2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia

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  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    2015 NCA Convention, Hampton, Virginia

    Margaret Franklin

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    Tuesday, September 15th, 2015So far this has been a GREAT DAY! :) Everything has been running smoothly with N DRAA!!"#no$% woo&)

    y alarm was set for ':(( this morning but was alrea&y awa%e nearly *( minutes earlier+ ,ve ma&esure have everything nee&- my $amera an& my ./ 0layer are fully $harge&- re$hargers in myba$%0a$%+

    y suit$aseweighs aroun& 12 0oun&s+ ho0e &on,t a$$umulate too many souvenirs be$ause thelimit is only four 0oun&s away+

    %new the weather woul& 0robably be $ooler so wore sla$%s an& running shoes this morning+ So far

    it,s been a beautiful sunny &ay+ ,m wearing my bla$% floral 0rint harem 0ants from Torri&- an& the0ur0le uni$orn T3shirt Aunt Anne gave me a $ou0le 4hristmases ago+ am wearing neon 0in% so$%swith my star3stu&&e& running shoes+ almost forgot ha& them+ t,s been so long sin$e ,ve worn them+ got them at least five years ago but when my mom 0asse& away starte& wearing her navy bluesnea%ers instea& an& now they,re starting to fall a0art+ At least &on,t have to worry about buying newshoes now that ,ve re3&is$overe& these ones+

    The &ays lea&ing u0 to this tri0 have ha& their usual share of &rama+ This 0ast wee%en& they weatherwas so horrible was afrai& we,& s%i00e& fall an& were 0lowing straight into winter! The rain starte&late Satur&ay afternoon 5ust after got on the bus home from The 6ivingroom+ t was a mosthorren&ous &own0our+ Even my husban&- Dave- who normally li%es &ar%- over$ast weather- wasfeeling unusually gloomy+ 7e ha& been si$% this 0ast wee% an& ha& to miss two &ays of wor%+ 0ray

    that &on,t $at$h any bugs on this year,s tour!

    So far everything has been 0retty mu$h 0erfe$t+ Nearly an hour before my shuttle bus arrive& $oul&not settle anymore so en5oye& 5ust sitting on the front ste0s wat$hing the sun rise an& seeing theneighbourhoo& slowly $ome to life+ There was a la&y wal%ing a $ute little &og that wante& to visit me+ Awoman 0ushing a to&&ler in a stroller was followe& by two ol&er boys with ba$%0a$%s- 0robably ontheir way to s$hool- an& another woman in a bla$% 0on$ho a00eare& to be in a hurry an& &etoure&aroun& them- wal%ing out into the roa& to 0ass them+

    The time went fast until my shuttle bus arrive&+ 8e 0i$%e& u0 another 0assenger in 9roo%lin an& off

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    we went+

    t wasn,t that har& to fin& my way aroun& in the air0ort+ was a little $onfuse& that the number on myitinerary &i& not mat$h the number on the $hart- but other than that- ,ve basi$ally breee& througheverything without any 0ani$ atta$%s or melt&owns or having to answer any aw%war& ;uestions+ Theyhave a new ma$hine that ta%es my 0i$ture an& s$ans my 0ass0ort so &on,t have to fill out nay of thatinfernal- mi$ros$o0i$ 0a0erwor%! YAY for te$hnology!

    y flight &oesn,t leave until *(:1'+ The ne ?Gate 2*3 6as =egas!@ he sai&+ ?6AS =EGAS@ Sure- wantto go to 6as =egas but some other &ay+ bviously not now- although Banette an& have been tal%ingabout it for years! am off to 4hi$ago an& then $at$h my $onne$ting flight to Norfol%+ am 5usten5oying allowing myself to live in the moment- absorbing everything going on all aroun& me+ 7erethere are several tables with tablets where 0eo0le $an use their la0to0s an& other &evi$es+ Not me+ am basi$ally ?un0lugge&@ for the rest of the wee%+ miss my online frien&s but not mu$h of the &ramathat,s been unfol&ing this 0ast wee%+

    ?You &o realie you,re $on&emning some 0oor $elebrity to &eath@ my husban& tease& this morning+Csually there is always some $elebrity &eath while ,m away on one of these tri0s+ $an,t believe it,s

    been over ( years sin$e Dr+ Suess &ie&+ 7e 0asse& away when was at my first $onvention in **+ &on,t remember whi$h one it was when .aul Newman &ie&+ Amy 8inehouse &ie& in August of (**when was at my autism retreat in Fenelon Falls+ f ha& to 0i$% an& $hoose 7.E the ne

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    An& the night before that ha& a horrible nightmare where literally wo%e u0 $rying! ,ll s0are you thegory &etails+ e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    The s$enery was beautiful an& trie& to ta%e vi&eo footage of some of the fas$inating waterfront0ro0erties ans we &rove along the highway+ =irginia is $onne$te& by many long bri&ges an& tunnels+



    y feet were so sore that too% my shoes off on$e was in&oors+ ,ve 5ust ha& my shower an& amma%ing myself at home in my room+ &on,t thin% want to go sho00ing tonight+ ,m 5ust going to 0ut onsome $lean $lothes an& have su00er at the hotel restaurant!+ "aybe even a argarita!) an& then 5ustveg out here an& see what,s on the telly+


    7mm- shoul& 0ay $ash or 5ust $harge my meal to my room 8ill have time to sho0 tomorrowmorning before noon r woul& rather 5ust ta%e it easy

    8:10 pm,m afrai& ,ve 5ust &one my first &ine3an&3&ash! foun& myself getting too angry+ 8aite& over half an

    hour for my foo& an& they brought me the 8RNG thing! eanwhile- of $ourse- a family $omes inwith a to&&ler+ wait at least ANT7ER half an hour for my foo& but by the time it gets there the %i& is$rying an& it,s really getting on my nerves+ was so frustrate& s$oo0e& u0 the last of my fries in myna0%in an& ran ba$% to my room without waiting for the bill be$ause was out of s0oons an& on theverge of a melt&own+ am NE=ER eating there again! t was 5ust ma%ing me angry to see everybo&yelse getting serve& e Twi< an& il%y 8ays+ An& ate T7REE when got ba$% to my room+ This is NT- re0eat NT something normally &o+ &o NT usually eat three $an&y bars in one sitting even thoughsome 0eo0le thin% this is the sort of thing most Fat .eo0le &o E=ERY DAY!

    The events of the evening have been 0laying themselves over an& over again in my hea&+ Fine+ Bust%ee0 ignoring me+ &on,t nee& foo&+ ,m alrea&y fat enough+

    At least most 0eo0le have been on my si&e+ 9ette 6argent isn,t overly fon& of $rying babies either+ She

    was telling me whenever one is getting a nee&le in the ne

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    brought my Art Bournal with me but wish ha& a NE8 NE! An& some ART SC..6ES!!

    Even though the website sai& there woul& be- there are N .AY3.ER3=E8 movies here+ wish $oul& have visite& the $arousel last night+ t was %in& of frustrating %nowing it was right there in front ofme but $oul&n,t go an& see it 5ust yet be$ause was 8ATNG CNT6 7E66 FRLE =ER TGETY FC4#NG SC..ER 876E E=ERYNE 8AS GETTNG SER=ED 9CT E!!!

    Yester&ay was mostly a goo& &ay but starte& losing ?s0oons@ from 4hi$ago on- starting with the 0ani$of thin%ing only ha& an hour to $at$h my 0lane an& seeing the 9aby .ara&e get on boar&+ Then thebusiness about the shuttle bus- an& then last but not least the bullshit went through with my meal+ ho0e the rest of this tri0 goes better+

    y last two hotel stays anywhere have ha& more than their fair share of &rama+ At least have aNRA6 0hone in this room with the RG7T number of buttons- unli%e the te$hno3monstrosity Banettean& ha& in our room last year in New Yor%+

    ,m homesi$%+ miss my husban&+ 8e $oul&n,t even %iss goo&bye be$ause he,s been si$% this 0astwee% an& we &on,t want me to $at$h whatever bug he,s ha&+ At least he too% me by the han&s an&0raye& for me before he left for wor%+

    thin% ,m a bit $onsti0ate&+ haven,t ha& a &arne& goo& &um0 sin$e was still in shawa+

    :!0 amAll,s right with the worl&- finally have my $offee+

    a$tually &i& get some slee0 after all last night+ %now be$ause was &reaming about all of us visitinga very strange $arousel+ t ha& horses but they were for &is0lay only- not ri&ing+ They were ;uite smallbut a bit bigger than the average %i&&ie horses- about the sie of the English gallo0er in the.a&&ington movie+ An& they were u0 too high too+ n fa$t they were above a row of inwar&3fa$ingben$hes+ This woul& be an interesting i&ea for a revolving restaurant+ also &reamt was ta%ing vi&eofootage of various street 0erformers- 5ugglers- magi$ians- et$+ must have been sub$ons$iously

    thin%ing about some of the stuff saw on T= last night+ 6ast night wat$he& this one guy &oing tri$%son a la&&er+ 7e was balan$ing on it an& ma%ing it ?wal%@ as he as$en&e& an& move& from one si&e ofthe la&&er to the other+ At the en& a ro0e la&&er $ame &own- su00ose&ly from a heli$o0ter an& he$limbe& from one to the other an& was 0ulle& u0war& off stage+

    also saw a $ommer$ial- forget what t was for- featuring a marathon 5uggler+ 7e was 5uggling$onstantly while running in a ra$e- wor%ing out on a trea&mill- et$+ So no won&er was &reaming about

    5ugglers an& a$robats+ Banette was there too+ 8e seeme& to be at some %in& of festival an& we wereleaving in a yellow ta

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    &e$i&e& woul& go out for a wal% before brea%fast+ eals at the hotel $an be ;uite e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    in my room wor%ing on my embroi&ery for the time being+

    7a& the brea%fast buffet at the hotel restaurant after all an& $harge& it to my room+ nly M*1+(+ Notli%e New Yor%+ The brea%fast buffet there last year was aroun& thirty bu$%s!!!

    Bust &evoure& my last il%y 8ay bar+ 8hy is it that $ho$olate an& $an&y always taste better awayfrom home

    9T8 the ven&ing ma$hine near the elevator has $ans of 47ERRY 4#E!! I gonna get-a drunk!nlyar% an& Banette an& my husban& %now what mean by this referen$e along with a few others+ So might as well tell you the story in $ase you haven,t hear& it before+ Years ago when 4herry 4o%e wasavailable in 4ana&a- it $ame in these 0lasti$ bottles with these weir& 0lasti$ labels that ha& a te battle shi0s- military homes- theuniversity- but best of all saw "#$%&'(S))) trie& to $a0ture them on vi&eo but it was still ;uite&iffi$ult+ Still am absolutely ELATED! ,ve seen &ol0hins in oos before- an& 0la$es li%e arinelan&+9ut there,s something &ownrightMAGICAL- if not S.RTCA6 abut seeing &ol0hins out in the wil&!ur tour gui&e e

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  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    anyone $lose by whom $oul& flag &own so 5ust staye& where was an& ro&e again+ Nobo&y trie& tosto0 me+ then ro&e a beautiful armoure& horse+ ,ve lost tra$% of the number of ri&es ,ve ha& thisevening+ ha& to laugh be$ause felt li%e was travelling along a $ontinuous $oil+ Ri&e+ Get off+ G allthe way aroun& to get ba$% in line again+ Ri&e again+ Re0eat+ 4oi3oi3oi3oi3oi3oil!!!!



    Then it was time for our grou0 0hoto on the ste0s+ thin% we were all getting 0retty hungry by then+

    Dinner was at the Air P S0a$e useum+ 0resente& my &rin% ti$%et an& as%e& for a argarita+ Thela&y wasn,t sure she %new how to ma%e one so $hallenge& her to 5ust wing it+ Taste& o%ay to me+Dinner was an assortment of salubrious in5ittiments in$lu&ing meatballs- beef lum0ia-"mini n&onesianegg rolls)- mini $hi$%en shish3%ebabs an&- of $ourse- 0lenty of shrim0!

    8hen finishe& eating ha& several more ri&es on the $arousel+ n fa$t there were a few times ha&the entire $arousel all to myself- but foun& myself gearing &own an& wante& to go ba$% to my roomso $oul& freshen u0 a little an& get my se$on& win& for Roun&about Faire+

    8hen arrive& on my floor bought another 4herry 4o%e from the ven&ing ma$hine whi$h &ran%from my 7oly Grail+ won&er what else ,ll be &rin%ing from it+

    So far haven,t really bought many souvenirs- 5ust 0at$hes an& that ;uilt fabri$+

    ,m %in& of relieve& there,s no more Roun&about Faire this eveningQ thin% ,ll ta%e a shower beforebe&+ y hair nee&s a wash+

    thin% they %now that some of us are a bit &isgruntle& about the la$% of bathtub here so they have0rovi&e& us with these aromathera0ys0a 0ro&u$ts that are su00ose& to hel0 us slee0+ ,ll use themafter my shower+

    9T8- Bim has offere& me the o0tion of ri&ing in a van instea& of being on the bus+ thin% ,m going togo for it+ t,ll be mu$h ;uieter+ ,ll 0robably miss out on the raffle but A+ t will be one less thing to s0en&money on an& 9+ won,t have to worry about winning anything to ma%e my luggage any heavier+

    To&ay has been a won&erful- 0erfe$t &ay without any &rama+ shoul& have no trouble slee0ing tonight+These s%in $are 0ro&u$ts are e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    9esi&es ,& rather not win anything that might be too heavy- aw%war& or bul%y in my luggage+ An&traveling in the van is mu$h ;uieter an& less &raining than being with so many more other 0eo0le onthe bus+ Even if ,m among frien&s an& we,re all having a goo& time- ,& be more 0rone to sensoryoverloa&+ Es0e$ially if there,s fee&ba$% with the mi$ro0hone+ That,s another one of my triggers+t was an interesting &rive+ u$h of the beginning of our 5ourney s0rea& a$ross the 4hesa0ea%e 9ay-either along bri&ges or in tunnels that went beneath the 9ay+ even got to see a few more &ol0hins!

    8e ma&e a rest sto0 along the way where 0i$%e& u0 a few more 0am0hlets an& we ha& somesna$%s+

    9efore we %new it we were in $ean 4ity+ An& our 5ourney $oin$i&e& with a 7CGE 9i%er,s 4onvention! %i& you not- ,ve NE=ER seen S many motor$y$les in my entire life! t was in$re&ible!



    An& $ean 4ity is su$h a beautiful 0la$e! ,& love to $ome ba$% here some&ay 5ust to stay for aholi&ay+ The bea$h is gorgeous+ The ar$hite$ture is fas$inating an& there are so many interesting


    The amusement area itself was a worl& of won&er- es0e$ially the buil&ing that house& the $arousel+There were so many won&erful- $olourful things to loo% at! The $arousel was house& in a buil&ing that

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    was li%e an ar$a&e with several other ri&es- mostly %i&&ie ri&es- but also bum0er $ars an& several $lawma$hines+ was tem0te& to try to win a bug for Banette+ 8hen wasn,t ta%ing 0i$tures of the $arousel was ta%ing 0i$tures of the fantasti$ assortment of whimsi$al garbage $ans! any were sha0e& li%e$lowns but there was also a lion- a hi00o- a 0eli$an- an alligator an& an ele0hant!

    There were several interesting 0hoto o0s for my &oll an& &u$%ies an& ha& my 0i$ture ta%en with a$heesy fiberglass 0irate!Loltar Fortune Telling a$hine:htt0s:www+youtube+$omwat$hvK82Hg1B4lLTw

    Trim0er,s 4arousel Footagehtt0s:www+youtube+$omwat$hvKshhBtiv*SJ




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  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    ha& several ri&es on the $arousel- starting with the tiger- then a magnifi$ent bla$% 0ran$er- thero$%ing $hariot an& a rooster+ wante& to ri&e the ebra but then it was time for lun$h so ha& to getoff+

    8e stoo& beneath the broiling sun in an e a brown 7ers$hell3S0illman an& an elaborately 5ewele& floral 4+8 .ar%er+There were also a $ou0le $arousel 0i$tures on the wall+

    There was an i$e $ream 0la$e a$ross from us an& was tem0te& to get a s$oo0 of $offee flavour but wante& another $arousel ri&e even more+

    Cnfortunately there was no time for anymore ri&es+ 8e ha& to be ba$% on the bus earlier than0lanne&+ bought myself a hot 0retel to save for later to ti&e me over until &inner+

    *+most :00 pmFinishe& &inner+ Di&n,t sti$% aroun& for the au$tion+ There wasn,t anything really wante&+ haven,tha& mu$h of an urge to buy souvenirs on this tri0 so far+ 7owever- must have s0ent aroun& M2 atTrim0ers be$ause bought a boo% an& a %ey3$hain+ Ove 0ut the %ey3$hain on one of the i00ers on myba$%0a$%+

    Dinner was goo&+ There was sala& an& rolls+ The 0ats of butter were sha0e& li%e little roses an&loo%e& li%e white $ho$olate+ en5oye& my salmon- serve& with ri$e an& mi

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    stuff+ wish %new where to buy it+ y night shirt still smells from last night,s s0ray+ t,s su$h a$omforting fragran$e+

    am e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    ha& to wait in line as the $arousel was full for the ne

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    .ullen .ar% =i&eo Footage:



  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    ha& a argarita an& &inner was an assortment of h,ors &,oevres+ li%e& the ba$on3wra00e& s$allo0sbest+

    After &inner was a sli&e 0resentation about the restoration of .T4 '(- the $arousel right here in7am0ton+

    t was very hot an& humi& out this evening an& not mu$h $ooler insi&e the museum+ At least we werefinishe& at :(( instea& of :/( an& got to ri&e the van instea& of wal%ing ba$% to the hotel+ 9ut was

    A9S6CTE6Y 7RRFED to &is$over that T7E .ARTY FR 7E66 was 0laying e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    8e almost weren,t going to go to #ing,s Dominion be$ause some big $or0oration s$he&ule& a 0rivate0arty at the same time we were s$he&ule& to visit+ 7E66! 8e,re the 4ARCSE6 .E.6E! This isCR shin&ig! At least not all is lost+ 8e get to go to #ing,s Dominion after all but we have to leave atSE=EN instea& of I:*' an& when we,re there we have to be CT by *(:((! ,ve alrea&y reset myalarm an& arrange& for a wa%e3u0 $all+

    9y the way- last night literally sol& several more horses in my slee0!! &i&n,t even #N8 we ha&

    more Roun&about Faire last night+ t wasn,t liste& on the itinerary+ am grateful to Bim an& Ba$%ie forhol&ing fort for me+ An& they,re 0robably &oing it again for me tonight+ There is N 8AY $an 0ossiblytolerate that awful lou& musi$! That,s the 0roblem with being autisti$ that most neuroty0i$als &on,tun&erstan&+ &on,t 5ust 7EAR $ertain soun&s- feel li%e ,m 9ENG 9EATEN C. by them!

    Saturday, September 1th

    8hew! am e

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  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    8e ha& enough time for everyone to ta%e one ri&e on the $arousel an& $hose a humble &ar% brownhorse+ 9est of all these horses ha& leather reins an& hel& mine 8estern3style as ,& been taught inmy teens+ A lot of these horses ha& some 0retty im0ressive &etails+ There were n&ian horses withfeathers- some horses with flowers- one that ha& a shiel& a lion+

    An& last but not least- 9us$h Gar&ens+ The 0la$e was a ma&house! 8e stoo& aroun& waiting for

    AGES in the bright blaing sun+ t was o0en to the general 0ubli$ so there were several families withsmall $hil&ren+ ha& to wear my ./ 0layer for awhile in $ase anyone starte& $rying+

    An& the wal% to the $arousel too% FRE=ER! The 0ar% was so hilly! t was a regular &eath mar$h+ Allthat wal%ing u0hill an& &own for what seeme& li%e an eternity- trying to %ee0 u0 with everyone- havingto hurry+ There was N TE t buy souvenirs at either 0la$e we visite& to&ay an& to a&& insult to in5ury-how a00ro0riate that as a00roa$he& the $arousel there was a song 0laying that really hate+ At leastit was an instrumental version of the tune an& 0erha0s woul&n,t hate it so mu$h if &i&n,t alrea&y%now the wor&s:

    "I don#t $ant %er &ou 'an %a(e %er) *%e#* too +at +or ,e.

    ho0e the asshole who wrote that song is burning in hell for it! GRRRRR!!

    9efore we got to the $arousel %e0t thin%ing ?This 9ETTER be worth it!@ was almost feeling li%e ,&&ie& an& gone to hell+ .erha0s the worst thing about hell isn,t the fire an& flames- even though it washot enough to&ay- but being ma&e to s0en& eternity stan&ing aroun& waiting an& then being ma&e towal% u0 an& &own hills for thousan&s of miles an& then being ma&e to stan& aroun& waiting again foranother eternity+ 9y the tie you,ve been wal%ing an& waiting all these years you 8S7 you were in hellbut you NE=ER get there+ For someone who $alls myself a 4hristian still have some 0retty war0e&i&eas about the hereafter! The air0ort is anther 0la$e where you,re often for$e& to wait an& then ma&eto rush long &istan$es- often several times an& usually with s$reaming $hil&ren aroun&+

    9y the time we finally DD rea$h the $arousel was a$tually ;uite 0leasantly sur0rise& an& im0resse&+

    any of the horses were 0ainte& unusual- bright metalli$ $olours> silver- gol&- 0ur0le- 0in%- royal blue-et$+ trie& to ta%e as many 0i$tures of them as 0ossible!

    As with the 0revious $arousel- there was only time for one ri&e an& was &elighte& to be ri&ing a horsethat was lila$ 0ur0le! was wearing my $olourful tie3&ye& shirt from the 9ron< oo to&ay an& many0eo0le too% my 0i$ture be$ause both an& the $arousel were so $olourful> me an& my 0ur0le hair-surroun&e& by so many horses of a &ifferent $olour!!

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    8hen it was time to return to our buses we ha& yet another hi%e but at least this one wasn,t ;uite aslong to ta%e the train ri&e ba$% to the 0la$e nearest to the main entran$e+ The e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    t was aroun& /:/( when we got ba$% to the hotel+ Dinner won,t be until :/(+ was DREN47ED insweat to&ay an& thought might go swimming but what really nee& at the moment is a &arne& goo&NA.!!

    *+most 11:00 pm

    This has been an AALNG evening! After &inner we ha& our raffle an& at first it &i&nOt loo% li%e was

    going to win ANYT7NG! 9y the time my number was $alle&- everything was 0retty mu$h 0i$%e& overan& almost &i&n,t see anything ,& want until noti$e& the fol% art boo%+ ,m going to use the $arouselhorse 0i$ture in my ?ns0iration@ ;uilt as the offi$ial s;uare for this tri0+ 6ast year,s S0e$ial Tri0S;uares were two lions in referen$e to the library in New Yor%> .atien$e an& Fortitu&e+

    As the evening went on- one of the au$tion items was a set of five 0rints of our grou0 0hoto at lastyear,s $onvention when we were all at Bane,s 4arousel+ They were M*( ea$h so got two> one for mean& one for Banette+ t is unfortunate that shortly after this 0i$ture was ta%en she ha& her melt&own-but ho0e this won>,t be a 0roblem+ She 0robably woul& have ha& a melt&own at 9us$h Gar&ensbe$ause of the $row&s everywhere an& having to be rushe& u0 an& &own all those hills so&angerously $lose to .ill Time+

    Anyway- this year they save& the best until last! y ;uilt sol& for M'' to Tri$ia Delerlein+ 7er ne0hewhas autism+ 6ots of 0eo0le were ta%ing my 0i$ture an& $ongratulating me+ &on,t want to let all this0raise go to my hea&!

    8e &i&n,t get to go for another ri&e on the $arousel but Roun&about Faire woul& be o0en again+

    8e &i&n,t stay o0en very long+ There was lou& musi$ 0laying a$ross the hall again but at least it wasn,tnearly even a ;uarter as lou& as it was last night+ Still- the 0oun&ing beat $oul& be ;uite $loying+ Sowe all 0a$%e& u0 our things+ figure that if anyone still wants to buy my horses they $an see me atbrea%fast tomorrow+ really &on,t want to have to bring them all on the 0lane with me if $an hel0 it+

    .art of me is tem0te& to ta%e the 9oat 4ruise again tomorrow but a great &eal &e0en&s on how feel+

    %now &efinitely want to ri&e the $arousel again an& want to e There was a young la& who burnthis ha& really ba&ly on the sa&&le of a $arousel horse be$ause the 0aint was literally 5ust 96NG!8hat ha00ene& was that one of the staine& glass win&ows was $ra$%e& an& it $ause& the sunlight$oming in through the $ra$% to be $on$entrate& li%e a magnifying glass frying that 0oor horse+ f this0oor fellow ha&n,t hurt his han& they might not have &is$overe& this situation an& the $arousel woul&have a00eare& to have s0ontaneously $ombuste&! oral of the story> a%e sure your $arouselbuil&ing has no bro%en win&ows+ C0 until now never woul& have imagine& that a $ra$%e& win&ow$oul& be a fire haar&!

    There was also a 0i$ture of a woo&en n&ian with a story about some helium balloons in the buil&ingthat starte& to &eflate+ The balloons set of the motion3sensitive burglar alarm an& the 0oli$e mistoo%the woo&en n&ian for an intru&er an& almost shot him+

    miss my bathtub an& wish $oul& have a soa% right now+ 6iving without a bathtub hasn,t been ;uiteas horrible as ,& originally anti$i0ate&+ The aromathera0y 0ro&u$ts have been so won&erful an& thisshower has been so easy t use that ,ve a$tually showere& two or three times a &ay sometimes+ Atleast ,ve ha& all year to 0re0are for this unli%e Denver where it was a nasty sur0rise+

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    The &oarse WhispererSunday, September 20th, 20158ell- it,s the en& of another won&erful $onvention again alrea&y+ ,ve got goo& news an& ba& news+First the GD news+ ,ve sol& A66 my horses!! Now the ba& news+ ,ve lost most of my voi$e+ $anbarely s0ea% above a whis0er+ 9ut other than that feel fine+ ore than anything ,m 5ust &arne& goo&an& tire& an& what really want to &o more than anything else right now is 5ust go ba$% to slee0+

    9ut feel li%e really shoul& $all my shuttle bus servi$e for $onfirmation on tomorrow,s 5ourney+

    Ahh- now have 0ea$e of min& %nowing that it,s offi$ial+ y shuttle will 0i$% me u0 at :/(+

    t was very &am0 an& foggy when wo%e u0 this morning but it a00ears to have sunnie& u0 now+

    will 0robably set out at aroun& :/(3/:(( to browse the lo$al sho0s- have &inner somewhere an& gofor one or two last ri&es on .T4 '(+

    Right now all want to &o is slee0+ Go& %nows how mu$h nee& it+

    2:( 0m

    This has been a won&erful- 0ra$ti$ally 0erfe$t &ay from start to finish+

    After the $losing meeting went ba$% to my room an& sle0t for several hours+ was 5ust &rifting offwhen 9ette Ba$;ues 0hone& to let me %now she was bringing me a T3shirt to embroi&er for her+ She,&li%e one of my ?.rimer 8hites@ horses- as she,s seen them in my Fa$eboo%+

    swear sle0t better &uring my na0 to&ay than have all wee%+ .robably be$ause %new &i&n,t haveto be anywhere s0e$ifi$ at any given time+ t was aroun& *:/( when wo%e u0+ ma&e myself a $u0of $offee an& 0igge& out on a few sna$%s- in$lu&ing 4hee3t S$rabble tiles+ ha& alrea&y eaten a fewbefore realie& $oul& also have some fun 0laying with the letters!


  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    Then hea&e& over to the $arousel an& ha& tow or three more ri&es+ ha& the $arousel almost entirelyto myself with the e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    8e $hatte& until it was time to $lose the store an& we en5oye& .o0si$les+ thin% Banette woul& haveen5oye& meeting these won&erful women too+

    8hen left the store- went to the 0ub a few &oors &own to have my su00er+ There weren,t many0eo0le there but the T= or ra&io were awfully lou& so ha& to 0ut my ear0lugs in+ $oul& only fin& oneso stuffe& my other ear with the $orner of a na0%in+ en5oye& a argarita an& 0asta with $lams an&shrim0 with garli$ brea&+

    n my way ba$% to the hotel en5oye& one more ri&e on the $arousel+ This time was the only oneri&ing+

    ?moseye& on ba$% to the ran$h@ an& arrange& for a wa%e3u0 $all at ':/( tomorrow morning+

    9ut when arrive& ba$% at my room my %ey $ar& woul&n,t wor%+ This A68AYS ha00ens when stay atANY given hotel+ So ha& to go all the way ba$% &own to the front &es% to re$tify the situation+

    9y the time finally &i& get ba$% to my room &i& ever have to 0ee ba&ly!!!

    The weather has been ;uite ni$e to&ay+ There,s been a 0leasant breee+ t hasn,t been as $loyingly

    hot as the rest of this wee%+ am than%ful that most of the $arousels we,ve visite& have been in air3$on&itione& buil&ings+t has been a 0erfe$t tri0 asi&e from the yster Alley fias$o an& my melt&own the other night+ havenot gotten si$ "tou$h woo&)- have not fallen off any of my $arousel horses an& never ha& to as% forany seat belt e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    9reee& through se$urity+ y suit$ase was only one 0oun& over the limit but they let it go anywaywhi$h ma%es me a ha00y $am0er+ ther 0la$es in the 0ast have been so 0etty about this %in& of thing+

    7ere they only wante& M*I for my luggage+ gave them a M( an& tol& them to %ee0 the $hange+ &i&n,t have e

  • 7/25/2019 2015 NCA Convention in VIrginia


    .retty mu$h the first thing &i& when got home was slee0 for several hours+

    The hea&a$he $ame ba$% later though+

    thin% it was be$ause my #SS nightshirt was basi$ally SATCRATED in that aromathera0y $ra0+ That,swhere these hea&a$hes have been $oming from! These 0ro&u$ts were goo& at first but too mu$h is


    There were several messages on our voi$e3mail> two from Dave- one from #erry,s .la$e an& one fromDave,s aunt+ The less sai& about her message- the better+ She soun&e& .SESSED!!

    8hy &oes everything always try to &o me in when ,m ma%ing the transition from 4arousel .ara&iseba$% into the ?Default 8orl&@

    I:*' 0m finally feel li%e a normal human being again+ A wal% in the fresh air &i& me a worl& of goo&+ %new ha& to get my 0res$ri0tion+ Dave also wante& me to 0i$% u0 a 5ar of 0eanut butter+ Sorry $oul&not fin& #raft+ S%i00y was all they ha&+ 9ut was ha00y to fin& $ases of Ensure on sale for only MI++ figure& nee&e& my ?formula@ be$ause my stoma$h,s been %in& of 0ersni$%ety sin$e ,ve been home+

    ,ve been so s0oile& by all the won&erful foo& ate while was away an& nothing we have aroun& thehouse has really a00eale& to me+ 8hat nee&e& was li;ui& nutrition to flow into these noo%s an&$rannies in or&er to boost my energy ba$% u0 to what it shoul& be an& it really hel0e&+

    An& foun& it %in& of amusing that the first two 0eo0le 0asse& on the street ha& $om0liments for me+The first girl li%e& my #SS T3shirt an& the se$on& one li%e& my 0ur0le hair+

    Tomorrow ,m loo%ing forwar& to $ashing in my Ameri$an money an& buying that s$ra0boo% ,ve beenwaiting for for so long! $an har&ly wait to ma%e $ollages with all these 0am0hlets an& bro$hures ,ve0i$%e& u0 on this tri0!

    Got the &ishes &one at last+ 4leaning the bathroom will have to wait+ still haven,t &one anything about

    my suit$ase+ The fan is ma%ing the 0inwheel s0in that Banette bought me when we were in New Yor%last year+

    $an har&ly wait to go to The 6ivingroom tomorrow an& tell everyone about all these won&erfula&ventures! This feels li%e the start of another new an& e