2014 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group Metting Working sideways in Stata Jakob Hjort DataManager, MPH Department of Cardiology Aarhus University Hospital DK-8200 Aarhus Denmark

2014 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group Metting

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Working sideways in Stata. Jakob Hjort DataManager, MPH Department of Cardiology Aarhus University Hospital DK-8200 Aarhus Denmark. 2014 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group Metting. The rectangular dataset. The rectangular dataset. Statistics. The rectangular dataset. Statistics. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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2014 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group Metting

Working sideways in Stata

Jakob HjortDataManager, MPH

Department of CardiologyAarhus University Hospital

DK-8200 AarhusDenmark

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The rectangular dataset

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The rectangular dataset

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The rectangular dataset

”It is not the data we want it’s the ssence of data”


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The rectangular dataset

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The rectangular dataset

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The rectangular dataset


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The rectangular dataset - transpose?

Page 9: 2014 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group Metting

use ”family.dta”, clear* Dataset with: fam_name, inc_mother & inc_father

mata st_view(x=0,.,(”inc_mother”,”inc_father”)) income=colsum(x’)’ st_addvar(”long”,”inc_household”) st_store(.,”inc_household”,income)end

list fam_name inc_mother inc_father inc_household

The rectangular dataset – subset in matrix using mata?

Page 10: 2014 Nordic and Baltic Stata Users Group Metting

generate [type] newvar=exp [if] [in]

The direct approach


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generate [type] newvar=exp [if] [in]

The direct approach

Weight Height BMI

Datamanagement Ex.: generate BMI=Weight/Height^2

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egen [type] newvar=fcn(arguments) [if] [in] [,options]

rowtotal, rowmin, rowmax, rowfirst, rowlast, rowmean, rowmedian, rowmiss, rownonmiss, rowpctile, rowsd, concat, anycount, anymatch, anyvalue,count, diff, fill, group, iqr, kurt, max, mdev, mean, median, min, mode, mtr, pc, pctile, rank, sd, seq, skew, std, tag, total

The direct approach


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egen [type] newvar=fcn(arguments) [if] [in] [,options]

rowtotal, rowmin, rowmax, rowfirst, rowlast, rowmean, rowmedian, rowmiss, rownonmiss, rowpctile, rowsd, concat, anycount, anymatch, anyvalue,count, diff, fill, group, iqr, kurt, max, mdev, mean, median, min, mode, mtr, pc, pctile, rank, sd, seq, skew, std, tag, total

The direct approach

IncJan IncFeb income

Datamanagement Ex.: egen income=rowtotal(inc*)

IncMar IncApr IncMay IncJun IncJul …

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program define _growmin version 6, missing gettoken type 0 : 0 gettoken g 0 : 0 gettoken eqs 0 : 0

syntax varlist [if] [in] [, BY(string)] if `"`by'"' != "" { _egennoby rowmin() `"`by'"' }

tempvar touse mark `touse' `if' `in' quietly { gen `type' `g' = . tokenize `varlist' while "`1'"!="" { replace `g' = cond(`1' < `g',`1',`g') mac shift } }end

Looking under the skirts – just for inspiration

viewsource _growmin.ado the rowmin() function of egen

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program define _growmin version 6, missing gettoken type 0 : 0 gettoken g 0 : 0 gettoken eqs 0 : 0

syntax varlist [if] [in] [, BY(string)] if `"`by'"' != "" { _egennoby rowmin() `"`by'"' }

tempvar touse mark `touse' `if' `in' quietly {1. gen `type' `g' = .2. tokenize `varlist'3. while "`1'"!="" {4. replace `g' = cond(`1' < `g',`1',`g')5. mac shift6. } }end

Looking under the skirts – just for inspiration

viewsource _growmin.ado the rowmin() function of egen

1. Initialize target variable2. Prepare the variable-list3. Looping:4. In-the-loop-commands

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Prepare the variable-list

Variables can be specified with wildcards - The expanded list is stored in `vars'(unab means unabbreviate – however the command itself can’t be un-abbreviated)

. unab vars: inc* . unab vars: incJan-incDec

1. Initialize target variable2. Prepare the variable-list3. Looping:4. In-the-loop-commands

. local vars incJan incFeb incMar incApr incMay incJun /// incJul incAug incSep incOct incNov incDec

. ds inc* . ds incJan-incDecincJan incFeb incMar incApr incMay incJun incJul incAug incSep incOct incNov incDec

Full specification of each and every variable – OK with 12 but what in case of hundreds?The list is stored in `vars'

Variables can be specified with wildcards - The list is stored in `r(varlist)’Nice feature: the expanded list is shown for inspection

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”foreach” is the quickest and the most transparent loop command

foreach lvar in incJan incFeb { // do stuff with "`lvar'”}

unab lvar: inc*foreach lvar in `lvar' { // do stuff with "`lvar'”}

ds inc*foreach lvar in `r(varlist)' { // do stuff with "`lvar'” }

1. Initialize target variable2. Prepare the variable-list3. Looping:4. In-the-loop-commands

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”foreach” is the quickest and the most transparent loop command

foreach lvar in incJan incFeb { // do stuff with "`lvar'”}

unab lvar: inc*foreach lvar in `lvar' { // do stuff with "`lvar'”}

ds inc*foreach lvar in `r(varlist)' { // do stuff with "`lvar'” }

1. Initialize target variable2. Prepare the variable-list3. Looping:4. In-the-loop-commands

alt 0 9 6

Hold + press …

on numeric keypad


0 3 9 ’Hold + press …

on numeric keypad

alt =


Left single-quote

Right single-quote


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In the loop

generate minimum=.unab vars: inc*foreach lvar in `vars' { replace minimum = cond(`lvar' < minimum,`lvar’,minimum)}

generate minimum=.unab vars: inc*foreach lvar in `vars' { replace minimum = `lvar’ if `lvar’<minimum}

generate minimum=.unab vars: inc*foreach lvar in `vars' { if `lvar’<minimum { replace minimum = `lvar’ }}

1. Initialize target variable2. Prepare the variable-list3. Looping:4. In-the-loop-commands


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Some of the danish participants who might know ”the DREAM database”will propably be able to see how these approaches can be useful when working with this fantastic but difficult construction.

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Thank you very much