2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

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Lots of good visual art in this issue. Look for the sneaky hyperlink.

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Page 2: 2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

welcome to the hear of the yorse.bask in it.it is almost spring.bask in almost spring.these days the free press is:amorphous(sometimes)euphorichuman shapedpolychromatic(sometimes)titular(sometimes)tits (sometimes)brains(dont ask - enjoy)

hey.you have just climbed aboard acopy of the free press. choo! choo! ..... . . .

The whole point of the free press is to make Where You Are Right Now A BETTER PLACE.

this is the free press.the free press has meetings.the meetings are on wednesdays.the meetings are at 8 o’clock EST.the meetings are in LAUREL HALL 107.

In this issue:A DREAM SCENEART, Mostly JustWORDSFreePressNetBucks©COMICS

But seriously,the majority of this issue is visual art.Cut it out and put it in cool places.

spring 2014Issue #1 (Yearning)


In the next issue there will be:More opportunities to win FreePressNetBucks©More multimedia experiencesMore lavishMore provocativeMore organizedAnd More

And if you think you’re tough enough, email

[email protected] to flip the lid on the scoop.or to hang out and eat berries that have been identified and tagged as edible

Page 3: 2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

this is a list of the things we like. - this list is a list of the things we like. the next one will be so much bigger.

this is a list of things we like

Page 4: 2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

yolandi from die antwoord

Page 5: 2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

A minute aloneA minute alone, and I mean truly alone, is worth a hundred million years with a lover. I know this because I am never alone, and I have always had a lover. I have always been making love to every-one, as far as I am concerned. There are ten thousand girls I am in love with. Every man is a perfect specimen. I have no time to think because of all the love that flows through me. Not just physi-cally, I’m telling you, it’s on a metaphysical plane. I can’t lose this erection long enough to think critically about what to do with my life. When you get this intimate with the world, it becomes a silly thing to you, and you see through all its little insecurities and nervous tics. You see that peo-ple are the most exotic animal species that somehow got un-discovered by themselves. You see that humanity is a pile of beautiful fake antiques and bogus artwork, and that humanity has smelly armpits and isn’t really that good at guitar, and that humanity is kind of a bitch when there’s no one else around. I guess I’m just jaded, but here’s my advice; don’t get involved. Stay in there, in your little world, and you won’t catch any nasty STDs of the spirit, and you won’t get your heart broken by ten thousand girls who won’t look up at you, by ten million men who are too cool to talk to you. Make your abstinence from the world a statement, hell, make it a movement. Do nothing, to make a world of difference. The smaller the prison, the larger the universe outside.

by anon

Health is WealthWhat we need is already here, and makes up Earth.Mother nature is sweet. Gives us all we need.Plump, crisp, sweet, fresh fruits and vegetables.Rainbows of color, variety of flavors.True health is balance of mind, body, soul, and then some.How do you feel?I can see it, dream it, but is it what I am?Clear, pure thoughts.Nourished body with nutrients and satiety. Grounded and relaxed body and soul.“What you see is what you get”…Not always true.What you feel is what you get.Clean air, clean food, clean water, clean being.Why must we deviate from what is natural?Buy a donut for a buck, to release processed pleasure in your gut.Losing focus of how humans naturally are supposed to be.Be organic.

Be fresh.Be mindful.Be aware.Mother nature is always there, don’t lose her.Because health is wealth.

by Hendrix Taylor

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No, You Cannot Borrow the CarEmily K

I lay on the concrete and let my brains seep into a dark streak,Blackness running west, running south, I angled myself like a gutter on the ridge of this parking lot,Like a sewer offshoot, bringing water and bringing water and bringing it.Untreated water, water kids get boils in, the water your long-dead aunt and still-breathingmother unionized against.My brain water, running into the pot holes of this sealed dirt, this capped earth, falling down, falling down and sighing, falling down and sighing and calling out “hold me, mother, hold me”.

And my mother liesA concrete wall away from me,A wall I press my cheek against and rub my feet on and tattoo my skin with,Gravel pockmarks on my calves like the adopted children of my mother’s wall’s pot holes.A wall calling me to be still like it, to be cold like it, to carry the tires of this world over it.

But hot in july, too hot, so hot that tires bend over shrieking into pillows, steam billowing from behind hubcaps,A heat so seductive it slips off with my water, my untreated water, the water I was filling holes with.

In july, I lie on the ridge of the parking lot and looked pointless, gutter water-less, but holes more, The holes gaping at me, the holes glaring at me, the holes demanding satiety. Demanding I wander to the home of the pockless, demanding I bring my mother back.

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this is a scene from a dream

Page 9: 2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

Bitcoin Will Change the World

By Scott Dombrowski

Bitcoin is an open-source, digital currency created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto. It operates in a decen-tralized system, meaning there is no central Bitcoin company or server. Instead, its users make up a peer-to-peer network similar to the sharing protocol BitTorrent. Bitcoin has several features that make it a promising and exciting technology. It is capable of shaking up the entire economic system.

Digital currencies are not a new idea, but Bitcoin is the first one that can really take hold in our society. This is due to how it solves the “double-spending problem.” Previous digital currencies were unable to prevent people from spending their tokens multiple times, which is a fundamental issue. Bitcoin solves this by keeping track of every single transaction on the “block chain” and verifying that no bitcoin (BTC) is spent twice. There are a finite amount of bitcoins in the world, with more than 12 million BTC in circulation right now. The total amount of bitcoins will only ever reach 21 million, with the rest coming into circulation through a technique known as “mining.” Miners use powerful computers to create these coins in a complicated process. Over time, fewer and fewer bitcoins will be able to be mined. The reason they are worth money is because they have this built-in scarcity.

Bitcoin is so revolutionary because it exists outside of the banking system. This makes it very easy to transfer funds to another party, regardless of where they are in the world. If you were trying to send US dollars to Chi-na, it would be a logistical headache: you would have to pay bank fees and it would take multiple days. However, with Bitcoin, all you need is someone’s Bitcoin address and you can send them the money instantly. This feature gives people the incentive to use it, especially businesses. Online merchants can also save money from credit card fees by accepting Bitcoin (these fees usually cost 2-3% of a purchase). Overstock.com and TigerDirect.com are currently the biggest online stores that accept Bitcoin, with more stores probably implementing it this year.

Another notable thing about Bitcoin is its price volatil-ity. Because of its decentralized nature, the price of Bitcoin is quite unstable, and is susceptible to large swings up and down. Skeptics of the technology frequently point to this as a weakness, and they aren’t necessarily incorrect: a currency finds strength in its stability. However, Bitcoin is still in its infancy and its price is largely fueled by speculators, so it is too early to discredit the entire technology. Besides, the infrastructure around Bitcoin is still nowhere near where it needs to be. It is constantly getting better, though, as more people are investing and creating applications to make it easier to use. Currently, it’s a bit of a hassle to purchase BTC but the easiest place would have to be Coinbase.com.

At this point it’s almost too late to discredit Bitcoin. As of February 2014, 1 bitcoin costs $685. This is the result of a price escalation in November 2013, when the price rose from $200 to $1200 due to a large amount of Chinese investors. The price has fallen since then, but it’s still a major improvement from January 2013 when 1 BTC = $13. Skeptics could attribute this success to a speculative bubble, but the technology is solid and has its advantages over everyday currency. Anyone can read the source code and no one has found any major faults, so one can expect Bitcoin to evolve throughout the rest of the year. We are in the early days of Bitcoin, and the future appears promising. It is a technology as groundbreaking as the Internet, and it will affect our day-to-day lives in ways we cannot even imagine.

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And i am full

of hands

you are luck

i n c a r n a t e.

have some

fresh bubba.

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Page 12: 2014 Issue #1 - UConn Free Press

Make Yourself HappyThis is the one that baffles most people. Because most people have absolutely no fucking clue what truly makes them happy. I know far too many people who hate themselves - people who might put on a front of confidence and self-assurance, but are secretly sheltering extreme self-loathing and despair. And this weighs on their minds, and on their hearts, and on their souls.

In order to give happiness, one needs to first be happy themselves. I cannot tell you what will make you happy. And I can’t be the one who finds your happiness for you. It is something you need to do yourself. You need to sit down with yourself and think. You need to really think. You need to think so hard that all you have left are feelings and emotion. Then you need to let those feelings and emotions tell you what you really want.

If there’s anything I’ve learned from my introspection on my own happiness, it’s that you can’t logically derive all the things that will make you happy. It just isn’t possible. There’s too much grey to be able to think in black and white. But those grey’s are scary. I know they’re scary, because my grey’s scared me. They scared the shit out of me.

Because I knew when I was confronted with them I couldn’t just think my way through. I had to feel. And that scared me, because I knew that letting myself become emotional would make me vulnerable. And vulnerability is perhaps the greatest fear shared by all of humanity. The vulnerability of emotion is what scares most people when they try to allow themselves to be happy and understand their own happiness.

Happiness is frail and it can only be understood if one suffers sadness too. But just because you fear sadness does not mean you should limit the things in life that can make you happy. You shouldn’t let something that makes you happy, that exists in the grey, to slip through your grasp because you fear what might happen if you accept it into your heart. Even if you’ve felt loss before. Even if that loss has left a wound that you think will never mend. There is always going to be something there for you to latch onto that will help close that wound.

But you can’t let it fade out of fear that it will do nothing but wound you more. You need to let yourself grasp what you believe will make you happy. You need to let it become a part of your heart, a part of your soul.

Your happiness is your own.

And you should not let the pain others have caused you allow you to defend against new glints of happiness. Things as simple and commonplace as a smile, or a laugh, or a hug can serve as monumental tools to beginning the healing process. But you need to let the things that will make you smile, make you laugh, and make you hug into your life. And if you can find something that can do all this and more, something that can make you love, something that can love you back, something that can hold you tight and tell you that everything will be alright, something that can see your soul through your eyes and say that everything that composes it is beautiful and magnificent and wonderful and pure - Then you need to hold onto it. Because it is one of the most rare forms of happiness that exists in the grey that you are to afraid to navigate.

And if you think you’ve found it, then it’s something you owe to yourself to allow into your life fully. And I know that seeing any of these things clearly is hard. Because it’s not black and white, because hardly anything is. But that’s the test of true self happiness. If you can ignore all the confusing thoughts and emotions. And if you can isolate the ones that make you happiest and realize their worth. Then, and only then, can you ever be truly happy with your own mind, and heart, and soul. And I really hope that you, and everyone is able to reach this point in their life. Even if one has to suffer significantly on their way there. Everyone deserves to be happy. And everyone deserves to be happy with themselves and the things they have in their life.Everyone.As always, see less and observe more.by zach kekac

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I am a decent man, I trust in the prospect of mortality. I do not attend a church, or fear the price of a mistake. A perennial blossom is the same as an ashtray; I believe in duality.

I am not rude, nor cruel; I retain normality. I respond to eye contact with a soft smile, to greetings with a firm handshake. I am a decent man, I trust in the prospect of mortality.

I am not absolute; I cannot idle in neutrality. There are days when I stir and boil, times when I’m bitter, moments when I break.A perennial blossom is the same as an ashtray; I believe in duality.

I struggle with pity and a hasty tongue; unintended lethality. Flaws are human, and conflict is the rhythmic pounding of a headache. I am a decent man, I trust in the prospect of mortality.

There are wolves and sheep, and contorted shepherds who endorse the brutality. Sincerity is much clearer in my sleep, than it is during the hours I am awake. A perennial blossom is the same as an ashtray; I believe in duality.

I love the sun and the moon, I am drawn to morality.Like a broken window, I am many things; living with a heart that is torn, like the tongue of a snake. I am a decent man, I trust in the prospect of mortality. A perennial blossom is the same as an ashtray, I believe in duality.

by joe

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funded by usgthanks USG!


1 - ZACH A.2 - RIDLEY3 - RIDLEY4 - FEI5 - everyone6 - ZACH A.7 - FEI8 - ZACH A.9 - HENDRIX T.10 - LUZ11 - ANIKA O., FAKIA W.12 - EMILY K.13 - ANIKA O.14 - FEI15 - FEI16 - SKOTT17 - S. MORRIS18 & 19 & 20 & 21 - COMICS BY MEEWILLIS MIKEY SOME PEOPLE levis22 - ZACK K.23 - RIDLEY24 - RIDLEY25 - JOSEPH R.26 - NOAH Y.27 - 28 - ZACH A.

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sorry some things are so horribly pixelated... im working on it

im sorry for these tiny apologies that will probably just strain your retinas and make me rethink this whole tiny apology thing

im not


for j


jazz i

s cool

im sorry that the free press takes so

long to come out every time

stop buy-ing

pickles.just buy

cucumbers and put them in the empty

pickle jars.