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2012 Mission Trip First Letter

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Some infomation about our 2012 Mission Trip

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Page 1: 2012 Mission Trip First Letter

2011 Mission Trip Information Sheet “Staying Salty” from Matthew 5:13-16

Where are we going? Our Mission Site: Cross-lines Community Outreach, Kansas City, Kansas. http://www.cross-lines.org/ 736 Shawnee Ave, Kansas City, KS 66105

Our Host Church: TBD

Dates: March 18th-23rd Group Meeting Dates:

January 29th Regional Food Bank Service Project February 1st 7:00 @ CUMC February 12th Mission Dinner March 11th 7:00 @ the Parsonage (Form Filling Party 18 & under bring Parents!)

Nature & Purpose of trip and skills needed The Nature and Purpose of this trip is to be the hands and feet of Jesus to the Cross-lines Community Outreach in Kansas City and to every stop we make from now until we return home. Skills needed are any and all skills. We will find a place for you to serve. Our Biblical Purpose is “Staying Salty” from Matthew 5:13. Jesus is reminding us that we are the slat of the earth and we need to stay salty in our faith to be the hands and feet of Jesus here on earth. We will have plenty of opportunities for you to help you become more salty to serve in Jesus name.

Who Can Go: Anyone can go, but anyone under 6th grade will need an adult to go

with them. We also have to keep a youth to adult ratio of 1 adult for 5 youth.

What To bring? See List Provided

Your Cost/Fundraising/Cost for the Total Trip $125.00 for those who did not go last year

$100.00 for those who went to Kansas City last year o (There are scholarships available)

The first installment will be due by January 29th 2012.

The last half will be due on March 1st 2012. After January 29th only $75.00 can be refunded. Checks should be made out to CUMC put mission trip in the MEMO and sent to: CUMC at P.O. Box 208 Calumet, Ok. 73014.

Our budget for the trip is $5,500.00. Proposed fundraiser One: Stock Options Have someone buy us dinner one night of the trip $200 would cover us for one night. Or have someone buy us a tank of gas, which runs, has run close to 400 for the whole trip. Someone can buy our t-shirts for us about $300.00 Proposed fundraiser Two: Dinner Dinner Date would be Feb. 12th after worship at CUMC have mastered this and done it well.

Leaders and contact information: Rev. Matthew D. Franks. Any questions Rev.

Franks can be reached at 405-919-8567 or email at [email protected]

Page 2: 2012 Mission Trip First Letter

2011 Mission Trip Information Sheet “Staying Salty” from Matthew 5:13-16

Mission Trip Itinerary (Tentative) Sunday March 18th

9:00 am: Worship & Commissioning Service at CUMC 10:00 am: Load Van, take Pictures, Head out 12:00ish or Guthrie: Lunch on the Road, Out of your own pocket 5:00 pm: Worship at COR 6:30 pm: Dinner 8:00 pm: Back to the host Church Relax, Play Board games, shower? 9:30 pm: Devotion & Prayer Time 10:30 pm: Lights out

Monday 19th, Tuesday 20th, Wednesday 21st 6:00 am: Wake up/Breakfast/ 6:45 am: Morning Prayer & Departing 7:30 am- 12:00 pm: Lunch Break 1:00 pm Back to work 3:00 pm Cleanup worksite 4:00 pm: Depart for Home/cleanup/ prepare dinner 5:30 pm: Dinner we will be cooking this year you will be assigned a day. 7:30 pm: Free Time

8:30 pm: Devotion & Prayer Time

Thursday March 22nd

6:00 am: Wake up/Breakfast/ 6:45 am: Morning Prayer & Departing 7:30 am-Serve breakfast 12:00pm: Depart 2:00 Day and night on the town!

9:30 pm: Devotion & Prayer Time

Friday March 18th 6:00 am wakeup/breakfast 6:30 am: clean up Church 7:00 am Depart for Joplin or Jay 10:00 am: arrive and serve will know more at a later date 9:00 am: Depart for Home 12:00 pm: Lunch on the road (on your own)

4:00 pm: Arrive Home

Page 3: 2012 Mission Trip First Letter

2011 Mission Trip Information Sheet “Staying Salty” from Matthew 5:13-16

GOD’S Principles for Successful Mission Trips

God is the Head of the Mission You are not taking God to this place, rather God is taking you! (Gen. 12: 1-3; Ps.


God has been at work in this place long before you arrived.

God has a plan for this community, this people and this person

(Jer. 29: 11; 1 Tim. 2:3-5, II Peter 3:9)

Follow God’s lead not yours.

God will always be with you. (Matt. 28:20b; Rom. 8:38-39; Heb. 13:5.)

Open Heart, Open Hands An open heart is free to be filled by the Holy Spirit and overflow with love. (John

14:15-17; Acts 13:2-4; Rom. 5:3-5)

An open heart is free to be broken by the injustice and poverty of the world. (Deut. 15:7-8; Ps. 918; Ps. 82:3-4l; Gal. 2:10)

An open heart is ready to receive.

An open hand is a sign of good will and humility. (Gal. 5:22-23)

An open hand cannot clutch a clock, a schedule or a stereotype.

Doing is Less Important than Being Be like Jesus, walk as Jesus walked. (1 John 2:6; Matt. 5:1-16; John 15: 1-14)

Be human beings not human doings! (1 Thess. 5:11)

Focus on people, not just on the task. (1 John 3:18)

Work on building relationships, not monuments. (Rom. 12:9-15)

Take a deep breath when things don’t start or end on time; there are more important things in life than sticking to a schedule.

Be flexible – things will rarely go as you planned.

A Servant’s Heart Learn from your hosts; honor them and God by serving them (John 13:12-17)

Find out what your host prays for and then commit to praying for it, too. (James 5:16)

Practice humility! (Luke 22:24-27; James 4:10)

There are many ways of doing things; yours is only one and it may not

be right for this time or place.

Be adaptable – try new things, set aside biases and work on fitting into

the culture.

Page 4: 2012 Mission Trip First Letter

2011 Mission Trip Information Sheet “Staying Salty” from Matthew 5:13-16

What to Bring to the Mission Trip o Bible

o Snacks to share with everyone

o Hat, sunscreen (both very important)

o Alarm clock

o Sleeping Gear: More than likely we will be sleeping on the floor so bring a sleeping bag, sheets, and a pillow, if you need to you can bring an air Mattress.

o Towels/Washcloths

o Hard-soled shoes for work (No flip-flops on the work site)

o Clothes for work for 4 days.

o T-shirts/shorts for worship and recreation

o Jacket

o Shower shoes

o Swimsuit: (you never know we may have an opportunity to go swimming. Please use your judgment and remember this is a Church trip so swimsuits and good taste must be worn, if questions please ask the trip leader.)

o Spending Money

o Camera

o Batteries for Camera and Chargers for cell phones.

o Water Bottle (A MUST)

o Flashlight

o Laundry bag for dirty clothes

o Don’t forget Toiletries... (suggested as follows) Shampoo Lava Soap

Soap Deodorant

Cosmetics Toothbrush

Comb Toothpaste

Hair dryer Dental Floss

Hair brush Insect Repellent Rule of Thumb do not bring anything you are not willing to lose, The Church is not responsible for lost or stolen goods.