March 2014, London | 0

20140217 Blueprint

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March 2014, London | 0

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Background to the Blueprint

Key findings from the education review

Public feedback for the Blueprint

Aspirations and 11 shifts of the Blueprint

1Agenda and Ministry Scorecard

Delivering differently

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What are we trying to achieve?

Objectives of the Education Blueprint

1Understanding the current performance and challengesof the Malaysian education system

2 Establishing a clear vision and aspirations for individualstudents and the education system

3Outlining a comprehensive transformationprogramme for the system, including keychanges to the Ministry

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The Education Blueprint (2013-2025) is unique in three key ways

The largest public consultation processever undertaken by the Ministry – a nationaldialogue on education encompassing all states and abroad range of stakeholders

Anchored on performance againstinternational standards (e.g., TIMSS and PISA),and drawing on international expertise (e.g., World Bank,UNESCO, OECD, international review panel members)

Focused on implementation, with thetransformation of the JPN and PPD as one of the keyshifts, and the establishment of the Education DeliveryUnit (PADU) to drive blueprint delivery

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Background to the Blueprint

Key findings from the education review

Public feedback for the Blueprint

Aspirations and 11 shifts of the Blueprint

1Agenda and Ministry Scorecard

Delivering differently

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Results for PISA 2012 as compared to 2009, Malaysia improved forMathematics but declined for Reading and Science


Rank Score Rank




OECD 2012

1 Reading 55 414 59 4 398 16 496

2 Mathematics 57 404 52 5 421 17 494

3 Science 52 422 53 1 420 2 501

SOURCE: PISA 2009+, PISA 2012 | 6

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Main findings in PISA 2012 OECDAverage

10 top schools in PISA




SMJK (P) China PulauPinang


SM Kuen Cheng (P)

SMA PersekutuanKajang (SMBP)

SMK Sultanah Asma

SMK Damansara Jaya












SMJK (P) China PulauPinang

SMK Damansara Jaya




SMA PersekutuanKajang (SMBP)

SMK Sultanah Asma


SAMT Tengku AmpuanJemaah

SMJK (P) China PulauPinang

SM Kuen Cheng (P)

MRSM Kota Kinabalu

SM Teknik Johor Bahru

SMK Ave MariaConvent

















SMK Tinggi Batu Pahat

SMK Sultanah Asma515

MRSM Kota Kinabalu510

SM Teknik Johor Bahru505

SMA PersekutuanKajang (SMBP)

SM Kuen Cheng (P)



Maktab Tentera Diraja

MRSM Kota Kinabalu

SMK Ave MariaConvent




494 496| 7

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Summary of key findings on drivers of student outcomes

Finding 1: Teachers

Positive finding

Negative finding

1:13 teacher-student ratio today and less than 7% incoming teachers have excellentacademic achievement

Finding 2: Teachers

Finding 3: Learning

Finding 4: Principals

Finding 5: Parents

Finding 6: Curriculum

60% of 412,000 teachers will still be teaching in 20 years time

2 in 3 students fail to meet proficiency standards of English

40% of principals will be retiring in less than 5 years time, and 55% receive no formalpreparatory or induction training

95% students report their parents see their teacher at least once a year, but schools lackcapability to engage parents in the poorest communities

Written curriculum greatly diverges from the taught curriculum in schools

Finding 7: Delivery Overwhelming number of programs, improperly cascaded with weak tracking and notlinked to student outcomes

Finding 8: Organisation Organisation is not a pyramid structure with 13,000 Ministry and JPN staff and 6,000staff at district level, supporting 10,000 schools

Finding 9: Finance

Finding 10: Finance

Finding 11: Schools

Finding 12: Leadership

16% of total government expenditure is on education, amongst the highest in the world

Almost 20 billion RM spent on infrastructure in the last 5 years, but 40% of schools withbuildings, roofs and wiring in critical disrepair

Fast-improving schools and districts exist nationwide

Great practices exist in selected states, demonstrating the effect and existence of greatJPN and PPD leaders

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Background to the Blueprint

Key findings from the education review

Public feedback for the Blueprint

Aspirations and 11 shifts of the Blueprint

1Agenda and Ministry Scorecard

Delivering differently

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Background to the Blueprint

Key findings from the education review

Public feedback for the Blueprint

Aspirations and 11 shifts of the Blueprint

1Agenda and Ministry Scorecard

Delivering differently

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Quality aspiration: Top third of countries in international assessments by PISA and TIM rankings

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Wave 1

Turnaround system by

Wave 2


Wave 3

Move towards excellence

with increasedsupporting teachers

and focusing on coreskills


2013 2015 2020 2025



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What Impact Will This Transformation Journey Have?

Students Parents Teachers &educationists Public

For the transformation of the Malaysian education system tobe effective and sustainable, each participant must

understand the critical role they each play and the benefitsthat they will enjoy. It is envisaged that the programmedefined in this Blueprint will lead to a collective set of

desirable benefits, rights, and responsibilities for each group.

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Background to the Blueprint

Key findings from the education review

Public feedback for the Blueprint

Aspirations and 11 shifts of the Blueprint

1Agenda and Ministry Scorecard

Delivering differently

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To make these shifts, we have laid out a single, integrated set of initiativesfor the Ministry—1Agenda







10th MalaysiaPlan

1Agenda100 initiatives



Feedbackfrom rakyat


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Of the 100 initiatives, 25 have been identified as priorityinitiatives 1 Transformasi pendidikan vokasional, termasuk kolaborasi sekolah

100 initiatives under 1AgendaCurriculum and assessment

Penjajaran kurikulum dengan standardantarabangsa

Pelaksanaan HOTS dalam kurikulum,pentaksiran dan latihan

Pelaksanaan dan pengukuhan PBS

Peningkatan kemahiran guru dalam TIMSS danPISA

Pelaksanaan kurikulum Sejarah baharu


Peluasan LINUS 2.0 merangkumi literasi BI

Peningkatan profisiensi guru BI

Pengenalan Kelas pemulihan BM untuk Tahun

4 hingga 6

Peningkatkan standard BM di sekolah -kurikulum sama di SK and SJK

Pembukaan Kelas Peralihan sebagai opsyen

Peningkatan profisiensi guru BM

Pengukuhan BM sebagai bahasa ilmu

Pelaksanaan Cambridge Placement Test (CPT)bagi guru pelatih opsyen BI

Pelaksanaan program English OPS di sekolahmenengah

Pengenalan dan pengukuhan sistem set BI

Penubuhan Majlis Standard Kualiti BI

Pengukuhan peranan ELTC

Pengenalan modul Sastara dalam BI

Pelaksanaan Kelas Pemulihan BI di semuasekolah menengah

Peluasan peluang immersion BI

Pengajaran bahasa tambahan di sekolah


Specific needs

Penyemakan semula peruntukan guru bagisekolah berenrolmen rendah

Pelaksanaan sarana Peningkatan Sekolahuntuk sekolah kurang murid

Pemindahan SKM sekiranya dipersetujui oleh

komuniti setempat

Pembangunan penyelesaian secaraperbelajaran jarak jauh bagi SKM

Penambahan sekolah K9

Pemilihan lebih banyak guru pelatih dalamkalangan pribumi

Pengukuhan kutipan data dan menjalankan

kajian berkaitan murid OAM

Pemantapan kurikulum KAP dan KEDAP

Pembangunan dan pelancaran pembelajaran

pintas (accelerated learning)

Pembangunan dan pelancaran program pintarcerdas dan bakat

Peningkatan enrolmen dalam program

pendidikan inklusif

Pembangunan alat penilaian dan saringan bagimurid berkeperluan khas

Penyediaan kurikulum dan pentaksiran

berasaskan tahap kebolehan muridberkeperluan khas

Pelaksanaan latihan perguruan yang dibezakan

Naik taraf infrastruktur supaya lebih mesra

untuk murid berkeperluan khas

Pelancaran program Komunikasi Bersepaduuntuk meningkatkan kesedaran murid SEN

School improvement

Pelancaran rintis Program Transformasi Daerahdan peluasan ke seluruh negara

Peningkatan keluwesan operasi untuk jadual

waktu kurikulum dan pengagihan belanjawan


Pelancaran High Profile Marketing ke arahprofession pilihan

Piagam Guru (Teacher Charter) termasuk pakejkerjaya dan instrumen penilaian kompetensi

Pelaksanaan pelan induk CPD baharu dan

pangkalan data pengesanan CPD

Peningkatan standard kemasukan guru baharu

dan pengecilan saiz kohort

Penerusan sokongan bagi melanjutkanpengajian kepada guru

Transformasi latihan perguruan praperkhidmatan(IPTA dan IPTS)

Transformasi IPG untuk meningkatkan kualiti

latihan guru

Pelaksanaan kursus induksi kepada guru baharu

Pembangunan instrumen penilaian guru baharuberasaskan kompetensi

Pembangunan portal dan perpustakaan video e-Guru

Pensijilan guru

Latihan guru dengan kerjasama pihak swasta

Penempatan semula guru berprestasi rendah

selepas CPD dan kaunseling

Kajian semula sumber guru, jaminanpenempatan, unjuran keperluan dan

penempatan guru

School leaders

Piagam Pemimpin Sekolah (Principal Charter)

termasuk NPQEL, laluan kerjaya, danmenambahbaik Tawaran Baharu

Pembangunan dan penyepaduan skim

perkhidmatan bagi Pegawai PerkhidmatanPendidikan (PPP)

Pengukuhan lapisan pemimpin pertengahansekolah

Penyemakan semula insentif bagi jawatan yangsukar diisi (sekolah berprestasi rendah/pedalaman)

Resource productivity

Pengagihan semula RM1 billion danpengurangan pembaziran

Pelaksanakan Belanjawan Berasaskan Outcome


Pembangunan dan pelaksanaan sistempengurusan dan pengesanan kewangan

Latihan pegawai dalam semula programkewangan

Delivery capacity

Pengukuhan fungsi teras organisasi danpenstrukturan semula KPM

Pengukuhan kepimpinan JPN dan PPD

Pengintegrasi data pendidikan untuk penghasilan

satu sistem data untuk menambahbaikandashboard


Penyediaan setiap sekolah dan institusi

pendidikan dengan bajet penyelenggaraan

Naik taraf infrastruktur memenuhi standard

infrastruktur asas (e.g., elektrik, air, bilik darjah)

Naik taraf infrastruktur mencapai standard garisasas infrastruktur (e.g., fasiliti sukan, internet)

Naik taraf semua sekolah mencapai standard

infrastruktur 'masa hadapan' (akan ditentukan)


Penyediaan 1BestariNet dan perisian kesekolah

Penerokaan penyelesaian secara ICT bagipembelajaran jarak jauh dan pembelajaran

mampu diri (self-paced)

Pengkajian dan perintisan inovasi ICT

Semua guru kompeten dalam literasi dan celik


Phases and duration of education

Peningkatan enrolmen dan kualiti prasekolah

Peningkatan enrolmen pendidikan rendah

Peningkatan enrolmen pendidikan menengah

Pengenalan pendidikan wajib selama 11 tahun

Parents, community and private sector

Pelaksanaan kempen pendidikan peringkat


Pelancaran dan pelaksanaan Saranapenglibatan ibu bapa, komuniti dan sektor


Pengkajian semula dan perombakan bantuan

kewangan berdasarkan keperluan (cth:KWAPM)

Peluasan peranan PIBG

Penambahbaikan program Sekolah Amanah

Perombakan program Sekolah Angkat

Peningkatan biasiswa daripada sektor swasta


Peluasan sekolah antarabangsa (internationalschools)

Penambahan bilangan SMKA dan SABK

Pemasaran STAM ke peringkat antarabangsa

Pembangunan kurikulum kebangsaan bagi

sekolah agama berdasarkan Dini dan Tahfiz

Pensijilan bagi graduan dari sekolah agama

Pengenalan kaunseling kerjaya (profil kerjaya)

bagi setiap murid

Pemerkasaan sekolah seni dan sekolah sukan

Peningkatan program Sukan Untuk Semua(1 Murid 1 Sukan) dan sukan untuk


Pengukuhan Pelan Transformasi Vokasional

termasuk meningkatkan dan mempelbagaikan

kolaborasi dengan industri

Penjenamaan semula Tingkatan 6 dan



Pembangunan instrumen dan kajian tinjauan

untuk mengukur perpaduan

Pengenalan program khidmat masyarakat

sebagai syarat untuk graduat pendidikanmenengah

Pengukuhan Pend. Islam, Pend. Moral danSivik dalam kurikulum

Perombakan dan penjenamaan semulaProgram RIMUP

Penerusan dan pengukuhan aktiviti ko-

kurikulum (Kelab Sukan & Permainan,Persatuan dan Badan Beruniform)

Penyemakan dan pengemas kinian struktursistem persekolahan

vokasional dengan industri

2 Penjajaran kurikulum dengan standard antarabangsa

3 Peningkatan kemahiran guru dalam TIMSS dan PISA

4 Peluasan LINUS 2.0 merangkumi literasi B. Inggeris

5 Peningkatan profisiensi guru Bahasa Inggeris

6 Piagam Guru (Teacher Charter) termasuk pakej kerjaya dan instrumenpenilaian kompetensi

7 Pelaksanaan pelan induk CPD baharu

8 Piagam Pemimpin Sekolah (Principal Charter) termasuk NPQEL, laluankerjaya, dan menambahbaik Tawaran Baharu

9 Program Transformasi Daerah, termasuk School ImprovementProgramme (SIP+ and SISC+) dan Sekolah Berprestasi Tinggi

10 Penjenamaan semula Matrikulasi dan Tingkatan 6

11 Peningkatan enrolmen dalam program pendidikan inklusif, termasukinfrastruktur supaya lebih mesra untuk murid berkeperluan khas

12 Penyediaan 1BestariNet dan perisian ke sekolah

13 Pelaksanaan Belanjawan Berasaskan Outcome (OBB)

14 Penstrukturan Kementerian (fungsi utama)

15 Pengintegrasi data pendidikan untuk penghasilan satu sistem data untukmenambahbaikan dashboard

16 Pengukuhan kurikulum Pend. Islam, Pend. Moral dan Sivik

25Penukaran sekolah yang padat menjadi sekolah

satu sesi


17 Perombakan dan penjenamaan semula Program RIMUP

18 Peningkatan enrolmen ke prasekolah berkualiti

19 Transformasi IPG untuk meningkatkan kualiti latihan guru

20 Pelaksanaan HOTS dalam kurikulum, pentaksiran dan latihan

21 Pelaksanaan sarana penglibatan ibu bapa, komuniti dan sektor swasta

22 Penyemakan semula nisbah guru-murid bagi SKM

23 Naik taraf infrastruktur asas bagi memenuhi standard (e.g., elektrik, air,bilik darja, tandas)

24 Penjajaran Bajet

25 Penyediaan dan pelancaran portal dan perpustakaan video eGuru | 13

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As a Ministry, the most important outcomeswe need to achieve in 2013 are captured in the

Ministry ScorecardBlueprint outcomes (2013)



primary enrolment

lower secondary enrolment

upper secondary enrolment

NKRA outcomes (2013)





pre school enrolmentpublic pre schools completed Pre-schoolStandard Quality self assessmentHigh performing schoolsschools are Bands 6 or 7schools are Bands 1 or 2BM literacy in Year 3numeracy in Year 3

teachers that went through English trainingimprove by one proficiency band

16 year olds enrolled in vocational school

reduction in urban-rural gap

improvement in UPSR & SPM

NKEA outcomes (2013)

RM 960 b

RM 37 b

RM 148 b





overall GNI

individual NKEA GNI

overall private investment

enrolment in private preschools

children enrolled in private childcare

new students enrolled through the buying ofplaces from established schools / operations

schools connected at least up to 4Mbps

Target English literacy to be determined in June

SRI outcomes (2013)

Processes completed anduploaded to Ministry website forinternational, vocational andtechnical school

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Background to the Blueprint

Key findings from the education review

Public feedback for the Blueprint

Aspirations and 11 shifts of the Blueprint

1Agenda and Ministry Scorecard

Delivering differently

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Most education transformation efforts globally fail

Only 12 education systems reforms have beensuccessful in the past decade

Only 30% of large-scale transformationprograms deliver results

PercentHong Kong, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania,Ontario, Poland, Saxony, Singapore,

Successfully Slovenia, Boston, Long Beach,Transformed England

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,Colombia, Cyprus, Czech Republic,Denmark, France, Greece, Hungary,Iceland, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland,Israel, Italy, Liechtenstein,Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco,Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,Portugal, Romania, Russia,Stagnated or Scotland, Slovak Republic, Spain,Declined Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand,Tunisia, Turkey


43+ 30% ofeffortsfailing toachievetargetimpact



1 43 education systems participating in at least 3 international assessments since 1999

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The Blueprint lays out an ambitious, fast and complextransformation of the Malaysian education system


Ambition ▪ Aims to move Malaysia from bottom third to top third ofschool systems globally (with rapid sustained improvement)

Timeframe▪ Spans 13 years and has to remain relevant until 2025

▪ Needs to produce visible results within 3 years (by 2015)

▪ Roll out new teacher career package to 400,000 teachers (one-Operationalmagnitude

third of the civil service)

▪ Increase JPN and PPD organisation by 2,000 staff

▪ Upskill ~50,000 English language subject teachers

▪ Optimise costs and learning outcomes for ~2,500 SKMs (manyin rural or remote areas)


▪ Requires buy-in from disparate stakeholder groups (unions,NGOs, parents, business leaders, Opposition, former Ministers)

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10 Early Wins from the 25 priority initiatives

District TransformationProgramme

Pilot rolled out in Sabah and Kedah, encompassing 2,551 schools, ~89,000 teachers and ~1mn students. Both states recorded best performance on UPSR in over eight years;Kedah and Sabah improved by 0.06 and 0.07 points respectively versus national average of0.04. Kedah and Sabah are the two most improved states across Malaysia in 2013.

99% of all Year 3 students literate in BM and numerate after 3 years of schooling.LINUS English rolled out in 2013. Baseline literacy for English established at 50% for Year 1students. Within four months, literacy rates improved to 63%

Quality of intake improved significantly. 42% of the latest intake are high performers with aminimum of 7As achieved in their SPM examination; ~70% of the intake achievedminimum of 5As in SPM.

New performance-based selection criteria and merit-based process approved,replacing the prior tenure-based model for selecting and appointing new principals

Parent engagement toolkits were distributed to all 10,087 schools in Malaysia, signalingthe renewed focus on parental engagement as a lever to improve outcomes

5000 English teachers completed up-skilling programmes in language proficiency

4.7% of students are now enrolled at the upper secondary level in technical andvocational training


IPGM reform

Principal charter

Parent, community &private sector engagementEnglish teacherproficiency


Inclusive education

Ministry transformation

Basic infrastructure

9.2% special education needs students are now enrolled in inclusive educationprogrammes

Greater power of representation was provided to JPNs, starting with Sabah / Sarawak, forcontract work of up to RM 5mn (from RM500K), and services and supply contracts up to RM5mn (from RM2.5mn)

Approximately 1608 critical repair projects completed, giving students access to a steadyelectricity and water supply, as well as proper building infrastructure

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International experts on education reform says… Prof. Michael FullanSpecial Advisor to the Premier and Minister of Education, Ontario

Dr. Andreas SchleicherHead of the Indicators and Analyses Division,OECD

Dr. Hanan Khalifa Cambridge English Head Of Research And International Development

▪ Malaysia is one of the countries where the results for Mathemetics in the 2012 PISA rankings exhibited the biggest growth.

▪ Another sign that points towards Malaysia being able to carry its plan for education to fruition was the existence of top performing schools in the country.

▪ These schools show that it is possible. There is good evidence in Malaysia; we don't have to look to Japan, Singapore or Shanghai...there are world class schools in Malaysia and they show that the highest level of performance is possible.

• The ingredients in the blueprint were the right ones, but there needed to be hard work on the ground to get headmasters to be better leaders and for teachers to be stronger.

• There can be progress within a fairly short period, about five years, but steps must be taken to ensure teachers and principals have the skills to do it.

• Principals must not just manage schools, but lead in learning. Communication with parents and the broader community is the other factor...with both problems and successes communicated

• The Education Ministry is on the right path to bring not just good, but very good English. The aspirations in the blueprint are spot on

• Malaysia was commendable because it was one of the few countries carrying out an evaluation of its students' proficiency in English. "It wants to improve using research, and collect the right evidence to know that it is achieving realistic targets. Not many countries in the world do this.

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our transformationour legacy

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The Education Blueprint builds upon the strengths of previous reports andplans as its basis for development

1956 Razak Report Education Development MasterPlan 2006-2010 (PIPP)

Outlines 6 thrusts to realize Vision2020









Rahman Talib Report

Education Act

Tun Hussein Onn Report

Cabinet Committee Report

National Education Philosophy

Education Act

Education Development Plan

Education Development MasterPlan

Nation Building

Developing Human Capital

Strengthening the NationalSchool

Bridging the Education Gap

Elevating the TeachingProfession

Accelerating Excellence ofEducational Institutions

5| 22

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The Education Blueprint incorporates multiple sources of input


Malaysian and


InternationalIndependentReview PanelMembers

MalaysianEducation SystemReview Blueprint

Ministry ofEducationTaskforce

World Bank




PISANational Dialogue: Thousands

Education ReviewFocus Groups, Workshops,Surveys800 Principals11,000 Teachers13,000 Students500 JPN PPD Officers

of people to engaged via townhalls, roundtables, focus groups,surveys:

Ministry, state, and district officers

… across every state

Principals StudentsTeachers Parents Members of the public

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To maximise chances of success, the Ministry will make several changes

▪ Carefully sequence initiatives in three waves until 2025

1 Develop a focusedProgramme with afew big outcomes


Initially pursue initiatives suitable for our current starting point (Poor to Fair)

Stay focused on a few priorities: e.g. (i) Improving classroom teaching ii) Enhancingschool leadership iii) Raising English proficiency

▪ Publicly commit to ambitious targets (e.g. access, quality, equity)

▪ Secure unwavering commitment from PM, Minister, KPPM and KSU

▪ Focus on strengthening 200 pivotal leadership roles in MOE, PPDs, JPNs2


Strengthen Ministryleadership andcommitment

Establish theEducation DeliveryUnit (PADU)

▪ Set up a small high-powered Blueprint delivery unit within MOE

▪ Establish discipline of rigorous monitoring and problem-solving on delivery

▪ Establish consistent KPIs – from Minister, KPPM, KSU, top leaders to JPN, PPDheads and to schools


Intensify internaland externalperformancemanagement

▪ Follow-though with regular robust performance dialogues, rewards & consequences

▪ Transparently report performance regularly to help the public and media hold thegovernment accountable

5 Engage and winover MOE andstakeholders

▪ Fully engage external and internal stakeholders (e.g. JPN, PPD and schools)

Develop and reinforce a single constant story on Malaysia’s transformation journeyfrom a Poor to Great education system

Communicate compelling early-impact the rakyat can touch, see and feel

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