1 Abonmajska sezona Season brochure 2013 2014 THE RTV SLOVENIA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA

2013 2014 - RTVSLO.si · 1 Abonmajska sezona Season brochure 2013 2014 ... the new Chromatics cycle – several major challenges lie in wait for the orchestra. Besides constantly

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Page 1: 2013 2014 - RTVSLO.si · 1 Abonmajska sezona Season brochure 2013 2014 ... the new Chromatics cycle – several major challenges lie in wait for the orchestra. Besides constantly


Abonmajska sezonaSeason brochure



Page 2: 2013 2014 - RTVSLO.si · 1 Abonmajska sezona Season brochure 2013 2014 ... the new Chromatics cycle – several major challenges lie in wait for the orchestra. Besides constantly


Naše sodelovanje s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija temelji na skupnem spoznanju, da je resnična moč v virtuoznosti posameznika in sozvočju kolektiva. Tako kot v glasbenem svetu stvaritve ne nastanejo čez noč, ampak morajo dozoreti, tudi snovanje varne prihodnosti zahteva svoj čas in zaupanje. Vlaganje v finančno varnost je zato dolgoročna odločitev, ki ne temelji na želji po hitrih rezultatih, ampak na zavedanju, da bomo kljub občasnim nihanjem na dolgi rok dosegli svoj cilj.

Prijatelji in podporniki Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija

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Cenjeni obiskovalci, dragi prijatelji orkestra!

Družbe Adriatic Slovenica, KD Življenje in KD Skladi kot prijatelji in podporniki že sedmo leto sodelujemo s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija, s katerim nas druži podobno poslanstvo, prodornost in želja po odličnosti.

Bistveni del našega poslovanja je graditev odnosa z okoljem. Pri oblikovanju svojih poslovnih in družbeno angažiranih odločitev, ki jih sprejemamo vsak dan, si prizadevamo za zadovoljstvo, varnost in posredno večjo kakovost življenja naših strank. Zato je naše poslanstvo ustvarjanje varne prihodnosti, z družbeno odgovornim ravnanjem pa si prizadevamo za širši razvoj okolja, v katerem živimo in delamo.

Ravno zato je podpora kulturi, ki je bit vsakega naroda, še toliko bolj pomembna. Prepričani smo, da je ravno kultura, v takšni ali drugačni podobi, tista, ki kakovostno zapolni naša življenja.

Dejstvo je, da ima Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija v kulturni sferi pomembno mesto, da ima poseben nacionalni pomen in obenem tudi izjemen kulturni vpliv. Zato smo se odločili, da njegovo delovanje podpremo.S podporo si prizadevamo k temu, da bi glasbena umetnost razveseljevala čim širše število ljudi in jim bogatila vsakodnevno življenje.

Gabrijel ŠkofPredsednik uprave Adriatica Slovenica, d. d.

Friends and supporters of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra,

Družbe Adriatic Slovenica, KD Življenje and KD Skladi have been working with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, as friends and supporters, for seven years – all sharing a similar mission, quest for innovation and desire for excellence.

Building a relationship with the environment is a crucial part of our business. In creating our business and taking socially engaged decisions, which we accept every day, we strive for satisfaction, security, and to improve the quality of life of our clients. It is therefore our mission to build for a safer future, to take socially responsible actions, and to strive for the further development of the environment in which we live and work.

This is why support for culture, which is the very essence of a nation, is all the more important. We believe that culture is what gives life its quality.

It is clear that, in the cultural sphere, the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra has an important place, special national significance, and remarkable cultural influence.

It is for these reasons that we have decided to support its work.

With this support, we endeavour to ensure that music, as an art form, enriches the lives and brings joy to the largest number of people possible.

Gabrijel ŠkofPresident of the Management Board of Adriatica Slovenica, d. d.

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Spoštovani prijatelji Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija,

naš orkester vstopa v 59. leto delovanja v odlični formi. Pred vami je nova programska knjižica cikla Kromatika, pred orkestrom pa še marsikateri pomemben izziv. Poleg nenehnega bogatenja nacionalnega glasbenega arhiva in snemanja za potrebe radijskih in televizijskih programov bomo po gostovanjih na poletnih festivalih doma in v tujini v jesen zakorakali z obsežno turnejo po Nemčiji, Nizozemski in Belgiji, sezono 2013/14 pa končali z dvema prestižnima koncertoma v dunajskih dvoranah Musikverein ter Konzerthaus.

Bodite del našega pestrega glasbenega potovanja in pustite se presenetiti! Za začetek bomo abonentskim parom v sezoni 2013/14 podarili najnovejšo zgoščenko našega orkestra s svetovno znanim tenoristom Joséjem Carrerasom, ki je svoje navdušenje med snemanjem v Ljubljani pospremil z izjavo, da “orkester igra najbolje doslej”!

Bo že držalo!

Patrik Greblovodja Glasbene produkcije RTV Slovenija

Dear friends of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra,

Our orchestra enters its 59th year in great shape. Before you is a booklet containing the programme for the new Chromatics cycle – several major challenges lie in wait for the orchestra. Besides constantly enriching the national music archive, and recording for the needs of radio and television, and after having been hosted at summer festivals at home and abroad, we will kick start the autumn with an extensive tour through Germany, the Netherlands and Belgium, before finishing the 2013/14 season with two prestigious concerts in Vienna’s Musikverein and Konzerthaus. Get involved in our diverse musical journey and allow yourself to be amazed! To get the 2013/14 season off on the right foot, for every two season tickets sold we will be giving away a copy of the new CD of our orchestra performing with the world famous tenor José Carreras, who was so enthusiastic during recording in Ljubljana that he was moved to declare that “this orchestra plays better than ever!”

That should certainly be the case!

Patrik GrebloHead of Music Production, RTV Slovenia

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Dragi prijatelji,

Slovenija je s svojo bogato kulturo in zgodovino del našega planeta. Pri tem je glasba nedvomno izredno pomembna. Slovenci glasbo potrebujejo prav tako kot hrano in obleko.

Kot glasbenik vam s svojim orkestrom želim pripraviti čim več kakovostnih izvedb.

Z iskreno naklonjenostjo,

En Shaošef dirigent

Dear friends,

Slovenia’s rich culture and history is an important part of our world, and music is certainly integral to this. The Slovenian people’s need for music is strong as that for food and clothing.

My desire as a musician is to deliver, together with my orchestra, as many high-quality music performances as possible.

With my sincere love,

En ShaoChief Conductor

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Cenjeni obiskovalci, dragi prijatelji orkestra!

Veseli me, da vas lahko kot umetniški vodja Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija in kot glasbenica pozdravim in povabim k novim druženjem z našim orkestrom.

Pripraviti kakovosten in raznolik spored je za nas velik izziv in tudi odgovornost, saj naše lepo in zahtevno delo zares zaživi šele v trenutkih, ki jih delimo in doživimo skupaj z vami.

V novi sezoni bomo tako skupaj potovali skozi glasbo različnih kulturnih okolij in obdobij, dotaknili se bomo različnih žanrov.

Orkester, kot organizem instrumentalne glasbe, sestavljen iz številnih posameznikov, od katerih vsak prispeva svoj nepogrešljiv delež k skupnemu doživetju, nas bo na tem potovanju popeljal od samih temeljev instrumentalne glasbe, concerta grossa, do treh velikih Koncertov za orkester, ki bodo sledili v pomladnih mesecih.

Počastili bomo 50. obletnico programa Ars in se poklonili obletnicam rojstva treh velikanov operne glasbe – Verdiju, Wagnerju in Mascagniju.

Krstili bomo novosti Milka Lazarja, Alda Kumarja, Uroša Rojka in Pavla Mihelčiča ter namenili pozornost slovenski glasbeni tradiciji.

Na čelu z našim priljubljenim šefom dirigentom En Shaom bomo na februarskem koncertu skupaj z orkestrom SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana pripravili nekaj znamenitih simfoničnih stvaritev.

Ponovno bomo pozdravili maestra Lorenza Castrioto in spoznali nekaj novih imen: dirigenti Daniel Raiskin, Tibor Bogányi in Darko Butorac se nam bodo predstavili prvič.

Domačo glasbeno poustvarjalnost bodo zastopali mladi klarinetist Blaž Šparovec, violončelistka Karmen Pečar in trije vodilni godalci našega orkestra - Benjamin Ziervogel, Katja Krajnik Kralj in Igor Mitrović. Seveda pa se veselimo tudi sodelovanja z imenitnimi tujimi solisti - violončelistko Tatjano Vasiljevo, violinistom Vadimom Gluzmanom, fagotistom Bencejem Bogányijem in pianistko Liso Smirnovo.

Prisrčno vas vabimo v našo družbo in se vam zahvaljujemo za zaupanje!

Vsi se veselimo vašega obiska in vam želimo bogata glasbena doživetja!

Maja Kojcumetniški vodja Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija

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Dear visitors, dear friends of the orchestra!

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you all, not only as the artistic director of RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, but also as a musician inviting you to become acquainted with our orchestra.

Developing a programme of high quality and diversity is a great challenge and responsibility for us, because the beautiful and demanding nature of our work only really comes to life in the moments we share and experience with you.

In the new season we will journey together through music of different cultural backgrounds and periods, and touch on a variety of genres.

The orchestra – which is an instrumental music organism, and made up of many individuals, each of whom makes an indispensable contribution to the overall experience – will take us on this journey from the very foundations of instrumental music, the concerto grosso, to three great concertos for orchestra, which will follow in the spring months.

We will celebrate the Ars 50th anniversary programme and pay our respects on the anniversaries of the birth of three giants of opera - Verdi, Wagner and Mascagni.

We will unveil new works by Milko Lazar, Aldo Kumar, Uroš Rojko and Pavel Mihelčič and devote attention to

Slovenian musical tradition.

Together with the Ljubljana Opera and Ballet Orchestra, our highly regarded chief conductor En Shao will be leading the February concert, for which they have together prepared some famous symphonic creations.

Once again we welcome the maestro Lorenzo Castriota and get to know some new names: the conductors Daniel Raiskin, Tibor Bogányi and Darko Butorac, who will all introduce themselves to us for the first time.

Local performers will be represented by the young clarinettist Blaž Šparovec, the cellist Karmen Pečar and our orchestra’s three leading string players – Benjamin Ziervogel, Katja Krajnik and Igor Mitrović. Of course, we also look forward to working with splendid soloists from abroad - cellist Tatjana Vassiljeva, violinist Vadim Gluzman, bassoonist Bence Bogányi and pianist Lisa Smirnova.

You are cordially invited to join us, and thank you for the trust you place in us! We’re looking forward to you paying us a visit and we hope you will find our programme to be a rich musical experience!

Maja KojcArtistic Director, RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra

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Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija, Big Banda RTV Slovenija, orkestra Slovenske filharmonije in Slovenskega komornega zbora, ljubljanskega festivala, festivalov Slowind, Radovljica in Seviqc ter koncertne sezone Društva slovenskih skladateljev. Po zaslugi članstva Radia Slovenija v Zvezi evropskih radijskih postaj lahko naši poslušalci vsako leto slišijo več sto posnetkov koncertov in opernih predstav z evropskih in svetovnih glasbenih odrov, pa tudi skrbno izbrani Evropski klasični nokturno, ki ga za članice zveze pripravlja uredništvo londonskega BBC. Uredniki uredništva za resno glasbo tudi naročajo arhivska snemanja s slovenskimi glasbenimi izvajalci in ansambli ter skrbijo za sistematično snemanje del slovenskih skladateljev.

S programom Ars je v zadnjega pol stoletja sodelovalo več sto uglednih slovenskih umetnikov: pisateljev, pesnikov, dramskih igralcev, režiserjev, glasbenih izvajalcev in skladateljev. Številni so ga tudi neposredno ustvarjali kot uredniki.

Urednice in uredniki Tretjega programa radia Slovenija, programa Ars

Tretji program Radia Slovenije – program Ars letos praznuje petdesetletnico delovanja. Namenjen je ustvarjanju in posredovanju umetniških, kulturnih in humanističnih vsebin. Ustvarjajo ga uredniki uredništev za igrani program, kulturo in resno glasbo.

Uredništvo za igrani program je s svojimi režiserji, dramaturgi, glasbenimi opremljevalci in tonskimi tehniki pripravilo na stotine radijskih iger vseh zvrsti, v katerih je slovenska beseda v interpretaciji naših dramskih igralcev zazvenela v vseh pomenskih in čustvenih odtenkih. Njihovi ustvarjalci so osvojili tudi vrsto uglednih mednarodnih nagrad in priznanj.

Uredništvo za kulturo pripravlja literarne oddaje in oddaje s humanistično vsebino ter poroča o dogajanju na vseh področjih kulture in umetnosti, od literarnega in gledališkega življenja do filma. Oddaje, kot so Literarni portret, Literarni večer, Izšlo je, S knjižnega trga, Kulturna panorama, Literarni nokturno, Naši umetniki pred mikrofonom in Gremo v kino, so si pridobile kultni status in so nepogrešljiv del naše kulturne zavesti.

Uredništvo za resno glasbo pripravlja sedemnajst ur glasbenega programa na dan z vrsto posebnih oddaj, namenjenih operni, simfonični, komorni, sodobni, eksperimentalni in zborovski glasbi, džezu, stari glasbi, pa tudi poustvarjanju mladih slovenskih glasbenikov. Sodeluje z našimi najboljšimi orkestri in prenaša koncerte

Program Ars

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ancient music, as well as interpretations by young Slovenian musicians. The editing team cooperates with Slovenia’s best orchestras, and broadcasts concerts by the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, Big Band RTV Slovenia, the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra and the Slovenian Chamber Choir, the Ljubljana Festival, the Slowind, Radovljica and Seviqc festivals, and the concert season of the Society of Slovenian Composers. Thanks to Radio Slovenia’s membership of the European Broadcasting Union, each year our listeners are able to hear hundreds of recordings of concerts and opera productions from European and world music stages, as well as the carefully selected European classical Nocturne, which is organised for members of the Union by the London BBC’s editing team. The serious music editing team also requests archive recordings with Slovenian musicians and ensembles, and takes care of the systematic recording of works by Slovenian composers.

In the last half century, hundreds of prominent Slovenian artists – writers, poets, stage actors, directors, singers and composers – have worked with Ars. Many of these artists have had direct input into the programme in an editorial capacity.

On this anniversary, we, the Ars editing teams, hope we will continue to hold programmes in which everyone who cherishes art and culture will find something for themselves.

The Editors of Radio Slovenia Third Channel - Ars

Radio Slovenia Third Channel - Ars, is this year celebrating its fiftieth anniversary. Its purpose is to create and transmit artistic, cultural and humanistic content, and is produced by editing teams for the drama programme, culture and serious music.

The drama programme editing team, with its directors, playwrights, musical equipment suppliers and sound technicians, has prepared hundreds of radio plays of different genres in which the Slovenian word, with all its shades of meaning and emotion, is interpreted by our stage actors. Their creators have won a series of prestigious international awards.

The culture editing team not only produces shows with literary and humanistic content, but also reports on developments in all aspects of art and culture, from literary and theatrical life to film. Shows such as Literarni portret (Literary Portrait), Literarni večer (Literary Evening), Izšlo je (Was Published), S knjižnega trga (From the Book Market), Kulturna panorama (Cultural Panorama), Literarni nokturno (Literary Night), Naši umetniki pred mikrofonom (Our Artists on the Microphone) and Gremo v kino (Let’s Go to the Movies) have all gained cult status and are an indispensable part of our cultural consciousness.

The serious music editing team produces a seventeen-hour musical programme every day with a variety of special shows for opera, symphonies, chamber music, contemporary, experimental, and choral music, jazz,

Programme Ars

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Torek, 24. september Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Dirigent / Conductor: En ShaoSolistka / Soloist: Tatjana Vasiljeva, violončelo / celloB. Leskovic, D. Šostakovič, S. Rahmaninov

Sreda, 9. oktoberWednesday, 9 October 2013

Dirigent / Conductor: Daniel RaiskinSolist / Soloist: Vadim Gluzman, violina / violinB. Smetana, M. Bruch, A. Dvoržak

Četrtek, 7. november Thursday, 7 November 2013

ARS – 50 let / ARS – 50 YearsDirigent / Conductor: En ShaoSodelujejo / Participants: Simfonični orkester in Big Band RTV Slovenija ter Otroški, Mladinski in Komorni zbor RTV Slovenija /Symphony Orchestra and Big Band RTV Slovenia, Children, Youth and Chamber Choir RTV SloveniaDramski igralec / Stage actor Igor Samobor

M. Ravel, A. Kumar, U. Rojko, M. Lazar

Abonmajska sezonaSeason brochure


Vsi koncerti se začnejo ob 19.30 uri.All concerts start at 7.30 pm.

Cankarjev domGallusova dvorana

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Četrtek, 5. december Thursday, 5 December 2013

Dirigent / Conductor: Lorenzo Castriota Sodelujeta / Participants: Zbor SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana, Slovenski komorni zbor / SNG Opera & Ballet Choir Ljubljana, Slovenian Chamber ChoirG. Verdi, R. Wagner, P. Mascagni

Četrtek, 24. april Thursday, 24 April 2014

Dirigent / Conductor: Tibor BogányiSolist / Soloist: Bence Bogányi, fagot / bassoonJ. Sibelius, K. Aho, B. Bartók

Četrtek, 20. februarThursday, 20 February 2014

Dirigent / Conductor: En ShaoSolist / Soloist: Blaž Šparovec, klarinet / clarinetSodeluje / Participant: Orkester SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana / Orchestra of Opera and Ballet LjubljanaS. Osterc, C. Nielsen, R. Strauss

Četrtek, 15. maj Thursday, 15 May 2014

Dirigent / Conductor: En ShaoSolistka / Soloist: Karmen Pečar, violončelo / celloU. Krek, E. Elgar, W. Lutosławski

Četrtek, 20. marec Thursday, 20 March 2014

Dirigent / Conductor: En ShaoSolisti / Soloists: Benjamin Ziervogel, violina / violin, Katja Krajnik Kralj, viola / viola, Igor Mitrović, violončelo / celloG. F. Händel, P. Mihelčič, J. S. Bach, Z. Kodály

Ponedeljek, 9. junija Monday, 9 June 2014

Jazz Party Dirigent / Conductor: Darko Butorac Solistka / Soloist: Lisa Smirnova, klavir / pianoD. Ellington, F. Gulda, D. Šostakovič, G. Gershwin


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En Shao, šef dirigent Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija, bo tradicionalno začel novo koncertno sezono. Ob njem se bomo srečali z odlično violončelistko Tatjano Vasiljevo, ki je svojo evropsko kariero začela že pri dvanajstih letih, ko je leta 2001 kot prva ruska državljanka osvojila veliko nagrado mesta Pariz, štiri leta pozneje pa so jo imenovali »medn-arodno odkritje leta«. S tem je bil položen temeljni kamen za sijajno koncertantno kariero in danes je ena najbolj iskanih violončelistk, ki igra z najboljšimi dirigenti in najuglednejšimi orkestri. En Shao bo posegel tudi po slovenski partituri. Bogo Leskovic (1909–1995) je bil ne samo eden pomembnejših dirigentov in odličen ravnatelj ljubljanske Opere, temveč tudi skladatelj. Njegov opus ni zelo obširen, se pa kljub temu njegova dela uvrščajo med vredne prispevke k naši glasbeni zakladnici, med njimi tudi prefinjena Etuda.Rahmaninov je imel vse premalo zaupanja vase in to kljub

Dirigent:Eh Shao

Solistka:Tatjana Vasiljeva, violončelo

B. Leskovic: EtudaD. Šostakovič: Koncert za violončelo in orkester št. 2 v g-molu, op.126S. Rahmaninov: Simfonija št. 2, v e-molu, op. 27

Torek, 24. september 2013Tuesday, 24 September 2013

velikim uspehom, ki jih je doživljal. Na začetku je bil s svojo drugo simfonijo zelo nesrečen, po nekaj mesecih intenzivnega dela pa se je le odločil in jo predstavil občinstvu. Le-to je delo sprejelo z navdušenjem, podobno kot njegove klavirske kon-certe.

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Conductor:Eh Shao

Soloist:Tatjana Vassiljeva, cello

B. Leskovic: EtudaD. Shostakovich: Cello Concerto No. 2 in G minor, Op. 126S. Rachmaninoff: Symphony No. 2 in E minor, Op. 27

As per tradition, En Shao, chief conductor of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, will start the new concert season. Alongside him, we will meet with the great cellist Tatjana Vassiljeva whose European career began at the age of twelve when in 2001 she became the first Russian citizen to win the First Grand Prix de la Ville de Paris; four years later, she was heralded as “the international discovery of the year”. With this acknowledgment the foundations were laid for a brilliant concert career; today she is one of the world’s most sought- after cellists and plays with the most renowned orchestras and conductors.

En Shao will also include Slovenian musical scores in his repertoire.

Bogo Leskovic (1909-1995) was not just a major conductor and a great director of the Ljubljana Opera, but a composer too. His opus is not particularly extensive, but his works

nevertheless rank among the most valuable contributions to our repertoire, not least the sophisticated Etuda. Despite his great success, Rachmaninoff suffered from a lack of self-con-fidence. He was at first very unhappy with his second sympho-ny, but after several months of hard work he finally decided to perform it to an audience. The audience received his work in the same way they had received his piano concertos – with great enthusiasm.

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Na drugem koncertu se bomo srečali z umetnikoma, ki ju pri nas manj poznamo. Zato bo njun nastop toliko zanimivejši, saj sta to odlična glasbenika judovskega rodu, ki sta se rodila v Sovjetski zvezi, nato pa sta ju umetniška in študijska pot ponesli v zahodni svet. Revija Gramophone je februarja 2012 zapisala: »Daniel Raiskin je brez dvoma izjemno občutljiv glasbenik, ki odlično obvlada svoj posel. Morda je poslednji talent stare Sovjetske zveze in njene dirigentske šole.« Raiskin je odraščal v Sankt Peterburgu, dirigiranje pa se je učil pri Marissu Jansonsu, Neemeju Järviju, Milanu Horvatu in Jormi Panuli. Preden se je posvetil le dirigiranju je bil že pri dvajsetih zelo iskan violist, kot solist, pa tudi komorni glasbenik. Danes dirigira vsem pomembnim orkestrom, je šef dirigent državnega orkestra Renska filharmonija in Filharmoničnega orkestra Artur Rubinstein iz Lodža. Lani je dobil prestižno nagrado Echo Klassik za posnetke Korngolda, Blocha in Goldschmidta z violinistom Julianom Stecklom.

Dirigent:Daniel Raiskin

Solist:Vadim Gluzman, violina

B. Smetana: VltavaM. Bruch: Koncert za violino in orkester št. 1 v g-molu, op. 26A. Dvoržak: Simfonija št. 7 v d-molu, op. 70

Sreda, 9. oktober 2013Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Vadim Gluzman se je leta 1990 preselil iz Sovjetske zveze v Izrael, pozneje je študiral violino pri Zaharju Bronu in na sloviti šoli Juilliard v New Yorku pri Dorothy DeLay in Masau Ka-wasakiju. Zaradi izjemnega talenta ga je podpiral Isaac Stern, leta 1994 je prejel nagrado fundacije Henryka Szerynga. Gluz-man igra na Stradivarijevo violino ‘ex-Leopold Auer’, ki mu jo je posodilo Stradivarijevo združenje iz Čikaga.

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Conductor:Daniel Raiskin

Soloist:Vadim Gluzman, violin

B. Smetana: VltavaM. Bruch: Violin Concerto No.1 in G minor, Op. 26A. Dvořák: Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70

In the second concert, we will encounter artists who are less familiar to us. For that reason their performances will be all the more interesting because these two great musicians are of Jewish descent, were born in the former Soviet Union, but their artistic and study paths led them to the western world. In February 2012, Gramophone magazine opined that: “Daniel Raiskin is clearly a musician of sensibility, well versed in his craft; a further example perhaps of one last great gift of the old Soviet Union, the rigour and distinction of its conducting schools”. Raiskin grew up in St. Petersburg and took classes with Mariss Jansons, Neeme Järvi, Milan Horvat and Jorma Panula. He was already highly sought after in his twenties – before he devoted himself solely to conducting – both as a solo violinist and chamber musician.

Today he conducts all the major orchestras and is the Chief Conductor of the Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie

in Koblenz and the “Artur Rubinstein” Philharmonic Orchestra in the Polish city of Łódź. Last year he won the prestigious Echo Klassik award for the Korngold, Bloch and Goldschmidt recordings with the violinist Julian Steckl.

Vadim Gluzman moved to Israel from the former Soviet Union in 1990, before studying violin with Zakhar Bron, and then at the famous Juilliard School in New York with Dorothy DeLay and Masao Kawasaki. Owing to his exceptional talent he was supported by Isaac Stern and received the Henryk Szeryng Foundation Career Award in 1994. He plays the ‘ex-Leopold Auer’ Stradivari, which was lent to him by the Stradivari Soci-ety of Chicago.

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ARS - 50 let ARS - 50 Years

Ob bleščeči Ravelovi skladbi La Valse bo šef dirigent Simfonikov predstavil slovenske novosti Alda Kumarja, Uroša Rojka ter Milka Lazarja. Glasbenikom in pevcem se bo pridružil Igor Samobor, lanski dobitnik Borštnikovega prstana ter eden najprodornejših in najboljših slovenskih dramskih igralcev. Skladbe so naročila skladateljem ob praznovanju 50-letnice radijskega programa Ars.

Dirigent:Eh Shao

Sodelujejo: Simfonični orkester in Big Band RTV Slovenija ter Otroški, Mladinski in Komorni zbor RTV SlovenijaIgor Samobor, dramski igralec

M. Ravel: La ValseA. Kumar: Novo delo za pevske zbore in instrumente U. Rojko: Novo delo za pevske zbore in instrumenteM. Lazar: M.ars suita za simfonični orkester, jazzovski orkester in dramskega igralca

Četrtek, 7. november 2013Thursday, 7 November 2013

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Conductor:Eh Shao

Participants. Symphony Orchestra and Big Band RTV Slovenia, Children, Youth and Chamber Choir RTV SloveniaIgor Samobor: stage actor

M. Ravel: La ValseA. Kumar: New work for Choirs and InstrumentsU. Rojko: New work for Choirs and InstrumentsM. Lazar: M.ars suite for orchestra, jazz orchestra and stage actor

Besides the dazzling score of Ravel’s La Valse, the chief conductor of the Symphony Orchestra will also unveil new works by Milko Lazar, Aldo Kumar and Uroš Rojko. The musicians and singers will be joined by Igor Samobor, last year’s winner of the Borštnik Ring and one of Slovenia’s best and most respected stage actors. All three Slovenian compositions were requested to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the radio programme Ars.

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V letu 2013 glasbeni svet slavi obletnici dveh pomemb-nih skladateljev, Richarda Wagnerja in Giuseppa Verdija. Skladatelja sta se rodila pred dvesto leti in v 19. stoletju v ve-liki knjigi glasbe zapustila neizbrisne sledove. Tudi Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija bo počastil glasbena velikana, tako da se obeta zanimiv in prijazen večer njune glasbe, ki bo dopol-njena še z deli mlajšega kolega Pietra Mascagnija. Program je pripravil in ga bo tudi izvedel eden pomembnih italijan-skih dirigentov srednje generacije Lorenzo Castriota, ki je bil asistent slovitega Giuseppa Patanèja, izpopolnjeval pa se je tudi pri Leonardu Bernsteinu. Po večini dirigira v pomembnih opernih hišah, je tudi skladatelj, svoje znanje pa predaja tudi kot cenjen pedagog.

Dirigent:Lorenzo Castriota

Sodelujeta:Zbor SNG Opera in balet LjubljanaSlovenski komorni zbor

G. Verdi: Quattro Pezzi SacriR. Wagner: Mojstri pevci nürnberški, uverturaP. Mascagni: L’amico Fritz, IntermezzoR. Wagner: Tristan in Izolda, preludijP. Mascagni: Guglielmo Ratcliff, IntermezzoR. Wagner: Lohengrin, Preludij k 3. dejanjuP. Mascagni: Iris, Inno al sole

Četrtek, 5. december 2013Thursday, 5 December 2013

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Conductor:Lorenzo Castriota

Participants:SNG Opera & Ballet Choir Ljubljana Slovenian Chamber Choir

G. Verdi: Quattro Pezzi SacriR. Wagner: Overture to Die Meistersinger von NurnbergP. Mascagni: L’amico Fritz: IntermezzoR. Wagner: Tristan und Isolde, PreludeP. Mascagni: Guglielmo Ratcliff, IntermezzoR. Wagner: Lohengrin, Prelude to Act IIIP. Mascagni: Iris, Inno al sole

In 2013 the music world celebrates the anniversary of two important composers, Richard Wagner and Giuseppe Verdi. Both composers were born two hundred years ago, and left a lasting impression on the great book of 19th century music. The RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra will honour these musical giants, so it promises to be an interesting and pleasant evening of their music, which will be complemented with works by both composers’ younger colleague, Pietro Mascagni. The programme has been prepared and will be conducted by one of the most important Italian conductors of the middle generation, Lorenzo Castriota, who was assistant to the famous Giuseppe Patanè, and developed his expertise further with Leonard Bernstein. He mostly conducts in leading opera houses and is a composer who also passes down his knowledge as a respected teacher.

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Blaž Šparovec je mlad in izjemen slovenski klarinetist, ki je bil lani naš predstavnik na Evrovizijskem tekmovanju mla-dih glasbenikov. Od leta 2004 se udeležuje narodnih in mednarodnih tekmovanj in je dobitnik številnih prvih na-grad. Potem ko je lani končal šolanje na Konservatoriju za glasbo in balet v Ljubljani, nadaljuje študij klarineta na Uni-verzi umetnosti v Berlinu v razredu Françoisa Bende, že zdaj pa ga številni glasbeniki vabijo k sodelovanju na komornem področju. Tokrat se nam bo predstavil v Koncertu za klarinet in orkester danskega skladatelja Carla Nielsena. En Shao bo v drugem delu koncerta z orkestrom poustvaril bleščečo umetnino Richarda Straussa Tako je govoril Zara-tustra. Skladatelj je za simfonično pesnitev dobil navdih pri filozofu Nietzscheju in njegovem istoimenskem delu. Uvodna skladba pa bo Passacaglia in koral enega ključnih slovenskih skladateljev 20. stoletja, Slavka Osterca. Delo je

Dirigent:Eh Shao

Solist:Blaž Šparovec, klarinet

Sodeluje:Orkester SNG Opera in balet Ljubljana

S. Osterc: Passacaglia in koralC. Nielsen: Koncert za klarinet in orkester, op. 57R. Strauss: Tako je govoril Zarathustra, op. 30

Četrtek, 20. februar 2014Thursday, 20 February 2014

nastalo leta 1934 in je poneslo skladateljevo ime v Evropo, saj so ga nekaj let pozneje izvedli na Festivalu svetovne glasbe v Varšavi.

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Conductor:Eh Shao

Soloist:Blaž Šparovec, clarinet

Participants:Orchestra of Opera and Ballet Ljubljana

S. Osterc: Passacaglia and ChoraleC. Nielsen: Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra, Op. 57R. Strauss: Thus Spoke Zarathustra, Op. 30

Blaž Šparovec is a stunning young Slovenian clarinettist who was our representative at the Eurovision Young Musicians competition last year. He has been taking part in national and international competitions since 2004, and won many of them. Having graduated from the Ljubljana Music and Ballet Conservatory last year, he is now continuing his clarinet studies at the Berlin University of the Arts under the tutelage of François Bende, but even now a number of musicians are already inviting him to participate in chamber music events. On this occasion, he will present his talents in the Concerto for Clarinet and Orchestra by Danish composer Carl Neilson. In the second part of the concert, En Shao will relive the dazzling art of Richard Strauss’s Thus Spoke Zarathustra with the orchestra. The composer’s symphonic poem was inspired by the philosopher Nietzsche, and his eponymous work. The introductory piece will be Passacaglia and Chorale, which was written by one of the foremost Slovenian composers of

the 20th century, Slavko Osterc. The work was composed in 1934 and made Osterc’s name in Europe; a few years later his work was performed at the Festival of World Music in Warsaw.

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Šesti koncert se bo programsko oziral v glasbeni barok, za popestritev pa bosta poskrbela slovenska sodobna skladba, ki ima baročni naslov, in Koncert za orkester madžarskega skladatelja Zoltána Kodálya. Tudi Kodály se je naslanjal na baročno tradicijo, zlasti z nenehno izmenjavo med soli in tutti, pogostim menjavanjem tempov in dosledne kontrapunktične zgradbe. Delo je doživelo prvo izvedbo leta 1941 v Čikagu, bilo je namreč naročilo tamkajšnjega orkestra ob 50-letnici in za dirigentskim pultom naj bi stal skladatelj. Zaradi vojne pa ni mogel potovati, zato je dal partituro prijatelju Bartóku, ki se je odselil v Združene države. Koncert za orkester je dirigiral Frederick Stock. Händel in Bach sta bila stebra baročnega glasbenega ob-dobja, njuni skladbi, ki bosta na sporedu, pa bleščeči umet-nini. Tudi Pavel Mihelčič se je rad oziral v pretekla obdobja in nekatere posebnosti je znal vselej spretno združiti s sodob-nimi kompozicijskimi prijemi.

Dirigent:Eh Shao

Solisti:Benjamin Ziervogel, violinaKatja Krajnik Kralj, violaIgor Mitrović, violončelo

G. F. Händel: Glasba za kraljevi ognjemet v D-duru, HWV 351P. Mihelčič: Concerto grosso, novo deloJ. S. Bach: Brandenburški koncert št. 3 v G-duru, BWV 1048Z. Kodály: Koncert za orkester

Četrtek, 20. marec 2014Thursday, 20 March 2014

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Conductor:Eh Shao

Soloists:Benjamin Ziervogel, violinKatja Krajnik Kralj, violaIgor Mitrović, cello

G. F. Händel: Music for the Royal Fireworks in D major, HWV 351P. Mihelčič: Concerto grosso, new workJ. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 in G major, BWV 1048Z. Kodály: Concerto for Orchestra

The sixth concert of the programme will delve into Baroque music; to liven things up, a baroquely titled Slovenian contemporary composition and Concerto for Orchestra by Hungarian composer Zoltán Kodály will also be played. Kodály also leant on the baroque tradition, particularly the continuous exchange between the solo and tutti, the frequent changes of tempo, and its strict contrapuntal structure. The piece, which was requested by the local orchestra for their 50th anniversary, was first performed in Chicago in 1941, and the composer was lined up to have been the conductor for the performance. However he was unable to travel because of the war and so gave the score to his friend, Bartók, who had already immigrated to the United States. The Concerto for Orchestra was conducted by Frederick Stock instead.Händel and Bach were the pillars of the Baroque period

of music; their compositions, which will also feature on our programme, are dazzling works of art. Even Pavel Mihelčič liked to look back into the past and use special features he would find to combine with contemporary compositional approaches.

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V treh delih, ki so vsebinsko povezana z Madžarsko in s Finsko, se nam bosta predstavila kot dirigent in solist brata Bogányi. Družina se je iz Madžarske preselila na Finsko in kar trije otroci so končali študij glasbe. Danes sta Tibor in Bence dobrodošla na vseh evropskih koncertnih odrih.Kalevi Aho je eden najopaznejših finskih sodobnih skladateljev, rojen leta 1949. Njegov skladateljski opus je velikanski, v njem je večje število koncertov za različne in-strumente in orkester, med njimi tudi Koncert za fagot, ki ga bomo tokrat spoznali tudi pri nas. Jeseni leta 2005 ga je v Helsinkih krstil naš gost, sijajni fagotist Bence Bogányi, ki ga je Aho napisal prav zanj. Prejel je številne nagrade na prestižnih tekmovanjih na Finskem, pa tudi drugod. Na tek-movanju ARD V Münchnu je dobil leta 2006 s kvintetom Chantily 2. nagrado in nagrado občinstva.Uvodna skladba bo eno temeljnih del finskega skladatelja Jana Sibeliusa, ki je sijajna glasbena slika te severne, z jezeri prepletene dežele.

Dirigent:Tibor Bogányi

Solist:Bence Bogányi, fagot

J. Sibelius: Finlandia, op. 26, št. 7K. Aho: Koncert za fagot in orkesterB. Bartók: Koncert za orkester

Četrtek, 24. april 2014Thursday, 24 April 2014

Za konec bo orkester pod vodstvom Tiborja Bogányija izvedel še eno temeljnih orkestralnih del 20. stoletja, Bartókov Koncert za orkester, ki je preizkusni kamen za vsak orkester in njegove posamezne instrumentalne skupine, saj imajo le-te v skladbi skoraj solistično vlogo.

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Conductor:Tibor Bogányi

Soloist:Bence Bogányi, bassoon

J. Sibelius: Finlandia, Op. 26, No. 7K. Aho: Concerto for Bassoon and OrchestraB. Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra

The Bogányi brothers will present their talents as a conductor and soloist in three parts, the themes of which are related to Hungary and Finland. The family moved from Hungary to Finland and three of their children completed their music studies. Today, Tibor and Bence are welcomed in concert halls throughout Europe.Kalevi Aho was born in 1949 and is one of Finland’s most prominent contemporary composers. His opus is vast, comprising several concertos for various instruments and orchestras, including the Concerto for Bassoon and Orchestra which we will be acquainted with here. In the autumn of 2005, this work was performed for the first time in Helsinki by our guest, the excellent bassoonist Bence Bogányi, for whom it was composed by Aho. He has won numerous awards at prestigious competitions in Finland and elsewhere. Performing together with the Chantily Quintet, he won second prize and the Audience Award at the ARD Competition in Munich in 2006.

The opening piece is one of the seminal works of Finnish composer Jan Sibelius, and is an excellent musical representation of this northern country, interlaced with lakes.To conclude, under the baton of Tibor Bogányi, the orchestra will perform another of the 20th century’s seminal orchestral works, Bartók’s Concerto for Orchestra, which is the litmus test for every orchestra and their various instrumental groups, because these have almost only solo roles throughout.

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Karmen Pečar je pozornost glasbene javnosti vzbudila pri trinajstih, ko je z orkestrom Slovenske filharmonije izvedla isti koncert, kot mu bomo prisluhnili tokrat. Leta 2001 je zmagala na mednarodnem tekmovanju dr. Luisa Sigalla v Čilu, na Evrovizijskem tekmovanju mladih glasbenikov v Ber-linu je leta 2002 osvojila 3. mesto, leto pozneje je prejela 2. nagrado na mednarodnem tekmovanju za violončelo Antonia Janigra v Zagrebu. Danes je Karmen uveljavljena, cenjena in iskana umetnica, ki vselej navdušuje z izvirno interpretacijo in izjemnim žarom.Krekova skladba Mouvements concertants je doživela več predelav, dokler ni dokončno zaživela decembra 1963, ko jo je občinstvu prvič javno predstavil dirigent Bogo Leskovic. Glasbeni svet letos slavi 100. obletnico rojstva enega največjih svetovnih skladateljev 20. stoletja, Witolda Lutoslawskega. Za Koncert za orkester, ki je nastal leta 1954 in se, vsaj po imenu, opira na Bartókovo istoimensko delo, je skladatelj leto

Dirigent:Eh Shao

Solistka:Karmen Pečar, violončelo

U. Krek: Mouvements concertantsE. Elgar: Koncert za violončelo in orkester v e-molu, op. 85W. Lutoslawski: Koncert za orkester

Četrtek, 15. maj 2014Thursday, 15 May 2014

pozneje prejel najvišje državno priznanje in tako v trenutku postal najbolj znan poljski skladatelj. Pri tem je imel zasluge gotovo tudi dirigent Witold Rowicki, ki je skladatelja prosil za novo delo, nekakšno »show« skladbo za pravkar ustanovljene Varšavske filharmonike.

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Conductor:Eh Shao

Soloist:Karmen Pečar, cello

U. Krek: Mouvements concertantsE. Elgar: Concerto for Cello and Orchestra in E minor, Op. 85W. Lutosławski: Concerto for Orchestra

Karmen Pečar first came to the attention of the music public when she was thirteen, when she performed in a concert with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, the concert we will listen to here. In 2001 she won the Dr Luis Sigall International Music Competition in Chile, came third at the Eurovision Young Musicians competition in Berlin in 2002, and a year later was awarded second prize at the Antonio Janigro International Cello Competition in Zagreb. Today, Karmen is an established, highly regarded and sought-after artist who always thrills with her unique interpretation and exquisite flair.Krek’s piece, Mouvements concertants, underwent several modifications until it finally came to life in December 1963, when it was performed to audiences for the first time by conductor Bogo Leskovic.This year the music world celebrates the 100th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest composers of the 20th

century, Witold Lutosławski. In recognition for the Concerto for Orchestra, which was composed in 1954, and, at least by name, based on the eponymous Bartók piece, the composer was awarded the highest national accolade a year later and therefore immediately became the most famous Polish composer. Credit also went to the conductor, Witold Rowicki, who asked the composer if he could use his new work, which was somewhat of a “show” composition, for the recently established Warsaw Philharmonic.

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Eden najpomembnejših pedagogov, ki so vzgojili vrsto di-rigentov, Jorma Panula, je rekel: »Izjemno muzikalen dirigent z odličnim spominom. Toplo ga priporočam vsem poklicnim orkestrom!« Izjava je bila namenjena mlademu dirigentu Darku Butorcu, ki je debitiral leta 2011 z Beograjsko filhar-monijo, prej je leta 2004 zmagal na tekmovanju dirigen-tov Vakhtang Jordania, leta 2005 pa so ga povabili, naj se udeleži prestižne revije mladih dirigentov, poimenovane po Brunu Walterju. 2003 je Butorac dobil štipendijo Davida Zinmana za študij na Ameriški akademiji za dirigiranje na Festivalu v Aspnu, zdaj pa je glasbeni direktor pri orkestru Missoula Symphony.Kot solistko bomo spoznali avstrijsko pianistko z ruskimi kore-ninami, Liso Smirnovo. Rojena Moskovčanka je študirala v rojstnem mestu, v devetdesetih pa se je izpopolnjevala v Salz-burgu in se potem za stalno naselila v Avstriji. Po odličnem nastopu v sloviti Carnegiejevi dvorani v New Yorku in na

Dirigent:Darko Butorac

Solistka:Lisa Smirnova, klavir

D. Ellington: Suita »Hrestač« (Čajkovski/Ellington/Strayhorn, priredba J. Tyzik)F. Gulda: Concerto for myself (kadenca – improvizacija na teme iz baleta Hrestač)D. Šostakovič: Suita za jazzovski orkester št. 2G. Gershwin: Rapsodija v modrem

Ponedeljek, 9. junij 2014Monday, 9 June 2014

Salzburškem festivalu je danes gostja vseh svetovnih koncert-nih odrov. Pri nas se bo predstavila v Koncertu Friedricha Gul-de, odličnega avstrijskega pianista in skladatelja. Tudi preostali program bo postregel s skladbami, ki jih dobro poznamo in jim vselej z veseljem prisluhnemo.

Jazz Party Jazz Party

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Conductor:Darko Butorac

Soloist:Lisa Smirnova, piano

Edward K. (Duke) Ellington: The Nutcracker Suite for orchestra ( Tchaikovsky/ Elling-ton/ Strayhorn, arr. by J. Tyzik)F. Gulda: Concerto for Myself (cadence - improvisation on themes from the ballet The Nutcracker)D. Shostakovich: Suite for Jazz Orchestra No. 2G. Gershwin: Rhapsody in Blue

One of the most important teachers to have trained a series of conductors, Jorma Panula, said the following: “an extremely musical conductor with an excellent memory. We recommend him highly to every professional orchestra”. This statement was a reference to the young conductor Darko Butorac, who debuted in 2011 with the Belgrade Philharmonic; prior to that, in 2004, he won the Vakhtang Jordania International Conducting Competition, and was invited in 2005 to attend the prestigious Bruno Walter National Conductor Preview. In 2003 Butorac was awarded a fellowship by David Zinman at the Festival in Aspen to study at the American Academy of Conducting, and he is now music director of the Missoula Symphony Orchestra.We will also get acquainted with Lisa Smirnova, the Austrian pianist with Russian roots, as a soloist. Born in Moscow, she studied in her home town; in the nineties she developed her expertise in Salzburg before settling permanently in Austria.

After an excellent performance at the famous Carnegie Hall in New York and at the Salzburg Festival, she is now a welcome guest at the world’s pre-eminent concert halls. Here she will play the concerto by Friedrich Gulda, the great Austrian pianist and composer. The remainder of the programme features well-known compositions which are always a joy to listen to.

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9 abonmajskih koncertov

Cena 1., 2. in 4. koncerta: Cene ostalih koncertov:

*Dijaki in študentje, mlajši od 25 let in starejši od 65 let. **Število abonmajev s popusti za starejše od 65 let je omejeno.***Abonmajske vstopnice niso prenosljive.

Popust 5 % na vse kategorije na spletu za koncerte izven abonmaja.

Popusti za skupine dijakov ali študentov nad 50 abonmajev:

Vpis abonmajev

Spomladanski vpis bo potekal od ponedeljka, 10., do petka 14. junija, vsak dan od 11. do 13. ure in od 15. do 18. ure pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma.

Jesenski vpis bo potekal od ponedeljka, 9., do petka 13. septembra, vsak dan od 11. do 13. ure in od 15. do 18. ure pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma.

Starim abonentom, ki bodo podaljšali abonma šele v jesenskem terminu, žal ne moremo jamčiti, da bodo lahko obdržali stari sedež.

Preprost nakupAbonma lahko, v času vpisa, kupite pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma ali po telefonu 01 24 17 300 s plačilnimi karticami NLB, Eurocard, Visa ali American Express.

Plačilo na obrokePlačilo na 4 obroke omogočamo samo v okviru spomladanskega vpisa za abonente I. kategorije. S kreditno kartico lahko abonma plačate v štirih obrokih: prvega ob vpisu, preostale tri pa z mesečnim zamikom. Pri plačilu z gotovino obročno odplačevanje ni mogoče.

Cene abonmaja Posebne ugodnosti

Ob vpisu dveh abonmajev dobite najnovejšo zgoščenko Joséja Carrerasa s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija, ki izide jeseni 2013

Za prihodnjo sezono našim abonentom ponujamo tudi posebna presenečenja. Po končanem vpisu bomo izmed vseh izžrebali nekaj srečnežev, ki jim bomo namenili posebne dogodke (več informacij na strani 35).







kategorija cena dijaki, študentje in starejši*

I. 138 EUR 124 EUR

II. 113 EUR 68 EUR

III. 88 EUR 53 EUR

kategorija cena

I. 28 EUR

II. 24 EUR


IV. 12 EUR

kategorija cena

I. 19 EUR

II. 15 EUR



kategorija cena

II. 56,5 EUR


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Gallusova dvorana





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Aparter desno



drugi balkon

Prodaja vstopnic

Informacijsko središče Cankarjevega doma (t: 01 24 17 299, 01 24 17 300), odprto od 11. do 13. in od 15. do 20. ure,ob sobotah od 11. do 13. ure in uro pred začetkom prireditev. Imetniki kartic (NLB, Eurocard, Visa, American Express) lahko vstopnice kupite po telefonu.

Vse dodatne informacije o nakupu abonmaja vam z veseljem posredujemo v Glasbeni produkciji RTV Slovenija potelefonu 01 475 24 69 ali 01 475 24 70;e-pošta: [email protected]

RTV Slovenija si pridržuje pravico do sprememb v programu.

Ticket sales

Tickets for the concerts at the Gallus Hall, Cankarjev dom, can be purchased at the CD Information Centre (Phone: 01 24 17299, 01 24 17 300). Open weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.,and an hour before the performance. Credit cards are wel-come (NLB, Eurocard, Visa, American Express). Ticket can be purchased by telephone.

The programme is subject to alteration.

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Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija je bil ustanovljen leta 1955 in je v svoji več kot polstoletni zgodovini zapustil globoko sled v slovenskem glasbenem življenju. Vodili so ga dirigenti Uroš Prevoršek (1955–1966), Samo Hubad (1966–1980), Stanislav Macura (1980 –1981), Anton Na-nut (1981–1998), Lior Shambadal (2000–2003) in David de Villiers (2003–2006). S koncerti po državi in tujini si je že kmalu pridobil izjemen ugled, v letih 1984–1985 pa je dobil odlične kritike tudi v Združenih državah Amerike. Temeljna dejavnost orkestra so arhivska in koncertna snemanja. Izvaja obsežen in raznovrsten repertoar, od baročne do sodobne simfonične glasbe, oper, oratorijev in kantat, scenske in film-ske glasbe, po večini s poudarkom na ustvarjalnosti domačih skladateljev.

Posnel je skoraj celoten slovenski simfonični repertoar in je za najboljše poustvaritve domačih skladb dobil številna vi-soka priznanja. Čeprav je večino posnetkov orkestra slišati na vseh radijskih in TV-programih, sta njegova domača in mednarodna diskografija izjemno obsežni (več kot 150 zgoščenk). Septembra 2006 je mesto šefa dirigenta prevzel odlični kitajski dirigent En Shao. Orkester je v zadnjih sezo-

Simfonični orkesterRTV Slovenija

nah zbudil največ pozornosti z dirigenti in solisti, kot so Ralf Weikert, Walter Proost, Sian Edwards, Evan Christ, Marko Letonja, Nicholas Milton, Christian Mandeal, Rossen Milanov, Yoav Talmi, Angela Georghiu, Roberto Alagna, Marcello Alva-rez, Giora Feidman, Dmitri Sitkovecki, Miša Majski, Stefan Milenković, Emanuelle Bertrand, Aldo Ciccolini, Radu Lupu, Mate Bekavac, Irena Grafenauer, Marko Hatlak, Marjana Lipovšek, Ivo Pogorelić, Evelyn Glennie, Priya Mitchel, Mikhail Rudy, The King’s Singers, Konstantin Bogino, Mario Brunello, Stefan Milenković, Jose Carreras, Eleonore Pameijer, Radek Baborak, Eva Nina Kozmus, Ye-Eun Choi,Dejan Lazić, Ning Feng, Sergej Nakarjakov in Claude Delangle. V zadnjem času ga je širše občinstvo spoznalo v okviru t. i. projektov “crosso-ver” – v povezavi klasične glasbe z drugimi glasbenimi zvrstmi (koncert s skupino Siddartha, TerraFolk in Dan D). Ob tem tudi redno gostuje po vsej Evropi. V zadnjih sezonah je Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija z velikim uspehom nastopil na več koncertih v sloviti amsterdamski dvorani Concertgebouw. Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija je član mednarodne mreže orkestrov ONE – Orchestra Network Europe.

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The RTV SloveniaSymphony Orchestra

RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, which was founded in 1955, has left an indelible mark in the musical life of Slovenia. The orchestra soon achieved considerable success by touring extensively throughout Slovenia and abroad; in the years between 1984 and 1985 it performed to great critical acclaim in the USA. The main activity of the orchestra is concert recording and archive recordings. It performs a vast and diverse repertoire, ranging from baroque to modern symphonic music, from operatic music to oratorios and cantatas, from incidental music to film soundtracks, always giving special emphasis to the creativity of Slovenian composers. The orchestra has been awarded many prizes for the best performances of new Slovenian compositions. The majority of its recordings can be heard regularly on all radio and TV programmes in Slovenia, while its domestic and foreign discography is quite extensive (more than 150 CDs). The orchestra regularly tours throughout Europe. The orchestra was led by the conductors Uroš Prevoršek (1955-1966), Samo Hubad (1966-1980), Stanislav Macura (1980-1981), Anton Nanut (1981-1998), Lior Shambadal (2000-2003) and David de Villiers (2003-2006). In September 2006 the excellent

Chinese conductor En Shao became the chief conductor. The attention the orchestra has attracted in the past few seasons was due mainly to the conductors and soloists, such as: En Shao, Ralf Weikert, Walter Proost, Christian Mandeal, Sian Edwards, Rossen Milanov, Yoav Talmi, Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Marcelo Alvarez, Giora Feidman, Dmitri Sitkovetsky, Mischa Maisky, Stefan Milenkovich, Emanuelle Bertrand, Mate Bekavac, Aldo Ciccolini, Radu Lupu, Irena Grafenauer, Ivo Pogorelich Evelyn Glennie, Priya Mitchel, Mikhail Rudy, The King’s Singers, Konstantin Bogino, Mario Brunello, Stefan Milenković, Jose Carreras, Eleonore Pameijer, Radek Baborak, Eva Nina Kozmus, Ye-Eun Choi, Dejan Lazić Ning Feng, Sergej Nakarjakov and Claude Delangle. The orchestra has recently become known to the wider audience through the so-called “crossover” projects, in which it combined classical music with other musical genres (in concert with the bands Siddartha, TerraFolk and Dan D). In the last few seasons the orchestra performed with great success at several concerts in the famous Concertgebouw in Amsterdam. RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra is a member of ONE – Orchestra Network Europe.

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Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija je bil ustanovljen leta En Shao se je rodil v Tianjinu na Kitajskem. Ko je bil star štiri leta, je začel igrati klavir, leto pozneje pa še violino. Konec najstniških let je že deloval kot skladatelj, pianist in tolkalec v mestnem orkestru. Po diplomi na osrednjem glasbenem kon-servatoriju v Pekingu je bil pet let drugi dirigent simfoničnega orkestra kitajske radiotelevizije. Bil je tudi stalni gost dirigent osrednjega kitajskega filharmoničnega orkestra in kitajskega nacionalnega mladinskega orkestra.

Leta 1988 se je preselil v Anglijo, kmalu zmagal na šestem mednarodnem tekmovanju dirigentov na Madžarskem in dirigiral orkestru madžarskega radia ter državnemu simfoničnemu orkestru. Januarja 1990 je postal izredni dirigent simfoničnega orkestra BBC-ja. V letih od 1992 do 1995 je bil glavni dirigent in umetniški svetovalec ulstrskega simfoničnega orkestra, nato glavni gostujoči dirigent orkestra Euskadi v Španiji. V sezoni 2003–2004 je maestro Shao v Macau postal glasbeni direktor in stalni dirigent tamkajšnjega simfoničnega orkestra. Zdaj je šef dirigent Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija, stalni gost dirigent kitajskega nacion-alnega simfoničnega orkestra ter glasbeni direktor in stalni

En Shao

dirigent kitajskega orkestra v Tajpeju.

V Veliki Britaniji je dirigiral Londonskemu simfoničnemu orkestru, Kraljevi filharmoniji, orkestru Halléja, simfoničnemu orkestru iz Bournemoutha, Škotskemu simfoničnemu orkestru ter nacionalnemu valižanskemu orkestru BBC-ja. Sodeloval je z Beograjskim filharmoničnim orkestrom, orkestrom Musikkol-legium iz Winterthurja, Simfoničnemu orkestru Čajkovskega, orkestroma Slovenske in Zagrebške filharmonije in beloruske-mu nacionalnemu simfoničnemu orkestru.

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Born in Tianjin in China, En Shao started to play the piano and violin at the ages of four and five respectively and by the age of 18 was working as a composer, pianist and per-cussionist with a local orchestra. After graduating from the Beijing Central Conservatory he became second Principal Conductor of the Chinese Broadcasting Symphony Orches-tra, a post he held for five years and Principal Guest Conduc-tor of the Central Philharmonic Orchestra of China and the National Youth Orchestra of China.

En Shao was awarded the Lord Rhodes Fellowship at the Royal Northern College of Music, when he came to England in 1988, and in the same year he received the first Edward Van Beinum Foundation Scholarship. As winner of the Sixth Hungarian Television International Conductor’s Competition in 1989 he conducted several performances with the Hun-garian Radio Orchestra and the State Symphony Orchestra. In January 1990 he became Associate Conductor of the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, a post created especially for him. Between 1992 - 1995 he was Principal Conductor and Ar-tistic Advisor of the Ulster Orchestra with whom he made his Proms debut and has also held the position of Principal

En Shao

Guest Conductor of the Euskadi Orchestra in Spain. Maestro Shao has previously been the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Macau Orchestra at the invitation of the Ma-cao Institute taking up the position fully from the start of the 2003-4 season. He is currently the Chief Conductor of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, the Principal Guest Con-ductor of the China National Symphony Orchestra and the Music Director and Principal Conductor of the Taipei Chinese Orchestra

In the UK Maestro Shao has conducted the London Sym-phony, Royal Philharmonic, Hallé, Bournemouth, BBC Scot-tish Symphony Orchestras and the BBC National Orchestra of Wales. Elsewhere recent and future engagements include conducting the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra, RTV Slove-nian Orchestra at the Robeco Series in the Concertgebouw, Amsterdam, Orchester Musikkollegium Winterthur, China Na-tional Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Tchai-kovsky Symphony Orchestra, Slovenian Philharmonic, Zagreb Philharmonic, Belarus National Symphony Orchestra, and En Shao will continue with his commitment to developing young talent when he guest conducts the Edinburgh Youth Orchestra

in three concerts in Scotland and directs the Royal Northern College of Music in a concert to mark the award presented to him of Fellowship of the College.

Further afield he is a regular visitor to the United States and Canada, working with the orchestras of Colorado, Phoenix and Vancouver as well as tours to South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.

En Shao maintains close links with China and following his debut with the newly formed China Philharmonic Orchestra for their prestigious 1st May concert last year has been invited to return on a regular basis.

En Shao has a wide range of interests including Chinese cui-sine, contemporary interior design and architecture and jazz. He also takes a particular interest in environmental issues.

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Šef dirigent/Chief ConductorEn Shao

I. VIOLINE/ I. VIOLINSkoncertna mojstra/Concert MastersBenjamin ZiervogelKana Matsuinamestnika koncertnega mojstra/ Assistant Concert MasterMarko FabianiNina Pirc

Ols CinxoJelka Glavnik BerakSonja TrampevskaMarija NaveršnikSilva KatavićMilko JurečičTina MozetičMajda Petrič FacchinettiNina SmejKristupas KellerNadezda TokarevaElena Fikhtengoltc

II. VIOLINE/II. VIOLINSMojca Menoni Sikur*Ivan Pejić*Brina Nataša Zupančič**Eva OblakAlenka Fabiani MulejMaja Burger Silič

Člani Simfoničnega orkestra RTV SlovenijaMembers of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra

Lucija KreuhAndreja ŠkrbecAndrej KopačAndreja Vita MulejVIOLE/VIOLASKatja Krajnik Kralj*Yasumichi Iwaki**Wolfram WobakTamara TasevMatjaž SekneValentina PasarićDragan RadonićMateja RatajcGea Pantner Volfram

VIOLONČELA/CELLOSIgor Mitrović*Dragan Đorđević*Milan Hudnik**Primož Zalaznik**Gregor FeleTomaž SeverTanja BabnikUršula Ivanuš Iwaki

KONTRABASI/DOUBLE BASSESJanez Avšič*Zoran Marković*Boris Šmon**Davorin KastelecMatjaž ZorkoDamir Rasiewicsz

FLAVTE/FLUTESMilena Lipovšek*Brina Kafol*Irena Kavčič*Irena RovtarAnamarija Tomac Krečič

OBOE/OBOESMaja Kojc*Irmgard Anderl Krajter*Miran BolhaNina Tafi

KLARINETI/CLARINETSJurij Hladnik*Jože Kotar*Bernard BelinaMatevž Mercina

FAGOTI/BASSOONSDamir Huljev*Aleksandar Ranisavljev*Stanko Koren

ROGOVI/HORNSBoštjan Lipovšek*Mihajlo Bulajić*Gregor DvorjakEdi Pištan

TROBENTE/TRUMPETSStanislav Praprotnik*Jure Gradišnik*Matej Rihter*Peter Jevšnikar

POZAVNE/TROMBONESUroš Polanc*Mihael Šuler*Matej Krajter

TUBA/TUBADamjan Jureš


TOLKALA/PERCUSSIONAlojz Gradišek*Marko JuvanJernej Šurbek

HARFA/HARPSofia Ristic*

INSTRUMENTI S TIPKAMI/KEYBOARD INSTRUMENTSKlemen Golner* solist/soloist** namestnik solista/ assistant soloist

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VODJA/HEADPatrik Greblo




01/[email protected] 21550 LJUBLJANAFacebook: Twitter: RTVSLOSymphony

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Ob vpisu dveh abonmajev dobite najnovejšo zgoščenko Joséja Carrerasa s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija, ki izide jeseni 2013

Posebne ugodnosti

Za prihodnjo sezono našim abonentom ponujamo tudi posebna presenečenja. Po končanem vpisu bomo izmed vseh izžrebali nekaj srečnežev, ki jim bomo namenili posebne dogodke:

IZ ORKESTRSKE PERSPEKTIVE – enega izmed abonmajskih koncertov bo

mogoče doživeti v vlogi člana orkestra na odru Gallusove dvorane;

KAKO NASTAJA MAGIJA – pridružiti se nam bo mogoče za odrom in tako

spoznati tisti magični del koncertnega dogajan-ja, ki se skriva v zakulisju;

TU SMO DOMA – voden ogled radijskih in televizijskih studiev

največje slovenske medijske hiše;

DRŽIMO SKUPAJ – izbrani bodo del skupine prijateljev našega

orkestra v občinstvu v oddaji »Moja Slovenija« naše televizije;

VERDI GALA – vstopnici za koncert 11. 7. 2013 v Križankah;

George Pehlivanian in člani Akademije milanske Scale z našim orkestrom;

JOSÉ CARRERAS - Vstopnice za koncert 18. 7. 2013 v Poletnem

avditoriju Gospodarskega razstavišča; José Carreras z našim orkestrom (velja samo za

pomladanski vpis).


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Življenjski kasko - Asistenca življenja

Najugodnejše življenjsko zavarovanje (v primeru zdravega življenjskega sloga) po primerjavi izbranih življenjskih zavarovanj (Moje Finance, januar 2013). Omogoča vam in vašim najbližjim finančno varnost v primeru nepredvidljivih dogodkov.

Ali veste, da se je leta 2011 v Sloveniji poškodovalo kar 12.154 oseb?

Invalidnost lahko doleti vsakega izmed nas. Z ugodnimi dodatnimi zavarovanj si boste zagotovili ustrezno zavarovalno zaščito v primeru invalidnosti. Obenem pa vam omogoča tudi izplačevanje nezgodne rente po 1.000 EUR na mesec kar do 20 let.

080 11 10

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Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, sezona 2013/2014Izdala Glasbena produkcija RTV Slovenija, Kolodvorska 2, 1550 Ljubljana, zanjo Patrik Greblo, besedilo Monika Kartin prevod v angleški jezik Linguete: besedne piruete, kreativna zasnova in prelom: mag. Katarina Klemen, oblikovanje: Roman Smole, naklada 3000 izvodov. Ljubljana, maj 2013