2015 - 14 Feb - Soul Sat -Meatfare - Hymns

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  • 8/9/2019 2015 - 14 Feb - Soul Sat -Meatfare - Hymns


    24. FE S T A L MA T I N S SA T U R D A Y O F T H E SO U L S BE F O R E ME A T F A R E

    By the Grace of GodCompiled, Adapted, Edited & Printed


    Marguerite PaizisArchondissa& Teacher By Divine Grace

    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate Of Alexandria & All Africa

    Archdiocese Of Good Hope

    Holy Church Of The Dormition Of The Mother Of God

    Po Box 28348

    Sunridge Park


    Republic Of South Africa

    [email protected]

    or download directly from Marguerite Paizis on Scribd

    Re-edited & Published - 05 February 2015

    Greek Ortho dox Patr i a r cha te o f Alexan dr i a& All Afr i caArchdiocese of Good Hope

    Mat i n s Hymn sUS E D T O G E T H E R W I T H T H E MA T I N S SE R V I C E BO O K

    14 February 2015Saturday of the Souls(BEFORE MEATFARE SUNDAY)

    Also the Feast of St Auxentios of Bithynia St Cyril,

    Equal to the Apostles & Enlightener of the Slavs

    St Isaac the Recluse of Kiev Near Caves

    Monastery 12 Byzantine Greeks of the

    Dormition Cathedral, Kiev Far Caves Monastery

    & Lavra St Michael & St Theodore of

    Chernigov, Translation of Holy Relics - St

    Maron the Hermit of Syria St Abraham, Bishop

    of Carres, Mesopotania St Hilarion the New

    Hiero-Schema Monk of Georgia

    Tone (8) Plagal 4Our Eternal Gratitude to Pater Seraphim Dedes & all the contributing Translatorselsewhere for the original Greek & English texts and for making our Worship a

    little easier to understand, to participate and to appreciate.

    Glory to God for His Great Mercy!

    Source: www.agesinitiatives.com/dcs/public/dcs

    N O T F O R M A T E R I A L P R O F I T

  • 8/9/2019 2015 - 14 Feb - Soul Sat -Meatfare - Hymns


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