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  • 8/3/2019 20120107 En


    Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng PilipinasPinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-MaoismoANG

    English EditionVol. XLIII No. 1

    January 7, 2012www.philippinerevolution.net


    The continually worsening crisis of the semi-colonial and semifeudal system under theUS-Aquino regime and the social and nation-

    al oppression, exploitation and suffering of the Fil-ipino people are pushing them towards the path ofrevolutionary resistance. This year, let us set oursights on the big struggles that confront the peo-ple. Let us achieve great advances and victories inmass struggles and the armed revolution.

    Let us forge the people's broad unity againstthe US-Aquino regime and its pro-imperialist andantipeople measures and policies.

    The Filipino people must be ready for big strug-gles against new tax burdens, higher electricityand water rates and gasoline prices, among others.Workers and urban poor will face huge battlesagainst demolitions. The masses of workers mustintensify theirstruggles againstmass layoffs andfor higher wa-

    ges. They muststep up theirstruggle for na-tional industrial-ization and fightfor policies thatwill develop thefactors of thelocal economy.

    We must generate wide-

    spread and intense struggles ofthe peasant masses for land re-form nationwide. Let us setthe vast countryside ablazewith antifeudal, anti-imperi-alist and antifascist strug-gles. Let us advance theminimum program ofland reform and im-

    Achieve great victories in 2012

    plement the maximum program of land didtributionwherever possible. We must forge the people'sbroad unity in support of the antifeudal strugglesin the countryside.

    The minority peoples must stand in unity withthe entire people to defend their ancestral landsand intensify their struggle against land grabbingand plunder perpetrated by foreign mining andlogging companies and gigantic plantations.

    Let us expose Aquino's grandiose lie regardinghis so-called road to righteousness and the de-ceptions he has been foisting on the people. Let usexpose the real state of the people, the widespreadpoverty and unemployment, the low wages, theskyrocketing prices of gasoline, food, services andother basic needs.

    Let us go allout in exposing and resisting bu-reaucrat capitalism un-der the US-Aquino re-gime, especially its useof state power to favor

    big businessman-friendsof Aquino and their for-

    eign corporate cohorts. Ex-

    In this issue...

    Victoriesin 2011


    Massivedestruction bySendong


    Condolencesto DPRK 11

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    2 ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    pose the corruption behind thedrafting of new contracts fa-voring Aquino's friends and rel-atives.

    Let us prepare to struggleagainst growing US military in-tervention. Let us demand anend to unequal military treaties.Let us assail the docking of nu-clear-capable US warships inPhilippine ports. Let us make USimperialism pay for the hun-dreds of thousands of Filipinoskilled in its conquest of thePhilippines, the clandestine sta-tioning of nuclear weapons inthe country and the many othercrimes it has been committingagainst the Filipino people formore than a century.

    The people must fire up theircourage in order to thoroughlyresist Oplan Bayanihan, the bru-talities and terrorism perpetrat-ed by the Armed Forces of thePhilippines (AFP) this year andin the future. Let us raise the

    people's consciousness abouttheir human rights and interna-tional humanitarian law whichprotect the welfare of civiliansin times of war. Let us propa-

    gate the study of the Compre-hensive Agreement on Respectfor Human Rights and Interna-tional Humanitarian Law(CARHRIHL) among mass or-ganizations, especially in thecountryside.

    Because the AFP stresses itsso-called civil-military opera-tions, we must prepare the peo-ple's minds and determinationto fight for their rights in theface of the soldiers' establish-ment of encampments in civiliancommunities, especially besideschools and in village centers,the harassment, curfews, illegalsearches and arrests, abduc-tions and killings. The peoplemust stand in unison against theAFP's terrorism.

    Let us forge the people'sbroad unity against the US-Aquino regime's cha-chaplans. This scheme to amend the1987 reactionary constitution isaimed at completely ceding to

    foreign interests the Philippines'economic sovereignty and patri-mony. This is one of the biggestmeasures that Aquino and his ilkwould like to take, in accordance

    with the commands of their im-perialist masters. This is alsoone of the biggest battles con-fronting the Filipino people nowand in the years to come. Let usforge the people's patriotic uni-ty against the cha-cha scheme.

    Two years after the PartyCentral Committee issued thecall to advance the people's wartowards the strategic stale-mate, the New People's Armyand the revolutionary forces arein a position to achieve greatstrides this year. Let us attainthe goal of recruiting NPA Redfighters and seizing weapons innumbers bigger than ever be-fore.

    Because of continuingly vig-orous antifeudal struggles, moreand more peasants, especiallyamong the youth in the country-side are joining the NPA. Let usform, train and mobilize peo-ple's militia units in their num-bers. The expansion and ad-

    vance of people's war in thecoming years will be marked bythe launching of tactical offen-sives extensively by the people'smilitia acting on its own initia-tive or under the NPA's com-mand, and the active participa-tion of the masses in the armedrevolution.

    The cry of people's war re-

    verberates up to the cities. Letus urge the thousands of com-munists and activists among the

    youth, workers and other sec-tors in the cities to join the NPAor be of service to the antifeudalmovement in the countryside.

    The Red fighters and all NPAunits and commands are deter-minedly gaining strength and

    raising their capability to launchmore and bigger tactical offen-sives this year. Let us not giveAFP units entering guerrillazones the opportunity to rest.Let us not allow them to wreakhavoc or give them leave tocommit atrocities and terrorize

    Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee

    of the Communist Party of the Philippines

    Ang Bayan is published in

    Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligay-

    non, Waray and English editions.

    It is available for downloading

    at the Philippine Revolution Web

    Central located at:


    Ang Bayanwelcomes contribu-

    tions in the form of articles and

    news. Readers are likewise en-joined to send in their comments

    and suggestions for the better-

    ment of our publication. You can

    reach us by email at:

    [email protected]

    Vol. XLIII No. 1 January 7, 2012


    Editorial: Achieve great victories

    in 2012 1

    Victories in 2011 3

    Offensives in NEMR and CagVal 4

    Regimes ceasefire violations 5

    Manhunt for Palparan 6

    Ex-woman leader rearrested 7

    Destruction by Sendong 7

    Lesser case filed against Arroyo 9

    Repressive US law 10

    Attack on West Papua 11

    CPP condoles with DPRK 11

    Atty. Claver honored 12


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    3ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    the people. The NPA must seize all opportunities tomete blows on AFP units. Let us coordinate theconduct of tactical offensives in every area withinthe guerrilla fronts. Tactical offensives coordinat-ed at the inter-front to inter-regional levels mustbe launched. Let us shake the foundations of theUS-Aquino regime with ever bigger tactical offen-sives, and with body and head blows on its fascistmachinery.

    Let us commemorate the 20th year of launchingthe Second Great Rectification Movement (SGRM)this year by consummately studying and propagat-ing Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the history and thebasic principles of our Party and its struggleagainst modern revisionism.

    Let us propagate the study of Marxist-Lenin-ist analysis of the roots of the capitalist crisisand the ruling semicolonial and semifeudal sys-tem in the Philippines. Let us expose and struggleagainst deceptive anti-communist, modern revi-sionist, counterrevolutionary, pro-imperialist

    and petty bourgeois reformist thinking that steerthe people away from the path of revolutionarystruggle. Let us reaffirm our analysis on the needto advance the people's democratic revolution inorder to put an end to the oppression and ex-ploitation of the Filipino people and create theconditions for socialist revolution and nationaldevelopment.

    Let us strengthen our Party ideologically, polit-ically and organizationally. There is utmost needfor a Party that is strong at all levels and in everyarena in order for it to lead and serve as the invin-cible core of mass struggles, tactical offensives,strengthening the mass organizations, advancingagrarian revolution, setting up the people's gov-ernment and other revolutionary tasks.

    Let us thoroughly take on all the tasks need toadvance the people's war. The major victories thatwe will be achieving will jumpstart our efforts tobring the people's war to a new and higher level inthe near future. ~

    In Mindanao. National De-mocratic Front-Mindanaospokesperson Jorge Ka Oris

    Madlos joyfullly shared reportson the advances made last yearby the revolutionary movementin the island. The New People'sArmy (NPA) was able to launch350 tactical offensives in Min-danao and undertake agrarianrevolution over wide areas. Thenumber of Red fighters and theirfirepower rose by 15%. Party

    membership grew by as much as30% while the number of massorganizations expanded by 20%.

    On the other hand, the NDF-Mindanao expressed sympathywith the families and friends ofthose who lost their lives as aresult of typhoon Sendong. The

    island-wide revolutionary al-liance promised to do all it couldto punish the destructive for-

    eign companies and violators ofthe policies and laws of the rev-olutionary government on envi-ronmental protection andagainst the plunder of the coun-try's natural resources in orderto attain justice for the victims.(see related article)In Cagayan Valley. Partymembership enjoyed a 50%

    growth last year. There was alsoan increase in the number ofParty branches and Partygroups within mass organiza-tions. Party committees at vari-ous levels grew stronger, withsection committees playing big-ger roles in various activities.

    Victories in 2011

    The entire Party and all revolutionary forces celebrated the43rd anniversary of the reestablishment of the Communist Par-ty of the Philippines (CPP) on December 26. The CPP hailed the

    many victories achieved in the previous year as the Filipino peopleendeavored to advance their people's war to the new stage of strate-gic stalemate. Following are initial reports from a number of regionsissued on the occasion of the recent anniversary.

    Although the enemy was able tostrike against part of one of theregion's guerrilla fronts, it wasalso this front that registered a

    marked increase in the numberof cadres and notable advancesin various areas of revolutionarywork. Party committees, cadresand members were consolidatedthrough their studies of basicand special courses. Propagan-da work grew vibrant with theregular publication of the re-gional mass newspaper and the

    issuance of press statement onburning issues.

    Also among the region's sig-nificant gains is the resurgenceof antifeudal struggles such ascampaigns to reduce interestrates on loans. The region like-wise has a strong campaignagainst foreign mining activi-ties. The seizure of farmers'

    lands by merchants, usurers andother land grabbers has alsobeen thwarted. Several coordi-nated mass movements at themunicipal and provincial levelswere launched. New organiza-tions were set up and the num-ber of activists and organized

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    4 ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    masses expanded.In the field of armed strug-

    gle, the number of Red fightersand people's militia grew andtheir areas of operation widenedto include a number of highlypopulated places. The NPA wasalso able to undertake punitiveoperations against rabidly noto-rious enemy elements and des-potic big businessmen.In Rizal. A celebration of the43rd Party anniversary was heldon December 26 in this SouthernTagalog province adjacent toMetro Manila despite militaryoperations by the AFP and PNP.A selected audience of some 200people joined the Party celebra-tion. The Southern Tagalogchapters of the RevolutionaryCouncil of Trade Unions (RCTU)and the Makabayang Kilusan ngBagong Kababaihan (MAKIBA-KA) sent greetings to the CPP.In Panay. The regional Partyorganization was able to raise

    the level of its ideological, polit-ical and organizational work. Itestablished the necessary ma-chinery and systems to quicklyconsolidate the membership ofthe Party, the people's army andmass organizations. The numberof Red fighters grew by 20% andthe people's militia by 18%. TheNPA launched 28 tactical offen-

    sives, including the notable am-bushes in Capiz and Antiquethat caused disruptions in theenemy's concentration.

    The region saw a continuallyenergized protest movement,with students launching a seriesof protest walkouts, drivers con-ducting a two-day island-widetransport strike joined by up to10,000 vehicles and Tumandukminorities holding a caravan tofight for their ancestral landsand oppose militarization.

    Progressive media leaders

    also assailed the military forlaunching a smear campaignagainst them and puttingwomen and children in harm'sway through their so-calledpeace and development teamsand rolling stations.In Ilocos-Cordillera. TheNPA was able to launch victo-rious tactical offensives espe-

    cially at the onset of OplanBayanihan. On the overall, theRed fighters were able to kill58 military troopers andwound 22 others in these gun-battles, and seize 11 firearms.On the other hand, AFP mili-tary operations dealt severeblows on the provinces of Abraand Ilocos Sur, brutally killingseveral Red fighters and dese-crating their bodies. Nonethe-less, the masses and comradeshave overcome these AFP on-slaughts and strongly con-

    demned the enemy for violat-ing the rules of war.

    Mass struggles against theseizure of ancestral lands by de-structive mining, megadam andgeothermal plant projectsgained momentum throughoutthe region, along with masscampaigns against militariza-tion. ~

    Tactical offensivesin Northeastern Mindanaoand Cagayan Valley


    nits of the New People's Army (NPA) in Northeastern Min-danao Region (NEMR) and Cagayan Valley launched five tac-tical offensives on January 3 and in the month of December,

    seizing 15 firearms, including a light machine gun. The enemy suf-fered 11 casualties (six dead and five wounded).January 3. Red fighters from Front 21 of the Pulang Diwata Com-mand (NPA-NEMR) raided the patrol base of the Philippine Army 23rdIB and the Civilian Armed Auxiliary in Barangay San Antonio, Reme-dios T. Trinidad town in Agusan del Norte at 4 a.m. A paramilitary el-

    ement and a soldier from the23rd IB Echo Company werekilled in the firefight. The Redfighters seized an M14 andrazed the detachment. A Redfighter was martyred.

    In a statement, the NationalDemocratic Front-NEMR apolo-gized to the civilians woundedin the crossfire during the raidand promised to shoulder alltheir medical expenses.December 16. Red fightersattacked a Community Organiz-ing for Peace and Development(COPD) team under the 36th IB,

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    5ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    killing five soldiers and wounded two others.The nine-man COPD team was staying at the

    Mabuhay barangay hall in Tandag City, Surigao delSur when they were attacked by the Red fighters ataround 5:30 a.m. The NPA seized nine high-pow-ered weaponsfive M14 rifles with 37 magazinesand 500 rounds; two M16 rifles with 20 magazinesand 400 rounds; an M203 grenade launcher with 12grenades; a K3 light machine gun with 300 rounds;and a cal .45 pistol.

    Also seized were six backpacks full of marijuanaleaves.

    The COPD team had been encamped at thebarangay since September. The soldiers maintainedtheir position and continued their military opera-tions despite a unilateral ceasefire declared by the

    Aquino govern-ment. Local res-idents have

    long been

    complaining about the COPD team's many humanrights violations in their barangay.December 15. Red fighters raided the provin-cial jail in Lianga, Surigao del Sur without firing asingle shot, seizing an AK-47 rifle, a shotgun,three pistols and rounds of ammunition.

    On the same day, in Cagayan Valley, Redfighters under the Reynaldo Pion Command am-bushed a 40-man troop under the 51st DivisionReconnaissance Company (DRC) of the 5th In-fantry Division.The ambush was conducted at ex-actly 3:30 p.m. in Barangay San Jose, San Mari-ano, Isabela. Two soldiers were wounded in thegunbattle.

    The troopers were engaged in combat opera-tions when they were ambushed by the Red fight-ers.December 11. Guerrillas under the Danilo BenCommand opened fire at the 77th IB-CAFGU de-tachment in Barangay Gagabutan, Rizal, Ca-gayan. The military troopers detailed at the camphave long been the subject of complaints by the

    village masses because they indis-criminately fire their weapons,engage in drunken binges andgambling and steal the barrio-folks' chickens. The CAFGU ele-

    ments at the detachment also join military operations of the17th IB. ~

    Aquino regime's violationsof unilateral ceasefire

    The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) condemned theAquino government's violations of its own 18-day ceasefirecovering December 16, 2011 to January 2, 2012. The CPP said

    that the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) continued to launchmilitary operations under Oplan Bayanihan during this period.

    The Aquino regime's emptyceasefire declaration served on-ly to cover up its military forces'relentless terroristic activities,

    added the CPP. On the otherhand, the Red fighters of theNew People's Army strictly abid-ed by the six-day unilateralceasefire declared by the CPP onDecember 24-26 and December31-January 2, 2012.

    Initial reports from the NPA

    cited military operations in theprovinces of Abra, Surigao delSur, Isabela and Rizal. Thesetroop movements showed the

    Aquino and AFP's hypocrisy assoldiers positioned themselvesin population centers in viola-tion of the ComprehensiveAgreement on Respect for Hu-man Rights and InternationalHumanitarian Law (CARHRIHL)and the Geneva Conventions.

    In Abra. Two six-by-sixtrucks fully loaded with 50th IBtroopers occupied Sitio Sagsa-god, Barangay Saccaang, Salla-padan town on December 21.

    Meanwhile, a Philippine Armyplatoon positioned itself inBarangays Palaquio and Tabiogin Bucay town. A number of sol-diers stayed in populated cen-ters and even at the Tabiog Ele-mentary School while othertroops scoured the upland ar-eas. The soldiers told the localsthat they intended to stay in

    their village until the end of2011.

    In the same period, two six-by-six truckloads and a van fullof soldiers stationed themselvesat the Gangal barangay hall, justa few meters away from theGangal Elementary School. An

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    Intensified manhuntfor Palparan

    Various sectors have intensified the manhunt for retired Maj.Gen. Jovito Palparan Jr. so he could face the criminal com-plaints filed at the Malolos Regional Trial Court Branch 14.

    The RTC issued arrest warrants on December 20 for Palparan andthree co-accused in the kidnapping and serious illegal detention ofSherlyn Cadapan, Karen Empeo and Manuel Merio. Cadapan andEmpeo were students of the University of the Philippines while Me-rio was a peasant activist. They were abducted by Palparan's men inHagonoy, Bulacan in June 2006.

    Palparan attempted to fleethe country on December 19 butwas stopped at the airport by

    agents from the Bureau of Im-migration. His co-accused Lt.Col. Felipe Anotado and S/Sgt.Edgardo Osorio immediatelysurrendered while Palparan andhis right-hand man M/Sgt. RizalHilario have since gone into hid-ing.

    On December 27, membersof KARAPATAN, relatives of thevictims as well as other progres-

    sive organizations plasteredposters stating Wanted: JovitoPalparan Jr., aka Berdugo invarious areas of Metro Manila.The posters which can now befound along the metropolis' ma-

    jor thoroughfares were put up tocall on the people to get in touch

    6 ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    with KARAPATAN about any in-formation on Palparan's where-abouts. The posters listedKARAPATAN's office telephonenumber (435-5146).

    The wanted posters are part

    AFP platoon also created a dis-turbance in Barangay Naguillan,Sallapadan when the armedtroops suddenly descended onthe village after their opera-tions. Another set of soldiers

    from the 50th IB also campedinside the barangay hall andplaza of Bila-bila village in Sal-lapadan.In Surigao del Sur. Resi-dents of Tandag City com-plained on December 16 aboutthe continued presence of aCOPD team under the 36th IB atthe Barangay Mabuhay villagehall. These troops have been re-sponsible for many cases of hu-man rights violations since theybegan staying in the area inSeptember. Despite the Aquinogovernment's unilateral cease-fire declaration, the militarytroops did not leave the area.In Isabela. Troops from the5th Infantry Division launchedsearch-and-pursuit operations

    in San Mariano town on De-cember 16. A section of the17th IB was transferred to SanMariano from its previous as-signment in neighboring Ca-gayan province.

    In Rizal. Troops from thePhilippine Army 16th, 59th and76th IB continued their opera-tions in Jala-jala, Pililia, Tanay,Baras, Montalban, San Mateoand Rodriguez towns and in An-tipolo City. These operations,which were closely coordinatedwith the PNP Special ActionForce Maneuver Battalion be-gan on December 16 and endedon January 3 and used allegedcivilian operations under theCOPD as cover. Not a single AFPunit was ordered back to returnto barracks during the Aquinogovernment's so-called cease-fire period,

    On Christmas day, a PNP-SAF platoon led by C/Insp. MarkGreen Lagura arrested three

    civilians in Sitio Payagwan,Kaysakat, San Jose, AntipoloCity. The three victims wereidentified as Emmanuel Quioyo,20, single, of Mayamot, Antipo-lo and two 16-year old girls who

    were also residents of the samearea. They were arrested onsuspicion of being members ofthe Narciso Antazo Aramil Com-mand (NPA-Rizal).

    Quioyo was tortured, inter-rogated without benefit ofcounsel and coerced into admit-ting that he was an NPA mem-ber. He was also forced to guideoperatives of the PNP-SAF and16th IB in looking for an allegedNPA camp. He was released af-ter two days on the conditionthat he becomes a deep pene-tration agent for the enemy.

    Meanwhile, the two girlswere freed after a five-hour in-terrogation also conductedwithout the presence of alawyer. ~

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    7ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    Military rearrests ex-women's group leader

    of the People's Manhunt launched on December21. The campaign is being led by Erlinda Cadapanand Concepcion Empeo, mothers of the two miss-ing women activists. They are supported by friendsand members of Families of Desaparecidos for Jus-tice (Desaparecidos), Victims United for Justice

    (Hustisya), Samahan ng Ex-Detainees Laban saAresto at Detensyon (SELDA) and KARAPATAN.Their coordinated efforts have also spread to theinternet. The Department of Justice has likewiseraised the bounty for Palparan's capture to P1 mil-

    lion.Various sectors have meanwhile assailed the

    PNP's failure to arrest Palparan and suspectthat he is being harbored by active and retiredAFP officers who were with him in implementingthe Arroyo regime's brutal Oplan Bantay Laya

    and conspired with him in the commission ofgrave human rights violations. KARAPATAN hasdemanded that Malacaang order the expansionof the manhunt for Palparan to include militarycamps. ~

    The Philippine National Police played a cruel

    joke on Gloria Floresca who they released onDecember 9 only to rearrest her an hour later.

    Floresca, a former leader of a women's groupwas first arrested by the PNP on June 21 at herhouse in Naguilian, La Union and charged withrebellion. She was detained for five months.

    The PNP accused Floresca of being a leadingofficial of the Communist Party of the Philippinesin the region. She allegedly ranks third in the

    military and police's Order of Battle in the Ilocosregion.

    GABRIELA-Ilocos spokesperson Linda Caluzasaid that the charges against Floresca are allmanufactured. She added that the AFP and PNPdesperately want to defeat the revolutionarymovement in the region that they resort to Red-baiting, illegal arrests and other violations of therights of democratic organizations and personal-ities. ~

    Massive flooding causedby environmental destruction

    Filipinos are used to typhoons and rains. The Philippines is thethird country most often visited by typhoons worldwide. Every

    year, more than 20 typhoons pound the country.

    But the breadth and intensi-ty of the destruction wrought bythe massive flooding caused bytyphoons have decidedly wors-ened in the past 20 years. This isdue to the widespread denuda-tion of the forests, the destruc-tion of watersheds and the mas-sive siltation of rivers. Areas at

    the foot of mountains, especial-ly those that are near rivers arein danger of being buried in mudand logs from the uplands. Mostof the victims of such floodingare the toiling masses who liveon river banks, at the foot of

    mountainous areas and incramped shantytowns.

    These conditions have beenworsened by an inutile govern-ment devoid of any plans on howto confront such potential disas-ters. Despite repeated massiveflooding, the reactionary gov-ernment has failed to prepare

    measures to prevent the deathsof large numbers of people.

    In December, torrentialrains brought by typhoonSendong poured into variousparts of Mindanao and theVisayas, including the Bukidnon

    plateau and the denuded moun-tains of Lanao. Decades of log-ging and plantation operationshad already destroyed theBukidnon watershed. After daysof rain, the rivers of Bukidnonoverflowed into Cagayan de OroCity. At about the same time,the rivers of Lanao del Norteswelled and flowed towards Ili-gal City. These caused massive,widespread destruction, killingclose to 2,000 people. Hundredsmore were swept away by ram-paging mud water as they sleptin the early morning of Decem-ber 17.

    Faced with strong condem-

    nation over its inutility and an-tipathy, the Aquino regime hadthe gall to blame the residentsfor not evacuating from the ar-eas along the typhoon's path. Infact, the Aquino regime and thelocal governments failed to take

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    the typhoon's threat seriously.There was not enough warningand no steps taken to evacuateresidents living near rivers andin areas that would likely serveas catchbasins for floodwatersthat would be flowing down themountainsides. There was no in-frastructure and support inplace for the evacuees.

    The regime does not have acomprehensive plan to save theremaining watersheds, a failurethat had long been cited as acondition that would lead tomassive flooding. It has no com-petent plans in place to createdecent housing for the thou-sands of residents living alongriver banks and other endan-gered areas.

    Criminal negligenceSince the Aquino regime

    came to power in 2010, the Cli-mate Change Congress of thePhilippines (CCCP) has warned

    it thrice about the dangers re-sulting from the massive silta-tion of the Rio Grande de Ca-gayan. In particular, it cited thepossibility of widespread flood-ing in Cagayan de Oro on thesame scale as the inundation ofMetro Manila due to typhoonOndoy in 2009.

    More frequent rains had led

    the CCCP to conclude that moresevere floods and landslideswere in store for the country.More than 20 million hectareswould be affected or 67% of thePhilippines' land area. The 69provinces that lie along thecountry's eastern side would beaffected by massive rainsbrought by La Nia and would

    therefore be most vulnerable toflooding and landslides thewhole year round.

    The Aquino government ig-nored the CCCP's warnings,with Malacaang claiming thatit had more urgent things to at-tend to. Thus, the regime did

    8 ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    nothing to put the people out ofharm's way. Aquino even re-duced funds allotted for disas-ter preparedness in 2011. In-stead of laying out plans toavert the loss of lives, the gov-ernment merely ordered the Na-tional Disaster Risk Reductionand Management Council toprepare for the effects of disas-

    ters, including purchasingcoffins for the victims.

    The Aquino regime's worstcrime lies in its perpetuation ofthe policies that have causedwidespread environmental de-structiondecades of large-scale mining and logging; theclearing of thousands of hecta-res of forest land to give way to

    the operations of multinationalplantations, real estate compa-nies and other businesses; andindiscriminate quarrying andmining activities in rivers thathave aggravated siltation.

    Despite the tragedy wroughtby typhoon Sendong, the regimehas not revoked the mining per-mits it has granted to foreign

    mining companies. Most ofthese companies have also beengranted logging permits as anincentive for them to invest inthe country.

    Neither have the loggingpermits in Bukidnon and most ofLanao del Norte been revoked.

    The forests in these areas havelargely been denuded by thelarge-scale logging operationsof foreign companies and theirlocal big bourgeois compradorpartners, as well as by illegalloggers.

    The unmitigated expansionof plantations has worsened thedenudation of the forests. In

    Bukidnon, in particular, only25% remains of its original for-est land due to the expansion ofsugar cane, corn, pineapple andbanana plantations.

    The denudation of forestlands in Bukidnon, which serveas watersheds to neighboringprovinces has long been knownto cause massive flooding.

    Misamis Orientals six ma- jor rivers flow not only withinthe province but towardsNortheastern Mindanao andDavao. These are the Upperand Lower Pulangi River, Ta-galoan River, the Rio Grandede Cagayan, the MaridugaoRiver, the Agusan-CugmanRiver and the Davao-Salug

    River. On December 23, a fewdays after typhoon Sendong,the waters of the LumbayaoDam in Valencia City, Bukid-non swelled due to continuousrains. Up to 300 people had tobe evacuated from their hous-es along the Pulangi River. ~

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    9ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    In sympathy with the victims of typhoon Sendong

    The Communist Party of the Philippines, theNational Democratic Front of the Philippines

    and the entire revolutionary movement ex-

    pressed great sadness and extended their sym-pathies to the residents of Cagayan de Oro City,Iligan City and other areas of Mindanao and theVisayas that had been hit by typhoon Sendong.

    To assist the victims, they have ordered Redfighters to join relief and rehabilitation efforts inthe affected areas. Northcentral Mindanao de-clared a ceasefire. In Northeastern Mindanao,the revolutionary movement raised financial andmaterial support from its own members, alliesand friends. It obliged mining companies, plan-tations and other businesses to contribute fundsas immediate assistance to the victims and asretribution for their destruction of the environ-ment.

    The revolutionary movement condemned theAquino regime's criminal negligence, saying thatthe government must be held accountable for itslack of disaster preparedness and its failure toprovide immediate relief to the people and reha-

    bilitate the affected areas.The regime must be taken to task for perpet-

    uating policies that cause widespread flooding

    and destruction. Multinational corporationsmust also be held responsible for their role in de-stroying the environment. More than this, theexpansion of these companies must be put to astop. Instead, there must be genuine land re-form. The system of monocropping over thou-sands of hectares must be ended and the prac-tice of planting basic food crops in these planta-tions revived.

    Big agro-corporations must also stop thepractice of using pesticides, fertilizer and otherchemicals that damage the soil and cause dis-eases and other deleterious effects on the peo-ple.

    All plunderous companies that have seizedlands from and driven away millions of peoplefrom their farms and ancestral lands must bepunished and held accountable for their crimesin accordance with the policies of the people'srevolutionary government. ~

    Bayan Muna and the Maka-bayan alliance had filed theplunder case at the Office of theOmbudsman last year. Arroyoand her cronies are believed tohave received up to $329 millionin bribes from ZTE.

    Among those charged withcorruption by the Ombudsmanare Gloria Arroyo's husbandJose Miguel Mike Arroyo, for-

    Arroyo chargedwith lesser offense

    Various democratic organizations and individuals expresseddisappointment when the Office of the Ombudsman chargedGloria Arroyo with the lesser crime of corruption instead of

    the more serious crime of plunder in connection with the anomalouscontract for the National Broadband Network (NBN) entered into byher government with China's ZTE Corporation.

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    ILPS condemns newrepressive US law

    Said the ILPS, this reprehen-

    sible anti-democratic law is afurther step in the fascization ofthe US ruling system. It furtherdevelops the legal infrastruc-ture for fascism, as earlier laiddown by the USA PATRIOT Actof 2001. The US monopoly bour-geoisie and its chief politicalagents, from Bush to Obama,have generated the anti-terrori-

    ist hysteria to justify imperialistplunder and war and the sup-pression of civil liberties in theUS and abroad.

    The ILPS added that the UShas been stifling the basic rightsand freedoms of the Americanpeople in order to suppress their

    growing protests against the es-

    calating rapacity and cruelty ofthe capitalist system in crisisand to allow imperialist plunderand wars of aggression to runrampant with impunity.

    The US has maliciously usedthe nearly 3,000 killed in the9/11 attacks as pretext for theimperialist wars of aggressionsince 2001. In the process, it

    has caused the violent death ofthousands of its own troops andhundreds of thousands of civil-ian deaths in Afghanistan, atleast 1.5 million in Iraq andmore than 100,000 in Libya.

    The NDAA provides US$662billion for the US military. It al-

    The International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) con-demned the passage in the US of the National Defense Autho-rization Act (NDAA). The NDAA, which was signed into law on

    December 31, allows the US military to arrest and detain US citizensindefinitely without due process.

    so pushes strong sanctions

    against Iran and its CentralBank, particularly for impedingoil exports and payments, underthe pretext of hampering thenuclear research program ofIran. In fact, the sanctions aimto make war provocations aspart of a US-Israel scheme tooverthrow regimes, like Syriaand Iran, which are staunch

    supporters of the just cause ofthe Palestinian people.

    In view of the relentlessworsening crisis of the US andworld capitalist system and thefascisation of the US ruling sys-tem, the ILPS anticipatesgreater troubles ahead in termsof imperialist plunder and warand the further rise of state ter-

    rorism on a global scale.The ILPS urged the peoplesof the world to raise the level oftheir anti-imperialist and demo-cratic struggles for greaterfreedom, democracy, develop-ment, social justice and worldpeace. ~

    10 ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    mer Commission on Elections chair Benjamin Aba-los Sr. and former Transportation and Communi-cations secretary Leandro Mendoza. The case wasfiled on December 29.

    Corruption carries a lighter penalty and is abailable offense. A person charged with plunder,

    on the other hand, will not be allowed to post bailpending trial and may be sentenced to life impris-onment if found guilty.

    Bayan Muna has thus decided to beef up the in-formation submitted to court on the Arroyo cou-ple's involvement in the NBN-ZTE anomaly in orderto be able to refile the plunder case against them.

    The Ombudsman's move has raised suspicionsof a deal between the two camps to accommodateArroyo. These suspicions were further stokedwhen Aquino said in an interview before the end of2011 that a presidential pardon for Arroyo may beconsidered if she shows remorse for her crimes.Arroyo has yet to be tried, but already, the Aquinocamp appears to be paving the way for her exoner-ation, with only a specious apology in return.

    Meanwhile, the Sandiganbayan has issued a

    hold departure order against Arroyo and her co-accused in the corruption case.

    Former National Economic Development Au-thority (NEDA) consultant Rodolfo Jun Lozadahas also expressed readiness to testify in court.Lozada was the first whistleblower of the NBN-ZTE

    scandal. He has likewise called on his friend, for-mer NEDA commissioner Romulo Neri to discloseeverything he knows about the anomaly. Neri wasstopped from testifying at the Senate and LowerHouse by virtue of EO 464 which prohibits high-ranking officials of the executive branch from dis-closing information without Gloria Arroyo's per-mission.

    Two Chinese executives from the ZTE Corpora-tion have also agreed to testify. As of the latestdevelopment, former House Speaker Jose de Vene-cia has added his name to the list of persons will-ing to serve as witnesses for the prosecution. DeVenecia's son Joey had appeared at a Senate in-vestigation after Lozada's testimony, saying thathe had been ordered by Mike Arroyo to back offfrom involvement in the NBN-ZTE issue. ~

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    11ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    Attack on West Papua

    The International League of Peoples' Strug-gle (ILPS) strongly condemned the brutal

    attacks by Indonesian police and soldiers on thepeople of West Papua that began on December13.

    Tens of thousands of West Papuan residentswere killed and wounded when Indonesian po-lice and soldiers burned 17 communities. Moretnan 20,000 people who were forced to evacu-ate from 130 dommunities are now sufferingfrom hunger and disease.

    Four combat battalions of the IndonesianArmy (TNI) Konstrand Commandos launchedthe attack, using helicopter gunships. The

    troops are armed, trained and funded by theAustralian and US governments. One of the at-tacking forces, Detachment 88, is likewise in-

    volved in the abduction, torture and killing ofWest Papuan civilians.

    The Australian government has mainly cometo the defense of Paniai Gold which is set tomine West Papua's natural resources. The on-going military operation involves the direct useby the Indonesian military and police of heli-copters owned by Derewo River Gold (DRG), asubsidiary of Paniai Gold which is owned byWest Wits Mining, a gold mining companybased in Melbourne, Australia.

    Since April 2011, the reactionary Indone-sian government has deployed its troops to en-circle what it suspects to be the headquarters

    of the Paniai Free Papua Naional LiberationArmy (TPN-OPM) under the command of Gen.Jhon Yogi. ~

    Kim Jong Il died on Decem-ber 19 at the age of 69. An offi-cial DPRK statement said thathe died of a heart attack due tophysical and mental exhaustion

    brought about by months ofoverwork.The people of the DPRK were

    saddened by the news anddeeply mourned their leader'sdeath. Despite the severe win-ter, millions poured out into thestreets to express their mourn-ing. Kim was buried on Decem-ber 28.

    Kim Jong Il left behind a bril-liant tradition of patriotism andanti-imperialism. During his 17-

    year rule, he stood for nationalfreedom in the face of US impe-rialist aggression and diplomaticpressure.

    The CPP added that like his

    running for more than sixdecades, the DPRK has succeed-ed not only in defending its na-tional freedom but in making big

    strides in various fields. UnderKim Jong Il's leadership, theDPRK forged alliances with oth-er countries that likewise de-fended their national freedomand resisted imperialist inter-vention and suppression.

    Kim Jong Il's death is a bigloss to the Korean people. Butunder the leadership of the Ko-rean Worker's Party, they willsurely persevere along the pathof national liberation and inconsolidating Korea as a mod-ern, progressive and democraticsystem under the banner of so-cialism. ~

    father Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Ilinspired patriotism among hiscountrymen to steel their deter-mination to resist imperialistaggression and suppression. US

    imperialism has been angered noend by the determination andcollective will of the workingclass and people of the DPRK todefend their country's sover-eignty and persevere in advanc-ing socialism and their refusal tobuckle down tothe neoliberalpolicies offree marketglobalization.

    Despite ane c o n o m i cblockade im-posed by thei m p e r i a l i s t sthat has been

    CPP condoles with DPRKon death of Kim Jong Il

    The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) conveyed its con-dolences to the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK)on the death of Kim Jong Il, leader of the Korean Worker's Par-

    ty and commander of the Korean People's Army.

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    12 ANG BAYAN January 7, 2012

    Revolutionary tribute to Atty. William Billy Claver

    The Cordillera Peoples Democratic Front(CPDF) expressed its deepest condolences to

    the family, friends, colleagues and kakailians

    (townmates) of Atty. William Billy Claver whopassed away last December 15.

    CPDF spokesperson Simon Ka Filiw Naog-san hailed Claver as an activist defender of na-tional minorities, a progressive legislator and alawyer worthy of emulation.

    Claver was a founding member of, andchaired, the Cordillera Peoples Alliance (CPA), afederation of Cordilleran indigenous peoplesformed in 1984. He advocated the right to self-

    determination and the defense of the lives, an-cestral lands and natural resources of nationalminorities in the Cordillera.

    During martial law, he served as lawyer for

    many people persecuted by the Marcos dictator-ship. In the 1980s, he became known for his re-sistance to the Chico River Dam project and for

    handling the cases of Ama Macliing Dulag whowas murdered by the military and Pedro Dungocwho escaped an attempt on his life by the AFP.He was also active in defending victims of illegalarrest and detention under the Marcos dictator-ship.

    Claver won a seat in Congress in the 1987elections under the banner of Partido ng Bayan.He used Congress as a venue to continue advo-cating for the democratic rights that the reac-

    tionary government denied the national minori-ties. He belonged to the ranks of progressiveleaders who stood up against all forms of op-pression and exploitation. ~