Carpool Week 2012 Employer Toolkit Please Help Us Promote Carpooling! In Return, We’ll Help Your Employees Carpool to Work and Measure the Greenhouse Gas Savings - and They Could Win: Ticketmaster Coupons, GPS Navigational Systems and Fuel Cards!

2012 Carpool Week Toolkit

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Carpool to save money, time, and parking

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Carpool Week 2012 Employer Toolkit

Please Help Us Promote Carpooling!

In Return, We’ll Help Your Employees Carpool to Work and

Measure the Greenhouse Gas Savings -

and They Could Win: Ticketmaster Coupons,

GPS Navigational Systems and Fuel Cards!

Carpool Week Toolkit October 15-19, 2012

In partnership with Carpool.ca, Carpool Week 2012 will take place in Calgary, Edmonton, Lethbridge, Fort McMurray, Red Deer,

Regina, Saskatoon, Kelowna, Penticton, Vernon, Summerland, Peachland and Oliver. The purpose of the event is to increase

awareness about transportation alternatives - carpooling in particular. This guide provides information on the carpooling

services available through Carpool.ca and how they relate to Carpool Week. We hope you will consider helping us promote

carpooling at your workplace. Carpool.ca is financially supported by:

ToolKit ContentsThank you to our generous Carpool Week Sponsors.......................................................................................................2

Carpool.ca Services and Employer Benefits....................................................................................................................3

Company Destination Listings.......................................................................................................................................3

Order Form for Promotional Materials............................................................................................................................5

Optional Supporting Initiatives......................................................................................................................................6

2 www. carpool.ca

Thank You to Our Generous Sponsors!

Provincial Sponsors

Regional Sponsors

These organizations have generously donated funding to purchase Carpool Week prizes and incentives. These prizes and

incentives will be awarded randomly to individuals who share carpool stories, register with www.carpool.ca, search for new

carpool partners, or track their trips using our ‘Trip Tracker’. Results of Carpool Week 2012 will be made available upon


Additional promotional activities will be held using social media. Please like our Facebook page and follow us on Twitter for

details. See links below:



Carpool Week Toolkit October 15-19, 2012

3 www. carpool.ca

Carpooling ServicesCarpool.ca provides a variety of carpooling services through www.carpool.ca. This free online carpool matching website

connects commuters together to find them the most suitable and convenient carpool for them. The service is fast, free and


Carpool Week Toolkit October 15-19, 2012

Company Carpool.ca DestinationsInsure that your company is listed as a ‘destination’ in your region’s Carpool.ca database. This not only allows your employees

to register more quickly, but it also provides us with the ability to track participation for your organization. Through the use of

our ‘Trip Tracker’ we will also be able calculate trips and greenhouse gas savings reduced on an individual, employer and

region-wide basis. If your company is not listed (or are unsure), please contact [email protected]. A free company

destination listing can be set up in a few moments - remember to include multiple branch offices and locations.

Employer benefits of promoting Carpool.caReduced Need for Parking

Many employers offer carpool incentive programs to reduce parking demand. Carpooling helps people get to work sharing a

vehicle, especially when employees come from areas where transit is limited. Employers can save a substantial amount of

money by reducing the number of parking spaces required.

Increased Productivity and Morale

Carpooling employees not only arrive at work less stressed, but they spend less of their hard-earned paycheques getting

there! Access to Carpool.ca can be viewed as a free employee benefit!


Carpool.ca’s free carpool matching services offer employees a sustainable transportation option. Carpooling can reduce an

employee’s overall commuting carbon footprint. Employers can measure their worksite’s participation.

4 www. carpool.ca

Carpool Week Promotional MaterialsPlease consider ordering and distributing our free promotional materials, including our Carpool Week 2012 poster (also

available in electronic version), cut & paste text, Carpool.ca brochure, bookmarks or other supplies (order form and details

on Page 6).

Carpool Week Toolkit October 15-19, 2012

5 www. carpool.ca

Carpool Week Toolkit October 15-19, 2012

Promotional Items/Materials Supply Requested

Carpool Week Posters (see sample page 4)

Carpool.ca Brochures (see sample page 4)

Carpool.ca Bookmarks (see sample page 4)

Carpool.ca E-Package (e-file + text, as shown on page 4)

Who Wants to Clean a Million Air game and (limited) supply of prizes. This game uses multiple choice questions about transportation and environment to engage employees. Correctly answered questions are rewarded with small prizes (included). Laptop w/Powerpoint and staff are required.

(by email)

Please provide shipping information: Destination:_________________________

Address:______________________________ City: ________________ Postal Code:_______

Attention:____________________ Tel#:________________Email:_______________________


Address:______________________________ City: ________________ Postal Code:_______

Attention:____________________ Tel#:________________Email:_______________________

Free Promotional MaterialsCarpool.ca provides free promotional materials for Carpool Week promotions. If you are interested in receiving a supply

of any of the following, please complete the form below and fax to us at 250-743-8000 by October 1, 2012.

Optional Supporting Carpool Measures and InitiativesFlexible Work Hours

Allowing some flexibility around start and finish times (15-30 minutes at the beginning and/or end of

each day) will help increase the number of carpools formed at your workplace.

Preferred Parking

Save parking costs - as incentive to carpool, reserve carpool spaces as

close as possible to the driver’s building. A Carpool Parking Permit can be

issued allowing carpool groups to park in these spaces designated as

‘Carpool Parking’. Carpool parking should be made available at the same

rate as regular parking spaces as savings are achieved by sharing

commuting costs including parking. This insures there is no lost revenue

(and therefore easier to acquire management approval), only that spaces

are being used more efficiently. Spaces can be reserved until mid-morning only and then used as

over-flow parking for the rest of the day.

Emergency Ride Home Program (ERH)

An ERH program provides employees with a free ride home in the case of an emergency - as defined

by the employer. ERH programs act as a safety net for employees that may be hesitant to make

sustainable transportation choices. ERH programs are implemented and designed by the employer.

Examples of successful programs are available upon request from Carpool.ca.

6 www. carpool.ca

Carpool Week Toolkit October 15-19, 2012