. ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenpermW*. m b jm - terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. xxn. NO. 8i —5 cents. TODAY’r ^ NEWS^ . TODAY TWIN PALLS, IDAHO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 19,1939 OFFICIAL CITY NKWSPAPKBi' PRESIDENT ABANDONS NEUTRALITY REVISION MINERS, A t OPERATORS SIGN ‘PEACE* PACT IN HARLAN M COm CT WILL IA S I y N I fl94 KNOXVILLE. Tenn. July 19 (U.R)—A “peace agreement” between the United Mine Workers and Harlan (KyJ' county coal operators was siiHied here today. The new working contract, which will be in effect until 1941, was negotiated after five straight days of confer- ences with the aid of Dr. John R. Steelman, U. S. conciliator. The contract Is cxpcctcd to end kbor fflrlfe In the soft coal tlelds ®f southeost<m Kentucky. Kentucky national guardsmen have maintained patrols !□ tho __ffiiinty tJncc- operators resumeit mining on a non-union basis last May after refusing to Join a ma- jority of other bituminous compa- nies In accepting the Appalachian contract. It van expccted Ute guardsmen vould be withdrawn as soon os pick- et lines are disbanded and the min- ers return p work under the new contract. The currcnt negotiations, climax- ed by today's agreement, were prompted by a riot at StanflU, Ky., July 6, In which two union miners 1^-ere fatally Injured and several olh- •r miners and » natltful luards- man wounded. CieGE AEAK DOLEZALREDlie OLBVELAND, July 1« <UB-.Th© first degree murder charge against - • imuy UlTSO A The charge was w duc^ at Dole- \ ul's ■econd arraignment before Justice of the Peace Myron J. Pcn- ty. Bond was set afUS.DOO and Dolfl- cal WM held to the grand Jury; ex- pected to hear evidence against him Monday. Pen^ had held the swarUiy brick- layer ..and former butcher on th« capital charge at the first arraign- ment a week ago. That hearing was ruled Illegal, however, on Kround* the suspect did not have legal conn Ml, After flovcrnl Atui« wUnc.ucs hod kutirinl. P(*nty ruled tiuit them wnn no evldencr of prcmedllwteirt murder 111 Uin (lentil of Mrs, Plorenco 6uw- fioy Pollllo. fourth of Uie torso vic- tims attributed to the "mnri biitchcr or KliiKAbury Run." DoIrrAl ns- wriptlly liiid confc.viPd bclipurtliig hrr, blit later repudiated the .^pMlon. Control Measures Battle Cricket Hordes With the itate-owned spraying machine blasting death today at hordes o( erickcti la (he lacebnuh near Hollister, danger that the pests may rcach Salmon tract croplands thia year waa apparently averted. Above, Ted Williams, left, operator of the apraylnr machine, and D. T. (Bert) BoUngbroke, Twin Falls cottnty arent. Inspect a aagebrush rinmp filled with the cricket*. Below, enlarged view of the type of peat which sparred (he awltt control measurea. (Evening Time* Photo) GUI OPENS ON N ICC CONIKOL WASHINGTON, July 16 (U.F9— House members Interested in water-. uansportauon orsanlzed a fight today against an nttempt to bring water carriers under the reg- ulation of the Interstate commerce commksJon. Reps. Charles L. South, D„ Tex., and James W. Wadsworth, RvN. Y, filed a minority report on the rail* road reliel bill ol Rep. Clarence T. Lea. p., Calif., approved by th» house Interstate commerce commlt- Thcy charged that the bill's provisions for regulation of water carriers by the ICC would seriously Jeopardize the welfare of that sys- tem of transportation. Mouse Consideration The U a bill Is scheduled for house consideration Friday and Saturday. Members of the waterways group have appointed a steering commit- tee headed by Rep. Lindsay Warren, D., N. C., to oppose provisions of the bill, W arren said Uiat tlis practical ef- fect of these provisions would be to raise all water carrier rates "to the detriment of these carriers.” Approach Rail Rates He said that under ICC Jurisdic- tion, truck and bus rates “are now approaching rail rates throughout the country," and that the samo re- sult would follow If water traru- ixirtatlon la placed under the com* mls.slon. Lea, who Is chairman of the In- terstate commerce committee, dis- agreed with Warren, along with other members of the committee, and pointed out that broad exemp- Uons for water carrlors are Includ- ed In his measure. One Dead in Minneapolis Clash Blinding tear-cat eloudi roll over the street at Minneapolis aa police clash with WVA strikers. A man waa killed, more than 20 others In- Jnrcd In the rioting pictured here. K SON ONIONS, , WIINESS SIAIES .SAN n iA N (;lH C O . .IilT? 10 (U.R)- lliirry ItrlilKrn told Aoron tSiipIro, liil>c)r utlciniry, Ihitl niitrltlino Mnloiib im tiw I’lH'lhc ffiiuit wrre tiikliiK ordrrn front Ihr ComimiiilRt imily, Hii]ilro (rsiirird toiluy at the Driduc.i do|Hii LitlU>ii hriii'lug, "nrlilKrn In .liinr ol lUJti lol<1 lur- lir wiin nitiiiliiH thi- iiinrltlmn uiiloiin on thn INtrlllo roiml mid tluit Ihry wrre InkliiK Didrn. (loiii llio Ciiiii- imniht parly." Hitplro trnlinnl. "I liuiKliNl nt him, l)ul hr toUl mo (lir CdiniunnliilJi liiid kry inni hi the liitPinntloniil I.ongnli(irrnirirri lut- scM'liaioii, BH well un In Ihr Miirliie (:<HikK niid Stewiiriln iiiiloii nnd In llio Aiiierlriti) Itiullo 'rrlrKniiilii'in' nn,iorlKllv(),'' Crash Driver Hopes To File Bond Today SHOSHONE, July 19 (Siiecinl) Kacirig hit and run charKOH tlm t nppiirontiy, will be t;lmiiKe<l an n!,sult of Il. hU- mony thiil lio n'tiirncd t() iiaaiaL Lht; injured in a cra.'ili near Monttay, Koiinclli Hmilh, :18, Twin Kall.'i garage inccli- aiile, hoped to compU^h' $500 Ixmtl aflerntjon to .sociiri: re- lMt,ip from Lincoln, county Jnll. Oddities Djr IJnltrd Trtu AirplancH Fnrbidck'ii To Kly Over I’aliicc H oi'ii'i'niJK , iidiiiiiKi, July IB am AtriilnnPB todny wpiii fovlilddpn Ici llv over Ihp |i»l>i<o of PrliicMn . Jiiliiiiiii n ltn Auk. :i, 9 ‘I'lin Didri' inrMiiiiiibly wnti Inhuril hpfiiuhr Ihr prliKTM l» Pxpcolliig llin till 111 of her nrrnncl t'hlld, NKRVi: NI£W YOltK, .hily 10 ([JR|_ Di'lpcllvrti niilil lodity Uiry bnliov. rsl Ikniiiiil itntli. 23. witA tlu> iirivU-'il prlKonoi' III a iouk (||„q^ H« with urr«'ni«Nt In Itrth Inraol li<vi|illi>l w hrn n niirKeoii ncitlcod II htu«u«ri fui'p Ik H\(i tivwiivUnB iiMiiii 'M>ri<i wiin itoili, rind In i'«it and gown -which h>- liiiil oliilt'n lnl<-nlly wiiIhIiIiih III! ii|i|irii(l<-<'Ii>my, l,i»l.T, III.- miiKdrm uskod iu.u> how lin rnm« lo l>e In the mom nii<) tlH' youth nuld ho wns n iiipd- iTRl Rtwtpni Mttlt Dtn follriwi'd him and Itoth wai arrmtnl an hr rlflMl a phy* nlclsn'n Kii'iii 'HI aiiiithrr lltxir. IIKLP HALKM. On- Itcx ItodKPin, 17- yriir-old (•Ivllliin c(iii«frviillnn coi(i(i rnrollce, <;i«llp<l jxillcn Jar liplp In AlnrtliiK hl!i cur, ‘nicy nrri'slrd him anil rhnrRcd him wllh Almllnx (hr vrlilrln it f«iw hours hrlorc. heruuMi (llrrrloni of hi'V fllni pniiy rrliinr<l to iilve her u viirit- llon with jmy. VIHITOIt NKW Y o n it—T hr itiiv, WllUiuu T'i'llri. Iiriul of (hr niiiill.M rhini'h 111 l.iilvlit. Mi;.. Krllrr i<nil thrlr lU ctilldiTii Irfl tor Atlnnlu lonll«inl tlm world roiiKM'fln (it llii|i(lntn, 'lliny will innkn tlio trip In » nro oiid-linnil huri |)iuvhnnnl {<ir (lia [lurposp. Till! I'ellrrs iirrlvrd Mon- day i>lmi«rd till' K. M I'llnuilnkl. imoKic MKMPIIIH, 'IVnn, - - A crowd KitlhniTil to wiilrh lli'ltt I.rr rh'iw up gn tillb. lin hiid rhrwed up foiii when tlin police uiilvrd. ‘niey arrpntetl him on i-hiiiKPfi oJ illn- itirbliiH the iwaoa and bolim In- t4ixlruted. W hen Ihoy gnt lo ilm jK)llce (ilulliin (hey found ho wiinn'l drunk, so they <lroppnd Hint nhargo. In rourt Icxlny, thn JiidKn fined Irf'o H I (nr disturbing thn peace, Iln didn't have Uin inonry in |>ay liU fine. Imiuiry Plannvd In , C oH H t r i a n c ’H C ra H h r m tN A N D I N A . r m „ J u ly ID (1111) —An official hi(|Ulry was rspectwl noon la thn nniih nf a iionst ,HU»id lilniie in which the pllnl was kllird and two orew nieiiiberi Injured i ‘ltol P, Bohwelnlng dlad when the plane atnick a htiiiy an u ux- Ird down thn l''niiiundUiH hurU.r for a take-off yesterday. Sm ith, iirnkluiicd iibouL 10 p. i-^ilcnlny hcfore Probate JudRo lowiird Adkins, had spcurcd one f<lKnrr lo the bond today In thn of C. F. 6honk, 'IVin Fidla, hU brothrr-ln-liiw, Uhrrltf CIrorKO Drown pinid, l l i c nrciisrd driver's wilr wiin In Jrrome this nftrrnoon and pxi)i-rtrd to necurr the other signer tiK'ip. Ilparini July 27 In thiit event Hiiilth will hr frerd IM'ndliiK IhP hi'urlhK spt for July ^7 bi'ciiuhc O. t^. tihitw, |ii<i»pniilor, ^ out o( town on a California vnca- iDll, ■riin-p 'rwin riill« rmUtmts were hijuri'cl In the <-nu.ti al a-.SO p, m. MoiKlny, iillPKcdly rminrd when Hrnlih pu«hpil the car of hVank K«iiiui, Ai<lp-Kwl|)lnK thn front end. II WKfi rinliiird lit (nst that Hnilth did not Kt()]i, rppoitlDK the atrUlrnt fipvpriil hniiis Inter to Sheriff Lee li. JoliiiMon <if Bhnnhoiip. He Ueturticd Todi.v, hownvrr, Hhrrlff Ihown ,M>ld that u 'I'wlii I'MIln bakci? truck >lilvrr. t; 1>. IIliiPA, dpolared th a t 111 '- Koi'iiK'' niechiiiilR returned to Ihi- nn'iir iiii'l nASlnlrd In extrlrat- hiK ono of the two women hurt In thr ni.^ih, 'Ilin olhrr woman Imd nUvvidy Ihm-ii tluown ritnr ot the WH-l'kl'd liulo. I hr irnrk dilvcr, acmrdlng lo of- fli 'r.-i hpip, siild Unit tiinlth helped lift Ihr oiip wnninii from the car and («-<>n(iniitd on IM|« II. Columa I) SNICICZIC CAMIlltllKlK, Muss., July IQ (lll’i Mturn t h a t ai« conllnimlly liyhiH h> sneeafl were des(Tlbed to- iluy l>y Or. Hertnl Uaspo«;hktn, Miiivnid nstioiiMmnr. riin «inis are known as a a. (’VKiil t.li.r«, a family of vi\rUtil* /ihiin wIiiMir IlHht fluctuates from hrlHlit lo dim and back to bright MHolji 111 about 00 days. I>r, (liiponchkin rrjmrle<l to an niiriinoinlral conferenon ai I'srls I'tnn<T, tlmt analysis of Uie IlHht of Ihrno stars showi tliat the fUio- tunMons arr due to the faot that lhi< Rtriis puff up like bal- liM>ns, subskle, and Uien ranali^ rjulrt for a While before puffing up mhuIm. No other variable slari bcliavo In tlila fastUoti, Iw wiMi Cricket Horde Meets Death From Sprayer Ocatli wuA sprayed on saKfbrush clumps today for thousands of crinket pests which offer a potential meimcp'to c-rops of the Bslmon tract arcu near Hollister. I S|>raylnK of no<lluin arhCnnte and lime wo;, in full hln.->t by the state- owned machine o|>craled by Ted Wllllanui. foreman hi cliarge of Uir spray canuuilKit In Twin KUlIn and lllalne counllps, accordlni{ to Coun- ty AgPiit llert liolln({broke. 'I1in oil metliod, by which diesel oil poured on ditches the crickets must cross. In not behiK utllln-d slum the I>PAt h'irde Is still in siM(ebni"h, Kllllnjr Lou of Them '"niry ro killing a.lot of tlio crick- 4 now,” Mr. llollnKbroke said "Williams ts doing a go(Ml Job mu Is vcttinK at thn (miaU m Ilni shstH-." As a rrault of the quick rontro drive, the county agent sal') Unit the crickets am not pxiwctpd to k<i into crop arras this ypiu. lie tcriiii'd the dry wiHebrusli region an "Idi-iil set-up" for thn dusting oppriilldiih, M ajor gwrll In Uie cricket Influx, he said, lies In thn eggn twlng Isld now by adult fcinalpn. ’"niprr are a lot ol eggs now," he assprtpd, "but killing the adults ulll halt that iliuiKPr," lAld In (iround llin PKK'', Mnall and oblong, are half an Inih to a full Inch In Ihr ■mund. They will rrinain thera unll apriug, when Ute rrunwed tnvnnre of thr crli'krt plagun will again ip - itulre stioiiK i-onliol niPasures, 'His crickets will hutch out In spring, with ench shedding "skin" srvpii tiinrs l»fnre reselling full niatinlty. Neccsnlly of roping with Uie |ka1i now. alUwMHh tltry are st\n hi sagebrush, wns nuphnslsed' wlUi IlolhiBtirokp's ntalriiirnl that female cj irketluys approximnlrly IRO pggs duilni)<hpr one-yesr t Istence, The rrM'krt hisard In the tci tory around tinlin'in dam, acutr t weeks ago. Is now ]>an). Uumanian 1‘rlncc’H ICnKaKcmcnt Dciili'd DUOIIAllKUT. Itiiiiinnl., July lU <11Rl—Humors of Ilm engagement of Ojttwn VihU'e Mlv.haol lo Anittlie Malaxa, munitions heiress, evikrd an Indignant official denial toduy, "The Idea of an engaieiuent to a ('oinnioner Is iibnuyl," a i|H>kPMii»n 0. S. ASKED 10 HALTIAPANAIO WASHInot ON, July 19 fU.Rl- Urs, Oeorge A. Pitch, Pasadena. Oallf., for 30 years a missionary In Thlsa, today urged congress to 'amputate Uis Tokyo arm" of the Rome-Bcrlin-Tokyo axis by stop- ping shipment Of war materials to Japan. 8he sold acUon now would help restore world peace and prevent a future wor between Japan and the United States. Bhe urged approval of one of sev- eral resoluUoru pending before Uie house foreign affairs committee lo embargo shipments of war materials to Japan. Bhe said "Jspftn’s war tin China Is being carried on with al- most everyUdng American rxccpl the personnel." Europe Nations Gird Fior Tests in By JOE ALEX MORRIS ' United Pre« Staff CerreapoBdcDt Europe’s fear of a new test of strength in August is begin- ning to emerge amidst the military display of France, Po- land and Great Britain. The Paris Pre.ss disclosed today that official circles have received dispatches indicating that the armed force.s of the Reich will be in a state oT alert in mid-August, that storm trooper vacations will be ended and that perhup.s 1.000,000 rcserviflts will be under arms INGRES OAOIRNMEKT BEFORE AOEOSf 5 By RONALD G. VAN TINK WASHINGTON, July 19 — President Roosevelt had abandoned his drive to re- vise the neutrality law at this* session, and cdngreas Waa driving today toward an early adjournment. Democratic and Republican leaders in the senate predic-' ted that the session would end! in the first week in Aujuat; as a result of the President’s reluctant deci.sion to postpone changes in the neutrality law until next year. But Uie President insisted that r«- KinslbUlty for faUure to rerlse ttw iw. In event of a European crisis, would rest upon the senate. He wm understood to have said that be* cause of tha Knate's failure to M t he would be forced to take the IMU* to Uie country. The neutnOlty, program was shelved last nigbt afUr a Uu«e-bour '~ conference of senate leaden at tha White House. It followed weeks of Indecblon on Capitol Hill, but came only four days after the Prealdtnt’i last request that congress act on neutraUty before adjouinliif. Borah Attends Those attending the eeafexcnce were SeereUry of Stole OeHclT ~ Hull, Vlee-Preaident John N. dar - ner, Senate Majority Leader Alben W. Barkley, IK Ky.; Senate BOsor. Ity U ad tt Ctaartes L. MeNary, 1L, Ore.; A asM ut Minority Leader- Warren B. AsiiUa, B., TL; Cbair* ' man Key Fltlmao, D., Nev, e( Iha : foreign relations aai '■ Sen. WHUam t Borah. Ua.. ranking ndn4rtty nenlwr ef tha ' lANEXPECIS SPECIAL SESSIOH WASHINOTON. July 10 (UP)- Ohalrman Key PltUnmi. D.. Nrv. of Ihe senate foreign r^I^Uon^ ronunlli tee. said today Umt PrrAldvut iiiK>ri' cvelt "undoubtedly" wouUI ml! i »l>eclal Newton of congmvs lu uu event of "violent aggrrs-iioir’ niul widespread war. Asked If ho felt Mr. Hiki ,<-> would tnke Uie neutrality L imu: the coiiuLry, Pittm an repllnl "If you mean In the hcuM- ii I'lTsldent Wilson took Uie l.niKU'- i>' Nations Vo the covn^Vry, I dini'l ihlnk lie has any Intentlotui. "On Uic other hand. It WduUl rjulte natural for him in n .■>l>eoclio<i t h a t h e mIgliL miikc u irgard lo Ute general writnrr ropreM his |K>sltliin wlUi irKind unntralUy leglslatlnn." PlUinan tell them would V "very much larger voUi" ai liir u< ni'ulon for neutrality rnvlnlon il: at tl>e present tlnte. INVITES (^)NreilKN< K 1X3N1X>N, J u ly 10 (UP) t'rrnlitrnt Itoosevelt has invited iBadrri. of tiis V'.vlau coinmlttee tw reiwHrrn Mitifer with him at WasliliiHKiti .... first week In Beptemi)er, Hlr llrrlint Kiiiersnn anninincrd today. NAMES In the NEWS By United PrrM Gen. John J, rrm hing left* Alx rn Provence, Fruner, for Parli by motor car today, lie was to hsvn left Monday, but sofferrd a stomach allmrnt , . . Whltn«7 Hourne, 30. society Klrl who had a brief ntagc and screen •areer. wiin mnrrled In New Ynrk o Htuntoii (Irllflii, 6'^, chairman of he execullvn committee of Para- mount plcturrn , , . Dr, Kdwhi R. A. Hriliman. 7B, wudd-tnmous rvonomUt, dtrd at I.ake riarld, N. y. . . tleorge IVuk. Iinsd ot the Han Franclsro puli- IlcUy firm, anniiunced erganUd- llon of a "Hherldsii IJowney l>tr I’resldrnt" club . . . At Itciio, Mrn. ilniiiara Huiihv Ihnirdellii (tlvorcril Pierre Uoiuilrllo N'-w York scul|)tor, who <lld sonir iil Ihr n<ui1|ituni <if the New Yciili WorUl'n lal'' . . , Kilnu rJmmn, fit l.<nils, han hccii I'lrt'.li'd piraldriii «1 Ihr National Hiilrdrrrwcrs' and <;o^- mrioloulstn' association . . , l.ui'his Itoomrr, prraldent ot llie Waldorf Akiorla hotel in Nrw York, ndvlorn Amrrli'an bunliirMi to ir-irll liiirir In Ihe Amrrhsii imblln . , . I'Vdrral Arhllrnliir Wayne I. Moron mild at I'nrtlaiul, Ore,, tlial r lapld IncrriiJift In waterfront din- |iulen Indh'alccI IkiIIi nnployera and wrre "iMuHhiK In" lot a lUdt iivrr irurwfil of Ihn prr^nll waterti'onl I'onliiii'U which nxiili «-)ct, 1, in Germany in addition to the rttanding army of nboiit 1,- 000,000 . Positive information? IVltcn such (llspatchcs reach all »( Uie Paris nowbpnpers at Uie same Ime It Is cerUiln that Uie Infnrma- llon came from the highest sourcen. llius the rtench government elUier hs.t rccclved gxvtlUve Information causing It to begin worrying again II In putUiig special emphasis on less pailtlve rcjwrtn In order lo off- rrt the possibility of another move hy Ailolf Hiller such a.n led U> tin dcAimctlon of Czechonlovaklu liwt It was significant, too, Uiat Na/.l official clrclrs not only rcfu.ic<l ilniy iJir Paris re|»rts but that W DanilRrrs were arrcsled In f charges of pIoltiUK hnrlcs of dynamltlngn In l>chalf iil luiuntrlca. They w rhiiiKcd wllh treasonable act and It was asserted by Nur,l/> that th''y were all former Mu'iubris Marxist orgunlrjftlonn. Dlplumals Wurry DipUimatlc MXirces In !><>ndoii iiino wcio t'onccrnrd aliowt, 111 l>iiiir.lg w licrr som e ;i,(HX) to 4,0(H) luillir ii.'i'riiKrd In llir lanl lilt’ now hriiig Ncnl to linrnu'ks, liiil II Kik/. hrilrvrd in Ihu Ililtli^h capi- tal Unit NinrU were pirjmrliiH for a I'hiiiigo of piK'c In tliclr clloi wirnl Ihn I'Yee city from I'nllAli Vi'vtcvlli Niuiloii dl|>li>iniilvi Mild thill Nii/l nrwhi>iipi-rn had for the tliiir hrUiK slarknird their nttacks on the I'o and that offlt'lal nourcos In Drrllii had put npci'lal cmphasin on Uii'lr loiiK-MiindlnK belief that Uia niini'lx Imuc would Iki seltird |>eai'rahly liy ni-H>'Uatli>n. I’nlrn were mn'nly |ilr|riiin of niirli inancuvcrn, liMikliiit f<ir a subtle new form of attack by Ihr Narl slraleHlsLs. New Series of Stamps Will Honor 35 Famous Americans Th» dlacunlii^ vtattb harmonious a t othin, ended in ■ de- cision to issue two statements. JStm first said: -Senate M aiortty Leader A im W. Barkley said the consensus on th» part of thoee members present waa that no action on iieutralkt^ legis- lation can be obtained In the lenata at the present session and that « majority of the senate would concur In that view. "Senate Mmorlty Leader Obarles L. McNary expressed the same view. Tliey agreed that a majority of'the senate would consider neutrality leglslaUon at the beginning of the next session.’* Second Statemsnt Tlie second statement said: "Tlie President and Secfetary of Biato Cordell Hull maintained the definite position th»t failure by the senate to uke acUon now would weaken the leadership of the United States In exercising 1^ potent in- fluence In the cause of preserving iwace among oUier nations la tha event of a new crisis in Europe be- tween now and ne*t January,” Boon alter conference began In the President’s study In the ex- ecutive mansion, It was said, the participants told Mr. Roosevelt tha't hin neutrality bill, embodying repeal of the existing arms embargo, could not be acted upon at this session. Uarncr was quoted as telling him: "We might Juit ai well be ean- dlit , about this, captain, yoa hsvrn't got the votes.** No Dcelslon It wnn nut determined whether thr Prr.iUlent contemplates taking thr nculnillty Issue to Uie country tiy iiu'utts (if a flccslde tdlli. an ad> ilrcM on hln furthcoming western lilp, or by Aonin nlher means. How- rvrr, at a ao-inhiute private oonfer- eni a wllh liurkley and Oamer, after Ihe other conferees had left, Mr. lt4M»rvclt was reiMrted to have wiinird that lie would b« compelled t» vivll cnngrcns Into ^>eclal tculon to act on neutrnllly in event of a gnivr Kuro|>ean crisis. With neutrality disposed of, con- Kr^ls faced only one major obstacle t<) aidek adjnnrnm ent—Uie •3,400.- 000,000 lending program. Barkley and McNary Were agreed Uiat unless Uial irglslnUnn ran Into serious dllfluully, weary senators and rep- rusrnlallves ought to bt abls U) go liome by Aug. 0 at Uie Ute«t. WAHHINOTON, July IB lUi-i - 't'he iMHit office wlU lM»f> a UA- nlaliip aeries ‘of |M>staH0 nlaiii|ia iKinnrIng fanmus Auinrl<-»nn, In- iliidhig Uooker T. WanhliiKlou. ilir Negro educator. I'ofiUnanter James A. Karley an- nounced plaiM for Ui« series, ihn largest ever Issued by Uie IJnltnl (Itutes, and ttie fhst ever h»u»v a Negro. Htainps will be Isnurd In drnonilnatlons of l-reiit, i^-oenl, 2-<enl. 8-cent and ff-ernt. Thn series U ax|K-clrd lo be rr- .leased Jata UUs year or early In 1040, 'niono 1(1 bo linnorod: AiillioiiK Kalj»ti Wttlfln KhitV' Min. Haiiiiirl I.. Cltmciifl. Wnshlng- lon Irving, Ixiulna May Akott and J a m e s P V nlm ore CJ<Kii>er, Artlnls Jamra A. McNeill Whistler, Daniel Oliester Kreiuh, Aiignslus Hahit-Oaiidens, Ollliert f;iiarles Hluart and Krederlo Itein- lnt(Utu, i’oots Henry W. l.<ingfellnw, James Whitcomb Ulley, W all Whitman, John tJrernleaf Whit- llri and Jamen Ituasell I.iiwell Wuoatora—lloraco Maim, CUar- Irti W. laiot, .Booker T. Washing- ton, I'-iKUceA R, WlUurd and Mntk llopkliw. Invoiitorn — Alei|»iidnr Graham Jlrll, KII Whllney, Hamuel V. D. Morse, Mias Hnwe and Oyrus )l, McConnlrk. . cnmi>osera—John Philip Botua, Kdward A, McDowell, Btephsn Ool- Itns FXwtsr, Victor HerUrv and Klhelliert Nevln, BelenttsU-LuUier Burbank, Dr. Crawford W, Long, Dr, WalUr Itred, John James AudulMil and Jana Addatni, HESSEIBESCUES SHIP PASSENGERS Mam today took kbos.nl t& nU* Paolflu ttie >00 paasengm and « •» of the JapanoMi fnlghter Boknyo Mara which burned and lurit.yM* terday: llie transfar waa madd tram ttM*, Assocut«d Oil tmpna soelatad «hWh nM M 4 •acapad tn iU«bMto ttm ing. nitrate-IomM nvmben of Um eraw bunks, ao r»pl4ir

tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

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Page 1: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

. ‘U U liehMMWt to te n p e rm W * . m b j m - terday n . lew U . U w (b k t w m -

yoL . x x n . NO. 8 i— 5 c e n t s .


. T O D A Y



★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ • A t


WILL IA S I y N I f l 9 4

K N O XVILLE. Tenn. July 19 (U.R)—A “ peace agreem ent” betw een th e U n ited Mine W orkers and H arlan (K y J ' county coal operators was siiHied h ere today.

The new w orking contract, w hich will be in effec t until 1941, was nego tiated a f te r five s tra ig h t days of confer­ences w ith th e aid of Dr. John R. S teelm an, U. S. conciliator.

T he c o n tra c t Is cxpcctcd to end k b o r fflrlfe In th e so ft coal tlelds ®f sou theost<m K entucky .

K entucky n a tio n a l guardsm en h av e m a in ta in ed pa tro ls !□ tho

__ffiiinty tJn c c - ope ra to rs resum eitm in ing on a non -u n io n basis last M ay a fte r refu sing to Join a m a­jo r ity o f o th e r b itum inous compa­n ies In accep ting the A ppalachian con tract.

I t van expccted Ute guardsm en v o u ld be w ith d raw n as soon os pick­e t lines a re d isbanded a n d the m in­e rs r e tu rn p w ork u n d e r the new con trac t.

T he c u rrcn t nego tia tions, clim ax­ed by today 's agreem ent, were prom pted by a r io t a t StanflU , Ky., Ju ly 6, In w hich tw o un ion miners 1^-ere fa ta lly In ju red and several o lh - • r m iners a n d » n a t l t f u l lu a rd s - m a n wounded.


f ir s t degree m u rd e r c harge against - • • • ■ im uy


T h e charge w as w d u c ^ a t Dole- \ u l ' s ■econd a rra ig n m en t before

Ju s tice of th e P eace M yron J . Pcn- ty . Bond w as se t afUS.DOO and Dolfl- c a l WM h e ld to th e g rand Jury; ex­pected to h e a r evidence again st him M onday.

P e n ^ had he ld th e swarUiy brick­layer ..and fo rm er b u tc h e r on th« cap ita l charge a t th e f i r s t a rra ign ­m e n t a week ago. T h a t hearing was ru led Illegal, how ever, on Kround* th e suspect d id n o t have legal connMl,

A fter flovcrnl Atui« wUnc.ucs hod k u tir in l . P(*nty ru led tiu i t them wnn no evldencr of prcmedllwteirt m urder 111 Uin (lentil of M rs, P lorenco 6uw- fioy Pollllo. fo u rth of Uie torso vic­tim s a ttr ib u te d to th e "mnri biitchcr or KliiKAbury R u n ." DoIrrAl ns- w rip tlly liiid confc.viPd bclipurtliig h r r , b lit la te r repud ia ted the


Control Measures Battle Cricket Hordes

W ith th e ita te -ow ned sp ray ing m ach ine b lasting d e a th today a t ho rdes o ( e rickcti l a (he la c e b n u h near H ollis ter, d a n g er th a t th e pests m ay rc a c h Salm on tr a c t c roplands th ia y e a r w aa a p p a ren tly averted. Above, T ed W illiam s, le ft, opera tor of th e a p ra y ln r m achine , a n d D. T. (Bert) BoUngbroke, T w in F a lls cottnty a re n t. Inspect a aagebrush rinm p filled w ith th e cricket*. Below, en larged view of the type of peat which s p a rre d (he aw ltt control m easurea. (E vening Time* Photo)



H ouse m em bers In terested in w ater-.u a n s p o r ta u o n o rsan lze d a

f ig h t today a g a in s t an n tte m p t to b ring w ater carriers u nde r th e reg ­u la tion o f th e In te rsta te com m erce commksJon.

R eps. C harles L. South , D„ Tex., a n d Ja m es W . W adsw orth, R v N . Y , filed a m inority r e p o r t on th e rail* ro ad re lie l b ill o l Rep. C larence T . L ea. p . , Calif., approved by th » house In te rs ta te com m erce com m lt-

T hcy charged th a t th e b ill 's provisions fo r regu la tion of w ater ca rrie rs by th e ICC w ould seriously Jeopardize th e w elfare of th a t sys­tem o f tran sp o rta tio n .

Mouse C onsiderationT h e U a bill Is scheduled for house

considera tion F r id a y a n d S a tu rd ay .M em bers of th e w aterw ays group

h av e appo in ted a steering com m it- te e he ad e d by Rep. L indsay W arren , D., N. C., to oppose provisions o f th e bill,

W a rre n sa id U iat tlis p rac tica l e f ­fec t o f th e se provisions would be to raise a ll w ater c a rrie r ra te s "to th e d e trim e n t of these c arriers.”

A pproach R ail R a tesH e sa id th a t u n d e r ICC Jurisdic­

tion , tru ck a n d bus ra te s “are now a p p ro a ch in g ra il ra te s th roughou t th e c o u n try ," and th a t th e sam o r e ­su lt w ould follow If w ater t r a ru - ix ir ta tlo n la placed under th e com* mls.slon.

L ea, w ho Is c hairm an of th e In ­te rs ta te com m erce com m ittee, d is ­agreed w ith W arren , a long w ith o the r m em bers of the com m ittee, and po in ted o u t th a t b ro ad exem p- U ons fo r w a te r carrlo rs a re Includ­ed In h is m easure .

One Dead in Minneapolis Clash

B linding te a r -c a t e loudi roll over th e s tre e t a t M inneapolis aa police c lash w ith W V A strikers . A m a n waa killed, m ore th a n 20 o the rs In- Jnrcd In th e rio ting p ic tu red here.


.SAN n iA N (;lH C O . .IilT? 10 (U.R)- lliirry ItrlilKrn to ld Aoron tSiipIro, liil>c)r u tlciniry, I h i t l niitrltlino Mnloiib im tiw I’lH'lhc ffiiuit w rre tiikliiK ordrrn front Ih r ComimiiilRt im ily , Hii]ilro (rs i ir ird toiluy a t the Driduc.i do|Hii LitlU>ii hriii'lug,

"nrlilKrn In .liin r ol lUJti lol<1 lur- lir wiin nitiiiliiH thi- iiinrltlm n uiiloiin on thn INtrlllo ro im l mid tlu it Ihry w rre InkliiK D idrn. (loiii llio Ciiiii- im n ih t pa rly ." Hitplro trn lin n l.

" I liuiKliNl n t h im , l)ul h r toUl mo ( lir CdiniunnliilJi liiid kry in n i hi the liitP inn tlon iil I.ongnli(irrnirirri lut- scM'liaioii, BH well un In Ih r Miirliie (:<HikK niid Stew iiriln iiiiloii nnd In llio Aiiierlriti) Itiullo 'rrlrK niiilii'in ' nn,iorlKllv(),''

Crash Driver Hopes To File Bond Today

SHOSHONE, July 19 (Siiecinl) — Kacirig h it and run charKOH tlm t nppiirontiy, will be t;lmiiKe<l an n!,sult o f Il.hU- m ony th iil lio n 'tiirncd t() iiaaiaL Lht; in ju red in a cra.'ili near

Monttay, Koiinclli Hmilh, :18, Twin Kall.'i garage inccli- aiile, hoped to compU^h' $500 Ixmtl aflerntjon to .sociiri: re-

lMt,ip from L incoln, county Jnll.

OdditiesDjr IJn ltrd T r tu

AirplancH Fnrbidck'ii To Kly Over I’aliicc

H o i'i i 'i 'n iJK , iidiiiiiKi, July IB a m AtriilnnPB todny wpiii fovlilddpn

Ici llv over Ihp |i»l>i<o of PrliicMn . Jiiliiiiiii n l t n Auk. :i,9 ‘I'lin Didri' inrMiiiiiibly wnti Inhuril

hpfiiuhr Ih r prliKTM l» Pxpcolliig llin till 111 o f h e r nrrnncl t'hlld,

NKRVi:NI£W Y O ltK , .hily 10 ([JR|_

Di'lpcllvrti niilil lodity Uiry bnliov. rsl Ik n iiii il itn tli. 23. witA tlu> iirivU-'il prlKonoi' III a iouk ( ||„q

H« with urr«'ni«Nt In I tr th Inraol li<vi|illi>l w hrn n niirKeoii ncitlcod II htu«u«ri fui'p Ik H\(i tivwiivUnB iiMiiii 'M>ri<i wiin ito ili, rind In

i'«it a n d gown -w hich h>- liiiil oliilt'n lnl<-nlly wiiIhIiIiih III! ii|i|irii(l<-<'Ii>my,

l,i»l.T, III.- miiKdrm uskod iu.u> how lin rnm « lo l>e In th e mom nii<) tlH' youth nuld ho wns n iiipd- iTRl Rtwtpni Mttlt Dtn

follriwi'd him and Itoth w ai a r rm tn l an h r rlflMl a phy* nlclsn'n Kii'iii 'HI a iiiith rr lltxir.

IIKLPHALKM. O n- Itcx ItodKPin, 17-

y riir-o ld (•Ivllliin c(iii«frviillnn coi(i(i rn ro llce , <;i«llp<l jxillcn Jar liplp In AlnrtliiK hl!i cur, ‘n icy n rri 's lrd h im a n il rhnrR cd him wllh Almllnx ( h r v rlilr ln it f«iw hours hrlorc.

heruuMi ( llr rr lo n i of hi'V fllni pniiy rrliinr<l to iilve her u viirit- llon w ith jmy.

VIHITOIt NKW Y o n i t —T h r itiiv, WllUiuu

T 'i 'llri. Iiriul o f (h r niiiill.M rh in i 'h 111 l.iilvlit. Mi;.. K rllrr i<nil th r lr lU c tilldiT ii Irfl to r A tlnnlu lo n ll« in l tlm w orld roiiKM'fln (it llii|i(lntn, 'l liny will innkn tlio trip In » n ro o iid -linn il huri |)iuvhnnnl {<ir (lia [lurposp. Till! I 'e l l r rs iirrlvrd M on­day i>lmi«rd till' K. M I'llnuilnkl.

im o K icM K M PIIIH, 'IVnn, - - A crowd

KitlhniTil to w iilrh lli 'ltt I .rr rh'iw up gn til lb . l in hiid rhrw ed up foiii w hen tlin police u iilv rd . ‘n iey arrpntetl h im on i-hiiiKPfi oJ illn- itirbliiH th e iwaoa and bolim In- t4ixlruted. W hen Ihoy gnt lo ilm jK)llce (ilulliin (hey found ho wiinn'l d ru n k , so they <lroppnd Hint nhargo. In r o u r t Icxlny, thn JiidKn fined Irf'o H I (nr d isturbing thn peace, I ln d id n 't have Uin inonry in |>ay liU fine.

Imiuiry P l a n n v d In , C o H H t r i a n c ’H C r a H h

rm tN A N D IN A . rm „ Ju ly ID (1111) —A n o ffic ia l hi(|Ulry was rspectw l noon la th n n n iih nf a iionst ,HU»id lilniie in w h ich th e pllnl was kllird and tw o orew n ieiiiberi Injured

i ‘lto l P , Bohw elnlng dlad when th e p la n e a tn ic k a htiiiy an u u x - Ird dow n th n l''niiiundUiH hurU .r fo r a ta k e -o ff yesterday.

S m ith , iirnkluiicd iibouL 10 p.i-^ilcnlny hcfore P roba te JudRo lowiird Adkins, h a d spcurcd one

f<lKnrr lo th e bond today In thn of C. F . 6h o n k , 'IV in Fidla,

hU b ro th rr-ln -liiw , U h rrltf CIrorKO D row n pinid, l l i c n rciisrd driver's w ilr wiin In J r ro m e th is n ftrrnoon a n d pxi)i-rtrd to necurr th e o ther s igne r tiK'ip.

I lp a r in i Ju ly 27 In th ii t even t Hiiilth will hr frerd

IM'ndliiK IhP hi'urlhK spt for Ju ly ^7 bi'ciiuhc O. t^. tihitw , |ii<i»pniilor,

ou t o( town on a C alifo rn ia vnca-iDll,

■riin-p 'rw in riill« rm U tm ts were hijuri'cl In th e <-nu.ti a l a-.SO p, m . MoiKlny, iillPKcdly rm inrd w hen Hrnlih pu«hpil th e c a r of hVank K«iiiui, Ai<lp-Kwl|)lnK thn fro n t end. II WKfi r in liiird lit ( n s t th a t H nilth did n o t Kt()]i, rppoitlDK th e a trU lrn t fipvpriil hniiis In ter to S h e riff Lee li. JoliiiMon <if Bhnnhoiip.

He U eturticd Todi.v, how nvrr, H hrrlff Ihow n

,M>ld th a t u 'I'w lii I'MIln bakci? truck >lilvrr. t ; 1>. IIliiPA, dpolared th a t 111'- Koi'iiK'' niechiiiilR re tu rn e d to Ihi- n n 'iir iiii'l nASlnlrd In e x trl ra t- hiK ono of th e two w omen h u r t In th r ni.^ih, 'I lin o lh r r w om an Imd nUvvidy Ihm-ii tlu o w n r i tn r o t th e WH-l'kl'd liulo.

I h r irn rk d ilvc r, acm rd ln g lo of- fli 'r.-i hpip, siild Unit t iin lth helped lift Ih r oiip wnninii from th e c a r and

(«-<>n(iniitd on IM|« II. Columa I)

SNICICZICC A M IlltllK lK , Muss., Ju ly IQ

(lll’i Mturn th a t a i« conllnim lly liyhiH h> sneeafl were des(Tlbed to - iluy l>y Or. H ertn l U aspo«;hktn, M iiivnid nstioiiMmnr.

riin « in is a re know n a s a a . ( ’VKiil t.li.r«, a fam ily of vi\rUtil* /ihiin wIiiMir IlHht f lu c tu ate s from hrlHlit lo d im and back to b righ t MHolji 111 ab o u t 00 days.

I>r, (liiponchkin rrjmrle<l to an n iir iino in lra l conferenon a i I 's r ls I'tnn<T, tlm t a n aly sis o f Uie IlHht of Ihrno s ta rs show i t l i a t th e fUio- tunMons a rr due to th e fao t th a t lhi< Rtriis p u f f up like bal- liM>ns, subskle, a n d Uien rana li^ r julrt for a While before puffing up mhuIm. No o th e r variab le s la r i bcliavo In tlila fastUoti, Iw wiMi

Cricket Horde Meets Death From Sprayer

O catli wuA sp rayed on saKfbrush c lum ps today for thousands of crinket pests w hich o ffer a potential m e im cp 'to c-rops o f th e Bslmon trac t a rcu n e a r H ollis ter.

I S|>raylnK of no<lluin arhCnnte and lim e wo;, in full hln.->t by the sta te - ow ned m ach ine o|>craled by Ted W llllanui. fo re m a n hi cliarge of Uir spray canuuilK it In Tw in KUlIn and llla lne counllps, accordlni{ to Coun­ty AgPiit l le r t liolln({broke. 'I1in oil m etliod, by w hich diesel oil poured on d itc h es th e crickets m ust cross. In no t behiK u tllln-d slum the I>PAt h 'ird e Is s till in siM(ebni"h,

K llllnjr L o u of Them '" n iry ro k illing a .lo t of tlio crick-

4 now,” M r. llollnKbroke said "W illiam s ts doing a go(Ml Job mu Is vcttinK a t thn (miaU m Ilni shstH-."

As a r ra u lt of the quick rontro drive, th e coun ty ag en t sal') Unit th e crickets a m not pxiwctpd to k< i in to crop a r r a s th is ypiu. l ie tcriiii'd th e dry wiHebrusli region a n "Idi-iil se t-up" for th n dusting oppriilldiih,

M ajor gwrll In Uie cricket Influx, h e sa id , lies In th n eggn twlng Isld now by a d u lt fcinalpn.

’" n ip r r a re a lo t o l eggs now," he assprtpd, " b u t killing the adu lts ulll h a lt th a t iliuiKPr,"

lA ld In ( iround l l i n PKK'', Mnall and oblong, are

h a lf an In ih to a full Inch In Ihr ■ m und. They will r rin a in thera unll apriug , w hen Ute rrunw ed tnvnnre of th r c rli 'k r t plagun will again ip - itu lre stioiiK i-onliol niPasures, 'His crickets will hu tc h ou t In sp ring , w ith ench shedding " sk in" srvpii ti in rs l» fnre reselling full n ia tin lty .

Neccsnlly of rop ing w ith Uie |ka1i now. alUwMHh tltry a re s t\n hi sagebrush , wns n u phnslsed ' wlUi IlolhiB tirokp's n ta lr iiirn l th a t fem ale cj i r k e t l u y s approxim nlrly IRO pggs d u iln i)< hp r one-yesr t Istence,

T h e rrM 'krt h is a r d In the tci to ry a round tin lin 'in dam, acu tr t w eeks ago. Is now ]>an).

Uumanian 1‘rlncc’H ICnKaKcmcnt Dciili'd

DUOIIAllKUT. Itiiiiinn l., July lU <11 Rl—H um ors of Ilm engagem ent of O jttw n V ihU 'e Mlv.haol lo Anittlie M alaxa , m u n itio n s heiress, evikrd a n In d ig n an t o fficial denial toduy,

"T he Idea of an eng aie iu en t to a ( 'o innioner Is iibnuyl," a i|H>kPMii»n


W A S H In o t ON, Ju ly 19 fU.Rl- U rs , O eorge A. P itch , P asadena. O allf., fo r 30 years a m issionary In T h lsa , today u rg ed congress to 'a m p u ta te U is Tokyo a rm " of the R om e-B crlin -T okyo ax is by s top­p ing sh ip m e n t Of w ar m a teria ls to J a p a n .

8 h e so ld acU on now would help resto re w orld peace and preven t a fu tu re w or betw een J a p a n and th e U n ited S ta te s .

B he urged app roval of one of sev­e ra l reso luU oru pending before Uie house fo re ign a ffa irs com m ittee lo em bargo sh ip m en ts o f w ar m ateria ls to J a p a n . Bhe sa id " Jsp ftn ’s w ar tin C h in a Is being carried on w ith a l­m ost everyU dng A m erican rxccpl th e pe rsonne l."

Europe Nations Gird Fior Tests in

By JO E ALEX M O RR IS 'U nited P r e « S ta ff CerreapoBdcDt

E urope’s fe a r of a new te s t o f s tre n g th in A ugust is begin­n ing to em erge am id st the m ilitary display of France, Po­land an d G reat B ritain .

The P aris Pre.ss disclosed today th a t official circles have received dispatches indicating th a t th e arm ed force.s of the Reich will be in a s ta te oT a le rt in m id-A ugust, th a t storm trooper vacations will be ended and th a t perhup.s 1.000,000

rcserviflts will be under arms



— P resid en t R oosevelt had abandoned his drive to re ­vise th e n e u tra lity law a t this* session, an d cdngreas Waa driving today toward an ea rly adjournm ent.

D em ocratic and Republican leaders in th e senate predic-' ted th a t th e session would end! in th e f i r s t week in A u ju a t; a s a re su lt of th e P resident’s re luc tan t deci.sion to postpone changes in th e neu tra lity law until n ex t yea r.

B ut Uie P re s id e n t insisted t h a t r« - KinslbUlty fo r faUure to re r lse t tw iw. In e v en t of a E uropean cris is,

would re s t upo n th e senate . H e w m understood to have sa id t h a t be* cause of th a K n a te 's fa ilu re to M t h e w ould be fo rced to take th e IMU* to Uie coun try .

T he neutnO lty, program w as shelved la s t n ig b t a fU r a U u « e-bou r '~ conference o f se n ate le a d e n a t th a W hite H ouse. I t followed w eeks o f In decb lon on C apito l Hill, b u t cam e only fo u r days a f te r th e P re a ld tn t’i la s t req u e st t h a t congress a c t on n eu traU ty b e fo re ad jou in liif.

B o ra h A ttends T hose a tte n d in g th e eeafexcnce

were S e e re U ry o f S to le O eH clT ~ Hull, V lee-P rea iden t Jo h n N . d a r ­ner, S e n a te M a jo rity L eader Alben W. Barkley, I K K y.; Senate B O sor.Ity U a d t t C taartes L . MeNary, 1L, O re.; A a s M u t M inority L e a d e r- W arren B. A siiU a, B., T L ; Cbair* ' m an K ey F l tlm a o , D., N ev , e ( Ih a : fo re ign re la tio n s a a i '■Sen. WHUam t B orah . U a .. r an k in g n d n 4 r tty n e n lw r e f th a '


W A S H IN O T O N . Ju ly 10 (UP)- O h a lrm a n K ey PltU nm i. D.. N rv . of Ihe se n a te fo re ign r^I^Uon^ ronunlli tee. sa id to d a y U m t PrrAldvut iiiK>ri' cv elt "und o u b ted ly " wouUI ml! i »l>eclal Newton of congmvs lu uu even t o f "v io len t aggrrs-iioir’ niul w idespread w ar.

A sked If ho fe l t Mr. Hiki ,<-> would tn k e Uie n e u tra lity Limu: the coiiuLry, P i t tm a n rep lln l

" I f you m e an In the hcuM- ii I 'lT slden t W ilson took Uie l.niKU'- i>' N ations Vo th e covn^Vry, I d in i'l ih lnk lie h a s a n y Intentlotui.

"O n Uic o th e r hand . It WduUl rjulte n a tu ra l fo r h im in n .■>l>eoclio<i th a t h e mIgliL miikc u i rg a rd lo Ute general w ritnrr ropreM h is |K>sltliin wlUi irKind unntralU y leg lsla tlnn ."

P lU in an te l l th e m would V "very m u c h la rge r voUi" a i liir u< n i'u lon fo r n e u tra lity rnvlnlon il: a t tl>e p re se n t tln te.

IN V IT E S (^ )N re ilK N < K1X3N1X>N, Ju ly 10 (UP) t'rrn litrn t

Itoosevelt h a s in v ited iBadrri. of tiis V'.vlau c o in m lttee tw reiwHrrn Mitifer w ith h im a t WasliliiHKiti .... first week In Beptem i)er, Hlr l l r r l in t Kiiiersnn a n n in in c rd today.


NEWSBy U nited PrrM

G en. Jo h n J , r rm h in g left* Alx r n Provence, F runer, fo r P a r li by m otor c a r today, lie w as to hsvn left M onday, bu t so ffe rrd a stom ach a llm rn t , . .

W hltn«7 H ourne, 30. society Klrl who had a brief ntagc a n d screen •areer. wiin m nrrled In New Ynrk o H tuntoii ( Ir llf lii , 6' , ch a irm a n of he execullvn com m ittee o f Pa ra ­

m ount p lc tu rrn , , .Dr, Kdwhi R. A. H rilim an . 7B,

w udd-tnm ous rvonom U t, d trd a t I.ake r ia r ld , N. y . . . tleo rge IVuk. Iinsd o t th e Han F rancls ro puli- IlcUy firm , ann iiunced erganU d- llon of a "H herldsii IJowney l>tr I’resld rn t" club . . .A t Itciio, Mrn. iln i iia ra Huiihv

Ihnirdellii (tlvorcril P ierre Uoiuilrllo N'-w Y ork scul|)tor, who <lld sonir iil Ih r n<ui1|ituni <if th e New Yciili WorUl'n la l '' . . , Kilnu rJmmn, fit l.<nils, han hccii I'lrt'.li'd p ira ld riii «1 Ih r N ational H iilrdrrrw crs' and <;o^- m rioloulstn ' association . . ,

l.ui'his Itoom rr, p rra ld en t o t llie W aldorf Akiorla ho te l in Nrw York, ndvlorn A m rrli'an bunliirMi to i r - i r l l liiirir In Ihe A m rrh s ii imblln . , .

I 'V drral A rhllrnliir W ayne I. Moron mild a t I 'n rtla iu l, O re,, tlial r lap ld IncrriiJift In w a te rfro n t din- |iulen Indh'alccI IkiIIi nnployera and

w rre "iMuHhiK In" lo t a lUdt iiv rr iru rw fil of Ihn p rr^ n ll w aterti'onl I'onliiii'U w hich nxiili «-)ct, 1,

in G erm any in addition to the rttanding arm y o f nboiit 1,- 0 00 ,0 0 0 .

Positive in fo rm atio n ?IVltcn such (llspatchcs reach all

»( Uie P a r is now bpnpers a t Uie same Ime It Is cerUiln th a t Uie Infnrma-

llon cam e from th e h ighest sourcen. l l i u s th e r te n c h governm ent elUier hs.t rccclved gxvtlUve Inform ation causing It to begin w orrying again

II In putU iig special em phasis on less pa iltlve rcjw rtn In o rder lo off- r r t the possibility of a n o th e r move hy Ailolf H ille r such a.n led U> tin dcAimctlon of Czechonlovaklu liwt

I t w as s ign ifican t, too, U iat Na/.l official c lrc lrs n o t on ly rcfu.ic<l ilniy iJir P a ris r e |» r ts b u t th a t W D anilR rrs were a rrc s led In f

c harges of pIoltiUK hnrlcs of dynam ltlngn In l>chalf iil

luiuntrlca. T hey w rhiiiKcd w llh treasonable act and It was asserted by Nur,l/> th a t th ''y w ere a ll fo rm er Mu'iubris M arxist orgunlrjftlonn.

D lplum als W urryDipUimatlc MXirces In !><>ndoii iiino

wcio t'oncc rn rd aliowt,111 l>iiiir.lg w licrr som e ;i,(HX) to 4,0(H) luillir ii.'i'riiKrd In l l i r lanl lilt’ now hriiig Ncnl to linrnu 'ks, liiil II Kik/. h r ilrv rd in Ihu Ililtli^h cap i­tal Unit NinrU were pirjmrliiH for a I'hiiiigo of piK'c In tliclr cllo i w irn l Ihn I'Yee c ity from I'nllAli Vi'vtcvlli

N iuiloii dl|>li>iniilvi Mild th ill Nii/l nrwhi>iipi-rn h a d for th e tliiir hrUiK s la rk n ird th e ir n tta ck s on th e I'o and th a t o fflt'la l nourcos In Drrllii had p u t npci'lal cm phasin on Uii'lr loiiK-MiindlnK belief th a t Uia niini'lx Imuc would Iki s e ltird |>eai'rahly liy ni-H>'Uatli>n. I’nlrn w ere m n'nly |ilr|riiin of niirli inancuvcrn, liMikliiit f<ir a sub tle new form of a ttac k by Ih r N arl slraleHlsLs.

New Series of Stamps Will Honor 35 Famous Americans

T h » d la c u n li i^ v t a t t b

ha rm on ious a t o t h i n , ended in ■ d e ­c ision to issue tw o sta tem en ts . J S tm f ir s t sa id :

-Senate M a io r tty L eader A i m W . B ark ley sa id t h e consensus on th » p a rt o f thoee m em bers p resen t waa th a t n o a c tio n on iieutralkt^ legis­lation c an be o b ta in ed In th e le n a ta a t th e p re se n t session and th a t « m a jo rity of th e se n a te would concur In th a t view.

"S enate M m o rlty L eader O barles L. M cNary exp ressed th e sam e view. Tliey ag reed th a t a m a jo rity o f 'th e senate w ould consider neu tra lity leglslaUon a t th e beginn ing of th e nex t session.’*

Second S ta te m sn t T lie second s ta te m e n t sa id :"T lie P re s id e n t a n d Secfe tary of

Biato C ordell H ull m a in ta ined the de fin ite positio n th » t fa ilu re by th e senate to u k e acU on now would weaken th e le a d e rsh ip of th e U nited S ta te s In exercis ing 1^ po te n t in ­fluence In th e cause of preserving iwace am ong oU ier na tio n s la th a event o f a new cris is in Europe be­tween now a n d n e * t Ja n u ary ,”

Boon a l te r conference began In th e P re s id e n t’s s tudy In th e ex ­ecutive m a n sio n , It was said, th e p a rtic ip a n ts to ld M r. Roosevelt tha 't hin n e u tra lity bill, em bodying repeal of th e ex is ting a rm s em bargo, could not be acted upon a t th is session. U arncr was q uo ted a s te lling him :

"W e m ig h t J u it a i well be ean- dlit , abou t th is , cap ta in , yoa h sv rn 't got th e votes.**

N o Dcelslon It wnn n u t de term ined w hether

th r P rr.iU lent contem plates taking th r n c u ln illty Issue to Uie country tiy iiu 'utts (if a flccslde tdlli. a n ad> ilrcM on hln furthcom ing western lilp , o r by Aonin n lhe r m eans. How- rv rr , a t a ao -in h iu te p rivate oonfer- eni a w llh liu rk le y a n d O am er, a fte r Ihe o th e r co n fe rees h a d le ft, Mr. lt4M»rvclt w as reiM rted to have w iinird th a t lie would b« compelled t» vivll cnngrcns In to ^>eclal tc u lo n to act on n e u trn l lly in event of a g n iv r K uro|>ean crisis.

W ith n e u tra lity disposed of, con- Kr^ls faced o n ly one m ajor obstacle t<) aidek a d jn n rn m en t—Uie •3,400.- 000,000 lend ing program . Barkley and M cN ary Were agreed U iat unless U ia l irg lslnU nn ra n Into serious dllfluully , w eary senato rs a n d rep- rusrn la llves o u g h t to b t ab ls U) go liome by A ug. 0 a t Uie Ute«t.

W AH H IN O TO N, Ju ly IB lUi-i - 't 'he iMHit o ffice wlU lM»f> a UA- n laliip a eries ‘o f |M>staH0 nlaiii|ia iKinnrIng fanm us Auinrl<-»nn, In- iliid h ig U ooker T . WanhliiKlou. ilir N egro e duca tor.

I'o fiU nanter Ja m es A. Karley a n ­nounced plaiM for Ui« series, ihn la rgest e v e r Issued by Uie IJn ltn l (Itutes, a n d ttie f h s t ever h»u»v a N egro. H ta inps will be Isnurd In d rn o n iln a tlo n s o f l- r e iit , i^ -o e n l, 2-<enl. 8 -ce n t a n d ff-ernt.

T hn se ries U ax|K-clrd lo be r r- .le ase d Ja ta UUs y e a r o r early In

1040, 'n iono 1(1 bo linnorod: AiillioiiK Kalj»ti Wttlfln KhitV'

Min. Haiiiiirl I.. Cltmciifl. W nshlng- lon Irving, Ixiulna May A k o tt and Jam es PVnlm ore CJ<Kii>er,

A rtlnls Ja m ra A. McNeill W histler, D aniel O liester K reiuh, A iignslus H ahit-O aiidens, O llliert f;iia rles H lu a rt and Krederlo Itein - lnt(Utu,

i’oots H enry W. l.<ingfellnw, Jam es W hitcom b Ulley, W all W hitm an, Jo h n tJ re rn le a f W hit- ll r i and Jam en Ituasell I.iiwell

W uoato ra—llo raco M aim , CUar-

Irti W. la io t, .Booker T . W ashing­ton , I'-iKUceA R, W lUurd a n d Mntk llopkliw.

Invoiitorn — A lei|»iidnr G raham Jlrll, KII W hllney , H am uel V. D. Morse, M ias Hnwe a n d O yrus )l, M cConnlrk. .

cnmi>osera—Jo h n P h ilip Botua, Kdward A, McDowell, B tephsn Ool- Itns FXwtsr, Victor H erU rv and K lhelliert Nevln,

B e len ttsU -L u U ie r B urbank , Dr. Craw ford W, Long, Dr, W alU r I tred , Jo h n Ja m es AudulMil and J a n a A ddatn i,


M am today took kbos.nl t& n U * Paolflu ttie >00 p a a se n g m and « • » of th e JapanoM i f n lg h te r Boknyo M ara w hich b u rn ed and lu r it.y M *terday:

l l i e transfar waa madd tram ttM *, A ssocut«d O il t m p n a soelatad «hW h n M M 4 •acapad tn iU «bM to t t m ing. n i tr a te -Io m M n v m b en of Um eraw bunks, ao r»p l4 ir ‘

Page 2: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5


01B ro the r V U it.

Allen Lockelt, Phillips. S D.. Is here for a visit w ith h is b ro ther. H en n a n Lockett.

WASHTNOTON, Ju ly 10 OJ-f^-The W lilto Hoiiw' M id lodHy th a t Prcsl* d « i t Roorfvpll "Will pr»y a* n e v er bclore" tlia l Uierc will be no new crisis in Europe bcloro ooiigrass Bipcts flBiitn In Ja n u ary to consider n iu lra llty Icgl^laUoii,

W hlto House Secre tary S tephen T. Early miuif* uo hccrct o l Mr. Rt>os- evcU's dlsappoln lm cnl aw l anx iety At the decision reached by se n a te D em ocratic a n d Republican leaders last-n igh t to delay neu tra lity acU on until next se.sslon,

"I Bin w rtftlii o f one th ing ," sa id Early, " trom Uie tim e of ad journ* m cnl until Ja n u a ry *-Jien congreas mcetii again the P residen t will p ray ■s never before In a ll hU life th a t

• iliere will be no new cris is In E u ­rope."

l»ees E uropean F lare-U pBut Early said, In form ation re -

telved a t Uie W hite H ouse tn d l- eaU s th a t chanccs are none too good th a t th e world wUl eiicapc o n - o:her crLslb In th e nex t few m ontlw . T he Inform ation, ho Mild. lnd lcat«s U)e poislbim y Umt there m ay be a new European flare -up tliU su m ­mer.

T he W hile House expressed doubt, however, t l i a t Mr. Roo.scvelt would take oceaj.lon to carry th e question of neu tra lity revh lon to th e c o u n try during the course of h is fo rth co m ­ing tr ip to th e pacific coast.

“S lfn a ls N ot Changed""T he signals have n o t changed ,"

E arly said, "on a fireside c h a t going to th e country."

O n tlio question of ta k in g tlie is- iu e to the voters. Sen. H iram J o h n ­son. R.. Calif., ve teran se n a to r ia l isolationist, declared today th a t ihou ia M r. R ooseve\t d e term ine u p ­on UilJ coursc. h e could co u n t upon th» opjjoslUon m atch ing him step io t step.

" I f he doe.s lake It to th e coun try ." anuppcd Johnaon . "we will go too, upon th e slogan th a t th is coun try

. w anU no war."

In BoJmH am ar A dam s. L. F a m h a m and

O eorge D. Roberta were am ong T w in P b1I» buKlneas visitors In floUe yesterday.

From C anada Mr*. B rr lram Long. Toronto,

Can.. ts vL«ltlng he r sister. Mrs. Sum m ers. T tiey will leave tomorrow for Snn F rancisco to a tten d the W orld's fair.

V lilt in PocatelloMr. and M rs. H. E. Ryan a n d

th e ir house gue&t. Mrs. Ju lia Orasa, S t. Oeorge. U tali. sp e n t yesterday In Poctello v isiting relatives. T hey were accom jlanled by Joe Ryan and E rn ­est Cook.


Ju n e ta x collection a n d a p p o rtlo n - m « i t fo r cltlea a n d villages, highw ay ellatricta. achool distric t* a n d various o lh e r un lta will be dlaburaed by m a ll T hu rsday to th e am oun t of laSB,- n # . n , A udito r W alter C. M usgrav# announced today.

T h e to ta l la approxim ately »33,000 h ig h e r th a n la s t year, w hen th e Ju n e figure waa »2M.364,75.

U \e apporU onm ent,, p repa red by J . A,. P arsons, deputy c ounty aud ito r, ahowed T w in F a lls c lt7 , highw ay d is tric t a n d school d is tr ic t leading th e lis t In to ta ls appo rtioned and tha B u h l unlt<

' ran k in g second.T w in F alU city receives *44,810.43

tom orrow ; Tw in Falls highw ay d is ­t r ic t ta4,IM .6i; Twin F a lls achool d la trk t, 144,987.84. B uh l c ity ra* celTU I1O,48S.01; highw ay d is tr ic t, «1S,03S.80, and school d is tric t. I t l , - 110.10.


I E H E TONews in Brief

Back from CoastMr. and M rs, C. R. Sherw ood and

daughter. Miss D oris A nn Sherw ood, have re tu rned from C a lifo rn ia w hfre they sp e n t th e p ast twoVMkS

From Middle W estMr. and Mrs, C harles Bruegge-

m unn and da u g h ter luive re tu rn e d from a vacation tr ip to C hicago and o ther middle w estern po ln ta w here they visited friends a n d rela tives.

VIkI i* C iraadparentaMl;;.-' F ra n A verett. d a u g h te r of

Mr. and M ra. B yron A verett, Boise, Is m aking a tw o weeks' v is it a l the hom* nf h e r g ran d p a re n ts , M r. and Mr* r» rk e r R ichards.

O n A laskan T ripM r. and M rs, A rthu r Scott, H a n ­

sen, and M rs. E m m a Jones, T « 'ln Falls , le ft th is m orn ing for B u tte , M ont.. w here they will be Joined by M n . Jessie S co tt on a n A laskan cruise. T h e p a rty will sail Ju ly 28 from Sea ttle on a 10-day boat tr ip .

Concludes T ripM rs. H. L. C annon re lu m ed yes­

terday from Son Francisco w here she a tten d e d th e W orld 's fa ir a n d tou red sou thern C alifo rn ia as well

v isiting a t B oulder dam . M rs. C annon was accom panied by Mr. a n d M rs. R, T . W ebb. S a lt L ake C ity, h e r b ro th er a n d alster-ln-law .

O n RuiJneaa T rip Mrs M abel Toolson of th e M erle

N ominii studio, Tw in Palls , h a s re^ tu rned from Pocatcllo w here aha spent two days w ith M erle N orm an, O cean P ark , CaU l- a n d th ree m em ­bers of h e r technical s ta f f .

A. V om baur, ow ner of th e union stage s ta tio n on Shoshone s tre e t n o r th a n d form er U nion P a ­cific stage a g e n t here. Is c ritica lly 111 a t L ava H ot springs san ita rium , w here h e h a s been a p a tie n t since la&t S a tu rd ay . H e Is lu tfe rln g fro m com plications following an a tta c k of In fluenra, Mrs, Vom baur la w ith h im .

R elative ArrivesM bs Irm a D llw orth . w ho is tak ing

nu rses ' tra in in g a t 8 t . Luke's h os­p ita l In Boise. U th e guest of h e r uncle and a u n t. M r. and M rs. P a rk ­e r R ichards, Sunday M r. a n d M rs. R icha rds a n d Miss D llw orth will go to Pocatello w here M lu D llw orth will be a guest fo r the nex t week a t th e hom e of Mr*. Jo e e i^ F . O o c ^ r .

G ra n te d Paro leJam es K illian . Tw in Falls, h a d

paid a f ine of $10 today and a t liberty u n der parole g ran ted by Ju stice H. M . Holler a fte r H oller f irs t Imposed a s ix -m onth county Jail sen tence. K illian was accused of d is tu rb ing th e peace In a com plain t filed by L . E . Nichols, n ig h t m e r­c h a n t policem an. He was placcd in Jail early th is week w hen his bonds-

w lthdrew ball. Ball bond release h earing wtU be held before Judge H oller n e x t 't^ id a y a t 10 a. m.

P O L i LOOK FOR 3 B ilN K R 0 iE IIS

Local police, sh e riff 's offlcera a n d s ta le policem en today w ere on th e lookout for U uee m en w ho M onday held up and robbed a b a n k a t Paaeo, W a.ih, and th e n he ad e d th is way In a 1930 Ford V -8 coupe.

s ta te police he re said th a t th e trio cliHtiRcd th e C a lifo m la license plates on the c a r to Iow a p la tea a n d a lto pnicited a w hite s tr ip a round th e body of th e m a ch in e , appea ring to be a n u te pa tro l e ar. T h e w hit« mark, i1if>' sa id , w as apparen tly made w ith w hltejvash a n d could be ea-nily removed.

m e three m en. one described as haviiifi light h a ir a n d th e o th e r two dark hair, were seen in N am pa ye t- trrriay afternoon.

Here for W edding Mrs. R obert N ixon. A kron. O .. U

the house guest of he r p a re n ts . Mr. and Mrs, E. A. W ilson. S h e cam e to Idaho to a tte n d th e w edding today of h e r ^lJ.ter, MlM H elen W ilson, and Lyle R. K au ffm an ,

VIhHk la Ogdeii Mrs. W . 0 . N ebeker, accom panied

y her son, T ed N ebeker, a n d M rs. Voii N ebeker, m otored y esterd ay to Ogden w here she w ill, spend Plo-. ncer day w ith h e r so n - in - law and daughter, M r. and M rs. P a u l B leler, and also visit rela tives in S a l t Lake City,


Body S en t to P o rtlandT he body of M rs. E lizabeth C hrU -

tlne M iller, re sid en t o f P o rtlan d . Ore., for a num ber of years , who died yebterday m orn ing a t a local convalescent hom e w hile on a visit here, w as taken th is m o rn in g to P o rtland , O re.. fo r fu n e ra l services and In term ent. M rs. I rm a N esbitt. P o rtland , a da u g h ter, accom panied the body. T h e W hite m o rtu a ry took It to Shoshone.

Leo O e r g e n . rou te tiu ^ e . Tw in FalU, yesterday w as f ined tlOO a n d

as he ap p ea red in a Shoahone ju.Mlce'b court a n d p leaded guilty to II chiirgr of op e ra tin g a m otor ve­hicle ah lJs u n d e r th e Influence o f Intoxicating liquor, s ta te policem en announced h e re today.

Gergen wa.n a rre s ted by s ta te po­lice near Shoahone over th e week­end.

U nder the new s ta te law th e m an will tu rn over Ills d river 's license to the sta te and also h is c a r license plate.s. He o r anyone else will be prohibited from d isposing of h is m a ­chine, or using It, u n t i l h e h as made .latlafactory a rran g e m e n ts for Insurance coverage u n d e r- th e - la w , w hich 'w as passed by th e la s t legis­lature.

Seen Today

JULT 18.F . O, Portz llne . S5. H arrisburg ,

P en n a ., and Cora E. M iller, 06, K im ­berly.

Lyle R, K aiiffm ann, J8, New P ly- m ouU t. a n d Helen E. W ilson, 3S, T w in F alli., «---------------- «

\ B l r l h i I

M r. a n d M ri. H lrm an Sw offord, T w in FalU , are Uie parenU of a girl, ix jm tills m orning a t Ihe lr hom e, SlBMi F ifth avenue north .

T Temperatures


R U P E R T , Ju ly Ifl (8 p ec la l)-M re . Id a B. Su llivan , who ta u g h t th e f irs t school in M inidoka countv. In

M rs. Su llivan , for 14 yc-ars county M iperln tendent of M inidoka m ii if y . was a p rom inen t pioneer of the tra c t.

F u n e ra l tervlceji have be«n te n ­ta tive ly s e t for S a turday a t 3 p. m . a t th e R u p e r t M et^odlst churcii.

T h e body will arrive T hu rsday from N am pa.'and be received by th e G oodm an m ortuary .

Krengel Relates Tour Highlights

Sheriff A rt P a rk e r, h a rk ing back to h is rough a n d ready days In ra ilro a d conatfucU on cam ps, snapp ing le a th e r h itc h rein a t S een T oday in oM -tlm e w hip fash ion . . . Sid G raves hav ing h is au to thoroughly wa.shod a fte r ru n ­n in g over deceased skunk on h ighw ay la st n ig h t . . . Scrv lce sU U on youth on S hoahone s tr e e t po in ting th a t coupe of h la a ll over ag a in for abou t th e u m p stee n th tim e . . . M an using phone In 'lo c a i d rug store, and discovering reaso n h e d id n 't get response fro m c en ­tr a l was th a t h e ’d h a d th e th in g w rong e n d to . . . S t ra n g e r Ira te a s pedestrian sneezes a t h im on M ain avenue . . . W om an carcs .v Ing a wlcked-looklng bulldog . . . H ay pro trud ing from u n d e r new c a r being driven In to tow n . . . A nd candid cam era enthu.slast popping ou t of bushes along.slde courthouse.

L. D. S. President, Choir Top Sun Valley Program


Buhl Man Jailed In Driving ChargeUnable to pay a tlOO fin e . De- ayne B ankhead , a b o u t 26, Buhl,

was lodged in T w in F a lls county Jail today on c harges of driving while u nder In fluence of Intoxlcat* Ing liquor.

Bankhead w as a rre s ted by B uhl police and se n ten c ed b y 'J u s t l u R. H, Stew art. B uhl. I f h e fa lls to p ro ­duce th e $100, h e m u s t serve 60 days in Jail.

Pardons Board to Hold Special MeetBOISE. Ju ly 19 (Ujy — A special

m eeting of th e Id ah o s ta te pardon board will be he ld In th e sta tehouse tomorrow to w ind up business le ft u n lln b h e d a t th e reg u la r early Ju ly session. Among pa ro le appU catloas to be considered Is th a t o f R ichard G reene, 35, Ada county burg lar, who escaped from prison la s t year and was re tu rned by h is fa th e r.


SUN VAIAEY, Ida., Ju ly 1» (Spe- c U l)—Id ah o celebraU on of th e W nd ann iversary of th e e n ti» n c e of L, D, 8 . p ioneers in to Salt Lake valley on Ju ly 34. 1847, th e f o r t ru n n e r o f th e developm ent of th e w est, will be concen tra ted here on M onday w ith Uie appea rance of th e w orld-fan>ed L. D, B. tabernacle c h o ir a n d H eber J . G ra n t, p resid en t o f th e L atter D ay S a in ts chu rch .

T h e choir will give a p o p u la r con ­c e r t In th e S u n V alley am phU th e a te r a t th e su n se t h o u r. As a clim ax to Uie p resenU U on of popu­la r, a em l-c la ss ica l a n d fo lk song m usic by th e 325 m ixed voice choir, w hich s la r u a t 8 p . m-. a m am nio th firew orks display, fea tu r in g pyro- techn lca l d isplays o f covered wagons a n d p ioneer day even ts , w ill be p re ­sen ted .

H eaded by P re s id e n t G ra n t, th e cho ir n tm b e r t 'wm leave S a l t L ake C ity S a tu rday n ig h t In a U nion P acific special tr a in to spend Sun< day and M onday h e re a s gueaU of th e railroad .

T h e L. D, a. U b em ac le cho ir was se lec ted by th e U nion Pacific to in ­au g u ra te th e ho ld ing of m usic fes­tiva ls a t S u n V alley each sum m er, according to those in c h a rg e of a r ­rangem ents. T h e cho ir is conducted by J . Spencer C ornw all, w ith D r. F ra n k Asper. accom pan is t, and R lch a n l P . C ondle. te n o r soloist.

T h e regu la r S u n d a y m orn ing CB S broadcast of th e c h o ir will bo p resen ted from 8:30 to 10 a, th rough rem ote c o n tro l facilities. Because th is co n ce rt Is a stud io program , th e p rese n ta tio n of th e b roadcast will no t be op en to th e pubUc.

R onald G raves. T w in Falls , ac ­cepted today for th e second succes- d ive -year—a p po in tm en t ._as..deputy . dU trlct governor of Lion* clubs In the sou thern Id ah o region.

G raves accepted th e pofil from O. A, Kelly, Boise, d istric t governor- elect who takes office Friday.-

The deputy U a t pre.w nt secretary of the Tw in F a lls Lfons club and U past p residen t o f th e same organ i­zation.


F ish m eal, skim m ilk a n d tankage (a m ix ture o f m e a t sc ra p a n d refuse) are used to ba lance com 'feeding-ht^tK— ...........


D ress reh easa l fo r th e annual 'bandsheil p rogram ." p rasen ted by recreation direc tor* a n d children a ttend ing a n d parU clpatlng In the c ity play p rogram , will be held a t th e bandsheil In th e c ity p a rk n i u n - day a t 10 a . m.. I t was announced here th is afte rnoon by Miss Ver- nls R ichards, rec rea tion d irector.

Com plete program w hich will be followed du rin g th e public presen­ta tio n F riday a t 8 p, m . will be draw n up a t th a t tim e, Miss R ich- 'a rds sa id , and wUl be announced In th e E vening Times<

A lthough th e com plete program will n o t be se t u n til tom orrow . Miss R ichards sa id th a t I t w ould fea ture songs and dances as well as spe­cialty num bers . Also fea tu red will be a m arionette p rese n ta tio n "R um - lel StU tskin," by rec rea tio n leaders.

T he p rese n ta tio n will be open to th e general public.


Asking th a t th e c o u rt de term ine com m unity p roperty re la tion sh ip 1b th e e s ta te o f th e ' la te M rs. N atalia P. O strande r. & n e s t J . O strander,, h e r h usband , filed petition with P roba te Judge C. A. Bailey today.

M rs. O etrander died la st Ju n e 39.T h e peU tlon by Mr. O etrander,

ploheer lum ber deale r here , lUted th e e s ta te a s consisting of s tock jln th e O s tran d e r L um ber com pany and In o the r concerns, personal p rop ­e rty and T w in P a ils rea l property. H eirs a t law a re th e husband , a

and a dau g h ter, idge Bailey s e t hei

4. Jo h n W. G ra h a m Is i th e petitioner.

Mother of Seven Asks for Divorce

T he m o the r of seven children ranging from one to 11 years old filed divoroe su it today, charging th a t h e r h u sband w asc ru e l and th a t h e failed to suppo rt h e r o r the youngsters.

M rs. A rlena S m ith fUed the tlon ag a in s t Jo h n S m ith , whom she m arried Dec. 37, 1927, a t Tetonla. Id a . Mra. S m ith asks custody of all seven ch ild ren , requests $50 m onthly suppo rt m oney, a n d asks a court o rder restra in in g h e r husband from in te rfe rin g w ith h e r o r w ith the children.

O. C. H all Is counsel fo r the m other.

FlrU general com m ittee m eeting of tho.se hand ling details and a r- rsnficm ents fo r th e second annual a ll-s ta te sw im m ing m eet w hich will be held a t th e H arm on pa rk pool Aug. 19 and 20, will be he ld tonight a t the Tlm es-N ew s office. It wa.s announced th is afte rnoon by Robert H, W arner, chairm an .

T he m eeting will ge t un d c ru a y a t 9 p.m., W arner said. H e po in ted out th a t some 200 swlmmer.s from Idaho and also from U ta h arc ex­pected to p a rtic ipa te in th e event.

Attendlnt; th e se.’ .'tloh to n ig h t will be conunlttec m em bers L lo |iel A. Denii. m u Powers. Loyal P c n v, Doh D lckord. Jim Sincla ir, A1 We.Mer- g ren , O. A. K clker, G eorge D et- w eller nnd W arner.

Tlip iiiPcL Is snrmsorcd bv tlif

Afrf^Tnbtr tbit (illowT Il'> •Urr«d with Blnf Croabr KfarrnI" You took him to you'll iccUlm him «ctln In hi

'b ib r I-___ft - E u t Slr]« ol roar ht«rl


FATHER"w ith



HAVE YOU SEEN the Used Car Bar­

gains at Union Motor Go.?

Take just a mlante — save lime, ta re money with an R G Used Car.37 P lym ou th D U Sedan37 Chev. D lx S edan „38 C hrysler S e d a n .... .............. S59S34 C hevro let S e d a n ..._ ...J329 38 V-e D lx T u d o r Sedan

H ea te r, rad io , overdrive _..$650Sa V -8 Coupe .......... ................ 152537 V-8 F ordor, r a d io .....—.... .147837 V-8 T udo r S e d a n ______ *45037 V-8 D lx F o rd o r Sedan -_453S36 V-8 D lx F o rdo r S e d a n __ S43S36 P lym ou th S e d a n ---------»39536 V -« D l* F o rdo r .... ............ *32534 V-8 T udo r Sedan .



38 C hevro let P ickup, 4 Speed «2#534 D iam ond T T ruck -------- »36037 V-8 P ickup .... ...................»38533 Ford 4 Cyl. P ic k u p _____ 1195Many o th tr^ aU makes, all mod­els. All bargaina. New or Used. I t pays to see yo tr Ford Dealer first for economical transporta­tion.


Page 3: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5


THURSDAY! FRroAY! SATURDAY! The Final Days of The

Idaho Department Store’sMEN’S STORE

31 Pairs Men’s Gem State


T hese a re of a llltle ligh ter color th a n th e newer O em S taU s. H owever they a re f irs t qufllUy a n d p re-sh n in k . Sizes 30, 31. 33. 40, 43. 44 and 48 w atst o n l^


One Group of7 Summer Dresses

$ 5 -S 8


$1.001 s l u 18, 1 sUe n , 1 sire 3 0 « , . l ( l i e 17. R egu la r values to *750.,

* / 2 .

SlMS 13 to 20. Values to llB iO . Solid shades a n d prlnU .

All T h at ReniaiiiB of Our J9.88 SaleDresses

a ice s 14 to 43. ReBular values to t l iS i .

All T h a i Rem ains of Our $12.88 SaleDresses

$10.88R egular values to 119,76.


One Group of4 Dresses

A Big Added Attraction to Our Final Clean-Up is This Special of

311Fine, Brand New ,


A Special Close-Out M ade a t th e I'actory by Our - Mr*. T urner Now in th e E aste rn Markets.

T h is even t will be ty p ­ical of the e ro w d -b h n g ' tng Nelly Don special* we have offered In the past. We advise yoii to be here early T hursday m orning.

r e a d y - t o - w e a b d e p t .

One Group of 18Summer Dresses

$3.88Siies W to 40. Regular values to *11.00.

M EN'S s t o r e

One Group df35 Boys’ Munsing Balbriggan Knit


R egu la r values to 11.40. Sizes 8 to 18. Solid paat«I shades.

M EN'S 8T 0R B

All Men’sTop Coats

3 t S % OFT ' sty les and shades. It«


All Cutnlina .Swim Trunks

$1.98R egular »U.OO to la.oo valiiea, llnynii nn<1 wool I jis lrx li) iipwenl colors. All havo Iho biillt-ln iiip - l*oilers.


Our K ntire Slock ofI*oIo and

In-aud-Outcr Shirts




141 RcRular $1.1)8 and S2.f)SNELLY DON DRKSSKS

—Sheers and P rin ts —Sizes 10 to 44.

82 Regular 13.90

NELLY DON DRESSESShecrfi, P rin ts— Sizes 10 to 44.

$ |9 8.1{> RcRHlar

NKLLY DON DRESSESNp UIr crepes and o th e r poptilnr sunimci- iBhrlrs.

$ 2 ^ 81R ReRulnr $7.00

NELLY DON DRESSESSizen 10 to 44.

All now sm art ntyic.-i.$390

9 Re^rulnr $10.00 (o 914.75NELLY DON DRESSES

OriKlnal Nolly Don HtyllnK: niul fnmlity At 1)1k mivIiikh.

$590, 2 p r ic e

Rruiitar D8u to laOB vnliiri.


One (!rnup ofDeauville Cotton

Flannel Wnsli SlackH98c


One (;r(Ki|) of5 3 H o y H ’

DroHH Pants$1.50

Nfl«rl.v a ll dark paturnn-tdsftl for Bcliool wrtr. Pnhrlrn o f eattnn, r«U o» ww>\ k)i(i a ll woo).Itegiilar IIOII niiil |3.4(i valuM. Mwfl 11 lo IS.


One (iroiip ofI,'-) Hoys’ I'\‘It HatB

» / 3 o r ,Jiiv rn lln an il ym ith ilia p r i. R eg . ular OHfl anit ll.M vaJu«a.


»1’ 8 to » 5 ’ °ConnlHt of nhnrtfl w ith nkirtn *nd fllackn. Rejnilsr i ?2.i)8 to $14.76 vahicH.____________________________ ;

NO TKM il’HONIO C A IJ.S — NO A PI’ROVAKS OR i : X ( . l l A N ( i l ' .S


f Out Thcj;^<io!i All Men's Dress Straws

1/2 PriceAll BlyUtK—all bIihjium. SlulHiiiin inrliidi'd |

li Regular 4»a valUM ...... llPguUr 11,40 valMff .7Btf1 R4>iular 79n value* ........W t llrauUr gl.On valuea . 9 9 ^1! Regular Mo valim .......4 9 c llrKuUr »<,oa values .« 1 « 5t ' RegulM I6.(S v«l..f. S 2 . S 0

I / . , . ; ..

MKN'S STORK.T >.,4. Mil

Our Entire Stock of Men’sSLACK SUITS

R.,„™.o.7.»0 Price



Clean-Up Suit Sale

41All Wool

SUITS*7.50KeKular $11.75 to



I lw :i5 -1 size .15

I I Slco .10-0 size 37 7 alee .38—3 size 30 3 size 4 0 -1 Hi?#' 43

N I/KS IN l.4>N(iS 1 3B -3 Alte 30—1 40


1 M/,r 3A--a SIM 37 - I 33

1 Size 4 0 -1 alie 43

RIngle and doiibln brrnRlrrt In

sp o rt niirt coiiMTvntlvi! nlylri. Colors In m rdiiim lo MkIil gruys a n d browiut.



F in u y 1‘lnk SALMON, 10 «y.. can ........................ 33c

!■ FK ; HAILS— made l>y llie Sunnhlna hi H nkcry. 2 M). cellophMiu^ piifksR® ..... 25c: S la lO " <J«lden TAIll.K SY1UII*.I No. HI can. cach ............. ........... 55c

I'lo rlda Ciinned (iR A rD I'ltlK T . “ (Jnrdei Itra n d ." No. 2 c«nH, » f o r .......................... 2 7 cWAXTICX heavy quiillly ' 125 fcK»l roll. t‘ach ........... 15c

ji •‘HiinuMor ImIo” broken nllf* I*1NKAI*1»LE. Rl|wr, nwe«'lrr, m<»re lender. f No. 2 '/, can, each ............ ............................. J l / V

W IIITI': KIN(i Rrnniilaird ho»P. » /. piirkiiKc ................................. 29c

* O l.l) DUTCH CLBANSUIl. Clean*e v e r y lh lH R . 4 c a n s ........................................

iw.ojdfr .'t*.... .2 9 c

MAIN FI.OOR SH O E D E PT .200 Pair Ladies’ Novelty


i \ 9 7


Don’t fail to look over th is ^ group. W hite. Japonica, blue, ? pa ten ts and gabardines. Values up to $4.95. All now sm a rt i; lityles. P riced a t less th an one* :•

- h a lf ^

One Group 'of17 Boys Play Shorts

50cV alues to I1.W, C otton and woo! fabrics In colors o f brown a n d b lue a a d U gbt p a ttern s.


One Group of27 Boys’ All

Leather Belts2Sc

R egular va lues 30c and 40e. Oen> uino P a r is a ll le a th e r belt* In w hlto a n d ' tw o-tone com blm - Uona.


One Small Group of

CurtainsPriscU la s ty le In colors of orchid, w hite, red a n d g ie ea . V aluet to $1.98.

100 PAIRS LADIES’ NOVELTY PUMPS, SANDALS & OXFORDSY oiir la s t chnnca of th e season a t th is low price. Values to <4i)6.W hite, Jnponlca, blue, p a ten ts . 8U cs n o t complete.

Special at .................N o Exchanges Or Approvals— All Sales F inal

$ |o o

! JOHA NSEN , FOOT DELIGHTS, V ITALITY . T hink {• o f it regular grades up to $7.95. 6 i d A E !r a h 80 a t - . .......■:......... .......................I• All PEACOCK SHOES— F or final

clearance go a t ................

LAD IES Only Three More D ays to A a :Buy Your DR. LOCKE SHOES at 15 P air W hite Kid and - - .»t-95Ladies DRESS PUM PS and OXFORDS — Y oar choice of new sm art sty les fo r a few days only.G abardines, patents, blue, Japonica, few wines. Values from $4.05 to $6.75



67 Pair Freeman : Summer ' SPORT

OXFORDSMen—here Is y o u r chance, '

Vftluts u p to *5,00. All m u st ;Ko now. Wlilte.'^, n titiirnls. '

■toncK, Brcyii. browns, ,

\ io a i

$ ^ 9 7

40 Pnir Men’s SPORT O.XFORDS — (Jreys, w hite,(ans, two-toncH. ValucH to $:(;U5 ^go a t p a i r ................................................. ^ A • y J17 P air FREEMAN MASTER STYLES— Values to $0.85. All sum mer HtylcH A C ?n " ........................................................J10 P a ir FJ.OR.SIIEIM WIIITK OX- A ^ -> FORDS— For final clenriinrf go a t J

O N L Y THRICE M O R E DAYS TO S A V E O N F L O R - S H E IM HHOKS— A ll Incluilcd in (h e C le a ra n c e S a le

$7.85... $8.8517 P air Hoys' SUMMER OXFORDS — (Joodyear = welts. Values lo $.1.9fi. Grey, white, A ^ A A Ian . A t’im lr ............................................... 9 A • W ;


Lifi RcRular $2.00

DRESS SHIRTS T>vo fiuniniB inakon tochooNii I'roni In I Kood looklnjr paltnrns—A fow whltim, , S ite s 14' to 171 .

$ |o o


•wnMMt'b;. x.v<4j<itrwrww^.i A:-vr.»'M i


25 Mcn’n Felt


igular $2.08 to $5.00 viiUirH in som» V A A )bbs and Stots6ns included in t h l s ^ B W W nup. . I


One Group of

Cretonnes38 Inches wide—fast colon. Val­ues to 49e.Y ard ________________Z 5 €


One L ar^e Group of

CollarsS&tlns. oTswdles. Uces nod - piques, all colora.Values to Mo _______


One Group ofSummer Corsages


One G roup ofChildren’s Wear

Cotton dresses and sun sulta. Sizes 3 and 3. 4 m - Valuefl to M o ________^ 9 ^

One Small GroupPanels

Lace styles In odds and ends la values up to »3il8 ................. $1.00


One Group ofCotton Bed SpreadsBln: 81xloa-color« of rose, green, gold and orchid. A A m VaiuM lo 11,40...... ........O y C


Ladies’ Satin Panties

Tailored and lace trim styles, 'JVu rose, black and a a — wIiKe. Viiliie.i to | l i ) 8.. 4 ^ ^


One Group of

Knit SlipsI.arBe siseA only—built-up shouN d m . White and tea jg g k m , roar, Reg. *1.40 values 19^ ^


One l^ rR e Group ofMisses Gowns and

PajamasCotton crepea or ballstet tn T#o and OBo


One I ^ r g e AsM rtm ent 'of____ Summer Fabrics» '» « ; « rayoua an d atuert In p U la

' sbadea a n d print*. A ll 7»o and M o TaliHa.......


OiM Small GnHq» of Crown-Test^


Page 4: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

Page Four IDAHO EVENING TIMES. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO W»an«idiy. July 1«, 1989


r«0 UMi< Win lOTnM OotUd rrm . !Utloo Full NEA r o i u n I

fsb lU M 111 <

■UBtCCIPTION RATFRI 8 / Carrirr I'njnbU In Ad*«nir«

»mV. lid 1 MnU). fOti a monlhi. i msnthi, II.:f: 1 ><B> U»U r»)»bU In ,

Within ldkh« *°d Uko CouDU. N«.bj«I asAUi. 40«i • ■ofiUu. tl.OO; 4 m«nthi. Il«0 i 1 rtr. I$IX

OstJld*I M sU . M«i • II U i 4 monlkt. M U i I m »

All I>0lic« r»«julr«<J by U« or bj Ibh l »«kly. will h« pobIlth*d In M-IOt I. a A. IJ3I. u t


lUlla Temr. |to Bu*k Stn«l. !«■ rnneke». CiMf.

‘S i i n i i i i c r S l i i n i p ' Kails l o C o i i i rU is now getting aloriR towaril the time of year

when people would ra ther lie imflf‘r an apple tree than call on tha t last customei' whose place is way over at the end of town.

Because, a t this time of year, millions of people feel a little b it tha t way, there usually en.sue? a notice­able falling-off of business fand all other) activity. This has been christened “the summer slump.”

But this summer there isn’t any. which is a very heartening thing indeed. The Wail Street J im rn a l whose business it is to keep in touch \vith ,the.':o m at­ters. surveyed all the pronuneni field.s of trade and industry recently, and came to the conclusion tha t most of the trades and indu.strio.s which usually d rift into the doldrums a t about this lime are stubbornly fighting tHeir way upward.

Here are some of the conclusions reached: D epart­ment store sales were bettering the seasonal average well above 1938; automobile sale.s holding up unusual­ly well; gasoline consumption at a new high; replace- ,ment auto tire trade a t a six-year high in J u n e ; sales of building m aterial a t the beat level of recent years, w ith conBtruction contracts up; expanding orders in the machine tool, electrical equipment and utility fields.

Not all industries showed so bright a tendency, with steel production still a t a low level and railroad etpiip- ment lagging. B ut new seasonal tra ffic records are being set on the airlines, the machine tool and a ir ­plane industries are buzzing (with w ar orders, it is true ).

All this activity, flying in the face of trad itional oeasonal dullness, is fu rthe r proof of the tremendous backed-up demand which lies beneath the surface of today’s conditions.

I t is now almost certain tha t 1939 is going to be a f a r better year than 1938 as regards business prog­ress, and the firs t sign of sanity to re tu rn to the in­ternational situation should make the green light burn immediately brighter.

Hi-Yo, Silver!When the storm of Mexican unpopularity dcpcends

on the United States as a result of chanpoK in the s il ver policy which may adversely affect Mexico, it is well to remember this.

Mexican silver production has been declining all year, and had' slumped badly long beforo the reccnt congressional flurry. Labor troubles which arc not the United States’ business were to blame for shutting down many mines long before U. S. policy came up in congress.

W hat Mexicans, or others outside (he country, can never understand is tha t I). S. silver policy is dccidod simply by the pressure demands of a .';mali inlore.sted group exercising an influence on a groat governm ent which seems impossible to an outsider.

Mexicans naturally asaumc that any clianncs in U. S. silver policy are made with Mexican produclion in view, w hat they can never understand is tha t a handful of silver .senator.s boosting a pniall industry, a re in a position (o make coiigrcss jump lliroiigh prac­tically any hoo)i they to t \»}> at Un> firs! cry of “ Hi-Yo, Silver!”

l l l f o r i lK M l — W itiC ?It is |Hint\ibly true, as Or. I 'duard I'oi-n^er

president of r/.echoslovakia said in sailing for Europe, that Americans have “widespread alerlness, knowledge and understanding of world a ffa irs .”

We hope it is true. And wr hope al^o lha t if it is true , it is properly ascribed by Henes as duo largely lo the American press, which hV called "the befit in the world, the mosi free, most informed and vory nbjee- tive.” It tries very hard to b(>. and Menes is not the f ir s t foreigner to form such an npinioi^.

Rut to he well informed Is nitt enom:h, II in nec<*H sary also to use the information wisdv, ainl lo make the right decisions. We are still in thi cdnniry a liltle inclined to be panicky, to jump al cnMchi,sinus, aiid to allow Bcntimcntalily Ui rule oui' judvnir'nl of foreign m atte rs In fieldw whei’c I'lurope li.is .iliuiil as much aentlm entality as a bu/.ziird.

To be well-informed is certiunly gmid. Uut t(j bo wise is better still.

Nazis arc perturbed about an alleged Knglisli cam paign to undermine H itler. Come, Vomr, imw. wlicro’s th a t traditional British spirit? Wc muni lie sporting about this thing.

Sports Bhirta are being worn outside ihr pants this year. The w iicr and more economical nu-n an- just using their pujuma coats. '

Jap«n#M aro reported losing Interest in the Chinese w « r because of China's continued resistance. Some people ai'c always tuklng the fun out of things.

P o tS h o t s

The Gentleman In the Third Row

Proof of That Fish Tale

Of the CenturyVol BholA lold you lab l w ctk Hbmil liii'T Hollliif!:.''-urlli -flTTfMiHrry El- xk ,iiid tlic M urIc dam tro u i iliey <Mi- WHS rivn feet loriB "niid U-s lail .1 tiv oiii 01 w ater." (U boi iiwiiy). The’ more though t a ljou l -'tich iiiuinimi'niri,! e v fiit. the morn wc

UMuin .soiiielWnB .’ipecl*! ouglii lo ? (Iniir iiboiil It. 8o Hi* P o t Hliut-' ill) I'arioonlat h i t ' re -crea ie il tlie ;ini (rou t exactly a i 'E lm er ;ind Hiiv dpMTltw It-SlBnalure,-. o t El-

I ,ind H nrry Hltcat lo niiUiciiticl-

“I SwcAr"—Elmer

".So n o r '_ i ! n r r y

IV n r PoT ,irNow lliiu ih r Mnokr hii.i >leiiired

aw ay i,n,i nr i,.i« i|iiH liinXllH; IIIyour criliiiT;ii tor ii. t stiouUt lol<l.

think this

A lr» i1„«,. a;:„. ,>n< Falln' ............. w. ,,i M. Kllll

• « in ,

ly. anil wlnir ihn<v lu i 1 tmiiiiii IMlt^lll|r,^ It. I.nil lo nil> lo WUh him 11 liriiiH oil beiiMlv linl IIP I,UMxl 1

M lh

to A r«k<'' a MIi him rii a '’■rtilvr.iii a h eii Dk' v lei•d ie d l<iH'li.

But when he hla itcd 10 nnv IiirDie dih ik" all tie hait was a Wi i-iti-iiiiiliiii .i,u< lux token 1(1 tvr ' l " " ' ...... hl.'.l (O IMII iiinofrom oiir of the women. ( l l f d lot-go tten iilioiil, lh« hiilri'U K Im h rrh hem e, no i hi

t .hn go t a t

'I'JiU nlinilld Or ............. ........ Ii. mll/ ir one nt llir.n rt«)»

'•'rrnil'ilft fxRlIn In.IfM » lif i yiMI i r cii 0 ............. . ■


l AMOIIfi I An I' I.INK . I riiM'l lirl|> [l ir \<1| | rill | t l

n iiiiiiu in rd—Itave my <ii|<| rrcorn ■Innft . .

i l l l ; <ir N 11.1 >iAN IN 1111. l l l i a i ) HOW


t t m , w iA • n v i c t . Ht«.

n * dTfa

nsB»r- Tlipr mtr viarrlr4 . . .«rlAP- rram k ll* b« ra » »«r»» lo r<-kr)>i>B*> ■h* It. hr

nallr kMchi It f«r kar.

CHAPTER MIl^R A N K L IN LA RRA W AY ju i t * ,-.it th e r t gnzln* a t C hristine Piilmer a s t h t w alk ed a w a y from )ili car. " C W l" b e m u « * re d to him ielf. *I 1 can muff «v«ry- ih ln j l"

He h a d n 't itTcani lo r h t r to ia< the p u r ie . S h t h a d n 't d i ic o v tr td the tllve^ rin g b a c a u ie i t w a i lo a :<maller p a e k a g i. H e p lck ad th a t up and p u t i t In hla p a ck e t and (tuck th e p u n e ba ck In ita w ra p ­per. H e doub ted It h e cou ld han* d ie D ick d ip lo m atica lly tn o u f h to itiake h im g ive C h rlit tn * th e pui«c. He had bough t th # pu rse tn c 'vc ChrlsUtvc hlm seU . ihc ii—w ell, ahe h a d p rac tica lly .nrimlttcd b e ln f in love w ith D ick, oarller. A nd h e w aa D ick’s beat; friend, tru s te d f rie n d . A m an doesn 't le t TiU f rie n d dow n. If C h ristine loved D ick, a n d h e h im ' ^eH loved D ick a t a Irlend^ w eW I h e n - a w to th e d e v il w ith It a ll. F ra n k lin aw allow ed, a n d a ll a t once rem em bered w h a t h e had li'.-irned a b o u t C a r l Q ualt, th e r o b ' h n - m u r d e r e r . Im p u lilv e ly he c.ilicd to C h r lit ln e again .

• lipy! H ey. C h rU ty l W aitI . . . CoiJic h e re a m inu te!"

She s to p p e d . and looked back. .Shr b it h e r p re tty llpa to keep ilivm from trem b lin g , th e w ho had bi'ci> .ibout to cry.

•'Como h e re , pletisc. Look— I gol new s to te ll you C h r iity l" HL< voice h.id d ropped to a .confiden­tia l m u rm u r. “N ew s a b o u t th a t m oney in th e vau lt. I n th e old m ine Jhnft, I m ean-"

I t w a*n't In th e m in e ab aft any m ore, C h ristine to ld h e rie lf . B ut no m a tte r now — w h a t, d id F ra n k ­lin have? She c am e cloee to hU

“G ot in and s it a m inu te , C h r l i ' tine. L isten— th a t m oney w a s p u t h e re by a p a y ro ll b a n d it nam ed Q uait. H e w as se n t to p rison , bu t e stnpcd a n d m u rd ere d • m ia . H e ’» a t l ib e r ty now l"

‘'F ran k lin !"“ No fooling! I w en t to th e

sh e rifl's office a n d —"

U E to ld h e r aU ab o u t It. T o ld h e r w ith a lm o il a ha p p y , boyish

en tliu s ia jm . O f courae C h riit in e found h is ex cite m e n t contagious. Sho w elcom ed it. too , b e ca m e i t enab led h e r to con tro l th e o the r em otions th a t h a d a tir re d h e r, and 80 hol’d ba ck h e r te a rs . F ra n k lin had no t no tlccd h e r cryinR , though,

'•W tjatover w ill w e do?” sh e d e - m .m ded now . "H e h a sn ’t show n up ycU b u t w e know h e ’s a d a n -

se rous ou tlaw , lre« and like ly te com e a n y tim e."

"H e’s p robably been ju s t ly ing low. P eople fo rge t abo u t a c rook a fte r a w h ile a n d even th e ofTlcen get careless If they d o a ’t c a tc h lim. B u t Christine, h e ’ll le a m Ibout G oldcreat being reopened .

The p a p e rs have carried it thoM past few days—I b rough t a S a n Francisco pa p er w ith y o u r photo and Roeelee’e and the ghost to w n 's In I t K »'U come any n l |M lo r th e money. I’m surp rised h e h a a n 't come a lre a d f . WTten h e does— w t m u tt t r a p hlm l T h a t 12000 l i a •Juicy rew ard i"

T hey agreed no t to te ll Roee* lee le s t it unnecessarily d ls t tv b h e r. C h ris tine h in te d —w ith o u t e xp lana tion— th a t Roselee w as a lread y d is trac ted about busineai an d personal daU U s. F ra n k lin w as curious b u t too in te reste d in Q ualt to bo the r m uch now.

“J u s t keep q u ie t and say n o th ­ing," he counseled. " I l l m ake a r ­rangem ents w ith D ick."

S he tu rn ed to him In sudden a larm —" F ran k lln l Y ou’ll—you’ll both b e very ve ry carefu l? P rom ise m el"

H e w as qu ite close to h e r U iere in h i t c ar. T oo close fo r c a s t. C h rlstlne ’i eyes w ere lovely, a n d v e ry s tr ik ing w hen fea r .^hono in them . B u t now a h u r t In h is ow n h e a r t w as renew ed. H e u n d e r­stood w h at sho m e a n t U n d er­stood—h e th ough t—th a t she w as deeply concerned for Dick B a n - c ro lt's w e il t r t .

F r a n k l i n nodded. "D ick ’a strong." h e a lm ost w h ispe red it. ‘N obody ever gels the b est of h im . Don’t w orry , C hrisU nc." ,

H e le ft hor th e n a n d .w e n t to And Dick.

n i C K h a d a g roup of trave le r# from D etro it in low . T w o c ars

of people w ho w ere bu rsting w ith questlon i. T hey rep resen ted J9 gro5s to th e O o ldcrest firm, a n d Dick w as try in g to b e nice to them . H e had m e t them a t th e highw ay turnolT th a t m orn ing by ip p o in tm e n t H e knew th a t such patrons, trea te d rig h t, cou ld sc u d other c iu tom ers to th e gho,>;t io v n . He stayed w ith them u n til noon and enabled M rs. H ogan to se rv e ihem S5.60 w o rth o f m eals a n d alm ost a» m uch m o re in souvenirs.

They h a d se t u p an em ergency iiisoline a tntion, re s t room.';, t i r e repa ir and cold d rin k s supp ly a t the h ighw ay tum ofT b y th e b ig sign and p u t a gen ial o ld-tim e ranch cook In c harge there . H e was an a d m irab le sa lesm an for G oldcrest h im self , a n d sen t in

m y custom ers fo r th e ghost dc- lour. B efore D ick could send h is D etroiters aw ay , o th e r cars had come up th e rough tw o m ilea o f d ir t road in to th e old tow n and Frank lin w as p ressed in to guide servicc. H e d id n ’t ge t a chat\ce to

U lk to D ick u n til la te a fternoon again .

"S o th a fa how I t l i ? ” D ick ex- ela lm fd , in h l«h I n te r ta t, w hen F r u k l l n flo ally to ld h im abou t C a r l Q u a l t ‘ a y ro U ro b b e r . eM

" I t ’U b« a t B lj^ t , e l course ," p ic k w eirt oa . "W h en h t oomes, I m ean . N ow th a t w e k n o w w h at w e do w e 'll h av e to k e e p an even sh a rp e r w atch , F c a n k . A nd don 't say a n y th in * to tht f i r ls . T heyT l ju r t g a t th e J l l te n ."

F ra n k lin looked g lum . H e had • I rM d y to ld ChrlatlQ * b u t ha d id n 't ad m it I t so w . H e 'd i m Ch r lf tln # a n d a tk h « to sa y n o th ­in* .

‘•k . to . lank witch In •him," n in U ta itaM , poilUv.- ly. "Youv. b . a ilin>lnf th n .

S t ,•X lstan , f t a n k — I w eigh 201

pounds. You w eigh a b o u t 148 on ly . N ow I cou ld—’’

"T here 'a a *un . rem e m b e r. T hai m akes m en equal."

‘•1 know , b u t - "'■No excuses. W e’v t been b u d ­

d ies fo u r y e a r i. W e s ti ll a re . D ick."

D k k looked c loscly a t hU friend . F ra n k lin w asn’t sm ilin g . “O kay , F ra n k , okay then . B u t I h o p e ha com es on m y s h i f t Y ou— w ell, don’t s leep too tig h t. Is a ll. You know w h ere th a c o t Is. Y ou can sleep o u t o f s ig h t b e h in d th e o ld te lle rs ’ cage , and g e t t h e d ro p on h im . K eep a flash ligh t handy . A nd don ’t b e a fra id to ih o o t ."

" I can shoot. A nd , u h . D ick?""Y eoh?"“I, uh. w ell, I w as In to w n . A nd

I b ro u g h t ouV a — a iM th e r p u rse , beaded . I th o u g h t p e rh a p s y o u — w ell, you go g ive i t to C h ris tine , see? T liose g irls h a v e be en w o rk ­in g h a rd , w ith o u t m u c h re la x a t io n a n d such these tw o o r th re e w eeks. Y ou—w e w an ta ke ep th e m happy . G irls lik e lit t le a tten tio n s . D ick. Y ou know — Just g ive i t to h e r, SCO? A nd—w ell, h e ro — Isn 't It p re tty ? "

H e held th e p a ckage o u t, open. D ick oppraU ed it, w ith obvious app rova l.

"S a -a -a y . th a n k s p a ll T h a i’s ducky . H ow m uch d id i t se t you back? I ’ll p a y you . a n d m a n y th a n k s . I 'm n o t good a t rem e m ­be rin g th is sort Of th in g , a s you know . Y ou took c a re o f m e in coH oi# a l o t B u t l a y - y o n d e r ’s Roselee. I th in k I 'l l Ju s t ta k e it o v e r and give I t to h e r instead. A fte r a ll. th a boss."

B efore F ra n k lin could p ro te s t D ick had lif ted th a love ly pu rse a n d w as tro ttin g a w a y . T h e y saw H oselee h a lf a b lock do w n tha s tr e e t lead ing a sa d d led horse, a n d Dick im pulsively c a l l ^ to he r.

'H ey, bossi H ey— Rose«leeI I go t som eth ing fo r you!"

<T» B e C ontlnueA )

H I S T O R Y Of Twin Fdls City & Comity


A cab le message from BhanKlmi. C hinn , received thin momliiK by D r. O h a tlta B, W tnnli^a, »p5«lsftl h im o t th e fac t th a t h e and his wife a re a g a in g ran d p a re n ts—there hav ing been b o m yesterday a grand dau g h ter, Beverly -Jean , and th a t the baby and lie m other. Mrs, H arry K ingm an, are bo th doiiiR Mlccly.

M1.-.S D orothy McRlIl was hoMrA-s 1 Hip H. Bridge club Frlclny

cveninK. Mrs, ESmer Rowberry r r . reived hlKli »<rnre p rlte . Mr«. .Iimii'N acllicy , II . and MIm r> d rtlr /ii ill.-y nntl M»m, ro ily TVinmoA were bih -I;,.

MU.1 I..i'iira nelleville cam e In lo- day from C incinnati lo.hpeiicl v«- cn tloii wirii her i>«rent», Mr «iid Mrs. .1 K lleMfvlile.

27 Y E A R S AGOJ i i i .v 19. iDla

T lie rur.il i-r,■ m u i l.mged hletil. M> 1h e a lth of tlipi11 liihiililtiibeen (Unit n hlow hy ]

who miilnitw o -th lu U ol itie ci.,-,eh Ifever iii Ihe r itv o've IIIto m ^(inllui\ ^nndll1oll^m n i l i y am i n> liolluir.l «plies.

'n i r Proh lh iii on iiailv i.lof Idiilio will 1lolil n <<Mi\Caldw ell, Idah r1, III tlie Mon 'l'm-/'<1i.v, .11illY ;iO. loipona ot niiillnii 111 nriiiiiiiula ta ta t l ik r t ai III tinnnnrlImpoi iiini Imi ,ii

l lu h l

K. K n u u n nii.l (InlAlied H lrlliu llir r]rM|l<ii nl II sen la st week.

D rill IV ain 1» Attoiul ModNf Meet

nU K U JII|> 10 Ki|,n mil |)u (. Inite an an ie iiiP iiit, no ie m ad t for lli« d ill l teuiii (It Dll. \V(j||irii of the McK»«> (0 a n n u l tiir M.i,itiPin trlnlio

„t M .iiiii.rllerAug. in. II mill u

D rill H 'lin in uuhiK ir (m (anajr d rill iirjte to he o l ln n l a t t in i.oii- vmitlmi I" Mrn M iM ird O ralia tn , t.ll B .n iae r, Iriiilru , iv ,io iiiv I’lirker. rii|)lt>in, Kiiiiiv I'lriiiv luimlxt; 'I'lifiliiia Jlnwmrl .Vtahil lijiiiili. Vet- In n a iu ta ll, Oerll AlMluie. Hut Jn iin . son, n ie l i i i a t.f f r in Aim--,, ViolaHull, 'riie lm a Ul,iti>l ........... nnn-imilM’ii. M rlrii CninH-, Mmv ( 'i i tn - rv , Viola fii„( M ,„v OalM,

lo iiir ..... . a reTIlnnMitn K irln li, „p,ii,„ r<-«ont. 'n^elm n Jldwniil nml ,\U n Dniwi,

1.. r „ |r , „ flnutth r llnl

lion .July C4

The Family .. Doctor ■

n> DR, M O R R IS F I8H B E IN Editor, Journal or tha Amarlran Medt-

H ere are a n o th e r five questions on health . Five poKslble answ cra a ie given tor each qiie ition . If you ^co|•e lOu <30 po in ts c red it fo r ear LOrrect aiiMwer). you a re well .'in form ed. However, If you r m a rk ' Is lesa th a n BO, you should a tte m p t to learii mure about he itlth n iid d b -

i. An Kthli-tlc liciiii Lh u) a lieai of a briive mun; b) a h e a r t th a t i; Infected, o a h e a r t t i i a t Is in e ffi­c ien t; d) a h e a r t th a t h a s en larged in refcponf.e lo con tln iied e ffo rt sm all heart,

'2, T lie money vulun of th e eniRe niiile of 40 yeiirs ol age la a i I I ; b) 11000; c) $30,000; MIO.OOO; e i $100,(HIO,

3. T he qiilfke.st any In gain i^elKhi U a) d rink m ore w ater bi .’tieep nuire. r i cat move; d w alk m are ; e( e a t mflv* meivV,

4. a iiiiM inkr U - i lu r to a) too in u th light, b) too m uch h e a t; c) In sn f/lr len t w a te r; rti m e re a t- I n t; e) ovnr-exen:lse,

», Hay fever Is due to a ) the I 'llm ate; b i the heiit; n eutliiK

rti «( h n y . ev nillilMdH of iiolleil'i,

ANSWEna ;1, W hat II rnriimoiily called ftti

a lh le llc h e a r l l,i one w hich haa e n ­larged to i)erin1t m ore w ork exiicily as th e nniM-lrn elacw lirre In th«) tioily f jih u n e w ith i-nntlniirrt w ork. Cei • (all) lyprr, nl i>thlvll(';<, ^U(■h as row ­ing, huiii-dlAtance swimmliiK and ftlx-dnv hii-vrlfl r iding, m ay rtaniBHe the heiiil.

a, AiToirtiiig to com putation,! of hifliiiiince a iitlio rlllea tlie av . erawo inaii ot *0 U valued nV i:'ft.7IM l( he lA In a «ftOO m ax i­m um inrom a rluss, and Hfi.ftOO if he Is In a lAOOO m axim um e a m ln i ClSHS.

), Ninety per r e n t o f heallhv people ran ualn w eight Alini>ly l>yealliiK ........ food, p a rtl ru la r ly c a i-iMihydrntes,

4. au nniroke Is rea lly h e a t stroke a n d la assoolated w ith In su ffic ien t r a l t hi ihe liody acvoinpaniod by evaj)oiail(u» of w ater from th e nur- face. Profuse Aweatlng roba th e ixxlv' of sa lt. Ill aiim m ar e x tra a a lt alioulil be taken w ith food a n d ivater.

0. I l i e sym plom s typloal of hav fever m ay h t p roduced by the pollens ot p lan ts, (ra sse e or tieeft o r by III* d a n d ru ff or h a ir o t an l- m ala, hy lint, fea th ers , foods in any o the r lu b s la n re lo w hieh the h u m a n liclng may be senaitlvs.


By BRUCE CATTON E vcoiog T tn e a W aal

C orrespoadan l •W ASH IN O TON . Ju ly l* -U U J u a V

a b o u t a y e w alnoa P re a ld m t Rooae- v e lt lau n ch ed h tf fam oua ’‘purge.’’ R ig h t now la a p re tty good tim e to review th e record of th e p resen t congrcss a n d to see w h a t th e flare - baok from th is unsuocessful b it o f•tratjgy hti done to him.

e tra n g tly enough , U ha« n ’t done n e arly aa m uch a s i t w as expected io do. D eip lto * few apeot«oular d t- f ea ta , th a P raalden t h u been, in th e m a in , rem arkab ly auooesaful w ith h is leg liU tlve prog ram to date.

ed. Iron ica lly , som e o t th e Prasl* d e n t 's w ors t troub le h u comp, in* ' d irec tly , fro m h la one purge vlc- to ry —th a u n se a tin g of Congressm an O ’C pnnor o f N ev Y ork.

T h e td m ln U trtU o n w an ted a New D M ler In O 'C onnor’* place a s head of th e pow erful house ru les com* mltUtf- I t. got-one,! In Congressm an S a b a th of lUlnots. B u t S a b a th has been Ineffective, a n d rea l control o f Ute com m ittee h a s passed Into tlie h anda of R oosevelt's enem ies, he ad ­ed largely by th e f le iy C ong reesa iD COX of O eorgia.

H ia e IgSrtl!eata romeon th a W PA a pp ro p ria tion bills, on th e se n ate ’i rejec tion of th e nom i­n a tio n of Judge Roberta to th e dls> trk it benah, on th e F lo rida sh ip oa< n a l. and on th e m one tary bill—al­though th e la st-n am e d de feat was la te r retrieved.

L as t year th a Pre.iltlent Intervened openly In a n a tte m p t to ‘un.seat S ena tors G eorge of O eorgia. Sm ith of S outh C aro lina, a n d Tydlngs o t M ary land . All , were rcelected. He a lso tried to d e fe a t S ena to rs O illc tte of Iow a, M cC arran o f N evada. Van Nuys of In d ian a , and Adams ’f Colorado. All of these were re-clcct- ed. also.


Now look a t th e vo ting record h is o u ts tand ing defeat.9.

O n Ihe RO brrta appoiufm ent, all seven of these unpurged senators voted ag a in s t him .

O n th e f irs t W PA d rflrlency p rop rlatlon . in w hich hl.s pica for a n e x tra |970,000.000 wns cu t to •'J28,000,000. a ll seven of the unpu rg ­ed voted a g a in s t him.

O n th e second W PA deficiency m easure , w hera h e a sked f9r t lM ,. 000.000 and was knocked down to »125.000,000. a ll of th e seven voted agaln.*;t him except T j’dlngs—who w as paired a g a in s t h im .

O n th e Florida sh ip canal. Sen* a tor* G eorge and M cC arran were paired In favor of th e projec t, and S ena to r S m ith w as pa ired again.^t It. T lie re s t voted ’•no.”

W hen th e sen ate f i r s t voted , th e proposal to s tr ip th e P residen t of h is devaluation pow ers, S ena tor G eorge voted K ith th e a dm lnU tra- tlon and S ena to rs S m ith and G illette were ab-sfnt. T lie re.it voted against th e P residen t.

O n th e com panion vo le—to se t a p rice of 77.5 c en ts fo r allver—Sen­a to rs G eorge a n d 'I\-dlniffi voted with th e adm ln lb tra tlon . G ille tte was paired a g a in s t th e m easure . Sm ith w as absent, and th e re s t voted ftgivlnst th e P residen t.

O n th e f in a l vole on th e m one­ta ry bill, w hich re.stored the d e ­va luation pow ers to th e P resident. S ena to r O llle tte voted "yen,'' Sen ­a to r S m ith wa-s a b sen t, and th e rest voted “nay .”

You May Not Know That—

n r M. L. C K A ioT he fJi’Ht ol’tfiinlitHl "XI'''-

d itlon lo Im p tho Sriiilto riv er cuuilli’y wha Itid >l>y Donald ('T orpo lim l Mo- Hon") MrKoniile In 1 B I8 , 'I’h r lii'lKado coiiHiitli'd/il /if) m o n «nd ID 5 hot'aoa.

T RUPEETTwelve Boy BcouU of tro o p 61.

w hich Is sponsored by th e R u p e r t R o tary club. le ft B c tu rday fo r a nouting a t B aum gartne r 's cam p near Boise, T licy were accom pan ied by w. D, Bodyfiton. G lenn N u ttin g and W oodrow Ash. a.s superv isor, a n d hv T racy Colt, v icr-iiveslden t o f, the R o tary d u b who was in c h a rg e of thn supp ly ,tn iek .

C harles Avery left S a tu rd ay for Hiin Francisco a fte r a v is it h e re a t th e C harles S tew art home,

M rs. A nna Bchulti: nUd h e r niece Miss B arbara Jenk in s. Pocatello , a re hoiuie guestii of M rs, A n n a P. Jenkins, m o the r of M rs. S chultz ,

Pearllne C o o n n , a lx -year-o ld daugh ter o f Mr, and Mrs, G ranv ille Cooll^ eiitiTed the riiiiterl general hosp ital Friday fur m cdlcal t r e a t ­m ent.

M rs Je an n e K nepp a rm v e d from M odasto. Calif., M ondny to be With h e r lis ter, Mrs. Cieorge M, G arrison . Widow ot Oeorgn M Clarrjson who loBi lilft life In a recen t rno to r car a rc ltlrn l H miles r»nt o f ;tu p e r t.

J e an Salyer. H eybuin , en tered R upert general hosp ital T hu rsday for m edical trea tm ent,

Mrs, r.'.'le Johnston h a s an house Bursts rills week her "l;iler. Mr.i. E. J . AlcliiB. a n d ctuaatUerR, M tw es Ro,vlla AiKl Rutti AKlnn. Ixvi Aimo- lea. Calif,; h e r dau g h ter, M rs, Mae ■ .each. Ban nem nrd tno , O allf.: and h e r daiiKhter. Mrs. .lam es Nelson, KMil riiniHv. Carey. A tr ip to YpIIow- siniie Is being planned for th a last «( iUr week.

r. loid Mr< J, M yron rt<'linler and rhIlfliTii, Carolyn a n d M yron j r , left M onday for ll i r i r hom e in Idaho Palls a fte r a visit h e re w ith ^ tr. ^ (•holer■^ m other, M rs, C». A. B 'ho ler. Mini fiimlly anil hin nlster. Mt», A rthur T jr e r . a n d fanikly,

MIm rn iilliie Niivloi'. iluUKhter of Mr, and Mrs, F ra n k Baylor, u n ­derw ent m ajor surgery a t th e R u p e rt genaral hoiipltal n>iesday,

Mr, and Mrs (Jnrdnij O o ff and young soil. U urdoii Jr„ re tu rn e d Sut m iU v tim n a w eek's vacaU on a l Arco, Ohallla and Salm on, Sunday they » r r r r,tiled to Rolna by th e t e r ' loiin U luru of Mrs, Cloff'a m o the r. Mrs. T C) uiivls, form er w6ll know n IliilM-ii irt.hleiil, 'f liey le f t Immert* Iat.-Iy loi iiip eap lta l I'lly. Mr, O off r rh in ie d M onday h u t M rs. O off and m ile foii will rem ain Itideflnllely . LairM wind In tha t Mrs. D avis ahow* a r llKht liniiir>VTliir<nl.

M t Mild Mill, l>;,'i«>wman a n d Mr. an<l Mrn Ralph Bow m an a n d lltlU rtaughier. Wenrta I-ee, le ft M onday for an oiiiing hi Y ellow stone park.

M r and Mrs, C harles O off re- tnriierl the in«i of th e week from Buhl where they had been th a guests o f Mr (lo ffii a u n t. Mra, F ann ie llaw'klun and family,

I ''i >i k <‘I h l l o r r o w e r

■I’OMAWANDA, N, Y, fVI,B) - Jo h n B Wrtili In n p im led m a n tliena da^/, 'H r icii'ived a le tte r post- murKed Toiinwiiinia. W h e n he

X-nril U. a «i«avt«T (ell o u t. I« - " '• • 's a nolfl w hieli r e a d : "Kn*

c liwrd, p lraiy tlild 3ft r a n ts Whlull I have owed you a long tim e .'’ Tl»e n o te wflft iin,,iHilrd and W r h li listii'L nnv liira who se n t the money.


T lie blRce.'.t le s t o f th e P resident , p rogram is s till ahead , of course, in th e neu tra lity bill. H ere S ena tor C lark Is one of th e m o st active m en In opposition to th e P re sid e n t's p ro ­posal.

F o r the rc.st, tlie P re sid e n t ha; go t from congress m o st o f w hat h* asked for, Except for WPA, his s p p r o p r l a 11 o n bills have gone ;hrnugh practically uncu t, Hi-s ap ' poln tm cnls to th e suprem e cour have been confirm ed. I lls .social se, n ir lty p rosram has suffered lltlU change, ’ His new hotMiiR pronram w en t th rough , h is fa rm program emerged about as h e w anted It, and h e finally go t h is famoiui reorwanl ra tio n p k n th ro tigh In a som ew hat modified form.

rt resu lt o f th e enm ity of the m en he tr ied to purge and didn 't, th e n , h as been le u dam ag ing than w as expected w hen th e nesslon open

FILERMr. and M rs. D ean O . Brown, a n d

daugh ter, B a rb ara , and »on, Bill, w ho have been visiting M ra. Brow n’s ' l is te r , M rs. A lw orth. le ft T uesday for P o rtland . O re., en rou te by tlia c oast highw ay to th e ir Jiom e a t V an A Nuys, C alif. W

M r. and Mrs. L . H . Brow n a n d M r. and M rs. W. C. Brow n are v a ­cation ing In th e SawtooUis.

M rs. Edw in L. a n d daugh*te r Joan ; W ym ore. N eb,, a n d M r. and M rs. D ale B eer and d a u g h te r . ' M arjean . L incoln, Neb., a rc guaatJ , a t th e hom e of M n . Louise Mosely.

T h e R ebekah K ensing ton will m eet F r id a y a fte rn o o n w ith Mrs. Orville Creed. T hose w ho do jlre tran a p o tU tlo n will m e et a t Uw MOd-

-n D rug shop by 3 p. m.T lie W om en's H om e Mis.'ilonary

soclcty wUI en joy a n o -host iunch- oon w ith M rs, S, A, Becm on her law n T hursday .

F iler Boy S cout troop a n d ih e ir S c o u tn v u te r L. C. OUlvlan a rc p lan ­n ing to leave ll i i i r s d a y on th e ir a n n u a l tr ip aAd week’s outing, . i f possible they will go up In to S ho­shone basin If su itab le cam p grounds c an be. found.

M r. and Mrs. K en n e th Pinkston a rc hom e from a tr ip to QcanB*- ville,

K enne th R ead a n d ICdwln Grave.s le ft M onday for S a n Francisco a n d o th e r O alifornla points.

M r. a n d M rs. D ale Beer and fa in ­tly. Lincoln, Neb.; Mr, and Mrs. W ayn* O rm a n d (atnily . L ons A Beach, Calif., and M r. a n d Mrs. Ce- cll R ainey ad fam ily a rc a t the C harles O rm hom e for a family re ­union. Mr. and M rs, C heste r G u th ­rie. O gden, U tah, will a rrive S u n ­day. M rs. Beer, .M rs. R ainey and M rs. G u th rie are dAUghtevs and Mr. O rm la tb e lr aon.

Mra, D ean 0 , Brow n a n d daugh ­te r, MIm B arbara , who have been house suM ts of M rs. F ra n k ie K. A lw orth, were guests of h o no r a t a de ligh tfu l dessert bridge luncheon given M onday by M rs. D. L . Beam er and Mrs. J , B. B re n n an a t tite ' Beam er home. T w elve guests a lte iid - ed and bridge prizes were recclvcd by Miss Lucy A dele D illingham and Mrs. A lw orth. O lfU were presented to th e guc,su of h o no r by the hos-

Mr, and M rs. K en n e th Norqulet and ch ild ren , P asadena . Calif., a ra vwltlng a t th e C, B. G rlese r home.M rs. N orquiat Is th e ir daughter.

J , T , G reenw ood la m aklnu rupld t'eto rery from h is reeciu llliie.sj. H« re lu m e d horn* P r ld a y from th e 'a c ounty hospital,

Mr, and Mrs. t G ordon Sferifeldt. Poculello, a ra guest* a t th e Owen M iller home.

BURLEYMrs, Don M rC lafflln en te rta in ed

Siin.ihUie ch ap te r o l B e tte r Jloines clubs last week w ith live vlhltora present, Mrs, P rank cmJ,^on read an a rticle, and Mrs, C om ith o d r i-iing a solo. Mra. A lv in 'K le in fe ld t gave a comic, reading, a n d Mrs, M cClaf- lln read an article from a n a tu re honk. N^xt m eeting la Ju ly M a t the home of Mrs, P ra n k G lbw n.


a c tr c u p ic tu red

13 W rinkle.14 To m im ic,15 in stru m e n t. 18 T o perp leu .17 O dd clothing.18 V essel o t a

’c e rta in ra te .20'To desert

one ’s parly , 21 K naves.34 Sooner than , 33 Sm ooth, ^ f lU g a l claim . 2ft Voriiclous.32 Viiriety of

sm all,84 M arine fish. 38 H urries.3fl 8,U iO . ao O r* launder, 40T w o-w he«U d

vehicle,41 Subslsla.«2 U g o l,43 T o c u t off.«0 Biblical

p riest.

47 T h rce -to e dslQlh.

48 A m phlb lan i. 40 Pood

container, soiled Cross.61 Custom .BI P e r lu m t,84 C irc le p a r t80 She w a i-----

b y natlonnltty 87 S h e appea red

In the early — picture*.

VEBTICA L 3 Surface

m eaiu re .3 Corrosion on

m e tal.4 Epoch.C S trong

aversion , fl P e rch (ftsh).7 Long poem.8 noya l. bK leeds.

10 Striped ctolh.

12 Elk.IQ She w »a the

— - atuge sU r o f h e r tim e,

IS She w as .considered ! .f

n a tu ra lnctresa,

22 In a n y event.23 FaU ehood.30 O pposed to

stoss.17 N orth

C aro lina.29 A glance.30 To plecc o u t31 To ud lust,33 Hoof rinlaL an To poison,

w oik*.40 Sailors,42 Burdei^ed.44 80 m inutes.48 T ranqu ility .47 T he bow,82 K xclam allutv83 Reum.84 Position

a tta in ed .Sn R hode I i la n «



Page 5: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5


Mmyoiim u . d r y , Ju ly l» (SpecU l)—

W m er T r tc y . aon o l M r. and Mr*. O eorg* T racy u d g radua le this f p r tn c o f-W h itm a n college, W alla W «IU . W tab -. h a s been chosen on« o f t t u o a U t tn d la g stu d en ts of Am- « rica by a n unprejud iced conunlt* te e , a n d h is biography en tered in W ho’s W ho am ong e tudep te in'. Am* drican ^ n lv e n iu e s a n d CoUeges.

T h is book Is published through th e cooperation o f 531 Institu tions

.o f h ig h e r learn ing . Hie biography show s th a t h e w as secreU ry-treas> u re r p f th e stu d e n t body, treasu rer

. o ( h is tr a te m l tv , T&u K appa E psl- Ion, and m a jo ring In m athenlaU cs. H e p la n s to e n te r the field o ! j^ o * to frap h y .

Stake to Hold Meet Of Old Folks Group

BU RLEY . Ju ly IQ CSPK U D -A n* ^ n u a l m eeting of th e OM Folks o f 9 B urley L. D. 8. sU ke will be held

T hu rsday , Aug. 8, a t th e f irs t w ard L. D , a . c hu rch beginning a t 10 s. m ., acc jm llng to H yrum 8 . Lew­is, c h a lm O n ^ T o qualify, a person m u s t be «S years o r older.

D in n e r will be served a t noon by Ihe R elief society, and a free ple> tu re show will be glven a t 2 p . m. by th e B urley th e ate r. B adges,w ill be given to en title people t o ' the •how .

Eveiyono who c sn qualify Is ex‘ pected to a t te n d th e m eeting. A re-

-<iue«t-l8 m ade th a t th e stake preal* dency , b ishops of w ards, a n d m ln - te ters o f churches announce th e •ervloes, u rg ing everyone to a ttend .

Your Hj thBjWT. H. 0.

■ Consaltaat, 1

SNAKi:S nake venolns v a ry to th e s o r t o f

polsouing Uvsy p ioduee. S . g .. th « Wt« of th e co b ra r tsu lU In p«rmlysls o f m a n y ne rv e cen te fs and eepeclal- ly of th e m u sc M concerned. In bE eathlng, w nue th e Ijotaonlng caused by t h e . N orth A m erican sn ak es ( ra ttle r , m occasin a n d cop* p c rh e a d ) - l s characW rtw d by g re a t sw elling a n d local destiue tion of th e flesh a n d destrucU oa of th e red co lu o f the -b lood .

T h e re a re also variatU ms in th e polsooB o f re l* t«d group* <A a erpen ts . 'R iu s ra tt le sn a k e venom - la . m ore p o te n t th a n copperhead poison a n d w orks f a s te r th a n m occasin venom b u t destroys less tissue.

A ralUetnake Mto Is not oden faU l uDless (1) th* n a k e is » large «ne and/or (*) a veto Is ponctnred by bis tang so tha t ihe venon U injected dfreetty into tbh vlcilm’s blood^streaa. T h e reason for th is margin of safety is tha t the blood lUeir can nealrallie a good deal o t the poison.

W hat to J>«1. T ie » to u ro iq u c t above U\e b ite.

B u t do n o t leave It on steadily . S lacken I t every few m inutes to a l­low blood to leave th e pa rt.

3. A pply suc tion to th e b ite re ­peated ly for a t least an ho u r. A n o rd in a ry b re a s t pum p fipm- th e d rug s to re is excellertt fo r this. Sucking w ith th e m o u th Is n o t so effic ien t, b u t ' is n o t dangerous.

3. MakA several crossways c u ts In th e sw ollen tissue a round th e b ite .

___ _ th e m m oist a n d they will d ra inprofusely , tak ing m uch poison ou t o f tb « fleah.

^ ' 0 « t a doctor a n d an tlvaoom u lul^ekly a s possible.

T h ings N ot to Do 1. DO n o t cauterizc th e wound.

T h is wUl only desUoy m ore flesh, a. D o n o t pu t

g a n a t« crystals Into th e wound, ■niey will only cause m ore tis sue to slough away, and they will n o t n e u ­tra l ise ithe venom.

3 . D o n o t UU th e p& lttn t with' w hisky.'. A lcohol will no t n e u tra llie th e p o lso a

A ntirenom A ntivenom b made from th e Wood

o f ho rses Immunized to specitlc typea of snake venom. T here U an eJtcellent antlvenqm for ra ttlesnake, m occasin and copperhead m ade In th e U nited S tates. No one should go In to th e m oiuitalns o r desert In snake-ln fek ted a reas w ithout U.

A ntivenom should be given a t the e a r lie s t possible m om ent, bu t It is n o t useless even-w hen th e p a tien t Is n e a r collapse a day or tu-o a fte r be ing W ttM i.. ChHdren and sm all adu lU need relatively more a n t i­venom th a n large adults bccausc they h av e less blood aral therefore c an neu tra lize less po lw n th e m ­selves.

“m e u sua l dose Is 10>15 cc <34 to 4 teaspoons), repeated tK needed; and if th e sym ptom s a re s lsn n ln g I t Is g iven In to th e vein ra th e r th a n as

1 o rd ln a iy hypodcrmlc.I n sp ite ' o f th e proved vnlue of


PROVIOSNOB. K y , Ju ly 19 Bereavad wives a iid m others stood silen tly a t th e e n trance to th e D uvln coal m ine a s volunteers b rought to th e su rla co th e bodies o l 38 m lnera killed in a d u s t explosion w hich sh a tte red th e m ine in te rio r F rid ay n igh t.

T h e ta sk -w a s » d ifficu lt one. T h e m lne ra w ere trap p e d m ote th a n tu-o m iles from th e m ine sh a f t a n d each body b a d to be carried th ro u g h w ater a n d debris m ore th a n a m ile sn d th e n ta k en th e rem ainder o f th e d is tance on th e sm all e lectric

Two Months’ Sales Reach 4,000 Permits

BURLEY, Ju ly 19 (Special)—M ore th a n 4,000 drivers’ perm lU a n d 300 chau ffeu rs’ licenses have been is­sued du rin g th e , two m o n th s th a t R. H. Lew is has been in charge of lIcensM a t th e county courthouse. Of • th is num ber, 378' were Issued J u n e JO a n d M7 on Ju ly 1.

M r. Lew is com pleted hU w ork he re S a tu rd ay . Ju ly IS. a n d was tran s fe rred to Boise, w here h e wlU receive h is appo in tm en t to a posl- tltw In. th e law enforcem ent d e ­p a rtm en t. <•

antlvw iom , about 160 people s till rile of snake b ite every year in th e

S tates.

(N evt release on In fan ttie p a r^ <

Given Sentence S I O I W E I M S

L ak e W alco tt w as th e only OM of th re e principal reservo lra .serrin* th is section of Idaho to show * g a in in th e am oun t o t w ater t t o n d du rin g th e p ast week, a repo rt by L ynn C randall, Snake river water- m a s te r, show s today.

T h e repo rt was received by th e Tw in P a lis Canal company from C ra n d a ll who headquartera a t I d ^ h o F^lls . Among b the r tilings th e re p o r t a lso shows th a t the F eb . 8. 1893 w a te r r igh ts were cu t o ff d u r ­in g Uw seven-day period and also t h a t a tem pera tu re o f 33 d e g i ^

v ia n e o rd e d a t M o n a c n tb s oJffa t of July 16.

Regarding storage w a tm 'ln rpsr errolrB, the report shows Laka Wal« oott, a t the present time, Is lo f pounding M310 acra fM a«alDS^ »4,9S0 last week. Reading a ( tb s *—•irttan fails' itservotr rtiow*

1,830 acre feet a t the present time against 1.160,500 last week, while Jackson lake Impounds 783.- 9TO acre feet against the former

ling of 8304)10.rallab le IrrlgatUin w atar will be

a d eq u a te for th e season a n d a c a r ­ryover Is expected.

DA V INCI MODELS SnO W N M ILAN, Ita ly OJ.PJ _ Tw f h u n ­

d re d w orking models o f th e ou t­s ta n d in g Inventions of L eonardo d a V lncl, one m an phenom enon of ti)e IS th ccntdry, a rc displayed a t th e L eonardo d a Vlncl exhibition.

Boy acouls of th* Twin i tric t will attend sumffln"< Camp Sawtooth July Aug. 6. It was announced 1 OordoQ Day. axecuthra of t tt river area counefl.

C am p Saw tooth Is d erso n creek n o r th of

D ay also announce* d is tr ic t 8©3uU are B oa te tU r ran g e r . . M inld«*a. “m e cam p d a y a n d will ru n for

M any cottonM any cotton gins now h a v e j a t - • " ta ch m c n ts to dry o u t w et oottOQ-- a n d tu rn ou t a b e tter grade o f t tn k

Sentenced to 30 y eart In p rison o n ch arg w of “a ld ln r rebeUlon’* to 63*year>old Ju lian Bestelro, above, w ho was hnu ) of na(k>nal e « an - c il o f defense. iM t R epobltcaa a n th o rl ty In M adrid before c ity fell to F ranro . G overnm ent proa- e e u to n h a d dem anded d e ath .

An r rd c ie n t and n ttractlve ex* lia(i«t Rilcncer dpslanpd for c u rre n t trp**' of 40, .W and 80 horsepow er cnslneR f: now belnR introduced to th e ftMatlon Inrliistry.

Van Engelens— 3 More Big Days —


DRESSESH e re’s your bip chance to save. Our N E W SUMMER D R ESSES, regular values to $6.98 all redue- ^ A i m m ed fo r quick clearance.... 9 ^ * / /

H O U SE FROCKS — you‘ll like th e ir s ty le s and fine fabrics. B uy A M m several a t this p r ic e ............... ® / C

Values even g re a te r , regularly priced to $12.60. Save on a t the season’s lowest price, on fine q u a lity i 'SUMMER FRO CKS ___'

o c o o u ii B iuwcai>

$4.77BETTER H O U SE FROCKS— In a widevariety of fab rics and ^ 4 * styles. Reg. $1.98 v alu e s9 /

Rayon Satin Dance Sets

..87cNicely tailored .

Rayon SlipaGoldettes included, w h ite and tea r o s e ......... ............ 87c

Girdles and CorsclettcsA big selection from which to choose........... 87c

Gowns and PajamasIn e ith e r rayon or ba tiste , dainty styles,serviconble f a b r ic s .......... ® / V

Slacks and FarmerettesIn ligh t and dark colors. Ail regu­lar $1.98 m 0 rn qunlltlofl ...................


over sty les, all fa s t colors .

Men’s Dress ShirtsFine broadclo ths in w hite or fancy p attern s— ^fused collars, pleatecf sleeves ...

Men’s Broadcloth PajamasIn sizes A B C D in bu tton o r slip-

87cMen’s Polo Shirts

Topkis q u ality in novelty cottonfabrics— colors blue,white, pongee and maize 9 / ^

Men’s Swim TrunksOf satin la s lex —w ith belt sup­porter. Colors wine . 0 < S f ^ and ro y a l .............................

Men’s Work ShirtsRig Yank s h ir ts in blue, J g A * gray and brow n, full cu t ^ 7 ^ ,


All choice fabrics, values to 29c. Voiles, hantlte and « d im itip .i.............................. A / V

SheersIn fine quality , fo rm rr values to

.Inly .liimboroA ................. i t / C

Fine PrintsT h at are fa s t m lora—tlinf acw iNiHily, iind w ear wi‘11.All 80 count. Th(’ yd. 15c

Rayon Taffetas or SatinsRegular 60c values In m ost allwanted nltndcn.Riiy now. T he y d ...............4 / ^

CretonnesA big group from which to choose '—moHt lire m nrkcd Hun 4 and lub fa.st, T ha yd ...... A / V

Better FabricsAll m in in in |^ ihricB from our rogu- Ini' l)8r.will go r»\it III........

■ » ./III «


SHOESWomen’s Assortment

Broknn si tea— at\d colo»-n. (irand vnlufts.Th« p r................................. 4 / C

.Women’s AssortedMoat all slr,«s ropiTHrnlnd, and In values originally ^ mailing mucii h i g h s r ^ ^ * / /

Women’s•oup In i

aHHortmnntn. W anted nlrns and col- nrs.Save now nl $2.77

SHOESChildren’s Shoes

In (ilylcK you'll Uke, Inc()lor« you w ant. The pr... 9 / v

Childreii*H Shoes Htraps and oxfords. W hites and color*.

$1.47•aps I

UniiHiiiil valuc’n ....

Men*H Oxfordsfn a big ran g e i W liltos, brow na, blacks. T he pr. ..

! ix)piilar lanti.


Van E n g elcn

Page 6: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5




lO N D OM , Ju ly 10 « .» —Dtplom iP Me qu a rte rs expressed be lief today th a t O erm any h a d ad op ted new ta c ­tics In 1(2 cam paign for Uie re tu rn of OandB.

T hrea t* ag a in s t P o land In Naal new spapers a n d rep o rts o f m ilita ry p repsra tlona In P o land , have t>cen lucoeeded du rin g th e la s t few days by a flood o f op tim istic rep o rts from Brrltn th a t th e D anzig problem will b r .settled pcaceably by negotiation .

T ills chaniie Inspired belief here th a t O erm any. surp rised by Uie firm stHnd w hich Po land . G re a t B rita in ■lid FVfliice h a d talccn. m ig h t fo r th e p rcsn it p u l aside Its m ore direc t CHmpiiign for D uiizis In (Hvor of move subtle m ethods.

Some (luarters h e re KURge^lcd th a t Berlin reports o f nego tiations were diplom atic " tr ln l balloons" designed to brliid In fonna tlon w h eth er P o ­land would nego tiate w ith Cerniitny on Danzig.

B ritisli, F rench a n d Polish sources denied th a t a n y move h a d been mnde to negotiate. P o land has n o t nppronched O erm any. I t w as said, and O erm any h a s no t approached Poland. F u rth e rm o re , I t was said, ne ither G erm any no r P o land had sought B ritish m ediation a n d B r it­ain h a d n o t o ffered to m ediate.

T he flame sources den ied know ­ledge of a repo rted G erm an p lan to perm it D an lig to rem a in oiilfildc th e rclcli on th e condition th a t Poland accorded ‘ b e llc r '' tre a tm e n t to Ihe G erm an m inority in Po land.

T V IE W rT he Home Econom ic club will

m eet Ju ly 31, a t th e hom e of Mrs. Dick R obinson.

Mr, a n d M rs. L. H, Cargill and fam ily le ft lo r k two w eeks' tr ip to th e ir fo rm er ^lome In A rm strong, la . Effle a n d R aym ond V anleuven a re coring for th e s to re du rin g t^ e lr absence.

A aon w as bo rn F rid ay to M r. and M rs. VlrsU Sm ith ,

Mr. a n d M rs. Jam es Hill re tu rned froni a f lah in s t r ip In th e Saw* too th m ounta lna la s t week.

N elda Bm pey un d e rw en t an pendectom y a t th e c o t ta s e h a p l ta l T hursday .

M r. a n d M rs. Jam es BlUinfsley retu rned la s t week from a v is it w ith relative* a t Id ah o Falls.

Mr. and M rs. A rea A dam s and M rs. G eorge O . Robinson a n d daugh ter. M arie, Lehl, U tah , a n d M r. and M rs. H yrum Edm onds, fienn ion , U tah , a n d M r. a n d Mrs. Ja m es C unningham . Burley, w ho a re v isiting rela tives here , w ere d in ­ne r guests o t M r. a n d M rs. Joahua C unn ingham la s t w ^ .. Jam es B illingsley re tu rn e d T h u rs ­d a y from a tr ip th rough Y ellow itpne n a tio n a l park .

D ora W rigley gava a law n pa rty F rid ay in honor of he r house guest, M elba H ale.

M r. and M n . W Uford W rtgley a n d fam ily retu rned S u nday from a tr ip th ro u g h Yellowstone n a tio n a l park.

Mr. and Mrs. J e s t 8 e a r le and fam ily rc tu n ied la st weok from a tr ip th o u g h Yellowstone na tio n al park .

M r. and M rs. A lbert M oon. T uc- ■on. Aria., called Friday a t th e hom e of M r. and Mrs. L. L. Lowdcr.

.M r. a n d Mrs. J . B . Reed. M rs. I , V. Johnson and Mr. and M rs. Carl Reslngec. R upert, were Siuidiiy vis- Itors of Mr, and M rs. L. L. Lowder.

Twin Falls Driver Fined a t Shoshone

SH O SH O N r. Ju ly 19 (Special) — E m e.« G regor o t T w in F a lls was be­fore Ju stice a . ' E. T odd M onday. clmrKcd w ith In tox lrn ted driving. I t w as asserted by t r a f f ic officers and D eputy S h td f f L m W lm m er. who m ade ttie a rree t. U ia t O rego r was n o t driving so fa s t a s d riv in g loo.<ir, a n d th a t th e h ighw ay w as hardly wide enough n e a r th e Cottonwoods fo r him to m ake It.

He a ad a p a rty w ere re lu m in g from a plonic a t S im V alley. T he cou rt asscMed him *100 a n d costs, a n d suspended h is license. H e le ft Jor Tw in F a lls w ith D eputy W lm m er to rdise th e necessary price.

SPRINGDALEM r. and Mr.s. D<in Black a n d c h il­

d ren , O gdni. viHlted KlUt Mr. and M rs. Axel JoluiMin, pa re n ts of Mrs, Black.

M r. and Mrs. T lm inas G riffin . Ju lia and L r»h O rK llii, OlarkKlon, Ut<»li. vlftlted w llli Mr, a n d Mrs. Ruloii G rlflln an<l Inniilv.

M rs. B. R. KeI.spy pu lp iiu incd In h ono r o f her n lsln . Mr«. iiy n n i iJas-

. im p . apiinW i r \n k , U U h.D eon liiirnt, 7-yeHi-oUl diniKliter

o t M r. und Mih. W «.llpy H urs t, w as openiied on >'i'Uliiy m orn ing In th e cottage for npp rnd lrltla .

K enneU) tjiieaa, Idaho Falls , was a w eek-end guest a t the J . M. L it. •on home.

M r. a n d Mrs. Ja m ^ i Uroneon, Mr. a n d M rs. Torvitl lUiMnunsen a n d O, O. Tnlnm ii ai-coinpnnlrd 4-K club m em bers to Huwell canyon.

Mr. and M n . J . M. M ison, M ary J a n e a n d A lene LIImhi. S pringdale , a n d K enne th a peas, Id ah o Falls, epen t Sunday picnicking a t O uslot- tera.

Mlsa Naomi Bronson and Miss Beverley i,uke wcia Joint h o ite u e a to th e n e e Hive glrU a t th e U ike hoine Friday.

M r. a n d Mrs. Rmll W rntllnl, Hall L ake C ity, w rrn w ppk-nid g u e su a t tlie Axel Johnson home.

M rs. U vrun D iiatrup, Oi>anlth f t r k . U ta h : M rs. b te w ar t M aw u N am pa, a n d Mr. and M n . R onald O reer, S panlsli PY>rk, vlftUrd u t the hom e of M r. and Mrs. ic. It. KeUoy raoently .

Mlsa H iilda Johnson Joined ou i- o t*tow n frlenda Uujiilay w here they eiUoyml pIcnlQ up liowall n tnyon

t r m a Kelsey accom panied le ln- t l v n to S pan ish Fork, U tah , w heie a h i will visit relntlven.

WarnhipHSO U TH AM P'rO N IUII> ^ A nollin

new navjr 1* >>«lng b rough t in to be­ing . T h a governm en t of Kir« has orderwd fro tn Jo h n 1. 'l l io rn y rm ll a n d oom pany, Ltd., Uie tamoiiA ship- b u lld a n , tw o m ot«r>torpedo boats oi ttie la tM t type.

SW OON RBLPB IN T Ilt;i> r:tt iP O K A N B , W atli. (U.Ri - A be'

VltUMrMl m an w ith a g u n forced Mr*. 3 . i r t b u r D avli, «rUa o f a Mrv* I n i M t a i o p a ra M r,' to oook h i i k m k f M l . A M r h e left, th e worn-

tw n i r «auM d h e r to /a in ( a n d


SH O SHO N E, J u ly 10 (Special)— According to a c t io n . t a k e n by tha Blioshone C h a m b e r of Commerce, L incoln c o u n ty w ill go a bead w ith Its p lans fo r a c o u n ty fa ir th is year. It is s la ted a b o u t s ix weeks from tills tim e, d a te s n o t being a n ­nounced. T h e f a i r c om m ittee la to meet w ith th e m e rc h a n U ’ com m it­tee of th e c h a m b e r fo r f in a l e r- m ngem ents.

T he ch am b e r a lso decided to a f ­filiate w ith th e S U t« C ham ber of Conm ierce a n d a c h ec o w en t fo r­ward fo r th a t p u rp o se . f \ ) r some (line th e a ff ilia tio n h a d been re* (lucsted a n d i t w as decided th a t the liie ra tu re a n d c lo se r c o n ta c t would prove desirab le by th e local body.

W arner B ros, w ill broadcast a .series descrip tive o f tiie ijcenery of tliLi p a r t of Id a h o , a n d Shoshone entered In to a c o n tra c t fo r Its p a rt of the p rog ram . I t w ill be b roadcast

a coast s ta tio n , w as th e f i r s t m eeting liclil In

four weeks a n d m a jd r po rtion of the sc.wlon w as c o n fin e d to ro u tin e busi­ness a n d prom otW e e ffo rts for the com m unity.

Ill style, Homen u n i t fur war In England. H er o lg a re lte In Ions holder, a bo«k before her. one of 130 KirU In w om rr.'s aux ilia ry te r ­rito rial service ra m p a t Knrrey re ­laxes d u rh if resp ite from n tU ta tr (raining.


Itiim R am say , 1 7 -yea r-o ld cham pion boy p iper, h a s le f t D undee by plane for B ucharest, w h ere h e wlU teach R um ania boys to p la y th e bagpipes. Ram say was in v ited to R um an ia by Uie R u m an ia n y o u th m ovem ent to teach m em bers th e a r t of playing the pipes.


tree , believed to have been nearly 100 years o ld - o n e o t th e oldest In th is section of th e countrj-—was blow a down by a s to rm . T lie tree, w hich reached a h c iu h t o l 40 feet a n d was n ine fee t a round , never failed to bear fru it.




With a


' •Air Condition

Your Home For as Little a*

30‘I 'K Il DAY

Completely InatHlled

DETWEILER’S••tverytMng To Mak*

U v t n g M o r e P l c a a a n r

Rip Srtortin’ West Will Revive in Oakley’s Fete

OAKLEY. Ju ly IB (S p e o U l)» T h e old west jrtU live a g a in fo r tw o days In the O akley ' ‘w ild ro se lo tm d u p ’' M onday a n d TueK iay, Ju ly M « n d 39. In connection w ith th e l i t h an n u al Pioneer hom ecom ing c tleb ra tto n .

The twft-day ev en t will o ffe r rodeo thrills de luxe In add itio n to o the r a ttrac tions Including P a d d y N olan, "king of th e daredev ils," a n d hks troupe o f “heU drivers."

U ntam ed StaO leo Center of a ll eyes a t ib e rodeo

will be "HeU H lU er,- k in g o f wild sUUlons. c ap tu red especially fo r this event—a n d never r id d en before. A m agnificent black an im al, "HeU H it­ler" Is so wild th a t h a c a a t s ta n d anyone approach ing h im . A t p rese n t he 's In a corral w aiting fo r th e cele­bration.

O klahom a Curly, n in e tim es c h a m ­pion a ll-around A m erican cowboy, will be a re n a d irec to r fo r th e rodeo. R egulation even ts^ w ilt be supp le ­m ented by a m a te u r b ran c riding, bareback rid ing , -wild cow m ilking, potato race, colt rop ing , re lay race and liorse-pu lllng m a tch .

N olan, d irec tor o f th e driving s tu n t program , w as fo rm erly w orld lightw eight boxing cham pion .

T he p ioneer p rog ram p hase o f the celebration will be d irec ted by C h a r­les S. C lark, presldTOt of Csssia stake. L. D . 8.

D sdoe E a«h N igh t C hildren 's races, baseba ll games,

band cotK erta. f irew orks a n d a p io­neer dance a t 9 p. m . each n igh t, w ith G len O rltchfle ld ’ sw lng»band providing melodies, a i« o th e r a ttrn c - tlons on th e big tw o-day schedule.

E n te rta in m e n t on eacli day s ta rU in th e m orn ing a n d runs s tra ig h t th rough u n til a fte r m idnight.

Rounding o u t th e fun will be a carn ival, w ith e igh t rides, th ree side* shows. T h is attracU cn opens Satur* day. Ju ly sa.

T h e Oakley high school band wlU play b o th on Ju ly 34 and 25.

T h e Pioneer celebration U spon ­sored by Cassia stake; the ro u n d ­up by C larence “D ad" Elqulst.

Weed Control Work Ceases for Jerome

•JEROME. Ju ly 18 Special)—!.. P; O ldham , supervisor o f weed control, la id S a turday a ll work in control of noxious w e d s has ceased a n d will n o t be resum ed un til notlcc.

H e sa id about $50,000 was sp e n t fo r e rad ica tion of weeds la s t year, a n d th a t th e re Is a su fficien t crew and chem icals to reU ln th e p ro jec t h e r e . . ^ explained th a t 300 acres o t land a re under cu ltiva tion a n d IX work U no t s ta r ted again w ith - In a s ljo rt period, work a lready done will be wasted.

Seeks DivorceSHOSHONE, Ju ly 10 (SjK clal)—

M aude Hopkins desires a divorce from Ray V, H opkins, according to a com plain t filed in d is t r ic t. eou rt M onday. She charges desertion since O ctober. 10J7. They were m a rrie d a t Colby, K an., Dec. 8. 1915. She asks fo r th e decree and co.its o f su it. Pnul Haddock Is attorney for p la in s tiff.

S A U D C O N eR U PER T, Ju ly 10 (S pecU D -U to -

d e r th e d irec tion o f M n . Ployd B r i t t a sacred ooneert w as presen t­e d In th e local C h r is t ia n c h u rc h S un­day.

T he following p ro g ra m w as given by m em bers o f th e cho irs o f th e M ethod ist t o d ' C h r is t ian c h u t e s , assU ted by F loyd H edrick , he ad of th e m usle d e p ar tm e n t o f th e K etcb - trai schools a n d by M rs W ayne New­comb. Burley, a n d M rs. C lyde R a n ­dolph :

O rgan prelude, M r. H edrick ; vo­cal num ber “A M igh ty P o r tre ss is O u r O od," th e oholr; o rgan solo, M rs. B r itt ; vocaJ n u m b e r, “O L ord M ost M ereifuV by a double tr io com ­posed of M rs. P re d Schuepbach , M rs, W ayne Newcomb, M rs. Clyde B enton , Miss R u th L ing , M iss R u th A nne H u n te r a n d M iss Agnea Brockle; song. T a l r e s t L ord Jesus,” th e o t ^ ; m ale < iuartet. *1 W an t to B e A ea d y ," o ly d a B en ton , Lynn V. C a rw n te r A. E . Jo h n so n a n d EU' gene Sram p.

Vocal dUet, ‘'W hispering Hope," M iss R u th A nne H u n te r ' a n d L ynn V. C arpen te r: song. "T he Spacious F irm am en t on H lf r ," th e choir;



N ext to P . 0 . Phone M

organ and plane duet, .‘‘Awaken­ing,’' Mrs. B ritt and Mr. Hedrick; vocal sold. “The Lost Oboid.'’ . U ia Bette Lee Prencb; reading, ^ n c l e Israel’s CaU.” Mi*. Clyds Randolph; organ toio. U r. aedriek; Toeal aelo. -A Perfect Day" Mrs. Wayoe Mew- »mb; song, T ra y e r ef ‘D ianki-

glvtng,” the cbelr: benedkttco, Eu­gene Stomp: organ poethide, U r. Hedrick.

All Tocal number* were directed tiy Mrs. B ritt,and accompanied co the organ by U r. Hedrick.

H agerm au Legion Elects K ennicott

HAOERMAN. M j U T he A m erican L egion he ld lU a n - n iia l election la s t week In th e Legion hall.

’The officers a re as follows: P h ilip K ennico tt, Jim lor com m ander; Jo h n Ayers, vlce*com m ander; C harles S a c k h a r t , a d ju ta n t ; E rn est Bil­liard, c h ap la in ; W illiam H endrick­son. se rg e an t-a t-a rm s .

T hey a lso m ade a tew p la n s fo r a L abor day celebra tion .




259 Main Ave. E.

V incent a t Helm .O f FUer Legion

n u m . Ju ly » ( B p e d a l ) - PUer poet Mo. 47. A m erican Legion, m e t a t th e O ran g e hall, U o n d a j a n d e lec ted officers. ' \

X dgar D . V incen t w as electedA cw nm an de r ; T o m T im bers , v te e r / com m ander; Clyde K. W elch, ad)U‘ t a n t ; R . K . DUUnghara.' chap la in ; V ernon Boyd, se rg a an t-a t-arm s; H arvey Sh irk , h is to rian .

■dgar. D . V incen t. C lyde * . W elch a n d M rs. T . D a n C onnor a re dele- '

to th e sU te LegloD convention to be he ld a t T w in PW ls A ug. 14-18- 18-17. . •

H a n s w ere m ade to s ta r t brick w ork on th e new U g lo n building to be constructed th is com ing week.



Rockinff C hair Ballroom Kim berly

TONIGHTD ancing 9 to 12:30

25c Couple *tll 9:16 50c Couple a f te r 9:16

Ray Jennings — The B iggest L ittle Man


a W D M A i r S



T h i s n e w

J u l i a L e e W r i g h f s

B r e a d ^ ^ e a ts b e t t e r ’^ !By J u lia U * W riflht

H e a d o f o H t o f t h t u m ld 's U r g t i t H o m i E c o n o m U t S m tm m

I f I d id n ’t k n o w the facts behind this new lo if , I'd

b e amazed a t the w a y it has "caugh t o n ” here.

W o m a n after w om an tells m e her fam ily m uch

prefers i t to usual store loaves. T h e y say it’s extraor­

din arily tender, full-flavored— it makes f intr toast.

W o m e n them selves helped us g e t these qualities,

in this n e w loaf. M onths o f hom e testing m ade p o s­

sible a woman’s idea o f g o o d bread.

N a tu ra lly , in b akin g th is "w om an's recipe” lo a f

w e use o n ly ingredients o f the

q uality y o u require fo r yo u r ow n

p an try-sh elve s. ( A n d I b e lie ve

each lo a f costs us a g o o d deal

m ore th a n co m m ercia l bakers

ord in arily spend.)

W e ’v e a lso taken another step

yo u 'll lik e . O n each lo a f o f Julia

Lee W r ig h t 's Bread is a Freshness Date Band. Y o u k n o w at a glance

just w h e n o u r "w o m an ’s recipe"

bread is a t its peak o f freshness.

Scart to d a y to enjoy It, w o n 't you.^

GUARANTEEIf y o u d o n o t a g r M th« n o w

Julia Loo W r lg h l 't B ro a d f a t f t

b o t to f than tho broad y o u h o v o

boon gofting — all y o u r m o n o y

will bo rofundod

Page 7: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

Mrcdnwd>7,jriilyl«,198» IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FA J*S, IDAHO


B O IS S . i u l r . 19 (S p e d tl) — Ah Id a h o p o ta to c ro p o r 37.600.000 bu sh e ls w as {orecuC o n Ju ly i . a c ro p o f t h i s t l i e w ould be th e th ird

• la rgeB t p roduced , being exceeded on ly t y U i« vaA \ m c iops, s o d w ou ld be tb o u t 18 p e r cen t la r s e r t h a n th e average of th e 10 y e a rs 1938-1937, according to the U 8D A A grlcu ttu ra l s ta tistician , B ic h a rd R « s .

T h e ac rea g e , estim a ted a t 138,000 a c res , to t h e la rg est ever p lan ted tn Id ah o , b u t p ro sp ecu on July 1 ln>

.d ic a te d y ie ld s per acre would

L a u g h to n P ro te g e L o o k s L ik e 3 5(j()(J| |||()()p5 M o st P ro m is in g o f P ro s p e c tsBy P A in . H A SlU M N t •

(NBA S e n te e )H O L L Y W O O D -W hw i » « i r c o r-

f irs t saw M aureenNew Star

th e 10 -yea r average . Tl)ln and sp o tted s ta n d s were reported In n e a r ly a ll th e Im p o rtan t c o n u n trt la l p roducing sections, especially In the Is te c ro p areas.

C o m m en ts by s ta te s a s of Ju ly 1;New E ngland FkTorsble

New E ng lan d : I n m ost p a r ts of New E n g la n d w eaU ier conditions d u r in g M a y and. Ju n e were quite favo rab le to th e p o ta to crop. I t Is n o t b e lieved t h a t th e dry w eather d u r in g M ay w u o f su fficien t dura* tlo n to c au se serious dam age to the c rop in so u th e rn New E ngland.. I n A roostook c oun ty ra in fa ll has been q u it* lig h t b u t en tirely suIIU d e n t fo r th e best type of grow th. N early a l l grow ers com pleted p la n t-

■ ing p r io r to Ju n e 1, a n unusually early d a te W th is a re a . L igh t ra in fa ll a n d low tem p era tu re s held back g ro w th w ith o u t In ju rin g the c rop tn any w ay . A pp lications of fertilizer do n o t a p p e a r to h av e been changed m a te r ia lly . O n Ju n e 30 th e po ta to c rop In A roostook was in excellent cond ition , m ak ing rap id grdwUi im d e r fav o rab le conditions. O n Ju ly

' 1 a n d 3 h eavy show ers occurred in Arooetoolc w h ich , accord ing to press rep o rts , m a y have dam aged th e po­ta to c ro p to some e x ten t by w ash­in g out-

N . Y. S U o d i GoodNew Y o rk : G enera lly Uiere have

been good s ta n d s w ith a good g ro w th o f h e a lth y plivnts in the e a r ly se c tio n s on .L ong Is la n d and in th e m u c k a re a s upsta te . More

• m ois tu re Ju s t now would increase y ie ld s . Immeimeiy becausc these early p o ta to es a re f a s t approaching m a tu r ity a n d oould increase in size to a g r e a t e x te n t In a very sh o rt period o f Ume. L ack of available m oU tu re d u r in g th e n e x t few weeks will m e a n on ly m odera te yields.

M any of th e la te po ta toes were p la n te d la te on accoun t of th e un> favo rab le soli conditions and th e ^ a re s till very sm a ll b u t tlie m ost o f th e m look h e a lth y a n d should reagxmd rap id ly to Increased m ois­tu re , C olo rado po ta to beetles and flea be e tle s have been unusually a b u n d a n t, req u ir in g vigorous m eas­u res te> c o m b a t them .

F e o n a y lv an la F a irP e n n sy lv a n ia ; Condition o f . . . .

p o ta to c ro p is fa ir ,-S o w e-se ctlo iis . r e p o r t exce llen t prospects, w ith good s ta n d a n d norm al, grow th, b u t m a n y to c s llt le s In Im portan t pro< duclng d ls tr lc la com plain th a t, on a cc o u n t c i lack o f m oisture, early c ro p t h a v e su tferect ^ te n s lv e ly a n d s ta n d a o r la te . a n spo tted . In

. som e cases, poor seed a lso contrlb* I u te d to th e la t te r candlU on. Som e

field s a re bad ly In fested w ith bugs. G row ers genera lly feel t l i a t th e s i t ­u a tio n . a s a w hole, cou ld be Im­proved by good rains .

W iscons in : T lie W lscontln po ta to cro p looks very well so far a s It h a s been observed. S tan d s seem 1 be q u ite good a n ti th e re a lso ap ­pear* to be a h e a lth y vine grow th. S p r in g r a in s and la te planU ng of m a n y c ro p s h a s m ade for consld- ernb le w eed grow th.

M ln iieM ta W ell OffM in n e so ta : T h is n a s been ra th e r

a favo rab le season fo r potatoes. T hey w ere n o t p la n ted too early,

a ru le , so th a t iu m ost a reas they g o t a f a ir s ta r t a n d slnnrt. Cer- uun ly rtiiring iho piwt m onth w ea th e r cond itions huve been fa< vorab le . O enera lly ^UuKl la believed 10 be good. \>ulcM in p a rts of d is ­tr ic t 1 (n o rth w e s t) , a n d pronpvuts on Ju ly 1 c an n o t be term ed poor.

N ortli D uk o ta ; Alllioiigh Uie early fields w ere plun ied In dry soli, ('all.^ed by A pril a n d Mtiy drou tli, the a b u n d a n t ra in s during the nun itli of J iin e liuve placed the crop 111 very good conrtltlon. While p io s-

■ p rrt.i on J u ly 1 were very fiivornble, llie crop c u n bo niiverrly diimugcd by a Ju ly a n d AiiKu.it dry ni>cll.

Hlnndn a n ; u tilfonnly kihkI, iinil ei»rly p liiiilrd fIrU b nhow fiottin very viK«rtuu p lan t* , tk im c JJeWaliiive rea ch e d Hid

O 'H ara , she w as p u ttin g c n a p a ir o f slacks. I h a d ba rged In to R K O ’i Uttle tjie a te r . a n d th e re w as M r. C harles L au g h to n 's g lam or protege, alooe b u t fo r w hateve r leprechaun* m ig h t h av e been lu rk in g a ro ilnd protecU vely. g e ttin g In to aome new blue p a n ta . ^

B u t H ollyw ood I t a rem arkab le p lace: nobody w i i em barraased. MISS C H arm also b a d on a volu* m lnous gypsy coetum e w hich waa serv ing a s a p o tU b ls d te ss io c tooco. A v e te ran tro u p er , sh e h a s d ressed a ll over In q u a rte rs scarce ly la rge r, a n d sh e c a n ’t ge t used to how spacious every th in g is o u t here .

T h is la t » e g irl U » t L au g h to n b rough t over fo r th e ro le o f Ks- m era ld a in “T h e 'H unchback of N otre D am e.” She p layed opposite h im in “Ja m a ic a In n ."

W hen M iss O 'H ara h a d g o t In to th e slacks , a n d o u t o f th e gypsy sU r t ( in w h ich she h a d been r e ­h e a rs in g som e dancc«) v e w en t o u t In to th e su n lig h t and I found th a t h e r h a i r v a rie s from deep aubu rn to redd ish go ld a n d th a t h e r com ­plexion is p e ac hes-and -cream g a r­nished w ith freckles. N o m ake-up a t a ll. N o c a rm in e claws, e ither.

F rom T h ea tr ica l Fam ilyD nllke H ollywood w omen in an*

o th e r way, she d id n 't have he r b iography — to g e th e r w ith likes, ttversions a n d a se t o f stock op inions —on th e t ip of h e r tongue. In a voice llghU y U nted w ith brogue, rtie w an ted to ta lk abou t every th ing exccpt M aureen O 'H ara . By th e tim e we ‘ s r r e ha lfw ay th rough lunch, 1 le arn ed th a t she Is 18 a n d ha.^ been ac ting ever since she could w alk. S h e 's th e second of six ch ild ren a n d th e whole fam ily a p ­peared in a m a te u r ploys in Dublin. T lie fam ily nam e, incidentally , is n t i - S lm o n s . L aughton a n d h is p a rtn e r . H a rry Palm er, persuaded h e r t h a t O ’H a ra w ould be better.

G oing to school In Dublin, she sp e n t h e r evenings In p lays and rad io sk its u n til she 13, and by th a t tim e sh e h a d developed h e r dancing so t h a t she began i^ p e a r- Ing In ballet. S till no th o u g h t of p ic tures. B u t a t 16 M iss O 'H ara was su re sh e w an ted to be a n actress, a n d she . Joined th e fam ed Abbey Playe rs . T h ere was a ' year of th a t, w ith loom ing prom inence, a n d then every th ing w as changed by—o f a ll people—th e lisp ing w arb ler. H arry R lchm an.

I t seem s th a t they were in tro ­duced a t a ^ t y In D ublin one nigh t, a n d w hen h e re lu m ed to London h e recom m ended h e r to som e B rltW \ m ovie producer. S he do e sn 't even know w hich producer, excep t th a t a screen tee t was o f­fered h e r a n d It w as seen by several d if fe ren t flickerm aker* w ho offered pa rts .

She le ft th e Abbey th e ate r, played

. r HEYBURNHoy Hiroiitji from llpyburn. Piiul

• 11(1 E'liu-rnon lr ( l Huliinluy fur Ijiko ]ntlni)end(n>oo lo r u w eeks outing,

M r. tind M in. I', K. Ciooruc Biwiit a w w k In OK<l«'n, U luh, ivcctiily ninl brotiKlit lioiiin ll i r i r rKin. Clyilu, who han br«i) vlfilting hl» Kriui(l]iiii'onta, M r. a n d M rs. J , K, O rorgo.

Mrn. l,p«n Tiiylor, Mr«, M nrgrot P u ik o r itiid Mr*. Jm m W r»t. Uui>rrl, v in lird U inlr iiiollipr, Mrs. jH nnettR WiiI/ili M onday.

M l, iinti M m , ilnw in tl ■I'liiljllii iiixl o lil ld m i itn d Mm, .tnlui M utU en

vlflltod Suixlny a i (ho hom e • r Mr, niHl Mm, ,I. M, W liltliig,

• MlNA l-ltupu rn MeUmiHhry. Mn- «<iml>, III., a m i Ml;<’i I'liinile M o OaiiKliny, ClilciiKu, 111., urrlvpil Uiin- rt»y for A vla lt » lih UiPlr/ilflUr, M rs D allas E, H in llh , a n d family.

M r. a n d Mrn, A)»prl ClugBtone ■ lid fqn illy , IndiiKtry, lli:, vh lted UitUirilay w ith Mr. a n d Mm, Uullas en illli .

Mr, m id Mr». o i ic i HmiUi. Ixi* Atig«'lpn, Oallf-, were vIaUIi i frloiids hero la st week,

Mi/i. I le rm lo n Hiiyiler |« rt la st wprk Jnr ArlHin, Oallf., where al\e will Yl.^a a t th n liiNiie o t her iW er, Urn. r . n m m aillii.

M rs Uiihy 0(innm- and Mm, F lor- «iii'<i H ilininini rntiiniPd Hundny from Moik ow, whci-fl Uioy w ent w ith M rs. r m n k anrt l i t t l eW inn.

Mr, a n d Mm. Alton McUombs have gniifl t« i’ocatello, where Uiey Will m a k e tlie ir home.

# D etween th n y rara 10S4 and IDJB U itre w ore flWl fa ta l ac>cldciiu under UiA "non-nrliP d iilrd Ilvliig" h rnd in U it UnllP«l flIiilP",


a _ J e w m in o r—roles - a r o u n d th e -to n .” ’

N ew est a ta r on the Hoilywood h w is e n , M a arte n O’l ls r s , if an Im p o rt w ith th e backing of C harles L au g h to n fo r "T he H unchback «f N o ire D am e,” She won a po rt fo r w h ich G inger Roger* h a d tested, b u t ahe ’i hom tslck for Dublin and t h i Abbey Players .

L ondon stud ios, th e n w as seen, by L au g h to n a n d chosen lo r "Jam aica In n .” W hen L aughton was d icker­in g w ith R K O for the "H unchback" asfiignm ent, he showed "Jnm alca I n n ” to P a n d ro Bermatv, th e p ro ­du c tio n h ead , a n d rccom m endcd Mias O 'H ara as Ssm eraldn. I t wm a p a r t lo r w hich G inger Roficr.s h a d te sted . Tlie Irish actrcs.s- d a n ce r go t th e Job.

T oo M uch Make-Up S h e th in k s Hollyv,'ood glrLs are

p re tty —"excep t U ia t they w ear too m u c h p a in t and powder. T hey w ear even more thon women In L ondon, a n d U iat’s a g rea t deal,"

TalkietowTi Itself U nil right, hlie guesses. B u t ML« O 'H ara doesn 't know m u c h about It bccausc she h a s be en going to bed os early as possib le every n igh t to dream abou t I re la n d . S he 's terribly home.siclc. “A nd I don’t believe It will wei o ff e ith e r ," ^ e saW. ”I w a n t to g e t ba ck ju s t a.s soon ns I f in ish th is p ic tu re . I .dimply have to be in D ub lin fo r ChrUtmos. I know I c an . though , because by w in te r m b e in London playing w ith M r. L au g h to n in -The Admirable C rlch -

BACK IN JEROMEJE R O U S . W 10 (Specia l)—

te r a n en joyable ou ting la s t week, to B au m g artn e r cam p, on th e so u th fo rk of th e Boise r iv e r 33 Boy Bcouta Irom tiOTpa 38. 39 a n d 40 re tu rn e d to Jerom e,

p a rtic ip a tin g in th e w holesome a n d educa tional ac tiv itie s a rran g e d fo r them , a lm ost 160 S couU from Jerom e, B Q u , G ooding, flhoshone a n d Fa irfie ld a tten d e d .

Boys h a d access to tw o la rg e h o t a n d cold sw im m ing pools a n d re ­ceived tw o h o u rs’ In stru ctio n each day, u n d e r d irec tion of F ra n k Johns, Jerom e, In s tru c to r a t th e s ta te deaf a n d b lind school a t o o o d ln g . Leroy Bails, Jerom e, w as a ssis ta n t.

Dally c lass periods o f one a n d a h a lf h o u rs In le a rn in g signalling, h a n d icrafts , track ing , n a tu re study a n d f irs t a id w ere p a r t o f ttie a c ­tivities. O ne hou r r e s t periods dally were p a r t o f th e schedule .

H lghU ght of - th e ou tdoo r sports were r a f t races, e n te re d Into eom> petltlve ly by various troops.

For th e benefit o f p a re n ts p resen t on v isito rs’ day , a w a te r fro n t ex­hib ition w as given in w hich v a ri­o us types of sw im m ing a n ti r ts c u - tng were dem onstra ted .

Form ing leagues, th e troops p a r­tic ipa ted in baseball gam es and du rin g evenings a ro u n d cam pfires, p u t on ex tem poraneous e n te r ta in - m en l. 80y d F reem an , Je ro m e, cap - tu rcd f irs t p rise on one even ing for Ills Im prom ptu im personation of a SouUi sea Island h u la -h u la girl. Sec ­ond prize w as w on by Ja ck B ishop itnd W alter B urd ick for th e ir ver­sion of a bride knd groom .

O lders bo>'s of th e troojK w en t on ■seveial long ov e ro lg h t hikes. O ne Ja u n t took them In to th e iiead of th e sou th fo rk of th e Boise river. A nother was taken to I ro n m o u n ­ta in , Scouts and S c o u tm a ste rs say ih a t they saw signs o l m any h e rd s of deer In th e prim itive a rea .

S cou tm aste r H oary G iles ond C arl D orm an, a ssis ta n t, accom panied th e boys on longer h ikes. N um erous sho rt h ikes were ta k en by younger Scouts. T o Ned M abb ltt, Shoshoiic, w en t laure ls for h is p rep a ra tio n of m eals du ring th e week.

JEROMEM r. a n d M rs, L, W . Sanberg and

ch ild ren re tu rn e d S a tu rd ay a fte r a tr ip to S ea ttle . T hey visited M r, a n d M rs, C harles Sanberg, pa ren ts of L. w . Sanberg., M r. a n d M rs. A rthu r L, p a r t ­ridge a n d .small son , A rthu r, Jr„ S a l t Luke C ity , re tu rned to tlie lr hom e thl.s week a f te r being guesU of M r. a n d M rs. Pa rley Thom pson, p a re n ls o f M rs, Pa rtr idge.

M rs, D w igh t Tliom pson h as re­tu rn ed a f te r a tr ip to F ra n - CI.IC0, wlMTu alie a tlende tl tJie WorUl’.H Iiiir. Mih. Thom p.ion was nccom iw nled by M r. and M rs. J, M . Diggs, Burley, a n d th e ir two ch ild ren , L oralne a n d N orm a, and Dal.sy D ene T ltom as, T w in Falla, ’The p a rty re tu rn e d via Po rtland nn<l the C olum bia river highw ay.

Mr.'i. Jo h n Couts le ft tla lu rday for Mr<1for<l. O re., called by c rit i­cal IIIiiPM of h e r fa th e r, Roy a u r l - Ins. who suffe red a stroke recently .

M. I. A of Uie Je rom e L. D. S. c liiirch will m e et a t 7:30 p. m . Aug. 0 n t th e chiin^h and will leave l>y cu r Joy Uttnl>vny'» na la lo rlum .

Mrs. A. E. Tljompwon en tp rta lned w ith A su rp rise pa rty In honor of th e birtlidny of h e r husband la st wi'Ck, a t tlii-ir hoinr.

A t a law n p a rty lanl week a t Uie iioiiie of M rs. Alma M iller, Mrs. UeoiKO B row ning a n d Mrs. Vallejo IfolllbniiKh wcru honored Ki '.-'ts

T , A. WllkCN, Je rom e, was «rre*t- ed Innt work by a aUtte policem an on chiiriips o f falling to observe a ,s to p nlHii, WllkPB apjipurod Ijpfiire p ro - biit« JuilKP lle lw r N. ro lk in iu i and wu« ( l iw l *a,

Bridge b rea k fa s t was given last week u t the F ra n k n io m a s rn il- deiH'p, were Mrs. NellieI lare lay a ixl M rs, Vallle O recn, 1‘rlteii w ere ilv e n Mrs. W aller W hite, Mr,i. Gooi'He a illcup lo and Mrs, Eii- Benn W liltiiian.

Nell W. O w nis, Jerom e, and Miss R diia J , Wlllhtmn, Gooding, ob ta in ­ed a m arrlago llc rtiw In M rs. O lisr- lotlfl iloborhon'n office tills week.

'IVu wotiicn of Je rom e Country d u ll i)luye<l l>et-B-mllllon a n d en- loyi-d b rn ik lu n t nu tlxe ItK'.ol ow m e i'rUltiy. I.OW B<oifr« w ere-M m . W. K. JrlllsMn a n d M rs. H. 1,. Rllln. Hos- tesaea w ere M rs. Jelllaon a n d M ri. Hoy Hniltli.

Mm. J w Sh irley en lerla tiied a t bridHe lo st week. I 'r ir rs were aw aiil- P(1 Mm. 1C. M. O htirchnian, Mix. Illanolie Hawbe«:ker and Mrs, p , H. Beveridge,

M r, a n d M rs, fUilrley retu rned ro ren tly fn m i a <rlp lo B utte, Mont.

C. 1C. M orse. H, H, H enry and Adol))h C onrnd, Fede ra l l.ait<l bank offiolalfl, • ', U(K)kai)e, visited th e J e r-


Ohlef of Motor Olli 100% re n n iy lita n ia


R u p e rt Residents H om e from CampR U P E R T . Ju ly 18 (Bpeclal) —

Rev. A lbe rt p a rre t t , pa.itor of th e local M ethodist chu rch ; Mrs, A rtliu r T . sm i th , M rs. George M oser a n d M rs. E dy th M organ retu rned M on­day from th e M ethodist sum m er cam p n e a r K etchum where tlicy h a d Rpent a week,

Also a tten d in g were Ml.ss O ra E llen A ndrew . D ale Andrew, E lm er Attic,-n-e. M iss K ath ry n Uliiyney, E ugene Borg. G lenn K lllolt, Mlss M aiirh ie PIsk, Mlius Irrn e O oodc, M iss e is le Holy, M l.u M argare t M oser, Miss P ea rl R ush . Miss D or­o th y Say lor. D avid Sm lti), LeRoy T re n h f tlk . M iss HlUlu WHl^er^iwon, Mlmt Miie Tocvf.i, MI.sh Bhlrley T u rn e r . MIks Adele S c h o m n a n , M bs Ilu U ntil I'Vnloii. Mlwi I'Tnures H iirilln , K ranklln S u h r, MI.sh G u rn e t Jacknon . Ml.is G ra re W atson. E rnest M o ig a n . R obert H ard in a n d Miss O all AJidrrw.

All t ^ k a w rrk of hilciinlve t r a in in g in rellBlou.’i rdu ra tlo ii a n d prlncl|)lp-'> of Ohrlntliiii living a n d rec ren tln ii a t tl)R cam p w ith o lh e r young people irom M elhm ilst chu rchcn of Idaho,

B aptist Executive Speaker at Camp

nm e olflc-e roeenllv and viewed fan iih on (h r (Ir.^l m id m'i oiiiI m'K- r rtia llo n . 'I l i ry ni<-t 1.. I’. O ldliiiin, sonn NuiHTVlsor of wer<l «'on(rnl. a n d J a n ie -1 C, K noll, rec rn ta ry - treiisiir<T, JeroiUfl offli'p,

M r. aiKl M rs, .lallle.^ Hliowrm and M r. a iu l Mm. l/>uln T llhnan e n - jo.v<tl II tri]) lo Yellownlone pa rk , • lid nilllhKn, Mont., w here they w ere kupsU of Mrn, I,. W, H lark, A f o n n rr Jr io in e resident, lii^t week.

Mm, M I’ . Kcuwovthy, U iiuscn, niKl h e r *ot». M ax Keiiwiirtliy, Chile, ti, A . Mrn. K enw orthy 's d a u g h te r a n d liiuihiind, Mr. and Mm. I‘lert:e, H am ilton . M ont., were guests la s t w<iek a t th e hom e n l JiiNllce and M rs. E. n . Hountnn,

M rs. J, iriiae 'I'ayliir, (Ju rlaiid , U tnli, an ti Mr. ajid Mm, H lierm ail tlhrlnlPlifioii, PrOvo. DInh, huve l>een vlsltliUi Mr. a n d Mrs. W illard Wood,

Ju ly >19 (S p ecia l)—A g roup of people from Uie B a p tis t chu rch m otored to th e B apU st a s ­sem bly g rounds above K etchum last w eek to h e a r D r. W , H . Bow ler, New Y ork, and to a tte n d o th e r ses­sions.

D r. Bowler U well know n by m a n y a ou them Id ahoans, hav ing served a* pastor n t Bellevue years ago a n d a t o the r oiit-.stotlons from the re . L a te r Dr. Bow ler becam e executive of Idaho B a p tis t work. T h rough h is efficiency a n d service, h e was chosen executive secre tary of promotloniil work In th e n o r th - e m B a p tis t convention, w hich In­cludes 39 sta les.

A t th e as.seinbly groundR h e spoke o f. his work and o t liLs t r ip a round th e world ln.st year In th e In terest o f B ap tis t nilhslonary w ork. H e gave Illustra tions of th e beliefs a n d p rac ­tices o t vnrlous relig ions h e con ­tac ted and told of ih e Im pac t of C h ristian ity upon these na tions.

Among Jerom e people w ho a t- tended the m eet were M rs. A lta M oore, Mrs, j . B, W ells, Alice Showers, Mrs, U W. I ^ l r d a n d Rev. a n d Mr.r E arl j , K nurin .

* ACEQUIAr/i. M aud T erry a n d aon and

•wile, Mr. and M rs. W a rre n T erry , Denver, Colo., and M rs, Rarhcl 13led,soc, M onte VIslji, Colo., guc.M.i last week o t Mr, and Mi.i, J , 1) IIUKi,

M lsi R uth Slevrn.'ien, O gden. SpemllnK he r vacation w ith he r p a r­e n ts . Him Is In tra in in g as nu rse a t D ee ha ip lta l.

V crl auil D elbert OiiM eiU out wUh th i-lr counnliiB from I>h;1o toured Yrllowntonn pa rk la st week.

F rank Uoyer a rriv e d la s t week from O iiklaml. Calif,, w here he lins been n ttn id ln g a po ly lechnica l col- lege,

Jiime.i Frlhby, E lm on tr, C a l if , tu rn in g from Chicago, npent «evdays lost w'rck as guest o f M r.........M rs. R obert S riieon a n d d a u g h ­ters , U uth and Rul^y.

Mr, and Mrs. Gciio A lbert, S ea lllf , Wu.ih„ left Thurwliiy a f te r vlsltliiK M rs, A, L, M ontgom ery,

1-oren Jolley le ft W ednesday fnr D ell. M ont., w here he h a s a c< t r a r t (o pu t up hay for tw o la farm s. He was accom pniiled l in e by Mm. Jnlley, non, V em , daiiKh- te r . Phyllis, mid granddaiiKh(< E laine, h rin friim P o r tlan d , O re.


I’liHtcurlzcd Milk From

Young's Dairym u * Atrow Oaf*Coffee Cup< ir l | |i i Car* (Al Covey’s) G em t.uneh M A I>1 (Jigar Ntere III Ho l,u n rh J» e 's r iao a fx>g C abin n a rb e eu i Mo<l«l C afe r a r k H a te r Oa(« rtoo tt’a Lviieh ftaw yei'a Barbecue 'T rolinger’e D rug Wray-e C afe

Naw Under-arm Cream Doodorant

u f . l j

Stopi Perspiration

For 23 years, deep-voiced M iner­va Phipps. Pasadena, C a lif , c h au f­feur pe.vrd a t a m an, fooling e v es the woman to whom she waa m a r ­ried. The Identlly of h e -sh e waa discovered w hen "Jam es Phipps" wa« a rrested fo r a m inor tra f f ic violation.


SHOSHONE, July 18 (Specia l)— Boy S to u ts a rc home from th e a n ­nua l cam p a l B aum gartner pa rk the Soutli Boise river.

C ounties represented w ere L in ­coln, G ooding, Camas and Jerom e, w ith e ig h t o r 10 companies inc lud ­ed, an average of 130 boys a day,

•Ith 162 a t th e camp Sunday,Bo>s were cnUiiula.stlc abo u t th e

good tim e they had and h e a lth fu l tai^ a n ti good spiivi* em phasized th f ir coruentedncs.'i. Som e long hikes were ta k en , one con tingen t of 18 JootlnB a for 16 miles. A few w ent on W illow crcek, w here th e y caugh t 40 tro u t of good size w ith in a n hour, .wnie of w hich touched th e .«ale.s a t tw o pounds. !

All look th e rcqul.slte tra in in g . Cooking was done w ith shect-lron covcrs over a cam pfire, w ltli sand b anks betw een and sand su rface to dull th e heat. T h a t a p p e a r ^ a nov­e lty to ,some, fui they figured stoves w ere neccssary lo such a n o«lU\g. a n d forgo t th e native tra in in g nected w ltlr Uie plan.

A few of th e Items Indicated th e cam p consum ed 300 loaves of b rea d In th e week or 10 daya, along w ith five caBes of eggs, five q u a r­te rs o f beef, e igh t ham s, OO pounds of bacon, tro u t and m any o th e r ihhig,i. E \e ry m orning thi-y got e ith er F rencli tuast o r iio t cake.n. S y rup w as m ade In the comp.

Locally th e pa rty waa spoiutored by J . J , Lockle. head of the Scout division; H . F . W llm orth. superln- tc n d en t o f schools; Ed Holm, p rom ­in e n t In Hcout artlvltle.s, and Nrd M abliu tt, v e teran Scoiiter and lnLs.^arlnn for (he ou tfit.


%, Pn i* nni ro< di«»M*>-doai am ltili«i« ikin.

S . H ow ililngindry.Caabau**)! light sfitr ihtving,

I X iI ttdor

ItH »nlililng crnm .• . AitldhM U«n ftwsided ih«

App<ovsI.1mI n fih tA m e rk ia In id iuu of U undedtif. h t U ln j hscmUM 10 Isbilc*.

I I M IL L IO N jM t « l A rtld )>••« to ld , n r a le r today)



Idaho Dept. Store’sANNUAL

BLANKET EVENTA 25% Deposit Will Hold Any




Size 72x90 Colors of orchid, g reen, roec, peach and blue. S a teen bound cdKes.

$ 2 ^ 4 9



Size 72x84 Sutcen bound edges. 25"e wool for w arm th—th e re s t Is fine sel- eclert f o tlo n for long w

$ 2 ^ 8 9



BLANKETS, Size 70x80 _ _

Good looking aasorted p la id p a t- ten \5—Rtltchtd ends. T l« y 'll Twa.sh a n d w ear exccptlonuliy well. 39



Sateen, bound edges. A ssorted plaid patterns. »i«5



ECONOMY BASEMENTCHILUUEN’S W HITE AND SMOKE ELK SANDALS— 2 strapa. Kood conipo wolcw. R egular 98c. Sale . j 2 4 c

M EN’S WORK SUITS— Rcgttlac $1.49. S a te ........... 50c

? M EN’S O’A L L S -S izc 44 w aiat.I Regular 89c ....................................... 50c

MEN’S SPORT OXFORDS— Genuine leulher soles, welt ^ A conHtruction. Sizes not com plete. Reg. S 2.98..............................y

WOMEN'S PERCAI-E HOUSE DRESSES-AH.sortcd p rin ts of faH t color muterlnlH. Sizew 16 to 4H. Reg. 4tlc. Sale p r i c e .......' ........

12 Only BOYS- AND GIRLS’ GAIIDEN SETS—S paJe, Hoe and Rakfr—rustp roof metal. Reg. 98c. Sale p r ic e .......................................

1 5 c

7 2 c8 Only SMALL CHILD REN’S GARDEN SKTS Rake. Rc^. 2Sc. Sale p r ic e ......................................

-Shovel. Hoe and 12cI 9 Only PICNIC BASKET— Steel, fram e Fold-a-Wny— in small? Bpace. Reg. 9Hc. Sale price ............................................ .........................

i (iK N llIN K CHINA CUI’S A N D .SAIICKRS—!' Reg, inc. Sale price Cup and S auryr ...................................................

2 5 c

lOc* SIKJAR BOWL and C R E A M E R - } Reg. 15c cftch. now Sale P rice wet. lOc

Cookie J a rs , Wftffle B ntter Sel«, {Unge Set« and li-l’iecc M ixing Howl Sets, Sugar and C ream er Solh, ('iiko P late nnd Server Setn. R rg. 49c to $1,19.

NOW ON SA1.I-: H A M '-PR IC i: ______

PRISCILLA and C O 'n’A(iE ClIKT’A IN S— Atw«vt«d 22"x78*’. R egular :<9c. Sale ............................................. -.................. 20c— uml Stindwlch or <'ukv PUitc to m utch. rvtiv, !«»• sitU-

* A IITA H LE LA M I'S- on mile .........................

■Reg. 9Hc to S2.9K


Large Croup WOMAN’S and <;IRLS’ SA N D A L S- lilack paten t. Jaiiim lta Inn. Iteg, yi.9H, SaU- prico _22cWOMKN’S NOVKl.TY SANDALS and a few imvy l.hir. Kck.

to >2.49— yoiir rliolcc t*nle prlco .................. .............................

.10 PAHl CH IIJ)H I:N H W H ITE DRESS SANDALS— Reg, $1.19. Sale p r ic e ............................................. ...................

T 12 Only 1,RIMES’ HATS , Navy,

Illy I/AD IES' HA'l'S— (^ hkI Hiylc-H In . Itlack nnd while. Reg. H»c. Sale priro .............. IS c

2 Only SUMMER DltKSS COA'I'S— 1 nize 1 2 .1Rfg. $7,90 and $H.9(>. Siilw price ...................................... »4.47AIEN’S Biid HOYS’ WHITE, HICLTS— (icnuine covvhidc. Reg. 29e and *lflf. .S ale ...................................................... ........ . I J c


One Group LADIKS’ RAYON SILK DRESSICS— PriiiU , checku. Uemborgs, (*r«pen. iipun rayonn. Mml all colorn .Slr,e 12 tix r>2. ^ « A A Regular |j.9B^$2,»S-y:i,il8, On huIo .............. ......................... ...... y A • W

WOMEN’S AND (HRLS ’DEH S—CANVAS S T R A PS 'and OXFORDS — W hite, hlue, wine, novvlly priiitn .Regular 98c lo f L 4 9 ................................................................................... /

NKWI IN T im KCONOMY HASEMENT JuHt Arrived—Now Ansortaicnl of L.adlca’ Sheer

UresseijC o o l itu v y liluQ « n d IIr K I lm c k R r o u n d « , A iw u r t tdw h e n y o u w a n t t h e m . S l* e ii 1 4 t o 5 2 ................................................................

> I M l nn i i i m i i n i i m n inK IWII i i i i i Wiiia iiW ^ii^aiM W M M M M BM M M

Page 8: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

^ 3"G Eijrht IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FAX.L3, IDAHO Wedaesday, July 1 9 ,1W9

Women From 19 Communities Assist in Easley Camp Plans

Women from 19 south con-' tral Idaho com m unities will take active p a r t in committee work fo r th e annual women's vflciition cam p n ea r Easley's hot springs A uk. 2-4, Mins M argare t Hill, d is tr ic t home dem onstration a g e n t , an­nounced th is afternoon.

The eom m lttcM have alrcudy be­gun on th e ir U aks a n d rcslslrn llo iis for cnmi) cn ro llm en l a re now being accepleU by Miss Hill, Pee to r .the tJjree day* I* on ly »3. o l w hld i haU niiiy be p rovided In n r d e n produce. Women from bo th fa rm and city will Qilcnd, m any of them brlnislng hui.baDcls a n d f u n i l lu .

T lie com m ittee list:Ho.ste.sR—M rs. R. J . Evens. Tw in

Fulls; M rs. M. A. Robinson. Him* te n ; Mr.v A. J . N yc. Jerom e; Mr«. E C. M ontRomery. E den; Mrs. L. O. Liu-oy. B uh l; M rs, A, D. Pierce. M aJla; Mrs, J . W. S toddard , Sho­shone: M rs. C, O lllesple, Hailey; Mrs, DftvLs G reen , Pau l.

Ftood—M rs. A. E . K unkel, Amslcr- dain; M rs. J . B . C ha tbu rn , Albion; Mrs, L au ra A nderson . Declo; Mrs, E. R, A ndrew s, H azelton ; Mrs. Ed Nelson. Burley.

O uesl Untr— M m . D «ii Jeuti. Haz~ e lton; Mrs. G essle Elf ring. Bur- m ah; M rs, H arry T u rnbull, S ho­shone; Mrs, Jo lm G rieve, D iet- rich.

ReulH tralloh—M rs.' L.' A.' H ansen. Twin PalLs; M rs, ? c lm a W hittle and Mrs, E la ine Pike, Burley ; M rs. R. Culley. R upert^ M n . 8 . B. Hopkins a n d -M rs . M yrtle R igney, Jerom e; Mrs. Ja m es H iiton . K im berly; Mrs. jo y T hom as, D ie trich .

D ining room —M rs. W . A. Poe and Mrs. C lyde R am sey, Tw in Palls; Mrs. S a m E ak ln , Jerom e,

B onllre—M rs. A. D . SmlUi, Twin P^lls; M rs. L u lu Corless, Heybum ,

¥ , » ¥D ES8BR TS FO R M C L V B D BM O N8 T R A T W S

Syringa H om e D em onstration club m em bers, m eeting yesterday a fle m o o n a t tb e hom e of Mrs. L. O. N lchoUon, w itnessed a dessert dem ­onstra tion by MlsA M argare t HIU. hom e ’dem onsU atlon agen t io i the d istric t.

L ater th e dcssertfi w ere served as refreahm ents . M rs. W . E. S lfford conducted tw o guessing games. Mrs. G lednoe. C olorado; M rs. B entlleld a n d h e r d a u g h te r ; MUs Arlene Tcncklnclc a n d M ist H arrio t Perry were guests.


M em bers o f division No, 4, Ladles' A id socJcty oS th e M ethodist church, e n terta in ed th e ir husbands n t a clevcrJy arranged no -host picnic supper la s t evening a t the country hom e o r M r. and M rs. N onnan An- laur.

Q uests were seated a t one long U bic placed on th e lawn. An Im ­prom ptu baseball gome for the m en followed, a n d conversation occupied th e women. Jn fo n n a l gam es were alAO played.

C h a ln n a n of arrnngem enlji wns Mrs. W illiam Blimp.


R ichard PorbesA was honoree a t a b irthday pa rty M onday afternoon, a rran g e d by h is m other. Mm, U. A, P\irfj«ss.

Nine pliiymatea spenl Uie a flc r- noon w ith Indoor anri outdoor giuneo, TXjys were presented as favors. T h e refreshn irnU m ittirrd a rtecoraled, candl«-llillitr<i blrlhrtny cake.

State BPW President On Kansas City Forium

Miss M. la e tta McCoy, prcsidcni of the Idaho Federation of BuHiness and Professional Womon’s clubs, w as one of the speakers on th e legislative round Uible di.scussion la s t Tues­day in K ansas City, during the nalioniil convention o f B. P. W. cUibs, Miss McCoy, wlio rcUirni'd'M onday from K ansas City, .said th a t she presented the s ta tu s of the so-called •'m arried wom en’s bill” in the state of Idaho, w^ich bilJ died in house com m ittee a t the last legislative sessions. H er talk was heard by 1,000 registered delegates and convention vis-

Sp’eakers w ere momberH from nil s ta tes in w hich there had been presented in the last legislature th e "m arrie d wo­men's bill” or its equivalent, which, according to M isa McCoy, "regard less of p h rasing , has the prim ary objec tive o f barring

married women fro m employ­ment in any governm en t divi­sions. no m a tte r how worded. This is one of th e discrim ina­tions th a t th e natio n al federa­tion has pledged i tse lf to work Hguinat.” ,

Id ah o T ake* S tan dMiss McCoy told th e n a tio n a l

vcncion o t th e a c tio n ta k e n a t the sla te convention th is sp rin g , p ro ­viding (or a survey to b e m ade of the s ta tu s of m a rr ie d w om en in the Gctn s ta te , In o rd e r th a t . If and when, such le g isla tion sho u ld be re ­introduced. th e Id a h o B, P . W. would have fac tual In fo rm a tio n a s to why women w ork, a n d to p rese n t a ngnlnst such leg isla tion .

I 'hcm e of th e n a tio n a l convention, rccrdlng to Mlsa McCoy, was "100

Years of W om en’s Progress." the cnse of w om en's f ig h tin g slncc 1839 for i ^ i l l o n o f r ig h ts , be ing pre.sent- f(l by such ab le speake rs as Cnrrle Chiiiim an C a tt, le c tu re r, w riter and i!iif(rnglst; M iss E arle n e W hite, W ii.ihlngton, D. C., pMtml.^trcss of the U nited B tatea senntc, retiring

Judgp Florence

‘Angels’ Theme At Novel Affair. P aper wings and “ horses”

transform ed guests a t a party last evening in to “A ngels on Horseback” as stakfe M-Men and Gleaner leaders, stake M. I, A. pre.sidency, w ard class leaders and p residen ts and th e ir i>artners m et a l Harmon park for a swim and treasure hunt.

For the^5upper served a round tlie fireplace .00 th e p a rk grounds, "Angels on H orseback," bacon s trip s fastened a ro u n d cheese slicks, were toa.sted over th e fire.

T reasure fo r w hich th e parly searched form ed Uie dessert, »s la rge '.w aterm elons were foiuid.

P a r tn e rs for th e even ing were chc«on w hen m en of th e Kroup se­lected th e ir p a rtn e r s by feeling hands of th e w om en th ro u g h a b lanket. G am es were played before th e cam pfire K alherlng.

Follow ing th e m eetUig, group alnglng , a round th e fire was held under direc tion of MLw Louella T insley, p residen t of th e G leaner G irls of th e T w in F a lls llr.st ward L ,D S, church .

An Inspection school fo r leaders in th e K im berly. B uhl. M urtaugh and T w in F a lls w ards w as th e p u r­pose of th e ‘ m eeting. InvltaU ons

Issued by M rs. U ardii K ing and iictlvlty


P articu larly worU w /ilJe w aj , program pre.scnlrd a l a m eeting of the T w in Fall.n G ard en xtudy club UiU a fte rn o o n a l Ute hom e of Mrs. P , R . Law son, 312 ElRhih avwiue n o rth . A num ber of guests as well as m em bers, wore pr*-.sctii to hear M iss S un i'h lne W llllnnn d lsc im col­or hkrm ony sclieine,-. a n d Uiclr up- pllciktlon to flowers,

m s s w illiam s, a r t Ijw trucior ol Lindsay, Calif., who Is aix-nding Uic sum m er In Tw in FulLs, iilustratetl h e r add ress w ith th ree floral a r- rangcmenLH,

A bouquet o f pe tun ias In shades of red -v lo le l Illu stra ted m ono­ch rom atic color ha rm ony ; nnalur- U uiiu a n d la rk spu r, com iilem entary color ha rm ony, an il b ro n rr and or­ange Einntiu, com bined witfi w heat and dock, analoguviA or relate<i col­or harm ony,

Eacit m rm ber c .ontrlljuird (0 the proKiam w ith a h it of garrieii verse, In torm atlon concern ing gnvilenlng, or ga rden philosophy.


s i ' o i i r s n iiK H s

PA -rrK iiN fiooi

« viHirig-nnif-rnay nlyln (his il ’I'yiiirul of yoiiiiH Ainerl-

ciiiin w illi nil I1LV1, 110 ijo iher . . )iu,I <'lcHii-i 111. Alinjilr lliir.i. You'll n e rd I’lil tr rn lioiM, w tirtlirc you n workliiK In i>n o lflre , mnniiglng linuAchnlil ni Irnvel-lm nnd W ith M arian MiuMu'k Hrw C h a rt on liitnd, lU nitiliiK a n d nlltchlnK will 1m so shniile (hu t you ’ll niakn It In M'Vcrnl vi'ii.loiiri . n iK oii, rixyons and rrea-ie-ivhlflllnK Hiieiui, 'n i r r e 's a nU .gnro nklit wlUi nwlnglnH fiill- nrnfl. 'H ie nlinple r<iuii(1 n rrk 1» ru r- tiiuiiUed by niiiiljiirnl tu rkn llia t nrn very c lrro ia llv r i«iiil m nart. Mnlf;h thn |)li( liiitloiin to n |>ir((y rlblxtn lirtl, iHitli In Kiiv rtildin.

I 'a tle rn IKNH inav hr ordered ntity In n)iAAM‘ iiinrA la . u , in, in and ao. Hl/,n Ifl ii'C|iilifs n'« ynnia Sft Inch fabric.

Hond n r r K K N CKNTH in mln* fur th is MAKIAN M AIt’I lN p a ttern .

Aiiro l<> w iKr (ilnlnly v<uit H t/K , NAMK, AI>l>|{|^;riM a n d HTYLB NDMIIRIt.

O rder M A It I A N IM A It T I N'H n itA N n NHW NtmiM KK p a t t k b n HOOK now, IfA rB«y-to-foJ(ow na t- teniji I11I11H you thn nninrlest iio t- wriklliei ntvlc.v l“nAliliinii fu r Mad- dlniia, liolldiiyn. town, n|HirU oljflnti m id iravel. ( 'i i .th rs for th o PrfJnkly Pnrty , aa wril nn ttia 'lo en i. twontlea, Junlyra nml klilillra. Y ou'll love every |)»ur w lirihxr you ’in looking for Imwinn frnrkn. sh lr tw n u i da n ra gowns, lltm rrle, o r tlio liilest ro llons, f iend T(MMY. BOOK r i r r t K N <TNTH, I'AI-TKIIN K I F I K K N CKNiM. HOOK ANI» I'A T IK IIN T O < lK 'I 'I I K U . T W R N T y - r iV R (Il'NTH

Hftmt yoiir order t»i Id ah o K'venlni Tliftes. P a tte rn D epa iliiien t, 'I’wlii Palla,

Allen, e m inen t w om an Jurist, and M arga re t C ulk ln B anning , well known novelist.

Speakers Challenge Mrs. C a tt, a."Jcing “W h a t fu rth e r

Is to be done?" nnyw ered her ciiicstlon w ith th e c h a lle n n c : “W here Uicre Is no op p o rtu n ity , to seek It; w here th e re a re b a rrie rs , break them ; w here th e re Is opposition , be­siege it, B u i Jum p a t n o conclu­sions. .set lip no half-considered projec t, make no m l.stakes In your aim."

Mrs, B ann ing 's chiillenge th is ; "T here Is a l p rese n t a dcflnlfe stiffening resis tance to tlie develop­m en t of women a long th e m any lines tlicy have m apped lo r th em ­selves. W omen of th e tJn lted S tates

I facing th e second m a jo r figh t our progrt.'u .

'D idn 't we ask for su ffrage, for the progre.u of w om en, n o t only th a t we m ight h av e m oney In our pocket.^, bu t so th a t civilization might be im proved? I s n ’t K {x>s< filble th a t th e g e n era l rum bling tO' day Is becam e m en feel wo a re tet- ling the world dow n, a n d arc get­ting money a n d n o t Im proving clvll- iM tlon?"

Dr, M innie L. M uffct, Dallas, Tex,, was elt-cted n a tio n a l presi­den t, and Los A ngeles w as chosen ai the nex t conven tion c ity In 1041,

T lir n a tional bo a rd m eeting will bo held liex t su m m er u t thn elusive rrxort. G rove Dow. A.slivllle, N. C., In tlie .IJluo Hidge inouninLna. Mis-i MrCny b u m em ber of (he tlonnl board.

On Id ah o T nur Rhe will Irave H aliirduy for Moa-

•ow where thn will be lh a fea tured .jH-aki'r Hundny, Ju ly 'J3, a l an day illfttrli'i m retliiK , im n ic ip a le d In liy Mdsc'iiw , l.rw U ton a n d O rollno clubs. Hhe will dinciiM ' ’Meclmulcs

)rKaiilralUiii a n d Hiuriy pro- graniK ait O utlined by th e N ational F ed n iitlcin ”

6 h r ulll i;i'iniiln Hint week In th s terriliiiy . |i(i.->Milily a.m huiig in (MKanl/iitUin n[ M)nie n rw ( liilin, and Ju ly 30 will n i i r n d a tlls ltlc l m eet­ing III HI Mtirien, w llli Cfieur d'A lene and Kelliigg rlubs llkewinB a iinnd - Ing.

H rIo ir reh tn ilnK to Tw in l^»lls. Miss Mi'<;iiy will visit h e r n ic e, Mrs. K a th u n Ijtiiili, a t ' OahMiale. W ash.

Couple Weds at Twin Falls Rite

llA dl'.llM A N . Ju ly lU it< |>ri'iull" Mins M m jollr Moll. Hr«ni1<1i.iinht«r o t Mis. M iilllda llr ll , anil Hetll WIKXU, Mill ot M l. aiKl Mi«. Charles Wo<«h, Wi'ir i in llr il In iiiariliign a t 7 |i. Ml Hiiiiilitv ni Kiiilloliiiid In ■I'WlH Kiilla. w llh Hrv. K.iy K liar- nn tt. iNintiii <>( th e lli> |ithl d iu rch In Twill 1- illn, o ffldalliiK ,

MImi IJIa lU c Hell, roiihln of tlie iirlilr, wan llin liildn 's miild Him Max W<hk1v, liro tlier o t lh a brldfKtcMim, wan l><' l m an ,

'I 'lir liiidr wan drrsA rd In a white ta re d irsn ov rr w hile sa lln IlnH rillit veil. 'I1 ir liil<ln’s iimid dresM'd In w hite lace also.

liia iirli f ltlU on , CliMMlliig. a aolo. "Wimt o l •hiniin low," M rrlsCailMiii ..... I liln o irh en lla jilnyfilth e «rildliiK iim ii'h , 'I ’lirie were alMiul AO lilrn iin and relatlvra en t at tlie rerrn iony ,

'H ie yimnK roiiiile le ft inunedl- ntelv riilliiwlnH thn re i riiiiiiilrn lor a sho it honryinixin a t Him Valley.

Mrih WoihIv H iiidualed from llin Untti'iiiimi IiIhIi M liisd iinil a lirn d ed (liMiillmi ro llrg r for folii yearn. 'Hin briile nnn n fn u lm ii r of Dm m ati hlHh kcIuh)! In l(i:<7, 'l lie young cnuiilr will m ake Itn liomit In } |a |-

S isters Attend Bride At Garden Ceremony

A ttended by h e r fou r sisters, Misa H elen E . Wilson be­came th e b ride o f Lyle R. K auffm an a t a wedding of un­usual charm th is m orning a t 10 o’clock. T h e ceremony was perform ed In th e garden a t the home of h e r paren ts , Mr, and Mra. E . A. W ilson, 260 E igh th avenue ea s t, and was w it­nessed by 20 guests. T h e bridegroom is th e son of Mr. and M rs. C. A. K auffm an . New Plymouth.

A n archw ay of grow ing shrubbery m ade a n a tu ra l back- groui)d of s tr ik in g beauty for th e m arriag e service, which w as re ad by R ev. E rn e s t Wil­liam s, v icar of Ascension Episcopal church . B askets of sum m er flow ers m arked eith­e r side of th e arch .

B eM tlfQ llj OowoMiT h e b ride w as gow ned in a slip­

p e r le n g tb em broidered aU-whlte o rg an d y frock , s ty led w ith a bouf­f a n t sU rt. w ith w hich she wore a g a rd e n h a t o f blue s tra w and her s lippers were o f IdenU cal blue.

C om pleting h e r w edding en­semble. she c a rried a '

(Copr, Vogue trom NEA) In rase jo a ’ve be en w ondering w hat's happened to th a t een tury p la n t

amongc m nllnn pIc(nreiir"G 6he~w Ith 'the W ltid," I t 's coming a lo n t and is Jikely to blossnm on th e screen any year now. Ju s t to prove It, here’s an a ltrse tlv e new p le ta re o f red-haired Vivien Leigh, in one of her coa- tum es a s S e a rle tt O 'H ara .

CalendarL. a n d P. cliib w ill m eet a l the

home of M rs. O , D . T ilburg . 122B S ixtli avenue e ast, F rid ay a t 1:30

B aptist M issionary society wDl meet Tlivirsday a t 1:30 p, m, for a dessert luncheon a t th e parsonaRe w ith M rs. Roy E , B a rn e tt as hofltc?s.

» ¥ ¥Kim berly M e th o d is t L adles' Aid

,soc1cty will ho ld a n ice cream fes­tival th is even ing a t th e hom e of Mrs. Ben E. P o tte r , beginn ing a t 7:30 p. m,

¥ ¥ ¥ ■Division No. 9, L ad les ' Aid so­

ciety of th e M ethod ist chu rch will m eet T liu rsday n t 2 p, m . a l the home of M rs. H a rry W ohllnlb.

¥ ¥ ¥A nnual p icn ic for th e Royal

Neighbors of A m erica will be held Friday a t th e c o u n try hom e of Mrs. A lbert P u tz le r a t G p. m . Each m em ber Is requested to bring a basket d inne r a n d tab le service.

¥ ¥ ¥U nity club w ill e n te r ta in a t

a fam ily p len lc T h u rsd ay . July 20. a t the hom e of M rs. Elmer

Dossetl. Tho.se a tte n a in g are ask­ed to bring sandw iches, covered dishes, and e ltlie r fried chicken or cake, and a lso tab le service,

¥ ¥ ¥A m erican t.eglon a n d auxllliiry

drum and bugle corps niembers are requested to m eet today a t 7 p. m. a t th e A m erican l.eglon M em orial ha ll fo r prac tice. Mem­bers a re urged to be pr«-sent be- c aa w of p rac tice ly Jo re the com­ing s ta t« convention.


Mis,-. M arg a re t Hill, lioiin' di'in> onslra lion agen t fo r Uils distrir.t, dem onsira ted " Attern<xni [)<'fii'sh' m ents". aI. a iiir«'lhiH of ih r O ich- a lara club M onday ntterjimiii a l tli« home of Mr. . l lm iy Wuhllnili. I.ntcr Uie i«-trr',liin<'iii.s w n r mtvisI

Mrs. Nellie fm im .T r.'iwl an ai on fondltionn in Cl»-niiany. Mrs. K arhart. M rs A niiainl i.Lst. Mr.'A, llan^ell. Mr» HmlUi, Ml.is Jean I’lelve a n d MKs Jciyce I'leiv'-, Kilfsta. and IB memlx-r* w n n present

Mrs. O H. Kldrr^l, pre,^l(lt•,l thn chib, prrsiiii'<i n t tlie i<-a iiible during th e re tie sh n ie n t hum.

PrliK'c ?Ddwai'd I'laiKl, oiiKiiialor ol the C aniullaii fu r fRrniUiti liidiis- try , now rnnks fdu itli aiimtit; th i nine C anad ian ptiiviiue?i iii tiiii re ­spect.

’I1ie Ih ren -ypar-o ld ru ra l nloo- Itlfln iiliiii adm lliintiH lliin nn- nriiim eil || IumI helped rstnblU h '»||.IKIII Iiilirn o l linen 111 s ta irs a l Uie end i>f 1U3B.

A l M N E y S M ROLES 111 P M lE y

Soutli c en tra l Id ah o a ttorneys III play p ro m in e n t roles In the a n ­

nual m eeting of m em bers of the Idaho s ta te b a r. scheduled a l Hotel Boise Ju ly 27>aB. according to the oflicial p rogram announced here to ­day.

■ theThe firs t two days se.'.'ioii.s of th e fitaie b a r niemberj and of the p rosecuting attorneys .‘« i lo n ; th e f in a l day will find local bars section ta k in g over Ihe spot­light.

!x>we a t Two_ T , Lowe, Burley, immodlatc

past pre.sident of th e E leventh J u ­dicial Dl-strict B a r association, wll take a double role a t th e s ta te de­liberations, Ho will speak a t . th e lo­cal bar secllon m eeting a n d will also be this d is tric t's de lega te to an Im­po rtan t closed door discussion a t the execuUve session On " I s the Ba Satisfied W ith th e Jud ic ia ry?"

H arry Benoit, T w in Falls , will dU- "Local B a r A ssociations—Are

They F unction ing?'’ a t th e sectional meetini;. Mr. Lowe, a t th a t g a th er­ing, will, talk on "Tjic C reation and O rganirjuion of th e Local B ar 8ee- tlon as P a r i o l A nnual Proceedings of the Hftr."

Jnhii \V a ra h d in , Tw in Falls, will lead IliU dbcus-iion.

nothw ell a Leader Jam es R. B oth’vell, T w in Falls,

Will bo onu of th reo discussion leml- e rs a t tlie executive aesnlon parley on reform a n d contro l of legal (hIu- catlon and adm ission to practice.

At Uir jirofcecuilng a tto rn ey s ' mk'- lioii, e ither K veiflt M, Sweeley, TV^ln Fa lls county proaecutor, or Kay D. Agee, deputy prosecutor. wDl bo in a ttendance to take [>art In tlie dls- ciuislons. Mr. Bweeiry said today th a t he stid Mr. Agee ooiild n o t boUi a tten d tiio crm ventlon bcca,ii»e "we ra n 't leave county business th a t long —there 'n Kmi m uch going on In this county," Me sa id It was definite, however, th a t one or th e o the r would be a l the noise senslon,v

T he m i l d is tric t bar, In addition, will have e igh t reguhirly-eleeled delegat'-s a l the local ba r necllun meeting.

w uquet of w hite ro sebuds and blue to rgct-m e-no ts .

S im ilarly gow ned In ga rden frocks Df flo ral h u « w ere h e r a tte n d a n u .

p ic tu re h a ts a n d carried bouqueta w hich com plem ented th e ir gowns.

Mias P ra n ce s W ilson, m aid of honor, w ore red a n d w hite chE^ckcd organdy, and h e r w h ite p ic ture h a t h o d touches o f red . M rs. B e tty Oow- in w u frocked In p in k ; M rs, Robert Nixon, In blue, a n d Mls.i Joan W il­son, In yellow.

Mrs, N ixon c am e from A kron. 0 „ to a tte n d h e r-sL s te r’a wedding.

I n th e role of b est m an for Mr. K au ffm an w as H ugh Phillips. Twin Falls.

R eception PollowaFollow ing th e recep tion , th e bridal

p a ir received th e felicitations of th e i r friends a t a wedding recep­tion . he ld Indoors.

P resid ing a t th e services were Mrs. H ugh P h illip s a n d Miss Annabelle Oee.

T he beau tifu lly appo in ted buffet tab le w as c en te re d w ith roses In va rie ty o f colors, a rran g e d h i a whi po ttery , con ta ine r, flanked bj' whli topers in w h ite p o tte ry holdcrt.

A tie red w edding cake , topped by m in ia tu re b ride a n d brldegroor w as c u t in tra d i tio n a l style by the bride.

To Live In T w in Fall* Follow ing a w edding tr ip to Yel­

low stone n a tio n a l pa rk , Mr. anc M rs. K a u ffm a n will ^ a t home a lte r Aug, S In T w in F^fls. M r. K auffm an h a s s is ta n t ran g e la<<pector,

M rs. K au ffm an a tten d e d th e U ni­versity of Id ah o , w here slie wa.s s m em ber of D elta G am m a .sorority M r K au ffm an Is a g radua te of the forestry d e p o rtm en t o f th e U nivers­ity of Idaho .

O u t-o f-tow n guest In add ition to M rs. N ixon, w as MIm B ette Mc- Cleery, Jerom e.

¥ ¥ ¥

Glenns F erry RitesW ed Crocket, Shore

JERO M E, Ju ly 19 (Special) — Received w ith in te res t by friends w as an n o u n ce m en t of Uie m arriage of Miss R u th Shore, form er Jerom e residen t, to H enry Crocket, Poca­tello, In G lenns F e rry Sunday.

Cerem ony w as perform ed a l th6 hom e of th e b ridegroom 's paren ts. Mr, a n d Mra, Alvin D, Crocket, Bishop Jones o f th e L .D .S f church

O lenna F e rry was officiating clergym an.

Bride w ore a w hite lace afternoon d ress a n d carried an a rm boutiuel of

, flhn Is a n le re o f Mr*. F lavla Bm llh, Je rom e, and was here num ber of years. Bhe graduated from Jerom e h igh school In 1031 and com pleted n u rse ’s tta ln ln g a t tho 81, A nthony hi>s|i1iM. PtKateilo, la s t spring.

T he couple will live a t Poratello where th e bridegroom is employed by th e railroad .


Mrs, S . p . Y an tls . M iss E tU Riley and M rs, J . E , W hite have been a p ­poin ted m em bers of th e nom inating com m ittee o f th e M issionary society of the M e th o d is t chu rch .

A ppo in tm en t w as m ade a t a m eet­ing la s t week in th e c h u rc h parlors, presided over by M rs. C. C, Dudley In the absence of M rs, F. E . Sanders, president.

Mr*. W , H . H ertzoB led th e devo- Uonals a n d a lso repo rted on the un iting c o n fe ren ce h e ld recently.

Mrs. F . T . K ellogg, Mls.s Riley and Mrs- H er lto g served refreshm ents.


Dr, E . L . B erry , he ad of the d is­tr ic t healU t u n it, w as guest &|>eakcr a t a m eetin g of th e -R o c k Creek W orthw hile c lub recen tly a i ' hom e of M rs. W alton .

T he g roup will m eet Ju ly 26 a l th e hom e of M rs, M ary M urray.

Mrs. Shurtleff Arranges PartyM rs. Lam ond S hurtle ff.

H unting ton P ark , Calif., who is spending th e sum m er w ith her parenta, M r. and M rs. 0 . C. P a tn o tt, en te rta ined a t a sm artly appointed b r i d g e b re ak fa st th is m orning a t th e P a tn o tt bome on P oplar ave­nue.

T h e guests, w ho a rrived a t 9:30 • clock In th e m orn ing , fo und th e ir

pliice» a t tab les m arked w ith place card s In a flo ral them e.

Hollyhocks In pink , rose a n d w ine, f loating In shallow c ry sta l bowU. form ed th e effective c en tm l tr im s for th e tables.

Q uan titie s o f sum m er bouquets, including a w ater lily bowl, w ere g rouped abou t th e rooms.

M rs, P a tn o tt assisted h e r d a u g h ­te r in serving.

P re sen t from ou t-o f-tow n w as M rs, W’oyne Johnson . B everly H ills, Calif., vocation v isitor a t th e hom e of h e r pa ren ts , M r. a n d Mrs. J . E . W hite.

¥ ¥ ¥N O -H O ST SU PPER SERVED ON LAWN ’ T h e Clyde M usgrave, E d g ar D.

V incent. W. C, Mu»grave, R a lp h Ccderholin , E. M, R ayborn fam ilies, F iler, a n d H. C. Leveke fam ily . B ulil. enjoyed a picnic n o -host supper c«t th e H orace L. Holmes hom e In T w in F a lls Sunday evening,

T lie supper w as served , p icnic style, on th e law n.

U n t year, according to Uib U. n . bureau of ag ric u ltu ra l economics, Bpprtixlmaiely 1,000,000 p o r a o n s niovrd o il farm s, w hile B00,00() moved Irnm tow ns a n d cities to farms.


O n A l l S i i i n i n e r M o r c l i a i i -

< l i K < ; 1 ( 1 i i i i i k c room for n«w f a l l . S I k m - h n m l i l e i i d y t o


Modem Shoe Co.and

Iris C. Hale Apparel ShopIUXJKHHON HOTKL m.DG.

In ancien t Rom e, w hen Unmder as heaixi "on the lelt," men believ­

ed tJiAt th e kikIs wore trying to Im­p a rt to Uiem a n Im ix irian t message.



A ChalleriKe Special

Macroon BisqueA deliciously flavored Ice crcaiii fo r health and ta stiness. I t will d e ligh t every m em ber uf the fam ily.

AND IN BRICKSM acroon Bisque, Chocolate a n d Honey F ru it Sa lad , D rpejid on Ice crritm for your ttiimnier dessert Ask for It a t your favorite fountain.


Final Clearance SaleA l l r a i t k s a r e f u l l o f t h e i i i a r v ( ; l o i i N v a l i i i - H , o f f c t r c i l

t l i r o i i ^ h o i i l l l i R M i o r c .

TIk^ix Ih Hoimilliiiif!; 011 ciu-li ruck lliiil yon can iihc. Sc< llie vahu-H on lli<‘ ccul rack (cicaiiniiN, of

< ' o i i r N ( ; ) .

L o o k I I I t h e v a l n c H o n l l i e $ 1 .0 0 r a c k , i i H N o r l n i c n t o f

v a l u e s .

, S < ; h o o l D r c H H C H , l l a t l i i n ; i ; S i i i l N , n | i t o 4 2 ,

I t l o u H C N ' a i K l H a i i i ( l o a l H f o r c l i i l t l r c n . ( C o n l o l t < - N a r e

i n c l u d e d )

( Di-CHHes (irieed fornwrly up l«, $1 ll.,')0 <<i) at M .0 t t ) All M illinery priced ut two tif>iircM, 2 5 <‘ and | 1. TliiN is the close ou t of all Siiiiinicr MilliiK'ry.B e h e r e n t n i n e o ’ c l o c k , a n < l f - c l y o u r v i i I u c h .

All HaleH filial.

Bertha Campbell's Store131 MAIN K. y

Page 9: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

W e d n e s d a y . J u l y 1 9 ,1 9 8 9 roAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IpAHO

r a P B O E N lW ASH IN G TON . Ju ly 19 (U.PJ—T h e

le ad e r o l a congrcssloniU drive to am end th e w age-hour law su rre n ­dered lo P residen t Roosevelt today u id c aned (or a compromise.

P re s id e n t RooseveU bad Indlcated* h e vou ld veto any am ending bill h e found u iisntlafaclory and Rep. E. E. Cox, D., O a„ leader o / th e house bloc seeU ng drastic am end ' mon(s. counseled his followers to confcr w ith th e P residen t and seek am rn d m ep ts he would accept.

EarllcT ■ Cox h a d th rea te n ed , a» lender of a m a jo rity o f th e ru les com m ittee, to preven t any blU reach ing th e house floor u n til th e w age-hour am end ing WH oJ R«p. G ra h am A. B arden , p ., N. C.. w a» considered.

W ould Approve Low W ate iAt h is p ress conference yesterday,

M r. Roosevelt sa id th e B arden blit would deprive 2.000.000 poorly paid w orkers o f th e protection of th e law ' and cause congress to approve consclonably low wages.

" If th is s ta te m e n t m eans.” Cox said, ‘'t h a t th e B arden bill. If a d o p t­ed by congress, would m eet w ith a veto then i t w ould be foolish f u r ­th e r to contend for adoption of th e m easure."

H e sa id h e w ould advise B arden to "stop th e controver.^y for th e tim e being" and seek a comprpm lsc w ith th e adm in istra tion .

I n HouM Com m itteeB arden 's bill Is s till In the house

labor com m ittee which repo rted o th e r am endm en t* Introduced by C h a irm an M iiry T . N orton, D.. N . J . T he N orton am endm ents w ould g ra n t som e exem ptions to agricu l­tu re w orkers a n d to ccrtaln classU llca tlons of w h ite collar w orkers. B u t suppo rte rs o f B arden 's am end* m enta con tend they do n o t go f a r enough.

W a8e-H o\»r A dm inistra tor E lm er P . A ndrew s estim a ted th a t the B a r ­den bill would Increase from 268,000 to 1,129.000 th e persons com pletely exem pted lio m th e w ages and ho u rs regu la tions, and w rote Mrs. N orton th a t th e proposed exem ptions “have no econom ic o r social Ja stlf lca- tlons.”


PLAN 10 CONFERExtrem es M eet O ver A tlantic


O ldest and youncett persons ever to fly ‘o Europe were 14-year-old A nn Reglsler, left, o f Jaeluonvllle , P la., and 79-year-old E rnest H ay­wood. r igh t, of R a le lfh , N. C„ recen t p a w in ie r t aboard the Dixie C lip­p e r . M r. Haywood took th e t i l p to c o m p ltlt * reu n i- th e -w o ria tour s ta r te d In 1937 and in te rrup ted by (he bn rn inc of the dirlflble I llnden- b u r t.

Final Plans Mapped and Buhl All Ready for Fete


Mr. a n d M rj. T ed T ham ert have opened a new B uh l coffee shop in th e fo n n e r location o l Qlbb’s fo o t beer a tan d on S o u th Broadway. T h e new> place will- fea tu re sh o r t o rders, and will be open f ro m -6:30 u n til cntdnlght.

Jolly W orke r’s club enjoyed a m eeting th is week a t the hom e of th e leader, M iss M axine G am er , A fternoon w as a p en t d a rn ing socks. N ext m e e ttn s w ill be Ju ly 91 a t th e hom e o f M lu ,B eiilah Moore.

House t t u e s t ^ t th e P rank H e jt- m anck hom e a re M r. and M rs, Jam ea P lzak, sr., M r. and M rs. Jam ea Plzak, Jr., a jid daughter, D orothy, Chicago. T h e P leak fam ilies drove to B uhl to a tte n d th e wedding of Miles Pl*ak and Miss Bessie K e jt- m anck , w hich took place Sunday

W illing W orkers ' club held lU an n u al fam ily p icnic a t the Cecil Child’s hom e Sunday , A fter d in n e r srrvMl on tlio law n children en joy ­ed gam es a n d m en cliose up nidcs to r a ball gam e, n e g u la r club m e et­ing will be held T hursday a t ' th e hom e of Mra, C larence W alcott.

Buhl Catho lic p a rish held i w __nunl sum m er p icnic Ju ly 10 a t tlie A. O. M adelena ran c h near C lear

All H tar 4-H «<-wln« club m et T iiea- rtny a t th e hom e of Prnncea O pplln - ger w ith B e tty Ambrose as.iUt‘ Ing, I la d e r , Mra. Cecil Childs, con- d u r trd th e sew ing ln.>son a n d gave InitlnicVlona for th e nex t week of sewlMR.

Buhl W om en of the Moose m e t Tiir»dny a t tlio hom e of Mra, Lyle

and fom plBlrrt pinna for th e flout to be e n tered In the Ju ly 34 Pioneer day celebrallon and p a ­rade.

Mm. I.. E, .lohnimn. W nnkegun. I l l , Is vlnlllnK h e r slnler tlilx week, Mrn. A, C u rle r nii<t luutlly,

MlM n io n rh e Dorilrwick, W ln- tnn , Ta., Koun" b w r I of her iM-olher Kmll Bnrdew lrk, Mm, Hordewlck a n d son B ertram /ipent 'n iw d a y in Boise,

BU H L. Ju ly Ifl (Sfteclal)—C oin- ■ m ittccm cn tied up la.st rem ain ing "loose ends" today and the general p ic tu re of B uh l’s Pioneer day cele­b ra tio n M onday assum ed a co­o rd in a te d aspect th a t led to p re ­d ic tio n s of th e f in es t fe te ever s ta g ed In t h b busy w est end com ­m u n ity .

L as t n lg h fs dance In h ono r of Q ueen B etty Higble added a n o th ­e r c h a p te r In th e prelim inary events w h ich w in be clim axed w ith the booste r caravan.

Big P a rade P a rad e p lans loomed today a.s p ro ­

v id ing one of th e ou tstand ing events o f th e big celebra tion , a n d work m oved n e a r com pletion on a rra n g e ­m e n ts fo r the impressive pagean t a n d for th e , colorful decorations.

Com m ittee members, w ith f irs t- n a m ed a s chairm an , a re :

G en e ra l com m ittee—Lee Pearson, D r. J . G . Venter, E. B. Johnson , PTed H on ing , Rov D ay. R , C. P a ll.

P a ra d e - M itchell W. H unt, H. Cox, D arg. Hansen, D r. W. E- Baggs,


Mrs. nw lgh t T w y and win, Wur- rn i, and wife. IVnver, are vi^llinK Mrn. Corn Wo'Mlwnrd and fninlly.

Ju a t-A -M rre brUlKe rlub n ir l Innt week With Mi'fl. CatUw KiiUmuk. niinslA w rrn Mm. Q lie rt n am illo ii am i Mrn, l*, A. 'I 'euler. iVl^rn w rro aw iinled tn Mr». (lo idnn N rw lio’. Mrn. lli in ilild ii. M ra. I 'e a tr r and Mrn. V ernon I.an re

I,iulica‘ Aid ■ociety of Ihe I'lrM iy- t^-rinn rh n rr l i m e t TliuriHtny n t th e linnin of M rs. ito y Oordon. 1‘lnna wrrf' madn to hold a 1 p, m . lunoii- eon ,fiily 37 In th e ohiirrli Imnrment.

Mr, ajid Mrn, II, B. Gordon left Mdtiilny for T'orlltiiul, Orr,, where Mrn Oordon will Iw inKlrr mrdli al

'HiiMie from here who left'n irndiiy to nttirnd the l*nu>byterlnn niimmer riintrrnnre at (he iTrobylrrinu rani|) alKJVo Kelrhinn are ICllrrn (lindoii, Knllier Wnrdell, l)(n(iihy WMt, l-olnn (JMeley anil llertiiii l.iit- tlnirv anil Mr, and Mis. uiiarlra lliiwley, Jr., and Mri, OiirtU M etcalf.

Mr. and Mra, O, n , Averltt and t\v<i mubII aoon. Jerry and Itodney, lllihrr. CHe., arrlVDd Balm (lay (o ntlniil funeral nervlcea of Pnkniiia 'l'hiiiii|>'M'n a t fioodinif, Oimday.

H )\V N tklVKH IIV M »O N LU)H T (ll.ICN CA ItilO N . Ill, (U.Ri-MiHMi-

IlMhl may ite a ll r l f h t for loven bu t a« a nulMtitiite fu r lU M t lam p It'n no t »» R^««V A fter (lv« y e a n ot having tlifl m oon alone ligh t up tiie low n’s s ti rr ta , th e ooimnil decided th a t It wiin l«H) inronnlnteiit and aUnwl a v«utiuc.t fo r rcU utallatlw i p f ao s tree t lam|ie.

H arley CrlptKii. B. T , A lbertson. Jo h n Barkpr. Leo Peterson.

M iniature ;» rndp — M rs. J. M. G ibbs, Mrs. Joe EdRctl. Mrs. L. O. Nelson. Mk . B}' L. Barron.

D c c o ru t lo h s .- Joe EdRCit, H arry W ilson. Gcorjte Iliirrli. Dr. F. A. K ollusky, G lenn Buckendorf, Boy Day.

A dvertising — Loe Penr.son. Jack F ro s t, Olln Sm ith . O lio Pa rry .

C aravan Group C aravan — Jack W inkler. H arry

W lUon, Jack Davir.. p, p , H effcl- flnger, C. M. Pickroll.

PagC R iit-E . B. Johiiboii. Mrs. Roy W ood, Mrs. H. M. Alleiibach. Mrs. Llo.vd Oak,s. V rm Yntcs. Clifford B aron . Mrs. Ler Pe.irson, Mrs. E. B . Johnson.

D ance — C sra r CTreen. S herm an Swen.sen, D nrg Hanson, Mrs. Pau l H un t.

Q ueen—Mrs, Tannler, Mrs. E ver­e t t H u5tead. Mrs. Hall. M rs. Cliff H am m ond, Mr* D irk Hlckock.

W . Loe Howanl \x secre tary - treasu rer.


ALBION, Ju ly W tSpeelal^ - N e a r ly ,200 4 -H club m em bers and p a re n ts o f Ca&ala county 4-H clutis ga th e red In Howell can y o n fo r the f ir s t a nnual 4-H club p lcn k .

’The m orn ing wa-s dcvol«d lo ga rn e t w ith lunch being served a t noon.

P r iv a te lunches were b rough t by eac h club m em ber w ith dessert. In- \ e lud ing Ice cream , lem onade av^d cake being served by th e Id ah o Bank a n d ’T rust com pany and th e Ca.via N ational bank.

PoUowlng th e lu n c h a sh o r t pro- g ram was given w hich Included a ta lk by B ishop E llson of M alta , p res­id e n t o f the R a f t R iver .Make of the L . D . 6 . c h u rc h , p re lim ina ry to an a d d r« u by J . H . B a rb e r, d is tric t ex­ten sion agen t, PocateUo.

S p o rts eventA follow ed w ith four Albion boys w lrm lng p rizes fo r a th ­le tic events. M urlic H epw orth . Al­b ion b a lry club, w on f ir s t p rise In th e hog ca lling c o n tes t and Carl R icha rdson . K e ith A m ende a n d V ir­gil C lark of th e Bully Beef club w on f ir s t In th e fo o t races.

T hose club m em bers and th e ir p a n a t t Irom A lb ioa a tte n d in g were M r. a n d M rs. J . V ard C hatburn . Carl R lchardM n, club m e m tx r ; Mr. a n d M rs. W alt« r A m ende and club m em ber, K e ith A m e n d e M r . And M rs. D onnie H a r r is a n d son. Jay. c lub m em ber; V lrgll C lark , D ew ard Bell, M urllc H epw ortli, R oss C u n ­n in g h am , club m em ber; W alter C lark a n d sons. E rn es t a n d O leiui. c lub m em bers, a n d M r. a n d Mrs. C harlie Clay.

Bon M ahoney a n d E. O. O ltlcy w ere general m a n a g e rs -io r th e -p lc - nic.

Bicycles Now B uilt for Fo\ir J T R B O y i l P A S K S


IDAHOW ed., ITiurs.—"K entucky ,” L oretta

Y oung-R ichard G reene.F r l., S a t.—"Straw berry Roan," K en

M a ynard .Sun ., Mon., Tues.—"Tiie Cham p,"

W allace Beery - Jack ie Cooper.

ORPUEUM• W ed., T liurs.—"Unexjiectod F a - ih p r," Baby Sandy-M lscha Auor; •po r Love or Money." Ju n e L an«-

R o b e r t K ent.F rl.. S a t.-"W u U ie rln g HHBhtK,"

M erle O bcrnn-Lflwrencc Olivier.S un ., Mon., T ues .-"flccon il F id ­

d le ," H onja H erile-Tyrniio I'owcr.

ROXYW « l„ T lu irs.—"Tlie G irl and the

O iim blor." 1-eo O arrlllo -H m Holt; " T h e M ystery of Mr. Wong." BorLi K urloff.

F rl., Hut.—"Tlie Nlglit n iders ." T l i t r e M caqiilteers.

Him., Mon,. Tuea.—"Hirrf*!:, of New Y oik," Jack ie Cooper.

Mth. Fnioh ilemlN Auxiliary (h'(>u|>

HAOEItM AN. Ju ly 10 iHi»-i lai) .- A Legion auxilia ry m eeting wanl^eUl ThMvrdAV rvenlng a t th e hi*inn of Mrn. Liicaa Sorraauik a t wliicli tiie elec tion of officcrii wan held.

T h ey a re ai< follown: Presiclont, M ra. Adeline F ln th ; vlrr-pvrnW m l, M ra. Gnri A lien; necrelary,ArHn A lien; treasu rer, Mrs. l>nle Ctwly,

M ra. P ln i lv waa eleol«d d e lrna te to a t te n d th e U g lo n and nuxllinry s ta to m eeting In Tw iti i^ lU Aiik, la . 14 and Ifi. Mrs. tCnima K euni- o o tt wan elected secoiut (tele«[(vl« to U)« I

lle freahn ien ta wer* aerved by tJie liontenn. Min l.ura* Borranua, am iinnlntant luwitrrui, Mrs, W illiam Hen drick/um,

World’s Fair Cuts Payroll

NEW YORK. Ju ly 10 (U R)—H u n ­dreds Ol New Y ork W orld 's la ir employes awaited th e econom y ax today. At least 500 a lready h a d been fired because a ttendance h a d la llc n InT sho rt ol i'X|)eclatlons.

Sonic! report-s said a.s m any afl 1.500 of th e 7.000 employes w ould be dism issed. 1110 m anagem en t rvUiscd to Rlvc ou t llR uita . b u t I t v/a^ known th a t firings had been h.'Hvy in the operntlnj? d e p a r t­m ent. The enlire In lorm atlon cm let corps o f '291 vnen hud b e tn flrcU in a body.

1'ht' average ilally a tten d an ce of hllKlitly more tlinn 177,000 persons hua been 100,000 lc^^ tliAU ueces- liury to m ake tlie fa ir a financ ia l iiurre.sa on th e bnhls of o rig inal ItlutiH. Le.ss th a n 14,0(K).IIOO have .'.rrn the Jalr tluu^ ta r ; oclntual ea- lli iu itrs for th e season ranged as hiKh ns 88,000,000.


OODEN. Ju ly 19 (U.R)-pelBgatcs to th e N ationni A ssociation of C oun­ty O fficers will end th e ir a n n u a l convention today w ith elec tion ofofficers and nam ing of th e 1940 convention city.

’The only serious n o te In th e ven tlon 's sccond day T uesday sounded by GeorRe F. B re itbach , se c re ta ry -tre asu re r of th e o rg an i­za tion . He w am ed th a t ov e r-ce n tra l- Iza tlon ot Rovenim ent m u st gua rded against a s a s a fe g u a r t to dem ocracy.

T h ird day .sc.siloii.s will be l id d In M onte CrUto cam p in C ache n a ­tio n a l fore.st. A b a n q u e t a t ho te l headquarte rs of th e conclave will end the th ree-day m eet.


Strikcn by WPA w orkers ago ltist "srcurliy" wagos fo r sk illed relief cniploye.s dw indled today as th e fed ­eral Kovemmcnt refused to com ­promise.

After H days of s tr ik e s W PA Project! Com m issioner P . C. H ar- TlngUjn said th e "ouUook la good’ for normal resum ption of ope ra tions He -snld operations w ere no rm o l In m ost stHip.s iitui were rap id ly r e tu rn ­ing to ihiiV a tai* In o thers.

H is stultTtieni was based on a su r vry showing iJicrt were on ly 26,511 on strike a i the close of business Monday. TOmparpd w l\h th e 95,710 Irtlo ii wei'k ai{0. T lie survey showed th a t only s ta te s repo rted moreth a n 1,000 lillo.

HaTtlnKton’s rep o r t show ed th a t strikers have been fired for

violating h is o rder th a t no worker should rem ain aw ay from w ork more Uiun live co iisecu tlw days.

The problem of w h at to do w ith th e ro u n g ite rs when they w en t 07clinK .olved b r M r. a n d M rt. H ow ard G ilbe rt o f Monteclto, CalU . T hey

l>ul» vhe I ra ile ta ibow n above a n d now th e kid* cnjDy th e ride, too .

Bogus Basin Fire Controlled After

Razing 400 AcresIlO iaK , Ju ly 10 (UP)-A fire

t h r lh>>tns hn^ln a i r a ol Ihn Bolae natlD ual fnr^^l wnn rep o rln l i-nin- I)lelrly under control lodiiy a lte r It hftd iniriicd over 400 arre.i griVM anit lioul.

W alter lliu ry , lire executive of th e fcirrst, Milrl 40 m rn were ntlll on liir linen loday 'm o p p in g u p ” ry»nr o ther flren w ere te jw rtcrt In Ihe namn fnrcnt lant iiIkIiI b u t a ll were extlngulnhrd a fte r Intrnlng to ta l of 3fi Arrea.

H arold R iel, Icdera l hw esttga to r w ho spent the jx is t two or th ree w eeks here, le ft S u n d a y morning for Portland .

C harles H opjjer a n d party ot friends, 10 In all, sp e n t la s t S a tu r­day evening en joy ing Uie cool and (julet of W arm Sp rings crock iibovo Ketchvim, slopping a t C rony Cove cam p to dance for a sh o r t tune,

Twenty-.wvcn rara of >ihe«-p ciuna down from KeU-hum a n d were sh ip-

:d V1V.M M onday m orn ing .AAM'Mor R. J . B u rns s ta le s th o t

tlio usual Influx of m ig ra to ry sheep to th is section show ed a rem arkable ftilUng o ft for thin ye a r , lower th a n ‘ ir a long period.

Mr. and Mra, E<1 Tulloch w r e down from Carey M onday for a .short tim e, U>clr daii«ht<T, MuIh-I, tak ing Uie tra in to Bolne. a ftr r a visit in Carey.

Mrs. R. J . B um s a n d children retu rned home M onday m orning from P o rt Dodge, Ia„ w here they .siK-nt about nix weokn. IneldciiUilly Mr.-<. liiu n s stiile<l th a t th e wi-nniiT

really h o t In th a t ureii, i-egl# terUiK 111 a t Sioux City.

B rveral fishing |>arlles heudnl for Hunl>eam dam M onday to s|x-nd a ih\y or two w itii tlie salm on.

<;ATK\VAY CAMl* W ard H endrick, PrcprteU n


On l l i ih w a j BS H tan irr, Idaho

-ftuins laMwHMlWNMtt CHOIR





MOSCOW. Ju ly 10 CUJO—J a p a ' ne.se sources Indicated today t l i a t a new dispute rega rd ing Jap an ese conceaslons In S ak h a lin Island h a d aw um ed - m o re -se rlo u s-p ro p o r tlo n s th a n recen t figh ting on th e O u te r M ongolla-M oncliuktto fron tier.

O n Ju ly II a R uss ian c ou rt f ined J ap an ese concessionaires a to ta l of tlI2,000. Ja p an . In rep resen ta tions w hich Russia officially described as having th e na tu re o f an u ltim atu m , dem anded by m idnigh t la.'it n ig h t answ ers to a series of inqu iries on the concessions, Russia re jected thc.se represen ta tions.

T he dead line for. paym ent o f th e fines expires a t m idnight ton igh t, and accord ing to Japanese in fo rm ­an t': th e com panies Involved face th re a t of confiscation if they do no t pay.

Japnnc.se .TOld Ja p an considers the dl.spute d irec tly Involves prestige of

'th e Ja p an e se governm ent a n d th a t a fte r exp ira tion of the dead line to ­n igh t J a p a n m igh t be "forced" to take "serious m easures." ‘

I t was a sserted th a t J a p a n felt Russia was bring ing pressure ag a in s t ’ na v a l oil supplies w hich Ja p an ob ta in s from Its concesslon.s. F o r th a t reason, it wa.s exp lained , Ja p an regards th e S akha lin dispu te as being In a d ifferen t category from border d ispu tes such as th a t on th e M onRollat-M anchukuo fron tier.


Today<Dy V nll«d Press)

Eddie C an to r Is form ing a H olly­w ood local of th e new A m erican O uU d -o l V ariety- Artists.-DlrectOTB w ill Include LuclIIc G lenson, Boris K arlo ff, Fred KcatlnB a n d R a lp h M organ. T lic new -local p roposes to rep la ce th e local of the A m erican F ed era tio n of Actors w hose c h a r te r w as revoked recently.

F rankie D atro . SI. f ilm juve ­n ile . a n d Aloha W ray, 22, aclream will be m arried In G lendale . C alif., Sunday.

Jo h n L. Lewis, who go t hLs h tu rt orgunlzU ie coal m iners, h a s been a sk ed to lorm a choiu.s g irls ' union a t E a r l Carroll's nlKht c lu b -th e - a te r . T iic gtrU told Lew is they w an ted to Join the CIO, cxp litlu lng th a t tw o AFL unioas cou ld n o t ag re e whicli one sliould Include n ig h t club chorines.

MImouH's Governor L loyd C. S ta rk and party of 28 were th e • irueits today of C om edian Bob B om a a t P a ram o u n t studio.


nlckpls are o k a y In sub u rb an Lakewood. Five thousan d "n lck-

are being d is tribu ted fo r th e

7 &te's on/tf o>te Ckajnfiion.

Stu d eba k erCh a m p io n

Joel McCrea, movie ac to r, a n d hU wife, Francc.-! Dec. have been sued for *10,000 by pa re n ts o f tiirce- year-o ld Paul Roberts, w lio claim s h e w as b itten by M cC rea'a dog.

State Health Group Formed

• B O ISE , Ju ly 19 QJ.B-D r. L . C. K ro tcher, m em ber of th e s ta ff of th e Id ah o departm on t o t public h e a lth , today announced organlza- Uon o l a n ItSaho Public H ea lth a s ­sociation. i

K ro tche r said th e group will be­come an affilia te o f tin- A m erican Pub lic H ea lth oMociatlon noon. All Id ah o re.sldents a lready belonging to th e n a tio n a l organ isation au to ­m a tically become membera of th e s ta te association.

D ean F ra n k A. R hea of the Boise ( I r s t ETpUcopal church wna elected s ta te p resident.

H erb e r t M arsha ll, m ovie actor, den ied owing IS7.803 add itio n a l in ­com e taxes and ponaltle.s for 19113- 35, H e contended th e In te rn a l rc-v-

s commls-sioner e rred In dl.sul- low ing ccrta ln expeiues.



Final Summer Session of Your

J t e e

COOKING SCHOOLT hu rsday , Ju ly 20,

2:30 P. M.

R O A S T B E E F l- p u i i i h o w to g iv n y o u r i" uh{H iiint'O (it 'llc io iiH f]iiM>r, i i i a k n ( l u 'n t m o r n tu n d i 'r , J i i i i i r t ' — ill H » ujMHi, fihttUiiw’ I'liii w lU )^ o lc c t f tc o v o ii . N o Im a l in n . , . n o w a t c h f u l w iiilitiK . C i io k n r n i r n ln in /ii i im m -r t i n u

n u ih ii i i i rn lrt o a H l r i '!

J E L L Y M A K I N G D n m o i in t r n l io n a n i l <lin-fiirm ln n o f f n i i t n , Ik' hI i t in l l in d n a n d w n y n to iin c . M orn

iiiiD iil r a i i n i t i t f I n tf i 'in 'iu l in tU im o n n l rn t lo i i .


lilC IlKl.t) KKmiM BBR 14lh


K alian fan s a re boo ln r th e m o­vies now b e in f show n a n d d e ­m an d in g re tu rn of (he Hollywood p roduct. P roducer H al B. W aU lt sa id on re tu rn from a t r ip to I ta ly ,

New gasket and Jo in t scnlliig c om pounil lo r pe rm u n cn t rejw lrs c ra ck e d bJock.s and sp ill cyllndi

ow being placed on Iho m ark

XS.000 UlLtSuiNureg

« v s Ghani|iion i«

R°avc«= ol 5.000


Page 10: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

Page Ten roAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Wednesday, July 19,1989

POCATELLO WINS FIRST OF 3-GAME SERIESCharlie Wry Will Hurl for Cowboys In Second Duel

POCATELLO. Ju ly 19 {U.R)— Inviulinn Twin Falls Cowboys Trerc still v ictory-hungry in (hi! Pocntollo Pioneer league

^baseball park H6re today, following t lu ’ir 7 to 3 act-back last n ish t a t th e hands of the lca«:iie-lca(icrs.

Over 8,000 persons witnessed the Kamc, with A1 Schncht, th e clown prince of baseball, providinR an ex tra a ttraction .

Charlie W ry, th e leaRue's leaciinjr hu rlcr with a record of10 victories and th ree defeats fo r th e invaders tonight while Jim Carlin, new Cow- boy im portation, is expected to tret th e call for th e final Kamo of th e ‘‘c ru c ia r’ series on T hursday eveninp.

L asl n ig lit Buzz Nelson. Pocnlcllo hurler. lu m e d MAnaRcr W m Scliu]' mcrJch'8 club bnck wlUi » mcnsly th ree runs. d fsp lU th e f« c t th n t M was rai)prd for 11 only tlin l(>.--s Miati the Curds wcro nblr to r off Uic OffcrliiKS of Mike nudiilcl:

B lit Jiidsoji K Jrke juiri Bud M/ lone foch ro I hom cK for th e home t«am to accounts fo r th roe runs and th a t spelled the difference.

F rank PtCeonl led th e bntllnn at- tack for th e visitors w ith th r i f safe hlnsles In four tr ip s to th e plat*, th e same pe rcen tage th n l M urphy and HJort h a d for Pocatello,

■ivin Pall-s h a d a 2-1 lead goliiB Into the fou rth fram e and added an o th er co u n ter tn Uie f irs t h a lf of th a t Inning, bu t th e C ards cam e baclc w ith th ree countcr.s In D ial

—stan za -an d added -th reo m ore In-tho l u l of th e f if th to tuck th e game away.

T w in F a lls added one m ore dou­ble play to Its to ta l fo r the .seii-son to m ake 76 for th e year—.sllghtb' m ore Uian h a lf over. ,

Box scorc:.T ain i'klli tb I blTocauIIo «l> t li BUhop. Jb 4 I SlMiirphy. • ! « « : ! R«ynold<. » k « Ilr.hr*!. 2 C»rlMn. lb 4 .............

Trout Caught In Dry Ditches

SH O SHO N E, Ju ly 19 (Special) — Plflherm en a n d sportsm en a t large h av e reported U ia t the shu tting off o f w a te r from th e outlels In th e F a ir- f ie ld d is tric t h as resulted In the s tre am s ru n n in g Into the Mormon reaervo lr ru n n in g dry. Jeopardizing th ousands of good-sized (rout.

I t wafi s la te d th a t the situiitlon needed th e a tten tion of the game d e p ar tm e n t. If It Is pos.tlbli*. I t waa recalled (Ish and beaver trouble hud been called to th e a tten tio n nf Dr. A. B . H atch , w hen lie wait iipixilnt- «d, acme tim e iigo, bill nothlnn re ­su lted ,

Plah tng on ino,il stream s of the W arm Sprlngn and Saw tonth area La rep o rte d good, b u t It remalim the s tre am s r rt ju lr r .ilocklng, jitnte the devotee* of flyrods.

lly t'n llrri nsveiijK irt la .—JiiKnii; l‘n>< l

rH ii.A i> » :i.r ii iA - niiiv140, I'h lludrliililn , ............ Ire linlt ulk n o rk o u t nvrr nU itiri \Vnli;u>l. 130. rh IU d rlp lila (»j.

. i l l p r o b a b ly ta k e t h e m o m u i

tf. * *

Pocatcllo ClubBoosts LeadOvcrCowi>oys

<Ry Ihtiled l>reM|n i r Iniinir-lpiidliic Pociitello C ards

dcf<'»tr-d llir M-ctintl p la rr Tw in I^.ILh Cowlxiy;.. 7 to H, a t PocHli'llo last n lu lil In tlie llr,st. Riinic o( the "crucial scrtn.s" betueeii IJir cliib.s, T lirne Uiousnnd fans saw M anager Tom Robcllo’.s team win a.i well os C om edian A1 S t 'h ach t perform . Ncl- .■spii held th e Cowboys to 10 h its, and sca ttered them except In the th ird and fou rth ItmlngH, w hen th e vlsl- tons .scored all th e ir runs.

N early 4,500 fans Jam m ed Com ­m unity park In S a lt Lake to set Eddie M u l l i g a n ' s Bees trouncc OKden, 13 to 5. Lefty V eni Johiwon, on Ihe .slab for S a lt Lake, he ld the A cd« to nliic-hlU>. and confined Uie vU ltors' scoring to two runs In the f if th and th ree In th e seventh. Tlie Bees c louted Lucas, D eardon and Adam s for 18 hlU.

Haye-s held BoLse to four h its and one run w hile h is LewUton mate; slam m ed ou t nine h it* for sevci runs, a t L cw bton. Six of the Lewis- (on runb were scored o ff M ent*, who wa^ charged w ith th e defeat.


int I.llrhrr-Mfnu, H r - M»nl. i. ruck out-nr M»nll S lartA A, nn bi'rUrnlH-rs I. Iln)'! 4. llmplrr. -- M.Qiiill.


Utah Chiefs Take On Glass-Paint

Reds Boost Lead to 7Vz Games in National Loop RateM an With the Big Slick

M O W i e




Death Calls Last of White Sox Comiskeys

CHICAGO, J iily 19 (U.R)—The fluR in cen terfie ld a t W hite Sox park was lowered to half-m ast in m ourning fo r th e last o f th e illustrious Comiakeys actively concerned w ith A m eri­can league baseball.

J . Louis Comiskey, 54, owner and p resident, who directed th e W hite Sox fo rtunes for e ig h t y ea rs betw een severe a ttac k s of h e a r t d isease, lo.st h is la s t f ig h t yesterd ay a t hi.- sum m er hom e a t E agle River^ W is. H is body was shipped to Chicago today fo r burial.

All th a t aport« fan s know of Co- m hkey Is hl.'s reco rd as one of the able.it m a g n a te s In baseball. He cou ldn 't ge t a ro u n d m iirh w ith his 3B0-pound f ra m e a n d flu tte ry heart, b u t h i h is q u le l way did aK K rrat a Job In rebu ild ing th e ahaltered W hite Box a s d id th e spectacu lar

R om an"—C h a rles A. Comiskey

17-Year-Old Hurler Gets Perfect Game

H OUSTON, T ex ,. Ju ly Ifi (U.R) —a even teen - y e a r - o ld Ernest W hite, one of th e youngest IVxas league p layers, lant n igh t p ltrh - ed a n o -h lt n o - ru n gami' ns H ouston de fe a te d Woilh,

f t i f o m a ) Q . u . n


MlM. C a id liials ................................laCain llll. nodgiTs ..............................laO tt. a lalll,^ .............................13M rC onn lrk , H n ls ..............................laLom bardi. ite<tB .............................14

AMKIttCAN l4 :A (ilir.O reenlKiK, ’n g r r s ...........................nI'-OXX. ItPil UlX ........................ Illf lr lk lrk , V .in k e iv ,.............................nO un lon , Y alikn '^ ............................. inW illiam s, Hrtl Hox ......................... Ifl

MacPhail Proves to Be Poison Ivy to Magnates—He Makes Money

By IIKNItV M.I.I.MOUKNKW YOUK. July II) (ii.lii ’n iin

w eek n fife and diiim nii|),vL as t week a iiillr la

G uiin llig lia in and the 1Hllm Itlilr-ou t.

N exl w .T k- well, it llkrh loiHi E:iist l ,)n n , lii'caiiM' Ih r i r Ii, m.telllliK w hal I,<'ImimI MlanlmdM uoP hall will (Ilirr ii I an r r io itto ge l th e ................. In I'Jihelsfield U> wiiU-h Ihr ihixiklviiD odgers play.

V nndevillr h ii 'l iUi« 1 al all 1’has ]unt iniiDvi'il IIm IIrivur Ui IH'Doklvn whn<< Mix..PIimII Is dn le in iiiiril lo iiiakr iiion-ry nu t n( a ball club invrn II .h rplav lng n l lMisrl>i\ll ii rrlexaledto the n -ar. 'I 'lir D<i<1un., mayhfl III fllMl tilare In 11ir Niilloi'ialloauue bu t Miry a il' lo ir. hi v a u ­e ty 's boxncoie. I t wm l t Ijii liinifbefore th a t HIbln of the ilicafili altr a d e will Ixt oovnrliiK the IlriKik-lyii pe rform ances In ll« eiihiinn“nnw aols,"

Uliiue iin l<H)k cliaii»n o( Ml*})(xlKors, M aePliull him |n ii nn nl- n iM l everylhlnK na n p ii’-Kaiiin a t- iruotlon. Il« hua hail rham lx ir m'li- »lu, fool races, sa loliU , tliih t ro|>« w alksrs, a n d now th e re U a re- jwri. U ist he la d lrkerlng fur the

'p a n if lh u ta ju q ip a t th e w orld's 'M r , B t w an ts it, or m u>e ru- / n o r fOM, m n o v s d t« k u m u rietd I /o r Am purpOM of l iv l n i each /UolWt purcLhMsr » freo ride. He

nU M h is f irs t oiistflnmn hln pe t i>e«v«i. Dill 1 'e n y nn<l

p air

l.ARRY M a rn iA l l .

n ic-k . If hfl eolilil Iirl ihlN III the paiaeliiito , lin wnulcl

leave tliriii n tiand ril iiiucli lonu- e r th a n wern the u iito rlu iia lr roii- plo At th e world's fiilr, and would IieifKHiallv ritiodi iinv tiirf lii .iil.i w ho a lle iiip le il lo «<'> Hirni clown.

Ill Ilin In.n 1« In th e r. will be II

th a t lili>k> dchlied II th a t iloi M

■nirv CDiisldrr Mm fir:.|i,

M arl 'h a ll » lll I

■miilcis, IlKIii.li>

-lliiw lain III Ih r KHiiir w ith Ih r (.'aidliiiOn M ml'h iU I iliieiai'l kimw o h rllirr tlie ypll.iw ball In anv K»fxl cir hill, liui he d o e in 'l hrllrvn H« m erlin m deiiie rlln evrf will li« nrltlMl l>v nludyhiH It brliliul a m il l<ip drnk III llie lio iil iilliir. He w aiit'i lo iiel li niit there in a Kaiiir anil riiid iiiil by a i|ieiliiieiil liiiw It'w iiikn. m ill w hellier oi luil 11 K m ine vinlblp (n llir A |ir,|n-

—In KUldhiR c ham pionsh ip an league icno is In ChleuKO b<-fnrc in n ia ck tiox ncaiidal of.lOUO W hen th e old H diiuin died In in3l, ill U>iil.s. w ith J1 >eaiH pxiierl.'ii.e 1 a chib enei'iitlve, wan fully pre-

pa red to s te p In p|•e,^lll>'llt kikI th e c lub IhroiiKli Itn lennent fl-

n lnclal yearw. T h e youiiHer Co- ml.skey, how ever, lia.s no family mic- eesaor ready. M rs. (;onil!'kev iirvi'i-

IS tntereH led ncllvely In the rlub id non Charle.-< Is only U . 'H in r e two daUKhter.s. O ra r ir Uni. [7. id tX irothy, T i yei.r.n <il<1, as.'.lMunt

la th e Sox f ro n t oU lre,F irs t III line loi- th e pi l•. ll||■il, y

itly h IIIv l r r - |. r lilei ol Iw ho lia

a f f a lp du rin g Ihe riei|iii

Bees ScIhmIiiIc, Game Clian<!;<i

HALT I.AKK CITY . ,liilv 10 nii'i Kddlfl M ullliian, iiiiiiiuni'i i.| n Malt Lake H im ol ilir ..........

learn will not plav Mir n io l . Ml hill here n id i iy and HuI iikIiiv n> ... li. iile«l.

hm tead. (lie ......... . » iII muiulHv at ;i I............. t,Kuin

KHinni., and llio aiviukI m li:i;>

MlllllKaii M>l<l Ih r r lii .11,11' K nr m ade lo aeniiiiriKiiliiii ha ' butl liiiu on I'loneiT <lav, whl> h «ui| Ih< , I>rale<l Mi>ii<li>v

D o cg lo I'ac*': J a c k <;rawl'(H<[

(IH TyrfN U T MM,I.. .Mil ,. .Iiilv III H im - - I'V anirr N .dlcnul I'lhiiu,iiiii, .lohn Ho|»e Dih), .i| lliun nii. N. .1. luaklllK a ii.iii.I.imX lU hi a layoff, rai'Pd hir. mmih .i to ­day Id th e «7Mi a n ..... . l.niKwmn1bowl teiiiil^i .................. Ill

Doeu, tw lre wliiliri i>f Ih r 1,111,^. .wtMxl event, WHA nrh'-ilulnl A untrallun D av u rujiiN 1 (Craw­ford 111 Mie .n ih leiiiaUiliiK Milid- n iiind m all'll, T h r binnci /kuiUhiuw allowed flanlien n( Ih r m ade >tlm h o liainplou r yeaterday h i lit* iiihI<j w ard AIIihi o( /la n ria i i ru n n e r-u p In th e le rn alnglM. 'I1in v id iii lit Oraw fnrd eontent uill ^ended O a iiln a i Mnllc.

.( lab le i, r ia . , h i M>'‘ <l'

riiiiii th a t . <lr< i.>|g auo> allll Mil. '•I'M., <iallf,. >1 M aitland

Ihn m rr l Milrd. V III r .ira l H iln -lliia li,

Rainiers Climb Back Into First Place

The AngeU a re bacK in second place In th e Pacific C oast league today, w ltli no th an k s to S acram en­to 's C ardlnala. No tlianks from Uie Seraphim 's com er, th a t Is. but a wWe bow from the northw est, for when the Cards.adm hiLstored a 3 to 1 thum ping to Los Angeles la.it n igh t th e S eattle R ahilers bounced to the top.

T he Solon win was Its l5Ui In the pa.si 17 s l a r u a n d wa.s achieved a t the expen.so of Fay (Scow) llio m - as. w)io wa.s rapped for 10 h lta while Bill Schm id t w as holding Uie A n­gels to fou r blngles.

Soatlle. m eanw hile trounced O ak­land 9 to 2. leap ing on F reddie Gay for .six ru n s In Uie sccond Inning. Les W ebbcr.v.although touched for 14 hli.s. m anaged to c o a it In safely.

Snn Pm ncl^co rem ained a scan t ha lf game a h ea d of Sacram ento witli a 7-3 win over S a n Diego.

Bob H oover'a 10th h in lng home run wiUi tw o m en on bn.se «ave Hollywood a 6 to 5 w in over Port- lanik K ugger Ardlzola. althuuKh re­lieved In th e 10th, took cr«lH for th e victory.

2 Buats Share Honors in Pacific Race

HONOLULU. Ju ly 18 (U.PJ—Bron?. ed ■ and bearded crew m en of the yacht.s C on tender a n d BUtzcn sh a r­ed heroe.s' welcomes today a fte r ar equal dlvl.slon of hono rs tn th e Oold- en G ate In tern a tio n al exposition'! 2,085-mlle tran s-P ac lfIc race from Treofture l.sland to H aw aii.

AUhough th e C on tender crasscd th e finish line firs t. Uie Blltzcn probably will be declared th e w inner on a h iuidleap ba.sls. However, the VlkhiK ChlUl.-, wlUi a han d icap of five days la hours, s till could win th e ratx* If It rea d ied p o r t wlUUn the nex t twii days.

T h e C ontender. 106-foot yawl ow ned by Dirk 'Loynes of Loiik a -a c h . Calif., ,i<'(H)le(l u n der a heavy wind th rough th e buoy fin ish line to becom e f irs t of th e f lee t of 20 e n trie s lo edm iile te . th e gruelllnK race In 14 days, seven hours, M m inutes an<l tw o-flfU is seconds.

B u t th e C ontender, beeauso of he ,ili-.e and ralliiK, sa iled from MTatirli and th e H llt» 'n , f)R-fo<it c u tte r Mill ••d by R, J , n ry iioh ls . Jr., o f New Y ork a n d w ith a luindleap ol t days, e ig h t hour^ a n d 35 mln c om pleted Ihe long Ja u n t less than two hou rs iK'hlxd h e r bigger rh

l l i o Rft-f.Hit ,s.;hooner Fandii rro.-t.scd ih n finlnl) line Uiird.

Chanip Sliows Way In Idaho State Women’s Amateur

M eC A tJ,, Ilia., Ju ly IB (U.l'i- T in Id ah o wcmiriiA a m ale u r golf tou r ' im m en t w eiit liito Uir s n o n d roiiiu loday w ith th e defendliiK ehainplon M rs. a , P. W llllamn of Uolnc. wel

,it Ui fron t.M rs. WllllaiiiA, .veklng n th lid leg

II Uie <-liamplnnshl|> eiip, ledalLnt lioiiorn In th e (lUallfyhlK

ro und w ith an H'2, two ntroken w om en's ixu- fo r the P a y r tlo l4«ke.s course. T h en In th e f lis l rouiKl J.lie c llm llialed Mi>, O liarles I t. Welte roUi of Jen iiiic , II and a. 'n i o final ro und will be loinorrow afternoon .

QualiryliiK M'ores of elianiplonslilp f ligh t p layers lnchide<l;

Mra. I^ 'on iiid Aliii<iulnl, niilil. O'i; Mm. L, J, l‘-«rl)rr^,W el»er, a n d Mrs,

1‘r llu ilk . nuh l*U :i; Mrn OeorKfl O ru llun . Id ah o I'u lls. a n d Mrs. C os, Uiihl, 0(1; Mrn, Ja ck 'lliiKey, n u h l. 07; M rs, W elle io th . UH; Mr; I lo b e r t MiiiiKiiiii, N aiii|ai. MIm Hen- s le l*'nlk. llolne, an il Mrn. F O ourly. Id ah o Falls, I>0; From m . Id ah o Falls, M rs, I>«n Daly, noise, M rs 11. H . h1der. IJolse, an ‘ M rs. H arry I’lireell, Dolse, 100,

In n in te li play M rs. l 'rl l\ie lk w» rrotn M rs. I'K iinin, 4 a n d a; Mr. AliiHtulflt won fru in M Iia Fnlk, 3 an

M rs. U d er b e a t M rs O riillai in d a ; Mi-n, MorUin won froi

Mrn. MaiiKuin, I up : Mra, U aly dc fe a t« l* M rs . Go*, a a n d 1; Mi O ourly won from Mra, F a rber, ■nd 8, a n d ,Mrs, Pu rcell defeated M rs, T liigey. a aJid 1.

(tesiilta of iiUier m a tches Inrliid I: F irs t Fllglii:: Mra, Oreeley,

NainiM. d e fe a te d M rs, Elsenl>erK, Id ah o Falla, 7 a n d fl; second fllgli —M rs. Jo e ItoblnMKi, Dolae, wo f r ^ Mm, a , H . lUuih, Id ah o Falls. 3 a n d 3 ; M ra. K . U w la , N am pa, de- /s a te d M rs. llupa , Idaiio PalU , I up

H ie m e te r (99,17 lneh> on whlnh Um m e tr ic ayatern U baae<l, l i a dU- lanoo equal to oiw lO-mllllonUi th e d ls la iiee from th e e a i th ’s |i 10 Uis ei(im tor.





W e see w here th e new so-called •'dead ' ball a t Pocatello th e o th e r day In th e gam e betwe< th e S a lt L ake Bees.

N et re su l t w as a to ta l o f 18 h its by Uie Bees a n d 13 by the Card- kiaU In one gam e—p lus four home runs. U.slng th e lively ball In the evening, th e two clubs garnered six less runs a n d 11 less hits Uian wlUi th e "dead ened - ball.

60. now th e fan s a n d m anagers a n d p layers a re folrly well con­vinced th a t th e rab b it ball Is n o t causing th e huge scores In th e P i­oneer c ircu it, th e genera l plan will be to po in t to th e ligh t atm osphere, w hich a llow s th e pellet lo travel long d is tan ces on pop-ups.

T here m ay be u m e th ln t on th is a n |!e —b a t no t being a n expert od th e fcnerm l c o n te n t o f atm osphere, we c a n 't o ffer a n y opinion. How­ever. th e re w as a Uche, when S alt Lake City w as In th e Pacific Coast league, th a t aU th e outfielders and o the r sluggers in th e loop w anted to play fo r B ill L ane 'c o u tfit so they could fa t te n up th e ir b a tlln g a v tr- ages—d ue to th e high a ltitude.

A nd in th e sam e category, a ll the p itchers w an ted lo m iss hurling w hen they cam e to S a lt Lake to pieserve In tac t th e ir ru n s-b a tted - tn averages.

Along th is line , we have the sujjKestlon of G , W . W atson , staunch Boise baseball f a n a n d form er Twin Falls h igh school a th le te about 20 years ago.

W atson w ould have the leaRue p residen t la s tr u c l th e um pires to give th e h u r lc rs In th e loop more of a b rea k —give them th e com ers and th e shou Id cr-h lg h and knee-high th row s a t s tr ik es Instead of ball.s, a s Is th e custom now.

However, to do th a t th e umplrlnn suiff would have to be very con­s is ten t w ith th e calls , o r they would have the b a tte r s sw inging a t bolls a foot above th e ir h ead s to avoid being called ou t o n strikes.

And to da le , we haven’t .seen very m uch In the lin e of conslattncy from um pires o f th e league.

T h e 8t- L ouis B row ns of the A m erican leaxue c a n 't seem to win more th a n a m in im nm of ball games—la m e.t th a t th e o the r clubs hand lo th em on a pla tter.

B u t (he S t. Loul.i Brow ns' rxeeutlve side Isn 't b lam ing th e losses on M anager F re d H aney .

H aney h a s been signed to pilot th e 1S40 te am —a very unusual procedure In th is day a n d and age w hen a m anager Is usually kicked out abou t th e m idd le of th e season if his te am isn 't w inning.B u t I t w ould a p p ea r from th is d istance th a t H aney Is doing as well

0.S could b e expec ted (w inning one o u t o f th ree ) w ith th e m aterial a t h a n d a n d fo r oucc the ow ner of Uie club Is* n o t blam ing i t on tlie m onager. C ong ra tu lations to Mr. D on B arnes, th e Browns' p resident.

Ho. hum ! N ex t h ruvyw elght boxing cliHuiplonslilp duel Is sched­uled to be A 20-round battle betw een C ham pion Joe Louis and Chal- loiiKcr Bob Piisto r.

'H ie best U ilng we can say Is th a t It m akes som eth ing Jii.M a llltle d ifferen t to r e a d - t h e d istance Is usuully 1& round-i.

i r ^ b P a l lo r ge ts past th e f if th s ta n ia in th is s e u lo n with Ihe Rrnwn B om ber (h r w ent th e full 10 rounds In th r t i n t m relliig of llip p a ir) , a long w llh 99 per c rn t of the w orld 's popula tion . wr'Il be (rru lly surp rised .

And we Mispect Mr. Pasto r h lm srlf Will b r Ju st a» s lu n n rd by such a f ra t a s th e re s t o f Ihe country.

Sunbeam Fishermen Get Limit of Salmon

HUOSHONPJ, Ju ly ID ( tii ie r liil l- •Tiilk abou t flflliliig, I iirv rr miw Biiytlilim llki! 1 ran Into Knturdiiy niKl Huiidiiy." wii.s th r rnthiL>liuitlc rxincMiloii of Hii

, whi-n lin I I hl-iu ity I

iiimi rlvn.n i . ' im ilv wan coiniKiM'ildl Claull,

i.y lr 'IVIpp i.f Bull l^ k r , Wni Wolm of M urlaiiH li, niid I'^ird H rih rr t. Ih r KUldn, T h ry left a riiiK'h III neuv vulU-y and a fte r a Jiiiiiit of llv r m lirn n tarled lo work and by U n'rlot-k of tlir f irst MioriiliiK o u t n il liiul U irlr IlmlUi and w err roiiiiK-lIrd to tu rn th ree ot llin nalinon Ioom>, 'l liey brought 12 ciiii a t HuiilK?ani, Ih r largrn t of CliliKM.k sa lm on wi'IkIiIiik afl'jIMiiiiidn.

n i r y w n r (InhliiK w ith ex tra liriivy inckh- a t Y aiik rr anil inldille fiirk of llir nuliiioti, and It was ntiitrd th a t In nomn places tlio lK>iiiiiii war, l llrra lly lilark with Milmiiii. T h ry inivcr w ltnrsncd iiim iilng like It b i'fo ir and dr- M illx- It an a U irlll worUi wlilln,

'rim fh.h n-'o very slowly and tiiKi' llin bull wlUi a sIlKht iilbl>Ir, T li' h b Mir Hum In s ink the hook hhd Uir riKht In on. I t was a fiuA lUKl fiiiloiit. I'd iilenl In the sh o rt lli>»- II. |4>ok lo nr(]i|lre Uia lim it, ■Hid It wai, i.iatc4l by th e boys th a t llMi (..<inr llilHK >'OUlil Ixi

in the

*nlhK fro

lul s

ii-nu'iiliiB th e sam e riiiiiliKuiii dam with

11 iiAn Is r iill tle d tt>. mm or r rg u la r fl|>oi t.

N K i i t r I^ K iii r I 'll ll.A D L M ’m A . .luly 1»

Tlin llllly l.'iiiiii-Ctiis l>uraslo flgllt will 1)0 held iim tn ih r floodlights a t tilillw iia ik Auk 14. brtiomlng the f lis t lioiit in In' h rld u nder Iho base- bsll ]ilaiit'n ".liivllKhl " IlKlltInu »y»- lem, It wan s ii iio u n m l loday.

> Lionel A. Deaa ,» (;um p|pte Auto Hrrvlos ^


K t-U S In d Ave. (V, Ph. IIS

Match Play Starts ill Trans-Miss

COI.OIIADO Hl’l llN tin , Colci Ju ly 10 lURi—'n i i r e form er rhniU' plons, MNlalLst I lu fus Kli^S of W Ichlla Falls , T rx ., a n d «1 oilier a m a ln i ta l<Mlay b<'»ian m atch play In the :iDtIi aliniiiil truius-Mlsslnnlpiil golf um riiB ineiit over llroadmoor course.

Veil H avagr ot Halt l.ake Ully. lOJIl cliarniklon. wan ina lt'h rd ag Ja ck K erns, IJenvrr. King, win n inm nirdiill.st w llli a on<i-iinder-|>ar no. wiui p a lird w ith Fred Newton of I>-nv<T, Jo h n DawMin, 103(1 cham ­pion who nai'tletl a 74 In yesterday s iiuallfylng round, op|K>sed Sieve Hliaw of (Jolorado ti]nlnH(i.

AnoMirr Iw a l p lav rr . Hay I/)well, Jr , wan nialrh)-<l w ith tkldle Held o( D cnvrr, lOXI and lO'JO rliam ploii who had a ip ia llly lng 73.

O the r favored p layers dr?w little known oppo iirn is and were exi*ect- eti to have llt l lr d lfflriilty loday, 'l liey Inelililed Fxl KIngnlpy of Hall Lake C ity. IU3II tiaiui-MlKS flnallM.

Atley Donald Takes 11th Straight Win

N EW YORK, July 19 (U.R) — T here w as a t r ^ f i c jam on in th e N ational league today between sccond and seventh place.''!. W ith th e Cincinnati Reds 71/ j gam es in front, the in terest in th e senior circuit for th e tim e being is the bat­tle fo r th e runner-up spot. There are six clubs in it. Only the Reds and the last-place Phillies seem to be in the spots th e y ’ll wind up in.

T lie tr a f f ic betw een the mid-way clubs w as te rrif ic yesterday. Tlie G ian ts d ropped from second to fourth . T lie Cuba moved from third to sccond. T lie C ardinals leaped from f if th to th ird . T lie Dodgers d ropped fro m th ird to f if th . Prom Uie C ubs In sccond to th e Bees in seven th , th e gap is only four games, and from th e C ubs to th e Dodgers In f if th , only a gam e and a half.

R eds Boost Leaa W hile a ll th is ba ttling was going

on to d e te rm in e th e club which vould m ake th e big chaJlense to itop them , th e Reds rolled on with a 12-3 v ic tory over U u Bees, Paul D erringer h u n g up h is 12th trium ph bu t h a d h is consecutive innlnti record w lliiou t allowing a walk snapped . H e walked Debs OBrma In th e f irs t fram e , ending a run of 49 2/3 Inn ings wliliout l.wulng a pass. T lie reco rd U 60 se t by Clirlsty M athew son In 1913.

•n>e C ubs b e a t the Dodgers, 4-2. w ith C laude Passeau going the route. ‘ •

T lie dow nw ard plunge of Uie G la n u con tin u ed as Uie Cardinals knocked off th e Terrym en, 5-3, for th ree In a row a t the Polo-Orouiids. Car] H ubbell, s ta r tin g his f irst game since Ju n e 4. was U pped for nine h its In seven fram es, and was the loser.

W ith Syl Joh n so n pitching e lght- h lt ball, th e PhlHlei won from the P ira te s , 8-3.

D onald Bets Mark AUey D onald se t a freshm an

p itch ing reco rd when h e hurled the Y ankees to a 8-0 victory over th e 81. Louis Brow ns for h is ItU i stra igh t tr ium ph . I t broke the form er m ark of 10 se t by H arry K rause o( tlie A thle tics In 1008, T lie Yanks won th e sccond gam e. 4-3; Increasing the ir lead to e igh t games.

T lie Red Sox broke even w ith ths W lilte Sox, winning the opener, 13-10. and dropping the nightcap, 8-S.

Joe K rakniiskas held the Tigers to six h its a s W ashington thumped o u t a 10-2 w in over Detroit.

C leveland broke a flve-game los­ing streak , d e fe a il iii the AUiletks,

Girls Schedule 2 Softball Tilts

Llnlii# up sliong coinpfitllloii In p repa ra llo ii for Ihe soiiUi Idaho I'liam ploiishlii tourney a t Jerome, M anaw rr n o h RIgler of the Twin Falls Kirls’ m idbnll tram to<lay aii- JidiiiiiTd Rchrdiilliig of two games h e ir Mils w erk.

I 'ir s t one will l)« with Uis strong Jrrnn ie t r a m here loday a t fl;30 p. m. a t th r WanhliiRlon school field.

On t'r ld a y nlRlit thn local club iiiimlr,-. w ith Hurley on the Harmon park fli-Id a t (1:30 p. m.


u n 1F o n m


USEDCARS1!K!7 nymmith DeLiixc Four Door Sedan

w i t h l a r K f l>nilt-ln Iriink, itnillo ami lU-ater. lii'iuiUfitl rinlHh and very clcan". An cxfi-ptlonal rn r fo r tmly ....... fr)2ri,00

in.'u; Ituirk 46 Ouupc

ItiiH >tadi(» nnil llcAl«r. livHiitifiil Krny fIniHh. Oiir o f Iho inont popular rarft on mad to d a y . S pcilat ............... ;itf5,00

ICany (JMAC Term i


Page 11: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

Wadnudtjr. JuIr M. WSt

Pete Hughes, Ogden Slugger, Retains Pioneer Hit Lead



Wry Tops Loop Hurlers With Ten Victories

Pe t« H u ttie s . O cd in 'i 4ce o\iW f lild c r, tod«y oonilnued ta M t the p«c« for Pioneer leojrue t l u m r a w ith s n • v e r » |t o ( .409. JOcctMing U> f ig u m rc lM u d to d f t/ by P r t s e to n c . Tw in P tlU lU llftlclftn .

K ow fver, oontlnuLiig r l f h t on tiU hM U w«re Wm Schulm erlch. 7>/ln

m snager. and Bud K lrk i, P o - cAt«llo outfielder, c u h w ith • m ark o f .388.

C harlie W ry, Twin FaUa veteran , M l Lho p#ce to r the p ltc h e n w ith 10 won and th re? loit, U ltln s o - th e top apot In the loop when l^ffty MeJ M arltw #, B alt U k c ac*. waa c h arsed w ith a defeat a t Pocatello . M arlowe has A m ark of 10 w ins and fou r l06wi>.

W alt Lowe, BoUe first sacker. waa a t th e head of th e ’ home ru n p a ­rad e w ith 25 circu it clouts, cloeely fo lloned by Tony Robello, Pocatello m anoBer and first ba^^man, w llh 34.

Ocorgc P a rre ll. Twin Falls, waa In a tie w ith KlrXe of Pocatello for' th e iwo-biwe, leadersh ip .-each w ith 24, while Nenl A rlett of S a lt Lako a n d O ro B urne tt of PocawIIo each h a d nine triples to lead th a t de- p« rtm en t.

DouWe PlBy honors lo r th e loop were In th e handa of th e -T w in Fallfl club, w ith 78 to BoUe’d 63.

Com plete averages were a s fo l­lows:

BATTINR.M ltd <l.«.

Tmw ABlluKh«», ...............•'.hulmtrlcM, T. r ................ :«Kirk», roc»l*ll<> ................. -H -- ___>!"bflio. r»r»Ullo .............IDt .tD4


Visitor H ere

C U N T EVANS . . . Head baw ball and rre shm an

/oo lba ll roach a{ th s Ui)fveralt7 e i Califo rn ia, th l i n a tlo n a l l; know n m en to r i» » form er coacfh of T w in P a lli h i(h school. He la en rou te to hiR hom r a l Brrkelry todaj', fol- low ln i a renewal of o ld-tim e a c ­qua in tances In th e sou th Id ah o d litric t.

Coast May Get Class D Baseball Loop

SAK TRANOISCO. Ju ly IS lU.Ri— roM lble form ation oC a California O la u D baseball lea tue by th e 1940 •eason was disclosed today by P rw l- d e n t W. C. T uttle of th e Pacific Coast leacue.

TuVlle said lie had w ritten to civic o rganleatlons In IS c ities to le a rn the po.^slbllltles of form ltig such a circuit, citie# b e ln i oonsld- •red . T uttla said, are Ban B e rn a r­dino . Btockton. Modesto. PVe.ino, H an lo rd . B akenlleld . San t« B arbara. V en tu ra . Riverside. S an t* A na. A na­heim , S an ta M nrla and O ntario .

A lthough th e new league would be idependent of the Coast league,

T u ttle said, th e coast circu it would m ost 6J players and would

BAslst In orRanlilng dtU tU .

Ukel-ric*, Silc l.thf .. nn«rnlun«1. 0»ii«n nii;k<rl. IloiK l,»frl»ii. Fill l.*Vf ArlrlU U lc C.rl.on. T-.ln Kill.KI1.X. Salt 1 «kt0«tU. O f i l t n ..............Myrr*. O j^ n ................USHunmi. I’«ml«ll8 ............U4

SIHnrrlnBion. nol»* ........... HI

I'or. r I *1SaiivSr ■=:: !!WnUimior. I^*l«len ...... IBC ibnt. ......... <aKirr.ll. TwI" fill* ............. 17finiliUrrl. Olricn ............... 1!S

'noli>' ................... I'*N»>.rro. 0«H.n ............. SaoShfttimi. Uol ■■ ............Murphy. PcK»l»Ho ............ HZ

Tr«»-.r. fltU I.ilti .......... il7»n«if«. noiM ..... ..NoVm , Boltt _ _ ■*»

riT tllIN C RiCOlPB


INDIANti 6. ATHLKTICH 3ilidJiphi* *b r h CUvtlanrf kh r

Tt i R iii'yU.V, c !• ftiibirr, II I e 0:W4il)i'y, rf I S

11, I 1 lin. cf * nir « (I UiTrosky. I>> t I1 ;!&.%.: ;

i.XBi'i,*’ib 4 * nllovi. V S « «UlWv. I 0Utin, » 0 II fliOcbtaii. P Z S

P1.it Toi.l

p io N e e n l e a g c Ew . L. Ff.1.

r « a te l l i j ................ ... 39 27 .391Tw in Falls ............ ........ IB U .551S a lt Lake ............... .... 3a s ; .336U w lsto n .................. ...... 3S as .4780 *den ...................... ........ 30 .17 .448Belse 11 .357


tv. 1.. P f l.iC lnclnna ll .............. .... 48 38 .«SC h lcato .................. .... 43 39 .514New Y ork .............. .... 41 38 .319S t. Louis ................ .... 40 37 .319Brooklyn ...... ......... .... 31 37 .507P l ttsb a r th ............ -... 37 38 .433Boston ................... .... 37 41 .474P h iladelph ia .......... .... 24 4D .329


New York ............. .... 60 :s .713Boston ................... 4S 27 .640C h lca to .................. .. 44 DS .550C lereland .............. 41 3!) .513D ttto U •....................... 40 41 .494W ash ln fto n ......... ..... 34 50 .405Ph ilade lph ia ......... ..... 31 49 ,3RBSt. U u ls ............... .... 24 57 .206 ,

ni»'I-.tcl. OlHniWri'. Ti.iti Kill. ... .M>rlo»«, H>lt ....

.Mrnt., Boix ........Nrl.-oi,, Porllfllo ......riiarrfnn. Onliti ...Si’iC'i'ri, T-Mi l«lli'":.

•r„.r.ii», 'o»rtfn . ... rc rl'r ll" .....

Il.>r...•'-•liuh.l. T>.lti f»lli . . Anrtrf«i. Sail L ikt .. rn.A.^n. Ixoialnn ..

Vitli ..

YANKEES B-4, BROW NS 0-3b.r.l L-.m,; tt, » . f .

l)onal>| tnrf F

.Scrotid ramrir : Mill*, KImHrlli

mak-Ki.>. c f : n ijriifi. ah « i o II-T. tf : I I'o.ii.K'r, ir { 'II 0 IV'i,’'' !( f * ? I

Jiahlf'ti. 1 Murplij. r

K/lt<lrh. 1

rwalau*. >|ci|h«i. Ofil*n .Vh«lnirrlrh, T. K.

I MfWulnn. Winning rll.l' llilri.r.iul. Ic.-li,ii vlirlifr • Kramer.

^^KNATURS 10. T lG E ItS 2.

« \ I tl nI.. 9b

I)). II

T MURTAUGH *•---------------- • " ■ ■

K. Y. N. brlriBr club wi.n en ter- w J . r . ' i J n r . . n _ , o

---------------- f t » w; i hr o, O.

t BOX 10.B. RKO MOX 13.3


!li‘''Vnme«'o7"Mr“ .!,iO MiT e!]!,\1u„um.n, Mr. oiul Mi«. .1, It m

, «ni1 Mr. and Mm. n , n .



In Your Newspaper

•It'S daddy—he w snU to know ij m e lii'ns have c lcared o u t so "he can com r home for Mipiii'r."

Wife Is dy liii with laugli* ter—n ot really! B u t ehe alwayk kets a kick o u t o t the no rld 's g rea ie jt com ­ic section.

Rettrf the comics d a i ly f o r a g o o d l a u e h a n d a b i t o f f lo m e th in K d i f f e r - e f i t in y o u r —


TIMES . • an jou Dury Daday? , . H«’i iM


J 006 HOW t>0 1 Kuogj suT WHAT W tl D o u sie -

c e o i« UE A ^ i u r

NATIONAL I.KAGDEC inelnnatl W. Bokton s.St, Louis 6. New Yerk 3.C h lcato 4, Brooklyn :.P h ilad e lp h ia 'I , P ittsburgh t,

A.tlKRtCAN I.EAGUENew York e-4, Ht. l,o u lt 0-3.Chicago 10-t, Boiton lS-5.W ashington 10, D etroit t ,P hlU delphla 1, a e v e la n d

(n igh t game).

t C C l S l C R eiG BRUSH K

HAOERMAN. July.. 19 <6peclal)— A large fire eventually gotten under control PYiday, southw est of O lenns Perry between Bailor creek Aitd Dead MwVk m tk .

It wn. ap p n rn itly cn>ii.ed by the e lrc trlcu l Atorni Ttiuraday.

IV o crews from tlin T hree Creek OCO cam p, one from the B runeau ram]), and two crew i frum .Uie H i4 - enw an OCO cam p worked n lg h l * t\d day to Bet th e lire n n d rr control. I t 1a eetlmat<*d tlin t approxim ately

tu g IW6T UM.UAIII ilC 9 lT l - ■ EABTH...THf 4B

. . . HOW.THIHm'M v m i u «tMAlU WUV16 AMO flEAUTlPOL U H T iy




= ...................U liljt ix i i Eaele. who has been ......... ' ' ,ml Z i ' . i TM

‘"•M-tc-yrrt » t Ih r Jo h n flavago farm

M rilnll,


BUT PNDIfJi. /WB$, BUT o J r \ HIM -''THAT ( R E A U -V a aprom ises t o V PROBLEM \S ' BE A MAN- \ OOOLA-v VSIXBD J 0 9 t J



Page 12: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

P a g e TV clvo




M.«0; I7.H

Idahu, load IntdI9.W p.ld (or Idihot •rid lo» luntx IJ I" 19.40: two lotiln huldovrr

.vins on. iMd hol.lover» fir.1 InickM f«edcm I6.ti.

* w«TjJti* br*«Ur» •w*. up lu


U «, (ood U. rhoic. l«& to lb

SbAp: MOO: l*t» TuMd.y iwidr on ' MIfhi* e u .i« l top n«ll.e tprln* l.ni M.U: *>alk W.2t l/< 10.60. tfKliji lr»•prlnr Umt» ind ye«rl(n»> «<rongullvM to $9.50: iMd nf.r-choiKthot hfid ftbor* IM 6| iliKp •l**dr.

C«ttl«; P.OOOi 1;000; lirsjlj- flfrua; ilriellr train f»d kindi prrdotnini


OMAHA-Hor*!,u«)y: .pou te U> lOc hl«h«r c, with To»d«y; wtr.m« top 18,76,

Cattlai 4.600 : e»lT» 1. - - - •

OCOBN LIVESTOCK,?°v5P?r«V “S ‘bL’f : i7 r to % » 5r. b : ;

. C lU i: tlow: Iiml(«d Mil:

W.T6; <•nolhln,

doubU* RliMd 7


^ lo eholc. ISO «o *06 lb. btit«hr« 18“ afltu 'i a t : ■ *.1v« lOO: «ood und«

Ih •hortfed «tMn I I ; c>I*h Itfidyi mod t» thole* <0e Ib, n o g t vn lc n n .ts .

Bbttpi US: •horn »prln»«r» 16 I'

LOS ANGELES LIVESTOCK LOI ANGELES—K otii 80»: lop 11, C*tll«2 *00; «ood led yr»rlln* •!

K .M ; -fowl to rtoic* TMlrn W.JO

*’swp: M il : ?~X» »• lo» eko'c* •* woolcd l*nb* tS,76.

I Local Markets• ■— -----------------------------------■1 B u y in g Prices

BEAMS( t a t Keitfcwu No. 1 -----Om i Hortl)«nu No. 1 -----

(ATM d«al«ra quoUd,)

S %tiA. »««B«di. »U ----------

JM«. «4* .■ VJUSl? S K f e rt;Oolond h«M. utiikr l a t e n t ■


g s a ' s . t . i r . ™ . i,Oolorad U y n . lM-4 Ibi.



N. Y. STOCKSNEW Y O R K .‘Ju1y Ifi (U.W — T he

larkci clc»ed Irr tg u la r .Alafika JuncftU................................Allied C ljetnlcal_______________170AllLi Chftlm ere______A mcrlcnn C a n ......... ............Amcrlcuii R a d ia to r,.,.. .....

StnelU ng.......... ...T el« p h o n e ____

A mcrlcnn T obacco B ........C o p p e r ..............

AiclilKoii, T, & S a n U P b„A uburn M oio ra ......... ...........Biiltlm oro fe .O h lo ........ ..

Avlutlon ________BoU ilrhem SU>cl .......... ......Bordcii Co,

I, Cu.se Co................. .il„ Mil., S t. P . i t P ..... ...

Chr>'.slcr C orp.............. .........Coca ColHC om m rrrliil SolventJi .............. .. 10^4CotninonwcalUi i Sou thern ..... I '/j C on u rio n u l OU of D elaware.,.. 32%

P roducts ................... ............ 60D u P on t do N em oora....... ............16T„Etisunnti K odak ............. ..............168%E leclrlc Pow er i t U g h t............... 8 'i

il n e c t r lc ..il t-ooda ...... 4

G eneral M o to rs ..,. 4G oodyear T ire ............. .*...............30',•»In tcrnuU onal H arv es ter ........... 67’»

m l Kurllcky 1^3'ic: No. 1 bird 70c Iii ,f ; No, 3 h ir.| «0c t» 70>ic; No,‘ 60c! No, 1 yellow hurd 67".<r: No," lird CKc to N.I, S mlinln. I norlhrrn »iirtn» 70^ir.Corn: No, 2 ml«d 6Se: No. I yfllo.■4e to « V e ; No, J yellow 4r,-ic «.

J'ORTI.AND—n .« * e d t


(Q uoU tions tum U hed br Sodler W e n o e r A Co.)

;0 -W « lh .r fl.»r,

contldcriblc decay, 1 rtra 76c: tlllii uinph*. ordinirr au»IHy. 1 c«r $1.16, Cobblm *6 p.r « n l U. S. No. 1. •)>o

c>ndt\“ m .'rViir’I i l 't l . 1 c*n 96e„ 7 o ra »!)<■. 6

. . . . Id*. Dliu Triumpht, und«r ic«. : *1.90. I e .n *1.110. * cmra *1.76; (air dltlDt>. •howlns •poti.d ••cki. .Usfai cay. I cur *1.70. : t t n *1.66, 1 » r :I » r *1,60; U l. Tu«i(Uy. 1 r>r 11. c tr *1,66; No. 1 >howlD( •IlKbt il«» r I1.J0. J c»r *1.10, O w n BlUi uniphi. under !<■«. iliihtly dirty. I *I.7ti Lone Whltr* •hnwtni tllsht nrciy. I cAr *1.66. Nrh. Cobblem. tentrally food qutlllr. t car* *1.40. Cillf. Loni White*. Initial lo». 4 ear* **.40. 2 e .n I2.S0; ihow- Ins ipolt^d »*cki. 1 c ir $2.16; vrnllKleit. t ta n t:.8S; Commtrclilt, Initial Irr. 1

37 >4 . 9 1 'i

....... 12%47

. 165 'i $4<i

Jo h n s M a n v llle ..........................K enncco ti C o p p e r ...................Loew'.s Inc,M onlgonicry W ard --------- --- -N ash K clv lnato r .............. .........N ational D airy P ro d u c ts -------New York C e n tra l ........... ..Packard M otors ....................—

m ount P ic tu re s .........._...,J , C. Penney Co.........................P e nnsy lvania R , R .....................P u re O il „R adio Corp............ .........................R adio Kelt& O rpheum ........ ..Reynolds T obacco B ...... ........a e n rs R oebuck ...........................S hell U nion O il ....Slm nioiw Co.........

ny V acuum _ . _ S ou th ern Pac ific ___________ 14-:'

S ta n d a rd O il o f C a lif o r n ia ..... . 2d'S tan d a rd O il of New Jersey ... 43" iind O o................................... 17'

C orp................... ...... .......... . 38T ran s-A m crlc a ----- ;.................... 5^U nion C arb ide A C arbon .......83'U nlon Pac ific ........................ . 89'U nited A irc ra f t ........................... 38TU nited C orp ..................................... 2-''U, S, Steel, c o m m o n ................... 501W atW este rn U nion ......... ..W esllnghouse E lectric .F . w . w oo lw orth C o .......A m erican R olling M ills .A rm our ....... ............A tla n tic R efin ing Boeing

.. 251

S I O K t i Ay.

(U D -aiock. Ct to *«innK to. t hi(her ie th<

»nt* In lh« Kuroiwan lower opening with

■ week riM lo 68 ii.ew ig » hish:

D M I ! l E S 10 POSI $500 BOND

<Fnm Pat* Oni) th a t his sh ir t was covered w ith blood by liLi a ssistance In th e rescue move. T lie v ic tim s were taken to Tw in Pulls In a passing laundry truck from th a t c ity .

Mr.i. F rank E gana. 37. whose back w as broken In th e crn-nh. was stili In n dangerous condition a t the county genera l ho.«;pitAl In Tfl.'ln P a lls loday. H ospital a ttnches hald h e r condition was unchanged from yesitrilay . H er husband showed coii- tlnu rd Im provem ent. He Ls hulfer- ing n ils , b ruises and Khocli.MlM NevU Calzacorln. 18, l.s "fa ir ." accord ing to Jiaspltul o lll- cU lv a iie ha-s concu.s.ilon of the b rain . All th ree are re.sldciiUs of Tw in t'nlls,

P ostponem ent Looms A t tlie a rra ig n m en t before JuriRC

Adkliis 1'a.st n ig h t, a fte r Sm ltli wiis a rrested by s ta te police a t Twin Pnll.s on a w arran t from Sheriff B roun , It was Indicated th a t If Mr. Egnnii Ls no t in condltlo il to appear fo r the h earing Ju ly 27, th a t ses­sion may have to be continued again.

T lie L incoln county Blieriff wild I- th a t de.spllc the evidence of li s hav ing re lu m e d to th e ac-

c ldem icene , the h it- ru n clmrRC again st him will n o t be changed at th is tim e. Any sliif'

)Uld pro.secutor Is <

u l» Aircraft ran up almo«l S poltil

lor* Jumped about I

n halved an early

I the levtli reach-

StcK-k ..1 « .p rr.

Briggs M an u factu rin g Co. .C u rtis s W righ t .....................E lectric A uto Llt« ...............H ouston O il ...........................N ational D istille rs ........ ......N orth A m erican A viation ..S afew ay S to res .....................S chenley D is t i l le rs ...............B tudebaker .„....... .................U nited A irlines ......... .........W h ite M otors ........... ............Chicago P n eu m atic ToolO hio O il .................................P h illip s Petro leum .............R epublic S tee l .....................

W N A I iy iA lK S AT D A m EVEN

W ith f in a l p la n s com pleted loday. a Judging d em onstra tion by Ivan L oughary . ex tension da irym an, was scheduled a s a h igh lig h t of th e w est end O uem scy to u r to n ine ranches In th a t U rrlto ry . according to F . R Southw lck. C arl H arder and F . A, G ingrich , co m m itteem en in charge,

LouRhiiry's dem onstra tion will com e a t th e Southw lck farm du ring th e noon h o u r lu n c h period T h u rs - duy,

T lie w est end G uernsey breeders sa id they ex p cc t sim ilar b reeders rom all p a r ts o f tlie county to be In ittcndance . R anches and h e rd s to

be In.ipcctcd du ring Uic m om li will be those of Roy Haley, M G in g rich , F re d G rodeon. E. L. A dam s a n d M r. Southw lclL A fternoon tour will RO to th e farm s of W . H W rlR ht. SW nlcy H crzlnger. A nion M achacek a n d H erm an Schroodci


OZARK. A rk„ Ju ly 19 (U.PJ-Flvc .ates and th e fede ra l governm ent

loday negotiated for custody of Oliver Law rence D ressier, a lias Jack Russell, accused of fou r k idnaplngs and a m urder.

He was cap tu red yesterday by lerlff C ham p C raw ford, who im e up” on th e O klahom a fiigl- e as h e rested In a to u ris t cabin

the bank of a s tre a m 18 miles r th of here.U wa.-i believed Uie s ta te would

relinquish R ussell to th e federa l gov- •m m ent w hich h a s th e heavleat iharKc Rgaln.st h im —vlolatim i of thi Lindbergh law in th e k idnap ing an< m urder of B illy H am ilton . 23-year old ArkBn.saa C ity, K an ., flour f.nlcs man.


N. Y. CU RB P.XC1IANGEA m erican S uper Pow er .......... 0C ities Service, newE lectric Bond & S h a re .............Fo rd M otor. L id ............................


LONDON, (URi — A liirge Im m brr c an c a r ry betw een 1,000 and 3,000 sm all Incend iary bomb.i. b u t only one In six m ig h t be expected to h i t a b iilldinB becaiine of th e proixii tion o( o pen space to h iilll-ii|i arrit, rv rn in

.................. ill govern-

&V«tUr« _J_____ :_________OMtar* ...... ............................W rirM 'u m b ." " ? !! ! ~!!!

MILL rtK t) • m . loe pMtnda ______• n > . *M pound. ..... .........■««dl f«*d. IM pwind* ___SiMk fa«1. 60« povn<t«___




I«mllMrni I t 06 Ki 11.11.


I I l j i . . , .m .ll Hi.i,.

L o i ....... .....

... ,..... ..... '">•

Markets at a GInnceItloeki lrr««ular. llsBd* kiwvr. puib Irraiular.

aaelMinB* Uwer. naltun firai.Wheat H* biwat.K ubbw lraer.«ll<rar ■nxhana.d h> New T.ok ai

B A T T L I ttXATIHTICH N A m niV O , ontna. July IP (U,R>-

or mm[^apw m thins I n osn tnU C hlim during J u m , O h b u m fe ix m le f t iT fiei dead m Im U k m id s M d lo st I.MO pria- t e t n . ' J ip tn a sa ioiwui wore 670

>( (h

m id I

»lilch h it, aljou t off iUi|)lnK roofa Ir, A pproxlm ale- n Iximbs droppeii

I l>r

L’a n in th air handbook ntatea.

O f Uie bomb* h a lf m ig h t glance >nd fall to peneti

ly a per c e n t . probiilily wnuU

“ handitook d ia ry I te rro r.

M ost "popu lar" Ixmib of Ihls type th e lig h t m a

hnmli, w eighing two poiindn, two U'ra, w hich can pciieira le any or- ary roof, b u t iirtilmlily w ould be igh t In a n iipiirr story. I t could

se t th e attlQ anil roof space nblasn, ntul. If n o t d e a lt w llh p rom ptly, m ight bu rn th rough lh« c e llin i be­low. S|>eed a n d a tlintl-purixwio han d piinip a rc thn rMiriiliaIn for d ru lh ig w ith th a Imnil) niid th e fire It raiinen. th e handbook einphanlrra,

'l l ie tH>mb brHiiin Ki bum on im ­pact. anil w h e n Uieie U m rian i- nah le m a te r ia l aboiil 11 will alw ays i ta r t a fire,

Krom a reserve kept for th e pu r- ponr—th e m ains no t Iwiiig lelletl on - th e w a te r ahmild he ip raye ii on the lH>nib, A le t of w ater would a ca tle r th e liiirnliitf m agnenlum ; a npray rausea Uie inagnealum to l>e rrfplilly roiiauineii, keeps thn niirroiiiuilnga w et and i Ioim th e fire rrom spreatl

INVK8TM ENT TH im TBF und , Itiv ........................................ |1H,78

;l lY lU l, A ...........................t 4.UQC orp. 'i’r in l .......................*

I't. ..................................... I 8 76

M ININH HTOtTKH, City Ciiipei .

P a rk City CotiMilldnled Hllver Kinii Coulll

y Iiiiu le is no t aval'■t l>e directed on tl:

the nperaiiir should o r more from

ing.O nly if a npi

able Rhould a J Ixtinli. an il ihei s ta n d 12 fnrt blase,

<)ii prrm lhea area, little Inltanim alile m a teria l an il a floor ao tliick th a t II c an n o t Im perforal4id by th e iHimb. I ts l i (Ktnslble to a p p ro 'c h II wli th e rin lle p r irn ln i h as biirnei

Cnvered .w ith sand, th e I th e n raked In to a nciMtp. <In to a contA liier and taken

ANT1-IIH1TINM B O Y (;0 'IT TJttN ra iN . (Jhlna, Ju ly ig IU,P!)-

'l l ie Jap an ese a rm y nowspa|>er O ivan. Y ung Pao. asserted today It ia t C hinese fiith i irl lle i of th e Ja p ano,^e-clollllhatell iiiiiiilclpiil regliiM tra ra u rg in g a n anU-U rlUsli bo^ooU.


Sudler-W egeaer A Company Elka B ld i .-P b o n e BIS


SW A R TH M O RE, Penn. (U.RI—Twi S w o rth m o re m en . one a widel; k now n research en«lnet'r «n<l Ihi o th e r d irec to r of an auloinoblle n,s hocifttlon, p red ic t tlm l in the fu tun au tom obiles will crui.ie "m oderately a t 138 to 160 m iles an hour. In olliei words, trav e lin g lim e btween twi laities, su ch as Plillatieliililn nnil nofttoii. will be cu t to s mere



I4.40.*4.4&I S

.lO IJSTAMKi:)m>. Cori l l . July 10 niP)

-lleywiKK 1 Hroun, widely knowncoh im n l',1 of the New Yoik Woil.1-'lY lrgram WlllVKT Clm ira et expiresIn DecomiiK-r, nalil Kxlay th a t hew a i a d v rr lliln g for a Job,

Hla n<lvfTllhrinenlL nplK-nml yefl-U 'n lay nilicier '-nlliiintlons wuiiK^tm itle," in Ihe New York

l ie saUi the a<l n'•A half In Je/tlbill tlm l he WAS curloun Ui m<ahow 11 would (urn r•Ut Ho tlrv r lli-ed it as a "feeler,.’• lie said hisp resen t n inployrrs had not ap-priHiched him com 'crning renew-tng h is CO■itraol a r id Uial hk had

approached them


resum cd h iis ln eu today a lte r a d»y gen eia l "sit In” strike in proteat a g a in s t Ihe llr ltlsh order Biia|>end- in« Im m igration Into Palestine, Jew< iTMialneil liidiKirs d u r ln i (he strike w hich iiiiM.eii a lm ost w ltlum t liivl. d en i.

l i e n irn . Wlllii Ludlow C layilen, pretllcleil Hint

lim e Is n o l (oo far li u re Iwruu^e, bnAlcnlly, t)i


'T h e irC laydcn,

n;h speedn.iT|lri,l.

would only have to Im- n o l chiinnnl. T lr rv I

)uld have in be lilllll w

A utom obile club ami a * executive lu Per

G eorg ia a n d Kentucky, th a t h ighw ays are ihe

nd lcap for th e *n|H'r-f

"Wllh f« will be Ihe 1 ftup rr-h lghw ay ,

■nie road of fn r a h e a d of to<1fty a s ' Ihe la s t oenliiry ," sa id lh a l "In ter In a le d ,”

“ W itli rtmilA o f every avalla m llea a n h o u r i llcab le aa 00," will ran g e In la Janes, e«< h f e ro n l color

all of Ihrni ln|) l»ehih I'lng knowlrilKe," hr „„|, exn-ptloiir, niir of whlc


la ter I h and .

wilt the

By JEA N DINKELACKERG racioua Tialtor In Tw in Pa lls to­

day is M rs. C larissa Hove? T hom ­son, aw am paco lt. Mass,, widow of D r. E llhu T hom son, one of the m o st e tnlne& l sc ien tists and Inven­to rs th e U nited S ta le s , h as ever know n, w ho, w ith T hom as A. Edi­son, founded th e G eneral Eleclrlc com pany.

O n a leisurely lo u r across the s ta le s , h e r f irs t tran s -co n tln c n tal tr ip by m otor, M rs, T hom son Is re ­newing frien d sh ip s w ith Mrs. J , H. Scaver, en rou te to th e coast. Tliey were chum s In B oston, Mass.. during th e ir school days, M rs, Thom son h a s crossed th e U nited S ta te s by tra in four tim es, b u t h e r m otor trip la m ore sa tisfac to ry , "bccause you see so m an y m ore th ings;" sh m ented.

Im pressed by M ontana “My h u sband and I travel

tenslvely during h is lifetim e, a n d I am carry ing o n " slic explained P a r ticu la r ly Im pressed was she w ith th e Red lodge highw ay In M ontana, w hich rises to an elevation of 11.- 000 feet.

••In m y opinion. I t excels th e Al­pine ro ad s in Sw itzerland, or any­th in g I have seen in Java, foi perfec tion of color d e tail,’ was hei e n th u s ia s tic comm ent.

A nd M rs, T hom son speaks with lu th o r liy , for she h a s the ariLsfs •cam era eye," A num ber of years igo . she was a d istinguished Bos­ton p lio tographer, a n d particularly noted for h er color photography.

Asked ab o u t h e r w ork along ll|is line, she laughed gaily. •'It w as my husbitind who was famous, n o t I, However, It was o u r m utua l in te rest

color pho tography w hich b rought toge ther. His collection of color

p r in ts on glass p lates, which were p ro jec ted , were m uch finer than m ine,” she confided. Slie employed th e L um ler process, w hich became

itln c t a fte r th e W orld war.She sh a re s th e opinion of the

w orld th a t ElUiu T hom son, a broad

sc ien tis t of phenom enal ablUUea, varie ty of l a t e r a l s a n d generoalty of h e a r t, w u . finer. In a ll regards th a n th e m a jo rity o f Individuals.

U undrcds «f PaU nU His p a ten ts exceeded 700 In num ­

ber, m a n y of w hich are of out-, s ta n d in g im portance , and have gone in to extensive use In electric light- tng, railw ay operations, power transm issions and so fortii.

He h a d th e adu lation of the tire w orld, a n d rem ained un ip o Mrs. T hom son recalled.

O ne of th e m ost distlnguUhed form s of recognition which cam e to D r. T hom son was th e presentation of th e Lord Kelvin m edal by lh( K elvin M edal com m ittee represent­ing th e civil, m echanical and elec­tr ic a l eng ineering soclellcs and so­ciety of n av a l a rch itects of G reat B rita in , w hich award was seconded by th e fou r p rincipal Amerli cietles.

H igh TribuUlu F ebruary of tills yei .

A m erican Philosophical society, the F ra n k lin In s titu te and oUiers. a r ­ranged a testim onial banquet In h onor of th e scientist, who wa.s a c t­ing p resid en t o f M assachusetts Tecli fo r th ree years. Tlie tributes paid by p ro m in en t m en of science th rough­o u t th e world, were an Inspiration to a ll, a n d p articu la rly to M rs. Tliom- sou, who accom panicd her husU uid to m iiny scientific gatherln) la tte r years of his life.

Mrs. T lioinson Is accompanied by h er step - griindson, Edward D. Thom son, w ho was graduated tills spring from Union college, and who will en te r H arvard buslne.ss school in ' th e fall, "niey a re a t the Park notel du ring ihe lr stay in Twin Falls,

he and h e r young chauffeu r arc having " th e tim e of th e ir lives" in the wc.st, according to Mrs, T hom ­son. who rem arked tlia i they arc speiKllng th e day in the m ountains,

im pany w ith W illiam and J . H,


B O ISE , Ju ly 19 (U.R>—T h e an n u al Inspection of Id ah o 's Umber ho ld ­ings a n d fo re s t reserve* by th e s ta te cooperative board of forestry was ccm ple tcd today when a group of o f­ficials r e lu m e d to th e capita l, p ra is ­ing cond ition o f th e forests.

M em bers o f tlie board wete gone fo r U days on th e expedition, which inc luded a r a f t ride down th e n o rth fork of th e Clcarwa^cr river, a s well

lutom obile a n d boat rides in lo ra l ■•primitive" Blands of virgin

llinbcr.T lie p a rty Included S tate Supcrln - '

tc n d e n l of Public Instruction John W. Condio, Secrelary of S late G eorge N, C urtis . S ta te A uditor Cal­vin E. W rig h t and S tate Forester F ra n k lin G irard ,


W ASHINGTON, July 10 (U.R) — A ttorney G eneral P rank M urpliy to ­day o rd e re d .a 's ra n d Jury Invcsllgrt-

<I the WPA strike situation mM lnnesotii.

M urphy ordeied U. S. A ttorney V id o r AiIder.son a t S t. Paul to con­vene a g ran d Jury there "in view of th e FB I invcbtlgatlon of t lic M ln -

lapollb WPA strike .situation Indl- ,tlng a v iolation of federal law." "Till: FB I will continue its Inves-

llga tlo ti an d Its fliuliiiHs will be m lcd to th is grand Jury." the

Justice d e p artm e n t .said. "Tlie g rand Jury will r e tu rn iiidlclm cnts if. In

ipliilon, th e facts w arran t, Tlie FB I in form niion will be dlscloscd

ily to th e grand Jury."


Idaho P risoners Find Acconiiting

Popular SubjectPOCATELLO (Specia l)—Account­

ing U the m ost p o p u la r c lass a t Un Idaho .state p e n iten tia ry , accordlii} to Dean Jo h n R. N ichols, mcmboi o f tlie .state com m ittcc on prison ed­ucation. who h as Ju s t rocelved a re­port of e n ro llm en t for Uic m onth of M;iy. Band com es a dlose sccond w ith 14 m embers, a n d orchestra ili ird with 13, N ex t In o rd er came pen le tte ring a n d ty p in g 12 each; beginning band a n d o rch estra 11; m ib lc 10: and m echan ica l draw ing, cab in e t work an d carp en try , auto mechanics, .ihoem aklng a n d repair* Ing, 7 eacii; followed In o rder by E nglish, Journalism , an d a c lass in radio.

T lie shoeinaklng cla.sn repa ired 96 p a irs of shoes, reb u ilt 6 pairs , and m ade 36 new pa irs—a ll to be used in s ta te In.stltullons. T he mechanic.s cIils,s repa ired 0 c a rs and one trac to r du ring th e monUi, Tlie rad io cliuw rt'piilred th re e radios reb u ilt one. ’n ie ca rp en try c lass built 30 chairs, 10 de.sks. 4 sc reen doors iitul m adn 500 Irriga tion spiles, ac cording to the report.


HOLLYW OOD. July 18 (U.W-Diiwn Hoi>e Noel, 16. com m itted Milcldo bccause her o rchestra leader hus­b and , H ebert Jam es Noel, 26, re ­fused to accept h e r exp lanation of a fo u r-h o u r abscnce from a gay n u d ls l colony d rink ing party , po­lice said today.

•Mrs. Noel, bride of 18 m onths sh o t h e rse lf In th e head w ith a .25 caliber rifle yesterday while hei h u sb an d bera ted a m ale friend ovei th e te lephone for a n Incident d u r­ing a d rink ing p a rty a t a nudist cam p. S h e wa.s th e daugh ter of Act ress Adele Blood Hope, who alw c om m itted suicide th ree years iigo

A lthough C ap t. D alton Pa tto n of th e hom icide bureau said th e cn: was defin itely a suicide, he cndea' ored to le am w hy th e coroner's o flee was n o t notified of th e shooting for tw o and a h a lf hi

Probe Underway In Galena Crash

HAILEY, Ju ly 10 (H|kx-IiiD—ttlie Iff Dave ll<iwr,\ t h h a fte rn o o n wi

eports of an automi U alen a su m m it ye

itlguilng r bile wreck on tcrday.

T ho fllierlff's office ro |)orted tliat npiMtrriitly no one In th e ca of which wn.s n o t known,J u w l althiniKh paw ing m on ]Hirtr<| (he m ach ine "badly «

II Inillcntr aul linlKi

flolal lig h t g la re , h r unlil

"Bvpn eriKlnrrr-i ..ir lun we speok of (h r IftO nillr a s a m o d e ra te iii rn l for c a r ,” O laytoii mti.l, - y n i reaso ti for frrlliiK tlini » ■hnuld alw ay* t>r llm llrii |i


T reusliry flgurrn tiir llip fli„i n ig h t of th e ilnw | | m nl yn„r trv m lrd a d r f ic ll UKlay of »:i:n,'im,-j4o i>nd M sured lh a l I 're.ld i'n l ItiKwevrll will n n l Ite alilci (<i ir|x>ii « lm|i,ui.,-ii b u d g e t In h l i Aenmil tpiiii

B to rle i of tli< m a ri ju a n a and cx)lloge •liidriitM n ir g e ra ted , aald II, fl. Pn

'Idrjipread i


t>AN( KR n iin N E I)Nf:W YORK, July lU lU.m.-Tony

de M arco of the ballim ini <lancliiK le am of de M uu'os, wan U ca ted nl f^tycfln io honpltal ItMlay for fmwilri b u m s receivril w hen a w a(eh charn pistol expliKird as h e loyeil w ith I' in a n ig h t cluli,

R i-N ew s n l today (h a t tin 'K'rlptlnnn of iiritrly <M a tin g In U re a l llrlliili t (0 P a r is an d Wiirih n trn lii tep In a IJrillsli

50 English Planes Cruise Over France

PA RIS. Ju ly 19 iU,PJ—Fifty B ril Isli royal a ir force bombing plane flew over P aris today and conduct ed a sim ulated bom bardm ent of the c ity as F rench a n ti-a irc ra ft gunners m an n ed th e ir posts. N ear­ly 100 B ritish planes cro,ssed th e con.sl a t Boulogne and nn tl-a irc raf ' crews a ll a long th e ir route prac­ticed defense,

Itcports from London ,siild it wbj believed th e plane.s would m ake a non-stop flight of 1,300 miles to the M eillierranean.

(By United Previ) AMEOICAN LK A G ti:

P i n t Gam en H E

m ............... 000 001 000—1 8 0001 020 Olx-

W ade a n d D eSautcls; Ki T rcsh .


M U R PH Y . Ida,, Ju ly 19 (U.PJ- Ow yhco county au thorities sa id to ­day they w ere charg ing Odell Valle, l!3. t r a n s ie n t pea picker, w ith m u r­de r following th e death of E lm er Clillt<jn, 23. CCC enrollee, from kn ife w ounds received Ju n e 1 In a beer p a rlo r brawl,

Valle ha.s been held in Jail on as- lu lt cliargcs since the brawl, while

C h ilton h a d been hi th e Boise vet­e ra n s hosp ital, where he died last n igh t.


Pltt.sbureh New York ..

Brow n an Brow n (4), th y (5).

d ilv f Cllis

3t(K)0,(K)0 lIN D E It AKMH H K llI.IN , Ju ly lU lUID- NeutrnI

x p rrU c.-illiniilrii (o n lu h l th a t (he iicrra*lnK tem po of nillK ary acllvH)

Roosrvell'n "iiHllallon'- iiua lnal t>ei m any and Koly h a d nuffcrrd a h vere nrt- liiiik an a itm iII of III neu U allty rcvlMmi defe«(.

HKINH L in ilA llY H IM .W AHM INd'l'ON, Ju ly IB tlH't

P rrs ld c n t lti)i>»rveli tinlay s lg n n l ilir b in c re a tin g a F ra n k lin D, IUkvk-^i-ii lib ra ry on hi* ‘liioUier'a H yde P a ik , N. Y.. (o him of hi* p ir» lde iltla l adn

NKWHMON^l-aOMKRY, Ala, - l ln .m

tom e n rw i fur heii|»eoked hiu.- banda. T lie A labam a legialuluie'n rec«a« Judic iary coinm llloe tis ■ onm ionded e iiaoU nnnt n ( th n "J Ihkh bill," w hich w ould iw rm it l iu - liandn an well an wiven lo hui- Inr d ivorce un g ruuuda o f cruelly .

Protection Asked On Forest Worker

WABHINOTON, Ju ly 10 (U.R)-Tlie ag ricu ltu re d e p ar tm e n t w ants con­gress Ut he lp p ro tec t itf. foiTBl iwrv- Icr w orkers from liuni.'-nirn'h bulleUs anil a.ssaull and battery.

'n ie p ro tec tion could Mr provided, the d e p a r tm e n t sa id today, by ex- ti-n.iloii of tho pre.senl law provld- lUK pun ishm en t for killing or a«- Miultlng a federa l officer to cover a ll clvlUun officers and employes of th e governm ent.

Acting Secre tary of A griculture M. L. Wllhon huggehted niich am enil- mcnt nf th e a c t In a le tte r to ti)>eak. r r W lllliim il. Uankheiid.


(lov, ciufllavo I-alam antes of C h l- liiiiiliua stAte, has ordered a ll bar riKinin closed a t Cludnd Ju a re r, II Wllh uunounceii U>day, AImiuI UOO cHiiii)iihiiinrn(A, m any of iliein frc ilMi'iited l>y reslden ia of El I’aM

t MiUTilial Edward timlgly-

d liiiiinlde, llrlt lsh of oveinean forces,

' hiid 7&ll,0(H) .

elKht to 1ft liny* Il

(Jet YourJM.AIN


K N A M K M ^I)C A N S

And Can H<

CONKOMDATK HWacnn «, M aehlne Ce. V

...........000 000 00-0.. 000 020 0 0 -2

iirtiiett; KhoJfner

Clni'ln iuitl-U rooklyn, n ight.

S t. l/>uls a t Phlladelphlii. nl

Sava«;c W ins In G olf Play

U l/jl lA D O BPIllNUH, Colo.' ID lU.P)- Ven tjiiviige of Hull e C ity de lea led Jack K erns oi iver tw o up here (o<lay to suc- .fully defend h h trans-Mlnsls- >l golf chiiin|)tnnnh1p In fln .t

round play.Uav age. who ’ft'iiii the •■tnuis-MI.--s"

tid e n.1 L incoln , Neb., liiiM yeur. sho ta hhn terliig nul )-par 88 to overcometh e Hiubborn nllallenge of the Dcn-ver yining-'ier’

•nie1 delendli IK cluimiiiloii look ablrillc (lii-ee 01I tho 430-vuid IH(hhole t0 win the m atch a:ml ellmliukteKerim1 from tho (ham plu ni>hl|> flight.

C luissenee, la th ceni;ury Prench

Crawford Defeats Doeg at Net Meet

C H iS T N U T H ILL, Mass.. Ju ly 19 '.P> — Ja ck Craw ford of A ustralia

today defeated form er N ational C ham pion Jo lin Doeg, Rum.son, N. J„ 8-2, 5-7, 7-5 and rea d ied the q u a rte r-f in a ls of the 47th Longwood bowl to u rnam en t,

A drian Q ulst of th e A ustralian D avis cup forces, was Itr.sl to e n te r th e sem i-fina l round. He defeated 18-year-olrt L arrj’ Dee, S tan fo rd

ilw rsity freshm an, 6-1, 6-3, 6-1.

R a n g e R id e rs L e a v eSU N VALLEY. July 19 (Special)

—T h e a n n u a l " range riders" Ja iin t In to (he Saw too th prim itive areas

underw ay here yesterday w hen th e horsem en and hor.sewomen com- lirlslng th e party headed n o r th ­

'd in to m oun ta in trails.


in cn t of revision of the United S la te s n e u tra lity law caused deep dlhiip- po ln tn it'n l toihiy In l-oiidon, where II was felt th a t I lrllaln and P ran cr have bi'cn deprived of a strong w ea­pon In com ing inonlhs.

i.V tmliiy siiiiiiiioneil ili-putil lo a conference ■niuPMli.y I s PresU lent RoofloVelt's pr(

»3,4no,(H10,llOO lerxllng pr<

Jurist, iniuie an e loquent plna in Ix ha lf of w)Mle n its iiwummI iif di nli'oyliiK the Imrley crop, and wh( (hey were c ltcil to appear In com he nnid th a t (hey should Iw excune since thn prrM-iu^e of cnl^ In (I lielghlHirhiKHi m ade II uiisale f< Uiem to «pp«'itr.

Attention!C lo v e r G ro w e rs !

L n t tin (liihl. yntii- c liiv c i ' f o r

f l i t l i c r m ild e w o r aphin.

( ila n d o n SaleH Co.

I'luiiic 1127

W c M a n u fa c tu r e9 G olden B rand M eat flerapt, « T a n h a i* and none Meal, In q u ire ro a r n e a m l dealer, i r Ihey d« no l tiave H ra il or w rile—



AutomobilesNt!w nioflcl IntcTiiiillnnul

[MI like new. \Af. ISr.O.

IIKSn lutvrimtloiml I'/ iT . i.-i? W U , uH Ih s m

!{):{(> A ,i„ :! Inlcrnnllnnnl, new rijblier on rent

Ift.'lH Chfv, l '/ ,T . ir.7 WH. Comm. l.ir. STfiO.

V-H Ford. (’omb. hod ’ (inil ki'oIh Mr, $200,

New V-H ('oHih. *725.

11KI7 liuUk Hulun, l i k e new *750. 1

I'lird C n n f h , n « w pnlnl, ex(rn $.125.

U»:t2 Hupp HrdiiH 917ft

i « :m ( hev. i r ) 7 - \ v . n .C(Hnl>, bed, IJc. fl7R.

Page 13: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

w«*ie»a*y. July M. w** IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN FALIiS, IDAHO P » p .^

Get Cash for Any Article You No Longer Need or Use With a WantW ANT AO RA TES9 o t Poblfcattnn la Both

HSCBB t n d NEW S. B A TA s r a t U N K m o a t :

8 t i «M9t , p e r U m p«r t e r . . U «T ta n t dAff. pe r Um p e r d a y . U o O u day. pe r l i n e .....................2<c

8 8 1 /8% D iscount F o r Cash

C u b (Uscoimt allow ed It a d v e r t ln - m e n t Is p iJd fo r w lib ln u v e n dAy* o t tn»ertJon.Mo d u iU le d Ad taken (or less tb a n 506. Including discount.U n > o! c iu sU led adverU slng com- put«d OO basis o f (lv« m edium - leng th words per llm..


T he TIM ES a n d flE W S w ish to m ik e It c lear to th e ir rea d ers th a t "blind ads" <ads c o n u ln in g a box num ber m care of th e tw o papers) t i e slrttV l; c on llden tla l an> n o In- fonnaU on can be given concern ing th e advertiser. A nyone w an tin g to answ er b class! (led ad c a rry in g a T U U S -K E W B box n u m b e r should w rite to th a t box a n d e ith e r m a ll o r bring It to th e T 1M ES-N EW 8 o((lce T here Is no e x tra c harge for numbers.

SPECIA L NOTICESAN inexpensive W an t Ad will »el

yoiir unneeded a rtic le s quickly and Inexpensively Phone 38 o r 32^ to ­day! Ask (or th e A dtaker.


rU R N , cab in *15 week. W arm Springs. K etchum . Call 826 M.

PE T IT Lake ran c h co ttages—pack trips, board a n d lodging. C all M rs. D . T . C lark. Ph . 567.

CABINS, com pletely (u rn . M idw ay S tA nlcy-SunJey Shig le »V50 double *2.50. R eservations. M oun- U ln Mcfldowi R an ch . C. M. F o ­ley. Stanley.

GOOD TH IN G S TO EA TA PRICOTS, col. fryers . P h . 16«9'W

A PRICOTS. 8 ml W. S ou th Pa rk .

“ Yes, sir. And I ’m fe rlin ’ m ig h ty fine about it. too! I go t 8V-*fully worn ou t trudg in ' around th e s tree ts lookin’ for w ork— and tjhcn one day I de­cided to tak e a leaf out of the book of th e successful stores around here. Yup, I adver­tised . I pu t s amal! low coat ad in th e Time.s and Nrw s C lassified Ada and got me a job ! T he ad was inexpensive, too!"

C H ESTER W hlta boa r pigs. SH mL N. of C urry, H . B. Malone,

SITUATIONS W A N TEDYOUNO m an w ants w ork on fa rm

o r da iry . O. M. Schneider. Box 89. News-Tlmes.

H ELP W ANTED— MALEYOUNG m an w ith ofOce exp. C all a t

330 2nd Ave. E. a f te r 7 p . m .


» 0 W E E K L Y -O row M ushroom s. Cellar, shed. W e 30c lb. W orld's U rg e s t C om pany . FR E E BOOK. M ushrooms. 2010 2nd. Se­a ttle . W ash.

B L ISS T rium phs, t l p e r 100. O eo. A. Bradley. lU m l. N. 5 Po in ts.

A PR IC OTS In th e o rch a rd . J ( ^ O ourley. F iler. P hone 6-J3 .

A PR IC OTS a n d can n in g beels. 1 m l. E . W ash, school. P a u l F riend . 0396J3.

- POTATOESDelivered. P h . 0282-J4

LA RG E and sm all ap rico ts Squires O rchard , 4 m l. E a s t a n d 4 ml. N. o f Buhl. P h . 307 'J3 . Buhl.

BUY b e tter fries fo r less! W e dras* them w hile you w ait. P ou ltry S u p ­ply. 141 4 th Ave. W . P h . 1845.

FIN E quality aprico ts. Y ou pick. 1 Ml. E. *4 N. W ash, school. Wm. Rude.

RIC H , sa te PA S T EU R IZ E D whole m ilk aoc gal. P u t up In gallon con ta lners. Cash a n d carry.


LAROE.iiprlcoU, Irtick londs. 60k bu. DrJnR roiiiam er*. R frt spuds 10 Hw, iftp o r 15c per 100. Ice cold m elons, ullred or whole. HArold’n M arket. 140 Wash.

CHINESE A PR IC O T S—T h ere will no aprlcn ts a t D illon 's, b u t they

will t)A a t Ed V ance's alnnd ml. N. WaAlilngton school on Dlu« I.AkeA Blvd.. beginn ing Ju ly IBth. n r in g ron ln lne ra a n d rom e early . Jiimca AKeiibroad. N am pa.


CniROPRAC'TORSDR. H ardin, ISO M ain N. Ph. 1«43.

BATH AND MASSAGEMALLORY 114 M ain N. ••h. 110-R.


PERSONALSW ANT ridn lo o r n e a r M ich., sha re

exp. Mrs. nonton, 1000 Sp rings Piiwcr P lan t, W awloll, Idaho.

LEAVIN{1 for F re m o n t, O m aiia nex t Wflpk. Hooin for 3, ahiirn exp. I*. O. iHix 307, Jerom e, Ida.

WANT a jm w iig e rs to Bun Fr»U - riftTii. 1<-Bvlng .July 34, r e tu rn 10 (Inys o r a wks. C m gtva re(«. filiitra exj). P h , 1060J.


•4 and M w a r n H prlo^. Sham poo and finger wav« 60a Id ah o B arM r i t Dsauty a liop. Ph. 434.

UBAUTY A RTS AOAUEMY Oil i*ermarMinta as luw a s gl.OO.

Jun ior Hiudant w ork fr*a. Ph . KM. m Mam West.

lnK Iluger waves Oil sh am poo a n d tliiK''! wavs fiOo. Bvriilnga by ap* jxiliitniftiit. Phone 903.

K K M A l.E 11B1.1' WANTBDIEXI*. rook and hoiMekeo|>«r. Long

teiuitfl It «a(li(aolory. P h . O iaW .

*X I', rellalilo Kirl lo r la u n d ry and rlennlng MniiilayA aitd 'I 'lita - Osya, littx a7, N ew s-T ln ifli,

SALESMEN W ANTEDLIVE-W IRE. encrgctic salc.sman

w anted to reprc.sent a h igh ly ad - verlUed concern. You m u st be able to finance yourself. N o peddlers w anted. Do n o t apply fo r th is Job unless you are conscien tious and c an finance yourself. See M r. D a­vis. pe rrlne H otel, betw een 8 a in d U'.SO p. m.


T O U R IST P a r k - a l l m odern . I7..S00. Consider )2,000 in Irnd r. balance ca.\h. Box 38. News-Tlmc.s.

CHEESE, sa lad dressing a n d m e r­chandising ro u le ; IV i-io n truck , good tires. Insu la ted body. E s ta b ­lished run . P riced fo r quick sale, Box 36, Newa-Tlmes.


VACANCyi R sttl Apts. P h . 1317.

NICE 3-rm . ap t. in m odern duplex. H eat and w ater (u rn . A dults only. 236 6 th Ave. N.


MOD, AdutU. 3317 tn Ave. N. P ti, 328.

2-ROON^ ap t, 118 mo. 711 3rd Avr. N,

4-RMS. Clrnn, m odern. Ph , B03-W.

JU8TAM ERB Inn. Ph. 45a O asis 071.

FURN. Apt. 316 -flth Ave K.

NICE one-rin . ap t. C lenn. rra so n - ahte, Adult* only, TI3 Mil Rve. E.

COZY (urnlfilied an ts, l l i e Ox(i)rd. 42a M ain Ave. N.

8-RM. mod. Prlv. en tr,. shade, lawn, H(i miles ou t on Hy. P h . Oaat-JJ,

BOARD AND ROOMRM. ami l>d. 361 3d Ave. W. Pli 1313.


FURN, room, 138 flth ave, N.

f r o n t r o '^ . 'u 3 “'8 t irA v e . n T"

Q U ir r , oool room. P h . 300-W.

FRO NT bedroom, oool a n d c lean 437 flth Ave, N orth.

FRO NT room. C lean and a ttrac tive . Close in. 121 2nd No.

U NFURNISHED HODBBB4-RM. house, 7 0 | 3nd Ave, n 7

6-RM. m od. 545 t m No. P h . 0IB7-R8

MODERN 8 -nn , house w ith sleep ' Ing |>orch. Call 03D6-U3.

8-RM, m odem house, ( iirnar« heat. Inq . a t 180 4 th Ave, W.

FURNISHED HOUSESa-R M . furn , house. DID 8Ui t .

8-RM , mod. house, e i l 8 rd Av*. B.

I-R M , ru m . hse, 207 8 lh A m , S.

a-R M . 888 8 lh At*, W, P h . IMO-R.

a o o D olean l- m i. fu rn lahed house 318 flth Ave, N.

4-RM , mod, house, g a rage . Me«. raii|ft. |2» No clillilieii. 340 4tli Ave t ,

HOMES FOR SALEDUPLEX house. G ood location. Bar-

ga lo 83000. Box 17, Tlmcs-News.

NEW 3-rm . house, oak noors. (uU basem ent, garage. 3 lots. Term s. CUfton Sm allwood. K hnberly.

R easonable T erm s F. O. GRAVES 6c SON

150 M ain Ave. N. Phone 318

4-RM . w ith %lights. W ashing ton school d istric t,

location. T h is is a nice, sm all. Inexpensive homq (or a couple. $1,500: 11,100 cash. Balance *1055 pe r mo. Inq . a t 348 N orth Elm.


U V E ST O C S FOR SALEPEEDER.plffB. P h . 0384-R4.

FO U R yr. old G uernsey cow. fresh abou t A uf. 0 th . Phone U71.

1 OO AT a n d I kids. IH m l. ^ ml. W. B erger sto re . ,

REO IffTERED H am psh ire s tu d ram . O pen faced, clean legged. C an see hU lam bs. Also stu d lam be (or sale. Oeo. A. Reed. 1 ^ m l. E .. 4<> a . Burley. Id s .

POULTRY135 l« s h o m pulIeU . i s wks. COS9-R2

FR IE S —W blt« R ocks a n d R eds. Oeo, A. Bradley. P h o n e 0483-J3.

RED spuds: 2 4 lb. frye rs 50c. 2 N , H S. W ash, sohool. D urham .


300 A. sheep p a s tu re on Buck R ice R anch , 7 m l. E- Rogereon. O ra ln . a lfa lfa , W . W. E m lson, Rogerson.

BIRDS, DOGS, RABBITS2 P urebred P e rsian k itten s. 0JM -J3,

P urebred black m aleCOCKER SPA N IELS

*25.00Eligible for reg lsU atlon A X .O ,

1303 Addison E ast


EW ES, bucks. D am m an. P h . 0288-Jl

H IQ H E ST prices pa id (or y o u r ( a t • chickens and turkeys. Independen t

M eat Com pany.

W A NTED TO BUYH e lim ped a round (rom day to day

city w ater- ^ h e n h a h e ard abou t th e W a n t Ad


BLDO. lot in new Falrvlew addition , Boise, o r will trad e (o r good car. Box 33. New s-Tim es.'

BUILDING. 24x70 It., 11 rm s., lo t 25x120 It, C heap (or ca-sli. P. O, Box 46. H olllsicr. Ida. Ph . 773.

W ILL trndo 5 rm . m od. hom e on (cnced lot, also Income business property (o r tm proved or. pw tiy Imp. aciengc. no rth o r so u th side. W rllc Box 31, N ew i-Tlnies.

W ANTED TO REN TLARGE nico hskpg. i


10 ACRES m od. hom e. F ree w ater. F ru it, berries. Box 183, H agerm an.

STOCK ranch , h a y and pastu re land. Y ear a round rang '', T aylor g ra ting rlgh ta . J u s t U\n place for cmnll bunch o( stock. Box 36. News- Tlmfis,


ONE 31-Inch rccondllloiicd Wood Dto..). (h rrsh rr . A horgnliil


ONK 32-38 Red R iver specia l com bi­nation g ra in niid be an th resher. H fvrral good uiird b liid rrs . M oun­ta in Hlittes I tn p ln n r iit Co.

UUM l.EY~ n ir to r . 'lftx?ft'.’good con- dltlKii; Jo h n Derr*- hicin del, rake. U, J, D eW w er. ml, N. Filer ( a lr iro u n d s ;

Reconditioned 21x38 a n d 28x48 WOOD u iiG s , 'n m E B i iE n a

Kuurnntred A-1 condllliin F, E lllt'knell, 333 3rd Ave. H. Ph . 0

7-FT . Mt'-Drg, Iriu 'lo r m ow er *78; also MrK h inged aw a the r tn tU aame tlb .


FO R HAI.E-M owinK m a ch in e re ­pairs lor M rC n m ilrk -n e erin g . Jo h n Hence, Oliver a n d M Uwaukea m ow -


2—All-i'ro]) H arveslors.1—F3U IrauLor on rubber. 1-M n-O Tg. 10 U . pow er W ndtra . 1 - f l n Oliver Com bine.

EI.DRED TRACTOR CO.NO. 0 lllrdsell seed h u lle r ; l ao-tn ,

Rarlne T lireslilng m a ch in e w ith alta lla seed a tta c h m e n t. D oth m a- ohlnra In 1st c lass condlU oo. Prloed low (or quick sale. Addreoa Ja m as U. ulack. P h . 88R4. W eodell. Ida.

THUEHIIER O V ER H A U U N O Made easier by hav ing w elder come

to your m achliw (or bu lld lng-up . IfNiM-iitng stuck nulleys. babbiting . cBRlIng and ateel welda. P h . 1801 (H cnuO R W O O D B -T ra c to r R e­pairing. 753 M ain Ave. N.

l - 1.^nl 38-44 reb u il t H a r t-P a rr traotoi (iplendid tr a c to r fo r th re s h ­er oulfli. .....•>

)-ii»r<i 18-37 H a r t- P a r r tr a c to r lutilier

M O U N TA m S T A T Ifl IM P L K M P n ' OOl|CPANY


F ied r , Uates—N o rth e rn L ife Ins. CO.. P savey-T aber B ld f. P h . 1378.


USED doors and windows 235 4 th E.

SA V ING S galore In ou r g re a t A n­nua l Ju ly Jam borcel

VAN EN G ELEN SPA IN T S (or evrr>- purpose. S he rw in -

W illiam s quality line. B rushes, sundries. Home Lum ber St Coal Com pany. Phone 34.

H ad a lot o( goods in store.B u t cuslonuTR were sliy.

W an t Ads brought th e m to h is door Now they a ll w an t to buy.

H ouse lo move 75 lb. Elec. P la te Compuilni! wnlf.s Ciwh R egister Elec. Coffee Mill Boss V iolin ROynl T%'prwriter T ra ile r H ouse

DODGE'S , 248 M A IN 6 .

THIS CURIOUS W ORLD B ; W lU ian Fcrg iuoii

ANSW ER: Red. O f course, w hen one speaks of ( n ilt being "green, " It generally Is ta k e n to m ean "unripe* and h as no rcferenoe to color, although m o st u tu ip e f ru its a re more o r less greenish.

Gov. Dickinson Would Sign Petition Seeking Own R<

LANBING, Mich., Ju ly 19 (U .» - Gov. L uren D. D ickinson la id to ­day th a t he w ants to be th e m a t to sign a peUUon to recall h im . His political enem ies were c lrou- la tlng one In D etroit. I t was baeed on h is recen t castiga tion of "h igh IKe" in. New York.

“I never was anxious to be g o t- em or." he said. " If th e pe tition - goes thr«U8h. I 've go t a ta rm to go to, ’

Dickinson, 80. U a S u n d a y school

teacher and was be ad o f tiw . A nti-Saloon league u n ti l b t . . came goveisor. H e m i liM ttc a- an t-goveinor u n til t h e d M tt i i f . Gov. F rank O . P l t ^ e n U . . "

T h « pe tttton w aa s t s z M John B. Oorllss, 88, D e t n t t estaM a « en t who w aa i tn a u As u te represeaU U ve, A fUpaln----- --an. aa U D leklnson, O orllss I he held no p e tw n a l m siloe ■ c * a itr» . I th e governor. ,•

"His words," he sa id , “a ra JoiS,

Lincoln Will Be in Idaho— Actor Coming

A braham Lincoln wUl com e to life in Idaho , according to G ene V an

,Guilder, public re la tlo a i d irec to r (or the Bun Valley reso rt developm ent.

Van G uilder. In T w in FaU s brle(- ly last n igh t, sa id th a t R aym ond Massey. Broadway stage s ta r of "Abe Lincoln In Illinois," will a rrive a t Sun Valley w ith M rs. M assey e ith e r this afternoon o r T hu rsday . T hey will rem ain until a b o u t Aug. 1 w hen Massey Is scheduled to s ta r t m otion picture work (or R -K -O a t H olly-

T h e Lincoln d ram * is a PuU tser p riw play by R obert Sherw ood, and M assey's per(orm ance a s th e e m an ­c ipator has won un ive rsa l acclaim .

Van G uilder sa id th a t M assey wUI b« m ade up In th e Lhico ln c h a rac ­te r (o r s till pho to s requested by R-K -O .


lO -PT. soda fountain , 10 stools andm arble countcr. sandw ich un it, all In good condition. P rice *800. Box 34, News-Timcs.

ROUGH lum ber, tires, bools a n d re- llners. H Inch and S Inch round rod, cable, wood pipe, sinks and bathtub.<i.

IDAHO JU N K HOUSE 153 2nd Ave. South P h . 33S-W


ROLL STU BSa t the T IM ES-N EW S o((lce

Tliese new sprint rolls ends o f p lain, white, good quality pa p er a re es­pecially nice to cover shelves, pic­nic tables, elc.


3 NEARLY new E lectro lux vacuum c len n rrfi...$ 2 0 . *25 a n d *30.


DAVF.NO. piano, ch in a closet, d ining tah lr. ml.vcT, (umLshlngH (or sa le nt ^en^nllable prices. Inqu ire 353 3rd Avf. N.

Business and Professional


Ph. 278 Doss' Royal C leaners.

Auto Servlcf

O. Jones for loans on hom es. Room 6 Bank & T ru s t Bldg. P h 3041.

DEE Line fram e and ax le allgnnien l, wheels stra igh tened , expert body, fender work. A uto glass, pa inting. Floor asnders U> ren t. FO.S8 BODY W ORKS. O pp. F ire H oum .

liicycle Repairingniasliis Cyclrry. Phone 181.

Hnirs ond Service REDIIOED PR IC E S

GloyAtclu Cyclery, 338 M ain S.

Building Contractinff

Cabinet ShopsK Itrliru Ciiblnrt.H niudc, 3311 Mnln 0

Curtain Shops

Floor Sandingr o o t snndlng. H. A H eider, 0301-.JI

FurnaceBAbbott Plumlilng Ht«, O a Pli IS

InsurancePeavey-Tftber Co., Ino. Phone 201

S tirA i7 u .rL o u Heller.” PlL 00«.

Key ShopBlaslus Cyclery. Phone 181,

Bchsde Key Hhop. LAWN MOWCIIR BHARI'ENED, 128 2nd Bt. B Hark Of Idaho f^ept fltore.


U cO or Coal M T ranafer. Aberdeen ooal, moving, tran s fe r. Ph. S. 200.

Money to LoanA U l'O M O O ItE LOANS

|/)ca l F inancing New and used c a r s -a e e u i f irs t Pay

th e dealer cash l C ondden tla l loan* to pay sm all bills a n d vacaUnn

Money to Loan

F a rm , and City Loans, 4 4 % . Prom pt a c t lo a Swim Inve.itm ent Co. Ph. 881.

REA D Y CASHW hen you need III

*5 and Up (in


If you ar«i nlearilly emplnyed w '' un a n d get ex lro cuah lo pny bills, <'n- Joy a vataVlim, rU^

CASH CUHDIT f:0.Rm s. 1-a I'honfBurkholder Btdg. 77fl

Osteopathic PhysicianDr. O W Rose, 114 M ain N Ph 937

O. B. K unkle, ro n U n rio r. r h , 2IM,

P I u m 6 i n p - W c a f f n / 7

Radio RepairingPOW EI.L R A D IO -P H O N E 800.

FACTORY lU D IO SERVICE 128 2nd Ave. N, phone 3A4

Real Eatate-lhsuranceT. O. G raves a n d Sons. Phone 118.

Shoe RepairingR alph B. T u rn e r a t H udson-O U rk'i.

TralieraTtw tleta foe tanV M t F ou rth West,

T ra ile r houaaa. Q am T ra ile r Co.

TypewritersBalaa. r e n U ii a n d sarrkw . Phone » a



SPECIAL low prices on llnoletun rugs and y a rd goods. H arry M us- grave.

IN LA ID lloor covering, sp e d a l 79c sq..'yd. T H IS W EEK ONLYl


FOLLOW th is colum n dally fo r ou t­stand ing buys In household fu r- nlshlngr. Shop and save th e W ant A dW ay l

CONOOLEUM rugs, muxlc cab inet, h a ll seat, d inette tab le, bed springs,

m a ttress , porch sw ing a n d chairs, f ru i t Jars. 315 2nd Ave. N.

Bedroom Suites *37J0 for 6 p iw cs

O thers p riced accordingly! MO O N'S

B e r n m E SlY FOR DANZIG

LONDON. Ju ly 19 OI.R>-The gov­e rnm en t today re jec ted proposals in the house of com m ons th a t B rita in and F rance send troops to th e D an ­zig a rea to de m o n stra te th e ir fn- t tn i lo n Dl resisting a n y N azi seU - ure o f th e free c ity .

A sserting th a t th e fo re ign office ttd no con firm ation o f rep o rts th a t

G erm any had se n t h eavy artille ry Into Danxlg, R. A. B uU er, fo re ign under - secretary , to ld questioners th a t dispatch of troops to “ th e neighborhood" of th e free c ity was no t acceptable.

3—1937 Norge refrigera to rs .1—G , E. e lectric range.1—1937 deluxe W esU nghousc electric

range. All In excellen t condlUon. 637 2nd Ave. W est.

2>plece fro n t room su ite , used, *19.50. A rea l sav lng l

Used f ro n t room su ite, sold (or *169.50 when- new . U sed only 0 m o n ih i—now *46. A n extcpU onal bargain I M OON'S.

RE D Ja ck e t w ater so ften ers (or home or com m ercial in-tallaU on. We save you ab o u t 20%.


AUTOS FO R SALE33 CHEV. p lck -up . C heap . Ph . 222.

HUDSON h a s 30 g rea t fentiires m o th e r car can (ihow! STA TE Mo. to r, ISO 9d Aye. N. P h . 768,

TRUCKS AN D TRA ILERST R . hse,. bu llt-lns. Box 173. Klmb.


Dog Receives Hero Collar for Guarding

SPOKANE. W ash.—T lie Spokane H um ane Society h a s decided to h o n ­or Ule large dog th a t p ro tec ted th e sm all chU dren of M r. a n d M rs. E . O. M itcham recen tly w hen they be­cam e lo s t fo r a n ig h t on a pen insu la of Lake Coeur d 'A lene In n o r th e rn Idalio.

T lic society o rdered a special col­la r m ade for th e dog. nam ed Bingo.

Bingo was w ith th e ch ild ren . Bob­by, 7, and Pa tty , 5, w hen they w an­dered away from th e ir lakeside home. T h e dog stood guard whUe tlie boy and girl spen t a n igh t In a n abandoned cab in , and a fte r Uiey vivre found refused to le t anyone ap ­proach, them u n til rela tives came.

■APE "BLOW N” TOO W ELLAKRON, O. (U.R) — 8a(e blowera

who opened th e sa fe of an oil com- p.iny here used so m uch n itrog ly­cerine th a t I t n o t only blew open the strong box. b u t a lso tore a ll o ( Its ron tenU Including several hund red dollars In currency , to bits.


FOR SALE OR TRADEPIANO for llvnslork. P h . 1431.


In the D lstrlnt C ourt <>( ilie Kldvrtilli Judic ia l D in trir t o f Uie Hint* of Idaho In a n d (or -Twlti Falls County.


A. J, McOAHMN, IV frnrtiin t n i c HlnU' (If M ilho nrndft Ki<'"tlnB

to Uin above nam ed defemlunc. You are hereby no lif led iim t i

com plain t has l>een filed aKolnat yciii In the D istric t C o u rt of U)« Klevrnth Jud ic ia l D istric t o f th e Hint Idaho In and (or I V l i i F a lls r'oiuily, hy Um above nam ed p la ln llif, you a ie hereby d irec ted to A|i]>rur aud n lta d i» M\ld n m ip ln ln i w ithin tw enty days of th e aervlce of u iu siinmKiiut; and you a re fu rth e r nou* fled U)at unless you so apiM'iir and plead to sa id co tn iiln ln l w ith ir ' tim e heroin ii>eclllfld, th e jilnlntlfr will take Judiim ent ag aliw t vmi as prayed in said com jila in t. T his tion Is brought hy p la in tif f t<i oblsln a decree o f dlvortvi from de lrudan t.

In W ltn eu w hereof, I have hereto affixed U)e r«-al o( eald DlsUlct c o u r t tills 37th d a y o f JUite, Il>.19,

W Al/TER O. M U aaRA V iC.Clerk.

O, 0 , HALL,A ttorney (nr P la in tiff.'t 'w hi Falls, Idaho .

PublU h T im e .- J u n « 28. Ju ly 8. 12, 19. 2(1, lOJt).

U h c KadioCARLSBAD, N. M. (U.m-A radio

will Im) In every room of th e *300,' 000 Carlsbad h igh aohool, on wliUih rnnairMctlon h a t beoa a lu rtcti. An aiid llo rlum aeattng 1,200 and gym-

eluded In th e iI 90U «

USIRIlESHElJ)BLIB8. Ju ly 10 ( B p e c U n - r i lD M r '; ]

sarvlces fo r B e r t Brky,Bliss youth killed in u M te Am W. d e n t Friday n igh t. « t r « h e U a i .- C h ris tian c hu rch tn O o o d tn f •* ' 10 a . m . Monday.

Rev. Reynolds o fficia ted « t tlM services. "

V em ajean R oberts a n d R o b e r t H in sang duets. "O nly a B bad o ir Between" and “W hat a FM end .W i H ave . In Jesus,” w ith M rs. R u tb A dam s planlsL

Pallbearers were L o ren Or»V<j{ ! Ju n io r UlUcan, J e rry L e n c h e e f iv - . U oyd U u g h rid g e , D u an e C u t r t i h t a n d D ennis Payne, a ll o f th e Boy Scout troop. . .

B e rt M ilton B ray w as b o m . - ^ : Bliss Nov. 7,1938. H e w as k now n ^ relatlvM a n d close Irten d a U "® ud- dy." H e a ttended th e B liss g n d t school fo r seven years . H e 'WM. $ m em ber of th e Boy Scou t o r g a n te * tlo n a n d a m em ber o f t h e BUsa school band. H e took a n M tive-p In th e Ju n io r C h ris tian E a O fitfm '1 group. He m e t h is d e a th In ttie mobile accident in H ag e rm sn abou t tw o m iles sou th o f B liss on F riday . Ju ly 14. a t app rox im ate ly 7:15 p. m . H e a n d th re e o th e r m n boys. A rthu r Vielguth, E u r « « «

: W righ t a n d R alph H am U ion. retu rn ing (rom a day of f r u i t . p l ^ ^ Ing w hen th e ir c a r le ft th e ro ad c rashed In to a d ir t b a n k a n d s m t f tree . klUln* th e B ray boy I n s ta n l t f f

H e Is survived by h is p a re n ts , M r. a n d Sirs. L. W, B ray, h is tw o gran d * •" m others, M ia. A nn B ray a n d I f f f t F rances W orkm an; tw o b r o th m , irad e ll D. B ray a n d U . D on bo th of Bend. Ore., a n d th re e gltfS ters . M rs. F ra n k W righ t. M n . U rb y Chrlstopherson and M lH G erald ine B ray . aU of Bliss.

In te rm e n t was a t th e E lmwood - cem etery a t OoodUng.

foreW m i i

Tim e Tables

W ASHINGTON, Ju ly I f Q IA-^ T reasu ry pu rchases o t foreign sU n^ have decreased considerably s locf e nac tm en t of th e new m one tary law, h igh officia ls revealed today.

M ajor fac tors tn th la deeU ne»4( , was sa id , is th a t th e 35-cen t p a r ounce ,^ rlce m a in ta in ed by th^ treasu ry du rin g th e la s t 10 d * ^ for pu rchases o f fo reign s ilv e r-Is n o t sufficien tly h ig h to w arran t extensive sh ip m en t o f th e m e taL te th la country . < >

T h e u e asu ry lowered Its p rice fo r fo reign silver pu rchases as a ’re40* of th e controversy over th e nsw m one tary bill In th e senate . I t ha's n o t reatored th e p rice to Us form er level.

O fficials refused to m ake any pW i dictions w h eth er th e ttc asu ry would continue tl»e 35-cen t price. Thai* they Indicated, would depend largv* ly on w h at happens In w orld sUVef m arkets.

m il .UNION r s c i r i c , t w in r a t x s

DRANCII (naiLY ) WMtbound

Hn. IJ» ■rilrx _____________ iiSO •.!.««»•• ...... .............................a:4Sa.

Ko. i«l U■uibound..

rta UB liay« ...WiaLH BRAhlCIi

Ric«ut fluntf SoulliMiindNortiTlKmnfl

UNION fAriru; STAoes tsilbounS

AIIIVM _____ ______ ___ __10,<S a rl.(»VM . . . 1 0 . C

.. 4 :0a p, t _ «:M p, (. p I

' a U . . :

l.«ftVM (UOlM LOCAlt . AirlTM____I.MVM .

. - .......... .. ............... .md 1:10and BoUa lAeal iMtlna at

Pli>Nn'ni*'oltura v*a*'a^l ^ V u a f t t 'OTIilH BTSnS I.INKS


......... .. liOQ 9. m.........Htlrnun. Man.. W tl »i>4

f'rM.r .............................. ».»« p, ■.l« .« . H.lma». -1-hurt.

iS>'m "nua iUipfrI

s In- 1 liuildlng,

U p tio ls terln i a n d slip d o v e n Thom eta a n d Body Works.

h a s been opened a t D om inion. N. H.. hy Uie R om an C alho lln a is te rn of Bt. M artlia. Blaliop Ja m e s M orrU on of­ficiated a t th e opening.

ArtlVM ’r» ln ----- 0. B

'’“ •'"Si.VMr “*"■T iihi No U» IWwll - tJO :____Ti>ln N» 141 ( W « e lf_ _ _ _ _ lliie p. ■

! i H : s r x r 2 ,f'fe .aa ii;JS i£

Lcwi§ Ask§ Mine S a f e l y M c a B u r ^

W ASHINGTON, Ju ly 19 (U.fO-* Jo lm L. LewlJi, p residen t of thO Congress of In d u s tr ia l O rganiza­tions, today aaked congressm en M suppo rl m ine sa le ty m easu res spon» sored by S en . M atthew Neely. D ., W . Va., ai>d Rep. K e n t K eller. IX, 111. He sa id -au c h m easures w m needed to p reven t d lsaaters like tb s

in K entucky th a lkilled 28 m iners.

T lie Nerly and K eller bill* would l>ernilt (pilerui Inspection of m ines and publirlty of inspectors ' re|>urt^

New Mail Rales ' .Set on Airlines

W AHIlINGl'ON. Ju ly 10 OI.P&-. ■n»»> rlv ll aeYwautlr.R a u tho rity to ­day announced new m all p a y ratM (or northw eat a irlines, e m b o ^ ln g a base ra te of 26 centa an a irp lane m ile betw erii Chlrugo a n d M lnne- aiMlls a n d a base ra te o f 37 c en ts an aln>lane mile Iratween M inneapolis a n d th e west roast.

'17)0 base ra le s apply to th e f irs t 300 |x>nda of mall. An a d d it l ( « ^ 2 4 per r e n t of the base r a te Is p v ? Able for each 28 pounds o r f ra c t lm of ex tra mail.

Real E bIbIo T r«iuf«r«tB fonnaU an furnlahed by '

T w in Palto T ltte a n « Abstrae4 C e ap a n y

M onday, la ly 11 Deed, J . K. Oasey to Oylvta I t

4acl)onald H M . L ot 0, Oasey Oub. of I « t 1, o m h a la ra 8uo.

De«<i, J . S . Casey to U an r 'C. S m ith *1,00, L ot 7, Oassy Sub, o f to t 1. O rchaU r* Bob. ' ' •

Deed, J , S . C a e n to O . I I m Oq m M

Deed, J . E O M 0 1 .Casey, |l.o aOa««y aub , a t L m i f . r

Deed. A. H,'IC * U jr# 1 0 .p t.« W M M ri

Page 14: tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Idaho-Evening... · 2014-12-12 · . ‘U U li ehMMWt to tenperm W *. m b jm-terday n . lew U. Uw (bk twm - yoL. x x n . NO. 8i—5

Full Round of Festivities for

Idaho at FairI d a h O f tn s a t th e San F ranci^O W orld’s fa ir will be greeted

w i t h a tu ll round of festiv ities— ranging from a m ilitary s a l u t e t o an inform al dance on Treasure ialand— according to th e complete program announced i n - ^ i n Falls today by t h e ChaiAber of Commerce committee arrang ing fo r th e

delegation. , . .Idaho day a t th e fa ir is Saturday. July 22.

■ ' A coM iderablo sh a re o f th e Id ah o

P«ge Fonrtetn IDAHO EVENING TIMES, TWIN,; FALLS, IDAHO W ednadiy , ju ly .is , 1929

KO by tr a in from Pocatello■nvuraday «venln«. T h e tra in wlU head coastw ard v ia O gden, accord- I n t to U nion P acific plana.

9 P . M . D eadline T odaxResident* of T w in PSOls and n e a r­

by eom m un ltlet w ho p lan to Join the fpeclal have u n til S p . m . today to

‘ >Mure -th e ir iw r v a l lo n a , accordljw to J . L- FiiU er; D -P paw enger agen t. Seven persons h a d ind ica ted the ir Intentions th is m orn ing . O thers from the Jerom e, Burley a n d R upert .■n;as probably a lso will take the .fpeclal.

• D eadline on reservaU ons was a t 9 p . m. today. M r. F u ller sa id , be­cause 'the rallTQad offices he re m ust wire to O gden to a rran g e them

. since the special pulls o u t less th a n 24 hours a l te r th a t tim e. Reduccd ra te s are In effect.

T ra in A M B r^O om m llteem en Fred C. Fiarnier,

U nion Pac ific a g e n t h e r* ; CharJeJ Shirley a n d R obert H . W arner said today th a t th e re will n p t be enough reservation^ from M agic Valley to ■£sure a special c a r f o r th is p a rticu ­la r a rea . T hey w ere Inform ed, how - «ver. th a t th e specia l id a h o tr a in Is assured.

T w in P a lk resldenU w ho m ake the tr ip -^ lll leave T liu rsday on the 3:30 p. m . tra in In order to m ake th e ir Pocatello connection th a t .eve­ning . .

N o rthern Id a h o 's . de legation will e n tra in a t 9:46 p . m . today a t .Spo­kane.

T h e special tr a in will a rrive be­tw een 7:30 and 9:30 p. m . Friday. Ju ly 31. a t th e M a rk e t s tre e t te rm i­na l In S a n Francisco.

O ffic ia l P ro ffranT h e Id ah o day program .officially

announced for S a tu rd ay shows:10 a. m . O fflclol p a rty of O ov. C.

A. B otto lfsen a n d o th e r s la te of­ficials, leaves Bt. F rancis ho te l (headquarte rs) accom panied by M ayor A ngelo Rossi, G olden O ate expoalUon officia ls and rep resen ta ­tives of s ta te o f C alifo rn ia, together w ith member* o f Id ah o delegation.

11 a . m . M ilita ry sa lu te to Oover* Bor B ottolfsen, T reasu re island.

11:18 a . m . In spec tion of troops by O overao r B ottolfsen, a n d official welcome a t fede ra l bu ild ing by G eorge Creel, U . 8 . com m issioner, C a lifo rn ia s ta te , m unic ipal a n d ex- pojlU on officials.

12:18 p . m . L uncheon In w om en’s lounge of C aU Iom la building, com* p llm entlng G overnor a n d M rs. B o t­to lfsen a n d s ta te officials, w ith Cal-

' ifo m la n s as hoets. R adio broadcast h a s been a rran g e d Un -w hich Gov­e rn o r Botto lfsen will ta k e pa rt.

1 to 4 p . m . Id ah o m otion pic tures l a rec rea tion building.

3 to S:30 p. m . R eccptlon a t Idaho e x h ib it room, tial] o f w estern sta te s.

7 p . m . Inform al n o -host d in n e r a t Y erba Buena club, on T reasure is land , fo r m em bers o f o fficial p a rtie s from Idaho and C alifornia.

9:30 p. m . In form al dance, C a li­fo rn ia b a ll room, T reasure Inland, ^ n s o r e d by U niversity of Idaho aJum nl associations of Snn F ra n ­c isco and Los Angeles, (or all Id ah o ­an* realtllng In Id ah o or elsewhere.

ALBIONM rs. Mnixle Ju inn . a n d d itijsh lrr .

D onna, who Imvc R|>rnl th e poAl several weeks vlnltlnn w ith re la liv rs a n d Irlciidn In I he fiiAt nn well a t a d c n d ln g Ihn Nrw YnrK W orld's fa ir ; retu riiH l u> tlirir hn inr in Al­bion the In llr r pi>rt n( Ilir week.

M lsa Decbfl Fu lkm burg . who U em ployed a t llm Fiirtin lirm ity Miop In Porn le llo . vlslled , w ith rrln tlv rs In Alblnti Itiht w ri'k rrtiiriiliiK to her hoane In r itru tr llo Nimdiiy.

Mrn. C ttlor I tr rd or Kimrlwood. C alif., m-rlvril l i r r r Hulurdiiy wlirrn she will vlMi w ith Irlrnd/i iintl re la ­tives In AllilDii. M n . I tr r il will m a in In Albion l» n ttrn d llm M a­honey reunion lo h r liH<l .Inly 30.

I..ee n iiil O lriin Eiin«'lkliiK who h a v e for Ilir iitihl Irw wei-k>i been vlAltlfiV w llh th r ir nUIrr »nci hun- ba n d . Mr. iind Mm. lllu ln r WriKht In Ju n ip e r rp lu in n l lo Ih rlr hom rs In Alblim Hatiinlitv.

M r. niicl Mm. Alvin lliiiklrA « m . lliirv ry of <ll.'iiiu. T friy vl.illed h e re nvrr llie w eek-end w llh Mr, nnti Mrn. Iln rrv liiiikkK.

M r. nm l Mrs ,P. T liiird of Iaih A ligelrn, Cnlll., itrrlvrd h rrc Htmdny for nn rx lm itrd visit w liti Mr. H u rd 's u iic lr mill fmnlly, Mr nnd M rs, W allnre Avrrlll.

M rs. Ju rk H inllh r i'tiifjird lo . . . . hom o ht Allilou Monduy Imiiv HI. A nthony w hrro «hr vh lte il tor e ra l dayn.

M r, a n d Mt«. Jo h n IV.Hr. Mr and Mrn. O lio Ik irls, Ml«« K din ik irU a n d E vprell Jlorlr, nf Drclo F o re s l N ninn of 'IHpiciiu, K n ii, pic­n icked a t Lnko CliivrliiiHl H utunlny a fU r w hich Ihny vlnlled lit Alhlnii

lUi Mr», Currie Frlw ,M iss Vern n inlley of Henitle

W aah., vlhlled w llh Mr. and Mr*. Louise Cnnii) nnd Mrn. M llinn An- (leraon over Uie wook-cnd r e lt im ln i (o he r hom o in H eatlle Hundny.

M rs. Ileaum on t A ndnui nnd i« n . ... B iaciifoot arrived iie re Fridity to viMt fo r M veral days w llh Mm. A tidrtu ' moUier. M rs. M aude Jainrn.

M rs, J a c k Sallyers a n d Iwhy o( M ae. Ida ., a rrived hern Hundoy where alia will visit wlUi her pa\-eiite, Mr. a n d Mrs. 0 , 1. O ater fo r anine thne .

The Public Forum


Editor, Evening Tim es;We are told th a t on ly tw o per

cen t of the A m erican people th ink . T he following is a n Item ised s ta te ­m ent. Just received Irom W ashing­to n showing th e price 130 odd m ll- lon people have paid fo r n o t th in k ­ing.

D uring the p a st e igh t years f in a n ­c ial In terests have w ken from the A m erican m anufactu re rs 200,000 (oc- to rles; from th e m ercban ta 3.000.-000 stores: from th e farm er 3.000,-000 farm s and m ore th a n 6.000,000 homes from th e w orking people.

J u s t recently th e police In P h ila ­delph ia u n c o v e r^ a m urdero tis ring th a t were killing heavily Insured people: now com es th e s to ry from Louisiana of a w holesale robbery by a college: president.

Som e m ay a sk th e question, whyre ptxifesslonal m en a n d w omen

tu rn in g m urderers and robbers?T h e Answer is, o u r econom ic sys­

tem Is driving them to 11.O ne of th e g rea t sayings of N a­

poleon was, th a t any m a n c an com ­m a n d a charge, b u t m ighty few gen ­era ls can com m and a r e tr e a t; tha“ Is Just a s . 'tru e In business, a s on th e ba ttle field.

A 'short tlm e.'Bgo, C hief Ju stice C harles H ughea told th e A m eri­c an people they could h a v ; a n y ­th in g they w anted, If they w anted It badly enough.

W hat Is 11 th a t every destitu tean and w om an w ants today?L et the A m erican p e o p le . solve

th a t problem a n d they have con­quered the depression; ac tion fol­lows thought, w here the re ' thought, the re Is no action.

T h e b irds of th e rtir and beasts of th e fields never suffer, except du ring some n a tu ra l calam ity , bu t th e son of m an Is den ied a hom e th a t he m ay call h is own, a n d he lp ­less lltUe ch ild ren m ust b e 'd e n ie d th e Inheritance of th e crea to r, yet som eth ing th a t a re o ften m iscalled m en, refuse to tu rn a h a n d to he lp co rrec t them , b u t rem ain th a t c ling­ing slave they are . and deserve th e scorn of m an .

D r. F ra n cis E. T ow nsend advo­cates th a t If congress will p u t A rti­cle I . Sec. 8, clause 8 a n d A rticle I, Sec. 8. o f o u r constitu tion In to e f­fect, th e n use these elderly people

I th e I I ofth is m oney, I t wUl prove m ore sat* W ac to ry th a n robbery, m urder reg im enta tion .

• •^ H U B E B RBO Tw in Pails, Ju ly

T WENdELLA da u g h ter was born T hu rsday to

M r. and Mrs. A1 R eading. T h e In­f a n t has been nam ed Claudia R u th .

M rs. P au l A nderson wan called to Boise T uesday by the srrlous Illness o f h e r brothcr-lii-luw , Jo h n H ol­m an . M rs. Holm an h a s been w ith he r husband th e past «i-ck.

A d a u g h te r was born We<lliesday to M r. and Mrs, Mnrciis S trick land .

J . B. H artw ell and d au g h W . MLi* C arm en Hftrlwcll, huve siK-nt Lh* p a s t week In W rndell on business,

T lie Blngtng Needle 4*H eliib m e t W edne.vtiiy a t ihc hom e of Miss Corrlno Stew art. ’Die n»rm l)rra f in ­ished ih c lr (<•» towels n l th is m cel- Ing nnd planned th r ciiitinK and srw lng of aprons lo r th e ir nex t m eeting.

Mr. nntt Mrs. Cileii Moon le ft Hnturday /o r » viicmion trip ilirough Yellowntoiio iiittloiiiil jwrk. O lenna In vlnltlng »n m in t In Twin Falls rturliiK the nbficmo of lir r ptirenUi.

B ert Hlxun niul m iii, Jo lm . ar« on a lu llin g irl)) hi Uie Dig Smoky country.

Mr*. E. II. Jir.'.frr. MllivBHkee, WIs., U vlfiltlnii Mr, niul M rs. O r­ville Melstnil.

H tirrinun Hiiiil wii» 'nbln to be lu k n i to hbi hotue WislncMlity u fle r a two weekn' lllnc.v. In (he HI- Val- rn llne 'n hOApUut.

'H ie m rrinriiA hotlbnll teun i de- fenlMl Himl^liiiw'n "llrrn" ’riiu ra- day Wllh n «rnip ot I'J i<i fl, 'l lm gatiie wits wrll atU -ndrd hy local runs M onday Iho I. Cl. A. tean i win m eet W rndrll lln rdw um leom a t th e grnde itclnml firld.

Mr. Riid M is . Sum Ihiiiiiuni nnd dnuK hlers have moved In to th e M ac- Qulvey hniine re.-«nilly vscate<l by Mr. mid Mrs, Krv Tayloi.

K ennetli H aiiilllon, Dtjwnny. Is visiting h is Krniiitiii>rni(^, Mr. and Mr/i, U O. lluiiillUin.

'I ll " Ladlrfl' Al<l soclely of th« M elhoitlnl r lm rt'h im-l 'I'lnirMlay a t th e hom e of Mrs. I) i{. (Inles.

G aR ollne T e s tj and tlnd o u t for yourselfI Jiwt how m any m llrs youI a re ge tting jH-r gallon In

yoiir own car.


.W in actually litoreaae your g«Milln« mileage It your F itE B tea t si'iowi a low m ileage p e r la llon .

BARNARDA l i r o OO.

rif. iM

A gain Fennej^s B rin g You tlie O ntstandlng B la n k et V a lu es o t the T ea r B e w ise, bu y y o u r B la n k er w here tlie b u yin g p ow er oE 1500 sto res sayes you m on ey

CO ON SALE TH URSDAY 8 A . M.Q uantities m ay not last! B e h e re e a r ly ! A sk to see M e h undreds oC o th e r B lanket B argains n ot ad vertised !

B uy This Sen

Ve 14 Only


$3.98e.F u lly m othproofed, H3 1/3 % wool, solid colors, and ro- versiblo. A^i nmnzihff qual­ity fo r th is low price.

A B uy fo r a MjO W Budget!

12 Only Cotton


$ 1 . 4 9A s o f t r o o m y b l a n k e t w i t h p l e n ty o f t u c k In . W h e r e b u t n t P c r m e y ’s c o u ld y o n g e t a b u y l ik e t h i s ?

Just Whht You Need!

50 Only Indian Blankets

$ l . O O n n c h

llt-iK lit c i i l ii r r iil In d iiii ) d n - nlKii'*- l il iu ik c t o f m a n y 11.11‘H f o r o u t doorH n iu i III* (InorH. A p r i r i ' t h a t in r lK l l t f(ir n v i ir y oni'.'« p o c k e t b o o k . Slr.oH ni("xH O ” .

50 Only Sheet B lankets

44cnt-miliful c o lo rv i l b o id e r n ,

h tu ’k K ro iin d r t in tan and K ic y . V o u w ill hii a u r - prlni-d n l tho w 'i ' lT n m l f l u f f y t«-xliin> o f Uicflo Ifjfj'ly, low p d m l filnnkotii.


A sm all dep osit w ill hold your b la n k ets until FALL! T ake advantage o f these low p rices NOW.'

Best $1.00 Blanket in America

2 5 %WOOL



In the p o p u lar new d a rk shades. FlutCy and w arm and satin bordered. H ere’s a b a rga in worth h u rry in g to r! You ju st can’t h ave t o o m a n y ! S ize 66x 80.

Outstanding Buy ot The Season!

50 Only 5% WOOL


L ast y e a r these blankets so ld to r SSc. Ideal {or sum m er use! You seldom , |{ e v e r , see such w arm , nappy b lankets a t such a low p rice . S ize 70’’x80”.

Last Year's $8.90 Quality


C om forters

Goose dow n {iiled-m othprooCed!

Luxurious co m fo rters - covered

ail o ver w ith scro ll stitched celan-

ese rayo n tatCeta! F illed w ith

soCt, g re y , goose down. L ovely

colors. C u t72” x 84”.

H ere’s a Money

Sa v er for You!50 Only

S heet Blankets

79cE x t r a l a r g e , b o u l id e n d s , d o u b le b e d s iz e . M a d e f r o m s e l e c t A m e r i c a n c o t to n .

Buv Now a t Thi.s Saving Price!

Jum bo Blanket



$2.98l i^ x tr a l a r g e , d o u b le b la n k * e t , w i t h .s a te e n b o r d e r . S o f t , a n d f l e e c y a t a r e ­m a r k a b l y low’ p r i c e . B u y n o w a n d s a v e ! S iz e 8 0 x 9 0 .

24 Only


$1.9SE x t r a I0HK, n io l l i p r n o r o d ! I t ’a h a r d to In iiiK in e n u c Ii la i'K P , fl<‘('oy b liin k iilH a t H iich a lo w ji r ic c !

In Lovely Fancy and Block Plaid



J li 'i lv y W l 'lu l i l '

$2.98 pr.ncantifiil (li’HlKnH in lilank- cIh tlinl wi'IkIi full R iiouiKhl Soft, well nappfd. In lovi’ly roloni! llen i Ih ono of thoHu Kiaiul I’tHiiHiy val> lU'M you I'an'l afford to jiiIw h) .Size 71)" x HO". .

P E N N E Y^SJ . C . P E N N E Y C O M P A N Y , I n c o r p o r a t e d