2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 1 2012 AARP LIVABLE COMMUNITIES SURVEY OF OREGON REGISTERED VOTERS AGES 50+ IN JACKSON AND JOSEPHINE COUNTIES GRANTS PASS Results (unweighted n =156) i YOUR COMMUNITY 1. What is the name of the community in which you live? % 0 Ashland 0 Central Point 96 Grants Pass 0 Illinois Valley 0 Medford 0 Another Community in Jackson County 2 Another Community in Josephine County 2 No answer 2. How long have you lived in this community? % 14 1 – 5 years 21 6 – 10 years 20 11 – 20 years 45 21 + years <.5 No answer 3. How long have you lived in Jackson/Josephine county? % 0 < 1 year 10 1 – 5 years 15 6 – 10 years 24 11 – 20 years 50 21 + years 1 No answer 4. Thinking about the next 10 years, how likely is it that you will… Extremely likely % Very likely % Somewhat likely % Not too likely % Not at all likely % Not sure % No Answer % Move to a different home in Jackson/Josephine County......... 6 8 11 20 43 8 6 Move to a different home outside of Jackson/Josephine County ....................................... 4 5 6 19 48 7 11

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Southern Oregon ......2012 AARP LIVABLE COMMUNITIES SURVEY OF OREGON REGISTERED VOTERS AGES 50+ ... a. Daily newspaper.....23 33 32 7 0 5

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2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 1


GRANTS PASS Results (unweighted n =156)i


1. What is the name of the community in which you live?

% 0 Ashland 0 Central Point 96 Grants Pass 0 Illinois Valley 0 Medford 0 Another Community in Jackson County 2 Another Community in Josephine County

2 No answer

2. How long have you lived in this community?

% 14 1 – 5 years 21 6 – 10 years 20 11 – 20 years 45 21 + years

<.5 No answer

3. How long have you lived in Jackson/Josephine county?

% 0 < 1 year 10 1 – 5 years 15 6 – 10 years 24 11 – 20 years 50 21 + years

1 No answer

4. Thinking about the next 10 years, how likely is it that you will…

Extremely likely


Very likely


Somewhat likely


Not too

likely %

Not at all likely


Not sure %

No Answer


Move to a different home in Jackson/Josephine County ......... 6 8 11 20 43 8 6

Move to a different home outside of Jackson/Josephine County ....................................... 4 5 6 19 48 7 11

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 2

5. How would you rate your community as a place for people to live as they age?

% 18 Excellent 36 Very good 30 Good 12 Fair

2 Poor 2 Not sure

<.5 No answer

6. How important is it for you to…

Extremely important


Very important


Somewhat important


Not too important


Not at all important


Not sure %

No Answer

% a. Remain in your

community as you age ..................................................................................... 28 31 30 5 2 3 1

b. Remain in your own

home as you age ................................................................ 41 24 18 5 4 3 5

7. If you were to consider moving in the next 10 years, how strongly do you agree or disagree that the following factors would have an impact on your decision to move?

Strongly agree


Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree


Not sure %

Not applicable


No Answer

% a. Looking for a smaller or larger

space--my home size does/will not meet my needs ................................................................... 12 28 6 23 7 20 4

b. Maintaining my current home will be too expensive ................................................................. 12 20 16 24 8 16 4

c. Fearing for my personal safety or security concerns ................................................................ 10 25 19 22 7 12 5

d. Looking for a home that will help me live independently as I age ........................................... 27 26 9 11 10 14 4

e. Wanting to be closer to family ........................................... 26 26 13 11 6 15 4 f. Needing more access to public

transportation ..................................................................... 19 28 12 14 10 13 4 g. Wanting to be around more people

my age ................................................................................ 11 32 13 13 11 16 4 h. Wanting to be in an area with more

activities/events for people my age .................................... 14 34 15 14 5 14 5 i. Finding work for which I am qualified .............................. 11 12 5 17 6 43 7 j. Anticipating my health needs will

require that I move to a facility where I can get care ........................................................... 9 24 12 15 20 16 5

k. Other: Please specify (7%) (Record of Response 11) ........................................................................................... 0 0 0 0 0 0 93

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 3


8. What type of home is your primary residence?

% 69 Single family home 10 Mobile home 11 Apartment

<.5 Condominium or co-op 3 Town home or duplex 5 Other 2 No answer

9. Do you own or rent your primary residence?

% 69 Own 30 Rent 2 No answer

10. Please indicate if the following types of modifications or improvements to your home will need to be made in order for you to stay in your home as you age.

Yes No Not

sure No

Answer a. Better cooling or heating ................................................... 11 51 8 30

b. Accommodations for easier access into or within your home such as ramps or chairlifts ....................................... 17 41 13 29

c. Bathroom modifications such as grab bars, handrails, high toilets or non-slip tile ................................................ 22 36 12 30

d. Improved lighting .............................................................. 9 55 6 30

e. Structural changes or major repairs such as widening doorways, eliminating levels, or installing new plumbing ........................................................................... 13 46 9 31

f. Installing a medical emergency response system that notifies others in case you experience an emergency ....... 19 33 17 31

g. Adding a bathroom ............................................................ 2 63 5 30 h. Adding a bedroom ............................................................. 2 64 5 30

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 4

11. Some cities and states across the country are implementing policies that make homes more useable

by all people to the greatest extent possible without adaptation (for example, wider and fully-opening doors/doorways, flat entrances, storage spaces within reach of people of all heights) . This concept is known as “universal design”. How likely are you to support policies such as offering incentives to builders and changes to local codes/zoning restrictions that incorporate Universal Design standards in building new private homes?

% 19 Extremely likely 20 Very likely 25 Somewhat likely 12 Not too likely 8 Not at all likely 10 Not sure

6 No answer


12. Do you usually get around for things like shopping, visiting the doctor, running errands, or going to

other places in the following ways?

Yes %

No %

No Answer

% a. Drive ..................................................................................... 89 7 4 b. Get a ride with family or friends ......................................... 30 49 21 c. Walk ..................................................................................... 43 37 20 d. Ride a bike ............................................................................ 18 62 21 e. Use public transportation ...................................................... 13 64 23 f. Take a taxi/cab ..................................................................... 6 72 23

g. Use a special transportation service, such as one for seniors or persons with disabilities ....................................... 7 67 26

h. Other: (Please specify): 3% - (4 Recorded Responses)

13. Do you miss out on activities, events or appointments because of a lack of reliable transportation?

% 7 Yes 85 No 7 Not sure 1 No answer

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 5

14. When you think about your community, how strongly would you agree or disagree with each of the

following statements? (If the feature does not exist in your community, please check ‘Not applicable’).

Strongly agree %

Somewhat agree


Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree


Not sure %

Not applicable


No Answer

% a. Reliable public transportation is

available ............................................................................. 24 47 10 5 6 6 3 b. Public transportation is convenient

and accessible for all .......................................................... 16 34 20 10 13 5 2 c. Public transportation is affordable ..................................... 20 32 7 1 27 7 6 d. Driver education/refresher courses

available ............................................................................. 35 26 2 1 26 9 3 e. Public parking is sufficient and

convenient (lots, spaces, areas, metered-time) ..................................................................... 39 45 4 2 5 3 2

f. Public parking is affordable ............................................... 51 28 1 <.5 7 9 4 g. Multi-use trails are convenient

(bike, running, walking) ..................................................... 30 32 10 3 14 10 3

15. Some cities and states across the country are implementing policies to ensure roads will be designed for all users, not only drivers, but also pedestrians, bicycle riders, and those using public transportation. How likely are you to support such a policy in your community?

% 28 Extremely likely 33 Very likely 25 Somewhat likely 5 Not too likely 3 Not at all likely 4 Not sure

2 No answer

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 6

Outdoor Spaces and Buildings

16. When you think about your community, how strongly would you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? (If the feature does not exist in your community, please check ‘Not applicable’).

Strongly agree %

Somewhat agree %

Somewhat disagree


Strongly disagree


Not sure %

Not applicable


No Answer

% a. There is a sufficient number of

public parks ....................................................................... 62 31 2 2 1 <.5 3 b. The public parks are well-

maintained/clean ................................................................ 46 44 4 1 2 0 3 c. Public parks have enough seating ...................................... 29 40 13 3 11 1 3 d. Accessible clean toilets are

available for public use ...................................................... 28 36 18 4 11 0 3 e. There are enough

sidewalks/shoulders safe for pedestrian use .................................................................... 24 44 14 8 5 0 5

f. Sidewalks are accessible for wheelchair/mobility assistive devices ............................................................................... 26 42 10 5 13 1 4

g. Sidewalks are in good repair ............................................. 23 54 11 3 3 1 6 h. Public buildings and facilities are

accessible ........................................................................... 33 52 3 1 4 2 6 i. Public buildings are well-

maintained/clean ................................................................... 31 54 6 1 3 1 4 j. Streets are adequately lit at night ....................................... 15 45 25 5 4 <.5 5 k. Streets/roads are well-maintained ...................................... 22 50 20 1 1 <.5 5 l. Crosswalks allow for adequate

cross time ........................................................................... 25 51 15 2 2 1 5 m. Traffic signs are easy to read ............................................. 30 58 5 1 <.5 1 6 n. Roadways are free of obstructions

that block drivers’ vision ................................................... 14 45 25 9 3 0 4 o. Pedestrian crossings have

audio/visual cues for hearing /visually disabled ............................................................... 12 28 15 8 23 8 6

p. Drivers yield to pedestrians crossing the street .............................................................. 17 45 17 14 2 1 5

q. Speed limits are enforced .................................................. 17 39 26 8 6 0 4

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 7

Communication and Information

17. Do you or anyone living in your household…?

Yes %

No %

No Answer


a. Have a working cell phone ................................................ 82 16 1 b. Have a smart phone ........................................................... 18 73 10 c. Have a land line ................................................................. 68 28 5

d. Have a computer with Internet access (wireless, dial-up/modem, or cable) .................................................. 72 24 4

18. Do you know where to call if you or a friend needed information about services for older adults (e.g.

caregiving services, medical transport, Meals-on-Wheels, home repair, social activities for 50+ etc.)?

% 68 Yes 29 No 0 Not sure 3 No answer

19. How helpful do you find each of the following sources for news and information in your local



helpful %

Very helpful


Somewhat helpful


Not very

helpful %

Not helpful at all


No Answer

% a. Daily newspaper ............................................................... 23 33 32 7 0 5 b. Online news source .......................................................... 8 21 34 10 14 14

c. Local city/county newspaper (weekly/monthly) ............................................................. 12 24 32 11 9 11

d. Weekly Shopper News ..................................................... 13 21 32 11 12 12 e. Local TV affiliates ........................................................... 20 41 24 6 4 6 f. Public television station ................................................... 21 31 26 10 4 9 g. Local radio stations .......................................................... 19 30 27 11 5 8 h. Newspaper targeting older adults ..................................... 10 12 33 15 16 15

i. Community organization newsletter, such as from a church, civic group, neighborhood association ................................................. 9 22 31 14 15 9

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 8

Civic Participation and Employment

20. Which of the following best describes your current employment status?

% 3 Self-employed full-time 3 Self-employed part-time 14 Employed full-time 7 Employed part-time 53 Retired, not working at all 2 Unemployed but looking for work 14 Not in labor force for other reasons

4 No answer

21. In the last 5 years, since November 2007, have you or has anyone you know faced age discrimination in the workplace such as refusal to hire, reduced compensation, or limitations by an employer? [CHECK ONLY ONE].

% 6 Yes, myself and someone I know 6 Yes, myself 12 Yes, someone I know 59 No 14 Not sure

4 No answer

22. Have you been involved with your community in the last 2 years, that is, since October 2010, in the following ways?

Yes %

No %

No Answer


a. Phoned, wrote, e-mailed or met a public official ......................................... 30 67 4 b. Contributed money to a candidate or political party .................................... 21 78 2 c. Participated in a political event or town meeting ...................................... 15 82 3

d. Volunteered with a group working to influence local, state, or national government ................................................................................................ 13 83 4

e. Voted in a State or local election ............................................................... 95 3 2 f. Donated my time to a local cause/organization ......................................... 40 57 3 g. Donated my time to help a neighbor/friend in need .................................. 81 15 4 h. Volunteered with my church, temple or other place of worship ............... 28 68 4

i. Wrote a letter/e-mail to a newspaper or called a radio/TV show to make your views known on an issue ......................................................... 24 75 2

j. Used social media (Twitter, Facebook, blogs, etc.) to express my opinions about social, political or community issues ................................ 22 76 2

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 9

Social Participation

23. About how frequently do you interact with your neighbors in your community? (This could be by

phone, in person, email, Skype or via social media like Facebook,)

% 14 Several times a day 14 About once a day 28 Several times a week 15 Once a week 7 Once every 2 or 3 weeks 5 Once a month 8 Less than monthly 7 Never

4 No answer

24. Where do you typically go for continuing education or self-improvement classes/workshops in your community? (Check ALL that apply)

% 19 University/Community College 2 Parks and Recreation 10 Faith community 4 Local organizations 3 Community/Adult/Senior center 2 Offerings through my work 10 Online programs 4 Other 44 I do NOT participate in any continuing education/self –improvement classes

2 No answer

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 10

Respect and Social Inclusion

25. How strongly do you agree or disagree that older adults are consulted as resources when it comes to decision-making about activities in your community?

% 16 Strongly agree 30 Somewhat agree 17 Somewhat disagree 10 Strongly disagree 25 Not sure

2 No answer

26. How strongly do you agree or disagree that older adults are visible in the media in your community?

% 15 Strongly agree 47 Somewhat agree 14 Somewhat disagree 5 Strongly disagree 16 Not sure

3 No answer

27. How strongly do you agree or disagree that older adults are depicted positively in the media in your community?

% 19 Strongly agree 46 Somewhat agree 15 Somewhat disagree 2 Strongly disagree 14 Not sure

3 No answer

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 11

Health and Wellness

28. How important is it to you to remain physically active for as long as possible?

% 73 Extremely important 19 Very important 5 Somewhat important 1 Not too important 0 Not at all important 0 Not sure

2 No answer

29. There are American households that experience food insecurity or “hunger” at times during the year, meaning their access to adequate food on a regular basis is limited by not having enough money and/or other resources to buy food. How concerned are you about hunger in your local community?

% 21 Extremely concerned 30 Very concerned 39 Somewhat concerned 3 Not too concerned 3 Not at all concerned 1 Not sure

2 No answer

30. If you or someone you know needed help with hunger, would you turn to the following resources for help?

Yes %

No %

Not sure %

No Answer


a. Friends and family............................................................ 77 6 8 9 b. Church, temple or other house of worship ....................... 52 23 13 12 c. Local food bank or food pantry ........................................ 86 6 4 5 d. Government agency (i.e. SNAP-formerly food stamps) .. 55 19 13 12 e. Non-profit organization .................................................... 49 16 23 12 f. Senior center..................................................................... 62 12 17 10

31. In the last 12 months, that is, since October 2011, did you ever eat less than you felt you should or went hungry because there was not enough money for food?

% 9 Yes 89 No 0 Not sure 2 No answer

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 12

Community Services/Features 32. How important do you think it is to have the following features in your community?

Extremely important


Very important


Somewhat important


Not very important


Not important

at all %

No Answer

% a. Well-run parks, community centers, and

recreation centers .............................................................. 46 37 11 3 0 3 b. Convenient places for public events and

meetings ........................................................................... 39 39 16 3 1 2 c. Public library .................................................................... 54 26 12 7 0 2 d. A place where older people socialize ............................... 35 40 20 3 <.5 2 e. Wellness programs for people ages 50 and

older (i.e. nutrition, fitness, chronic disease management etc.) ................................................. 45 32 19 2 <.5 3

f. Dependable public transportation ..................................... 46 39 11 1 0 4 g. Sidewalks going to where you want to go ........................ 40 42 12 4 0 2 h. Safe neighborhoods .......................................................... 69 28 2 0 0 2 i. Affordable entertainment options, such as

theaters and concerts ........................................................ 39 34 21 3 1 2 j. Walking or bike trails within a half mile

of your home .................................................................... 29 26 27 11 4 3 k. A grocery store within a half mile of

home ................................................................................. 31 35 23 7 1 3 l. A drug store within a half mile of your

home ................................................................................. 30 32 24 9 1 5 m. A variety of services to help you maintain

your independence as you age .......................................... 43 41 11 2 1 3 n. Good job opportunities ..................................................... 33 30 10 9 14 4 o. Accessible public buildings and facilities ........................ 34 39 19 1 2 4 p. An adequate supply of affordable housing ....................... 46 34 14 2 2 3 q. A variety of housing options for persons

with different physical abilities ........................................ 46 39 11 2 1 1 r. Ways to connect older and younger

people in the community .................................................. 28 35 26 6 2 4 s. Variety of opportunities for volunteering ......................... 25 41 22 5 4 3 t. Well-designed and maintained streets .............................. 35 52 11 1 0 2 u. Hospitals and clinics in the community ........................... 63 33 2 1 1 2 v. Affordable shopping ......................................................... 54 37 7 0 0 2 w. Retail associates that are courteous and

accommodating to older shoppers .................................... 53 38 7 0 0 2

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 13

33. Does the community where you live have the following features?

Yes %

No %

Not sure %

No Answer


a. Well-run parks, community centers, and recreation centers .... 79 5 10 7 b. Convenient places for public events and meetings ................. 69 4 21 6 c. Public library .......................................................................... 84 4 4 8 d. A place where older people socialize ..................................... 56 6 32 6 e. Wellness programs for people ages 50 and older (i.e.

nutrition, fitness, chronic disease management etc.) .............. 52 6 36 7 f. Dependable public transportation ........................................... 58 14 23 6 g. Sidewalks going to where you want to go ................................ 65 16 11 7 h. Safe neighborhoods ................................................................ 55 20 20 6 i. Affordable entertainment options, such as theaters and

concerts ................................................................................... 60 17 17 6 j. Walking or bike trails within a half mile of your home ......... 55 24 15 6 k. A grocery store within a half mile of home ............................ 64 28 2 6 l. A drug store within a half mile of your home .......................... 56 35 2 7 m. A variety of services to help you maintain your

independence as you age .......................................................... 55 5 31 9 n. Good job opportunities .............................................................. 13 48 34 6 o. Accessible public buildings and facilities ................................ 69 7 16 8 p. An adequate supply of affordable housing ............................. 27 35 32 7 q. A variety of housing options for persons with different

physical abilities ..................................................................... 23 24 46 7 r. Ways to connect older and younger people in the

community .............................................................................. 25 18 50 7 s. Variety of opportunities for volunteering ................................. 75 6 13 7 t. Well-designed and maintained streets ...................................... 69 16 8 7 u. Hospitals and clinics in the community .................................... 92 2 1 5 v. Affordable shopping ............................................................... 72 15 8 6 w. Retail associates that are courteous and accommodating to

older shoppers ......................................................................... 73 8 13 6

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 14

34. To help people remain in their own homes and community as they age, how important are the

following services in your community?

Extremely important


Very important


Somewhat important


Not very important


Not important

at all %

No Answer

% a. Senior/adult community centers ....................................... 33 36 21 4 0 6

b. Housekeeping services (cleaning or light maintenance services) .............................................. 34 40 17 4 1 5

c. Congregate meals such as senior lunch programs ................................................................. 34 35 20 5 1 5

d. Meals-on-wheels or home delivered meals ................................................................................. 39 35 17 4 1 4

e. A service that helps low-income or older persons with home repairs, like with the roof or windows .................................................. 41 41 13 1 <.5 5

f. Visiting nurse such as an RN who comes to your home .......................................................... 40 32 21 2 0 5

g. Home health aide, personal care attendant, or other assistant who helps with personal needs ................................................. 44 28 21 2 1 6

h. Respite care (getting a break from caregiving duties) ............................................................. 37 36 16 2 <.5 9

i. End of life or hospice (medication or services provided to relieve symptoms of terminal illness) .......................................... 58 31 6 2 0 4

j. Special transportation service like one for seniors or persons with disabilities ......................................................................... 49 39 7 1 0 4

k. Home health monitoring services ..................................... 37 36 16 1 <.5 9

l. Outdoor maintenance services such as cleaning gutters, roof repair, and lawn care ........................................................................... 33 29 29 1 1 6

m. Adult day care centers ...................................................... 27 36 27 4 2 5

n. Variety of care facilities such as nursing homes, assisted-living and adult foster homes ............................................................. 45 37 12 1 1 4

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 15

35. Does the community where you live have the following services?

Yes %

No %

Not sure %

No Answer


a. Senior/adult community centers ....................................... 74 5 19 2

b. Housekeeping services (cleaning or light maintenance services) ............................................................................ 53 4 43 1

c. Congregate meals such as senior lunch programs ............ 72 1 24 3 d. Meals-on-wheels or home delivered meals ...................... 74 1 23 2

e. A service that helps low-income or older persons with home repairs, like with the roof or windows .................... 24 10 65 2

f. Visiting nurse such as an RN who comes to your home 41 6 50 3

g. Home health aide, personal care attendant, or other assistant who helps with personal needs .......................... 56 4 37 3

h. Respite care (getting a break from caregiving duties) ....... 38 4 54 4

i. End of life or hospice (medication or services provided to relieve symptoms of terminal illness) .......................... 79 1 19 1

j. Special transportation service like one for seniors or persons with disabilities ................................................... 71 2 25 3

k. Home health monitoring services ..................................... 45 2 49 4

l. Outdoor maintenance services such as cleaning gutters, roof repair, and lawn care ................................................. 31 10 57 2

m. Adult day care centers ...................................................... 37 8 52 3

n. Variety of care facilities such as nursing homes, assisted-living and adult foster homes .............................. 92 0 7 1

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 16

About You

D1. Are you male or female?

% 43 Male 57 Female 0 No answer

D2. What is your age as of your last birthday?

% 36 50-59 38 60-74 26 75+ 0 No answer

D3. What is your 5-digit ZIP Code? (Write in your ZIP CODE) :

D4. What is your current marital status?

% 49 Married 1 Not married, living with partner 1 Separated 23 Divorced 18 Widowed 7 Never married

2 No answer

D5. Besides you, do you have any of the following people living in your household?

Yes %

No %

No Answer


a. Child/children under 18................................................................ 4 86 10 b. Child/children 18 or older ............................................................. 8 84 8 c. Child/children away at college ........................................................ 3 86 11

d. Adult relative or friend 18 or older (not including your spouse or partner) ........................................................................................... 16 81 3

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 17

D6. What is your race and/or ethnicity? [CHECK ALL THAT APPLY]

% 96 White or Caucasian

<.5 Black or African American 1 American Indian or Alaska Native 0 Asian 0 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 1 Hispanic, Spanish, or Latino 1 Other: (Specify)

0 No answer

D7. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

% 8 K-12th grade (no diploma) 20 High school graduate, GED or equivalent 25 Post-high school education/training (no degree) 17 2-year college degree 9 4-year college degree 5 Post-graduate study (no degree) 15 Graduate or professional degree(s)

2 No answer

D8. Do you consider yourself to be a Democrat, a Republican, an Independent, or something else? % 39 Democrat 29 Republican 22 Independent 4 Other 2 Not sure

4 No answer

D9. Does any disability, handicap, or chronic disease keep you and your spouse or partner from participating fully in work, school, housework, or other activities? [CHECK ONLY ONE].

% 33 Yes, I have a disability 6 Yes, my spouse or partner has a disability 5 Yes, both myself and my spouse or partner have a disability 55 No, neither my spouse or partner nor I have a disability 1 No answer

2012 AARP Livable Communities Survey of Oregon Registered Voters Ages 50+: Grants Pass Results 18

D10. Are you or your spouse currently a member of AARP?

% 59 Yes 39 No 2 No answer

D11. What was your annual household income before taxes in 2011?

% 9 Less than $10,000 19 $10,000 to $19,999 22 $20,000 to $29,999 17 $30,000 to $49,999 10 $50,000 to $74,999 6 $75,000 to $99,999 5 $100,000 to $149,999 1 $150,000 or more 6 Not sure

6 No answer

Thank you very much for completing this survey. Your assistance in providing this information is very much appreciated.

Please return your completed survey by December 12, 2012

in the enclosed postage-paid envelope to: AARP State Research

601 E Street, NW Washington, DC 20049

To learn more about AARP in Oregon contact the state office at:


i Due to the low base for respondents in this community, all analyses were conducted with unweighted data. Caution must be used when making inferences from these data.