PROGRAM APPLICATION DESIGN FOR CALCULATE MAXIMUM PROFIT AT PT. TIRTA ANUGRAH ABADI USING LINEAR PROGRAMMING METHODS Welly Setiaji 1 , Zahedi 2 , Ngarap Imanuel Manik 3 1 Computer and Science Technology, Bina Nusantara University, West Jakarta, Jakarta; 2 Computer and Science Technology, Bina Nusantara University, West Jakarta, Jakarta; 3 Computer and Science Technology, Bina Nusantara University, West Jakarta, Jakarta; Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT With growing human need for variety of foods made from shrimp, then produced-based foods such as hakau shrimp, shrimp dumplings, and shrimp roll. Moreover, interest in food is very high and the price is also affordable. This thesis is a study to calculate the maximum profits from the next period on companies that have not been computerized. The author analyzes and make maximum profit calculation application program using the method of Linear Programming. Before performing calculations with Linear Programming methods, forecasting needs to be done on monthly sales data by using Linear Regresion methods. Keyword : Linear Regresion, Linear Programming ABSTRAK Dengan semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia akan variasi jenis makanan berbahan dasar udang, maka diproduksilah makanan berbahan dasar udang seperti hakau, siomay udang, dan shrimp roll. Apalagi peminat makanan ini sangat tinggi dan harganya juga terjangkau. Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian untuk perhitungan maksimum laba yang diperoleh periode berikutnya pada perusahaan yang belum pernah dikomputerisasikan. Penulis menganalisa dan membuat program aplikasi perhitungan maksimum laba dengan menggunakan metoda Linear Programming. Sebelum melakukan perhitungan dengan metoda Linear Programming, perlu dilakukan peramalan pada data penjualan tiap bulannya dengan menggunakan metoda Linear Regresion. Kata kunci: Linear Regresion, Linear Programming

2012-2-00195-MTIF JuralIlmiah001

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Jurnal Ilmiah CS 001

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    Welly Setiaji1, Zahedi

    2, Ngarap Imanuel Manik


    1Computer and Science Technology, Bina Nusantara University, West Jakarta, Jakarta; 2Computer and Science Technology, Bina Nusantara University, West Jakarta, Jakarta; 3Computer and Science Technology, Bina Nusantara University, West Jakarta, Jakarta;

    Email: [email protected]


    With growing human need for variety of foods made from shrimp, then

    produced-based foods such as hakau shrimp, shrimp dumplings, and shrimp roll.

    Moreover, interest in food is very high and the price is also affordable. This thesis is a

    study to calculate the maximum profits from the next period on companies that have

    not been computerized. The author analyzes and make maximum profit calculation

    application program using the method of Linear Programming. Before performing

    calculations with Linear Programming methods, forecasting needs to be done on

    monthly sales data by using Linear Regresion methods.

    Keyword : Linear Regresion, Linear Programming


    Dengan semakin meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia akan variasi jenis makanan berbahan dasar udang, maka diproduksilah makanan berbahan dasar udang seperti hakau, siomay udang, dan shrimp roll. Apalagi peminat makanan ini sangat tinggi dan harganya juga terjangkau. Skripsi ini merupakan penelitian untuk perhitungan maksimum laba yang diperoleh periode berikutnya pada perusahaan yang belum pernah dikomputerisasikan. Penulis menganalisa dan membuat program aplikasi perhitungan maksimum laba dengan menggunakan metoda Linear Programming. Sebelum melakukan perhitungan dengan metoda Linear Programming, perlu dilakukan peramalan pada data penjualan tiap bulannya dengan menggunakan metoda Linear Regresion.

    Kata kunci: Linear Regresion, Linear Programming


    PT. Tirta Anugrah Abadi take this opportunity to make one of the products in demand by all circles, namely hakau, shrimp dumplings, spring rolls and shrimp roll.

    Operational issues within the company is a very sensitive issue for the company because it is very influential on the profits from the company and the company's performance. If the production process is not running smoothly then the cost will be large companies and corporate goals are not achieved.

    Errors in the determination of investment companies in the inventory will depress corporate profits. The substantial investment in inventory will affect the amount of storage costs is the costs incurred in connection with the booking amount of raw material that is too much so as to make the cost incurred by the company is quite large as well and vice versa.


    Research methods are used: 1. Method of Analysis

    At this stage of the analysis will be done on the system that is running the company. Analysis was done by conducting surveys and interviews with company owners. Analysis was performed in order to obtain production data, sales data, and also the production cost data.

    2. The Design Method At this stage would be to design the application program. This design includes input, output, and the process required.


    Linear Regresion Methods

    According to Taha (2002), the application of linear regression method, it is assumed that there is a relationship between variables that wanted predicted (dependent variable) and other variables (independent variables). Furthermore, this forecast is based on the assumption that the growth pattern of historical data that are linear, even though not 100% linear. This growth pattern is approximated by a model that describes the relationships involved in a situation.

    Regression formula between a dependent variable and independent variables x and y expressed in the following form:

    where b0, b1, . . . , bn are unknown parameters. Random error has mean zero and standard deviation are constant.

    In the simplest formula of linear regression method assumes that the dependent variable distinguished linearly with time, as follows:

    constants a and b are generated from time series data taken from the least squares criterion which seek to minimize the sum of squares of the differences of data observations with estimated values. Magnitude (yi,xi) represents the value of the column to the first data represents a time series, i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n, and is defined as follows:

  • As the sum of the squares of the deviation between the estimated values with the data observations. Values of a and b are of settlement conditions minimizes S, as follows:

    After doing some algebraic manipulation, the importance of the following solutions:

    From the equation above shows that it is necessary to calculate b first before calculating the value of a. Linear Programming

    To obtain optimal decisions in solving the problem using linear programming, the first step to do is to identify the problem into a mathematical form or mode of manufacture is often called linear programming (Hartanto, 2005). The steps that need to be done to formulate linear programming models are: 1. Define the decision variables to be searched and given in the form of mathematical notation. 2. Determine the limits of the decision variables described earlier and in the form of linear equations or

    linear inequalities. 3. Determine objectives to be achieved and the earlier decision of the variables described in a set of

    linear functions in the form of profit maximization or cost minimization. In general (Hartanto, 2005), the form of linear programming models can be described as follows: maksimum or minimum with restrictions




    till for price Because the linear programming problem is a problem of allocation, the above formulation can be interpreted as follows (Hartanto, 2005): Z value of the objectives to be achieved. x1, x2, x3, , xn decision variables to be searched. aij the amount of resources that must be allocated to each activity (j) b1, b2, b3, , bn amount of resource. cij value of each activity to (j).


    After running the application program maximum profit calculation with linear regression method and the simplex method, then PT. Tirta Anugrah Abadi can make production planning for the next period based on the results of the calculation are obtained.

  • As an example of which can be seen, from the calculation, as shown in Figure 4.5, can diketahuit that in the period January 2013 sales forecast hakau is 2522 pieces (piece), shrimp dumplings is 2276 pieces (piece), and shrimp spring rolls (shrimp roll) is 1930 pieces (piece). Can also note the approximate number of optimal profits each product, it can be seen in Figure 4.8, ie 1.82 each production hakau fruit, fruit 1:40 prawn dumplings, shrimp spring rolls 1:28 fruit, and estimated profits is 33.15 (IDR 33.15, -). From the results of this calculation, if sold for more, then any profits earned are also getting bigger.

    So by optimizing profits, the production process can be controlled in order to avoid excess or shortage of production that could hurt the company. Also, to estimate the benefits to be obtained which will affect the development of the company.


    Analysis and description of the discussion in the previous chapter, can be taken the following decisions: 1. Maximum profit calculation program with Linear Regression Methods and Linear Programming

    Methods (Simplex) can help PT. Tirta Anugrah Abadi in determining the approximate number of products that must be produced in the next period and the estimated amount of profit to be earned in that period.

    2. Calculation results obtained by Linear Regression Methods and Linear Programming Methods (Simplex) shows the estimated number of products that must be produced in order to obtain the maximum benefit.

    3. Using the program can improve production efficiency to meet the demand because it can be seen projected earnings, cost of production, the amount that must be produced, and the benefits to be gained.

    Some suggestions can be submitted to the other researchers are: 1. Researchers used a mathematical model that is more current and has a more precise accuracy with

    Linear Regression Methods and Linear Programming Methods. 2. Researchers used a company that produces greater results that further research proves more useful

    and more mathematical models used in the study. 3. Researchers are expected to learn more about the application of mathematics to the field of industry,

    because this study looked at data from the original company that need to be investigated. So it is expected in future studies, researchers need to determine the basis of research in the field of industry.


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