STRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL YGCC Case Competition Information Session Spring 2014 Darien Lee Associate Manager of Case Competition darien.lee@yale. edu Nancy Tao Managing Director of Case Competition [email protected] www.yale.edu/consulting https://www.facebook.com/yalegraduateconsultingclub

2014 Case Competition Info Session Slides

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Additional information on the 3rd Annual YGCC Case Competition

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YGCC Case CompetitionInformation SessionSpring 2014Darien LeeAssociate Manager of Case [email protected]

Nancy TaoManaging Director ofCase [email protected]/consultinghttps://www.facebook.com/yalegraduateconsultingclubSTRICTLY PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL

12OverviewReasons to ApplyEligibilityWhat to ExpectGeneral TipsHow to ApplyTimelineQ&AMingle and Form Teams

3Reasons to Apply

Develop case skillsIs consulting something you would excel at?Sample consultingIs consulting something you would enjoy?Network with professional consultantsThey are looking to recruit youNetwork with other studentsTeams from other top schools will be presentRecognition/ Build resumePrize moneyIts fun34EligibilityAll non-MBA G&P disciplines, post-docsE.g., PhD, JD, MD, non-MBA masters

No business background necessaryComplete novices are welcome!

Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply

Recent grads are eligible

If youre here, chances are good that youre eligible

All non-MBA G&P disciplines, post-docsE.g., PhD, JD, MD, non-MBA masters

No business background necessaryComplete novices are welcome!

Women and underrepresented minorities are encouraged to apply

Recent grads are eligible

If youre here, chances are good that youre eligible

45What to ExpectTeams of 4 to 5 membersDiverse disciplines may helpReal-world business problemPolished 12-minute presentation & 15-minute Q&A~1 week to work on slides 3 presentersJudges are professional consultantsFirst Round vs. Final RoundNetworking reception

Teams of 4 to 5 membersDiverse disciplines may helpReal-world business problemPolished 12-minute presentation1 week to work on slides 3 presentersJudges are professional consultantsFirst Round vs. Final Round56

Top ~30 Teams Invited to Register

7Scoring CriteriaContentLogicAnalysisRecommendationQ&APresentationTeamwork

Scoring CriteriaAnalysis (35%)Identification of problem ContentSupporting EvidenceRecommendations (35%)Value brought to clientOriginalityFeasibility and limitationsPresentation (15%)CommunicationFormat & OrganizationProfessionalism and EnthusiasmQ&A (15%)All team members must participate

78How to ApplyApply as a team of 4-5 membersGo to the YGCC website (www.yale.edu/consulting) to applyOne-page resume/person, one cover letter/teamApplication closes 5:00 pm, March 17, 2014This is a hard deadline.

Go to our website: www.yale.edu/consulting Click Annual Case Competition under Recent EventsOne-page resumeSponsors will see it~200 word statement expressing motivationTeam (recommended) vs. IndividualTeam members must each apply separatelyAPPLY NOW, admission made on a rolling basis, so those who apply early have an advantage of being accepted89TimelineNote: All deadlines are at 5pm EST

910General TipsTell a story Structure your approachSet up meeting times in advanceConduct outside research for analysisValue, innovation, feasibilityRehearse the presentation with teamPrepare for Q&A

Structure your approachSet up meeting times in advanceComplete work outside of meetings; make key decisions in meetingsConduct outside research for your analysisProvide solutions that are valuable, innovative and feasibleTell a story Rehearse the presentation with team: keep track of timingFor Q&AAnticipate likely questionsOne person/question, unless person fumbles or judge asks a follow up Create an appendix with more in-depth information

1011We thank the following case competition sponsors

1112Questions?E-mail us at:[email protected]://www.facebook.com/yalegraduateconsultingclub