ISSN 1226-4156-75 Statistical of Gyeonggi

2015 경기 통계연보 - Library · 2019. 7. 2. · 발간등록번효 71--6410α}-{)00019-10 ISSN 1226-4156-75 2015경71 투겨l 면련 Statistical Yea「b。okof Gyeonggi N톨XT경>I

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  • 발간등록번효 71--6410α}-{)00019-10

    ISSN 1226-4156-75


    투겨l면련 Statistical Yea「b。ok of Gyeonggi


  • 발 간 등 록 번 호71-641000-000019-10

    ISSN 1226-4156-75


    2015경기통계연보Statistical Yearbook of Gyeonggi

  • 1. 경기통계연보는 도 각 실과 및 시군과 정부부처, 유관기관에서 작성된 통계를 종합

    편집한 것으로, 각 통계표에 항목별로 자료 출처를 주기하였습니다.

    2. 통계작성 기준은 2014년 12월 31일 현재를 기준으로 하였으며 이에 따르지 않은 것

    은 별도의 표시를 하였습니다. 단 교육통계는 2015년 4월 1일 기준입니다.

    3. 통계 수치는 대부분 세목의 합이 총계와 일치하나 세목과 총계를 각각 반올림 하였으

    므로 일부세목의 합계와 총계가 일치하지 않는 경우도 있습니다.

    4. 통계표 중 전년 호와 일치되지 않는 것은 최근 호에서 정확한 수치로 정정된 것


    5. 통계표 중에서 사용된 부호의 뜻은 다음과 같습니다.

    『 ― 』 → 해당 숫자 없음(영 및 단위 미만 포함)

    『 … 』 → 해당 숫자 미상

    『 P 』 → 잠정치(추후 확정치로 바뀜)

    『 Ⅹ 』 → 하나의 산업분류별 수치가 2개 이하 사업체의 것으로 이루어진 경우

    그 사업체의 비밀보호를 위하여 그 수치 대신에 사용

    6. 통계표 중 기관명칭 등 고유명사는 문화관광부고시 제2000-8호 국어의 로마자표기

    법에 의해 작성하였습니다.

    7. 수록된 자료에 대하여 문의사항이 있을 때에는 통계표하단에 표기된 자료제공 기관

    이나 경기도청 미래전략담당관실(031-8008-2937)에 문의하시기 바라며, 본 자료

    는 경기도 홈페이지(http://stat.gg.go.kr(경기통계))에서 보실 수 있습니다.

    이용자를 위하여

    StatisticalYearbook of Gyeonggi

  • 1. The materials contained herein have been provided by each department of the

    provincial offices, cities, counties and other related organizations. The sources

    of the data have been cited on each page.

    2. This was compiled as of December 31, 2014 unless otherwise specifically

    indicated on the data. (Educational statistical data are as of April 1, 2015)

    3. The figures herein were rounded off to the nearest whole number, meaning

    that a discrepancy may exist between the figures and the grand total.

    4. These figures are the most recent. Some of the previous figures have been revised.

    5. Below are symbols, followed by an explanation.

    『-』 → No appropriate figure.(Less than the unit value)

    『…』 → Unknown.

    『P』 → Preliminary(may be revised in the later issue)

    『Ⅹ』 → In order to preserve confidentiality, where there are two or

    less companies, names are replaced by the symbolⅩ.

    6. A proper noun such as organizations in the table is transcribed by The

    Regulation for Romanization of Korean Language in an official announcement

    of Tourism & Culture Division No. 2000-8.

    7. If you have questions or need further information, please contact the

    organizations which provided the data, or Future Strategy Division.

    (Tel : 031-8008-2937)

    And you can see the statistical data information of Gyeonggi provincial

    web site. (http://stat.gg.go.kr)

    StatisticalYearbook of Gyeonggi


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    차 례C o n te n ts

    Ⅰ. 연 혁 History

    1. 우리도의 연혁 The History of Our Province ··············································· 16

    Ⅱ. 토지 및 기후 Land and Climate

    1. 위치 Location ··················································································· 34 2. 행정구역 Area and Number of Administrative Units ······················· 36 3. 토지 지목별 현황 Area of Land Category ························································ 38 4. 일기일수 Weather Days ········································································· 44 5. 기상개황 Summary of Meteorological Data ······································ 46 6. 강수량 Precipitation ············································································ 48 7. 해안선 및 도서 Coastline and Islands ···························································· 50

    Ⅲ. 인 구 Population

    1. 인구추이 Population Trend ··································································· 52 1-1. 등록인구 추이 Registered Population Trend ··············································· 52 1-2. 거소신고인수 Address Population Trend ··················································· 54 2. 시∙군별 세대 및 인구(주민등록) Households and Population by Si∙Gun ····································· 56 2-1. 등록인구 Registered Population ··························································· 56 2-2. 거소신고인수 Address Population Trend ··················································· 58 3. 읍∙면∙동별 세대 및 인구 Households and Population by Eup∙Myeon∙Dong ··········· 60 4. 연령(5세 계급) 및 성별인구 Population by Age(5-year age group) and Gender ···· · ·· · · · · 92 5. 혼인상태별 인구(15세이상) Population by Marital Status(15 years old and over) · · · · 98 6. 교육정도별 인구(6세이상) Population by Educational Attainment (6 years old and over) 100 7. 주택점유형태별 가구(일반가구) Ordinary Households by Type of Occupancy ·················· 104 8. 사용방수별 가구(일반가구) Ordinary Households by Rooms Used ······························ 106 9. 인구동태 Vital Statistics ········································································· 108 9-1. 시∙군별 인구동태 Vital Statistics by Si∙Gun ······················································ 110 10. 인구이동 Internal Migration ·································································· 112 10-1. 시∙군별 인구이동 Migration by Si∙Gun ····························································· 114 11. 주민등록 전입지별 인구이동(경기도←타시도) Migrants by Place of Origin(Gyenggi Provinces←Other Provinces) 116 12. 주민등록 전출지별 인구이동(경기도→타시도) Migrants by Place of Destination(Gyenggi Provinces→ Other Provinces) 122 13. 통근·통학 유형별 인구(12세이상) Population by Type of Commuting and Schooling ········ 128 14. 상주(야간)·주간인구 Resident and Daytime Population

    by Administrative District ····················································· 130

    15. 외국인 국적별 등록현황 Registered Foreigners by Major Nationality ····················· 132 16. 외국인 국적별 혼인인구 Marriages by Foreigner's Nationality ································· 134 17. 혼인종류 및 외국인 국적별 혼인인구 Marriages by Previous Marital Status

    and Foreigner's Nationality ·················································· 136

    18. 외국인과의 혼인 Marriages to Foreigners ······················································· 138 19. 사망원인별 사망 Deaths by Causes of Death ················································ 140 19-1. 사망원인별 사망(시∙군별) Deaths by Causes of Death ················································ 144

    이용자를 위하여

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    20. 혼인율 Marriages Rate ······································································· 148 21. 이혼율 Divorce Rate ··········································································· 150 22. 여성가구주 현황 Female Households Heads ·················································· 152

    Ⅳ. 노 동 Labor

    1. 경제활동인구 총괄 Economically Active Population ·········································· 154 2. 연령별 취업자 Employed Persons by Age Group ······································ 156 3. 교육정도별 취업자 Employed Persons by Educational Attainment ················ 157 4. 산업별 취업자 Employed Persons by Industry ··········································· 158 5. 직업별 취업자 Employed Persons by Occupation ····································· 160 6. 노동조합 Labor Unions ·········································································· 162 7. 시∙군별 노동조합 Labor Unions by Si∙Gun ······················································· 164 8. 산업연맹별 노동조합 Labor Unions by Industrial Federation ······························ 166 9. 노사분규 발생현황 Labor Disputes ······································································· 170

    Ⅴ. 사 업 체 Establishment

    1. 산업대분류별 사업체 총괄 Summary of Establishments by Industry ·························· 172 2. 종사자규모별 사업체수 및 종사자수 Number of Establishments and Workers, by Workforce Size 176 3. 산업별, 시∙군별 사업체수 및 종사자수 Number of Establishments and Workers, by

    Industry and Si∙Gun ····························································· 180

    Ⅵ. 농림수산업 Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing

    1. 농가 및 농가인구 Farm Households and Population ······································ 186 2. 연령별 농가인구 Farm Population by Age-Group ········································ 187 3. 경지 면적 Area of Cultivated Land ······················································ 188 4. 경지 규모별 농가 Farm Households, by Size of Cultivated Land ··············· 189 5. 농업진흥지역 지정 Land Designated for Agricultural Promotion ·················· 190 6. 한국농어촌공사 Korea Rural Community Corporation ······························· 191 7. 수리시설 및 방조제 현황 Irrigation Facilities and Sea Walls ····································· 192 8. 수리답 및 경지정리현황 Status of Rice Paddy Irrigation and Land Cultivation ··· 193 9. 식량작물 생산량(정곡) Production of Food Grain(Polished) ··································· 194 9-1. 미 곡 Rice ························································································· 194 9-2. 맥 류 Wheat and Barley ································································ 195 9-3. 잡 곡 Miscellaneous Grains ··························································· 195 9-4. 두 류 Beans ······················································································ 196 9-5. 서 류 Potatoes ················································································· 197 10. 채소류 생산량 Vegetable Production ·························································· 198 11. 특용작물 생산량 Production of Oil Seeds and Cash Crops ························· 202 12. 과실류 생산량 Fruit Production ···································································· 202 13. 공공비축 미곡 매입실적 Government-purchased Rice by Class and Kind(Polished Rice) 204 14. 정부관리양곡 보관창고 Warehouse of Government-controlled Grains ················· 206 15. 농업협동조합 National Agricultural Cooperative Federation ················· 208 16. 농업용 기계보유 Agricultural Machinery Holdings ······································· 224 17. 비료공급 Supply of Chemical Fertilizers ············································ 226 18. 가축사육 Number of Livestock, Poultry and Feeders ····················· 228 19. 가축 전염병 발생 Infectious Livestock Diseases by Case ······························ 231 20. 가축 전염병 예방주사 실적 Livestock Vaccinated Against Infectious Diseases ······ ··· · 232

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    21. 수의사 현황 Number of Veterinarians ···················································· 234 22. 도축검사 Inspection of Slaughtered Livestock ································ 236 23. 배합사료 생산 Production of Assorted Feed ············································ 238 24. 축산물 위생관계업소 Number of Licensed Livestock Products Premised

    by Business Type ································································· 240 25. 소유별 산림 면적 Area of Forest Land by Ownership ································· 242 26. 임상별 산림 면적 Area of Forest Land by Forest Type ······························· 244 27. 임상별 임목 축적 Growing Stock by Forest Type ······································· 245 28. 임산물 생산량 Production of Forest Products ·········································· 246 29. 사방사업 Erosion Control ···································································· 248 30. 조 림 Reforestation by Project ····················································· 250 31. 산림 피해 Forest Damage ···································································· 252 32. 병충해 발생 및 방제상황 Forest Damage Occurrence and Prevention

    by Forest Pest Insect and Disease ··································· 254

    33. 어가 및 어가 인구 Fishery Households and Population ································ 256 34. 어가인구(연령별) Fishery Households and Population(by Age) ················· 258 35. 어업종사가구원 Fishery Workers ··································································· 258 36. 어선보유 Fishing Vessel Ownership ·················································· 260 37. 근해어업 허가현황 Permits of Off-shore Fishery ············································· 262 38. 수산물 어획고 Fish Catches of Fishery Products ····································· 262 39. 수산물 가공품 생산고 Production of Processed Fishery Commodities ·············· 262 40. 수산물 생산량 및 판매금액 Cooperative Sales of Fishery Products ···························· 264 41. 친환경농산물 출하현황 Shipments of Eco-Friendly Agricultural Livestock Products · · 266 42. 화훼류 재배현황 Cultivation of Flower ·························································· 268

    Ⅶ. 광업ㆍ제조업 및 에너지 Mining, Manufacturing and Energy

    1. 광업 및 제조업 Mining and Manufacturing ················································ 272 2. 사업체 규모별(중분류별) 광업 및 제조업 Mining and Manufacturing by Division of Industry ·· · · · · · 278 3. 제조업 중분류별 사업체수 및 종사자수 Number of Establishments and Workers

    by Division of Manufacturing Industry ······························ 284 4. 광종별 광구수 Number of Mines by Kind ················································ 292 5. 광산물 생산 Mineral Production ······························································ 293 6. 산업 및 농공단지 Industrial & Agricultural Complex ···································· 294 7. 민수용탄 수급 Demand and Supply of Coals for Residential and

    Commercial Uses ································································· 298 8. 연탄 생산 Briquet Production ······························································ 300 9. 석유류 소비량 Petroleum Consumption ····················································· 301 10. 신재생에너지 지역별 설비용량(고유단위) Facility Of New & Renewable Energy By Region

    (Original Unit, 2012) ··························································· 302

    Ⅷ. 전기ㆍ가스ㆍ수도 Electricity, Gas and Water-Supply

    1. 발전현황 Electricity Generation ·························································· 304 2. 용도별 전력사용량 Electric Power Consumption by Use ······························· 306 3. 제조업 중분류별 전력사용량 Electric Power Consumption by Division of Industry 308 4. 가스 공급량 Gas Supply ··········································································· 310 5. 도시가스 이용현황 LNG Consumption by Use ················································· 311 6. 도시가스 보급률 LNG Supply Rate by Region ··········································· 312 7. 상 수 도 Public Water Services ························································· 313

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    8. 상수도관 Public Water Pipe ····························································· 314 9. 급수 사용량 Consumption of Water Supplied ···································· 318 10. 급수 사용료 부과 Charges for Water Consumption ···································· 320 11. 하수도 인구 및 보급률 Sewage Population and Distribution Rate ···················· 322 12. 하수 사용료 부과 Charges for Use of Sewage Facilities ···························· 324 13. 하수관거 Sewage Pipe ······································································· 326

    Ⅸ. 유통ㆍ금융ㆍ보험 및 기타서비스 Trade, Banking, Insurance and Other services

    1. 유통업체 현황 Distribution Stores ····························································· 332 2. 금융기관 Financial Institutions ·························································· 336 3. 금융기관 예금, 대출 및 어음 Deposits, Loans and Bills of Financial Institutions ··· · · · 338 4. 가계대출 규모 Volume of House Loan ···················································· 342 5. 새마을 금고 및 신용협동조합 Sammaeul Funds and Credit Union Federations ········· 344 6. 소비자 물가지수 Consumer Price Indexes ··················································· 346 6-1. 주요품목 소비자 물가 지수 Consumer Price Indexes of Major Commodities ········· 354 7. 농수산물 도매시장별 유통량 Trading Volume of Agricultural and Fishery Products,

    by Wholesale Markets ······················································ 358 8. 수출입 통관 실적 Exports and Imports Cleared ·········································· 360 8-1. 수출 실적 Exports ················································································· 362 8-2. 수입 실적 Imports ················································································ 364 9. 농림수산물 수출입실적 Exports and Imports of Agricultural, Forestry

    & Flshery Products ··························································· 366 10. 상공회의소 현황 Chamber Of Commerce and Industry ························· 368 11. 해외시장개척 추진실적 Overseas Market Development ······································· 370 12. 외국인 직접투자 신고실적 Notification for Foreign Direct Investments ················· 372

    Ⅹ. 주택ㆍ건설 Housing and Construction

    1. 주택현황 및 보급률 Type of Housing Units and Housing Supply Rate · · · · · 378 2. 건축연도별 주택 Housing Units by Year of Construction ························ 380 3. 연면적별 주택 Housing Units by Floor Space ········································ 382 4. 건축 허가 Building Construction Permits ········································· 384 4-1. 시군별 건축허가 Building Construction Permits by Si, Gun ···················· 388 5. 아파트 건립 Construction of Apartment ················································ 390 6. 주택가격 Housing Price ····································································· 392 7. 토지거래허가 Permits For Land Transaction ········································· 394 8. 지가변동률 Land Price Changing Rate ··············································· 396 9. 토지거래 현황 Land Transactions by Use and Purpose ······················· 398 10. 용도지역 By Use ················································································· 402 11. 용도지구 Land by Purpose ······························································· 408 12. 개발제한구역 Areas of Restricted Development(Green Belts) ············ 412 13. 공 원 Parks ···················································································· 416 14. 하 천 Rivers and Streams ··························································· 419 15. 하천부지 점용 Use of River Sites ····························································· 420 16. 도 로 Roads ··················································································· 422 17. 도로시설물 Road Facilities ···································································· 426 18. 교 량 Bridges ················································································ 428 19. 건설장비 Construction Machinery and Equipments ····················· 432

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    Ⅺ. 교통ㆍ관광 및 정보통신 Transportation,Tourism and Information Telecommunications

    1. 자동차 등록 Registered Motor Vehicles ··············································· 436 1-1. 시군별 자동차 등록 Registered Motor Vehicles by Si∙Gun ···························· 438 2. 업종별 운수업체 Transportation Companies, by Type of Business ··········· 440 3. 영업용 자동차 업종별 수송 Transportation of Commercial Motor Vehicles,

    by Type of Business ························································· 442 4. 천연가스 버스현황 Cng Buses ········································································· 444 5. 자전거 도로현황 Bicycle Paths ······································································· 445 6. 도로별 교통량 Traffic Volume at Road ···················································· 446 7. 1일 교통량 수송 분담률 Composition of Daily Passenger Transportation ·········· 450 8. 차량속도 Speed of Motor Vehicles ················································· 452 9. 주 차 장 Parking Lot ········································································· 454 10. 철도 수송 Railway Transportation ······················································ 456 11. 여객선 수송 Transportation of Passenger Vessels ······························ 464 12. 해운화물 수송 Tonnage Carried by Vessel ·············································· 466 13. 관광사업체 등록 Registration of Tourist Service Establishments ············· 468 14. 주요 관광지 방문객수 Number of Visitors ···························································· 472 15. 지정(법정) 관광지 현황 및 방문객수 Desigated Tourist Attractions and Number of The Visitors 473 16. 우편시설 Postal Service Facilities ····················································· 474 17. 우편물 취급 Handling of Postal Matters ············································· 476 18. 우편요금 수입 Receipts from Postal Charges ········································· 478

    Ⅻ. 보건 및 사회보장 Health and Social Security 1. 의료기관 Number of Medical Institutions ······································ 482 2. 의료기관종사 의료인력 Number of Medical Personnels Employed

    in Medical Institutions ······················································ 484 3. 보건소 인력 Number of Staffs in Health Centers ······························ 486 4. 보건지소 및 보건진료소 인력 Number of Staffs in Health Subcenters and

    Primary Health Care Centers ··········································· 488 5. 부정의료업자(의료인) 단속 실적 Regulation for Illegal Medical Practices

    (Medical Practitioners etc.) ··············································· 490 6. 부정의료업자(의료기관) 단속 실적 Regulation for Illegal Medical Practices

    (Medical Institutions) ························································· 492 7. 의약품등 제조업소 및 판매업소 Manufactures and Stores of Pharmaceutical Goods etc. 494 8. 식품위생관계업소 Number of Licensed Food Premises, by Business Type 496 9. 공중위생관계업소 Number of Licensed Sanitary Premises, by Business Type 500 10. 예방접종 Vaccinations Against Major Communicable Diseases · · · 502 11. 법정전염병 발생 및 사망 Incidents of Communicable Diseases and Deaths ······· 504 12. 한센병 보건소 등록 Registered Leprosy Patients at Health Centers ············ 508 13. 결핵환자 현황 Registered Tuberculosis Patients ····································· 510 14. 보건소 구강보건사업 실적 Oral Health Activities at Health Centers ······················· 512 15. 모자보건사업 실적 Maternal and Child Health Care Activities ···················· 514 16. 건강보험 적용인구 Beneficiaries of Health Insurance ···································· 516 17. 건강보험급여 Benefits in Medical Insurance ········································· 520 18. 건강보험대상자 진료실적 Medical Treatment Activities of The Medically Insured 522 19. 국민연금가입자 Number of National Pension Insurants ························· 526 20. 국민연금급여 지급현황 National Pension Insurants Payment Status ················· 528

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    21. 국가보훈대상자 Number of Patriots and Veterans ·································· 532 22. 국가보훈대상자 취업 Employment of Patriots & Veterans ···························· 536 23. 국가보훈대상자∙자녀 취학 Educational Benefits for Patriots & Veterans, and

    Their Families ····································································· 538 24. 노인여가복지시설 Senior Leisure Service Facilities ······································· 540 25. 노인주거복지시설 Senior Home Service Facilities ········································ 542 26. 노인의료복지시설 Senior Medical Service Facilities ····································· 544 27. 재가노인복지시설 Community Senior Service Facilities ······························· 546 28. 국민기초생활보장 수급자 Basic Livelihood Security Recipients ······························· 548 29. 기초노령연금 수급자 수 Number of Basic Senior Pension Recipients ················ 550 30. 여성복지시설 Women's Welfare Institutions ·········································· 552 31. 여성폭력상담 Counseling Activities for Women ··································· 553 32. 소년·소녀 가정 현황 The State of Households Headed by Child ················· 554 33. 아동복지시설 Children Welfare Institutions ········································· 556 34. 장애인복지시설 Welfare Institutions for The Disabled ···························· 558 35. 장애인등록현황 Registered Disabled Persons ··········································· 560 36. 부랑인시설 Homeless Institutions ························································ 562 37. 저소득 및 한부모가족 Low-Income Single Parent Families ································ 564 38. 묘지 및 봉안시설 Cemeteries, Crematorium and Charnel Houses ············ 566 39. 헌혈사업 Blood Donation Activities ················································· 568 40. 방문건강관리사업 실적 Home Visiting Health Service ·········································· 572 41. 건강생활 실천교육 Health Life Practice ··························································· 574 42. 성인병예방 및 관리교육 Adult Disease Prevention ················································· 576 43. 보육시설 Day Care Centers for Children ········································ 578 44. 자원봉사자 현황 Volunteers ··········································································· 580 45. 독거노인 현황(성별) The Elderly Living Alone(By Gende) ······························· 582 45-1. 독거노인 현황(연령별) The Elderly Living Alone(By Age) ··································· 584

    ⅩⅢ.. 환 경 Environment

    1. 환경오염물질 배출시설 Environmental Pollutant Emitting Facilities ··················· 588 2. 환경오염 배출시설 단속 및 행정조치 Inspection & Administative Measures for

    Environmental Pollutant Emitting Facilities ··················· 590 3. 배출부과금 부과 및 징수현황 Imposition & Collection of Pollution Charges ············· 592 4. 보건환경검사실적 Health and Environmental Inspection ···························· 594 5. 대기오염 Air Pollutant Emission ······················································· 596 6. 소 음 도 Noise Levels ······································································· 602 7. 쓰레기 수거 Waste Collection and Disposal ······································· 604 8. 생활폐기물 매립지 General Waste Landfill ······················································ 610 9. 폐기물 재활용률 Waste Recycling Rate ······················································· 612 10. 하수 및 분뇨발생량 및 처리현황 Sewage & Night Soil Discharge and Treatment ····· ··· · 614 11. 하수종말처리장 Sewage Treatment Plants ················································· 620 12. 수질오염 Water Pollution by Rivers ················································ 648 13. 시설녹지 현황 Greenlands ·········································································· 656

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    ⅪⅤ. 교육 및 문화 Education and Culture 1. 학교 총 개황 Summary of Schools ························································· 660 2. 유 치 원 Kindergartens ······································································ 662 3. 초등학교 Elementary Schools ··························································· 664 4. 중학교(국·공립) Middle Schools(National and Public) ····························· 666 5. 중학교(사립) Middle Schools(Private) ····················································· 668 6. 일반 고등학교(국·공립) General High Schools(National and Public) ·················· 670 7. 일반 고등학교(사립) General High Schools(Private) ········································· 672 8. 특성화 고등학교(국·공립) Specialized High Schools(National and Public) ············ 674 9. 특성화 고등학교(사립) Specialized High Schools(Private) ··································· 676 10. 특수목적 고등학교(국·공립) Special-Purposed High Schools(National and Public) 678 11. 특수목적 고등학교(사립) Special-Purposed High Schools (Private) ······················· 680 12. 자율 고등학교(국·공립) Autonomous High School(National And Public) ·········· 682 13. 자율 고등학교(사립) Autonomous High School(Private)  ································· 684 14. 전문대학 및 대학 Junior Colleges And College ··········································· 686 15. 교육대학교 University of Education ····················································· 688 16. 대 학 교 Universities ·········································································· 690 17. 대 학 원 Graduate Schools ······························································· 692 18. 기타학교 Other Schools ····································································· 694 19. 적령아동 취학 Enrollments of Children at the Right Age

    for Compulsory Education ··············································· 696 20. 사설학원 및 독서실 Private Institute and Reading Room ······························ 698 21. 공공 도서관 Public Libraries ··································································· 700 22. 박 물 관(물질별 분류) Museums ············································································· 712 23. 문 화 재 Cultural Properties ····························································· 720 24. 예 술 단 Art Performing Organizations ·········································· 722 25. 문화공간 Cultural Facilities ································································ 726 26. 체육시설 Public Sports Facilities ······················································ 728 27. 청소년 수련시설 Youth Facilities ··································································· 732 28. 언론 매체 Mass Media ········································································ 734 29. 출판, 인쇄 및 기록매체업 현황 (산업세분류별)

    Publishing, Printing and Reproduction of RecordedMedia Companies (By Industrial Classes) ······················ 736

    ⅩⅤ. 재 정 Public Finance

    1. 국세 징수 Collection of National Taxes ··········································· 740 2. 지방세 부담 Local Tax Burden ······························································· 742 3. 지방세 징수 Collection of Local Taxes ··············································· 744 4. 예산결산 총괄 Summary of Budget and Settlement ····························· 746 5. 일반회계 세입 예산개요 Budget Revenues of General Accounts ························· 748 6. 일반회계 세입결산 Settled Revenues of General Accounts ························· 750 6-1. 시∙군별 일반회계 세입결산 Settled Revenues of General Accounts by Si∙Gun ·· · · · · 751 7. 일반회계 세출 예산개요 Budget Expenditure of General Accounts ····················· 752 8. 일반회계 세출결산 Settled Expenditure of General Accounts ····················· 754 8-1. 시∙군별 일반회계 세출결산(결산액) Settled Expenditure of General Accounts by Si∙Gun 756 9. 도 특별회계 예산결산 Settled Budget of Special Accounts by Province ·· · · · · 758 10. 시∙군별 특별회계 예산결산 Budget of Special Accounts by Si∙Gun ························· 760 11. 교육비 특별회계 세입결산 Settled Revenues of Special Accounts for Education ····· · 762

  • 12

    12. 교육비 특별회계 세출결산 Settled Expenditure of Special Accounts for Education 764 13. 도 공유재산 Public Properties Commonly Owned by Province ······· 766 14. 시∙군 공유재산 Public Properties Commonly Owned by Si∙Gun ·········· 768 15. 지방재정 자립지표 Local Finance Independence Indicator ··························· 772

    ⅩⅥ. 소득 및 지출 Income and Exenditure

    1. 도내 총생산 및 지출 총괄 Summary of Gross Regional Domestic Product and Expenditure ··································································· 774

    2. 경제활동별 도내 총생산(당해년가격) Gross Regional Domestic Product by Economic Activity(At 2010 Current Prices) ·············· 776

    3. 경제활동별 도내 총생산(기준년가격) Gross Regional Domestic Product by Economic Activity(At 2010 Constant Prices) ··········· 778

    4. 도내 총생산에 대한 지출(당해년가격) Expenditure on GRDP(At 2010 Current Prices) ············ 780 5. 도내 총생산에 대한 지출(기준년가격) Expenditure on GRDP(At 2010 Constant Prices) ·········· 782

    ⅩⅦ. 공공행정 및 사법 Public Administration and Justice

    1. 공무원 총괄 Summary of Government Employees(Authorized) ········ 786 2. 도 본청 공무원 Government Employees of Head Office ························ 788 3. 도 직속기관, 출장소, 사업소, 의회 공무원

    Government Employees of Provincial Council, Direct or Affiliated Agencies ························································· 790

    4. 시∙군 공무원 Government Employees of Si∙Gun ·································· 792 5. 읍∙면∙동 공무원 Government Employees of Eup∙Myeon∙Dong ··············· 794 6. 소방 공무원 Fire-fighting Officials ························································· 796 7. 국회의원 및 시군구의원 Member of Assembly ······················································· 798 8. 경찰공무원 Police Officials ···································································· 799 9. 퇴직사유별 공무원 Government Employees by Cause of Retirement ········ 800 10. 관내 관공서 및 주요기관 Number of Government & Public Offices, & Major Agencies 802 11. 민원서류 처리 Handling of Civil Request Documents ··························· 806 12. 여권 발급 Passport Issues ··································································· 808 13. 범죄발생 및 검거 Criminal Offenses and Arrests ········································· 810 14. 연령별 피의자 Suspects by Age-group ···················································· 814 15. 학력별 피의자 Suspects by Education Background ······························· 816 16. 소년 범죄 Juvenile Delinquency ························································· 818 17. 화재 발생 Fire Incidents ······································································ 820 18. 발화요인별 화재발생 Fire Incidents by Cause ···················································· 822 19. 장소별 화재발생 Fire Incidents by Place ····················································· 824 20. 산불발생 현황 Forest Fires ········································································· 826 21. 소방 장비 Fire-fighting Equipment ···················································· 828 22. 119 구급활동 실적 Performance of EMS Activity ··········································· 832 23. 119 구조활동 실적 Performance of 119 Rescue Activity ······························ 834 24. 재난사고발생 및 피해현황 Calamities and Damage ··················································· 836 25. 풍수해 발생 Damage from Storms and Floods ·································· 840 26. 소방대상물 현황 Facilities Subject to Fire-fighting Regulation ················ 842 27. 위험물제조소 설치현황 Manufactory, Stores and Agencies of Dangerous Objects 846 28. 교통사고 발생(자동차) Traffic Accidents(Automobile) ·········································· 848 29. 자동차단속 및 처리 Traffic Regulation and Punishment of Violations · · · · · · 850 30. 운전면허 소지자 Number of Driver's License Holders ······························ 854 31. 운전면허 시험 실시 Driving Test for Driver's License ····································· 856

  • 13


    ⅩⅧ. 전국통계 National Statistics

    1. 전국행정구역 총괄 Summary of Administrative Units ···································· 860 2. 인구 추이 Population Trend ································································ 862 3. 연령(5세 계급)별 인구 Population by 5-year Age Group ···································· 864 4. 주요경제지표 Major Economic Indicators ················································ 866 5. 경제활동 인구 Economically Active Population ········································ 874 6. 산업별 취업자 Employed Persons by Industry ········································· 878 7. 직업별 취업자 Employed Persons by Occupation ··································· 880 8. 지역별 산업생산·출하·재고지수 Industrial Production, Shipment and Inventory by Province 882 9. 도시근로자의 가구당 월평균 가계수지 Average Monthly Income and Expenditure per Household

    for Urban Salary and Wage Earners' Households ···· ······ ····· 884

    10. 전가구 가구당 월평균 가계지출 Monthly Expenditure per Household for All Households ······························································ 902

    11. 생산자 물가지수 Producer Price Indexes ······················································ 918 12. 소비자 물가지수 Consumer Price Indexes ···················································· 932 13. 통합 재정수지 Consolidated Central Government Statistics ·················· 938 14. 국내 총생산에 대한 지출 Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product ······················· 942 15. 경제활동별 국내총생산 및 국민총소득 Gross Domestic Product, by Kind of Economic

    Activity and Gross National Income ································ 944

    16. 지역내 총생산 Gross Regional Domestics Product ·································· 948 17. 수출입 총괄 Summary of Exports and Imports ··································· 950 18. 주요국별 수출 Exports by Major Country(Destination) ··························· 952 19. 주요국별 수입 Imports by Major Country(Origin) ··································· 958 20. 자동차 등록 Number of Registered Motor Vehicles ························· 966

    ⅪⅩ. 국제통계 International Statistics 1. 국토면적 및 장래인구 Surface Area & Population Prospects ····························· 970 2. 조출생률 및 조사망률 Crude Birth and Crude Death Rates ······························· 972 3. 실 업 률 Unemployment Rates ························································· 973 4. 물가지수 Price Indices ········································································· 974 5. 수출·수입 Exports and Imports ··························································· 976 6. 수출·입 단가지수 Export and Import Unit Value Indexes ··························· 978 7. 국제수지(경상수지) Balance of Payments(At Current Account) ····················· 980 8. 무역의존도 Trade Dependency Rates ··················································· 982 9. 국민총소득(당해년가격) Gross National Income(At Current Prices) ······················ 984 10. 1인당 국민총소득(당해년가격) GDP Per Capita(At Current Prices) ································· 986 11. 국내총생산(당해년가격) Gross Domestic Product(At Current Prices) ··················· 987 12. 경제성장률(기준년가격 GDP) GDP Growth Rates(At Constant Prices) ··························· 988 13. 남북한 주요 경제지표 Major Economic Indicators of Republic of Korea and D.P.R.K

    (2014)(Democratic People's Republic of Korea) ·············· 989

    ⅩⅩ. 부 록 Appendix

    1. 경기도 교류지역 Sister and Friendship Cities ·············································· 992 2. 경기도 기구표 Organizational Chart of Gyeonggi Province ·················· 993 3. 도의회 기구표 Organizational Chart of Gyeonggi Province Assembly 997 4. 황해경제구역청 Yellow Sea Free Economic Zone ····································· 999

  • 14

  • Ⅰ. 연 혁

    History 제55회 2015 경



  • 1. 우리도의 연혁16

    경기도는 한반도의 허리를 가로지른 한강의 젖줄을 따라 구석기 시대부터 부족 국가가 형성됨.

    BC.75년 진국이 삼국으로 분리되면서 한강 이남 지역까지 세력을 미쳤던 마한과 진한의

    땅으로 되었고 정치적으로는 월지국 맹주 진왕의 지배 하에 있었음.

    BC.18년 백제의 시조 온조가 광주를 도읍지로 백제를 건국한 이래 400년 동안 백제의 영지가


    AD.405년 고구려 제19대 광개토대왕 영락 6-14년 고구려는 백제 정복에 올라 대방수역

    (경기와 황해)에서 해군을 격파하고 서해의 해상권을 장악, 계속 남하하여 임진,

    한강 양유역 일대를 점령하였으며, 고구려와 백제 양국간의 분쟁지로 되어 오던 중

    마침내 신라가 삼국을 통일하게 되었음.

    AD.757년 신라 제35대 경덕왕 16년에 당나라 제도를 모방하여 전국을 9주제로 실시한 바

    한주에 속하였음. 고려 제6대 성종왕때 전국을 10도제로 실시 한 바 관내도가 됨.

    1029년 고려 제8대 현종왕 때 양광도로 개칭되고 개성 및 부근 13현을 중앙의 직할로 하여

    경기도라 칭하였음. 고려 제34대 공양왕 때 경기우도, 경기좌도 양도로 분할하였음.

    1402년 조선 제3대 태종왕때 전국을 8도제로 실시한 바 경기도라 칭하였음. 서울특별시

    부근은 이를 한성부라 하여 중앙의 직할로 하였음.

    1895. 5.26 칙령 제98호로 8도제 폐지. 23부제 실시에 따라 한성, 인천, 개성 3부로 됨.

    1896. 8. 4 칙령 제36호로 13도제 실시에 따라 경기도 부활(3부 34군).

    1910년 도청을 수원에서 경성부(서울)로 이전, 중앙 직할이던 한성부를 경성부로 개칭.

    경기도에 편입(한일합방).

    1914. 3. 1 부령 제111호로 부군면 폐합(2부 20군).

    1930.10. 1 부령 제68호로 지방행정제도 개혁에 따라 읍면제 실시, 송도면이 개성부로 승격

    (3부 20군 2읍 223면).

  • 17


    1945. 8.15 38선을 경계로 연천군의 대부분과 가평, 포천, 파주, 장단, 개성, 개풍 등의 일부지역이

    38선 이북에, 황해도의 연백, 옹진군의 대부분이 38선 이남에 각각 소재한 상태로

    해방.(3부 20군 10읍 229면)

    1945.11. 3 군정법령 제22호로 38선을 경계로 한 경기도, 황해도의 소속을 달리하는 행정구역을

    조정(3부 21군 10읍 231면).

    1946. 9.18 군정법령 제106호로 경성부가 서울특별시로 승격되어 경기도로부터 분리

    (2부 21군 10읍 231면).

    1949. 8.15 법률 제32호로 지방자치제 실시에 따라 부를 시로 개칭.

    대통령령 제159호로 고양군 숭인면을 서울특별시로 편입.

    대통령령 제160호로 고양군 은평면, 뚝도면과 시흥군의 3개리(도림리, 번대방리,

    구로리)를 서울특별시로 편입.

    대통령령 제161호로 수원군 수원읍을 시로 승격, 수원군의 명칭을 화성군으로 개칭.

    대통령령 제162호로 시흥군 안양면을 읍으로 승격(3시 21군 10읍 228면).

    1954.10.21 법률 제350호로 "수복지구임시행정조치법" 시행에 따라 연천군 및 포천군의 북부

    지역은 정식 수복 되었으나 휴전선 이북에 위치한 5개시군 개성, 개풍, 장단, 옹진,

    연백 중 옹진군의 2개 면을 제외하고는 수복되지 않음.(2시 19군 8읍 194면).

    1963. 1. 1 법률 제1172호로 양주군 노해면과 구리면의 5개리, 광주군 구천면, 언주면, 중대면과

    대왕면의 5개리, 김포군 양동면과 양서면, 부천군 오정면의 2개리 소사읍의 7개리,

    시흥군 신동면과 동면의 5개리가 각각 서울특별시로 편입.

    법률 제1175호로 화성군 일왕면의 9개리가 의왕면이 되어 시흥군에 편입, 수원시

    편입 잔여 지역인 태장면의 8개리와 안용면의 6개리를 합하여 태안면 신설, 양주군

    화도면의 3개리와 진접면의 1개리, 가평군 외서면의 3개리를 합하여 수동면을 신설.

    법률 제1175호로 부천군 영종면 운남리의 작약도가 인천시로 편입, 화성군

    안용면의 6개리, 태장면의 3개리, 일왕면의 11개리가 각각 수원시에 편입, 여주군

    개군면을 양평군에 편입, 용인군 고삼면을 안성군에 편입.

    법률 제1176호로 양주군 의정부읍을 시로 승격.

    법률 제1178호로 철원군 신서면을 연천군에 편입, 장단군 군내면을 파주군 임진면에

    편입(3시 19군 10읍 185면).

  • 18

    1963.12.16 법률 제1538호로 경기도청 위치를 수원시 권선구 매산로 3가 1번지로 변경 공포

    1967. 6.23 도청 청사 이전.(서울→수원 현위치)

    1967. 7. 1 경기도 조례 제309호(1967.6.2)로 의정부시에 경기도 북부출장소 설치.

    1968. 1. 1 법률 제1919호로 인천시에 중구, 동구, 남구, 북구의 4개구 설치.

    1971. 8.18 경기도 조례 제470호로 경기도 성남출장소를 설치하고 광주군의 대왕면, 낙생면,

    돌마면 일원과 중부면중 단대리, 상대원리, 탄리, 수진리, 복정리 및 창곡리를 관할.

    1973. 7. 1 대통령령 제6543호(1973.3.12공포)로 양주군 구리면, 파주군 아동면, 임진면, 가평군

    가평면, 강화군 강화면, 고양군 신도면을 각각 읍으로 승격.

    법률 제2596호(1973.3.12공포)로 신도면의 구파발리, 진관내리, 진관외리를 서울시에 편입.

    법률 제2597호(1973.3.12공포)로 부천군을 폐지하고 소래면을 시흥군에 계양면,

    오정면을 김포군에 영종면, 북도면, 용유면, 덕적면, 영흥면 및 대부면을 옹진군에 각각


    법률 제2597호(1973.3.12공포)로 경기도 성남출장소,시흥군 안양읍, 부천군 소사읍을

    각각 시로 승격(6시 4구 18군 14읍 180면)

    1975.10. 1 대통령령 제7817호(1975. 9. 23공포)로 김포군 오정면을 부천시에 편입

    (6시 4구 18군 14읍 180면).

    1979. 8.10 경기도 조례 제969호(1979.8.1공포)로 경기도 반월출장소를 설치하고 화성군 반월면

    1리, 2리, 4리, 팔곡2리, 시흥군 수암면 양상리, 부곡리, 성포리, 월피리, 고잔리, 와리

    및 군자면 신길리, 성곡리, 목내리, 초지리, 원곡리, 선부리를 관할.

    1980.12. 1 대통령령 제10050호(1980. 12. 1공포)로 시흥군 의왕면, 소래면, 광주군 동부면,

    고양군 벽제면, 중면(일산읍), 남양주군 와부면, 파주군 주내면, 7개면이 읍으로

    승격(6시 4구 19군 32읍 162면).

    1981. 7. 1 법률 제3424호(1981.4.13공포)로 인천시가 정부 직할시로 승격 분리되고,

    법률 제3425호(1981.4.13공포)로 광명, 송탄, 동두천시 설치(8시 19군 29읍 162면).

  • 19


    1982. 6.10 경기도 조례 제1256호(1982. 6. 10공포 )로 과천지구지원 사업소를 과천지구출장소로 승격.

    1983. 2.15 대통령령 제11027호(1983.1.10공포)로 시군간 경계조정(10개지역)

    ·편입 받은 지역 → 포천군 관인면, 연천군 청산면, 파주군 광탄면, 평택군 진위면,

    시흥군 의왕읍, 평택군 평택읍, 수원시, 부천시, 광명시, 동두천시.

    1986. 1. 1 법률 제3798호(1985.12.28공포)로 시승격(2개읍, 2출장소)

    ·남양주군 구리읍(구리시), 평택군 평택읍(평택시), 반월지구출장소(안산시),

    과천지구출장소(과천시) - (12시 19군 33읍 159면).

    1987. 1. 1 대통령령 제12007호(1986.12.23공포)로 시군간 경계조정 (5개지역)

    ·광명시 소하동 일부 → 안양시 석수동, 화성군 양감면 고금리 → 평택군 청북면,

    화성군 매송면 금곡리, 호매실리 → 수원시, 평택군 서탄면 적봉2리 → 송탄시

    서정동, 파주군 광탄면 기산1리 → 양주군 백석면

    1988. 1. 1 대통령령 제12367호(1987.12.3공포 )로 부천시에 2개구 설치(남구,중구).

    1988. 7. 1 시 조례 제1452호(1988.6.30공포)로 수원시에 2개구 설치(장안, 권선).

    시 조례 제858호(1988.6.30공포)로 성남시에 2개 출장소 설치(수정, 중원), 은행

    2동의 분동 → 은행2동, 3동. 돌마, 대왕, 낙생출장소 폐지.

    1989. 1. 1 법률 제4050호(1988.12.31공포)로 시승격(6개시)

    ·남양주군 미금읍을 미금시로, 화성군 오산읍을 오산시로, 시흥군 소래읍·군자면·

    수암면을 합해서 시흥시로, 시흥군 군포읍을 군포시로, 시흥군 의왕읍을 의왕시

    로, 광주군 동부읍·서부면·중부면 상산곡리를 합해서 하남시로 각각 승격.

    법률 제4051호(1988. 12.31공포)로 시도간 경계 조정.

    ·김포군 계양면 → 인천직할시 북구로, 옹진군 영종, 용유면 → 인천직할시 중구로 변경.

    대통령령 제12557호 (1988.12.22)로 시군간 경계 조정.

    ·포천군 관인면 부곡리 → 연천군 연천읍.

    1989. 4. 1 군 조례로 읍 승격 및 면 설치(3읍 4면).

    읍 승격(3) : 남양주군 진접읍, 파주군 법원읍. 이천군 부발읍

    면 설치(4) : 남양주군 퇴계원면, 여주군 산북면. 평택군 안중면, 연천군

    장남면(18시 18군 30읍 155면)

  • 20

    1989. 5. 1 성남시 조례 제931호(1989.4.26공포)로 2개구 설치(수정, 중원).안양시 조례 제931호( 1989. 4. 10공포 )로 2개 출장소 설치(만안, 동안)

    1991. 9.17 성남시 조례 제1152호(1991.9.17공포)로 성남시에 분당구 설치.

    1992. 2. 1 법률 제4417호로 고양군 전역을 고양시로 승격.

    1992. 10. 1 안양시 조례 제1173호로 안양시에 2개구 설치. 만안구, 동안구

    1993. 2.11 수원시 조례 제1837호( 1993.1.20공포 )로 팔달구(10동) 설치.

    부천시 조례 제1215호(1993.1.16공포)로 오정구 설치.

    · 오정구(여월동, 작동, 원종동, 고강동, 오정동, 대장동, 내동, 삼정동).

    부천시 조례 제1216호( 1993.1.16 공포 )로 구 및 동 명칭 변경

    · 남구가 소사구, 중구가 원미구, 남구 심곡동을 소사구 심곡본동으로 명칭 변경.

    1994.12.26 대통령령 제14434호(1994.12.22공포)로 시군간 경계 조정· 안양시 만안구 안양동 일부 → 군포시.

    · 안양시 동안구 호계동 일부 → 군포시, 평촌동 일부 → 의왕시.

    · 군포시 산본동 일부 → 안양시, 당정동 일부 → 의왕시.

    · 화성군 태안읍 영통리․신․망포리 일부와 반월면 입북리, 산수리일원 → 수원시· 화성군 반월면 팔곡일리, 건건리, 사사리 일원 → 안산시.

    · 화성군 반월면 둔대리, 속달리, 대야미리, 도마교리 일원 → 군포시.

    · 용인군 기흥읍 영덕리 일부 → 수원시.

    · 옹진군 대부면 일원 → 안산시.

    1995. 1. 1 법률 제4774호( 1994. 8. 3공포 )로 미금시와 남양주군을 통합하여 남양주시 설치.

    1995. 3. 1 법률 제4802호(1994.12.22 공포)로

    · 김포군 검단면, 강화군, 옹진군(대부면 제외) → 인천광역시로 편입

    · 시도간 경계 변경

    - 인천광역시 북구 서운동 일부 → 부천시 오정구,

    - 서울특별시 구로구 개봉동 일부와 오류동 일부 → 광명시 광명동,

    - 광명시 철산동, 하안동, 소하동, 광명동 일부와 고양시 지축동 일부 → 서울시로

    - 여주군 강천면 대둔리 → 강원도 원주군 문막면으로 변경

  • 21


    1995. 4.20 대통령령 제14629호(1995.4.20 공포)로 시․군간 경계 조정.· 화성군 태안읍 화리, 망포리 → 수원시 팔달구,

    · 군포시 산본동 일부 → 안양시 만안구 안양동,

    · 시흥시 장상, 장하, 수암동과 화정동 일부 → 안산시로,

    · 평택시 진위면 갈부리, 청호리, 고현리일부 → 오산시

    1995. 5.10 법률 제4948호(1995.5.10 공포)로

    송탄시, 평택시, 평택군을 통합하여 평택시 신설.

    1996. 3. 1 고양시 조례 제303호(1996. 2.17공포)로 덕양구(17개동), 일산구(17개동)설치

    법률 제4994호(1995.12. 6공포)로 용인군을 용인시로, 파주군을 파주시로, 이천군을

    이천시로 승격

    1998. 4. 1 법률 제5458호(1997.12.17공포)로

    안성군을 안성시로, 김포군을 김포시로 승격

    2000. 1.12 법률 제6114호(2000.1.12공포)로

    강원도 철원군 동송읍 오지ㆍ상로리 일부 경기도 포천군 포천읍으로 경계조정

    경기도 포천군 관인읍 단동리 일부 강원도 철원군으로 경계조정

    2001. 3.21 법률 제6280호(2000.12.20공포)로

    화성군을 화성시로, 광주군을 광주시로 승격

    2002.11. 1 안산시 조례 제1027호(2002. 11. 1공포)로 상록구와 단원구 설치

    2003.10.19 법률 제6928호(2003. 7.18공포)로

    양주군을 양주시로, 포천군을 포천시로 승격

    2003.11.24 수원시 조례 제2441호(2003.10.17공포)로 영통구 설치

    2005. 5.16 고양시 조례 제892호(2005. 4. 8공포)로 일산구를 일산서구와 일산동구로 분구 설치

    2005.10.31 용인시 조례 제663호(2005. 10. 5공포)로 처인구, 기흥구, 수지구 설치

    2013. 9.23 법률 제11850호(2013. 6. 4공포)로 여주군을 여주시로 승격

  • 22

    Since the Paleolithic Age, various tribes of people have inhabited Gyeonggi Province, and in particular along the banks of the Han River, which spans the Korean Peninsula.

    BC.75 With the division of the country known as Jin into three separate nations, the area constituting Gyeonggi Province became the territories of Ma Han and Jin Han,

    which were a part of what was known as Samhan. These territories, ruled by King Jin

    of the nation of Wolji, extended to the south of the Han River Basin.

    BC.18 For the next 400 years the area comprising Gyeonggi-do was the territory of Baekje.

    AD.405 Then in the 6-14th years of the reign of King Gwanggaeto, 19th leader of the Goguryeo dynasty, Goguryeo invaded Baekje, destroying its navy, both in Gyeonggi

    and in Hwanghae, thereby gaining naval superiority in the West Sea. King

    Gwanggaeto‘s armies continued to march south, where they occupied the lands

    around both the Imjin and the Han Rivers. Meanwhile, the area constituting modern

    Gyeonggi-do was a battleground for the war between Koguryeo and Baekje. Finally

    Shilla gained dominance and unified the nations.

    757 In the year 16 of the reign of King Gyeoungdeok, 35th leader of Shilla, the country was divided into 9 states, a system adapted from the Dang Dynasty. At that time,

    Gyeonggi-do was part of the Han state. Later, King Seongjong, the 6th King of

    Goryeo would divide the country into 10 provinces and Han state would be named


    1029 King Hyeongjong, 8th leader of Koryeo, restructured the territory known as Yanggwangdo. The city of Gaeseong as well as 13 surrounding prefectures were

    unified and brought under the direct control of the central government, under the

    name Gyeonggi-do. Later, under the rule of King Gongyang, 34th ruler of Goryeo,

    the province was divided into Gyeonggi-jwa(left) and Gyeonggi-woo(right).


  • 23


    1402 During the reign of King Taejong, 3rd ruler of the Yi Dynasty, an eight-province system was established and the area was called Gyeonggi-do. The areas constituting

    modern-day Seoul as well as surrounding areas were named Hanseong-bu and were

    placed under direct jurisdiction of the central government.

    1895. 5.26 With the passage of Imperial Ordinance 98, the 8-do system was abolished. In its place, a 23-bu system was established, with the area of Gyeonggi being divided into 3

    bu, namely Hanseong, Incheon and Gaeseong.

    1896. 8. 4 The Province of Gyeonggi-do was reinstated with the passage of Imperial Ordinance 36, in which a 13-bu system was established.(3 bu, 34 gu)

    1910 The Provincial office was moved from Suwon to Gyeongseong-bu(Seoul) Renamed Hanseong-bu it was under the direct jurisdiction of the central government. It was

    then incorporated into Gyeonggi-do with the Japanese annexation of Korea.

    1914. 3. 1 Readjustment of Bu/Gun/Myeon(2 Bu and 20 Gun) by Ordinance No. 111.

    1930.10. 1 In accordance with the reform of the district administrative system under Ordinance No. 68, the Eup/Myeon system was instated and Songdo-myeon was elevated to

    Gaeseong-bu(3 Bu/20 Gun/2 Eup/233 Myeon).

    1945. 8.15 Uponlliberation most of Yeoncheon-gun and other districts such as Gapyeong Pocheon, Paju, Jangdan, Gaeseong and Gaepung were located north of the 38th

    parallel, and the most of Yeonbaeg and Ongjin-gun of Hwanghae-do were located

    south of the 38th parallel(3 Bu/20 Gun/10 Eup/229 Myeon).

    1945.11. 3 The administrative area which was separated from Gyeonggi-do and Hwanghae-do at the boundary of 38th parallel was readjusted. By the Military Administrative

    Ordinance No. 22(3 Bu/21 Gun/10 Eup/231 Myeon)

    1946. 9. 18 Under the Military Administrative Ordinance No. 106. Gyeongseong-bu was elevated to Special City of Seoul, thereby it was separated from Gyeonggi-do(2

    Bu/21 Gun/10 Eup/231 Myeon).

  • 24

    1949. 8.15 Under Law No. 32, the name was changed from Bu to City. By presidential decree No. 159. Goyang-gun Sungin-myeon was incorporated special to the special City

    of Seoul. By presidential decree No. 160. Goyang-gun Eunpyeong-myeon, Ttukdo-

    myeon and three-ri Siheung-gun (Dorim, Beondaebang and Guro) was incorporated

    into Special City of Seoul.

    By presidential decree No. 161 Suwon-gun Suwon-eup was elevated to City. Suwon-

    gun was changed to the name of Hwaseong-gun. By presidential decree No. 162,

    Siheung-gun Anyang-myeon was elevated to Eup(3 Si/21 Gun/10 Eup/228 Myeon).

    1954.10.21 Under Law No. 350, following the enforcement of “Law of Provisional administrative measure in the recovered district”, the northern districts of Yeoncheon-gun

    and Pocheon-gun was formally recovered however the five(5) Cities and

    Counties(Gaeseong, Gaepung, Jangdan, Ongjin, Yeonbaeg) which were located in

    the north of armistice line, had not been formally recovered, with the exception of

    two(2) Myeon of Ongjin-gun (2 Si/19 Gun/8 Eup/194 Myeon).

    1963. 1. 1 Under Law No. 1172. five(5) Ri of Nohae-myeon. Guri-myeon Yangju-gun;five(5) ri of Gucheon-myeon. Eonju-myeon, Jangdae-myeon, Daewang-myeon Gwangju-gun;

    Yangdong-myeon and Yangseo-myeon Gimpo-gun;2 ri if Ojeong-myeon, 7 Ri of Sosa-

    eup Bucheon-gun;Shindong-myeon of Siheung-gun and five(5) Ri of Dong-myeon were

    incorporated into the special into City of Seoul.

    Under Law No. 1175, 9 Ri in Ilwang-myeon, Hwaseong-gun became Uiwang-myeon

    and was incorporated into Siheung-gun and the remaining 8 Ri of Taejang-myeon

    were incorporated into Suwon-si and 6 Ri of Anyong-myeon were consolidated and

    became Taean-myeon, 3 Ri of Hwado-myeon, 1 Ri of Jinjeop-myeon Yangju-gun, 3

    Ri of Oeseo-myeon Gapyeong-gun was consolidated formed Sudong-myeon.

    Under Law No. 1175, the Jakyak-do Island of Unnam-ri Yeongjong-myeon Bucheon-

    gun was incorporated into Incheon-si.

  • 25


    6 Ri of Anyong-myeon Hwaseong-gun, 3 ri of Taejang-myeon, 11 Ri of Ilwang-

    myeon were incorporated into Suwon-si. Gaegun-myeon Yeoju-gun became part

    of Yangpyeong-gun and Gosan-myeon Yongin-gun became part of Anseong-gun.

    Under Law No. 1176 Uijeongbu-eup Yangju-gun was elevated to a city. Under

    Law No. 1177, Idam-myeon Yangju-gun to Dongducheon-eup and Songtan-

    myeon Pyeongtaek-gun was elevated to Eup. Under Law No. 1178, Shinseo-

    myeon Cheorwon-gun to Yeoncheon-gun and Gunnae-myeon Jangdan-gun was

    incorporated into Imjin-myeon Paju-gun(3 Si/19 Gun/ 10 Eup/185 Myeon).

    1967. 6.23 Under Law No. 1538(Promulgated Dec. 16, 63), the head office of Gyeonggi-do Province moved to 1 Maesanro-3-ga Gwonseon-gu Suwon-si.

    1967. 7. 1 The Buk-bu(northern) office was established at Uijeongbu-si under the No. of Gyeonggi-do 309(Promulgated Jun. 2, 67).

    1968. 1. 1 Under Law No. 1919, Four(4) Gu were established, namely Jung-gu, Dong-gu, Nam-gu and Buk-gu in Incheon-si.

    1971. 8.18 Under Regulation No. 470, Gyeonggi-do established a branch office in Seongnam which oversees Daewang-myeon, Naksaeng-myeon, Dolma-myeon of Gwangju-

    gun and Dandae-ri, Sangdaewon-ri, Tan-ri, Sujin-ri, Bokjeong-ri and Changgok-ri

    of Jungbu-myeon.

    1973. 7. 1 By Presidential decree No. 6543 (promulgated Mar. 12, 73), Guri-myeon Yangju-gun, Adong-myeon Paju-gun, Imjin-myeon to Paju-myeon, Gapyeong- myeon Gapyeong-

    gun, Ganghwa-myeon Ganghwa-gun, Shindo-myeon Goyang-gun to Eup. By the Law

    No. 2596 (promulgated Mar. 12, 73), Gupabal-ri of Sindo-myeon, Jingwannae-ri and

    Jingwanoe-ri have been entried into Seoul-si.

    By the Law No. 2597 (promulgated Mar. 12, 73), Bucheon-gun was dissolved

    Sorae-myeon was incorporated into Siheung-gun, Gyeyang-myeon and

    Ojeong-myeon became part of Gimpo-gun, Yeongjong-myeon, Bukdo-myeon,

    Yongyu-myeon, Deokjeok-myeon, Yongheung-myeon and Daebu-myeon were

    incorporated into Ongjin-gun.

  • 26

    Under Law No. 2597 (promulgated Mar 12, 73), the Seongnam Branch of Gyeonggi-do, Anyang-eup Siheung-gun, Sosa-eup Bucheon-gun was elevated to City (6 Si/4 Gu/18 Gun/14 Eup/180 Myeon).

    1975.10. 1 By Presidential decree No. 7817 (Promulgated Sept. 23, 75), Ojeong-myeon Gimpo-gun was incorporated into Bucheon-si (6 Si/4 Gu/18 Gun/14 Eup/180 Myeon).

    1979. 8.10 Under regulation No. 969, Gyeonggi-do established the Banwol Branch Office, which oversees 1-ri, 2-ri, 4-ri and Palgok 2-ri of Banwol-myeon Hwaseong-gu;Yangsang-ri, Bugok-ri, Seongpo-ri, Wolpi-ri, Gojan-ri, Wa-ri of Suam-myeon and Singil-ri, Songgok-ri, Moknae-ri, Choji-ri, Wongok-ri, Seonbu-ri of Gunja-myeon Siheung-gun(Promulgated Aug. 1, 79).

    1980.12. 1 By Presidential decree No. 10050 (Promulgated Dec. 1, 80), Uiwang-myeon, Sorae-myeon of Siheung-gun;Dongbu-myeon of Gwangju-gun;Chung-myeon (Ilsan-eup), Byeokje-myeon of Goyang-gun;Wabu-myeon of Namyangju-gun;Junae-myeon of Paju-gun;the seven(7) Myeon above were promoted to Eup (6 Si/4 Gu/19 Gun/32 Eup/162 Myeon).

    1981. 7. 1 Under Law No. 3424 (Promulgated Apr. 13, 81), Incheon-si was elevated and separated from Gyeonggi-do. Under Law No. 3425 (Promulgated Apr. 13,81), Gwangmyeong-si, Songtan-si and Dongducheon-si (8 Si/19 Gun/29 Eup/162 Myeon), were established.

    1982. 6.10 Under regulation No. 1256 (Promulgated Jun. 10,82), the Gwacheon Area Development Office was elevated to the Gwacheon branch Office.

    1983. 2.15 By Presidential decree No. 11027 (Promulgated Jan. 10,83), Adjustment of boundary between City and County(Ten districts) · Incorporated;Gwanin-myeon Pocheon-gun, Cheongsan-myeon Yeoncheon-gun,

    Gwangtan-myeon Paju-gun, Jinwi-myeon Pyeongtaek-gun, Uiwang-eup Siheung-

    gun, Pyeongtaek-eup Pyeongtaek-gun, Suwon-si, Bucheon-si, Gwangmyeong-si,


    · Adjustment of boundary between Eup and Myeon(Six districts)

  • 27


    · Establishment of Three Myeons → Jawol-myeon Ongjin-gun, Tongjin-myeon

    Gimpo-gun, Hwahyeon-myeon Pocheon-gun.

    · Junae-eup Paju-gun was changed to the name of Paju-eup(8 Si/19 Gun/29

    Eup/165 Myeon).

    1986. 1. 1 Under Law No. 3798 (Promulgated Dec. 28, 85) · 2Eups(Guri-eup Namyangju-gun, Pyeongtaek-eup Pyeongtaek-gun) and 2

    Branches(Banwol Branch and Gwacheon Branch) were elevated respectively to Guri-si,

    Pyeongtaek-si, Ansan-si and Gwacheon-si(12Si/19 Gun/33 Eup/149 Myeon).

    1987. 1. 1 By Presidential decree No. 12007 (Promulgated Dec. 23, 86) · Adjustment of boundary between City and County(five districts): part of Soha-

    dong in Gwangmyeong-si → Seoksu-dong in Anyang-si, Gogeum-ri in Yanggam-

    myeon, Hwaseong-gun → Cheongbuk-myeon Pyeongtaek-gun, Geumgok-ri,

    Homaesil-ri Maesong-myeon Hwaseong-gun → Suwon-si Jeokbong2-ri Seotan-

    myeon Pyeongtaek-gun → Seojeong-dong Songtan-si Gisan 1-ri Gwangtan-myeon

    Paju-gun → Baekseok-myeon Yangju-gun.

    1988. 1. 1 Establishment of 2(two) Gu in Bucheon-si( Jung-gu, Nam-gu) by Presidential decree No. 12367 (Promulgated Dec. 3, 1987).

    1988. 7. 1 Establishment of 2(two) Gu in Suwon-si and 2(two) Local offices in Seongnam-si with the Home Ministers approval. According to Suwon Municipal Ordinance No. 1452 (Promulgated Jun, 30. 1988):Jangan-gu and Gwonseon-gu were established in accordance with Seongnam municipal Ordinance No. 858 (Promulgated Jun. 30, 1988):Establishment of Sujeong Local Office, Jungwon Local Office. Eunhaeng2-dong was divided into Eunhaeng1-dong was divided into 3-dong Dissolution of three local offices-Dolma, Daewang, Naksaeng.

    1989. 1. 1 By the Law No. 4050 (Promulgated Dec. 31, 88), 6 Cities (Migeum-eup Namyangju-gun, Osan-eup Hwaseong-gun, Sorae-eup, Gunja-myeon, Suam-myeon, Gunpo-eup, Uiwang-eup Siheung-gun, Dongbu-eup, Seobu-myeon, Jungbu-myeon Sangsangok-ri Gwangju-gun were elevated respectively to Migeum-si, Osan-si, Siheung-si, Gunpo-si, Uiwang-si, Hanam-si)

  • 28

    Under Law No. 4051 (Promulgated Dec. 31, 88)

    · Adjustment of boundary between City and Province

    ; Gyeyang-myeon Gimpo-gun → Buk-gu Incheon-Gwangyeoksi, Yeongjong-myeon,

    Yongyu-myeon Ongjin-gun → Jung-gu Incheon- Gwangyeoksi By Presidential

    decree No. 12557 (Dec. 22, 88)

    · Adjustment of boundary between City and County ;Bugok-ri Gwanin-myeon

    Pocheon-gun → Yeoncheon-eup Yeoncheon-gun

    1989. 4. 1 County Municipal Ordinance, Elevations to Eup and Myeon established (3 Eup, 4 Myeon) · Eup elevated(3):Jinjeop-eup Namyangju-gun, Beobwon-eup Paju-gun, Bubal-

    eup Incheon-gun

    · Myeon established(4):Toegyewon-myeon Namyangju-gun, Sanbuk -myeon

    Yeoju-gun, Anjung-myeon Pyeongtaek-gun, Jangnam -myeon Yeoncheon-gun(18

    Si, 18 Gun, 30 Eup, 155 Myeon)

    1989. 5. 1 Seongnam-si Municipal Ordinance No. 931 (Promulgated Apr. 26, 89) established 2(two) Gu(Sujeong , Jung won). Anyang-si Municipal Ordinance No. 931

    (Promulgated Apr. 10, 89) established 2(two) local offices(Manan, Dongan).

    1991. 9.17 Seongnam-si municipal ordinance No. 1152, Bundang-gu was newly established in Seongnam-si.

    1992. 2. 1 By the Law No. 4417 · All of the Goyang-gun area → Raised to the status of Goyang-si

    1992.10. 1 Two districts, Manan-gu and Dongan-gu, were established in Anyang City by Anyang municipal ordinance number 1173.

    1993. 2.11 Paldal-gu was established in Suwon-si, by Suwon-si municipal ordinance No. 1837.

    By Bucheon-si Municipal Ordinance No. 1215, Ojeong-gu was established in Bucheon-

    si, Ojeong-gu has 8dongs:Yeowol-dong, Jak-dong, Wonjong-dong, Gogang-dong,

    Ojeong-dong, Daejang-dong, Nae-dong and Samjeong-dong.

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    Nam-gu and Jung-gu of Bucheon-si were changed to Sosa-gu and Wonmi-gu respectively

    by Bucheon-si Municipal Ordinance No.1216

    · Shimgok-dong of Nam-gu was changed into Shimgokbon-dong and incorporated

    to Sosa-gu

    1994.12.26 By Presidential decree No. 14434 (Promulgated Dec. 22, 94), adjustment of boundary between City and County was made.

    · A part of Anyang-dong Manan-gu Anyang-si was incorporated to Gunpo-si

    · A part of Hogye-dong Dongan-gu Anyang-si was incorporated to Gunpo-si

    · A part of Pyeongchon-dong Dongan-gu Anyang-si was incorporated to Uiwang-si

    · A part of Sanbon-dong Gunpo-si was incorporated to Anyang-si

    · A part of Dangjeong-dong Gunpo-si was incorporated to Uiwang-si

    · Most parts of Yeongtong-ri and A part of Sin-ri and Mangpo-ri of Taean-eup

    Hwaseong-gun were incorporated to Suwon-si

    · Most parts of Ipbuk-ri and Dangsu-ri, part of Banwol-myeon Hwaseong-gun were

    Most parts of Dundae-ri, Sokdal-ri, Daeyami-ri and Domagyo-ri of Banwol-myeon

    Hwaseong-gun were incorporated to Gunpo-si

    · A part of Yeongdeok-ri Giheung-eup Yongin-gun was incorporated to Suwon-si

    · Most parts of Daebu-myeon, of Ongjin-gun were incorporated to Ansan-si

    1995. 1. 1 Under Law No. 4774 (Promulgated on Aug. 3, 94)Namyangju-si has been established, combining Migeum-si and Namyangju-gun

    1995. 3. 1 Under Law No. 4802 (Promulgated on Dec. 22, 94) · Incorporation into Incheon-Gwangyeoksi and adjustment of boundary between

    City and Province have been made as follows;(Incorporation into Incheon-


    · Geumdan-myeon Gimpo-gun → Incheon-Gwangyeoksi

    · Ganghwa-gun → Incheon-Gwangyeoksi

    · Ongjin-gun(excluding Taebu-myeon) → Incheon-Gwangyeoksi (Adjustment of

    boundary between City and Province)

  • 30

    · A part of Seoun-dong Buk-gu Incheon-Gwangyeoksi → Ojeong-gu Bucheon-si

    · A part of Gaebong-dong Guro-gu Seoul → Gwangmyeong-dong Gwangmyeong-si

    · A part of Oryu-dong Guro-gu Seoul → Gwangmyeong-dong Gwangmyeong-si

    · A part of Cheolsan-dong Gwangmyeong-si, Haan-dong Gwangmyeong-si, Soha-

    dong Gwangmyeong-si, Gwangmyeong-dong Gwangmyeong-si, Jichuk-dong

    Goyang-si → Seoul-Teukbyeol-si, Daedun-ri Gangcheon- myeon Yeoju-gun →

    Munmak-myeon Wonju-gun Gangwon-do

    1995. 4.20 By Presidential Decree No. 14629 (Promulgated on April 20, 95), the boundary between City and County has been adjusted as follows, Hwa-ri and Mangpo-ri

    Taean-eup Hwaseong-gun → Paldal-gu Suwon-si

    · Parts of Sanbon-dong Gunpo-dong Gunpo-si → Anyang-dong Manan-gu Anyang-si

    · Parts of Hwajeong-dong Siheung-si → Ansan-si

    · Parts of Galbu-ri Cheongho-ri and Gohyeon-ri Jinwi-myeon Pyeongtaek-si → Osan-si

    1995. 5.10 Under Law No. 14948 (Promulgated on May 10, 95),Pyeongtaek-si has been newly established, combining Songtan-si, Pyeongtaek-si and


    1996. 3. 1 By Goyang-si Municipal Ordinance No. 303 (Promulgated on Feb. 17, 95) Deokyang-gu(17 Dong) and Ilsan-gu(17 Dong) were established

    Under Law No. 4994 (Promulgated on Dec. 6, 95) 3 Guns(Yongin-gun; Paju-gun;

    Icheon-gun) were elevated respectively to Yongin-si, Paju-si, Icheon-si

    1998. 4. 1 Under Law No. 5458 (Promulgated on Dec. 17, 97), 2 Guns(Anseong-gun;Gimpo-gun) were elevated respectively to Anseong-si, Gimpo-si

    2000. 1.12 Under Law No. 611 (Promulgated on Jan. 12, 2000 ), the boundary between City and Province have been adjusted as follows ;

    A part of Oji, Sangno-ri Dongsong-eup Cheorwon-gun Gangwon-do -> Pocheon-

    eup Pocheon-gun Gyeonggi-do

  • 31


    A part of Dandong-ri Gwasn