2013-02-27 Agenda | Real Estate Weekly Women's Forum

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    February 27, 2013 - New York CityFebruary 27, 2013 - New York City









    7:45 AM

    Registration, N etworking Breakfast & Exhibit Hall OpensRegistration, Networking Br eakfast & Exhibit Hall Opens

    Provided by:

    8:45 AM

    Opening Remarks & Video PresentationOpening Remarks & Video P resentation

    9:00 AM

    Keynote Pr esentation:Keynote Pr esentation: The State of the Market


    Annemarie DiColaAn nema ri e Di Co la, Chief Executive Officer, Tr eppTrepp

    Annemarie DiCola gives an overview of the state of the market, the results of the fiscal

    cliff, and an outlook on how our industry will be affected in the coming year.

    9:30 AM General Session


    Women Who Deal:Women Who Deal: Todays Headline Makers

    The top power players in the industry will discuss dealmaking successes and failures inbrokerage, finance, acquisitions and redevelopment, including an insiders look at the

    leasing of One World Trade Center and the recent expansion of Prudentials real estate

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    portfolio. Hear from the top women about lessons learned and how to become a more

    powerful dealmaker.


    Lisa Bril lLisa Brill, Partner, Shearman & SterlingShearman & Sterling


    Juliet ClappJul iet Cl app, Sales Director, Town Resi denti alTown Residential

    P a tri ci a D unp hyPatricia Dunphy, Senior Vice President, Rockrose Construction CorpRockrose Construction Corp

    Roxana GirandRoxa na Gir and, Executive Managing Director, Murr ay Hi ll Pr oper tiesMurray Hill Properties

    Cathy MarcusCath y M arc us, Senior Portfolio Manager, Pr ud enti al Real Estate Invest or sPrudential Real Estate Investors

    Nina RoketNina Roket, Partner, Olshan Frome Wolosky LLPOlshan Frome Wolosky LLP

    Tara StacomTara Stacom, Executive Vice Chairman, Cushman & WakefieldCushman & Wakefield

    10:30 AM

    Refreshments & Networking Break in Exhibit HallRefreshments & Networking Break in Exhibi t Hall


    Speed Networking Power SessionSpeed Networking Power Session (Separate Registration Required)

    Provided by:

    11:25 AM


    Women Who Design:Women Who Design: Development & Construction Power Players

    It doesnt get much more exciting than the world of development, construction and

    design. This panel will bring together the top women in charge of real estate projects

    around New York City. Hear from top developers, architects, planners, and

    construction managers.


    Belinda SchwartzBelind a Sc hwartz, Partner, Herr ick, Feinstein LLPHerrick, Feinstein LLP


    Melissa Romn BurchMelissa Romn Burch, Senior Vice President, Forest City Ratner CompaniesForest City Ratner Companies

    Anita KonfederakAnita Konfederak, Vice President/Senior Project Manger, Merritt EngineeringMerritt Engineering

    Highlyann KrasnowHighlyann Krasnow, Partner, MNSMN S

    Jill LernerJill Lerner, Partner, Koh n P edersen Fox Assoc iatesKoh n Pedersen Fox Assoc iates, President, AIANYAIANY

    Dana PanzarinoDana Panzari no, Managing Director, VV A Pro ject Managers & Cons ultantsVVA Project Managers & Consultants

    Melissa PiankoMelissa Pianko, Executive Vice President of Development, Gotham OrganizationGotham Organization


    Women Who Govern:Women Who Govern: Government, Infrastructure and Institutional Leaders

    The non-market sectors of education, government, and non-profits are hotbeds of

    innovation and leadership development. During this session, you will hear from key

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    players who influence our government, culture and society, including:


    Elise WagnerElise Wagner, Partner, Kramer Levin N aftalis & F rankel LLPKramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP


    Cathy DoveCathy Dove, Vice President, CornellNYC TechCornel l NY C Tech

    Miriam HarrisMiriam Harris, Senior Vice President, New York City Economic DevelopmentNew York City Eco nomic Development

    Corp ora ti onCorp ora ti on

    Edith Hsu-ChenEdi th Hsu -C hen, Director of the Manhattan Office, NY C Dep artmen t of Ci tyNYC Department of City

    P l a nni ngP l a nni ng

    Jee Mee KimJee Mee Ki m, Vice President, Sam Sc hwa rtz Engi neer ingSam Schwartz Engineering

    Julie MeninJulie Menin, Candidate, Manhattan Boro ugh Presi dentManhattan Borough President

    Rosemary Scanl onRosemary Sc anlon, Dean, NYU Schac k Institu te of Real EstateNYU Schack Institute of Real Estate

    12:30 PM


    Women Who Shop:Women Who Shop: A Discussion of the Retail Real Estate Industry Leaders

    Retail real estate is seeing something of a comeback, but not all real estate is created

    equal. While spaces like 666 Fifth Avenue trade at record numbers, many stores lie

    empty around the City. Come hear from the top women in retail, including developers,

    owners, retailers, and their representatives, as we explore the bifurcation of retail real

    estate from Brooklyn to Madison Avenue.


    Faith Hope ConsoloFait h Ho pe Co nso lo, Chairman The Retail Group, Dou glas Ell imanDouglas Ell iman


    Brittany BraggBri ttany Brag g, Chief Operating Officer, Crow n Ac qui siti onsCrow n Ac qui si ti ons

    Tracy BrownTracy Brown, Real Estate and Legal Specialist, lululemon athleticalululemon athletica

    Jennifer FalkJennifer Falk, Executive Director, Union Square PartnershipUnion Square Partnership

    Jil l LovattJil l Lov att, First Vice President of Retail Leasing, Mas sey Kn akalMassey Knakal

    Kathy SelfKathy Self, Chief Real Estate Officer, Brooks BrothersBrooks Brothers

    Laura Yablon RapaportLaura Yablon Rapaport, Senior Vice President, L&L Holding CompanyL&L Holding Company


    Women Who Network:Women Who Network: Association Leaders and Power Networkers

    If you arent a member of at least one of the top industry networking organizations, you

    are missing out on meeting and connecting with the top movers and shakers of the

    industry. Join this session to learn more about what each of the organizations can do

    for you and how you can get involved. Learn about the most effective networking

    strategies and techniques. Hear from:


    Nicola HeryetNic ola Heryet, Principal, Cassidy TurleyCassidy Turley


    Cheryl BoyerCheryl Boyer, President, Lodging Advisors LLCLodging Advisors LLC

    Shari LinnickShari Linni ck, VP, TreppTr epp, 2013 President, NYC REWNYCREW

    Audrey NovoaAu dr ey N ovo a, Executive Managing Director, Murr ay Hi ll Pr oper tiesMurray Hill Properties

    Robbin OrbisonRobbin Orbison, CFO, Silverstein PropertiesSilverstein Pro perties, Founder, AWA+REAWA+RE

    Claudia Saez-FrommCl aud ia Saez-Fr omm, Senior Vice President, TOWN Resi dent ialTOWN Residential

    Eileen SpinolaEileen Spinola, Senior Vice President, REBNYREBNY

    Lina TeleseLina Telese, Partner, Zetlin & De ChiaraZetl in & De Ch iar a, 2013 President, ARE WAREW

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    1:30 PM

    Networking LunchNetworking Lunch

    2:20 PM

    Uniting Against Lung CancerUniting Against Lung Cancer

    2:35 PM

    The Journey of St. VincentsThe Journey of St. Vincents

    A look into Rudin Managements vision for the development of St. Vincents, the

    milestones that have been met to pave the way for the project, the twists and turns that

    had to be addressed in achieving them and what we can expect as the redevelopment

    takes shape. The recent land use approvals will allow the abandoned hospital to be

    converted into a new, primarily residential and environmentally friendly complex

    encompassing the adaptive reuse of six historic buildings and the creation of a new

    public park that commemorates the history of St. Vincents Hospital.

    Melanie MeyersMelanie Meyers, Partner, Fried FrankFried Frank

    Samantha Rudin EarlsSamantha Rudin Earls, Vice President, Rudin Management CompanyRudin Management Company

    3:00 PM

    Afternoon Keynote Conversation:Afternoon Keynote Conversation: How Did I Get Here?

    Mary Ann Tighe began her career as an art historian and now finds herself at the helm

    of one of the most influential brokerage firms in the nation. Join us to hear the story of

    how she did it and what she learned along the way. Audience Q&A will be included.


    Jennifer NovackJennifer Novack, Head of Americas, Sousou PartnersSousou Partners


    Mary Ann TigheMary Ann Tighe, Chief Executive Officer New York Tri-State Region, CBRECBRE

    3:45 PM

    Women Who Rule:Women Who Rule: CEO and Founders Round Table

    Leading an organization can be one of the toughest jobs. How do you navigate the

    markets during these uncertain times, and what do you do to grow your business? How

    do you balance all of the demands of a full life while still leading your firm to greater

    heights of success? How do you deal with failure? Come hear from these top leaders

    how they did it, and how they continue to forge ahead.


    Luise A. BarrackLuise A. Barrack, Managing Partner, Rosenberg & Estis, P.C.Rosenberg & Estis, P.C.


    Susan AnselSusan An sel, President & CEO, Gabl es Resid enti alGables Residential

    Romy GoldmanRomy Goldman, Founder, Gold DevelopmentGold DevelopmentAnne GoldrachAnn e Gol drac h, CEO, GreystoneGreystone

    Michele MedagliaMic hele Medaglia, President & CEO, ACC Con struc tion Cor p.ACC Constructi on Corp .

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    Nadine WattNad ine Watt, President, Watt Co mpan iesWatt Companies

    4:40 PM

    Cocktail ReceptionCocktail Reception

    Provided by:

    5:40 PM

    Conference EndsConference Ends


    2013 Real Estate Weekly Women's Forum

    McGraw-Hill Conference Center

    1221 Avenue of the Americas (49th & 6th)

    New York City

    Wednesday, February 27, 2013

    7:45 am 5:40 pm

    Book your hotel room

    Title Partner

    Lead Sponsor

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    Supporting Associations

    Marketing Partnership

    Conference Contacts

    Conference Producer:

    Clare Kelly

    (646) 862-9903

    [email protected]

    Sponsorship & Exhibits:

    Abel Devis

    (646) 862-9393

    [email protected]

    Conference Registration:

    (646) 862-6136

    [email protected]

    Follow Us!

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