2014 - Reference Form

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  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3011Engenho Nogueira

    31310-260 Belo Horizonte, MGPhone 55 31 3499-8000

    Fax 55 31 3499-8899



    Base date: 12/31/2014

    According to Annex 24 of CVM1 Ruling No. 480, of December 7, 2009

    Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS

    Publicly-traded Company



     No. 60.894.730/0001-05NIRE3 313.000.1360-0

    1 Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) 2 Brazilian IRS Registry of Legal Entities3 Number of Enrollment with Commercial Registry

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Base date: 12/31/2014

    According to Annex 24 of CVM4 Ruling No. 480, of December 7, 2009

    Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS

    Publicly-traded Company

    CNPJ/MF5 No. 60.894.730/0001-05

    NIRE6 313.000.1360-0

    4 Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (“CVM”) 5 Brazilian IRS Registry of Legal Entities6 Number of Enrollment with Commercial Registry

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    1.  Identification of the parties in charge of the contents of the form .............. 4

    2.  Auditors .............................................................................................................. 5

    3.  Selected financial information ........................................................................ 7

    4.  Risk factors ....................................................................................................... 14

    5.  Market risks ...................................................................................................... 49

    6.  History of issuer ................................................................................................ 56

    7.  Activities of issuer ............................................................................................ 65

    8.  Economic group ........................................................................................... 103

    9.  Relevant assets ............................................................................................. 108

    10. Officers’ comments  ..................................................................................... 120

    11. Projections .................................................................................................... 161

    12. General meeting and management ......................................................... 161

    13. Compensation of management ................................................................ 196

    14. Human resources ......................................................................................... 223

    15. Control .......................................................................................................... 230

    16. Transactions with related parties ................................................................ 241

    17. Capital .......................................................................................................... 257

    18. Securities ....................................................................................................... 259

    19. Plans of repurchase and treasury securities ............................................. 277

    20. Security trading Policy ................................................................................. 281

    21. Security disclosure Policy ............................................................................ 283

    22. Extraordinary business ................................................................................. 286

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899




    Base date: 12/31/2014

    According to Annex 24 of CVM Ruling No. 480, of December 7, 2009 

    Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - USIMINAS

    Public-traded Company

    CNPJ/MF No. 60.894.730/0001-05

    NIRE 313.000.1360-0

    Identification Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S.A. - Usiminas, a joint stock companyregistered with the Brazilian IRS Registry of Legal Entities under No.60.894.730/0001-05, with its acts of incorporation registered with theRegistry of Commerce of the State of Minas Gerais under NIRE No.313.000.1360-0. 

    Principal Place

    of Business

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3,011, City of Belo Horizonte, State ofMinas Gerais.


    Relations Officer

    Mr. Ronald Seckelmann, with principal place of business at the Company’sheadquarters, in the City Belo Horizonte, State of Minas Gerais. Thetelephone number of the Investor Relations Department is +55 (31) 3499-8856, the fax number is +55 (31) 3499-9357, and the e-mail is

    [email protected] Independent


    Ernst & Young Auditores Independentes 



    Bradesco S/A Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários (“Underwritingagent”). 

    Securities Issued Common and preferred shares, American Depositary Receipts (ADR) /American Depositary Shares (ADS), Eurobonds and debentures.

    Newspapers in

    Which the


    Discloses its


    The information related to the Company is published in the Official Gazetteof the State of Minas Gerais, Estado de Minas and Valor Econômico. 

    Internet Website www.usiminas.com. The information on the Company’s website is not anintegral part of this Reference Form and should not be included in it forreference purposes either. 

    Service to


    The Company’s shareholders are serviced by the Investor RelationsDepartment, which is placed at the Company’s headquarters. The Company’stelephone and fax numbers and the e-mail are +55 (31) 3499-8772, +55 (31)3499-9357 and [email protected], respectively.

    The shareholders are also serviced by the Shareholders Department of the

    Underwriting Agent at +55 (11) 3684-9413, +55 (11) 3684-2811 [email protected], respectively. 

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    1. Identification of the parties in charge of the contents of the form 

    1.1. Chairman and Investor Relations Officer’s Declaration 

    We declare that we have reviewed the Reference Form, that all information presented in this form complies with theprovisions set forth in CVM Ruling No. 480, especially Articles 14 to 19, and that the set of information contained in itis a true, accurate, and complete description of the economic and financial standing of Usinas Siderúrgicas de MinasGerais S.A. - Usiminas, as well as the risks inherent to its activities and the securities it issues.

    Rômel Erwin de Souza Ronald Seckelmann

    Chief Executive Officer Finance and Investors’ Relations Vice Chief  

    Executive Officer  

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    For fiscal years ended December 31, 2012:

    National auditor CVM code : 287-9 Rendering of services started on: 4/1/2008

    Corporate Name: PricewaterhouseCoopers AuditoresIndependentes

    Rendering of services ended on: 3/31/2013

    CPF/CNPJ: 61.562.112/0001-20

    Description of the contracted service:

      Examination and external audit of the Company’s Balance Sheet and the corresponding Income Statements, ofthe Statements of Changes in Equity, Cash Flows, as well as the Consolidated Financial Statements, and limited review ofthe Quarterly Information (ITR), prepared in accordance with the accounting practices adopted in Brazil.

      Reviews of the calculation basis of the Corporate Income Tax (IRPJ) and the Social Contribution Tax on Net Profit

    (CSLL), the Contribution to the Social Integration Program (PIS), and the Contribution for Social Security (COFINS) of theCompany and its subsidiaries.

      Accounting and tax assistance related to the application of accounting and tax rules, contracted in the year of2012 and 2011.

    Rationale for replacement:

    The Company did not replace auditors during the years of 2012 and 2011.

    Reason given by the auditor in case of disagreement with the issuer’s rationale: 


    Technical officer’s name: 

    Carlos Augusto da Silva 




    4/1/2008 to 3/31/2013


    Rua dos Inconfidentes, 1190 - 9o andar - Savassi

    ZIP BOX: 30140-120 - Belo Horizonte - MG

    Phone (31) 3269-1507 - Fax (31) 3269-6950 - Email: [email protected] 

    2.3. Further information that the Company may deem significant 

     All significant information relevant to this topic was disclosed in the items above. 

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    3. Selected financial information

    3.1. Based on the financial statements or, when the issuer is bound to disclose consolidatedfinancial information, based on the consolidated financial statements, prepare table informing:

    Values in thousand reais, unless as otherwise stated


    12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012

    a) Shareholders' equity 18,761,615 18,833,945 18,513,073

    b) Total assets 30,484,062 31,357,994 32,773,820

    c) Net revenue 11,741,629 12,829,467 12,710,881

    d) Gross results 1,036,765 1,475,803 481,184

    e) Net results 208,479 16,791 (598,281)

    d) Number of shares, ex-treasury 987,553,806 987,501,824 987,199,180

    g) Asset value of share R$ 19.00 R$ 19.07 R$ 18.75

    h) Net result per share R$ 0.14 R$ (0.14) R$ (0.72)

    i) Other accounting information selected by Company

    Since January 2013, the joint subsidiary companies Unigal Ltda., Usiroll, and Fasal Trading Brasil are nolonger consolidated in the Company’s financial statements, according to CVM Resolution No. 694/2012

    (CPC8 19 - R2). Thus, its subsidiary Mineração Usiminas discontinued the consolidation of its joint subsidiaryModal.

    From this date on, equity holding in such companies has been accounted for under the equity method.

    Financial statements for the year 2012 were restated and the effects of changes are presented in item 10.4of this Reference Form.

    8 Committee of Accounting Pronouncements

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    3.2. In case the issuer has disclosed, in the course of the last fiscal year, or intends to disclosethrough this form non-accounting measurements, such as EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes,depreciation, and amortization) or EBIT (earnings before interest and income tax), the issuer must:

    a) Amount of non-accounting measurements; and b) reconciliation of the amounts disclosed and those of the

    audited financial statements.

    Statement of the EBITDA

    Values in thousand reais, unless as otherwise stated

    12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012

    Net profit 208,479 16,791 (598,281)

    Income tax and social contribution (24,562) (211,120) (200,450)

    Net financial result 522,831 895,209 491,144

    Depreciation, amortization and depletion 1,114,597 1,072,433 965,110

    EBITDA - CVM Ruling No. 527 1,821,345 1,773,313 657,523

    Net result of discontinued operations

    Result of equity equivalence (183,780) (181,201) (165,638)

    EBITDA of jointly controlled companies (i) 225,506 214,314 204,703

     Adjusted EBITDA 1,863,071 1,806,426 696,588

    (i) Excluded from consolidation, according to the application of CPC 18 (R2).

    c) Explanations on the reasons the Company believes that such measurement is more appropriate for a

    better comprehension of its financial standing and the results of its transactions.

    EBITDA represents operating cash flow of the company, that is, how much the company generates fundsonly through its operating activities, without taking into account the financial and tax effects. Managementuses this indicator to analyze the productivity and efficiency of the Company. 

     Adjusted EBITDA is calculated from the year’s net income (loss), reversing profit (loss) of

    discontinuedoperations , income tax and social contribution, financial result , depreciation, amortization anddepletion, and equity in the results of subsidiary, joint subsidiary and affiliates.

    Beginning 2013, as a result of the application of CPC 19 (R2)  – joint business, Adjusted EBITDA takes intoconsideration the proportional equity in the results of the joint subsidiary companies, thus causing it to becompared with the amounts published in the year of 2012.

    3.3. Identify and comment on any event subsequent to the last consolidated financial statements ofyear-end closing significantly changing them:


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    3.4. Describe the allocation policy of income for the last three fiscal years, indicating:

    a) Rules on retained profits

    Pursuant to the Company’s articles of incorporation, CHAPTER VI, Article 24, Paragraph 4:

    The Board of Directors may propose, and then the Meeting will deliberate , to deduct from the year’s net

    income, after establishing the legal reserve, a portion at an amount not exceeding 50% to establish aReserve for Investments and Working Capital, which will stand for the following principles: a) its constitutionwill not affect the shareholders’ right to receive the payment from the mandatory dividend set forth in

    Paragraph 5, Article 24, of the articles of incorportion; b) its balance may not exceed 95% of the capital; c)the reserve aims to ensure investments in permanent assets, or appreciation in working capital, includingthrough amortization of the Company’s debts, regardless of retained profits related to capi tal budget, and itsbalance may be used: i) to absorb losses, whenever it is necessary; ii) to distribute dividends at any time; iii)in the transactions involving redemption, refund or share purchase, authorized by law; iv) in the incorporationinto share capital, including bonusshares.

    The legal reserve is established at 5% ofnet income for each year until it reaches 20% of capital.

     As soon as the allocations mentioned in paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of Article 24 of the articles of incorporation,with reference to the Legal Reserve, Reserve for Investments and Working Capital and Dividends,respectively, are complied with, the General Meeting may decide to retain portion of net income for the yearestablished in capital budget, previously approved, according to the provisions of Article 196 of Law No.6404/1976, with the remaining part being distributed to shareholders as complementary dividend.

    b) Dividend distribution rules

    The shareholders are granted a minimum dividend of 25% of the parent company’s net income for the year,calculated in agreement with the provisions of the corporation law and adjusted as follows: i) the increase ofthe following amounts:- resulting from the reversal, in theperiod , from former reserves for contingencies; -resulting from profit-taking, in the year, previously transferred to the reserve of unrealized profits; ii) thedecrease of the amounts allocated, in the year, to establish the legal reserve, reserves for contingencies andreserve of unrealized profits. The amount so calculated may, at the discretion of the General Meeting or theBoard of Directors, as the case may be, be paid on the account of the profit used as calculation basis orreserves of preexisting profits. Owners of preferred stock receive dividends 10 % higher than the onesallocated to common stock. The establishment of reserves may not affect the shareholders’ right to receive

    payment from the mandatory dividend of 25% of net income for the year.

    The amount of paid or credited interest, for interest on equity purposes, according to the provisions of Article13, letter “x”, of the articles of incorporation, may be imput to the amount of dividends to be distributed by theCompany, starting to integrate them for all legal purposes.

    c) Dividend distribution frequency

    The Company distributes dividends on an annual basis. The Company’s Board of Directors may also decide

    to distribute dividends on account of profit determined with basis on the semiannual balance or throughsmaller periods raised by the Company.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    d) Occasional restrictions to the distribution of dividends imposed by Law or special regulation applicable to

    the issuer, as well as contracts, judicial, administrative or arbitration awards

    The Brazilian Corporation Law allows the Company to suspend the mandatory dividend distribution if the

    Board of Directors informs in the General Meeting that it is incompatible with its financial standing. TheSupervisory Board must give its opinion concerning the recommendation made by the Board of Directors.Besides, the Board of Directors must submit the rationale for the suspension to CVM within five days as ofthe date the General Meeting was held. Profits not distributed, due to the suspension described above, willbe allocated to a special reserve and, in case they are not absorbed by subsequent losses, they must bepaid, as dividends, as soon as the Company’s financial standing so allows. There has been no change in the

    rules on restrictions to the distribution of dividends in the last three fiscal years.

    Some of the loan and financing contracts entered into by the Company (including, but not limited to, 4 th and5th  issues debentures described in item 18.5. of the Reference Form) establish that, in case of failure toperform its duties, the Company is bound to restrict the payment of dividends at the minimum mandatoryextent, which corresponds to 25% of the adjusted net income. The debentures of 4th issue were settled bythe Company in advance in December, 2010, as outlined in Section 18.5. The Company currentlyunderstands that it does comply with all contracts providing for such restriction.

    There is no restriction on the distribution of dividends imposed by judicial, administrative and arbitrationawards involving the Company.

    3.5. Indicate on the table for each of the last three fiscal years:

    (In thousands of reais) Fiscal Year 12/31/2014 Fiscal Year 12/31/2013 Fiscal Year 12/31/2012

     Adjusted net income - - -

    Dividends paid in relation to theadjusted net incomet - - -

    Rate of return in relation to theshareholders' equity of the issuer - - -

    Total dividends distributed - - -

    Retained net income - - -

    Date of approval of the retention - - -

    AmountPayment ofDividends Amount

    Payment ofDividends Amount

    Payment ofDividends

    Interest on equity

    Common - - - - - -

    Common - - - - - -

    Class A Preferred - - - - - -

    Class A Preferred - - - - - -

    Class B Preferred - - - - - -

    Class B Preferred - - - - - -

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Mandatory Dividend

    Common - - - - - -

    Common - - - - - -

    Class A Preferred - - - - - -

    Class A Preferred - - - - - -

    Class B Preferred - - - - - -

    Class B Preferred - - - - - -

    3.6 Inform if, in the last three fiscal years, dividends were declared on account of withheld profits orreserves established in previoius fiscal years

    Dividends declarations of withheld profits or reserves

    There was no declaration of dividends in the last three fiscal years on account of withheld profits or reserves

    established in previous fiscal years.

    3.7 Describe on the table the issuer’s indebtedness ratio: (a) total amount of debt, of any nature; (b)indebtedness ratio (current liabilities plus non-current liabilities, divided by net equity)

    In thousands of reais, except as stated otherwise

    Consolidated Current and Non-Current Liabilities

    Account Description 12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012

    Current liabilities 4,769,426 5,087,491 5,401,055

    Loans and Financings 1,655,799 1,288,645 1,400,823

    Debentures 50,092 41,525 257,664

    Taxes Payable in Installments 7,560 25,770 32,103

    Suppliers 1,948,744 2,422,024 2,280,432

    Taxes, Fees and Contributions 397,233 386,127 477,262

    Dividends Payable 30,937 1,122 26,635

     Acquisition of Mineração Ouro Negro S.A. - 213,607 178,249

    Others 679,061 708,671 747,887

    Non-current liabilities 6,953,021 7,436,558 8,859,692

    Loans and Financings 3,979,775 4,512,891 6,339,267

    Debentures 998,549 997,920 -

    Post-employment Benefits 1,187,788 1,230,316 1,396,812

    Taxes Payable in Installments 9,972 36,083 41,483

    Provisions 561002 583,267 525,636

     Acquisition of Mineração Ouro Negro S.A. - - 178,249

    Others 215,935 76,081 378,245

    Total Current Liabilities + Non-Current Liabilities 11,722,447 12,524,049 14,260,747

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Shareholders' equity 18,761,615 18,883,945 18,513,073

    Indebtedness Ratio (Current + Non-current Liabilities / Shareholders' Equity) 0.62 0.66 0.77

    c) If the Company so wishes, another indebtedness ratio, indicating:

    i) Method used to calculate the ratio

    Debt compared to EBITDA

    Loans and Financing by index - Consolidated

    In thousands of reais, except as stated otherwise 

    12/31/2014 12/31/2013 12/31/2012


    Local Currency 4,265,226 4,537,973 4,417,559

    Long-term interest rate (TJLP) 618,078 836,348 959,700

    Debentures 1,048,641 1,039,445 257,664

    Taxes Payable in Installments 17,532 61,853 73,586

    Others 2,580,975 2,600,327 3,126,609

    Foreign Currency (*) 2,436,521 2,364,859 3,653,781

    TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS 6,701,747 6,902,832 8,071,340

    Cash and investments (2,851,903) (3,468,816) (4,660,876)

    NET INDEBTEDNESS 3,849,844 3,434,016 3,410,464

    EBITDA 1,863,071 1,806,426 696,588

    (Net Indebtedness / EBITDA) ratio 2.1x 1.9x 4.9x

    (*) in 2014, 2013 and 2012, 99% of all foreign currencies are stated in US$ 

    ii) Reason why the Company believes that such ratio is appropriate for the correct comprehension of its

    financial standing and indebtedness ratio

    EBITDA is used by the Company management as a measure of operational performance. Therefore, theCompany believes that the “debt compared with EBITDA” method is an appropriate ratio, since it allows

    one to measure the company’s ability to meet its commitments in relation to its operational cash flow


    3.8. Amount of the Company’s obligations according to the expiry dates, segregated by debts withsecurity interest, floating charge, and unsecured debts

    The Company has no debt secured by third party guaranties.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Consolidated Position at 12/31/2014 Amounts in thousands of reais

    Less than a yearOne to three

    yearsThree to five

    yearsMore than five

    years Total

    Security interest 395,588 662,198 254,290 10,413 1,322,489

    Floating guarantee - - - - -

    Unsecured debts 4,373,838 2,177,210 1,780,108 2,068,802 10,399,958

    TOTAL 4,769,426 2,839,408 2,034,398 2,079,215 11,722,447

    3.9. Provide other information as the issuer may deem significantIn addition to the information provided above, the Company believes that there is no additional significantinformation to be provided in this item 3 of the Reference Form.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    4. Risk factors

    4.1. Describe risk factors that may have an influence on the investment decision, especially thoserelated to:

    a) The issuer

    The Company’s operating results may be affected in case of reduced demand and/or steel price, whether in

    Brazil or abroad.

    Steel demand is cyclical both in Brazil and abroad and a reduction in steel demand may negatively affect theCompany. 

    Therefore, the companies’ operating results of the steel industry and the Company may be affected by the

    macroeconomic fluctuations of the global markets and the domestic economies of steel-consumingcountries, as well as by changes in the business environment of the sectors of automobile and car spareparts, household appliances, electric equipment, industrial construction, among others.

    In the last years, China has been the main supporter for the increased demand for steel products in theworld. In 2006, China had become the world’s major steel manufacturer and also the main net exporter of

    steel products. Besides, there is a global situation of steel offer adversely affecting the prices of the steelproducts and the results of the companies in the industry. More recent estimates of the Organization forEconomic Co-operation and Development (OECD) indicate around 600 million tons in exceeding capacity ofworldwide steel production.

    Generally speaking, any significant reduction in demand and/or increase in steel offer both in domestic andexport markets (including China) may produce an adverse effect for the Company. It is worth mentioning, forthe purposes of this chapter, that an “adverse effect” related to a given risk factor may affect or will affect the

    Companies’ and/or its subsidiaries’ activities, financial standing, operating results, perspectives, business,

    and/or the stock trading prices that they may issue.

    The Company faces tough competition as for prices and other products, which may negatively affect itsprofitability and market share. 

    The worldwide steel industry has been affected by the global exceeding production capacity and weakenedsteel demand in the advanced economies. Given the high costs provisioned for the operation startup, thesystem for a continuous operation of a steelworks plant may cause the steelworks operators to keep highlevels of production, even during periods of low demand, which results in greater pressure over the sector’sprofit margin. The pressure for decreasing steel prices by the Company’s competitors may affect its

    profitability. Furthermore, continuous scientific advances in the material originated products such as plastic,

    aluminum, pottery, and glass, all of them steel competitors in a number of industries.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    The intensification of the crisis in Europe may negatively affect the Company‘s businesses 

    The crisis in Europe has already overcome its worst phase, bringing good perspectives to the demandgrowth and no effects of imports deviation to other regions as Brazil.

     Accidents or failures in critical equipment of the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants may lead to decline or stoppageof production, which may reduce the Company’s operating revenues. Insurances taken out by the Companymight not be enough to cover losses due to such decline and stoppage.

    Taking into account the Company’s maintenance efforts and investments, the steel production   processdepends on crucial equipment, such as blast furnace, converters and rolling mills. Such equipment may beaffected by severe defects or damages capable of generating significant interruptions in the productionprocess at the Ipatinga or Cubatão plant, which in its turn may reduce the Company’s production volumesand, subsequently, its operating revenue.

    Insurance policies taken out by the Company to cover losses due to operating risks, covering materialdamages to the facilities (including machinery breakdown and port blockage) and disrupted operations, maynot be enough to cover the entirety of liabilities that may rise in case of decline or stoppage of the productionof the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants, including those related to the non-fulfillment of customers’ orders withinthe scheduled date because of such events.

    The Company has insurance covering Loss of Profits as of 21st day from the loss of profits due to damage.

    In addition, in case the Company is not able to take out insurance policies under terms comparable to thecurrent ones in the future, its operating and financial results may be adversely affected if it incurs liabilitiesnot totally covered by its insurance policies.

    The Company is subject to risks related to legal, arbitration and administrative claims.

    The Company is a party to a number of legal, arbitration and administrative claims, including those involvingtax collections, labor disputes, as well as civil actions and public class actions, some of them hard tomeasure. At December 31, 2014, the total provisioning by the Company concerning such claims amountedto R$ 475.9 million and the amount judicially deposited was R$ 110.6 million.

    No one is able to estimate the outcome of such claims. In case an essential part of such claims, or one ormore claims of significant amount, is ruled against the Company’s interests and no provision of similar

    amount exists, the Company’s results may be adversely affected. Additionally, if that is the case, even if a

    sufficient provision has been established, the Company’s liquidity may be adversely affected. For moreinformation, please refer to items 4.3 to 4.8 of this Reference Form.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    The Company may face difficulties to implement its investment projects, which may affect its growth.

    The Company has been investing and intends to keep investing to enhance its mix of products andefficiency, to increase its production capacity and productivity, to guarantee the operational continuity andthe compliance with safety, health, and environment requirements. While implementing its investmentprojects, the Company may face various impediments, among which:

      failures and/or delays to acquire equipment or services required for building and operation of theprojects;

      increase of costs firstly estimated for running the projects;

      difficulties to obtain environmental licenses required for the development of the projects; and

      changes in the market conditions capable of making the investment projects less profitable thanfirstly estimated by the Company.

    In case the Company cannot manage such risks successfully, its growth potential and profitability may beadversely affected.

    Floating in the FX rate of real against the dollar may affect the Company’s financial performance and the

    operating results. 

    The exchange variation, especially that of real in relation to U.S. dollar, may have a significant impact on theCompany.

    The Company may not guarantee it will manage to substantially protect any and all of its duties designated inU.S. dollar in the future. The floating of real in relation to the U.S. dollar may impact the Company’s financialexpenses, operating costs, and net export revenues, which may cause an adverse event over its operatingand financial results. For more information, please refer to item 5.1. of this Reference Form.

    Increase in local and foreign interest rates may have a negative impact on the Company’s incomes. 

     A substantial part of the Company’s indebtedness is pegged to floating interest rates. Therefore, increase in

    local and/or foreign interest rates, especially SELIC (Special Clearance and Custody System), TJLP (Long-Term Interest Tax) and LIBOR, may have a negative impact on the Company’s results. For more information,please refer to 5.1. of this Reference Form.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Due to its business and investment plan, maybe the Company is not able to fully or successfullyimplementing future acquisitions, partnerships, or alliances it may set up in the future, and may incuradditional costs to finance such projects.

    The Company may be incapable of identifying potential acquisitions, alliances or partnerships that fit into itsstrategy and/or acquiring them within a satisfactory period, taking into account its cost and return. Theintegration of any transaction also involves risks, among which we may point out:

    - loss of consumers or key employees;

    - difficulty of personal integration, consolidation of environments and infrastructure, consistency ofinformation and other systems, as well as coordination of its logistic structure;

    - failure in maintaining quality of its products and services;

    - unaccrued costs;

    - difficulty in the internal control of several accounts; and

    - deflection of the daily business focus by the Management of the Company and its subsidiaries.

    Even in case the Company manages to successfully integrate the future operations of acquisition, alliance orpartnerships, they might not reach the expected objectives. Failure in the integration or scope of the benefitsof an acquisition, alliance or partnership may adversely impact the Company’s revenues and operating

    results. Any integration process must demand an important research time and, even so, maybe it isincapable of successfully functioning. The Company might need to include its expenses additional resourcesfor possible acquisitions, alliances or partnerships. A significant increase of the Company’s debts may have

    significant consequences on its decision making.

     An occasional energy crisis and water rationing may reduce the energy supply with possible energy rationingand decreased economical activity.

    Most of the Brazilian electric power mix, according to the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL)consists mostly of hydroelectric generation, and the rest mainly of thermal origin.

    Restrictions of electricity and water consumption or its rise in price imposed by the Government may have anadverse impact on the Brazilian economy, reducing the level of economic activity and subsequently the steeldemand and negatively affecting the Company’s operations, results, and financial standing. 

    Furthermore, the Company is not self-sufficient in energy production and, since its production process takesa huge volume of energy, occasional restrictions to electricity consumption may affect its economic activityand the rise in price may negatively affect its financial standing.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Reduction and revocation of the steel import duty 

    The current import duties on steel stand between 10% and 14% depending on the steel product marketed.The Brazilian government can change the rates mentioned, for example, for reasons of trade imbalancederived from changes in domestic or international economic conditions. Reduction in rates of import of steelproducts can raise the levels of imports affecting the Company's results.

    b) To its holding company, direct or indirect or holding group

    The Company’s controlling shareholders’ interests may be in conflict with the other Company’s shareholders’


    The Company’s controlling shareholders are empowered to, among other activities, elect the majority of the

    Board of Directors’ members and resolve the matters requiring the shareholders’ approval, under the terms

    and limits of the articles of incorporation and the applicable law. The practice of the power to control, asdescribed above, may be different from the Company’s minority shareholders. 

    c) To its shareholders

    The Brazilian Antitrust Authorities (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica - CADE), in session held

    on April 9th

    , 2014, tried the case regarding the acquisition of minority equity interest in its capital byCompanhia Siderúrgica Nacional - CSN and its related companies (“CSN Group”) (Merger nº08012.009198/2011-21),concluded, unanimously, on the necessity of imposing restrictions to the Merger.The CSN Group has executed a Term of Commitment Performance   (Termo de Compromisso deDesempenho - “TCD”) with CADE agreeing to dispose part of their equity held in Usiminas. The Companyinforms that it has had access only to the public version of the decision and thus unaware of any informationrelated to the volume, conditions and terms of divestment of shares of Usiminas held by CSN.

    Take effect until the sale of the percentage of shares determined by CADE and throughout the period inwhich the CSN Group is a shareholder of Usiminas, political rights derived from shares Usiminas held byCSN shall remain suspended. According to the decision, the CSN Group is prohibited to directly or indirectlyappoint any members of the Board of Directors, Supervisory Board or any other Usiminas’ management and

    supervision bodies, among other restrictions.

    During the period of enforcement of the CADE decision, the lease of the CSN Group’s shares to third partieswill be allowed, provided that it is carried out through the stock exchange, with multiple lenders, impersonallyand within the terms and limits of the transactions regulated by BM&FBovespa. Contracts executed outsidethe stock exchange and beyond those limits, such as private contracts, are prohibited. The determinationintends to dismiss the possibility of directing to one or more shareholders to, individually or jointly, use thepolitical rights related to the shares held by the CSN Group.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    d) To its subsidiaries and affiliates

    The Company’s subsidiaries are subject to risks related to legal, arbitration and administrative claims. 

    The Company’s subsidiaries are party to a number of legal, arbitration and adminis trative claims, which mayinclude claims discussing tax collection, labor disputes, as well as civil actions and public class actions,among others.

    The outcome of these claims cannot be estimated. In case a substantial part of such claims, or one or moreclaims of significant amount, is ruled against the Subsidiaries’ interests and no provision of similar amount

    exists, the Subsidiaries’ results may be adversely affected. Furthermore, if that is the case, even if there is

    sufficient provision, the Subsidiaries’ liquidity may be adversely affected. For more information, please refer

    to items 4.3 to 4.8 of this Reference Form.

    e) To its suppliers

    The Company’s exposure to the volatile costs of raw materials, especially the costs of charcoal and iron ore,

    may adversely affect its profitability.

    The main raw materials used in the iron production consist of charcoal and iron ore. Usiminas keep long-

    term contracts with strategic charcoal suppliers to supply part of its supply chain. Such suppliers areevaluated for global contract and financial performance and for delivery flexibility. In case of charcoal, since itis an imported raw material, buffer stocks are kept to reduce the risk of destocking due to occasional logisticproblems. Charcoal price is traded on a monthly, quarterly, or semiannually basis with the suppliers. In caseof rise in the charcoal price in reais due to exchange variation, the import cost of charcoal may increase theCompany’s general production cost, thus resulting in decrease in its profitability.

    Iron ore supply for Usiminas is priced based on the monthly mean of the spot prices of ore traded in China,maritime and railroad transport cost and port handling apart, in addition to movement, converted into reais atthe exchange rate of the previous month plus freight costs. The Company may be adversely affected in caseof rise in iron ore price in the international market and exchange rate increase (R$/US$), if it cannot manageto transfer the costs to its products.

    In 2014, the costs of raw materials accounted for around 48.5% of the Company’s consolidated productioncosts. In 2013, such costs were around 52% and, in 2012, such amount was 41%. Rise in the raw materialprice may occur in the future, which will lead to reduction in the Company’s profitability, since not always theCompany manages to transfer costs to its products.

    Nowadays, the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants virtually depend on two electrical energy suppliers, which servealmost its electrical energy needs.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



     According to the terms of the electric energy supply contracts, both CEMIG and Santo Antônio Energia -SAESA must virtually supply all electric energy required for the Ipatinga and Cubatão plants to operate untilDecember 31, 2019. In case such companies fail to supply or cannot supply all energy required for the

    activities to be developed in the Company plants, or in case one of them breaches or terminates the supplycontracts, the Usiminas plants may have to acquire electric energy at higher prices than those traded, whichmay adversely affect their results.

    Natural gas is used in the Cubatão and Ipatinga plants, where the Company has firm supply contracts withthe local concessionaires. Natural gas is an important energetic source for the Company and, in case ofsupply shortage, the production may be negatively affected; however, the Company is capable of applying inequipment other alternate energy resources, such as gas generated in the very process, fuel oil or diesel.

    f) To its customers

    Usiminas has an iron demand concentration in certain industry sectors, and any reduction in such demandcould adversely affect its results

    Usiminas has relative concentration if its sales to the domestic market in the Automotive industry. During theyear of 2014, the Automotive Industry (which aggregates the Automobile and Car Spare Part industries)accounts for 30% of the Company’s sales volume. 

    Changes in the vehicle demand may significantly reduce the Company’s sales, thus affecting its results. On

    the other hand, reducing this risk, the relationship between the Company and its clients is not only based onthe steel supply, but also on services, as application engineering, pre and post sale technical assistance andlogistics facilities, among others.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    g) To the economy sectors in which the issuer operates

    Changes in the Brazilian tax policies and charges to the steel industry may cause an important adverseeffect to the Company.

    The Brazilian Federal Government may change in the future its tax policies and the charges to the steelindustry, which may affect the Company. Such changes include alterations in the rates and in the taxcalculation basis and, occasionally, the collection of temporary contributions related to specific governmentalpurposes. Some of those measurements may result in tax increase and, in this case, the Company may beincapable of achieving a proportional revenue growth, which may cause an important adverse effect.

     Also, please refer to the risk factor indicated in item 4.1. “a” above, entitled “The Company faces tough

    competition as for prices and other products, which may negatively affect its profitability and market share.” 

    h) To the regulation of the sectors in which the issuer operates

    The Company is subject to a number of increasingly restraining environmental and health regulations,capable of implying increase of liabilities and capital expenditures.

    The Company’s facilities are subject to federal, state, and local human health and environment -related laws,regulations, and licenses. The Company may be subject to civil penalties, criminal sanctions, and mandatoryinjunctions of discontinuance of activities due to non-compliance with those regulations, which, among otherimpositions, limit or forbid both emission and leakage of toxic substances produced as a result of itsactivities. Current or past practices to remove debris may render the Company to cleanse or recover itsfacilities at a substantial cost, which may result in significant losses.

    In light of possible publication of unforeseen new normative rulings or other kinds of events, the amount ofenvironmental expenses in the future may significantly range compared to those currently foreseen.

    i) To the foreign countries where the issuer operates

    Protective regulations may affect the Company’s capacity to export its products.

    Usiminas regularly exports to countries with steel imports tradition and no enough capacity to supply theirdomestic demand. Therefore, areas of low probability of steel imports restrictions.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    4.2 With respect to each one of the risks described above, if significant, please comment onoccasional expected reduction or increase in the issuer’s exposure to such risks 

    Business risks capable of adversely impacting both operations and results, including changes in themacroeconomic and sector background that may influence the Company’s activities, are constantly

    monitored. Currently, the Company does not identify any background of increase or reduction of the risksmentioned in item 4.1 above.

    4.3. Describe the judicial, administrative or arbitration proceedings the issuer and its subsidiaries areparty to, separating them by labor, tax, and civil, among others: (i) that are not under secrecy, and (ii)that are significant for the issuer’s and subsidiaries’ business: 

    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Case No. Ordinary Action No. 132533920004013800

    Court 18 Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG

    Instance 2n  

    Filing Date 5/12/2000

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Defendant Federal Government

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 121,826,117.81

    Major facts

    Suit filed by Usiminas questioning the non-approval of IRPJ offsetting over the balance of theinflationary gain, of the amounts paid in 1993 according to Law No. 8200, subsequently revoked.

    06.19.00 - Petition for preliminary injunction granted.

    01.25.02 - Decision granting the appeal is published.

    03.19.02 - Appeal filed by both parties (appeal by Usiminas: only against the restatement criterionused by the Judge).

    10.15.13 - Judgment rejecting both appeals.

    11.22.13 - Amendments of judgment filed by Usiminas.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

     Analysis of the impact inthe event of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if thereis provision None.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( X ) Administrative ( ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Case No. PTA9 No. 13603000422/2006-31

    Court Administrative Board for Tax Appeals

    Instance 2n  

    Filing Date 04/12/2006

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Defendant Federal Government

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 109,045,334.32

    Major facts


    04.12.06 - Rejection of the notice of tax delinquency filed.

    10.13.06 – Notification of the decision that: 1) put notices of tax delinquency No. 13.603.000421/2006-31 (IRPJ) and 13.603.000422/2006-31 (CSL) together, as well as of the pronouncement of non-compliance related to suit No. 10.680.016230/2004-74 (IRPJ), for judgment; 2) did not homologate thepetition for offsetting; and 3) deemed the assessment partially valid, determining the reduction of thespot fine from 75% to 50%.

    11.13.06 - Docket of voluntary appeal by Usiminas.

    05.10.13 - Voluntary appeal deemed partially valid.

    05.17.13 - Amendments of judgment filed by Usiminas.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

     Analysis of the impact inthe event of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if thereis provision


    9 Administrative Tax Claim10 Social Contribution on Net Profit

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Case No. Ordinary Action No. 153416920084013800

    Court 5th Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 06/16/2008

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Defendant Federal Government

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 103,646,000.00

    Major facts

    Suit filed by Usiminas questioning the non-homologation of IRPJ offsetting resulting from the LALURreview for 1995, with other federal taxes.

    06.16.08 - Petition for preliminary injunction granted.

    11.05.08 - Decision granting the Usiminas petition for accounting expert examination.

    11.04.09 - Examination of the court file for the parties on the expert report published (favorable toUsiminas).

    11.09.09 - Pronouncement by our technical assistant confirming the conclusions of the expert report.

    12.09.09 - The Federal Government required stay of proceedings for 30 days to await the pronouncementby the Brazilian IRS.

    04.08.10 - Petition for stay dismissed. An appeal was filed against that decision.

    10.24.13 - Appeal filed by the Federal Government dismissed.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impactin the event of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, ifthere is provision


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Civil ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Public Class Action No. 00093627119974025001

    Court Federal Regional Court of the 2nd Region

    Instance 2n  

    Filing Date 11/10/1997

    Parties to the proceeding

    Plaintiff Public Prosecution Service (MPF)

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Others Gerdau Açominas and ArcelorMittal Comercial

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    Right to explore the Private Port Terminal of Praia Mole.

    Major facts

    The purpose of the suit is to affirm that the contracts legalizing the concession are null.

    11.10.97 - Suit distributed.

    02.17.98 - Preliminary order requested by MPF dismissed, whose purpose was to take away fromthe companies the control over the Terminal.

    11.09.07 - Judgment favorable to the companies. Proceeding petitions deemed totally groundless.

    04.08.08 - Appeal filed by MPF.

    06.25.08 - Suit submitted to trial court for judgment of the appeal filed by MPF.

    07.03.12 - Decision favorable to the companies.

    11.12.12 - MPF filed appeal to STJ and STF.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    If the suit is deemed to have grounds, Usiminas will lose the right to explore the Private PortTerminal of Praia Mole.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision



  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Civil ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Declaratory Statute No. 02755661920108130313

    Court Court of Justice of Minas Gerais – 2nd Civil Court of Ipatinga/MG

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 04/07/2008

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff IPS Port Systems LTDA. and IMPSA Port Systems LTDA.

    Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 347,912,561.87

    Major facts

    Civil suit in which the plaintiffs petition for reimbursement and indemnity for losses allegedlysuffered due to presumed non-compliance in the manufacture of cranes (object matter of thesupply contract).04.07.08  –  Distribution of the main action to the 17th  Civil Court of São Paulo, SP under No.538.000.2008.133751- – It was pronounced judgment that: a) in the court records of the main action, acceptedthe connecting motion to dismiss alleged by Usiminas Mecânica and ordered the suit to beredistributed to the court of Ipatinga/MG, as there had already been a proceeding involving thesame parties and related to the same contract in Ipatinga/MG; b) in the court records of theinterlocutory injunction, dismissed the petition for anticipation of the expert examination in Spain.12.09.10 –Petitions were filed insisting that the proceeding related to the foreign plaintiff shouldbe extinguished due to lack of suitable bond and financial ability by the Brazilian plaintiff to submitit.

    07.14.11 – The Plaintiff, Impsa Port Systems, was excluded as a plaintiff to the suit.10.17.11 – The plaintiffs filed an interlocutory appeal to reject the exclusion of the plaintiff Impsafrom the suit.02.03.12 – Return of the letters rogatory from Spain whose object was the technical examination.02.23.12 – UMSA alleged that the expert evidence produced in Spain was null.04.19.12 – The interlocutory appeal of the Plaintiffs was deemed partially valid and IMPSA startedto make part of the party plaintiff of the action again.06.11.12 – Both parties filed an appeal to the Superior Court.12.14.12  –  Decisions of the Vice-Presidency of TJMG11  rejecting the appeals to the SuperiorCourt were published.01.09.13 – Interlocutory appeals registered with TJMG against the decisions that did not acceptthe appeals to the Superior Court. Appeals resubmitted to STJ12.12.04.13  –  Decision reactivating the main proceeding published. Parties notified to submitquestions for the examination required by the plaintiffs.12.09.13 – Amendments of judgment opposed by UMSA requiring examination by the Judge ofother motions to dismiss.

    06.25.14 - Decision against the Amendments of judgment filed by UMSA was published. Anappeal was filed against that decision.CURRENT PHASE: APPEAL ACCEPTED. WAITING FOR JUDGE´S DECISION ABOUT THEDEPOSIT TO BE DONE BY IPS.

    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision None.

    11 State Supreme Court 12 Supreme Court 

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    13 Service Tax 

    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Case No. Delinquent Tax Collection Procedures No. 00241860420118130313

    Court Court of Justice of Minas Gerais - Court of the Public Treasury of the Circuit Court of Ipatinga/MG

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 01/12/2011

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Municipality of Ipatinga/MG

    Defendant Unigal Ltda.

    Others None

    Values, assets orrights involved

    R$ 123,387,455.49

    Major facts

    ISS - Missing collection of tax supposedly due for the rendering of galvanization services (subitem14.05 of the services list – Law No. 2033/2003).

    01.12.11 - Assignment of the delinquent tax collection procedure.

    09.28.11 - Unigal offered as attachment industrial equipment for purposes of security of debt anddistribution of Amendments to the delinquent tax collection procedure.

    10.26.11 - Indication of assets granted and drafting of the pledge instrument determined.

    04.07.12 - Pledge instrument signed.

    08.03.12 - Stays of execution distributed.

    07.22.13 - Petition requiring technical expert evidence to be produced.

    07.16.14 - Technical expert evidence accepted.


    Chance of loss

    Period lapsed from 01 to 12/2004 and from 01 to 08/2005

    R$ 43,540,455.49

    ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

    Period from 09/2005 to 06/2009

    R$ 79,846,571.02

    ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impactin the event of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, ifthere is provision


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Case No. Ordinary Action No. 122679519944013800

    Court 6 Court of the Federal Justice - Court Division of MG

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 06/03/1994

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Defendant Federal Government

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 81,472,233.66

    Major facts

    Usiminas discusses if it would be possible to renounce the action due to amnesty it has adhered to (LawNo. 11941/09), even following the discussion declared res judicata, since such requirement is notexpressed in the legislation.

    10.30.09 - A petition was filed informing the adherence to the payment in installments, disclosed by LawNo. 11941/2009, and the waiver to the right on which the action is based, and requiring the conversioninto pledge income and finding of outstanding balance by the company, according to calculationsattached to the petition.

    06.30.10 - Decision was handled down dismissing the waiver of the right on which the action is based andthe petition for finding of the balance by the company and determining the conversion of the full amount ofthe pledge into final payment to the Federal Government.

    07.12.10 - Appeal filed by Usiminas.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    14 Federal District 

    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) ArbitrationNature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Civil ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Public Class Action No. 0008162292011807001

    Court State Supreme Court of Distrito Federal and Territories – 18 Civil Court of Brasília/DF

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 02/16/2011

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Prosecution Service of Distrito Federal - MPDFT

    Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A – 7 Contract Work

    Others Elmar Luiz Koenigkan, Espólio de Claudio Oscar de Carvalho Santanna, Clarindo Carlos da Rocha, Aldo Aviane Filho, Projconsult Engenharia de Projetos LTDA., Via Engenharia and UMSA.

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 328,333,016.31

    Major facts

    This is a public class action aiming to investigate the presumed overpricing in the construction of JKbridge in Brasília, petitioning reimbursement to the public treasury of the accrued amounts through theterm of amendment to Contract Work No. 516/00.

    02.24.11 – Service of Process.

    08.19.11 – UMSA filed defense.

    02.02.12 – Evidence specification docket.

    07.09.12 – Settlement hearing held with no agreement.

    07.09.12  –  Awaits decision in relation to the motions to dismiss challenged and the petitions forproduction of evidences.

    10.17.12 - Motions to dismiss rejected and production of evidence granted.

    11.08.12 – Interlocutory appeal against the corrective decision applied.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impact inthe event of loss

    The value of the risk of Usiminas Mecânica is equal to that of the demand, which is not provisioned.However, one may seek right of subrogation, in case any payment is made pursuant to several and jointliability.

    Value provisioned, if thereis provision


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Case No Public class action No. 00306942920128130313

    Court Court of Justice of Minas Gerais – Court of the Public Treasury of the Circuit Court of Ipatinga/MG

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 02/03/2012

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Chenia Paula Rodrigues Lucas

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    OthersMunicipality of Ipatinga, Sebastião de Barros Quintão (mayor of Ipatinga during 2004-2009), RobsonGomes da Silva (mayor of Ipatinga during 2009-2012), Nilton Manoel (mediator).

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 1,968,045,042.52

    Major facts

    Public class action for the payment of IPTU15 supposedly due by Usiminas to the Municipality of Ipatingafrom 1997 to 2012.

    The plaintiff alleges that, through documents and information, she proved that since 1997 severalconstruction works not included in the calculation basis of IPTU have been made in the plant of Usiminasin Ipatinga/MG, which would have caused the municipality a loss of resources of around R$1,590,727,376.22. The plaintiff requests the defendants to be sentenced to reimburse to the publictreasury the amounts of the uncollected credits.

    03.02.12 – Distribution.

    01.07.14 – Appeal presented by Usiminas based on the IPTU administrative process closed in 2013.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( X ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of oss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision


    15 Local Property Tax

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    16 National Bank of Economic and Social Development

    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( x ) Civil ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Public Class Action No. 00205550519958240023

    CourtState Supreme Court of Distrito Federal and Territories  –  1st  Court of the Public Treasury ofFlorianópolis/SC

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 03/29/1995

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Prosecution Service of Santa Catarina

    Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A – 5 construction workOthers Neri dos Santos, Miguel Rodrigues Orofino, José Acelmo Gaio and Ster Engenharia S/A

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 67,970,029.06

    Major facts

    Public class action filed by the Prosecution Service of Santa Catarina for the purpose of seekingreimbursement of losses caused to the State’s public treasury due to supposed undue expenses in the

    construction of Pedro Ivo Campos bridge.

    06.09.95 – UMSA filed reply and impleaded BNDES16 and Representações STER Engenharia S/A.

    07.21.98  – A decision was handed down, provisionally granting the impleader of BNDES and STERS/A.

    01.26.99 – BNDES filed refusal of the impleader filed by UMSA.

    04.12.04 – A decision was handed down, justifying the stay of proceedings and requiring sending of thecourt file to the State Supreme Court, as there is defendant in the capacity of former FederalRepresentative.

    02.21.05 – A decision was handed own in that the suit does not belong to the jurisdiction of the StateSupreme Court of the State of Santa Catarina, thus requiring the court files to be returned to its origin.

    07.27.11 – UMSA filed requirements and appointed technical assistant.

    03.15.13 – Stay of proceeding due to suspensive effect of interlocutory appeal.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    The value of the risk of Usiminas Mecânica is equal to that of the demand, which is not provisioned.

    However, in case any payment is made due to several and joint liability, right of subrogation may besought.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( x ) Labor ( ) Civil ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. No. 00012379620125020251

    Court 1st Court of Cubatão/SP

    Instance 1st 

    Filing Date 12/12/2012

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Metallurgical Union (STISMMMEC)

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Others NoneValues, assets or rightsinvolved

    Cannot be estimated

    Major facts

    Public Class Action in which the Union alleges that Usiminas dismissed several employees in 2012without previous union negotiation. The plaintiff requires that all employees dismissed in 2012 (morethan 1,000) be reinstated and that Usiminas be prohibited to dismiss again, without previous judicialagreement and as recovery of damages advertisement campaign against mass dismissal and paymentof the amount of R$ 200,000.00 to Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Santos.

    12.12.12 – Service of process received.

    04.18.13 – Defense filed/hearing held.

    12.02.13 – Action deemed groundless.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    Cannot be estimated.

    Value provisioned, if thereis provision None.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( ) Judicial ( X ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( X ) Civil ( ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Arbitration Claim No. 62/2013/SEC2

    Court Chamber of Arbitration and Mediation of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada (CAM-CCBC)

    Instance -

    Filing Date 10/18/2013

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Eldorado Brasil Celulose S.A.

    Defendant Usiminas Mecânica S/A

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 57,400,000.00

    Major facts

     Arbitration claim arising out of the contract of purchase and sale of assets to supply 447 railwaycars for the transportation of bales of pulp questioning (I) delay in delivery; (II) imposition of finelimited to 10% of the contract value; (III) indemnity for damages.

    10.18.13 – Eldorado filed petition for Arbitration.

    11.08.13 – UMSA presented its response to the arbitration requirement.

    09.29.14 – UMSA presented its response to the initial allegations from Eldorado.


    Chance of loss

    R$ 16,100,000.00

    ( X ) probable ( ) possible ( ) remote

    R$ 41,300,000.00

    ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision

    R$ 16,100,000.00.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( x ) Administrative ( ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Tax assessments nº 29537681, 29537690, 29537703, 29537711, 29537720 e 29537738.

    Court Administrative Court of Tax Appeal of Rio Grande do Sul (TARF)

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 04/17/2014

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Rio Grande do Sul State

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 106,427,444.73

    Major facts

    6 tax assessments (1 for each business establishment) from Rio Grande do Sul State for reversalof presumed credits that would have been taken when Usiminas was supposedly in illegal taxsituation (debts with federal government not guaranteed).

    05.21.14 - Rejection of the tax assessments filed by Usiminas.

    07.23.14 – Rejection not accepted.

    08.19.14 – Appeal presented by Usiminas.


    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision None.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( x ) Administrative ( ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Tax assessment nº 10600720032201342.

    Court IRS

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date 01/20/2014

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Federal Government

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Others None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 53,052,738.19

    Major facts

    Tax assessment to charge IRPJ and CSLL related to the year of 2008, when the Company did notadd back, in the income tax calculation, the foreign “profit” obtained by its direct subsidiaryUsiminas Commercial Ltda., located in the Cayman Islands.01.20.14 - Rejection of the tax assessment filed by Usiminas.10.10.14 – Decision partially favorable. Appeal presented by both parties.CURRENT PHASE: PENDING ADMINISTRATIVE TRIAL.

    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision None.

    Instance: ( x ) Administrative ( ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Case No. Tax execution nº 00035576320108260157

    Court Tax Execution Court of Cubatão/SP

    Instance 1st 

    Filing Date 05/24/2010

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff State of São Paulo

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/AOthers None

    Values, assets or rightsinvolved

    R$ 54,594,000.00

    Major facts

    The tax authorities from the State of São Paulo demand ICMS, due to Usiminas supposedlyrecognize illegal tax credits over freight.05.24.10 – Tax execution distributed.03.14.12 – Amendments to execution distributed.07.10.12 – Petition requiring the production of technical accounting evidence.CURRENT PHASE: WAITING PRODUCTION OF EVIDENCE.

    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

     Analysis of the impact in theevent of loss

    Only the value of the matter in controversy, which is not provisioned.

    Value provisioned, if there isprovision None.

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    4.4. Describe the judicial, administrative or arbitration claims, which are not confidential, to which theissuer or its subsidiaries are parties and whose adversary parties are managers or former managers,

    controlling shareholders or former controlling shareholders of the issuer or of its subsidiaries:

    Not applicable, as the Company has no judicial claims whose adversary parties are managers or formermanagers, controlling shareholders or former controlling shareholders or investors of the Company or of itssubsidiaries. 

    4.5. With respect to confidential proceedings to which the issuer or its subsidiaries are parties, whichhave not been disclosed in items 4.3 and 4.4 above, analyze the impact in the event of loss andreport the values involved.

    Not applicable, as there is no significant confidential claims to which the Company or its subsidiaries areparties, thus with no possible impacts. 

    4.6. Describe the repeated or linked judicial, administrative or arbitration claims, based on facts andsimilar legal causes, which are not confidential and that are significant in the aggregate, to which theissuer or its subsidiaries are a party, breaking down by labor, tax, civil claims and other types:

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Values involved R$ 231,414,000.00

    Value provisioned, if thereis provision


    Practice of issuer orsubsidiary thereof thatcaused such contingency

    The State of São Paulo filed a petition for reversal of previously unused credits taken by Usiminasalleging that they are: (i) used in duplicate and with no indication of the determining reasons; (ii) withneither proof of origin nor indication of the determining reasons; and (iii) related to transactions ofgoods receipt for use and consumption of the establishment itself and with no indication of thedetermining reasons.

    Number of cases 03

    Case Number(s)

    I – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40089241

    II – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40263551

    III – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40368282

    Court Treasury Department of the State of São Paulo

    Instance 1s  

    Filing Date I – 09/2012; II- 09/2013; III - 02/2014

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff State of São Paulo

    Defendant Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Others None

    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( X ) possible ( ) remote

    Major facts

    I – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40089241

    10.23.12 – Protest letter against the notice of tax delinquency filed by Usiminas.

    05.17.13 – Protest letter against the notice of tax delinquency deemed groundless.

    06.14.13 - Appeal filed by Usiminas.


    II – Notice of tax delinquency No. 40263551

    10.01.13 – Protest letter against the notice of tax delinquency filed by Usiminas.

    12.04.13 - Appeal filed by Usiminas.


    III - Notice of tax delinquency No. 40368282

    03.27.14 - Rejection of the notice of tax delinquency filed by Usiminas.

    06.23.14 – Ordinary Appeal filed by Usiminas.


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environment ( ) Others:

    Values involved R$ 930,012,596.25

    Value provisioned, if thereis provision


    Practice of issuer orsubsidiary thereof thatcaused such contingency

    ICMS required on exportation of products deemed to be semi-finished by the tax authorities (beforeConstitutional Amendment No. 42/03). Notices of tax delinquency filed by the State of São Paulounder the allegation that Usiminas would have exported, from May 1991 to February 1994, semi-finished products destined to abroad. However, the exported goods were industrial products and, assuch, exempt from ICMS on exportation, reason why the company did not collect the correspondingtax.

    Number of cases 03

    Case Number(s)I - Ordinary Action No. 583532008120242;II - Ordinary Action No. 583532004025121;

    III - Ordinary Action No. 583532005019200.

    Court COURT OF JUSTICE OF S O PAULO: I and III – 4 VFP ; II – 2n  VFP

    Instance I and III- 1s ; II – 2n  

    Filing Date I – 2004; II – 2005; III – 2008

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Defendant State of São Paulo

    Others None

    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( ) possible ( x ) remote

    Major facts

    I - Ordinary Action No. 58353200812024204.25.08 – Assignment of the suit.03.25.10 – Suspension of debt collection requirement (upon the interlocutory injunction).11.28.13 – Verdict favorable to Usiminas interests.07.28.14 – Submission of the documents to the Justice Court of São Paulo for the trial appeal of theState of São Paulo.11.05.14 – Favorable decision confirmed by the Court.CURRENT PHASE: WAITING APPEAL.

    II - Ordinary Action No. 58353200402512109.22.04 – Assignment of the suit.03.21.06 - Suspension of debt collection requirement (upon the interlocutory injunction).

    09.01.14 – Technical evidence favorable to Usiminas.CURRENT PHASE: PENDING TRIAL.III - Ordinary Action No. 58353200501920008.24.05 - Suspension of debt collection requirement (upon the interlocutory injunction);02.14.06 – Judgment favorable to Usiminas published.09.12.06 – Appellate review applied by the State of São Paulo.03.12.12 – Decision made by the Court validating the judgment favorable to Usiminas.07.02.12 – The State files appeals to the Superior Court of Justice and the Supreme Court.CURRENT PHASE: PENDING EXAMINATION OF ADMISSIBILITY OF THE APPEALS.

    17 Court of Public Treasury

  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( X ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Values involved R$ 599,943,000.00

    Value provisioned, ifthere is provision


    Practice of issuer orsubsidiary thereof thatcaused such contingency

    The company (Cubatão plant) stopped linking the shipment invoices to the customs place in Cubatão with thedelivery notes for exportation (Period: 08 to 12/2004).

    Number of cases 02

    Case Number(s)I – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120100078666

    II – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120110023335

    Court I/II – Court House of Cubatão – Tax Court

    Instance I/II – 1s  

    Filing DateI - 2010

    II – 2011

    Parties to the suit

    Plaintiff Usinas Siderúrgicas de Minas Gerais S/A

    Defendant State of São Paulo - State Public Treasury

    Others None

    Chance of loss ( ) probable ( x ) possible ( ) remote

    Major facts

    I – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120100078666

    12.02.10 – Delinquent tax collection assigned by the State of São Paulo.

    01.10.11 - Usiminas offered area 19 for attachment, located at the Cubatão plant / São Paulo state, related toblast furnace 2, enrollment No. 7289, for purposes of debt security and distribution of motions to staydelinquent tax collection procedures.

    05.08.12 – Attachment signed.

    06.06.12 – Assignment of motions to stay.


    II – Delinquent tax collection procedures No. 1570120110023335

    03.30.11 – Delinquent tax collection procedures assigned by the State of São Paulo.05.17.11 – Usiminas offered area 19 for attachment, located at the Cubatão plant / State of São Paulo, relatedto enrollment No. 7275, for purposes of debt security and assignment of miotons to stay delinquent taxcollection procedures.

    08.01.11 – Final decision granting pledge over the assets indicated by Usiminas.

    11.17.11 – Attachment signed.

    12.19.11 – Assignment of motions to stay.


  • 8/9/2019 2014 - Reference Form


     Usiminas Headquarters 

    Rua Prof. José Vieira de Mendonça, 3.011Engenho Nogueira | 31.310-260

    Belo Horizonte - MGT 55 31 3499-8000F 55 31 3499-8899



    Instance: ( ) Administrative ( x ) Judicial ( ) Arbitration

    Nature: ( ) Labor ( ) Civil ( x ) Tax ( ) Environmental ( ) Others:

    Values involved R$ 1,003,325,486.18

    Value provisioned, ifthere is provision


    Practice of issuer orsubsidiary thereof thatcaused suchcontingency

    The National Treasury requires ICMS credits of materials considered to be of use and consumption (refractoryand other) to be reversed: Usiminas classifies the refractory materials used in steel production as intermediarymaterials, whose ICMS c