2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark

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  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Coming Soon to Copenhagen, Denmark

    2014 Bilderberg Meetings

    Beginning on Thursday, May 29, 2014

    Pamphet Made !y "iiam P# $itynski

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bilderberg Does Copenhagen

    By "iiam P# $itynski

    %pri 1, 2014

    This year&s not'so'se(ret Bider!erg Meetings )i !e hed in Copenhagen, Denmark at the end o* May 2014# The 2014 Bider!erg Meetings )i hed at the CopenhagenMarriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark, o(ated near Copenhagen Centra Train Station, Tioi -ardens, and %maien!org Paa(e, *rom Thursday, May 29, 2014 untiSunday, .une 1, 2014# /%t east that is the o**i(ia story *or no)# The Bider!erg -roup may (hange its itinerary at the ast moment in an attempt to misead and de(eiethe )ord#

    The primary topi(s that the Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipants )i pro!a!y dis(uss inside the (on*eren(e room at the Copenhagen Marriott +ote in(ude ussian o((upation o* Crimea

    The 3uture o* kraine

    The 3uture o* %*ghanistan

    The 3uture o* 5gypt

    The 3uture o* Syria and Bashar %ssad

    The 3uture o* S(otand

    The Credi!iity and 3uture o* 6%T7 and 5uropean nion

    The Credi!iity o* the 7!ama %dministration

    Poiti(a %m!itions o* 8adimir Bad %ss: Putin

    The ast time Denmark hosted a Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(e )as in 19;9, )hen that (on*eren(e )as hed at +ote Marienyst, o(ated north o* Copenhagen#Denmark geographi(ay (onsists o* t)o primary areas the isand o* May 2009# The

    (urrent 3inan(e Minister o* Denmark B?arne Corydon attended ast year&s Bider!erg Meetings hed at +erts*ordshire, 5ngand near $ondon# 7utgoing Se(retary-enera o* 6%T7 %nders 3ogh asmussen attended the Bider!erg Meetings hed in 8ersaies, 3ran(e *rom May 1@'1A, 200# The in(oming Se(retary -enera o*

    6%T7 .ens Stoten!erg, the *ormer Prime Minister o* 6or)ay, attended the Bider!erg Meetings hed in Chantiy, 8irginia near "ashington, D#C# *rom May 0'.une 2,2002#

    The usua guests )ho are epe(ted to attend this year&s Bider!erg Meetings in Copenhagen in(ude ueen /Prin(ess Beatri o* the 6etherands, 3oreign Minister o*S)eden Car Bidt, *ormer Prime Minister o* Etay Mario Monti, *ormer British Petroeum (hairman Peter D# Sutherand, oya Dut(h She (hairman .orma 7ia,+enry =issinger /age and heath permitting, *ormer -odman Sa(hs partner o!ert u!in, *ormer "ord Bank President .ames "o*ensohn, 8ernon .ordan, $aFard

    !ank (hairman =enneth .a(o!s, and .essi(a Tu(hman Mathe)s, the President o* Carnegie 5ndo)ment *or Enternationa Pea(e# Daid o(ke*eer, the 9A'year'odBider!erg -od*ather and *ormer (hairman o* the !oard o* Chase Manhattan Bank, )i undou!tedy !e sitting in a ro(king (hair reminis(ing oer his attendan(e at pastBider!erg Meetings (on*eren(es /and dreaming o* a )hite Christmas#

    Seera ussian and %meri(an guests attended the Bider!erg Meetings hed in Chantiy, 8irginia in .une 2012, in(uding the (urrent #S# Se(retary o* State .ohn3or!es =erry, Comrade: +enry =issinger, *ormer 3oreign Minister o* ussia Egor Eano, *ormer 3irst Deputy Prime Minister o* ussia %natoy Chu!ais, ussiangrand (hessmaster -arry =asparo, 6ationa Se(urity %disor Thomas Donion, Carnegie 5ndo)ment *or Enternationa Pea(e president .essi(a Tu(hman Mathe)s, andoutgoing President o* the "ord Bank o!ert

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    "hat ea(ty is the Bider!erg MeetingsG The Bider!erg Meetings is an annua (on*eren(e in )hi(h prominent ri(h and po)er*u %meri(an and 5uropean /in(uding

    Canadians and Turks dignitaries meet at a uury hote in 5urope to dis(uss !usiness:# The annua Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(e usuay asts *our days, *romThursday a*ternoon unti Sunday a*ternoon# The Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipants arrie to the annua (on*eren(e !y airpane and trae *rom the airport to the uury

    hote in a imousine# %mong the indiiduas )ho hae attended the Bider!erg Meetings annuay in(ude 5uropean royaty, internationa o**i(ias, internationa!ankers, (orporate ee(uties, *oreign ministers and *inan(e ministers, heads o* states, organiFation ee(uties, (oege pro*essors, and ne)spaper and magaFine editors#

    Prominent (orporate ee(uties )ho hae attended the Bider!erg Meetings in the past in(ude Chairman o* the !oard o* British Petroeum, Chairman o* the !oard o*oya Dut(h She, Chairman o* the !oard o* Bar(ays, Chairman o* the !oard o* +SBC, Chairman o* the !oard o* Chase Manhattan Bank /.P Morgan Chase, Chairman

    o* the !oard o* -odman Sa(hs, Chairman o* the !oard o* %meri(an 5press Company, Chairman o* the !oard o* Monsanto, Chairman o* the !oard o* Mer(k H Co#,Chairman o* the !oard o* PepsiCo, Chairman o* the !oard o* 6este, Chairman o* the !oard o* Syngenta, Chairman o* the !oard o* Siemens, Chairman o* the !oard o*%(oa, Chairman o* the !oard o* 6oartis, Chairman o* the !oard o* 6okia, Chairman o* the !oard o* Iero, Chairman o* the !oard o* The "ashington Post, Chairmano* the !oard o* os'oy(e, Chairman o* the !oard o* 3iat /automo!ie, Chairman o* the !oard o* Daimer'BenF, and Chairman o* the !oard o* 3ord Motor Company#

    %mong the internationa o**i(ias and (entra !ankers )ho hae attended the Bider!erg Meetings in the past in(ude President o* the "ord Bank, Managing Dire(tor o*the Enternationa Monetary 3und, President o* the 5uropean Centra Bank, -oernor o* the Bank o* 5ngand, Chairman o* the 3edera esere, President o* the 3ederaesere Bank o* 6e) Jork, Se(retary -enera o* 6%T7, President o* the 5uropean Commission, 5uropean Commissioners, Dire(tor'-enera o* the "ord Trade7rganiFation, and -enera Manager o* the Bank *or Enternationa Settements# 5ither the Bider!erg -roup is a gentemen&s (u! or a pro*essiona gang organiFation#

    %((ording to the ate -eorge "# Ba, a ongtime Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant, a (orporate a)yer, and *ormer nder #S# Se(retary o* State

    %s a resut o* this and ater meetings, pans )ere made *or our *irst session to !e hed at the +ote Bider!erg at 7oster!eek, +oand# Et )as an od'*ashionedsummer hote in a )ooded park, and, (on(erned *or the se(urity o* so many *amous guests, the goernment had esta!ished a pain(othes guard !ehind eerytree# %mused !y su(h highy isi!e pre(autions, E tod the Prin(e on the se(ond day that E )as going stir (raFyK )e then spe(uated on the (han(es o* my gettingout o* the hote and to the main road )ithout getting shot# Therea*ter, *or t)enty'seen years, our group met at east on(e a year at a Luiet retreat /usuay atourist hote o** season *or t)o and a ha* days o* serious dis(ussion# En addition, there )ere sma meetings o* the Steering Committee, hed unti re(enty atSoestdi?k Paa(e, Prin(e Bernard&s (ountry home# 5(ept during my years in the goernment, E )as a mem!er o* the Steering Committee *rom the *ormation o*

    the group unti 19>9# Then the Bider!erg *ounders turned it oer to a younger group, athough E remain an adiser# E hae attended eery Bider!erg meeting)ith one e(eption# The Bilderberg meetings primarily concentrate on a single objective: to try to clear up abrasive problems and attitudes that could

    poison eective relations bet!een "merica and #urope$ The meetings are attended !y the mem!ers o* a permanent steering (ommittee o* 5uropeans and%meri(ans and !y other men and )omen o* a(hieement and (ompeten(e spe(iay inited on ea(h o((asion# %ttendan(e is imited to roughy eighty persons#Candor is assured by ground rules that orbid anyone to discuss the meetings e%cept in the most general !ay or& in outside conversation& to attribute

    e%pressed vie!s to any individual$ "t each meeting& there is a political and an economic problem to !hich the discussion is addressed$ % ie)s aretaken as indiidua epressionsK no one speaks *or his goernment, his poiti(a party, or any other organiFation# The rea distin(tion o* Bider!erg is not,ho)eer, its ground rues !ut the etraordinary Luaity o* those )ho attend the meetings# There is hardy a ma?or poiti(a *igure *rom 5urope or the nited

    States )ho has not !een inited at east on(e# 7* the present or re(ent heads o* goernment, +emut S(hmidt, the -erman Chan(eor, has attended seera times,and among others )ho hae (ome one or more times hae !een 8aery -is(ard d&5staing, +arod "ison, .ames Caaghan, 5d)ard +eath, Margaret That(her,ene Peen, -uy Moet, Pierre Mendes'3ran(e, as )e as Prin(e Phiip, Denis +eaey, Dean usk, Dean %(heson, +enry =issinger, and Cyrus 8an(eBider!erg&s most aua!e a(hieement has !een to proide *or the deeopment o* easy reations !et)een indiiduas o* disparate !a(kgrounds, eating,drinking, )aking and (onstanty taking together in isoated settings# "hen E ?oined the State Department in 19;1, E )as aready )e a(Luainted )ith most"estern eaders# Some E kne) parti(uary )e, sin(e )e had !een together at Bider!erg on more than one o((asion#:

    -eorge "# Ba, *rom his auto!iographyThe Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs/p# 10@'10;K pu!ished in 19A2

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    %though the organiFers o* the Bider!erg -roup (aim that the Bider!erg -roup is a priate organiFation:, the organiFers o* the Bider!erg -roup )oud pre*er tosustain the se(re(y and mystery as mu(h as possi!e# +o)eer, !oth -eorge "# Ba and his (oeague Daid o(ke*eer, the *ormer (hairman o* the !oard o* Chase

    Manhattan Bank, hae reeaed the eisten(e o* the Bider!erg -roup in their auto!iographies#

    "hat makes the Bider!erg Meetings so intriguing and (ontroersiaG Many po)er*u men and )omen hae attended the Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(es in the past,ony to *ind themsees in a position o* po)er shorty a*ter attending the Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(e# 3or eampes, #S# Se(retary o* State .ohn 3or!es =erryattended the 2012 Bider!erg Meetings hed in Chantiy, 8irginia near "ashington, D#C# in .une 2012 )hie sering as a #S# SenatorK .ohn 3or!es =erry !egan his(areer as #S# Se(retary o* State on 3e!ruary 1, 201# %ngea Merke, the (urrent Chan(eor o* -ermany, attended the 200@ Bider!erg Meetings hed in otta(h'5gern,-ermany /near Muni(h in May 200@K %ngea Merke !egan her (areer as the Chan(eor o* -ermany on 6oem!er 22, 200@# Bi Cinton, the *ormer President o* the

    nited States, attended the 1991 Bider!erg Meetings hed in Baden'Baden, -ermany in .une 1991K Bi Cinton )as inaugurated President o* the nited States on.anuary 20, 199# +o) (onenient#

    "hat does the Bider!erg Meetings hae to do )ith us as indiiduasG There are t)o ma?or (ompanies that are synonymous )ith the Bider!erg -roup BritishPetroeum and oya Dut(h She# The (hairman o* British Petroeum and the (hairman o* oya Dut(h She usuay attend the Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(es amosteery year, ostensi!y to dis(uss gasoine pri(es, automo!ies, 7P5C, oi (onsumption, and oi spis /in(uding the in*amous oi spi that o((urred in the -u* o* Mei(onear $ouisiana in %pri 2010# Mem!ers o* the Bider!erg -roup hae dis(ussed the e**e(ts o* raising gasoine pri(es during their annua (on*eren(e in %a(hen, "est-ermany in 19A0# /% summary o* this (onersation )as pu!ished in the 19A0 Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(e report# -asoine pri(es in %meri(a hae in(reased *rom99 (ents a gaon in 2000 to oer three doars a gaon in 2014#

    The uniersa heath (are insuran(e program promoted !y the 7!ama %dministration, aso kno)n as 7!ama(are, is a !yprodu(t o* the Bider!erg -roup# =atheen

    Se!eius, the (urrent #S# Se(retary o* +eath and +uman Seri(es and the 3airy -odmother o* 7!ama(are, attended the 200A Bider!erg Meetings hed in Chantiy,8irginia near "ashington, D#C# *rom .une @'A, 200A )hie sering as the -oernor o* =ansas# 7ther prominent indiiduas )ho attended the 200A Bider!erg Meetingshed in Chantiy, 8irginia in(ude Ben Bernanke /Chairman o* the 3edera esere, Timothy 3# -eithner /President o* the 3edera esere Bank o* 6e) Jork, o!ert

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    My kno)edge o* the Bider!erg Meetings /aso kno)n as the Bider!erg -roup is Luite etensie# E o!tained (opies o* preious Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(ereports /years 19@4'199@ at Prin(eton niersity, Coege o* "iiam and Mary, .ohns +opkins niersity /in Batimore, +arard $a) $i!rary, .ohn 3# =ennedy

    Presidentia $i!rary, and $i!rary o* Congress# %so, E traeed to Chantiy, 8irginia on .une @, 200A and o!sered the *irst day o* the Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(e,)here E )at(hed seera Bider!erg !arons enter the "est*ieds'Marriott +ote in a !a(k imousine#

    %s a #S# %rmy sodier )ho )as stationed primariy at %rmstrong =aserne /1'1 C%8, 3irst %rmored Diision in Budingen, -ermany /near 3rank*urt am Main *romMar(h 2002 unti 7(to!er 2004, E traeed *reLuenty !y train# E isited 3rank*urt am Main *reLuenty, )here E )oud )ak past the 5uropean Centra Bank on my )ay tothe *amous omer# .ean'Caude Tri(het, )ho attended the Bider!erg Meetings hed in Stresa, Etay in .une 2004, )as the President o* the 5uropean Centra Bank )henE )aked past his o**i(e in do)nto)n 3rank*urt in Septem!er and 7(to!er 2004 on my )ay to the *amous omer#

    %mong the (ities that E isited )hie E )as stationed in -ermany in(ude Coogne, Bonn, udesheim am hein, MainF, +eide!erg, Muni(h, Enns!ru(k, 6urem!erg,"urF!urg, Trier, $uem!ourg City, Stras!ourg,

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Christine $agarde /e*t, Managing Dire(tor o* the Enternationa Monetary 3und /EM3, greets *ormer #S# Se(retary o* State +enry =issinger at the 5(onomi( Cu! o*

    6e) Jork in 6e) Jork City on %pri 10, 201# *agarde and +issinger attended the 201, Bilderberg Meetings held at The -rove hotel in .atord& #nglandrom /une )& 201,$ The man on the *ar right is .a(o! 3renke, *ormer -oernor o* the Bank o* Esrae# /Photo 5(onomi( Cu! o* 6e) Jork

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    "merican resident -eorge .ashington3s emar(s about 5oreign 'ntrigues& 'n 6is 7!n .ords

    En the ee(ution o* su(h a pan nothing is more essentia than that permanent, ineterate antipathies against parti(uar 6ations and passionate atta(hments

    *or others shoud !e e(udedK and that in pa(e o* them ?ust and ami(a!e *eeings to)ards a shoud !e (utiated# The 8ation& !hich indulges to!ardsanother an habitual hatred& or an habitual ondness& is in some degree a slave$ 't is a slave to its animosity or to its aection& either o !hich is

    suicient to lead it astray rom its duty and its interest$%ntipathy in one 6ation against another, disposes ea(h more readiy to o**er insut and in?ury, toay hod o* sight (auses o* um!rage, and to !e haughty and intra(ta!e, )hen a((identa or tri*ing o((asions o* dispute o((ur# +en(e *reLuent (oisions,

    o!stinate enenomed, and !oody (ontests# The 6ation, prompted !y i )i and resentment sometimes impes to "ar the -oernment, (ontrary to the !est

    (a(uations o* poi(y# The goernment sometimes parti(ipates in the nationa propensity, and adopts through passion )hat reason )oud re?e(tK at othertimes, it makes the animosity o* the 6ation su!serient to pro?e(ts o* hostiity instigated !y pride, am!ition and other sinister and perni(ious moties# The

    pea(e o*ten, sometimes perhaps the $i!erty, o* 6ations has !een the i(tim# So, ike)ise, a passionate atta(hment o* one 6ation *or another produ(es aariety o* eis# 9ympathy or the avourite nation& acilitating the illusion o an imaginary common interest& in cases !here no real commoninterest e%ists& and inusing into one the enmities o the other& betrays the ormer into a participation in the uarrels and .ars o the latter

    !ithout adeuate inducement or justiication Et eads aso to (on(essions to the *aourite 6ation o* priiedges denied to others, )hi(h is apt dou!y toin?ure the 6ation making the (on(essionsK !y unne(essariy parting )ith )hat ought to hae !een retainedK and !y e(iting ?eaousy, i )i, and a

    disposition to retaiate, in the parties *rom )hom eL# priiedges are )ithhed "nd it gives to ambitious& corrupted& or deluded citi;ens

    popularityK giding )ith the appearan(es o* a irtuous sense o* o!igation a (ommenda!e de*eren(e *or pu!i( opinion, or a auda!e Fea *or pu!i( good,

    the !ase or *ooish (ompian(es o* am!ition (orruption or in*atuation# %s aenues to *oreign in*uen(e in innumera!e )ays, su(h atta(hments areparti(uary aarming to the truy enightened and independent Patriot# +o) many opportunities do they a**ord to tamper )ith domesti( *a(tions, to pra(ti(e

    the arts o* sedu(tion, to misead pu!i( opinion, to in*uen(e or a)e the pu!i( Coun(isO Su(h an atta(hment o* a sma or )eak, to)ards a great andpo)er*u 6ation, dooms the *ormer to !e the sateite o* the atter# "gainst the insidious !iles o oreign inluence 9;

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    To a interested indiiduas, you are (ordiay inited to o!sere the aristo(rati(

    2014 Bilderberg Meetings

    The 2014 Bider!erg Meetings )i hed at the

    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark,

    o(ated near Tioi -ardens and %maien!org Paa(e

    *rom Thursday, May 29, 2014 to Sunday, .une 1, 2014#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Trae Etinerary *or the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings

    Copenhagen %irport =astrupQ, o(ated near Copenhagen, Denmark

    3ront page photo %maien!org Paa(e and Mar!e Chur(h in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Centra Train Station /Kobenhavns HovedbanegrdKKobenhavn H is o(ated )ithin )aking distan(e o* the Copenhagen Marriott +ote#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    % -erman Enter(ity'5press /EC5 passenger train stops at the Copenhagen Centra Train Station /Kobenhavn H# % dire(t EC5 train seri(e *rom +am!urg, -ermany to

    Copenhagen, Denmark asts neary @ hours# The pri(e o* a train ti(ket *or passengers traeing *rom +am!urg to Copenhagen on an EC5 train is A@#40 5uro Doars#/Departure *rom +am!urg +aupt!ahnho* 92A %#MK %rria in Copenhagen 214 P#M#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Su!)ay Map o* Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Map o* do)nto)n Copenhagen, Denmark

    The Copenhagen Marriott +ote is o(ated net to Bernstor**sgade/street !y the Sydhanen /)ater)ay near the Tioi -ardens and Copenhagen Centra

    Train Station#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bilderberg Meetings: " #uropean olitical 'ntrigue@

    Daid o(ke*eer and 8ernon 5# .ordan .r# appear at the 2004 Bider!erg Meetings in Stresa, Etay in .une 2004# /Photo !y Danie 5stuin

    Photos o* the 200@ Bider!erg Meetings in otta(h'5gern, -ermany /o(ated south o* Muni(h in May 200@

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    % Bider!erg imousine dries past a group o* protestors at the entran(e o* The -roe hote in "at*ord /+ert*ordshire, 5ngand /near $ondon on Thursday, .une ;,201 en route to the 201 Bider!erg Meetings hed at the hote# /Photo The Times

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prin(e Bernhard o* the 6etherands presides oer the inaugura Bider!erg Meetings (on*eren(e at +ote de Bider!erg in 7oster!eek, 6etherands in May 19@4# The

    inaugura Bider!erg Meetings )ere hed *rom May 29'1, 19@4, ?ust three )eeks a*ter the Communist 8ietnamese army de*eated the 3ren(h army at the Battle o DienBien hu# The inaugura Bider!erg Meetings o((urred during the ongoing -enea Con*eren(e !et)een 3ran(e, %meri(a, and Communist /ater 6orth 8ietnam#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    David Ben-Gurion, the Prime Minister of Israel, visits Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at a castle in the Netherlands in 1961. Prince Bernhard was the hairman of the Bilder!er"Meetin"s from 19#$ to 19%6. When asked about his Nazi experience, Prince Bernhard replied: We had a lot of fun. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was the co-founder ofthe Bilderber !eetins, and he was a Nazi "" stor#trooper for a short ti#e before World War $$. Na&i war criminal 'dolf (ichmann was )rosecuted in an Israeli court in 1961 fore*terminatin" +ews in concentration cam)s durin" orld ar II. his )hoto was )u!lished in )a"e 61 of the !oo Days of David Ben Gurion, a !oo edited !/ 0had mora, MordechaiBarai, Nahum Punda, and Israel 2tocmann 3Grossman Pu!lishers, New 4or, 196%5.

    Bilder!er" Meetin"s )artici)ant Geor"e . Ball 3left5 sits !eside Nazi %er#an war cri#inal &lbert "peerdurin" an interview at Due of olstein7s castle 82chloss Glucs!er" in German/

    in March 19%1. Geor"e . Ball attended the 19%1 Bilder!er" Meetin"s in :ermont 8;.2.'. in ')ril 19%1. his )hoto a))ears in )a"e

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    David =ocefeller 3left5, President of hase Manhattan Ban, and his dau"hter Neva =ocefeller 3second from left5 "reet 2oviet Premier Niita >hrushchev 3ri"ht5 at the >remlin in Moscow,2oviet ;nion on +ul/

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    -eorge .$ Ball and David oc(eeller on the Bilderberg Meetings& in their o!n !ords

    -eorge "# Ba

    nder Se(retary o* State

    /19;1'19;;K Senior

    Partner o* $ehmanBrothers /19;9'19A2

    %s a resut o* this and ater meetings, pans )ere made *or our *irst session to !e hed at the +ote Bider!erg at 7oster!eek, +oand#Et )as an od'*ashioned summer hote in a )ooded park, and, (on(erned *or the se(urity o* so many *amous guests, the goernment hadesta!ished a pain(othes guard !ehind eery tree# %mused !y su(h highy isi!e pre(autions, E tod the Prin(e on the se(ond day that E)as going stir (raFyK )e then spe(uated on the (han(es o* my getting out o* the hote and to the main road )ithout getting shot#Therea*ter, *or t)enty'seen years, our group met at east on(e a year at a Luiet retreat /usuay a tourist hote o** season *or t)o and aha* days o* serious dis(ussion# En addition, there )ere sma meetings o* the Steering Committee, hed unti re(enty at Soestdi?k

    Paa(e, Prin(e Bernard&s (ountry home# 5(ept during my years in the goernment, E )as a mem!er o* the Steering Committee *romthe *ormation o* the group unti 19>9# Then the Bider!erg *ounders turned it oer to a younger group, athough E remain an adiser# E

    hae attended eery Bider!erg meeting )ith one e(eption# The Bilderberg meetings primarily concentrate on a single objective:to try to clear up abrasive problems and attitudes that could poison eective relations bet!een "merica and #urope$ The

    meetings are attended !y the mem!ers o* a permanent steering (ommittee o* 5uropeans and %meri(ans and !y other men and )omen o*a(hieement and (ompeten(e spe(iay inited on ea(h o((asion# %ttendan(e is imited to roughy eighty persons# Candor is assured

    by ground rules that orbid anyone to discuss the meetings e%cept in the most general !ay or& in outside conversation& to

    attribute e%pressed vie!s to any individual$ "t each meeting& there is a political and an economic problem to !hich the

    discussion is addressed$ % ie)s are taken as indiidua epressionsK no one speaks *or his goernment, his poiti(a party, or anyother organiFation# The rea distin(tion o* Bider!erg is not, ho)eer, its ground rues !ut the etraordinary Luaity o* those )ho attend

    the meetings# There is hardy a ma?or poiti(a *igure *rom 5urope or the nited States )ho has not !een inited at east on(e# 7* the

    present or re(ent heads o* goernment, +emut S(hmidt, the -erman Chan(eor, has attended seera times, and among others )hohae (ome one or more times hae !een 8aery -is(ard d&5staing, +arod "ison, .ames Caaghan, 5d)ard +eath, Margaret That(her,ene Peen, -uy Moet, Pierre Mendes'3ran(e, as )e as Prin(e Phiip, Denis +eaey, Dean usk, Dean %(heson, +enry =issinger,and Cyrus 8an(eBider!erg&s most aua!e a(hieement has !een to proide *or the deeopment o* easy reations !et)eenindiiduas o* disparate !a(kgrounds, eating, drinking, )aking and (onstanty taking together in isoated settings# "hen E ?oinedthe State Department in 19;1, E )as aready )e a(Luainted )ith most "estern eaders# Some E kne) parti(uary )e, sin(e )e had

    !een together at Bider!erg on more than one o((asion#: -eorge "# Ba, *rom his auto!iographyThe Past Has Another Pattern: Memoirs/p# 10@'10;K pu!ished in 19A2

    Daid o(ke*eer

    Chairman and C57 o*Chase Manhattan Bank


    E* the Coun(i on 3oreign eations raises the ha(kes o* (onspira(y theorists, the Bilderberg meetings must induce apocalypticvisions o omnipotent international ban(ers plotting !ith unscrupulous government oicials to impose cunning schemes on an

    ignorant and unsuspecting !orld$ %t the risk o* disappointing these (onspira(y mongers, the truth is that Bider!erg is reay anintensey interesting annua dis(ussion group that de!ates issues o* signi*i(an(e to !oth 5uropeans and 6orth %meri(ans )ithout

    rea(hing (onsensus# rince Bernhard o the 8etherlands convened the irst conerence in May 1A4 at the urging o /oseph

    etinger, a Poe o* aristo(rati( origins )ho had sered )ith British inteigen(e during "ord "ar EE# etinger, a dynami( andenergeti( man )ho spoke )ith a heay a((ent and )aked )ith a pronoun(ed imp, )as (on(erned a!out the tense reations )ithin the

    %tanti( (ommunity# +e persuaded Bernhard to (onene a group o* prominent indiiduas to dis(uss these matters# E )as one o* eeen%meri(ans inited, and )e ?oined *i*ty deegates *rom eeen "estern 5uropean (ountries a iey mosai( o* poiti(ians, !usinessmen,

    ?ournaists, and trade unionists# E )as surprised to hae !een inited in the *irst pa(e and !een more taken a!a(k )hen etinger askedme to prepare a !a(kground paper on prospe(ts *or the )ord e(onomy *rom the %meri(an perspe(tieThe (on*eren(e had sered a

    use*u purpose, and the (onsensus )as that )e shoud meet again the *oo)ing year under the (ontinuing (hairmanship o* Prin(eBernhard# "e aso de(ided to (a the gathering Bider!erg: a*ter the hote in 7oster!eek )here )e had *irst assem!ed#:

    Daid o(ke*eer, *rom his auto!iographyMemoirs/p# 410'411, Chapter 2> Proud EnternationaistK pu!ished in 2002

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    The 8ation: Conspiracy Theorists nite> " 9ecret Conerence Thought to ule the .orldBy %$%6 C7"5$$ and D%8ED M# +%$B3E6-5The New York Times

    Pu!ished .uy 11, 2004

    SE6C5 its *irst meeting @0 years ago, the Bider!erg (on*eren(e, a se(retie gathering o* go!a po)er !rokers, has inspired ayer upon ayer o* (onspira(y theories, )hi(h it has

    done itte to dispute# 7er the years, the deeds aid at the (on*eren(e&s deious door hae in(uded the (reation o* the 5uropean nion, the inasion o* EraL and the !om!ing o*

    Ser!ia '' a to seri(e its most (herished goa the (reation o* a )ord goernment# The (onspira(y theories !u!!ed to the sur*a(e ane) ast )eek, a*ter it )as reported that a

    )e're(eied spee(h !y Senator .ohn 5d)ards at the (on*eren(e ast month in Stresa, Etay, )as one reason *or his see(tion as .ohn =erryRs i(e'presidentia running mate#

    Es the Bider!erg (on*a! no) moding domesti( %meri(an poi(yG oughy 10 deegates attend the initation'ony annua gatherings, named *or the Dut(h hote )here the *irst

    Bider!erg (on*eren(e )as hed in May 19@4, to de!ate issues surrounding the (od )ar# The meetings are hardy a monument to transparen(y# The hotes inoed are usuay(osed o** to other guests# nike the "ord 5(onomi( 3orum in Daos, S)itFerand, ?ournaists are not inited to (oer it '' athough a *e) attend as parti(ipants '' and a

    deegates promise to keep Luiet a!out )hat they hear and say#

    RRThey do not hae to sign anything, !ut they understand that they do not tak,RR said Ma?a Ban(k'Poderman, the organiFationRs ee(utie se(retary# En a teephone interie), she

    said she )as the ony empoyee at the Bider!erg administratie o**i(e in $eiden, the 6etherands# Se(re(y understandings aside, prying detais oose a!out Mr# 5d)ards&s

    appearan(e )as not di**i(ut so ong as the (hattering (hie*tains )ere not identi*ied#

    Mr# 5d)ards, seera said, ?oined aph eed, the epu!i(an strategist, in giing a presentation on the %meri(an ee(tion# %*ter Mr# eed spoke a!out ho) Mr# =erry )as

    unera!e on RRaues,RR Mr# 5d)ards presented a (hara(teristi(ay positie (ase *or Mr# =erryRs ee(tion, *o(using on the inse(urity o* %meri(an )orkers that persists een )hene(onomi( statisti(s turn north# T)o Demo(rats in the room said Mr# 5d)ards sparked a rue'!reaking round o* appause )hen he *inished, though a nonpartisan )itness did notre(a su(h an oation# RR+e spoke )ith great passion, in a meeting that is usuay rather dry,RR said the nonpartisan eteran attendee# RR+e )as a!e to make it a (ross !et)een his

    stump spee(h and an intimate (onersation in a sma room#RR

    The group&s meetings, Ms# Ban(k'Poderman said, are *inan(ed !y (orporate sponsors in the host (ountries and are reguary attended !y ty(oons, poiti(ians and dipomats in

    5urope and the nited States, in(uding +enry %# =issinger, the *ormer se(retary o* state, and i(hard 6# Pere, the *ormer head o* the De*ense Poi(y Board# This year&s ist aso

    in(uded i(hard C# +o!rooke, the *ormer nited States am!assador to the nited 6ations, and, o* (ourse, Senator 5d)ards# The guest ist and mem!ership )oud more or ess

    oerap )ith the RR"antedRR posters o* anti'go!aiFation protesters# Endeed, one *ormer parti(ipant, "i +utton, a British ?ournaist and e(onomist, has !een )idey Luoted (aing

    the Bider!erg set the RRhigh priests o* go!aiFation#RR

    3ormer parti(ipants hae generay payed do)n the (onspira(y theories, saying the se(re(y is merey designed to *oster a (imate o* open de!ate, ao)ing parti(ipants to speak

    their minds *reey# But (riti(s o* the Bider!erg (on*eren(e argue that )hie it may not make *orma de(isions, it sets a (onsensus that spreads among !usiness and poiti(a eites,moding the go!a agenda# Some argue, *or instan(e, that the *irst intimations o* %meri(an determination to )age )ar in EraL (ame *rom a Bider!erg gathering in 2002#

    RR"hat E (a *or is more openness in )hat they do,RR said Tony -osing, a British resear(her and *ormer ?ournaist )ho has *oo)ed the Bider!erg meetings and !eiees they are

    designed to unite opinion around ma?or, go!a ideas# RRE donRt think the parti(ipants shoud !e s)orn to se(re(y,RR he said in a teephone interie) *rom Bristo, 5ngand# RRE think

    that a *orum )here so many ri(h and po)er*u peope meet shoud !e open to pu!i( s(rutiny#RR

    "hateer ese, the see(tion o* Mr# 5d)ards as Mr# =erryRs running mate seems to sho) that the Bider!erg deegates hae an eye *or a (ontender# But Demo(rats pease note

    they do not a)ays !a(k the )inner# This yearRs deegates ist sho)ed that -iuio Tremonti attended as EtayRs minister o* e(onomy and *inan(e *our )eeks ater, he resigned in a

    poiti(a dispute '' perhaps not the !est o* omens *or Senator 5d)ards#

    Sour(eThe 6e) Jork Times

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Club o ich& o!erul Meet in 9ecret 8ear *ondonBy T+5 %SS7CE%T5D P5SSPu!ished .une >, 201 at A2; %M 5T

    $76D76 Et&s a !usy )eekend at the uury -roe +ote, *aored haunt o* British so((er payers and their gitF'oing spouses# More than 100 o* the )ord&s most po)er*u

    peope are at the *ormer manor house near $ondon *or a se(retie annua gathering that has attained egendary status in the eyes o* anti'(apitaist protesters and (onspira(y


    The guest ist *or the Bider!erg meeting in(udes -ooge ee(utie (hairman 5ri( S(hmidt, %maFon C57 .e** BeFos, Enternationa Monetary 3und (hie* Christine $agarde and

    *ormer #S# Se(retary o* State +enry =issinger# British Prime Minister Daid Cameron is due to drop !y 3riday#

    The Bilderberg -roup !as set up in 1A4 to support military and economic co)operation bet!een #urope and 8orth "merica during the Cold .ar$ 8amed or the site

    o its irst meeting the Bilderberg 6otel in 7osterbee(& 6olland the orum or prominent politicians& thin(ers and business leaders has been held annually at a

    series o secluded venues in #urope and 8orth "merica$

    .hat happens at Bilderberg& stays at Bilderberg$ There is no media access and the public is (ept a!ay by a large security operation$ The group says that there is no

    detailed agenda& no resolutions are proposed& no votes are ta(en& and no policy statements are issued$E

    But in a moe to)ard sighty more openness, the group no) has a )e!site, )hi(h ists attendees and key topi(s *or dis(ussion, in(uding the e(onomy, #S# *oreign poi(y,

    (y!er )ar*are and the proi*eration o* asymmetri( threats: and ma?or trends in medi(a resear(h#:

    Enitees in(ude British Treasury (hie* -eorge 7s!orne, -odman Sa(hs (hairman Peter Sutherand and Thomas 5nders, C57 o* aerospa(e (ompany 5%DS# Pu!i(ation o* thesedetais has done itte to ease the (on(erns o* protesters, )ho sense a shado)y go!a eite at )ork in the se(retie meeting#

    "hen 10 o* the eaders *rom a a(ross the "est get together, and many o* these are !iionaires, they are peope )ho are immensey )eathy and immensey po)er*u,: said

    Mi(hae Mea(her, a a)maker *rom Britain&s $a!our Party# %nd )hen they a get together, it&s not ?ust to hae a (hat a!out the atest pro!em, it is to (on(ert pans *or the

    *uture o* (apitaism in the "est# That is on a ery di**erent s(ae#:

    7thers go een *urther, putting Bider!erg at the heart o* a go!a )e! o* (onspira(y# The protesters in "at*ord in(ude #S# tak'radio host and Sept# 11 truther: %e .ones,

    and *ormer pro*essiona so((er payer Daid E(ke, )ho !eiees the )ord is run !y a ra(e o* repties in human *orm# Demonstrators pan to hod a Bider!erg *ringe: *estia

    outside the hote unti the (on*eren(e ends Sunday#

    % Bider!erg spokesman rea(hed !y emai sin(e no phone num!er is isted said there is nothing sinister a!out the gathering# "e dis(ose the date, the o(ation, theparti(ipants and the key topi(s o* the (on*eren(e,: Iander +ei?nen said# Many groups o* peope meet )ithout announ(ing it pu!i(y at a, )ithout dis(osing )ho is taking part

    and )ithout giing any key topi(s#:

    The meetings !roaden the parti(ipants& range o* ie)points, hep them to gain insights and e(hange ie)s,: he said# Et seems iogi(a to argue that a meeting o* indiiduas

    designed to gie and o!tain *resh insights, someho) Rundermines demo(ra(y#&:

    That message has not s)ayed protesters ike .udd Charton, a entrioLuist *rom $ondon )ho sho)ed up Thursday to ?eer at (ars )ith !a(ked'out )indo)s entering the hote

    (ompound# "e are !asi(ay here to !ring do)n the parasites )ho are drug deaers and !ank (oapsers )ho seem to )ant to destroy this )ord,: he said#


    .i $a)ess (an !e rea(hed at httpT)itter#(om.i$a)essSour(eThe 6e) Jork Times

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    President Dwi"ht D. (isenhower 3ri"ht5 and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands eno/ a lau"h to"ether !efore their luncheon meetin" at the hite ouse in ashin"ton, D.. on March 6,19#$. he Prince was in the ;nited 2tates on an industrial ins)ection tour. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands would )reside over the first Bilder!er" Meetin"s in 0ster!ee, Netherlandsnearl/ three months later. 3Bettmann@0=BI25

    En ate 19@2, etinger )ent to %meri(a to try the idea out on his %meri(an (onta(ts# %mong others, he sa) su(h od *riends as %ere +arriman, Daid o(ke*eer,and Bede Smith, then dire(tor o* the CE%# %*ter etinger epained his proposa, Smith said, U"hy the he didn&t you (ome to me in the *irst pa(eG& +e Lui(kyre*erred etinger to C# D# .a(kson, )ho )as a!out to !e(ome 5isenho)er&s spe(ia assistant *or psy(hoogi(a )ar*are# Et took a )hie *or .a(kson to organiFe the%meri(an )ing o* the group, !ut *inay, in May 19@4, the *irst (on*eren(e )as hed in the +ote de Bider!erg, a se(uded hote in +oand, near the -erman !order#Prin(e Bernhard and etinger dre) up the ist o* initees *rom the 5uropean (ountries, )hie .a(kson (ontroed the %meri(an ist# %s etinger epained, initations)ere Uony sent to important and generay respe(ted peope )ho through their spe(ia kno)edge or eperien(e, their persona (onta(ts and their in*uen(e in nationaand internationa (ir(es (an hep to *urther the aims set !y Bider!erg#& %meri(ans ike Daid o(ke*eer, Dean usk, and .oseph .ohnson turned up in Bider!erg tomeet )ith su(h in*uentia 5uropeans as Denis +eaey, -uy Moet, and %(ide de -asperi, the ar(hite(t o* post)ar EtayBut in genera, the purpose o* the Bider!ergmeetings )as ess a matter o* eite de(ision'making than yet another attempt to sket(h the !oundaries o* an %tanti( (onsensus# En this respe(t, Prin(e Bernhard&smeetings )ere itte more than an etension o* the Coun(i on 3oreign eations# Endeed, the steering (ommittee o* the %meri(an se(tion o* the Bider!erg -roup(onsisted entirey o* C3 mem!ers#: The hairman: !ohn !" Mclo#$ The Making o% the American Establishment!y =ai Bird, p# 4>1'4>2 /Chapter 22 Eke&s "ise


  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    The Bider!erg ground rues are seere# "ll sessions are closed and o the record$ %though there is an agenda, there are no resoutions passed or otes taken#Con*eren(e parti(ipants usuay num!er !et)een >0 and 120 and, )ith one partia e(eption, )ies hae not !een inited# The (on*eren(e o(ation is rotated, )ith no

    (ountry hosting the eent in (onse(utie years# The Bider!erg meetings hae !een *inan(ed primariy *rom priate sour(es and on o((asion *rom su(h organiFations asthe 3ord, 5on, and o(ke*eer 3oundations, aong )ith the Carnegie 5ndo)ment *or Enternationa Pea(e# The parti(ipants at the *irst Bider!erg meeting in 19@4

    in(uded seenteen in*uentia %meri(ans and *i*ty'seen 5uropeans dra)n *rom ten (ountries# The 5uropean representaties in(uded eeen Britons, nine 3ren(h, nineDut(h, seen -ermans, and seen Etaians, as )e as representaties *rom Begium, Denmark, -ree(e, S)eden, and 6or)ay# Besides Ba, the %meri(ans present at the*irst Bider!erg meeting in(uded Daid o(ke*eer, Pau 6itFe, -eorge M(-hee, and +arry +einF# The distinguished 5uropeans in(uded Denis +eaey, 7ier 3ranks,and +ugh -aitske o* -reat Britain, and -uy Moet and %ntoine Pinay o* 3ran(e# 3our issues dominated that *irst meeting (ommunism and the Soiet nion, peopeso* the underdeeoped )ord, e(onomi( poi(ies, and 5uropean integration#:

    &eorge 'all: 'ehind the (cenes in )" (" *oreign Polic# !y .ames %# Bi, p# @'@4

    The Bider!erg group )as a ery spe(ia organiFation in -eorge Ba&s i*e# En his o)n )ords Et has !een a remarka!y use*u organiFation# En *a(t, o* a theorganiFations E hae eer ?oined or !eonged to, Bider!erg has !een the most use*u#: %((ording to Ba, Bider!erg )as enormousy, e**e(tie, espe(iay in

    proiding a *orum )here peope (oud tak per*e(ty *reey, and )here a(Luaintan(es (an !e made#: En his ie), the *orma sessions )ere ess aua!e than peopehaingQ priate (onersations oer dinner in the eenings, taking )aks in the )oods, doing a kinds o* things# They get to kno) one another# These are peope )hohae in*uen(e on a**airs, either dire(ty as mem!ers o* goernments or mem!ers o* opposition (oming into goernments#: Daid o(ke*eer, )hose ong asso(iation)ith Ba )as !ased on their (ommon mem!ership in the Bider!erg group, has e(hoed Ba&s ?udgment# oc(eeller described Bilderberg as one o the mostinteresting organi;ations that ' belong toE and admitted that it gave me an opportunity at a relatively early age to become acuainted !ith some o the leaders

    in #urope and the nited 9tates on a very inormal basis& !here one got to (no! them on a irst)name basis$E o(ke*eer )as ony thirty'eight years od )hen heattended the *irst Bider!erg meeting# +e and Ba, )ho )as *orty'*ie at the time, )ere among the youngest parti(ipants# 3rom May 19@4 unti May 19;0, -eorge Ba

    attended nine Bider!erg (on*eren(es# "hen he ?oined the Department o* State as part o* the =ennedy administration in 19;1, there*ore, he aready kne) most o* theeaders o* the "estern )ord# They had, a*ter a, !een Bider!ergers together#:

    &eorge 'all: 'ehind the (cenes in )" (" *oreign Polic# !y .ames %# Bi, p# @4

    7n May 29, 19@4, seenty'*our "estern poiti(a and *inan(ia eaders gathered *or a three'day (on*eren(e at the Bider!erg +ote in 7oster!eek, +oand# Their goa)as to esta!ish a high'po)ered *orum to promote and prote(t 5uropean and #S# reations5uropean eaders )ere (on(erned a!out the *uture and *et the need to assess

    and improe the situation# The idea *or the Bider!erg group originated in the mind o* a *am!oyant Poe and internationa adenturer named .oseph etinger# 7ne*riend des(ri!ed etinger as a sort o*Eminence &riseo* 5urope, a Taeyrand )ithout port*oio& En 19@2 etinger approa(hed Prin(e Bernhard o* the 6etherands and

    asked him to sere as honorary head o* the organiFation %*ter esta!ishing a sma 5uropean (ommittee, etinger and Bernhard turned their attention to the nitedStates# Bernhard&s (osest (onta(t there )as -enera "ater Bede Smith, then under se(retary o* state *or 5isenho)er# Bernhard had kno)n Smith during the )ar, and

    the t)o )ere *ishing *riends as )e# Smith, )ho neer !e(ame inoed in Bider!erg himse*, (onta(ted C# D# .a(kson, another "hite +ouse aide, )ho in turn

    approa(hed .ohn Coeman and -eorge Ba, t)o key eaders in the Committee *or a 6ationa Trade Poi(y# 3rom the ery !eginning, -eorge Ba )as the eading%meri(an Bider!erger#: %though there )ere no permanent mem!ers o* the group, Ba made himse* indispensa!e to the organiFation# Bet)een 19@4 and his deathin 1994, he attended eery meeting o* the Bider!erg group !ut one# By 1994, he and Daid o(ke*eer )ere the ony origina *ounders sti in reguar attendan(e#:

    &eorge 'all: 'ehind the (cenes in )" (" *oreign Polic# !y .ames %# Bi, p# @2'@

    En addition to their reguar meetings, the Bider!erg group had a steering (ommittee that usuay met t)i(e a year to pan programs and to dis(uss the parti(ipant ist#-eorge Ba sat on the steering (ommittee *or t)enty'*ie years# En this position, he payed a (riti(a roe in shaping the dire(tion and dis(ussion o* the organiFation#Be(ause Bider!erg has no permanent mem!ership ist, the group is highy *uid and eer'(hanging in (omposition# Steering (ommittee eaders hae (are*uy sought tore(ruit indiiduas in three oerapping (ategories# 5irst& the Bilderberg leaders have emphasi;ed the need or their members to e%ercise considerable po!er andinluence$ They hae (ons(iousy attempted to re(ruit indiiduas re*erred to !y .oseph 5# .ohnson as U!ig shots& and Umoers and shakers#&:

    &eorge 'all: 'ehind the (cenes in )" (" *oreign Polic# !y .ames %# Bi, p# @

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Photos o* the "est*ieds Marriott "ashington DuesQ +ote in Chantiy, 8irginia, #S#%#

    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote in Copenhagen, Denmark

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote (on*eren(e room

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote

    Copenhagen Marriott +ote /Priate "ine oom /e*t and +eath Cu! $ounge /right

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Copenhagen Marriott +ote /5e(utie $ounge Sitting %rea /e*t and 5e(utie $ounge Dining %rea /right

    Copenhagen Marriott +ote /Store!aet Meeting oom /e*t and uury suite /right

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings

    +ames D. olfensohnPresident of the orld Ban


  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings /%meri(ans

    homas (. DonilonNational 2ecurit/ 'dvisor

    3eith B. 'le*anderDirector of National 2ecurit/

    '"enc/ 3

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings /%meri(ans

    end/ =. 2herman;nder 2ecretar/ of 2tate for

    Political 'ffairs3

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings /5uropeans

    Pascal am/Director-General of the

    orld rade 0r"ani&ation3

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings /5uropeans

    Peter Bra!ec-etmathe82wit&erland

    hairman of NestlK 3laus >leinfeld8German/@'merica

    hairman and (0 of 'lcoa3

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings /5uropeans

    erner Fa/mannhancellor of 'ustria


  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prominent Endiiduas )ho are ikey to attend the 2014 Bider!erg Meetings

    eather Munroe-Blum8anada

    Princi)al and :icehancellor of McGill


    Fran Mc>ennaPremier of New Brunswic

    319E%-199%5anadian 'm!assador to

    the ;.2. 3as)arovhairman, ;nited ivil Front3of =ussia5 =ussian chess


    Martin . olf8Great Britain

    hief (conomicsommentator, The Financial


    Matthias Nass8German/

    De)ut/ (ditor, Die Zeit8German news)a)er

    0scar Bronner8'ustria

    Pu!lisher and (ditor, Dertandard8'ustrian


    =udolf 2cholten8'ustria

    Mem!er of the Board of(*ecutive Directors,


    >ontroll!an 'G

    ("il M/le!ust8Norwa/

    Former hairman of theBoard of Directors 2'2,

    Nors /dro '2'

    2vein =ichard Brandt&O"8Norwa/

    President and (0, Nors/dro '2' 8aluminum

    com)an/ 3

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Possi!e Topi(s *or Dis(ussion at the up(oming 2014 Bider!erg Meetings

    ussia& (raine& and Crimea

    $e*t photo %meri(an .e)ish po)er!roker +enry =issinger /e*t meets )ith President o* ussia 8adimir Putin in St# Peters!urg, ussia on .une 21, 2012# 6enry+issinger is a member o the Council on 5oreign elations in 8e! For( City and a member o the Bilderberg -roup& a private #uropean organi;ation$ /Photo Presidentia Press and En*ormation 7**i(e=remin

    ight photo President o* kraine 8iktor Janukoy(h, /e*t greets *ormer #S# Se(retary o* State +enry =issinger in =ie, kraine on Monday, .une 2@, 2012# 6enry+issinger attended the 2012 Bilderberg Meetings held in Chantilly& Girginia& $9$"$ rom May ,1)/une ,& 2012$ /%P Photo

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    o!ert Dudey /e*t, Chie* 5e(utie o* BP, meets )ith Prime Minister o* ussia 8adimir Putin in Mos(o), ussia in 2011# obert Dudley attended the BilderbergMeetings in 2012 and 201,$ /Photo %eey DruFhininia 6oosti

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    %eey Mier /e*t, Chairman o* the -aFprom Management Committee, and Bilderberg -roup member /orma 7llila

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    En this handout image proided !y +ost Photo %gen(y, President o* ussia 8adimir Putin /e*t shakes hands )ith Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant Christine $agarde,Managing Dire(tor o* the Enternationa Monetary 3und, at the -20 Summit in St# Peters!urg, ussia on Septem!er @, 201# /Photo +andout-etty Emages 5urope

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant ueen Beatri o* the 6etherands /e*t and President o* ussia 8adimir Putin toast a*ter they uneied a paLuette )ith hand imprint o*Peter the -reat during a tour o* the +ermitage Museum in %msterdam, 6etherands on %pri A, 201# ussia maintains a portion o its assets in the 8etherlands$

    /Photo %3P Photo

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant Prime Minister o* the 6etherands Mark utte /e*t (hats )ith President o* ussia 8adimir Putin on the sideines o* the St# Peters!urg

    Enternationa 5(onomi( 3orum on .une 20, 201# /Photoi?ksoerheid

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    $e*t to right 3ue Minister o* kraine 5duard Staitsky, President o* kraine 8iktor Janukoy(h, Prime Minister o* the 6etherands Mark utte and C57 o* oyaDut(h She Peter 8oser shake hands a*ter e(hanging a signed agreement at the "ord 5(onomi( 3orum /"53 in Daos, S)itFerand on .anuary 24, 201# /eutersPrime Minister o* the 6etherands Mark utte and C57 o* oya Dut(h She Peter 8oser attended the 2012 Bider!erg Meetings hed in Chantiy, 8irginia, #S#%#

    *rom May 1, 2012 unti .une , 2012# ueen Beatri o* the 6etherands, Then'#S# Senator .ohn 3or!es =erry, +enry =issinger, *ormer #S# Se(retary o* State /19>'19>>, and Egor S# Eano, 3oreign Minister o* ussia /199A'2004, aso attended the 2012 Bider!erg Meetings#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    3oreign Minister o* S)eden Car Bidt /e*t and 3oreign Minister o* Poand adek Sikorski /(enter meet )ith President o* kraine 8iktor Janukoy(h/right in =ie, kraine in 6oem!er 2010# /Photo P%PPa)e =uaK Ministerst)o Spra)

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant 3oreign Minister o* S)eden Car Bidt /right appears )ith 3oreign Minister o* ussia Sergei $aro at a press (on*eren(e in Brusses,Begium in 2009#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prime Minister o* Etay Mario Monti /e*t, a ongtime Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant, greets President o* ussia 8adimir Putin in ussia#

    /%P PhotoE%'6oosti, %eei DruFhinin, Presidentia Press Seri(e

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prime Minister o* Etay Mario Monti /right greets Prime Minister o* ussia Dimitri Medede#

    /%P PhotoE% 6oosti, %eander %sta*ye, -oernment Press Seri(e

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Prime Minister o* -reat Britain Daid Cameron /e*t, )ho attended the Bider!erg Meetings in +ert*ordshire, 5ngand near $ondon in .une 201, appears )ith %rseniyJatsenyuk /right, the Prime Minister o* kraine, during the signing o* the poiti(a proisions o* the %sso(iation %greement )ith kraine at the 5uropean nionheadLuarters in Brusses, Begium on Mar(h 21, 2014 # /euters

    "ghanistan& 9yria& #gypt& 'ran H 5uture o the Middle #ast

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant 3oreign Minister o* S)eden Car Bidt /e*t shakes hands )ith 3oreign Minister o* Eran Mohammad'.aad

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant 3oreign Minister o* S)eden Car Bidt /e*t greets President o* %*ghanistan +amid =arFai on %pri >, 2014#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    %*ghanistan&s President +amid =arFai /e*t shakes hands )ith ueen Beatri o* the 6etherands in paa(e +uis ten Bos(h in The +ague, during a nited 6ations internationa

    (on*eren(e on %*ghanistan, on Mar(h 1, 2009# ueen Beatri o* the 6etherands is a reguar parti(ipant at the Bider!erg Meetings# /-etty Emages

    %*ghanistan&s President +amid =arFai /*i*th *rom right meets )ith S)eden&s 3oreign Minister Car Bidt /*i*th *rom e*t, a reguar Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant, in =a!u,

    %*ghanistan on Mar(h 1, 2012# /Photo 7**i(e o* the President o* the Esami( epu!i( o* %*ghanistan

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    %*ghanistan&s President +amid =arFai, right, greets 6%T7 Se(retary'-enera %nders 3ogh asmussen at the 6%T7 Summit in Chi(ago on May 21, 2012#

    /.ose M# 7sorio Chi(ago Tri!une

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    ueen Beatri o* the 6etherands /(enter meets )ith Prime Minister o* Esrae Ben?amin 6etanyahu /e*t and his )i*e Sarah 6etanyahu in the +ague,

    6etherands on .anuary 19, 2012# /Photo %mos Ben -ershomEsrae -oernment Press o**i(e /-P7

    The 5uture o the #uropean nion

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Christine $agarde /e*t, Managing Dire(tor o* the Enternationa Monetary 3und, appears )ith the outgoing Prime Minister o* Etay Mario Monti at the "ord 5(onomi(

    3orum (on*eren(e in Daos, S)itFerand on .anuary 24, 201# /Photo http)))#*t#(om(mss04*e0!*@e';@4*'11e2'A!0'00144*ea!49a#htmVside4

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    $e*t photo ueen Beatri o* 6etherands /e*t, daughter o* Bider!erg Meetings (o'*ounder Prin(e Bernhard o* the 6etherands, appears )ith ueen So*ia o* Spain#

    ight photo Prime Minister o* Etay Mario Monti /right speaks )ith 5uropean Centra Bank president Mario Draghi /e*t during a meeting o* euroFone *inan(eministers at the 5 Coun(i !uiding in Brusses on Monday, Mar(h 12, 2012# /%P Photo8irginia Mayo

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    #S# President Bara(k 7!ama /e*t taks )ith Christine $agarde /2ndright, Managing Dire(tor o* the Enternationa Monetary 3und, during a meeting in the 6ationaSe(urity %disor&s "est "ing o**i(e at the "hite +ouse in "ashington, D#C#, #S#%# on Septem!er >, 2011# %ttending the meeting, *rom e*t, are 6ationa Se(urity

    %disor Tom DonionK Mike 3roman, Deputy 6ationa Se(urity %disor *or Enternationa 5(onomi( %**airsK Caroine %tkinson, Spe(ia %ssistant to the President *orEnternationa 5(onomi( %**airsK and 6emat Sha*ik, Deputy Managing Dire(tor o* the EM3# $agarde and Donion hae attended the Bider!erg Meetings in the past#

    /7**i(ia "hite +ouse Photo !y Pete SouFa

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    #S# President Bara(k 7!ama (on*ers )ith 5uropean Coun(i +igh epresentatie .aier Soana, )hie Prime Minister o* S)eden 3redrik ein*edt /e*t and 5uropean

    Commission President .osN Manue Barroso /right isten during the #S#'5uropean nion Summit in the Ca!inet oom o* the "hite +ouse in "ashington, D#C#, #S#%#

    on 6oem!er , 2009# ein*edt, Barroso, and Soana hae attended the Bider!erg Meetings in the past# /7**i(ia "hite +ouse Photo!y Pete SouFa

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    .ose Manue Barroso /right, President o* the 5uropean Commission, em!ra(es 8is(ount 5tienne Daignon /e*t, President o* 3riends o* 5urope, during a meeting inBrusses, Begium on 7(to!er 1, 2011# The name o* the meeting )as (aed The State o* 5urope e'thinking the 5uropean Pro?e(t:# /Photo 3i(kr

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    8is(ount 5tienne Daignon /2nd e*t, President o* 3riends o* 5urope, appears )ith Mario Monti /2nd right, President o* Bo((oni niersity in Mian, during a meetingin Brusses, Begium on 7(to!er 1, 2011# The name o* the meeting )as (aed The State o* 5urope e'thinking the 5uropean Pro?e(t:# /Photo3i(kr

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    /3rom e*t to right -ree(e&s 3inan(e Minister 5angeos 8eniFeos, 5uropean Competition Commissioner .oaLuin %munia, Britain&s Chan(eor o* the 5(heLuer-eorge 7s!orne, Etay&s 3inan(e Minister -iuio Tremonti and EM3 Managing Dire(tor Christine $agarde arrie at an 5 *inan(e ministers meeting in Brusses, Begiumon 7(to!er 22, 2011# %umnia, 7s!orne, and Tremonti attended the 2011 Bider!erg Meetings in St# MoritF, S)itFerand in .une 2011# /Photo eutersThierry oge

    Mario Monti /e*t, the Prime Minister o* Etay, and .ose* %(kermann /right, C57 o* Deuts(he Bank, augh during a session at the 4Ath Muni(h Se(urity Con*eren(e in

    Muni(h, -ermany on Saturday, 3e!ruary 4, 2012# Both men attended the Bider!erg Meetings that )as hed in St# MoritF, S)itFerand in .une 2011#/Photo Matthias S(hrader%P

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    Mario Monti /e*t, the Prime Minister o* Etay, greets .ose Manue Barroso /right, President o* the 5uropean Commission, in Brusses, Begium on Brusses, Begium on6oem!er 22, 2011# /%P Photo

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    President Barac 0!ama tals with, from left, +osK Manuel Barroso, President of the (uro)ean ommission, hancellor 'n"ela Merel of German/, Prime Minister Mario Monti of Ital/,President Franois ollande of France, and erman :an =om)u/, President of the (uro)ean ouncil, on the aurel a!in )atio durin" the GE 2ummit at am) David, Mar/land, ;.2.'. onMa/ 19,

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    President Barac 0!ama hosts a worin" dinner in aurel a!in durin" the GE 2ummit at am) David, Md., Ma/ 1E,

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    6%T7 Se(retary -enera %nders 3ogh asmussen and #S# President Bara(k 7!ama )e(ome .ose Manue Barroso, President o* the 5uropean Commission, at the6%T7 Summit in Chi(ago on May 20# 2012# /6%T7 Photo

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    6%T7 Se(retary -enera %nders 3ogh asmussen /e*t, Prime Minister o* Etay Mario Monti /(enter, and #S# President Bara(k 7!ama /right greet the media at M(Cormi(k

    Pa(e during the 6%T7 2012 Summit in Chi(ago on May 20, 2012# /Photo Sta(ey "es(ott, Chi(ago Tri!une

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    #S# President Bara(k 7!ama /right shakes hands )ith S)eden&s 3oreign Minister Car Bidt /(enter, a ongtime Bider!erg Meetings parti(ipant and TriateraCommission mem!er, as British 3oreign Se(retary "iiam +ague /e*t ooks on at the start o* the Enternationa Se(urity %ssistan(e 3or(e meeting on %*ghanistanduring the 2012 6%T7 Summit at the M(Cormi(k Pa(e (onention (enter in Chi(ago on May 21, 2012# /-etty Emages

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    $e*t Mario Monti, the Prime Minister o* Etay, appears on the *ront (oer o* the 3e!ruary 20, 2012 edition o* TimemagaFine#

    ight %ngea Merke, the Chan(eor o* -ermany, appears on the *ront (oer o* the .anuary 11, 2010 edition o* TimemagaFine#

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    President o* mainand Communist China Ii .inping /se(ond e*t, his )i*e Peng $iyuan /e*t, =ing "iem %eander o* the 6etherands /(enter, ueen Maima o* the6etherands /se(ond right, and Prin(ess Beatri o* the 6etherands /right pose *or the o**i(ia photo at the roya paa(e in %msterdam, 6etherands on Saturday, Mar(h

    22, 2014# /Photot %P PhotoPeter De?ong

    Bilderber %roup "teerin o##ittee 1as of &pril 23*4


  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    enri de astr ies hairman and (0, 'L' Grou)

    D(; 'cermann, +osef Former (0, Deutsche Ban 'GGB= '"ius, Marcus Non-(*ecutive hairman, P' onsultin" Grou);2' 'ltman, =o"er . (*ecutive hairman, (vercoreFIN ')unen, Matti Director, Finnish Business and Polic/ Forum (:'P= BalsemQo, Francisco Pinto hairman, Im)resa 2GP2F=' Bavere&, Nicolas Partner, Gi!son, Dunn H rutcher P

    I' Berna!R, Franco hairman, FB Grou) 2=N0= Brandt&O", 2vein =ichard President and (0, Nors /dro '2'(2P e!riSn, +uan uis (*ecutive hairman, Gru)o P=I2''N lar, . (dmund Grou) President and (0, D Ban Grou)B( Davi"non, (tienne Minister of 2tateD(; (nders, homas (0, 'ir!us Grou)DN> Feders)iel, ;lri (*ecutive :ice President, aldor o)se '@2ND al!erstadt, :ictor Professor of Pu!lic (conomics, eiden ;niversit/;2' +aco!s, >enneth M. hairman and (0, a&ard;2' +ohnson, +ames '. hairman, +ohnson a)ital PartnersGB= >err, +ohn De)ut/ hairman, 2cottish Power ;2' >leinfeld, >laus hairman and (0, 'lcoa;= >o, Mustafa :. hairman, >o oldin" '.2.

    ;2' >ravis, Marie-+osKe 2enior Fellow and :ice hair, udson Institute( >udelsi, 'ndrK hairman and (0, >udelsi Grou);2' Mathews, +essica . Pres ident, arne"ie (ndowment for International PeaceI' Monti, Mario 2enator-for-life President, Bocconi ;niversit/;2' Mundie, rai" +. 2enior 'dvisor to the (0, Microsoft or)oration;2' Perle, =ichard N. =esident Fellow, 'merican (nter)rise Institute'N =eisman, eather M. hair and (0, Indi"o Boos H Music Inc.'; 2cholten, =udolf (0, 0esterreichische >ontroll!an 'GI= 2utherland, Peter D. hairman, Goldman 2achs International;2' hiel, Peter '. President, hiel a)italIN richet, +ean-laude onorar/ Governor, BanJue de France Former President, (uro)ean entral BanG= soualis, ouas President, (I'M(P2( allen!er", +aco! hairman, Investor 'B

    ;2' arsh, >evin M. Distin"uished :is itin" Fellow, he oover Institution, 2tanford ;nivers it/

    !e#ber &d(isor7 %roup;2' David =ocefeller

    GovernanceBilder!er" is "overned !/ a 2teerin" ommittee which desi"nates a hairman mem!ers are elected for a term of four /ears and can !e re-elected. here are no other mem!ersof the Bilder!er" conference. he hairTs main res)onsi!ilities are to chair the 2teerin" ommittee and to )re)are with the 2teerin" ommittee the conference )ro"ram, theselection of )artici)ants. e also maes su""estions to the 2teerin" ommittee re"ardin" its com)osition. he (*ecutive 2ecretar/ re)orts to the hairman.

    2ource? http)))#!ider!ergmeetings#orggoernan(e#htm

  • 8/12/2019 2014 Bilderberg Meetings in Copenhagen, Denmark


    6yhan in Copenhagen, Denmark