2014 Spring Assembly Dean Eric M. Eisenberg, Ph.D.

2014 Spring Assembly - usf. · PDF fileYEAR IN REVIEW Office of the Dean • Creation of three committees out of a strong desire to engage our faculty and staff in the development

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Page 1: 2014 Spring Assembly - usf. · PDF fileYEAR IN REVIEW Office of the Dean • Creation of three committees out of a strong desire to engage our faculty and staff in the development


Page 2: 2014 Spring Assembly - usf. · PDF fileYEAR IN REVIEW Office of the Dean • Creation of three committees out of a strong desire to engage our faculty and staff in the development


• Thisyear,wehavemademanystrategicchangestotheCollegeofArtsandSciencesthatalreadyareyieldingpositiveresults.

• Createstabilityinanunstableenvironmentthroughforwardmovement,communityengagementandreinvention.– SchoolofGeosciences– SchoolofPublicAffairs– STEMandComputationalclusterhires

Page 3: 2014 Spring Assembly - usf. · PDF fileYEAR IN REVIEW Office of the Dean • Creation of three committees out of a strong desire to engage our faculty and staff in the development


• CreationofthreecommitteesoutofastrongdesiretoengageourfacultyandstaffinthedevelopmentofinnovativeideasandsolutionstotoughchallengesthattheCollegefaces.– FacultyAssignmentandEvaluationCommittee– StrategicCommunicationofValue– StaffingandBusinessProcessEfficienciesCommittee

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• FormedtheDean'sAdvisoryBoard,asmallgroupofinfluentialandsuccessfulalumniwhohaveastrongpassionfortheCollegeofArtsandSciences.– Wanttoseeourfacultyspeakingoutinthecommunitymorefrequently

– WantadesignatedpersontohandleinternshipsandexperientiallearningforCASstudents

• ThisgroupmeetsquarterlyandwillprovidesuggestionsandresourcestohelptheCollegereachourgoals.

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LegislativeUpdate• SessionendsinMay2– staytuned!• LookformoreperformancebasedfundingwhichisdistributedbytheBOGusingapointsystemtiedtospecificmeasures(i.e.degrees,graduationrates,jobsaftergraduation,etc.)TheperformancebasedmodelalsoincludesaredistributionofUniversitiesbasebudgets.USFwasawarded2.6Mfromatotalpoolof20MinSeptember2013.

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LegislativeUpdate• GovernorRickScottwantstocompletelyeliminateDifferentialTuition authorityforUniversities.HouseandSenatebillsarealignedandcallforareductionfrom15%to6%andremovetheannualcostoflivingadjustment.

• NewrevenuesfromaredirectedutilitytaxonbusinesseswillincreasethetotalPECOfundingavailableforcapitalprojects.

• CurrentbillsinHouseandSenateforin-statetuitionforundocumentedimmigrants.

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• VisitedourelectedofficialsinTallahasseeinMarch

• Theyareeagertolearnmoreaboutourcollegeandpartnerwithusoncommunityengagementevents

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• Dean’sStudentLeadershipSocietylaunchedinFall2013andnowhas17outstandingmembers.

• ThesestudentswillserveasambassadorsforourcollegeandworkcloselywiththeDean’sOfficeandourdevelopmentteam.

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• FrontierForumcontinuestogrowinpopularity.

• Thisyearwehosted:– TheFamilyofHenriettaLacks

– Dr.Eben Alexander– RobertEdsel

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• AttendanceatTrailBlazershasincreased.• Presentersareencouragedtobringastudentortwotomeetwithourdonors.

• Thisyear’sspeakersincluded:– LesShaw(CMMB)– TimDixon(Geosciences)– AbeKhan(Communication)– ElizabethAranda (Sociology)

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TrailBlazers2014-2015CallforNominations• Wearelookingforengagingspeakerswhoarepassionateabouttheirresearchandabletotranslatewhattheydointotermsthatalayaudiencecanunderstand.

• Wewanttofeaturehigh-impact,meaningfulresearchthatincludesparticipationofundergraduateandgraduatestudents.

[email protected] byMay5.

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• TheHumanitiesInstitutehadgreatsuccessbyhostingScholarsinResidenceforthe secondconsecutiveyear.– JacquelynDowdHallfromUNCChapelHillandnovelist

– EssayistandplaywrightCaryl Phillips.• Ourfacultyparticipateinthe“HomegrownHumanitiesFacultyBookSeries.”

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DistinguishedUniversityProfessors• CarolynEllis|Communication• DmitryKhanvinson|MathematicsandStatistics


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NationalAcademicAdvisingAssociationCertificateofMeritforAdvising:• Dr.ChristieRinck (AcademicAdvisor,Sociology/ReligiousStudies/HumanitiesandCulturalStudies)

USFOutstandingAdvisingAwards:• Katie Kosmoski (Geosciences)• Melissa Lee(HealthSciences)• KellyPearson(Chemistry)

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OutstandingUndergraduateTeachingAwards• JohnnyEl-Rady|InstructorIII|CMMB• ChristinaPartin|InstructorII|Sociology• JohnNapora|InstructorII|Anthropology


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MinorityPre-ProfessionalStudentSociety(MPSS)Award• Dr.MelvinJames(HealthProfessionsAdvisor)wasrecognizedbystudentsforhis30yearsofservicetoMPSS, whichhefoundedtopromoteminoritystudentinterestincareersinthehealthprofessionsandthenaturalsciences.Provideasupportnetworktoenablestudentstobeacademicallysuccessful.

StudentSuccessAward• Kasandrea Sereno (Communication)

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UndergraduateStudiesCertificateofMeritinAdvising:Raheleh Dayerizadeh• Wewouldalsoliketorecognizethosewhowerenominated. Itisa

greathonortobenominatedandalthoughtheydidnotwin,theyarewinnersinoureyes.– MaryAnnWengyn,Receptionist,Mathematics&Statistics– MichelleRiedel,Manager,Business&FiscalAdmin,Psychology– ChristinaD.Nelson,AcademicServiceAdministrator,AcademicAffairs– SteveMutimer,BusinessEngineeringTechnologistSchoolofMass

Communication– PaulaLezama,AcademicAdvisor,ISLAC– LoreneHall-Jennings,AcademicServiceAdministrator– LindaBoyette,AcademicProgramSpecialist,Government&



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• Toenhancestudentsuccessinthecollegeweshouldapplyalearner-centeredperspectivetoallthatwedotoprovidehighqualitylearningexperiencesandbuildlastingrelationshipswithourstudents.

• Itistimetoembraceourroleinimprovingcareerreadinessofourstudentsbyinfusingtraditionallearningexperienceswithexperientialeducationopportunitiesandfurtherengagingourcommunitypartners.

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• WeneedtocontinuetodeveloprelationshipswithourapplicantsanddeepenourengagementwiththemwhiletheyareatUSF.

• Followinggraduation,weneedtomakesuretheystayconnectedandbecomeloyalalumni.

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• Ourstudentscontinuetowinprestigiousscholarships/fellowships:– GoldwaterScholarship– HollingsScholarship– UdallScholarship– CriticalLanguageScholarship– ThomasR.PickeringForeignAffairsUndergraduateFellowship

– FulbrightSummerInstitute

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• USFismakingstridestowardarobustonlinelearningpresencethatwillmeettheneedsofourdiversestudents.– SchoolofPublicAffairslaunchedanonlinemaster’sdegreeprograminAugust2013.

• CASisengagedviathedevelopmentofonlinecourseswithInnovativeEducation8developedthisspring2014 and 19scheduledforsummer2014.

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• USF6-yeargraduationrateup15%inthepast5years(from48-63%).

• Trulytimetocelebrateouraccomplishmentsregardingundergraduatestudentsuccess.

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5% 2%


Arts & Sciences

Behavioral & Community Sciences





The Arts


CAS Undergraduate Headcount:


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2%Arts & Sciences

Behavioral & Community SciencesBusiness




The Arts



Master’s Student Headcount: 792Ph.D. Student Headcount: 849

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• Ongoingconversationtoidentifyourareaswherewearetrulygreatandarepositionedtobecomenationalorinternationalleaders.–MaterialsScience– BiomedicalScienceandDrugDiscovery– CulturalIdentitiesandCivilSociety– 3DDataImagingandVisualization– GlobalChangeandNaturalHazards– HumanPerformanceandResilience

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• CASfacultyreceivedmorethan35awardsandfellowships,including:– David.K.Johnson,FellowattheNationalHumanitiesCenter

– TomCrisman,JeffersonScienceFellowshipattheStateDepartment

– JodyHarwood,Fulbright–MichaelBrannick,Fulbright– ThomasWilliams,EdinburghPrize

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• ThreeofthesixAAASFellowsfromUSFareCASfaculty.

• UniversityofSouthFloridarankedintheTop10worldwidefororganizationswiththemostAAASFellowsnamedin2013.

• ThisisthesecondyearinarowthatUSFhasbeenintheTop10worldwide.

• USFisNo.1inFloridafor2013AAASFellows,alsoforthesecondyearinarow.


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• DistinguishedUniversityProfessorGaëtan BrulottereceivedtheChevalierdansl’OrdredesPalmesAcadémiquesaward from France.

FranceConsulGeneralPhilippeLétrilliartpinned theChevalierdansl’OrdredesPalmesAcadémiquesaward onUSFDistinguishedUniversity Professor Gaëtan Brulotte.

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• Forthefourthtimesince2009,afacultymemberinphysicshasreceivedanNSF-CAREERAward.CongratulationstoInnaPonomareva!

• Shengqian MafromChemistryalsoreceivedanNSFCAREERAward

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• InCAS,thereare523activegrantawardstotaling$55million.

• In2013-2014,CAShassubmitted271proposalstotalingmorethan$102million.

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• Ourfacultyarecapturingtheattentionoflocal,nationalandinternationalmedia.

• ErinKimmerle andChristianWells’workattheDozierschoolcontinuestomakenationalheadlines.

• Apressconference heldinJanuaryresultedincoveragefromthethreewireservicesandmanynationaloutlets.Thecoveragewasvaluedatmorethan$600,000inpublicity.

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• For2013/14USFdepartedfromabasebudgetmodelwithincrementalincreasesand/ordecreasestoabudgetfocusedontotalexpenditures.

TotalExpendituresfrom2012/13Less 2MBudgetReductionPlus Newcommitmentsfor2013/14



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Newfor2013/14• USFistrackingDifferentialTuitioninaseparatefund.TheCollegeisusingthatbudgetforsalaryexpendituresandtheimpactondepartmentalbudgetshasbeenminimal

• InnovativeEducationissharing10%oftherevenuegeneratedfromDistanceLearningFeeswiththecolleges.ThoseresourcesmustbespentindirectsupportofonlineeducationandtheamountforCASwas$302,751.Wealsoreceivedanother100Kpoolspecificallytargetedtoexpandouronlinecourseofferings.

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Newfor2013/14• INTOiscontinuingtosharerevenuesfrominternationalstudents

• Increasestostudentfeesforlabsuppliesandfacilitiesfor2014/15werenotconsideredbytheUBOTandwillnotbeimplemented.

• ALLauxiliaryexpensebudgetswerelimited tobeequaltoorlessthancurrentyearrevenuesandcashreservescouldnotused

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• TheCASDOBudgetOfficeisrebrandingitselfasResourceandOperationalSupportServices(ROSS).Thenamechangereflectsabroadarrayofsupportservicesincluding:– FinancialManagement– HumanResources– WebSiteDevelopment&Support– FacilitiesManagement– FacultyActivityReporting– EventCoordination

• LookforaformallaunchinFall2014

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• ROSSincludesanewareacalledBusinessSupportServices(BSS)thatcentrallyprocessestravelandpurchasingtransactions.Anumberofacademicdepartmentshavevolunteeredtomoveintothenewcentralizedmodel.

• OurgoalistoimprovetheserviceleveltofacultyandstaffandincreasecompliancewithUniversitystandardbusinesspracticesandpolicies.

• Weestimatethatmorethan50%oftheCollege’stravelisbeingprocessedbyBSS.

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USFAFSCMEAgreementRatified• In-unitstaffwillgetamodestbasesalaryincreaseeffective

today(04/25/14)andincludedinMay16paycheck.• ThisisaUSFfundedincreaseandtopsofftheincreasefunded

bythelegislaturewhichwaseffectiveinOctober2013.• ItalsobringsthosestaffinlinewithUSFbasesalaryincreases

madetoAdministrative(out-of-unit)employeesinJanuary.• CAStotals:83/Staff(in-unit) 81/Administrative(out-of-unit).

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PerformanceBonuses• The2013FLlegislatureappropriatedfundstoprovide


• USFissupplementingthosefundstoprovidebonusestoalleligibleAdministrativeandStaffemployeesasfollows:– $1,100forExemplary– $600forCommendable

• BonuseswillbepaidJune13,2014.

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FacultyHiresin2013-2014AssistantProfessor 10ResearchAssistantProfessor 1Instructor 11TOTAL= 23

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Spring2014Retirees• LindaAlexander| InstructorII|SchoolofInformation• EllisGesten |Professor|Psychology• JanetHall|InstructorII|History• BruceHansen |ScientificResearcher|CMMB• MarkHerander |Professor|Economics• NikkiKantzios |Instructor|Humanities&CulturalStudies• Mozella Mitchell|Professor|ReligiousStudies• Sidney(Skip)Pierce|Professor|IntegrativeBiology• WilliamSacco|Professor|Psychology• MarkStewart|Professor|Geosciences• PeterVandenbergh |InstructorICMMB

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• We’reclosetoourgoalof41percentfortheFacultyandStaffCampaign.

• Weneed45morepeopletogive!• Thankyoutoourarearepresentatives!– JimGarey,DeanMartin,SandyJusticeandLoreneHall-Jennings

• Ifyouwouldliketobeanarearepresentative,[email protected].

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• Communicationsstrategyisbeingrevampedtoreflectthechangingnatureofmediaconsumptionandtheconstantchangeswithinsocialmedia.

• CreatedtheCASNewsNetwork.• OurDean’sOfficeInternshipProgramisthriving.Allfourofourgraduatinginternsinthefallfoundjobsintheirindustryorreceivedcompetitiveoffersforgraduateschool.

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• Questions?