2012 Utah Big Game Field Regs

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  • 7/31/2019 2012 Utah Big Game Field Regs


  • 7/31/2019 2012 Utah Big Game Field Regs


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    6 2012 season dates and ees

    7 Apply or an antlerless permit

    7 Boundary descriptions online

    8 More opportunities to obtain


    9 More opportunity or young hunters

    10 Changes to Utahs Deer Management


    11 Poaching-reported reward permits

    12 Chronic wasting disease in Utah

    13 Big game hunts

    13 Archery Ethics Course

    15 Mandatory reporting

    18 Multiple elk permits

    19 Avoid harvesting collared wildlie

    20 Depredation hunts

    20 New ee or predator control

    21 Once-in-a-lietime hunts

    23 Antlerless hunts

    23 Antlerless season dates online

    24 Elk-control permits available

    25 Report your harvest

    26 Cooperative Wildlie Management


    28 Are you old enough?

    28 Have you passed hunter education?

    28 Adults must accompany young


    29 Do you have a license?

    30 Field requirements

    30 Firearms and archery equipment

    30 State-licensed guides and outtters

    31 Hunters with disabilities

    33 Areas with special restrictions

    34 Trespassing

    35 Prohibited hunting methods

    36 Tagging requirements

    38 Possession and use o big game

    39 Permit reunds and exchanges

    40 Denitions

    42 Hunt maps


    Division oces

    Ofces are open 8 a.m. 5 p.m.,

    Monday through Friday.

    Salt Lake City1594 W Nor th TempleBox 146301Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6301801-538-4700

    Central Region

    1115 N Main StreetSpringville, UT 84663801-491-5678

    Northeastern RegionNew Location318 N Vernal AvenueVernal, UT 84078435-781-9453

    Northern Region515 E 5300 SOgden, UT 84405801-476-2740

    Southeastern Region319 N Carbonville Road, Ste A

    Price, UT 84501435-613-3700

    Southern Region1470 N Airport RoadCedar City, UT 84721435-865-6100

    Washington County (Field Ofce)451 N SR-318Hurricane, UT 84737435-879-8694


    Whats new this season?

    New $5 predator-control ee: In 2012, theUtah Legislature passed a law that adds a $5 eeto all Utah big game hunting permits. The eewill be added to 2012 antlerless permits and anyremaining big game permits sold ater July 1.The money will und a new program to control

    predators, particularly coyotes. For details, visit


    Hunt deer in units, instead o regions:

    In 2012, the general-season deer hunt will takeplace in 30 units, instead o ve regions. Fordetailed unit maps, visitwildlie.utah.gov/maps.

    Nine-day rie deer hunt in all areas: In2012, the general-season any legal weapon(rie) deer hunt will run rom Oc t. 2028 state-wide. For season dates, please see page 6.

    Changes to the deer management plan:The Utah Wildlie Board amended the states deermanagement plan in May 2012, allowing theDivision to manage some units or 1517 bucksper 100 does and other units or 1820 bucks per100 does. For details, see the article on Changesto Utahs Deer Management Plan on page 10.

    No oreiture o bonus points: In May 2012,the Wildlie Board revoked the rule that wouldhave eliminated hunters bonus points i theyailed to apply or a limited-entry or once-in-a-lietime permit at least once every three years.

    Flexibility in using antlerless elk permits:Starting this year, i you obtain two antlerless elkpermits or the same areabut the permits areor dierent seasonsyou may harvest bothelk during the same season. For details, see theinormation box on page 18.

    New antlerless elk-control areas: Did youobtain a buck deer, bull elk or bison permit oran elk-control area? I so, you may be eligible topurchase an antlerless elk-control permit. This

    Jake Albrecht

    John Bair

    Calvin Crandall

    Bill Fenimore

    Michael King

    Del Brady, Chair

    Ernie Perkins, Vice Chair

    James F. Karpowitz,

    Division Director

    Executive Secretary

    This guidebook summarizes Utahs big

    game hunting laws and rules. Although it

    is a convenient quick-reerence document

    or Utah big game regulations, it is not an

    all-encompassing resource.

    For an in-depth l ook at the states

    big game hunting laws and rules, visit


    You can use the reerences in the guide-

    booksuch as Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-24

    and Utah Code 23-20-25to search theDivisions website or the detailed statute or

    rule that underpins the guidebook summary.

    I you have questions about a particular

    rule, call or visit the nearest Division ofce.

    Who makes the rules?The Utah Wildlie Board passes the rules

    and laws summarized in this guidebook.

    There are seven board members, and

    each serves a six-year term. Appointed by

    the governor, board members are not Divi-

    sion employees.

    The Divisions director serves as the

    boards executive secretary but does not

    have a vote on wildlie policies.

    Beore board members make changes towildlie rules, they listen to recommenda-

    tions rom Division biologists. They also

    receive input rom the public and various

    interest groups via the regional advisory

    council (RAC) process.

    I you have eedback or suggestions or

    board members, you can nd their contact

    inormation online at wildlie.utah.gov.

    Wildlie Board members


    On the cover: Andrew Rappl posing

    with a buck deer taken in Utahs Book

    Clis during the muzzleloader hunt.

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    o 1972, the U.S. Department o the Interior andits bureaus prohibit discrimination on the basis orace, color, national origin, age, disability or sex.I you believe that you have been discriminatedagainst in any program, activity or acility, or iyou desire urther inormation, please write to:

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlie Service

    Ofce or Diversity and Civil Rights Pro-

    gramsExternal Programs

    4040 North Fairax Drive, Suite 130Arlington, VA 22203

    Private lands: The Division cannot guaranteeaccess to any private land. I you plan to huntorengage in any other wildlie-related activi-tiesin an area made up o all or mostly privatelands, you must obtain WRITTEN permission romthe landowner or t he landowners authorizedrepresentative. For more inormation, please seethe Trespassing section on page 34.

    Division unding: The Division is mostly undedby the sale o hunting and shing licenses andthrough ederal aid made possible by an excisetax on the sale o rearms and other hunting- andshing-related equipment.

    description o the area you want to hunt, visitwildlie.utah.gov/maps.

    Check or closures: There may be late-seasonclosures on ederal and state lands. Beore head-ing into the eld, please check with the managingagency or the area you plan to hunt.

    And keep in mind

    Research antlerless hunts online: The Divi-sion will no longer print an Antlerless guidebook.Starting May 25, you can nd all o the inorma-tion you need to research your huntincluding

    application dates, rules, hunt tables, boundariesand mapsat wildlie.utah.gov/guidebooks. Theapplication period runs rom June 121, 2012.

    Hunting in Salt Lake County: Beoreyou hunt deer or elk in Sal t Lake County, visitwildlie.utah.gov/mapsto view the boundariesand to note any special restrictions.

    Mandatory reporting: Many big gamehunters must report hunt inormation within 30calendar days ater the end o the hunting season(even i they did not harvest an animal). To see iyou are required to reportand to learn how toreportsee the inormation box on page 15 orvisit wildlie.utah.gov/harvestreporting.

    Multiple elk permits: You may obtain two elkpermitsprovided one or both o the permits areantlerlessbut you can only apply or or obtainone antlerless elk permit in the drawing. To learnmore about this opportunity, see the inormationbox on page 18.

    Wearing hunter orange: In 2009, the UtahLegislature modied Utahs hunter orange regula-tion. Please see page 30 or details.

    Use a licensed guide: I you plan to use a guideor outtter on public land in the 2012 huntingseason, state law requires that individual to belicensed. Please see page 30 or details or visitwildlie.utah.gov/guides.

    year, you can use an elk-control permit in twonew areas: Morgan-South Rich and South Slope,Yellowstone. See page 24 or a list o all antler-less elk-control areas.

    Change or muzzleloader hunters: Startingin 2012, hunters may use black powder or blackpowder substitutes that contain nitrocellulose.

    Using a dog to track wounded big game:Starting in 2012, i you wound a big game animal,you may use one leashed dog to track it. Fordetails, see page 36.

    Change in trespass laws: In 2012, the UtahLegislature made changes to Utahs trespass laws.Please read the Trespassing section starting onpage 34 or the latest regulations.

    Changes to general-season archery deerhunt: The general-season archery deer huntwill not be statewide in 2012. I you obtain ageneral-season archery deer permit this year, youmust hunt the unit listed on your permit. I youreinterested in the extended archery deer season,see page 13.

    Changes to youth opportunities: In orderto hunt all three general deer seasons (archery,muzzleloader and any legal weapon), a youthwho is 18 or younger must have a general-season

    any legal weapon permit. This is a change romprevious years. For details, see the article onpage 9.

    Change in remaining permit sales: I anygeneral-season deer permits remain ater the biggame drawing, they will go on sale to the public.This year, there are some changes in when andhow these permits will be sold. For details, seepage 8.

    Extended archery boundary changes: Threeo the extended archery hunt boundaries arechanging in 2012. Visitwildlie.utah.gov/mapstosee the updated maps and boundaries.

    Boundary changes: Some hunt boundar-

    ies have changed this year. To nd a map and

    National parks closed to hunting: All oUtahs national parks and monumentsexceptthe Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monu-mentare closed to hunting.

    Review application guidebook: I you havequestions about the 2012 big game applicationperiod, hunt drawing or limited-entry seasondates, please see the 2012 Utah Big Game Appli-

    cation Guidebook at wildlie.utah.gov/guidebooks.That guidebook was printed in December 2011and is a companion to this book.

    Guidebook corrections: I errors are oundin this guidebook ater it is printed, the Divi-sion will correct them in the online copy. Visitwildlie.utah.gov/guidebooksto view digitalversions o all the Divisions guidebooks.

    Protection rom discrimination: The Divisionreceives ederal nancial assistance rom the U.S.Fish and Wildlie Service. Under Title VI o the CivilRights Act o 1964, Section 504 o the Rehabilita-tion Act o 1973, Title II o the Americans withDisabilities Act o 1990, the Age DiscriminationAct o 1975, Title IX o the Education Amendments

    Dont lose your hunting and fshing privilegesI you commit a wildlie violation, you could lose the privilege o hunting and fshing in Utah.

    The Utah Division o Wildlie Resources can suspend the license o

    anyone who knowingly, intentionally or recklessly violates wildlie

    laws. Your license can be suspended or a wildlie violation i :

    You are convicted.

    You plead guilty or no contest.

    You enter a plea in abeyance or

    diversion agreement.

    Suspension proceedings are separate and inde-

    pendent rom criminal prosecution. The Utah Division

    o Wildlie Resources may suspend your license privileges

    whether or not the court considers suspension in yourcriminal case. You will be notifed o any action against

    your privilege ater criminal proceedings conclude. And

    remember, i your license is suspended in Utah, you

    may not be permitted to hunt or fsh in most other

    states. (Visit ianrc.orgto see a map o part icipating states.)

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    CWMU season datesThe Utah Wildlie Board has established

    timerames or hunting on Cooperative Wildlie

    Management Units (CWMUs). Hunters should

    expect to hunt at least ve days or bucks/bulls

    and two days or antlerless big game with in these


    To see the timerames and learn more about

    the CWMU program, see the article on page 26

    or visit wildlie.utah.gov/cwmu.

    Sportsman andstatewide conservationpermit season dates

    Hunt Dates

    Deer and elk on any openunit with archery equip-ment**

    Aug. 18Aug. 31

    Deer and elk on anyopen unit with any legalweapon**

    Sept. 1, 2012Jan. 15, 2013

    Pronghorn and moose onany open unit with anylegal weapon

    Sept. 1Nov. 15

    Bighorn sheep, RockyMountain goat and bisonon any open unit with anylegal weapon**

    Sept. 1Dec. 31

    Turkey on any open unit April 1May 31

    Black bear on any openunit

    During the seasondates listed in the

    2012 Utah BlackBear Guidebookor that unit

    Cougar on any open unitor any harvest-objectiveunit that has been closed

    ater meeting its objective

    During the seasondates listed in the

    20122013 Utah

    Cougar Guidebookor that unit

    ** You may not take an elk or Rocky Mountain bighornsheep on the Pilot Mountain hunting unit.

    Antelope Island is not an open unit. There are only ourpermits that authorize hunting on the island.

    Generalseason dates

    Hunt Dates

    G en era l arc her y de er A ug. 18 S ep t. 14

    General muzzleloader deer Sept. 26Oct. 4

    General any legal weapondeer

    Oct. 20Oct. 28

    General archery any bullelk

    Aug. 18Sept. 14

    General archery spike elk Aug. 18Sept. 7

    General season spike andany bull elk

    Oct. 6Oct. 18

    General muzzleloader elk Oct. 31Nov. 8

    Youth general any bull elk Sept. 15Sept. 23

    Youth late season anybull elk

    Dec. 1, 2012Jan.15, 2013


    June 1: Apply online or an antlerless

    permitStarting June 1, 2012, you can visit

    wildlie.utah.govto apply or the ollowing items:

    Antlerless hunting permits

    An antlerless moose bonus point

    Antlerless preerence points

    You can also apply by calling any Division


    June 21: Deadline or antlerless permit

    applicationsYou must apply online or by phone no laterthan June 21, 2012. Theres an 11 p.m. deadline

    or online applications and a 5 p.m. deadline

    or phone applications. To apply, simply visit

    wildlie.utah.govor call any Division ofce.

    July 10: Antlerless drawing results

    availableYoull be notied o your drawing results by

    e-mail. You can also learn your drawing results

    by visiting wildlie.utah.govor by calling 1-800-

    221-0659, starting July 10, 2012.

    In 2012, the Antlerless guidebook has

    again been split into two components: the eld

    regulations (which are in this booklet) and the

    application inormation, which is available online

    only at wildlie.utah.gov/guidebooks.

    I youre looking or the inormation you need

    in order to apply or an antlerless permit, please

    visit wildlie.utah.gov/guidebooks. There, youll

    nd application dates, rules, hunt tables, maps,

    boundaries and other essential inormation.

    I you are planning to apply or a 2012 antler-

    less permit, please be aware o the ollowingdates and deadlines.

    May 25: Review online antlerless hunt

    resourcesBeginning May 25, 2012, you can visit

    wildlie.utah.gov/guidebooksto review all o the

    application rules, hunt tables, season dates, maps,

    boundaries and other inormation youll need in

    order to apply or an antlerless permit.

    The antlerless application inormation will

    be available online onlythere will not be a

    separate printed Antlerless guidebook.

    I you do not have access to the Internet,

    please visit or call a Division ofce.

    Boundary descriptionsonline

    Looking or a map and a boundary

    description or your hunting area? Boundary

    descriptions are printed on nearly all o

    Utahs hunting permits.

    Youll also nd detailed maps and

    boundary descriptions online. Visit

    wildlie.utah.gov/mapsto download and

    print your boundaries today.

    Permit eesThe ollowing permit costs include the

    new $5 predator-control ee. For more about

    the Divisions eorts to control predators, visit


    Permit Resident Nonresident

    General deer $40 $268

    General anybull elk orspike bull elk

    $50 $393

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    MORE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNGHUNTERSI you will be 18 years o age or younger on Aug. 18, 2012 (the opening day o the general-

    season archery deer hunt), you might have some extra hunting waiting or you this all. It all

    depends on what type o general-season deer permit you obtain.

    This is a change rom previous years, whenyou could hunt multiple seasons ater obtaining a

    general-season muzzleloader permit.

    Archery permitsI you obtain a general-season archery deer

    permit, you may hunt onlyduring the general

    archery deer season and the extended archery

    deer season.

    During the general season, you may hunt in

    the unit printed on your permit.

    During the extended season, you may

    hunt in any o the ex tended archery areas ater

    completing the archery ethics course available

    at wildlie.utah.gov/extendedarchery. For more

    inormation on the extended archery hunt, see

    page 13.For more inormation, please call the nearest

    Division ofce.

    A variety o big game permits will be available

    on a rst-come, rst-served basis in July. Please

    keep in mind that you may only have one buck

    deer permit per year.

    A $5 predator-control ee has been added to

    all big game permits. To learn more about this ee

    and the predator-control program it supports, see

    the inormation box on page 20.

    You must have a valid hunting license

    or a combination license to buy one o these

    permits. A license agent list is available at

    wildlie.utah.gov/licenseagents. Beore you visit

    any o the agents, contact them to veriy their

    hours o operation.

    July 10: Remaining limited-entry per-

    mits availableAny limited-entry permits remaining ater

    the big game drawing will be available begin-

    ning July 10 at 8 a.m. You can buy permits at

    wildlie.utah.govand at license agent locations

    and Division ofces.

    July 17: General-season bull elk permitsavailable

    General-season bull elk permits may be

    purchased beginning at 8 a.m. on July 17 at

    wildlie.utah.govand rom license agents and

    Division ofces.

    July 17: Remaining antlerless permits

    availableAny antlerless permits remaining ater the

    antlerless drawing will be available begin-

    ning July 17 at 8 a.m. You can buy permits at

    wildlie.utah.govand at license agent locations

    and Division ofces.

    July 19: Remaining general-season buck

    deer permits available (archery and

    muzzleloader)Any general-season buck deer permits

    (archery and muzzleloader) remaining ater the

    drawing may be purchased beginning at 8 a.m.

    on July 19 at wildlie.utah.govand rom licenseagents and Division ofces.

    I you purchase one o the archery permits,

    you may also use it on any o the extended-

    season archery areas ater the general sea-

    son ends, as long as you rst complete the

    Divisions Archery Ethics Course, located at


    July 31: Remaining general-season

    buck deer permits available (any legal

    weapon)Any general-season buck deer permits (any

    legal weapon) remaining ater the drawing may

    be purchased beginning July 31 at 8 a.m. You can

    buy permits at wildlie.utah.govand rom license

    agents and Division ofces.

    September 17: Unsold general-season

    archery deer permits convert to muzzle-

    loader permitsI any general-season archery deer permits

    remain unsold at the end o the general archery

    season, they will convert to general-season muz-

    zleloader deer permits on Sept. 17, 2012. You can

    buy these permits, i available, atwildlie.utah.gov

    and rom license agents and Division ofces.

    MORE OPPORTUNITIES TO OBTAINPERMITSSome big game permits or the 2012 season are available online and over the counter. I youre

    interested in purchasing one o these permits, please visit wildlie.utah.gov, a license agent or a

    Division ofce on the dates listed below.

    Any legal weapon permitsI you are a youth and you obtain a general-

    season any legal weapon deer permit, you may

    use archery tackle to archery hunt the unit listed

    on your permit rom Aug. 18Sept. 14, 2012.

    I you havent harvested a deer by the time

    the archery season ends, you may hunt the same

    unit during the general muzzleloader and general

    any legal weapon deer seasons, using the ap-

    propriate equipment.

    When those seasons endi you still

    havent harvestedyou may use archery

    tackle to hunt in th e extended archery areas ater

    completing the archery ethics course available

    at wildlie.utah.gov/extendedarchery. For more

    inormation on the extended archery hunt, see

    page 13.

    Muzzleloader permitsI you obtain a general-season muzzle-

    loader deer permit, you may hunt onlyduring

    the general muzzleloader season. You must use

    muzzleloader equipment and hunt the unit listed

    on your permit. You may not hunt during the

    general archery or any legal weapon seasons.

    October 9: Unsold general-season

    muzzleloader deer permits convert to

    any legal weapon permitsI any general-season muzzleloader deer

    permits remain unsold at the end o the gen-

    eral muzzleloader season, they will convert to

    general-season any legal weapon deer permits on

    Oct. 9, 2012. You can buy these permits, i avail-

    able, at wildlie.utah.govand rom license agents

    and Division ofces.

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    CHANGES TO UTAHS DEERMANAGEMENT PLANThe Division now has more exibility in managing individual deer units.

    In May 2012, the Utah Wildlie Board ap-

    proved some changes to the Utah Deer Manage-

    ment Plan. These changes will allow the Division

    to manage the 30 new general-season deer units

    in a more customized, exible way.

    What did the Wildlie Board approve?The Wildlie Board approved a change that

    allows the Division to have dierent management

    objectives or the 30 units. Starting this year, 16o the new deer units will be managed or 1820

    bucks per 100 does. The remaining 14 units will

    be managed or 1517 bucks per 100 does.

    These numbers, also called buck-to-doe

    ratios, are important because they are the best

    way to track buck harvest levels. Right ater the

    hunts end each all, Division biologists visit dier-

    ent herds in each unit to assess their buck-to-doe


    The greater the buck-to-doe ratio, the more

    bucks a hunter is likely to see. The best way to in-

    crease the buck-to-doe ratio is to decrease harvest

    on the unit, typically by cutting the number o

    permits issued to hunters.

    Why did the Division propose two difer-

    ent objectives?In late 2011, Wildlie Board members asked

    the Division to bring back proposals that could

    allow or exibility in buck management.

    The Division looked closely at all o the deer

    units, actoring in things like access, road density

    and the amount o public land vs. private land.

    The Division also held open h ouses that gave the

    public a chance to comment.

    Some members o the public wanted more

    opportunity to hunt (more permits), and they

    urged biologists to keep the buck-to-doe ratios

    at a lower level. Other members o the public

    wanted to see more bucks on particular units,

    even i it meant a permit reduction.

    Division biologists took all o the eedback

    into account beore putting together the proposal

    that the Wildlie Board approved in May. The two

    dierent objectives are a balanced way to address

    hunters concerns about particular units, while

    maintaining biologically sound management


    You can see a list o the general-season deer

    units and their new management object ives at


    Will these changes help the deer herds?These changes to the Utah Deer Management

    Plan ocus on how buck deer are hunted, which

    has a limited eect on the overall growth o Utahs

    deer herds.

    Mule deer numbers are declining across the

    West, and Utah wildlie managers are ocused on

    restoring the states deer herds.

    Over the past six years, the Division has

    invested tens o millions o dollars to implement

    a variety o measures that can help our struggling

    herds. These measures include restoring deer

    habitat, increasing predator control, reduc-

    ing highway mortality, stopping poachers andperorming valuable research.

    For details on this comprehensive eort, visit


    Changes to WalkinAccess ProgramUtah Admin. Rule R657-56-13

    I you enjoy using Utahs Walk-in Access

    (WIA) program, please keep in mind that

    there will be a ew changes to the program

    this year. The main change is that i you are

    14 years old or older, you must obtain a WIA

    authorization number in order to access any

    WIA properties.

    The Division will use the authorization

    numbers to track whos using WIA proper-ties throughout the year and to assess the

    programs value to the public.

    To obtain your ree authorization

    number, visit wildlie.utah.gov/walkinaccess

    and click th e Authorization number link

    at the top right o the page. Follow the

    instructions and obtain your number. Later

    this year, you will also be able to request a

    number over the phone.

    To advertise these changes, the Division

    is planning to issue a press release, post

    signs at WIA properties and make additional

    inormation available on the WIA website.

    Please visit wildlie.utah.gov/walkinaccess

    this summer or the latest inormation.

    Poachingreportedreward permitsUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-22

    It pays to report poachers in Utah.

    I you provide inormation that leads to

    the successul prosecution o another person

    or the wanton destruction (poaching) o

    any big game specieson any once-in-a-

    lietime or limited-entry hunt area in the

    stateyou may receive a permit to hunt

    the same species on the same area where

    the violation occurred.

    To learn more, please see Utah Admin.Rule R657-5-22 at wildlie.utah.gov/rules.

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    I you obtained a general archery buck deer

    permit, the only other deer permit you can obtain

    is an antlerless deer permit. Please see page 23

    or more inormation on antlerless deer hunts.

    Extended archeryI you havent taken a deer by the time the

    general archery season ends, you can continueyour archery hunting in the states extended

    archery areas.

    In the Wasatch Front and Uintah Basin

    extended archery areas, you may use archery

    equipment to take a deer o either sex rom Sept.

    15Nov. 30. From Dec. 1Dec. 15, only antlerless

    deer may be taken.

    In the Ogden Extended Archery Area, you may

    use archery equipment to take a buck deer only

    rom Sept. 15Nov. 30.

    Beore hunting any o the extended archery

    areas, you must complete the Divisions Archery

    Ethics Course. Please see the Archery Ethics Course

    box below or more inormation.

    Buck deer hunting

    Utah has three general buck deer hunts:

    Archery hunt

    Muzzleloader hunt

    Any legal weapon (rie) hunt

    Please seewildlie.utah.gov/mapsor all hunt


    General archery buck deerhuntUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-23

    Utahs general archery buck deer hunt runs

    rom Aug. 18 to Sept. 14.

    I you obtained a general archery buck deer

    permit, you may use archery equipment to take

    one buck deer in the hunting unit listed on your


    During the general archery season, you may

    only hunt in the unit listed on your permit. You

    may not hunt within deer CWMUs, premium limit-

    ed-entry deer units or limited-entry deer units.

    Archery Ethics CourseBeore hunting on any o Utahs extend-

    ed archery areas, you must complete the

    Divisions Archery Ethics Course. The course

    is available online at wildlie.utah.gov, and

    it takes about 30 minutes to complete. You

    must complete the course each year beore

    hunting on the extended archery areas.

    Ater completing the course, you must

    carry your Archery Ethics Course certicate

    o completion with you while youre hunt-


    A buck deer is a deer with antlers that are longer thanfve inches (R657-5-2(2)(e)).

    BIG GAME HUNTSUtah oers several dierent big game hunts each year. Depending on the permit you obtain,

    you could hunt deer, elk, pronghorn, bison, bighorn sheep, moose or Rocky Mountain goat. The

    ollowing section describes the species you can hunt, the weapons you can use and the types o

    permits that are available.

    Chronic wasting disease (CWD) is a relatively

    rare disease that attacks the nervous system and

    brain o inected deer, elk and moose.

    The Division has been monitoring or CWD

    since 1998. Over the past 14 years, only 54 mule

    deer and one elk have tested positive or CWD in


    The rst positive mule deer in Utah was

    identied in 2002 as a result o a Division testing

    eort near Vernal. Since that time, CWD has also

    been ound on the La Sal Mountains near Moab,

    on the San Juan Mountains near Monticello, andin central Utah near Fountain Green.

    In these areas (and a ew others), Division

    biologists collect samples rom harvested deer

    and elk during the all hunts. When you stop at

    a checkstation in a CWD-sampling area, a biolo-

    gist may take a sample rom the head o your

    harvested animal and send it to the lab or CWD


    I your deer or elk is tested by t he Divi-

    sion, you can nd the results online at

    wildlie.utah.gov/cwdtestingwithin six to eight

    weeks. I your animal tests positive or CWD, the

    Division will contact you directly.

    To learn more about CWD, the testing process

    and precautions you can take, please visit



    Leadree ammunitionhelps wild condors

    In 2012, the Division will oer a ree box

    o lead-ree ammunition to hunters who

    have permits or buck deer or antlerless elk

    on the Zion unit. By using this ammunition

    in the eld, hunters can help limit lead

    exposure in wild Caliornia condors that live

    and orage in southern Utah.

    Condors are native to Utah, and their

    diet consists o large dead mammals,including the gut piles and other remains o

    harvested deer and elk. As a result, condors

    consume lead bullet ragments that can poi-

    son them and sometimes cause atalities.

    I you have obtained an any legal

    weapon permit or the Zion unit, the Divi-

    sion will contact you with additional details

    about this oer beore the hunting season


    The Division encourages all eligible

    hunters to participate in the program and

    to help Utahs condor population continue

    its recovery.

    If you want to hunt it tomorrow,

    help us protect it today.

    Turn In a Poacher


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    CWMU buck deer huntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-37

    Cooperative Wildlie Management Units (CW-

    MUs) are private lands that the landowners have

    opened to a small number o public and private

    hunters. To learn more about hunting buck deer

    on CWMUs, read the article on page 26 and visit


    Management buck deerhuntUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-46

    A management buck is a buck deer with 3

    points or less on at least one antler, above and

    including the rst ork, but not including the eye

    guard. The eye guard does not count as a point. A

    point is a projection thats longer than one inc h,

    measured rom its base to its tip, including dam-

    aged or broken antlers.

    Management buck deer permits were avail-

    able through the Divisions big game drawing.

    I you were successul in the drawing, you

    must complete an online orientation course

    beore you will receive your permit. This

    course is also open to anyone who wants to

    learn more about what a management buck

    looks like. To take the online course, visit


    A management buck deer permit allows you

    to take one management buck deer during theseason. You may use any legal weapon to hunt on

    the area specied on your permit.

    I you participate in this hunt, you may not

    hunt in the ollowing areas:

    Deer CWMUs

    Areas with special restrictions (see

    page 33)

    Ater taking your buck deer, you must bring

    its head and antlers to a Division ofce or inspec-

    tion no later than 72 hours ater the date o kill.

    Important: I you obtain a managementbuck deer permit, you will lose your bonus points

    and incur a waiting period o t wo years. The only

    other deer permit you can obtain is an antler-

    less deer permit. Please see page 23 or more

    inormation on antlerless deer hunts.

    Why a management buck deer hunt?

    Removing excess bucks on the Paunsauguntand Henry Mountains limited-entry unitswhile

    protecting the larger bucks in the herdsis the

    goal o the management buck deer hunt.

    These two units have high buck-to-doe ratios.

    Harvesting smaller-antlered bucks will preserve

    trophy-class bucks and provide more room or

    does. Having more does in the herds will result in

    more awns being born. Having more awns will

    help ensure that these herds remain strong and

    healthy into the uture.

    Hunter orangeUtah Code 23-20-31

    You must obey Utahs hunter orange regula-

    tion (see page 30) i a centerre rie hunt

    is happening in the area where youre archery

    hunting. This does not include hunts or once-in-

    a-lietime species.

    General muzzleloader buckdeer huntUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-25

    Utahs general muzzleloader buck deer hunt

    runs rom Sept. 26 to Oct. 4.

    I you obtained a general muzzleloader buck

    permit, you may use a muzzleloader to take

    one buck deer in the hunting unit listed on your


    I you participate in this hunt, you may not

    hunt in any o the ollowing areas:

    Salt Lake County, south o I-80 and

    east o I-15 (see map online at


    Deer CWMUs

    Premium limited-entry deer units

    Limited-entry deer units

    Areas with special restrictions (see

    page 33)

    I you obtained a general muzzleloader buck

    deer permit, the only other deer permit you can

    obtain is an antlerless deer permit. Please seepage 23 or more inormation on antlerless

    deer hunts.

    Hunter orangeUtah Code 23-20-31

    You must obey Utahs hunter orange regula-

    tion (see page 30) i a centerre rie hunt is

    happening in the area where youre muzzleloader

    hunting. This does not include hunts or once-in-

    a-lietime species.

    General any legal weapon(rie) buck deer huntUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-24

    The general any legal weapon (rie) buck deer

    hunt runs rom Oct. 20 to Oct. 28.

    I you obtained a general any legal weapon

    buck permit, you may use any legal weapon to

    take one buck deer in the hunting unit listed on

    your permit.

    I you participate in this hunt, you may not

    hunt in any o the ollowing areas:

    Salt Lake County, south o I-80 and

    east o I-15 (see map online at


    Deer CWMUs

    Premium limited-entry deer units

    Limited-entry deer units

    Areas with special restrictions (see

    page 33)I you obtained a general any legal weapon

    buck deer permit, the only other deer permit you

    can obtain is an antlerless deer permit. Please

    see page 23 or more inormation on antlerless

    deer hunts.

    Limitedentry buck deerhuntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-40

    Utahs premium limited-entry and limited-

    entry deer units are managed or older, bigger


    A premium limited-entry buck deer permit al-

    lows you to hunt on one o the best limited-entry

    buck deer units in Utahthe Paunsaugunt unit

    or the Henry Mountains unit.A limited-entry buck deer permit al lows you

    to hunt on a high-quality unit that is not open to

    general-season buck deer hunters.

    I you obtained a limited-entry buck deer

    permit, you may use the weapon listed on your

    permit to take one buck deer within the area and

    the season specied on your permit. You may NOT

    hunt within deer CWMUs.

    I you obtained a limited-entry buck deer

    permit, the only other deer permit you can obtain

    is an antlerless deer permit. Please see page 23

    or more inormation on antlerless deer hunts.

    Mandatory reportingI you obtained a premium limited-en-

    try, limited-entry, management buck deer,

    CWMU, conservation, sportsman, conven-

    tion or once-in-a-lietime permit, you must

    complete a harvest survey questionnaire

    within 30 days ater your hunt ends. This

    inormation is required even i you didnt

    harvest an animal.

    I you harvested an animal, this is an

    ideal time to return your tooth packet.

    Returning your tooth packet does not ulll

    the harvest survey requirement.You can report inormation about your

    hunt at wildlie.utah.gov/harvestreportingor

    by calling 1-800-221-0659.

    Reporting your hunt inormation is

    important. I you dont report your hunt

    inormation within 30 days o the end o the

    hunt, you wont be allowed to apply or a

    once-in-a-lietime, premium limited-entry,

    limited-entry, management buck deer or

    CWMU permits, or bonus points in 2013.

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    Youth bull elk huntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-31

    I youll be 18 years o age or younger on

    Sept. 15, 2012, you may be eligible to participate

    in one o the states youth elk hunts. Remember,

    you cannot hunt until you are 12 years old.

    Utah oers two youth bull elk hunts:

    The youth general any bull elk hunt runs

    rom Sept. 15 to Sept. 23 on general any

    bull elk units across Utah. I you obtained a

    permit or this hunt, you may use any legal

    weapon to take a bull elk o any size

    including a spike bullon any general

    season any bull elk unit in Utah. You mayNOT hunt on a spike bull elk unit.

    The late season youth any bull elk hunt

    runs rom Dec. 1, 2012 to Jan. 15, 2013 on

    a portion o the South Slope, Bonanza any

    bull elk unit in northeastern Utah (please

    visit wildlie.utah.gov/mapsor a boundary

    description). I you obtained a permit or

    this hunt, you may use any legal weapon

    to take a bull elk o any sizeincluding a

    spike bullwithin the hunt boundaries.

    I you participate in this hunt, you may not

    hunt in any o the ollowing areas:

    Salt Lake County, south o I-80 and

    east o I-15 (see a map online at


    Elk CWMUsAreas with special restrictions (see

    page 33)

    You may obtain only one youth any bull elk

    permit in your lietime, and preerence points do

    not apply to this hunt.

    I you obtain a youth any bull elk permit, the

    only other elk permit you can obtain is an antler-

    less elk permit. Please see page 24 or more

    inormation on antlerless hunts.

    Limitedentry bull elk huntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-32

    Utahs premium limited-entry and limited-

    entry elk permits are among the states most

    prized big game permits.

    A premium limited-entry bull elk permit

    allows you to hunt all o the limited-entry bull

    elk seasons (archery, muzzleloader and rie);

    however, you must use the weapon appropriate

    or your season. You may not hunt on elk CWMUs.

    A limited-entry bull elk permit allows you to

    use the weapon listed on your permit to t ake one

    bull elk o any size within the area and season

    specied on your permit. You may not hunt on elk


    I you obtained a premium limited-entry or

    limited-entry bull elk permit, the only other elk

    permit you can obtain is an antlerless elk permit.

    Please see page 24 or more inormation onantlerless hunts.

    CWMU bull elk huntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-37

    Cooperative Wildlie Management Units

    (CWMUs) are private lands that the landowners

    have opened to a small number o public and

    private hunters. To learn more about hunting bull

    elk on CWMUs, read the article on page 26 and

    visit wildlie.utah.gov/cwmu.

    General muzzleloader elkhuntUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-33

    The general muzzleloader elk hunt runs

    rom Oct. 31 to Nov. 8 within the general-season

    elk units.

    I you participate in this hunt, you may not

    hunt in any o the ollowing areas:

    Salt Lake County, south o I-80 and

    east o I-15 (see map online at


    Elk CWMUs

    Areas with special restrictions (see

    page 33)To hunt during the general muzzleloader elk

    season, you must obtain either a muzzleloader

    spike bull elk permit or a muzzleloader any bull

    elk permit.

    I you obtain a muzzleloader spike bull elk

    permit, you may use a muzzleloader to take a

    spike bull elk on a general spike bull elk unit. You

    may NOT hunt on the any bull elk units.

    I you obtain a muzzleloader any bull elk

    permit, you may use a muzzleloader to take a bull

    elk o any size, including a spike bull, on a general

    muzzleloader any bull elk unit. You may NOT hunt

    on spike bull elk units.

    Please see the general bull elk hunt reerence

    map on page 46 and the boundary descriptions

    at wildlie.utah.gov/mapsto learn where spikebull units and any bull elk units are located in

    the state.

    I you obtain a general muzzleloader bull

    elk permit, the only other elk permit you can

    obtain is an antlerless elk permit. Please see page

    24 or more inormation on antlerless hunts.

    Hunter orangeUtah Code 23-20-31

    You must obey Utahs hunter orange regula-

    tion (see page 30) i a centerre rie hunt is

    happening in the area where youre muzzleloader

    hunting. This does not include hunts or once-in-

    a-lietime species.

    Avoid harvestingcollared wildlie

    The Division has placed radio and GPS

    collars on bighorn sheep, bison, deer, elk

    and pronghorn in various areas across the

    state. The Division is monitoring these

    animals in a handul o ongoing studies. I

    possible, please avoid harvesting a collared

    animal. It is an expensive and time-

    consuming process to capture and collar

    replacement animals.

    I you do harvest a collared animal,

    please contact your local Division ofce andreturn the collar.

    Multiple elk permitsUtah Admin. Rule R657-62-19, 23-19-22, R657-5-34

    You may obtain a maximum o two elk

    permits each yearprovided one or both

    o the permits are antlerlessbut you

    can only apply or or obtain one antlerless

    elk permit in the drawing. You may obtain

    two elk permits in any one o the ollowing


    One bull elk permit and one antlerless


    One bull elk permit and one antlerless

    elk-control permit (see page 24)Two antlerless permits

    One hunters choice permit and one

    antlerless permit

    For the purposes o obtaining two elk

    permits, a hunters choice elk permit is

    considered a bull elk permit. Likewise, a

    general-season archery elk permit is also

    considered a bull elk permit. An antlerless

    elk-control permit is considered an antler-

    less permit.

    Starting this year, i you obtain two ant-

    lerless elk permits or the same areabut

    the permits are or dierent seasonsyou

    may harvest both elk during the same


    And dont orget: you may harvest anantlerless elk while hunting general-season

    buck deer or bull elk, as long as your permits

    are or the same area.

    Beginning July 17, 2012, eligible hunt-

    ers may purchase additional antlerless elk

    permits ater the drawing. The permits will

    be available on a rst-come, rst-served

    basis at wildlie.utah.govand rom license

    agents and Division ofces.

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    Bison huntingUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-38

    To hunt bison, you must possess a bison


    Your bison permit allows you to use any legal

    weapon to take one bison within the area and the

    season specied on your permit. You may obtain a

    bison permit through the big game drawing only

    once in your lietime.

    I you obtained a hunters choice permit, you

    may take a bison o either sex. I you obtained a

    cow bison permit, you may take only a cow bison.

    I you obtained a bison permit, you may not

    obtain any other bison permit.You may obtain a bison permit through the

    big game drawing only once in your lietime. See

    page 17 in the2012 Utah Big Game Application

    Guidebookor inormation about waiting periods

    and once-in-a-lietime hunts.

    Henry MountainsI you drew a Henry Mountains cow bison

    permit, you must complete the online orienta-

    tion course located atwildlie.utah.gov/biggame.

    Youll receive your permit ater you successully

    complete the course.

    ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME HUNTSAll o Utahs bison, bull moose, bighorn sheep and Rocky Mountain goat permits are considered

    once-in-a-lietime permits. Thats because you can draw a permit or each o these species o nly

    once in your lietime.

    Antelope IslandI you drew an Antelope Island bison permit,

    you may be required to complete a course beore

    you can hunt.

    Beore the hunt begins, the Division o Parks

    and Recreation will notiy you about the date,

    time and location o the course. Youll receive your

    permit ater you successully complete the course.

    Because the Antelope Island hunt is adminis-tered by the Division o Parks and Recreation, your

    hunt will include some extra park-related ees. For

    more inormation, please call 801-209-4678.

    Bull moose huntingUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-37

    To hunt bull moose, you must possess a bull

    moose permit. I you obtained a bull moose per-

    mit, you may not obtain any other moose permit.

    Your bull moose permit allows you to use

    any legal weapon to take one bull moose on

    the limited-entry unit and during the season

    specied on your permit. You may not hunt on

    moose CWMUs.

    CWMU bull moose huntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-37

    Cooperative Wildlie Management Units (CW-

    MUs) are private lands that the landowners have

    A bull moose is a moose that has antlers that are longerthan its ears (R657-5-2(2)(h)).

    Buck pronghornhuntingUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-34

    To hunt buck pronghorn, you must possess

    a buck pronghorn permit. I you obtain a buck

    pronghorn permit, you may not obtain any other

    pronghorn permit.

    A pronghorn permit allows you to use any

    legal weapon to take one buck pronghorn within

    the area and season specied on your permit. You

    may not hunt on buck pronghorn C WMUs.

    A note about the archery hunt: Only archery

    equipment may be used during the buck

    pronghorn archery hunt. I youd like to hunt rom

    a blind, please contact the public agency that

    manages the land youll be hunting on to learn

    about their regulations that must be ollowed to

    construct a blind.

    CWMU buck pronghorn

    huntsUtah Admin. Rule R657-37Cooperative Wildlie Management Units

    (CWMUs) are private lands that the landowners

    have opened to a small number o public and

    private hunters. To learn more about hunting

    buck pronghorn on CWMUs, read the article on

    page 26 and visitwildlie.utah.gov/cwmu.

    Buck pronghorn means a pronghorn with horns thatare longer than fve inches (R657-5-2(2)()).

    New ee or predatorcontrol

    In 2012, the Utah Legislature passed a

    new law that adds a $5 predator-control

    ee to all Utah big game hunting permits.

    The money will und a program to limit the

    numbers o coyotes and other predators.The $5 ee or predator control will be

    added to all big game permits, starting with

    the 2012 antlerless permits and any remain-

    ing big game permits sold ater July 1, 2012.

    For the latest details on the new

    predator-control program, and how you can

    participate, visit wildlie.utah.gov/predators.

    Depredation huntsWhen big game animals cause damage

    to agricultural crops, the Division may hold

    hunts that are not listed in this guide. These

    hunts are called depredation hunts. They

    may occur on short notice, involve small

    areas and are oten limited to only a ewhunters.

    To apply or the depredation hunter

    pool, complete and submit an online ap-

    plication at wildlie.utah.gov/depredation.

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    with you that has a minimum o 15 power.

    I you obtained a hunters choice permit,

    you can take either a male or a emale goat,

    but the Division encourages you to take a

    mature goat. A mature goat is a goat thats

    older than two years old. Ater youve taken

    your goat, you can determine its age by

    counting the number o annual rings on its


    A goats pelage may be higher in quality

    later in the hunting season.

    Antlerless deer huntingUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-27

    To hunt antlerless deer, you must possess an

    antlerless deer permit. This permit allows you to

    use a legal weapon to take one antlerless deer

    per antlerless deer tagin the area and season

    specied on your permit.

    You may not hunt on a Cooperative Wildlie

    Management Unit (CWMU) unless you obtain an

    antlerless deer permit or that CWMU.

    I you obtain an antlerless deer permit, you

    may not hunt during any other antlerless deer

    hunt or obtain any other antlerless deer permit.

    Additional opportunityThere is some exibility i you are an antlerless

    deer permit holder who also possesses a permit to

    hunt any one o the ollowing seasons:

    General archery buck deerGeneral muzzleloader buck deer

    ANTLERLESS HUNTSUtah oers antlerless hunts each year. These hunts serve two purposes: they help ensure that

    populations remain at sustainable, manageable levels, and they remove animals that pose

    depredation problems. Depending on the permit you obtain, you could hunt antlerless deer or

    elk, or doe pronghorn. The ollowing section describes the species you can hunt, the weapons

    you can use and the types o permits that are available.

    I you drew a emale Rocky Mountain goat

    permit, you must complete the online orienta-

    tion course located atwildlie.utah.gov/biggame.

    Youll receive your permit ater you successully

    complete the course.

    Beore you head into the eld, please review

    the ollowing inormation:

    Rocky Mountain goats live in very

    rugged terrain. That makes this hunt

    extremely strenuous, and youll want to

    prepare accordingly.

    While hunting Rocky Mountain goats,

    please make sure you have a spotting scope

    An antlerless deer is a deer without antlers or withantlers fve inches or shorter (R657-5-2(2)(a)).

    opened to a small number o public and private

    hunters. To learn more about hunting bull moose

    on CWMUs, read the article on page 26 and visit


    Desert bighorn andRocky Mountainbighorn sheep huntingUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-39

    To hunt desert bighorn sheep or Rocky Moun-

    tain bighorn sheep, you must possess a permit or

    the species you wish to hunt (i.e., a desert bighorn

    sheep permit to hunt desert bighorn sheep, or a

    Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit to hunt

    Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep).

    Desert bighorn sheep hunts and Rocky

    Mountain bighorn sheep hunts are consideredseparate once-in-a-lietime hunts. For example,

    i you obtain a desert bighorn sheep permit, and

    youve never obtained a Rocky Mountain bighorn

    sheep permit beore, you can continue applying

    or a Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep permit the

    ollowing year.

    Please remember that you may not obtain

    more than one bighorn sheep permit per year. For

    example, you may not obtain both a desert big-

    horn sheep permit and a Rocky Mountain bighorn

    sheep permit in the same season.

    A bighorn sheep permit allows you to use any

    legal weapon to take one ram within t he area and

    the season specied on your permit.

    Reminders and advice:

    Bighorn sheep live in very rugged terrain.

    That makes this hunt extremely strenuous.

    While hunting bighorn sheep, please make

    sure you have a spotting scope with you

    that has a minimum o 15 power. Any ram

    is legal to take, but the Division encourages

    you to take a mature ram.

    Many o the desert and Rocky Mountain

    bighorn sheep in Utah have radio collars.

    Please avoid taking a bighorn sheep thats

    wearing a radio collar.

    Ater taking your ram, you must bring its

    horns to a Division ofce within 72 hours oleaving your hunting area. When you come

    to the ofce, a Division sta person will

    permanently afx a numbered plug to the

    horn. This plug certies that the sheep was

    taken legally.

    Rocky Mountain goathuntingUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-40

    To hunt Rocky Mountain goats, you must pos-

    sess a Rocky Mountain goat permit.

    Your Rocky Mountain goat permit allows you

    to use any legal weapon to take one R ocky Moun-

    tain goat within the area and t he season specied

    on your permit. You may obtain a Rocky Mountain

    goat permit through the big game drawing only

    once in your lietime.

    I you obtained a hunters choice permit, you

    may take a goat o either sex. I you obtained a

    emale goat permit, you may take only a emale


    A ram is a male desert bighorn sheep or a male RockyMountain bighorn sheep (R657-5-2(2)(q)).

    Antlerless season datesonline

    To review the 2012 antlerless season

    datesas well as inormation about

    antlerless hunting options, permit numbers,

    application dates, maps and hunt boundar-

    iesvisit wildlie.utah.gov/guidebooks.

    These tools and resources will be available

    online by May 25, a week beore the antler-

    less application period begins on June 1.

    For more inormation on the antlerless

    application period, see page 7.

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    Additional opportunityThere is some exibility i you are an antlerless

    elk permit holder who also possesses a permit to

    hunt any one o the ollowing s easons:

    General buck deer (archery, muzzleloader or

    any legal weapon)

    General bull elk (archery, muzzleloader or

    any legal weapon)

    Limited-entry buck deer (archery, muzzle-

    loader or any legal weapon)

    Limited-entry bull elk (archery, muzzle-

    loader or any legal weapon)

    Antlerless elk

    I your buck deer or bull elk permit and yourantlerless elk permit are or the same area, you

    may use your antlerless elk permit during your

    buck deer or bull elk season. However, you may

    not use your buck deer or bull elk permit during

    the antlerless season, unless t he seasons overlap.

    I you obtain two antlerless elk permits or

    the same areabut the permits are or dierent

    seasonsyou may harvest both elk during the

    same season.

    Doe pronghorn huntingUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-35

    To hunt a doe pronghorn, you must possess a

    doe pronghorn permit. This permit allows you to

    use a legal weapon to take one doe pronghorn in

    the area and season specied on your permit.

    I you already have a 2012 pronghorn permit,

    you may not apply or or obtain a doe pronghorn

    permit or preerence point.

    You may not hunt on a Cooperative Wildlie

    Management Unit (CWMU) unless you obtain a

    doe pronghorn permit or that CWMU.

    Note: You may only obtain one pronghornpermito any kindduring the 2012 season.

    Antlerless moosehuntingUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-36

    To hunt antlerless moose, you must possess

    an antlerless moose permit. This year, because o

    recent declines in moose populations, there will

    not be any antlerless moose permits.

    Note: You may only obtain one moose per-mito any kindduring the 2012 season.

    Report your harvestI you obtain an antlerless permit this

    year, dont orget to complete a harvest

    report ater your hunt ends.

    Visit wildlie.utah.gov/harvestreporting

    and click the Report your harvest button at

    the top o the page. Then, you can log in and

    complete your harvest report.

    I you preer to complete your harvest

    report over the phone, call 1-800-221-0659.

    The line is staed 24 hours per day, seven

    days a week.

    An antlerless moose is a moose without antlers or withantlers shorter than its ears (R657-5-2(2)(c)).

    appropriate archery or muzzleloader equipment

    specied or your current hunting seasonyou

    may use your antlerless permit during the buck

    deer season. However, you may not use your buck

    deer permit during the antlerless season.

    Antlerless elk huntingUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-33

    To hunt antlerless elk, you must possess an

    antlerless elk permit. This permit allows you to

    use a legal weapon to take one antlerless elk in

    the area and season specied on your permit.

    You may not hunt on a Cooperative Wildlie

    Management Unit (CWMU) unless you obtain anantlerless elk permit or that CWMU.

    You may obtain two elk permits each year.

    At least one o them must be an antlerless elk

    permit. I you plan to obtain two elk permits,

    please note that a hunters choice elk permit is

    considered a bull elk permit. Likewise, a general-

    season archery elk permit is also considered a bull

    elk permit. You may apply or only one antlerless

    elk permit in the antlerless drawing.

    I you do not obtain an antlerless elk permit in

    the drawing, you may be eligible to purchase up

    to two remaining antlerless elk permits.

    Limited-entry archery buck deer

    Limited-entry muzzleloader buck deer

    I your buck deer permit and antlerless deer

    permit are or the same areaand you use the

    An antlerless elk is an elk without antlers or withantlers fve inches or shorter (R657-5-2(2)(b)).

    Elkcontrol permitsavailableUtah Admin. Rule R657-5-33

    During the 2012 season, the Division

    wants hunters to harvest as many antlerless

    elk as possible rom eight o Utahs hunting


    Chalk Creek

    East Canyon

    Henry Mountains

    Morgan-South Rich

    Nine Mile, Range Creek

    San Juan, East o US-191

    San Raael, North

    South Slope, Yellowstone

    I you obtained a permit (including

    general season) to harvest a buck, bull or

    once-in-a-lietime species on any o the

    above units (not including CWMUs), you

    have the option o purchasing an antlerless

    elk-control permit.

    The elk-control permit allows you to

    harvest an antlerless elk in the same unit

    where youll already be hunting an antleredbig game animal. You may hunt the antler-

    less elk only during the season datesand

    with the same weaponlisted on your

    buck, bull or once-in-a-lietime permit.

    I you will be hunting buck deer and

    antlerless elk at the same time, please visit

    wildlie.utah.gov/mapsto veriy your bound-

    aries or the elk portion o the hunt. In

    some areas (such as Nine Mile, R ange Creek;

    San Juan, East o US-191; and San Raael,

    North), you may only hunt antlerless elk on

    part o the unit.

    To obtain an antlerless elk-control

    permit, please visit a license agent or any

    Division ofce, beginning July 17, 2012.

    A doe pronghorn is a pronghorn without horns or withhorns fve inches or shorter (R657-5-2(2)(j)).

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    Some deer and elk CWMUs have hunting

    seasons outside o these timerames. For more

    inormation, visit wildlie.utah.gov/CWMU.

    Reporting your harvestsuccess

    I you obtain a CWMU permit, you must report

    inormation about your hunt within 30 days ater

    it ends. Please see page 15 or more inorma-

    tion about this important requirement.

    Complaint processI you wish to lodge a complaint against a

    CWMU, you should contact the Division o Wildlie

    Resources immediately. Biologists and conserva-

    tion ofcers can supply you with a complaint

    orm, or you can make the complaint in person or

    over the telephone. You and the operator should

    make every eort to resolve your issues beore

    they escalate to the Division level.

    I your problem cannot be resolved locally, it

    may be passed on to a C WMU Advisory Committee

    or review and possible action.

    Learn moreTo learn more about the CWMU program

    or to view maps o CWMU properties, visit


    include: no preseason scouting; checking

    into and out o the unit daily; limited

    vehicle access; no overnight camping; a

    marksmanship test; and limiting the num-

    ber o hunting companions. I you ail to

    abide by these rules, you might be asked to

    leave the CWMU. You can also review these

    rules online atwildlie.utah.gov/cwmu.

    Season datesThe Utah Wildlie Board has established time-

    rames or hunting on CWMUs (see chart below).

    Within these timerames, hunters should expect

    to hunt at least ve days or bucks/bulls and two

    days or antlerless big game.

    The CWMU operator may also allow you to

    hunt additional days within the listed timerames.

    Beore you apply or a CWMU permit, contact

    the operator to obtain general inormation about

    hunt dates, permitted weapons and other rules. I

    you draw a permit, you must contact the CWMU

    operator to conrm your season dates.

    Hunt Dates

    Archery buck deer Aug. 18, 2012Oct. 31, 2012

    Any legal weapon buckdeer and bull elk

    Sept. 1, 2012Oct. 31, 2012

    Muzzleloader buck deer Sept. 1, 2012

    Oct. 31, 2012Antlerless deer Aug. 15, 2012

    Dec. 31, 2012

    Archery bull elk Aug. 18, 2012Oct. 31, 2012

    Any legal weapon bull elk Sept. 1, 2012Oct. 31, 2012

    Mu zz le lo ade r b ul l e lk S ep t. 1, 20 12 Nov. 11, 2012

    Antlerless elk Aug. 15, 2012Jan. 31, 2013

    Buck and doe pronghorn Sept. 1, 2012Oct. 31, 2012

    Bull moose Sept. 1, 2012Oct. 31, 2012

    CWMU Front Desk

    Division o Wildlie Resources

    P.O. Box 146301

    Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-6301

    (Please allow 10 to 14 days or processing.)

    You can also redeem the voucher at any

    Division ofce.

    I you obtain a CWMU permit, you may hunt

    only on the CWMU thats specied on your permit.

    You may take only one animal o the species andsex listed on the permit. Youll also incur a waiting

    period or the species you obtained a permit or.

    (Please see page 16 in the 2012 Utah Big Game

    Application Guidebookor more inormation about

    waiting periods.)

    You may not obtain more than one

    pronghorn, one moose, one buck deer or one

    bull elk permit in a year. But you can obtain an

    antlerless deer or antlerless elk permit. More

    inormation about antlerless permits is available

    on page 23.

    How to participateI you draw a permit to hunt a C WMU, you

    must contact the CWMU operator to obtain

    the ollowing:The dates youll be allowed to hunt within

    the legal CWMU hunting season ramework.

    Both you and the operator must schedule

    around each o your individual needs

    please be realistic and patient.

    A map o the CWMU showing access

    points and the acreage youll be allowed

    to hunt. The CWMU should provide the

    same amount o acreage to both public and

    private hunters. I you eel that you havent

    received equal treatment, please contact

    your regional Division ofce.

    A copy o the CWMUs rules. CWMUs are

    allowed to develop rules o conduct or

    their unit. Examples o these rules may


    More than 60 percent o the rangelands that

    Utahs big game animals rely on in the winter

    are on private land. Utahs Cooperative Wildlie

    Management Unit (CWMU) program works with

    landowners to preserve these lands and to make

    them good habitat or wildlie .

    How the program worksThe CWMU program provides landowners

    with an economic incentive to keep their privaterange and orest lands as wildlie habitat instead

    o developing them.

    CWMUs comprise more than two million acres

    o land in Utah. Theyll provide more than 5,000

    big game and antlerless hunting permits in 2012.

    About 17 percent o those permits are available to

    the general public through the states big game


    Hunting on CWMUs provides both public and

    private hunters with several advantages. Among

    those advantages are a better chance to take an

    animal and ewer hunters to compete with.

    Obtaining a CWMU permitI youre a Utah resident, there are two ways

    to obtain a CWMU permit: you can apply or onein the states public drawing, or you can obtain a

    permit voucher rom the landowner or operator o

    the CWMU you want to hunt.

    CWMU landowner association members and

    operatorsand their spouses and dependent

    childrencannot apply or CWMU permits in the

    public drawing.

    I youre not a resident o Utah, you cannot ap-

    ply or a CWMU permit in the public drawing. You

    can, however, obtain a permit voucher directly

    rom the CWMU landowner or operator.

    I you obtain a CWMU voucher, you can

    redeem the voucher or a permit by mailing the

    voucher to:

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    cate. The validated certicate serves as

    your hunting license.

    Both the registration certicate and the cor-

    responding hunting license are valid or 365 days

    rom the date o purchase. Note: Your hunting

    license is not valid until you complete the hunter

    education course.

    With a valid hunting license, you can also

    apply or or obtain permits in the Divisions hunt

    drawings. In order to maximize your hunting op-

    portunities, you should register or and complete

    the hunter education course as soon as possible

    ater purchasing your registration certicate.

    Ater completing the course, you will receiveyour ofcial hunter education card (commonly

    known as the blue card) by mail. It will be

    sent to the address listed on your registration

    certicate. This card certies that you passed

    hunter education.

    You should also keep the ollowing in mind:

    Hunters under the age o 16 must be accom-

    panied by an adult while hunting.

    Regardless o when a student graduates, all

    hunting regulations (such as season dates

    and bag limits) will apply.

    Students who are planning to hunt out o

    state should allow enough time or their

    hunter education card to arrive in the mail.

    You can see a list o hunter education

    courses atwildlie.utah.gov/huntereducation. Youcan also contact your local Division ofce or call


    New to Utah?I you become a Utah resident, and youve

    completed a hunter education course in another

    state, province or country, you must obtain a

    blue card beore you can buy a resident hunting

    license. You can obtain a Utah blue card at any

    Division ofce by providing proo that youve

    completed a hunter education course approved by

    the Division. The card costs $10.

    Do you have a license?Utah Code 23-19-1, 23-19-22 and 23-20-3

    You must have a current Utah hunting or

    combination (hunting and shing) license beore

    you can apply or any big game permits, bonus

    points or preerence points. Licenses are available

    at wildlie.utah.govand rom license agents and

    Division ofces.

    As long as your license was valid on the date

    you submitted your application, you dont have to

    purchase a new license or the actual hunt.

    For example, assume that your license expires

    on June 25, 2012. I you applied on February 26,

    2012, you do not have to purchase a new licenseor your hunt in the all. All hunting and combina-

    tion licenses are valid or 365 days rom the date

    o purchase.

    Carry your permitI you are successul in obtaining a big game

    permit, you musthave it on your person while

    hunting. You cannot alter your license or permit,

    nor can you sell, transer or loan either o them to

    another person.

    BASIC REQUIREMENTSAre you planning to hunt big game in Utah this year? Beore you head into the eld, make sure

    you meet Utahs age, hunter education and license requirements.

    I youre 13 years ol dand youll be 14 by

    Dec. 31, 2012you can also apply or limited-

    entry or CWMU permits in the public drawing.

    All hunters under the age o 16 must be ac-

    companied in the eld by a parent, legal guardian

    or responsible person 21 years o age or ol der. For

    more inormation on this requirement, see the

    adjacent inormation box.

    Have you passed huntereducation?Utah Code 23-19-11 & Utah Admin. Rule R657-23

    I you were born ater Dec. 31, 1965, you

    must provide proo that youve passed a hunter

    education course approved by the Division beore

    you can apply or or obtain a hunting license or a

    big game permit.

    Proo o hunter educationYou can prove that youve completed hunter

    education by obtaining a hunter education course

    Certicate o Completion (this certicate is called

    a blue card in Utah) or by using a hunting license

    rom a previous year with your hunter education

    number noted on the license.

    How to take hunter educationI you were born ater 1965, you must take

    and successully complete the states hunter

    education course. Its an easy process:

    1. Obtain a hunter education registration

    certicate. Each certicate costs only $10,

    and you can obtain it onl ine, at any Divi-

    sion ofce or rom a license agent.

    2. Register or a class with your local hunter

    education instructor.

    3. Take your registration certicate to your

    instructor on the rst night o class.

    4. Successully complete the courseyour

    instructor will then validate your certi-

    Are you old enough?Utah Code 23-19-22

    To hunt big game in Utah, you must be at

    least 12 years old.

    I youre 11 years oldbut youll be 12 by

    Dec. 31, 2012you can apply or or obtain a

    hunting license and big game permit. Remember,

    you cannot hunt until you are 12 years


    I youre 11 to 13 years old, you are eligible to:Apply or general-season deer, youth any

    bull elk, or buck/bull combination permits

    in the drawing.

    Buy general-season deer, general-season

    elk and youth any bull elk permits over

    the counter.

    Buy a Cooperative Wildlie Management

    Unit (CWMU) permit directly rom a

    CWMU operator.

    Adults must accompanyyoung huntersUtah Code 23-20-20

    While hunting big game, a person

    under 16 years old must be accompaniedby his or her parent, legal guardian or other

    responsible person who is 21 years o age

    or older and who has been approved by the

    parent or guardian.

    The Division encourages adults to be

    amiliar with hunter education guidelines

    or to complete the hunter education course

    beore accompanying youth into the eld.

    While in the eld, the youth and the

    adult must remain close enough or the

    adult to see and provide verbal assistance to

    the young hunter. Using electronic devices,

    such as walkie-talkies or cell phones, does

    not meet this requirement.

    ResidencyUtah Code 23-13-2(37)

    Beore you apply or a big game hunt,

    its important to know whether you are

    a legal resident o the state o Ut ah. Seethe denition o Resident on page 40 to

    determine whether you are a resident or a


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    To hunt big game, you must use a lead or

    expanding bullet or projectile thats at least

    40 caliber in size.

    I youre hunting deer or pronghorn, your

    bullet must be 130 grains or heavier, or your

    sabot must be 170 grains or heavier.

    I youre hunting elk, moose, bison, bighorn

    sheep or Rocky Mountain goats, you must

    use a 210-grain or heavier bullet, or a sabot

    bullet thats at least 240 grains.I you obtain a muzzleloader permit, you may

    use only the muzzleloader equipment authorized

    in this section to take the species listed on the


    You may not possess or be in control o a

    rie or shotgun while in the eld during the

    muzzleloader hunt. For the purposes o this sec-

    tion, eld means a location where you are likely

    to nd the species listed on your permit. (You are

    not considered to be in the eld i you are in an

    established camping area or traveling in a ully

    enclosed automobile or truck.) This restriction

    does not apply to the ollowing people:

    Hunters who are licensed to hunt upland

    game or waterowl (You must comply

    Ries and shotgunsUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-8

    You may use a rie or shotgun to take big

    game, but your rearm and ammunition must

    meet the ollowing requirements:

    Your rie must re centerre cartridges and

    expanding bullets.

    Your shotgun must be 20 gauge or larger,

    and you may use only slug ammunition or

    buckshot thats 00 or larger in size.

    HandgunsUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-9

    You may use a handgun to take big game

    animals, but the handgun must be a minimum

    o .24 caliber and must re a centerre cartridge

    with an expanding bullet.

    I youre hunting deer or pronghorn, the

    handgun must develop at least 500 oot-pounds

    o energy at the muzzle. I youre hunting elk,

    moose, bison, bighorn sheep or Rocky Mountain

    goat, the handgun must develop at least 500

    oot-pounds o energy at 100 yards.

    MuzzleloadersUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-10

    Muzzleloaders may be used during any big

    game huntexcept the archery hunt. To hunt

    big game with a muzzleloader, your muzzleloader

    must meet all o the ollowing requirements:

    It can be loaded only rom the muzzle.It must have open sights, peep sights or a

    xed non-magniying 1x scope.

    It can have only one barrel, and the barrel

    must be at least 18 inches long.

    It cannot be capable o ring more than

    once without being reloaded.

    The powder and bulletor powder, sabot

    and bulletcannot be bonded together as

    one unit or loading.

    It must be loaded with black powder or a

    black powder substitute. The black powder

    or black power substitute cannot contain

    smokeless powder, but may contain some


    Hunters with disabilitiesUtah Admin. Rule R657-12

    Utah provides special hunting accom-

    modations or people with disabilities. These

    accommodations include the opportunity

    to hunt with a companion, use a crossbow,

    hunt rom a vehicle, use a draw lock and

    use a scope on archery equipment or a


    Hunters with disabilities may also apply

    or an extension to their season i they have

    a 2012 big game hunting permit in their

    possession and they meet certain criteria.To learn more about hunting accom-

    modations or people with disabilities,

    please visitwildlie.utah.gov/disabled,

    wildlie.utah.gov/rules/R657-12.phpor call

    any Division ofce.

    goat huntor a hunt that requires you to possess

    a statewide conservation permit or a statewide

    sportsmans permitunless a centerre rie

    hunt is in progress in the same area.

    Checkpoints and ocer

    contactsUtah Code 23-20-25 and 77-23-104

    To help the Division ulll its responsibility as

    trustee and custodian o Utahs wildlie, Division

    conservation ofcers and biologists monitor the

    taking and possession o big game animals and

    the required permits, rearms and equipment

    used or hunting. You should expect to encounter

    conservation ofcers and biologists checking

    hunters in the eld and at checkpoints.

    I youre contacted by a conservation ofcer,

    you must provide the ofcer with the items he or

    she requests, including any licenses and permits

    required or hunting, any devices used to partici-

    pate in hunting and any game youve taken. These

    contacts allow the Division to collect valuable

    inormation about Utahs big game animals.

    Firearms and archeryequipment

    Prohibited weaponsUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-7

    You may only use rearms and archery tackle

    that are expressly permitted in this guide.

    You may not hunt big game with a rearm

    thats capable o being red ully automatic, or

    with any light-enhancement device or aiming

    device that casts a visible beam o light. Laser

    range-nding devices are exempt rom this


    FIELD REQUIREMENTSSeveral rules have been established to regulate big game hunting in Utah. These rules exist to

    ensure big game animals are hunted ethically and to help keep you sae in the eld. Please be

    amiliar with the requirements or carrying and using rearms and archery tackle. You should

    also know the dierent types o hunting methods that may and may not be used and what

    youre required to do with any big game animal you take.

    Hunting hoursUtah Code 23-20-3 and Utah Admin. Rule R657-5-6

    You may take big game animals rom 30

    minutes beore ofcial sunrise until 30 minutes

    ater ofcial sunset.

    Requirement to wearhunter orangeUtah Code 23-20-31 and 23-20-31

    I youre hunting in an area where a centerre

    rie hunt is occurring, you must wear a minimum

    o 400 square inches o hunter orange material on

    your head, chest and back.

    A camouage pattern in hunter orange meets

    this requirement; however, the Division strongly

    encourages hunters to continue using solid hunter

    orange whenever possible.

    There are some exceptions to the hunter

    orange rule. Youre not required to wear hunter

    orange i youre participating in a bighorn sheep

    hunt, a bison hunt, a moose hunt or a mountain

    Statelicensed guidesand outftters

    Guides and outtters must be licensed

    with the State o Utah beore they can

    legally take hunters onto public land to hunt

    big game, cougars or black bears.

    Beore you use a guide or an outtter,

    please visit wildlie.utah.gov/guidesto

    determine i he or she is licensed in Utah.

    The Utah Division o Occupational and

    Proessional Licens