ANNUAL REPORT 2012 Collaboration

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On the cover: Graduate student Brian Cholewa assists Nihal Ahmad, PhD, (right) a professor in the

Department of Dermatology, discover how cells interact with agents to lower cancer risk and slow tumor development.

Stay Connected with Us

Dear Friends,

The UW Carbone Cancer Center has been a model of cancer collaboration since we were established as one of the first university-based

comprehensive cancer centers in the United States by the National Cancer Institute.

There is strength in numbers, in teamwork, in collaboration.

As you browse this year’s annual report, you will learn how the UW Carbone Cancer Center is partnering with institutions throughout the state through

our Wisconsin Oncology Network and see how far we are advancing in molecular imaging. Learn more about our new pancreatic cancer task force

and how we are looking at obesity’s impact on cancer.

Stories of collaboration unfold each and every day at the UW Carbone Cancer Center.

Stories of collaboration about physicians and scientists working together to transform the future of

cancer care. It’s remarkable and it’s happening right here at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

On behalf of our faculty and the individuals and families who benefit from their work, I thank you

for your support and your continued collaboration with the UW Carbone Cancer Center.


George Wilding, MD

Director, UW Carbone Cancer Center

Anderson Professor of Medicine

P.S. I encourage you to continue your collaboration with us each and every day.

See the inside front cover on how to stay connected with us.

Collaboration: The Act of Working With Another or Others on a Joint Initiative


Molecular ImagingThe Future of Detection and Treatment

As a collaboration of scientists, clinicians and patients, the process of molecular imaging serves as a model for translational medicine.

Cutting-edge technologies allow the UW Carbone Cancer Center teams to precisely pinpoint how tumors react to targeted therapies,

giving patients the upper hand and a better chance at a healthy future.

Yongjun Yan, PhD, in the Department of Medical Physics,

carefully labels tumor-targeting compounds with radioactive isotopes

while performing rigorous quality control tests before

these “radiotracers” are used in the scanning process.

Associate scientist in the Department of Medical Physics, Todd Barnhart, PhD,

and Stephen Graves, research assistant, operate the GE PETtrace cyclotron,

smashing atoms together at 1/10th the speed of light. The resulting short-lived

radioactive isotopes are used to produce radiotracers by researchers to zoom in

on cancer cells in the human body.

Robert Jeraj, PhD, associate professor in the

Department of Medical Physics (right) and Glenn Liu,

MD, associate professor of hematology-oncology in the

Department of Medicine, work closely together at the

Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research, with Jeraj

leading the basic research initiatives and Liu connecting

the dots in the clinic.

Image Analysis Core Facility director Sean Fain, PhD,

associate professor in the Department of Medical

Physics, is trained to carefully analyze the results of a

scan and determine the tumor response to treatment.

Detecting a tumor’s development more precisely than ever,

Scott Perlman, MD, MS, professor in the Department of Radiology,

uses these isotopes in a state-of-the-art PET/CT scanner, as he

and Christine Jaskowiak, PET program manager, in the Department

of Radiology, talk to a patient before his PET/CT scan.


T he Wisconsin Oncology Network (WON) was established in 1998. Starting with eight member sites across the state, it has since grown to

19 sites in Wisconsin, northern Illinois and western South Dakota. It is a collaborative research network that offers innovative treatment

options to patients, with the advantage that patients can be treated in their home communities. To date, more than 1,200 patients have

participated in WON clinical studies, leading to more than a dozen publications and scientific presentations.

Anne Traynor, MD, associate professor of hematology-oncology in the

Department of Medicine (left) and Jill Kolesar, PharmD, of UW School of Pharmacy,

examine data from the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine. The UWCCC Lung Cancer

group led by Traynor will begin genotyping lung cancer specimens from their patients

starting in summer 2013. The intent is to identify gene mutations in tumors that match

novel anti-cancer therapies that are targeted to turn off that mutation. This project will be

extended to WON sites in 2014. Inset photo: A chip which analyzes DNA.

Wei Xu, PhD, associate professor of

oncology, is exploring the role of a

second estrogen receptor, estrogen

receptor beta, in breast cancer. Her

research is focused on triple negative

breast cancer. Her work was the basis

for the current phase II high dose

estradiol study active in WON. Currently

17 patients have enrolled in five WON


Barb Bergum, breast cancer patient, cares for lambs on the family farm in Rio, Wisconsin. She

is pictured with her husband Paul (above right). Amye Tevaarwerk, MD, assistant professor

of hematology-oncology in the Department of Medicine, is leading a WON study focused on

employment and work ability in newly diagnosed cancer patients. The study assesses changes in

ability to work through chemotherapy, radiation and up to 24 months beyond.

Wisconsin Oncology Network (WON)Cultivating a Culture of Cooperation for Clinical Studies

WON is currently led by Kari Wisinski, MD and Ryan Mattison, MD, assistant professors

of hematology-oncology in the Department of Medicine. Both are committed to WON

continuing with cancer therapy development as well as future projects focused on patient

quality-of-life research and supportive care advances.

One physician who has been active

in WON is Timothy Fenske, MD, a

lymphoma specialist at the Medical

College of Wisconsin. Dr. Fenske

proposed a study through WON to test

a novel combination of two medications

in lymphoma patients. The study was

accepted by WON and began to enroll

patients in early 2011. Through April

2013, 39 patients have been enrolled

at nine sites throughout WON.


T he UW Carbone Cancer Center developed a Pancreatic Cancer Task Force two years ago to raise awareness of pancreatic cancer and

funds to support the highest quality research. The task force seeks to build an endowment to support fundamental discoveries, novel drug

screening and development, and translational research to make pancreatic cancer survivorship the new norm.

Sharon Weber, MD, medical director for surgical oncology in the Department

of Surgery, shares that UW has achieved outstanding results compared to 500

other hospitals in the nation, in regards to perioperative death, serious infection

rates and length of stay. This is based on nationally validated, risk adjusted

outcomes analysis of 30 day endpoints after pancreatic surgery from the

American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program.

At the same time, surgical volumes have continued to increase, with pancreatic

resections increasing at a rate of five to 12 percent per year for each of the last

six years.

Sheryl Pochel’s (right) life was turned upside down in

2006 when her husband Brian was diagnosed with

pancreatic cancer. Sadly, he died in 2011. Her parents,

Ron and Ruth Niendorf (above), were determined to

make a difference. According to Ron, “When Brian

was first diagnosed, I knew absolutely nothing about

pancreatic cancer. I had worked at UW-Madison for

32 years so I knew we had some of the best cancer

researchers in the world working right here in Madison.

Through the Pancreatic Cancer Task Force, we are

determined to raise money to fund UWCCC pilot

research projects specific to pancreas cancer.”

Pancreatic Cancer Task ForceBuilding Strong Partnerships to Advance Pancreatic Cancer Research

Researcher W. John Kao, PhD, professor in the School of Pharmacy (right)

and graduate student in Kao’s lab, Cole Drifka, examine a microfluidic channel,

designed to mimic the conditions of a pancreatic tumor outside of the body. Halycon Skinner, PhD, MPH, assistant professor in the Department of Population Health

Sciences, often collaborates with Noelle LoConte, assistant professor of hematology-

oncology in the Department of Medicine, who treats pancreatic cancer patients. Skinner

examines the role that aging plays in increasing the risk for pancreatic and colon cancers.


Knowing that a healthier population means fewer cases of cancer, outreach professionals and scientists alike are targeting obesity as a major

risk factor of the disease. From the laboratory to the playground, these teams are looking for ways to keep people healthy before cancer

even strikes.

Nihal Ahmad, PhD, professor in the Department of Dermatology, peers through a Nikon Eclipse

Ti inverted microscope to evaluate the effectiveness and molecular targets of grape antioxidant

resveratrol in cancer prevention and treatment. Research from his laboratory suggests that

resveratrol possesses potential in managing cancer.

Assistant professor in the Department of Medicine’s geriatrics and

gerontology division, Roz Anderson, PhD (right) and Porsha Howell,

a graduate research assistant, use metabolic profiling in fat tissues

as a way to determine vulnerability of individuals to certain cancer

types. This information allows Dr. Anderson’s team to have a hand in

developing strategies for preventing many obesity-related diseases.

The Healthy Children, Strong Families program targets families with children

in the preschool age range to instill healthy lifestyle behaviors at an early

age. Headed by Alexandra Adams, MD, PhD, associate professor in the

Department of Family Medicine, doctors and researchers are working

with tribal communities throughout Wisconsin and nationally to study how

healthy lifestyle changes can prevent chronic diseases, including cancer.

Cancer Control and PreventionCreating a Healthier Population Within Our Communities



T he UW Carbone Cancer Center is governed by an Executive Committee. This committee receives input from an External Advisory Scientific

Board comprised of scientific leaders from across the nation and a local Advisory Board of Directors.

Executive CommitteePaul Ahlquist, PhD

Dona Alberti, BSN, RN, MSM

Caroline Alexander, PhD

Rhoda Arzoomanian, BSN, RN, MSM

Howard Bailey, MD

David Beebe, PhD

Elizabeth Burnside, MD

Michael Gould, PhD

Paul Harari, MD

F. Michael Hoffmann, PhD

Robert Jeraj, PhD

Brad Kahl, MD

Patti Keely, PhD

Shannon Kenney, MD

Marilyn Larson, MBA

Douglas McNeel, MD, PhD

Shigeki Miyamoto, PhD

Hasan Mukhtar, PhD

Daniel Mulkerin, MD

Michael Newton, PhD

Stephanie Orzechowski, BSN, RN, MBA

Paul Rathouz, PhD

Mark Ritter, MD, PhD

James Shull, PhD

Maureen Smith, MD, PhD, MPH

Umberto Tachinardi, MD, MSc

Amy Trentham-Dietz, PhD

Stephine Wasielewski, BA

Sharon Weber, MD

George Wilding, MD

Amy Williamson, MPP

Katie Wulff, MBA, MHA

Community AdvisorsBill Steinberg – Chair

Don Anderson, Emeritus

Dave Arnold

Mark Bugher

Paul Carbone

Sheila Conroy

Maury Cotter

Walter Dewey

George Gialamas

Matthew Gonnering

David Hackworthy

Jon Hammes

Kevin Heppner

Rod Hise

Richard Latta

Kurt Lin

Mary Linton

Cory Nettles

Bruce Neviaser

Andy North

Fred Robertson

Anne Ross

Katie Sekelsy

Ted Straus

Tommi Thompson

John Underwood

David Villa

Jon Wilcox

External Advisory Scientific Board Allan Conney, PhD, Rutgers University

Susan Curry, PhD, University of Iowa

Daniel DiMario, MD, PhD, Yale University

Robert DuWors, MPA, UCLA Jonsson

Comprehensive Cancer Center

David Harrington, PhD, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

Mark Israel, MD, Norris Cotton Cancer Center

Peter Jones, PhD, USC/Norris Comprehensive

Cancer Center

Theodore Lawrence, MD, PhD, University of


H. Kim Lyerly, MD, Duke Comprehensive Cancer


Sanford Markowitz, MD, PhD,

Case Western Reserve University

Frank McCormick, PhD, UCSF Helen Diller Family

Comprehensive Cancer Center

George Michalopoulous, MD, University of Pittsburgh

Peter Rabinovitch, MD, PhD, University of


Joseph Simone, MD, Consultant, Simone Consulting

Mary Lou Smith, JD, MBA, Research Advocacy



The UW Carbone Cancer Center brings together the

efforts of more than 280 faculty from 55 departments

and nine schools on the UW-Madison campus.

Cancer Center members participate in eight research

programs, which optimize intra- and inter-programmatic

research and facilitate efforts to apply discoveries to

improving the care of cancer patients:

• CancerControl

• CancerGenetics

• CellSignaling

• Chemoprevention

• ExperimentalTherapeutics

• HumanCancerVirology

• ImagingandRadiationSciences

• TumorMicroenvironment

To learn more about our research initiatives, visit


Senior Leadership front row (left to right): Rhoda Arzoomanian, BSN, RN, MSM – Associate Director,

Administration; Daniel L. Mulkerin, MD – Medical Director; George Wilding, MD – Director;

Maureen A. Smith, MD, PhD, MPH – Associate Director, Cancer Control;

Back Row (left to right): Brad S. Kahl, MD – Associate Director, Clinical Programs;

James D. Shull, PhD – Associate Director, Laboratory Programs;

Sharon Weber, MD, Medical Director, Surgical Oncology; Umberto Tachinardi, MD, MSc – Associate

Director, Informatics; and Paul M. Harari, MD – Associate Director, Multidisciplinary Research.

Assistant Directors front row

(left to right): Kelly Sitkin, BA;

Marilyn Larson, MBA and

Amy Williamson, MPP.

Back row (left to right):

Stephine Wasielewski, BA;

Dona Alberti, BSN, RN, MSM

and Katie Wulff, MBA, MHA.


Multidisciplinary Clinical CareCollaborating to Provide the Best Cancer Treatment Possible

Cancer care at the UW Carbone Cancer Center gathers the knowledge of outstanding health care professionals who understand treating

cancer is more than managing a disease: it is caring compassionately for people. By working together within an academic health care

organization, our clinicians and researchers are rapidly translating the latest scientific discoveries into today’s patient care.

Our strength continues to lie in our “multidisciplinary” approach to cancer

care, in which a medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, surgeon and

other specialists work together to determine the best treatment for each

patient. This team approach includes nurses, genetic counselors, social

workers, pathologists, radiologists, psychologists, chaplains and dietitians.

Our multidisciplinary cancer clinics include:

• Bonemarrowtransplant • Brainandcentralnervoussystemtumors

• Breastcancer • Esophagealcancer

• Gastrointestinalcancer • Gynecologiccancer

• Headandneckcancer • Lungcancer

• Melanoma • Pediatrichematologyandoncology

• Sarcoma • Urologiconcology

Summary of New Cancer Cases, 2007-2011, UW Hospital and Clinics UW Hospital and Clinics Cancer Clinical Leadership (front row):

Vicki Hubbard, RN - B6/6 Inpatient Nurse Manager; Stephanie Orzechowski,

BSN, RN, MBA – Director of Oncology Services; Teri Mitchell, BS – Bone Marrow

Transplant Manager and Terri White, BSN, RN – Breast Center Manager. (back

row): Matthew Moody, MBA – Senior Business Operations Specialist; Wendy

Curran, RN, MSN – Clinical Nurse Specialist; Susan Hanauer, MSN, RN – Cancer

Clinics Manager; Julie Nampel, MSN, RN – Cancer Clinics Manager and Kim

Brandt, MBA, RN – Radiation Oncology Manager.












CNSPEDSFemale Breast

Melanoma of Skin

GYNLeukemiaNHLLungGUGIHead & Neck

Clinical ResearchTesting Promising New Treatments

T he proximity of physicians and researchers at the

UW Carbone Cancer Center encourages collaboration in

clinical care and creates an atmosphere which fuels translational

research. Patients at the Center are often among the first in

the world to have access to promising new therapies through

leading-edge clinical trials.

Types Of Clinical Trials

Treatment trials test new treatments. New cancer drugs or

drug combinations, new approaches to surgery or radiation

therapy or new methods such as gene therapy are used in

treatment trials. Participants in these trials do not receive a

placebo for their treatment.

Prevention trials test new approaches, such as medicines,

vitamins, minerals or other supplements that doctors believe

may lower the risk of a certain type of cancer. These trials look

for the best way to prevent cancer in people who have never

had cancer or to prevent cancer from coming back in people who have already had cancer.

Screening trials test the best way to find cancer, especially in its early stages.

Quality of life trials explore ways to improve comfort and quality of life for cancer patients.

Clinical Trials at the UWCCC

The UW Carbone Cancer Center typically has more than 250 clinical trials available for patients. Please contact Cancer Connect, the UWCCC’s

patient and physician resource, at (800) 622-8922 for more information about clinical trials. A complete listing of clinical trials at the Cancer

Center, along with key questions to ask your physician, also appears on our website: uwhealth.org/cancertrials


T he University of Wisconsin Carbone Cancer Center would like to thank all donors who help our organization maintain its leading role in innovative research initiatives, compassionate cancer care and education for the public and health care professionals.

Our donor list includes gifts of $1,000 and above received during January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012. A complete list of $100 and above gifts can be found at: uwhealth.org/collaborations

If your gift was inadvertently omitted, or if there is an error on our part, we apologize. If you have any questions, please contact Katie Arendt, (608) 263-0160 or [email protected]

Donors and Gifts

$100,000+Max G. Carney

Jean R. Finley

Midwest Athletes Against Childhood

Cancer Inc.

Prostate Cancer Foundation

Ron F. Skoronski

$10,000-99,999Donald W. Anderson

Ann’s Hope Foundation Inc.

Automation Components Inc.

James J. and Susan Bakke

Stuart B. and Mary T. Buchholtz

William M. and Signe A. Buchholz

John P. Burke

C. & J. Foundation

Choose Hope Inc.

CLM Park Foundation Inc.

Anne M. Connor

Craig C. and Lea R. Culver

Roger E. DeMeritt

Thomas M. and Margaret A. Diehl

Katherine S. Eagle


Epic Systems Corporation

Evergreen Management Inc.

J. H. Findorff & Son Inc.

John M. and Jeanne C. Flesch

John J. Frautschi

Daniel A. and Linda M. Gantz

Timothy J. and Susan A. Gantz

Greater Richland Area Cancer Elimination Inc.

Ho-Chunk Nation

James E. and Anna P. Hutchison

Kalahari Development LLC

William A. Kaminski

Kennedy Foundation

Phyllis L. Leach

Steven Leuthold Family Foundation

Jodi Lou Lung Cancer Foundation

Scott R. Luedke

M3 Insurance Solutions

Russell, Jr. and Virginia H. Moely

MPPOA/AMPS Charity Golf Outing

National “W” Club

Todd R., II and Shari L. Nelson

Edward W. Neumueller

O’Malley Family Foundation

Our Hope of Burlington

Pardeeville Area School District

Thomas F. Pyle, Jr.

Harold S. Rebholz

Frederick A. Robertson

Robert T. and Betty Rose-Meyer Foundation

Steven A. and Julie M. Rucinski

S. & S. Foundation

Sanford Health

St. Jude Hospice - Wisconsin

Malcolm Stack Foundation

Standard Imaging Inc.

Mavis A. Steil

Mary K. Strachota

Margaret C. Stroud

Tanger Wisconsin Dells LLC

Dawn Tanner Memorial

Teresa’s Foundation For Pancreatic Cancer

Tomorrow’s Hope Inc.

John D. and Mary E. Waterman

West Bend Mutual Insurance Co.

Charitable Fund

WHR Group Inc.

Widen Enterprises Inc.

Wisconsin Ovarian Cancer Alliance

Jerry and Nancy C. Wolfe

The Wollersheim Winery Inc.

Cedar Creek Winery

Zenith Insurance Company

Sari Zirbel Memorial Fund

$1,000-9,999John E. Ahern

Ronald E. and Sonja A. Ahlert

Daniel M. and Eleanor Albert

Ahmed Al-Niaimi

Alvaz and Ramiza Inc.

American Family Insurance Group

American TV & Appliance Inc.

Alonzo L. and Beatrice A. Anderson

Sally E. Anderson

Thomas P. Anderson

Robert G. and Dyan J. Armstrong

Sandra L. Armstrong

Paul C. Aspinwall

B. C. Golf Ralley

Douglas A. and Diana Backus

Badger Jim Beam Club

Baird Foundation

Robert W. Baird and Co. Inc.

Baker Tilly Virchow Krause LLP

Kenneth J. Ballweg

Barneveld School District

Theodore W. Batterman

Thomas G. and Martha G. Beach

Donald W. Becker

Allan L. and Paulette J. Beerkircher

Ronald E. and Ann R. Behling

Ross E. Behling

Ryan E. Behling

Bella Salon

The BenInspired Foundation

James G. Berbee and Karen A. Walsh

Berkos Law Office

Robert J. and Donna G. Betzig

Bret A. Bielema

Sandra S. Bilgri

Biotech Happy Hour Inc.

BMO Harris Bank

Michael M. and Bonnie J. Bogen

Oscar C. Boldt

Ronald C. and Ann W. Boyce

Philip J. Bradbury

Robert W. and Susan T. Brown

Paul J. and Debra A. Bruins

Harriette Bugbee

Deborah G. Burgess

Mark D. Burish

Brigette E. Burke

Campbell Scientific Inc.

Cancer Crusaders Inc.

Capitol View Events LLC

Paul P. Carbone MD Memorial Foundation

M. Janice Carey

Craig A. and Paula M. Carlson

Charles R. and Nancy C. Carpenter

Virginia L. Cashbaugh

Cellectar Inc.

Central Indiana Community Foundation

John A. Christopherson

Circle of Hope Bracelets

Richard E. Clack

Linda L. Clark

Cleary Building Corporation

Coca Cola Bottling Co-Madison

Cogdell Spencer Erdman

Robert D. Coleman

Concept Printing Company Inc.

James R. Connor

Conrads - Sentry Inc.

Mark A. and Kristine K. Corey

John L. and Maureen J. Cotter

Countryside Jewelry

Credit Union Executives Society

Cuna Mutual Group

Rodney I. Curtis

Patrick M. and Kathryn A. Daly

Darlington Farms Inc.

Peter G. Davis

DeForest Area High School

Louise E. DeGroot

Delton Investments LLC

Demco Inc.

Dental Health Assoc of Madison LTD

Discoverer’s Fund Inc.

Jack D. and Julie A. Doyle

Dream Kitchens Inc.

Harold G. Drecktrah

Roger N. Duhl

Jack A. and Carla F. Dumke

Stephen W. and Melanie A. Dvorak

Edgewood College

Charles H. Eis

Donald D. and Susan S. Emerich

John T. V. and Gloria J. Etter

Debra A. Evans

Exact Sciences

George A. Fait

Audrey B. Falk

Family Entertainment Group LLC

Jeanne K. Farmer

Peter R. Feinstein

Fred Fenster

Ronald R. and Joanne M. Fiedler

V. Kirt and Dixie L. Fiegel

Gerald F. and Penny M. Fink

Dennis D. and Linda J. Finnigan

Avis E. Fisher

Scott M. and Amy G. Fisher

Tanger Outlets® Wisconsin Dells organized its first ever Pink Partini — an evening of fashion, food and fun surprises in October 2012. According to Heather Sweet,

general manager (featured center, second photo), “We were so pleased to raise more than $6,400 for breast cancer research at the UW Carbone Cancer Center.

It’s an honor to support the Center and its efforts against breast cancer.”


William K. Fisher

Donelle Fitzsimmons

Robert W. and Angela K. Flannery

Marshall E. and Lisa J. Flax

Forte Research Systems Inc.

Donna G. Fox

Frank Liquor Company Group

Fraternal Order of Eagles #1502

Marvin J. Freedman

Marvin Frey

Warren H. Gabelman

Michelle K. Garvey

C. Daniel and Margaret P. Geisler

Gerks Brewers Trip

Thomas N. and Eloise M. Godfrey

Matthew R. Gonnering

Good Charity Inc.

Gary J. Gorman

Grand Chapter OES of Wisconsin

Mary F. Granger

Judith N. Green

John E. Grimmer, II

Group Health Cooperative

Harriet E. Grzymkowski

Glenice Y. Halfman

William A. and Patricia J. Halvorson

Jon D. and Ann Hammes

Benjamin W. and Meghan E. Hanson

Edward and Nancy Hanson

Nancy L. Hart

Ellen M. Hartenbach

John K. Harting and Maureen A. Mullins

Paula L. Hartman

Robert T. and Mona L. Harty

Jay Hazen

H. Edward and Kristine Heckman

Richard A. Heim

Florence Hellenbrand

Vicky L. Hendricks

Westley M. and Barbara J. Heyward

Nelson & Vera Hicks Charitable Foundation

Bruce J. Hoesly and Rosemarie J. Hodulik

Gregory C. and Lynne C. Hopkins

Hottmann Construction Co. Inc.

William R. and Susan L. Hotz

Debra H. Houden

Steven P. Howard

James L. Hoyt

Philipp L. Hunkel Memorial Research Fund

Anne Hutchinson

Donna Hutter

Megan J. Hyslop

Jacobson Rost

William Janssen

Scott A. and Cheryl A. Jens

Fred B. and Mary B. Johnson

Ronald L. and Mary A. Johnson

Thomas J. Johnson and Kathryn A.


Kent E. and Sandra G. Joranlien

David H. and Jean E. Juedes

Martin R. and Rita J. Kades

Kim G. and Margo M. Kalepp

Kathy’s Cause

Brian T. Kaye

Audrey L. Keck

John M. Kelly

Terence F. and Mary W. Kelly

Kick It To Cancer

Kikkoman Foods Foundation Inc.

Thomas C. and Barbara N. Kilgore

Sally J. Killoran

Henry J., Jr. and Nancy E. Kirby

Thomas K. Kirk

Michael Klepper


James D. and Dolores S. Kohn

Jane R. Koning

Patricia R. Koval

Glenn Kramer

Donald L. and Joanne A. Krause

Krogstad JPK Charitable Trust

Elizabeth A. Krug

Kris D. and Penelope L. Kubly

David M. and Stefanie R. Kushner

Joan H. F. Kuypers

Robert M. and Candace L. LaMacchia

Kevin A. and Wendy P. Lampe

Tiger Lee

Marvin J. Levy

Life Technologies

Steven J. and Lucinda A. Lindstrom

James J. Lisner

Thomas C. and Sandra A. Lother

Sam J. and Meghan G. Lubner

Kay C. Mackesey

Madison Metropolitan School District

Magnum Communications Inc.

Mahers Halfway Leprechaun Leap

Nathan L. and Katherine L. Mahr

Mama Goose Memorial Run Walk

Marshall Middle School

Marsicek Family Cookbook

Jeffery Masciopinto and Sarah A. Groessl

Oscar H. and Mary Mayer

Daniel J. McCarty

Joseph D. McCormick

McGoff LLC

MGR Foundation

Michael Best & Friedrich

Agnes Moore

Michael F. and Georgia A. Moore

Moosejaw Pizza & Dells Brewing Co.

Cynthia J. Morgan

Charles and Carolyn Mowbray

John A. Mullen

Thomas, Jr. and Sandra L. Muschitz

Frank Muth Memorial Fund


National Guardian Life Insurance Co.

Steven J. Nelesen

Michelle S. Nettles

Jeffry A. Neuenschwander

Neuman Pools Inc.

Ronald C. and Ruth Niendorf

Emily B. Nissley

Patrick W. and Amaria N. O’Leary

Karen B. O’Malley

Michael J. Oliphant

Nancy P. Orbison

Oregon High School

Pacific AG Insurance Agency

William N. Pappano and Kelly L. Cotter

James F. Parker Insurance Associates

Edward W. and Judy A. Peirick

Ken J. Pelatzke

Donors and Gifts

Above: Students from third, fourth and fifth grades at Randall

Elementary School in Madison worked together to raise $308 for

research at the UWCCC. Right: Automation Components, Inc. has

donated more than $60,000 through its own bowling fundraisers to

benefit gastrointestinal cancer research.

Our Hope of Burlington’s Hope Walk is an annual 16-hour fundraising event. Teams and individuals take to the track at Burlington High School, raising money and awareness

to combat life-limiting illness. The event has contributed more than $201,500 to the UW Carbone Cancer Center since its inception.


Janice D. Pennau

Perkins Coie Charitable Foundaiton

Merle L. and Barbara Perkins

Steven M. Pine

Steve Pink Woodworking

Mary E. Plaisance

Nicholas P. and Carol A. Pollis

Mike Ponce Insurance Services

Poynette Curling Club

The Premiere of Windsor Ltd.

Charles C. and Catharine F. Prestigiacomo

Quarles & Brady LLP

Scott A. and Virginia L. Ransom

Herbert L. Reif

Todd M. Reimer

Restaino and Associates

Garnett E. Richardson

Mary K. Ring

Peter M. and Renee M. Rizzo

Steve P. Ross

Thomas J. and Genie Rostad

Michael F. Rothstein and Sharon L. McCabe

Roughing It In Style

Rudy’s Road Trip

Adam S. Ryan

Stephanie Sabin

Wendell R. Sagendorf

Daniel J. Sapiro and Suzanne M. LaFleur

Sara Investment RE LLC

Sargento Foods Inc.

Saris Cycling Group Inc.

Scenic Hills HOPE Inc.

SJS Cancer Support Team

Stanley N. Schafer Charitable Trust

Jason P. Scheunemann

John E. and Carol E. Schiessl

Ronald Schlaht

Wilbert A. Schmid

Jane E. Schmieding

Peter W. and Colleen M. Schmitz

Schoen Family Charitable Trust

School District of Albany

Donna J. Schuette

Keith Schuler

Ronald T. and Barbara L. Schuler

Steven H. and Wende W. Schuster

Donald A. Schutt

Thomas J. and Suzanne C. Scott

James D. Shull and Sara J. Smith-Shull

Robert E. Singiser

Joann Six-Plesko

Robert D. Skoronski, Jr.

Stephen M. and Amy L. Skoronski

Judith M. and Anthony E. Skupas

Alice J. Slopa

Avis H. Smart

Ronald L. and Christine A. Sorkness

David E. Sowinski

James J. and Susan M. Spierings

St. Joseph Catholic Academy

St. Patrick’s Day Parade Committee Inc.

Robert M. Steiner

F. C. Steinhauer, II

Ellen H. Stephenson

Joseph T. and Jamie G. Steuer

Emily E. Stoddard

Steven C. Stoddard

Constance T. Streich

Sugar River Beamers

James D. Sulciner and Janet E. Embretson

Barbara A. Suran Oncology Research Fund

Mary Tadych

Teel Plastics Inc.

Larry C. and Angie G. Ter Maat

Brandon Thielke Foundation Inc.

Marion L. Thompson

Tommy G. and Sue A. Thompson

Together For A Cure

Marceil L. Tooley

Townsend Foundation

Anne M. Traynor

John R. and Gail M. Underwood

United Valley Insurance Service

US Bank-Minneapolis

UW Department of Human Oncology

UW Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

UW Hospital and Clinics Authority

Lois A. VanNevel


Tricia M. Vesper

Mens Auxiliary to the VFW Post 8483

Denis R. and Laura L. Vogel

Robert L. and Elaine A. Waldo

Dorothea V. Walker

John L. Walker

Pamela R. Walker

John E. Wall

Walworth State Bank

Andrew J. and Judy A. Waterman

Paul L. Weaver, Jr.

Frances L. Weinstein

Larry K. and Amy J. Weiss

John T. and Celeste S. Wencel

Cheryl R. Weston

Dawn Whyte

Jon P. and Jane A. Wilcox

Wilderness Hotel & Golf Resort

Wilshire Group Associates LLC


Wisconsin State USBC Bowling Association


Jean Wolf

Jon A. and Katalin B. Wolff

Russell L. and Sheila L. Wolff

Michelle A. Wosepka

James A. and Jacquelyn L. Wrycha

Gail L. Wurtzler

Steven U. Ziegler

Jean L. Zitzler

Erwin F. and Joan R. Zuehlke

Donors and Gifts

Kick It to Cancer is a college-based organization founded on the basis that many cancer patients going through treatment lose their ability to participate in active sports.

The organization, which now includes chapters at many Wisconsin campuses, has raised more than $14,000 since 2011 for the UW Carbone Cancer Center.

Left: Since the event was started in 2009, Andy North and Friends has raised more than $3 million for the Andy North fund at the cancer center.

Right: Oregon girls’ middle and high school basketball players contributed $12,000 through the sale of pink shirts, raffle tickets and the coordination of a silent auction.


Your gift to the UW Carbone Cancer Center supports innovative research initiatives, compassionate cancer care and education for the

public and health care professionals. Your contribution also enables our researchers to explore promising ideas, purchase new

cancer research technology and develop better methods of diagnosing, treating and preventing cancer.

Supporting the UW Carbone Cancer Center

Unrestricted Gifts are truly valuable

because they provide the flexibility needed

for research to move quickly in unexpected

directions and to swiftly pursue promising

clinical applications. Unrestricted gifts also

provide resources to cover the costs of critical

services not entirely funded by other support.

Designated Gifts benefit specific programs

of your choice. Funds may be designated for

initiatives in areas of cancer research, patient

care and educational needs.

Corporate Matching Gifts are an excellent

way to increase your giving potential. For

more information, please contact your human

resources office or our development office,

(608) 263-1677.

Endowments to sustain programmatic

development are an option to create a lasting

legacy in the benefactor’s name.

Memorial and Honor Gifts allow contributors

to recognize loved ones in a special way.

Memorial gifts are made in memory of family

members, friends or colleagues who have

passed away. Honor gifts show someone in

your life a measure of affection, admiration

or gratitude. When such gifts are made, a

special notification is sent to the family or

the individual.

Other Examples of Giving include

purchasing research equipment, funding

fellowship or research programs, sponsoring

special events or underwriting programs for

the community or health care professionals.

Planned Giving, in the form of gift annuities,

charitable remainder trusts or designating the

Center in your will, is also an option.

The Cancer Center can also be named as

a beneficiary of retirement plans, trusts or

life insurance policies. For more information,

please call (608) 263-1677.

Contributing Online is possible by visiting


Our UW Carbone Cancer Center is our

online cancer community of patients, family

and friends. Connect, share and give by

visiting uwhealth.org/ourcarbone

The University of Wisconsin Foundation

is the official fundraising and gift-receiving

organization for the Cancer Center.

For specific information about giving options,

visit the UW Foundation’s website:


For More Information about contributing

to the UW Carbone Cancer Center, please


Kelly Sitkin

UW Carbone Cancer Center

600 Highland Avenue, K4/634

Madison, WI 53792-6164

(608) 263-1677

[email protected]


Craig Robida and Mark Griffin,

UW Carbone Cancer Center

Art Direction and Graphic Design

Angie Fadness,

UW Health Marketing and Public Affairs


John Maniaci,

UW Health Marketing and Public Affairs

Tom Lynn, Tom Lynn Photography

C&N Photography

Special Thanks

everyone who agreed to be photographed

for this publication


Katie Arendt

Rhoda Arzoomanian

Stephanie Breiby

Kay Burns

Maureen Dembski

Linda Dietrich

Julie Fiers

Roylene Galbraith

Gayla Garlick-Hansen

Christine Klann

James Listug

Amy Manecke

Bob Millholland

Stephanie Orzechowski

Lori Saffian

Kelly Sitkin

Jan Temple

George Wilding

Janie Winston

Kristin Wolf

For More Information

For patient services at the

UW Carbone Cancer Center, please contact:

Cancer Connect

(800) 622-8922 or (608) 262-5223

[email protected]

For information on the latest research initiatives,

news and upcoming events, view the

UW Carbone Cancer Center’s website:


If you would no longer like to receive

publications from the UW Carbone

Cancer Center, please contact Craig Robida,

(608) 263-4982 or

[email protected].


© 2013 Board of Regents of

the University of Wisconsin System



600 Highland Ave., K4/658Madison, WI 53792-6164

The UW Carbone Cancer Center is the only comprehensive cancer center in the state of Wisconsin, as designated by the

National Cancer Institute. Our focus is on research, education, prevention and providing the best possible care for patients.

For more information, visit uwhealth.org/cancer

Wisconsin's onlycomprehensivecancercenteras designated by the National Cancer Institute