2015 ELECTION FOR 3 PROCTORS IN CONVOCATION TO REPRESENT ... · 2015 election . for 3 proctors in convocation to . represent the diocese in . the general synod . house of clergy

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Why  me?  

In  2016  I  will  be  celebrating  20  years  since  ordination.    In  that  time  I  have  had  the  privilege  of  serving  the  Church  in  a  variety  of  roles,  including  as  parish  priest,  university  chaplain,  pioneer  minister,  diocesan  adviser,  theological  educator,  training  incumbent,  Area  Dean  and  now  Archdeacon.    I  was  ordained  in  the  Diocese  of  Lichfield,  serving  my  title  post  in  Walsall,  and  then  served  in  the  Diocese  of  Liverpool  for  over  14  years  before  moving  to  the  Diocese  of  Sheffield  in  January  2014.  

As  Archdeacon  of  Sheffield  &  Rotherham  I  work  closely  with  the  Area  Deans  of  the  Archdeaconry  as  well  as  the  Archdeacon  of  Doncaster  and  the  Director  of  the  Parish  Support  Team.    I  am  a  Director  of  the  Diocesan  Board  of  Finance  and  member  of  the  Bishop’s  Senior  Staff  Team,  Bishop’s  Council,  Diocesan  Synod,  Diocesan  Mission  &  Pastoral  Committee,  Diocesan  Finance  &  Property  Committee,  Diocesan  Advisory  Committee  and  the  Diocesan  Grants  Committee.    I  also  chair  the  Diocesan  Board  of  Faith  &  Justice  and  was  an  active  member  of  the  Bishop’s  Ministry  Provision  Advisory  Group,  playing  a  key  role  in  the  forming  of  the  ‘New  Norms  New  Beginning’  report.  

I  believe  that  this  direct  involvement  in  so  many  facets  of  the  life  of  the  diocese  places  me  in  a  unique  position  to  relate  the  important  deliberations  of  General  Synod  to  the  various  challenges  we  face  as  a  diocese  and  to  the  vision  that  we  share.    I  would  hope  to  be  in  a  strong  position  to  bring  our  experiences  as  a  diocese  to  bear  on  the  debates  in  Synod  and  equally  to  apply  the  insights  and  decisions  of  Synod  to  the  various  aspects  of  our  shared  life  as  a  diocese.    

Why  am  I  standing?  

I  very  much  doubt  that  anyone  who  stands  for  General  Synod  does  so  because  they  need  more  work  to  do,  and  that  is  certainly  not  the  case  with  me!    I  am  standing  because  I  hope  that  by  serving  on  General  Synod  I  can  make  a  positive  difference  to  the  Church’s  engagement  in  the  Mission  of  God,  both  locally  and  nationally.      

God’s  mission  has  always  been  my  driving  motivation  throughout  my  Christian  life  and  ministry.    I  believe  passionately  that  when  we  are  called  to  know  and  follow  Christ  we  are  at  the  same  time  called  into  the  Body  of  Christ,  the  Church,  which  exists  not  for  its  own  ends  but  to  be  that  transformational  community  through  which  God  chooses  to  make  the  good  news  of  Christ  known  and  build  his  Kingdom.    The  Church  is  to  be  actively  engaged  in  God’s  mission,  led  by  the  Holy  Spirit,  proclaiming  the  gospel  in  word  and  deed,  calling  people  to  faith  and  transforming  the  world  through  the  Kingdom  values  of  love  for  all,  truth  and  justice.  

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Although  the  gospel  remains  the  same  in  all  places  and  times,  our  communication  of  the  gospel  will  need  to  change  in  response  to  the  culture  and  needs  of  the  context  in  which  we  live  and  serve.    That’s  why  I  think  the  Ordinal  is  inspired  in  its  reminder  that  we  are  to  “proclaim  afresh”  this  gospel  in  each  generation.    The  successful  strategies  for  evangelism  and  mission  of  the  past  may  not  be  the  most  fruitful  for  the  present  or  the  future.  

That  is  why  I  am  absolutely  committed  to  what  has  become  know  as  the  ‘Reform  and  Renewal’  programme  that  the  previous  General  Synod  set  into  motion.    After  years  of  measured  decline  in  the  reach  and  membership  of  the  Church  of  England,  with  the  resultant  effect  on  vocations  and  finances,  we  cannot  simply  bury  our  heads  in  the  sand  and  do  what  we  have  always  done.    It  is  right  that  the  Church  considers  afresh  its  structures  to  ensure  that  they  are  fit  for  purpose  in  meeting  the  needs  of  today,  how  it  allocates  its  resources  for  mission  and  growth,  how  it  trains  its  future  leaders,  and  how  it  effectively  grows  disciples  of  Jesus  Christ  who  continue  to  deepen  in  faith  and  offer  themselves  in  God’s  service.    I  believe  this  significant  agenda  is  the  most  important  piece  of  business  that  the  new  Synod  will  immediately  have  to  grapple  with.    As  Archdeacon  many  of  these  considerations  already  impact  on  my  daily  work  and  I  would  treasure  the  opportunity  to  be  at  the  heart  of  these  discussions  as  a  member  of  General  Synod.  

What  is  my  approach?  

I  am  unwaveringly  committed  to  the  divine  inspiration  and  authority  of  Scripture  in  all  matters  of  faith  and  conduct  (2  Tim  3:16),  and  believe  that  we  need  to  approach  the  Bible  reverently,  acknowledging  that  our  current  understanding  is  incomplete  and  our  minds  in  need  of  renewal  (1  Cor  13:12,  Rom  12:2).    At  various  points  in  history  the  Church  has  prayerfully  reconsidered  its  understanding  and  changed  its  view  in  the  light  of  fresh  scholarship  and  insights  –  I  believe  this  is  what  Jesus  was  alluding  to  when  he  taught  his  disciples  that  they  would  need  the  promised  Spirit  of  Truth  to  guide  them  into  all  truth  because  there  was  far  too  much  for  them  to  understand  in  one  sitting  (John  16:12-­‐13).    The  Christian  faith  is  a  living  and  dynamic  faith,  and  we  should  never  be  afraid  to  change  our  thinking  if  doing  so  brings  us  closer  to  the  heart  of  God  and  his  truth.      

Personally,  I  am  delighted  that  the  General  Synod  had  the  courage  and  conviction  to  reconsider  our  understanding  of  gender  and  leadership  and  authorise  the  ordination  of  women  as  priests  and  bishops  alongside  men.    I  am  also  inspired  by  the  wisdom  of  the  House  of  Bishops  Declaration  in  this  regard,  especially  the  crucial  five  guiding  principles,  and  remain  committed  to  working  with  colleagues  holding  different  perspectives  and  to  seeking  the  highest  possible  degree  of  communion  in  the  Church  of  God.    I  also  support  the  ongoing  process  of  shared  conversations  in  human  sexuality,  the  insights  of  which  the  new  Synod  will  need  to  prayerfully  and  carefully  consider  alongside  its  wider  theological  exploration  and  grappling  with  Scripture.    I  would  seek  to  engage  in  such  discussions  with  both  a  rootedness  in  the  authority  of  the  Bible  and  an  openness  to  new  insights  and  perspectives.    

It  is  my  prayer  that  such  an  approach,  combined  with  the  variety  of  ministerial  experience  I  have  and  my  comprehensive  involvement  in  the  life  of  the  diocese  as  Archdeacon,  will  enable  colleagues  from  all  traditions  to  have  confidence  in  my  ability  to  engage  openly  and  honestly  in  the  debates  facing  the  next  Synod,  and  make  the  positive  difference  I  hope  for.  

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The Revd Canon Geoffrey Harbord

Proposed by: Seconded by: The Revd Canon Julian Sullivan The Revd Canon Peter Ingram Vicar of St Mary, Bramall Lane, Vicar of St John, Abbeydale and Sheffield Holy Trinity, Millhouses Dear Colleague At our recent Diocesan Conference we renewed our commitment to being a confident diocese with the clear aims of winning disciples for Christ, making a difference to the world and enabling all traditions to flourish. In my previous years as a member of General Synod I have supported a vision of a Church where all may find a home, which is committed to mission and has the courage to challenge injustice in the world. Because I am certain that this is the calling of the Church in the 21st century and that General Synod has a great role in enabling this, I am standing again for election. Reform and Renewal The Reform and Renewal agenda will figure highly in the next quinquennium of Synod. In the context of an average decline in Church attendance of 1% per year and the increasing age profile of clergy and congregations, these are exciting proposals for a sustainable Church. They need though careful critical assessment, which my long synodical experience will enable me to do. Resourcing the Future These proposals aim to ensure that mission in the poorest communities is appropriately funded. Having had long experience in ministry to deprived urban communities, I have a particular concern to ensure that under any new arrangements the poorest areas really will receive the support appropriate to their context. Resourcing Ministerial Education I warmly welcome the emphasis on growing both lay and clergy vocations. As a Bishop’s selector and former theological college governor, I will be keen to ensure training which gives excellent value.

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Simplification Agenda Being a qualified canon lawyer, I am well aware that church law can sometimes hinder, rather than enable. Indeed, as a member of the steering committee for the Miscellaneous Provisions Measure in the last Synod I have already been involved in simplifying some archaic legal processes. As a member of the Dioceses Commission, I have also closely scrutinised the multiplication of suffragan sees. Checks and balances, however, together with proper scrutiny need to be maintained and I believe the so-called Enabling Measure for the fast-tracking of legislative proposals will need very careful examination. Other Issues The next Synod will consider afresh the seal of the confessional. Ways must be found to guarantee the value of this sacrament without protecting abuse. Same-sex relationships may also come on to the Synod agenda. I believe that facilitated conversations which broke the log-jam on the women bishops issue, and which I promoted in this diocese, are the best way to enable the concerns of all to be heard. Ecumenical relations will also figure highly, especially with further developments in the Anglican-Methodist relationship. As we continue this journey, I would want to ensure that we are saying the same things to all our ecumenical partners and that Anglican sacramental concerns are fully appreciated. On a personal note Born and educated in Sheffield, I have served all my ordained life in the diocese, previously in parishes in Rotherham and Doncaster which have included town centre, suburban and urban priority area ministry. For 11 years I have been the Bishop’s domestic chaplain and it is a mark of how our Church holds unity in diversity that I have found myself at General Synod on various and important issues voting in the opposite lobby to Bishop Jack and Bishop Steven. I edit the Diocesan Calendar of Intercession and serve on the Diocesan Advisory Committee, the Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee and the Diocesan Worship and Liturgy Committee. A particular interest is overseas ecumenical links, having many years of involvement in the diocesan link with the Hattingen-Witten Church District in Germany, as is canon law, in which I hold a master’s degree. In General Synod, I serve currently on the Legal Aid Commission and the Dioceses Commission and have done so on the Clergy Discipline Commission. I hope that your highest preference vote will enable me to continue to represent the diocese and work for a comprehensive and confident Church. Tel: 0798 9485 428 E-mail: [email protected]

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Election Address for The Revd. David Hildred Proposer: The Revd. Fiona Kouble Seconder: The Revd. Canon Christopher Barley In standing for General Synod I believe I am asking the question, “Would you like me to be involved in the governing body of our Church on your behalf?” If so, you’ll need to know where I’m coming from. I’m the incumbent of Darfield, which is in the northern part of the diocese, where we share a boundary with the diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales. Sometimes it can feel like we are on the edge, a long way from where the action is, but I want to show that those on the edge can get involved in the centre. All 26 years of my ministry have been parish based and so I’ll be seeking in General Synod to share views ‘from the coal face’, so to speak, of clergy who are in the thick of parish life. We know patterns of ministry are changing, and here, in this corner of our Deanery, Fiona and I form the clergy team in a Mission Partnership which has been running for two years. Between us we provide priestly ministry and leadership to three parishes, which have four churches. Some of you will know that my theological views on women’s ministry are to be found in the minority sector after last year’s vote in General Synod, but I stand full-square with the Five Guiding Principles in wanting to show that those of us of that persuasion are still able to minister within our Church. I want to do that by showing that our Mission Partnership is as strong as any other (although, to be honest, Fiona and I often refer to the Partnership as ‘probably the best Partnership in the Diocese’). I also want to do it by showing that minority view holders want to be, and, can indeed be involved at all levels of the Church, such that all can flourish: hence my offering myself for General Synod. I also come from the point of view that I want to do my best to keep the Church of England Anglican. By that I mean that the discussions and debates in General Synod must not stray beyond, for example, the Holy Scriptures, the catholic creeds and the Thirty-Nine Articles. As an evangelical I believe that an Anglican Church defined in that way is faithful to its roots and therefore has the authority to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to its context. I want the Church of England to remain Anglican. Although I find my spiritual home in one particular expression of the Church of England, I value the fellowship and ministry of other parts, which make up the breadth of our Church, and any involvement that I might have in General Synod will seek to maintain that breadth. There are some words that are ‘buzz’ words and ‘inclusive’ is one of those. I want our Church to be an inclusive Church, in that it is open to all sinners, who will within its fellowship find a welcome, and find forgiveness through repentance, and find a new hope and power for being the people God intends us to be as transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of his Son, Jesus. I would like to be present to encourage General Synod to promote such inclusivity. Would it help to see a photo of me? There’s one on the parish website: darfieldallsaintschurch.org.uk I would value your support in turning the above aspirations into reality.

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Andrew Howard

I have already had the great privilege of serving on the General Synod, from 2008 to 2013, and I am now seeking your support for a further five year term. I had to give up my place on Synod, after moving to the Diocese of Sheffield, but I have continued since then to maintain a keen interest in its work, following all the proceedings and the debates. As a General Synod representative, I was a member of the catholic group, and I spoke on a variety of subjects and in different debates. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss anything to do with the election to the General Synod.

Biographical Information I was born in Derby in 1963, and from an early age attended my local parish church (Saint Alkmund’s, Derby). Music has always been an important part of my life and spirituality, and later on, I sang in Derby Cathedral Choir. After leaving school I moved to Manchester and worked in the hotel and catering industry for approximately 15 years. I studied for my first theology degree part-time at the University of Manchester while I was working. As an ordinand, I was at the College of the Resurrection, Mirfield, undertaking there some post-graduate study at Leeds University. I have experience of ministry in a variety of settings. My curacy was at Worksop Priory, and this was followed by my first incumbency at Saint Timothy’s, Hemlington, an urban priority area on the southern edge of the Middlesbrough conurbation area. Responding to the call to a different form of ministry, I then went on to become Chaplain of Teesside University, in Middlesbrough, which I did for eight years. At the same time, I acted as associate priest at two town centre churches, sub-warden of readers for the Deanery, and ATC Chaplain to the Middlesbrough Squadron. Two years ago, I moved to my current post as Vicar of Saint Wilfrid’s, Cantley.

I am a member of the Society of S. Hilda and S. Wilfrid, and I am committed to the working out of the Five Guiding Principles. I have always sought a deeper appreciation of the views of those with whom I would disagree. We need to respect other people’s theological integrity, as only then will we find a way to ‘mutually flourish’ as the guidance has it.

Interests My interests include: reading; playing badminton, playing the piano and the organ – when the church door is locked! I began to play the recorder a few years ago and hope to take my grade 8 next year. In also must admit to following ‘Corrie’ whilst partaking of a nice glass of Italian red wine – or two! If I am elected, I will participate fully in the life of the General Synod, making my contribution to proceedings and debates, as I did before. I shall produce regular reports for both the Diocese and Deanery, thus ensuring communication of information and decisions.

I have always deemed it both an honour and a privilege to be a member of the General Synod. There have been some fantastic debates and interesting times, and I would like very much to become involved in it once again, and to be able to play a part in this particular aspect of the Church’s life.

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Proposed by Reverend Philip Ball, Vicar of Airmyn, Rawcliffe and Hook

Seconded by Reverend Canon Liz Turner-Loisel,

Area Dean of Snaith and Hatfield

Eleanor Robertshaw

A few weeks ago I was talking to one of my young (20 something) parishioners, and we were both airing our frustrations with the Church of England. Eventually, she asked me the obvious question: “Why would I want to be part of the Church of England if it frustrates me so much?” The answer was simply that I love the Church of England!

This is the reason that I am standing for General Synod. Whilst the Church of England may frustrate me at times, I am passionate about how we continue to be a Church which is at the cutting edge of issues in our world. To be part of General Synod means the opportunity to make a difference, and to ensure that God's love is seen through the Church of England.

So, why should you vote for me?

I considered standing in the 2010 election, but had only been ordained for a few months, and I felt that I did not know people and the workings of the Diocese well enough. In the last five years, I have tried hard to get to know as many people as possible within our Diocese. This has been a huge privilege. Our Diocese is very diverse and I have learned so much by talking with different people especially, those who may hold other viewpoints than me.

Within the Diocese, I have been a member of a number of Committees which has helped me see the 'whole picture' of the Diocese as opposed to a limited view from my Parish and Deanery. For the last eighteen months, I have been a member of the Bishop's Council and have been very interested to see the issues which our Diocese, and by extension other Dioceses, face as we try to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus. I am also a member of the International Committee, and begin a term on the Board of Education this month. I now wish to use the experience that I have gained to try to make a difference at national level.

My Background

Before I was ordained I was a teacher in a Rotherham Secondary School for ten years. This gave me a huge amount of experience in both working in a multi-ethnic and multi-faith environment. I also gained a lot of insight into poverty, and neglect of children. This gave my already strong thirst for justice a nudge. This continued in my Curacy Parish where I served in Stainforth, a mining village in North East Doncaster. Stainforth has a bad reputation, but my Curacy taught me that there are so many people who are trying to do good there and nurture the community. The Church was part of

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this with its community facilities, and being part of this community led me to question how we can do more to serve underprivileged communities.

During my Curacy I undertook a placement in the rural Fishlake Group of Parishes. Much to my surprise I loved it, and this is what sharpened my calling when it came to Incumbency. I now serve the Parish of Great Snaith, a united parish of five churches, one of which is a small market town, and the others set more rurally. The last two years have been a learning curve about issues that affect the rural church, and also rural areas more widely. With many rural services being cut, quite often the church is the only community building remaining, and I am enthused in seeing ways that we, as a national church, will respond to this. I am also passionate about how we serve communities with limited resources. Clergy numbers have been short for a long time in this area, but this is becoming commonplace in most areas of the Diocese, so how do we sustain church? I would be very interested to speak in debates on just this subject.

I am also passionate about Education. I have two church schools in my Parish, and serve as a Governor at both. I have enjoyed this involvement hugely, especially seeing the children being nurtured and growing in a Christian environment. I also take assemblies in the local Secondary school each term and go into the other non-church schools at least once a half term.

I do not hold a particular churchmanship position, and thus am open to each debate and listening to arguments for and against, and then making a decision based on this. I feel that this is very important as Sheffield Diocese is a very broad Diocese and needs to have a fair representation on the General Synod. When observing the Synod during its last sitting, I was fascinated by debates in which there were no fixed positions, particularly a debate concerning whether Deacons should be allowed to be Archdeacons.

I hope that you will consider giving me your first preference vote. If elected I pray that I will serve the Diocese of Sheffield well, and to the best of my ability.

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General Synod 2015-2020

Election Address – The Rev. Canon Ian Smith

I’m standing for the General Synod of the Church of England with some reluctance. I am not sure so many people from across the country, some with ‘party’ membership, talking at length and voting, has shown the church at its most responsive to issues. It has ended up frustrating some within and baffling those outside the church. So why am I standing?

1. I do hold passionately to the role of the people of God discovering together the mind of God with scripture and debate and reflection and prayer. The process is often slow but the aim is to keep us as united as possible as a church; being generous and gracious in our times of being marginal and in majority.

2. My mind is not made up on every issue. I do want to hear what I have not heard before; hear it better put; be made to argue my views more cogently and biblically. Having been a member of the Yorkshire region shared conversations on human sexuality I have experienced the joy, vulnerability and awkwardness of listening and speaking about our different views. At heart I sense I want gay Christians to find the church a place of mutual flourishing with straight and single people and find no bar to their love being as accepted as now we accept that gender is no bar to ordination and episcopate.

3. I want to be part of a synod that insists on tackling hard and often complex questions of environment, business, ethics, politics, life and death.

4. My commitment over twenty seven years of ordained ministry has been to parish, priest and people. The parish as a still useful frame in which to view a community, its needs, hopes, problems. The priest; as an extraordinary person who daily seeks to live and speak and act in ways that bless the people about them of all ages and creeds and none. The people; whose gifts and ministries are as varied as they are but often feel frustrated and limited by the things inherited. I am cautious about the impact the Reform and Renewal papers are going to have on the mission of the church. I look forward to listening to them explored and following their implementation. I will not be afraid to raise a critical voice or seek more information about any of the Reform and Renewal agenda.

At present I feel I am the most fortunate priest in the diocese with a simply wonderful congregation to serve and be loved by. I find myself used by individuals as they discern what God is asking of them and delight at the number of people going on to ordination I have worked with. I’m a rather unconscious leader; a shameless networker; my spirituality is at least as coloured as Joseph’s coat and my journey with Jesus is far from complete emotionally or spiritually I sense. I don’t shy from hard work and reading and if you feel it right, ask you to help me discover if God wants me on the General synod by voting, or not, for me.

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The Revd. Jeffrey Stokoe, Vicar of the United Benefice of St. Hugh of Lincoln, Cantley & Holy Trinity, Doncaster.

S. Hugh’s House, Levet Road, Cantley DN4 6JQ Tel. 01302 371256 email. [email protected]

My nomination has been proposed by:

The Revd. Mark Cockayne, Director of Parish Support Team and seconded by

The Revd. Mary Gregory, Rector of Kirk Sandall & Edenthorpe in the Doncaster Deanery & Dean of Womens Ministry.

I have known Jeff as a deanery colleague for seven years, and over the past two and a half years have also worked closely with him in our respective capacities as Dean of Women's Ministry and Dean of the Hickleton Chapter. Jeff and I hold very different views on ordained and consecrated women, and yet we have been able to work together constructively, respectively and in friendship, not least as members of the Ministry Provision Advisory Group. The Group worked hard to identify how the House of Bishops' Five Guiding Principles on women and the episcopate might be implemented in our diocese. A key strand within these principles is a commitment to the mutual flourishing of everyone within the Church of England (no matter what their view on women and the episcopate might be), and to living with one another in the highest possible degree of communion. It is because I have found Jeff to be fully committed to these Principles, as well as being a dedicated and gifted parish priest, that I second his nomination to General Synod. Seconding Jeff in this way is also part of my own commitment to these Principles, not least seeing him, and others who hold his views, flourish within the Church of England. Mary Gregory August 12th 2015

Who am I? I was ordained in 1996 and am currently vicar of the united benefice of S. Hugh, Cantley and Holy Trinity, Doncaster where I have served since November 2009. My first incumbency was Edlington in the Deanery of West Doncaster after a curacy at Richmond Road, Sheffield. I am currently Dean of the Hickleton chapter and was a member of the ‘Ministry Provision Advisory Group’ which produced the ‘New Norms, New Beginnings’ report for Bishop Steven. This document has been commended to the diocese for study and followed on from the passing of the legislation to allow the consecration of women to the episcopate and the House of Bishops Declaration on the Ministry of Bishops and Priests. I have served the Diocese on the General Synod since 2008. My Family. I was born and brought up near Doncaster and have been married to Carol for 37 years; we have three married children and four grandchildren. Ordained Ministry. I currently serve the united benefice of S. Hugh, Cantley & Holy Trinity, Doncaster. Holy Trinity rents the chapel at the Deaf School and College in Doncaster after leaving a much loved building they could no longer maintain twenty six years ago. S. Hugh’s serves a series of post-war housing estates on the edge of Doncaster in a multi-purpose

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building. Both parishes have undertaken Mission Action Planning in the last year and are working to draw others into the life of the church in their communities. I remain convinced that the church needs to maintain visible links to every community through its buildings, clergy and lay members and that each need the public and visible support of the diocese and wider church.

Why am I seeking re-election to the General Synod? I hope to continue to be part of the representation our diocese makes to the wider church: having served on General synod since February 2008 I feel able to make a positive contribution on the many issues that the church will have to face in the coming years. In the last Quinquennium the issue of women and the episcopacy was decided with what has been called light touch legislation backed by a robust House of Bishops Declaration underpinned by five guiding principles. These principles have formed the backbone of a fair and workable solution to that long debated matter along with varying forms of facilitated conversation and group work and I would support their continuation in the life of next synod where appropriate. Amongst the issues that will probably come before the next synod will be the seal of the confessional and whether it should be absolute when issues surrounding abuse and the protection of vulnerable adults and children are concerned. Whilst the protection of the vulnerable is paramount I believe the synod should think very carefully before it makes any decision that might break the seal of absolute confidentiality between penitent and confessor. Any proposed changes need to be scrutinised very carefully before decisions are made in order to ensure that while all people are properly protected we maintain the proper integrity of our sacramental actions. Since the synod agreed to restructure fees in 2012 more people have been in touch with me about that than any other issue. While the idea of structured set fees is a good idea in principle they appear not to be working properly in practice. Many parishes have lost much needed income which, for example, paid for the maintenance of churchyards while others have seen the numbers of occasional offices reduce because independent funeral takers can undercut our crematorium funeral fees. If I am re-elected I will work with others in synod to have fee structures reviewed in the light of experience and if possible changed to better meet the needs of our parishes and the people we serve. During the next quinquennium much of synod’s time will be spent considering the Archbishops ‘Reform and Renewal’ programme for the church which is considering how best to turn around the continued decline in church membership whilst growing and nurturing discipleship amongst all of its members. Whilst these are important and worthwhile aims for our church and its mission to our country the synod will need to scrutinise all proposals carefully to ensure they are appropriate to the task envisaged and maintain a fair balance between the rights of parishes and the wishes of Bishops councils to implement change. I have lived and worked in our diocese for almost the whole of my life and know about the area where we all live and serve. I am committed to the people and parishes of the diocese. I think I have an understanding of the problems we face and the potential in our parishes to make Jesus better known. I believe I am well placed to represent you on the General Synod. I would hope to be an effective and diligent member of the Synod and would be grateful for your highest preference vote.

Yours in Christ Jeffrey Stokoe.

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MARK WIGGLESWORTH Mission Development Adviser Doncaster Archdeaconry Nominated by : Jan Foden Rector of Armthorpe, Area Dean of Doncaster

Seconded by : Phil Batchford Vicar of the Vine, Area Dean of Hallam

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I was ordained in Sheffield Cathedral in 1992 and have served in this Diocese for the last 23 years as a Curate, Incumbent, Area Dean and now as a Diocesan Officer. I have been a member of Diocesan Synod, Bishop’s Council and many Diocesan Committees and privileged to work with clergy from every deanery and every tradition in the diocese both on committees and one to one. I feel that this has given me a great deal of insight into the issues that affect the day to day mission and ministry of the churches across our Diocese. I have always sought to be supportive of those I work with and watchwords for my ministry have been ‘service’, ‘encouragement’ and ‘justice’. On the next page I have provided a more detailed biographical record of some of the ways in which I have served both in the Diocese and in the wider community. My ordained ministry has been almost exclusively within the Diocese. I now offer myself, my experience and my knowledge to serve the Diocese and the National Church as a member of General Synod.

My time as a missioner in the Diocese has reinforced my conviction that the Anglican Communion’s 5 Mark’s of Mission, provide a good measure for assessing the Church’s ministry.

1 – ‘To proclaim the Good News of God’s kingdom.’ This primary mark must be at the heart of all that we seek to do. The Crossroads mission has been a reminder of the power of the gospel. It is vital that the decisions of General Synod should help and not hinder the church as it proclaims the gospel afresh to this largely unchurched generation.

2 – ‘To teach baptize and nurture new believers.’ For the church to continue to be an effective agent of the Missio Dei it is essential that we ensure that she continues to grow new disciples in a Christ-like church. My work with Diocesan and National statistics makes me well aware of the urgent need for releasing the church into mission.

3 – ‘To respond to human need by loving service.’ The pastoral work of the church must continue to be resourced and encouraged. Our Diocese is one of the poorest in the country and I served for 15 years in one of our more deprived ex-mining towns. Across the Diocese we are working with people in desperate need. As a long term supporter of Tear Fund and Christian Aid and having been privileged to visit India and Tanzania I am well aware too of the wider global issues the rich west must not ignore.

4 – ‘To seek to transform unjust structures of society.’ The church must continue to be a prophetic voice speaking out against injustices in the world including those in this country not only outside but also within the church.

5 – ‘To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.’ Climate change, sustainable use of the world’s resources and pollution are just some of the issues that threaten the planet that God has placed in our care.

If I am elected then, as I read the papers and listen to the debates in Synod, I will use the 5 Marks along with scripture and prayer to guide my contributions and voting. I will also carry with me the people and parishes of the Diocese of Sheffield, the stories of our struggles and joys that I have shared in this Diocese over the last 23 years.

Thank you for reading this. I would be honoured if you would vote for me by making me your first or second choice.

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Biographical Info Age 55 Married to Beth with 2 grown up children

Theological Education St. John’s, Nottingham 1989-1992 Ordained Sheffield Cathedral 1992 Curate : Brinsworth w Catcliffe 1992-1994 Curate: Goole 1994-1996 Vicar of Askern 1996-2011

Training Incumbent (2001-2003 & 2007-2011) Area Dean of Adwick-le-Street 2005-2011 Honorary Canon of Sheffield Cathedral 2010-present Director of Mission and Pioneer Ministry 2011-2014 Mission Development Adviser Parish Support Team 2014-present MA in Theology and Ministry (2014 – Durham) Dissertation reflecting on Missional value of Statistics for Mission. Membership of Diocesan Committees etc Diocesan Synod 1993–1995 & 2000-2014 Bishop’s Council 2001–2014 Leader of mission shaped ministry course 2011-present Part of the national missioners’ network 2011-present Parish Share / Common Fund Group 2000-present Diocesan Communications Group 2000-2014 Diocesan Grants Committee 2011-present Diocesan Mission and Pastoral Committee 2008-present Diocesan Business Committee 2007-2010 Diocesan UPA working party 1997-1998 Roles in Wider Community Software Engineer – Rolls Royce (Derby) 1982-89 Chief Union Negotiator for 400 professional staff Rolls Royce ASTMS 1986-89 Governor: Moss Road Infant’s School 1997-present Governor: Campsmount Academy 2000-present

(Vice-chair since 2007) Member Askern Community Partnership 1996-2010 (Vice Chair 99-04, Chair 04-07, Treasurer 07-08) Member of various Doncaster Borough Regeneration groups 1996-2003 including Doncaster Strategic Partnership Board 2001-2002,

Chair of Doncaster European Funding Community Initiatives Group 2000-2002

Leisure interests Spending time with my wife and family. We enjoy wildlife and the natural environment especially bird watching and walking. Sailing - I am a qualified RYA Dinghy instructor and regularly teach people of all ages to sail at Beaver Sailing club near Snaith.