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2012-2013 Allendale Columbia School Pre-Primary Curriculum

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2012-2013 Allendale Columbia School Pre-Primary Curriculum

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Allendale Columbia Pre-Primary School Curriculum


!!!!!!!Nursery and Pre-Kindergarten There are many pre-school programs that address ways that three and four year old children learn best. At Allendale Columbia, our philosophy is to respond to the individual developmental needs of each child based on a healthy blend of these research-based programs. With our low student-teacher ratio, teachers get to know their students very well and offer opportunities and experiences that provide strong readiness skills, cooperative play development, and a curious and joyful love of learning. Our certified and richly-experienced teaching staff truly understands the complex developmental stage of this age and, more importantly, loves working with our youngest students. Because our Pre-Primary School is part of an N-12 institution, our nursery and pre-kindergarten teachers have the resources and collegial relationships to build a program that is the foundation of what is to come for their students, as well as one that is comprehensive and inspiring. Pre-Primary teachers often work with the school psychologist, the reading specialist, the speech pathologist, the enrichment specialist, and the math specialist to support students in their program. Additionally, “specials” classes begin in nursery with library, music, computer, art, and physical education, so students are exposed to a variety of specialist teachers throughout the week. Classroom teachers work collaboratively with specialists to create interdisciplinary, thematic-based units of study. These units offer students rich, vivid connections to the world around them. A large, safe, and sensory rich classroom houses the Pre-Primary School. Packed with creative learning centers, students take an active role in choosing and planning their own morning activities. Throughout the day, students engage in teacher-directed activities, as well, that build skills in reading readiness, number concepts, language development, and large and small motor development. Life skills are built into the everyday curriculum. Children learn how to work and play together, make friends, use appropriate and respectful words and tone of voice, display user-friendly body language, express feelings in words, take turns, and share. Pre-Primary students may take advantage of early morning child care and enroll in after-school AC Encore classes. Rainbow Room, our after-school child care program, is also available to Pre-Primary children.