Climate zone Soil Series Crop areas Admin. boundary SDBMS DSSAT 4.6 FILE-X & OTHER INPUTS OUTPUT FILES ANALYSIS PROGRAMS Roi Et Series TH01370001 CMMC KKKU ECHAM4 Yield & Production 3-6 Months in advance Production Scenarios MBMS GCM & RCMs: SWF MWCropDSS for SCY4cast system Jintrawet (2009) SEACLID/CORDEX

20140922-1430-1445-Weather data format of DSSAT model

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Page 1: 20140922-1430-1445-Weather data format of DSSAT model

Climate zone

Soil Series

Crop areas

Admin. boundary






Roi Et Series TH01370001



Yield & Production 3-6 Months in advance

Production Scenarios


GCM  &  RCMs:  SWF  

MWCropDSS for SCY4cast system

Jintrawet (2009)


Page 2: 20140922-1430-1445-Weather data format of DSSAT model

Weather  Data  

•  Minimum  Dataset  •  Weather  File  Structure  •  Weatherman  •  Exercise  

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Minimum  data  set  

•  Minimum  set  of  data  that  can  be  easily  collected  by  experimentalists  

•  Minimum  set  of  data  that  can  be  used  as  input  to  models  and  provide  reliable  simulaAons  of  the  processes  involved  

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Minimum  weather  data  

•  Daily  ObservaAons  – Maximum  temperature  – Minimum  temperature  – Solar  radiaAon  – PrecipitaAon/rainfall  

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Minimum  weather  data  

•  Site  ObservaAons  – LaAtude  – Longitude  – ElevaAon  – Long-­‐term  average  temperature  – Amplitude  of  warmest  and  coolest  monthly  long-­‐term  average  temperature  

– Temperature  sensor  height  – Wind  sensor  height  

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*WEATHER DATA :KKFCRC Weather Station @ INSI LAT LONG ELEV TAV AMP REFHT WNDHT DTKK 16.780 102.950 210.0 25.0 3.0 2.0 2.0 @DATE SRAD TMAX TMIN RAIN 13001 17.7 28.2 12.8 0.0 13002 18.2 32.5 15.3 0.0 13003 18.6 32.8 16.7 0.0 13004 17.2 31.8 15.9 0.0 13005 18.8 32.1 15.3 0.0 13006 17.1 30.6 15.5 0.0 13007 18.9 31.7 15.6 0.0 13008 18.8 32.8 16.2 0.0 13009 17.9 33.1 18.6 0.0 13010 17.6 29.7 16.4 0.0

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File  naming  convenAon  

•  AABBNNnn.WTH  – AA  =  InsAtute  IdenAfier  (ID)  – BB  =  Site  ID  – NN  =  Year  of  observaAon  – nn    =  Number  of  years  (default  =  01)  

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File  naming  convenAon  

•  DTKK1301.WTH  – DT  =  Department  of  Agriculture,  Thailand  – KK  =  Khon  Kaen  Field  Crop  Research  Center  – 13    =  2013  – 01    =    1  year  of  data  

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File  naming  convenAon  

•  DTKK1101.WTH  •  DTKK1201.WTH  •  ………………….  

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•  Weather  management  uAlity  program  •  Import  data  •  Export  data  in  DSSAT  format  •  Fill  missing  data  •  Summarize  weather  data  

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Data  quality  

•  Missing  data  •  Erroneous  data  

–  rain  <  0.0  –  radiaAon  =<  0.0  – Tmax  <  Tmin  – Tmax  >  Extreme_max  – Tmin  <  Extreme_min  

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Weather  Generators  

•  Climate  file  •  One  file  per  site  

– AABB.CLI  •   AA  =  InsAtute  ID  •   BB  =  Site  ID  


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*CLIMATE : Griffin,Georgia,USA @ INSI LAT LONG ELEV TAV AMP SRAY TMXY TMNY RAIY GAGR 33.262 -84.284 299 16.1 9.4 15.6 22.5 9.7 1193 @START DURN ANGA ANGB REFHT WNDHT SOURCE 1987 11 0.25 0.50 2.0 3.5 Calculated_from_daily_data @ GSST GSDU 1 365 *MONTHLY AVERAGES @MONTH SAMN XAMN NAMN RTOT RNUM SHMN AMTH BMTH 1 8.9 13.0 0.7 128.2 13.4 -99.0 0.250 0.500 2 11.7 15.1 2.3 111.3 10.0 -99.0 0.250 0.500 3 15.7 18.9 5.5 119.8 10.3 -99.0 0.250 0.500 4 20.1 22.7 8.0 91.4 8.7 -99.0 0.250 0.500 5 20.9 26.8 13.2 70.0 9.7 -99.0 0.250 0.500 6 20.6 30.0 17.5 88.1 10.9 -99.0 0.250 0.500 7 21.0 31.6 19.6 118.4 13.3 -99.0 0.250 0.500 8 19.1 30.8 19.1 87.3 9.8 -99.0 0.250 0.500 9 16.6 27.9 15.9 120.9 10.0 -99.0 0.250 0.500 10 13.6 22.4 9.0 68.4 7.8 -99.0 0.250 0.500 11 10.7 17.3 4.3 96.4 8.9 -99.0 0.250 0.500 12 8.2 14.0 1.5 93.3 11.0 -99.0 0.250 0.500

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*CLIMATE : Griffin,Georgia,USA @ INSI LAT LONG ELEV TAV AMP SRAY TMXY TMNY RAIY GAGR 33.262 -84.284 299 16.1 9.4 15.6 22.5 9.7 1193 @START DURN ANGA ANGB REFHT WNDHT SOURCE 1987 11 0.25 0.50 2.0 3.5 Calculated_from_daily_data @ GSST GSDU 1 365 *MONTHLY AVERAGES @MONTH SAMN XAMN NAMN RTOT RNUM SHMN AMTH BMTH 1 8.9 13.0 0.7 128.2 13.4 -99.0 0.250 0.500 2 11.7 15.1 2.3 111.3 10.0 -99.0 0.250 0.500 3 15.7 18.9 5.5 119.8 10.3 -99.0 0.250 0.500 4 20.1 22.7 8.0 91.4 8.7 -99.0 0.250 0.500 5 20.9 26.8 13.2 70.0 9.7 -99.0 0.250 0.500 6 20.6 30.0 17.5 88.1 10.9 -99.0 0.250 0.500 7 21.0 31.6 19.6 118.4 13.3 -99.0 0.250 0.500 8 19.1 30.8 19.1 87.3 9.8 -99.0 0.250 0.500 9 16.6 27.9 15.9 120.9 10.0 -99.0 0.250 0.500 10 13.6 22.4 9.0 68.4 7.8 -99.0 0.250 0.500 11 10.7 17.3 4.3 96.4 8.9 -99.0 0.250 0.500 12 8.2 14.0 1.5 93.3 11.0 -99.0 0.250 0.500

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•  Import  from  text,  CVS,  XLS,  or  DBF  files  •  Data  is  stored  in  Paradox  databases  and  exported  into  DSSAT  weather  files  

•  InteracAve  data  management  and  climate  analysis  

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Station Information can be edited

Monthly averages are calculated and can be edited

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Data can be entered interactively of imported from text, CVS, XLS, or DBF files

Columns can be defined interactively

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Data can be edited interactively ..

.. and graphically analyzed.

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Data  can  then  be  exported  for  use  in  DSSAT  …  

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Summary  •  Good  news  

–  DSSATv4  weather  files  are  idenAcal  to  V3.5  –  New  weather  generators  (long-­‐term  targets,  ENSO,  and  GCM)  are  being  developed  

•  Less  good  news  –  Some  features  are  not  fully  debugged  and  known  problems  exist  

–  No  Y2K  format  (YYYYDDD)  support  •  Befer  news  

–  An  update  will  likely  be  ready  by  workshop  end.  

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Acronyms  –  Weather.cde  @CDE DESCRIPTION ALPHA Rainfall distribution scale parameter, monthly, mm-2 AMTH Angstrom 'a' coefficient, monthly, unitless ANGA Angstrom 'a' coefficient, yearly, unitless ANGB Angstrom 'b' coefficient, yearly, unitless BMTH Angstrom 'b' coefficient, monthly, unitless DATE Date, year + days from Jan. 1 DEWP Daily dewpoint temperature, C DURN Duration of summarization period for climate files, Yr ELEV Elevation, m EVAP Daily pan evaporation (mm d-1) GSDU Growing season duration, Day GSST Growing season start day, Doy INSI Institute and site code LAT Latitude, degrees (decimals) LONG Longitude, degrees (decimals) MTH Month, # NAMN Temperature minimum,all days,monthly average, C NASD Temperature minimum,all days,monthly standard deviation, C PAR Daily photosynthetic radiation, moles m-2 day-1 PDW Probability of a dry-wet sequence RAIN Daily rainfall (incl.snow), mm day-1 RAIY Rainfall, yearly total, mm REFHT Reference height for weather measurements, m RNUM Rainy days, # month-1 RTOT Rainfall total, mm month-1

SAMN Solar radiation,all days,monthly average, MJ m-2 d-1 SDMN Solar radiation,dry days,monthly average, MJ m-2 d-1 SDSD Solar radiation,dry days,monthly standard deviation, MJ m-2 d-1 SHMN Daily sunshine duration, monthly average, percent SOURCE Source of daily weather data, text SRAD Daily solar radiation, MJ m-2 day-1 SRAY Solar radiation,yearly average, MJ m-2 day-1 START Start of summary period for climate (CLI) files, Year SUNH Daily sunshine duration, percent SWMN Solar radiation,wet days,monthly average, MJ m-2 d-1 SWSD Solar radiation,wet days,monthly standard deviation, MJ m-2 d-1 TAMP Temperature amplitude, monthly averages, C TAV Temperature average for whole year, C TDRY Daily dry-bulb temperature, C TMAX Daily temperature maximum, C TMIN Daily temperature minimum, C TMNY Temperature minimum, yearly average, C TMXY Temperature maximum, yearly average, C TWET Daily wet-bulb temperature, C WIND Daily wind speed (km d-1) WNDHT Reference height for windspeed measurements, m XAMN Temperature maximum,all days,monthly average, C XDMN Temperature maximum,dry days,monthly average, C XDSD Temperature maximum,dry days,standard deviation, C XWMN Temperature maximum,wet days,monthly average, C XWSD Temperature maximum,wet days,standard deviation