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Check out a sample of our 2012 Odyssey Yearbook

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I stand out...

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The past few years have brought major changes to our school. The freshman

moved up from the junior high, we underwent construction, we switched to

trimesters, and not to mention our one school became three separate

schools when we changed to neighborhoods. The student body adapted with

each change, but this year was our year. It was finally about us and what made

us individuals.

“Moving up to the high school as freshman I thought was cool because

then I felt like we were actually a part of the school,” Ashley Stennett, '12

said. But Ashley felt differently about some of the other changes. “I enjoyed

having trimesters so you can explore the different classes and you can get

more credits towards your graduation requirements,” she said. In her junior

year Ashely experienced the new advisory system and adjusted to the new

Athen, Olympia, and Sparta neighborhoods. By her senior year there were no

major changes to the school and she could focus on herself.

“I'm so happy we don’t have anymore changes going on this year.”

Ashely also worked hard to stand out in her final year. With a group of

other students, she participated in a weekly dress-up day to make sure she

stood out in the crowd.

“My friends just asked me one day to dress up for Formal Friday and I did

it,” Ashley said. “We do it just for the fun and we are crazy people. Just

dressing up for the fun of it makes us stand out and it gives us individuality.”

As individuals we made our own choices that defined us. When it came

to the clothes we wore, the classes we took, and who we hung out with, each

step we took was faced with a choice and we made decisions each day that

defined us as unique individuals.

“I don't mind being different,” Ashley said. “I like who I am and if other

people don't like it then, whatever. I am who I am.”

Its easy to get lost in a school of 1746 students and 85 staff members.

We needed a way to stand out from the rest, to define ourselves in a unique

way. Sometimes standing out wasn't the worst thing. Rather, standing out and

being noticed for our differences made us stronger.

Being an individual was not caring what others thought. It was accepting

who we were and being proud. This year was our year. It was about us. This

is our story..... By P. Smith

It's MY Story...

Students exit the school after the bell rings at 3:07, signaling the end of the day.



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Top Right: Floating

across the stage in a dense fog in a motorized

boat, John Oakley '11 and Katie McCall '12 were both leads in the spring musical. John played the

Phantom and Katie played Christine, the woman who

the Phantom pursues from under the opera house. Photo : S. Dillon Right:

Dancing during the masquerade scene of the

musical, the entire cast appears on stage. Megan

Kiehle '13 and Aaron Mahoney '13 had to pose

before the curtain closed in front of the rest of the

performers. “It taught me how to hold myself

accountable, because if I didn't know the music or

the moves, I would drop the ball for the whole

production.” Aaron said. Photo : S. Dillon

Middle Left: Sharing the spotlight together, Eric Fegan '12, who played

Raul, comforts Christine, played by Mary Gardner

'12, before she leaves for the cemetery. Photo: S. Dillon Bottom: Chorus

members Camy Hanna '12, Susanna Oakely '13,

and Sara Meed '12, Emily Keen '11, Liz

Palison '11, and Nicole, watch on as Katelyn Pettinato '11, Katie

McCall '12, and Amy Dixon '11 sing during the

IL Muto scene. “I have been singing my whole life,” Katelyn said. She had been in choir since first grade. “I did not know I was going to get a lead, but I was really

hoping for one. When I saw the casting list, my stomach and jaw just dropped when I saw I got a leading role,”

Katelyn said. And a leading role in the most famous Broadway musical ever

made meant she had to be perfect in that role. She put

in plenty of work to make sure our production of

Phantom of the Opera was one of the best musicals our

school had ever produced. “Musical is the most

intense, exhausting and most rewarding experience

anyone could ever be involved in,” she said.

Photo: Steven Dillon

What I remember about the


Learning to share a role had its rewards. Kaitlyn Pettinato '11, and Hannah Richard '11 both played the role of Carlotta in Phantom of the Opera. The girls rehearsed together and on their off nights, they sat in the audience and took notes to share with each other to help improve each other's performances. Both girls had classical training in opera, and their strong performances guaranteed a great show whichever night one attended. Photos: Windborne Studios.

The Other Leading Lady


I stand out...

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Being a junior was hard enough, but adding the pressure of being a lead in one of the biggest performances in our school's history added a bit of pressure. With ACTs, homework, work, and balancing a social life, being in the musical was a tough job to add on to an already busy schedule. Katie McCall ‘12, took on one of the biggest roles in the theater performance of Phantom of the Opera.

“It was really cool,” Katie said. “I wasn't expecting to get a lead. I wasn't even planning on trying out for one. I’m glad I decided to though.”

Katie was so shocked, she didn't even believe she had made it into the cast, much less the lead of playing


“I walked into school and saw my name on the list and thought that someone had typed it and put it up as a joke.”

Phantom of the Opera was the longest standing Broadway musical in history. Our music department took this seriously and put in an amazing amount of work to bring it to the stage in a way that would make Andrew Lloyd Weber proud. Mr. Larimer, the choir director, even brought in Franco D'Ambrosio, the actor who played the Phantom in over 2,600 productions for a workshop to help train our cast.

Spring is the busiest time of the year, especially for juniors, who are preparing for ACTs and college visits.

However, Katie knew she could do it.

“I spent a lot of time memorizing my script,” Katie said. “I watched YouTube videos to see what people on Broadway did.”

Katie did learn to balance all of her responsibilities and pulled off a great performance.

“I guess it made me appreciate other people's hard work,” Katie said. “We all had to pull through for each other to make the show good in a short amount of time.”

The hard work paid off in the end. Phantom of the Opera was a huge hit, and was so popular that we ran an extra nine sold out shows so everyone could see it. B y B. Stepka and K. Fay. Photos: Steven Dillon at Windborne

For a Fine Balancing Ac t

Z eky Nadji '12, performs in The Phantom of The Opera as o ne of the Opera House owner and manager. Joesph K iessling '13 as Firman and Sean Brown '11 as Andre also h ad key roles of the o wners and m anagers . “Seeing t hat it was my first y ear as a lead, I w anted to try and do m y best and have as m uch as fun as I c ould,“ Sean said. “I h ad fun doing all the extra shows, and I really enjoyed being on s tage. I really enjoyed performing in the show. It made me a m ore confident performer.”

The Men Take the Lead

Before the chandelier dropped, the boys took to

the stage to make Phantom memorable

“My favorite

memory from

musical was meeting

my girlfriend Macy.”

Singing In The Spotlight

Sean Brown '12 playing the role of Andre.


Spring Musical

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Pumped Up Kids

Getting wild and crazy The Bleacher Creatures made cheering from the stands not only cool, but also very colorful. Alumni Chase O' Black brought the Bleacher Creatures to life in 2008, and that same year the Bucket Brigade started chanting along side them while banging on large, plastic paint buckets. Both groups had the same agenda: to keep the crowd pumped up to cheer on their favorite Titan team.

“It keeps getting wilder every year,” Bleacher Creature and Senior Class Council President and Senate Governor Joey Vanderbosch '12, said.

The Bucket Brigade took some time off from appearing at sporting events, but Cameron Seeley '12, fired up the group last year when he was a junior.

“Being apart of the Bucket Brigade is fun,” Cameron said. “I enjoy pumping up the crowed and getting wild at the games with friends.”

Cameron led the Bucket Brigade and Bleacher Creatures at one of our biggest athletic events, the night we defeated our across town rivals, Central High School, 41-31 at Thirlby Field. The Creatures never wavered in their loud dedication to the football team that night.

“I love how they get everyone involved and pumped at the game,”

football fan Molly Davis '13, said.

This year the Student Senate worked with the Bleacher Creatures to even the playing field, not just for games, but for equality amongst the boys' and girls' sporting events. They were dedicated to not only making it to the bigger, more well-known games, but also to the smaller sporting events that were sometimes less attended. They made it cool to dress up for the girls' basketball and volleyball games, and fans took notice so more games were attended.

“We always have a great turn out for the fall and winter seasons of guys sports and we were hoping to do the same for the girls,” Junior Senate member Monica Hessler '13, said. “The girls put as much work and heart into their games so why not have a student section to keep them pumped up.”

Emotions tend to run high in any fast paced sport, but nothing pulls a team together more than knowing that the fans are there to support the players to a win. Our athletes came to rely on their own cheering section to keep them focused on winning the game.

“I like them being there because it makes me feel important and powerful out on the court,” Katie Placek '15, said. “It gives me inspiration to play and do my best.” By H. Thomack & M. Gauld

“Being apart of the

bucket brigade is fun

and I enjoy getting

pumped up and wild

at games.”

- Cameron Seeley '12

Maxwell Jenner '13 “I love getting wild and crazy at games.” Max said. “The basketball games are my favorite because you are all compacted in to one room.” Photo: K. Fay

Elle Rivard '12

EmilyLambert '12

Jessica Stevenson '12 “Being a bleacher creature makes me feel like I'm contributing to my school's spirit.” Photo: B. Stepka

“Being a part of color guard and cheering from the stands is like being a part of a big family.” Photo K. fay

“My favorite part of being a bleacher creature is dressing up and going wild with my friends.” Photo K. fay


I compete...

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Ben Greenman '12

Eryl Masters '12 “Making new chants and doing random things like the 'Tim Tebow' dance is the best part of being a Bleacher Creature.” Photo K. Fay

“My favorite part about being a bleacher creature is going crazy and the quality time you spend screaming with your sweaty stinky friends.” Photo: B.Stepka

Top: Hannah Polhman '12, goes wild and crazy at a home football game. “I actually like watching the games, but I also enjoy going crazy and I don't get embarrassed at all,” she said. Photo: M. Gauld Bottom: Payden Myers '13, put his game face on and was ready to win. “Being able to express yourself and making new cheers is a great atmosphere to be in while keeping our team energized,” he said. Photo: H. Thomack Main: Charlie Pacer '12, has his noise maker in hand to cheer on the football team to victory. “Being apart of Bleacher Creatures is like being a part of a huge family. We get buck wild and it's absolutely amazing.” Photo: H. Thomack

Body Art

Bleacher Creatures often painted their bodies to spell out our school's team spirit. Fans even stood out in freezing temperatures and rain, skin exposed, to show off their body art messages to cheer on our teams. Top: For the Homecoming game Aaron Bur '14, Shale Nowland '14, Brad Norton '14, Nick Kurtz '14, Charles Vanderklipp '14, Chad Kendziorski '14 decided at the last minuet to paint there bodies for the game. “Even though we didn't win, we helped pump up the crowd,” Charles said. Their loud and outgoing personalities helped them not be self conscious, and cheer on the team. “We're only in high school once, so we all decided to out-do ourself and make it count.” Chad said. Middle & Bottom: At the big West vs. Central hockey game, Charlie Pacer '12, Max Verellen '12 , Jonah Lausrsen '12, and Levi Gourdie '12, planned to meet up in the lobby to paint themselves before the game to cheer on their friends. “This game was the best of the year, and I really enjoyed leading the student section.” Charlie said. They painted “Fedo” on their bodies to cheer on their good friend Jason Fedorinchik '12. Jason's grandpa found them at the game and thanked them for cheering on his grandson.

Spelling out school SPIRIT


the C








I Cheer From the Stands

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Senior Homecoming theme: The Transformers

463 Seniors in the class of 2012!!!

In 10 years I will...

My Prom date:


I give...

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My best senior moment...

Senior Homecoming theme: The Transformers

Senior Quote:

Capture your greatest high school memory. To order a print call: 1-800-482-0321

We did it!!!

My closest friends...

RULE 185

Senior Ads

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This is only a sample of our yearbook...

Last spring we asked what our students wanted for the 2012 Odyssey Yearbook. They asked for a book that they could record their own history of their time at high school. This year’s book lets them write all over it. Even the cover can be written on, colored, designed, and edited by all their friends. Each student can record their own memories to cherrish for their entire lifetime in the 2012 Odyssey.

All you need is a pen and something interesting to say to make this yearbook your own. That’s why this year’s theme is “INDIVIDUALIZE - It’s My Story.”

Don’t miss out on this AMAZING opportunity to be a part of (and record) West history. Order your yearbook today, as a limited supply remains. We sell out every year before the book is shipped in mid-May, and many students are left without the record of this important milestone (epsecially seniors!)

We are selling yearbooks and having a bake sale at all three lunches the week of April 30th to May 4th. Books are $65, checks made out to TCAPS. We will also be selling coffee, baked goods, and the yearbook at student conferences in the commons on May 2nd. All proceeds from the bake sale will help to send students to the Herff Jones Yearbook Summer Camp at WMU in June. This week long camp is a wonderful learning opportunity for our journalism students where we put together our layouts, cover, and theme packet for the next year’s book (first deadline comes before the school year even starts!) We hope you will support us.

Please contact Mrs. Hansen at [email protected] if you have any questions.