GRAND HYATT HOTEL Benefiting Nordic Heritage Museum Saturday, April 18, 2015 Photo by Jan Helge Fornes of Borkenes, Norway ge F of B ay

2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

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The program and catalog for the 2015 Northern Lights Auktion.

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Page 1: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


Benefi ting Nordic Heritage Museum

Saturday, April 18, 2015


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Page 2: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

Seattle Dutch Harbor

Pacific FishermenProfessional Ship and Yacht Repair Since 1946

Two Marine Railways to 160 ft. x 600 tonsRowe Lift Dock to 160 ft. x 600 tons

We have Nordic Spirit – In more ways than one!

Nordic Heritage Museum’s 200 year old ten-oar F/V NORDIC SPIRIT

Telephone: 206-784-2562 5351 24th Ave NWFax: 206-784-1986 Seattle, WA [email protected] www.pacificfishermen.com

 We  have  NORDIC  SPIRIT  

Bid on our Alder Smoked Salmon and Cod BBQ for 50

Your Place or Ours at the Historic Shipyard

Seattle Dutch Harbor

Pacific FishermenProfessional Ship and Yacht Repair Since 1946

Two Marine Railways to 160 ft. x 600 tonsRowe Lift Dock to 160 ft. x 600 tons

We have Nordic Spirit – In more ways than one!

Nordic Heritage Museum’s 200 year old ten-oar F/V NORDIC SPIRIT

Telephone: 206-784-2562 5351 24th Ave NWFax: 206-784-1986 Seattle, WA [email protected] www.pacificfishermen.com

 We  have  NORDIC  SPIRIT  

Bid on our Alder Smoked Salmon and Cod BBQ for 50

Your Place or Ours at the Historic Shipyard

Bid on our Alder-Smoked Salmon and Cod BBQ for 50

Live Auction #17: Deadliest Catch BBQ

Page 3: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

Proud to SponsorNordic Heritage Museum’s

Northern Lights Auktion

From the ocean to the plate . . .

American Seafoods GroupMarketplace Tower

2025 1st Avenue, #1000 • Seattle • 206.374.1515www.americanseafoods.com

is pleased to be a sponsor of

tonight’s auction!

Page 4: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


AAAllleeeuuutttiiiaaannn SSSppprrraaayyy FFFiiissshhheeerrriiieeesss,,, IIInnnccc...

PPrroouudd ssppoonnssoorr ooff TThhee NNoorrddiicc HHeerriittaaggee MMuusseeuumm

2157 N. Northlake Way, Suite 210 – Seattle, WA 98103 (800) 200-3109 www.starboats.com

AAAllleeeuuutttiiiaaannn SSSppprrraaayyy FFFiiissshhheeerrriiieeesss,,, IIInnnccc...

PPrroouudd ssppoonnssoorr ooff TThhee NNoorrddiicc HHeerriittaaggee MMuusseeuumm

2157 N. Northlake Way, Suite 210 – Seattle, WA 98103 (800) 200-3109 www.starboats.com

AAAllleeeuuutttiiiaaannn SSSppprrraaayyy FFFiiissshhheeerrriiieeesss,,, IIInnnccc...

PPrroouudd ssppoonnssoorr ooff TThhee NNoorrddiicc HHeerriittaaggee MMuusseeuumm

2157 N. Northlake Way, Suite 210 – Seattle, WA 98103 (800) 200-3109 www.starboats.com

AAAllleeeuuutttiiiaaannn SSSppprrraaayyy FFFiiissshhheeerrriiieeesss,,, IIInnnccc...

PPrroouudd ssppoonnssoorr ooff TThhee NNoorrddiicc HHeerriittaaggee MMuusseeuumm

2157 N. Northlake Way, Suite 210 – Seattle, WA 98103 (800) 200-3109 www.starboats.com

AAAllleeeuuutttiiiaaannn SSSppprrraaayyy FFFiiissshhheeerrriiieeesss,,, IIInnnccc...

PPrroouudd ssppoonnssoorr ooff TThhee NNoorrddiicc HHeerriittaaggee MMuusseeuumm

2157 N. Northlake Way, Suite 210 – Seattle, WA 98103 (800) 200-3109 www.starboats.com

AAAllleeeuuutttiiiaaannn SSSppprrraaayyy FFFiiissshhheeerrriiieeesss,,, IIInnnccc...

PPrroouudd ssppoonnssoorr ooff TThhee NNoorrddiicc HHeerriittaaggee MMuusseeuumm

2157 N. Northlake Way, Suite 210 – Seattle, WA 98103 (800) 200-3109 www.starboats.com

Page 5: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

From the co-cHAirS of the nortHern ligHtS Auktion

Welcome to the Northern Lights Auktion! We are thrilled to welcome so many friends old and new to the Nordic Heritage Museum’s most important fundraising event of the year. Tonight we celebrate the past 35 years of the Nordic Heritage Museum’s legacy and together look forward to the future of this invaluable home for community and culture. We are ex-tremely grateful to the Auktion Committee, to the community members and businesses that donated to this year’s event, and, of course, to everyone in attendance tonight. Thank you for being here, and thank you for bidding generously in support of the Museum.

Tonight’s auction benefi ts a wide variety of Nordic Heritage Museum initiatives and activities—from exhibitions underscor-ing contemporary Nordic culture such as Finland: Designed Environments to the preservation of donated heritage objects in the permanent collection; from programs for families, including Nordic Stories and LEGO Workshops, to symposiums that receive national attention, such as the Nordic Knitting Conference. Through exhibitions, programs, and events, the Nordic Heritage Museum continues to share the Nordic spirit, as it has since fi rst opening its doors in 1979.

It has been our pleasure to work with the Museum staff as we prepared for tonight’s auction. Special thanks to Events and Sponsorship Coordinator Matt McCallum and Deputy Director of External Affairs Jan Woldseth Colbrese, who acted as the primary liaisons between the Auktion Committee and the staff and coordinated much of what you will enjoy tonight. To all of the staff and volunteers who contributed to tonight’s event, we applaud your work and thank you.

We wish you all an enjoyable evening: time spent with old and new friends, a menu that creatively blends Nordic and Pacifi c Northwest infl uences, and the opportunity to bid on unique items and experiences. We are grateful for your gen-erous giving and support.

Warmest regards from the Auktion Committee,

Linda ChristensonCo-Chair of the 2014 Northern Lights Auktion

Donna Johnson PedersenCo-Chair of the 2014 Northern Lights Auktion


Join us!Become a Member of the Nordic Heritage Museum

Member Benefi ts Include:

Membership card allowing unlimited free admission for each Member

10% discount in Gift Shop

Kids’ Corner e-mails

Subscription to Nordic News and Nordic Kultur

Discounted tickets to educational programs and events*

Member-only exhibition previews

Behind-the-Scenes Tour Night (once a year)

Member Appreciation Weeks (20% discount in Museum Shop, twice a year)


Page 6: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

Welcome from ceo eric nelSon

Welcome to the Nordic Heritage Museum’s 30th Annual Northern Lights Auktion! Tonight’s event has been the backbone of the Nordic Heritage Museum’s fundraising for the past three decades. We’re thrilled to have so many friends of the Nordic Heritage Museum gathered in one place to celebrate and

generously support the exhibitions, programs, and events that the Museum offers to share the Nordic spirit.

We have an exceptional gala event planned for you tonight, with many opportunities to support the Museum by bidding on a wide variety of live and silent lots. This year’s program features a tribute to former Board President and current Board member Allan Osberg and his wife Inger Osberg. Allan and Inger have made invaluable contributions to the Nor-dic Heritage Museum. Not only have they given generously to the Museum, they also offer their wisdom, intelligence, and pragmatism behind the scenes. Allan and Inger lead by example and we are so pleased to be able to honor them tonight. I also wish to extend my thanks to everyone who has made this important event possible. Thank you to the Auktion Committee, led by our Auktion Co-Chairs Linda Christenson and Donna Johnson Pedersen, to our volunteers, donors, and staff, and of course, to you: our supporters, our friends, and tonight, our guests.

Your continued support of the Nordic Heritage Museum has allowed us to produce the diverse and enjoyable program-ing our membership has come to expect. It has allowed us to bring exciting exhibitions from around the world to Ballard, and to share Nordic culture with the entire community. Per-haps most excitingly, we are well on our way to moving into our purpose-built facility on Market Street. With a little more than $14 million to go, we are closer than ever to realizing our dream of a new building to protect, share, and celebrate Nordic arts and culture.

Thank you for attending this evening’s event and bidding on our auction lots in support of the Museum! We hope you have a great time!

Eric NelsonCEO Nordic Heritage Museum


Take Nordic heritage home with you!Don’t miss the Museum Store at the Nordic Heritage Museum


Present your Auction catalog to

receive 15% off your purchase

at the Museum Store.

Cannot be combined with other

off ers, including member discounts.

Page 7: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


Honoree SpotligHt: AllAn and inger oSberg This year, the Nordic Heritage Museum honors Allan and Inger Osberg for their magnanimous contributions to the Nordic Heritage Museum. Allan Osberg was raised in Seattle. His mother immigrated to the United States with her siblings at age four from Krokvåg, Jämtlands Län, Sweden. His father, Axel Osberg, emigrated from Östanväck, Väster- botten, Sweden at the age of sixteen. In Seattle, Axel formed the Osberg Construction Company in the 1920s. Allan graduated from the University of Washington with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1945, and then proceeded to Harvard University to receive a Master’s Degree in the same field, specializing in Soil Mechanics. Two years later, he joined Osberg Construction Company.

Allan and his wife, Inger have been married for fifty-six years. They have raised two children, Kimberley Osberg Lippman and Tom Osberg, and they have a grandchild, Sophia Lippman. The Osbergs have traveled broadly, including most recently a world tour from South Africa to Singapore. They are active members of the Museum and attend a wide variety of programs, exhibitions, and events.

Allan is deeply involved in Board leadership at the Nordic Heritage Museum, and has been for several years. He celebrates his own Swedish heritage and Inger’s Norwegian roots. The Osbergs have also been active in environmental, educational, and artistic organizations across the Northwest, including the University of Washington and the Woodland Park Zoo.


Live Auction #19: Rosemaled Grandfather Clock

Live Auction #26: VIP Experience at Churchill Downs

Page 8: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


countries that will be mutually benefi cial for years to come. This summer, we will be pursuing funding from King County, and seeking additional corporate and foundation support. We are very grateful for the individual gifts that have been secured. We were especially pleased to start the month of April with a signed pledge for 1 million dollars from two of our long-time members. To those of you, who have contributed to these efforts in any way—thank you for your time, your energy, and your generosity. Each and every gift is deeply appreciated.

Unfortunately, even with our positive news, a signifi cant funding gap persists. We are well on our way, but have not yet reached our goal. It is essential that we stay on the established construction schedule, without delays, so we can vacate our current leased building in coordination with Seattle Public Schools’ plan to return the building to an elementary school. The only way to ensure that we keep to the established time-line is to have the necessary funds in place. Seattle Schools will terminate our lease to allow renovation and conversion of the building, so it is crucial that we continue and complete our journey to our new home.

Next year, we will kick-off a broad public campaign, but for now, we are still looking to our closest supporters to lead the way. Thanks to the generosity of Allan and Inger Osberg’s pledge to match capital campaign donations, your contribu-tions will now have an even bigger impact.

Thank you all for being here tonight, and for being supporters of the Nordic Heritage Museum. I look forward to seeing all that we can accomplish together.

Jan Woldseth ColbreseDeputy Director of External Affairs, Nordic Heritage Museum

A cruciAl yeAr in the Journey to our neW Home We are at a crucial point in our journey to our new home on Market Street. As most of you know, the Nordic Heritage Museum has been working toward building a new, purpose-built museum space in downtown Ballard. This new space will create many opportunities for visiting exhibitions, improve-ments to core exhibitions, and expanded programing.

We are very excited to report that the fi nal design phase has begun. We have entered into contracts with our exhibition design fi rm, Ralph Appelbaum Associates, and our archi-tectural fi rm, Mithun for the roughly $4 million fi nal design scope of work. Once this phase is complete, we’ll be ready to break ground. Our timeline anticipates that the fi nal design phase will be complete by this time next year—leading to a much anticipated ground breaking in spring of 2016.

We are anxiously awaiting word on funding through the Washington State Legislature. At the beginning of this session, we requested $2 million for construction as a part of the Building for the Arts program. The Building for the Arts program, or the BFA, was created by the State legislature in 1991, and awards grants to 501(c)(3) nonprofi t perform-ing arts, art museum, and cultural organizations for capital projects. If the state legislature votes to fully fund the 2015 BFA, we’ll be $2 million closer to opening the doors of the new Nordic Museum. Thank you so much if you have already contacted your legislator about the Museum’s role in this vital program. If you haven’t yet, please reach out to your Representatives and State Senators asking them to support the Museum.

We are also pleased to share that we are anticipating fund-ing from a Danish foundation associated with the shipping industry. Over the next few months, we will continue to pursue other funding opportunities from abroad. We are actively de-veloping partnerships with organizations in the Nordic

Page 9: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

Around the Auction!During the Silent Auction, keep an eye out for these great opportunities!

Photo FavorsDrop off your coat then step right up for your attendee photo favor! Each bidder will receive a complimentary photo to commemorate the evening. Additional photos may be purchased and make great gifts and mementos. Be sure to stop by with your family, friends, and favorite table mates for a group shot!

Pearl RaffleFormerly called the Golden Raffle, this Northern Lights Auk-tion tradition gives bidders the opportunity to win the Live Auction lot of their choice!* Tickets are just $100 each for the chance to win packages worth thousands, but there are only 150 tickets available! Look for Pearl Raffle ticket sellers wearing pearl beads.

Excluded Items: #19 Rosemaled Grandfather Clock, #22 Maui Vacation, #26 VIP Experience at Churchill Downs.

Don’t miss these great chances during the Live Auction!

Nordic SpiritsKick the bidding off right by purchasing a round of Aquavit shots for your table—or send them to another table for a fun surprise! Just $50 for 10 shots, you can keep the party going throughout the evening while supporting the Museum. Every time a round is purchased we ring the party bell!

CenterpiecesLooking for one more memento from your evening? It’s not too late! Take home the beautifully designed cen-terpiece of your choice for just $50, and all proceeds will benefit the Museum!



4:30 President’s Club Preview and Reception

Main Hallway and Princessa Room

5:00 Complimentary Champagne and Silent Auction Opening

Main Hallway and Princessa Room

Complimentary Attendee Photos

Main Hallway

6:00 Silent Auction Closing Times

6:00 Red Section Closing6:15 Blue Section Closing6:30 Art Section Closing6:45 Silver Section Closing

6:45 Seating for Dinner Leonesa Ballroom

7:00 Live Auction & Fund-A-Need Leonesa Ballroom

Nordic Spirits and Centerpiece Sales

Page 10: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


StartersPickled Herring and Brown BreadFennel Scented Scallops served over Turnip Puree, Sea Beans and Truffle Vinaigrette

SaladRoasted Beet Carpaccio with Goat Cheese Mousse, Walnuts and Sherry Vinaigrette

EntréeProsciutto Wrapped Pork Tenderloin served over Cauliflower Puree, Asparagus and Cherry Cider Jus

Vegetarian EntréePappardelle with Grilled Marinated Artichokes, Arugula and Feta Cheese

DessertChocolate Chiffon Cake with Blood Orange and Chocolate Mousse with Chocolate GanacheGoat Cheese Cheesecake with Shortbread and Fig Jam

Coffee and Tea Service

Wines Chardonnay Chateau Ste Michelle, Columbia ValleyCabernet Sauvignon Chateau Ste Michelle, Columbia ValleyWine generously underwritten by Chateau Ste Michelle



Live Auction #12: Private Studio Tour and Reception with Steve Jensen

Live Auction #21: Take Home The Color of Time

Page 11: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

mASter oF ceremonieSMeeghan Black

AuctioneerIan Lindsay


Ian is a local actor and drama teacher when not helping organizations with benefi t auctions. A member of the board of Shunpike, he works to promote the necessary role of the arts in our Pacifi c Northwest community. A graduate of Seattle University’s Drama and Philosophy programs, Ian has been honored to serve a wide range of non-profi t organizations in raising funds throughout the Pacifi c Northwest and be-yond. His style helps to keep an event light, fun, tastefully appropriate, and on schedule, which makes Ian a favorite with diverse groups.

Meeghan Black is an Emmy award-winning broadcast journalist and communications specialist. She has spent her career telling stories, delivering key messages and engaging audiences, many times in very unpredictable situations! After nearly 30 years, Meeghan has shifted gears and is now harnessing her commu-nications skills and talents as principal at Meeghan Black Media. As a consultant, she helps individuals and companies create their own engaging message and communicate it across all media platforms, never forgetting to have fun along the way.

Meeghan is native to the Puget Sound area, a University of Washington graduate and is a frequent emcee and keynote speaker for various regional events. She lives in the Seattle area with her husband and daughter.

HoW the Auction WorkS

ExpressPay™All guests must register for ExpressPay™ service at Registration. By registering for this service, you can avoid standing in line to pay for your purchases at the end of the night.

Sign up for ExpressPay™ by providing the registration assis-tant with a VISA, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover credit card, or a signed check made out to Nordic Heritage Museum, which will be run through the payment system and kept on fi le for the evening.

During the Live Auction, you will receive a receipt of your total spending during the Silent Auction and the fi rst portion of the Live Auction.

At the close of the auction, your purchases will be totaled and charged as directed. You may proceed directly to the Secure Release area to collect your purchases without stopping at the payment checkout lines. Arrangements may be made for a later pick-up date at the Nordic Heritage Museum. All items must be picked up no later than 30 days following the auction.

In the event you did not purchase any items, your charge slip or check will be returned ‘VOID.’ For questions please contact Deputy Director of Operations, Sandra Nestorovic at 206.789.5707 x36.

Silent Auction All silent auction sections open at 5:00 p.m. The sections close at staggered times throughout the evening. Please see page 11 for silent auction closing times. Each item offered in the silent auction will have a bid sheet placed near it. Make a bid by writing your bidder number opposite the amount you wish to bid on the form. Please press hard—you are making three copies. You do not have to take the next available amount on the form but may skip ahead to a higher bid price. The next bidder must bid higher than you or bid the guaranteed price to be successful.

Minimum BidA minimum bid has been established for each silent auction item. You may not bid below this amount.

Guaranteed BidMost silent auction items have a “Guaranteed Bid” price. To guarantee that you are the successful bidder, enter your bid number in the box next to the “Guaranteed Bid” price. This will instantly make you the successful bidder and owner of the auction lot.


Page 12: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


ClosingYou may bid on any item in any silent auction section until the section is closed. Announcements will be made prior to each closing. At the posted closing time, a silent auction closer will circle the winning bid on each form and collect the forms.

Pearl RaffleDuring the Silent Auction, guests will be invited to participate in the Pearl Raffle. Only 150 tickets will be sold at $100 each. The winner of the raffle will be announced at the start of the Live Auction, and will be allowed to select one Live Auction item.

Excluded Items: #19 Rosemaled Grandfather Clock, #22 Maui Vacation, #26 VIP Experience at Churchill Downs.

Live AuctionGuests may preview live auction items just outside the Princes-sa Ballroom at the Grand Hyatt from the time the doors open until the start of the live auction. The live auction will begin during dinner and continue without interruption until all items have been auctioned.

To bid in the live auction, hold your bid card up high with the number facing the auctioneer. Either the auctioneer or a bid spotter can accept your bid. The auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid that is merely a fractional advance over the previous bid. The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall be deemed a legal contract with that bidder to purchase the item. The auctioneer reserves the right to settle any and all disputes, complaints, misunderstandings, errors, and sales at his discretion.

Fund-A-NeedDuring the live auction, the auctioneer will announce the opportunity to support Fund-A-Need. Please see page 29 for more information about Fund-A-Need and how it supports the Museum. The auctioneer will invite you to hold up your Bid Card to pledge $100, $250, $500, $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, or $10,000 toward this cause. Hold your card in the air until the auctioneer reads your bidder number aloud. You will pay your pledge along with your auction purchases. You may hold up your auction bid card multiple times to pledge more than one amount. During the final round at the $100 pledge level you will be asked to write a dollar amount on the back of the Fund-A-Need sheet and sign your name. At this time you can pledge as much or as little as you feel comfortable giving. We are hoping for 100% participation during Fund-A-Need this year. Once you’ve written an amount and signed your name auction volunteers will come to each table and collect the final pledges.

CheckoutLocated at Registration

The “bank” will open at 4:30 p.m. Payment by the successful bidder may be made at any time during the evening after the bank opens. Please allow 30 minutes following the close of each silent auction section and 10 minutes following the sale of each live auction item before requesting a receipt.

All guests must register for ExpressPay™ service at Registration. Payment in full is mandatory on the evening of the auction. Only VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover credit cards will be accepted as payment.

Secure ReleaseThe Secure Release area will open at 8:30 p.m. Successful ExpressPay™ bidders will receive a report of their purchases at their table shortly after the close of bidding for the items. Following the Live Auction, they may then proceed directly to the Secure Release area to collect their purchases or arrange for a later pick up date and then depart.

All items must be removed the night of the auction unless otherwise indicated. Items the are eligible for delayed pick up must be retrieved from the Nordic Heritage Museum by ap-pointment no later than 30 days following the auction. Any items that are not removed or scheduled for a later pickup within 30 days will be considered donations to the Nordic Heritage Museum.

All sales are final. No exchanges or refunds will be allowed.

Sales Tax and Tax DeductibilityNo sales tax is due on items sold at a fundraising event. The Nordic Heritage Museum is a registered 501(c) (3) charitable organization. If the price you pay for an item exceeds its fair market value, the excess portion of the price may be tax de-ductible as a charitable contribution. Please consult your tax advisor or preparer for details.

Page 13: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


General Rules and InformationPlease pay attention to all conditions, restrictions, and expiration dates on items and services. Gift certificates do not include tax, gratuity, or alcoholic beverages. Unless otherwise noted, all items and services must be claimed and used by the expiration date.

Dates for all trips and events must be mutually arranged with the donor, unless otherwise noted. All reservations should be made at least 30 days in advance. All tickets in travel packages are for coach travel, unless otherwise specified. No refunds are permitted for canceled, lost, or unused tickets and/or accommodations.

The Nordic Heritage Museum has attempted to describe and catalog all items correctly. All items are sold ‘as is.’ The Nordic Heritage Museum neither warrants or represents, and shall in no event be responsible for the correctness of the descrip-tions, genuineness, authorship, provenance, or condition of the property. No statement contained in this catalog or made orally at the sale or elsewhere shall be deemed such a war-ranty, representation, or assumption of liability. The Nordic Heritage Museum reserves the right to withdraw any item prior to bidding.


1 Zoo Tour with Allan and Inger Value: $850Join 2015 Auction Honorees Allan and Inger Osberg and Deborah Jensen, CEO of the Woodland Park Zoo, for a one-of-a-kind experience! Ten (10) guests will enjoy an exclusive insider’s tour of the Woodland Park Zoo and lunch with Allan and Inger Osberg. Don’t miss this fantastic behind-the-scenes look at the spectacular animals at the Woodland Park Zoo!

Redeem for a mutually agreeable within one year of the auction date and give at least four (4) weeks notice.

Allan & Inger Osberg

Woodland Park Zoo

2 Nordic Treats for a YearValue: $600Treat yourself to a year of Nordic treats! Each month, pick up a homemade delicacy made just for you! Mari-Ann Kind Jackson bakes kvæfjordkake, also called Verdens Beste (the World’s Best); Jan Colbrese and Eric Nelson are making rosettes; Sandy Haug will make her famous Princess Gem cookies; Margaret Lidberg makes delicious haverflog (Swedish oatmeal cookies); Louise Torseth will whip up a mouth watering batch of krumkake; and Mina Larsen makes the best kransekake anywhere.

Treats will be brought to the Museum by the bakers on the first Friday of each month except for January. January’s pick up date will be Friday, January 8. The winning bidder is responsible for picking up their treats at the Museum each month.

Jan Woldseth Colbrese

Sandy Haug

Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

Mina Larsen

Margaret Lidberg

Eric Nelson

Louise Torseth


Live Auction #1: Zoo Tour with Allan and Inger

Live Auction 7:00 p.m.

Page 14: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

20 21

3Classic Norwegian Dinner PartyValue: $900 Celebrating something special? Let Norske Kvinner take care of cooking! You invite twenty-four (24) guests to your home, set the table and Norske Kvinner delivers an elegant assortment of classic Norwegian open faced sandwiches, ready for you to serve with your choice of libations. Dazzle your guests when you bring in the large Kvæfjordkake, also called The World’s Best Cake, and feel free to take all the credit.

Mutually acceptable date. Not available November 24–December 2

Norske Kvinner

4 Greenland by Congressman Jim McDermott Value: $500Congressman Jim McDermott has brought his unique talents to this year’s auction with a beautiful Sumi-e style painting titled, Greenland. This piece was hand painted by Congressman McDermott on rice paper.

Congressman Jim McDermott

5 Nordic Dinner Series

Norway Dinner Value: $1,000

Join Krystn and Kim Nesselquist at their home for a tradi-tional Norwegian “Rakfisk lag.” Enjoy Hallingdal Mountain trout, preserved as only the Norwegians can! Brought over from Norway by Kim in the fall. This traditional meal also involves many “Skål!” with beer and aquavit. Dinner is for eight (8) people.

To be scheduled for a mutually agreeable date.

Kim & Krystn Nesselquist

Denmark Dinner Value: $1,000 A traditional Danish Christmas luncheon for five (5) with Nordic Heritage Museum executives and the President of the Board of Trustees at the Kirkland residence of the Bendix-Bang family. Dinner will be served on traditional Royal Copenhagen blue fluted dinnerware. Enjoy aquavit and Danish beer, accompanied by a variety of Danish music.

Mutually agreeable date in November or early December.

Jacob Bang & Kirstine Bendix-Knudsen

Finland Dinner Value: $1,000

Host a Finlandia-themed gathering for up to ten (10) friends in your home or at the Museum. Celebrate the 150th anni-versary of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius’s birth with an eve-ning of Finnish classical music and traditional food and drink.

Mutually agreeable date between November 2015–March 2016.

Pirkko Borland | Gunnar Damström

Kristiina Hiukka | Anne Uusnakki

Iceland Brunch Value: $1,000 Join Margie and Margret for an Icelandic Brunch! Traditional Icelandic breakfast treats for ten (10) guests at the Nordic Heritage Museum.

Mutually agreeable date.

Margaret Wright | Margret Solvadottir

Sweden Dinner Value: $1,000

Join Pat & Bob for a Swedish Picnic for four (4) aboard their 36’ Swedish Malö sailboat. They have spent time living and working in Sweden for the past 50 years, and in 1999–2000 they bought a boat and sailed from the Baltic through the Göta Canal before shipping it home. During that year they were invited to a dinner with Nobel Laureates at the Royal Palace. This is their way of saying thank you to Sweden, a country that has supported Bob’s scientific research and teaching, and enhanced their lives.

Mutually agreeable date.

Pat & Bob Charlson


Live Auction #5: Nordic Dinner Series

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

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22 23

6 By Blue Water by Eva Isaksen Value: $2,100Take a home a breath-taking painting by Norwegian artist Eva Isaksen. This 2007 collage on paper titled By Blue

Water is framed in maple wood and would be a lovely addition to any home or collection. Using items from her garden, Isaksen creates monoprints on fiber paper, which are layered with an acrylic medium, leaving only what has been printed visible. Each artwork consists of numerous layers of monoprints, creating one cohesive composition full of color and depth. Isaksen’s work is part of sever-al public and corporate collections, including Nordland Regional Hospital, Bodø, Norway, Boeing, Goldman Sachs, Intel, Nordstrom, Blue Cross, and the US Embassy in Riga, Latvia. Isaksen was also honored with a Fellowship from Artists Trust in 2011. She has exhibited with the Foster/White Gallery since 2002. The King and Queen of Norway have also been presented with a piece of her artwork.

Eva Isaksen

7Sounders SuiteValue: $2,000Cheer on the Seattle Sounders from a luxury suite at CenturyLink Field! The suite is at the Field Level in the Red Zone and accommodates sixteen (16) people. This package also include four (4) parking passes, and the first round of drinks is included. Get ready to cheer on the team from the best seats in the house. Your suite is complete with cutting-edge technology, luxurious furnishings, fabulous amenities, and first-class service.

Date to be set for a mutually agreeable game during the 2015 season.

Greg & Kiki Root

Supergraphics: A Division of GM Nameplate

Nordic Heritage Museum

8A Feast Fit for a Viking Value: $700Relish dinner at Odin Brewing Company in Tukwila for up to six (6) people. Dinner includes four seasonal courses expertly paired with Odin beers. Odin Brewing Company has been in business for the past five years based on pro-ducing “Great Beers Designed with Great Food in Mind.” One of the two brewery owners will be on hand to offer their beer expertise during your meal. The winning bidder will also receive a signed bottle of one of Odin’s premium beers and—the true mark of a Viking—a new drinking horn. Transportation will be provided.

Odin Brewing Co. Owners: Wes Peterson & Dan Lee

Jan & Mike Colbrese

9 Who’s Got Spirit? Huskies vs. Cougars: Apple Cup ShowdownValue: $2,000 Who’s got more pride in their school? Show your Husky or Cougar pride with active bidding! The top bidder will also be treated to a pregame tour of Husky Stadium, led by UW Associate Athletic Director, Chip Lydum.

Husky Package 2 lucky Husky Fans will enjoy cheering their team on at the biggest game of the year, Apple Cup! Tickets provided by the University of Washington. Also take home your mini replica Husky helmet and a Husky flag to proudly display your Purple and Gold UW loyalty.

Cougar Package 2 lucky Cougar Fans will enjoy cheering on their beloved Cougs with tickets provided by Washington State University. Also take home a mini replica Cougar helmet signed by Coach Mike Leach and a beautiful, crimson WSU flag!

University of Washington

Washington State University

Linda Christenson

Jan & Mike Colbrese

Stephanie & Peter Maurer

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

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24 25

10 Kid’s Birthday Party at the Museum Value: $1,000 Want to throw a child you love a birthday party to remember? Host a party for twenty-five (25) at the Nordic Heritage Museum! Guests will receive a guided tour of the Dream of America followed by age-appropriate festivities in the auditorium. The party-worthy menu includes pølse (Norwegian hotdogs), soft drinks, and cupcakes.

To be arranged at a mutually agreeable date and time. Please schedule the party at least two months in advance. Decora-tions, additional food, and favors to be provided by the winning bidder.

Kim & Krystn Nesselquist

11 Red Böt Value: $1,300 Inspired by the close ties between his Norwegian heritage and the fishing industry, celebrated local artist Steve Jen-sen creates beautiful images that represent the relation-ship between Nordics and the sea. Red Canoe, or Red Böt

will be a beautiful addition to the winning bidder’s home or office.

Steve Jensen Studios

12 Private Studio Tour and Reception with Steve JensenValue: $100/person Only 100 tickets are available for this exclusive event! Please join us on Friday, September 18 at 7:00 p.m. for a private reception at the Capitol Hill studio, gallery space, and home of celebrated local artist Steve Jensen. There will be great food, live music, and the opportunity to min-gle with the artist while shopping the gallery of Jensen’s work. Winning bidders will be entered into a drawing to win the piece of their choice from the gallery, valued at $1,200! This is a party not to be missed, so purchase tickets for yourself, your family, and your friends. To bid on this item, simply raise your hand and hold up your fingers to indicate the number of tickets you would like to purchase.

Steve Jensen & Vincent Lipe

Nordic Heritage Museum

13 Supper with SigValue: Priceless Join Sig Hansen, captain of the F/V Northwestern and star of Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch, for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Sig and his wife June will host a traditional Norwegian dinner party for ten (10) with food and fun for everyone! Don’t miss the chance to spend an evening with this living legend and hear all the stories that don’t make it to television.

To be arranged at a mutually agreeable date and time.

Sig & June Hansen

14 North Puget Sound Fishing Excursion Value: $1,250 Bring a friend aboard the 26-foot Fjordshark, departing from the Everett Marina, for up to eight hours of fishing in the Puget Sound. All fishing gear is provided, as well as morning coffee, refreshments, and lunch. Once back at the dock, your catch will cleaned and packed, ready to take home for a delicious dinner!

Winning bidder understands that this is not a licensed guide and not a purchased trip, but a guest invitation to board a private vessel. Guests are responsible for acquiring proper fishing licens-es. To be arranged for a mutually agreeable Saturday or Sunday between July 25, 2015 and September 27, 2015.

Hans Aarhus

15 Mustad Fishing GearValue: $1,250Every outdoorsman relies on their equipment for success on the water, and Mustad is the leader in performance gear for those who take fishing seriously. This gear pack-age includes: the Viking Thermotic two-piece suit, the ultimate in safety and function for professional anglers; the 7-10 gram fishing rod and matching travel case, per-fect for elusive winter steelhead or a nice rainbow and no longer available in stores; the Team Deep Sea Atlantic RS25 fishing reel, perfect for most offshore fishing trips and also no longer available in stores; pliers; line; clippers; forceps; a knife; a hat; a 20-lb. scale and the book Mustad:

Fish Hooks for the World. With this package you’ll be pre-pared for almost any fishing excursion.

Mustad Autoline Inc.

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

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16 On the Field Sounders ExperienceValue: PricelessWhat’s better than cheering on the Sounders live from the stands at CenturyLink Field? How about watching the warm- up right on the pitch? This package includes four (4) tickets to a Sounders match and four (4) sideline pre-match passes. To make sure you come prepared, this package also includes four (4) team scarves, but watch out—you’ll be so close to the action, you might get mistaken as a member of the team!

Experience non-transferable. Certificate can only be redeemed for a mutually agreeable regular season match.

Seattle Sounders FC

17 Deadliest Catch BBQ Value: $100/personDoug Dixon and Tor Tollessen will host an exclusive seafood BBQ and VIP tour of Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, including the F/V Northwestern from Discovery Channel’s Deadli-

est Catch on Saturday, May 30, 2015. Keep an eye out for Captain Sig Hansen and his crew! Up to fifty (50) people are invited to join in this unique Ballard experience, which includes a BBQ of alder-smoked king crab and salmon, and pan-seared wild Alaskan Weathervane scallops. This is an auction favorite, so be sure to snag your tickets fast! To bid on this item, simply raise your hand and hold up your fingers to indicate the number of tickets you would like to purchase.

Doug Dixon, Pacific Fishermen Shipyard

Tor Tollessen, Lunde Marine Electronics

18 Aquavit Tasting Value: $750Join Lexi from the Old Ballard Liquor Co. for an evening of local craft Aquavit and a delicious New Nordic dinner. Up to six (6) people will indulge in an immersive culinary expe-rience, enjoying a gourmet 4-course meal showcasing the best of seasonal, modern Scandinavian cuisine with Aqua-vit pairings and tastings, and learn about the history and culture of this hard-to-find spirit. These educational sessions are highly regarded by industry professionals, making this a unique and special night for everyone involved.

Event must be scheduled on a weeknight and is contingent upon the donor’s schedule, no more than 6 people, and will be held at a Seattle location to be determined. Donation expires after 1 year.

Old Ballard Liquor Co.

19 Rosemaled Grandfather ClockEstimated Value: $3,500 Dream Value: $6,000Take home a piece of Nordic heritage! This one of a kind clock was hand-painted by Craft School rosemaling instructor Marilyn Hansen and her students,and was built by Craft School woodcarving instructors Tore Vollan and Erik Holt. This elegant Scandinavian-style clock features four different chimes with night silence options and a decorative pendulum that can be seen through the glass viewing port hole. The clock offers more unique features than first meets the eye: a hidden liquor cabinet stocked with a bottle of Aalborg Jabilæums aquavit, and a secret compartment in the base of the clock, traditionally used to hide valuables.

Don Larson

Tore Vollan

Erik Holt

Marylin Hansen and her Rosemaling Students

20 International Viking Voyage Value: $4,500 Follow in your ancestors’ footsteps and take a breathtak-ing journey to Norway! Two (2) lucky travelers will embark on a world-renowned Hurtigruten cruises, and sail port to port along the coastline, experiencing the charm, hospital-ity, and magic of Norwegian culture.

You will receive a gift certificate in your name for the Hurti-gruten cruise and two $500 airline gift certificates. Allow at least three weeks for processing.

Hurtigruten | Icelandair

21 Take Home The Color of Time Value: $6,000If you enjoyed the Nordic Heritage Museum’s autumn 2014 exhibition The Color of Time: Ballard From Dusk to Dawn, now is your chance to take home your own photograph by Tod Gangler. This beautiful image captures a sunset view from the Ballard Bridge, overlooking the ever-changing Ballard landscape and the site of the new Nordic Heritage Museum. This piece also includes a signature from the artist.

Tod Gangler

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

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22 Maui VacationValue: $6,000Escape cold and rainy November in Washington, and fly to Maui for a seven-night (7) stay! Fly on Alaska Airlines and stay in a lovely two-bedroom condo at Maui Schooner Resort. Just a short walk from the beach on Maalaea Bay, the resort also boasts tennis courts, an outdoor pool, hot tub, and putting green.

Airfare is provided via two (2) gift certificates. The winning bidder is responsible for booking flights. Check-in is November 14, 2015 and checkout is November 21, 2015. Dates cannot be changed. Additional expenses (parking, taxes, etc.) not included.

Nordic Heritage Museum | Alaska Airlines

Fund-A-needThe Nordic Heritage Museum is here because of contributors like you. From our earliest days, the Nordic Heritage Museum has survived and thrived because of a dedicated network of donors, volunteers, and visitors. For thirty-five years, we have celebrated traditions and engaged new audiences, nurturing our roots while expanding our branches wider. The Fund-A-Need portion of the auction is vital to the Museum’s growth, and allows us to create a legacy for future generations by presenting immersive cultural experiences through exhibitions, festivals, and community and educational programs.

In the last year the Nordic Heritage Museum has presented over 100 public programs: lectures, film screenings, work-shops, classes, and more. We hosted critically acclaimed exhibitions that covered a diverse range of topics, from the changing landscape of Ballard to mid-century modern furniture to Norse mythology. We hosted major events such as the Mostly Nordic Chamber Music Series, Viking Days, a sold-out Nordic Knitting Conference, and Yulefest. We shared the Nordic spirit with 55,000 visitors last year, including 6,000 children who participated in education programming and visited on school tours. We are pleased to host dinners and festivals, and to offer our facility to such community staples as the Norwegian Male Chorus and Scandinavian Language Institute.

We hold dear our ancestors’ heritage with projects like the award-winning Voices of Ballard and Beyond while celebrating contemporary culture and interests with publi-cations like the Nordic Kultur magazine and the cinematic celebration, the Nordic Lights Film Festival. We help our members and visitors draw connections between past and present, and ensure that Nordic heritage thrives for future generations to enjoy.

Support of tonight’s Fund-A-Need demonstrates your commitment to the Museum, allowing us to continue our commitment to you.


Live Auction #22: Maui Vacation

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

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30 31

23Golden Eagle Dinner Cruise Value: $300/coupleJoin Auktion Co-Chairs Linda Christenson and Donna Johnson Pedersen on Saturday, September 12, 2015 for a fun, relaxing evening of cruising Lake Washington aboard Honorary Consul Lars Jonsson’s 85-foot McQueen M/V

Golden Eagle. Available for fifteen (15) couples only, this four-hour cruise includes a four-course gourmet meal with wine and all the amenities!

Set date: Saturday, September 12, 2015

Lars Jonsson & Laurie McDonald-Jonsson

Linda & Carl Christenson

Donna & Ken Pedersen

24 Tug Boat Cruise $750Leaving from Fremont, head out on a 2-hour lake ride adventure for six (6) people on a 50-ft. working tugboat. With a gourmet lunch provided by the Auktion Co-Chairs, and top-shelf wine to wash it down with, you’ll be sure to have a wonderful experience.

Date and time to be mutually agreed upon

Fremont Tug Boat Company Inc.

Donna Johnson Pederson & Ken Pederson

Linda & Carl Christenson

25 Northern Lights in Your Home Value: $1,000 The magic of the Northern Lights in Norway will grace your home with light and wonder. This archival photo-graph by Jan Helge Fornes of Borkenes, Norway, will add radiance to any room.

Jan Helge Fornes

Mari-Ann Kind Jackson

26 VIP Experience at Churchill Downs Value: Priceless• VIP Private Jockey Club Suite for 2

at Churchill Downs during the Spring, September, or Fall 2015 Meets

• Race Named in Your Honor & Trophy Presentation

• 3-night stay in a standard guest room at the Hy-att Regency Louisville

• Round-trip coach class airfare for 2 from within the 48 contiguous U.S. to Louisville, KY

• Winspire booking & concierge service

Experience the exciting and colorful spectacle of thor-oughbred racing with your party of two (2) as the nation’s finest horses compete at Churchill Downs. Enjoy a relaxing stay at the luxurious Jockey Club Suite for you and a guest. Each luxury suite is appointed with a private balcony providing a panoramic view of the racetrack, a self-service wagering machine, a wet bar and first class service (food and beverage costs not included).

This package also includes a race named in your honor: your personalized race name will be listed in the program, and you and your guest will be escorted into the Paddock for the saddling prior to your race. After viewing the selected race from trackside, you will step into the Track-side Winner’s Circle and present a trophy engraved with your name to the winning owner, jockey, or trainer. You will also receive a duplicate trophy and an 8”x10” color photograph taken in the Winner’s Circle to take home as a memento. The winning bidder will also receive 2 Julep cups, a Julep strainer, a bottle of Bulleit bourbon, and custom hats from Goorin Bros. Hat Shop.

Valid for the Spring Meet (May 7–June 27, 2015; Thursdays–Sundays), September Meet (September 11–27, 2015; Thurs-days–Sundays), or the Fall Meet (November 4–November 29, 2015), subject to availability. Not valid during Derby Week (last weekend of April through first weekend of May), or on premium dates such as Opening Weeks, Downs After Dark (select Saturday evenings), and major holidays. Dates subject to change. Airfare must be booked within one year from the date of purchase. Airfare taxes and a $25 per person processing fee are the responsibility of the purchaser. Blackout dates: Thanks-giving, Christmas, and New Year’s weeks. Must be booked a minimum of 60 days in advance. Reservations are subject to availability. Certificates cannot be replaced if lost, stolen, or destroyed. All purchases are non-refundable. Packages cannot be resold. Ground transportation is not included.

Nordic Heritage Museum | Mrs. Cooks

Donna & Ken Pedersen | Goorin Bros. Hat Shop

Jan & Mike Colbrese

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

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27 The “Big Unit” Mariners PackValue: $2,600Hall of Famer Randy Johnson is arguably one of the great-est pitchers to ever take the mound. Own a piece of Mari-ners and Major League Baseball history with an authentic uniform autographed by the “Big Unit” himself, a Mari-ner’s jacket, and a bobblehead featuring Randy Johnson and Dan Wilson together. This package comes with four (4) Diamond Club seats at Safeco Field for the May 28, 2015 game versus the Cleveland Indians at 7:10pm, which includes parking, food, drinks, and unforgettable views of the ball game.

The Rev. Valinda Morse

Jan & Mike Colbrese

John & Shawn Goodman

28 Week on the Costa del Sol Value: $2,000 Add some spice to your life with one week on Spain’s exotic Costa del Sol! Located in Malaga, this beautiful stretch of beach is home to delectable food and friendly locals. After a lazy day sampling the local fare or lounging beachside, you and one (1) guest can retreat to your newly renovated and fully-furnished two-bedroom apartment, located in the center of Fuengirola on the Spanish Riviera. You’ll be just a one-minute walk from the public market and three minutes from the beach.

Airfare not included.

Lars Jonsson & Laurie McDonald-Jonsson

29 Nordic Candelabra Value: $800This beautifully crafted maple carving is a unique variation on a Norse candelabra. Eight arms provide glowing illumi-nation on a post that can be hung separately or mounted on the elegantly formed stand, which has a structure reminiscent of the Scandinavian acanthus motif. Designed and carved by John Gustafson.

John Gustafson

30Swedish Crayfish DinnerValue: $50/personThis feast features all you can eat crayfish, herring, rolls, salad, dessert, wine, beer, soda, and more. The Museum’s Crayfish Dinner is a wonderful addition to your summer plans. This feast is limited to 40 people, so raise your bid card, and fingers of how many tickets you want, before this great event is sold out.

Currently scheduled for Friday, July 31, 2015

Nordic Heritage Museum

31 Mariners Scoreboard Operator for a Night Value: Priceless Bring four (4) friends to a Mariners home game! Before the game, watch batting practice from the field—stand within arm’s reach of your favorite players. Right before the game, your party will head to box seats while one lucky member of the group will serve as scoreboard operator for the night!

Home game to be arranged with the Mariners. Scoreboard operator must be 14 years of age or older. Arrive for batting practice between 4:00 p.m.–4:30 p.m.

Seattle Mariners

32 Cruise and Salmon BBQ Value: $1,200 Join seven (7) of your friends for an elegant cocktail cruise followed by dinner on Lake Washington. Your experience-will start with a cruise aboard the yacht Lofoten Spirit and culminate with an intimate salmon BBQ dinner in a beauti-fully landscaped tropical setting.

Rick Peterson | Hans & Kris Aarhus

33 Gourmet Kumle DinnerValue: $1,200Dine in style at this gourmet dinner for twelve (12) at Scan-dinavian Specialties! Savor all this formal kumle dinner has to offer—from appetizers and canapés to salmon and lamb sausage—and wash it all down with beer, wine, aquavit, and cognac.

Available at any mutually agreeable date, but your hosts suggest planning for November 1–20 to capture the spirit of the event!

Anne-Lise Berger & Ozzie Kvithammer | Bjorn Ruud

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. LIVE AuCTIoN

Page 21: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


tHAnk you to the 2015 Auktion committee and VolunteerS for All tHeir Support in mAking tonigHt a SucceSS!

2015 Committee Members

Linda Christenson, Co-Chair

Donna Johnson Pedersen, Co-Chair

Betty Brownlee

Sandy Haug

Paul Jacobson

Judith Mallory

Krystn Nesselquist

Barbara Paquette

Berit Sjong

Sonja Sørvik

Heather Sketch-Sander

Betty Nes-Wabey

The Rev. Valinda Morse

Ingrid Tollessen

Jan Woldseth Colbrese

Auction VolunteersThe Northern Lights Auktion would not be possible without the many volunteers who help throughout the day and lead-ing up to the auction under the direction of Volunteer Coordinator Michael Ide. Thank you!


34a Ballard Oil—Marine or Home Value: $504 Enjoy 175 gallons of #2 marine diesel or home heating oil. Marine Diesel is conveniently delivered at Ballard Oil dock, or your heating oil will be delivered directly to your home.

Expires May 10, 2016.

Ballard Oil Company

34b Get Fueled Up by Covich-Williams Value: $1,070Bring your boat to the Covich-Williams fuel dock to fill up 500 gallons of marine/off-road diesel fuel.

Must be picked up before December 31, 2015 by boat.

Covich-Williams Co. Inc.

35 Canlis Value: $500 Canlis offers fine dining and elegant service and attracts stars and wealthy international travelers. Soak in the view of Lake Union, the mountains, and the cityscape as you enjoy a dinner crafted in true Northwest style.

Canlis Restaurant

36 Christmas Concert in SeattleValue $500 Enjoy two (2) premium seats for the Pacific Lutheran Uni-versity Choir of the West’s Christmas concert at Benaroya Hall in downtown Seattle. After the performance, treat yourself to a one-night stay at Hotel Ändra, a near-by luxury hotel, complete with Perrier Jouet de Fleur champagne and matching glasses.

Pacific Lutheran University

Hotel Ändra

Jan & Mike Colbrese

LIVE AuCTIoN 7:00 p.m.

Page 22: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

WitH SpeciAl tHAnkS to the boArd oF truSteeS

Board of TrusteesIrma Goertzen, President

Tom W. Malone, Vice President

Rick Peterson, Secretary

Hans Aarhus, Treasurer

Margaret Wright, Immediate Past President

Curtis Arnesen

Per Bakken

Steven J. Barker

Brandon Benson

Earl Ecklund

Arlene Sundquist Empie

Ann-Charlotte Gavel Adams

Tapio Holma

Christine Ingebritsen

Ken Jacobsen

Sven Kalve

Leif Mannes

Valinda Morse

Allan Osberg

Everett Paup

Einar Pedersen

Erik Pihl

Vi Jean Reno

Maria Staaf

Birger Steen

Nina Svino Svasand

Lisa Toftemark

Tor Tollessen

Ex OfficioEric Nelson, Chief Executive Officer


ConsulsErik D. Laursen, Denmark

Matti Suokko, Finland

Kristiina Hiukka, Honorary Vice Consul, Finland

Jon Marvin Jonsson, Consul General, Iceland

Geir Jonsson, Honorary Vice Consul, Iceland

Kim Nesselquist, Norway

Lars Jonsson, Sweden

Honorary TrusteesDr. Stig B. Andersen

Representative Reuven Carlyle

Leif Eie

Synnøve Fielding

Senator Mary Margaret Haugen

Floyd Jones

Senator Jeanne Kohl-Welles

Bertil Lundh

Jane Isakson Lea

Mark T. Schleck

Representative Helen Sommers

Senator Harriet Spanel

Mayor Ray Stephanson

Representative Gael Tarleton

Page 23: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


tHAnk you to the preSident’S club contributing circle and tHe nordic legAcy circle memberSThe Nordic Heritage Museum is supported through numer-ous sources including events, special fundraising campaigns, grants, sponsorships, individual contributions, and member-ships. Each is critical to our success.

We give special thanks to our President’s Club Contributing Circle Members. Gold, Silver, and Bronze Circles Members respectively commit $5,000, $2,500, and $1,000 annually toward membership. Their patronage is vital to our ongoing success.

Thanks are also due to our Nordic Legacy Circle Members, individuals who have generously made the commitment to include the Museum in their estate plans. To learn more about either of these opportunities, contact Jan Woldseth Colbrese, Deputy Director External Affairs, by phone at 206.789.5707 x39 or via email at [email protected].

Through the support of these contributors, the Museum is able to carry out our mission of sharing the Nordic spirit.

Gold Circle MembersBrandon Benson

Erik and Berit Breivik

Francisca Erickson

Irma and Don Goertzen

Allan and Inger Osberg

Everett and Andrea Paup

Silver Circle MembersMarilyn and Rodney Madden

Sandy and Christine McDade

Bronze Circle Members


Arlene Sundquist Empie

Raymond and JoAnne Eriksen

Nancy and Donald Ferkingstad

Anita Fjortoft

Lotta Gavel-Adams

Jon Halgren

Jon and Susan Hanson

Ernst and Linda Jensen

Floyd Jones

Lars Jonsson and Laurie McDonald Jonsson

Sven and Marta Kalve

Larry Knudsen

Georgene and Richard Lee

Bertil O. Lundh

Tom and Drexie Malone

Leif and Cindy Mannes

Lars Matthiesen and Yara Silva

Egon and Laina Molbak

Valinda and Lyle Morse

Kaare and Sigrunn Ness

Ozzie and Joan Nordheim

Norwegian Commercial Club

Russell Oberg

Pacific Fishermen Shipyard, Inc.

Darryl and Jane Pedersen

Einar and Emma Pedersen

Rick Peterson

Jim Rogers and Christine Ingebritsen

Börje and Aase Saxberg

Chris Siddons

John and Berit Sjong

Larry R. Small

Jacqueline Sorensen-Pinch

Sonja Sørvik

Maria Staaf and William Jones

Birger Steen

Gordon Strand

Nina Svino Svasand and Ernest Svasand

Kay Thoreson

Pam Thorstenson

Lisa A. Toftemark

Svend and Lois Toftemark

Tor and Ingrid Tollessen

Dorothy Trenor

Debbi and Larry Vanselow

Robert Wiley

Margaret and Richard Wright

Hans and Kristine Aarhus

Stig and Ruth Andersen

Curtis and Kimberly Arnesen

Catherine I. Arnold

Steven and Kathleen Barker

Bjorn Bayley

Paul Birkeland

Per Bolang

Pirkko and Brad Borland

Jette Bunch

Lowen Clausen

Jan and Mike Colbrese

Ross and Lynn Davidson

Peter Davis and Kristiann Schoening

Anne-Lise Deering

Doug and MaryAnne Dixon

Earl and Denise Ecklund

Nordic Legacy CircleAnonymous (5)Lars AndreassonPirkko and Brad BorlandPatricia and Robert CharlsonTodd ClaytonPeggy Jorgenson CooperNancy DebastePaul and Ellen DuernbergerShirley FjoslienJon and Susan HansonJoAnne Hardt RudoInga HemmingOlavi HiukkaRolf HokanssonCurtis JacobsMari-Ann Kind JacksonBill and Michelle KrippaehneDon Meyers and Kathi Ploeger

Egon and Laina MolbakKaroline MorrisonEric and Yvonne NelsonRussell ObergGordon OlsonEric and Ingrid PearsonGeorg and Nina PedersenAnn RingstadDean RobbinsVivian SandaasChris SiddonsMia SillanpaaCarol and Norman SollieMonica StenbergGordon StrandFrank and Jennifer SwantPam ThorstensonJacklyn Toman

Page 24: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

SpeciAl tHAnkS to the nordic HeritAge muSeum StAFF WHo HAVe oFFered tHeir time and expertiSe to mAke this eVening poSSible!Eric Nelson, Chief Executive Officer

Jan Woldseth Colbrese, Deputy Director of External Affairs

Sandra Nestorovic, Deputy Director of Operations

Kirstine Bendix Knudsen, Executive Assistant

DevelopmentKaty Ahrens, Development Associate, Stewardship

Kiersten Bowers, Membership & Database Coordinator

Christy Olsen Field, Development Associate, Grants

Matt McCallum, Events & Sponsorship Coordinator

Marketing & CommunicationsSara Keats, Marketing & Communications Coordinator

Ani Rucki, Graphic Designer

CuratorialJonathan Sajda, Program Manager

Fred Poyner IV, Collections Manager

Kirsten Olsen, Exhibits Coordinator

Kathi Ploeger, Music Library Archivist

Ariane Westin-McCaw, Registrar

Alison Church, Children’s Education Coordinator

Stina Cowan, Public Programs Coordinator

Jeremy Ehrlich, Adult Education Coordinator

OperationsPamela Brooks, Finance Manager

Michael Ide, Volunteer & Staff Resource Coordinator

Stephanie Maurer, Retail Sales Manager

Carolyn Carlstrom, Bookkeeper

Rebecca Bolin, Weekend Receptionist

Mary Ann Namtvedt, Gift Shop Manager

Donna Antonucci, Caretaker

Bryce Terry, Facilities Coordinator

Bob Jones, Custodian


17th of may Festival | norwegian constitution dayJoin us for one of the largest celebrations outside of Norway

May 16thDance 8:30pm–11:30pm $10 at doorBallard Elks, 6411 Seaview Ave NWSnacks & no-host bar

May 17thBergen Place Musical Entertainment 10am–4pmBarneleker Children’s events 10am–2pmBergen Place Park • 22nd Ave NW and NW Market StreetCome watch and join the Singers and Dancers.

Nordic Heritage Museum 10am–4pm Free Museum admission all day! • 3014 NW 67th StreetFjord horses, rides on electric train, Café and Gift Shop open. Children can enjoy free and easy crafts. Shuttle between Museum and Central Ballard from 10am–3:30pm.

Luncheon 12–2pm Leif Erikson Lodge • 2245 NW 57th StreetJoin us for a traditional Norwegian lunch with our Grand Marshals and Honorary Marshals! Musical entertainment! Luncheon tickets can be purchased at Leif Erikson Hall.

Kaffestua 12–2pm Leif Erikson Lodge • 2245 NW 57th Street Cake and coffee served by beautiful Viking maidens. Information available about local Norwegian organizations.

Nordic Café 2–4pm Leif Erikson Lodge • 2245 NW 57th Street Nordic food and beverages available for purchase before the parade.

17th of May Parade 4–6pm The highlight of the celebration! Come early to save your spot, or better yet…march with us! Apply online by May 1.


Page 25: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog

Work Wear, Inc.Quality, Customized Work Clothing Since 1985

workwearinc.com • [email protected] NW Market St. • Seattle 98107 • 206.522.5791

Mention the Auction! A donation will be made to the Nordic Heritage Museum for each sale resulting from this sponsorship!

Page 26: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog



August 12–November 12, 2015

Page 27: 2015 Northern Lights Auktion Catalog


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