2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference June 19-22, 2012 | Grand Hyatt | Seattle, Washington

2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

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Page 1: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference


June 19-22, 2012 | Grand Hyatt | Seattle, Washington

Page 2: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference




P.O. Box 47478 | Tampa, FL 33646 | 813.220.3191 | [email protected]

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• Employment data system Enter your data at the student or summary level, create standards-compliant reports and view data from other schools.• Webinars and virtual round tables Benefit from the knowledge of your peers and other experts. • Online Document Library View and share documents such as survey results, presentations and student handouts.• Linkedin group Learn what other organizations are doing and join in on relevant discussions. Join a subgroup within an area of expertise. • Membership directory Send an email to all or a segment of the membership for benchmarking purposes. • Join a committee Get more involved in MBA CSC for even more networking, professional development and fun!

“The employment data system gives my students seamless access to enter their employment offer information, which has increased survey participation. We have real time reports to keep our Deans informed.”

-Emily Anderson, Vanderbilt University

“The conference provides a great venue for connecting with a large number of peers at one time and the membership directory gives me access to colleagues throughout the year. These connections have paid off in my hiring and my professional growth.” -Ann Nowak, Liberty Mutual

Page 3: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

MiSSion StAteMent

Founded in 1994, the MBA Career Services Council is the premier

provider of education, information and expertise for the support

and development of individuals in the MBA career management

and employment professions.

ViSion StAteMent

Be the foremost resource and expert in global MBA career services and global

MBA employment.

on behalf of the MBA Career Services Council Board of Directors and Conference Committee, welcome to the 2012 MBA CSC Conference in beautiful Seattle, WA! We are pleased to provide an opportunity for collaboration and benchmarking MBA career services and recruitment with the best of the Pacific northwest as the backdrop.

You are certain to gain new insights and new connections during this year’s conference. As our organization continues to expand its global reach, we are pleased to welcome colleagues from around the world who contribute diverse perspectives and experiences.

our featured keynote presentations will provide insights into the MBA job outlook and allow you to focus inward as you learn how to enhance your own networking and collaboration skills. the highlight of the conference every year is the breakout sessions, designed and led by your MBA CSC colleagues, where you can identify new approaches to your work and hear the best of what is taking place in career services and recruitment throughout the country. With over 35 breakout sessions, you will find topics to meet all of your needs and interests.

i would like to extend a special welcome to those who are new to MBA CSC and attending the conference for the first time. the strength of the MBA CSC network has never been more valuable and i encourage you to attend every session you can and make significant connections with new colleagues.

Whether you have been with MBA CSC for one year or ten, i also invite you to increase your involvement and consider serving on a committee or speaking at a future conference. As an organization comprised of volunteers, we rely on our members to advance our mission, and your skills and contributions would be a welcome addition. there will be opportunities during the conference to learn more about getting involved.

our colleagues on the conference committee have been working for months to plan this hallmark event, and on behalf of the MBA Career Services Council, i wish to express my sincere thanks to our entire conference team led by Jen Bublitz (University of Arizona) and Sue Collard (Dell). We have several enriching and engaging days ahead of us thanks to your hard work.

Welcome to Seattle and enjoy the conference!

Nicolenicole Hall

President, MBA Career Services Council

WelCoMe letter froM tHe PreSiDent

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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tABle of ContentS

Welcome Letter from the President 3

Mission Statement/Vision Statement 3

Values and Beliefs 4

2011-2012 Board of Directors 5

Letter from the Executive Director 7

Planning Committee 2011–2012 8

Letter from Conference Co-Chairs 9

Conference Schedule 10–11

Keynote Speakers and Breakout Session Descriptions 12–38

Hotel Map 39-41

Conference Sponsors 42

Conference Exhibitors 43-48

Your Notes 50

Collaboration: We empower and support each other to be creative, resourceful and innovative in the pursuit of new initiatives that add value to our constituents. We treat members of our community with respect; we learn from each other and help each other succeed.

integrity: We conduct our work according to the highest professional standards. We deliver excellence in all we do.

Diversity: inclusive of professionals representing all MBA programs regardless of size, type, rank or draw is paramount to the success of our organization. networking among managers and experts in our field and exposure to different cultures and business environments is essential for lifelong learning and professional practice.

Member focused: the services we offer, what we do and how we operate are driven by the members. the organization is integrally and completely related to the individual character of the people from which it is composed. We take responsibility for creating an environment of celebration, mutual respect, recognition and inspiration.

thought leadership: Dissemination of knowledge about our profession is influenced by experienced, tenured individuals who have relevant information and subject matter expertise. Because we are a collaborative organization, all members benefit.

VAlUeS AnD BeliefS

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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PrESiDENt Nicole Hall

Schools of Business, Wake Forest University

ViCE PrESiDENt Ann Nowak

Liberty Mutual Liaison, U.S. Conference

trEASUrEr Mark Peterson

College of Business, iowa State University

SECrEtArY James Chang

Lundquist School of Business, University of Oregon

Chair, Strategic Alliances

2011–2012 BoArD of DireCtorS

emily Anderson owen Graduate School of Management, Vanderbilt UniversityChair, technology CommitteeChair, Standards Committee

Michelle ChevalierCarlson School of Management, University of MinnesotaCo-Chair, Membership Committee

Deanna fuehneJones Graduate School of Management, rice UniversityMedia liaison

Kip Harrellthunderbird School of Global ManagementPast President

Megan Hendricksexecutive Director, MBA CSC

Michael KatznYU Stern School of BusinessChair, Marketing Committee

Hilary KlassenGallup Consultingeuropean Conference Committee

Pamela MittmannYU Stern School of Businessliaison, research & trends Committee

Margaret robertseberhardt School of Business, University of the PacificCo-chair, Professional Development Committee

Sally Stahl Anderson School of Management, University of California los AngelesCo-Chair, Professional Development Committee

Pam Stoker neeley School of Business, texas Christian UniversityCo-chair, Membership Committee

Shane SuginoKellogg School of Management, northwestern UniversityStandards Committee

rex trewinWipro technologiesCo-chair, Membership Committee

Derek WalkerSaid Business School, University of oxfordStandards CommitteeChair, european Conference

Grab photo from link on word doc. large group. find best.

not pictured: Megan Hendricks, Hilary Klassen, and Mark Peterson 2012 MBA CSC Conference


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Page 7: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

Greetings, and welcome to Seattle!

We’ve had an incredibly productive year, and i’m excited about it culminating in this wonderful city. i’m really looking forward to what promises to be one of the best conferences yet for MBA CSC.

As you enjoy the local Seattle atmosphere, i hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities to discover new ideas and share best practices. our annual U.S. conference is a true gem for the industry, and i’m glad to see all of you participating.

our volunteer Board of Directors and committees continue to amaze me with the amount of work and dedication put into this organization and the industry as a whole. i can honestly say i’m proud to be associated with MBA CSC!

Best regards,

MeganMegan Hendricks

letter froM tHe exeCUtiVe DireCtor

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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MBA CAreer SerViCeS CoUnCil ConferenCe PlAnninG CoMMittee 2011–2012

MArKetinGAnnetta Culver (Co-Chair), Washington Univ St. louisJohn Helmers (Co-Chair), Univ of Colorado BoulderGwen Appelbaum, Univ of BuffaloJayne flinn, Purdue Univrebecca Halloran, Univ of ChicagoJanice rapp, MBA focusroxanne reddick, Arizona State Univ

loCAl ArrAnGeMentSJean Gekler (Co-Chair), Univ of WashingtonJana Klauke (Co-Chair), Univ of iowaAshley Bowes Johnson, Univ of MinnesotaSusie Buysse, Univ of WashingtonSusan Canfield, Univ of Washingtonrebecca Chopra, Stanford UnivMichelle Hardy, Univ of texas at Austinnancy Hawkes, Articulate trainingJennifer larson, Univ of WashingtonSusan lemke, Babson Collegerachel lissman, Univ of WashingtonJulie Moree, nike inc.reyna Sund, Univ of San Diego

ProGrAMS & SPeAKerSelana Givens (Co-Chair), Brandeis UnivMichael Schaefer (Co-Chair), northwestern UnivShannon Caldwell, Univ of Georgialaura Cohen, Hult international Business Schoolrebecca Cook, Univ of indianaKristen fitzpatrick, Harvard UnivHilary flanagan, John Carroll UnivJen Johnson, Univ of iowaMarcia Katz, Brandeis UnivBrenda Pearson, Western Univ, CanadaJannell reniers, rice UnivBethany rigg, Michigan State Univlynne Sarikas, northeastern UnivKathleen taylor, Arizona State UnivMary tettenhorst, xavier Univ

SPonSorS & exHiBitorSJamie Belinne (Co-Chair), Univ of HoustonKori forster (Co-Chair), HumanaVal Matta, CareerShiftMatt nelson, Univ of Wisconsin MadisonKate Guerrero, Cal State fullerton Jennifer thomas, rice Univ

neW MeMBer orientAtionellen Bartkowiak (Co-Chair), Univ of Wisconsin Madisonlatanya Johns (Co-Chair), texas Christian UnivShannon franklin, rice UnivYvonne li, China europe international Business SchoolDonna robinson, UClAterra Saltzman-Baker, Univ of San DiegoMeenakshi Sharma, Case Western reserve UnivKawana Williams, florida State UnivVerna Wong, Univ of Hawaii

reGiStrAtion Alicia Sutton (Chair), thunderbird Carrie Armstrong, Univ of VirginiaKay Dawson, HeC ParisJohn Gurskey, Georgia tech traci Scardina, Univ of Missouried Smallman, loyola Marymount UnivJulie Sweet, Univ of illinoisMariann thomas, liberty MutualAmanda truppe, Univ of Wisconsinterri Vasquez, Univ of Colorado Denver

ConferenCe Co-CHAirS

Jennifer BublitzEller College of Management

University of Arizona

Sue CollardDell Corporation

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 9: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

letter froM ConferenCe Co-CHAirS

Welcome to the 2012 MBA CSC Conference in Seattle! We are excited you have joined us this year to ‘see what’s brewing’. over the next few days we promise to provide you with experiences to help get your java flowing to brew new ideas – these experiences include keynote speakers who are leaders in their field, thought provoking breakout sessions and an abundance of networking opportunities.

We could not have brought such an amazing line up to you without the leadership and dedication of our conference committee co-chairs and their committee team members. each one of our conference volunteers went above and beyond to bring you a week full of learning, collaboration, networking and of course fun!

team: accept this tHAnK YoU from the bottom of our cups! Your ideas, innovation and dedication created the most amazing brew we have ever experienced. We are proud to be a part of this organization and proud to work with such a talented team!

enjoy all that the conference has to offer and please be sure to provide us with your feedback on your experience.

Kind regards,

Sue JenSue CollardDell Corporation

Jennifer Bublitzeller College of Management University of Arizona

2012 ConferenCe Co-CHAirS

P.S . Attention neW MeMBerS to MBA CSC!

the new Member orientation Committee would like to welcome over 125 new members to the organization! We look forward to seeing you at the orientation (June 19, 3:30 – 5:30 p.m., olive 8, 3rd floor ballroom). Please take the time to wear your name badge so your new colleagues will recognize you as a ‘new Member’ and introduce yourself at sessions, lunches and networking events. MBA CSC prides itself on the benefits of networking and networking starts with you, the fresh new inspirational minds of our new members. Welcome! We’re glad you’re here.

Follow us on twitter at www.twitter/mbacsc

and tweet about your experience at the

conference using hashtag: #MBACSCSeattle12

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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ConferenCe SCHeDUle


2:00-7:00 PM Registration Open Leonesa Foyer

2:00-5:00 PM Meet ‘n’ Greet Leonesa Foyer

3:30-5:30 PM New Member Orientation Sponsored by: CareerLeader

Olive 8 Ballroom, 3rd Floor

6:00-8:00 PM Opening Reception Leonesa Ballroom

9:00 PM Evening Socializing Game Works (1511 7th Ave)


7:00 AM - 8:00 AM AM Fitness: Zumba Olive 8 Yoga Studio (Sign up at registration)

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM AM Fitness: Running Meet in Grand Hyatt Lobby

7:00 AM - 5:00 PM Registration Open Leonesa Foyer

8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open Princessa

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Breakfast Leonesa Ballroom

8:30 AM - 9:00 AM Conference Opening Leonesa Ballroom

9:00 AM - 10:00 AM Keynote Speaker: Alison Levine*CLiFF NOtES: LEADERSHiP LESSONS FROM tHE LEDGE (See page 12 for details.) Sponsored by: GMAC

Leonesa Ballroom

10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Networking Break Sponsored by: MBAFocus


10:30 AM - 12:00 PM Breakout Session 1 (see pages 16 & 17) Various

12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch Leonesa Ballroom

1:15 PM - 2:45 PM Breakout Session 2 (see pages 16 & 17) Various

2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Networking Break Sponsored by: At&t


3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Vendor Showcase #1 (see page 36) Various

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM Employer Roundtable #1 (see page 36) Discovery

4:15 PM - 5:45 PM Employer Spotlight (see page 36) Leonesa Ballroom

6:30 PM Dine-around-town Various

9:00 PM Evening Socializing: Karaoke Ozzies (105 W. Mercer St.)

*MBA CSC is an approved provider for the Society of Human resources Management’s Hr Certification institute. Several sessions at this year’s conference have been pre-approved for general recertification credit. these sessions are noted in the program. Please pick up an information sheet at registration for details on how to obtain credit.

the use of this seal is not an endorsement by the Hr Certification institute of the quality of the program. it means that this program has met the Hr Certification institute’s criteria to be pre-approved for recertification credit.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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7:00 AM - 8:00 AM AM Fitness: Yoga Grand Hyatt, Stellar Room (sign up at registration)

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM AM Fitness: Running Meet in the Grand Hyatt Lobby

7:00 AM - 9:00 AM Registration Open Leonesa Foyer

8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Exhibit Hall Open Princessa

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Breakfast Leonesa Ballroom

8:30 AM - 9:30 AM Keynote Speaker: Steve Gutzler*HARNESSiNG tHE POWER OF EMOtiONAL iNtELLiGENCE (See page 13 for details.)

Leonesa Ballroom

9:30 AM - 10:00 AM Networking Break Sponsored by: Universum


10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Breakout Session 3 (see pages 16 & 17) Various

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM Lunch/Annual Meeting Leonesa Ballroom

1:00 PM - 2:30 PM Breakout Session 4 (see pages 16 & 17) Various

2:30 PM - 3:00 PM Networking Break Sponsored by: Humana


3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Vendor Showcase #2 (see page 36) Various

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Employer Roundtable #2 (see page 36) Discovery

4:00 PM - 6:00 PM Excursions Various (Sign up at registration)

4:30 PM - 5:30 PM Book Club: the 2-hour Job Search (see page 37)


6:00 PM - 7:00 PM travel to Gala Seattle Monorail (runs until 11:30)

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Gala Sponsored by: Liberty Mutual

EMP Museum - Seattle Center

11:00 PM Evening Socializing: Dueling Pianos Keys on Main (11 Roy Street)


7:00 AM - 8:00 AM AM Fitness: Zumba Olive 8 Yoga Studio (Sign up at registration)

7:00 AM - 8:00 AM AM Fitness: Running Meet in Grand Hyatt Lobby

7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Breakfast Leonesa i & ii

8:45 AM - 10:15 AM Advanced Practitioners - Roundtable Discussions (see page 37)

Leonesa i & ii

8:45 AM - 10:15 AM Standards Session (see page 37) Leonesa iii

10:15 AM - 10:45 AM transition/Break Leonesa Foyer

10:45 AM - 11:45 AM Plenary Session: Peter FaricyMBA RECRUitMENt: PRESENt AND FUtURE (See page 14 for details.)

Leonesa i & ii

11:45 AM - 12:00 PM Conference Closing Leonesa i & ii

PleASe note: there are two conference hotels this year, the Grand Hyatt and the Hyatt ol ive8, which is located directly across the street . locations are noted in maps on pages 39-41 of the program.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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“Cliff noteS: leADerSHiP leSSonS froM tHe leDGe”

By Alison levine, team Captain of the first American Women’s everest expedition; Adjunct Professor - U.S. Military Academy

Alison levine is no stranger to risk-taking. She has survived sub-zero temperatures, hurricane-force winds, sudden avalanches, and a career on Wall Street.

Surprisingly, levine was born with a life-threatening heart condition that precluded most demanding physical activities. As a teenager, her health was so unstable that she was not even allowed to do such basic things as drive a car or walk up stairs. But 13 years after her initial diagnosis she had surgery that changed her life – and climbing stairs soon gave way to climbing mountains, a passion she continued to pursue despite her initial health setbacks.

over the years as she continued to climb the corporate ladder, levine also pushed her limits on the world’s highest peaks and soon became one of the most experienced female mountaineers in the country. She has climbed peaks on every continent, served as the team captain of the first American Women’s everest expedition, and skied across the Arctic Circle to the geographic north Pole. in January 2008, she made history as the first American to complete a 600-mile traverse from west Antarctica to the South Pole following the route of legendary explorer reinhold Messner.

in addition to having tackled some of the most extreme environments in the outdoors, levine has also spent more than two decades in the business world. Her professional career has encompassed healthcare, technology and finance. After earning her MBA from Duke University she moved to new York to work for investment banking firm Goldman Sachs. in 2003, she left Wall Street to serve as deputy finance director for Arnold Schwarzenegger in his successful bid to become Governor of California.

levine currently serves as an adjunct professor at the United States Military Academy at West Point in the Department of Behavioral Sciences & leadership. She also has her own consulting firm, Daredevil Strategies, which specializes in organizational effectiveness, leadership development and team dynamics. By drawing parallels between staying alive in the mountains and thriving in a fast-paced business world, levine focuses on the topics of leadership, teamwork, overcoming odds, taking responsible risks and dealing with changing environments.

KeYnote SPeAKer — WeDneSDAY, JUne 20, 9-10AM

This program has been approved for 1 (General) recertification credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 13: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

KeYnote SPeAKer — tHUrSDAY, JUne 21, 8:30-9:30AM

“HArneSSinG tHe PoWer of eMotionAl intelliGenCe”

Steve Gutzler, founder and president of leadership Quest, a Seattle-based leadership development company.

Steve Gutzler is an authentic and inspiring communicator and is one of the nation’s premier thought leaders on leadership, emotional intelligence, and personal transformation. As President of leadership Quest, a coaching services firm that helps organizations grow leaders at every level, Steve’s clients include Microsoft, Boeing, Starbucks, Cisco Systems, US Social Security, Kraft foods, Starwood Corporation, and many other fortune 500 firms. Steve specializes in team building, customer service, and how leaders today must have high levels of emotional intelligence to succeed and thrive.

in today’s fast-paced competitive work environment, how effective are you as a leader? emotional intelligence (ei) - our ability to manage ourselves and others around us - is the single greatest contributor to personal excellence and leadership. in this keynote we will focus on:

• Developing and maintaining the disciplines of spectacularly successful people

• Understanding the Science of the human brain and how that influences behavior

• learning the game changing tools to manage, adapt and strike out ahead of the competition

• learning skills to deal with the emotions of others when there is tension and conflict

• Powerful insights of personal mastery and the cure for fear and reduced stress.

This program has been approved for 1 (General) recertification credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 14: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

“MBA reCrUitMent: PreSent AnD fUtUre”

Peter faricy, Vice President, General Manager Amazon Marketplace

As Vice President, General Manager of the Amazon Marketplace, Peter is responsible for over 2 million Sellers on eight global marketplaces. His team is responsible for the technology, product and business decisions that have enabled Sellers to make money and grow their businesses on Amazon.

Previously Vice President of Music and Movies, Peter faricy managed the ongoing success of Amazon’s music and movie product categories for north America. in this role, faricy oversaw the end-to-end strategy for the category, including the on-site customer experience and vendor management.

Prior to Amazon, faricy served as head of multimedia at Borders Group, where he developed strategic merchandising and marketing plans for Borders’ music and DVD/video products. Prior to Borders Group, faricy also served in leadership roles at ford Motor Co. and McKinsey & Co.

faricy holds an MBA with distinction from the University of Michigan and a BA in Business Administration from Michigan State University. He and his family live in Seattle and are adapting to West Coast sport teams.

KeYnote SPeAKerS — friDAY, JUne 22, 10:45-11:45AM

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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@FinalRoundPrep www..nalroundprep.com

Management Consulting Interview Preparation

Page 16: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

BreAKoUt SeSSionS



Breakout Session 1: Wednesday 10:30-12:00

Career Coaching by industry/Function: Deconstructing Job titles, Highlighting transferrable Skills

Azure (Olive 8 3rd Floor)

CS, NM 18

Global Employment Strategies for today's Economy Blewett (7th Floor) D, E, i x 18

Getting to the top: Strategies for Career Success Chinook (7th Floor) CS, E, WP x 19

innovative Ways to Connect Students and Employers Cobalt (Olive 8 3rd Floor) D, E, ER, NM 19

New to MBA Career Services or Have Staff Who Are? What You Need to Know to Get the Job Done

Cyan (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS, D, ER, NM, WP 20

Round table Discussion for CMC Directors: Managing Administration and the Dean's Suite

Discovery (1st Floor) D 20

Fitting it all in: How to Connect With Busy MBA Students Menzies (6th Floor) D, i 21

Advanced Resume Strategies for MBA Audiences Stevens (7th Floor) CS, WP 21

Empowering MBAs into the Right Role & Fostering Self-Awareness with the Strategic Use of Assessment

Washington (7th Floor)

CS, E x 21

Breakout Session 2: Wednesday 1:15-2:45

international Students: immersion, Acculturation & Experiences from Admissions to Employment

Azure (Olive 8 3rd Floor)

CS, D, i 22

Case interview train the trainer: Learn How to Give a Business Case

Blewett (7th Floor) CS, E, NM x 22

MBA Mentoring: Senior Executives Views on Mentoring MBAs for Long term Career Satisfaction and Success

Chinook (7th Floor) CS, E, WP 23

So You Want to Be A Consultant? Six things Every Consulting Candidate Should Know

Cobalt (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS, NM 24

Management Strategies to Elevate the Influence and Stature of Career Services inside Your School

Discovery (1st Floor) D 24

Major trends in Employer Branding Menzies (6th Floor) E, ER, i x 25

Building Career Equity: Empowering Students and Working Professionals to Advance Career Growth Sealth (6th Floor) SC, E, WP x 25

Preparing Your Students For Success at National MBA Career Expos: A Sharing of Best Practices Stevens (7th Floor) CS, E, ER, NM 26

Making Your Career Development Programming Work Across Different MBA Constituencies

Washington (7th Floor)

CS, D, WP 26


ALL = AllCS = Career Education & Counseling

D = DirectorsE = Employer

ER = Employer Relationsi = international

NM = New MembersWP = Working Professionals

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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BreAKoUt SeSSionS



Breakout Session 3: thursday 10:00-11:30

innovation in Lifetime Career Management for international Student Success

Azure (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS, D, i 27

Vision: the First Step in Career Coaching Blewett (7th Floor) CS, NM 27

Extend the Reach of MBA Advising through Peer Coaching Cobalt (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS, D 28

Starting From Scratch - Best Practices in Creating & Maintaining an Employer Relations Program

Cyan (Olive 8 3rd Floor) D, E, ER, NM 28

Slow Down to Speed Up: How tripping Up Your MBAs Early Leads to Better Outcomes Later

Discovery (1st Floor) CS 29

Best Practices of Companies Working with MBA Career Services Programs Menzies (6th Floor) D, E, ER 29

Using Chatter at tuck: How tuck’s Career Development Office launched Salesforce Chatter Sealth (6th Floor) CS, D, ER 30

turning Social Media into Social Networking: Creating Door-Opening Relationships Beyond technology Stevens (7th Floor) CS 30

Coaching Working Professional Students through internal Career transitions

Washington (7th Floor) CS, WP 31

the Future of Online Job Applications Chinook (7th Floor)

E, ER x 31

Breakout Session 4: thursday 1:00-2:30

Enhancing Employability through Positive Psychology: Hope, Appreciative Advising & Strengths

Azure (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS 32

Working With Large Populations of international Students Blewett (7th Floor) i, NM 32

Mind Your Business: Engage, Prepare, and transform fresh from undergrad students into MBA leaders

Chinook (7th Floor) CS 33

The Leading Edge: Georgetown's Career Coach Certification Journey

Cobalt (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS, D, E, ER, i 33

Unlocking transferrable Skills for Career Changers Cyan (Olive 8 3rd Floor) CS, NM 33

Beyond Resumes: Helping your MBAs Manage their ‘Online Identity’ and Social Media Profile Sealth (6th Floor) CS, WP 34

Hire Expectations for 2012: trends Business Schools and Employers Need to Know Menzies (6th Floor) CS, D, E, ER, i x 34

talent Acquisition Strategies: Engaging top Employers Stevens (7th Floor) D, E, ER x 35

the Challenges of Delivering the Same Content to Different Student Populations

Washington (7th Floor) CS, WP 35


ALL = AllCS = Career Education & Counseling

D = DirectorsE = Employer

ER = Employer Relationsi = international

NM = New MembersWP = Working Professionals

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 18: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

CAreer CoACHinG BY inDUStrY/fUnCtion: DeConStrUCtinG JoB titleS, HiGHliGHtinG trAnSferrABle SKillS

room: Azure (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling, new Members

Jennifer thomas - Associate Director, Career Management Center, rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business

Shannon Hightower - Assistant Director, Career Management Center, rice University, Jones Graduate School of Business

introduction on coaching by industry/function; deciphering job titles (“what it says vs what it means”) and qualifications needed. examples provided for career counselors on coaching students how to communicate transferrable skills and how to apply those skills to a specific functional position. Second half of the session will consist of interactive breakouts by industry (fin, Consult, Mktg and energy) to delve deeper into functional areas and the respective transferrable skills needed. After the session, participants should be able to: -Determine which industries and job titles are aligned with students’ skills -Demonstrate how students can communicate transferrable skills for various positions -Provide coaching on deconstructing job titles and open up job search opportunities -Share relevant best practices on industry guides and industry/job function research -Create plan in your Career Center for students to utilize resources needed to uncover job titles within their industry of choice.

GloBAl eMPloYMent StrAteGieS for toDAY’S eConoMY*

room: Blewett (7th floor) track: international, employers, Directors

Mary Anne thompson - President & founder, Going Global

thomas Monaco - Director, international Advising and Business Development, Columbia Business School

Join internationally recognized expert on global careers Mary Anne thompson as she discusses how the global recession has permanently altered the career landscape for job hunters pursuing employment both in the U.S. and overseas. Stimulus programs around the world are funding new careers from “green” initiatives to energy and infrastructure jobs. lack of full time employment opportunities has paved the way for the self-employed, virtual contractors and entrepreneurs filling the gap by providing innovative solutions for companies striving to do more with less. Most importantly, current recession woes are masking the even larger worldwide employment impact of retiring baby boomers, which will redefine mobility and the regulatory challenges of working outside one’s home borders. this session will help you develop a realistic, up-to-date understanding of both global and country-specific economic and employment challenges. Participants will be able to apply the data presented to their talent management and career advising strategies.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 1 WeDneSDAY 10:30-12:00

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 19: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

GettinG to tHe toP: StrAteGieS for CAreer SUCCeSS*

room: Chinook (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employers, Working Professional

Kathryn Ullrich - Director of Alumni Career Services, UClA Anderson School of Management

MBAs need to think long term about career resilience and advancement. in today’s job market, there’s a huge, fundamental shift in the corporate world: many companies are no longer routinely grooming employees for senior-level executive positions. Career development is now up to the individual. How can employers and career centers help students chart their own roadmap for career development, in order to be resilient when the job market fluctuates wildly? in this session, Kathryn Ullrich shares advice from Getting to the top, a book especially written for mid-career business professionals. from thousands of interviews as an executive recruiter and leader of Getting to the top® career programs at UClA Anderson and Stanford Graduate School of Business, Kathy has learned and analyzed career path categories in marketing, sales, business development, chief executive officer and more roles. She also defined five critical skills of successful executives. Kathy shares executive success stories and the findings of her groundbreaking career path research, and describes essential skills for career advancement in a career pyramid of skills at the top.

innoVAtiVe WAYS to ConneCt StUDentS AnD eMPloYerS

room: Cobalt (olive 8 3rd floor) track: employers, employer relations, Directors, new Members

Judith B. Downey - Associate Director, MBA Career Center, northeastern University

it takes a lot more than career fairs and interviews to build meaningful, long-term connections between students and employers. Strategic events providing the opportunity for regular, ongoing interaction are required to create and maintain these important relationships. Corporate advisory boards, career panels, executive luncheons, networking events and employer-sponsored dress for success and etiquette events are just some of the best practices we will discuss. Come to this session to learn how to engage employers by increasing their exposure to your students, while exciting students about career opportunities, and developing and enhancing valuable corporate partnerships for your university.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 1 WeDneSDAY 10:30-12:00

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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neW to MBA CAreer SerViCeS or HAVe StAff WHo Are? WHAt YoU neeD to KnoW to Get tHe JoB Done

room: Cyan (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employer relations, Working Professional, Directors, new Members

Jennifer Vancil - MBA Career Counselor, Colorado State University

We get here from a variety of backgrounds – corporate recruiting, higher education student services, directly from industry – each of us brings a piece of the puzzle. We’ll share resources we’ve found to help you learn the counseling skills, career development theory, assessment tools, and corporate recruiting protocols to be a successful MBA Career Services Professional. We’ll also collaborate to share our favorite web sites, books, training workshops, and other resources so we can leverage our collective knowledge to help each other be more effective. no matter which piece of the puzzle you bring, we will all leave with a clearer picture of the knowledge, skills, and abilities we need to do the job and where we can learn them.

roUnD tABle DiSCUSSion for CMC DireCtorS: MAnAGinG ADMiniStrAtion AnD tHe DeAn’S SUite

room: Discovery (1st floor) track: Directors only

Deanna fuehne - executive Director , rice University

Kip Harrell - MBA CSC Past President, thunderbird School of Global Management

nicole Hall - MBA CSC President & Director, Wake forest University

Michelle Chevalier - Director, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

forum for Assistant Deans, executive Directors and Directors of MBA Career Management Centers. Developing and implementing CMC strategies, and managing b-school constituents, including the Dean’s suite, University administration, alumni, students, companies and, of course, staff are critical components of the CMC Director role. Meet with colleagues for a roundtable discussion of best practices to move your agenda forward. issues to be discussed may include: Creating and marketing career programming supported by the Dean’s office. Getting administration to collaborate with career services in scheduling and academic curriculum planning. Best practices for sharing employer relationship management between administration and career services.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 1 WeDneSDAY 10:30-12:00

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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fittinG it All in: HoW to ConneCt WitH BUSY MBA StUDentS

room: Menzies (6th floor) track: international, Directors

Chris Higgins - Assistant Director, Career Services, inSeAD

With a 10 month MBA program covering 80% of the curriculum of a traditional 2 year MBA with the possiblity of global campus exchanges, MBA students at inSeAD have very little time on their hands. Join us for an interactive exchange on best practices for engaging students to prepare them for a sucessful job search and making sure that they can connect with their network and potential employers.

ADVAnCeD reSUMe StrAteGieS for MBA AUDienCeS

room: Stevens (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Working Professional

ross Macpherson - President, Career Quest

ellen Bartkowiak - Associate Director, Career Management Center, University of Wisconsin

the strategies and best practices for “effective” resumes (resumes that make the phone ring off the hook) have changed…and creating an effective resume can be especially challenging for MBA candidates who are trying to leverage their new degrees to make significant career moves. in this jam-packed session, Coaches and Directors will learn the latest ADVAnCeD strategies in off-campus resumes that work…strategies that showcase a candidate’s professional value to an employer and will make your MBAs stand out among their toughest competition. Prepare to take notes – this is not your average resume session!

eMPoWerinG MBAS into tHe riGHt role & foSterinG Self-AWAreneSS WitH tHe StrAteGiC USe of ASSeSSMent*

room: Washington (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employer

Scott Kiefer - Vice President, the oliver Group

luigi Pecoraro - Director, Career Management Center, iit Stuart School of Business

Begin with the end in mind. Both employers and career services professionals want students hired in the right role where they can excel and make their best contribution for greater success and satisfaction. Well, what if we knew the behavioral profile of a given role and we identify the benchmark data that indicates the type of candidate needed to fulfill that role successfully? today we have that technology and information available to us. We can help students get on the right path quicker and employers find employees that are more likely to succeed. We use the Predictive index with our MBA students to raise self-awareness of internal motivators, needs and drivers. over 100 of the fortune 500 use the Predictive index. find out how you can use this tool in your company or career center.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 1 WeDneSDAY 10:30-12:00

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 22: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

internAtionAl StUDentS: iMMerSion, ACCUltUrAtion & exPerienCeS froM ADMiSSionS to eMPloYMent

room: Azure (olive 8 3rd floor) track: international, Career education & Counseling, Directors

Jamie elwell - Associate Director, Career Management office, Weatherhead School of Management

Jennifer thomas - Associate Director, Career Management Center, rice University

Meenakshi Sharma - Director, Career Management office, Weatherhead School of Management

identifying and supporting the needs of international students is key to any growing business program. rice University and the Weatherhead School of Management will provide profiles on each of their international student populations and lead an interactive session on strategies to support the growing international student population. the session will cover 5 main areas: admissions, orientation/immersion, workshops, employer relations and alumni engagement. in each, the two programs will describe strategies that have worked and lead the group in generating new ideas. After the session, participants should be able to: design strategy for international student programming needs, strategically collaborate with other offices, alumni and employers to attract prospective students and meet career goals, and share best practices and experiences with fellow attendees.

CASe interVieW trAin tHe trAiner: leArn HoW to GiVe A BUSineSS CASe*

room: Blewett (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employers, new Members

David ohrvall - founder, MBACASe

Brendan Boler - Associate Director, University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration

Whether you are an employer teaching others to give (and evaluate) case interviews, or a career advisor teaching students to master them, you’ll gain new insights and have fun in this popular session! David ohrvall, author of Crack the Case System and international trainer, will engage your mind, build your skills and keep you laughing. through lively participation and paired practice you’ll 1) learn to understand the distinct modules of a business case, 2) conquer your fears in giving cases through simple examples and clear methodology, and 3) practice the steps in giving a case with a partner.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 2 WeDneSDAY 1:15-2:45

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 23: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

MBA MentorinG: Senior exeCUtiVeS VieWS on MentorinG MBAS for lonG terM CAreer SAtiSfACtion AnD SUCCeSS

room: Chinook (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employers, Working Professional

Susan Canfield - Senior Associate Director, MBA Career Services; Director, MBA Mentor Program, University of Washington, foster School of Business

Panelists: Howard Behar, former President, Starbucks Coffee Company; nick Choat, Vice President, the Walt Disney Company; tim evenson, Vice President, Philips Medical Capital; lynn Parker, Co-founder & Principal, Parker lePla; lisa Wellman, Managing Director, north America, nsquared solutions,

At the University of Washington’s foster School of Business over 75 senior executives serve as mentors to full-time and part-time MBAs. A panel of senior executives will discuss their experience mentoring MBAs regarding recruiting and how to build a career for long term satisfaction and success. in addition, recognizing that mentoring relationships go both ways, hear what mentors have learned from their MBA mentees over the years.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 2 WeDneSDAY 1:15-2:45

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Page 24: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

So YoU WAnt to Be A ConSUltAnt? Six tHinGS eVerY ConSUltinG CAnDiDAte SHoUlD KnoW

room: Cobalt (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling, new Members

rex trewin - University recruiting Manager, Wipro

Michelle Chevalier - Director, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota

Six things every consulting candidate should know! from outward appearances, business consulting is glamorous. You work with top people at respected firms. You travel constantly. You delve into the deepest recesses of prominent organizations to help solve their problems. You play hard and work harder—and for all that you earn some serious money. if that’s your definition of glamour, then management consulting could be for you. But the process of getting into consulting is far from glamorous and competition is fierce. the ability to reach into a complex business situation and think quickly, objectively, laterally, and quantitatively while expressing yourself succinctly and persuasively doesn’t come easily to everyone—even to otherwise well-prepared business school graduates. We will be presenting the six key skill sets each student will need to master to be a consultant. learn how to support, guide and advise those students wanting to learn what employers want in a consultant.

MAnAGeMent StrAteGieS to eleVAte tHe inflUenCe AnD StAtUre of CAreer SerViCeS inSiDe YoUr SCHool

room: Discovery (1st floor) track: Directors

Wendy tsung - Associate Dean & executive Director of MBA Career Services , emory University

roy Young - Ceo, Beyond B-School

Pete Giulioni - former Assistant Dean and Director of Career Services, USC, Giulioni and Associates

Judith B. Downey - Associate Director, MBA Career Center, northeastern University

Growing responsibilities, institutional culture and rapid changes in the MBA job market make managing the Career Services function increasingly challenging. Based on case studies and the findings and recommendations from research conducted in 2011 with 16 directors of MBA CSC member schools, this session explores the ways experienced professionals are meeting today’s management challenges of the Career Services function. While it is widely understood by business school deans that Career Services plays a vital role in fulfilling the ultimate promise made to MBA students, the function is often viewed as an expense with budgets that are discretionary. What strategies can you use to demonstrate that Career Services is a major contributor to the success of the entire school and secure the trust and confidence of the dean? in addition to the research, success stories will stimulate attendees to share experiences.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 2 WeDneSDAY 1:15-2:45

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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MAJor trenDS in eMPloYer BrAnDinG*

room: Menzies (6th floor) track: international, employers, employer relations

Christopher Campellone - University relations Manager, Universum

Doreen Amorosa - Associate Dean & Managing Director, MBA Career Management , Georgetown University

When it comes to employer Branding, the term itself is becoming even more meaningful on a global level. in turn, companies are more aggressive in formalizing employer Branding within their organization. even though there are plenty of differences in the way each company approaches employer Branding, there are high level key trends and challenges that can be looked at on a global level. Universum has interviewed 632 global employers in europe, Americas and Asia to gain insight on how companies are currently working with employer Branding and we will review some of the Main trends & Best Practices in employer Branding.

BUilDinG CAreer eQUitY: eMPoWerinG StUDentS AnD WorKinG ProfeSSionAlS to ADVAnCe CAreer GroWtH*

room: Sealth (6th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employers, Working Professional

Barb Gradala - Graduate Career Advisor, Saint louis University, John Cook School of Business

How well are your students and employees taking initiative and implementing their career plans? What percent of your students and employees would say you help them build great career value? this program offers a practical and proven toolkit to build richer career experiences, meaningful relationships, and exceptional rewards. the concept creator and a career services provider will share success stories and program enhancements based on the Career equity concept. Discussions will include the implications for counseling MBA students (full-time, professional, and executive), alumni and employees, as well as nurturing our own careers. Attendees will leave with a diagnostic tool to assess areas of potential growth in building career equity.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 2 WeDneSDAY 1:15-2:45


2012 MBA CSC Conference

Page 26: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

PrePArinG YoUr StUDentS for SUCCeSS At nAtionAl MBA CAreer exPoS: A SHArinG of BeSt PrACtiCeS

room: Stevens (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employers, employer relations, new Members

Stephen Glomb - Associate Director, University of Minnesota

Bibiana Am - Sr. Manager, education and University relations, national Society of Hispanic MBA

roxanne reddick - Director, Corporate relations, Arizona State University, W.P. Carey School of Business

Paul Gomez - Microsoft Group Hr Manager

top companies are recruiting qualified MBAs at national diversity conferences and career expos each year. However, many students lack adequate preparation to truly make these events a professionally rewarding experience. learn the fundamentals of building a career expo preparation session to ensure your students are successful at large recruiting events. An employer perspective and other insider tips will be shared on the recruitment goals and strategies of the companies that attend these conferences, while various coaching approaches will be discussed to help prepare students for success. Participants will be encouraged to share their own ideas for programming best practices.

MAKinG YoUr CAreer DeVeloPMent ProGrAMMinG WorK ACroSS Different MBA ConStitUenCieS

room: Washington (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Working Professional, Directors

rebecca Cook - Associate Director, Graduate Career Services, Kelley School of Business, indiana University

Pam roberts - executive Director, MBA Program, Kelley School of Business, indiana University

Paul Binder - Associate Director, Graduate Career Services, Kelley School of Business, indiana University

An increasing number of non-traditional MBA students are demanding a greater emphasis on the amount of career management education they receive in their MBA program. Many of these students have never had formal professional development training, yet could significantly utilize this skill set in their current position or during their job search. Kelley has taken its full time MBA professional development programming and developed a variety of classes and structures to help drive the non-traditional MBA students career and professional development education from the beginnings of personal branding through how to perform on the job. this class would be useful for anyone working with different MBA populations and we will open it up for discussion on how various programming can work across different constituencies, as well as get into an in-depth discussion of what the changing needs are for all of the various student populations.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 2 WeDneSDAY 1:15-2:45

2012 MBA CSC Conference


Page 27: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

innoVAtion in lifetiMe CAreer MAnAGeMent for internAtionAl StUDent SUCCeSS

room: Azure (olive 8 3rd floor) track: international, Career education & Counseling, Directors

Christina fox - Director, Career Services, Hult international Business School

Marjorie Singer - Career Services Manager, Hult international Business School

this session will reveal best practices, challenges and successes of rolling out a global 2-credit career course. Approximately 90% of the students that attend any of the five Hult international Business School campuses are from outside of the U.S. our student body represents 150 different countries. We will share examples of our high touch, student-centric model delivering a practical and hands-on curriculum. We will discuss how innovation, integrating practical learning and the use of technology can help students develop tangible career action plans leading to employment in the US or their home country.

ViSion: tHe firSt SteP in CAreer CoACHinG

room: Blewett (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, new Members

timothy Butler - Senior fellow and Director of Career Development Programs, Harvard Business School

Many MBA career coaches are more comfortable with coaching for job search strategy and tactics than with coaching for vision. “What really counts for me and where, in the world of MBA work, am i most likely to find it?” this is the question that must be addressed with rigor before moving on to coaching for job search plans, resume writing, or interview skills. in this workshop, participants will learn a coaching process for identifying each student’s essential “career ingredients” which are the building blocks of any career vision.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 3 tHUrSDAY 10:00-11:30

Career Wellbeing means waking up to a great place to work.

Career Wellbeing is about doing something you like to do every day.

How do we know? Because Gallup is the worldwide leader in wellbeing research and consulting. We not only study wellbeing, we live it.

At Gallup, we give you the opportunity to do what you do best every day.

Whether it means conducting meaningful research and consulting work around the globe, partnering with leaders of some of the world’s best organizations, or developing innovations in the fields of management, economics, psychology, and sociology, we engage our associates in their jobs.

We encourage establishing dynamic work-life integration and creating collaborative relationships and teams. Because when it comes to Career Wellbeing, we practice what we preach.

Visit www.gallup.com/careers for more information.


Page 28: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

extenD tHe reACH of MBA CAreer ADViSinG tHroUGH Peer CoACHinG

room: Cobalt (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Directors

lesah Beckhusen - Associate Director, UC Berkeley, Haas School of Business

Brendan Boler - Associate Director, University of Virginia, Darden Graduate School of Business Administration

Jana Klauke or Jennifer Johnson - Associate Director or Director, University of iowa, Henry B. tippie School of Management

Amit Puri - Assistant Director, University of texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business

Belinda Dowdy - Assistant Director, north Carolina State University, Poole College of Management

Many Career Services offices have created peer coaching programs to extend the range of career and job search advising to their first year students. in this facilitated panel, you will learn how different schools structure their programs, the role of the peer coach and the type of services they offer and the selection and training process of peer coaches. Gain best practices for developing a new program or building upon your current program.

StArtinG froM SCrAtCH - BeSt PrACtiCeS in CreAtinG & MAintAininG An eMPloYer relAtionS ProGrAM

room: Cyan (olive 8 3rd floor) track: employers, employer relations, Directors, new Members

Beth Ursin - Director of Career Management, Willamette University

robin Darmon - Director, MBA Career Connections, rady School of Management, University of California, San Diego

Developing and maintaining effective relationships with employers is critical to the success of all MBA career offices. Do you have the strategy and tools you need to create an organized plan each academic year to meet the needs of your employer partners? How do you develop a list of your key stakeholders and what levels of service do you offer them? When you pick up the phone to set an appointment with an employer, do you have your meeting objectives clearly in mind? this presentation and panel will offer you a framework to develop a customized strategy and step-by-step guide that fits the needs of your program. following a brief overview of basics around building a program – particularly from the viewpoint of a program that is being created “from scratch”, we will work in small groups to share best practices as well as challenges the group is currently facing in creating a strong employer relations program at their university. We will have time at the end to share best practices as well as concerns. We will then create a list serve of participants to keep a dialogue going, post-conference, of how to keep building and improving upon our outreach initiatives and interface with companies and recruiters.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 3 tHUrSDAY 10:00-11:30

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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SloW DoWn to SPeeD UP: HoW triPPinG UP YoUr MBAS eArlY leADS to Better oUtCoMeS lAter

room: Discovery (1st floor) track: Career education & Counseling

Arlene Hill - Director, American University - Kogod School of Business

Jennifer Murphy - Sr. Associate Director, Career education and Advising, American University - Kogod School of Business

Superstar students with experience lead the pack in creating a competitive environment that forces students (and career service professionals) to prepare for their internship searches immediately. this creates pressure on staff for early programming and for students to create falsely confident career facades when their experience level and career choice are not as clear. At the Kogod School of Business, we intentionally slow down this process and encourage lengthy career exploration that paradoxically results in better career choices. this ultimately speeds up the effectiveness of the students’ internship/job search process and significantly increases hiring outcomes.

BeSt PrACtiCeS of CoMPAnieS WorKinG WitH MBA CAreer SerViCeS ProGrAMS

room: Menzies (6th floor) track: employer relations, employers, Directors

naomi Sanchez - Assistant Dean, University of Washington MBA Career Services

ernest Adams - Global talent Acquisition Manager, niKe

MJ Wheble - Vice President, Amazon.com

Chuck edward - General Manager of University recruiting team, Microsoft Corporation

leaders in talent acquisition will share their views on what works well in partnering with MBA career services programs. they will share how MBA career services can help companies through the on-campus and just-in-time hiring that occurs each year. An overview of how companies view MBA hiring, organize it, and involve their teams and hiring managers will be shared. examples of what works well and what doesn’t work well will also be shared. in times of high competition for talent, questions that will be answered are: how are companies structuring their recruiting efforts to find the best performers? What are the critical “must haves” in working with schools? for global companies, what are the challenges these companies face in finding talent? Speakers will also share new initiatives that they are undertaking to make the hiring process successful. they will touch upon the types of skills that are becoming critical for candidates to know and understand.following the questions from the moderator to the panel, questions and answers from the audience will follow three, and possibly four presentations by recruiting staff from large and small companies. the panel will be moderated by naomi Sanchez, edD, Assistant Dean, UW foster School of Business.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 3 tHUrSDAY 10:00-11:30

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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USinG CHAtter At tUCK: HoW tUCK’S CAreer DeVeloPMent offiCe lAUnCHeD SAleSforCe CHAtter

room: Sealth (6th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, employer relations, Directors

Stephen Pidgeon - Associate Director, Career Development office, tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

last summer tuck’s CDo launched Chatter to the incoming class, with the goal that this secure, enterprise level social network would replace emails, sign-up lists, and newsletters. Students in previous years complained of ‘information overload’ and of ‘being Spammed’ by the CDo even when the messages weren’t relevant to them – Chatter works with groups that students can opt into or out of at any time. Many students have the same questions, and the CDo dealt with many similar requests – we believed that by posting conversations in a public place, this would minimize such parallel communications and allow others to join in with their ideas. the result: within 3 months of launch, Chatter had been established as the only communications forum for career related topics and for All student clubs. it is now used across the school, including MBA Program office.

tUrninG SoCiAl MeDiA into SoCiAl netWorKinG: CreAtinG Door-oPeninG relAtionSHiPS BeYonD teCHnoloGY

room: Stevens (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling

Jennifer Vancil - Counselor Professional MBA Program, Colorado State University College of Business

Darrell Gurney - Author, never Apply for a Job Again: Break the rules, Cut the line, Beat the rest

Michelle Hardy - Senior Associate Director, MBA employer relations, University of texas

roy Young - Ceo, Beyond B-School

Social Media create virtually unlimited networking activities for MBAs to open up opportunities beyond campus recruiting. the challenge is to learn how to effectively combine the use of both new and traditional networking approaches (high-tech and high-touch) to create door-opening connections. Both avenues require building the skill of conversation. the panel will present proven, systematic, “paint-by-numbers” practices by seasoned MBA Career Centers and marketing professionals as to the vital importance of systematic professional networking as a critical element of our students’ career search strategy. of particular concern and focus will be our foreign students, working professionals and alumni.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 3 tHUrSDAY 10:00-11:30

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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CoACHinG WorKinG ProfeSSionAl StUDentS tHroUGH internAl CAreer trAnSitionS

room: Washington (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Working Professional

Ashley Bowes Johnson - Associate Director & Career Coach, University of Minnesota

Jill Clouse - Career Coach, Kellogg School of Management - northwestern

in addition to working professional students seeking career changes through an MBA, there are large portions of those students who are pursuing their degrees to advance their careers within their current organizations. Students with internal career management needs are increasingly making use of the career services available to them through their schools. it is up to the Career Management professionals to be prepared with tools to properly advise students with those needs. this program will review some best practices for helping students navigate an internal career transition. Participants in the program will leave with some ideas to implement at their own schools. Given the specific nature of this topic, we imagine the program to be fairly interactive with a lot of dialogue/knowledge sharing among the participants.

tHe fUtUre of online JoB APPliCAtionS*

room: Chinook (7th floor) track: employers, employer relations

Guy Groff - Director of the Schools of Business Graduate Career Management Center, Wake forest University

employers: Make applying to you fun! find out what you can do to increase engagement and positive feedback from your application pool, including proven tactics for engaging applicants and how to retain top talent throughout the application process. Career Centers: find out how you can help students customize their search online and teach them to navigate the growing world of applicant tracking systems and resume black holes. We will discuss several key topics, including effectively searching and applying for opportunities online with the greatest job fit, strategies for helping MBAs avoid the resume black hole and moving beyond keywords: emerging trends in applicant tracking systems.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 3 tHUrSDAY 10:00-11:30

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enHAnCinG eMPloYABilitY tHroUGH PoSitiVe PSYCHoloGY: HoPe, APPreCiAtiVe ADViSinG & StrenGtHS

room: Azure (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling

Christa Hinton - Assistant Dean and Director, DePaul University

Catherine Moser - Assistant Director, DePaul University

this seminar highlights methods from Positive Psychology to assist career professionals in optimizing outcomes. results from original research on the relationship between Hope and employability will be presented. Appreciative Advising and StrengthsQuest will be discussed to assist career professionals with applying Positive Psychology techniques to their practice.

WorKinG WitH lArGe PoPUlAtionS of internAtionAl StUDentS

room: Blewett (7th floor) track: international, new Members

Derek Walker - Director of Careers, Saïd Business School, University of oxford

Many schools outside the US have an international student population exceeding 95% of the class. Careers staff from these schools will describe approaches taken in working with a large number of international students, including cultural awareness training, the impact of rapidly changing WP regulations , geographical and timing challenges, and working with recruiters and employers around the world, so that we are able to understand and meet their needs as best we can. Key learnings - non-US schools adopt a wide range of approaches and practices to these issues – and many of these ideas could be transferable to US schools, and could also interest US employers looking to hire outside the US.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 4 tHUrSDAY 1:00-2:30



93% of top business schools use CareerLeader®.

Discover why...

2012 US News and World Report rankings | ©2012

Page 33: 2012 MBA CSC Annual U.S. Conference€¦ · Values and Beliefs 4 2011-2012 Board of Directors 5 Letter from the Executive Director 7 Planning Committee 2011–2012 8 Letter from Conference

MinD YoUr BUSineSS: enGAGe, PrePAre, AnD trAnSforM freSH froM UnDerGrAD StUDentS into MBA leADerS

room: Chinook (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling

Angela Boyd - Director of MBA employer relations and Professional Development, College of Charleston

the College of Charleston School of Business offers an accelerated one-year, full-time day MBA program. 50% of the MBA cohort enters the MBA program directly from their undergraduate institution with no full-time work experience. A required weekly program called “Mind Your Business” was added to the MBA program to help students achieve their full potential as business and civic leaders. this presentation will describe successful collaborations with the School of Business Board of Governors, the business, government, and philanthropic communities, and the creation of special projects, mentorships, and other professional development opportunities for fresh from undergraduate MBA students.

tHe leADinG eDGe: GeorGetoWn’S CAreer CoACH CertifiCAtion JoUrneY

room: Cobalt (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Directors

Doreen Amorosa - Associate Dean & Managing Director, Georgetown University

Susan Whitcomb - Ceo, the Academies inc.

Many MBA Career Centers are staffed with experienced career professionals who are already at the top of their game . . . these teams continually look for tools that will tip the scales farther in their favor when it comes to serving students. Georgetown University’s McDonough School of Business recently embarked on a process to obtain career coaching certification from an international Coach federation-accredited program for its entire team—a process that favorably impacted its student satisfaction and hiring outcomes. Join us to learn best-practices, collaborate with your colleagues, and come away with actionable takeaways around the benefits of career coach certification.

UnloCKinG trAnSferrABle SKillS for CAreer CHAnGerS

room: Cyan (olive 8 3rd floor) track: Career education & Counseling, new Members

Chris Kovitz - Associate Director, MBA Career Center, the Paul Merage School of Business, UC irvine

Career changers can comprise 50% or more of a MBA class. As they write resumes, cover letters and prepare for interviews, career advisors must be adept at helping them translate their prior experiences into value-added skills in traditional MBA careers like finance, Marketing and Consulting. During our transferable Skills workshop at the Merage School, we help students break down the key skills required in their target roles and identify the sub-skills they already possess. in Unlocking transferrable Skills for Career Changers we will share best practices and discuss how to apply this process to several key MBA skills.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 4 tHUrSDAY 1:00-2:30

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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BeYonD reSUMeS: HelPinG YoUr MBAS MAnAGe tHeir ‘online iDentitY’ AnD SoCiAl MeDiA Profile

room: Sealth (6th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Working Professional

Sharon B. Cohen - Beyond resumes: Helping your MBAs Manage their ‘online identity’ and Social Media Profile, Georgia State University

ross Macpherson - President, Career Quest

More than 70% of recruiters have Googled a candidate or conducted informal or formal social media audits before extending offers to interview. •AreyourMBAsprepared?•Areyoupreparedto advise them? in today’s job market, having a strong online brand is just as important as having a strong resume and strong job search strategy. learn cutting edge best practices, see live online illustrations and take away practical tips for your career management center.

Hire exPeCtAtionS for 2012: trenDS BUSineSS SCHoolS AnD eMPloYerS neeD to KnoW*

room: Menzies (6th floor) track: international, Career education & Counseling, employers, employer relations, Directors

rebecca estrada - Survey research Manager, Graduate Management Admission Council

Jim Dixey - Director - Graduate Business Career Services, texas A&M University

Kanya Pannell - University relations Manager, Johnson & Johnson

How can you help your company or your students stand out in the current job market? Join us to gain insights into the 2012 results from the Graduate Management Admission Council annual Corporate recruiters Survey. Having surveyed thousands of recruiters and employers for the last 10 years, this session will focus on current corporate hiring and salary projections by industry and region, recruiting methods and workplace talent needs and expectations. Also, we’ll explore what’s behind the scenes, like how companies choose which school to visit –and what they look for in the students they interview and eventually hire. information like this can be a competitive advantage for both companies and schools, and help better prepare students for employment.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 4 tHUrSDAY 1:00-2:30

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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tAlent ACQUiSition StrAteGieS: enGAGinG toP eMPloYerS

room: Stevens (7th floor) track: employers, employer relations, Directors

Yolander Albert - Associate Director, employer relations, Jones Graduate School of Business - rice Unviersity

What makes your school a key source of talent for an employer? Hint: it’s all relationship-driven! this session will provide strategies and best practices to not just feed resumes to employers during recruitment season, but to build meaningful, reciprocal relationships. the goal is for employers to provide knowledge about their hiring practices, business growth strategies, needs from your school and creative ways to engage students. likewise, the information that schools provide to companies should help them to know the student climate, to develop key strategies for recruitment and to build brand equity on campus through a broad school network.

tHe CHAllenGeS of DeliVerinG tHe SAMe Content to Different StUDent PoPUlAtionS*

room: Washington (7th floor) track: Career education & Counseling, Working Professional

Kelly o’Brien - Assistant Director, fisher Career resource Center, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

Sarah outland - Assistant Director, Career resource Center, University of Chicago Booth School of Business

We want all of our students to excel, and the same basic skills are necessary regardless of where they are in their careers. everyone needs to know how to interview, craft a resume and cover letter, research, network, develop their story, etc. though it would be ideal to deliver the same program to all populations, the reality is that full-time and part-time students have different geographic considerations and time constraints and are usually at very different stages in their careers. Join two Chicago Booth colleagues for a discussion around programming to fit the needs of diverse student populations.

*HrCi: this program has been approved for 1.5 (General) recertification credit hours toward PHr, SPHr and GPHr recertification through the Hr Certification institute. Sign the attendance sheet in the room to receive credit.

BreAKoUt SeSSion 4 tHUrSDAY 1:00-2:30

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WeDneSDAY 4:15-5:15

EmployEr Spotlightroom: leonessa

networking is one of the top 3 reasons that CSC members cite when asked what they seek to gain from the conference. for the second year in a row, corporate and university members will have the opportunity to “meet and greet” and make new connections during the employer Spotlight session. Much like a speed networking session, career professionals will be able to get acquainted with employer representatives from over 16 different companies through this fun and informal networking program. Career professionals who have employer relations responsibilities are encouraged to represent their schools at the employer Spotlight but all conference attendees are welcome to attend.

WeDneSDAY 3:15-4:15 tHUrSDAY 3:00-4:00

EmployEr rou ndtablEroom: Discovery (1st floor)

this intimate, employer-only session promises to be a lively and engaging discussion on the challenges, hot topics and rewards of the field of recruiting. ryann Cheung, Campus recruitment Manager at McKesson will moderate the discussion which will provide the unique chance for peer-to-peer benchmarking with colleagues from At&t, Dell, e&Y, Gallup, Humana, intel, J & J, liberty Mutual, fidelity, McKesson, Wipro and more.

WeDneSDAY 3:15-4:15 tHUrSDAY 3:00-4:00

VEndor ShowcaSEAren’t you curious about the newest features and benefits of the products and services offered by our conference vendors and exhibitors? Want to see a demo and learn more about how these tools, technology and services can help you bring more value and efficiency to your MBA career services program? Spend part of your afternoon at the Vendor Showcase when our valued exhibitors will offer 25 minute presentations of their offerings. Come armed with your questions and get guidance from these experts.


room 1st 3:15-3:40p 2nd 3:50-4:15p

Chinook Symplicity Career Shift

Washington evisors experience

Sherman the Broad residency in Urban education

Going Global

Stevens Career Core nAAMBA

Blewett final round Prep Goalee

Menzies Suite networks ignite the Academies

Stealth China travel & tourMore than Money Careers


room 1st 3:00-3:25pm 2nd 3:35-4:00pm

Chinook Digital revolutions interviewStream

Washington QS Global Workplace


Sherman Career Quest See-V/MBA Headhunter

Stevens Vault People Polish/Articulate training

Blewett Big think Salary View

Menzies Suite Job Juice MBA Women int'l

otHer SeSSion DeSCriPtionS

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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tHUrSDAY 4:30-5:30

BooK ClUB WitH SteVe DAlton

room: Discovery (1st floor)

the 2-Hour Job Search shows job-seekers how to work smarter (and faster) to secure first interviews. through a prescriptive approach, Dalton explains how to wade through the internet’s sea of information and create a job-search system that relies on mainstream technology such as excel, Google, linkedin, and alumni databases to create a list of target employers, contact them, and then secure an interview—with only two hours of effort. Avoiding vague tips like “leverage your contacts,” Dalton tells job-hunters exactly what to do and how to do it. this empowering book focuses on the critical middle phase of the job search and helps readers bring organization to what is all too often an ineffectual and frustrating process.

friDAY 8:45-10:15

adVancEd pr actitionEr SESSion

SeSSion DeSCriPtion: ADVAnCeD PrACtitioner – roUnDtABleS

room: leonessa i and ii

our Advanced Practitioners roundtable is an opportunity to share what you learned during the conference. Moderators with topical expertise will capture “best of” content while attendees rotate through up to 3 topical discussions. topics include: networking, teaching it better; Making the workplace appealing to Gen Y; technology. What’s new? What works?; Job search strategies for internationals; ethics in the hiring process; Programs & activities for working professionals; Strategies for building employer & university partnerships; Building partnerships with existing on campus departments. this café style session will allow you to maximize the conference experience by reflecting on what you learned and listening as other share their “best of” experiences.


• Summarize what was learned from the conference and what can be applied.

• Give attendees opportunity reflect on their own learning and increase conference value.

friDAY 8:45-10:15

mba cSc EmploymEnt rEporting Standar dS

StAnDArDS trAininG

room: leonessa iii

the MBA CSC Standards for reporting MBA employment Statistics represent the business school industry’s conformance to standards upon which peer schools, prospective students and the media rely for accurate and comparable information. Standards provide guidelines for the collection, management, and distribution of employment data to GMAC and the media, including the financial times, US news, Business Week and the economist. Some media publications are now denoting Standards compliant schools. Some will add this denotation in future ranking publications. the session will provide an overview of the standards as well as information on how directly apply the standards to your student employment data collection and management processes.

otHer SeSSion DeSCriPtionS

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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friDAY 10:45-11:45

PreSentAtion: MBA reCrUitMent: PreSent AnD fUtUre

room: leonessa i and ii

Peter faricy will share his perspectives on the key aspects of recruiting MBA talent:

Critical characteristics: What Amazon looks for in MBA talent; similarities and differences with other organizations

future needs: expectations of MBA training and quality

Collaboration: How employers and schools can best work together

Connecting with major employers: So many schools, so little time. How should non-target schools connect their interested and talented students to major employers like Amazon?

otHer SeSSion DeSCriPtionS

AT&T is a proud sponsor of the 2012 MBA Career Services Council Annual Conference.

You know how to lead and innovate – and so do we. After all, you’ll be part of the leading name in communications and entertainment, and you’ll redefine the cuttingedge in our customers’ homes and offices. You’ll also earn benefits, training, and amplecareer potential that we can’t stop talking about either. Where are you headed?

Step up your career with our Leadership Development, Financial Leadership andHuman Resources Leadership Programs.


Technology so cool it can launch careers.

University Relations

Diversity is the AT&T way of standing apart. Equal Opportunity Employer.© 2012 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and theAT&T logo are trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property.







4.25 x 5.5”


2012 MBA CSC Conference


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GrAnD HYAtt SeAttle

Grand Hyatt SeattleDIRECTIONS

From SEA-TAC International Airport: Follow signs to 518 East/I-5 Northbound.

Exit right onto 518 East. Exit from the left lane onto I-5 North. Continue on I-5 North

for 14 miles. Exit at Olive Way. Right on Bellevue. Right on Pine. Continue for 6

blocks and turn left into porte-cochère.


Grand Hyatt SeattleDIRECTIONS

From SEA-TAC International Airport: Follow signs to 518 East/I-5 Northbound.

Exit right onto 518 East. Exit from the left lane onto I-5 North. Continue on I-5 North

for 14 miles. Exit at Olive Way. Right on Bellevue. Right on Pine. Continue for 6

blocks and turn left into porte-cochère.


2012 MBA CSC Conference


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GrAnD HYAtt SeAttle

Grand Hyatt SeattleDIRECTIONS

From SEA-TAC International Airport: Follow signs to 518 East/I-5 Northbound.

Exit right onto 518 East. Exit from the left lane onto I-5 North. Continue on I-5 North

for 14 miles. Exit at Olive Way. Right on Bellevue. Right on Pine. Continue for 6

blocks and turn left into porte-cochère.


2012 MBA CSC Conference


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HYAtt At oliVe 8

Hyatt at Olive 8DIRECTIONS

From Sea-Tac Airport: Follow signs I-5 Northbound. Continue on I-5 North for 14 miles.

Exit from the left lane at Seneca Street. Right on Sixth Avenue. Right on Pike Street. Left

on Eighth Avenue. Continue forward through Pine Street. The Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance

is the second driveway on the left.

From I-5 North Bound: Exit from the left lane at Seneca Street. Right on Sixth Avenue.

Right on Pike Street. Left on Eighth Avenue. Continue forward through Pine Street. The

Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance is the second driveway on the left.

From I-5 South Bound: Take the Union Street Exit. Continue forward onto Union Street.

Turn right on Seventh Avenue. Right on Pike Street. Left on Eighth Avenue. Continue

forward through Pine Street. The Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance is the second driveway

on the left.

From I-90 West Bound: Merge onto I-5 North via Exit #2c toward Madison Street /

Convention Center / Vancouver, BC. Take Madison Street / Convention Center exit.

Follow exit forward onto Seventh Avenue. Right on Madison Street. Left on Eighth

Avenue. Continue forward through Pine Street. The Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance is the

second driveway on the left.




















CT / H

WY 99























Y 99








































Hyatt at Olive 8DIRECTIONS

From Sea-Tac Airport: Follow signs I-5 Northbound. Continue on I-5 North for 14 miles.

Exit from the left lane at Seneca Street. Right on Sixth Avenue. Right on Pike Street. Left

on Eighth Avenue. Continue forward through Pine Street. The Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance

is the second driveway on the left.

From I-5 North Bound: Exit from the left lane at Seneca Street. Right on Sixth Avenue.

Right on Pike Street. Left on Eighth Avenue. Continue forward through Pine Street. The

Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance is the second driveway on the left.

From I-5 South Bound: Take the Union Street Exit. Continue forward onto Union Street.

Turn right on Seventh Avenue. Right on Pike Street. Left on Eighth Avenue. Continue

forward through Pine Street. The Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance is the second driveway

on the left.

From I-90 West Bound: Merge onto I-5 North via Exit #2c toward Madison Street /

Convention Center / Vancouver, BC. Take Madison Street / Convention Center exit.

Follow exit forward onto Seventh Avenue. Right on Madison Street. Left on Eighth

Avenue. Continue forward through Pine Street. The Hyatt at Olive 8 entrance is the

second driveway on the left.




















CT / H

WY 99























Y 99








































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ConferenCe SPonSorS




2012 MBA CSC Conference


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Please stop by the exhibitor area in the Princessa Rooms to learn more about the companies who support the MBA CSC and provide value-added services to our membership.

ConferenCe exHiBitorS


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for more than a century, At&t has consistently provided innovative, reliable, high-quality products and services and excellent customer care. today, our mission is to connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else. We’re fulfilling this vision by creating new solutions for consumers and businesses and by driving innovation

BiG tHinK


Big think’s mission is to help people get smarter, faster, for success in the knowledge economy. in our multimedia lessons, the world’s top experts share significant, relevant, and actionable insights and engage in an exploration of the big ideas and core skills that define the 21st century.

tHe BroAD reSiDenCY in UrBAn eDUCAtion


the Broad residency in Urban education, a nationwide leadership development program, places participants in full-time, paid management positions in education organizations such as school districts, charter management organizations and state departments of education while providing professional development and networking opportunities.

CAnDiD CAreer


Candid Career is the premier on-line provider of thousands of informational video interviews featuring industry professionals. interviewees share job descriptions, personal testimonials, and advice for the sole purpose of guiding your students through their own career exploration process.



CareerBeam is the leading career management firm supporting colleges, business schools, and alumni associations. We provide comprehensive career technology designed by experienced career management professionals. CareerBeam’s portal combines everything needed to assess career options, manage job campaigns, conduct industry, company and contact research, locate jobs and connect to company insiders.



CareerCore offers a web-based career counseling platform that enables schools to deliver customized career plans and personalized feedback to 3x the number of students they currently serve. CareerCore also offers supplemental counseling, from experienced professionals, for students & alumni in times of high demand or in industries of limited expertise.



Since 1994, Careerleader has been helping individuals find career success and satisfaction. Based on over 50 collective years of scientific research and career development experience, Careerleader is now used by 93% of the world’s best business schools*. Discover why. (*2012 US news and World report rankings)



CareerShift comes highly recommended by your colleagues to complement your current job posting system. this easy to use web-service finds jobs, contacts within companies, alumni, company information, and keeps it all organized for complete career management. Students, alumni and Career Service offices all give CareerShift rave reviews. Stop by our booth to find out how it can help you, or call 1-888-232-0632 for a personal tour.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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Marc Cosentino is the world’s foremost authority on case interviewing, author of the best selling Case in Point and Ceo of CaseQuestions.com. CaseQuestions.com offers case workshops, train-the-trainer sessions, mock interviews, case certification and CQi, an interactive prep site. in addition we train PhDs to think like business people.

CHinA trAVel AnD toUr


China travel and tour is the premier China study trip provider for MBA and eMBA trips to China. our expertise in China and logistics allows for a seamless MBA study trip. this enables your MBA participants to focus on learning about business and culture in China.

DiGitAl reVolUtionS


C3M (Career Center Contact Manager) provides a way to easily capture and manage information relating to student engagements with your Career Center. tracking student activities for appointments, participation in events and other resource usage is easy and intuitive using C3M. easily generate information you need for MBA CSC reporting.



evisors connects students and job seekers with industry-specific experts for job preparation (mock interviews, resume reviews), job search advice and the insiders’ perspective on a target industry, firm or region. our services include from one-on-one coaching, live expert webinars and our proprietary Alumni Mentorship Platform.

exPerienCe inC.


experience, inc. is an acknowledged leader in providing career center management software for colleges and universities since 1996. focused on delivering positive outcomes, we connect millions of students with over 100,000 employers. learn more about our innovative career center solutions and our newest features for MBA schools and students.

finAl roUnD PreP


frP helps students obtain jobs in the Management Consulting industry via interview workshops, job application support and case interview coaching. As a result, we have helped our clients obtain jobs at top tier firms including McKinsey, the Boston Consulting Group, Bain, A.t. Kearney, Deloitte, Accenture, Capgemini, Secor, and ZS.



Gallup’s reputation for delivering relevant, timely, and visionary research on what people around the world think and feel is the cornerstone of the organization. Gallup employs many of the world’s leading scientists in management, economics, psychology, and sociology, and our consultants assist leaders in identifying and monitoring behavioral economic indicators worldwide.



Goalee is a hybrid of a professional networking site and a matchmaking site. Students set goals for themselves, and Goalee matches them with other users that can help them achieve their goals, ranked by how similar the users are on a personal level. Goalee then guides the student through the process of making targeted, effective outreach.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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GoinG GloBAl


Going Global provides constantly-updated career guides for more than 80 locations. the proprietary database includes H1B listings and more than 16 million internship and job postings, which are updated daily and can be searched in the local language. Going Global’s research is conducted “in-country” by local career experts. More than one million individuals rely on Going Global to fast-track their job searches both at home and abroad. for free trial access contact Mary Anne thompson [email protected] or call 1.251.342.9811

GrADUAte MAnAGeMent ADMiSSion CoUnCil


the Graduate Management Admission Council is a nonprofit organization of leading graduate business schools dedicated to creating access to graduate management education. the Council owns the GMAt® exam, developed by and for business schools and used as a valid predictor of academic performance by more than 5,000 graduate business programs worldwide. Visit gmac.com and mba.com.



Humana inc., headquartered in louisville, Kentucky, is a leading health care company that offers a wide range of insurance products and health and wellness services that incorporate an integrated approach to lifelong well-being. By leveraging the strengths of its core businesses, Humana believes it can better explore opportunities for existing and emerging adjacencies in health care that can further enhance wellness opportunities for the millions of people across the nation with whom the company has relationships.



interviewStream provides a web-based practice interviewing platform which allows students to practice and perfect their interviewing skills. in addition, interviewStream also provides an employer platform which enables employers to host pre-screen and live interviews with your MBA students.



Jobjuice: mobile business reference and interview tools Jobjuice helps students land their dream jobs. Marketing, finance, strategy, negotiation, social media job search and other business topics are covered in flashcards and mobile apps. Developed by Wharton MBAs, in conjunction with renowned specialists, these tools are unique, highly effective and have been used by thousands of students at top universities in over 35 countries.

JoHnSon & JoHnSonCaring for the world, one person at a time, has inspired and united the people of Johnson & Johnson for 125 years. We embrace research and science-bringing innovative ideas, products and services to advance the health and well-being of people. employees of the Johnson & Johnson family of Companies work with partners in health care to touch the lives of over a billion people every day, throughout the world.

liBertY MUtUAl GroUP


“Helping people live safer, more secure lives” since 1912, Boston-based liberty Mutual is a diversified global insurer, the third largest property and casualty insurer in the U.S. and ranks 82nd on the fortune 100 list of largest corporations in the U.S. Seattle is home to Safeco insurance, one of the liberty Mutual Agency Corporation companies. Check out the skyline for our logo and Safeco field for some baseball action while you are in town.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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in partnership with the world’s top-ranked graduate business schools, MBA focus has created the most comprehensive recruiting network available. for more than two decades, these school partners—and the companies that employ their students and alumni—look to us for advanced recruiting technology solutions, best practices, and innovation.

MBA WoMen internAtionAl (forMerlY nAtionAl ASSoCiAtion of WoMen MBAS)


MBA Women international (formerly national Association of Women MBAs) with over 70 collegiate and 20 professional chapters is dedicated to empowering female MBAs and propelling them into leadership positions to enhance the diversity of our nation’s workforce.



MBACASe is the premier provider of case interview training, coaching and materials. our founder, David ohrvall, trains thousands of MBAs and undergrads each year at top tier business schools around the world. David’s new book, Crack the Case System (released in 2011), is available on Amazon.com and mbacase.com (bulk orders).

More tHAn MoneY CAreerS


online Career Modules (>10min) that help students get clear, get connected, and get hired for well-paying internships and jobs in CSr, sustainable business, and social enterprise.

nAtionAl ASSoCiAtion of ASiAn MBAS


national Association of Asian MBAs (nAAMBA) is a nonprofit, 501 (c) (3), professional organization dedicated to the advancement and empowerment of Pan-Asian professionals globally.

nAAMBA’s unique value proposition:

• An organization with global reach• An organization that is truly Pan-Asian• An organization that strives to create a critical

mass of Pan-Asian professionals across industries

• An organization driven to cultivate and develop tomorrow’s leaders today

• An organization driven to propel Pan-Asian professionals into C-Suite positions

nAtionAl SoCietY of HiSPAniC MBAS


the national Society of Hispanic MBAs (nSHMBA) is the premier Hispanic business organization dedicated to building and advancing Hispanic leadership through graduate management education and professional development. recognized as the nation’s most prestigious Hispanic organization, nSHMBA has 37 chapters in the U.S. and Puerto rico serving nearly 15,000 members since 1988.



networksignite inc. is focused on developing an intelligent, career-long networking advisor for business professionals. their first product is a web-based relationship management tool that promises to make the job search and networking process more productive and efficient for MBA students. the founding business partners are both Kellogg alums.

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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PeoPle PoliSH / ArtiCUlAte trAininG


People Polish can dramatically improve international students’ social intelligence and networking skills. With a unique curriculum created specifically for the MBA environment, our on-site workshop will fast-track the acquisition of ideal business communication techniques, especially interviewing and networking. international students are usually among the best and brightest--enable them to communicate that to the employers!



SalaryView is a web-based tool for students to conduct personalized salary research while allowing universities to collect and distribute employment information for a variety of reporting needs.

See-V / MBAHeADHUnter


See-V.com is an exciting networking platform that’s revolutionizing alumni networking and employability. international Business Schools are now re-inventing their alumni & recruitment efforts by using See-V’s branded networker platforms, combining unique video functionality and patented soft skill assessment tools that empowers your alumni networking and the way they are presented to recruiters. think of us as an enhanced linkedin group, designed exclusively for your alumni, students and those you’d like to show them off to. Contact us today and bring your network to life.

SYMPliCitY CorPorAtion


Symplicity, a leading provider of web based software for higher education, offers its flagship Career Services Management system, MBA CSM, to MBA CSC members. MBA CSM enables career offices to provide more services to students and employers than ever before while increasing efficiency and reducing operating costs for the office.

tHe ACADeMieS, inC.


the Academies: Are your students/alums frustrated, apprehensive, or stuck when it comes to planning their career transition? Would you like to learn a few simple coaching techniques to help students do the work themselves? learn more about our 10-year record of equipping career professionals with training to shorten the time to placement!



Universum drives the industry forward having focused exclusively on employer Branding for over 20 years. We are a partner to 1,200 clients and 1,500 universities worldwide, including many fortune 500 companies. We help employers to understand, attract and retain ideal employees using our experience in research, strategic consulting and communication solutions.

VAUlt CAreer inSiDer


Since 1996, Vault has been an indispensable career resource for MBAs at top programs around the world through our campus platform Career insider. our company profiles, guidebooks and other actionable content deliver an insider perspective students need to successfully match themselves to the best employers and career opportunities.

WAll Street PreP


Wall Street Prep is a global financial training firm, providing instructor-led applied modeling and interview prep courses for MBA students pursuing finance careers. Alternatively, we enable MBA career centers to offer their students unlimited access to WSP’s entire library of web-based modeling and interview prep programs for deeply reduced rates.

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Liberty Mutual Insurance thanks all of our MBA CSC campus colleagues for helping to make our 2012 recruit-ing season a success. We look forward to our continuing partnership in 2013.


You do the right thing in your everyday life, there’s a place where you can do that in your everyday job. That place is Liberty Mutual Insurance.

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“ Senior Management is 100% committed to the development programs and our individual ca-reer development/success.”

- Seth Ross School of Business

“ The organization’s focus on the individual gave me the opportunity to work internationally on a high-impact project.”

- Jeff Thunderbird School of Global Management

2012 MBA CSC Conference


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2012 MBA CSC Conference


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Your unique talents and perspective can make a vital contribution to innovative products that improve the lives of people everywhere. Career opportunities within Johnson & Johnson companies can provide a setting to build your leadership experience, express your passion, and touch the world. Visit careers.jnj.com to learn more about opportunities to make your mark within our organization.

Johnson & Johnson is a proud sponsor of the

2012 MBA CSC Annual Conference.

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2012 MBA CSC Conference


Meet David Ohrvall at his presentation

Case Interview Train the Trainer: Learn How to Give a Business Case

or come by the MBACASE table and

learn how we can help your students

this coming year!

Crack the Case System

42 tough cases

Step-by-step modular format

21 skill building drills and exercises

Over 150 integrated, bonus videos of interviewers and candidates

Order in

Bulk and



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Search for “MBA CSC”

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the MBA Career Services Council (MBA CSC) is a global professional association for those in the field of graduate management career services and employers who hire graduate business students. MBA CSC was founded in 1994 and has over 600 members representing a diverse group of over

200 MBA programs and corporations located in the U.S. and internationally. We provide networking and learning through conferences, webinars, communication tools and comprehensive research.

Visit our website: www.mbcsc.org

Follow us on twitter : www.twitter/mbacsc conference hashtag: #MBACSCSeattle12

Connect with us on Linkedin

read our blog at mbacsc.wordpress.com/

Email us: [email protected]

Program design, layout, and printing provided by the in-house creative department at Gallup.

2012 MBA CSC Conference