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    Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng PilipinasPinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-MaoismoANG

    English EditionVol. XLIII No. 4

    February 21, 2012www.philippinerevolution.net


    It has been more than a year since formalpeace talks between the National DemocraticFront of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Gov-

    ernment of the Philippines (GPH) resumed onFebruary 15-21 in Oslo, Norway. But the negoti-ations have not progressed because of the out-standing issue of the arrest and continued deten-tion by the GPH of key NDFP peace talks consult-ants and staff in violation of previous agree-ments.

    The possibility of any significant advance hasbecome even more remote under the US-Aquinoregime in the face of the GPH's refusal to respectprevious accords and the utter lack of interest ithas shown in addressing the issues that are atthe roots of the armed conflict and in resolving

    The US-Aquino regime is keepingthe peace talks in a quagmire

    In this issue...

    Detention ofAlan Jazmineset al 3

    NPA in Abraand Kalingahailed 6

    Superprofitsof oilindustries 9

    these through negotiations.From the beginning, it has been clear that theGPH is not genuinely interested in talking withthe NDFP. On February 14, 2011, the very eve ofthe resumption of formal negotiations, it treach-erously arrested Alan Jazmines, a valued con-sultant of the NDFP and a key figure in its nego-tiations for a Comprehensive Agreement on So-cio-Economic Reforms. Despite ComradeJazmines' undeniable identity as an NDFP con-sultant, the GPH outrightly refused to recognizehis rights under the Joint Agreement on Safetyand Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). The JASIG isan agreement signed in 1995 that guarantees thesafety of persons involved in the negotiations.

    At the conclusion of the first round of formaltalks in February 2011, the GPH pledged to un-dertake steps to release 17 NDFP consultantsthen under detention, aside from 349 politicaldetainees. After a year, 13 NDFP consultants re-main in prison, including Jazmines. The GPH con-

    tinuously refuses to comply with its obligationsunder the JASIG to free Jazmines and 12 other

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    2 ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    NDFP consultants.Lately, the GPH has even

    had the gall to accuse theNDFP of using the JASIG as ameans of securing the releaseof CPP officials. It stubbornlydeclared that it would only rec-ognize NDFP consultants if theNDFP could show the originallist of consultants along withtheir true names and photo-graphs.

    The GPH has been exploit-ing the issue of JASIG verifica-tion to justify its refusal toabide by the agreement, pro-long the detention of NDFPconsultants it has capturedand cover up their persecution.This also serves to obscure theGPH's responsibility for tram-pling on the JASIG by abduct-ing and forcibly disappearingNDFP leaders in the past.

    The GPH claims that theJASIG is merely a side issue.On the contrary, the JASIG is

    one of the key agreements de-signed to create favorableconditions for negotiations.Without its guarantees, nego-tiators will constantly fear for

    their safety and the talkswould not be able to proceedsmoothly, Respect for theJASIG is crucial to the continu-ation of the peace negotia-tions.

    The more than 12 formalagreementsincluding theComprehensive Agreement onRespect for Human Rights andInternational HumanitarianLaw (CARHRIHL) that wassigned in 1998were all forgedwithin the framework of inter-national laws and rules. As bel-ligerent forces in a civil war,the NDFP and GPH are obligedto respect them. The GPH'scompliance or non-compliancewith its obligations under theJASIG is indicative of its readi-ness to implement any futureagreements it may enter into.It is a matter of palabra dehonor.

    Instead of complying withits obligations and keeping its

    promises, the GPH has been re-lentlessly maligning the NDFPand concocting one lie afteranother. Its chief negotiatorAlexander Padilla has demon-

    strated his utterly reactionarycharacter by endlessly spewingcounterrevolutionary venomagainst the NDFP. The NDFPhas nothing but profound dis-appointment for Padilla, a for-mer human rights advocate, forthe contempt he has beenshowing for the peace negotia-tions.

    After a year, the peacetalks are caught in a quagmiredue to the GPH's complete lackof interest in fulfilling its obli-gations. It has become plain asday that the GPH does not val-ue its peace talks with theNDFP at all and its catchwordsof peace and human rights areall empty blabber.

    The NDFP and the entirerevolutionary movement areacutely aware that the GPH'spriority lies in crushing theNew People's Army and sup-pressing the people's massstruggles through armed re-

    pression, psywar and intelli-gence operations. This priorityis in line with the 2009 Coun-terinsurgency Guide laid downby the US-Aquino regime's im-perialist master. Under thisframework, the peace talks on-ly serve to camouflage the all-out war it is unleashing againstthe people.

    The Aquino regime has beenfurther emboldened to cast thepeace talks aside in the face ofintensifying US imperialist in-tervention in the country, thegrowing presence of Americantroops and bigger military as-sistance to the puppet govern-ment. US intervention in thePhilippines' internal affairs is

    currently one of the biggest ob-stacles to the advance of thepeace negotiations. Internsify-ing US intervention and theAquino regime's puppetrystand in the way of forgingagreements to resolve the peo-ple's fundamental problems. ~

    Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee

    of the Communist Party of the Philippines

    Ang Bayan is published in

    Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligay-

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    It is available for downloading

    at the Philippine Revolution Web

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    Vol. XLIII No. 4 February 21, 2012


    Editorial:The US-Aquino regime iskeeping the peace talks in a quagmire 1

    Detention of Jazmines et al 3

    GPH wants to junk THJD 3

    2 hunters killed by soldiers 4

    Anti-militarization in Panay 5

    AFP-bandit collusion 5

    NPA in Abra and Kalinga hailed 6

    Aquino regime to set up new Subic 7

    US intervention slammed 8

    Oil superprofits 8


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    3ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    Statements by the GPH thatit has abided by the JASIG arecomplete falsehoods. The GPHhas exaggerated the importanceof verifying the identities ofNDFP consultants andclaims that theproblem lies withthe NDFP and itsfailure to pro-vide proof thatthe detainedconsultants arethe personswhose names are

    contained in a list ofJASIG-protected person-

    nel.The GPH is merely trying to

    cover up its brazen violations ofthe JASIG, especially in the out-standing case of Jazmines' de-

    tention and arrest. WhenJazmines was arrest-

    ed, he presented hisDocument of Iden-tification that hadthe reference num-ber ND 978213 andthe name DodiLapida. He insisted

    on his rights as an

    NDFP Peace Panel con-sultant enjoying immunity

    The GPH wants to do away with The Hague Joint Declaration

    Detention of Jazmines et al is a

    continuing violation of the JASIG

    The arrest by the Government of the Philippines (GPH) of AlanJazmines on February 14, 2011 is a grave violation of the Joint

    Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG). His contin-ued detention and that of 12 other consultants of the National Demo-cratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) aggravate GPH violations ofthe JASIG and do not help create conditions for the resumption offormal peace negotiations between the NDFP and the GPH.

    It is not only the JASIG that the GPH wants to setaside. Also under attack are other key agree-

    ments like The Hague Joint Declaration (THJD)which was signed by the NDFP and GPH in 1992.

    In February 2011, the GPH feigned recognitionof the 12 previously signed agreements with theNDFP that were the fruits of decades of negotia-tions. At the same time, however, it dismissedTHJD as a mere mechanism, and refused to see itas the foundation document that defined the char-acter of the entire talks.

    The GPH's stand is contrary to the actual roleof THJD. All agreements signed by the NDFP andthe GPH in close to 20 years of talks were forgedon the basis of THJD. THJD is a key agreement be-cause it sets the framework on how two partiesrepresenting diametrically opposed interests couldengage in talks. THJD avers that peace negotia-tions must be conducted in accordance with mutu-ally acceptable principles, among them nationalsovereignty, democracy and social justice and thatno conditions should be set that would contradict

    the character and objective of the peace talks.In refusing to recognize THJD as a fundamen-

    tal agreement, the GPH has deviously invalidatedall previous agreements forged on this basis, in-

    cluding the JASIG and the CARHRIHL. It wants tonegate all the victories attained in the peace nego-tiations in the past two decades and set new basesfor the talks, with the aim of having the revolution-ary forces surrender their weapons and submit tothe reactionaries. ~

    from arrest and detention.The military and police per-

    sonnel dismissed the JASIG andJazmines' rights as a JASIGholder. He was immediately de-tained at the PNP Custodial

    Center and slapped withtrumped-up criminal charges.This serious violation becomesgraver the longer he is kept indetention. His prolonged incar-ceration is in violation of JASIGprovisions calling for the sus-pension of all legal proceedingsagainst persons covered by theagreement. On top of all this,Jazmines likewise faces perse-cution from abusive police offi-cials.

    The GPH must be held ac-countable for its refusal to freethe consultants it has illegally ar-rested and continues to detain.It should also be held responsiblefor the abduction and forced dis-appearance of Leo Velasco, Pru-dencio Calubid, Rogelio Calubadand other key consultants of theNDFP. ~

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    9th IB rapists must be punished

    GABRIELA condemned the rape of a 21-year old woman byseven soldiers from the 9th IB inside a military camp in

    Masbate on February 12. The victim has identified the rapists asCpl. Gilbert Quinito alias Jeric and six other elements of Bra-vo Company based in Barangay Puro, Aroroy, Masbate.

    GABRIELA secretary-general Lana Linaban said that theconcerned government agencies should immediately investigatethis heinous crime. GABRIELA also warned the Armed Forces ofthe Philippines against intervening in the case to cover up theincident and protect the rapists among its ranks. ~

    4 ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    Military kills twohunters


    ilitary forces mercilessly killed two hunters even as twomembers of an urban poor group were illegally arrested.

    February 16. A team ofPhilippine Army Special Forcesgunned down four hunters inBarangay Ilayang Atungay,Magdalena, Laguna. Residentswho know the four victims de-nied the military's allegationsthat they are members of theNew People's Army (NPA) andwere carrying high-poweredfirearms. Jessie Perez, 15, andChristian Luceto, 35, werekilled on the spot. Their twoother companions were brought

    to a hospital where they are incritical condition.February 13. Personnel andsecurity guards of the Universi-ty of St. La Salle in Bacolod Cityharassed Jan Earl Enerlan, astudent at the university, be-cause of his participation in acampaign against tuition feehikes. The students launchedmass actions to protest impend-ing tuition fee increases and theschool's failure to conduct con-sultations on the matter. The

    League of FilipinoStudents-Negrosassailed the schoolofficials' repressionof the protesting

    students.February 12. Atleast 12 journalistsfrom Pagadian City,Zamboanga del Surwere accosted anddetained by para-military elementswhile they were ontheir way to cover a

    reported demolitionof houses near a

    mining site of TVI Resources inSitio Balabag, Barangay Deporein Bayog town. The journalistswere released only on the fol-lowing day by the Special Citi-zens Armed Forces Geographi-cal Unit which is on the TVI'spayroll, according to the Na-tional Union of Journalists ofthe Philippines (NUJP). The me-dia people were with membersof a human rights advocacygroup when they were blockedby the paramilitaries. Bayogresidents have been opposingmining operations in their com-munities for several monthsnow.February 7. Combined policeand military operatives illegallyarrested two members of theKalipunan ng Damayang Mahi-hirap-Southern Tagalog (Kada-may-ST) in Barangay Maitim,Bai, Laguna. The victims wereEvelyn Legaspi, 53, a member ofKadamay's regional council and

    Pastora Latagan, 33, a staff ofthe regional chapter. The mili-tary planted alleged subversivedocuments, 14 explosive de-vices, four blasting caps andvarious medicines at the sceneto make it appear that the twowomen are rebels. The membersof the raiding team failed topresent an arrest warrant.

    February 3. Two men killedLoida Pagatpat, 51, a teacher atthe Antipolo Elementary Schoolin Palanas, Masbate. Pagatpatwas gunned down inside a class-room and in front of her stu-dents. She sustained two gun-shot wounds to the head. Herassailants fled aboard a motor-cycle.

    Pagatpat was earlier ac-cused by the military of sup-porting the New People's Atmy.She was also implicated in thekilling of a barangay official in2011. She is the third teacherkilled in Masbate under theAquino regime. ~

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    5ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    Villagers succeed in battlingmilitarization in Central Panay

    AFP-bandit group collusion denounced

    The Herminio Alfonso Command-Guerrilla Front53 Operations Command of the New People'sArmy in Southern Mindanao strongly condemned

    the wanton violations of the Federation of Manobo-Matigsalog Tribal Council (Femmatric) of the humanrights of Lumad in Marilog District, in Bukidnonprovince and in Arakan Valley.

    Femmatric is led by Lito Gawilan, who isinvolved in landgrabbing, robbery, selling offake gold bars and extortion activities againstsmall businessmen along the national high-way in Bukidnon.

    Gawilan claims to represent the Matigsalog andManobo tribes in saying that he defends their ancestrallands. In fact, he has been facilitating the plunderousoperations of rubber plantations and mining conces-sions because he holds the Certificate of Ancestral Do-main covering resource-rich areas like Kitaotao town inBukidnon province, Arakan municipality in North Cota-bato and Marilog District in Davao City.

    Colluding with the Femmatric-Gawilan group is theBunsuran group which is behind the establishment of

    the Alsa Lumad and Bandido groups. The Blackfightergroup is likewise being revived in Salaysay, Marilog andTambobong, Baguio, Davao City.

    The Gawilan group and other bandit syndicates en-joy the protection of the 403rd Brigade and the 8th IBwhich utilize the Special Operations Teams ostensiblyfor peace and development in order to suppress Lumadand non-Lumad settlers and organize fake surrenders.The military thus gives the Gawilan group a free hand insowing terror along the Bukidnon highway.

    Due to the Gawilan group's grave violations of theLumad's human rights, the 403rd Brigade has been suf-fering serious casualties in successive NPA tactical of-fensives in Bukidnon. The military has been venting itsire on the Lumad by accusing the leaders of the Bukid-non tribe of supporting the NPA.

    Nonetheless, it is only a matter of time before theLumad masses become fully aware of the Gawilangroup's crimes such as the landgrabbing of ancestrallands and the betrayal of ancestral lands in Bukidnon infavor of big multinational mining companies, commer-cial plantations, logging firms and the like. ~


    nder the Armed Forces ofthe Philippines' (AFP) re-

    pressive Oplan Bayanihan(OPB), fascist soldiers conduct so-called civil-military operations inorder to win over the people.Under this program, the militarymaintains its presence in popula-tion centers.

    The AFP builds detachmentsin the middle of communities ornear schools, chapels, clinics and

    other civilian facilities in violation ofthe provisions of international humani-tarian law and the ComprehensiveAgreement on Respect for HumanRights and International Humanitari-an Law (CARHRIHL). The militariza-tion of communities has the objective of allowing a reign of terror,crime and antisocial activities, destroying the masses' livelihood,trampling on their human rights, forcing them to submit to the mili-tary's might and suppressing their struggles.

    Contrary to the AFP and the US-Aquino regime's objectives, how-ever, Filipinos nationwide are standing up to defy militarization andPanay..., follow on page 6

    defend their democraticrights. In Ta-paz, Capiz andCalinog, Iloilo, the people re-fused to be cowed by the AFPand resisted the terrorism of the

    61st IB in a campaign that

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    6 ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    stretched from June to October2011.

    The 61st IB had a long andbloody record of human rightsviolations against the people ofNegros. Due to the Negrenses'struggle, the 3rd ID was forcedto transfer the butcher battal-ion to Panay at the end of 2010.Even in Panay, the 61st IB'srecord has been no less notori-ous. But the people of Tapaz andCalinog confronted the battalionhead-on.

    In Barangay Katipunan, Ta-

    paz, villagers faced the soldierstwice to demand their pullout.Barangay officers, mass leadersand other barriofolk joined inconfronting the military. Up to50 villagers partticipated in theconfrontation at Barangay La-

    CPDF hails NPAin Abra and Kalinga

    The Cordillera People's Democratic Front(CPDF) hailed two New People's Army(NPA) commands in Ilocos-Cordillera Re-

    gionthe Agustin Begnalen Command (ABC) of Abra for success-fully foiling a military attack and the Lejo Cawilan Command (LCC)of Kalinga for launching a tactical offensive against the 77th IB-CAFGU detachment on February 3.

    Panay ..., from page 5 hug where they gave the fascistsoldiers up to two weeks toleave their village. In BarangayTacayan, village leaders like-wise led in confronting the sol-diers and demanding their de-parture. Residents of Sitio Lau-gan, Barangay Aglinab alsomade a stand and told the AFPsoldiers to leave.

    To further dramatize theirstand against militarization, thepeople drafted a petitionagainst the soldiers' encamp-ments at the village centers andcirculated this among sevenbarangays from June to July. Af-

    ter the petition-signing, theybrought the document to the of-fice of the Tapaz town mayor andfrom here, to the office of theCapiz provincial governor in July.

    They continued and expand-ed their petition-signing cam-

    paign up to the upland villagesand brought up the issue beforethe Eighth Assembly of the TU-MANDUK (Tumanduk nga mgaMangunguma nga Nagapangapinsa Duta kag Kabuhi) held inCalinog town in October. Theprogressive organization repre-senting Central Panay's minoritypeople had earlier held a march-rally at the Calinog town center

    joined by 1,000 indigenous peo-ple and their supporters.

    The military troops werethus compelled to leave the vil-lage centers of Katipunan,Lahug and Tacayan.

    Nonetheless, the military re-mains in the centers of manyother barangays. The people'sstruggle therefore continuesagainst the AFP's terrorism andmilitary detachments in othervillage centers. ~

    The CPDF belied the mili-tary's claims that the NPAsuffered three dead and onewounded in Abra. Accordingto the Saulo Lumadao Front(NPA-South Central Abra),two troopers of the 52nd Di-

    vision Reconnaissance Com-pany (52nd DRC) werewounded when the so-calledelite fighting unit attemptedto attack a temporary NPAencampment in Sitio Nagas-asan, Barangay Ud-udiao inSallapadan, Abra at around

    11 a.m. on February 3.On the same day, an NPA

    team under the LCC harassedthe 77th IB-CAFGU detachmentat Cagalian Gate in Pasil town,Kalinga, wounding two soldiersand a CAFGU element.

    The military operations inthe area are aimed at suppress-ing the people's antiminingstruggles in the province.

    Meanwhile, the Jovito Ra-gay Command of the New Peo-ple's Army in Samar provincereported that nine enemy sol-

    diers and a CAFGU element

    were killed in successive bat-tles in Calbiga town on January23 and 25. Comrades success-fully thwarted a raid by the34th IB on an NPA base inBarangay Ginbanga on January23. Killed in this firefight weretwo regular soldiers and para-military element Luis Gacuma.The comrades were able to re-

    treat without suffering a singlecasualty.

    The NPA launched a count-er-offensive by harassing 34thIB soldiers in Barangay Huba-san on January 25 at 10 a.m. Amisencounter ensued amongthe severely demoralized andconfused soldiers, resulting inthe death of seven troopers.

    The NPA again was able to re-treat unscathed.

    Too embarrassed to admitits losses, the military claimedbefore the media that its lonecasualty was a paramilitary ele-ment killed in its offensive oper-ations in Calbiga town. ~

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    7ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    Aquino regime wants to setup 'new Subic' for US military


    S imperialism needs a Subic Naval Base-like military facilityto serve as a docking area for its warships, a landing pad for

    its spy planes and a rest and recreation area for Americantroops forming part of thousands of US soldiers to be deployed on arotation basis in various countries in the Asia-Pacific in the next sev-eral years.

    and send the more than 3,300remaining troops on rotationto Australia, the Philippines,Singapore and Hawaii.

    Plans to build new militaryfacilities for the regular port

    calls of US warships bring tomind bitter memories of thePhilippines' long experiencewith military bases. The pres-ence of US troops inevitably in-volves the abuse of women aswell as prostitution and vio-lence against children. The peo-ple have not quite forgottenLance Cpl. Daniel Smith's rape

    of Nicole in 2005 and how hewas able to avoid imprisonmentin the Philippines.

    The people's patrioticmovement is sure to be kindledwith American soldiers free toleave and enter the country atwill and use the country as alaunching pad for military op-erations and efforts to impose

    US hegemony in the Asia-Pacif-ic. The struggle for nationalliberation will further intensifyin the face of US intervention-ism and the Aquino regime'spuppetry. ~

    by its imperialist master at thedisposal of US troops. High-ranking US officials are expect-ed to arrive in the country tosign the agreement as soon as

    it is completed.US officials had announced

    plans to transfer 8,000 soldierscurrently stationed in Okinawa,Japan to an American militarybase in Guam, a US territory.(The plan was spurred by theOkinawans' widespread opposi-tion to the presence of the abu-sive American troops and by the

    Obama government's own de-sire to cut back on militaryspending due to the economicand financial crisis), The US hasshelved this plan of late, howev-er. It has instead decided tot r a n s f e ronly 4,700troops toG u a m

    US Defense Secretary LeonPanetta had insinuated in a re-cent US Senate Armed ForcesCommittee Hearing that theObama and Aquino govern-

    ments were working on anagreement for the accomoda-tion of US military troops andequipment in the Philippines.The US would like to patternthe accord after a newly signedagreement with Australia thatallows US warships to dockregularly at Darwin City andgrants access to 2,500 US

    Marines.The regular docking of US

    battleships is part of US plansto use the Philippines as a plat-form for its power-projection,China containment and inter-ventionist operations in theAsia-Pacific region.

    Prior to the US Senatehearing, officials of the Obama

    and Aquino governments hadalready met about setting upmilitary facilities for the US inthe Philippines during theStrategic Defense Dialogue(SDD) in January. The talkswere disclosed in an articlepublished in the WashingtonPostdespite initial attempts tokeep the meeting under wraps.US officials have said that theyare merely awaiting the Aquinogovernment's concrete propos-als on the matter. Like a truepuppet, the Aquino regime hasresponded by saying that plansare already underway. It hasplaced all the facilities needed

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    The oil industry's

    superprofitsin 2011T

    he relentless hikes in theprices of crude and re-

    fined oil have benefitednone other than the big capital-ists monopolizing the interna-tional oil industry and their bigfinance capitalist co-conspira-tors.

    The five biggest oil compa-nies earned combined profits of$136.8 billion in 2011, almostequivalent to 60% of what the

    Philippine economy is worth.This means that the monopolycapitalists raked in close to $16million in profits per hour. Asidefrom British Petroleum, the threebiggest oil companies pocketed32% more in profits compared tothe previous year. ~

    8 ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    The Kilusang Magbubukid ngPilipinas (KMP) slammed USplans to rotate 4,500 USMarines all over the Asia-Pacificto project its geopolitical influ-ence. The KMP cited the obvi-

    ousness of the US' desire tomake its dominant presence feltby positioning its forces in theregion. It also assailed theAquino regime for having virtu-ally ceded the country's sover-eignty because of its puppetryto the US.

    The Kilusang Mayo Uno ac-cused the US of using its puppetgovernments to strengthen itspolitical and economic interestsin the region.

    Bayan Muna Rep. TeddyCasio has filed a resolu-tion in Congress to in-vestigate the US' plansto increase the number

    of American troops in thecountry.

    The progressive groups

    called on the Filipino peopleto oppose US military interven-tion in the country and revivethe tradition of patriotismagainst any threat of aggres-sion. ~

    The Bagong Alyansang Ma-kabayan (BAYAN) said the USwas in the process of expandingits military presence in thecountry by invoking laws andagreements that allow such

    presence. It cited the MutualLogistics Support Agreement(MLSA) that permits Americantroops to access facilities andservices in their former militarybases. The MLSA obliges thePhilippines to provide servicesto visiting US troops.

    On the other hand,GABRIELA and the Internation-al Women's Alliance (IWA) saidthat the presence of more UStroops under the RP-USMutual Defense Treatystokes the fires of conflictbetween the US and China.They added that the US has

    been strengthening its troop de-ployment to control the Asia-Pa-cific and shift its foreign policyfocus after waging war in Iraqand Afghanistan in the pastdecades. GABRIELA and IWA

    also raised concerns that US-in-stigated wars in the Asia-Pacificregion would lead not only to vi-olence but the plunder of natu-ral resources, as whathappened in thetwo countries.

    Progressive groups slam USmilitary intervention


    arious progressive organizations launched protest actions lastweek to assail the continued presence of US soldiers in the

    country. The protesters said that American soldiers freely en-tering and leaving the Philippines signalled impending military inter-vention not only in the country but in the entire Asia-Pacific.

    Companies Profits (in billion dollars)

    Exxon Mobil 41.1

    Royal Dutch Shell 28.6

    Chevron-Texaco 26.9

    British Petroleum 23.9

    Total Petroleum 16.3

    Total 136.8

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    9ANG BAYAN February 21, 2012

    Protests greet latestround of oil price hikes


    series of protest actions

    greeted the latest oilprice hikes on February

    14dubbed as HeartlessValentine by the protesters.The Bagong Alyansang Ma-kabayan (BAYAN) and its alliesrallied at the Quezon City Wel-come Rotunda and accused Be-nigno Aquino III of having nocompassion for the people.

    BAYAN asserted that the oilprice hikes were without basissince oil prices were merely theresult of speculation and ma-nipulation by the foreign oilcartel.

    GABRIELA likewise launchedits own protest actions at Divi-soria, Manila and San PedroStreet in Davao City on the sameday. The following day,

    G A B R I E L A

    picketed thePandacan OilDepot in Manila. Theprogressive women'sgroup likened the for-eign oil companiesto leeches thatsucked in profitswhile the people suffered. Itsmembers called on the Aquino

    government to junk the OilDeregulation Law and the ValueAdded Tax on petroleum prod-ucts.

    The latest round of oil pricehikes is the sixth to hit the coun-try in the last two months.Petron Corp., Pilipinas Shell Pe-troleum, Chevron Philippines,SeaOil Philippines and TotalPhilippines raised the price per

    liter of regular and premiumgasoline by 50 centavos. Shell,Petron and Chevron likewise

    raised the price perliter of kerosene by thesame amount.

    The oil price in-creases have led the

    Kilusang Magbubukidng Pilipinas (KMP) todemand a hike in thepalay procurement

    price by P20 per kilo. The Na-tional Food Authority currentlybuys palay from farmers at P17per kilo.

    KMP secretary general Dani-lo Ramos said that the cost ofrice production has risen due toincessant oil price hikes. He saidit was but just to raise the palayprocurement price becausepeasants now have to shell outup to P75,000 per hectare, con-sidering expenses for land rent,fertilizers, pesticides and rentalof farm machinery. ~