2013-1 Inisiasi 1 Lat

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  • 7/27/2019 2013-1 Inisiasi 1 Lat



    A. Nyatakan apakah kata kerja yang diberi garis bawah itu berfungsi sebagai linking verb atau action/full verb . Nomor 1 dan 2 telah dikerjakan sebagai contoh untukAnda.

    1. The film was so beautiful that I would not forget it for a long time. linking verb

    2. Dont look at me that way! I am not a thief! action/full verb

    3. You look handsome when you wear the jacket.

    4. I am not the man you are looking for.

    5. The questions were so difficult that almost all students could not answer them correctly.

    6. The dog tastes the food suspiciously.

    7. She sang so beautifully so that everyone was admired her.

    8. He looked at me and goes without saying a word.

    9. I feel happy to see you here.

    10. He turned pale when he found out that I knew what he was doing last night.

    B. Pilih pilihan yang paling tepat dari 3 pilihan yang disediakan.

    1. I want you .......... that book here[a] bring [b] bringing [c] to bring

    2. I needed her .............. here for a while.[a] stay [b] stayed [c] to stay

    3. She made us ................. what it meant to us.[a] realize [b] realized [c] to realize

    4. Dont let her .............. those letters[a] read [b] reading [c] to read

    5. She had her daughter .......... the dancing course.[a] take [b] took [c] to take


    I order you ................. here![a] move [b] moving [c] to move

    7. I had my car .........[a] repair [b] repaired [c] to repair

    8. The teacher got the students ............ very hard[a] learn [b] learning [c] to learn

    9. I had someone ................ the job.[a] do [b] did [c] to do

    10. Dont forget .................... your books.[a] bring [b] bringing [c] to bring

  • 7/27/2019 2013-1 Inisiasi 1 Lat



    C. Pilih bentuk kata kerja yang tepat dari pilihan yang telah disediakan.


    We spent most of our time ............... on the beach.[a] play [b] playing [c] to play

    2. She stood by the window ................ at the rain[a] stare [b] staring [c] to stare

    3. I found her ............... near the kitchen[a] cry [b] crying [c] to cry

    4. She saw me ................. the room[a] enter [b] entering [c] to enter

    5. He heard the boss ................. about the future of this company[a] talk [b] talking [c] to talk

    D. Pilihlah kata yang tepat dari yang diberikan di dalam kurung.

    1. Neither (book ; books) (is ; are) mine.

    2. Either (one ; ones) (is ; are) satisfactory.

    3. Either of (the boy ; the boys) (is ; are) my son.

    4. Neither of (the child ; the children) (has ; have) ever seen his parents.

    5. Each of (the girl / the girls) (has ; have) a book.

    6. The boss, together with his 40 men, (is ; are) leaving for L.A.

    7. A pair of good spectacles (costs ; cost) a lot of money.

    8. Neither the boys nor the girl (was ; were) involved.

    9. Either he or his brothers (enjoys ; enjoy) the show.

    10. Either the men or the women (has ; have) been questioned.

    E. Temukan prepositional phrase dalam kalimat berikut. Dalam satu kalimat bisaterdapat lebih dari satu prepositional phrase .

    1. Upon my arrival, I was whisked into a secret chamber.

    2. I can't complete the report without the information.

    3. Who says you can go around the world in eighty days?

    4. Come into the garden with me.

    5. She wanted to go to the movies.

    6. The girl from Pampa left her purse in the writing lab.

  • 7/27/2019 2013-1 Inisiasi 1 Lat



    7. The stories in that book were translated by my professor.

    8. She was looking for a man with money.

    9. That picture behind my desk used to hang in the bedroom.

    10. With a gleam in his eye, Big Dog snatched the pork chop.

    F. phrase.

    1. The man, together with his friends, . in the directors room.(is ; are)

    2. The girl and her parents .. going to the beach.(is ; were)

    3. My mother, along with my father and grand father, . leaving for London.(is ; were)

    4. My brother and his wife . jogging every Sunday.(go ; goes)

    5. One of the most populer painters ......... Abdullah.(was ; were)