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2015 English Teaching Fellowship

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The Memory Book helps us remember what was and inspires us of what will be. Thank you, fellows, for all of your hard work. Share these stories with friends, family and anyone who might be interested in helping us create a bilingual Colombia.

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El presente documento ha sido diseñado para de ser entregado durante el evento de cierre del programa English Teaching Fellowship Program. En el presente libro se documentan las memorias del programa, los testimonios y los casos de éxito de los Formadores Nativos Extranjeros, Mentores, Docentes Locales, Rectores y Estudiantes.

El propósito de este libro es compartir con sus lectores las experiencias de los participantes del programa English Teaching Fellowship Program, así como sus fracasos, sus logros, sus miedos, sus expectativas, y ante todo las transformaciones y el impacto creado por el arduo trabajo realizado por los Formadores Nativos, los mentores, los estudiantes, el Ministerio de Educación Nacional con sus secretarías, directores, docentes y colaboradores, la Fundación Heart for Change, y todas las personas que se han visto afectadas por la puesta en marcha de este ambicioso programa; el cual, fue desarrollado en convenio de asociación entre la Fundación y el Ministerio de Educación Nacional. A través de esta obra se pretende transferir, de igual modo, las buenas prácticas, los casos de éxito y parte de los procesos que fueron implementados en su realización.

El presente libro servirá, además, como insumo para la implementación de programas futuros, para el mejoramiento de la calidad del mismo programa, para proyectar los resultados en las demás instituciones educativas del país que no han sido incluidas en el programa, y para transmitirle al país los avances que en materia de bilingüismo se han alcanzado a través de la puesta en marcha de esta iniciativa.

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Objetivos del ProgramaIIntroduccIón

Se busca con el presente texto demostrar con experiencias de participantes las experiencias vividas dentro del programa English Teaching Fellowship Program; experiencias que son innovadoras tanto para el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, como para la Comunidad que lo compone: Formadores Nativos Extranjeros, Mentores, Docentes Locales, Rectores y Estudiantes, quienes se vieron influenciados por el programa.

Esta documentación sirve como soporte de las buenas prácticas, casos de éxito y procesos que fueron implementados en su realización, el cual se difunde con el objetivo de que sirva como herramienta para programas futuros, mejorar en la realización del mismo y proyectar los resultados positivos en las demás instituciones educativas del país que no han sido focalizadas.

La creatividad, motivación, interés por suplir necesidades y compromiso de los participantes hicieron posible la realización de nuestro libro MEMORIAS, a todos ellos muchas gracias por su participación pro-activa y hacer posible una Colombia Bilingüe.

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EstudianteFormadores Nativos Extranjeros





Alex Maasdam

Jessica Manuela Taborda


They students especially loved partaking in cultural days, and it was an excellent experience to immerse them in the language and the culture by having them actively participate in the events and dynamic lessons.

One specific example is that for Halloween, we held 2 weeks of themed lessons, culture specific presentations, video and audio games, and at the end there was a giant costume party to celebrate!

Mi nombre es Jessica Manuela Taborda, tengo 16 años y curso el grado decimo en el colegio Compartir Las Brisas; nuestra institución tiene la fortuna de contar con profesores nativos de habla inglesa, quienes son un apoyo para nuestros profesores de inglés.

En particular el contar con estas personas ha sido muy positivo, ya que gracias a esto pude darme cuenta de lo importante y necesario que es el inglés. Durante prácticamente todo un semestre nos acompañó Paolo Barone, un tutor de inglés, quien es muy querido por la institución. Con Paolo realicemos muchas actividades y una de esas fue crear un club de inglés, el cual se basaba en reunirnos por las tardes y realizar diversas actividades. Uno de los fines era de que nosotros como estudiantes estuviéramos involucrados en actividades lúdicas y académicas, por

The teachers and the students were able to improve their English a lot while learning about the history, traditions, and joy of celebrating our beloved holiday. The best part was that we all had a lot of fun doing it, and the students were able to make good memories with the HFC staff.

P.S. some of the photos included are a little spooky, but other show the students really having fun and learning.

lo que el barrio es un entorno bastante complicado, para ser un poco más clara, nosotros como jóvenes y estudiantes, somos más vulnerables a los peligros de consumir drogas, a la violencia y a otros riesgos que tristemente el barrio acoge.

Vivir en un ambiente como el que se vive en Las Brisas es bastante difícil y más si se desea salir adelante.

Muchos jóvenes se han dejado llevar por la ambición del dinero y llegan al extremo que quedan privados de la libertad, muertos o perdidos en las drogas.

Siempre he pensado que no importa el ambiente ni las personas que nos rodean, sino debemos de tener una mirada al futuro, una mirada llena de sueños y metas y protegerla del vicio. Igualmente el estudio es la base y el inicio de todo, no podemos permitir que ninguna circunstancia nos distraiga o impida de estudiar.

Me considero una mujer bastante soñadora y sé que soy capaz de salir adelante, aunque en la vida tenga obstáculos, estos no me impedirán de seguir luchando día a día por mis sueños, solo quiero ser un ejemplo para mis hermanas, un orgullo para mi madre y ser el espejo de muchos. Solo quiero ser alguien en la vida.

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Sany Slaybi Monteiro Alvarenga

Cristina Rosu

“This Experience has been just amazing to me in all the ways. First of all I am from a Latin American country and since I know how much English can be important for someone from that region, I feel really glad of participating on a project like that. second, I see a big difference on students motivation from the beginning of the year and now, after 9 months, some of them might still have a very poor English, but as long as they gained the desire of learning it, for sure this learning process is not over.That’s amazing because they can develop their cultural awareness and also have more job opportunities, since Colombia is passing through a historical moment of peace keeping and as a result is opening its doors to the world.

Besides the teaching experience I’ve also learned a lot about this fascinating culture, I’ve had the opportunity to travel around the country, and that’s something that I’ve always dreamed about, to get a backpack, just choose a place and go. Travel around Colombia is easy, cheap and offer too many different options such as beautiful beaches, deserts, forests, Ice Mountains and much more. Also when

the students get to know about our trips they got excited, and the I tell them: If you Speak English like me, you will be able to travel like me and to choose where do you want to work. Some people just work in anything just because of the money, but since you have something more as another language, you have so many open doors to choose.”

I have found that younger students are more receptive to games and have a high curiosity about the world and very good receptivity for English. With them I shared a lot of information about by country and Europe as well as playing many games. The older students work better when they are taught something they are interested in, something they can connect with in their day to day life. With them I discussed many interesting things like their dreams and aspiration and we did a life map, or we role played different scholarship or job interviews, always in English. One of the best experiences for all the groups was the cultural event that I prepared for a week, where I got to share cool information with them, dance, sing, use English vocabulary from different fields, expand their general knowledge but mostly we got to connect with one another. After the cultural event I noticed a big improvement in their motivation towards English and a difference in their behavior in class.

War, drugs and murder: this is what they tell you about Colombia. Don’t go there, there’s war, don’t go there, you’ll get into trouble. I didn’t listen, and I’m glad I didn’t. I have travelled to what I believe to be one of the best countries in South America for a brilliant reason: to teach English.

The clichés couldn’t be further from the truth. The moment I landed in Bogota, I was blown away (pardon the pun) by the kind treatment from the immigration officers at El Dorado airport. This was in stark contrast to the attitudes of the immigration officials in São Paulo, Brazil.

I thought this would be an isolated example, but it wasn’t. Kindness is everywhere--especially in my new home, Duitama, the pearl of Boyaca department. The people are amazing here.

And my school is the most amazing place of all. From the first day, the staff and students alike have made me feel like I belong. It’s only been a month and I feel like a celebrity not only in my school, but in my city as well.

I’ve taught English in my own country before, but teaching in Iran is a completely different experience. Here, students have a thirst for English.

There is no talk of war. There is no talk of drugs. These people care for more than life’s superficialities. The Colombia that I see wants to grasp the opportunity to tell the world that their country is the land of beauty and brilliance.

“Far Away From Stereotypes”

By Ali Dashti, Colegio Guillermo León Valencia fellowin Duitama, Boyacá, Colombia

As a professional teacher shaping minds and motivating students to be of value to society is one of my personal objectives in life. Being at ITIF and interacting with the students on a daily basis gives me the opportunity to change a life each day. I love my students and although there are Language barriers most of the times, we try to understand each other and create memories every chance we get. These are just a few photos and videos of my cultural activity and English Day. Space does not permit me to show more. I have another major activity coming up next week, but nonetheless please watch and enjoy.


Shenaka Walters

I believe teachers should shape minds and motivate students to be of value to society and this is one of my personal objectives as a professional educator. Being at ITIF and interacting with the students on a daily basis gives me the opportunity to change a life each day. I love my students and although there are Language barriers most of the times, we try to understand each other and create memories every chance we get. These are just a few photos and videos of my cultural activity and English Day. Space does not permit me to show more so please watch and enjoy.

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Mentores, Docentes yCoordinadores RegionalesIIItestImonIos




BarranquillaGirón, Santander

Docente (English Teacher)

Docente (English Teacher) Docente (English Teacher)

Elena De Jesús Cardales Rodríguez

Marta Noguera Imitola

Erika BibianaRueda Archila

“There has never been a time when so many nations were needing to talk to each other so much. There has never been a time when so many people have wished to travel to so many places ... And never has there been a more urgent need for a global language.”

Heart for Change Colombia Volunteer program and I.E.D Jorge Nicolas Abello Staff are Working together to reach the goal of becoming the best bilingual school in Barranquilla.

The acquisition of a foreign language, particularly English, becomes increasingly necessary due to the globalization of the economy and the new requirements in multilateral relations.

Mastering a language, English in this particular case, not only allows access to information about new scientific, technological and socio-cultural developments, but also facilitates the projection of the knowledge developed at the regional and national levels to the scientific community and international technology, to communicate with the outside world through the Internet, academic and professional exchanges, and training of academic and industrial networks worldwide. This will benefit the scientific, social and cultural development of the country’s citizens.

Bringing Native English speakers into the classrooms will contribute to strengthen the institutional bilingualism project and support the application of CBI. Volunteers plays a relevant role in the implementation of the methodological approach CBI, which consists of teaching specific content areas through the English language, the proposal of a bilingual Abello based on a communicative approach in two languages (English- Spanish) arises in 2015.

Co-teaching, co-planning and cultural exchange are at the core of the enriching experience of collaborative work with the fellows.”

“Excelente experiencia. Maravilloso el acercamiento que han tenido las niñas de nuestro colegio hacia el aprendizaje del inglés.

Nuestras experiencias mas positivas es la forma como las estuiantes han perdido el temor a expresar sus conocimientos en inglés.

Tenemos como experiencia significativa las charlas que se llevan a cabo entre docentes, estudiantes y voluntarias con el fin de exploraarr mejores diferentes formas que profundicen aún mas en la adquicisión del idioma inglés.

Son charlas permiten practicar el inglés y, además, contribuir a la formación de la estudiante como persona.”

“An amazing experience! Co teaching with an american assistant has had a great impact on the students’ life. We’ve noticed how enthusiastic they feel now to receive the english class, and how much their vocabulary has increased. They’re always eager to participate in all the projects led by ellen, our volunteer.

We think that the most successful experiences we’ve had are the moments stuents share with the volunteeer giving opinions about the best way they can achieve goals with the program.

Besides, 11th grade students had better results on the icfes test this year.”

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Docente (English Teacher)

Carmen ElenaYela Chávez

“Reading Project Dracula”

This Reading Project took place 4 years ago (2011), when I was given some eleventh grade classes at the school IETI Antonio José Camacho in Cali. This experience carry me to think that a foreign language learning involves to understand that is not enough to learn a greeting, saying or repeating some words in English but the recognition of a culture, its customs and ways to use discourse, which show great part of our subjectivity, where we come from and what we intend with our speech acts.

At this point, a conception of language is fundamental for the educational processes in a foreign language. In this way, a discursive and sociocultural perspective of language is adopted in this educational proposal. This means that it is pretty important to take into account the students´ thoughts and interests, added to the demands of the socio cultural context in which our students interact every day.

It is relevant to mention that in our school, eleventh graders just have two hours a week for the English class. This has been a great challenge for me because with large groups of students and a few time to work you need to take advantage of it. The plan to carry on the project has been set by planning in advance the activities to be done during the development of the project, especially involving students in taking part and responsibility in all and every one of the tasks.

This year (2015) we prepared our reading project with the book Dracula because the students were interested on this topic. There were different reasons to choose this book and to propose a reading project around it. Between them, we could say that it is part of terror literature, which calls teenagers (15-17) attention in a very remarkable way due to the natural stage of development they are passing through, in which they are discovering what they are able to do, proving their own limits and shaping their personalities. Supernatural powers, evilness, immortality and suspense were some of the features the students enjoyed throughout the project.

We could add that narrative sequences(Adam,2005) are a notable way in which human beings interchange knowledge, because is one of the first modes to organize thoughts and language. Several researches have shown its possibilities. (Bruner,1986; Bettelheim, 1977), that is why we decided to work with this book.


English Teaching Fellowship program support:

It was very important for us the support of our co-worker Jody Powell, his company in this process was outstanding, because the students had the opportunity to listen to him and establish conversations about the book we were reading. He was a great support to encourage students to participate in the Scary Fashion show. We prepared some English Clubs with the students out of the daily schedule and they had the chance to practice the language through songs, conversations and other activities. On the other hand, he rehearsed with the students to make some presentations for the most important closing activity; The Scary Fashion Show, based on the reading of the book Dracula.

Then, to organize the pedagogical, didactic and technological aspects, taking into account the TPACK model, we decided that different kind of knowledge was to be considered in the development of the project, as we show here:


From a sociocultural perspective, knowledge is built between the interactions in the classroom. The students have a cooperative work, it means that they are organized by groups to read, discuss, write and present the final products of the project. The idea of learning from others is outstanding in this project, the students affirm they feel more confidence when they have their classmates to socialize what they do in class, as well as to prepare a written text, an oral presentation or a final product like a blog, dancing show, interview or others.


Disciplinary knowledge is a great part of this process, the reason to adopt a conception of language in which the most important aspect is the communication, leads us to encourage the students to improve their reading and writing processes; correcting their texts many times as it is required and be read by real readers, their own classmates.

The didactic aspect is a relevant part which also includes teacher’s strategies such as taking into account the student’s´ interest, provide a good selection of texts to be chosen by the students, and help them bearing in mind that the goal is to let them be more autonomous and responsible of their learning process day by day.


ICT are necessary tools to enhance students communication and skills, especially when they have a responsible company using them. In this project we have used different tools such as blogs, videos, quizzes on line, cooperative writing in google docs, work in facebook groups and others.

To organize all the activities we develop in the project, there was a chronogram with the next OBJECTIVES to reach during the development of it:

\- Extracts the main idea of a narrative sequence

\- Gets meaning of unknown words from the context before/while reading a story.

\- Reads stories in an autonomous way.

\- Uses regular and irregular verbs to refer to past activities.

\- Write short texts on daily activities and experiences.

\- Gives short presentations on the book Dracula.

\- Writes his biography after reading some examples (magnetic format)

\- Re-write a text keeping its structure and general characteristics.

\- Use different ways to retell the story taking into account the main ideas.

\- Reads and creates a comic strip keeping the characteristic of this type of text.

\- Compares different narrative sequences presented in varied formats (video, comics, written text)


To close the project the students designed different products for the end of the reading project, between them we can mention the next:

Blogs designs

- Google drive (texts, quizzes, power point presentations)

- Videos

- Scary Fashion Show (To be done on October 30th) The students come with terror costumes and they make different presentations: dancing show, roles plays, music shows and a fashion show.”

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Docente (English Teacher)

Clara InésSánchez Paipilla



Duitama Duitama

Docente (English Teacher)

Eugenia Patricia Conde Mesa

Desarrollo un seguimiento del programa English Teaching Fellowship Program en el Colegio. Con este trabajo, he mostrado también el excelente trabajo de las Co-teachers, quienes han sido seleccionadas para la inmersión en EEUU.


En el COLEGIO GUILLERMO LEON VALENCIA de Duitama Boyacá hemos tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en el presente año el programa ENGLISH

TEACHING FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM particularmente ha sido un experiencia significativa en proceso de co- enseñanza con un hablante nativo en la clase. Compartir la planificación, organización y evaluación de la enseñanza han aportado aspectos muy favorables al proceso enseñanza aprendizaje y por ende a los estudiantes que han sido beneficiados.

Particularmente como docente de Ingles durante 20 años ha sido una experiencia muy enriquecedora porque es la primera vez que tengo la oportunidad de interactuar con un hablante nativo y en lo corrido del año puedo decir sin temor a equivocarme que he mejorado notablemente las habilidades de Speaking y Listening y por ende los beneficiados son mis estudiantes. En el primer semestre el proceso de co-teaching empezó con Michelle Guilman de Boston Estados Unidos, posteriormente con kimberly Osborne de Jamaica y este último periodo con Ali Dashti de Iran. Esta diversidad de acentos. Países de origen y diferentes culturas han permitido mejorar notablemente las habilidades mencionadas anteriormente para los estudiantes y para la docente. Hospedar a dos de ellos en mi apartamento y compartir diariamente, indudablemente ha sido un aporte más a mi nivel de lengua y ganar nuevos amigos de otros países.

El colegio cuenta con 11 profesores de Ingles y 4.500 estudiantes, 6 co-teachers por lo cual nos gustaría que muchos mas de nuestros estudiantes tuvieran la oportunidad de tener en el salón de clase un extranjero. En la actualidad se están beneficiando unos 200 estudiantes. El proyecto se ha desarrollado excelentemente bien, ha sido recibido con mucho entusiasmo por parte de las directivas, profesores y estudiantes.

También es de destacar la asesoría que se ha recibido por parte de la Universidad única, del Norte y del ministerio de educación Nacional y por ende Heart for change y su coordinadora Regional que monitorean la experiencia y aportan estrategias para la práctica, corrección de falencias y aspectos positivos para que cada día se desarrolle al 100% bien.

Otra experiencia significativa de destacar en una IMNMERSION TOTAL EN INGLES que se llevó a cabo en el primer semestre, donde asistimos todos los docentes de inglés las dos extranjeras. Se realizó en una finca de la región cerca al Pantano de Vargas. Llegamos a las siete de la mañana y empezamos por preparar un desayuno típico Boyacense y todos tuvimos la oportunidad de cocinar compartir y degustar en un ambiente de camarería lo cual genero un ámbito de confianza y favoreció cualquier proceso venidero. Se impusieron unas normas para la inmersión la cual consistía en una penitencia para quien usara el idioma Español durante la jornada, vale la pena destacar que nadie tuvo que ser multado.

Las extranjeras disfrutaron mucho del desayuno y nos aportaron todo el vocabulario propio de la cocina y de la preparación. Posteriormente se realizaron diferentes actividades como juegos, karaokes etc. La Jornada culmino a la una de la tarde y posteriormente hicimos

un tour por el pantano de Vargas para dar la oportunidad a que las extranjeras conocieran este emblemático sitio. Realmente fue una experiencia significativa y enriquecedora para todos.

Otra experiencia significativa es la reunión que realizamos por niveles en la institución para elaborar el Lesson plan para cada clase. A continuación presento un ejemplo del documento final con retroalimentación de la docente titular ( en letra roja) como se puede ver se especifica que parte de la clase se desarrolla por cada docente titular y extranjera.


TOPIC: Green Lifestyles

CLARA: WARM UP: Teacher will do activity #1 for the warming session. Teacher will guide students with the different pictures to get information from students about these three things:

• Introduce the idea about rubbish

• Food waste

• Compulsive spending

ACTIVITY #2: Teacher explains what the different numbers refer to. KIM

ACTIVITY #3: Students will select different options that they think is referring to them. After teacher will go through the activity with the students. CLARA

ACTIVITY #4: Students will match the pictures with the correct texts, individually. Teacher will pronounce new words for students and all the students repeat them. and check their pronounce individually check Then teacher will check the exercise with the students to ensure that they understand what the activity is talking about. KIM

ACTIVITY #6 and 7: Students will listen to a tape and answer the following questions in this section which questions. Teacher will guide students in identifying these??? answers. CLARA .

Finalmente, es de destacar una campaña sobre comida saludable que se realizó con los estudiantes de grado noveno que se encuentran trabajando con los extranjeros, fue una actividad muy divertida, pero lo más importante que los estudiantes aprendieron a comer saludablemente e identificar Junk food de la comida saludable.”

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Villavicencio Zipaquirá


Docente (English Teacher) Docente (English Teacher)

Docente (English Teacher)

Yanira Olaya Pabón Matthew Stone Marta Rodríguez Nolasco

Mediante este proyecto quiero compartir todas las actividades que se llevan a cabo en mi institución. los estudiantes se han esmerado a través del aprendizaje del idioma a desarrollar las habilidades comunicativas y a contextualizar lo dicho.

“Well I don’t really know who is the teacher or who is the student. Not to saw that I have not done my job, but I may have learned just as much if not more here than the kids that I am teaching.

Teaching at the Industrial Tecnico here in Zipaquira is a fantastic opportunity for the school as well as myself. It has given me the opportunity to teach them about a different world, the world that I live in. Where I travel around the globe doing different jobs such as being a Scuba Diving Guide, Surf Instructor or Emergency Medical Technician. I express myself through presentations and through our different cultural activities that there is much more going on in the world than one would initially realize.

The thing is while I am inspiring them they are inspiring me. There are two faces in the school, half of the day I teach the students and the other half of the day they turn around and teach me. I am taking classes with the students where they are teaching me to become an Electrician, how to weld and also about car and motorcycle engines. They have helped me build a bike rack which I will use to take my gear with me down to Tierra del Fuego on my motorcycle.

With the teachers, when we are not having English classes, have also allowed me to stay in their homes in different parts of the country where we have talked about traveling, the history of Colombia and also the history of the school and how it has changed over the years.

The students have also designed a new cafeteria. The current cafeteria holds 140 students while as the school has 1,400. We have been looking for funding and now have all the materials together for a proposal to try and get a grant for $1,000. That is all that is missing in order to finish the final tables and open the new venue. Although the old cafeteria may miss me, there have been a couple of times where they have closed the doors before lunch commences in order to blast music and hold private dance classes.

The thing is Zipaquira is a small town and everyone is my vecino. We see our students and teachers in the streets, and don’t forget the dogs. They protect the students from any strange visitors they try and come for a visit.

I am not one for writing and by know means this quick article has not painted the vast picture of what my experience in Zipaquira has held. However, if this is all you get to see of my experience let it be known that Colombia has stolen my heart, and she can keep it.”

“Durante el primer semestre contamos con una voluntaria de Serbia (Ivana Pejovic) con la cual implementamos muchas estrategias lúdicas para que nuestros estudiantes de 11o grado emplearan de manera comunicativa el idioma inglés.

Durante el segundo semestre hemos avanzado mucho más, aunque sin el acompañamiento de voluntario en nuestro grado.”

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Docente (English Teacher)

Docente (English Teacher)Docente (English Teacher)

María Inés Pinilla M. Elena de Jesús Cardales Rodríguez

Olga Cuéllar

Los estudiantes, el formador nativo y la docente estamos diseñando y redactando la revista escolar en inglés....estamos en proceso de redaccion con las evidencias del caso.

“Nunca ha habido un momento en que tantas naciones estaban necesitando para hablar el uno al otro tanto. Nunca ha habido un momento en que muchas personas han querido viajar a tantos lugares... Y nunca ha habido algo más urgente que la necesidad de un lenguaje global”.

Heart for Change en el English Teaching Fellowship Program con el Ministerio de Educación del país en beneficio para la Institución Educativa Jorge Nicolás Abello, están trabajando juntos para alcanzar el objetivo de convertirse en la mejor escuela bilingüe en Barranquilla.

La adquisición de una lengua extranjera, especialmente el inglés, se hace cada vez más necesaria debido a la globalización de la economía y las nuevas exigencias de las relaciones multilaterales.

El dominio de un idioma, el inglés en este caso particular, no sólo permite el acceso a la información sobre los nuevos desarrollos científicos, tecnológicos y socio-culturales, sino que también facilita la proyección de los conocimientos desarrollados en los planos regional y nacional para la comunidad científica y tecnológica internacional, para comunicarse con el mundo exterior a través de Internet, los intercambios académicos y profesionales, y la formación de redes académicas e industriales en todo el mundo. Esto beneficiará el desarrollo científico, social y cultural de los ciudadanos del país.

Ha sido fructífera y gratificante. Hemos aprovechado al máximo todo lo que nos han brindado y hemos sentido el apoyo desde el MEN hasta la misma Comunidad Educativa. Los estudiantes quienes son los personajes principales están felices y hemos disfrutado del proceso.

Hemos compartido por primera vez con un extranjero y la experiencia ha sido maravillosa y gratificante para los estudiantes.


Docente (English Teacher)

Norma Constanza Basto Salas

“Everything the students at Liceo de Santa Librada School has received with the support of Katarina Backalic is in favor of them. Apart from learning and practicing, they have had the possibility to mature and improve as human beings.


Docente (English Teacher)Socorro Sendoya


We are very Happy with our native Teacher, they are actives, they like to PLAY with the students, they like to participante in our culture dates. They like to teach, they are very responsable. Me and the students heve kearned a lot Of them. Thank you forma send us these nice Teacher.”

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Last August I was told that a woman called Katarina Backalic was going to support my work with my students, but who is she? I asked the mentor of school; “she is a Serbian girl who works for a foundation called Heart for Change and the Minister of Education helping teachers to develop their classes and also sharing with students part of her culture”, the mentor also said: “you will recognize her as soon as you see her”, but I did not understand the message.

Later that same day I was introduced with Katarina, a girl with a particular way of dressing,who in that moment seemed to be forewarned of something, probably a little scared; however I realized that there was chemistry between us. Things had not been going well with the students, even with some teachers of English at school, then I was given the responsability to make things change; a great challenge taking into account that I was new at school. I understood that I needed to trust her and I did. Definitely I did not make a mistake because she became a very important part of my classes, then I knew she only needed to be assigned responsibilities, possibly things had not been well organized before, or maybe teachers were afraid of losing their jobs for having a foreigner in the classroom, probably they were jelous.

Nevertheless for me it was a great opportunity to know about other culture and talk about mine; for my students it was a wonderful opportunity to practice the English language while learning about others. Since that very moment Katarina has assumed her work with great responsibility, I remind the first class she had with a group of my students, I had given her the topic she had to reinforce them “feeling and emotions”, as I knew

she is a profesional dancer, I sent her a file with about 20 different activities some of them including music, just in case she needed some guidance, surprisingly she chose my favorite one, do you remember I told you before there was chemestry between us?. While developing the different activities she had chosen, I noticed the students were learning and having fun, most of them were highly motivated to participate, to talk. From that moment on music has appeared in all her classes, but also a variety of activities to satisfy all kinds of learning styles.

On the other hand, more than being a teacher who has a challenge with the students’ academic component, she is a human being who tries to touch hearts, whose words go beyond, who always sees just the good part of others, who is ready to support others, someone who never complains about anything, someone who is ready to learn, an odd woman who does not care about superficial things, someone who always has a smile to share.

For sure she is not a perfect person, nobody is, but Katarina has the ability to guarantee that education is more than sharing knowledge, and that we as teahers have the opportunity to shape lives.

We know that this program is getting to the end, we understand that she has to open her winds to continue her flight, but I am sure the girls at Liceo de Santa Librada School will always remind the journalist who once came to their school with her Serbian accent to be a good influence in their lives.”


Docente (English Teacher)

Mariana Vera Villalobos


Docente (English Teacher)

Gloria del Pilar Martínez Mendoza

Compartir con los nativos extranjeros es y será la mejor experiencia en nuestra institución. Compartimos muchos momentos, realizamos muchas actividades y sobre todo aprendimos demasiado. Gracias.

“In my school, we have three fellows.Kyla from New York, Grace from Ghana and Conor from Manchester. They are excellent people with good manners who taught us about their culture, new ways to see the world.

In addition, this experience was very positive for our students.They found the importance to speak English to communicate with the fellow.

Sometimes I came to the class and the students said the teacher where the fellow is, we need to make our class. Then I told them no problem and when the fellow appeared everyone cheered and encouraged the class began.”

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Santa Marta

Santa MartaGirón, Santander

Mentor (Mentor)

Mentor (Mentor) Mentor (Mentor)Jasmín Bolívar Castro

Martha Ferrer Calvo Janeth Suárez Rojas

This program has been really important to help the students to improve their English skills and be more confident in their English learning process.

“Girón fue escogida para participar en el programa de formadores nativos y hasta la Ministra de Educación estuvo en la Institución Juan Cristobal Martínez y evidenció los avances y la fluidez que los estudiantes logran después de compartir con un hablante nativo.

Girón fue escogida para participar en el programa de formadores nativos y hasta la Ministra de Educación estuvo en la Institución Juan Cristobal Martínez y evidenció los avances y la fluidez que los estudiantes logran después de compartir con un hablante nativo.

Soy Janeth Suárez Rojas, docente de inglés del colegio Juan Cristóbal Martínez de Giron en el departamento de Santander y el pasado mes de junio llegó la más grata de las invitaciones que jamás me hubieran hecho, como lo fue el participar en el Programa de Formadores Nativos Extranjeros del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

La ilusión y el miedo empezaron con un viaje programado para Zipaquirá los primeros de julio. Viaje que nunca se dío. Pero lo que se dio de ahí en adelante fue la experiencia más enriquecedora que como docente de inglés nunca había vivido.

El 8 de julio tuve el honor de reunirme con el alcalde de Girón y darle la bienvenida a los fellows que empezarían a apoyar mi proceso: “Ahí estuve en los periódicos regionales, fue muy chévere”

A la jornada de la mañana llegó una norteamericana, muy joven, sencilla, dispuesta y humilde. Ella es “Jacqueline Mira-Campos “. Y a la jornada de la tarde llegó un Canadiense Erick Tuan.

La experiencia empezó en cada salón donde sorpresivamente los estudiantes estaban felices, ansiosos, dispuestos, críticos, curiosos pero con una nueva actitud para atreverse a compartir con un extranjero. De allí se empiezan a analizar factores como que trabajo se ha hecho con los chicos que al llegar un hablante nativo pueden preguntarle por aspectos personales o por lo contrario si era muy difícil la comunicación. Después de la primera semana se descubre que


(Jornada de la mañana)

El programa Colombia bilingüe es sin lugar a dudas la mejor estrategia ideada por MEN para que en la población estudiantil se despierte interés hacia el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera, en este caso el idioma inglés. Lo interesante no sólo es tener dos docentes en el aula quienes se compaginan para impulsar a los estudiantes a utilizar con más seguridad esta segunda lengua, sino la oportunidad de oír el idioma de nativos que con experiencias significativas van logrando que el alumno se apropie con facilidad del mismo.

El programa como tal también ha sido exitoso para los docentes de planta de los colegios, beneficioso desde todo punto de vista porque nos ha permitido la práctica del idioma inglés interactuando con el profesor nativo, lo cual motiva al estudiante para desear comunicarse en esta lengua. Para los estudiantes es totalmente innovador. Por otra parte, la profesora nativa, Katya Vornakova, tiene una buena relación con todos los estamentos especialmente con los docentes titulares. Esperamos que haya una continuación del programa y ojalá con la misma profesora dado su conocimiento del idioma inglés y su don de gente.

A continuación presentaremos algunas fotografías que muestran el intercambio cultural , en el cual la docente nativa y los estudiantes hicieron exposiciones de diferentes países acerca de características del territorio, lugares turísticos, gastronomía, costumbres, música etc.

Se inició el intercambio con el país de Rusia, de donde proviene Katya, quien con un despliegue de datos sobre éste hizo que los estudiantes no sólo conocieran y se interesaran por su país sino que también se motivaran a presentar el propio país y otros. Fue impactante para todos ver como los estudiantes hacían sus presentaciones en inglés sin sentirse inseguros .

Nos hemos dado cuenta que, a pesar del corto tiempo que llevamos en el colegio con el programa ,los estudiantes han habituado su oído a escuchar esta segunda lengua con lo cual se hace cada vez más fácil su comprensión y utilización.


(Jornada de la tarde)

“Experiencia significativa en el uso de la lengua extranjera””

Gracias al programa de bilingüismo en las escuelas oficiales hemos tenido la oportunidad de enriquecer nuestro proceso de formación con nuestros alumnos, y no sólo ellos han aprovechado al máximo la profesora nativa que está co-enseñando en nuestra institución.

La profesora Ellen es norteamericana y el intercambio cultural ha sido provechoso, pues los alumnos han conocido de muchas de sus experiencias en el país del norte, estilo de vida, gustos en la moda, deportes y entretenimiento. Ellos han comunicado sus intereses e inquietudes y se han involucrado en la parte conversacional, aprendiendo sobre sus intereses y aplicando todos sus conocimientos aprendidos al tratar de comunicarse.”

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se enseña mucha gramática en inglés pero se tienen muy pocos momentos para practicar las habilidades como el listening y el speaking. El Descanso se convirtió entonces en el momento para compartir la empanada, el bocadillo, el jugo, la arepa o la papa rellena y poder enseñarle las costumbres colombianas y santandereanas a nuestra nueva invitada.

El trabajo pedagógico cambió totalmente pues la planeación académica ahora se realiza con los fellows y se empiezan a organizar estrategias para que yo como docente perfeccione mi inglés y los chicos empiecen a tener prácticas reales en un segundo idioma.

El 21 de agosto tuvimos un evento donde la Ministra de Educación visitaba nuestro colegio y mostraba algunos de los programas del Ministerior entre esos los del Programa Nacional de Bilinguismo.

Organizamos una feria para mostrar nuestro departamento como destino turístico y cuando la ministra llegó compartimos la “Santander Travel Fair”

Organizamos rincones turísticos para que cuando la ministra pasara los estudiantes de diferentes grados le explicaran las diferentes riquezas de Santander.

Ella conoció Barichara, San Gil y Panachi. En cada estación degustó comida típica y recibió un recuerdito.

Esta soy yo con la Ministra Gina Paradoy. Que mujer más sencilla y espontánea”.

Además de la Ministra de Educación estuvieron en mi colegio todos los fellows que el 6 de julio llegaron a Santander. Fue lo máximo. Ellos fueron amables, dispuestos y agradables. Se escuchaban diferentes clases de inglés. Con algunos es fácil comunicarse pero con otros no. Se descubre que se requiere más práctica y dedicación. Hubo comida de toda clase. Les ofrecimos cabro, pepitoria, arepa santandereana, cortaditos de leche, dulces, obleas rellenas, masato, mazorcas, rellenas de Girón, a ellos también se les dio un recordatorio que era una catedral de algún pueblo santandereano y un pin del evento.

Después el trabajo fue muy especial. Mi fellow me enseñaba cosas nuevas, me corregía y me aclaraba dudas gramaticales. Es enriquecedor poder pedir una definición, un sinónimo o una aclaración a alguien que tiene absoluto manejo del idioma. Es tan bueno que los mismos chicos entienden que el docente también está aprendiendo, se equivoca, es humilde y aprende.

El pasado 25 de septiembre se realizó una actividad de integración como celebración de Halloween y estos muchachos nos sorprendieron a todos pues participaron con actitud, entusiasmo y alegría. Vean los disfraces con los que participaron.

La semana pasada hablé con mis fellows y les pedí que me contaran su testimonio sobre la experiencia como nativos de extranjeros y voy a compartir textualmente sus escritos sin

cambiarles nada. Aclaro que ellos son más objetivos que nosotros y dicen que se necesita más constancia, dedicación y esfuerzo. Somos una cultura donde falta mucha disciplina y el docente está prácticamente solo en el proceso de enseñanza y formación.

Jacqueline Mira-Campos

“Being a fellow in Colombia has been one of the greatest experiences of my life. I have fallen in love with everything about Colombia from its beautiful sights to its authentic food.

I have travelled to various places but I have to say that my favorite place was Cartagena. Cartagena is just uniquely breathe taking and beautiful. I stayed in playa Blanca with a few friends for a night and we had a blast. The water was nice and warm and the weather was perfect. Though Cartagena was great I have to admit there is nothing like living

in Bucaramanga. Bucaramanga may not have many sights you can visit but the people are genuinely nice. I remember one day when I was coming home from Juan Cristobal Martinez I accidently got off on the wrong stop (about 30 blocks away from my house). I had no money on me and it was about 5:00pm. I was new to the area and felt scared because I wasn’t sure how to get home and to top it off it started raining really hard. I figured I would wait for the rain to stop and continue walking but it did not stop and it was getting a bit dark so I decided to start walking. As I am walking I see a guy walking in front of me and I asked if he knew where calle 22 was. He told me how to get there and said he was going the same way, apparently he had forgotten his wallet and didn’t have enough money for the bus but he did have a few coins that he offered me so I could make a phone call. I was so shocked because this guy did not know me yet he was willing to give me the little money he had so I could make a phone call. I thought it was a nice gesture.

the mornings but instead he said, “my mom makes the toilet in the morning” I thought it was hilarious. There are times when class does get difficult for example when more than half of the class doesn’t bring the homework or when they copy their neighbor during a test. Another thing that was hard for me to get used to was the lack of discipline. If a student acts inappropriately the worst that happens is a write up. Coming from different backgrounds I find myself disagreeing with this method because it isn’t really a punishment and without punishment the student will continue misbehaving. Moreover, I have noticed that students hold a lot more power than teachers because every time something happens it is the teacher’s fault not the student. Though parents should always be pushing teachers I think it is also important that parents and teachers create a balance where they both work together to make sure the student is doing his/ her best in school. Regardless, working at Juan Cristobal Martínez has been rewarding.

Overall, my experience in Colombia has been the best. I always get asked the question, “will you come back and visit” and the answer is yes, I will definitely come back and visit and who knows I might end up staying longer than planned.”

Ha sido tanto mi avance y mi ilusión por perfeccionar mi inglés que me presenté para la inmersión del Eje Cafetero y con la bendición de Dios estaré allá para aprender, ser constante y poder beneficiar a mis compañeros, estudiantes y mi comunidad Gironesa.

Thank you Heart for Change.

Janeth Suárez Rojas

Mentora. Colegio Juan Cristobal Martínez. San Juan de Girón.”

Being in Colombia has been fun but I do have to admit it has not been easy. There are times when I do get home sick especially during important holidays/ celebrations. Though I miss my family back home I have found people here that are like family which makes things a lot easier. There was a time when I got really sick and the teachers at my school were so concerned about me it felt good to know there are people who care.

Another great thing about my experience in Colombia has been the students I work with. Sometimes they just say the funniest things when trying to translate, it makes my day. For example, one time a student was trying to say that his mom cleans the bathroom in

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Mentor (Mentor)

Silvia LuzSuárez Garzón

It was a fruitful experience. My students are so motivated with English. We worked hard and we are very proud to show in this blog our city and school.

Quiero compartir que esta experiencia ha sido enriquecedora para la I.E, porque el intercmabio cultural y linguistico ha permitido que los estudiantes se motiven e interesen por aprender inglés, también ha transformado las mente de la comunidad educativa, que siendo escuela pública en estratos 1 y 2, zonas donde la violencia es parte cotidiana de sus vidas, que el gobierno los tiene focalizados para el mejoramiento y desarrolo de sus proyectos de vida, que el inglés hace parte de esa globalizacion que exige seres competentes, atonomos, criticos y transformadores de su entorno.

“La experiencia es de gran impacto en nuestra comunidad porque es un sector aislado de la ciudad, aunque esté a 10 minutos del centro. El barrio Las brisas, comuna Villasantana, carga con el estigma de violencia, microtráfico e inseguridad. Realmente, lo que tenemos es una maravillosa población humilde, pujante, deseosa de salir adelante. Un barrio donde la inclusión no existe por mandato del Estado, sino por naturaleza de la conformación de su habitantes: desplazados de la violencia de diferentes regiones del país hacen que aquí encontremos un gran porcentaje de personas de la comunidad Afrocolombiana, Indígenas, campesinos. Muchos de ellos ajenos totalmente a la cultura citadina, hoy se encuentran felices y sorprendidos de vivir esta mezcla intercultural con nativos no solo norteamericanos, también, en su momento contamos con Marketa Slamova, de República Checa y Paolo Barone, de Italia. Ambos dejaron una huella imborrable de su trabajo y despertaron la inquietud por el inglés como una verdadera segunda lengua. Nunca antes se escuchaba decir un GOOD MORNING, TEACHER, a cualquier hora en un patio o un HOW ARE YOU?. Hoy es el común de nuestro quehacer pedagógico. Esa experiencia ha continuado con la afortunada presencia



Mentor (Mentor)

Mentor (Mentor)

Jennifer Cuéllar Wilman Valencia Gómez

de Bridget Fagan y Kevin Grigsby, Fellows que nos han hecho ver la necesidad de hablar el inglés y de ser parte de este encuentro bilingüe no solo con estudiantes, también con los docentes de las diferentes áreas.

Actos de impacto:

1. La muestra cultural norteamericana con videos, bailes y comida propios de Estados Unidos. Actividad que nos permitió a toda la Comunidad Educativa ser partícipes de sus vidas por un momento (fotos y videos de sus ciudades, sus costumbres y sus familias).

2. Cada año realizamos el concurso de fonomímica, y aunque los estudiantes no cantan, sí deben aprender a modular (pronunciar) las canciones. Este año se hizo solo con canciones en inglés. Al principio temerosos de los resultados, al final, sorprendidos de los excelentes actos, todos colgados en nuestra página de facebook compartirlasbrisas. Para esta actividad, dos docentes de la institución con la nativa Bridget Fagan y la participación especial de Paolo Barone, quien viajó desde Medellín para el evento, presentamos “”Gotta go home””. Fue una grata sorpresa para los estudiantes. Otros dos de nuestros docentes hicieron la presentación de ´””The phantom of the Opera”” en la versión de Sara Brightman y Antonio Banderas.

Pero, ¿Por qué resalto esta actividad como experiencia significativa?

Porque cada grupo preparaba su presentación, desde grado Grado Quinto hasta Décimo y durante todos los ensayos, las repeticiones, la vocalización, permitió despertar un interés por aprender más del idioma extranjero.

3. La tercera experiencia, se relaciona, nuevamente, con la música, ya que, en el caso de Bridget, quien enseña en grados Sextos y Séptimos, el uso de frases con ritmo as clases que compartimos ha facilitado su memorización y práctica permanente por parte de los estudiantes: Teacher, I have a question/ May I go to the bathroom, please, y muchas más, son frases recurrentes y rítmicas que escuchamos en clase cada día en las voces de nuestros pequeños y con la garantía que saben lo que quieren decir ellos al comunicarlas.”

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Acacías, MetaMentor (Mentor)

Mentor (Mentor)

Hermes Mejía Barba

Ligia Laiton Rivera

“Fellows on Board”

Not only the school was in expectation about the coming fellows but I of course, as a mentor, I received a WhatsApp call from my principal a night before they would come to Facatativà. I needed to be at 9 am in the Education Staff Office. That morning, four fellows who were in Facatativá: zuly, Adriana, Shenaka and Roberto and the coordinator Alex were in the corresponding site to be introduced. The meeting and their introduction were accompanied by a breakfast (of arepa, chocolate and eggs) and a nice talk about their corresponding countries and the interest of knowing how many fellows would be with us in this new experience.

Two fellows assigned to my school, had the mission to support The English teaching Program but one of them did not appear (like the character in The Lavoragine Novel, “He was swallowed by the forest* ...).

Fellow Roberto would have the known task to reinforce the English process in the school (Instituto Técnico Industrial of course…) alone. In accordance with the principal, He began his job with eleventh grade classes and when Icfes preparation would end, he should continue working with tenth grade students and also he supported ninth grade during the changing process.

He was, the first day, early at school and He and I (teacher of eleventh grade and mentor) started the training in the methodology, observing the topics to be worked in order to help eleventh grade students to do their Icfes exams successful…

The just first inconvenience was the lacks of books to start working but when books were delivered ,each student received one and we started the process of using them in classes, the students ,motivated with them, began the their work with the motivation of having a real English text (free).

I remember that first grammar topic reviewed from an exercise given , it was passive voice and when we were checking it from active voice to passive, one of the sentence “ the corresponding one “Rabbits were usually eaten by the students “ made us to laugh at it because we in deed did not know how many students have just eaten rabbits (and less if they had tried them also see them alive ) .

La experiencia ha sido exitosa, ha incentivado a estudiantes, docentes, directivos y padres de familia motivándolos ha hablar inglés y mejorar sus habilidades y desempeños desde actividades como el club de conversación, festival gastronómico, feria comercial, festividades al rededor del mundo; acompañando a primaria con canciones para motivar el aprendizaje, entre otras actividades que se podrán ver en los archivos adjuntos.

By any reason, Fellow Shenaka arrived at our school, to work with us; what it was a great motivation to ninth grade student, who were in expectance about a native English speaker(from Jamaica) in their English classes and the need of communicating with her did the job more interesting and successful.

Fellow Shenaka, “using her happiness and own style”

She gave us, not only a new breath to our English classes but our school life (also the non-English teachers in her conversational English club classes).

Cultural activities were also funny and productive activities which strengthened the learning and training in the English language.

Roberto, supporting listening and speaking skills with his karaoke activities (although singing sometimes did not sound professional... The important thing is personality…*).

And Shenaka with her singular Caribbean kind of movement for dancing reggae

And in touch with the students enriched this process.

Their cultural activities were done individually .Roberto did his activities in his classes, talking about September eleventh and also some activities like English speaking countries.

And Shenaka on her own prepared students from different courses into dancing, singing and poem; training also she performed her activities with the students.

A free style dancing show….

Shenaka`s participation in The international Cultural Day carried out in Facatativà.

Cultural secretary of Facatativà giving Shenaka a diploma for participation

Thanks fellows for coming and being part of this PROGRAM…

By Hermes Mejía Barba,

Mentor Instituto Técnico industrial.

Facatativá, Cundinamarca.”

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Itagüí, Antioquia NeivaGirardot

MedellínMentor (Mentor) Mentor (Mentor) Mentor (Mentor)

Mentor (Mentor)Elisabeth Cristina Salamanca Campiño

Patricia Cubillos Muñoz

Gloria del Pilar Martínez Mendoza

Carlos Llano

“Desde el momento mismo de la llegada de los Nativos Richard, Jana y Samantha, la vida en la IE san José tuvo un giro de 360 grados. El inglés cobro vida y ya se escuchaba en susurros en los pasillos, el patio, las aulas de clase... el aire se tornaba diferente.... los directivos, los docentes, los padres de familia, los porteros, las personas de oficios varios, hablaban del acontecimiento más importante del 2015 para nuestro colegio: eramos parte del programa Colombia Bilingüe!!!!.

El interés de las estudiantes fue creciendo cada día, su motivación por las diferentes actividades desarrolladas al interior de las clases se fue incrementando y lo mejor el indice de perdida bajo significativamente.

La parte comunicativa ha tenido mucho progreso; las alumnas son consciente de que esta oportunidad es y será única en sus vidas durante su estadía en el colegio y lo que han vivido a nivel cultural y personal ayudará significativamente a sus logros universitarios y profesionales.

Agradezco al MEN, a la Doctora Gina Parody, a los funcionarios del ministerio, a Cristopher Pratt, por su profesionalismo e indiscutiblemente a Paolo Barone por su acompañamiento constante, su compromiso incondicional.

Seguiremos soñando con esta Colombia mas equitativa y de oportunidades para todos los estudiantes de las Instituciones Publicas del país.”

Pienso que gracias a este proyecto, mi institución ha tenido la oportunidad de mejorar el proceso de enseñanza del inglés. Compartir nuestras clases con una chica joven que viene de un país diferente al nuestro, ha sido realmente interesante y emocionante porque esto ha enriquecido nuestras habilidades comunicativas como hablar y escuchar en inglés. La clase se ha vuelto más activa y creativa.

Esta experiencia ha sido muy significativa para nuestra institución. Pues hemos visto como nuestros estudiantes están motivados y con deseos de aprender cada día más.

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Mentor (Mentor)Rosa Cano

“The most important aspect of my fellowship year was being able to build relationships with my two fellows: Alzbeta or “Bety ”as we finally called her and Crishna. I was able to see firsthand what it takes to make a joint venture wonderful. When students experience their teachers working together, they understand the power of respect among peers. Co-teaching has its benefits and challenges as well. The most difficult part is to work with someone whose teaching style and philosophy differ from your own. In my own experience I learnt that cooperative work leads you to maximize co-planning time and to have an open communication. I realized that the success of our class depended on the strength of our co-teaching relationship.

I want to mention some of the activities I considered were a total successful.

Celebrating Culture: 9th and 10th grade Fair:

It was a joyful occasion for presenting special festivities to mark some happy events in Colombia. It´s important to value and celebrate the local culture and find a balance between the English culture and the local culture, that is why the students from ninth and tenth grade participated with a fair of the most representative celebrations.

Some of the traditional celebrations shown in this fair were:

Holidays: contraction of holy and days, holidays originally represented special religious days. Holy Week and Christmas are good examples.

Festivals: events, usually staged by a local community. There are numerous types of festivals in the Colombia. Though many have religious origins, others involve seasonal change or have some cultural significance as The Vallenato Festival celebrated in Valledupar where people enjoy the folklore of the region.

Medellin celebrate our culture and Antioqueñidad by putting on our Feria de las Flores, Flower Festival and its main events: the Antique car parade, the cabalgata(horse parade) and the silleteros parade (flower farmers parade).

Barranquilla’s Carnival (Carnaval de Barranquilla) is Colombia’s most important folklore celebration, and one of the biggest carnivals in the world.


This is a creative way to build oral language skills.

Throughout a week in July, students from 9th grade used the legends and myths to help retell the story read in class and to create their own stories as well. They have always reacted well to the use of retelling stories and it seems to get them motivated to work in the literacy center. Stories create magic and a sense of wonder at the world. Stories teach them about life, about themselves and about others. Storytelling was a wonderful way for students to develop an understanding, respect and appreciation for other cultures, and can promote a positive attitude to people from different lands, races and religions.

Most of their stories were based on their own cultural roots because they used legends and myths retold by their grandparents and old relatives.

Raising awareness of the environmental problems:

The green movement, pollution, industry, chemicals, traffic, smog; the role of trees and other plants in nature, the disappearing rain forest; why do people cut down trees? How green are you? how do you protect nature? All those questions were the open mouth for the raising awareness activities.

During the raising awareness activities, the students from 11th, 10th and 9th grade were clearly informed on how to participate in the project and the expected results of its implementation. For this reason, oral presentations, informative brochures, posters and bulletins with the project team were used as means of training and information-sharing.

The activities achieved its goal, to enhance environmental awareness level and engage with students in participating in organizing the first step this year by planting flowers, plants and recycling using tires as decoration and flower pots at the school. Therefore, high participation level in the implementation actions of the project is expected for the following year. Furthermore, postesr were prepared and placed at different public areas in the school, as presented below.”

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