2014 - November Trinity News

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  • 8/10/2019 2014 - November Trinity News


  • 8/10/2019 2014 - November Trinity News


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    Stated Meeting of the Presbytery of the PinesOn Saturday, October 18th, 2014 the Presbytery held its110th Stated Meeting at Trinity Presbyterian Church inBossier City. No ruling elders from Trinity Jonesvillewere in attendance. Pastor John attended the meetingas a member of Presbytery.

    Highlights from the Stated Meeting: Rocky Mount Church, Rocky Mount, LA was

    officially dissolved. Approved the formation of an administrative

    commission to address a request from FirstChurch in DeQueen, AR to dissolve.

    Lisa M. Schrott of First Church, Shreveport wasmoved from Inquirer to Candidate for Ministry.

    Approved new Presbytery Operations Manualwhich concludes the work to restructurePresbytery Operations and Committees.

    Approved nominations to the newly formedcommittees under the operational restructure.

    Elected members to 2015 Presbytery NominationCommittee.

    Installed 2015 Moderator to Presbytery, RulingElder Dana Stinson from Trinity Church, BossierCity.

    October Stated Session MeetingTrinity Session met for its Regular Stated Meetingon Sunday, October 5that 8:45 AM. Martha Brallierserved as Temporary Clerk for the meeting.Highlights from the meeting included:

    Approved the collection of the ChristmasJoy Offering on December 21stin Worship.

    Approved replacing the church kitchen

    refrigerator. Approved the activation of the Nomination

    Committee for the purpose of calling rulingelders to the Class of 2017. Named RulingElders Donna Tiser and Ronnie Swayze toparticipate in the process with the electedmembers from the congregation to conduct thework of the committee. Members from thecongregation were elected at the January 12th,2014 Congregational Meeting. They are ElderCatherine Jones, Member Charlie Bean andElder Verda Mophett.

    Set Congregational Meeting for December7th, 2014 for the purposes of:1. Electing Elders to class of 20172. Nominating and electing members at large

    to serve on Nomination Committee in 2015.3. Presenting for approval the Pastors Terms

    of Call for 2015.

    Session Meets again on November 2 at8:45 AM.

    November Worship Services

    November 2Christian & Citizen (Communion)November 9Caregiver SundayNovember 16Regular WorshipNovember 23Thanksgiving HymnsNovember 30First Sunday of Advent

    Trinity Thanksgiving Service & Food Collection

    This years Thanksgiving Service and FooCollection for those in need will be on Sunday

    November 23 at 11 AM. At this service, we will sinthanksgiving hymns and consider our response othanksgiving to God for all that we have. Wencourage you bring gifts of canned or dry goods tfill baskets for two families in our community foThanksgiving. Elder Beth Parishwill distribute aitems collected that week.

    JAMA Community Thanksgiving Service

    This years Jonesville Area Ministerial AlliancCommunity Thanksgiving Service will be held aPleasant Grove Baptist Church on November 23 a

    5:30 PM. The offerings collected from this worshiservice are used to support the work of thMinisterial Alliance which includes providing for thneeds of The Breadcrumb here in Jonesville and awell as ministry to transient persons.

    Shoebox Packing PartyIts Moving Day for the OperatioChristmas Child shoeboxes. Ware looking for lots of helpers tspend an hour or so in thFellowship Hall on Sunday

    November 9thafter church. We will have a light meaready for you. All we ask for in return is your help ifilling the Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes thiyear! Please come and help us get the Shoeboxeout! We are still looking for help with shippinexpenses. We are still in need of a little over $500 tfully fund the shipping. It is $7 to ship a shoebox. Whave envelopes for shipping payments in thsanctuary and Fellowship Hall. Please make personachecks out to Samaritans Purse.

    Childrens Sabbath

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    World Communion Sunday

    On Sunday, October 5th, We celebrated the Lords

    Supper together with churches around the world as

    we took communion. Several people came dressed in

    garments that reflected cultures from around the


    Following worship we shared in the fellowshipactivities of our church dinner sharing creative dishes

    that reflected foods from around the world. During the

    dinner, we surprised Pastor John and his family with

    recognition of Ministry Appreciation Month.

    Gregory also opened the World Market in the

    Fellowship Hall. Items can be purchased for $7 each

    to pay the cost of shipping a OCC shoebox.

    Domestic Violence Awareness SundayOn Sunday, October 12th, we as a church brought theawareness of the problem of Domestic Violence intoour church through our worship service. During theservice, Pastor John worked with his wife Debra to

    share the message. As Debra delivered the sermon,radio announcer Vic Toms(aka Pastor John) from TPCNews Radio interrupted the sermon several times withnews updates and breaking news related to theproblem of Domestic Violence. In the reading fromPhilippians 4 that day, we heard that we must openthe door so that Gods message can be heard. It isokay to talk about domestic violence, it is okay tospeak up when others cannot, and it is okay to showGods love and mercy to those that need our voicewhen they cant find their own.

    On Sunday, October 19th we celebrated ChildrenSabbath with worshiping communities around thworld. The service celebrated children and theneeds both locally and globally. We had close to dozen children come forward for our special WordWith Young Worshipers message. We dedicated thOperation Christmas Child shoeboxes that are to bfilled in November in memory of Lailah GracHathcock and Payton Williams. During this servic

    we also shared a special Childrens Sabbath Litanoffering up prayers and lighting candles for the needof children in our community and across our nationKyle Watson and his family also joined us in worshito share a Moment for Missionwith us.

    Kyles St. Judes Hospital Christmas ProjectKyle has asked for our support in acquiring Toys (n

    stuffed toys) and gifts foChildren ages: Infanthrough 17 years.

    The best way to help through donating GiCards for major retailerlike: Walmart, Targeetc.Individual i-tunes Cardare great for oldechildren.

    To help, please place unwrapped gifts by PastoJohns door and place gift cards in the envelopmarked Kyle Watson/St. Jude Project in PastoJohns Mailbox by 11/24.

    Choir NewsChoir will meet on November 4thand 18ththis montat 5:30 PM. We will warm up each Sunday at 10:30AMin the Choir Room.

    Mens Fellowship BreakfastWake up men and join us Tuesday, Novemb11th at 7 AM. The hot food and fellowship will ready to help you start your day right.

    November irthdays

    9 Molly Swayze 13Brittain Brown17Curtis Parish 26Betty Doyle

    Extra News at Trinity

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    Presbyterian Women

    Presbyterian Women will meet on November 18that 10 am in the Fellowship Hall.

    Presbyterian Women last met on Tuesday,October 21stat the church. Present were MarthaBrallier, Judy Sanson, Verda Mophett,

    Catherine Jones, Margaret Hill and DotLazarus. The Least Coin was collected. Dotreported that she had sent $32.00 to thepresbytery for the Least Coin project, $55.00 tothe Haiti Scholarship Fund, $25.00 to the VeraLloyd Home, and $25.00 to the PresbyterianChildrens Homes and Services. Circle memberssigned a Get Well card to be sent to MickieBrown. With the aid of a video, Margaret Hillmoderated Lesson 2 in the yearbook, SacredSecrets by Beth Moore. The meeting was closed

    with a recitation of the Mispah. - Dot Lazarus

    Recently a Painting Party with May and Kimwasheld at the Church Manse in honor of Debra ScottsBirthday. Thanks to all those who attended.

    Brady Bean and Jacob Higginbotham armembers of the Block High School football team

    Gregory Scott is a member of thDelta Charter basketball teamGregory thanks all who assisted himwith the uniform fundraiser.

    Elizabeth Atkins, daughter of DiannNicholson and Bill Atkins, will marry Gle

    McGlothinon Saturday, November 22nd. Thewill be wed in a private service followed by public reception at Panola Woods in Ferridafrom 6:3010:00 PM.

    Trinity has leaders at ourPresbytery level. PastorJohn is now Moderator ofthe Vision and MissionCommittee and Gail Beanhas been elected as a member of the Permanen

    Judicial Commission.


    To the glory of God and in loving memorof Myrtle Rushing.

    Given by Catherine Jonesand DotLazarus.

    To the glory of God and in loving memorof Clifton Davis, Jimmy Farmer, AliceWinegeart, and Audie Bennett.

    Given by Pam &Ronnie Swayze.

    To the glory of God and in loving memorof Alice Winegeart.

    Given by Dot & Willie Lazarus.

    Prayer Concerns:

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    Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)401 Third Street, Jonesville, LA 71343

    Distribution: Dot Lazarus, Catherine JonesEditing: Adrian White, Dot Lazarus, Rev. John Scott

    Tradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856

    For more information related to articles and submissions in the church newsletter please contact:Mrs. Dot Lazarus 318-339-9842 Email: [email protected] John Scott 318-403-9512 Email: [email protected]

    Trinity Presbyterian Church, PC(USA)Jonesville, LA

    November 2014

    Trinity NewsTradition in the Four Rivers Region since 1856