ago we said goodbye to

our Huntington University students who volunteer with the

program. It was neat to see and hear the things the students

shared with the volunteers as they left. It’s encouraging to

see that the program is not only beneficial to the students but

that the volunteers are impacted through their involvement

as well.

HKC Update

*HKC wrapped up a great year in May with our end of the

year celebration. Thank you to St. Pete’s for your continued

support of this program through the use of the building, the

van, providing volunteers, financial gifts, and all the other

ways you make a difference in the lives of the kids in our

community through your partnership in this ministry.

*Summer Gatherings! Throughout the summer, the kids

from HKC will have opportunities to get together to connect,

continue forming relationships, and grow in their faith.

Celebration Moment: Interacting with the kids and our

volunteers at our celebration night was so encouraging.

The kids have had a great excitement and eagerness to learn

and grow this year!

Please continue to pray for all the children & youth involved in these activities.

Pray for the volunteers who interact with them each week.

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Carpe Diem.

I have heard this countless times in a variety of situations. Seize the day. Seize the moment. It sounds really good but what does it mean? What would our lives actually look like if we lived in the today? What would our lives look like if we focused on what God has set before us and lived in that moment?

I’ve been reading through the book, She Did What She Could, with a friend and have been wrestling through many of these questions and thoughts. I can get overwhelmed by all the needs around me and things I think I should do or things I want to do. At times, this has led to inaction because the task seems so big and I don’t know where to start. I get caught up in so many things that I forget about today, this moment, being present here and now. God is creating, providing, opening up these “today” moments for me each and every day.

How do I live in such a way that I see these moments? How do I do what I can?

“She did what she could” (Mark 14:8a). Before my friend told me about this book, I didn’t recall those 5 simple and yet so powerful words spoken by Jesus. I know the story but have to admit that until I dug deeper into this passage from Mark 14:3-9, I at first glance, was in the camp of what was she doing? How could she waste the perfume that was worth so much. But after further study, it’s actually quite beautiful what Mary does here. She freely gives of something that is worth so much to honor Jesus. “She gave from the context of who God had made her to be – and from what her relationship with him was making her. She sat at Jesus’ feet, opening her soul to his teaching, his wisdom, and his love” (She Did What She Could, pg 23).

What Mary did, and could do, was different than what someone else could do. Out of her relationship with Jesus and what that relationship was doing in her, she was able to give what she could. What she could do and what I can do are enough! “When we live loved, we splash in the puddle of our personhood, and smeared with the stains of our humanity, we rise to find God forming all of what we are into an offering that somehow shapes the world around us for good” (She Did What She Could, pg 66).

I love this language of “living loved”. When I live in the love that Jesus has for me, when I receive that love, when I let that love fill me, I am able to live in that love by giving, sharing, listening, and helping. What’s so beautiful is that Jesus uses all of us. He uses all of our story - the good, the challenges, the ups, the downs, the joys, the celebrations, the sadness, and He says I’m going to use you, right here, right now. He uses flawed, imperfect people like you and me to share His love with those around us. He uses us, in these everyday moments, to show others about His love. He has uniquely gifted us and equipped us for these things, these moments. I can only do what I can do. I can’t transform myself and be what someone else can be. In sharing with my friend, we’ve talked about how freeing it is to be reminded that we do what we can do. We continue to draw near to Christ and out of that relationship, we live loved, in the everyday moments.

What are these everyday moments? What does it look like to seize the day? What does it look like to live loved? I’m learning and being reminded that it is the simple things. It’s following the promptings of the Holy Spirit. It’s stopping and taking a few moments to send that text, to make that call, to write that card, to extend that invitation, to give a compliment, to sincerely ask and listen, to give a hug, to share a smile, and so many other things. It’s being open to what Jesus has for me in this day and in this moment. It at times means setting myself aside and the plans I had for the day but I find that as I seize those moments, other things fall into place, and my perspective is so much different.

A few months ago we were talking about being salt and light with the kids at HKC (Matthew 5:13-16). Over the next few weeks, the kids and volunteers responded to a challenge to think about how they were salt and light in the world. It was encouraging, eye opening, and beautiful to hear their stories of seizing the moments and living loved.

May you be challenged and encouraged to go and live loved. Do what you can. Listen to what Jesus has for you today, in this moment.

Carpe Diem.

A Letter from Megan Condry

Children’s Update

*Thank you to all the kids who helped make our Mother’s Day celebration memorable! The kids did a great job being

interviewed for our video, making thoughtful cards, and presenting flowers to their moms. The Mother’s Day video is now

up on the church Facebook page.

* Kids Summer Fun! This year we have a summer full of fun events and activities planned for the kids. Want to know

what’s happening? Pick up information and registration forms at the church and return them by Monday, June 8th. Our first

event will be our Frozen Night on Friday, June 12th, from 6-9 pm. If you are interested in volunteering with the kids this

summer through our Kids Summer Fun events, please contact Megan Condry.

Celebration Moment: A recent highlight was definitely Mother’s Day. It was so awesome watching the kids present their

cards and flowers to their moms and hearing how much the congregation enjoyed the video!

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SPFCC June Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


5:30 pm Champion Achievers

Hispanic Fellowship

2 3

8 am Garden to Table

7 pm The Flock (Youth)


5:30 pm United Way & Habitat Dinner




9:30 am Worship - Graduate Recognition Sunday


6:30 pm Summer HKC


SrPak Prep

6:30 pm Council


8 am Garden

to Table

7 pm The Flock (Youth)


5:30 - 7 pm Meal Ministry


6pm Kids Frozen Night



9:30 am Worship 3 pm Young Adults attending TinCaps game


9:30 am Cooking with Love

5:30 pm Champion Achievers

Hispanic Fellowship



8 am Garden to Table

7 pm The Flock (Youth)


5 pm Kids Chef Night




8 am Men’s Breakfast 8:30 am Children’s Team Meeting 9:30 am Worship

Father’s Day


5:30 pm Worship Team Meeting


SeniorPak Prep

5 pm Kids Chef Night

6:30 pm Women’s Team Meeting


8 am Garden to Table

7 pm The Flock (Youth)


5:30 - 7 pm Meal Ministry


5:30 pm Neel Wedding Rehearsal


4:30 pm Neel Wedding

28 9:30 am Worship


6:30 pm Summer HKC


6 pm Kids Game Night

6:30 pm Property Team Meeting

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A Note From the Ministry Coordinator:

“I’ll run the course you lay out for me

if you’ll just show me how.” Psalm 119:32

Welcome back! The day I returned to running, May

3, 2015, was a monumental day for me. Upon returning

from my first run since Eloise was born, I told Phil that

I quickly remembered why I both love and hate

running, and his response was “Welcome back!” These

words have rarely sounded so good. Although I

continued working out throughout my pregnancy, it had

been at least three months since I was able to run more

than a mile at a time. I ran much more slowly than I

once had, yet being back felt wonderful! The day prior,

May 2, I had watched Phil, among many others, run the

Indianapolis Mini Marathon. It was nice to not have to

deal with nerves the morning of the race, and to instead

be casually observing the runners and the competition,

but I missed it and looked forward to being able to

participate again. It’s great to be back!

The passion I have for running can be hard to

explain to people who don’t enjoy running. I’ll be the

first to admit that running is not always pleasant, but

that’s part of the reason I love it so much. I’ll also never

be the fastest runner, but that’s not what it’s about for

me either. I enjoy pushing my body to achieve more

than I think it can, teaching my mind that my body is

stronger than my mind thinks, and setting goals and

reaching them. I enjoy the camaraderie, the

encouragement, the way running helps me think more

clearly, the time I have to reflect on life and talk with

God while running, and most of all, I enjoy the way

running helps me appreciate all with which I’ve been

blessed. Because running is something about which I

am passionate, running helps make me a better me, as I

continue traveling the course God has laid out for me.

“Thank you, God, for my running feet” is a line I

often repeat to myself while running. Running helps me

celebrate the fact that I have a body that is able to run

and feet that are able to continue taking the next step.

When I’m not using this body and these feet to run, it

seems as if I’m wasting a part of what God has given

me. Running helps fulfill the plan God has for me and

the mission I’m on while I’m here. My passion for

running is not extraordinary, and that is not required of

a passion. There are many other people out there who

are passionate about running, but the role of running in

my life, although similar to its role in someone else’s

life, is also different because God has designed each of

us uniquely. Jeremiah 1:5 tells us, “Before you were

born, I chose you for a special work.” God has a special

work for you and for me. Part of my special work is

running and how I fulfill God’s plan for my life through


For me, running is time

to spend with God. It’s just

me, the pavement, and

God’s voice in my ear, often

speaking to me through the

beauty of His creation I

encounter as I run. When

I’m overwhelmed by the

complicated, demanding

world in which we live, I am

able to find simplicity

through running. My success

or lack of success in running

is largely dependent on me.

No one else can put in the work for me, and no one else

can tell me what I can or can’t accomplish. Through

running, I’m able to dream, to plan, and if I put the time

and effort into training, I am able to achieve my dreams

and accomplish my goals. No special equipment or

instruction is required. Running is simple: one foot in

front of the other and remember to breathe. Running is

time for me to allow God into my life to show me how

to run the course He has laid out for me. I return from a

run able to think more clearly and serve God more

joyfully because I’ve taken the time I need to allow my

passion to strengthen me. Running helps me live with a

thankful heart and helps make me a better mom, wife,

daughter, and friend. “For me, like so many others,

running is the answer. Out on the road, it’s just you, the

pavement, and your will. Running is elementary. It is

elegant in its simplicity.” (John Bingham, The Courage

to Start)

For you, it may not be running, but what is it that

makes you a better person when it’s a part of your life?

What is the thing that helps you appreciate all with

which you’ve been blessed? What is your unique

passion? My prayer is that you will make time for the

passion God has given you and allow this passion to

guide you so that you are running the course He has laid

out for you and fulfilling the mission He has uniquely

designed you to fulfill!

~Megan Engle

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Worship 9:30 am Conversation and Refreshments


Glorify, Build,


The purpose of St. Peter’s First Community Church is to glorify God, build up the body of

Christ, and reach out to those in our community and world to help them become followers of



phone: 260.356.7728

fax: 260.356.7514

email: [email protected]

web: www.spfcc.org


Megan Engle, Ministry Coordinator

Office Hours:

Monday-Thursday 8 am-4 pm

Richard Strick, Pastor


[email protected]

Becky Lyons, Financial Secretary

[email protected]

Megan Condry, Youth & Children’s Director


[email protected]

“Bring up a child by teaching him the way he should go, and when

he is old he will not turn away from it.” Proverbs 22:6